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Webinar Recordings 12/07/2023
A Faster, Easier Way to Create Best-Fit MTA Webinar Recordings 11/25/2014 This workshop will provide an overview of AUTM's new tool to assist universities in transferring research materials. Each of the components of the toolkit will be discussed: the decision tree, which assists with selecting the correct MTA for the transfer, the new AUTM MTA templates for use when existing standards are not appropriate, and best practices for transferring materials between academic institutions.
Academic Institutions Also Have Secrets Webinar Recordings 10/20/2020

Trade secrets can be an institution's most valuable and prolonged assets. However, maintaining trade secrets in academic institutions can be challenging because trade secret protection requires secrecy, while academic institutions generally advocate publication and open collaboration. Furthermore, determining whether trade secret protection is appropriate in academic institutions can be complex. This session will shed light on these challenges by covering the basics of trade secrets, guidelines for choosing between patents, copyrights, trademarks and trade secrets to protect inventions derived from academic institutions, and steps that academic institutions must take to protect trade secrets.

Accessing & Manage SOPs:Intra/Port/Wikis/SharePoint Webinar Recordings 01/01/2015 The benefits of having Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are clear. A key aspect of developing and managing SOPs is determining how these will be accessed, implemented and maintained within an organization. Generally centralized access to information is desired. This webinar will consider alternative vehicles for enabling collaborative content modification and centralized access to SOPs. Factors driving selection of the means will be discussed in relation to implementation and ongoing maintenance of SOPs. The session will include a case study concerning the implementation of SharePoint in a large commercialization office.
Addressing Patent Enablement Issues Post Amgen Webinar Recordings 01/30/2024

This webinar will be recorded live on January 30, 2024. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

The session will review the recent Amgen Supreme Court Decision, which found that Amgen's patent covering its cholesterol lowering drug Repatha invalid for lack of enablement. The claims of the patent are broadly directed to an antibody that binds certain epitopes on the PCSK9 enzyme. The session will involve analyzing the Supreme Court's rationale for lack of enablement and explore its impact on patenting strategies for life science discoveries more generally.

Agreement Compliance: Positioned for Success! Webinar Recordings 11/01/2017

This is a recorded session from 2017's Agreeement Maintenance Course.We all celebrate the signing of a new agreement as a job well done, but living with the deal and the terms of the deal can be a full time job. Whether it is an exclusive license with a company promising to bring your technology to market, or an inter-institutional agreement with the co-owner of your intellectual property rights, how can you be sure that your partners are living up to their end of the deal? This session will focus on agreement compliance, focusing on both financial and non-financial terms. Learn about instituting pre-agreement procedures that enhance post-license compliance; convincing your colleagues that post-licensing compliance requires a "team" approach; and using checklists, correspondence templates, and your databases as tools for enhancing post-license, all while focusing on building and maintaining the relationships with your partners that are essential to getting technology and products to market and creating value.

Agreements & Disclosures: A Five-Webinar Series Webinar Recordings 02/10/2022

This series of five webinars was recorded in January-February, 2022. Access includes all five sessions.

Topics include: Collaborative Research Agreements, Data Transfer Agreements, Material Transfer Agreements, Inter-Institutional Agreements and Confidential Disclosures

AI and Precision Medicine: IP and Licensing Opportunities Webinar Recordings 10/29/2020

Increasingly, artificial intelligence (AI) is being applied in the medical field. From disease-specific diagnostics to patient-precise surgery and therapeutics, the AI architecture employs analytical software and patient-based training data. In this session, we'll discuss how universities, especially those affiliated with a medical school or research hospital, may be uniquely suited to license training data separately from analytical software. Collaborating universities and affiliates may pool their training data, resulting in a data collection that is in high demand by industry and new licensing opportunities.

AI Patents: Maximizing Protection and Licensing Value Webinar Recordings 12/07/2022

This webinar will be recorded live on December 7, 2022. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

In the webinar, the co-presenters will engage in a hypothetical dialogue between a university licensing officer and an outside patent attorney discussing an AI innovation that the university is considering for patenting. They will explore questions including: whether the innovation is patentable, how to frame the claims for maximum licensing value, whether to divide the claims into multiple applications, and how the claiming format supports identifying licensing partners. The discussion will focus on practical issues raised by AI which could otherwise easily be overlooked, in a format that is designed to emulate the day-to-day challenges that universities face when patenting and licensing innovations in AI.

AIA in Practice for Technology Transfer Webinar Recordings 09/25/2013 Join us for a practical discussion on the issues arising from the implementation of the AIA with an emphasis on the technology transfer professional. Learn about specific aspects of the AIA such as determining what constitutes prior art and potential liabilities for technology transfer offices associated with the first to file system.
America Invents Act (AIA) Update (9/2012) Webinar Recordings 09/15/2012 Janet Gongola, Patent Reform Coordinator at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), will discuss final rules for a variety of new provisions under the America Invents Act (AIA) going into effect September 16, 2012, including pre-issuance submissions, supplemental examination, inter partes review and post grant review. Come learn how the new agency rules will operate and how your filing strategies may be impacted by them. Gongola will also provide an update on the USPTO's implementation of other AIA provisions including first-inventor-to-file, new fees, and the micro entity discount.
Analysis of Litigation in the ITC and District Court Webinar Recordings 12/03/2020

This webinar will compare litigation before the International Trade Commission (ITC) to that in District Courts and will cover some of the strategies, tactical considerations and advantages with respect to litigation in the ITC. This webinar is ideal for university technology transfer associates, directors, counsel, and intellectual property (IP) practitioners at law firms who represents clients in licensing, IP and litigation matters.

Anatomy of a License Webinar Recordings 03/27/2018

Whether you are involved in license maintenance, finance, or patent administration, you need to understand license agreements to effectively do your job. This session will include an introduction to license agreements by describing the various sections of a typical license agreement and providing an explanation of the importance of the various terms. A discussion of the differences between license agreements for patent rights, copyright/software, and trademark will be included.

Anatomy of a License (Arabic Translation) Webinar Recordings Whether you are involved in license maintenance, finance, or patent administration, you need to understand license agreements to effectively do your job. This session will include an introduction to license agreements by describing the various sections of a typical license agreement and providing an explanation of the importance of the various terms. A discussion of the differences between license agreements for patent rights, copyright/software, and trademark will be included.

With Arabic subtitles
Anatomy of a License and Other Agreements Webinar Recordings 11/01/2017

This is a recorded session from 2017's Agreeement Maintenance Course. For attendees who play a role in managing executed license agreements, the ability to read a license agreement and to understand each party's obligations under it is a key skill for doing your job effectively. This session will help attendees understand the obligations - both your institution's and the licensees' - owed under license agreements. Using examples, this session will provide an explanation of the sections and terms of typical license agreements, with attention to those most relevant to administrators. The session will include an interactive discussion of best practices for reporting, invoicing, and calendaring to ensure that your university receives the money, reports, and other obligations due under a license for years to come.

Artificial Intelligence and How it will Impact TTO Webinar Recordings 03/14/2018

There is much excitement and hype about artificial intelligence (AI) and it will transform businesses in all industry sectors including energy, agriculture, law, finance, healthcare, and transport. The session will address commercialization strategies for AI systems, including an intellectual property strategy with layered IP rights to protect different aspects of the innovation, along with a legal toolkit to navigate ethical and legal considerations.

Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property Webinar Recordings 06/03/2021

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is employed in everything from computer-generated imagery (CGI) to medical diagnoses to 3D printing. However, laws have not kept up with AI innovations. The patent laws of most countries (including the U.S.) define an "inventor" as a person, i.e., a human being.

For example, what if a synthetic entity (AI) assists an inventor or author to invent or create - or what if the synthetic entity independently creates - a painting or literature, discovers a medical breakthrough, or produces a 3D article extrapolated from rudimentary data input? Isn’t the AI an inventor or author? Can the AI itself be protected by patents or copyright? How can AI be used as a supporting tool by inventors and patent attorneys? What are the ethical and professional responsibility implications of employing AI? This presentation will define AI and examine questions that will help suggest best practices for using AI and protecting AI-related intellectual property.

Artificial Intelligence: Impact on Technology Transfer Webinar Recordings 11/07/2019

We are entering the third wave of the artificial intelligence (AI) evolution, which is disrupting and revolutionizing many industries. While some worry about the unchecked expansion of AI, others praise its potential to improve life. This panel will present the framework and terminology of AI and delve into some of its applications and impacts on technology transfer. Speakers from both university and industry will explore the challenges and applications in licensing practices, and describe non-traditional university-industry deals, while exploring applications, including healthcare indications and social media. Proposed solutions will be presented and speakers will address the background and current state of AI patent subject eligibility.

Assessing and Improving Your Office's Performance Webinar Recordings 04/20/2021
While technology transfer has profound impacts worldwide, communicating results can be a challenge and it would be naïve to assume there's no room for improvement. But how do we demonstrate how we are doing and identify where we can improve? This session will look at several different approaches being developed outside of the traditional long time lag metrics to enable offices to critically assess their performance and identify opportunities for improvement. If you're responsible for office leadership and performance improvement or reporting, this can't miss session is for you.

Assessing and Improving Your Office's Performance Webinar Recordings

This webinar will be recorded live on April 20, 2021. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

While technology transfer has profound impacts worldwide, communicating results can be a challenge and it would be naïve to assume there's no room for improvement. But how do we demonstrate how we are doing and identify where we can improve? This session will look at several different approaches being developed outside of the traditional long time lag metrics to enable offices to critically assess their performance and identify opportunities for improvement. If you're responsible for office leadership and performance improvement or reporting, this can't miss session is for you.

Assignments, Declarations & POAs, Oh My! Webinar Recordings 11/01/2013 This webinar is designed for Administrative & Support Staff, however, all audiences will benefit from hearing the latest information regarding this topic.
Assignments: The Bad and The Ugly Webinar Recordings 01/21/2021
Many people in our profession are familiar with the US Supreme Court's Stanford v. Roche decision in 2011. Not everyone is familiar with the April 2018 revisions to the Bayh-Dole Act regarding the obligation for universities to require employees to assign invention rights to their university, or the divergence of approach on the format and timing of assignments in Europe. This session will provide an overview of assignment requirements in the United States and Europe, and provide suggestions for ensuring compliance in both jurisdictions.

AUDIO ONLY - How Universities Can Support Female Inventorsh Webinar Recordings 10/10/2019 This is an audio-only, downloadable recording of the webinar described below.

With the signing of the Study of Underrepresented Classes Chasing Engineering and Science Success (SUCCESS) Act (Public Law No: 115-273) into law in October 31, the federal government recognized the significant gap in the number of patents applied for and obtained by women, minorities and veterans.

In this webinar, we'll provide a brief review of the history of inventorship by women and underrepresented minorities, and review the goals of the SUCCESS Act and other government activities around diversity in patents.

During the session, we will focus on two successful programs that center on increasing and supporting female inventors and entrepreneurs. These programs have been implemented at Ohio State University (REACH program/Advance grant) and Washington University in St. Louis (WIT program), and we will discuss the goals and objectives of these programs, the resources required, and any barriers to implementation. Representatives from each university will share the successes of their programs and lessons learned that might be valuable for other university administrators in assisting underrepresented female faculty in becoming inventors and entrepreneurs.
AUDIO ONLY - Impact on Prior Art and Patent Eligibility Webinar Recordings 04/10/2019 This is an audio-only, downloadable recording of the webinar described below.

At issue in Helsinn Healthcare S.A. v. Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. was whether the sale of an invention to a third party, who is obligated to keep the invention confidential, may place the invention "on sale" for purposes of the America Invents Act (AIA). In a unanimous decision, the Court held that such sales qualify as prior art under the AIA. The Court left open what the phrase "otherwise available to the public" is intended to cover but ruled that it did not alter the meaning of prior art established pre-AIA. The ruling's impact on patent eligibility is expected to be a major factor in future court cases and Patent Trial and Appeal Board proceedings.

This webinar will discuss on-sale and public use bars, prior art rulings under both AIA and pre-AIA law, and how you can minimize risk of patent infringement and invalidity claims.
AUDIO ONLY - SBIR/STTR: What University Staff Should Know Webinar Recordings 08/20/2019 This is an audio-only, downloadable recording of the webinar described below.

Universities and other nonprofit research institutions continue to face challenges finding funding and technology development opportunities for their organizations. Partnering with small businesses can generate synergies for leveraging greater opportunities, especially when technology managers take the helm to navigate their university and researchers to a successful collaboration.

The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs, also known as America's Seed Fund, are some of the largest sources of early-stage capital for technology commercialization in the US. These programs allow US-owned and operated small businesses to engage in federal research and development that has a strong potential for commercialization. These funds are specific budget set-asides reserved for small business research, but universities and nonprofit research institutions can partner with a small business to access these funds as sub-awardees.

Under the SBIR program, universities and nonprofit research institutions usually play key roles as collaborators for small businesses, while under the STTR program, the small businesses must formally collaborate with a university or nonprofit research institution to qualify for the funding opportunity. In addition to access to these funds, the SBIR and STTR programs can also provide technology development and licensing opportunities for university-owned technologies. In this session, we'll discuss how for universities, it can be a win-win for those knowing what's available and how to proactively engage for the institution and its researchers.

AUDIO ONLY - A Career in Technology Transfer Webinar Recordings 08/09/2018 This is an audio-only, downloadable recording of the webinar described below.

There is growing interest among graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in technology transfer careers. However, transitioning into this field can be elusive and challenging. This webinar will discuss the various roles within a technology transfer office, the skills required for these roles and strategies to transition into and develop a career in technology transfer. The webinar will also provide participants with an opportunity to hear about the experiences of seasoned professionals in the field, the challenges they faced and suggestions they have for building a successful career in technology transfer. In addition, the session will discuss the skills and qualifications which an early stage technology transfer professional should develop to successfully progress in this field, including CLP and RTTP certifications.Ê
AUDIO ONLY - ABCs of NSF I-Corps Webinar Recordings 08/28/2018 This is an audio-only, downloadable recording of the webinar described below.

The National Science Foundation (NSF) I-Corps program prepares scientists and engineers to extend their focus beyond the university laboratory, and accelerates the economic and societal benefits of NSF-funded, basic-research projects that are ready to move toward commercialization. Through I-Corps, NSF grantees learn to identify valuable product opportunities that can emerge from academic research, and gain skills in entrepreneurship through training in customer discovery and guidance from established entrepreneurs. In this webinar, we’ll explore how Learn how your universitiesy can join the National Innovation Network by becoming an I-Corps Sites or Nodes, and how your academic researchers can take advantage of the $50,000 I-Corps Teams grant and training program.
AUDIO ONLY - Anatomy of a License Webinar Recordings 03/27/2018 This is an audio-only, downloadable recording of the webinar described below.

Whether you are involved in license maintenance, finance, or patent administration, you need to understand license agreements to effectively do your job. This session will include an introduction to license agreements by describing the various sections of a typical license agreement and providing an explanation of the importance of the various terms. A discussion of the differences between license agreements for patent rights, copyright/software, and trademark will be included.
AUDIO ONLY - Artificial Intelligence and How it Will Impact Webinar Recordings 03/14/2018 This is an audio-only, downloadable recording of the webinar described below.

There is much excitement and hype about artificial intelligence (AI) and it will transform businesses in all industry sectors including energy, agriculture, law, finance, healthcare, and transport. The session will address commercialization strategies for AI systems, including an intellectual property strategy with layered IP rights to protect different aspects of the innovation, along with a legal toolkit to navigate ethical and legal considerations.
AUDIO ONLY - Artificial Intelligence: Impact on TT Webinar Recordings 11/07/2019 This is an audio-only, downloadable recording of the webinar described below.

We are entering the third wave of the artificial intelligence (AI) evolution, which is disrupting and revolutionizing many industries. While some worry about the unchecked expansion of AI, others praise its potential to improve life. This panel will present the framework and terminology of AI and delve into some of its applications and impacts on technology transfer. Speakers from both university and industry will explore the challenges and applications in licensing practices, and describe non-traditional university-industry deals, while exploring applications, including healthcare indications and social media. Proposed solutions will be presented and speakers will address the background and current state of AI patent subject eligibility.
AUDIO ONLY - Bayh-Dole Reporting: How-to for Compliance Mana Webinar Recordings 05/22/2019 This is an audio-only, downloadable recording of the webinar described below.

This webinar will provide you with an overview of the Bayh-Dole reporting requirements, focusing on the newly revised regulations, commonly referred to as "Bayh-Dole II." You will receive guidance on the information and tools your office should have for the proper and timely reporting of inventions, patents, and utilization reports in iEdison. You will also get recommendations on how institutions can clear outstanding iEdison notifications.
AUDIO ONLY - Choosing the Right Open Source License Webinar Recordings 11/12/2019 This is an audio-only, downloadable recording of the webinar described below.

Technology transfer offices are seeing more and more software disclosures. Software developed in research organizations often includes components downloaded from the Internet that include their own license terms and obligations. Meanwhile, researchers often want to release their software under an open source license while pursuing their commercialization interests.

How does a licensing professional navigate the multitude of available open source licenses to select the appropriate license? What are the implications of releasing software with an MIT license versus Apache? Will the release of software under an open source license impact its patent filing? Is it possible to build a successful start-up using software released under an open source license? These are just some of the questions we'll tackle.
AUDIO ONLY - Communicating the Value of What We Do Webinar Recordings 02/06/2018 This is an audio-only, downloadable recording of the webinar described below.

Join us to learn the Who, What, When, Where and How of communicating effectively. Our presenter will demonstrate tools to help you advance in your career. Learn how to evaluate whether your communications are being heard by the right audience.
AUDIO ONLY - Drug Repurposing from a University Perspective Webinar Recordings 06/19/2019 This is an audio-only, downloadable recording of the webinar described below.

The repurposing of therapies for alternative disease indications is an attractive approach that can save significant investments of time and money during drug development. It can also generate highly marketable technologies for the savvy university. Repurposed drugs are generally approved faster, are awarded market approval at a rate three times higher than new drug applications, and at half the cost associated with new drug applications. Academic researchers have successfully begun integrating repurposing into their grant applications from both federal and private donors. In this webinar, we will discuss these themes as well as what, from a university perspective, can lead to a successful program in licensing repurposed drug assets. Particular emphasis will placed on how to develop strong patent strategies for repurposed drug assets.
AUDIO ONLY - Foreign Filing Considerations and Strategies Webinar Recordings 03/27/2019 This is an audio-only, downloadable recording of the webinar described below.

For many universities, the decision whether to file for patent protection for an invention is multi-faceted and challenging. Not only can these filings be expensive, but many foreign countries have patentability and enforcement challenges that are different than those encountered in the United States. Additionally, drafting claims for the US does mean compliance with the rest of the world. In fact, there may be opportunities overseas for subject matter that are difficult to protect in the US. This webinar will examine the requirements for patenting inventions in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Europe and Japan and provide practical tips for universities to consider when making strategic filing decisions.
AUDIO ONLY - Founders and Initial Equity Distribution Webinar Recordings 06/12/2018 This is an audio-only, downloadable recording of the webinar described below.

Providing founders with a “fair and equitable” equity share can be critical to the success or failure of a start-up. This webinar will cover equity distribution for the founders of start-ups based on intellectual property. Panelists will highlight key issues and make recommendations based on best-practices. They will present their experiences, showcasing what went right, what went wrong, and why. Join this important webinar to get a roadmap on how best to proceed.
AUDIO ONLY - Hiring a Licensing Associate Webinar Recordings 10/11/2018 This is an audio-only, downloadable recording of the webinar described below.

Licensing associates are on the front lines of tech transfer office operations: They work directly with faculty members, negotiate deal terms with industry counterparts, coordinate patent prosecution strategies, market technologies, educate and manage expectations, and so much more. A successful licensing associate must be able to shift gears rapidly and move nimbly from one topic and task to another. This webinar will examine the qualities that factor into the decision to hire a licensing associate, with a focus on both the essential "hard" qualifications that are a prerequisite for success, as well as the "soft skills" that are fundamentally just as important when selecting the right person for this challenging role. This webinar will be particularly helpful for tech transfer directors and managers in charge of hiring, and candidates seeking to land licensing associate job.
AUDIO ONLY - Inventorship: Let's Help Each Other Webinar Recordings 02/26/2019 This is an audio-only, downloadable recording of the webinar described below.

It can be frustrating when your researchers don't understand inventorship. It's different from authorship, but what does that mean? How can I be an author and not an inventor? What sort of documentation do I need to support my claims? The questions can be endless and time consuming. A panel of attorneys and tech transfer experts will help those new to the profession find answers, and provide an opportunity for more seasoned professionals to share their favorite (or most hair-raising) stories.
AUDIO ONLY - IP Basics for Software Innovations Webinar Recordings 04/17/2018 This is an audio-only, downloadable recording of the webinar described below.

This webinar will provide an introduction to the fundamentals of intellectual property that can be applied to software innovations. Course includes an overview of patents, copyrights, trademarks and trade secrets.ÊSome basic computing and software terms will also be discussed.Ê
AUDIO ONLY - Is Entrepreneur Talent the New Patent for TT? Webinar Recordings 04/23/2019 This is an audio-only, downloadable recording of the webinar described below.

As the number of start-ups spun-out of universities increases, so does the rate at which university start-ups fail. Universities that don't find themselves ensconced in entrepreneurial talent-rich pools like Silicon Valley and New York City likely have a problem: the scope of their institution's research is broader than the immediately accessible talent pool of willing entrepreneurs ready to take management roles of start-ups. Further, a majority of their entrepreneurial faculty may not intend to take entrepreneurial leave or take on a full-time start-up executive management role. The answer lies in increasing access to would-be entrepreneurial executives and more acutely matching their experience with start-ups.

For a year, the University of Kentucky (UK) worked together with 25 universities that shared its vision to develop and launch a platform to match experienced entrepreneurs with its spin-out start-ups to take executive management roles. At UK, they believe that, with tools like the Executives-on-Roster (XOR) platform, technology transfer offices can more intentionally identify experienced executives and recruit them to help take start-ups to the next level. In this session, we'll review the XOR platform and case studies, look at other similar efforts, and highlight opportunities for recruiting executive talent to university start-ups.
AUDIO ONLY - Monetizing and Enforcing Your IP with no cost Webinar Recordings 11/21/2019 This is an audio-only, downloadable recording of the webinar described below.

Universities often do not enforce valuable intellectual property claims because of a perceived financial barrier-hiring top-tier legal representation would cost millions of dollars, out-of-pocket. A University may not want to risk that financial downside to pursue a claim that has an uncertain upside.

There are two ways, however, that Universities can solve this problem. First, Universities can hire top-tier law firms that represent intellectual property owners on a full contingency basis. These law firms can cover all legal fees and costs associated with an enforcement action. Second, litigation funding sources are eager to fund good intellectual properly enforcement programs. Using a litigation funding source, a University can select a law firm of its choice to enforce its intellectual property, while the outside funding company pays legal fees and costs.

