
The Evolution of Tech Transfer and AUTM's Role in Educating the Field

Price: $0
When: Tuesday, November 4, 2025, Noon - 1pm. ET
Where: Virtual Event

This panel discussion will mark the 50th anniversary of technology transfer by exploring its evolution and the critical role AUTM has played in educating and professionalizing the field. Panelists will trace the origins of tech transfer, from early university-industry collaborations to today’s global commercialization ecosystem, and highlight how AUTM has provided training, resources and networking opportunities for technology transfer professionals. The conversation will also examine how AUTM has adapted to the growing demands of innovation, intellectual property and entrepreneurship, ensuring universities continue to drive economic growth and societal impact.
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Alison Campbell
Director, Department for Science Innovation & Technology
Government Office for Technology Transfer
United Kingdom


Ian D. McClure
Associate Vice President, Research, Innovation and Economic Impact
UK Innovate
University of Kentucky

Jon Soderstrom
Managing Director, Office of Cooperative Research
Yale University

Katharine Ku
Executive Director, Emerita, Office of Technology Licensing. Stanford University  
Chief Licensing Advisor (West), Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati