Better World Project

Food Storage Technology Improves Consumer Satisfaction

North Carolina State University

 Food Storage Technology Improves Consumer Satisfaction

To provide consumers with the freshest, highest-quality fruits and vegetables, researchers have long been interested in managing the production of ethylene, which is a naturally occurring hormone in fruit that causes ripening, and eventually, softening and rot. Effective quality control methods would mean benefits to consumers such as improved overall tartness and taste.

North Carolina State researchers from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Edward C. Sisler, Ph.D., and Sylvia M. Blankenship, Ph.D., have discovered the secret to keeping fruits and vegetables juicy, crisp and harvest-quality-fresh through storage and the trip to the marketplace. They uncovered 1-MCP (1-methylcyclopropene), a patented technology that provides a method of inhibiting the ethylene response of fruits and vegetables, thereby regulating the ripening process and lengthening the shelf life of produce.

Researchers have discovered the secret to keeping fruits and vegetables juicy, crisp and harvest-quality-fresh through storage and the trip to the marketplace.

Rohm and Hass Company recognized the commercial potential of the university’s discovery and worked with the Office of Technology Transfer to license the ethylene-inhibiting technology. Rohm and Hass formed AgroFresh to develop its product platform. Based on this successful union, AgroFresh developed a product called SmartFresh® a synthetic produce enhancer. Ethylene-sensitive crops such as apples, avocados, bananas, broccoli, cucumbers, leafy vegetables, mangoes, melons, pears, plums and tomatoes are now candidates for longer life spans and fresher taste. SmartFresh® helps drive growth in the produce industry by ensuring that fresh food crops get to market, which means consumers can expect fresher fruits and vegetables year-round.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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A Device to Treat Solid GI Tract Tumors

A Device to Treat Solid GI Tract Tumors
A precision cancer therapy procedure invented at University College Cork (UCC) treats solid tumors of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, including difficult-to-treat esophageal cancer, in an outpatient setting, minimizing hospital time.

Developed in the Cork Cancer Research Centre at UCC, the ePORE® EndoVE® therapy is composed of a bedside pulse generator, ePORE, that generates high-frequency pulsed electrical fields, coupled to the EndoVE electrode device which is applied directly to tumors to ‘electroporate’ the tissue (to make cells porous).

Electroporation can be used in combination with low-dose chemotherapy drug like bleomycin. A significant advantage of this targeted precision treatment is that it can be delivered under local anesthesia in an out-patient setting, so hospital time is minimized. The treatment has minimal side-effects and preserves surrounding healthy tissue.

ePORE EndoVe is protected by two patents granted to UCC which were subsequently licensed to establish a new spinout, Mirai Medical. Declan Soden, who co-invented the technology, left UCC to lead the company and commercialize the research that was started by his colleague, co-inventor and one of Ireland’s top surgeons, the late Professor Gerry O’Sullivan.

Mirai has raised approximately €10M in investment to date which is being used to support clinical studies ongoing in several European hospitals, including the VECTOR trial in patients with esophageal cancer. Approximately half of patients diagnosed with this cancer present with unresectable or metastatic disease and the ePORE therapy aims to control swallowing, improve quality of life, and prolong survival.

ePORE was also recently trialed on gynecological cancer patients at Queen Charlotte’s Hospital, London, where response to treatment was very positive. ePore may provide an alternative treatment for young patients who may not wish to embark on an excisional procedure which may have an adverse effect on their future fertility.

Mirai has rolled out ePORE therapy to 45 hospitals since the device was first CE-marked in Europe in January 2020. Mirai’s business development strategy consists of establishing strategic partnerships with surgical Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) at specialty cancer hospitals across the world.

Kevin Dalton is an experienced commercialization manager within UCC Innovation, the technology transfer office at UCC. He played a key role in assisting Declan Soden spinout Mirai Medical in 2017. His previous experience working in a startup together with his skills and dealmaking expertise (RTTP designation received in 2015) were instrumental in finalizing a business plan and completing license negotiations in a professional and timely manner. 

This story was originally published in 2022.

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Web-based Software Uses Math to Grade Students’ Writing

Univeristy of Colorado, Boulder

Web-based Software Uses Math to Grade Students’ Writing

After 10 years of research, Thomas K. Landauer, Ph.D., a psychology professor at University of Colorado in Boulder, Peter Foltz, Ph.D., a psychology professor at New Mexico State University, and Darrell Laham, Ph.D., a graduate student at University of Colorado, invented Intelligent Essay Assessor (IEA). IEA is Web-based and conducts sophisticated mathematical and statistical evaluations of the semantic content of writing to issue a grade that correlates closely with what teachers or test examiners would give.

IEA automatically assesses and critiques electronically submitted essays providing feedback to both the student and instructor.

IEA allows teachers to assign more writing assignments to students without additional grading time and gives students opportunities to practice and improve their writing abilities.

The software relies on Latent Semantic Analysis to evaluate the quality of the semantic content of writing. Computer modules are used to conduct a mathematical analysis of the semantic space, evaluate the words in the text, compare sections of the essay and integrate the scores from each module to arrive at a final score. IEA can also identify areas of weakness, recommend instructional materials and identify sections in need of rewriting.

Initial funding came through a series of research grants from the National Science Foundation, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the U.S. Army and the U.S. Air Force. IEA was invented in 1997 and patented in 2002 by Knowledge Analysis Technologies, LLC, a company formed by Landauer, Foltz and Laham. The company was acquired by Pearson Education in 2004 at which time it became known as Pearson Knowledge Technologies. IEA has scored more than two million student essays.


This story was originally published in 2007.

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Molecular Biomarkers Improve Treatment of Colorectal Cancers

University of Southern California USC

Molecular Biomarkers Improve Treatment of Colorectal Cancers

Surgery has always been the most accepted treatment for early-stage colorectal cancers, but a groundbreaking discovery from the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California will likely provide physicians with more treatment options.

In 1998 associate professor of medicine Heinz-Joseph Lenz, M.D., and colleagues David Park, Ph.D., Jan Stoehlmacher, Ph.D., Sheeja Thankappan-Pullarkat, M.D. and Yi Ping Xiong, M.D. discovered a group of biomarkers that are associated with colorectal cancer.

Detecting biomarkers specific to a disease can aid in the identification, diagnosis, and treatment of affected individuals, as well as people who may be at risk but do not yet exhibit symptoms.

Officially called “Medical Diagnostic Predictors of Therapy Response Rate,” this technology will help scientists predict therapy response rates and overall outcomes and survival for patients with colorectal cancer, helping caregivers immediately determine the best methods for treatment.

In 2007 the technology was licensed to Abraxis Bioscience, a biotechnology company located in Los Angeles. The goal of continued research is to combine prognostic markers with specific therapeutic agents, which will allow clinicians to tailor therapy to the molecular profile of the patient while minimizing life-threatening toxicities.

The end result has the potential to improve the overall outcome and survival rate for patients with colorectal cancer.

This story was originally published in 2008.

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Synthetic Vitamin D Protects Bone Strength in Kidney Failure Patients

University of Wisconsin Madison

Synthetic Vitamin D Protects Bone Strength in Kidney Failure Patients

A serious side effect from kidney failure is the depletion of vitamin D hormone, which is manufactured by the kidneys and regulates calcium absorption from the intestines. Without adequate levels of vitamin D hormone in the bloodstream, the body cannot process enough calcium from digested food and instead must draw calcium into the blood from the skeleton. Over time this leads to weakened, brittle bones that break easily. To fight this condition, in the early 1990s, scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison invented paricalcitol, a synthetic form of vitamin D hormone that regulates calcium in the bloodstream.

Biochemistry professor Hector DeLuca, PhD, led the research team that discovered paricalcitol (now sold commercially as Zemplar™). Initial funding for the research was provided by the National Institutes of Health.

When calcium levels in the blood are low, the parathyroid gland produces parathyroid hormones that trigger calcium release from the bones. During kidney failure the parathyroid gland is in a state of over-production known as secondary hyperparathyroidism. Paricalcitol suppresses the activity of the parathyroid gland and the overproduction of parathyroid hormone by increasing calcium levels in the blood. Paricalcitol is also safer than other vitamin D hormone therapies because it has lower risk for elevating blood calcium to dangerous levels.

Nearly 80 percent of patients on kidney dialysis now receive vitamin D hormone compared to approximately 60 percent in 1999.

The use of vitamin D hormone therapy in chronic kidney disease patients has increased since paricalcitol was commercialized as Zemplar™. Paricalcitol generates more than $30 million each year in royalties for the University of Wisconsin, where research continues for clinical applications of vitamin D in psoriasis, osteoporosis, cancer and a variety of autoimmune/inflammatory diseases.

This story was originally published in 2008.

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Serving a Better Cup of Coffee

University of Guelph

Serving a Better Cup of Coffee

In recent years, the popularity of single-serve coffee makers has increased dramatically. The handy appliances — commonplace in many homes, office break rooms and hotels — provide convenience for consumers, but at a high cost to the environment

The single-serve pods used by these machines generate enormous amounts of waste. Such concerns prompted officials in Hamburg, Germany to ban the purchase of single-serve pods for government buildings. But elsewhere, sales flourish and the pods usually end up in landfills. One estimate suggests that the volume of pods sold each year for one of the most popular brands — the Keurig K-Cup — could circle the globe more than 10 times. Because of that massive waste problem, the K-Cup’s inventor has said publicly that he sometimes regrets his creation.  

Thanks to researchers at University of Guelph, there’s a much more earth-friendly coffee pod available now— one that’s not only compostable, but also incorporates material that coffee roasters would often haul to landfills.
By 2011, Canada’s largest supermarket chain, Loblaws, realized that although consumers loved single-serve coffee, they didn’t love the idea of creating so much waste. Loblaws turned to its supplier, Club Coffee, to identify someone who could create a compostable coffee pod. After two years, Club Coffee still couldn’t find a solution — so the CEO asked Ontario’s deputy minister of agriculture if she knew anyone who might help.
That led to a meeting in January 2014, where Club Coffee explained its predicament to Amar Mohanty, Ph.D., director of University of Guelph's Bioproducts Discovery and Development Centre. Atul Bali, CEO of Competitive Green Technologies, also attended that meeting. He and Mohanty had worked together on previous projects to commercialize university technologies, and they shared an overarching goal: reduce the world’s dependence on petroleum-based plastics by developing bio-based materials made with natural fibers or fillers.
To develop the compostable coffee pod, the biggest challenge was creating the bio-material for the ring that secures the coffee pod’s pouch. That’s because Mohanty needed to design something that was compostable and cost-effective. At the time, Club Coffee’s pods had rings made from polypropylene, a petroleum-based plastic that costs significantly less than typical bio-degradable plastic. “People are very interested in being green, but they aren’t interested in paying more,” says Mohanty, who has studied bio-polymers for more than 25 years. To create a ring that didn’t exceed Club Coffee’s cost requirements, Mohanty knew he would need to add an inexpensive natural fiber to the bio-degradable plastic. He wasn’t sure which fiber he would use — but the material would have to be readily available in large quantities.
After about four months of talking with companies in the coffee industry, Mohanty found his answer. He learned that before coffee beans are roasted, the skin of the bean is removed. It's called chaff, and coffee roasters consider it a waste product. They pay companies to haul chaff away and spread it in fields, dump it in landfills, or burn it. When Mohanty heard that, something clicked. “If I see something going to waste, my mind starts wondering, ‘How can I utilize that?’”
With coffee chaff, Mohanty had an ideal inexpensive natural fiber. The coffee roasters were glad to have their chaff hauled away for free, so Mohanty and his researchers could use it. By September 2014, he had a ring formulation with bio-degradable plastic that consisted of about 25 percent chaff. That allowed Mohanty to reduce the cost sufficiently. What’s more, chaff represented a natural fiber that wouldn’t encounter supply shortages. It’s an important consideration, since supply-chain problems often create big hurdles for bio-based composite materials. Within Canada and the United States alone, Mohanty estimates that roasters produce more than 10 million pounds of chaff each year. His approach has the added benefit of finding value in discarded industrial material. As Bali puts it: “The use of chaff is totally ideal from a waste management perspective — turning waste to value.”
In March 2015, University of Guelph's Catalyst Centre filed a patent on Mohanty’s innovation and exclusively licensed the technology to Competitive Green Technologies in June 2015. It took less than a month to negotiate that license, says Steve De Brabandere, associate director for the University of Guelph's Catalyst Centre. “We’ve done four licensing agreements with them, and we anticipate doing more in the future."
Says Mohanty: “The [Catalyst Centre] was instrumental in making this project a great success. The support we received in commercializing the technology is essential in a project like this. It improves the patenting process and the licensing agreement."
De Brabandere observes that Mohanty’s formulation creates a virtuous circle — it helps keep chaff out of landfills and that chaff allows cost-effective production of compostable pods. He’s also struck by the close working relationship between Mohanty’s research center and Bali’s company, Competitive Green Technologies. It played a critical role in the commercialization of the formulation, he says. “For anything like this, it’s not the type of technology where you make it in a lab and then throw it over the wall,” says De Brabandere. “It’s not like we’ve developed a pharmaceutical drug that isn’t going to change.” Instead, it requires plenty of willingness to tweak.  
Bali agrees. “When you prepare a new material in a laboratory, maybe you use four pounds of it in experiments,” he says. "When you now take that to the real world, the customer is looking for a trial run of 1,000 pounds to put in big molding machines.” That can entail considerable changes to fit real-life manufacturing conditions.
When Mohanty’s formulation first ran through a large molding machine, it didn’t work properly, says Bali. “But we did three iterations and by the third time, we nailed it." By November 2015, Competitive Green Technologies was able to use a mold that produced 64 of the rings every 10 seconds. “Right now, the molder is molding half million rings a day,” says Bali.
The compostable coffee pod that includes the ring is called PurPod100 — it’s a Club Coffee product that is now supplied to large retailers in Canada and the United States, including Loblaws, Kroger, Walmart and Costco. When the Biodegradable Polymer Institute tested the PurPod100 to provide compostable certification, it found that the pod was 100 percent composted in about 45 days. Without the help of several researchers at his center, Mohanty notes that it would have taken much longer to develop the compostable pod. “For this type of product, one person might be able to do it in three or four years if they work very hard,” says Mohanty. “Our team of researchers was able to complete this in less than 18 months."
The single-serve coffee maker at his research center uses the compostable pods — but don’t expect Mohanty to make beverages with those. He’s an avid tea drinker, and one of his next projects involves developing a compostable single-serve pod for tea (it won’t include coffee chaff, because the coffee odor would permeate the tea).
“I’m a nature loving guy,” says Mohanty. “We are trying to save the world from greenhouse gases — so anything I do, I try to focus on being more environmentally friendly.”

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3D Prototyping Technology Cuts Manufacturing Time, Costs

Bowling Green State University

3D Prototyping Technology Cuts Manufacturing Time, Costs

Ceramics are typically manufactured using prototype negative molds. Creating the mold is a time-consuming step that adds extra cost to the manufacturing process.

Faculty at Bowling Green State University (BGSU) in Bowling Green,  Ohio, have developed a rapid prototyping technology that uses a digital file to directly create durable ceramic products that can be glazed and fired in a kiln, without the need for a negative mold. 

This technology eliminates the need for an eleborate manufacturing process while enabling the production of a wide variety of ceramic parts. 

The construction of ceramic objects from digital models technology was developed in 2005-2006 by John Balistreri, Sebastien Dion and Amber Reed. Funding of $50,000 was provided by the BGSU Office of Sponsored Programs and Research. The research team invented specific ceramic recipes and binders that, when used in a rapid prototyping machine, produce fully functional and durable ceramic objects. This technology eliminates the need for negative molds in the manufacturing process. It can produce an unlimited variety of precision, inert and heatresistant ceramic parts, including insulators, gaskets, filters and engine parts.

Architects and designers can create ceramic components directly from digital drawings of portions of walls, floors, and details of custom patterns in 3-D relief without going through  an elaborate production process.  Archaeologists, paleontologists, and  restorers can also use this technology to  quickly complete, reconstruct, or repair ancient fossils or artifacts through 3-D scanning and modeling techniques.  

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3-D Virtual Colonoscopies: Changing Attitudes, Reducing Cancer

SUNY Stony Brook

3-D Virtual Colonoscopies: Changing Attitudes, Reducing Cancer

Colorectal cancer is a leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide and claims about 677,000 men and women annually, according to the World Health Organization. This cancer burden can be decreased if cases are detected and treated early. Unfortunately, most individuals over 50 avoid the unpleasant and invasive tests that can screen for colorectal cancer or precancerous growths—until now.