This session will cover the nuts and bolts of each approach, the pros and cons, and best practices.
AUDIO ONLY - Networking Your Way to Greater Innovation Webinar Recordings 09/05/2019 This is an audio-only, downloadable recording of the webinar described below.

U.S-based tech transfer offices have supported the contribution of more than $591 billion to the gross domestic product since 1996-but could it have been more? Typical academic commercialization pathways sometimes miss underrepresented entrepreneurs, leaving research in the lab and preventing consumers from accessing valuable science and technology.
Tech transfer officers help creative, entrepreneurial scientists achieve their goals by developing effective networks. Networks help us access ideas, recruitment sources, partnerships, mentoring opportunities, novel perspectives, capital, and the latest innovations. In this webinar, we will cover the key characteristics of effective networks and provide strategies for both assessing and growing your network.

Funded by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, the nation's leader in entrepreneurship innovation, S2M has been used to develop and test promising practices for inclusive decision-making, advancing STEM founders from groups that have often been overlooked by entrepreneurial support.
AUDIO ONLY - Partnering with Non-Profit Funders Webinar Recordings 12/05/2019 This is an audio-only, downloadable recording of the webinar described below.

This session will cover various intellectual property topics relevant for many non-profits and the research institutions that they fund, including: the non-profit funder's approach to intellectual property; the essential elements of the non-profit funder's intellectual property policy; and partnering with the non-profit funder after an invention has been created.

The speakers will discuss National Multiple Sclerosis Society's intellectual property policy as it relates to university technology transfer practices and objectives. Dr. Allegretta will provide his organization's insights and experiences, and Dr. Lu will draw from her experience working with numerous other non-profit funders. Dr. Lu will also describe the work of the Non-Profit Funder Research Institution Partnership, a group of research institutions and non-profit funders whose goal is to establish a framework that encourages long-term effective collaborations between their organizations.
AUDIO ONLY - Patenting 101 Webinar Recordings 01/11/2018 This is an audio-only, downloadable recording of the webinar described below.

This webinar will address the fundamentals of how to use the patent system to commercialize innovation. We will start with the history and policy behind the patent system. We will then discuss the process and requirements for obtaining a patent, which are important to know when evaluating viability of invention disclosures. Further, we will address strategies for managing a portfolio of pending and granted patents, and for monetizing the portfolio.
AUDIO ONLY - Prioritizing Your IP Portfolio Webinar Recordings 06/06/2018 This is an audio-only, downloadable recording of the webinar described below.

AUDIO ONLY - Promoting Partnerships Through Technology Showc Webinar Recordings 11/01/2018 This is an audio-only, downloadable recording of the webinar described below.

Technology showcases can be strong vehicles for creating new partnerships and opportunities between researchers and potential investors and funders. This session will focus on the basics, such as picking the best format, arranging logistics, promotion, and running a successful event. Topics will include determining your audience, experiences hosting showcases singly and with other partner universities, arranging partnering meetings, accommodating special requests and more. We will also discuss lessons learned. Attendees will leave better informed about deciding whether to host a showcase of their own.
AUDIO ONLY - Reporting Inventions to Veterans Affairs Webinar Recordings 05/08/2019 This is an audio-only, downloadable recording of the webinar described below.

As the number of start-ups spun-out of universities increases, so does the rate at which university start-ups fail. Universities that don't find themselves ensconced in entrepreneurial talent-rich pools like Silicon Valley and New York City likely have a problem: the scope of their institution's research is broader than the immediately accessible talent pool of willing entrepreneurs ready to take management roles of start-ups. Further, a majority of their entrepreneurial faculty may not intend to take entrepreneurial leave or take on a full-time start-up executive management role. The answer lies in increasing access to would-be entrepreneurial executives and more acutely matching their experience with start-ups.

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) employs more than five thousand clinicians and investigators conducting research activities, the majority of which are dually appointed at an academic affiliate. We will discuss how to report inventions when an inventor holds an appointment with the VA and how this might differ from other federal agencies. The presentation will provide background of the VA Technology Transfer Program and short-term goals.
AUDIO ONLY - State Sovereign Immunity and IPRs Webinar Recordings 07/12/2018 This is an audio-only, downloadable recording of the webinar described below.

Recent decisions from the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) have found that state sovereign immunity protects state entities from inter partes reviews (IPRs), but that a state entity waives its immunity before the PTAB if it has asserted the challenged patent in litigation.ÊThe waiver issue is currently before the Federal Circuit in appeals. In this session, attorneys directly involved in past and current litigation on this subject, as well as panelists from state university tech transfer offices, will discuss the consequences of these decisions for both state universities and others who are patent owners, and those looking to license patents or partner with state institutions.ÊWe will discuss the factor to consider when deciding whether an entity is entitled to sovereign immunity and suggest how university entities and private businesses can structure agreements that take advantage of sovereign immunity, while balancing other business issues.
AUDIO ONLY - Strategies and Programs for De-Risking Medical Webinar Recordings 08/01/2019 This is an audio-only, downloadable recording of the webinar described below.

Bringing a new medical device to market can be an expensive and time-consuming process fraught with risk. This webinar will provide you with a better understanding of the process and challenges of commercializing medical device technologies. We will address, among other topics, the general regulatory processes, market risks and technology risks.
AUDIO ONLY - Structuring Equity License Transactions Webinar Recordings 09/18/2018 This is an audio-only, downloadable recording of the webinar described below.

With the heightened attention of senior academic administrators on economic development and fostering innovation ecosystems, academic technology transfer organizations are increasingly focusing their commercialization activities on identifying, qualifying, incubating, accelerating, and financing start-up ventures. This top-down pressure is aligned with bottom-up pressure from faculty researchers who are interested in the impact of their discoveries and want to commercialize them through start-ups. Technology managers are now thrust into new roles beyond positioning the licensed technology to become part of a commercially successful product in a thriving company. To achieve these goals, technology managers and other licensing executives need to: understand the most critical economic terms that should be included in equity documents, consider alternative deal structures to improve the probability for success, and build a deal structure that facilitates • not impedes • an exit opportunity for each equity position. This session will provide attendees with the tools they need to improve their skills in structuring equity license transactions.
AUDIO ONLY - Sublicensing Income: The Words Still Matter Webinar Recordings 12/17/2019 This is an audio-only, downloadable recording of the webinar described below.

This is a topic for university technology transfer professionals and legal counsel who must think about how to structure license agreements, including sublicensing income provisions, years before an invention may generate income. How an agreement defines sublicense income can determine whether a university receives millions of dollars. This webinar will focus on arguments made in court, how they were received, and how certain provisions create incentives for licensees to avoid paying sublicensing income. You will learn about how specific contract language has been interpreted in the courtroom and about the importance of the license's words. Panelists will also provide their experiences and real-world practical insights into sublicensing income clauses.
AUDIO ONLY - The Economics of Innovation Webinar Recordings 09/11/2018 This is an audio-only, downloadable recording of the webinar described below.

Innovation is the primary driver in each of the sectors that impact our lives • the economy, health, energy and security. The problem is that today, roughly 4 percent more IP is stolen than gets licensed; this theft amounts to $1 trillion p.a. in the U.S. alone. Meanwhile, 30 percent of all R&D is wasted reinventing what someone else has already discovered. While there is very little management of IP (less than 5 percent of organizations use any kind of IP management tool), there is even less agreement on the best practices for managing IP. In this session, we’ll discuss best practices - gleaned from several hundred professionals in the field - and how performance improvements can be made in universities.
AUDIO ONLY - The IDEA Center at Notre Dame Webinar Recordings 01/15/2019 This is an audio-only, downloadable recording of the webinar described below.

The IDEA Center was started in Feb. 2017 to help the University of Notre Dame become a best-in-it's-class player in the translation of innovation and research into solutions that benefit mankind. To that end, the Center was built as a venture builder - an organization providing or accessing all resources needed to advance technologies through the commercialization process. One of the core goals of the Center was to start valuable companies. Utilizing venture building resources, combined with the commercialization engine process and access to the Notre Dame network, the IDEA Center started 27 companies in its first fiscal year of operation. During this session, presenters will showcase the five actions taken by the Center that made an impact in accomplishing Notre Dame's vision. We will also explain the Center's new operational structure, focusing on specialization compared with current structures, and discuss Notre Dame's reasons for starting the IDEA Center, describing current and future sources of funding.
AUDIO ONLY - The New Bayh-Dole Rules Webinar Recordings 05/08/2018 This is an audio-only, downloadable recording of the webinar described below.

Join your fellow AUTM members to learn more about the new regulations recently issued (effective May 14) by the National Institutes of Standards and Technology, which governs the implementation of the Bayh-Dole Act. In this webinar, you will get up-to-speed on key issues and learn how your office may need to adapt to new rules for handling technologies created in your labs. This is a "must" for tech transfer personnel focused on compliance.
AUDIO ONLY - Triage 101: Assessing Early Stage Innovations Webinar Recordings 05/01/2018 This is an audio-only, downloadable recording of the webinar described below.

This session will provide an introduction to assessing early stage technologies. Highlighting the key issues that need to be addressed from an intellectual property, technical, and business perspective. It will provide attendees with the tools to create a systematic process that delivers essential information that is needed to make decisions regarding intellectual property protection, marketing, and licensing.
AUDIO ONLY - TTO Operating in the Red? Now What? Webinar Recordings 12/12/2018 This is an audio-only, downloadable recording of the webinar described below.

Except for the lucky few research institutions whose TTOs generate more revenue than they cost, most of the rest lose money. This session will explore the implications and strategies for making a case for continuing support from institutional leadership. The webinar will feature findings from a university discussion group and TTO directors’ survey.
AUDIO ONLY - US Export Controls on Technology Webinar Recordings 11/14/2018 This is an audio-only, downloadable recording of the webinar described below.

Technology practitioners are often unaware of U.S. government regulations restricting the export of technology outside the U.S. or with foreign nationals located in the U.S. or abroad. Whether you work for a corporation, university, or any other institution, you should have a general awareness of legal restrictions on the export of certain technical information. Restricted transfers can take place when you send technical information via email, data downloads, or through conversations. Who is authorized to receive such information and when do you need to obtain an authorization from the government? How will that information be used abroad? Are you dealing with a denied party? Does your institution have a procedure for laptop travel abroad? Violations of the rules can yield penalties in the millions of dollars and jail time. In this webinar, we will cover the basics of U.S. export controls under the International Traffic in Arms Regulations and the Export Administration Regulations, case examples, and best practices.
AUDIO ONLY - Your TTO: A Place for Makerspace Webinar Recordings 03/13/2019 This is an audio-only, downloadable recording of the webinar described below.

In this webinar, licensing and entrepreneurship professionals from the University of New Hampshire's UNHInnovation office will share their experiences building a successful Makerspace within a next-generation technology transfer office. They will discuss the UNH philosophy of innovation, why UNHInnovation has chosen to support undergraduate students in this way, how the Makerspace was built, the nuts-and-bolts of operations, the hurdles they needed to clear for success, and how they plan to grow the Makerspace. This webinar is ideal for those interested in fostering a robust entrepreneurial ecosystem by offering a non-traditional technology transfer opportunity.
AUDIO ONLY -Critical Considerations for Bayh-Dole Compliance Webinar Recordings 12/19/2018 This is an audio-only, downloadable recording of the webinar described below.

A heightened interest in Bayh-Dole Compliance (BDC) has emerged, giving rise to scrutiny by Federal agencies of recipient entities. High profile requests to enforce compliance, along with changes made to the manner and the content of reporting regulations, have heightened the stakes. The presenters will discuss the challenges that technology transfer offices face today with regard to compliance and how to navigate the new playing field. Attendees will learn how to be compliant under the recently promulgated regulations, who is filing petitions requesting the government to take title to inventions, and what the differing agency views are on US manufacturing requirements.
Basic Patenting 101 & Working with Patent Counsel Webinar Recordings 11/15/2014 Patenting 101 is an essential introductory course providing a basic understanding of the elements of a patent, the process of drafting and filing patent applications, patent prosecution, and the strategies used by universities to obtain and leverage intellectual property protections. The course focuses on the practical aspects of US and select international patenting considerations, costs, and timelines, including first to file vs. first to invent issues, what constitutes a public disclosure, and how disclosures affect patent rights worldwide. We place particular emphasis on the relationship, roles, and responsibilities of tech transfer office personnel, academic inventors, and outside patent counsel, including whether/when to conduct a prior art search, inventorship issues, federal funding and sponsored research, and establishing communications channels for supporting timely action and avoiding loss of rights.
Basics of Tech Transfer (Arabic Translation) Webinar Recordings This free webinar is designed for those new to tech transfer and will help you hit the ground running by providing an introduction to the basics of technology transfer and intellectual property. This will include an overview of policy, compliance, intellectual property and tech transfer related agreements, terms and forms.
With Arabic subtitles
Basics of Technology Transfer (Package) Webinar Recordings 07/01/2014 AUTM TOOLS course attendees are strongly encouraged to view three on-demand AUTM webinars prior to the course as preparation for discussions and to ask related questions. Webinars include: The Basics of Technology Transfer for Licensing Professionals, Patenting 101 and Bayh-Dole Reporting: How-to for Compliance Managers. AUTM is offering these three webinars as a package for only $150 U.S., a savings of $300 U.S. off the individual webinar price.
Bayh Dole Reporting & Highlights for iEdison Soft Webinar Recordings 07/01/2015

Join us for this webinar and learn more about the recent iEdison software upgrade. Hear highlights of the upgrade, why it happened, what has changed and how these changes will ultimately benefit institutions, iEdison and the entire Bayh-Dole reporting process.

A lot has changed since the iEdison software upgrade that happened several months ago. Come join us and hear the highlights of the upgrade, why it happened, what changed and how these changes affect but will ultimately benefit our institutions, iEdison and the entire Bayh-Dole reporting process. Our speakers will share with you where you can go for help with questions about reporting and for training on how to use the system since the upgrade. We will also briefly discuss some general concerns about current non-compliance, give evidence of same, and consider the possible effects from non-compliance. Most important of all, we will ensure there is plenty of time left to answer all of your Bayh-Dole compliance questions and provide speakers who bring both the NIH perspective and the iEdison data entry and reporting perspective. You don't want to miss this opportunity!

Bayh-Dole Reporting: How-to for Compliance Managers Webinar Recordings 05/22/2019

This webinar provides an overview of the Bayh-Dole reporting requirements, focusing on the newly revised regulations, commonly referred to as "Bayh-Dole II." Participants receive guidance on the information and tools needed for the proper and timely reporting of inventions, patents, and utilization reports in iEdison and recommendations on how institutions can clear outstanding iEdison notifications.

Be a Pitching Coach: Teaching Researchers How to Communicate Webinar Recordings 09/23/2020

Researchers know their technology better than anyone. This means they can be a technology transfer office's (TTO) greatest asset when pitching to prospective licensees and partners. Ironically, it also means they can be (shall we say) a bit of a liability in marketing interactions. This session will help TTOs give researchers the skills and insights they need to stay on the asset side of the technology marketing balance sheet. You will come away with helpful tools you can use immediately, including effective coaching techniques, how to prepare for specific licensing targets, and recommendations for training frequency and follow-up.

Benefits of Assisting Faculty with Consultancy Services Webinar Recordings 06/01/2023

This webinar will be recorded live on June 1, 2023. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

Some universities aid faculty with review and administration of consulting services they provide to industry while holding down their academic positions. What are the benefits of a university providing this service to its faculty? Why is this relatively common in the United Kingdom, but less common in the US?

If your office is thinking of adding value and intrigued about adding this service, join us for this interactive webinar where you'll learn from the heads of Oxford and Cambridge's Consultancy Services as well as colleagues from the US who have set up a service at their institution.

Best Practices for Competitive Patent Analyses and FTOs Webinar Recordings 06/08/2021

Technology-based startups need a strong patent strategy that includes an analysis of competitive patents. But there is an inherent tension between the need for a competitive patent analysis and the startup’s limited financial resources. This webinar will focus on best practices for pursuing competitive patents, plus freedom to operate analyses that satisfy the obligations to avoid willful infringement, all while staying within the budget constraints of a startup.

To understand the legal rules as they currently stand, we will discuss the 2016 Halo ruling on willful patent infringement. We will also examine this topic from the point of view of a university technology transfer office (TTO) as a licensor of patent applications. How far should the TTO go with its Freedom to Operate analysis, and what is the TTO’s obligation to the prospective licensee? Lastly, we will suggest best practices for startups and TTOs for Freedom to Operate analyses.

Best Practices for Creating/Updating SOPs Webinar Recordings 01/01/2013 Whether you are one half of a two-person tech transfer office or part of a larger team, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are valuable tools that provide structure and consistency to everyday processes. This session will provide the big picture view of SOPs and then move down to a more detailed level by providing example SOPs and tips on how to get started with your own SOPs. Topics will include general administrative filing, invention disclosure processing, sponsor notification, patent processing, license agreements and more.
Boardroom Bound Webinar Recordings 02/28/2017

Have you ever wondered what it takes to participate on a corporate or scientific advisory board? This is an elusive subject to many, but it particularly affects women. Women hold just a small number of board seats (both Corporate and Scientific Advisory Boards). In 2015, the 2020 Women on Boards Gender Diversity Index of Fortune 1000 companies showed that 17.9% of corporate directors were women. That number drops to 10% for biotech companies. These numbers are disproportional when you consider that women comprise about half of the total U.S. workforce, hold half of all management positions, and are responsible for almost 80% of all consumer spending. Another longitudinal study including 500 companies, suggested that the percentage of women on SABs never exceeded 10.2% . In the meantime overwhelming evidence from various sources states that companies with more diversity at the highest levels see a higher return on investment overall. This FREE webinar will review best practices, existing programs and other efforts to demystify this process.

Bridging the Gap Between Innovation and Technology Transfer Webinar Recordings 05/08/2020
Universities operate a variety of different technology transfer models between their tech transfer offices and incubators/accelerators and research departments. This webinar roundtable will cover the many ways tech transfer offices are structured within universities, and explore best practices for accelerating tech transfer and commercialization. Several experts will be on hand to lead discussions on the different structures of tech transfer offices and how they interact with their incubators and researchers, the advantages/disadvantages of these different structures, and accelerating commercialization at your university. We'll also discuss free intellectual property and business resource available to incubators, universities and the surrounding community.
Building a Career in Technology Transfer Webinar Recordings 08/09/2018

There is growing interest among graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in technology transfer careers. However, transitioning into this field can be challenging. This free webinar will discuss the various roles within a technology transfer office, the skills required and strategies to transition into, and develop, a career in technology transfer. Seasoned tech transfer panelists will share their experiences in the field, the challenges they faced, and suggestions for building a successful career. In addition, the session will cover the skills and qualifications that an early stage technology transfer professional should develop to successfully progress, such as CLP and RTTP certifications.

Building Your Revenue Stream: Research Tool Licensing Webinar Recordings 05/25/2022
Research tool licensing provides a continuous revenue stream for the research institutions. It also enables the global research community to facilitate research and clinical developments using validated and published tools. There is a tremendous amount of untapped research tools that are published yet remain unlicensed. Attend this webinar to make the most of this opportunity to build your research tool portfolio and grow your revenue stream.

Choosing the Right Open Source License for Your Software Webinar Recordings 11/12/2019

Technology transfer offices are seeing more and more software disclosures. Software developed in research organizations often includes components downloaded from the Internet that include their own license terms and obligations. Meanwhile, researchers often want to release their software under an open source license while pursuing their commercialization interests. How does a licensing professional navigate the multitude of available open source licenses to select the appropriate license? What are the implications of releasing software with an MIT license versus Apache? Will the release of software under an open source license impact its patent filing? Is it possible to build a successful start-up using software released under an open source license? These are just some of the questions we'll tackle.

CLE Webinar Academy Webinar Recordings This bundle of 16 CLE-Eligible Webinars (including 4 ethics webinars) includes both recordings and upcoming live webinars. Each webinar is elibible for 1 CLE hour. Three of the currently-listed webinars are ethics-eligible, and one additional ethics-eligible webinar will be added at a later date. Current titles include:
  • Intellectual Property and Bankruptcy: When Worlds Collide
  • Big Data, Big Opportunity: The What, How, Dos and Don'ts of Licensing Data
  • Top 10 Court Decisions of the Year That Affect Licensing
  • Software Licensing: Not Your Traditional University Deal
  • Fostering Innovation in Underrepresented Groups (ETHICS)
  • Academic Institutions Also Have Secrets: Avenues for Protecting Trade Secrets in Publish-or-Perish Environments
  • AI and Precision Medicine: IP and Licensing Opportunities
  • Protecting Trade Secrets Disclosed to the FDA
  • Patent Strategy, Litigation & Applicability for Institutions of Higher Ed
  • Patent Eligibility and Technology Management: Should You Look Outside Your US Comfort Zone for Patenting Diagnostics Inventions?
  • A Comparative Analysis of Litigation in the International Trade Commission and District Court
  • Patenting COVID-19 Related Inventions
  • Assignments: The Bad and the Ugly
  • Inequitable Conduct: How to Protect Your Patents from this Unenforceability Trap (ETHICS)
CLP: A Career Development Opportunity Webinar Recordings 07/15/2013 Learn the history of the Certified Licensing Professional Inc. organization and certification. Learn why the CLP credential was established and why it is important to your career path. Hear about eligibility requirements and reasons to consider taking the exam including feedback from professionals with the CLP credential on why they value the qualification. A recently certified CLP will also provide some tips for exam taking and how she studied and prepared.
Collaborative Research Agreements Webinar Recordings 01/13/2022
This webinar will go over the basics of collaboration agreements between academic institutions, as well as those between academia and industry. We will discuss the different flavors of collaborations, including funding arrangements, and will highlight how the nature of the collaboration affects your institution’s posture on certain terms. We will touch on several agreement provisions, including publication, financial, and foreground and background intellectual property terms. Join us for an interactive session to unfold several mechanics of these agreements.

Communicating the Value and Impact of What We Do Webinar Recordings 02/06/2018

Join us to learn the Who, What, When, Where and How of communicating effectively. Our presenter will demonstrate tools to help you advance in your career. Learn how to evaluate whether your communications are being heard by the right audience.

Compliance - From the Governments Perspective Webinar Recordings 03/01/2012 The iEdison website ( was established to assist federal funding recipients with federal invention reporting compliance. Key additions to functionality allow for complete electronic submission of all reporting requirements (no more paper or faxes), and a user-friendly interface. This webinar will introduce iEdison to new users, answer questions from experienced users and offer participants an opportunity to ask their specific questions related to iEdison and federal reporting requirements. In addition to offering a complete step-by-step iEdison walk-through, this session will also offer participants an opportunity to ask questions related to iEdison and federal reporting requirements.
Compliance - From the iEdison User's Perspective Webinar Recordings 05/15/2013 This session will cover the ins and outs of handling your government obligations from a university/academic perspective. The course will provide practical, real-life university perspectives on compliance responsibilities and processing and give specific office operations procedures. Real-life examples will be given regarding what works best to keep your reporting house in order and detailed suggestions will be given on how to stay on top of your institution's government compliance.
Confidential Disclosures Webinar Recordings 02/10/2022
This Confidential Disclosures webinar will discuss the benefits of Confidentiality (Non-Disclosure) Agreements to both institutions and researchers. We will also discuss when such agreements are necessary, what terms and information should be included in the agreement, and other best practices for execution of these agreements.

