2020 Volunteer of the Year Award – George Chellapa
The Volunteer of the Year Award was created to recognize members for their leadership and outstanding service to the AUTM community. Members are nominated by their peers, and the final selection is made by the AUTM Executive Committee.
In recognition of outstanding service and leadership provided to its membership, AUTM is pleased to announce the Volunteer of the Year Award recipient, is the much deserving
George Chellapa.
George volunteers on multiple committees, demonstrating his commitment to AUTM and the Tech Transfer Industry. His fellow committee members know him for always going above and beyond; for being an active and vocal committee member who contributes extensively.
On the Membership Committee, George willingly and enthusiastically contributed to the sub-committee exploring Organizational Memberships, helping draft the proposed rules and regulations for organizational membership models.
He has also been a member of the AUTM Better World Project Committee for several years. When there is extra work, George steps up to help. Recently, he was asked to co-chair the Committee, which he has done ably.
Through his work to get tech transfer success stories out to the public, we know how passionate George is about helping make the world a better place.
For all his enthusiasm, dedication, and contributions, I’m proud to present this year’s Volunteer of the Year Award to George Chellapa.
George Chellapa
I am honored and humbled that AUTM has selected me as Volunteer of the Year. I want to thank the Membership Development Committee and the Better World Project Committee for nominating me.
I would also like to thank the University of Chicago’s technology transfer office and my colleagues there for giving me the flexibility to be involved with AUTM.
While it is an honor to receive this award, I feel I have gained more than I have given to AUTM as a volunteer.
I place a high value on volunteering with AUTM and encourage my colleagues and industry connections to do so, as well. So, if you haven’t signed up to volunteer, I would strongly encourage you to do so – with over 30 committees, I am sure you will find one that matches your interest.
Thank you once again to AUTM for recognizing me as volunteer of the year.