A new 3-D Virtual Colonoscopy, also known as computed tomography (CT) colonography, is changing the way people view colorectal screening. It is expected to become more commonly used than a conventional optical colonoscopy thanks to its non-invasive nature. The procedure takes less than 15 minutes and typically requires the patient to drink a contrast solution, which eliminates the need for a harsh purgative prior to the scanning. The patient, without being sedated and after a small tube is inserted in the rectum to inflate the colon with CO2, lays on his/her back and stomach while a CT scan takes pictures of the abdomen and pelvis in several seconds.

This fast, safe and cost effective procedure is based on patented diagnostic 3-D imaging software, techniques and a computer system developed by a Stony Brook University research team led by its inventor, Arie E. Kaufman, a Distinguished Professor and Chairman of the Department of Computer Science who pioneered the field of “volumetric representation.” Unlike an ordinary 2-D computer image, a 3-D volumetric representation is a stack of 2-D images laid on top of each other forming a continuous 3-D space. Development of volumetric representation, which was funded by the National Science Foundation, has led to a number of advances in software for graphics display and graphics acceleration hardware.

By offering the capability to screen lots of people quickly, easily, inexpensively and noninvasively, the  virtual colonoscopy can change the way people throughout the world view colorectal screening and start to save thousands of lives worldwide through early detection and treatment,
Arie E. Kaufman

In the case of the 3-D Virtual Colonoscopy, approved for use in the United States by the Food and Drug Administration, this innovative computer graphics technology puts the CT images together into a high quality 3-D computerized image of the colon so a physician can see 100 percent of its surface vs. the estimated 77 percent with a conventional colonoscopy. After the exam a radiologist can actually “fly through” the patient’s virtual colon, from beginning to end, and around all folds, thoroughly searching for polyps that are as small as a few millimeters. By contrast, a conventional colonoscopy using a fiber optic endoscope is invasive and expensive, and requires a day of preparation involving laxatives and usually a day for the procedure since the patientmust be sedated. A conventional colonoscopy also carries the risk of perforation of the colon wall and even a small risk of death.

To date, more than 100 potentially lifesaving 3-D Virtual Colonoscopy systems have been used in the United States to screen thousands of patients. In 2008, both Siemens Healthcare of Germany and GE Healthcare of General Electric Company signed non-exclusive licenses for the portfolio of innovations developed by Kaufman and his team.


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Assay Pinpoints Natural Killer Cells To Improve Transplant Outcomes

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

Assay Pinpoints Natural Killer Cells To Improve Transplant Outcomes

A bone marrow or stem cell transplant in which stem cells from a donor (called allogeneic) are transplanted into a patient is often the best chance for a cure for patients with recurrent or resistant cancers such as leukemia and lymphoma.

However, of the roughly 25,000 patients who receive a stem cell transplant each year worldwide, only about half survive, according to the Worldwide Network for Blood & Marrow Transplantation. And until recently, researchers could not accurately predict the outcome of the costly and high-risk transplant procedure.

Insight Genetics hopes to reduce that uncertainty — and increase the success rate of stem cell transplants — by offering a new test to help identify the optimal stem cell donor. The assay, developed by researchers at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, provides information on both the patient’s cancer cells and the makeup of receptors on specialized immune cells called natural killer (NK) cells from donor candidates.

This test helps take the guesswork out of donor-patient matching for allogeneic stem cell transplants," says JonEric Pettersson, manager of commercial development at Insight Genetics.

The researcher behind the assay is Wing Leung, M.D., Ph.D., chair of St. Jude’s Department of Bone Marrow Transplant and Cellular Therapy.

The use of the new test will change the choice of stem cell donors in as many as 20,000 of the 25,000 transplants performed each year.
Wing Leung

Using the Immune System to Fight Cancer

Stem cells, which live in the spongy center (called marrow) of certain bones in the body, produce the body’s blood cells — including NK cells — that play a critical role in the immune system to fight off invading germs and cancer cells.A stem cell transplant essentially recruits a whole new defense against the disease by infusing stem cells from a well-matched donor into the patient to attack the cancer.

The Stem Cell Transplant

The majority of stem cell transplants are performed on patients with cancers that originate in blood cells, including leukemia, multiple myeloma and some lymphomas, that are highly resistant to standard treatments.

The stem cell transplantation procedure (also called a bone marrow or cord blood transplant) is typically preceded by chemotherapy and radiation therapy to eliminate as much of the cancer as possible.

“The chemo and radiation are harsh, but if it is effective, you eradicate 99.99 percent of the cancer cells,” says Stephan W. Morris, M.D., chief scientific officer at Insight Genetics. “However, that leaves a tiny percentage of cells that are able in some cases to re-grow and cause a recurrence. In a successful transplantation, the donor cells seek out the latent cancer cells, eradicate them, and you have the potential for a cure.” 

This desired characteristic of the donor cells is called the graft-versus-tumor (GVT) reaction.

Unfortunately, not all transplantations are a success. In some patients, the GVT reaction is robust — but in others, the effect is suboptimal. To better understand the molecular mechanisms that influence GVT in bone marrow transplants, Leung and his colleagues began studying the genetic makeup of NK cells in 2004.

Understanding Natural Killer Cells

Each NK cell has proteins extending from its surface called killer-cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs) that regulate the cell’s activity. Before NK cells attack and eliminate foreign cells in the body, these receptors must first recognize and bind to proteins or ligands (known as human leukocyte antigens or HLAs) on foreign cells.

Using a specially developed molecular assay to determine the genetic makeup of KIRs, Leung discovered that a specific KIR receptor — KIR2DL1 — varies from person to person. What’s more, he found that this variation in the NK cell’s gene content, as well as the matching between the donor KIR and recipient HLA, affects the strength of the cells’ immune response and its cancer-killing ability following transplantation.

Using the test to retrospectively analyze the outcomes of previous transplant procedures, Leung’s research team determined that NK cells expressing the stronger version of KIR2DL1 destroy cancer cells more effectively than cells expressing the weaker version of KIR2DL1. In a study by Leung and his colleagues published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, the researchers demonstrated that children with leukemia were much more likely to survive their transplant and their disease was significantly less likely to progress when bone marrow transplants came from donors whose NK cells expressed the stronger form of KIR2DL1.

“It’s a three-fold difference, which is huge,” says Leung.

When HLA ligands in the patient’s body bind to KIRs on the donor’s NK cells, the receptor sends a signal to the NK that either activates or inhibits the attack mechanism. The balance between these activating and inhibiting signals plays an important role in the ability of NK cells to mount an effective GVT response.

Leung and his team also developed a second test to determine the type of HLA ligands present in the patient. The optimal stem cell recipient does not have ligands that will inhibit the donor’s NK cells, a situation referred to as a KIR-KIR ligand mismatch.

Accordingly, Leung had discovered that he could match donor stem cells that express the stronger form of KIR2DL1 with recipients that were less likely to inhibit those cells in order to greatly increase the stem cell transplantation success rates.

A Friend and Partner in Insight Genetics

After filing the patents for the KIR/KIR-ligand assay, St. Jude’s Office of Technology Licensing approached Insight Genetics as they knew the company’s scientific founder well.

Morris co-founded Insight Genetics in 2007 after working as a clinician and researcher on St. Jude’s staff for 25 years — helping to discover and characterize a number of oncogenes (including anaplastic lymphoma kinase, ALK, among others) — before beginning his commercial venture dedicated to providing companion diagnostics to the increasingly personalized treatments for cancer.

“After nearly 30 years in academic medicine I finally decided to scratch my entrepreneurial itch,” says Morris, who left St. Jude and joined the company full-time as chief scientific officer in 2012.

Insight Genetics obtained exclusive, worldwide licensing rights to KIR2DL1 coding sequences and the KIR/KIR-lligand assay, including unique probe and primer designs for developing the test.

The KIR/KIR-Ligand Assay

Now 20 employees strong, the company has been refining the assay for clinical use and plans to begin processing blood samples from donor candidates in its Nashville-based laboratory, Insight Molecular Labs, during the second quarter of 2014.

Depending on demand for the assay, the company may also develop a testing kit that can be sold to individual laboratories and bone marrow registries across the country so they can perform the assay on their own.

The automated KIR/KIR-ligand assay is a quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR)-based test that amplifies, or makes multiple copies of, the specific molecules of interest with a fluorescent label that is detected by an instrument common to clinical laboratories. The company hopes to return test results — indicating the optimal donor based on the presence of the stronger KIR receptor and a KIR-KIR ligand mismatch — within 48 hours.

“There’s a clear utility for this assay for leukemia patients,” says Morris. “But it also has potential for other diseases that are treated with bone marrow transplants.”

Leung says that more and more physicians are referring patients for stem cell transplants earlier in the cancer treatment process, not just at the end-stage of the disease.

“The stem cell transplant has become much safer as the technology has advanced,” he says. “Plus, stem cell transplantation is curative and more patients have access to transplant centers in 42 states now.”

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A Novel Partnership Tackles Meningitis

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

A Novel Partnership Tackles Meningitis

In the middle of 2003, Marc LaForce was having trouble sleeping. As the director of the Meningitis Vaccine Project (MVP), he was missing a vital piece of a difficult puzzle. The MVP sought to commercialize a vaccine that would help prevent Africa’s devastating epidemics of meningococcal meningitis, a bacterial infection of the brain and spinal cord. The largest documented outbreak, in 1996, sickened 250,000 people in Africa and caused 25,000 deaths. In 2002, a single West African country (Burkina Faso) had 13,000 meningitis cases and at least 1,500 deaths.

To succeed, the MVP needed a vaccine production method with two essential qualities: very effective and very affordable. But in mid-2003, that search hit a dead end. "All projects have their ups and downs," says LaForce, M.D. "We were in the downest of downs."

Then, in June 2003, LaForce had a pivotal conversation with Carl Frasch, Ph.D., a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) researcher. Frasch offered a new method for vaccine production developed by one of his colleagues, Robert Lee. It ultimately led to an unconventional licensing arrangement. The National Institutes of Health (NIH)—FDA's sister agency, responsible for FDA’s technology transfer—didn’t license the production method to a company. Instead, it transferred the technology to PATH, one of the nonprofit organizations that collaborated on the MVP. The result would be a vaccine—MenAfriVac—that could dramatically reduce the meningitis rate in Africa. What’s more, the product-development partnership that emerged could serve as a collaboration model for effectively tackling other public health issues in developing nations.

Debilitating Effects on Patients and Communities

The quest for a better, affordable vaccine began in 2001 with a $70 million grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. That funded the creation of the MVP — a partnership between the World Health Organization and PATH, a Seattle, Wash., nonprofit with a public health focus. The MVP’s goal was no small matter, considering the meningitis epidemics that had plagued Africa for decades. The hardest-hit area is known as the African Meningitis Belt, consisting of about 20 countries stretching across the top of sub-Saharan Africa. From 1991 to 2010, nearly 1 million meningitis cases were reported in that area, along with about 100,000 deaths. Other parts of the world did not have the same grim figures. In the United States, for example, there were about 3,200 cases reported from 1998 to 2007, with less than 500 deaths from the disease.

Even when patients receive early diagnosis and treatment for meningitis, a full recovery is not guaranteed. As many as 10 percent of patients do not survive, and up to 20 percent of those who do survive are left with hearing loss, learning disabilities, or brain damage. 

In sub-Saharan African, meningitis is particularly debilitating, even beyond the individuals it infects. That’s because meningitis tends to strike people age 30 and younger, who are often a household's main wage-earner. Says Steven Ferguson, deputy director, licensing and entrepreneurship at the NIH's Office of Technology Transfer: "The disease is quite significant, not only in terms of mortality, but also the economic impact for the patients and their families."

Veering From the Traditional Licensing Path

Vaccines have been available in the African Meningitis Belt for more than 30 years, but they typically provided short-term immunity that sometimes only lasted for several months, and did not help children younger than 2 years old. The MVP wanted to improve this by providing a conjugate vaccine, a particular type of vaccine proven to be more effective. Originally developed by NIH scientists, conjugate vaccines take a polysaccharide molecule from the outer layer of a disease-causing bacteria (in this case,the group A meningococcal bacterium), and attach it to a "carrier" protein. This boosts immunity to the pathogen, helping the immune system to swiftly attack the pathogen even if it invades several years later.  

At the project's outset, LaForce and WHO staff visited Africa to talk with public health officials there. It soon became clear that a more-effective vaccine would not be enough. It had to be affordable — and to African public health officials, that meant a conjugate vaccine costing no more than 50 cents a dose.

It was an audacious goal. In the United States, for example, conjugate vaccines often cost $150 or more, says LaForce.

A Game-Changing Conversation

In early 2003, the MVP leadership thought they had lined up a partnership with a lab that would transfer a conjugation method for the vaccine. But, as LaForce puts it, "It was an arrangement that did not work out." That left the MVP in a precarious spot. In June 2003, LaForce stood in front of a WHO panel in Geneva and informed them that the $70 million project still had no conjugation method. At that moment, the vaccine project did not exactly seem poised for success.

But before he left, LaForce met someone who also happened to be visiting Geneva: Carl Frasch, Ph.D., chief, Laboratory of Polysaccharides, Division of Bacterial Products at the FDA's Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research. LaForce described his predicament, and Frasch told him about a scientist in his lab, Robert Lee, Ph.D., who had developed a new conjugation method. “He said, ‘Why don’t you come and see us?’” says LaForce. "It was a game-changer."  Three days later, LaForce was in Washington, D. C., at the FDA, marveling at what the researchers had developed.

The chemistry used in the conjugation method is not new — it is an existing reaction that has been used for other scientific applications since the 1960s, as Lee is quick to point out. But it had not been used for conjugate vaccine production, due to reliability and reproducibility concerns. The major problem was precipitation in the vaccine, which resulted in the formation  of unwanted solids.

"I was bothered by that,” says Lee. “But then I thought, ‘Hey, there is no reason why it cannot be overcome.’" After more than a year, Lee solved the precipitation problem by keeping the solution pH between 10 and 11. Lee’s refinements led to an extremely efficient method that aligned perfectly with MVP’s goals. As LaForce points out:

If you're going to make vaccine for 250 million people and you're aiming at a cost that's less than 50 cents a dose, you better make sure that the method is one that yields the most product for the amount of raw material that you put in.
Robert Lee

Conjugation methods for vaccines represent highly prized, highly protected intellectual property for pharmaceutical companies. So when the FDA’s conjugation method was licensed to PATH, one of the two organizations behind MVP, it represented a dramatic turning point for the project.

The nonexclusive license transfer to PATH was handled by NIH’s Office of Technology Transfer, which played a vital role, says LaForce.  "When you're developing contracts, they can go on forever," he says. But with the NIH, it only took about four months. “They were enormously helpful in getting this facilitated,” says LaForce, who retired from his MVP director position in 2012. "The whole process moved flawlessly." Conducting these license negotiations on behalf of NIH was Peter Soukas, a technology licensing specialist in the NIH Office of Technology Transfer.

Thanks to the efficient and expedient technology transfer process, the vaccine project finally had the right method, but PATH still needed a manufacturer to produce the vaccine for less than 50 cents per dose. That company turned out to be Serum Institute of India Ltd. (SII), one of the largest suppliers of vaccines globally. SII told LaForce and his colleagues that the company would have to take on significant business risks to manufacture this new vaccine at such a low price. But SII also decided the benefits far outweighed the risks, considering the expertise the company would gain from making this new vaccine and the contribution it would make in solving a substantial public health problem.

As part of the agreement, the FDA shared its conjugate vaccine know-how in a truly collaborative way. Instead of receiving written guidance for the production technique, two scientists came to the FDA lab in December 2003 to gain expertise in person. "For three weeks, we worked side by side, day and night, and produced 12 small vaccine batches," says Lee. "They had never been in the field of conjugated vaccines, so this was a very good head start for them."

A Model to Emulate

After clinical trials demonstrated that the vaccine (named MenAfriVac) was safe and effective, vaccinations began in Africa in 2010. MenAfriVac quickly delivered on its promise of improved immunity. In 2011, three countries that had been involved in the vaccine’s initial rollout — Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger — had the lowest number of group A meningitis cases ever recorded during an epidemic season.

By the end of 2012, more than 100 million people in Africa had received the vaccine.

Immunity from a single dose is expected to last up to 10 years — compared to previous meningitis vaccines in Africa, where immunity sometimes lasted less than 12 months.

MenAfriVac probably would not have become a 50-cents-per-dose reality without the public-private partnership that unfolded, one that veered from the traditional path of licensing to a pharmaceutical or biotech company. It's a glimpse of the future, one that the NIH wants to facilitate. "This case inspired us to put together a template agreement on our website, so other NGOs [nongovernmental organizations] can see what the general outline would be for an agreement like this,” says Ferguson. “That way, they can seriously consider this pathway in terms of meeting their goal as an organization. Particularly for products that don't have an immediate market in Western countries, we have to think differently in terms of commercialization strategies.”


