Share Your Research

Share Your Research, News & Technologies

AUTM is in a unique position to serve as a communications hub for the excellent work our global research community is doing to help respond to the pandemic.

And we're asking for your help.

Join AUTM’s COVID-19 Rapid Response SIG
In order to help our Members share best practices, emerging questions, and tech designs, AUTM has created a COVID-19 Rapid Response Special Interest Group (SIG). The SIG enables Members to engage with their peers while helping scientists and engineers address the pandemic by sharing advice on click licensing, no-fee simplified license structures, contract manufacturing, regulatory consultants and other matters. We hope you’ll get involved if you have information to share.
Join the SIG  

Share Your Research. If you have reagents, technology, or innovations that would help the world respond to COVID-19 in any way, we'd like you to post those on AIM  with the keyword "COVID." Similarly, if you have technologies already in the portal that are applicable, simply tag them with the COVID keyword.  If you are not yet a user of AIM, email and we will help you post the information. There is no cost or AUTM membership necessary to list or to search.

Share News from Your Institution. If you have stories to share about clinical trials or COVID-19 related news from your institution or government lab, email us at, and we'll share it on these pages.

Share on Social and Tag. We're showcasing a dedicated COVID19 Twitter feed to share research innovations and news, aided by our collaborative partners at the Federal Laboratory Consortium, who are featuring government COVID-19 research on their site. We hope that you'll use #COVID19Research so that we can all be informed and facilitate the academic-industry partnerships that may help bring a faster end to the pandemic. Please tag #AUTM or #FLC and your home institution to ensure we'll see everything.
Submit Your COVID-19 Research