Welcome to the 2023 Licensing Activity Survey

Data collection for the 2023 US and Canadian AUTM Licensing Surveys is now open.

If your institution participated in the 2022 Licensing Survey, the person who submitted the data should have received an email invitation on February 12 to participate in the FY2023 Survey, along with a personalized link to the submission form. However, we know many tech transfer offices have been experiencing staff turnover, so if our invitation isn't in your spam folder and you suspect we might not have the correct contact info for your TTO, please email [email protected] 

Important: You must submit using the online questionnaire. Worksheets will NOT be accepted as submissions.

Updated Tools to Help You Prep Your Data for Submission

To help you with your submission, we've updated our Survey Toolkit for the 2023 Survey. Please take a minute to download these documents to make sure you're using the most current versions. 

  • A US Survey Worksheet and a Canadian Survey Worksheet to help you organize your data
    • Note: Minor updates made 3/20/24 to Questions 1.3 and 1.4 to better match the online fields

  • Definitions of survey terms to answer your questions about our questions

    • Note: Minor updates made 4/15/24 to Instructions for section (Q5) License/Option Agreements, question 8.4 and Definitions of Data Access Agreements, Equity, Operational Startups, Small Companies, and Special Terms
This guide and tip sheet from the AUTM Women Inventors Special Interest Group also may be useful for answering the Survey questions related to inventors and gender. 

Improved Data Submission Process 

We've also made some exciting upgrades to the Survey submission process.

  • A new, user-friendly submissions platform with built-in checks to flag the most common data-entry mistakes before you hit the Submit button
  • Updated questions focused on metrics that matter to today's tech transfer offices
  • Instructions and definitions that have been thoroughly and thoughtfully revamped for clarity and relevance, based on feedback from past Survey participants

In addition, we're preparing to migrate all data from the STATT database—more than three decades of Licensing Survey metrics—to the same platform as the questionnaire, which will vastly expand users' options for benchmarking against personalized peer groups and tracking trends over time.  

In light of these upgrades, Survey pricing has been adjusted. 

2023 Licensing Survey: Pricing for Survey Reports and STATT Database

Audience FY23 Survey Report for US or Canada (PDF) One-Year Subscription to STATT Database of Licensing Survey Data
Survey Participant $100 per institution (included with purchase of report)
Non-Participating Member $150 per person $225 per person
Non-Participating Non-Member $475 per person $525 per person


Why Should My Institution Participate?

For three decades, the survey has been tech transfer's most comprehensive benchmark report on licensing income, patents, startups and more. It is used by universities, research institutes, hospitals and state and federal legislators to qualify and quantify data about the work we do every day. It includes detailed information on research funding, the impact of innovation, patent activity, licensing income and the number of startups, as reported by research institutions.

The survey data, and the STATT database where metrics can be compared over time, helps to tell the story of technology transfer's impact. They also allow institutions to compare their tech transfer productivity metrics with those of their peers.

See highlights from the most recent Licensing Survey here

Thank you for contributing the data that helps tell the story of tech transfer's impact.

Questions? Email [email protected] or call 1-617-501-4597.