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Abilex Device Restores Patients’ Ability to Speak, Swallow

University of Western Ontario

Abilex Device Restores Patients’ Ability to Speak, Swallow
A man injured in a car crash was able to eat by mouth for the first time in five months after using Abilex. A woman left without speech for three years after her stroke used Abilex and is now able to swallow and speak.
The Abilex device may look simple, but this life-changing product is backed by considerable design, engineering, and research expertise to help people who have difficulty swallowing or speaking exercise and strengthen their jaw, tongue and mouth.

It is the brainchild of Ruth Martin, Professor and Associate Dean for Graduate and Postdoctoral Programs in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Western University in London, Ontario. During her early career as a speech language pathologist in a neuro-rehabilitation clinic, Martin often worked with people who had difficulty swallowing because of strokes, brain injuries or throat and mouth cancers. Therapy was often slow and difficult, with few devices available to retrain both the tongue and the brain that controlled them.
In her later postdoctoral research, Martin worked on the hypothesis that electrical stimulation of the brain could promote swallowing in people who had lost that ability. That’s where her ‘eureka’ moment happened: what if there were an easy-to-use therapy that patients could use to exercise their tongue and jaw, and at the same time help re-wire the ‘swallowing’ parts of their brains?
It had to be lightweight so it wouldn’t overload the jaw; malleable at one end so with little pressure people could get some movement even if they had little muscle control; and have a shape and form that would, without risking their health, help patients stimulate their ‘natural’ ability to wet food into a little ball in their mouths to make it easier to swallow.
It’s this last point that’s key. People with swallowing difficulties often lack the ability to create a swallow-able food ball – sometimes causing them to choke, or aspirate food into their lungs, leading to pneumonia.
Martin’s lab tested several prototypes of various shapes and sizes.  Clinical studies, including functional MRIs at Robarts Research Institute to test the device performance, took place from 2004-09.
WORLDiscoveries, the technology transfer office for Western University, helped Martin secure patents and development funding for the technology and promoted the device to potential licensing partners. In 2009, London-based medical innovator Trudell Medical International picked up the license for the device, which it now makes and markets as Abilex.

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Portal Infuses Technology Into K-12 Classrooms

PLS 3rd Learning
Univeristy at Buffalo Office of Science, Technology Transfer and Economic Outreach
University at Buffalo

Portal Infuses Technology Into K-12 Classrooms

If Don Jacobs gets his wish, K-12 classrooms soon will be transformed by disruptive and innovative new teaching methods. He also hopes to be part of that change, through his own innovation: web-based systems that offer teachers a searchable curriculum database, resources and professional development — and certainly through the company he helped establish to commercialize the systems, PLS 3rd Learning.

I hope schools look completely different in 10 years, blending old-fashioned learning with technology,
Don Jacobs, CEO

Becoming an Early Adopter

Jacobs is himself a blend of teacher and techie. When he graduated with a degree in art education from Buffalo State College in 1981, teaching jobs were scarce; the market for personal computers, however, was just emerging. Out of sheer necessity, Jacobs taught himself to use the new technology, which helped him land a position “automating” a New York education service agency.

“That position allowed me to dabble in all areas of the organization, including designing instructional technologies projects,” says Jacobs, who simultaneously completed a doctorate in 1992 at the University at Buffalo (UB) Graduate School of Education of The State University of New York (SUNY) system. “And that led me to want to create a research center at SUNY that focused on using technology to advance K-12 education.”

He went on to establish and direct the Center for Applied Technologies in Education first at Buffalo State College and then at the UB SUNY, from 1995 through 2007.

“We did projects all over the world to advance K-12 education with technologies,” he says.

As the center began focusing on the World Wide Web in the mid 2000s, Jacobs and managing director Paulette Gandel built a web portal to organize New York’s academic learning standards for K-12 with funding from the New York State Department of Education/U.S. Department of Education.

The database, called NYLearns, was first offered for free, and then for a fee to New York school districts, which in turn gave their teachers free access to the web portal.

“We found good resources available through nonprofit organizations and wrote agreements to use those and put them on the web,” says Jacobs. “We were able to put thousands of resources aligned to standards on the site.”

Providing Curriculum Resources

Using NYLearns, a fourth grade math teacher in the Bronx can log on to the web portal and find not only a listing of mathematic concepts students are expected to know by the end of the year, but also sample curricula tied to those academic learning standards.

“There are companies that provide curriculum mapping to inform teachers what has to happen between September and June at every grade level,” says Jacobs. “We also do that, but we add the search feature that makes those standards searchable by grade level, course and subject.”

Over time, the center expanded NYLearns with additional teacher resources, including best practicesand online tools. Using the web portal, English teachers can find time-tested ways to teach the concept of foreshadowing, and math instructors have access to an online whiteboard to show students how moving the parentheses in an order of operations problem changes the calculation.

Arming Teachers With High-Tech Tools

The center staff, which eventually grew to 25 people, equally split between teachers and programmers, also added a point-and-click website builder for teachers to communicate weekly assignments to students and parents and an electronic portfolio tool where instructors can collect ideas and information gleaned from the web.

NYLearns also helps teachers assess how well their teaching methods are working. When the state of New York released 13 years worth of test questions used to assess students — some 30,000 questions — the center attached each question to its academic standard and compiled it all into a searchable database.

“[Using this feature], a teacher can search and find the handful of questions associated with foreshadowing or order of operations and create a practice assessment unit with psychometrically developed questions,” says Jacobs.

Time to Spin Out

After a decade of success with NYLearns — and growing interest in the curriculum and academic standards management system from other states — UB SUNY encouraged Jacobs to consider commercializing the software.

“That launched a conversation with Jeff Dunbar, and then three of us jumped out,” says Jacobs, who was joined in the commercial venture by Michael Horning, Jr., and Robert Daunce.

“It doesn’t happen very often that a faculty member leaves to start an enterprise,” says Jeff Dunbar, director of technology transfer for the UB Office of Science, Technology Transfer and Economic Outreach (STOR). “But Dr. Jacobs was willing because he saw such a great opportunity. He was already running a business within the university; he just had to move it out operationally.”

UB STOR assisted Jacobs’ center with obtaining copyrights and trademarks for its intellectual property, including the database design, portal design and web tools.  In 2007 the technology transfer office also negotiated and executed the license to the new company, which was funded by and became a subsidiary of a private company called Performance Learning Systems (PLS).

“We encouraged Don to work with an attorney but explained the licensing process and milestones and structuring of royalty rates,” says Dunbar.

Initial projects in the company’s pipeline included building a web portal modeled after NYLearns for the state of Pennsylvania called the Standards Aligned System (SAS) and a similar system for the state of Texas now being used by 850 school districts.

Enhancing the Teaching Profession

By accepting sample curricula from teachers, PLS 3rd Learning is able to continually build content for its portals, while supporting and sharing the work of teachers. Contributions are reviewed by three or more instructors who teach at the same grade level and subject. Submitters receive anonymous feedback and after any necessary tweaking, the sample curriculum goes live.

Although the PLS 3rd Learning databases contain more than 40,000 teaching items, Jacobs is quick to point out that the real value of each system lies in the teacher’s ability to contextualize the data.

“Google how to measure the circumference of a circle and you’ll get 8 billion hits, the value of which is 0,” says Jacobs. “We contextualize [that information], so that if you’re teaching fourth grade math in the Bronx to bilingual students, you will find methods for teaching circumference that meet your state’s standards. That puts value through the roof.”

A Boost for Buffalo

In just seven years, PLS 3rd Learning is posting sales of $10.5 million and has grown to a staff of 70, which recently required an expansion of the company’s headquarters in downtown Buffalo.

“Seeing the number of jobs created has been fantastic for Buffalo and its efforts to revitalize,” says Dunbar. “Our licensing fee revenue is just icing on the cake compared to the company’s contribution to the Buffalo economy.”

The company has also been receiving accolades from teachers and administrators using its web portals.

“We have all kinds of really positive feedback, it’s one of the very gratifying things about what we do,” says Jacobs. “After seeing the Pennsylvania web portal, one of the state’s top education policymakers said it made her want to go back into the classroom and teach again.”

In 2012, Jacob’s company merged with PLS and took over management of the parent company, which specialized in professional development.

“Online professional development is a big growth area for us,” says Jacobs.

In addition to providing online courses to educators in Turkey, Switzerland and Portugal, PLS 3rd Learning has recently partnered with the European Council of International Schools to provide professional development to schoolteachers across Europe. The company is also working with the New York State Council of Superintendents to help NY schools prepare to implement novel teaching methods such as the “flipped classroom,” in which students work independently with online materials and then work with the teacher on interactive exercises during class time.

Jacobs is excited to be playing a role in the evolution from classroom-based learning to anywhere, anytime learning.

“Part of it is providing the websites to help teachers and part is the professional development that provides a conceptual framework to prepare teachers for the shift,” he says. “Having the skills and expertise on a systemic level will determine how fast [school systems] get there.”

The Goal: Blended Learning

When Jacobs started his career, the technologies we all take for granted today had not yet transformed the business world.

“Schools are struggling to catch up,” he says. “The transition is now happening in education, and it’s what we call blended learning — the infusion of technology in the classroom.”

It’s just a matter of time, says Jacobs, before technology is ubiquitous in teaching and learning.

“Eventually, calling it blended learning will be redundant. It will just be learning,” he says.

Photo caption: Don Jacobs
Credit: PLS 3rd Learning Staff


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Acadia’s Pest v. Pesticide Challenge

Partnership Seeks “Green” Ways to Save Trees, Crops

Acadia University
Dalhousie University
University of New Brunswick

Acadia’s Pest v. Pesticide Challenge

If insects had their way, you wouldn’t be able to see the forest or the trees.

Every year bugs, beetles and like-minded pests chomp their way through millions of hectares of forest and farmland, according to Canadian government figures. But with rising concerns about the adverse environmental and health effects of traditional pesticides, a major push is under way to develop more “green” approaches to pest management—and not just in Canada but around the world.

Researchers at Acadia University in Nova Scotia are in the forefront of this movement. The effort is led by biology professor Kirk Hillier, an internationally recognized expert in how insects use naturally produced semiochemicals such as pheromones to communicate with one another. Pheromones can signal alarm, attract prey, repel enemies and lure potential mates.

It’s that last category that interests those working to protect the country’s crops and forests. Hillier’s team and its partners have developed and marketed several products that disrupt the mating behaviours of targeted groups of pests, among them the brown spruce longhorn beetle, the emerald ash borer and the jack pine budworm. These products include traps, lures and sprays to attract, repulse or confuse the intended recipients.

In 2017 Canada committed nearly $3 million from the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency to the project, which supporters hope will reduce the billions of dollars in damage caused by native and foreign insects, while simultaneously protecting the environment.

Acadia’s key partners include Forest Protection Limited (FPL), a nonprofit company that operates customized aircraft used for firefighting and aerial surveys in addition to vegetation and pest management. FPL says field trials of sex pheromones and biological insecticides using its state-of-the-art delivery techniques “allow us to optimize low-volume delivery with the maximum benefit to the forest and people.

Other partners include National Resources Canada, the University of New Brunswick and Dalhousie University.

Federal Environment Minister Catherine McKenna said the research “has the potential to create effective and environmentally responsible, pheromone-based products that will be marketed in Canada and internationally.

This story was originally published in 2018.

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ACE Inhibitors Found to Treat Diabetic Nephropathy

Brigham & Women's Hospital

ACE Inhibitors Found to Treat Diabetic Nephropathy

For those with high blood pressure, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE inhibitors) are a dream come true. By opening arteries, these drugs lower blood pressure and the resultant strain on the heart.

But it turns out that ACE inhibitors yield other medical benefits as well. Barry Brenner, M.D., of Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston and Ronald D. Smith, M.D., formerly of Merck & Co., Inc. found that ACE inhibitors can benefit those suffering from diabetic nephropathy.

Diabetic nephropathy is one of the potentially serious complications associated with diabetes, and it stems from uncontrolled high blood sugar. High blood sugar levels can damage nephrons — the miniscule tube-like units that filter fluid and other substances from the blood stream. If left unchecked, diabetic nephropathy can lead to kidney failure.

Diabetic nephropathy is the leading cause of kidney failure in Americans, affecting up to 40 percent of those with diabetes.

The scientists discovered that by lowering blood pressure, one could also lower pressure in the glomerulus — the cluster of capillary blood vessels that filter blood in the kidney. As a result, kidney life can be prolonged indefinitely in many patients suffering from diabetic nephropathy. Today, kidney patients around the world are treated with ACE inhibitors.


This story was originally published in 2007.

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Activated-Carbon Fabric Garments Absorb Viruses, Toxins and Other Deadly Contaminants

Feng Chia University

Activated-Carbon Fabric Garments Absorb Viruses, Toxins and Other Deadly Contaminants

What can help people resist the SARS virus, or protect them from contaminated water and air, or electromagnetic waves? The answer is a highly absorbent material called “PAN-Based Activated Carbon Fabrics” that was invented at Feng Chia University in Taiwan.

The development of this material, discovered by professor Tse-Hao Ko in 1995, was funded in part by the Taiwan National Science Council. It was licensed in 1996 to Taiwan Carbon Technology Co., CCTeks Co. and CeTech Co.

Polyacrylonitrile (PAN)based activated carbon fibers are superior to pitch-based, cellulose-based, and Phenol resin-based activated carbon fibers for mechanical strength and absorbency.

The proprietary process that transforms activated carbon powder to carbon fiber results in a high density of air holes in the carbon fiber, creating higher absorbency. The PAN-based fiber bundles are oxidized first and then activated in a carbon dioxide atmosphere at a temperature of 1,652 degrees Fahrenheit (900 degrees C.)

Garments containing activated carbon fabrics are 40 percent lighter than other protective clothing worn by U.S. soldiers in Iraq.

PAN-based activated fibers can be woven into yarn, thread or cloth. This highly absorbent fabric can be used in a variety of ways, including in disposable respirators, medical protective garments that guard against virus transmission, protective gear for nuclear and biochemical attacks, as well as filters for air and drinking water. 

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Activator Puts the Brakes on Cancer

University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley)

Activator Puts the Brakes on Cancer

As a kid, James Allison loved to figure out how things worked.

“I wanted to be the first person on the planet to know something before anyone else,” says Allison, who prepared for a life of discovery by pursuing a bachelor’s degree in microbiology and a doctorate in biological sciences.

After 20 years of intense laboratory research studying the body’s immune system, he got his wish.

Using Allison’s pioneering work, the biotechnology company, Medarex, in partnership with Bristol-Myers Squibb, developed Yervoy, the first drug ever shown to significantly improve overall survival for patients with advanced metastatic melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer.

Twenty-five percent of patients treated with Yervoy are still alive four-and–a-half years later, We can’t call it a cure, but what we’re seeing is a durable response.
James Allison

Melanoma: Rare but Lethal

Melanoma, the most dangerous form of skin cancer, is caused by uncontrolled growth in pigment-producing skin cells.

Highly curable in the early stages, melanoma can often be surgically removed. However, the disease is more likely than other skin cancers to metastasize, or spread to other parts of the body, making treatment more difficult. In the late stages of metastatic melanoma, the average survival rate is just six months.

According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), melanoma accounts for less than 5 percent of all skin cancer cases, but the vast majority of skin cancer deaths. The ACS estimates that in 2012, 76,250 Americans will be diagnosed with melanoma, and 9,180 will die from the disease.

“Metastatic melanoma is one of the most aggressive forms of cancer and, despite the rising incidence, no new treatments had been approved in more than a decade before Yervoy,” says Sarah Koenig, spokesperson for Bristol-Myers Squibb.

Harnessing the Immune System

Unlike chemotherapy, which treats the tumor directly, Yervoy is part of an emerging class of treatments known as immunotherapy, which harnesses the body’s own immune system to fight tumors.

In a healthy immune system, foreign bacteria and viruses as well as transformed cancer cells bear molecular structures called antigens that identify them to the immune system as dangerous. A type of immune cell called the T-cell plays a key role in the body’s defensive response to these dangers. However, T-cells attack antigen-bearing targets only when given a green light to do so. To prevent the body from attacking its own normal cells, the immune system has a series of checkpoints that operate like traffic lights, sending signals that either activate or inhibit T-cells.

As a professor in the Division of Immunology and director of the Cancer Research Laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley (UCB), Allison devoted himself to studying the immune response to cancer — and how the disease proliferates by selectively suppressing T-cell activation.

