AUTM Tracks

AUTM Education Tracks

โ€‹The AUTM track system is designed to help attendees find the right sessions for their particular professional development needs or areas of interest.

The track system is used during the Call for Topics to help organize proposals that are reviewed by the Annual Meeting Program Committee. When submitting a proposal, select the track that most closely aligns with the topic to ensure that a subject matter expert is reviewing the proposal.

New! The tracks are organized in line with the AUTM Job Task Analysis to streamline offerings.
Intellectual Property
Provides the latest changes to the intellectual property (IP) landscape and their impact on strategies for protection of various forms of IP.

Licensing & Other Agreements
Provides various approaches for addressing common licensing issues and optimizing licensing strategies for academic innovations. Also includes discussions of other agreements that play a role in the tech transfer process and how the agreements will have an impact on commercializing innovations.

Marketing Strategies
Examines how to use existing and emerging networks and media to market available technologies so that they are visible to a target audience, and strategies to position your program both within the organization and externally.

New Ventures & Entrepreneurship
Addresses a variety of issues relevant to building and sustaining new ventures, and to bridging the “valley of death,” both in an academic setting and in a related start-up environment through creative funding and educational support.

Designed for professionals responsible for the administration of a technology transfer office and the internal policies and procedures used to maximize the efficiency of day-to-day technology transfer activities and office structures.
Sub-Tracks: Compliance, Finance, Other Support Activities

Policy & Advocacy
Focuses on effectively communicating to the world our goals, roles, and successes in the technology transfer field. Covering topics related to
  • legislative advocacy,
  • global technology transfer,
  • furthering equity, diversity and inclusion within the tech transfer community, and
  • advancing the societal impact of technology transfer activities.
Relationship Management & Industry Partnership
Provides keys to working with internal and external partners to build effective collaborations, with focuses on meeting the expectations of all parties. This track also includes topics related to alliance management and corporate engagement.

Other/Emerging Trends
Addresses specialized topics and knowledge bases not covered by standard technology transfer courses. This track is exclusively used for the Abstract Submission Process when a proposal may not fit into a predefined track. The Annual Meeting Program Committee will review submissions and determine the final track selection if the proposal is accepted.