Submit Your Better World Story

Want Your Success Story to be Part of Our Collection? It's Easy.

Being part of the Better World Project Collection allows AUTM, policymakers and your institution to promote your good work and the positive impact that academic research commercialization has on the globe. We've put together an FAQ and a video, below, to answer your questions.

Benefits of Sharing Your Story

When you're ready, complete the form below. Don't forget to highlight details of how your Tech Transfer Office was involved in the licensing process!


What does it take to submit a story for the Better World Project?
  • The technology is licensed.
  • A product is for sale or a prototype is in use.
  • The technology highlights a successful partnership between academia and industry.
  • The technology has experienced a major milestone since 2018 (a startup was formed, a product was released, venture funding round was closed, a regulatory milestone was achieved, etc.)
Want a great example of a Better World story?
Check out the Honeycrisp apple story – changing the world one bite at a time! It has all the key components AND it's a great read. Don’t forget to brag a little: please include details on how your institution’s Tech Transfer Office contributed to the success of the invention.

We love previously published press releases or other polished work we have permission to put on our website.

Which research institution(s) made this possible?

To make it easier for others to find your technology, select the categories that best describe your innovation.:

Did this innovation receive federal government funding in the United States? (If yes, please include mention of this in your story submission):

How do we reach you?

What’s next? 
Some of the stories submitted are turned into professionally-written pieces. Some of them are edited slightly and included in the database for all to see. Some are just not ready for prime-time. We’ll let you know once you submit.

If you need help, please contact us
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