In 1995, he showed that a checkpoint molecule called cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen-4 (CTLA-4) puts the brakes on T-cell responses. Block CTLA-4, theorized Allison, and the immune system could be activated, unleashing a robust antitumor response. In preclinical experiments, he successfully demonstrated that he could bind a special type of protein called a monoclonal antibody to CTLA-4, preventing it from interfering with T-cell activation.

Finding a Commercial Partner

For help in the patenting process and finding a commercial partner, Allison turned to UCB’s Office of Intellectual Property (IP) and Industry Research Alliances. It turned out to be a long and winding road to commercialization.

“In the early ‘90s, companies were not interested in commercializing IP rights due to lack of what’s known as ‘proof of clinical mechanism,’” says Carol Mimura, Ph.D., assistant vice chancellor, IP and Industry Research Alliances. “As a university without a medical school, we couldn’t advance the opportunity beyond preclinical stages, but we took a risk on pursuing a broad patent portfolio because Dr. Allison convinced us that we had a world-changing opportunity.

“Essentially, we were betting on Dr. Allison and his research team, just as a venture capitalist bets on the management team of a startup company,” explains Mimura.

The technology was originally licensed to NeXstar Pharmaceuticals, which merged with the biopharmaceutical company, Gilead Sciences Inc.  Gilead sublicensed the rights to Medarex, which developed a human monoclonal antibody and began testing in partnership with Bristol-Myers Squibb.  Bristol-Myers Squibb acquired Medarex in 2009.

“Two startup companies took the risk of performing lengthy and expensive R&D [research and development] for more than a decade on an unproven opportunity,” Mimura says of NeXstar and Medarex. “Entrepreneurship and dogged determination resulted in a product that the pharmaceutical industry was able take to the finish line.”

In clinical trials, the antibody — named ipilimumab — added months to the survival rates of patients with advanced melanoma, something no other drug had been able to achieve. Based on the results of a randomized, double-blind Phase III study, the drug was fast-tracked and approved from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in March of 2011.

“Yervoy provided a critical missing piece to the cancer immunotherapy armamentarium and was a game-changer not only for melanoma patients who desperately needed new treatment options, but also for the entire field of cancer immunotherapy,” says Jill O’Donnell-Tormey, Ph.D., CEO and director of scientific affairs for the Cancer Research Institute in New York. “We expect Yervoy and other types of treatments that block the immune system’s ‘off switches’ will potentially help patients with any type of cancer, and if used in combination with cancer vaccines or conventional cancer treatments, could help a much larger percentage of patients.”

Unleashing T-Cells on Cancer

To date, more than 10,000 cancer patients have received Yervoy in clinical trials to treat advanced melanoma and other types of cancer, either alone or in combination with other drugs. Immunotherapy is a key area of focus at Bristol-Myers Squibb, which is also testing the use of Yervoy to treat specific prostate cancers and both small-cell and non-small-cell lung cancer.

“This treatment is unique in that it recruits the immune system to fight the cancer,” says Mimura. “It’s also nonspecific to a given tumor type. Clinical trials are now under way for prostate, breast, lung and other cancers.”

Allison says that unlike other drug therapies, which have short half-lives, T-cells, once activated, stay in the body for decades or maybe even a lifetime.

“One of the reasons so-called miracle drugs don’t work is because they only last in the system a short amount of time, and 85 percent of the time the cancer comes back because you can’t get every cancer cell,” says Allison. “If you try to kill cancer, it’ll beat you every time because it mutates.”

Over the years, Allison has had the opportunity to meet several patients who, thanks to Yervoy, have survived much longer than expected.

 “I met a woman who participated in our very first clinical trial 12 years ago,” he says. “That’s one of the hallmarks of immunotherapy. Once it works, it’s permanent.”

Funding Fundamental Research

Mimura and Allison say the success of Yervoy underscores the importance of conducting and funding basic research.

“Dr. Allison transformed the field of immunology and achieved clinical success by performing basic research on T-cells,” says Mimura. Adds Allison, “It’s satisfying that I could come up with this only by getting under the hood and seeing how things work.”

According to Mimura, both federal dollars — through National Institutes of Health — and later, private funding from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, played critical roles in Allison’s discovery.

“We hit several valleys between federal grants that could have spelled death for the project,” she says. “A vital $50,000, no-strings-attached grant from Michael Milken’s CaP CURE  (now the Prostate Cancer Foundation) provided Dr. Allison’s laboratory with much-needed bridge funding at a very critical time.”

The tenacity of everyone involved paid off when it came time to negotiate a drug royalty monetization agreement with Bristol-Meyers Squibb: UCB received an upfront payment of $87.5 million — the biggest win to date for the university’s IP office — with the possibility of additional future payments if sales achieve certain pre-specified levels. The university directed funds toward a myriad of scientific research needs, from faculty retention, new biology teaching labs and equipment for the cancer research lab to a new building devoted to stem cell research.

Today, Allison is chair of the Immunology Program at the Sloan-Kettering Institute in New York City, where he is working side by side with physicians to increase the number of patients who respond to Yervoy by combining it with other cancer treatments.

“I believe we can increase survival rates by using cancer treatments that shrink the tumor, and then coming in behind them and taking the brakes off the immune system,” he says. “It’s just a matter of finding the appropriate pairing of therapies.”

Allison’s lifelong quest for new discoveries also continues: He’s currently on the hunt for other molecules that interfere with the body’s natural immune response.

“I’m proud to have turned a scientific finding into something that benefits a lot of people,” he says. “I hope to do it again.”

This story was originally published in 2012.

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Acuvane: Maximizing wind turbine clean-electricity generation

École de technologie supérieure

Acuvane: Maximizing wind turbine clean-electricity generation
Wind farm in Gaspésie - Québec

It might not look like it to peer at the large blades of a wind turbine, but if one vane is misaligned by just five degrees, the resulting energy could blow away millions of dollars. This problem often makes the production of clean electricity still more expensive than producing fossil-fuel energy.

For a 100-megawatt wind farm of 150 turbines, this could represent $20 million in losses over 20 years,” said Francis Pelletier, PhD in wind-energy production at Montréal's École de technologie supérieure (ETS).
As the world faces an ecological crisis and unprecedented economic challenges, Pelletier and his academic supervisor, Souheil-Antoine Tahan from ETS’s Department of Mechanical Engineering, agreed to adapt existing technology to solve this problem. Their research revealed that a wind turbine misaligned by five degrees can cause a 1% energy loss, and the idea of an alignment process to calibrate wind turbine blades caught on.
“It must also be robust, feasible and cheap,” Tahan said.

After five years of effort, the researchers invented the first laser wind-vane aligner. This new technology enables wind turbines to be oriented as precisely as possible in the wind direction, enabling energy savings of 1 to 2%; for one 100-megawatt wind farm this powers an additional 200 to 250 homes. The improved precision considerably reduces stress on mechanical components and extends their lifespan. In the future, Francis hopes that wind energy alone will be enough to power all major cities around the world.
In 2011, the invention was declared to Aligo Innovation, the outside technology-transfer firm that took the lead to protect the intellectual property and undertake the process of licensing it.
It was exclusively licensed to TECHÉOL, a company specializing in technical services for wind farms, to use, manufacture and sell the laser wind-vane alignment system. The technology is now marketed under the name ACUVANE™.

“TECHÉOL is very proud to be the exclusive distributor of this invention, which already allows us to export this service outside Québec, in addition to helping us promote our other services to our customers,” said Evan Mulrooney, Founder and co-owner of TECHÉOL.

Patent Number(s): US: 14,067,206; Canadian: CA 2,832,070; Mexican: MX a,2013,012718

This story was originally published in 2020.

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Adaptive Technologies Ideal for Small, Adjustable Camera Lenses

University of Central Florida

Adaptive Technologies Ideal for Small, Adjustable Camera Lenses

A scientist at the University of Central Florida’s Center for Research and Education in Optics and Lasers (CREOL) in Orlando has invented adaptive lenses that change their light focusing properties in response to stimulus such as electrical current and mechanical pressure. Adjusting the pressure in the lens changes the level of magnification without having to rely on moving, mechanical parts the way standard cameras do.

The first patent application for professor Shin-Tson Wu’s “Adaptive Liquid Crystal Lens” was submitted in 2002. Funding for the research, which has been ongoing for five years, is provided by the U.S. Air Force, the University of Central Florida, and the private sector. Wu’s portfolio of adaptive lens technologies have been licensed by Holochip Corp., in Albuquerque.

Unlike conventional cameras that use mechanical controls to adjust focus, the Adaptive Liquid Crystal Lens uses liquid crystal technology to provide the focus and zoom capability, without the need for moving mechanical parts.

The excitation of the liquid crystal through electrical current works like a LCD monitor in that the electrical current decides the shape of the lens, thus producing the effect of zooming or focusing.  As a second approach, Wu’s fluidic lens uses a transparent fluid encapsulated by a transparent elastic membrane.  Mechanical compression of the fluid causes the membrane surface to bulge, thereby changing its curvature and the focal length of the lens.

These technologies make it possible to produce very small lenses, something that is prohibitively expensive for conventional mechanical lenses.

The liquid crystal and fluidic lenses are ideal for cell phone cameras and other image-capturing systems, including surveillance equipment for the military. Medical applications are also of interest, such as implantable lenses for eyes, or replacement lenses, that are made from biocompatible materials.

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Adenocard Helps Patients with Abnormally Rapid Heartbeats

University of Virginia

Adenocard Helps Patients with Abnormally Rapid Heartbeats

Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT) can best be described as an abnormally rapid series of heartbeats that can last anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours. It typically surfaces for the first time in childhood or early adulthood, although the first episode may manifest itself at any age, and it is not indicative of an abnormal heart condition.

Patients experience the disturbing sensation of a heart pounding from 140 to 200 beats or more per minute.

While the number of people affected by this heart disturbance is not known, its consequences can be serious. Since the heart is beating so rapidly, it cannot rest between beats, and as a result, the heart’s chambers cannot contract sufficiently or become filled with enough blood, leading to inadequate supplies of blood to the body. When this occurs, the patient experiences dizziness and/or breathlessness.

Research conducted at the University of Virginia yielded an effective treatment for PSVT: Adenocard®. By slowing down the heart’s electrical conduction, Adenocard® — an injection-based treatment — in turn slows the heart rate. It was developed by the late Robert M. Berne, M.D., a professor emeritus of physiology, and Luiz Belardinelli, M.D., and was first patented in 1982. Today, Adenocard® is used widely in hospitals and emergency vehicles around the world.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Invention Holds the Promise of Earlier, More Accurate Alzheimer's Detection

University of Glasgow

Invention Holds the Promise of Earlier, More Accurate Alzheimer's Detection

Diagnostic Potentials Ltd., a spin-off from the University of Glasgow, has completed a pivotal clinical trial demonstrating that the ADEPT System can detect Alzheimer’s at an early stage. Coupling dense array EEG with a computer program designed to test patient’s cognitive skills, this technology may revolutionize the way clinicians diagnose a degenerative and highly debilitating disease.

It looks like an elaborate hairnet, or a strange wig of wires, and those who place it on their heads work at a computer terminal. While it sounds like the setup for some kind of virtual reality game, in fact it is not.

This cutting-edge technology that may hold the key to the early and accurate diagnosis of a dreaded disease.

Alzheimer’s, a progressive and degenerative disease, continues to stymie clinicians, drain nations’ economies and shatter many lives. Currently, the diagnosis of early stage Alzheimer’s dementia is difficult because affected individuals display symptoms that appear to be part of the normal aging process. Yet it is during the early phase in the disease’s development that an accurate diagnosis would be most beneficial and allow for more effective intervention.

Diagnostic Potentials, located in Glasgow, Scotland, is on track to develop the missing diagnostic tool. A spin-off from the University of Glasgow’s department of psychology, the company has gotten off the ground with the help of funding from United Kingdom government research trust funds. With the completion of the first clinical trial to evaluate its leading technology — the ADEPT system — the founders of Diagnostic Potentials are optimistic.

ADEPT uses EEG (electroencephalogram) to measure the electrical activity of the brain while an individual performs a set of computerized cognitive tasks designed to assess intellectual function. The goal of the technology is to identify differences in the electrical signals in individuals with fully functioning brain activity, and individuals exhibiting early stages of Alzheimer’s. In the latter case, memory function becomes impaired and can be measured through changes in EEG patterns.

Chief scientific officer and co-founder of Diagnostic Potentials, Kerry Kilborn, Ph.D., says this technology is less invasive and claustrophobic than other forms of brain scans presently used to probe for signs of Alzheimer’s. The EEG array sensor net is designed like a spongy hairnet and patients undergoing the test simply place it on their heads. The critical difference between the sensor net used with ADEPT and conventional EEG nets is the number of sensors used to measure brain activity — 128 rather than 12. This provides a tremendous advantage because by covering most of the upper brain, the dense array produces higher resolution maps of electrical fields on the scalp and can better capture brain function.

A Clinician’s Dream

Alan Hughes, M.D., geriatric psychiatrist and honorary senior clinical lecturer at Inverclyde Royal Hospital in Greenock, Scotland, was involved in the first clinical trial of ADEPT. As a clinician who treats elderly patients, he understands the present limitations of diagnosing Alzheimer’s and realizes how essential it is to make the proper diagnosis early in the disease when treatment is more effective.

“The most useful time of diagnosis, from the patients’ point of view, is when they can do the most about their illness — when they can participate in decisions about their treatment, make their wishes known, and discuss them with family members,” says Dr. Hughes.

Technically speaking, Dr. Hughes says the development of this technology is significant because current tools for Alzheimer’s dementia such as computerized axial tomography (CAT) scans simply provide a picture of what the brain looks like at a specific time. An early stage Alzheimer’s brain often looks the same as the brains of individuals affected with other diseases.

“This approach, looking at brain function, allows us to be more accurate and gives us more valuable information,” he says.

Generous Help from the Public and Private Sectors

The transfer of the ADEPT technology from a psychology laboratory at the University of Glasgow initially presented some intellectual and financial challenges according to Professor Kilborn. Commercialization support from the Scottish Biomedical Research Trust and the Department of Trade and Industry for commercial, legal and intellectual property work were the critical components in the 1999 launch of Diagnostic Potentials. The Scottish Technology Fund, along with private investors, helped the founders to raise £384,000 (approximately $618,000 U.S.) to commence the development phase of the company and support three full-time employees.

The fledgling company devoted the next two years to achieving the ADEPT technology’s proof of concept while occupying a small space in the Scottish Enterprise research incubator. They reached their goal and filed for a patent by 2001.

Although buoyed by this breakthrough, the company faced an uphill battle over the next few years.

“We had used most of the funding that was raised by that time,” recalls Professor Kilborn, “so we had to write a new business plan and attract more potential investors for a second round of funding.”

Despite a real turndown in the market at that time, the company persevered and eventually found support from several sources — the Wellcome Trust Fund charity, Scottish Executive, and Scottish Enterprise — totaling over £800,000 (more than $1.3 million U.S.).

Kevin Cullen, Ph.D., director of research and enterprise for the University of Glasgow, points out that Diagnostic Potentials is an excellent example of how long it takes to move good university science out of the lab and into the marketplace.

“The story of Diagnostic Potentials demonstrates the process of university commercialization and how necessary it is to find those little pots of money to keep a project alive at times when the academics are under pressure,” he says. “The process requires a highly motivated, enthusiastic and determined academic in a supportive academic environment to make it work.”

With a second round of funding secured, Professor Kilborn and his colleagues focused on designing a full-scale clinical trial — one that necessitated rebuilding the ADEPT technology and software from the ground up. In the last several years they launched and completed the first multi-site clinical trial involving 148 patients at four different centers across the United Kingdom. Publication of the results is pending, and Professor Kilborn hints that they are promising.

The trials are demonstrating that the ADEPT technology can identify Alzheimer’s disease in cases where it might not be easily diagnosed. Cullen is focusing on the trial’s implications beyond the primary findings and expresses hope that the technology will be capable of mass applications — especially given our society’s aging population.

“The ADEPT approach is creative, and from the commercial perspective, we hope to convince those in the company to look into other markets and explore other applications,” he says.



This story was originally published in 2007.

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Advanced Urine-Testing System Delivers Test Results in Hours

George Mason University

Advanced Urine-Testing System Delivers Test Results in Hours

A process can go no faster than the slowest step in that process. In urine culture testing, one of the slowest steps takes up to two days to deliver results.

However, scientists at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va., have invented an innovative new technology that can reduce this step to hours instead of days, while providing highly accurate results.