Cost-effective Strategies for Working with Counsel Webinar Recordings 07/02/2012 Many technology transfer offices engage the services of outside law firms to manage their intellectual property. Understanding law firm operations and the unique characteristics of patent law practice will help you to establish effective working relationships with your patent attorneys. Providing your counsel with a set of standard operating guidelines will help streamline efficiencies and manage costs.
Creating Value Webinar Recordings 01/01/2014 This webinar will be beneficial to established companies, venture and strategic investors, entrepreneurs, technology managers and licensing executives at not-for-profit (academic) research institutions.
Critical Considerations for Bayh-Dole Compliance Webinar Recordings 12/19/2018

A heightened interest in Bayh-Dole Compliance (BDC) has emerged, giving rise to scrutiny by Federal agencies of recipient entities. High profile requests to enforce compliance, along with changes made to the manner and the content of reporting regulations, have heightened the stakes. The presenters will discuss the challenges that technology transfer offices face today with regard to compliance and how to navigate the new playing field. Attendees will learn how to be compliant under the recently promulgated regulations, who is filing petitions requesting the government to take title to inventions, and what the differing agency views are on US manufacturing requirements.

Crowdfunding•Conversation on Developments Impacts Webinar Recordings 01/01/2016

Crowdfunding is a developing area of capital raising with wide ranging implications for enterprises from small, to emerging, to mature. We will discuss some of the key developments in the regulatory and industry landscape related to crowdfunding and educate on a must-have lexicon for conversation in the space.

Cultivating the Future Tech Transfer Workforce Webinar Recordings 09/24/2024

This webinar will be recorded live on September 24, 2024. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

This webinar will focus on the various aspects of Tech Transfer professional's work (licensing and business development, support and administrative, finance and compliance, legal, entrepreneurship, etc.) that have an impact on their current research and intellectual property pursuits and how to bring other contributors into the fold throughout the process. Between STEM, creative and artistic endeavors, law and intellectual property law, faculty careers, and entrepreneurial endeavors, AUTM members work with these things daily and the organization has insights, and represents career paths, that can speak to a wide array of pre-professionals.

Dashboard Driven IP Portfolio Management Webinar Recordings 09/15/2013 Join us to learn about various analytical and knowledge management tools for IP Portfolio Managers to increase project management efficiency; help drive data-driven and high quality portfolio management decisions and track the abundance of complicated information which challenges our profession.
Data Transfer Agreements Webinar Recordings 01/20/2022
In this session, the fundamentals of Data Transfer and Use Agreements will be discussed. This session will compare and explain the similarities and differences between Data Transfer and Use Agreements with Material Transfer Agreements. Also, the session will discuss what the providing party should consider before sharing data with the recipient party. Lastly, the speakers will discuss and review common terms and provisions found in Data Transfer and Use Agreements. The objective of this session is to educate the attendees on the processes commonly observed in the sharing of data, and to acquaint the attendees on fundamental Data Transfer and Use Agreements terms and conditions.

Deal Sheet: An Impactful Way to Reflect Your Achievements Webinar Recordings 01/25/2024

This webinar will be recorded live on January 25, 2024. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

This webinar will discuss the potential impact a deal sheet has on your career advancement. Different types of deal sheets will be reviewed along with the types of deals to be added to your deal sheet. Don't know where to get the information that should be included? Join us to find out! Also of value, what not to add to the deal sheet in terms of confidentiality will be reviewed.

Defining the Tech Transfer Office of the Future Webinar Recordings 11/09/2021

This webinar will be recorded live on November 9, 2021. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

While there is no one-size-fits-all model for tech transfer offices at universities, many are moving beyond the transactional and expanding the scope and responsibilities to demonstrate impact. As more and more departments touch entrepreneurship and innovation, tech transfer offices must identify new ways to partner for success, compete for resources, seek in funding opportunities, define the role within the academic innovation ecosystem, and earn a seat at the table.

Join us for a presentation and robust discussion on what the future holds for the profession including:

  • Should tech transfer offices' roles move towards or away from transactional work? How do we transition from technology transfer to innovation management?
  • How do tech transfer offices fit in the expanding role and size of the academic innovation ecosystems?
  • What non-traditional funding opportunities exist for growth
Demystifying Gov't Use Rights Webinar Recordings 02/01/2014 This webinar will be useful for all audiences including administrative and support staff as well as sponsored research staff involved in the processing and reporting of inventions that fall under Bayh-Dole.
Design Patent Tips and Tricks: Where to Start Webinar Recordings

In this session, we'll will cover design patents, including the parts of an application, when and how to file (both US and International), combining with other intellectual property to create a portfolio, and stories from the trenches. This will be useful for those who have never filed a design patent, or who have filed one and aren't sure what to do with it. The panel will be geared toward introductory education, but will help participants at every level.

Developing a Need-Driven Innovations Portfolio Webinar Recordings 09/15/2015

Need-driven innovations can be a valuable addition to our traditional IP portfolios arise from basic research. However, focused outreach and resources are necessary to facilitate need-driven innovations successfully. Such efforts could better address unmet needs in the marketplace. Discussions would be focused on the medical device industry but applicable to other industry sectors. Panel members will discuss their methodologies and experiences regarding interacting with innovators to facilitate and advance need-driven innovations.

Developing the Early Stage Pipeline of Professionals Webinar Recordings 12/10/2020

In this session we'll showcase innovative Masters-level law programs as a source for recruiting talent for licensing positions at universities. Attendees will gain an understanding of the value of the programs and how they prepare students for the licensing profession. Three different programs will be highlighted: MS in Law at Northwestern University Law School, MS in Law: Life Sciences at Suffolk University, and Master of IP Management & Markets. The panelists will share success stories and aspects of each of the programs and illustrate how students are learning real world applications.

Direct Cash Investing: Approaches and Challenges Webinar Recordings 09/15/2014 Increasingly, and now almost ubiquitously, institutions are making direct cash investments (beyond patents) in select embryonic technologies to facilitate commercialization by adding value and decreasing risk pre-licensing. These programs go by various names, but, in essence, are generally referred to as Proof-of-Concept (PoC), Translational Research (TR) and/or Bridge the Gap (BtG) funds. Also increasingly, but far less pervasive than PoC/TR/BtG funds, institutions are creating funds and other vehicles to make seed investments in their start ups. Finally, some institutions have established and/or are exploring creating and managing true venture funds to finance the growth and generate economic returns from their start ups. This webinar, led by a world-class technology transfer expert, past AUTM president, and current venture capitalist, will discuss each of these innovation funds and their differing goals, success metrics, structures, management, decision-making, and sources of funds.
Do I Have a Story to Tell You: Tales from the Trenches Webinar Recordings 11/01/2017

This is a recorded session from 2017's Agreeement Maintenance Course. Are you looking for somewhere to discuss specific issues you struggle with in your job? Are you searching for resources that will give you a way forward in managing your institution's agreement portfolio? Do you need a place to start? Your search is over! We will use this time to discuss actual challenges faced by our attendees. Join us for this facilitated discussion where we will pool our experiences and solutions to talk about real-world situations that can (and must) be addressed within our individual scenarios and institutions.

Drug Repurposing from a University Perspective Webinar Recordings 06/19/2019

The repurposing of therapies for alternative disease indications is an attractive approach that can save significant investments of time and money during drug development. It can also generate highly marketable technologies for the savvy university. Repurposed drugs are generally approved faster, are awarded market approval at a rate three times higher than new drug applications, and at half the cost associated with new drug applications. Academic researchers have successfully begun integrating repurposing into their grant applications from both federal and private donors. In this webinar, we will discuss these themes as well as what, from a university perspective, can lead to a successful program in licensing repurposed drug assets. Particular emphasis will placed on how to develop strong patent strategies for repurposed drug assets.

Effective and Efficient TTO in a Post-COVID World Webinar Recordings 12/16/2020

2020 has been a challenging year. Tech transfer offices have faced unique challenges courtesy the pandemic crisis. In this session, we will share tips and best practices for managing effective tech transfer offices and licensing programs in a post-COVID world. Join this conversation for lessons learned from academic, industry and consulting perspectives.

Effective Communication in Technology Marketing Webinar Recordings 10/04/2017

In any and every relationship, communication is key. This includes marketing individual technologies. In this webinar, we will discuss the roles and responsibilities in marketing new technologies, as well as tips for improving communication and building meaningful relationships.

Effective Operation Strategies for Small TT Offices Webinar Recordings 09/14/2017

The focus of this webinar is highlight the challenges and opportunities currently facing smaller tech transfer offices. While smaller offices may be "resource constrained," their size allows them to potentially more efficient and response due to its lean nature. Both presenters will provide insights from their respective ecosystems and the rationale for their methods and strategies within their respective institutions. Attendees of this course should ideally come away with ideas and approaches for better strategies and tactics to make their office more efficient and effective for its key stakeholders.

Emerging Trends in Industry Webinar Recordings 09/01/2016

With reductions in public funding and amid enhanced attrition, costs and competition in drug development, the benefits to academic researchers, research institutions and industry for open collaborative partnerships is greater than ever before. While basic science breakthroughs continue to be crucial, more immediate and predicted practical impact have become increasingly essential to all parties. Consequently, more collaborative, shared-risk/reward, smaller ´pilot’ partnerships are becoming the more typical relationship between industry and research institutions. Those limiting their institutions to the large, open-ended and fee-for-service contracts are likely to find increasing frustration as this decade progresses. Understanding this emerging vision for mutually productive collaborations will allow your research institute to compete effectively for the increasingly more competitive funding, notoriety and, yes, royalties, now and in the foreseeable future.

Entrepreneurial Framework to Support Program Design Webinar Recordings 11/15/2022

This webinar will be recorded live on November 15, 2022. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

Students and researchers do not need to develop the same level of entrepreneurial skill competency when exploring research commercialization as startup founders. Early-stage startup founders don’t need to establish proficiency in the same entrepreneurial skills as founders later in the startup journey. Not all startup ecosystem players need to develop programs to support all types of founders for all entrepreneurial competency proficiency development along the startup journey.

This session will introduce two detailed & actionable frameworks to support intentional program design, focusing on driving right-sized learning outcomes to support specific progress from idea to impact. A discussion will follow on how Dalhousie University adopted these frameworks within Dal Innovates and the I-INC network with the Scientist to Entrepreneur suite of programs to support program alignment and optimization at both organizations

European Patent Practice -The Good, The Bad... Webinar Recordings 11/01/2016 The course will cover the "quirks" of European patent practice, and how it fits into the global picture through discussion between a senior member of a European Patent Office Examination Division and a partner in a leading UK patent firm. The speakers will discuss patentability requirements, common formal issues and the provisions for third parties and will include both current practice and changes expected in the near future.
Expanding Your Network - and Career - Using LinkedIn Webinar Recordings 03/25/2020 We will cover the basics you need to make sure you have an updated and complete LinkedIn profile, then dive deeper into what recruiters and leaders in the tech transfer world look for when searching LinkedIn. We will walk you through the different features of LinkedIn so you have a better understanding of how to utilize it to expand both your network and your career prospects. We will also go over how to find industry contacts to license your university IP.
Exploring High-Value Patent Sale Transactions Webinar Recordings 08/15/2012 This 90-minute webinar will begin with an overview of recent high-visibility patent sale transactions and an exploration of the factors that are driving the unprecedented valuations. The discussion will include an analysis of multi-billion dollar transactions such as the Nortel patent auction Google's acquisition of Motorola Mobility and the AOL-Microsoft-Facebook deal, and where the market might be headed in terms of valuations. Learn why average-price-per-patent figures for completed deals has become the valuation methodology of choice for new deals and why corporate M&A has become an accepted transaction mode for acquiring patent portfolios having strategic value. Experts who have done valuation for these deals as well as contributed toward the deal making will analyze the current market and future trends for patent valuation. Join us for this lively discussion with 3 experts in the field, moderated by AUTM's Vice President for Professional Development, Dipanjan Nag.
Export Control, MTAs, CDAs, LAs:What You Still Need Webinar Recordings 10/01/2014 This webinar is ideal for university technology transfer professionals and their staff who manage and process Material Transfer Agreements, Confidentiality Agreements and License Agreements and what you especially need to know about export control and why it's important in regard to these agreements. Academic technology managers are becoming increasingly concerned about the implications of heightened compliance rules in the area of export regulations and controls. One area certain to cause confusion and stress is the relationship between export controls and material transfer, confidentiality and license agreements. How big a problem is this? Is it a growing problem? What should technology transfer professionals who manage MTAs, CDAs and LAs know to stay out of trouble? What steps and challenges will university professionals encounter in setting up an effective compliance system? How will the current export controls reform movement affect our profession? Two experts will walk through the issues in a clear and concise way so you will leave the session with the knowledge and tools you need to sleep better at night!
Faculty Startups: What Were They Thinking? Webinar Recordings 06/07/2022
Why would a faculty researcher want to start a company? Why would a university encourage them to step aside from their “day job” to do so? As a new technology transfer professional or as an entrepreneur interested in joining a faculty-founded startup, you may be familiar with the policies and procedures surrounding support of such startups, but you may not know the unspoken motivations of faculty founders or even of the university.

During this webinar, our speakers will roll play a tech transfer professional advising a faculty member interested in starting a company. Attendees will be privy to their conversations as well as the thoughts and motivations behind their spoken words. Understanding what is not said is just as crucial for supporting a successful faculty startup as the deal terms that end up written in an agreement.

Fed.Reporting: Bayh-Dole-Are You Out of Compliance Webinar Recordings 12/01/2014 University administrators have the responsibility to ensure that Bayh-Dole compliance is a priority for their institution and being executed correctly and in a timely manner. NIH officials have expressed concern that some universities are not honoring their obligations to report inventions, provide confirmatory licenses, submit utilization reports, etc. and that funding agencies are finding many discrepancies between the numbers of grants awarded and patents issued versus what is being reported. This is a very serious concern and could have an adverse influence on congressional decisions regarding the future of technology transfer or funding at universities that are out of compliance. This webinar will discuss what is expected and what we as institutions need to do to ensure that we are up-to-date with our government reporting before federal agencies and even possibly Congress intervene.
Federal Award Terms: What Do They Mean For You? Webinar Recordings 06/01/2014 This webinar benefits all audiences including technology transfer professionals and administrative support staff who review federally sponsored research agreements and provide feedback to licensing professionals. This webinar also benefits sponsor research staff who provide awareness of long-term impacts such as negotiations and terms on intellectual property. Technology licensing professionals may need to pay closer attention to federal award terms and conditions negotiated by their sponsored research offices. The Council on Governmental Relations (COGR) and the Association of American Universities (AAU) recently co-authored a report based on data gathered by the Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP). The report documents increased restrictions on publication, information dissemination and access to research projects by foreign nationals in the terms and conditions of research awards to U.S. universities from federal government sponsors.
Foreign Filing Considerations & Strategies for Universities Webinar Recordings 03/27/2019

For many universities, the decision whether to file for patent protection for an invention is multi-faceted and challenging. Not only can these filings be expensive, but many foreign countries have patentability and enforcement challenges that are different than those encountered in the United States. Additionally, drafting claims for the US does mean compliance with the rest of the world. In fact, there may be opportunities overseas for subject matter that are difficult to protect in the US. This webinar will examine the requirements for patenting inventions in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Europe and Japan and provide practical tips for universities to consider when making strategic filing decisions.

Fostering Innovation in Underrepresented Groups Webinar Recordings 10/13/2020

This webinar will help explain the goals of the USPTO SUCCESS Act, the IDEA Act bill, and other government activities centered around diversity in patents. We will give a history of inventorship by women and minorities, including the USPTO's SUCCESS Act Report and Progress and Potential report, WIPO's report on women inventorship, and provide an understanding the year 1899 for African-American inventorship. We will also review the findings of several key reports to better understand the reasons for gender and minority gaps in patent ownership. Finally, we will discuss how the federal government signed the SUCCESS Act into law on October 31, 2018 upon recognizing these significant gaps. Q&A will follow.

Founders & Initial Equity Distribution for Startups Webinar Recordings 06/12/2018

Providing founders with a “fair and equitable” equity share can be critical to the success or failure of a start-up. This webinar will cover equity distribution for the founders of start-ups based on intellectual property.. Panelists will highlight key issues and make recommendations based on best-practices. They will present their experiences, showcasing what went right, what went wrong, and why. Join this important webinar to get a roadmap on how best to proceed.

Fundamentals of Filing Foreign Webinar Recordings 11/01/2017

This is a recorded session from 2017's IP Compliance Course. This session will provide an overview of the filing process in foreign jurisdictions, i.e. from a Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) application to National Stage and hopefully to Issuance, as well as offer tips for managing those 'bumps in the road' that may arise. Foreign applications can be big money and there are many variables involved, unlike U.S. practice which is a bit more structured, so having as much information in your arsenal of knowledge is essential to maintaining a systematic workflow and reasonable budget throughout prosecution.

Gender in the Global Research Landscape Webinar Recordings 12/06/2017 Elsevier recently released a comprehensive report on research performance through a gender lens, called Gender in the Global Research Landscape. This global study draws upon data and analytics, a unique gender disambiguation methodology, and involvement of global experts to provide powerful insight and guidance on gender equality policy for governments, funders and institutions worldwide. Join one of the report's authors, Holly Falk-Krzesinski, to discuss the findings of the report and institutional actions to advance gender balance in research. This webinar is sponsored by the AUTM Womens Inventor Committee (WIC).
Generative AI has Arrived: Essential Knowledge for TTOs Webinar Recordings 05/11/2023

This webinar was recorded live on May 11, 2023. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date.

What is generative AI? Why should you care? In this session, you will discover the current state of AI and applications, such as ChatGPT, that are already at your disposal. Learn how you can implement these tools in your office, some of the most pressing risks and concerns your office might face, and a look into what's coming next.

Grants Management 101 for Technology Transfer Professionals Webinar Recordings 12/07/2023
Handling the Inevitable Changes in Agreement Management Webinar Recordings 11/01/2017

This is a recorded session from 2017's Agreeement Maintenance Course.Your agreement is fully executed, the database is populated, everything is chugging along like a well-oiled machine. Until it isn't. In this session we'll discuss common hiccups in agreement management with suggestions on how to keep things on track. Challenges will include new licensee personnel, the acquisition of your licensee by another company, new interpretations of old language, and agreement amendments. Join us for a look at adding technology, dropping technology, acquainting new folks with their obligations, and the work that goes along with this.

Healthcare Investments and Exits 2021 Annual Report Webinar Recordings 02/25/2021

Take a deep dive into Silicon Valley Bank's 2021 Annual Report with their Medical Device and Healthtech portfolio Director. The report recaps 2020 healthcare venture investment and exit activity, and sheds light on trends and predictions for 2021.

Hiring a Licensing Associate:Selecting the Best... Webinar Recordings 10/11/2018

Licensing associates are on the front lines of tech transfer office operations: They work directly with faculty members, negotiate deal terms with industry counterparts, coordinate patent prosecution strategies, market technologies, educate and manage expectations, and so much more. A successful licensing associate must be able to shift gears rapidly and move nimbly from one topic and task to another. This webinar will examine the qualities that factor into the decision to hire a licensing associate, with a focus on both the essential "hard" qualifications that are a prerequisite for success, as well as the "soft skills" that are fundamentally just as important when selecting the right person for this challenging role. This webinar will be particularly helpful for tech transfer directors and managers in charge of hiring, and candidates seeking to land licensing associate job.

Holistic Approach - Successful Commercialization of Research Webinar Recordings 03/28/2024 With large-scale research consortia, public-private partnerships, and other multi-sectoral collaborative research projects becoming more prevalent in academia, the function of "research management" will be as important as the research itself for the timely and successful delivery of expected outputs. In this webinar, you will learn about the different elements of the research management process, and the role that knowledge exchange/technology transfer professionals can play in driving the efficient commercialization of research results. Case studies from various jurisdictions will offer guidance on IP management, risk management, project management, and other areas where KE/TT expertise is essential to the success of research, development & innovation (R&D&I) partnerships.
Hosting an AUTM Partnering Forum Webinar Recordings 03/02/2017

Since 2014, AUTM has hosted several Partnering Forums around the country, each focusing on a specific industry. These meetings provide technology transfer professionals from industry and universities a unique opportunity to network in a particular technology sector and explore opportunities to form collaborations in areas such as intellectual property licensing, research and other areas. Does your university have an interest in helping to create such an event? Proposals are welcome from both universities and companies. This webinar discussion will include information on how to host an event and what is required of the host. We will provide insight into factors to consider when putting together a Partnering Forum proposal to help guide you to a successful event.

Hosting an AUTM Partnering Forum (3/2017) Webinar Recordings

Since 2014, AUTM has hosted several Partnering Forums around the country, each focusing on a specific industry. These meetings provide technology transfer professionals from industry and universities a unique opportunity to network in a particular technology sector and explore opportunities to form collaborations in areas such as intellectual property licensing, research and other areas. Does your university have an interest in helping to create such an event? Proposals are welcome from both universities and companies. This webinar discussion will include information on how to host an event and what is required of the host. We will provide insight into factors to consider when putting together a Partnering Forum proposal to help guide you to a successful event.

Hosting an AUTM Partnering Forum (3/2017) Webinar Recordings

Since 2014, AUTM has hosted several Partnering Forums around the country, each focusing on a specific industry. These meetings provide technology transfer professionals from industry and universities a unique opportunity to network in a particular technology sector and explore opportunities to form collaborations in areas such as intellectual property licensing, research and other areas. Does your university have an interest in helping to create such an event? Proposals are welcome from both universities and companies. This webinar discussion will include information on how to host an event and what is required of the host. We will provide insight into factors to consider when putting together a Partnering Forum proposal to help guide you to a successful event.

How a Crowd Sourcing Platform Can Help You Build Strong Team Webinar Recordings 09/17/2019

North by Northwest (NxNW) is an £8 million expansion of the successful UK-based Innovation to Commercialization of University Research (ICURe) pilot program that supports getting commercially-promising faculty to market quickly. During this pilot, we identified "business mentors" to help accelerate commercialization and developed a way to engage and incentivize these mentors to support "deal" activity. In order to make the effort scalable, we deployed an online crowd-sourced platform and encouraged our business mentors to follow license-based milestone principles. In this webinar, we will share our experiences identifying external, domain-specific "business mentors" and in building stronger teams.

