AUTM Updates

The Only Constant in Tech Transfer is Change

John Miner 
Chair, AUTM Metrics and Surveys Portfolio

American author John C. Maxwell is credited with saying “Change is inevitable. Growth is optional”, and I think it captures the spirit of this year’s annual license survey succinctly. As many of you have seen and experienced, this year’s survey has continued to evolve and improve for the better. AUTM is listening to you -- we are making changes based on your comments and concerns. 

We have increased the number of survey respondents again this year and have some great data to share. Invention disclosures are up, along with across the board increases in research funding, with noticeable jumps in federal and industry sponsored research. Research expenditures have hit their highest marks ever in the 30+ years AUTM has been collecting data. This is a great sign for the coming years. 

Another notable change was the decline in revenue which was to be expected based on some of the past large homeruns reported, but there was a substantial decline in startups reported, down 11.3% from last year.

In addition to the updates we have made to the survey reporting tool, the questions and instructions, we are working to address a major item of concern for the membership -- survey timing. We want to collect and get the data out earlier to everyone, and we think that with our new data collection system, we will be able to open the survey sooner, finalize the data collection and get the report out sooner. As the survey instrument improves, more flexibility will be afforded.

We also listened to the concerns members had about pricing and access to the report and STATT. AUTM is going to ensure that participating institutions are not going to pay for the AUTM license survey or STATT if you participate in the survey. We are continuing to make improvements to STATT and will be communicating with you soon to describe that project. But rest assured, your involvement in the survey is valued and is key to understanding the role and importance of technology transfer in the economy. 

The AUTM Licensing Survey has been collecting and serving data to its members and constituents for more than 30 years. It has been overdue for an update, and we greatly appreciate your help in making these improvements. There are only a couple more items we are working on to complete this revitalization of the survey, and we can’t wait to share the final product with you all. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us and share your thoughts.