Disclosed in 1997, the "QuikiCult Rapid UTI Detection System" detects urinary tract infections much faster by identifying high concentrations of infectious bacteria using light spectrophotometry and automated computer-driven analysis. The research was funded by the university and the private sector.

Doctors and patients benefit from faster reporting times — as little as three hours for most negative samples, compared to 24-48 hours using current testing methods.

The QuikiCult System makes it possible to test larger samples, increased protection from contamination, fewer false positives and reduced labor costs for operators.

Because the system is portable and easy to operate, QuikiCult System is ideal for non-laboratory health care settings, including hospitals, doctors’ offices, rural or remote clinics and nursing homes. By operating the system at the point of collection, fresh samples can be tested quickly and provide more accurate results. 

The technology was licensed in 2004 to Maryland-based Macrobionetics, which supplies customized testing equipment for industrial companies and government agencies. The company is selling the QuikiCult System under the name "CultureStat" to health care facilities and reference laboratories across the United States and Canada.

To see available technologies from research institutions, click here to visit the AUTM Innovation Marketplace.

Sealing Heating and Air Conditioning Leaks from the Inside Out

Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab

Sealing Heating and Air Conditioning Leaks from the Inside Out

Aeroseal, now a division of Carrier Corp., revolutionized the process of searching for, and sealing, hidden leaks in heating and air ducts.

Move over duct tape, a new competitor on the market is getting the job done faster and with more energy savings.

Long thought to be the right solution for stopping leaks around hot or cold air ducts, fabric-backed duct tape fails to seal leaks in ducts and pipes, according to Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Berkeley, Calif.

Instead, Aeroseal duct-sealing technology, invented and developed by the Energy Performance of Buildings Group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, is making waves for its ability to seal more leakage because of its unconventional method of getting at inaccessible leaks.

Each year about $5 billion of energy escapes into thin air due to leaky ducts in American homes.

The new technology stops the leaks from the inside of the ducts by coating the leaks with tiny sealant particles. The discovery can benefit virtually anyone with a heating and cooling system by offering increased energy savings and comfort.

Mark Modera, Ph.D., inventor and principal investigator for the research group that developed the technology, is also the principal engineer with Carrier Aeroseal. He points out why it’s challenging to maintain a comfortable environment if there are duct leaks.

“You won’t have the same degree of comfort in a two-story home that you’re  trying to cool in summer when you have duct leaks,” he explains. “But the Carrier Aeroseal technology allows more air and cooling upstairs and ultimately provides more comfort.”

Addressing Energy Costs

Viviana Wolinsky, licensing manager at Berkeley Lab says, “Even in the very early stages of the development, we could see that the duct-sealing technology had far-reaching benefits for everyone interested in decreasing energy costs.”

Wolinsky points out that no one wants to pay more for their energy bills than they have to, but when leaky ducts mean you’re paying to heat or cool the air outside your home or office, it’s doubly frustrating.

“The prospect of being able to make homes and commercial buildings more energy efficient by sealing ducts from the inside, and at the same time making interior environments more comfortable, was exciting from a technology standpoint,” she says.

Idea Comes to Life

The first concept for the technology came to Modera in 1987 when it was apparent that the current methods for sealing leaks weren’t effective.

“It’s difficult, often impossible, to seal duct leaks from the outside when the ducts are in inaccessible locations,” says Modera. “When exploring technologies to seal leaks from the inside, I found that sealing leaks in straight pipes is one thing, but too often there are bends and junctions in the ducts and that’s where the problem lies.”

Modera used his skills as a research scientist to gain information about duct sealing. When he saw a newspaper advertisement touting a company’s ability to seal duct leaks, he set up a duct system and invited the company to take a look at it.

“I discovered their method didn‘t seal the system I showed them,” he recalls. “That‘s when I decided that maybe I could design a technology that would seal ducts from the inside.”

Invention Driven by Marketplace Needs

In 1990, the original funding came as part of a multi-year, multi-million dollar Department of Energy (DOE)-sponsored Cooperative Research & Development Agreement between Berkeley Lab and the California Institute for Energy and the Environment, $50,000 of which was for developing duct technology. Subsequent funding of more than $1 million was provided by the Environmental Protection Agency, DOE and the Electric Power Research Institute.

For three years, Modera and a graduate student worked on developing the technology, and in 1993, Modera says, “We figured it out.”

Modera explains how the technology works using the analogy of a car driven at high speeds.

“If a car is driven at 90 miles per hour in the city, it will skid out and crash going around the first sharp turn. Similarly, our technology works by using airborne adhesive particles injected into the ducts so that, when they speed up trying to go through a leak, they ‘pile up’ or ‘crash’ into the sides of the leak and seal it.”

Carrier Seals the Deal

In 1997, the technology was licensed for use in the residential market as well as for small commercial buildings. The logical next step was to create a business so the technology could reach customers who needed it. By 1997, Dr. Modera began spending about half of his time in the lab so that he could devote enough time to starting the company.

The marketing of Aeroseal, which is the name of the company as well as the product, was initially done through franchises primarily sold to heating and cooling dealers.

In 2001, the business was sold to Carrier Corp., which in turn created the subsidiary, Carrier Aeroseal. Two years later the company obtained a license from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory for improved nozzles and was able to offer the same product and service to the non-residential market.

Hospital Sees Benefits from Duct Sealing

When Cleveland’s MetroHealth Medical Center hired Karpinski Engineering as a consultant to improve the heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems in its Central Sterilization Department, the firm specified that the Carrier Aeroseal method of duct sealing should be utilized for a portion of existing ductwork on the project.

A previous balance report had shown significant leakage in the hospital’s ductwork in this part of the facility.

“We felt that the Carrier Aeroseal technology would be ideal for this project,” says Nathan Anderson, a project engineer with Karpinski. “The hospital has an exhaust fan on the roof and ductwork that was originally installed in the 1970s. When originally constructed, this ductwork was enclosed in a shaft and after the leakage was revealed, the duct was inaccessible for sealing.”

The first steps involved Modera taking measurements and sealing off the existing exhaust grills, and a sealant was injected from the inside of the ducts.

The technology can block off existing exhaust openings that range from a quarter inch to a half inch in size. The time varies from a few hours to a few days depending on the characteristics of individual heating and cooling systems.

“With Carrier Aeroseal, it’s a computerized, high-tech process,” says Anderson. “Once the openings were blocked off, sealing ducts from the inside took just about 30 minutes.”

The “after sealing” report at the time the project was completed in April 2006, showed about 85 percent of the leakage had been plugged — 1,570 cubic feet per minute (cfm) leakage prior to sealing, 230 cfm leakage after sealing.
“By specifying Carrier Aeroseal, we accomplished our goal, which was to improve the exhaust airflow rates,” says Anderson. “If we had not sealed off the ducts from the inside, there would have been significant demolition work involved to accomplish sealing from the outside because of the inaccessibility to the ductwork.”

Meeting the goals of the hospital was paramount for the engineering firm.

“By using this new technology, which has a 10-year warranty, we saved the  hospital time and money,” says Anderson.

The engineering firm is so satisfied with the technology, it has specified Carrier Aeroseal to seal 21 ducts in another significant Cleveland building.

“The technology is simple, easy and relevant to today’s world,” says Wolinsky. “Customers realize a demonstrable payback. When they see how much air is escaping in the before-test when compared to after the ducts are sealed, it’s a powerful visual.”

Between 2003 and 2006 Carrier Aeroseal sealed 20 large buildings ranging from offices to hospitals. The company intends to focus on promoting the technology via a larger launch into commercial markets during 2007 and 2008.

“The driving forces are energy savings and building/system performance improvement,” Modera points out. “During the past four years of accelerated testing, the technology has never failed.”

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Aguru Images Shines Light on Digital Imaging

New York University
University of Southern California

Aguru Images Shines Light on Digital Imaging

In the world of academic technology transfer, one contact often leads to another, ultimately resulting in new discoveries that enter the marketplace.

That is the story of Aguru Images, which merged brilliant academic discoveries from universities on opposite sides of the United States — New York University (NYU) and the University of Southern California (USC).

The result is creating a buzz in the computer graphics community because the technology can be used in a variety of applications. They range from making strikingly accurate digital images in motion pictures, videos and computer games to improving renderings by interior, fashion, architectural and industrial designers.

In fact, just about anyone who wants realistic lighting on everything from faces to brushed aluminum to fabrics may be able to benefit from Aguru’s technology.

The Virginia-based company now sells equipment and services and will eventually add software and a library of illumination data to its products. Appropriately, one of the meanings of Aguru in the Sanskrit language is light. Steve Gray, the chief technical officer and executive producer of Vykarian, a Shanghai-based game developer, says Aguru has made a great leap forward.

“It’s pretty remarkable what they’ve done working with NYU and USC,” says Gray, who formerly was the executive producer for Electronic Arts’ “Lord of the Rings” video games.

The Right Mix of Technologies

In the computer graphics world, getting textures right is extremely difficult, Gray points out.

“But along came Aguru, working with NYU, which has a scanner that uses a kaleidoscopic array,” says Gray. “You can stick anything on it and it basically figures out how the light, including light that is being scattered below the surface, is reflected. That’s something.”

Next, in conjunction with USC, he notes, Aguru added a dome that is a three-dimensional scanner.

“It essentially takes pictures simultaneously from many different angles,” Gray explains. “Then, using image-based modeling techniques, allows you to reconstruct a 3-D model of the thing that was inside the dome. One of the first applications was scanning people’s faces and it achieved really, really high resolution. It uses five million polygons, which is essentially more resolution than can be rendered back with film.”

The third component, also from USC, is called the Linear Light Source (the Aguru Scanner). It is a larger type of scanner that captures flat object reflection, the different colors of shine and the surface bumpiness, among other features.

The technologies work together well, Gray says, because the USC dome recreates the subtleties of 3-D shapes and textures for really difficult objects and materials, like the human face, while the NYU and USC scanners capture the properties of countless other materials.

It’s exciting stuff, and it’s 99.9 percent photorealistic. It makes it cheaper, faster and unlocks these capabilities for everyone, like small game developers and boutique studio effects studios.
Steve Gray

Collaborating With Researchers on Two Coasts

Aguru’s story began in 2005, when Saul Orbach was hired by ANGLE Technology Ventures, a publicly traded British firm, as its entrepreneur in residence. Back then, Orbach knew little about computer graphics, kaleidoscopic technologies, properly illuminating textured surfaces or getting the light right when scenes with real actors are meshed with virtual backgrounds.

Nor did he know that the quest for truly photorealistic digital images had long been the holy grail of the three-dimensional computer graphics industry.

In the past two years, however, he has become something of an expert of sorts in the field of virtual lighting — thanks in large part to researchers at NYU’s Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences and USC’s Institute for Creative Technologies.

Orbach is modest about what he put together.

“I’m no scientist,” says Orbach, a serial entrepreneur. “When I started out, my job was to find technologies that we could commercialize and turn into a company. So I looked at a lot of things.”

Because of his NYU connections — Orbach earned undergraduate and M.B.A. degrees from the university — he met with Robert Fechter, associate director of the NYU Office of Industrial Liaison, who led him to the Courant Institute.

Fechter introduced him to Ken Perlin, a computer science professor, and Jeff Han, a research scientist at Courant. They showed Orbach a variety of computer graphics projects they were working on.

“One was the kaleidoscopic technology that was capturing reflectance data for textured materials,” Orbach says. “This was exciting stuff.

“In fact, it was a ‘Eureka!’ moment,” he said. “The existing methodologies for doing the same thing were very complicated. But Ken had come up with a simple, brilliant device with no moving parts that was quick and easy to operate.

“I like simple, innovative solutions to problems that no one has thought of,” he said. “This was really cool.

“Ken’s device allowed you to capture all angles of illumination. Then you could look them up from his database. His device could capture all those angles in 15 seconds. Learning about that was what started it all.”

Appropriately, Perlin was a fan of kaleidoscopes as a child.

“Wasn’t everyone?” Perlin asks. “As part of my research, I learned that the kaleidoscope was invented by Sir David Brewster in the early 1800s. It was so wildly successful that it became the symbol of science and progress. It was the iPod or computer of its time.”

Prior to this invention, in order to see a surface from multiple points of view you either needed an array of cameras or to mechanically move a single camera to different locations.

“I thought, ‘Why not use a tapered kaleidoscope to do the same thing?’” Perlin recalls. “Then I talked to my colleague Jeff Han and we set about to build it.”

As part of his due diligence, Orbach says he learned everything he could about the industry and the difficulty of getting realistic lighting on computer generated images.

“Along the way, I talked to 50 people and companies who were possible users of this technology. I got a good feel for the market, what the applications were, how much and for what price,” notes Orbach.

Orbach also met with Paul Debevec, a research associate professor at USC’s Institute for Creative Technologies Graphics Lab and a friend of Perlin’s who had come up with a complementary technology.

Debevec’s Light Stage 2 process was used by Sony Pictures Image Works to create photorealistic digital actors as part of its Academy Award-winning visual effects in “Spider Man 2,” the Academy Award-nominated visual effects in “Superman Returns,” and most recently “Spider Man 3.”

Debevec, who most recently led the development of a Light Stage dome that measures 26 feet in diameter, says his research began in 1999 and is funded by movie studios and digital imaging corporations. The institute’s basic research funding came from the U.S. Army.

“The goal of our institute is to foster collaboration between academic researchers and the entertainment industry to develop the next generation of simulation and virtual environments,” Debevec explains.

“With Aguru commercializing some of our technologies and pushing them further forward, that will help meet these goals,” he says. “It will allow more people to benefit from these physically based rendering and realistic model acquisition techniques. Aguru is going to take proven technologies, make them more robust, more economical and will adapt and evolve them to better meet the specific needs of the industry. And that will inspire our group to work on the next generation of these technologies.”

Making Its Marketplace Debut

Aguru Images was launched in March 2007 with an initial $1 million in financing from ANGLE. NYU licensed its technology to Aguru in exchange for equity and revenue. USC negotiated a similar deal.

By August 2007, Aguru was ready to show its products at the 2007 SIGGRAPH trade show in San Diego. (SIGGRAPH stands for Special Interest Group for Graphics and Interactive Techniques.)

John Sweet, a senior licensing associate at USC’s Stevens Institute for Technology Commercialization, calls working with Aguru Images a “pleasure.”

“Saul Orbach is an experienced entrepreneur and has assembled a good group of guys,” he says. “It’s nice to collaborate with people like that who know what they are doing.”

Orbach estimates the company will have revenues of between $5 to $7 million in 2008. And after that, who knows?

“As for future applications, we quickly came up with a short list of 15 or 16 that includes online commerce, cosmetics, catalog shopping, medical applications and even military stuff,” says Orbach.

“There is no shortage of how this technology could be used,” he muses. “The sky’s the limit.” 

This story was originally published in 2008.

To see available technologies from research institutions, click here to visit the AUTM Innovation Marketplace.

ALEKS Tutors Students in Learning to Succeed

University of California, Irvine (UC Irvine)

ALEKS Tutors Students in Learning to Succeed

The groundbreaking intelligent tutoring system developed at the University of California, Irvine, equalizes educational opportunities because it knows exactly what the student knows and what the student is ready to learn.

“Alan,” a student at Hilltop Middle School in Chula Vista, Calif., knows firsthand that when it comes to learning, one size doesn’t fit all.

He was getting Ds and Fs on his seventh-grade report card when his father called Gary Oakland, a teacher at his school, saying he didn’t know how to help his son.

Over the past five years, Oakland has had great success with ALEKS (Assessment and LEarning in Knowledge Spaces), a groundbreaking technology developed at the University of California, Irvine (UCI) in the mid-1990s. The revolutionary artificial intelligence technology, now used by hundreds of thousands of students in more than 1,000 schools, was developed by Jean Claude Falmagne, Ph.D., chairman and founder of ALEKS and emeritus professor of cognitive science at the University of California, Irvine, along with and a team of researchers.

Oakland suggested Alan try working with ALEKS. Using his home computer, Alan started getting excited about learning. Pretty soon he finished 100 percent of the state’s standard Grade 7 math requirements. Oakland, who has trained all of the math teachers and math department heads in his school district on ALEKS, says, “Over this past summer, Alan, who is now in eighth grade, completed 85 percent of an algebra course all on his own without ever spending a day in an algebra class.”

ALEKS has revolutionized learning because it interacts with students at a highly individual level of readiness instead of teaching to the “fat part of the curve.” Subjects such as math, chemistry and accounting, have been traditionally taught in a linear method — in a start-to-finish sequence.

“But the reality is not everyone learns at the same pace, and not everyone can afford a tutor,” Oakland says. “You should be able to achieve success by teaching in a logical, sequential manner, but it doesn’t work that way. Everyone learns differently.”

