
AUTM Annual Meeting 25

Tips for First-Timers 

If you are attending the AUTM Annual Meeting for the first time, here are some helpful tips from seasoned attendees: 

  • Wear a new Member or first-time attendee ribbon on your badge. Mentors and AUTM leadership do their best to welcome and talk with everyone they see who is wearing this ribbon. 
  • ​Participate in the First-Time Attendee Briefing and Reception  
  • Attend the many roundtable discussions for an informal discussion on topics of interest. 
  • Meet new people in a casual atmosphere by attending various receptions. 
  • Use AUTM Connect to meet with people from other organizations or form a dinner group for informal networking. 
  • Visit the AUTM Connect Help Desk or view the tutorial on the app to make the most of your app experience. 
  • Visit the AUTM Member Booth in the Exhibit Hall to learn how to get involved with the tech transfer community. 
  • Attend a variety of sessions to get a feel for the diverse programming content offered at the AUTM Annual Meeting. 

The educational tracks are organized into 8 tracks. Here are just a few sessions you should plan to attend: 

  • ChatGPT and Generative AI -- What is it and how to Monetize it? 
  • Hidden Founders: Diversifying Entrepreneurship and Closing the Pipeline Gap 
  • Mastering Master Agreements 
  • Accelerating Research Translation: A Global Perspective 
  • And the Award Goes to: The Benefits of Applying for Awards 
  • Compliance as a Team Sport 
  • Career Growth for the Operations Professional 

Annual Meeting Sponsors