Company: OXICOOL Development Center for building and development 

Contact: Gary Ezekian, CEO 
[email protected]

Website: https://www.oxicool.com/


OXICOOL brings to the table a modern facility or in suburban Philadelphia area, a whole suite of the latest and flexible fabrication equipment, a lot of it in the sheetmetal domain, some other specialized capabilities, and a team of hardware engineers.  

So far, their clients have been early-stage startups that don't have their own physical infrastructure -  taking things in the trial three or four level and taking them to trial seven.  

 "We’re really trying to make ourselves an ideal partner to get them out of the lab - not all the way to market scaling but get it to a point where it's de-risked so that it's much more attractive to some of the larger players.”  - Gary Ezekian.