Anyone who has worked with ALEKS knows it is all about outcomes. Students are taken on a fantastic voyage of learning, and in the process, ALEKS helps them achieve academic success, often for the first time in their lives.

ALEKS Unveiled

In 1993, Falmagne says researchers at UCI received a “lucky break.”

“We received a $2.4 million grant from the National Science Foundation to develop the software that would become ALEKS,” he explains.

The technology is based on Knowledge Space Theory, a milestone in cognitive  psychology and applied mathematics. Its origin goes back to the early 1980s when Falmagne, along with Dr. Jean-Paul Doignon of the Free University of Brussels in Belgium, and scientists at New York University and other universities, began to develop Knowledge Space Theory.

“Knowledge Space Theory is not only about finding out what someone knows, but that knowledge acquisition takes place in a ‘learning space,’” says Falmagne who notes the extremely complex software took 10 years and millions of lines of code to create.

In 1997, the UCI Office of Technology Alliances licensed the technology to ALEKS Corp. Two years later, McGraw-Hill became the distributor of ALEKS in higher education.

“In 1999, our first commercial products of Basic Math and Beginning Algebra for two-year colleges got off the ground,” notes Falmagne. “Our partnership with McGraw-Hill has also allowed us to develop many other products.”

Classroom Dynamics

From the moment the computer screen lights up, ALEKS takes students on a rewarding journey. The technology can be used for independent learning — students can get ahead on their own by accessing ALEKS from any computer or the software can be used for specific courses as well as in school computer labs.

In November 2006, Oakland made a presentation to the California Math Council showing how ALEKS can help students with varying scholastic aptitudes succeed beyond their wildest dreams.

Oakland’s school, located about 15 miles from Mexico, has a student population that is about 75 percent Hispanic.

ALEKS is fully bilingual in Spanish and English for math through Grade 9, with instantaneous “one click” translation.

In 2001, when the school received a flyer about ALEKS, Oakland was teaching an after-school algebra recovery program to seventh- and eighth-grade students (to help them “recover” their grades from failing the class the year before).

“The students have to make up 60 hours to repeat or ‘recover’ a class,” Oakland says. “Some of our students weren’t even coming to school.”

On top of failing grades, he says behavioral issues created a nightmare atmosphere for both students and teachers. But there was hope in the form of ALEKS.

“The more they use ALEKS, the more apt they are to get good grades,” Oakland comments. “When they get their first ‘A’ it’s a heady experience — there’s no stopping them.”

“First off, ALEKS does an assessment to determine precisely which topics the student has already mastered,” says R.G. Wilmot Lampros, president of ALEKS Corp., Tustin, Calif. “ALEKS avoids multiple choice questions. There are no lucky guesses — it’s not geared to finding out how good a test taker a person is. The student has to know how to solve a problem.”

Oakland’s school didn’t have a computer lab, but he was determined to build one so his students could use ALEKS. Oakland, along with an information technology staffer from the school, brought in 60 old computers that didn’t work.

“Together we repaired and rebuilt the computers, bought inexpensive keyboards, and repaired tables and chairs,” he recalls. “In the end we had our computer lab complete with 34 computers.”

Oakland saw positive results from ALEKS from the start. He willingly made the long drive from the mountains where he lives to teach the algebra recovery classes on weekends and during the summer in addition to after school classes, which are now math support classes.

Lampros notes that ALEKS was not developed around the idea of using technology to maximize high-end graphics.

“That’s one of the reasons why ALEKS’ success is so fascinating,” he says. “We use graphics where they are pedagogically useful. Students fall in love with ALEKS not because of its visuals, but because using it enables them to learn and excel.” They also see an immediate assessment of what they know and how to do a problem right.

“They tell me they love ‘seeing’ what they know,” says Oakland, referring to the program’s popular pie chart feature. “When students click on it, ALEKS shows them not only what they can do but, what they are ready to do next. They love seeing where their knowledge is growing.”

Learning Comes Alive

Harold Baker, Ph.D., director of customer support, has been with ALEKS since before it became a commercial product. From early on, he recalls a vivid image of how ALEKS makes math come alive.

“A student with developmental disabilities was sitting at her computer at a community college unable to type like other students, but she was so caught up in learning math from ALEKS, that she used her pencil’s eraser to enter numbers and letters from her keyboard,” he says.

What ALEKS is not, he says, is a program that just gives more homework online.

“There are possibilities for deep customization with ALEKS — it has many features tomake sure teachers are successful as well as students,” he says.

“Studies have shown that early failure in math, particularly in Algebra 1 and 2 is often a predictor of failures in other disciplines,” say Baker. “If a student has failed before, he will likely fail again. ALEKS breaks the cycle of repeated failure.”

ALEKS offers another classroom benefit. It frees up teacher time and allows teachers to spend more time with individual students (or small groups) and do more creative things. “Instead of just teaching math and other subjects, teachers can have fun teaching students the applications of math such as how math is used in building bridges,” notes Baker.

What’s next for ALEKS? The company will launch an elementary chemistry program in early 2007. Recently, a study by researchers at the University of Memphis, showing how an ALEKS statistics program can eliminate racial disparities, was accepted by the American Educational Research Association for presentation at its annual meeting.

Summing up why students like ALEKS, Falmagne says, “It talks directly to them, and it always rewards their time and effort.”

While ALEKS has made a difference in many students’ lives, more will benefit in the future. “The potential for success for students throughout the world is unlimited,” says Baker. “ALEKS is an intelligent tutoring system that really works.”

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Partnership Yields Revolutionary Cancer Drug

Eli Lilly and Co.
Princeton University

Partnership Yields Revolutionary Cancer Drug

The brimstone butterfly adorns the business cards of Edward C. Taylor, Ph.D. A fitting homage to his life’s work, the butterfly symbolizes Taylor’s inspiration to develop the anticancer drug Alimta (pemetrexed).

Alimta is currently approved in the United States to treat recurrent, or second-line, non-small cell lung cancer, the most common form of lung cancer. It is also approved in combination with another drug called cisplatin for the treatment of malignant pleural mesothelioma, a cancer often associated with exposure to asbestos.

The development of Alimta dates back to 1946 when Taylor, now a retired distinguished professor and organic chemist at Princeton University in Princeton, N.J., entered graduate school and was looking for a thesis topic. He came across an article describing the discovery of a compound found in human liver that, bizarrely, possessed a structure of which a portion was identical to the structure of pigments in the wings of butterflies. Taylor’s curiosity about this unexpected discovery eventually led him to make a major advancement in the fight against cancer.

The compound from the liver was later determined to be folic acid, a vitamin that plays an essential role in making cell division possible. “It was found that folic acid is essential for all forms of life,” says Taylor.

It was then he saw the potential for an anticancer agent. Like all cells, tumor cells need folic acid, or folates, to divide and multiply, allowing the tumor to grow. “If you could inhibit it, you would have a good way of arresting the growth of tumors,” he says. “The challenge was to inhibit the growth of the tumor and not healthy human cells. People tried for years, but no one succeeded.”

Trust is Essential to Success

In the 1970s Taylor resumed work on an antifolic agent that might selectively target tumor cells. After years of work, he came up with a promising compound called Dideazatetrahydrolic acid (DDATHF). But he knew his work could only be carried so far at Princeton, and he needed help. “I needed facilities and expertise that Princeton didn’t have,” he says. “If I wanted this compound thoroughly looked at, who would do it?”

Taylor enlisted the help of Eli Lilly and Co. in Indianapolis. At the time, Taylor had already been consulting with Lilly for years, and had established close relationships with the company, so in the early 1980s he sent DDATHF to them.

The compound turned out to be one of the most effective antitumor agents that Eli Lilly had seen.
Edward C. Taylor

Knowing they might be on the brink of a major breakthrough, Taylor (through Princeton) and Lilly in the mid-1980s set up a collaborative effort to explore the potential of what appeared to be an extremely promising new area of cancer research. During the following four years, approximately 800 new drug candidates were synthesized and evaluated through this collaboration. DDATHF, the original lead, eventually failed clinically because of toxicity, but another compound finally emerged that proved to be the compound of choice for development, and that compound became the drug named Alimta®.

This was also a pioneering time for technology transfer at Princeton.

By this time, Princeton had a well organized technology transfer arm, but at the time of the project’s initiation, the partnership was forged out of mutual trust.

The Princeton-Lilly joint research project that culminated in the discovery of Alimta“was the first big collaboration that Princeton had undertaken, and it proved to be a major success because there was complete trust and integrity on both sides,” according to Taylor.

Partnership, Perseverance Overcome Obstacles

As a pharmaceutical company, Lilly focused on understanding how the compounds behaved in humans. “Our role was to conduct evaluations and animal studies to determine which compounds were candidates for clinical trial,” says Joe Shih, Ph.D., a distinguished research fellow at Lilly.

A key part of Lilly’s role was to understand the compounds’ toxicity in humans and how to mitigate it. That turned out to be a crucial element.

Early clinical trials with Alimta® were plagued by unpredictable toxicity issues. Although the majority of patients in the trials responded well, some experienced serious, life threatening side effects. While the drug’s clinical benefits were clear, these problems threatened to end the project. That’s when another member of Lilly’s team saved the project.

Clet Niyikiza, Ph.D., at the time a statistician and mathematician with Lilly, stepped forward to solve the problem. “He said, ‘Give me three weeks,’” recalls Taylor, “and he would solve the problem.”

Scouring the clinical data to find the common thread among patients who experienced the side effects, Niyikiza, determined that the patients who experienced side effects had a pre-existing folic acid deficiency. Researchers had not anticipated this problem, since they were attempting to inhibit folic acid activity. But Niyikiza’s work led to changing the protocol to co-administering folic acid and vitamin B-12 to patients, and this amended treatment saved the drug.

“It tipped the balance critically,” says Taylor.

“Alimta is a single compound that targets the utilization of many folate based processes essential for the growth of tumor cells,” Taylor explains. “Other cancer drugs usually can target only one specific biological process, making it attractive for patients to receive a ‘cocktail’ of several drugs. But this strategy also means that the patient is subject to the combined toxicities of each component of this cocktail.

“Since Alimta is a single drug that has multiple targets, it is harder for tumors to develop resistance to it,” he continues. “That is part of the reason Alimta is one of the least toxic cancer drugs known.”

Since its approval in the U.S., Alimta has gone on to be approved by regulatory authorities in more than 85 countries. Unlike most chemotherapy treatments for cancer, Alimta is easy to administer, requiring only a 10-minute infusion every three weeks.

Collaboration is the Cornerstone

Alimta’s development is the result of decades of work and partnership between Taylor and the research team at Lilly, without which the drug would have never made it to initial trials.

“The attrition rate in drug development is enormous,” says Taylor, citing that only one out of every 5,000 to 10,000 potential candidates ever becomes a drug. “It’s a discouraging and extraordinarily expensive process.”

He added that Lilly’s agreement to collaborate with Princeton, and to help develop the drug, demonstrated Lilly’s trust in Taylor and in the promise the early compounds held.

From Taylor’s perspective, the partnership with Lilly and its evaluations of drug candidates, gave him, as well as his Lilly colleagues, the feedback needed to continue research in the direction that eventually led to the discovery of Alimta.

“In drug development, you have to evaluate constantly what you are making so you don’t go in the wrong direction,” he explains. “Such feedback is not available in an organic synthesis lab.”

It was the willingness of Lilly to perform extensive biological testing that made Alimta possible.

Shih views the development of Alimta as a model of how a pharmaceutical company and a university can work together.

“The science is being conducted all over the world at top research institutions like Princeton,” he says. “Big pharmaceutical companies don’t have the resources to conduct research at that scale. These institutions help us to identify interesting discoveries that can lead to new drugs.”

Lilly is working with many institutions worldwide in the research and development of drugs for oncology, diabetes and neuroscience.

Summing up the importance of partnerships between research institutions and the private sector, Shih comments, “Collaboration is a cornerstone of this process.”

Taylor says Lilly’s help was invaluable. “Without this kind of collaboration, Alimta would still be a curious compound sitting on a shelf in my lab.” 


This story was originally published in 2008.

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The Birth of Allegra: Nothing to Sneeze at

Georgetown University

The Birth of Allegra: Nothing to Sneeze at

When Georgetown University’s Raymond Woosley discovered fexofenadine’s role as a safe and effective allergy medicine – you know it as Allegra – he didn’t realize it would transform the science of drug development. Today, Allegra is one of the most popular antihistamines in the world, restoring an otherwise unattainable quality of life for serious allergy sufferers.

Woosley, the chairman of pharmacology at Georgetown University Medical Center, was part of the scientific team called-in to investigate problems occurring with Seldane (terfenadine), a drug introduced to the market in 1985 as the first “non-drowsy” allergy medicine. He found previously overlooked reports of arrhythmias and deaths that suggested an interaction between Seldane and other common drugs could cause serious heart rhythm disorders, sometimes leading to sudden death.

It was during his research that Woosley discovered that a breakdown product of Seldane—fexofenadine—was the actual ingredient that suppressed allergy symptoms, with no serious side effects.

Woosley’s work transformed the drug development process at an international level. Based on his studies, the FDA and other regulatory agencies published guidelines requiring testing of new drugs for their potential to cause heart arrhythmias. These guidelines are essentially the same tests and protocols that Woosley conducted on terfenadine.

With the help of Georgetown University’s Office of Technology Commercialization, Woosley went on to patent fexofenadine as a non-toxic allergy medicine. OCT played a critical role in the deal, managing key language in the development agreement.

Following its approved by the FDA in 1996, the drug was commercialized and marketed as Allegra by Sanofi-Aventi. Shortly afterward the FDA pulled terfenadine from the market, soon followed by over a dozen other medications that were found to pose similar risks.

The FDA approved over-the-counter (OTC) sales of Allegra in 2011. In 2016 Allegra totaled $221.6 million in OTC sales, placing it among the top-five-selling OTC allergy medicines in the U.S..
Allegra aside, Woosley’s work transformed the drug development process at an international level.
Based on his studies, the FDA and other regulatory agencies published guidelines requiring testing of new drugs for their potential to cause heart arrhythmias. These guidelines are essentially the same tests and protocols that Woosley conducted on terfenadine and are now required for almost all new drugs being developed today.

Woosley has continued his mission to make drugs safer. He is founding president of the Arizona Center for Education and Research on Therapeutics, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the safe use of medications. The center analyzes evidence and maintains lists of drugs that are categorized according to their risk of causing dangerous cardiac arrhythmias. This information is accessed online by thousands of researchers and healthcare providers every year.

"Patients are dying needlessly from drugs and drug combinations that are often taken to treat common, relatively trivial illnesses,” said Woosley. “Although these kinds of side effects resulting in death are rare, they are preventable and even one death is unacceptable."

This story was originally published in 2018.

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Increasing Mobility for Amputees

Bloorview Research Institute
Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital
University of Toronto

Increasing Mobility for Amputees

Worldwide, about 30 million people require a prosthetic device to walk, yet only 10 percent of those individuals have access to the devices. Prosthetic devices available in developing countries are often rudimentary and do not offer the functionality of advanced prostheses, which can cost up to $50,000.

Inventor Jan Andrysek, Ph.D., a scientist at Bloorview Research Institute at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital and an assistant professor at the University of Toronto, has created a more affordable solution for individuals for whom advanced prosthetics are out of reach.

Amputees fitted with the All-Terrain Knee can engage in everyday activities more quickly and efficiently, whether that’s working or taking care of family.
Jan Andrysek

The All-Terrain Knee is an innovative, mechanical prosthetic knee joint that is stable, durable and waterproof. The invention includes a proprietary stance-phase control mechanism (the AutoLock) and a swing-phase control mechanism that allows the knee to securely lock itself without impeding natural movement. The prosthetic knee is easy to fit and maintain, and can be used in harsh environments.

Andrysek established partnerships with rehabilitation centres to develop fitting procedures and teamed with the International Committee of the Red Cross to conduct clinical studies with the All-Terrain Knee. The inventor says the study results provide strong empirical evidence that the device provides users with a greater feeling of security and a reduction in falls.

In 2014, the technology was licensed to LegWorks Inc., a for-profit social enterprise established to commercialize the artificial knee joint. Today, the company offers four versions of the All-Terrain Knee with various features appropriate for different users, from sedentary to more athletic patients. LegWorks has reached patients in 28 countries, tiering its pricing to help reach underserved patient populations.

This story was originally published in 2016.