How Can I Make the Most of Funding and Resources from NCI? Webinar Recordings 02/18/2021 Thinking about starting a small business to develop your technology as a university spinout? Looking for resources to support your new startup? Wondering how to use your research skills as a springboard to entrepreneurship? Then this webinar is for you! Come hear the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Program Director Monique Pond discuss the resources available at NCI for academic entrepreneurs. In FY 2020, the NCI Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Development Center provided approximately $179 million in funding to U.S. small businesses through the SBIR and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs. The Center provides non-funding support as well, including entrepreneurial training programs such as I-Corps at NIH and programs to facilitate connections between innovators and potential investors. You'll also hear first-hand from someone who has done it. The co-founder of Grannus, a University of Notre Dame biotechnology spinoff, will discuss his experience as a postdoc developing an anti-cancer therapeutic and translating it towards the clinic, with support from the NCI SBIR Development Center. Whether a technology is in the pre-clinical or clinical stage of development, NCI can help translate innovative research ideas to the marketplace. Come learn how NCI helps small businesses cross the "Valley of Death" and reach commercialization.

How Do Your Start-ups Measure Up? Webinar Recordings 06/25/2020

The recent Nature Biotech article "Biotech Living & Walking Dead" has prompted a lively discussion within the AUTM community. There is no question that start-ups arising from the innovations discovered on our campuses are an important resource for the commercial translation of our nascent technologies, an outlet for the entrepreneurial aspirations of our faculty and students, and a vital source of economic development for our host communities and nations. However, the article has provoked a useful dialogue around what we measure and what impact we are hoping to achieve. This moderated discussion will center around two of Peter Drucker's most famous maxims: "If you can't measure it, you can't improve it." and "Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things." This virtual event will begin with a panel discussion, and will also include an open Q&A forum as well as virtual breakout rooms for smaller group discussions.

How New Supreme Court Rulings Impact Prior Art Webinar Recordings 04/10/2019

In a unanimous decision on Helsinn v. Teva, the Court held that the sale of an invention to a third party, who is required to keep confidentiality, qualifies as prior art under the AIA. This ruling will affect post-AIA patent practice and is expected to have a major impact on prosecution, other court cases, and Patent Trial and Appeal Board proceedings. Join us to learn how it will affect you and pitfalls to avoid.

How to Attract Industry Partners Webinar Recordings 08/15/2023

This webinar will be recorded live on August 15, 2023. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

Have you ever wondered why some entrepreneurs are wildly successful, mediocre or destined to fail? Attracting the right industry partners can make or break the commercial viability of an early-stage/startup technology solution-whether it's a product, service or both. In this session you'll learn how to create compelling reasons for a company to partner with your TTO and foster conversations that lead to meaningful relationships and commercial success. We will share real-world examples from our experiences.

How to Choose an Exciting Career Path in Tech Trans Webinar Recordings 08/20/2015

Technology transfer is a field beyond the lab bench. The overall goal of science is to create breakthrough products to help people live a better life. What most people aren't aware of is technology transfer sits at the juncture of scientific research and the end product. This webinar will focus on TTO professionals interested in this exciting field and turning their interest into a career choice: what helps and what doesn't. Presenters will give insight on how they personally transitioned from the lab bench to their first tech transfer job.

How to Collaborate with Federal Labs to Advance Your Success Webinar Recordings

This webinar will be recorded in 2020 and will be available within 30 days of the live event. You may pre-order the webinar now.
Federal labs in the United States are a unique resource for the private sector to support technology and innovation advancement. In fact, more than $43 billion (or more than one-third of the federal R&D budget) funds innovation at the nation's more than 300 labs. In this session, we'll focus on the resources available and the strategies needed to get access to the labs. You may not know it, but it is the policy of the federal government that the private sector has access to, and full use of, the results of the lab's work. This means you can license lab innovations, collaborate with lab subject matter experts and have access to technical data, special facilities and more.

How to Get Your Institution Up-To-Date in iEdison Webinar Recordings 05/01/2014 Clean up on Aisle 3! How to Get Your Institution Up-To-Date in iEdison This webinar will be invaluable to those involved in the required reporting of inventions that fall under Bayh-Dole into NIH's iEdison database. Anyone interested in getting completely up-to-date on compliance will not want to miss this webinar. One of the most frustrating tasks in the technology transfer office is trying to get your institution up-to-date with all the required reporting into iEdison. There are several challenges for administrative staff. First, you have all of the current inventions to report and keep current. You may also have discovered older inventions from your institution that have not yet been reported in iEdison. Then there are the notification messages that never seem to end. What do you do when you find things related to inventions that should not be in iEdison (i.e., duplicates, improperly reported, etc.)? Additionally, you have messages related to incorrect government support clauses that would take a Certificate of Correction to change and other messages indicating multiple years of utilization reporting now being owed. This webinar will provide the tips you need to begin to get a mess like this cleaned up! You won't want to miss this one!
How to Learn Tech Transfer w/out Science Webinar Recordings 03/11/2016

Crowdfunding is a developing area of capital raising with wide ranging implications for enterprises from small, to emerging, to mature. We will discuss some of the key developments in the regulatory and industry landscape related to crowdfunding and educate on a must-have lexicon for conversation in the space.

How to Make the Most of the Partnering Sessions at AUTM 2020 Webinar Recordings 02/04/2020

Make the most of the networking opportunities at the AUTM Annual Meeting. Join us for an insider's guide to effective partnering at the AUTM 2020 Annual Meeting. This FREE AUTM webinar will help you prepare for the ultimate networking experience in San Diego, CA, March 8-11. Our speakers will share their perspectives on how to make the most of partnering and managing your network at the annual meeting. And yes, they will tell you in their own words what NOT to do when meeting with industry. Join us to find out what to do before, during and after the annual meeting to make it a productive event for you and your colleagues.

How to Manage Licensing Under the New European Patent System Webinar Recordings

This webinar will be recorded live on December 1, 2022. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

While IP professionals have been discussing the new European patent system for many years, its upcoming implementation in 2023 may have caught stakeholders off-guard. In this AUTM webinar, European-based IP attorneys will cover major aspects of this new patent system so that university technology transfer professionals and other AUTM members can be adequately prepared.

How to Measure and Communicate Your Impact and Value Webinar Recordings 09/29/2022 We often communicate the impact of our tech transfer efforts by touting transactional activity — number of disclosures, licenses, startups, etc. Then we supplement that data with stories. In spite of the fact that we are really good at what we do, our stakeholders sometimes have trouble converting all those tech transfer activities into the ´value’ we are creating for the institution or the ´impact’ on the local community. Join this webinar to discover simple, effective methods to convince people that what we do really matters and helps the insitution acheive its goals.

How to Use Social Media to Market Univer Invention (10/2012) Webinar Recordings 10/25/2012 Social media is changing the way companies market their business. This session will explore social media strategies and how to benefit from the use of social media. Examples will be used to demonstrate basic social media marketing aspects and illustrate ways to improve your current use of social media.
How TTOs Can Leverage SBIR/STTR Webinar Recordings 11/15/2012 Finding money on campus to mature university technologies to the point industry becomes interested is always difficult, as is finding seed money for spin-outs. One of the first places technology transfer offices think of when looking for such funds is the U.S. government's Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program. In this webinar, which is free to AUTM members, Phyl Speser, AUTM's Vice President for Membership Western Hemisphere, will share insider's tips on how AUTM members in the United States and abroad can use this $1B+ federal research and development program to better meet technology transfer objectives. Speser authored and was the lead lobbyist for the law establishing SBIR government-wide. He was invited to the White House by President Ronald W. Reagan for the bill signing ceremony. Subsequently, Speser won Phase I and II awards in artificial intelligence applied to commercialization, all of which were commercialized. Speser has run SBIR/STTR commercialization support programs for the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Energy, Department of Defense, National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Standards and Technology and Department of Transportation, as well as several state agencies, defense prime contractors and individual small companies. His company, Foresight Science & Technology Inc., has supported several thousand SBIR companies under these contacts and managed the National SBIR Conference for 18 years.
How Universities Can Support Female Inventorship & Entrep Webinar Recordings 10/10/2019

With the signing of the Study of Underrepresented Classes Chasing Engineering and Science Success (SUCCESS) Act (Public Law No: 115-273) into law in October 31, the federal government recognized the significant gap in the number of patents applied for and obtained by women, minorities and veterans. In this webinar, we'll provide a brief review of the history of inventorship by women and underrepresented minorities, and review the goals of the SUCCESS Act and other government activities around diversity in patents. During the session, we will focus on two successful programs that center on increasing and supporting female inventors and entrepreneurs. These programs have been implemented at Ohio State University (REACH program/Advance grant) and Washington University in St. Louis (WIT program), and we will discuss the goals and objectives of these programs, the resources required, and any barriers to implementation. Representatives from each university will share the successes of their programs and lessons learned that might be valuable for other university administrators in assisting underrepresented female faculty in becoming inventors and entrepreneurs.

IDEA Center at Notre Dame: A University-Run Venture Builder Webinar Recordings 12/06/2018

This webinar was recorded on December 6, 2018 and will be available within 30 days of the live event. You may pre-order the webinar now.
The IDEA Center was started in Feb. 2017 to help the University of Notre Dame become a best-in-it's-class player in the translation of innovation and research into solutions that benefit mankind. To that end, the Center was built as a venture builder - an organization providing or accessing all resources needed to advance technologies through the commercialization process. One of the core goals of the Center was to start valuable companies. Utilizing venture building resources, combined with the commercialization engine process and access to the Notre Dame network, the IDEA Center started 27 companies in its first fiscal year of operation. During this session, presenters will showcase the five actions taken by the Center that made an impact in accomplishing Notre Dame's vision. We will also explain the Center's new operational structure, focusing on specialization compared with current structures, and discuss Notre Dame's reasons for starting the IDEA Center, describing current and future sources of funding.

IDEA Center at Notre Dame: A University-Run Venture Builder Webinar Recordings 01/15/2019

The IDEA Center was started in Feb. 2017 to help the University of Notre Dame become a best-in-it's-class player in the translation of innovation and research into solutions that benefit mankind. To that end, the Center was built as a venture builder - an organization providing or accessing all resources needed to advance technologies through the commercialization process. One of the core goals of the Center was to start valuable companies. Utilizing venture building resources, combined with the commercialization engine process and access to the Notre Dame network, the IDEA Center started 27 companies in its first fiscal year of operation. During this session, presenters will showcase the five actions taken by the Center that made an impact in accomplishing Notre Dame's vision. We will also explain the Center's new operational structure, focusing on specialization compared with current structures, and discuss Notre Dame's reasons for starting the IDEA Center, describing current and future sources of funding.

iEdison Utilization Reporting Update Webinar Recordings 02/09/2023

This webinar was recorded live on February 9, 2023. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date.

Utilization reporting provides funding agencies with valuable information on the outputs of their extramural research programs. They allow the agencies to track successes, ensure compliance with specific statutory requirements, and realize the full impact of federal funding and the return on investment for taxpayer investment in research.

Recently the Interagency Working Group for Bayh-Dole (IAWGBD) has agreed to make specific changes in utilization reporting, which will go into effect on October 1, 2023. Agencies participating in iEdison will begin asking for annual utilization reporting. In the past, some agencies would ask for these utilization reports regularly via iEdison at the end of the contractor’s/awardee’s fiscal year, while others might ask for them outside of iEdison on an ad hoc basis. Additionally, the IAWGBD is developing a standard set of questions, modeled after the existing questions, to be asked by every participating agency. However, each agency can ask for supplemental questions related to inventions made with funding from that agency.

Join this webinar, led by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), where we will go over these changes in more depth, discuss how iEdison is being updated in association with these changes,Êlet awardees know how they can prepare for the changes, and answer questions.

IIA Maintenance - Why It's Tricky Webinar Recordings 11/01/2017

This is a recorded session from 2017's Agreeement Maintenance Course.>Often part of managing license agreements involves third-party considerations, whether in the form of obligations that arise from a research agreement, or from inter-institutional agreements and co-owners of the licensed IP. These third-party agreements introduce additional monitoring and reporting activities for the contract administrator. We will examine several of the main components involved in working with inter-institutional agreements, including patent management between your institution and the third-party, managing financial obligations in multiple directions, and the impact of third party agreements on license terms.

Impact of I-Corps: A 10-Year Retrospective Webinar Recordings 08/05/2021

Join us as we look back on the impact the I-Corps customary discovery methodology has had on the commercialization of university research. Participants will have the chance to learn from three I-Corps Program Directors who will share their personal observations and perspectives while addressing the impact of I-Corps in the last ten years.

This session will begin with a presentation on the genesis of I-Corps by looking at the founding principles that led to the formation of the NSF program. Next, participants will hear about the cooperative, interagency partnership that led to the start of the I-Corps at NIH Program. Through success stories and real life-clinical impacts, you'll discover the lasting effects of this program and understand the differences between the NSF and NIH curriculum. Finally, participants will hear the university perspective of leveraging the program. Hear the impact of entrepreneurship training and success factors for academic spinoffs and how I-Corps can be applied in other areas.

I-Corps applicants and administrators alike will benefit from attending this session. Applicants will earn how to prepare competitive proposals, understand what makes a good commercialization team and discover what universities can do to make their programs stronger and their startup teams stronger. Administrators will learn how they can successfully run sites through a discussion of what techniques have worked well, what things haven't worked as expected, and what lessons the directors have taken away pre/post-Covid.

Implement License Agreement Compliance Webinar Recordings 08/20/2013 Technology transfer offices are realizing the importance of a dedicated compliance function in their offices but the challenge is deciding on the best method to set up and initiate an effective compliance function. Then there are the stale licenses that haven't been heard from since they were signed in 2001! The webinar will cover various approaches including practical every day in-office procedures to verifying compliance with license agreement terms and conditions specifically focusing on financial and informational reporting and payments. Learn which agreements to tackle first and how to maximize returns from the compliance program. Discuss various approaches to conducting licensee audits - beginning with desk audits to full on-site royalty audits. Panel members will recount their experiences of using both the internal audit departments at their institutions as well as utilizing third party royalty audit firms. We will compare the costs and benefits of each approach by sharing examples and anecdotes to illustrate the theory, practical tools and techniques employed, assurance provided at each level, and the lessons learned that improve licensee relationships and shape future license negotiations.
Inequitable Conduct: How to Protect Your Patents Webinar Recordings 03/04/2021
Patent litigants are still pleading and prevailing on the "inequitable conduct" defense to infringement. Through a discussion of recent case law, participants will discover how to avoid an inequitable conduct ruling and the consequences should an attorney be found "guilty".

Innovation Ambassador Program: Empowering Faculty Webinar Recordings 04/09/2024
Insights Into Plant Variety Protection and Variety Webinar Recordings 01/24/2017

Join this webinar and learn the fundamentals of U.S. intellectual property protection for plants by comparing and contrasting plant variety protection (PVP), versus utility patents and the main criteria for obtaining PVP. The second component discussed will be the aspects of licensing PVP varieties, looking into both the licensor and licensee responsibilities and obligations.

Insights into The Two Most Popular Types of PTAB Proceedings Webinar Recordings 12/08/2021

This webinar will be recorded live on December 8, 2021. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

This webinar will set forth data-driven, thoughtful and specific insights for the two most-employed proceedings at the PTAB: Appeals and Inter Partes Reviews.

When allocating resources, tech transfer office directors will want to know how to improve the likelihood of obtaining and enforcing patent protection for university-generated research. Obtaining insights directly from a former Administrative Patent Judge will enable tech transfer offices to have a competitive advantage in negotiating tech transfer deals.

During this webinar, attendees will come to understand the appeal process to obtain more robust patent protection and be able to describe how universities and partner companies can enforce patent protection by defeating challenges to patent validity at the Patent Trial and Appeal Board.

Intellectual Property and Bankruptcy: When Worlds Collide Webinar Recordings 05/13/2020

Join us for an analysis of the many challenges affecting intellectual property when the owner or licensee of intellectual property (IP) files for bankruptcy. We will discuss the treatment of IP under the "Bankruptcy Code" and how not all IP is treated equally. We'll analyze the rights granted to IP licensors an licensees when their counterparties file for bankruptcy and the options available to them (and the actions that they need to take to protect their interests). We'll also discuss how IP can be acquired or sold through bankruptcy, and strategies that parties can use, before bankruptcy, to protect their IP rights. The Supreme Court's upcoming decision on the treatment of trademarks will be discussed.

Intellectual Property Primer Webinar Recordings 11/01/2017

This is a recorded session from 2017's IP Compliance Course. In this session, you will learn about the four basic types of intellectual property (IP), including patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets. The interaction of IP and know-how will also be addressed. You will learn how to quickly identify which type of IP applies to a particular; what is, and is not, covered by each type; the essential features of each type; the respective systems for protecting each type; and the differing types of IP administration.

Inter-Institutional Agreements Webinar Recordings 02/03/2022
Inter-institutional agreements (IIAs) are ubiquitous and tend to be viewed as simple commonplace administrative agreements between universities or research institutions. This webinar will highlight some of the risks associated with IIAs that can arise even under the most amicable collaborative relationships.

Interest Invoice: Show Past Due Licensees You Mean (11/2015) Webinar Recordings

Most license agreements include clauses allowing the licensor to charge interest on overdue license fees, royalties and reimbursements. However, many institutions either don't include these clauses in their contracts, or don't invoice for interest on overdue payments. Some universities are missing out on millions of dollars in interest due to late payments, or paying substantial amounts of interest to their own bank due to late payments causing cash flow delays. In some cases, interest may also be charged on damages for breaching an agreement, and institutions are missing out on interest when they settle a matter out of court. There are a number of reasons why some universities do not include interest clauses in their contracts, or do not charge interest on late payments. For lawyers, this could be because an interest clause is not included in template documents, because a standard clause is not available, or because there is a lack of understanding of the institution's financial procedures. From an accounting perspective, this may be because the institution's systems make it difficult to charge interest, or because of a poorly drafted clause in the contract. For licensing officers or business development managers (BDMs), there can be commercial pressure not to include these clauses, or a limited understanding of how simple it can be for interest to be charged if necessary. The purpose of this course will be to inform lawyers, accountants and BDMs about why interest would be charged, how to include interest charging in your contract, and how to charge interest in the event that someone is late. Our team will take you through a range of issues that you need to think about to be able to charge interest, implement the practice, and clear up some of the complexities so that it is easier for BDMs, lawyers and accountants to work together in this area. By the end of the webinar, a tricky and complicated topic should be simpler and easier to understand for all involved.

Interest Invoice: You Mean Business Webinar Recordings 11/01/2015

Most license agreements include clauses allowing the licensor to charge interest on overdue license fees, royalties and reimbursements. However, many institutions either don't include these clauses in their contracts, or don't invoice for interest on overdue payments. Some universities are missing out on millions of dollars in interest due to late payments, or paying substantial amounts of interest to their own bank due to late payments causing cash flow delays. In some cases, interest may also be charged on damages for breaching an agreement, and institutions are missing out on interest when they settle a matter out of court. There are a number of reasons why some universities do not include interest clauses in their contracts, or do not charge interest on late payments. For lawyers, this could be because an interest clause is not included in template documents, because a standard clause is not available, or because there is a lack of understanding of the institution's financial procedures. From an accounting perspective, this may be because the institution's systems make it difficult to charge interest, or because of a poorly drafted clause in the contract. For licensing officers or business development managers (BDMs), there can be commercial pressure not to include these clauses, or a limited understanding of how simple it can be for interest to be charged if necessary. The purpose of this course will be to inform lawyers, accountants and BDMs about why interest would be charged, how to include interest charging in your contract, and how to charge interest in the event that someone is late. Our team will take you through a range of issues that you need to think about to be able to charge interest, implement the practice, and clear up some of the complexities so that it is easier for BDMs, lawyers and accountants to work together in this area. By the end of the webinar, a tricky and complicated topic should be simpler and easier to understand for all involved.

Intro to IIAs, MTAs and CDAs from the University Perspective Webinar Recordings 06/06/2017

This webinar will address the fundamentals of inter-institutional agreements (IIs), material transfer agreements (MTAs) and confidentiality agreements (CDAs) from the university perspective. We will then introduce each section of these agreements, explain typical terms and why they're used, illustrate potential issues created with certain approaches, and the legal underpinnings that motivate certain specific terms. Finally, we will end with a question and answer section.

Introduction to Asian Intellectual Property Webinar Recordings 04/01/2012 This 90-minute session will discuss comparisons between U.S. intellectual property practice and Asian intellectual property practice, focusing on Japan, China, India and the Philippines. The course assumes some familiarity with U.S. practices as a baseline.
Invention Disclosures Webinar Recordings 11/01/2017

This is a recorded session from 2017's IP Compliance Course. Invention disclosures are the foundation for the entire technology transfer process. This session will cover the overall process of disclosing an invention including why inventions are disclosed (the basics of Bayh-Dole) and the role of the technology transfer office. You will learn the key components of a disclosure, the importance of gathering accurate and complete information in the disclosure and the importance of that information. The session will describe how administrative staff can be effective in working with licensing staff and faculty.

Inventorship: Let's Help Each Other Webinar Recordings 02/26/2019

It can be frustrating when your researchers don't understand inventorship. It's different from authorship, but what does that mean? How can I be an author and not an inventor? What sort of documentation do I need to support my claims? The questions can be endless and time consuming. A panel of attorneys and tech transfer experts will help those new to the profession find answers, and provide an opportunity for more seasoned professionals to share their favorite (or most hair-raising) stories.

IP Basics for Software Innovations Webinar Recordings 04/17/2018

This free webinar will provide an introduction to the fundamentals of intellectual property that can be applied to software innovations. Course includes an overview of patents, copyrights, trademarks and trade secrets. Some basic computing and software terms will also be discussed.

IP Commercialization Strategies: EU Perspectives Webinar Recordings 09/28/2021

This webinar will encourage collaboration between US and EU tech transfer offices by helping US professionals understand how tech transfer is performed in European countries.

Attendees will first be introduced to the regulations impacting tech transfer in the EU including the Technology Transfer Block Exemption, the European Commission's recommendation on the management of IP, and the Code of Practice through a variety of legal examples.

Once the groundwork of regulations has been reviewed, representatives from England, Italy and the Netherlands will discuss issues related to inventorship and licensing that are unique to their countries.

IP Opportunities and Pitfalls in Protecting Blockchain Tech Webinar Recordings 06/10/2020

Learn the basics of patenting blockchain technology! We'll start by demystifying blockchain technology. Then we'll guide you on which aspects of blockchain innovations can be patent protected. Learn what information to gather and include in disclosures. Receive tips and tricks to improve patent eligibility and avoid divided infringement.

