Digital Membership

Do You Live in a Developing Economy? Join us Digitally

Benefits of Digital Membership

Digital Membership allows technology transfer practitioners to:

Digital Membership Fees

Annual Digital Membership fees are $175, based on a calendar year beginning January 1 and ending on December 31 of each year. This fee cannot be prorated, regardless of the original join date.

Digital Membership is available online and payment is required by American Express, VISA, Discover Card or MasterCard. For alternate payment arrangements, email AUTM, or call +1-202-960-1800. AUTM does not accept purchase orders or payments by phone.

Apply online or download the member application form to begin receiving membership benefits!

Join Now

AUTM’s Membership year is January 1 through December 31. New Members joining after October 1 will be considered Members through December 31 of the following year.


Digital Membership does not provide member discounts to AUTM events such as the Annual Meeting, professional development courses, regional meetings or distance learning programs. Additionally, Digital Members will pay non-Member pricing for services and items provided for a fee by AUTM, including but not limited to publications, job posting services and other services and products listed in the AUTM Store.

Regular AUTM Membership

For Member discounts on events, services and products, consider joining AUTM as a regular member. The regular annual Membership fee is $440. 

Developing Economies

Digital Membership is a low-cost option to individuals who reside or work in the following developing economies:

Afghanistan Ghana Nigeria
Algeria Guinea  
Angola Guinea-Bissau Pakistan
Bangladesh Haiti Papua New Guinea
Belize Honduras Philippines
Benin India Rwanda
Bhutan Indonesia Samoa
Bolivia Iran, Islamic Rep. São Tomé and Principe
Burkina Faso Jamaica Senegal
Burundi Kenya Sierra Leone
Cabo Verde Kiribati Solomon Islands
Cambodia Korea, Dem. People's Rep. Somalia
Cameroon Kyrgyz Republic South Sudan
Central African Republic Lao PDR Sri Lanka
Chad Lesotho Sudan
Comoros Liberia Syrian Arab Republic
Congo, Dem. Rep. Madagascar Tajikstan
Congo, Rep. Malawi Tanzania
Cote d'Ivoire Mali Timor-Leste
Djibouti Mauritania Togo
Dominica Micronesia, Fed. Sts. Tunisia
Dominican Republic Mongolia Uganda
Ecuador Morocco Ukraine
Egypt, Arab Rep. Mozambique Uzbekistan
El Salvador Myanmar Vanuatu
Eritrea Nepal Vietnam
Eswatini Nicaragua West Bank and Gaza
Ethiopia Niger Yemen, Rep.
Gambia, The   Zambia