FY2024 Licensing Survey

FY2024 Licensing Survey

Welcome to the 2024 AUTM Licensing Activity Survey. For more than three decades, the survey has been tech transfer's most comprehensive benchmark report on licensing income, patents, startups and more.

Key Dates
December 2, 2024 US and Canadian Surveys open
March 28, 2025 US Survey closes
May 30, 2025 Canadian Survey closes
June 2025 Survey data published

Survey Toolkit
Before you begin your submission, you may find our Survey Toolkit helpful for gathering and organizing the data you will need.

Key Metrics
As always, we encourage you to answer all the questions. Without your data, the picture of our industry is not complete. If you're unable to respond to all the questions, please add your data to these key metrics: 

  • (Q3.1) What were your TOTAL RESEARCH EXPENDITURES?
  • (Q4.1) How many  DISCLOSURES  were received?
  • (Q4.6) How many  NEW PATENT APPLICATIONS  were filed?
  • (Q4.13) How many  US PATENTS ISSUED  in 2024?
  • (Q5.1) How many TOTAL LICENSES  did your institution execute?
  • (Q5.3) How many TOTAL OPTIONS  did your institution execute?
  • (Q6.4) What was the TOTAL LICENSE INCOME received at your institution?
  • (Q6.5) How much of the license income received was attributed to RUNNING ROYALTIES?
  • (Q8.1) How many  STARTUPS  were formed that were dependent upon the licensing of your institution's technology for their initiation?
What's New
  • A new question focused on amendments that matter to today's tech transfer offices
  • Instructions and definitions that have been thoroughly and thoughtfully revamped for clarity and relevance, based on feedback from past Survey participants
  • Migration of the STATT database to a new platform

We're preparing to migrate all data from the STATT database — more than three decades of Licensing Survey metrics — to the same platform as the questionnaire, which will vastly expand users' options for benchmarking against personalized peer groups and tracking trends over time. The new platform will be launched with the publication of the FY2024 data.

Still have questions about the survey? Contact Katie Ventrice, AUTM Administrative & Membership Associate, at kventrice@autm.net or +1-202-960-1800.