Jointly Owned IP Webinar Recordings 11/30/2014 This webinar will address those circumstances under which joint ownership of intellectual property typically arises between universities, the effect of this joint ownership, and the structure and terms of joint ownership agreements.
Key Elements of a Supportive Ecosystem for Universities Webinar Recordings 04/15/2016

This webinar will review the key elements for supporting the identification, formation, and growth of start-ups spinning out of universities, based on university IP.

Let's Talk Financials: Legal Expense Review, Approval and In Webinar Recordings 11/01/2017

This is a recorded session from 2017's Agreeement Maintenance Course. One of the most difficult tasks related to technology transfer is managing and controlling patent expenditure. We really don't like surprises! There are various methods that can be utilized to help TTOs with this process, such as implementing good habits with service providers, requesting estimates and setting caps for commissioned work. We will also discuss some practical ways to simplify and improve the legal invoice review process to allow case managers to focus on licensing rather than being bogged down reviewing legal expenses, as well as processing legal invoices and electronic expense import (EEI). We anticipate that each attendee will leave with fresh ideas on how to improve this process in their own institution.

Let's Talk Financials: Office Finance Webinar Recordings 11/01/2017

This is a recorded session from 2017's Agreeement Maintenance Course. Financial management is a critical function of any technology transfer office. This session will cover major areas of financial management: budgeting for operations including forecasting; tracking revenue/expenses recovery; managing equity (real and imagined). Attendees will learn basic financial management associated with the administration of a technology transfer office including benchmarking for budgeting purposes and managing expenses/revenues.

Let's Talk Financials: Royalties & Distribution of Income Webinar Recordings 11/01/2017

This is a recorded session from 2017's Agreeement Maintenance Course.Each technology transfer office has its own established policies and procedures for distributing licensing or royalty income. Taking care of this administrative task in an accurate, consistent, and timely manner may not always generate accolades from recipients of the income but failure to distribute properly will likely generate unfavorable responses. This session will demonstrate the importance of understanding the terms and status of agreements, understanding royalty distribution policies, communicating with royalty participants, establishing a standard royalty distribution process, and avoiding obstacles while completing the distribution. This group will discuss the framework as well as provide useful tools that can help technology transfer professionals smoothly carry out this important task.

Leveraging Performance Metrics: A Good Idea Webinar Recordings 01/12/2021

It's not just about the numbers. Interpretation and presentation are key aspects of successfully leveraging technology transfer metrics to monitor activities, influence strategies, implement changes and educate stakeholders. The panel will explore the whys and the hows of using performance metrics at the individual, tech transfer office and institution level to measure, understand and improve performance and garner buy-in from stakeholders.

Leveraging Relationships with Alumni for Future Partnerships Webinar Recordings 10/13/2021

Alumni are great champions for universities and willing to devote their time and expertise for feedback, mentorship, and potential partnerships.

This session will highlight use cases on alumni partnerships and offer tips that you can use at your institution. Rutgers University Innovation Ventures will discuss how they have collaborated with the Corporate Engagement Center and Development Office on campus. Penn Center for Innovation will showcase engaging alumni for their new products and businesses.

Join us for this informative and practical session for the opportunity to leverage strategies to implement at your organization.

Leveraging Your Innovation Ecosystem Webinar Recordings 09/26/2017

This webinar will look at both the University and community organizations that can contribute to the commercialization of technologies stemming from University discoveries - from the university library system, entrepreneurship programs, law colleges, local entrepreneurial communities and service providers. Through this webinar, we seek to help you identify and engage your support system for emerging technology.

License Agreements:Fix Historical Messes-Audio Only Webinar Recordings 09/25/2015

Do you know where all your pennies are going? Initiating, tracking and confirming financial transactions is critical to every technology transfer office. This course will discuss how to ensure your own financial records are accurate and complete, with ideas and tips on how to keep them that way. We will look at best practices, reconciliation, tracking "clean-up" progress, and the benefits of these activities. (Audio Only)

Licensing University Technology 101 Webinar Recordings 04/11/2017

This webinar will address the fundamentals of the university patent license agreement. We will start with a discussion of the perspectives commonly held by the licensor, a non-profit institution with a mission to transfer technology for the public benefit, and the licensee, a business enterprise chartered to make a return on its investments. We will then introduce each section of the license agreement, explain typical terms used to capture the deal, use specific examples to illustrate potential issues created with certain approaches, and the legal underpinnings that motivate certain specific terms.

Licensing University Technology 101 Webinar Recordings 08/31/2022 This webinar will address the fundamentals of the university patent license agreement. We will start with a discussion of the perspectives commonly held by the licensor, a non-profit institution with a mission to transfer technology for the public benefit, and the licensee, a business enterprise chartered to make a return on its investments. We will then introduce each section of the license agreement, explain typical terms used to capture the deal, use specific examples to illustrate potential issues created with certain approaches, and the legal underpinnings that motivate certain specific terms. Finally, we will end with a question-and-answer section.

Life Science Licenses: The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly Webinar Recordings 07/01/2014 Practitioners who want to understand what best practices look like in life science license agreements and what common mistakes to look out for. Licensing in the life science industry can be a win-win proposition for both licensors and licensees helping bring new inventions from the academic setting to benefit society and providing benefit (economic and otherwise) to both parties. In this webinar we explore common key issues life science licensors will face in negotiating and drafting licensing transactions, including relating to scope of grant, defining territory and term of license, payment considerations, offsets and deductions, assignability, warranties, indemnities, tax and reporting provisions. These issues will be highlighted with "real world" examples of licenses which were done well and those who could have avoided downstream issues with certain considerations in their initial license agreements.
Look Outside Your U.S. Comfort Zone to Patent Diagnostics? Webinar Recordings 02/09/2021 Most tech transfer offices pursue a U.S.-centric approach to patenting. Patent protection is only sought outside the country when a licensee is willing to subsidize the expense. This approach usually makes sense, because of the U.S.'s very significant market, and relatively affordable and reliable patenting. However, recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions on patent eligibility have created a more challenging environment for diagnostic inventions. In this session, we will discuss the prospects for obtaining sufficient U.S. patent rights, and the merits of using a different patent strategy for diagnostic inventions in which U.S. foreign patent protection is the goal.

Managing an Intellectual Property Portfolio Webinar Recordings 11/01/2017

This is a recorded session from 2017's IP Compliance Course. You will learn various "tricks of the trade" in an informal, collegial setting with our panel of experts. Some of the tips and tools shared will include: tracking intellectual property (IP) deadlines; keeping forward momentum during prosecution; reviewing and approving legal expenses; cost management; using patent annuity services; navigating and searching Public Patent Application Information Retrieval (PAIR) and other PTO websites; tracking metrics; and more.

Marketing Successful Practices Webinar Recordings 04/07/2020 Having trouble effectively marketing your technologies? Do you even know where to start? Join university tech transfer office marketing profesisonals who are setting the bar for best practices. They'll walk you through an overview of the methods the leaders are using to successfully market technologies and track effectivenes. You'll come away with strategies, models and measurement ideas that you can apply in your tech transfer office. Bring your great questions and best practices to share.
Marketing: Effectively Telling Your Stories Webinar Recordings 09/06/2017

Telling your success stories is an essential element of building your reputation and your brand. How can you leverage this key skill for maximum impact for your office and your institution? In this webinar, attendees will learn about the concept of core messaging, and how to apply it to press release and article writing. We will also cover communications planning, and how to promote your story for maximum reach and impact.

Marketing: The Value Proposition Is the Key Webinar Recordings 05/01/2015 Scientists are well equipped to discuss the scientific merits of their discoveries, and it is easy for technology transfer professionals to get caught in that same mode when talking to potential licensees. However, potential licensees need to understand the value proposition. What is it about the technology that will motivate a licensees company to invest the time and resources needed to commercialize your technology? Join us for Marketing: The Value Proposition Is the Key and explore how to identify and effectively communicate the value proposition.
Marketing: Value Proposition is Key (Arabic Translation) Webinar Recordings Scientists are well equipped to discuss the scientific merits of their discoveries, and it is easy for technology transfer professionals to get caught in that same mode when talking to potential licensees. However, potential licensees need to understand the value proposition. What is it about the technology that will motivate a licensees company to invest the time and resources needed to commercialize your technology? Join us for Marketing: The Value Proposition Is the Key and explore how to identify and effectively communicate the value proposition. With Arabic subtitles
Material Transfer Agreements Webinar Recordings 01/27/2022
This session will dive into the nuances of Material Transfer Agreements (MTAs) and will present various tactics for managing and negotiating MTAs with particular emphasis on non-standard terms and ways to address them. This course will also focus on unique issues involving label licenses and human materials.

Maximizing Licensing Opportunities in Research Tools Webinar Recordings 08/01/2014 This course is designed for mid-level to experienced-level technology transfer professionals who deals with the research tool licensing. Universities generate lot of valuable research tools that academic and industry researchers use every day. These validated and published research tools enable the scientific community to focus more on experiments than reagent preparation. Most Universities and scientific journals have policies to enhance dissemination of research tools which puts burden on the inventors to distribute the materials. Licensing these research tools to research reagent companies takes away the burden of distribution from inventors as well as provides attractive revenue streams to the universities. Let's discuss how we can maximize these licensing opportunities and the best practices to consider when negotiating the research tool license.
Medical Devices: Patent Law and the FDA Regulatory Process Webinar Recordings 01/24/2023

This webinar was recorded live on January 24, 2023. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date.

Regulatory approval and patent protection are key milestones for the success of any medical device. While the legal pathways to achieve each are distinct, there are important areas of interplay between the two. This webinar will address the FDA’s regulatory approval processes, common pitfalls to avoid, and how to effectively coordinate with attaining and maintaining patent protection for medical devices.

Medicines Patent Pool and University Licensing Webinar Recordings 09/10/2024

This webinar will be recorded live on September 10, 2024. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

This webinar will discuss the Affordable Access Plan clause suggested by the Medicines Patent Pool (MPP), a Geneva-based, UN-backed organization using voluntary licensing and patent pooling to increase access to affordable medical technologies in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). We will consider this language as an innovative and collaborative approach to achieving important public health impact, and highlight the collaborative efforts that MPP and some universities are employing to enhance access to affordable medicines through licensing. Under this access plan approach, licensees commit to submitting a plan at the point of regulatory approval for how they will achieve affordable access in LMICs for the downstream product, but leaves the precise strategies to the licensees to develop in discussion with the licensor.

Meeting Challenge of TTO Royalty & Equity Distribu Webinar Recordings 08/01/2015

Each technology transfer office has its own policies and procedures for distributing licensing or royalty income to inventors and their departments and what information they provide their PIs with ahead of time and at distribution time. Taking care of this administrative task in a fair, consistent, and timely manner may not always generate accolades from recipients of the income. However, failure to distribute licensing income properly will likely generate unfavorable responses from the stakeholders of the income. This webinar will discuss the framework as well as useful tools that can help technology transfer professionals smoothly carry out this important task.

Metrics for Tech Transfer- Measuring Engagement Webinar Recordings 08/01/2016

How well does your university engage its users? Listen to the experts discuss issues and challenges of defining and measuring suitable metrics for technology transfer offices. This webinar will focus on the valid measures for demonstrating engagement, the impact and challenges of defining metrics for reporting at a national and international level.

Mindset for Success: The Tech Transfer Professional Webinar Recordings 03/04/2020

The difference between real success and an average career as a tech transfer professional lies in mindset. The mindset you bring to your job has enormous impact on your professional accomplishments, job satisfaction, and your personal happiness. Tech transfer is a unique job that requires a unique mindset. The qualities of how you think in your job - your mindset - can make the difference between professional success and perpetual frustration. This session will stimulate you to think about how you think, and will provide ways to innovate and improve how you approach your professional responsibilities.

Monetizing & Enforcing Your IP With No Out-of-Pocket Cost Webinar Recordings 11/21/2019

Universities often do not enforce valuable intellectual property claims because of a perceived financial barrier-hiring top-tier legal representation would cost millions of dollars, out-of-pocket. A University may not want to risk that financial downside to pursue a claim that has an uncertain upside. There are two ways, however, that Universities can solve this problem. First, Universities can hire top-tier law firms that represent intellectual property owners on a full contingency basis. These law firms can cover all legal fees and costs associated with an enforcement action. Second, litigation funding sources are eager to fund good intellectual properly enforcement programs. Using a litigation funding source, a University can select a law firm of its choice to enforce its intellectual property, while the outside funding company pays legal fees and costs. This session will cover the nuts and bolts of each approach, the pros and cons, and best practices.

Navigating Pitfalls and Maximizing Partnering Success Webinar Recordings 05/09/2024

This webinar will be recorded live on May 9, 2024. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

Don't miss this chance to sharpen your non-confidential deck crafting skills in preparation for your next partnering event. Gain mastery over preparatory strategies essential for successful partnering meetings. Join AUTM's upcoming webinar for insights into crafting compelling non-confidential decks tailored for academic-industry partnerships. Explore the intricacies of data presentation, understanding what to include and exclude from non-confidential slide decks. Engage with panelists as they share strategies for effectively presenting data to potential partners, facilitating thorough evaluation. Discover how TTOs can customize their data presentation to align with the diverse needs and interests of various collaboration types, thereby maximizing engagement and partnership potential. Panelists will provide valuable tips for effective follow-up post-partnering meeting, ensuring continued momentum and fruitful collaboration opportunities.

Negotiating IP With Foundation Grant-Makers Webinar Recordings 09/16/2020

Nonprofit foundations and charities can be a critical source of research support. Increasingly, foundations are taking a more assertive approach to managing the intellectual property (IP) that arises from funded projects. How can technology transfer professionals navigate these changing and challenging expectations from foundation grant-makers? Panel topics will include understanding the foundation-side rationale and their interest in more extensive IP management, strategies for negotiating IP language with foundations, and avoiding conflict between the tech transfer office and other academic stakeholders. You'll take away a host of best practices for negotiating with foundations.

Negotiation of License Agreements Webinar Recordings 08/01/2013 Ideally, the negotiation of the license is a dynamic process that concludes with signing an agreement is implemented over the period of time that the licensed-rights are being developed and commercialized. This session will explore strategies to help you negotiate through the likely sticking points without losing momentum, sacrificing deal terms or adversely impacting the long-term relationship with a future licensee. Examples will be used to explain negotiation dynamics and illustrate ways to respond to common tactics used during the license negotiation process.
New US Patent & Trademark Office-Guidance on Patent Webinar Recordings 06/20/2015

In 2014 the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office finally issued its new Interim Guidance on Patent Subject Matter Eligibility (Interim Eligibility Guidance). This Interim Eligibility Guidance is subject to notice and comments until March 16, 2015, however, it immediately supersedes prior guidance issued after the Mayo and Myriad decisions and supplements the prior Preliminary Instructions issued after the Alice decision. Come listen and learn as we simplify and explain the new Interim Eligibility Guidance, the USPTO's new three step process to perform a complete patent-eligibility analysis and provide the framework for discussions with Examiners at the Patent Office.

Learning Objectives

Attendees will learn:
- Flowcharts provided to illustrates the process
- Streamlined Eligibility Analysis explained
- Examples of claim elements: What is enough? Or Not enough?

Next Generation Competitive Advantage in Tech Transfer Webinar Recordings 04/04/2023

This webinarwas recorded live on April 4, 2023. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date.

Expanding Business networks, tapping into diverse perspectives and strengthening teamwork, collaboration and innovation - these are the outcomes you can expect when you embrace equity, diversity and inclusion as a business imperative. Numerous studies have shown that diverse teams are more creative, productive and perform better than non-diverse teams.

In this webinar, you will learn the why and how of inclusive leadership that fosters a culture where everyone feels valued and respected. Using the AUTM Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Toolkit as a learning tool, we will discuss how to develop the a unique EDI strategy and system that is most relevant for your organization. We will cover understanding implicit and structural bias, improving global and cultural awareness, key best practices and how to measure impact.

Not Your Mother's Biotech Start-Up Webinar Recordings 04/14/2020 Heads are spinning from the many new ways biotech start-ups are being structured. VC's and companies are funding research at universities with the hope that a start-up is formed. Start-up companies are creating new structures to further spin-out start-up companies. And Big Pharma and biotechs are putting together interesting deals. Due to growing interest from faculty and students in starting new companies, universities are increasingly leveraging the research resources to creatively support entrepreneurs and their companies. We'll cover the latest developments, from panelists who view the landscape from different perspectives. We all want our start-ups to be successful. Join this unique online panel to find out how you can help in this constantly changing world.
Novel Models for Licensing of Software, Content and Data Webinar Recordings 06/30/2022
Universities licensing software, content and data must overcome many issues, including providing support services, navigating Unrelated Business Income (UBI) and Private Business Use (PBU), following state laws prohibiting certain commercialization activities, and complying with data privacy laws. This session will explore novel, innovative and validated licensing models that address these challenges. Those new models include partnerships with local subject matter experts to provide service, joint IP development and commercialization models, digital platforms for dissemination, and dual licensing. We'll also cover licensing of clinical data.

Open Innovation Webinar Recordings 10/15/2013 Join us to hear about the open innovation movement sweeping the business world and why it is important for university technology transfer offices to understand and engage with the open innovation community. Learn about the organizations who lead the way in open innovation. A university-based open innovation manager will provide valuable tips and strategies, for technology transfer office leadership and staff, on how to engage with the global open innovation community and how to develop stronger partnerships with industry.
Optimizing Your SBIR/STTR Efforts: Best Practices Webinar Recordings 10/25/2022 This webinar will show you how to overcome the biggest obstacles to building a successful SBIR/STTR program. You'll learn best practices for optimizing your university's SBIR/STTR efforts.

SBIR/STTR program managers will walk away with a roadmap to help staturps find new funding opportunities and line up collaborators/subcontractors for a high-quality application. Plus you'll learn how to streamline your startups' application and submission processes, and improve tracking of your program's metrics.

Partnering with Non-Profit Funders: Research to Commercializ Webinar Recordings 12/05/2019

This session will cover various intellectual property topics relevant for many non-profits and the research institutions that they fund, including: the non-profit funder's approach to intellectual property; the essential elements of the non-profit funder's intellectual property policy; and partnering with the non-profit funder after an invention has been created. The speakers will discuss National Multiple Sclerosis Society's intellectual property policy as it relates to university technology transfer practices and objectives. Dr. Allegretta will provide his organization's insights and experiences, and Dr. Lu will draw from her experience working with numerous other non-profit funders. Dr. Lu will also describe the work of the Non-Profit Funder Research Institution Partnership, a group of research institutions and non-profit funders whose goal is to establish a framework that encourages long-term effective collaborations between their organizations.

Patent Prosecution Strategies Webinar Recordings 09/15/2022 Learn the fundamentals of patent prosecution from the perspective of a university technology transfer office. Join this webinar for a thorough overview of the patent prosecution process and related requirements and timelines. You'll gain an understanding of the best practices to critically evaluate invention disclosures, manage examination of patent application, and administer associated costs. You'll walk away with strategies for managing a portfolio of patent applications and patents with a view towards increasing value and licensees' interest.

Patent Strategy, Litigation and Applicability for Academia Webinar Recordings 11/12/2020

In this webinar, we will walk through the legal considerations surrounding patents, including strategy, litigation and applicability. This is of particular interest to tech transfer offices as universities across the US identify strategies to bring new technologies and products to market, as well as the risks. We will cover why patentability searches are necessary from both a defensive and offensive standpoint and review the intricacies of patent applications and patent analysis. We will review what the road to patentability entails and discuss positioning for patent litigation and the potential scenarios that a university tech transfer group may face.

Patentability Opinions & Prior Art Searches Webinar Recordings 02/01/2015 This webinar will provide an overview of how to authorize a patent law firm's draft, filing patent applications and claims, conducting prior art searches and researching potential intellectual property issues. We will also discuss how to perform patent ability opinions, what's involved in doing so, how long it can take and how much it can cost. All of these are critical functions if the outside firms you utilize are to research and produce IP that you can license.
Patenting 101 Webinar Recordings 01/11/2018

This webinar will address the fundamentals of how to use the patent system to commercialize innovation. We will start with the history and policy behind the patent system. We will then discuss the process and requirements for obtaining a patent, which are important to know when evaluating viability of invention disclosures. Further, we will address strategies for managing a portfolio of pending and granted patents, and for monetizing the portfolio. Finally, we will end with a question and answer section.

Patenting Process in the United States Webinar Recordings 05/01/2012 webinar will provide a brief overview of the different types of intellectual property, what is protected, and for how long. You will learn about the processes and timelines involved in obtaining and defending a U.S. patent. Instructors will also discuss various USPTO actions such as restriction requirements, office actions, notice of missing requirements and more.
Patents for TTOs In View of Recent Case Development Webinar Recordings 07/25/2024
Design patents cover new and nonobvious ornamental designs and can be a relatively quick and relatively easy to obtain. It is a tool available to TTOs that is often overlook or underutilized. In this webinar we will review the basics of what is a design patent, what type items it can protect, how to prepare a design patent, how design patents are found to be infringed under the traditional Gorham v White test, and the new tests on validity in view of LKQ v. GM. We will also discuss open questions on how AI may change the game.
PCT Patent Application Process Explained Start to Finish Webinar Recordings 11/01/2017

This is a recorded session from 2017's IP Compliance Course. Join us to hear the PCT patent application process explained from start to finish! Learn the steps involved in the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) procedure including filing, International Search, International Publication, International Preliminary Examination, National Phase and Granting of Patent.

Plant Variety Protection for Sexually Propagated, Tuber Prop Webinar Recordings 08/05/2020

This webinar will be recorded live on August 5, 2020. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.
The Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (Section 10108) recently amended the Plant Variety Protection Act to include protection of asexually reproduced varieties. This webinar will give an overview of the US Department of Agriculture Plant Variety Protection Office (PVPO) and describe the application, examination, and certificate issuance processes for sexually propagated, tuber propagated and asexually reproduced varieties The webinar will also explain how to register for, and use, the PVPO electronic application system (ePVP) - an application management system that provides a seamless interface between customers and PVPO, from application submission and amendment, fee payment, application examination, to correspondence with PVPO staff. PVPO's relationship with the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) will be discussed including clarification and guidance for submitting a complete application, and the PVPO process of examining Distinctness, Uniformity, and Stability.

Policymakers and Technology Transfer Webinar Recordings 07/01/2014 This webinar benefits all technology transfer professionals as well as policy and federal relations representatives. Decisions made by Congress and the policy and federal relations office have enormous impact on you and your technology transfer activities. Which federal actions should be on your radar? Which policies hinder or help your operations? Tune into this webinar to hear the legislative and policy initiatives most likely to affect your technology transfer office.
Post-Contract Monitoring Webinar Recordings 08/15/2017

This webinar will provide an introduction to the fundamentals of monitoring of executed license agreements. We will discuss why the deal is not done once the agreement is signed, key terms to monitor and how to set up a monitoring program. We will also discuss strategies for addressing non-compliance.

Post-Grant Proceedings Under the AIA Webinar Recordings 03/15/2014 Our panel will walk you through the issues associated with a new proceeding (as of September 16, 2012) that allows parties to challenge the validity of an issued patent before the United State Patent and Trademark Office. These proceedings include Inter Partes Review (IPR), The Transitional Program for Covered Business Methods (CBMs), Post-Grant Review (PGR) and Ex Parte Reexamination and have gained popularity over the last few months. To date, over 550 Petitions for Inter Partes Review have been filed. The majority of the Petitions filed to date, have been filed by Defendants in a patent infringement action. This fact has led many universities to ignore these new proceedings, as they are typically not practicing entities and many state-run technology transfer licensing programs enjoy the benefit of immunity based on 11th Amendment grounds. However, the universities are still the owners of many patents that are licensed to practicing entities and universities have begun venturing out to enforce patents they own against infringers. These actions open the door to being brought into one of the new proceedings and immunity under the 11th Amendment does not appear to be an easy escape route. In fact, to date we have seen The University of Illinois, The Board of Regents of the University of Michigan, The Trustees of Colombia University, and The University of Rochester become forced parties to IPR proceedings. Join us to learn more!
Presenting for Impact: AUTM Presenter Training Webinar Recordings 05/22/2023 As an AUTM Presenter for an Educational Course, Meeting Online Training, you have complimentary access to Presenting for Impact. These short tutorials are designed to help you have a solid understanding of how to create educationally effective presentation.

Presenting for Impact is a presentation skills training program that provides approximately 50 minutes of recorded content (broken into sections no more than 16 minutes) along with exercises and supplemental resources to help presenters deliver more impactful learning experiences—ones that effectively support a learner’s ability to gain and apply new knowledge or skills.

Designed to be used during presentation development, the course explores key takeaways from the science of adult learning (andragogy), highlighting methods that support learning and those that hinder it. It offers practical tips and strategies that can be integrated into presentations of any kind.
Prioritizing Your IP Portfolio Webinar Recordings 06/06/2018

Do your technology managers have overwhelming caseloads? Are patent costs outpacing growth in licensing revenues? Are departments underreporting new inventions given their research dollars? This session will present best practices in getting the IP portfolio under control, which in turn increases staff productivity, minimizes patent costs, and positions the TTO to achieve greater success. Drawing on the real-world experiences at several universities, the panellists will share their successful strategies to optimize the IP portfolio. Examples will illustrate how these strategies helped TTO staff focus on high-potential innovations; achieved substantial cost savings by eliminating unproductive patents; and revealed the portfolio’s strengths, weaknesses, and overall strategic value. Presenters will provide advice on how to plan for strategically examining every technology in the IP portfolio. This session is ideal for TTOs with a backlogged/legacy portfolio of unprocessed disclosures as well as for those where ongoing operations need a boost in efficiency and/or effectiveness.

Products of Nature Webinar Recordings 10/17/2017

Post-Ariosa, the district courts and the Federal Circuit have increasingly used this decision to justify application of the Mayo/Alice rule to deny the patentability of claims directed to diagnostic methods and products of nature. Apart from the CellzDirect decision, which was characterized as a new method of making freeze/thaw resistant cells, the Court has been resistant to allowing diagnostic claims that arise from the discovery of a naturally occurring correlations. In Meriel, and in Cleveland Clinic, the diagnostic conclusions were dismissed as being no more than natural phenomenon, detected and evaluated using "routine steps". The court has reiterated that the "inventive concept" required by the Mayo/Alice Rule cannot be provided by recognition of the importance of a natural correlation, even while recognizing that the rule renders many important advances in diagnostic medicine patent-ineligible. At least one district court has held that claims to unit dosage forms of naturally occurring compounds, such as vitamins, are patent-ineligible attempts to claim natural products. While the Patent Office continues to allow method of treatment claims, it may not be long before the Federal Circuit takes another look at Myriad and bans these claims as well.

Project Management for Multi-Party Consortia Grants Webinar Recordings 08/30/2023

This webinar will be recorded live on August 30, 2023. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

Pursuing and successful managing complex multi-party grant awards, such as NSF ART, NSF Engine, EDA Tech Hub, NIH REACH, and others, requires project management best practices to coordinate transdisciplinary teams for productive outcomes. Project management is not just "being organized", but instead is a professionally certified set of skills, knowledge and practices that should be employed with fidelity. It is important for technology transfer offices and related ecosystem partners to understand project management, as research universities are increasingly investing in this capability. This includes learning how it is uniquely applied to the grant proposal team building, concept buy-in, proposal drafting, pre-award management, and post-award management processes.

Promote Your TTO More Effectively Webinar Recordings 08/13/2024

This webinar will be recorded live on August 13, 2024. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

Use better communications techniques to make your tech transfer successes resonate across the university and beyond. Join this webinar to learn journalism and storytelling techniques that grab the audience and make them want to learn more. This webinar, hosted by a Better World Project (BWP) committee member and communications professional, will use the BWP submission process as a template for teaching powerful frameworks and practical advice. Come out of the webinar ready to submit an amazing BWP application. More broadly, you’ll be ready to gain the awareness and recognition your TTO deserves.

Promoting Inclusivity and Diversity in Patenting and Innovat Webinar Recordings 05/05/2020

This webinar for technology transfer offices and general AUTM membership will focus on raising awareness of intellectual property's role in an innovation economy, and the importance of inclusivity and diversity in patenting and innovation. The webinar will feature Dr. Andrew Toole, Chief Economist at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), in a discussion covering relevant USPTO experiences.<

Promoting Partnerships Through Technology Showcases Webinar Recordings 11/01/2018

Technology showcases can be strong vehicles for creating new partnerships and opportunities between researchers and potential investors and funders. This session will focus on the basics, such as picking the best format, arranging logistics, promotion, and running a successful event. Topics will include determining your audience, experiences hosting showcases singly and with other partner universities, arranging partnering meetings, accommodating special requests and more. We will also discuss lessons learned. Attendees will leave better informed about deciding whether to host a showcase of their own.

Protecting Trade Secrets Disclosed to the FDA Webinar Recordings 11/04/2020

There are advantages and disadvantages of keeping your research tools and methods for producing biological and pharmaceutical materials a trade secret. Recently, the FDA Commissioner considered a plan for increased transparency, which may destroy the required confidentiality to maintain a trade secret. We will provide a short primer on trade secret law including the Uniform Trade Secrets Act and the Defense of Trade Secrets Act, and lead a discussion on policies and procedures to protect the trade secrets disclosed to the FDA.

Provisional Patent Applications for Large & Small Molecules Webinar Recordings 03/15/2023

This webinar was recorded live on March 15, 2023. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. br/>
Provisional filings are typically a low bar for most technology transfer offices. They provide an important "date stamp" for priority and also provide a year within which to scope the market opportunity for the technology. This session will explore the use of provisional filings and the advantages and pitfalls to consider while utilizing this mechanism for IP protection.

Pulling Back the Curtain on Deep Tech Due Diligence Webinar Recordings 12/13/2023

This webinar will be recorded live on December 13 2023. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

How do venture capitalists choose which deep tech ideas to build? This webinar will spotlight how VCs think about product-market fit. Learn how they stress test technologies and validate the cutting-edge ideas that will define the future..

Regional IDeA Hubs for Biomedical Tech Transfer Acceleration Webinar Recordings

Seeing the robust potential of biomedical technologies, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) created a grant for Institutional Development Award (IDeA) state institutions called the IDeA Regional Technology Transfer Accelerator Hub Awards. NIH created four regional "hubs": Central, Northeast, Southeast and Western. The hubs provide entrepreneurship and commercialization training focused on health technology transfer best practices, and tools to advance biomedical technologies in states often overlooked by investors and partners. Each hub is led by a private small business that collaborates with a consortium of universities. In this session, we'll discuss the larger IDeA project, what's to come, and how universities and partners can get involved. We'll also present ideas, platforms and marketplaces being developed to access this untapped base of technologies.

Reporting Inventions to Veterans Affairs Webinar Recordings 05/08/2019

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) employs more than five thousand clinicians and investigators conducting research activities, the majority of which are dually appointed at an academic affiliate. We will discuss how to report inventions when an inventor holds an appointment with the VA and how this might differ from other federal agencies. The presentation will provide background of the VA Technology Transfer Program and short-term goals.

Research Impact Design Webinar Recordings 01/12/2023

This webinar was recorded live on January 12, 2023. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date.

What is Research Impact Design? Do our funders, universities, and researchers care about it? There is a remarkable swing in the federal government's focus on increasing research impact with commitments to tremendous use-inspired funding opportunities. So, what can Tech Transfer do about it? Pre-Transfer Innovation Training. Join this webinar to learn how the University of Kentucky's UK Innovate is leveraging its new Micro-Certification for faculty and graduate student researchers to enhance research impact design.

Researcher Liaisons for TTOs: A Valuable Partnership Webinar Recordings 06/15/2021

Successful technology transfer programs depend upon close collaborations between the tech transfer office (TTO) and researchers. Building and maintaining these collaborations can be challenging, particularly if an organization has many more researchers than TTO staff. To expand the reach and impact of its TTOs, the U.S. Dept. of Energy trialed a “Technology Transfer Researcher Liaison” project. The trained Liaisons served as embedded technology scouts, local subject matter experts, and TTO ambassadors. Join us at this session to hear about the lessons learned from the trial, and suggestions you can implement in your TTO to recruit liaisons, assess their impact, and replicate this program.

Royalties & Relationships: Keep Current,Complete L Webinar Recordings 12/01/2013 No news is good news, right? With resources tight and metrics based on finalizing the next license, many licensors are challenged to examine how licensees are complying with the financial terms of agreements signed years ago. Some licensors are even wary to open a conversation on the subject with their Licensee. A staggering 89% of license royalty audits reveal underpayments and therefore the relationships are worthy of your time and interest. Understand the most common royalty calculation errors and our tips to effectively manage your licensee relationships to enhance reporting and collections while maintaining a professional and mutually respectful position.
Royalty Monetization:Trends & Best Practice Webinar Recordings 03/01/2014 Practitioners who want to have a refresher and learn more about current trends and best practices in royalty monetization. Royalty monetization is a "hot topic" in the technology transfer business. Yet, you may be surprised to learn that many monetizations' today aren't "one price" total monetizations'. Hybrid approaches abound, and the landscape is definitely changing. Knowing how this process can work for you, your university, and your inventors is essential in today's fast-paced market full of opportunities for innovation. Whether you want to get your feet wet in this important area or brush up your knowledge with cutting-edge trends and best practices, this webinar is for you!
Running Effective Internship Programs Webinar Recordings 09/01/2016

Interns can be a valuable asset to the technology transfer office, but who do you hire? How do you train them? How you use them determines just how valuable that asset can be. To run an effective internship program, you must know what you want and expect - and you must communicate those expectations to your interns clearly. What tasks in your office might be handled by interns in such a way to make your workload lighter but also add to their education and understanding of the technology transfer industry? Whether you are considering beginning an internship program or are in the throes of managing one, this webinar will offer you the tips and tools for creating a successful program or making yours even better!

Safe & Successful Transitions: Returning to In-Person TTOs Webinar Recordings 04/14/2021 Some schools, labs and organizations have resumed in-person work months ago. Some have just begun to phase it in. And some are in planning mode. This webinar provides cutting-edge knowledge and tangible guidance from tech transfer experts on how TTOs, labs and commercialization outfits can transition back to in-person office operations while maintaining successful work on innovations and partnerships.

SBIR/STTR: What University Staff Should Know Webinar Recordings 08/20/2019

Universities and other nonprofit research institutions continue to face challenges finding funding and technology development opportunities for their organizations. Partnering with small businesses can generate synergies for leveraging greater opportunities, especially when technology managers take the helm to navigate their university and researchers to a successful collaboration. The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs, also known as America's Seed Fund, are some of the largest sources of early-stage capital for technology commercialization in the US. These programs allow US-owned and operated small businesses to engage in federal research and development that has a strong potential for commercialization. These funds are specific budget set-asides reserved for small business research, but universities and nonprofit research institutions can partner with a small business to access these funds as sub-awardees. Under the SBIR program, universities and nonprofit research institutions usually play key roles as collaborators for small businesses, while under the STTR program, the small businesses must formally collaborate with a university or nonprofit research institution to qualify for the funding opportunity. In addition to access to these funds, the SBIR and STTR programs can also provide technology development and licensing opportunities for university-owned technologies. In this session, we'll discuss how for universities, it can be a win-win for those knowing what's available and how to proactively engage for the institution and its researchers.

Show Me The Money: Strategies to get Licensees to Pay Up! Webinar Recordings 11/01/2017

This is a recorded session from 2017's Agreeement Maintenance Course.Getting an executed license is very important to a TTO, but it is just the beginning! The TTO still has to manage that deal for the life of the agreement and ensure the university is getting the full benefit of the deal. This can be a major undertaking as your portfolio of licenses grows. This session will cover some of the common issues that arise during license management and provide helpful solutions and suggestions. Key examples will be given that can be shared with licensing personnel in order for them to negotiate future licenses with terms that support strategies to get licensees to pay up! We will also discuss the processes relating to handling delinquent accounts, default letters, termination letters as well as write-off requests.

Small TTO: Making a Little Go a Long Way Webinar Recordings 06/15/2013 Our speakers will explore effective practices of small technology transfer offices (TTO), and explain how every office can learn from their experiences. Topics discussed will include: What does it take to start a TTO? Why establish a TTO at a university that has limited research funding, or no medical or engineering school? What is the investment required, and when (if ever) might the office become self-supporting? Should it try to become self-supporting? What commercialization opportunities have smaller offices discovered that larger offices may be overlooking? What are the new models for providing shared resources to emerging TTOs? Join us for this enlightening conversation.
Sneak Preview!! AUTM University: Operations and Compliance Webinar Recordings 08/20/2024

This webinar will be recorded live on August 20, 2024. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

Join us to take an early look at content from the upcoming AUTM Operations and Compliance Course being offered at the 2024 AUTM University in Portland, OR. This exceptional course is three courses in one and offers content appropriate for all experience levels. With content relating to operations basics and advanced topics in compliance, agreements, and finance, including a National Institute of Standards and Technology iEdison update, third-party ownership considerations and data management, everyone is guaranteed to learn something to take back to their own TTO! Please plan to join us for this session as well as the full AUTM University Course October 21-23 in Portland!

Sneak Preview: AUTM Valuation Course in San Diego! Webinar Recordings 02/05/2024

This webinar will be recorded live on February 5, 2024. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

Join us to take an early look at some of the content from the upcoming AUTM Valuation Course to be given at the 2024 Annual Meeting in San Diego. This session will guide you through the "Creating Value" module of the course and help you better understand your licensee's business model and key success factors as well as how certain aspects may affect the license terms and negotiation. With this "Creating Value" session, you will be off to an excellent start in understanding: " Long Tail of IP Value " Value of IP to the University " Value of IP to the Licensee " What to Know Before you Negotiate a License " Factors that Affect Value of a Potential License " Startup or Established Company? " Running Royalties " Royalty Base

Social Media:Implement & Eval Social Media Strategy Webinar Recordings 05/01/2013 When it comes to the use of social media in technology transfer, University of Virginia Innovation and Johns Hopkins Technology Transfer are among a handful of institutions leading the way. Learn how these offices manage networks on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Google+ and even Pinterest - and how they assess the impact of their campaigns using a suite of free analytical tools. In this webinar, JHTT's Montserrat Capdevila and U.Va. Innovation's Morgan E. Estabrook, APR, will go beyond the basics with screenshots designed to guide you step by step through the implementation and evaluation of your social media strategy.
Software Licensing: Not Your Traditional University Deal Webinar Recordings 10/08/2020

In this session, we'll focus on some of the unique terms in licenses for software, particularly in contrast to those found in biotechnology and pharmaceutical transactions, which are common for universities. We will include a discussion on the intellectual property rights that apply to software and how they can affect the rights granted, among other aspects of the license agreement. We will also highlight how most software is created, including the frequent use of Open Source Software, which impacts due diligence by licensees and the terms they expect to see in a license agreement.

Sponsored Research Partnerships: Working with the DOE Webinar Recordings 04/05/2022
You want to move your research forward but collaborating with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) National Laboratories can sometimes be a bit of a mystery. Join this webinar to understand how to unlock the unique expertise at these 17 state-of-the-art research facilities.

The discussion will be led by Diane Hart, Manager of the Sponsored Research Office at DOE’s Argonne National Laboratory, and David Zimmerman, who recently transitioned from the university environment into a national laboratory. They will cover topics including: Overview of opportunities available within the national laboratory complex; How to work effectively with a Federally Funded Research and Development Facility; The many ways to collaborate with national labs; National labs’ focus on technology transfer; and key points you need to know about sponsored research partnerships and other engagements.

Spotlight Session: Blockchain, NFTs and Universities Webinar Recordings 07/15/2022 Since the beginning of 2021, the market has seen a resurgence of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. This once nascent market is now booming, with new "coins" and "tokens" being developed everyday. The use of non-fungible tokens (or NFTs) has also become popular for tracking and monetizing ownership interests in artwork, music, audio visual files, and tickets. Join this session for a ground floor explanation of these technologies, how they can be used, and examples of actual projects.

Attendees will watch the recording of a presentation from the 2022 Annual Meeting. After the presentation, the panelists will join live for a dynamic question and answer session. The presentation and the Live Q&A will be included in this recording.

Spotlight Session: Entrepreneurship and Express Licenses Webinar Recordings 07/22/2022 Many university faculty members are interested in doing startups and often ask technology transfer offices for assistance. To maintain and encourage entrepreneurship on campus, universities offer favorable terms to the faculty startup using express licenses. Equity, royalties and patent reimbursement are typically included. In this session, panelists will discuss how universities are using these licenses, covering the difference in licensing terms between state and private universities, life sciences and physical sciences, and touching on those who do not offer such licenses.

Attendees will watch the recording of a presentation from the 2022 Annual Meeting. After the presentation, the panelists will join live for a dynamic question and answer session. The presentation and the Live Q&A will be included in this recording.

Spotlight Session: Get the Latest on Tech Transfer Advocacy Webinar Recordings 10/28/2022

This Spotlight Session will be recorded live on October 28, 2022. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

The past couple years have been remarkable in many ways — including that we heard more about the policies that guide the tech transfer profession from policymakers and the press. Attention is good, and a world-wide pandemic has given us opportunities to spread the word on how science and business can come together to quickly develop vaccines. A societal reckoning with diversity and equity is also amplifying our voices when we talk about eliminating demographic gaps in entrepreneurship and patenting.

Attendees will watch the recording of a presentation from the 2022 Annual Meeting. After the presentation, the panelists will join live for a dynamic question and answer session. The presentation and the Live Q&A will be included in this recording.

Spotlight Session: Non-Patented Software Innovations Webinar Recordings 11/04/2022

This Spotlight Session will be recorded live on November 4, 2022. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

This session brings together industry and academic thought leaders to discuss best practices and experiences around commercialization of non-patented software innovations. Join us to learn how to evaluate the innovations, support startups based on them and structure agreements to extract the maximum value.

Attendees will watch the recording of a presentation from the 2022 Annual Meeting. After the presentation, the panelists will join live for a dynamic question and answer session. The presentation and the Live Q&A will be included in this recording.

Staffing Your TTO: Hiring Trends in University Tech Transfer Webinar Recordings 08/10/2022

Finding the uniquely qualified talent to join your technology transfer office is very hard — especially today. Join us to discuss career growth, alternative careers, visa issues, deal sheets, networking events, the importance of getting involved in AUTM.

State Sovereign Immunity and IPRs: What State Universities Webinar Recordings 07/24/2018

Recent decisions from the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) have found that state sovereign immunity protects state entities from inter partes reviews (IPRs), but that a state entity waives its immunity before the PTAB if it has asserted the challenged patent in litigation. The waiver issue is currently before the Federal Circuit in appeals.

In this session, attorneys directly involved in past and current litigation on this subject, as well as panelists from state university tech transfer offices, will discuss the consequences of these decisions for both state universities and others who are patent owners, and those looking to license patents or partner with state institutions. We will discuss the factor to consider when deciding whether an entity is entitled to sovereign immunity and suggest how university entities and private businesses can structure agreements that take advantage of sovereign immunity, while balancing other business issues.

Storytelling for Impact Webinar Recordings 06/13/2023

This webinar will be recorded live on June 13, 2023. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

The need to demonstrate the impact and value of technology transfer through compelling stories emerged as a recurring theme. However, distilling often complex information into narratives and delivering engaging, accessible stories in high-stakes situations can be a challenge, particularly for those unfamiliar with storytelling techniques.

This webinar will include practical case studies to illustrate the strategies available, highlight a successful use of storytelling and also storytelling pitfalls to avoid, so you can quickly harness and apply the power of storytelling in your own work.

Strategies & Programs for De-Risking Medical Device Commerci Webinar Recordings 08/01/2019

Bringing a new medical device to market can be an expensive and time-consuming process fraught with risk. This webinar will provide you with a better understanding of the process and challenges of commercializing medical device technologies. We will address, among other topics, the general regulatory processes, market risks and technology risks.

Strategies for Fostering Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Webinar Recordings 05/23/2024

This webinar will be recorded live on May 23, 2024. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

US academic institutions are facing significant challenges with respect to equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in view of the US Supreme Court's ban on affirmative action and the passage by several states of laws restricting EDI activities. This webinar will explore the current legal landscape for EDI as it relates to US academic institutions and will provide practical strategies and tips for how TTOs continue their EDI efforts.

Strategies for the European Unitary Patent Webinar Recordings 09/19/2017

The coming into force of the Unitary Patent will be a landmark moment in European Law. The Unitary Patent has the power to revolutionize European patent filing strategy. It's been many years in the making, but it is likely to arrive in Spring 2018, and will apply to all European Patent applications pending at that date. Now is the time to consider how this new option can be used as part of your patent filing strategy. This talk will cover ways to make the most of the Unitary Patent, with a particular emphasis on how it can work with common University commercialization models.

Strategies to Get Licensees to Pay Webinar Recordings 11/01/2012 Getting an executed license is very important to a technology transfer office but it is just the beginning! The technology transfer office still has to manage that deal for the life of the agreement and ensure the university is getting the full benefit of the deal. This can be a major undertaking as your portfolio of licenses grows. This session will cover some of the common issues that arise during license management and provide helpful solutions and suggestions.
Strategies to Remotely Manage Your Team Webinar Recordings 04/02/2020 Recent events have pushed most teams to dive headfirst into working remotely, ready or not. Join us for an interactive roundtable-style webinar where we will discuss common issues that arise when diving into remote work, best practices on how your team can adapt, and tips for managing from a distance. Our speakers will present their tips and tricks, and then we will open up the Q&A for a roundtable-style discussion.
Structuring Equity License Transactions for Success Webinar Recordings 09/18/2018 With the heightened attention of senior academic administrators on economic development and fostering innovation ecosystems, academic technology transfer organizations are increasingly focusing their commercialization activities on identifying, qualifying, incubating, accelerating, and financing start-up ventures. This top-down pressure is aligned with bottom-up pressure from faculty researchers who are interested in the impact of their discoveries and want to commercialize them through start-ups. Technology managers are now thrust into new roles beyond positioning the licensed technology to become part of a commercially successful product in a thriving company. To achieve these goals, technology managers and other licensing executives need to: understand the most critical economic terms that should be included in equity documents, consider alternative deal structures to improve the probability for success, and build a deal structure that facilitates - not impedes - an exit opportunity for each equity position. This session will provide attendees with the tools they need to improve their skills in structuring equity license transactions.