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Innovative Bandage Saves Lives

University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

Innovative Bandage Saves Lives

Severe blood loss is one of the leading causes of death in traumatic injury cases. Despite the abundant research that exists on ways to stop surface bleeding (hemostasis), little work has been done to develop special materials that can be applied to wounds to staunch bleeding. This is especially critical in combat casualty care, where control of non-compressible bleeding is one of the biggest unmet needs in military emergency medicine. Blood loss through gauze dressings is a major factor in the death of wounded soldiers on the battlefield.

The unique fabric activates the body’s own hemostatic systems when applied to a wound.

To reduce death and injury from substantial blood loss, a joint research team from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and East Carolina University in Greenville, N.C., developed a technology consisting of a fabric of woven specialty fibers, including glass, silk, bamboo, cotton, flax, hemp and zeolite. Additional co-factors such as thrombin, RL platelets, RL blood cells, fibrin, fibrinogen, and other hemostatic agents can be  incorporated into the textile. The fabric is soft, strong, and absorbent, can be cut to any needed size or shape, is temperature-stable, and may be used to support other hemorrhage-control methods.

This technology was licensed to Entegrion, a University of North Carolina startup company. In 2007 Entegrion received Food and Drug Administration approval for its hemostatic textile technology called Stasilon™. AlphaBandage™, the company’s emergency bandage that promotes blood coagulation and reduces bleeding, was distributed to battlefield medics and performed well during pilot testing.

The product has demonstrated the ability to reduce blood loss as compared with gauze by improving rates of clot formation. Entegrion is developing other wound-dressing products for military and commercial markets in the United States.


This story was originally published in 2008.

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An Accurate and Definitive Diagnose: the Promise of Altropane®

Harvard University

An Accurate and Definitive Diagnose: the Promise of Altropane®

A fortuitous discovery of a molecule that can differentiate between normal and abnormal levels of brain cells that bear dopamine transporters may hold the key to more accurate and early diagnoses of Parkinson’s disease and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. 

Imagine waking up one morning with a sudden and unexplained twitch in your little finger. Too persistent to ignore, you go to your general practitioner where you learn that you may have some kind of movement disorder. The twitches, tremors and shakes may not go away — in fact they may get worse. Even scarier, there is a good chance that your condition will be misdiagnosed, and the treatment you really need is not necessarily the one that will be prescribed. 

Welcome to the frustrating world of movement disorders. Doctors who treat patients with these symptoms face this conundrum every day. Patients with Parkinson’s Disease — a highly debilitating neurodegenerative disease — as well as patients with other disorders that appear to be the same thing but are actually of a very different etiology suffer because of a lack of accurate and reliable diagnostic tools.

Approximately 140,000 people in the U.S. alone come to their physicians every year with new, undiagnosed movement disorders like Parkinson’s Disease and essential tremor. Medical journals report misdiagnosis rates of 30 to 40 percent, if not higher. 

“There has been a crying need for a long time now for earlier and more accurate diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease,” says Ken Rice, executive vice president and chief financial officer of Boston Life Sciences Inc., a Boston-area company that is playing a huge role in helping to solve this problem. Research into the progression of Parkinson’s disease has shown that by the time a patient is symptomatic, 70 to 80 percent of the neurons that control movement in the substantianigra part of their brain have died. Because there is no cure for the disease, all that is available to patients and their families is a plan for managing the symptoms — and even this phase is relatively short. “That is why earlier detection and intervention of PD can make a big difference,” Rice says. “It would allow for an extension of the symptom management phase and translate into better quality of life for patients.” 

Understanding Diseases on a Molecular Level

That’s where Altropane®, a highly specific imaging agent presently undergoing evaluation in Phase III clinical trials, comes in. The groundwork for Altropane® was laid in the late 1980s, when Bertha Madras, Ph.D., professor of psychobiology at Harvard University, was researching the action of cocaine in the brain. Madras fortuitously discovered that a certain molecule, by virtue of selectively binding to a protein — the dopamine transporter — could accurately differentiate between particular cells in the brain. A somewhat simple concept, but the information it revealed was quite powerful. “I’ll never forget that moment,” Madras recalls. “When the lab technician showed me the results of the experiment, I nearly fell off my seat. I immediately realized the impact of these results, and it sent off a cascade of ideas in my mind.” 

This binding molecule, called a tropane, was the first to accurately identify neurons in the brain that bear dopamine transporters, specialized  proteins that transport the chemical dopamine into cells. Neurons that don’t have dopamine transporters on their cell surface were clearly and cleanly ignored when introduced to the tropane. The implication for Parkinson’s patients is that those with the disease have very low levels of dopamine transporter-producing cells; they mysteriously die off. So, the brains of Parkinson’s patients, compared with normal brains, as well as those with non-Parkinson’s movement disorders like essential tremor, look very different when put to this test. 

The clinical application of this discovery involved joining forces with a team of chemists who specialize in modifying molecules to make them imaging agents, or proteins that become detectable by nuclear medicine tests such as positron emission tomography, or PET, scans. Collaboration with fellow Harvard scientist, chemist and inventor David Elmelah, Ph.D., helped to overcome this hurdle, and the team was ready to find a partner to support product development. They enlisted the expertise of Peter Meltzer, Ph.D., scientist and president of Organix in nearby Woburn, Mass., and the collaboration between academic and industry science led to the further development of Altropane®. 

The final version of Altropane® includes a radioactive label (Iodine-123), enabling its visualization by clinicians in live humans when imaged by single photon emission computed tomography, or SPECT. SPECT imaging is more widely available and less expensive than conventional PET scans, making it accessible to most hospitals with nuclear medicine departments. Moreover, SPECT can provide imaging of Altropane® almost immediately after it is injected, enabling quick and accurate diagnoses. 

Early Diagnosis Can Slow Progression of Disease

The technology transfer office at Harvard University worked with the scientists as they recognized the potential of Altropane®, and Boston Life Sciences, headquartered in Hopkinton, Mass., acquired the rights to develop, manufacture and commercialize the agent. Following the completion of several large earlystage trials, Altropane® is now in pivotal Phase III trials specifically designed to test the molecule’s ability to differentiate between Parkinson’s Disease and other non-Parkinsonian movement disorders manifested by shaking and tremors. 

“We’re very excited about Altropane® and its promise in reducing the high error rate associated with the diagnosis of PD and other movement disorders,” says Rice of Boston Life Sciences. The company is very committed to bringing the product to market and has made a substantial investment in the clinical development of Altropane®. “First and foremost, the Parkinson’s community is a very dedicated group of people who want nothing more than to find a cure,” Rice says. “Anything we can do to help alleviate the uncertainty by providing a more accurate tool for diagnosis is hugely important.”

Clinicians who diagnose and treat Parkinson’s patients say Altropane® could have a significant impact. “In terms of a patient’s quality of life, it is so important to get the appropriate medicine early on,” says Burton Scott, Ph.D., M.D., associate clinical professor in medicine and neurology at the Movement Disorders Center at Duke University Medical Center. “We want to eventually use neuroprotective drugs for those patients who are susceptible to PD. That goal has been the Holy Grail in PD research for quite some time. In the foreseeable future, when we have effective therapies that can slow down the progression of PD — and I’m confident that they will be forthcoming — the correct diagnosis of the disorder will be even more critical.”

The acceptance of Altropane® also promises a more widespread means of identifying and diagnosing Parkinson’s Disease patients so that they receive adequate treatment earlier. “Altropane® allows more clinicians to make an accurate diagnosis without requiring movement disorder specialists,” says Alan Fischman, M.D., director of nuclear medicine at the Massachusetts General Hospital and an investigator involved in clinical trials of Altropane® in Parkinson’s Disease patients. “By allowing doctors who are not necessarily experts in the field of movement disorders to make a definitive diagnosis, it moves the treatment out of major academic centers and out into the community. Because of this, Altropane® can significantly augment the field.”

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is another highly prevalent medical problem characterized by abnormal levels of dopamine transporter-producing neurons in the brain. Like Parkinson’s Disease, the level of dopamine transporters in the brains of ADHD individuals differs from those without the disorder. In the case of ADHD however, dopamine transporters levels are elevated, not reduced. Boston Life Sciences is now sponsoring Clinical trials to test the accuracy of Altropane® in diagnosing this disorder.

ADHD, which affects more than 5 million children in the United States and as many as 2 to 4 percent of adults, has been a controversial medical issue because of inconsistencies in the clinical diagnosis and concern about the reported abuse of behavior-modifying medications for the disorder.

This story was originally published in 2006.

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From Diagnostic to Vaccine: The Fight Against Tropical Disease Continues

University of Virginia
University of Virginia Patent Foundation

From Diagnostic to Vaccine: The Fight Against Tropical Disease Continues

Each year, more than 3 million children around the world die of diarrhea and other gastrointestinal ailments, primarily in developing countries.

Scientists at the University of Virginia (U.Va.) and TechLab, a medical diagnostic manufacturer based in Blacksburg, Va., are working together to make a dent in the disease and, if all goes well, come up with a vaccine against amebiasis, or amebic dysentery.

The story begins in 1989, when Dr. William Petri, a trombone-playing researcher at U.Va. received a National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant to study a protein on the surface of Entamoeba histolytica, a parasite that causes dysentery. Petri is the chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases and International Health at U.Va. in Charlottesville.

With the help of colleague and longtime friend, Dr. Barbara Mann, they were able to successfully clone the surface protein so it could be used to develop antibodies that would result in an accurate diagnostic test. This test, which has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), identifies the E. histolytica organism in children and adults suffering from diarrhea and dysentery. It was licensed by the U.Va. Patent Foundation to TechLab in 1992.

The company is now collaborating with Petri to develop a low-cost dipstick-like device similar to a home pregnancy test that changes color when used to analyze infected fecal matter. The dipstick, which is being tested in Bangladesh, uses TechLab’s diagnostic technology. But it will deliver it in a simpler form, Petri says.

Providing such a low-cost kit would allow the most impoverished nations to have greater access to the technology, thereby allowing for proper diagnosis and treatment of dysentery.

Petri says he believes FDA clearance of the dipstick test may occur by the end of 2008. The current form of the test is a bit more complicated, but can also be used in the field, he says.

Debi Hudgens, a licensing associate at the U.Va. Patent Foundation, calls the collaboration between her school and TechLab “extremely productive.”

Joel Herbein, who heads TechLab’s parasitology section, says working with Petri is important because he has collaborators all over the world and can set up clinical evaluations in places where gastrointestinal diseases are endemic.

“We want our products to be used in very simple settings to diagnose disease without a lot of supplemental expensive equipment,” says Herbein, who earned his Ph.D. in cell biology from Duke University in Durham, N.C.

“There is always a push for these tests to become simpler and cheaper, faster to run and more sensitive.”

TechLab came into being in 1989, when it was spun out of the Virginia Tech Anaerobe Laboratory in Blacksburg, Va. It was founded by microbiologists Tracy Wilkins and David Lyerly, whose work had focused on Clostridium difficile, a bacteria that can also cause gastrointestinal illnesses. The company now has 72 employees and more than 15 products on the market, including the E. histolytica test. Lyerly said TechLab is always trying to push basic research to improve its products.

“We go to the top institutions in the country,” he says. “That’s why we started the collaboration with U.Va., because it is a top-notch university doing work that dovetails perfectly with what we do here.”

A Chance Meeting Leads to Collaboration

Petri and Wilkins crossed paths in 1992 when Petri made a presentation at an American Society of Microbiology chapter meeting held at Virginia Tech.

“Very fortunately for me, Tracy happened to be there,” says Petri. “The presentation was about our attempts to make a better diagnostic test for amebiasis. We’d had some limited success doing that, but Tracy and his company were and still are today, the world’s experts in how to make diagnostic tests for intestinal infectious diseases.”

The pair spoke during the meeting and decided to work together.

“There were no research grants or anything,” he recalls. “We agreed to take some of the antibodies that we had made against this parasite and turn it into a diagnostic test that would work and could pass muster at the FDA.”

Petri calls the importance of the collaboration between the two “enormous for the field of tropical medicine and amebiasis. There still is no other diagnostic test specifically for E. histolytica. Since then, it has gone through three generations of FDA approval, with each one better than the last generation.”

Petri says the importance of the collaboration goes well beyond simply having a good diagnostic test.

“We have been able since 1999 to work with a cohort of 500 children in Dhaka, Bangladesh, who have been monitored every other day for diarrheal illness,” he says. “With their tests, we have been able to quickly ascertain when the children have diarrhea if it is due to amebiasis, which often leads to malnutrition. And malnutrition in turn is the most common cause of death in children in the developing world.”

Before there was a good diagnostic test for amebiasis, Petri says no one knew how common it was or if those who had it were resistant to being reinfected.

“A number of very fundamental questions were unresolved,” he says. “If you don’t have a good way of reliably diagnosing an infection, there is no way to study it in humans. All this was made possible by the TechLab test.”

Petri and his colleagues in Bangladesh learned that amebiasis is quite common in the children they are following.

“About 40 percent of Bangladeshi children we are following are infected with this parasite every year,” he says. “We also discovered that the infection is linked to malnutrition. So if you are malnourished, you are four times more likely to become infected.”

Hope for a Vaccine

Petri and his team learned that when the body creates antibodies against this parasite, reinfection is less likely. In other words, they discovered that these intestinal antibodies can lead to immunity to the infection.

“We can use this information to try to rationally develop a vaccine against the infection,” he says. “All because of the TechLab test. Without that, none of this work would have gone forward. This has been the perfect collaboration where both parties benefit equally. This has been win-win from the very beginning.”

Petri said his current work with TechLab is being supported by the National Institutes of Health through cooperative research agreements that are part of the Vaccine Initiative and with Small Business Technology Transfer program funding.

But the work Petri is most devoted to is the amebiasis vaccine.

Petri said he believes the vaccine will be tested on humans by 2011.

“If I can help achieve a vaccine against amebiasis, I will be overjoyed,” he says. “That will be a huge accomplishment by many people working together.”

“The biggest winners, I think, are going to be children in the developing world,” he says.

Malnutriation is the biggest killer of children in the first five years of life. ​What is coming out of all this is a better way of understanding what contributes to malnutrition in the developing world.
Dr. William Petri

What we have discovered so far from this work is the contribution of cryptosporidiosis, amebiasis and giardiasis to malnutrition. Having a better way of diagnosing means you have a better way of treating it to try to help prevent malnutrition.

“And it’s malnutrition that makes children so susceptible to the other diseases like pneumonia that kill so many of them around the globe.” 

This story was originally published in 2008.

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Ohio University Researcher Discovers Key to Producing Cheap Hydrogen Fuel

Ohio University

Ohio University Researcher Discovers Key to Producing Cheap Hydrogen Fuel

What do nuclear submarines and petrochemical plants have in common?

Both use ammonia.

Ben Schafer learned about this colorless, pungent gas during a stint as a submariner — or “bubble head” — in the U.S. Navy. Gerardine Botte, an associate professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering at Ohio

University in Athens, became familiar with it from her studies and while working in her native Venezuela.

The two ended up putting their heads together after attending a Denver meeting of the Electrochemical Society in December 2005. Botte was there representing her university’s Russ College of Engineering and Technology, while Schafer was attending on behalf of his company, the Hydra Fuel Cell Corp.

The result — less than two years later — was a collaborative private sector-university partnership to develop inexpensive hydrogen from ammonia, while also producing clean wastewater in the process. This partnership led to the establishment of a new company, American Hydrogen Corp. in the Ohio University Innovation Center, which aims to produce inexpensive hydrogen from ammonia and clean wastewater in the process.

Schafer, a computer engineer, was scouting for a cheap source of hydrogen to power small electric generators made by the Hydra Fuel Cell Corp., a subsidiary of American Security Resources Corp. (ASRC). “I’d been looking for six months,” says Schafer. “I was continually being pinged (a submariner term) by people asking me ‘where you gonna get the hydrogen?’” he says.

“Like all fuel cell companies, we’d kind of ducked the question and said the problem will get solved eventually,” he recalls. “But I was getting tired of the questions.”

Schafer knew that nuclear submarines had used ammonia in their reactors’ coolant. “We used lots of it and I was exposed to its chemistry back then,” says Schafer, a proud bubble head for seven years.

An Auspicious Lunch

Fast forward 30 years to the conference in Denver. Schafer encountered Botte and the two sat down for lunch. It was an auspicious meeting.

“I said I worked for a fuel cell company and was trying to fi nd ways to provide hydrogen,” he recalls. “She asked if I’d considered ammonia, and I told her I had, but hadn’t found a way to reduce it to nitrogen and hydrogen. She said ‘let’s talk’ and that’s how it started. It wasn’t long before we were communicating near the speed of a couple of Cray super computers.”

