On-Demand AUTM Courses 

On-Demand AUTM Courses

Did you miss the chance to participate live in one of AUTM’s courses? Can’t wait until the next live session? Virtual Courses that were recorded are available to you On-Demand. You’ll have access to all the content and activities that are a part of our courses with the bonus of being able to complete these trainings on your own time:

Bundle and Save! Order all four courses, totaling over 30 hours of educational content, and save 25%! 
"Being able to access this information so soon after starting in this position and not having to wait several months until it’s next offered is going to be extremely valuable for me in my early development and understanding of my job. I loved being able to pause the content to take notes without missing anything and to be able to go back and watch a portion a second time when there was a concept I didn’t get.” —A happy on-demand Essentials Course student.

Everyone who attends the AUTM Essentials Course, regardless of background or level of experience, leaves with a deeper understanding of the fundamental goals and processes of academic technology transfer. 

This course builds the fundamental skills and resources necessary to evaluate inventions and negotiate license agreements. The workshops are designed to follow the full lifecycle of the invention, patenting and licensing process: evaluation of invention disclosures, triage, patenting, IP marketing, valuation, and license negotiation to established companies and start-ups.

This course includes over 16 hours of content divided into seven topic areas. Each topic is divided into smaller subsections so you can pace your participation on a schedule that works for you.

$400 AUTM Members /$550 Non-members 

Marketing Course 

Before you can discuss a patent with an inventor or negotiate a license for a technology, you need to engage your audiences to start the conversation about your services and inventions. Branding and marketing are all about jump-starting these conversations. 

As a participant, you’ll learn about results-driven marketing strategies and tactics that you can start applying right away.

Presentation Topics Include:

  • Branding & Marketing Your TTO
  • Market Research & Strategy Development
  • Executing Your Strategy
Each of the three sections range from 1-2 hours of recorded educational content. Watch them one-by-one as your schedule allows, or plan to take a deep dive into the world of marketing for about 4.5 hours and watch them all at once.

$300 AUTM Members /$450 Non-members 

Improve My Marketing  

Negotiation Strategies & Tactics Course 

Negotiating a deal is an art. This course builds on the Fundamentals of Negotiation, delving deeper into specific strategies and tactics. This course covers advanced negotiation techniques, including elements of collaborative and competitive negotiations. Avoiding and surviving competitive negotiation situations are examined, as well as preparing term sheets and evaluating offers from others. Techniques for negotiating with faculty and start-up companies are also explored. This course empowers those who negotiate regularly, regardless of experience level. 

Presentation Topics Include:

  • Principled Negotiations
  • Competitive Negotiations
  • Preparing the Terms Sheet
  • Negotiating with Startups
  • ... and more!
Each of the subsections within this course are under an hour so you can easily carve out time to work through the recordings. In total, there is over four hours of material to learn from at your own pace.

$200 AUTM Members /$300 Non-members 

Software Course Webinar Series 

AUTM's On Demand Software Webinar Series provides an overview of basic principles and best practices, emerging models, and actual cases. In each session, participants learn the tools to handle basic to complex software asset management and licensing situations through formal panel presentations and a robust round table discussion from distinguished speakers.

Presentation Topics Include:

  • Open Source Software
  • Patenting Software – Current Insights
  • Licensing Models
  • Dealing with Data
  • ... and more!
Each topic is presented in a 90-minute session giving you the freedom to participate at times that work for your schedule.

$200 AUTM Members /$300 Non-members 

Bundle and Save! 
Order all four courses, totaling over 30 hours of educational content, and save 25% on your order. 
$825 AUTM Members /$1200 Non-members