
Making a Difference

Volunteers and the committees they run are the backbone of our organization -- developing and implementing membership activities and keeping our community engaged and active. Click the links below to learn more about each committee. If you're interested in becoming a volunteer, click here.
AUTM Members
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The Public Policy Advisory Committee is responsible for monitoring legislative and regulatory developments, which impact the work of technology transfer professionals and keeping the membership informed of such developments. The committee identifies issues of major concern to the Association and its members and participates in actively reviewing, testifying or proposing new regulations or legislation or participates in other appropriate efforts connected with legislation and regulation.

The Public Policy Legal Task Force is responsible for reviewing, contributing to and composing amicus briefs and legal reviews of legislation, judgments, regulations or proposals, which would legally govern the work of technology transfer professionals.

The AUTM Innovation Marketplace (AIM) Committee reviews, tests and convenes, as necessary, to develop new features and capabilities for AUTM's portal. Key deliverables include monitoring this online marketplace that offers a one-stop shop for corporations to easily find the latest university technologies available for licensing. (Previously known as Global Technology Portal.)

The Better World Project Committee is responsible for the development of the Better World Project website and database. The committee is involved in story selection, strategic direction and sponsorship solicitation.

The Website Committee is responsible for ensuring AUTM's website is providing the functionality needed to accomplish the Association's goals.

The Audit Committee plans and implements internal and external audits of financial information of the Association. The Committee reports all findings to the Board.

The Finance Committee assists the AUTM Board of Directors with the Association’s financial policies and strategy, including review of the annual operating budget. The Finance Committee reviews and recommends for the Board’s approval the Association’s annual operating budget, including any material changes to the budget during the year; reviews and provide guidance to the Executive Committee, the Board and management about policies relating to the Association’s cash flow, cash management and working capital; reviews the Association’s annual tax returns; recommends to the Board investment policies and guidelines for reserve funds and endowments, oversees investment performance and recommends changes to the investment strategy as appropriate and advises on other finance matters as appropriate.

The Investment Subcommittee reports to the AUTM Finance Committee and is responsible for recommending changes to AUTM's investment policy as warranted, identifying and working with a professional portfolio manager and recommending changes to AUTM's long and short term investment portfolios.

The Salary Survey Committee produces a comprehensive overview of the current salary and compensation rates in the technology transfer community every two years. The committee provides AUTM members current data that can lead to a meaningful impact in their career and at their institution.

This committee is responsible for developing and delivering AUTM’s International Strategy, which has, as a central element, the development of the Tech Transfer Profession globally, with AUTM seeking to partner with existing, like-minded associations or helping to develop new ones. The strategy seeks to promote information and knowledge exchange between partner associations to maximize benefits to AUTM Members around the world. Also, to identify and develop international opportunities for AUTM and to coordinate AUTM’s international participation in Professional Development and Advocacy.

This committee is responsible for planning the Canadian Region Meeting program:

  • Hold monthly conference call
  • Select meeting location from submitted proposals
  • Develop program and full content
  • Secure program moderators and speakers
  • Recruit sponsors in cooperation with the AUTM Sponsorship Manager

The Annual Meeting Program Committee is responsible for developing the content for the AUTM Annual Meeting, including all educational workshops, tracks, roundtable discussions and plenary sessions. The committee also plans all networking and social events and special programming.

The Central Region Planning Committee's primary mission is to plan, develop, and execute an excellent and cost-effective regional meeting experience, simultaneously emphasizing professional development and outstanding networking opportunities.

The Eastern Region Planning Committee's primary mission is to plan, develop, and execute an excellent and cost-effective regional meeting experience, simultaneously emphasizing professional development and outstanding networking and sponsorship opportunities.

The Western Region Planning Committee's primary mission is to plan, develop, and execute an excellent and cost-effective regional meeting experience, simultaneously emphasizing professional development and outstanding networking and sponsorship opportunities.

The Mentorship Committee supports opportunities for early-stage and mid-career professionals with a thirst for knowledge to establish one-on-one relationships with experts in the industry in an effort to transfer knowledge of University technology management, exchange ideas, and encourage professional development.

The Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Committee was formed to provide the Board of Directors and AUTM Staff with guidance, feedback, and support on the importance of including the core values of equity, diversity, and inclusion into AUTM activities and programming for Members.

The Howard Bremer Scholarship Committee creates review procedures and reviews applications submitted for the AUTM Howard Bremer Scholarship.

The mission of the Membership Committee is to create awareness of AUTM among the technology transfer profession and work with other AUTM committees to enhance the value of AUTM for its members. The committee's objectives are to advocate for member interests, recruit and retain AUTM members and honor members who have offered exemplary service.

This committee is responsible for promoting the industry interests within AUTM. We will work with AUTM Leadership and other Committees to create and improve training and panel sessions offering insight into Corporate scouting and how best to get technologies on our radar. We will promote to expand and highlight networking events at member gatherings.

The Central Region Meeting Planning Committee's primary mission is to plan, develop and execute an excellent and cost-effective regional meeting experience, simultaneously emphasizing professional development and outstanding networking opportunities.

The Licensing Activity Survey Committee is responsible for the AUTM Licensing Activity Survey of U.S. and Canadian institutions. The committee administers the survey, analyzes the data and publishes both a highlights document and a full report.

This committee is responsible for developing the course program. Program development includes choosing the agenda, securing moderators and speakers and helping to develop the content of the session (descriptions and learning objectives). The Committee works in cooperation with the AUTM Sponsorship Manager to acquire sponsorship support of the PD courses.

This committee is responsible for developing and administering the course program which includes setting the agenda, securing discussion leaders and helping to develop the content of the session (descriptions and learning objectives). The Committee works in cooperation with the AUTM Sponsorship Manager to acquire sponsorship support of the PD courses.

This committee organizes the content, speakers and other elements of the AUTM Negotiations Course which explores the art of negotiation with an empahasis on the practical tools and strategies essential for conducting successful negotiations.

The AUTM Software Course Planning Committee supports the overall software licensing education and learning needs of AUTM members. This committee designs, plans and executes the AUTM Software Course, which is focused on specific issues, topics and learning objectives technology transfer professionals require in the area of software and other digital media.

The Essentials of Academic Technology Transfer Course Planning Committee organizes the content, speakers and other elements of the AUTM Essentials Course, which provides an overview of the essential aspects of academic technology transfer and is designed for individuals who are new to technology transfer in an academic environment.

This committee is responsible for developing the course program of The Conversation, the high-level event for senior members of the profession that involves presentation-free, moderated panel-style discussions that fully engage attendees in a dialogue or has an interactive facilitator of the entire group. Program development includes choosing the agenda, securing moderators and speakers and helping to develop the content of the session (descriptions and learning objectives). The Committee works in cooperation with the AUTM Sponsorship Manager to acquire sponsorship support of the PD courses.

The Marketing Course Planning Committee organizes the content, speakers and other elements of AUTM's Professional Development Course on the topic of marketing.

The Online Professional Development Committee is responsible for identifying educational needs and the development, facilitation and evaluation of online courses.

This committee is responsible for developing the Valuation course programs and materials, and for training speakers. The Committee works in cooperation with the AUTM Sponsorship Manager to acquire sponsorship support of the PD courses. The Committee works in cooperation with the AUTM Volunteerism Committee to recruit speakers and committee members.

This committee is responsible for developing the course program. Program development includes choosing the agenda, securing moderators and speakers and helping to develop the content of the session (descriptions and learning objectives). The Committee works in cooperation with the AUTM Sponsorship Manager to acquire sponsorship support of the PD courses.