Himani Nailwal, PhD
Senior Innovation Manager, Life Sciences, Technology Transfer
Innovate Calgary

AUTM Member since 2021
How does your membership with AUTM support your work at Innovate Calgary?
The AUTM community is an excellent tech transfer resource that offers a network of technology transfer professionals. I frequently seek advice from this community when I encounter challenges in licensing agreements or require a second opinion on my files. When I first entered the tech transfer field, I used AUTM webinars to gain an understanding of various tech transfer concepts and develop my skills. Additionally, I participated in the AUTM mentoring program in 2022, which further expanded my professional reach and network.

What's the best advice you've ever received?
Focus on strengths, not your weaknesses.

How did you get involved in tech transfer?
My postdoctoral research led to a patent application, marking my first involvement with technology transfer. This experience, along with my drive to explore the technology adoption and impact aspects, inspired me to pursue a career in technology transfer.

What’s something that has surprised you from your career path?
The art of negotiation! In my career in technology transfer and negotiating contracts, I've learned that nearly everything can be negotiated with the right skills and a clear understanding of the objectives.

What’s something you’re working on right now that really excites you?
While working at Innovate Calgary, I have developed a copyright protection and commercialization strategy. This strategy played a crucial role in successfully commercializing clinical outcome assessments and other copyright works at Innovate Calgary. As digital health technologies continue to grow, I am currently expanding this strategy. Traditionally, tech transfer metrics focus on patents, often neglecting other forms of intellectual property. However, the successful commercialization of copyright works at Innovate Calgary has not only generated revenue but also had a significant impact. I am looking forward to sharing these impactful success stories.

What do you like most about working with inventors and other tech transfer professionals?
Getting to know about new technologies and working with such talented individuals.

What does AUTM membership have to offer that you can’t get from other organizations?
The vast network of global tech transfer professionals that AUTM offers sets it apart. 

What’s your favorite memory from a past AUTM event?
One of my favorite memories is from this year's AUTM annual meeting. I presented to an audience of technology transfer professionals about using technology transfer resources to support and scale social innovators.

What trends do you currently see in the life sciences and medical technology sectors that are shaping the future of innovation and commercialization?
A patient-centric approach will drive technology development and commercialization. This trend is shaping the technology landscape through the growth of digital health and precision medicine.

What initiatives or programs at the Innovate Calgary are you particularly proud of?
Innovate Calgary has evolved from a technology transfer office to become an innovation hub in Calgary. We serve as a business center at the University of Calgary, supporting innovators in bringing their ideas to fruition. In the past year alone, UCeed, the pre-seed investment fund at Innovate Calgary, has invested $6.19 million in 44 companies.

Following UCeed's investment, our portfolio of companies has created 337 jobs and generated $60.8 million in combined revenue, actively contributing to local economic development.