Sub-licensing: Horror Scenarios & How to Avoid Them Webinar Recordings 09/14/2023

This webinar will be recorded live on September 14, 2023. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

Sub-licensing seems to be an aspect of licensing strategies that is sometimes neglected, yet varying sub-license terms can have a dramatic effect on the royalty returns to the licensor and even a licensee's ability to commercialize technology. This webinar will cover situations where sub-licensing considerations become important, key financial clauses and their effects, negotiation positions and other key considerations, including which elements are desirable to flow down into the sub-license.

Sublicensing Income: The Words Still Really Matter Webinar Recordings 12/17/2019

This is a topic for university technology transfer professionals and legal counsel who must think about how to structure license agreements, including sublicensing income provisions, years before an invention may generate income. How an agreement defines sublicense income can determine whether a university receives millions of dollars. This webinar will focus on arguments made in court, how they were received, and how certain provisions create incentives for licensees to avoid paying sublicensing income. You will learn about how specific contract language has been interpreted in the courtroom and about the importance of the license's words. Panelists will also provide their experiences and real-world practical insights into sublicensing income clauses.

Tailoring Your AI Tools for Tech Transfer Transformation Webinar Recordings 05/02/2024

This webinar will be recorded live on May 2, 2024. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

This webinar explores customizing AI tools to better support your unique tech transfer processes and goals. Join experts as they guide you through AI integration for market analysis, lead generation, partnership cultivation, and commercialization strategies.

Talent to Technology: Is Entrepreneur Talent the New Patent Webinar Recordings 04/23/2019

As the number of start-ups spun-out of universities increases, so does the rate at which university start-ups fail. Universities that don't find themselves ensconced in entrepreneurial talent-rich pools like Silicon Valley and New York City likely have a problem: the scope of their institution's research is broader than the immediately accessible talent pool of willing entrepreneurs ready to take management roles of start-ups. Further, a majority of their entrepreneurial faculty may not intend to take entrepreneurial leave or take on a full-time start-up executive management role. The answer lies in increasing access to would-be entrepreneurial executives and more acutely matching their experience with start-ups.

Tech Start Up licensing Issues Webinar Recordings 06/04/2024

This webinar will be recorded live on June 4, 2024. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

Any university technology license presents challenges, but licenses to technology start-ups present their own unique challenges. This session will cover the fundamentals in how an institution approaches the structure and contractual provisions of a technology start-up license and will discuss how the university can manage critical issues and traps that arise in such agreements. The session will also discuss some of the current pressures the technology start-ups are concerned with, and the likely push backs to except from technology start-ups and their investors and approaches in how institutions can manage issues. Topics to be discussed include due diligence approaches to licensees, approaches in setting and managing milestones, understanding traps in affiliate, sublicensing and subcontracting arrangements, and other issues.

Tech Transfer Finance: A Beginner's Course Webinar Recordings 01/09/2020

This session provides a high-level overview of the most important issues for anyone new to tech transfer finance. Topics include types of financial accounts, tax burdens, revenue and reimbursements. Also covers strategies for tracking and managing equity, ensuring transactions are accurately reflected by the Finance Office, stumbling blocks that arise when corrections are required, and methods of finding specific transactions in your electronic records or those of your institution.

Tech Transfer In The Crosshairs: How To Help Your Webinar Recordings 04/02/2016

This session is designed to update tech transfer offices on the many issues facing AUTM in DC, both legislatively and through agency regulations. The goal of the session is to arm tech transfer offices with information about ongoing issues so that they can in turn be helpful to their university government relations officers in making the case for tech transfer.

Technology Transfer Fellowships: Harnessing Today's Talent Webinar Recordings 05/18/2021

The technology transfer process of novel technologies can be complex. It requires professionals with a diverse range of qualities and skills to guide innovations further along their development pathway. In the life sciences, skilled tech transfer professionals are highly sought after; however, there is still no clear path into these tech transfer field.

Tech transfer fellowship programs provide just that. These new programs are in demand and offer a combination of education, mentorship, support and practical experience for graduates and postgraduates looking for structured routes.

In this webinar, past and present fellows from the AUTM Foundation and LifeArc-AUTM technology transfer fellowship programs, outline the value of fellows to an office or department, the benefit of such programs and provide insight into how technology transfer offices can prepare to receive a fellow graduate.

Technology Transfer: A Global Perspective Webinar Recordings 02/22/2021

The global nature of technology transfer has never been more apparent, demonstrated most recently by the collaborative effort from all sectors to address COVID. As we continue to expand our global connections, an experienced global panel will share insights into tech transfer global practices and cultures. The focus will be on key technology transfer topics and how technology transfer professionals around the world are addressing them.

Tenure and Promotion Trends: Current Initiatives Webinar Recordings 04/21/2020

Five years ago, the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU) issued a report calling on its member institutions to include technology transfer, innovation and entrepreneurship accomplishments in the tenure and promotion (T&P) review process. At that time, APLU had identified 40 institutions that considered tech transfer activities in making T&P decisions. Since then, even more universities - public and private - have included patents, industry-sponsored research and other related activities in T&P criteria. This session will examine the impact of those initiatives by discussing multiple perspectives (including the faculty viewpoint) on metrics and the effectiveness of influencing those metrics with the inclusion of tech transfer activities in the T&P criteria. Panelists will share their policies as well as the techniques used to achieve a shift in culture. You'll gain insights on the latest trends and best practices in tech transfer T&P efforts, which will help you establish effective policies and practices at your home institution. Panelists will include both technology transfer and faculty personnel involved with leading T&P decisions for their departments and schools.

The ABC's of the NSF I-Corps Program Webinar Recordings 08/28/2018

The National Science Foundation (NSF) I-Corps program prepares scientists and engineers to extend their focus beyond the university laboratory and accelerates the economic and societal benefits of NSF-funded, basic-research projects that are ready to move toward commercialization. Through I-Corps, NSF grantees learn to identify valuable product opportunities that can emerge from academic research, and gain skills in entrepreneurship through training in customer discovery and guidance from established entrepreneurs. In this webinar, we'll explore how universities can join the National Innovation Network by becoming I-Corps Sites or Nodes, and how academic researchers can take advantage of the $50,000 I-Corps Teams grant and training program.

The Absolute Essentials of Bayh-Dole Compliance Webinar Recordings 04/01/2016

We all know what an important job reporting federally funded inventions is and many administrators have no idea how the job gets completed, they just expect it to be done. Are you the person responsible for Bayh-Dole Compliance in your office? Have you documented all of the steps involved in doing so just in case something bad happens that someone else can fill in and handle this extremely important job? Do you have other colleagues you could reach out to for help answering questions if you needed to? Most people think it won’t happen to them personally but come join us and hear from experience why and how others had to determine and document the absolute essentials of basic Bayh-Dole compliance for their office, a session you won’t want to miss!

The AI Enabled TTO Webinar Recordings 03/21/2024 This session will address how AI can be harnessed by Tech Transfer Offices (TTOs) to enhance the efficiency and efficacy of TTO workflows. A critical exploration of AI's role in automating routine tasks will follow, liberating TTO professionals from administrative burdens and enabling them to redirect their expertise towards strategic endeavors. Examples will be provided and queries shared with the audience. The lecture will delve into the potential of AI-driven tools in market trend analysis, competitor assessment, the valuation of intellectual assets, and compliance, presenting a compelling case for expedited decision-making and resource optimization particularly for small offices. Panelists will discuss the development and refinement of AI based tools at NYU, and how adopting these technologies from scratch took shape.
The Basics of Cooperative Research and Development Agreement Webinar Recordings 07/08/2020

Cooperative Research and Development Agreements or CRADAs are the principal mechanism used by federal labs to collaborate with non-federal entities. Universities have entered into thousands of successful research collaborations with federal labs in almost every area of science and engineering. CRADAs fall outside the usual government procurement and grants rules and regulations. This webinar will provide a basic overview of what CRADAs are and can do for you.

The Basics of Technology Transfer Webinar Recordings 07/20/2014 This free webinar is designed for those new to tech transfer and will help you hit the ground running by providing an introduction to the basics of technology transfer and intellectual property. This will include an overview of policy, compliance, intellectual property and tech transfer related agreements, terms and forms.
The Cyber Threat Landscape Webinar Recordings 08/27/2020

This webinar will be recorded on August 27, 2020 and will be available within 30 days of the live event. You may pre-order the webinar now.
This webinar will cover the FBI's role in cyber investigations and discuss current national security cyber threats. Join Supervisory Special Agent Lazaro Andino as he discusses the FBI's perspective on why cyber intrusions are so prevalent. He will cover the recently publicized indictment against the Chinese state-sponsored hackers and its implications, as well as mitigation techniques. We'll wrap up with an open Q&A Session. You may submit questions in advance by email to [email protected], or ask questions during the live event.

The Economics of Innovation Webinar Recordings 09/11/2018

Innovation is the primary driver in each of the sectors that impact our lives - the economy, health, energy and security. The problem is that today, roughly 4 percent more IP is stolen than gets licensed; this theft amounts to $1 trillion p.a. in the U.S. alone. Meanwhile, 30 percent of all R&D is wasted reinventing what someone else has already discovered. While there is very little management of IP (less than 5 percent of organizations use any kind of IP management tool), there is even less agreement on the best practices for managing IP. In this session, we'll discuss best practices - gleaned from several hundred professionals in the field - and how performance improvements can be made in universities.

The European Unitary Patent System: The Risks and Benefits Webinar Recordings 09/20/2023

The new European Unitary Patent system is open for business, which means universities now have a choice when it comes to filing patent applications in Europe: as a unitary patent valid in most European nations, as a traditional patent valid in a specific nation or a combination of the two approaches. The unitary patent system is intended to harmonize national laws, reduce costs, and encourage European innovation, but benefits coincide with risks in the new patent landscape. For patent owners, it is essential to have a basic understanding of the new unitary system and the new Unified Patent Court (UPC).

The How To for Improving Tech Tran Legal-Audio Only Webinar Recordings 09/01/2015

One of the most difficult tasks related to technology transfer is managing and controlling patent expenditure. We really don't like surprises! There are various methods that can be utilized to help TTOS with this process, such as implementing good habits with service providers, requesting estimates and setting caps for commissioned work. Service Level Agreements can also help to formalize this process. We will also discuss some practical ways to simplify and improve the legal invoice review process to allow case managers to focus on licensing rather than being bogged down reviewing legal expenses. We anticipate that each attendee will leave with fresh ideas on how to improve this process in their own institution. (Audio Only)

The Impact of Covid-19 on Intellectual Property Webinar Recordings 12/15/2020

This session will explore how Covid-19 has impacted patent law and other areas of intellectual property. We will review changes in United States Patent and Trademark Office practices and the various technologies that were filed using the accelerated examination procedure which was established in response to the pandemic. Some of the technologies we'll discuss include diagnostic methods for detecting the virus and treatments.

The New Bayh-Dole Rules: What They Are, What They Mean Webinar Recordings 04/27/2018

Join your fellow AUTM members to learn more about the new regulations recently issued (going into effect May 14) by the National Institutes of Standards and Technology, which governs the implementation of the Bayh-Dole Act. In this webinar, you will get up-to-speed on key issues and learn how your office may need to adapt to new rules for handling technologies created in your labs. This is a "must" for tech transfer personnel focused on compliance.

The New Bayh-Dole Rules: What They Are, What They Mean Webinar Recordings 05/08/2018

Join your fellow AUTM members to learn more about the new regulations recently issued (effective May 14) by the National Institutes of Standards and Technology, which governs the implementation of the Bayh-Dole Act. In this webinar, you will get up-to-speed on key issues and learn how your office may need to adapt to new rules for handling technologies created in your labs. This is a "must" for tech transfer personnel focused on compliance.

The Nexus of Sponsored Research and Tech Transfer Webinar Recordings 05/01/2016

A panel discussion on issues like effective communication between sponsored research (SR), intellectual property (IP) and technology transfer offices (TTO's). Experts discuss some of the similarities and differences between IP, SR and TTO's. Learn more about these topics.

The PCT Patent Application Process Explained Webinar Recordings 07/20/2013 The webinar is designed for university technology managers and their staff who are involved in the preparation and filing of patent applications, and who need a basic understanding of how the PCT works.
The Top Three Practices Preventing Your Office’s Success Webinar Recordings 09/08/2021

Three practices may be preventing your Technology Transfer Office from achieving greater success rates. The session will focus on potential solutions to these top three areas by:
  • Discussing and critiquing your project management resource allocation, or, "why you never get to do as many deals as you want"
  • Understanding and developing your Innovation Community
  • Assessing alignment of TTO and institution activities, and the importance of reputation management to both.
The True Value of Startup Equity Webinar Recordings 11/15/2023

This webinar will be recorde live on November 15, 2023. the recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

A key term negotiated in licenses with startups/spinouts is the equity granted to the university. This equity typically is granted in lieu of significant upfront license fees and/or in recognition of the university's contributions to the principal investigator or the intellectual property (IP). The amount of equity varies depending on factors that may include the type of IP, antidilution provisions and ongoing support to be provided by the university. This panel discussion will provide national and international perspectives from tech transfer offices and from venture capital investors. The panel will also explore different equity models and the "true value" of equity in different scenarios.

The U.S. Patent App Process - From Start to Finish Webinar Recordings 06/01/2013 Join us to learn or enhance your understanding of the U.S. patent application process from start to finish. We will discuss all of the steps taken to obtain a U.S. patent including the preliminary patentability search to drafting the patent application. As well as an overview of each part of the application (abstract, drawings, summary, claims, etc.). We will also discuss what the Declaration signed by the inventors' entails and the long process of what happens after the patent application is filed and the documentation received throughout that process. We will also explore what happens once the patent is allowed and what recourse you have if your patent application claims are not allowed. Learn about the term of the patent and how priority dates affect the term. Lastly we will discuss the actions required to track deadlines to keep the patent in force once it's granted, what patent attorneys need from your institution to do so, and what recourse you have if one of these deadlines is missed. You will leave with a much clearer understanding of the U.S. patent application process and the steps taken to obtain and maintain a U.S. patent.
The US-Bolt Term Sheet for Climate Startups Webinar Recordings 07/11/2024

This webinar will be recorded live on July 11, 2024. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

In Fall 2023, a group of universities and VCs who have significant experience in launching climate startups worked together to a version of the US-BOLT startup term sheet templates for use with climate-related innovations. That effort culminated in April 2024, when the group released the approved version of the climate template, an event which was celebrated by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy in Washington, DC. The panelists will discuss how the effort came together, ways it was similar and different from the lifescience version of the US-BOLT, and how the termsheet should be used by universities and VCs going forward.

The What, How, Dos and Don'ts of Licensing Data Webinar Recordings 05/01/2020

This session will provide an overview of the sources of data generated by a university that can be translated into a valuable asset for licensing, either alone or in conjunction with a patent or copyright license, including ways to assess the value of the data and how that value can be captured in a license agreement. We'll cover a wide range of issues to consider when licensing data such as protected health information/personally identifiable information (PHI/PII), ownership, selling data, conflict of interest, confidentiality and exclusivity.

There is Something About Patent Webinar Recordings 11/28/2017

It is always difficult to know where to start with a Market research. Many will use Google and general market report on a domain. There are other tools to use and one of them is the Automatic Patent Analysis. Automatic Patent Analysis can be seen as complicated but it is in fact easy to use and can bring valuable information on the market rapidly.

This is not a real recording. Webinar Recordings 12/02/2020

This webinar will be recorded live on December 2, 2020. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.


Tips for Enforcement of University Patent Portfolios Webinar Recordings 12/02/2021

This webinar will be recorded live on December 2, 2021. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

Universities face increasing litigation over their innovations as they defend their most important patents and further seek to monetize these portfolios where possible.

With several universities having success in recent patent litigation matters, more universities appear interested in protecting and enforcing their intellectual property. Combined with additional court cases limiting some aspects of sovereign immunity, universities will face increasing litigation over their innovations as they defend their most important patents and further seek to monetize these portfolios where possible.

In this webinar, we will provide an overview of recent patent litigation cases involving university technology transfer and discuss the pros and cons of protecting, enforcing, and litigating your university's patents and intellectual property considering these recent developments.

Tips for Managing Technology Transfer Office Web Webinar Recordings 03/12/2016

Website design, content and maintenance can be a full-time job in a tech transfer office! There is so much involved from posting the latest exciting news to the TTO website and social media pages as well as checking to make sure the content and information appears accurately on your TTO website. Many also have a Tech Alert email service that notifies interested parties of your latest and greatest technologies available for licensing as well as a RSS feed, Facebook, Twitter and other social media pages. There is always troubleshooting to be done in regard to exports of HTML and other data from our database so that your website displays the information on the “Technologies Available for Licensing” page properly and tools available that can help you pull new technologies from your RSS feed to post to the your social media feeds. Come join us as we discuss cool tools for doing this important job!

Tips for Successfully Negotiating and Managing MTA Webinar Recordings 11/15/2013 This online course is designed for technology transfer professionals and other university or non-profit research institutional administrators who have MTA management responsibilities. All levels are welcome and there will be something for everyone. Once upon a time, researchers transferred materials to one another with just a hand-shake. Nowadays, material transfer agreements ("MTAs") are used for transferring biological, chemical, or human derived materials, devices, software, etc. The administration of MTAs appears to consume all money, time, and personnel allocated, while demanding more. How can we restore sanity to this process without throwing in the towel and losing sight of why we do MTAs in the first place and why they matter? This online course will present practical suggestions for managing and negotiating MTAs. Written materials will be provided, including a copy of the presentation as well as helpful checklists and an annotated bibliography with links to useful resources.
TLO Toolbox: Hammer Out Successful License Agreements Webinar Recordings 07/30/2020

This webinar will be recorded on July 30, 2020 and will be available within 30 days of the live event. You may pre-order the webinar now.
In this session, we'll talk about joint ownership as well as exclusive vs. non-exclusive licensing arrangements. We'll also delve into the impact of these arrangements on the use of a terminal disclaimer to overcome a double patenting rejection. Finally, we will discuss licensing strategies to maximize flexibility for patent prosecution.

To Tweet or Not to Tweet? Webinar Recordings 10/01/2014 Technology transfer and marketing professionals interested in social media with oversight responsibilities of marketing and communication functions. This webinar will explore the current challenges and opportunities of using social media in our profession. Panelists will explore strengths and weaknesses of current practices, tips for how some less engaged might get engaged, issues relating to hold-outs, bad social media manners, most effective practices and metrics, professional development benefits for the smartest use of social media, most constructive practices in current use and how to stay on top of social media trends without making yourself crazy.
Tool Box Tips & Tricks for Administrative & Support Staff Webinar Recordings : In this interactive session instructors will demonstrate common computer software shortcuts you can use every day for improving office efficiencies. Real life suggestions to improve work flow in your office will be provided. Instructors will share helpful websites and knowledge you can use to look up key information needed while working in a tech transfer office related to patenting, grant numbers, compliance and more! Bring your questions and be prepared to discuss key issues faced by administrative support staff.
Toolbox Tips and Tricks Webinar Recordings 11/01/2017

This is a recorded session from 2017's IP Compliance Course. This session will consist of a number of breakout roundtable discussions for various databases that are used by the attendees. One roundtable will be for those with a home-grown database system. Each roundtable discussion will be led by a power user. Attendees may attend the discussion for the software that they use or attend another discussion to learn more about other systems. Attendees will learn various "tricks of the trade" in an informal, collegial setting with other patent administrative professionals including electronic expense import (EEI), Patent Annuity Services, navigating and searching the United State Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) website, Public Application Information Retrieval (PAIR) and more. Participants will leave with answers to their questions, time-saving solutions, and other tools to use in their work upon returning to their office and to share with their coworkers.

Top 10 Court Decisions of the Year That Affect Licensing Webinar Recordings

In this session, we will identify and discuss the "Top 10" court decisions in the past 12 months that affect licensing. We will discuss each case and its impact on how we draft and negotiate patent license agreements. You will learn about cases that addressed:

- the scope of arbitration clauses and who decides that scope;
- whether licensees can be required to pay royalties during the time they are challenging patent validity in the courts;
- the interpretation of "Entire Agreement," "Termination," and "Forum Selection" clauses;
- whether exlusive licensees have standing to enforce the license patents; and
- other issues you should consider when drafting and negotiating patent license agreements.

Top 10 Court Decisions of the Year that Affect Licensing Webinar Recordings 08/26/2020

In this session, we will identify and discuss the "Top 10" court decisions in the past 12 months that affect licensing. We will discuss each case and its impact on how we draft and negotiate patent license agreements. You will learn about cases that addressed:

- the scope of arbitration clauses and who decides that scope;
- whether licensees can be required to pay royalties during the time they are challenging patent validity in the courts;
- the interpretation of "Entire Agreement," "Termination," and "Forum Selection" clauses;
- whether exlusive licensees have standing to enforce the license patents; and
- other issues you should consider when drafting and negotiating patent license agreements.

Translational Research Gap Fund Program-Audio Only Webinar Recordings 10/02/2015

Several universities support their internal translational research projects through gap fund programs. This funding and associated support programs are critical to further develop promising research to a point where it can be evaluated for commercial potential and ultimately commercialized. Join us for an interactive webinar about several available models and their pros and cons. We will discuss outcomes observations from the recent Mind the Gap report on translational research funding models, as well as receive operational insights and experiences from fund management. Speakers will discuss practical tips to effectively implement the funds as well as their challenges and success stories. (Audio Only)

Transparency and Intellectual Property in China Webinar Recordings 11/21/2023 This webinar will be recorded live on November 21, 2023. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. China has made significant advancements in intellectual property law and practice over the past four decades following the introduction of a Trademark Law (1982), a Patent Law (1985), and a Copyright Law (1991). China's court system has also experienced notable developments, including the establishment of specialized intellectual property courts. However, a lack of transparency in many areas of IP portfolio development and enforcement threatens to compromise efforts to develop a world-class IP system. In the area of patents, applicants frequently have a difficult time understanding the nuances of patent prosecution, including unwritten rules related to accelerating patent examination. This session will examine the many frustrations and obstacles that may be encountered through the process of IP development.
Triage - How to Evaluate Early Stage Technologies Webinar Recordings 08/15/2015

Learn the basics of invention disclosure evaluation and selection using a triage approach. Invention triage is based on the principle that concentrating effort where it can make the most difference maximizes results. It combines effective invention disclosure evaluation and assessment with efficient management of the limited technology transfer resources of both time and money.

