AUTM Grant Management Webinars

Competitive Grant Application and Management

AUTM Grant Management Webinars

  • Competitive Grant Application and Management
    • This webinar will give you valuable tools to pursue funding from the federal government, foundations or societies and is led by those with extensive experience in grant applications and funding.
  • Project Management for Multi-Party Consortia Grants
    • Pursuing and successful managing complex multi-party grant awards, such as NSF ART, NSF Engine, EDA Tech Hub, NIH REACH, and others, requires project management best practices to coordinate transdisciplinary teams for productive outcomes.
  • Grant Management 101 for Tech Transfer Professionals
    • In this webinar, grants management experts will provide an overview of your responsibilities as a grant recipient and will help you identify resources available to support you in managing grant awards. This webinar will cover both grants management for TTOs as prime awardees as well as how to support faculty spinouts in which either the university or the spinout may be the prime awardee.