The Power of Communication: Skills to Build Trust, Inspire Loyalty, and Lead Effectively
Sunday, March 2
7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
This course is targeted to the advanced technology transfer practitioner from the leadership and communications perspective. Effective leadership communication creates competitive advantage for individuals, teams, and enterprises. There is a rigor to effective leadership communication, but too often that rigor is not well known or is ignored by leaders who believe that communication at work is equivalent to personal communication, at which most people are proficient.
This day-long practical workshop builds the capacity for leaders to influence outcomes and build competitive advantage – for themselves, their functions, and their organizations.
Communicating strategically: The rigor necessary to use communication to secure a desired outcome.
Managing meaning: The creation of context that leads audiences to a desired conclusion.
Effective engagement and connecting with others: How to create and transmit verbal energy to engage audiences so they want to listed, both in person and remotely.
Communicating in crisis: The drivers of trust and ways to keep trust or restore trust when things have gone wrong; when people are at risk; and when operations are no longer healthy.