We begin with a step-by-step description of invention disclosure evaluation and triage followed by examples of how to evaluate new disclosures using sample inventions. The session ends with a presentation of a simple evaluation tool for making critical decisions about moving forward with patenting and marketing new technology.

Triage 101: Assessing Early Stage Innovations Webinar Recordings 05/01/2018

This session will provide an introduction to assessing early stage technologies. Highlighting the key issues that need to be addressed from an intellectual property, technical, and business perspective. It will provide attendees with the tools to create a systematic process that delivers essential information that is needed to make decisions regarding intellectual property protection, marketing, and licensing.

TTO Operating in the Red? Now What? Webinar Recordings 12/12/2018
Except for the lucky few research institutions whose TTOs generate more revenue than they cost, most of the rest lose money. This session will explore the implications and strategies for making a case for continuing support from institutional leadership. The webinar will feature findings from a university discussion group and TTO directors' survey.

TTO Roles During COVID Rapid Response on Campus Webinar Recordings 04/13/2020 As our campuses and hospitals race to provide a rapid response to the COVID crisis, many tech transfer offices are finding themselves performing unfamiliar roles (working with hospital purchasing managers; negotiating with contract manufacturers; interacting closely with the FDA on vaccine and drug approvals; supporting faculty and student hackathons) and doing so at speeds that are orders of magnitude different than our norms (days vs. years). While there are clearly no "best practices", this online discussion brings together four TTO leaders to talk about their experiences so far during this crisis, and will provide a chance for the audience to share their own experiences and ask questions.
TTOs Can be PIs Too: Competitive Grant Application and Mgmt Webinar Recordings 04/13/2023

This webinar was recorded live on April 13, 2023. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date.

The landscape of federal grant opportunities is shifting and TTOs are now targets to collaborate with and even lead grant proposals to build translational research programs and innovation ecosystems. But of course, while we are used to supporting our faculty PIs, actually being a PI is not within our expected job descriptions. Until now.

Grant writing requires more than just knowing how to write. There are certain concepts specific to competing for and managing grants that are necessary to understand • it’s much more than simply following a template. Join us to learn how to prepare grant proposals that get solid results, including identifying and reviewing Notices of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), partnering with internal support units like proposal development and sponsored projects administration offices, building competitive teams, pulling together supporting documentation including creative budgets, and interacting with program officers (PO).

With specific emphasis on the federal grant opportunities being made available for TTO involvement currently, this webinar will give you valuable tools to pursue funding from the federal government, state government, or foundations and is led by those with extensive experience in grant applications and funding.

U.S. Export Controls on Technology - What You Need to Know Webinar Recordings 11/14/2018

Technology practitioners are often unaware of U.S. government regulations restricting the export of technology outside the U.S. or with foreign nationals located in the U.S. or abroad. Whether you work for a corporation, university, or any other institution, you should have a general awareness of legal restrictions on the export of certain technical information. Restricted transfers can take place when you send technical information via email, data downloads, or through conversations. Who is authorized to receive such information and when do you need to obtain an authorization from the government? How will that information be used abroad? Are you dealing with a denied party? Does your institution have a procedure for laptop travel abroad? Violations of the rules can yield penalties in the millions of dollars and jail time. In this webinar, we will cover the basics of U.S. export controls under the International Traffic in Arms Regulations and the Export Administration Regulations, case examples, and best practices.

Understanding Equity Agreements Webinar Recordings 12/13/2017

When licensing technology to a small company, a grant of equity is a likely consideration by the licensee. To capture the potential value of the equity, it is important to negotiate additional legal agreements that have significant nuances which may not be familiar to someone without experience in this area. During our session, we will review the terms of Stock Purchase Agreements, Investor Rights Agreements and other agreements common to these types of transactions. We will also address specific topics such as participating preferred equity, dividends, tag along and drag along rights, etc. Questions and comments will be greatly appreciate to make sure we are covering topics of interest to everyone.

Understanding How Stakeholders Impact Your TTO Webinar Recordings 11/01/2014 Move your university's ideas from research lab to marketplace more effectively by learning how to identify, assess and manage your key stakeholders. The mix of stakeholders spans from the university's senior administration to industry partners, venture capitalists and politicians. Researchers vary from students to world renowned scientists with interests ranging from scholarly research to industry engagement. How does technology transfer get done when the process involves so many stakeholders with wide-ranging views on how commercialization should take place?
Understanding How Stakeholders Impact Your TTO (Arabic) Webinar Recordings Move your university's ideas from research lab to marketplace more effectively by learning how to identify, assess and manage your key stakeholders. The mix of stakeholders spans from the university's senior administration to industry partners, venture capitalists and politicians. Researchers vary from students to world renowned scientists with interests ranging from scholarly research to industry engagement. How does technology transfer get done when the process involves so many stakeholders with wide-ranging views on how commercialization should take place?
With Arabic subtitles
Understanding NIST's Proposed March-In Framework Webinar Recordings 01/29/2024

This webinar will be recorded live on January 29, 2024. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

With the unveiling of NIST's draft inter-agency framework for march in rights, one of the most challenging threats to our profession is now on our doorstep. The Bayh-Dole Act's march-in provision allows the federal government to take back patent rights for federally funded inventions under very specific circumstances. The "draft interagency guidance framework" proposed by NIST seeks to substantially increase the government's march-in authority. AUTM believes this misguided effort to expand march-in rights will stifle innovation by creating significant uncertainty in licensing of all federally funded inventions-not just drugs.

University Industry Collaboration Agreements 101 Webinar Recordings 05/16/2017

This webinar will review the fundamentals of basic industry-university collaboration agreements. We will start with a discussion of the common perspectives and objectives of each side coming into collaboration arrangements, where they are aligned and where they may not be. We will introduce the main sections of a typical agreement and explain key terms used to capture the deal, using examples to illustrate potential issues created with certain approaches, and the legal underpinnings that motivate certain specific terms. We will also address industry-university service agreements and how they may vary.

University Industry Collaboration Agreements 101 (5/2017) Webinar Recordings

This webinar will review the fundamentals of basic industry-university collaboration agreements. We will start with a discussion of the common perspectives and objectives of each side coming into collaboration arrangements, where they are aligned and where they may not be. We will introduce the main sections of a typical agreement and explain key terms used to capture the deal, using examples to illustrate potential issues created with certain approaches, and the legal underpinnings that motivate certain specific terms. We will also address industry-university service agreements and how they may vary.

University Plant Commercial:IP, Deals and the USDA Webinar Recordings 10/25/2013 The target audience for this webinar is: - Anyone new to plant-related technology transfer - Administrative and support staff who work with plant-related cases - Experienced plant tech transfer professionals who would like a refresher course - Plant breeders and plant geneticists from your university who could use a tutorial - Other members of a tech transfer team who would like to have a general appreciation of what their plant-specialist co-workers do This practical webinar covers: - The basics of plant patents, plant-related utility patents, plant variety protection, and foreign plant breeder's rights, including deposits and export of plants for DUS testing. Trademark issues will also be discussed. - The basics of plant licensing, including choice of contract, how to identify milestones (annual minimum royalties, etc.), and how to overcome points of difference - Metrics for plant-related commercialization, and how to talk to stakeholders regarding the importance of plant-related commercialization to their constituents. - How to work with the USDA as co-applicant, including CRADA basics and plant-specific issues. You will learn about: - Legal framework for approaching plant IP protection - Decision points for choice of legal protection for plants - Types of licensing approaches used in plants - Decision points for choosing a licensing approach - Suggestions and resources for working with the USDA
University Tech Partnerships with DOE Webinar Recordings 10/14/2020

It may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of the Department of Energy (DOE), but the DOE is a leader in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education, workforce development, and higher education partnerships. In this session, we'll discuss some of the opportunities that exist for institutions of higher learning to collaborate with the DOE. The panel will share success stories and the myriad STEM program offerings available at the DOE and in partnership with DOE laboratories. We will also highlight the benefits of collaboration with the DOE and some of the current workforce development efforts.

US Patent Application Process from Start to Finish - Part 1 Webinar Recordings 11/01/2017

This is a recorded session from 2017's IP Compliance Course. Join us to learn or enhance your understanding of the U.S. patent application process from start to finish. The patent process requires a high-level skill set and a wide knowledge. These sessions will provide an overview of the process and terminology of patent preparation, prosecution, issuance, maintenance and enforcement. Beginning with an invention disclosure, we will discuss patent searching, application drafting, timing and formal requirements for filing an application, dealing with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), patent issuance or abandonment, patent families, maintaining an issued patent in force, and how patents are used-and enforced if necessary-to support commerce.

US Patent Application Process from Start to Finish - Part 2 Webinar Recordings 11/01/2017

This is a recorded session from 2017's IP Compliance Course. This session is a continuation of our discussion on patent types, the parts of a patent, terminology, and the patenting process including office actions, restriction requirements, notices of missing parts (declarations), advisory actions and requests for continued examinations, etc. Tracing relationships between patents within a patent family will also be covered. An exercise with a simple issued patent will help you understand how to read a patent and the role of the claims. You will be provided with an overview of patents including the basic types of patents, what makes something patentable, and the patenting process. An emphasis will be placed on the administration of the patent process including the various terms and language that is used when discussing the patenting process. You will leave the session with a clear understanding of the relationships between the various patents and patent applications within a patent family.

Using US Seed Fund to Expand University Innovation Ecosystem Webinar Recordings 07/13/2021

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and National Institutes of Health (NIH) will share how America’s Seed Fund - the Small Business Innovation Research/ Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR) programs - enables the transition of university-based research. Beyond the $4 billion each year of funding to startups, complementary programs enable academics and startups to translate research discoveries into innovative technologies.

SBA will share how to tap into initiatives like the Federal and State Technology (FAST) Partnership program and Growth Accelerator Fund Competition, as well as opportunities to inspire students to become entrepreneurs.

NIH will discuss resources available to academic and small business innovators to translate academic discoveries into commercial products that improve patient health, including the NIH’s Proof-of-Concept Network (POCN), a nationwide public-private network of 15 centers and hubs spanning more than 100 universities and colleges and offering feasibility funding and entrepreneurship training and mentorship.

USPTO AI Patent Policy Initiatives Webinar Recordings 04/16/2024 The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) plays an important role in incentivizing and protecting innovation, including innovation enabled by artificial intelligence (AI), to ensure continued U.S. leadership in AI and other emerging technologies (ET). Recent advances in AI, including in generative AI, pose newfound questions for IP law, policy, and examination procedure. The USPTO is developing new policies to address these issues. For example, on February, 13, 2024, the USPTO announced the Inventorship Guidance for AI-Assisted Inventions. Additionally, the UPSTO has also issued guidance on the use of AI tools by applicants and practitioners before the USPTO. This session will discuss these issues and other patent policy initiatives currently under consideration at the USPTO.
Valuation Course - Part 1: Creating Value Webinar Recordings 10/01/2016

Part 1of the Valuation webinar series will provide attendees with an understanding of the licensee’s business model and key success factors, the importance of the licensed intellectual property (IP) in generating value and how these affect the license terms and negotiation. This pre-course webinar is designed in four parts and intended to be taken in sequence.

Valuation Course: Part 3: Sharing Value Webinar Recordings 11/10/2016

Part 3 of the Valuation webinar series covers various methods to determine the commercial terms of the license and negotiating these terms to achieve fair allocation of license value between the licensor and licensee. This pre-course webinar is designed in four parts and intended to be taken in sequence.

Valuation Course: Part 2: Measuring Value Webinar Recordings 11/01/2016

Part 2 of the Valuation webinar series and learn the key accounting assumptions, the measures and projections that quantify the financial performance of the licensee and how these are used to determine the commercial terms of the license. This pre-course webinar is designed in four parts and intended to be taken in sequence.

Valuation Course: Part 4: Startup Issues Webinar Recordings 12/01/2016

Join Part 4 of the Valuation webinar series and listen as presenters discuss the different issues specific to licensing startups, such as taking equity as partial consideration for the license. This pre-course webinar is designed in four parts and intended to be taken in sequence.

VC & TTO Term Sheet for Early-Stage Life Science Startups Webinar Recordings 02/02/2023

This webinar was recorded live on February 2, 2023. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date.

After 2 years of work, a group of individuals from leading university tech transfer offices, venture capitalists (VCs), and law firms released a new term sheet template for early-stage life science startups emerging from academic research labs.

The panelists will discuss how the effort got started; the biggest sticking points in the negotiations; what the VCs learned about tech transfer offices and vise versa; and our hopes for how this will get used by AUTM and NVCA members going forward to help life-saving and life-improving innovations get from the research lab to the market as quickly and effectively as possible.

Webinar Audio Recordings Package - 2018 Webinar Recordings 12/31/2018 This package includes audio-only recordings from all webinars held in the year 2018. You can listen online or download the recordings and take them to go. Recordings include:

Patenting 101
Communicating the Value of What We Do
Artificial Intelligence and How it Will Impact the TTO
Anatomy of a License
IP Basics for Software Innovations
Triage 101: Assessing Early Stage Innovations
The New Bayh-Dole Rules
Prioritizing Your IP Portfolio
Founders and Initial Equity Distribution for Startups
State Sovereign Immunity and IPRs: What State Universities Need to Know
A Career in Technology Transfer
ABCs of NSF I-Corps
The Economics of Innovation - Why So Few Ideas Become Realized
Structuring Equity License Transactions for Success
Hiring a Licensing Associate: Selecting the Best Candidate
Promoting Partnerships Through Technology Showcases
US Export Controls on Technology: What You Need to Know
TTO Operating in the Red? Now What?
Critical Considerations for Bayh-Dole Compliance
Webinar Audio-Only Recordings Package -- 2019 Webinar Recordings 12/31/2019 This package includes audio-only recordings from all webinars held in the year 2019. You can listen online or download the recordings and take them to go. Recordings include:

The IDEA Center at Notre Dame: A University-Run Venture Builder
Inventorship: Let's Help Each Other
Your TTO - A Place for Makerspace
Foreign Filing Considerations and Strategies for Universities
The Supreme Court Ruling in Helsinn v. Teva: Impact on Prior Art and Patent Eligibility for University Innovations
Talent to Technology: Is Entrepreneur Talent the New Patent for Tech Transfer?
Reporting Inventions to Veterans Affairs
Bayh-Dole Reporting: How-to for Compliance Managers
Something Old, Something New: Drug Repurposing from a University Perspective
Strategies and Programs for De-Risking Medical Device Commercialization
SBIR/STTR: What University Staff Should Know About Accessing Over $3.6 Billion
Why Settle? Networking Your Way to Greater Innovation
How Universities Can Support Female Inventorship and Entrepreneurship
Artificial Intelligence: Impact on Technology Transfer
Choosing the Right Open Source License for Your Software
Monetizing and Enforcing Your Intellectual Property With No Out-of-Pocket Cost
Partnering with Non-Profit Funders: Research to Commercialization
Sublicensing Income: The Words Still Really Matter
Webinar Title Saved Here Webinar Recordings

This webinar will be recorded live on Month XX, 20YY. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

Webinar Description Gos Here.

What Support Can TTOs Provide to Faculty-Driven Startups Webinar Recordings 04/09/2020

In the ever-evolving technology transfer profession, the role of most TTOs have advanced significantly beyond the fundamental activity of filing patents and consummating licenses to companies. Among its many responsibilities, most TTOs now play a significant role in assisting startups as they establish themselves in their formative years. This session will highlight those added roles, provide pertinent examples, and discuss: 1. Helping startups build rapport 2. Understanding your wants, needs and ultimate goal for the business 3. Support in CEO candidate recruitment, and where to find them 4. Setting equity sharing and commercialization expectations 5. Networking and finding finance to build the company 6. Guidance in the event of a "collapse"

What to Do When Things Don't go According to Plan Webinar Recordings 09/01/2014 This webinar will be beneficial to technology licensing officers who monitor licenses, as well as their operations colleagues, who are involved in ongoing post-execution management of a contract and related business relationships. Things change. The license is signed, but things aren't going as you expected. What to do? Ideally the agreement itself should be sufficiently robust to accommodate changing circumstances and manage risk associated with non-compliance with contract terms. How do you achieve this? What if you didn't? The need for flexibility in the agreement, mechanisms to accomplish this and accommodating a partner's needs will be discussed on the basis that an agreement is about fostering a relationship with a licensee, not just generating revenue. Examples of potential situations and resulting non-compliance will be considered, including: - Product development issues and failure to meet diligence milestones and other deliverables; - Failure to raise anticipated capital or lack of product sales and inability to make financial payments; - Dearth of internal processes or failure to understand the contract on the part of a licensee resulting in lack of compliance with progress and financial reporting requirements; - Patent prosecution matters (ie expiry, lapsing of patents, responsibility for patent management), - Changes in licensee status (ie acquisition or asset purchase of or liquidation), - Action or failure to act by the TTO impacting on licensed rights. Managing problems from a strategic perspective to protect underlying interests and objectives in a university/industry business partnership will be considered. This will include discussion of how to deal with contract terms that aren't working, modifying milestones, setting up payment plans, as well as other ways to find a 'modified win-win' through assignment of rights and termination. Examples of these situations will be presented to illustrate strategy followed. Means to facilitate effective agreement management in this context will also be discussed.
What to Do When You are Hired (or told) to do a TTO Reboot Webinar Recordings 10/10/2017

The concept of a "turnaround" is a familiar one in business. Underperforming technology transfer offices (TTO) need "turnarounds" as well. Whether it was poor decisions by senior university administrators that decimated the technology transfer office, or the loss of key personnel that precipitated the downturn of the TTO, or just an office that has never had a history of success, turnarounds are often necessary in TTOs regardless of size.

Why Royalty Risk Assessment & Compliance Program Makes Cents Webinar Recordings 09/14/2021

Now more than ever, there is an increased need to develop and to conduct an ongoing royalty risk assessment program of your licensee portfolio. The current and projected growth of royalty income associated with technology transfer activities, the increasing number of sources of royalty income, and the complexity associated with the terms and calculation of university and research institution royalty entitlements, are all reasons to learn risk assessment and royalty compliance strategies. This webinar will discuss both, as well as how to build a framework to assess key licensee risks.

Why Settle? Networking Your Way to Greater Innovation Webinar Recordings 09/05/2019

U.S-based tech transfer offices have supported the contribution of more than $591 billion to the gross domestic product since 1996-but could it have been more? Typical academic commercialization pathways sometimes miss underrepresented entrepreneurs, leaving research in the lab and preventing consumers from accessing valuable science and technology. Tech transfer officers help creative, entrepreneurial scientists achieve their goals by developing effective networks. Networks help us access ideas, recruitment sources, partnerships, mentoring opportunities, novel perspectives, capital, and the latest innovations. In this webinar, we will cover the key characteristics of effective networks and provide strategies for both assessing and growing your network. Funded by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, the nation's leader in entrepreneurship innovation, S2M has been used to develop and test promising practices for inclusive decision-making, advancing STEM founders from groups that have often been overlooked by entrepreneurial support.

Words of Wisdom Negotiating Non-Standard MTA's Webinar Recordings 05/01/2015 Material Transfer Agreements are frequently discussed at AUTM, however, the focus has primarily been on MTA management and the standardization of academic agreements. While the issue of how to manage the hundreds of MTAs exchanged between academic and research partners is important, a large challenge MTA administrators face is how to manage complex MTAs for incoming materials that cannot be standardized. Non-standard MTAs often involve a great deal of negotiation, particularly when the provider is an industry partner. Differences in interests and perspectives can lead to very different opinions regarding intellectual property and ownership rights, publication, confidentiality, reporting obligations, and even the definition of the "materials" themselves. This webinar will provide an overview of the most heavily-negotiated terms often found in industry-to-university MTAs, as well as provide examples of various solutions and alternatives the presenters have found to be effective. The session will also include discussions on expectation management - not only those of the providers, but also those of the labs, who often see prolonged negotiations of challenging MTAs as a barrier or delay to their research.
Working Solutions for Climate and Oceans Webinar Recordings

This webinar will be recorded on June 11, 2020 and will be available within 30 days of the live event. You may pre-order the webinar now.
In this session, we will explore the challenges of getting great university-based science and engineering from the bench to deployment and into the marketplace.. While many solutions exist at the university level to address the great challenges presented by the oceans and climate, the paths to operational success are difficult. We will engage and challenge the AUTM membership to help us find, foster, and perhaps even help fund solutions for a healthy ocean. Our panel consists of a grant-making organization with nine years of experience, an executive who consults in the start-up ecosystem, helping recent developing technologies get commercial footing, and the Board Chair of Ocean Visions, a new university-based consortium with the mission to advance the deployment of university-based knowledge into scalable solutions.

Working With Internal Counsel Webinar Recordings 11/01/2017

This is a recorded session from 2017's IP Compliance Course. Join this session to learn what decisions are made internally verses what is sent out when you do have internal patent counsel. Who are the inventors? What is the scope of application? Hear how different universities make these decisions and how to operate within each scheme.

Working With Outside Counsel Webinar Recordings 11/01/2017

This is a recorded session from 2017's IP Compliance Course. Learn about the roles and responsibilities of the licensing office, the inventor(s), co-owners, the licensee and outside patent counsel. We will discuss when and how to contract with outside counsel, what information to provide, and how to efficiently and effectively facilitate the process from start to finish. Find out what experienced patent attorneys consider the most difficult aspects of the process. Discuss evaluation of attorneys and potential process improvements.

Your TTO - A Place for Makerspace Webinar Recordings 03/13/2019

In this webinar, licensing and entrepreneurship professionals from the University of New Hampshire's UNHInnovation office will share their experiences building a successful Makerspace within a next-generation technology transfer office. They will discuss the UNH philosophy of innovation, why UNHInnovation has chosen to support undergraduate students in this way, how the Makerspace was built, the nuts-and-bolts of operations, the hurdles they needed to clear for success, and how they plan to grow the Makerspace. This webinar is ideal for those interested in fostering a robust entrepreneurial ecosystem by offering a non-traditional technology transfer opportunity.

Zen and the Art of Invention Reporting Webinar Recordings 06/15/2015 Mention the topic of invention reporting in a room of technology transfer professionals and watch the color drain from everyone's face. But why this pervading fear? There are several reasons: a lack of understanding of what invention reporting is; the daunting task of actually complying with IR requirements; the seeming complexity of the iEdison reporting system; and the ever-present threat of the consequences of not getting it right. Take a brief historical look at federally sponsored research (pre-Bayh-Dole), and hear how Bayh-Dole changed everything. Learn about the evolution of invention reporting from the days of paper to faxes to on-line submissions, and finally discuss the hows and whys of basic invention reporting via the iEdison portal.