YaQuavia Gooden, MPA
Compliance Manager
University of Chicago

AUTM Member since 2022
What is your favorite food? 
My favorite food is Cajun/ creole inspired food.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
Sometimes rejection of what you thought you wanted is protection from what you were not ready to receive.

Do you have any hobbies?
I am a podcaster and content creator. So, I enjoy creating memories and content that I can look back on and have a chuckle at.

How did you get involved in technology transfer? 
I have more than 10 years of compliance experience, and it was time to venture into a new industry. I applied for an open position and now I’m here. 😊

You have a background in radio broadcasting! How have those skills been helpful for your work in tech transfer? 
Having radio broadcasting experience has made it easier to communicate with different types of personalities. Being able to tell a story that people can visualize and not just hear helps people understand my compliance view of things. 

What’s something you’re working on right now that really excites you? 
Currently I am relaunching my podcast and looking forward to partnering with some Chicago based businesses.

What do you like most about working with inventors and other tech transfer professionals?
Meeting new people and understanding why they do what they do has provided an interesting view on how solutions to problems come about.

What's something you wish more people knew about compliance?
Compliance isn’t about how you feel. It's about the policy and the procedures that are in place. Compliance is black and white. 

What does AUTM Membership have to offer that you can’t get from other organizations?
The community that you gain within the Membership is unmatched. Gaining knowledge from those in other organizations is something that I have not experienced within other memberships. 

What advice would you give to someone considering a career in tech transfer?   
Come into the field with an open mind. The field is not an ever-changing field, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make changes. Have patience and read Bayh-Dole — that will be your best friend.