In a nutshell, Botte had developed a patent-pending ammonia catalytic electrolyzer (ACE) technology to efficiently convert ammonia into hydrogen.

Botte, director of Ohio University’s Electrochemical Engineering Research Laboratory came up with the idea of passing ammonia through the electrolyzer after attending a Honda Initiation Grant Conference in Columbus, Ohio, in 2002.

“One of the presenters at the conference said fuel cells are great because you start with clean water, clean energy, and in return you can produce clean water and clean power,” she recalls.

“I went back into my lab after that conference and spent the whole night doing calculations and realized that the thermodynamics of the reaction were wonderful. I said I have to work on this right away,” she says.

Botte did the initial experiments herself and then got her students involved.

“In the beginning it was like using a magnifying glass to look at little bubbles of what we have right now, which is a process that produces tons and tons of hydrogen,” she says (figuratively speaking).

“I started with an idea and a small piece of paper, which had the potential for a commercial application. And now it has become a company.”

Room Temperature

One of the things Schafer liked about Botte’s discovery is that it takes place at room temperature and under low pressure, requiring less energy and expense than high-pressure, high temperature processes.

The cost is also reasonable, too, he says.

It’s not the horse that costs you, it’s the feed. And in this case, ammonia is inexpensive. A tremendous amount of it goes into the environment as waste and we see that as a tremendous potential for recovery in energy use.
Ben Schafer

Schafer figures Botte’s process involving the ammonia catalytic electrolyzer will be able to process a kilo of hydrogen for $2, far less than the $8 to $10 it costs in today’s market. And a kilo of hydrogen, he notes, is the equivalent of one gallon of gas.

Schafer explains, “It’s our intention to take the ACE to market in conjunction with our Hydra Fuel Cell products as the first commercial ammonia-to-energy process in the one-to-five kilowatt range.

“We also have the grander dream of really getting the hydrogen economy moving by using ammonia as the feedstock to run stationary fuel cells to supply electricity to sites and also to dispense hydrogen for hydrogen powered vehicles.

“What you store locally is ammonia and then convert it to hydrogen for your vehicle,” he says. “Or you store ammonia in a gas tank and convert it onboard to feed an electric fuel cell.”

Environmental Benefits and Profitable Solutions

The sources of ammonia are wide ranging, according to Botte.

“There is a lot of ammonia in the waste slurry from animals, for example, and it is a byproduct of plenty of other processes,” she says. But on the drive back from the Columbus conference in 2002 to her Ohio University campus in Athens, she says she had an epiphany.

“I said ‘wow,’ ammonia from wastewater would be a wonderful source to produce hydrogen because it is abundant and independent of fossil fuels,” she says.

“And if I put the wastewater through an electrolyzer. I remove the ammonia waste from the water and produce clean power and clean water,” she says. “It is a beautiful picture.”

Besides the obvious environmental benefits of removing ammonia from wastewater, there are great benefits for companies that have to dispose of ammonia they use or produce as a byproduct in their manufacturing processes. In some cases, this disposal can be costly, and can require additional time and resources. But now there’s an alternative.

Instead of spending money on ammonia disposal, these companies could potentially use the ammonia catalytic electrolyzer to remove ammonia and resell it to companies that can use it to produce hydrogen, or they might even convert it to hydrogen themselves and resell it. Bottom line, it amounts to transforming a costly waste item into a profitable commodity.

“The great thing about this is that it can go so many places. It could drive a car or even be in a shuttle in a mission to Mars in the future,” she says. Botte says the ACE technology dovetailed with other work she had been doing in her lab during the past several years, such as hydrogen storage.

Schafer, who likes to move fast, visited Ohio University not long after the Denver conference. He toured Botte’s facilities and went back to his board seeking $50,000 to fund a project to scale up her “lab project” from 250 milliwatts to five watts.

The results, he says, were “impressive.”

Fruitful Negotiations = Collaborative Relationship

Ohio University’s Technology Transfer Office and ASRC soon entered negotiations to license Botte’s technology. As a result, the university had a substantial license package, including up-front payment, minimum annual licensee payments, running royalties for fuel cells and hydrogen production, and a sizable equity stake in ASRC for the Ohio University Foundation. And, just as important, Botte’s lab had a two-year, $600,000 sponsored research contract to support her ACE-related research and development project.

At the same time, ASRC created American Hydrogen Corp., which has exclusive worldwide rights to commercialize the technology for hydrogen production and fuel cell applications, and set up the new company in Athens at the Ohio

University Innovation Center, further strengthening the collaborative ties between ASRC and the university.

Robert Malott, associate director for technology commercialization at the university, says gaining equity in ASRC was a key to the deal. In addition to American Hydrogen and Hydra Fuel Cell, ASRC also owns a third company called American Wind Power. ASRC may also make more acquisitions in the energy field, he said.

Malott says the collaboration between the university and ASRC and American Hydrogen Corp. has gone well.

“We liked Ben’s demeanor and found him and the others we dealt with to be straightforward and down-to-earth, the kind of people we like to do business with,” Malott recalls. “There was no “smoke and mirrors” or any game-playing.”

Schafer agrees.

“It’s been great dealing with the Ohio University folks,” he says. “And their Innovation Center, especially if you are in the early stages of starting up a company, is super. The flexibility is nice and you can’t beat the cost in terms of services that are available. It takes a lot of the pain out of being a startup, that’s for sure.”

Botte, a consultant for American Hydrogen, is pleased, too. Not only is her future research being solidly funded, but her graduate students are finding work at the fledgling company.

“There is a lot of interaction between their personnel, myself and my students,” she says. “And I’m advising them on different market and R&D opportunities for the project.

“I think I will always be a professor,” she says. “But I have some ideas for the future of additional things I’d like to start.” 


This story was originally published in 2008.

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An Effective Therapeutic for Sickle Cell Disease

Virginia Commonwealth University

An Effective Therapeutic  for  Sickle Cell Disease

Donald Abraham’s quest to find a new drug to treat sickle cell disease (SCD) has all the intrigue and plot twists of a suspense novel: It’s a decades-long, against-all-odds pursuit filled with overwhelming obstacles, false starts, uncanny timing, dogged determination, international collaborations and not one, but two chance meetings.

Some 40 years after he began looking for a way to alter the underlying molecular mechanism of SCD, the compound Abraham discovered at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), is now a drug candidate being evaluated in clinical trials.

“I threw everything, my whole heart and science into sickle cell disease,” says the retired Abraham, who served as professor of medicinal chemistry and director of VCU’s Institute for Structural Biology and Drug Discovery at from 1988 to 2007. “For a long while it wasn’t the wisest thing to do. But since my postdoctoral days in 1963, my great desire was to use structural biology to discover a drug.”

Structure-Based Drug Design

Structural biology, or structure-based drug design, uses X-ray crystallography or nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to obtain information on a three-dimensional structure — the drug target — to aid in the search for a small molecule to bind to the target in a way that achieves a therapeutic benefit.

“You can think of the structure as the puzzle with a piece missing,” explains Abraham, who was one of the first scientists to attempt to use structural biology for drug design. “You know what the piece has to look like to fit in.”

Abraham chose to work on SCD because it provided him with a ready-made puzzle.

The molecular structure of hemoglobin, a protein inside red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the body, was the first protein to be decoded — along with a genetic mutation found in people with SCD. When mutant or “sickle” hemoglobin releases its oxygen, it sticks to other sickle hemoglobin (a process called polymerization), creating rigid rods that distort red blood cells from their typically round shape into narrow crescents. These sickle cells stick to each other and to blood vessel walls, causing anemia, organ damage and overwhelming pain.

Searching for a Missing Piece

In 1975, despite a lack of funding and support for SCD research, Abraham launched what would become a decades-long search for a molecule — the missing puzzle piece — to bind to sickle hemoglobin and prevent the polymerization process and the consequent sickling action.

“I was told that I had 0 percent chance of solving this,” says Abraham, who remained undeterred. “I went into this field with the hope of one day discovering a new drug to relieve human suffering.”

Sickle cell disease occurs in about 1 out of every 500 African American births. Millions of people are affected by the disease worldwide,

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, SCD is a hereditary disease that mainly affects African Americans: Less than 100,000 people suffer from SCD in the United States — too few to warrant a billion-plus-dollar research program from major pharmaceutical companies.

Pursuing a rare or orphan disease meant Abraham would lose his funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and his research team. But a chance meeting with a professional baseball player fundraising for SCD research led to new funding sources and, eventually, the opportunity to collaborate with Max Perutz at the Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, UK, who had won a Nobel Prize for his work unraveling hemoglobin. Their research, which spanned an eight-year period, in turn attracted a team of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to Abraham’s VCU lab.

Building Momentum

By the late 1980s, Abraham’s research team had identified a number of compounds that inhibited polymerization in the test tube, but all proved to be too toxic for use in humans.

“Sickle cell patients have almost a pound of hemoglobin,” explains Abraham. “So in the early 1990s we shifted gears and began searching for a food-like agent that could be tolerated at high doses throughout a patient’s lifetime.”

The common flavoring agent vanillin proved promising at first but metabolized too quickly in the body, leaving Abraham and his researchers at a dead end.

Food-Based Agents

Fate intervened once more when Abraham and his wife were on a train trip across Italy and shared a train cabin with a British food chemist.

“I asked him if he knew of any nontoxic food agents like vanillin that might be suitable candidates to test,” says Abraham. “It was a last ditch effort because I had no idea what else could be out there.”

The chemist sent Abraham a list of possible compounds that included a byproduct of browning sugar called 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF). Basic animal studies of the compound, conducted at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, confirmed the efficacy of the compound.

In 2002, Abraham, Martin K. Safo, Ph.D., and Richmond Danso-Danquah, Ph.D., disclosed their discovery to VCU’s Innovation Gateway. Safo, a former postdoctoral fellow in Abraham’s group, is leading the ongoing sickle cell disease drug discovery effort at the Institute for Structural Biology and Drug Discovery.  

“I don’t think any of this would have happened if it weren’t for [former VCU] President Eugene Trani,” says Abraham. “He had a real can-do attitude and an interest in advancing science and our work through commercialization.”

VCU’s Innovation Gateway filed the first patent on 5-HMF in 2004 and licensed the compound to a startup company. When that company failed, a second startup based in Newton, Mass., AesRx, acquired the rights to the preclinical molecule in 2009 and renamed it Aes-103.

“The compound was the most attractive opportunity I had ever seen,” says AesRx CEO Steve Seiler. “There is a crying need for a novel intervention for SCD that is disease modifying. SCD was first described in 1910, and more than 100 years later, there is still no drug to treat it except an anticancer drug that has side effects and compliance issues.”

Ivelina Metcheva, executive director of VCU’s Innovation Gateway, says Seilerprovided a great example of how to communicate with a technology transfer office.

“He continually kept us apprised of where he was in the development process and the obstacles he was facing,” she says. “As a result, we modified the license agreement to give him some breathing room to grow the business.”

Connecting With TRND

With the economy in a tailspin, financing was a major issue for AesRx until 2010, when Seiler connected with the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) and the Therapeutics for Rare and Neglected Diseases (TRND) program, part of the NIH’s National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences.

“We created a multiphase, multi-institute, public-private research collaboration with researchers from the NHLBI and TRND,” says Seiler.

Within a year, AesRx was able to apply to the Food and Drug Administration for an investigational new drug application and move into early stage clinical trials, which showed that patients who took one dose of Aes-103 experienced significantly less pain.

A phase II trial designed to test dosing and efficacy began in London in 2013. The NIH provided $5 million in funding to support the collaborative research effort, and AesRx also secured additional financing in the form of a Massachusetts Life Sciences Center Accelerator Loan.

Seiler credits the cooperation among highly skilled researchers, VCU’s Innnovation Gateway and TRND’s business model for the quick progress made on Aes-103.

Derisking Drug Development

“The NIH played a prominent role in getting the clinical data to derisk further development of this drug so it would be appealing to venture capitalists and pharmaceutical companies that could take it the rest of the way,” says Seiler. “You need good science, but you also need good people to associate with. We had good partners.”

In July 2014, the biopharmaceutical company Baxter International acquired Aes-103 and is continuing clinical development activities required for regulatory approval and commercialization, including completing Phase II and III trials.

“From a professional perspective, this was the most satisfying thing I’ve ever done,” says Seiler. “It’s really encouraging and I hope to see it work for patients.”

If Aes-103 is able to improve the lives of SCD patients, it will not only provide a storybook ending for Abraham, it could a start a new chapter for other rare and underfunded diseases.

“The business model that TRND proposed works and can be used for other orphan diseases,” says Seiler. “So there’s an impact beyond the SCD, focus and that’s something we should all be proud of.”


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A Promising Tool Against Prostate Cancer

University of Maryland Baltimore

A Promising Tool Against Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer in America (skin cancers excluded) affecting one in six men. In fact, more than 234,000 men in the United States will be diagnosed with prostate cancer this year, according to the Prostate Cancer Foundation. Prostate cancer can cause pain, difficulty in urinating, erectile dysfunction and other symptoms.

Now, a team of researchers at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, offer a promising weapon in the fight against prostate cancer. Angela Brodie, Ph.D., and Vincent C. O. Njar, Ph.D., both researchers at the university, developed a cadre of proprietary compounds that functionally inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells.

These inhibitors block the interaction between androgen, a steroid made by the body, and its receptors. Androgen receptors are thought to play a critical role in prostate cancer growth.

Androgren synthesis inhibitors offer patients a much-needed potential therapy for prostate cancer.

The research was supported with a grant from the National Institutes of Health.

Tokai Pharmaceuticals, Inc., located in Cambridge, Mass., is the exclusive licensee of the androgen synthesis inhibitor technology.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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AnemoCheck Makes At-Home Hemoglobin Testing Easy and Affordable

Emory University

AnemoCheck Makes At-Home Hemoglobin Testing Easy and Affordable
Before the invention of AnemoCheck, hemoglobin levels were measured from blood samples using hematology analyzers housed in hospitals, clinics, or commercial laboratories that requiring skilled technicians to operate.
Now, it’s easy and cost-effective to test your own hemoglobin levels at home using a finger prick. This new test is a significant upgrade for people with chronic anemia who need to test often. It also makes anemia testing more available those living in developing countries where access to a clinic or a trained medical technician is difficult.

AnemoCheck is the brainchild of Erika Tyburski, a graduate of Georgia Tech and current CEO of Sanguina, a biomedical start-up company out of Emory and Georgia Tech.

“We specifically wanted something that did not require electricity or a reader of any kind,” Tyburski says. “They are often complex and cost-prohibitive in user groups who need access the most.”

AnemoCheck’s development began as Tyburski’s senior project in the Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering. Wilbur Lam, MD, PhD (Emory, Georgia Tech, Children's) and Siobhan O’Connor, MD, MPH (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) advised Tyburski on the project. Lam was impressed by Erika’s initiative and the quick timeline of AnemoCheck’s takeoff.

“In a few short years, Erika and our lab have turned an undergraduate project into a commercialized product and Erika has transitioned from undergrad to CEO of our start-up company. Now she’s my boss!” Lam said.
This project was the work of a major collaborative effort. The Georgia Research Alliance (GRA), an organization dedicated to expanding research capacity at universities and shaping startup companies in the state, is a supporter of AnemoCheck.

Other collaborators and partners for the project include the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a Coulter Translational Partnership AwardGeorgia Centers for Innovation and ManufacturingAtlantic Pediatric Device ConsortiumThe Foundation for Women and Girls with Blood Disordersthe National Science Foundation, and the National Institutes of Health.

This story was originally published in 2020.

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From Pilot Study to Market in Less than 4 Years, Angiotensin II Stabilizes Critically Ill Patients

George Washington University

From Pilot Study to Market in Less than 4 Years, Angiotensin II Stabilizes Critically Ill Patients
GIAPREZA helps patients hospitalized with septic shock that are urgently in need of critical care.

By targeting a new route to raise blood pressure, the first and only FDA-approved drug of its kind, angiotensin II (trade name GIAPREZA™), may save patients’ lives.

An infection (sepsis), allergic reaction, or severe accident can decrease blood flow to the brain, heart, and other vital organs. Hormones that target different blood pressure regulation pathways have been in use for years but are not effective for many patients. 

The George Washington University (GW) School of Medicine and Health Sciences’ Professor Lakhmir Chawla, M.D., tested peptide hormone angiotensin II on 20 patients in a 2014 pilot study. Dr. Chawla found that angiotensin II effectively narrowed blood vessels to increase dangerously low blood pressure in patients with septic shock. 

Because Dr. Chawla’s promising results could significantly improve the safety or effectiveness of treating, diagnosing, or preventing a serious condition, the FDA allowed angiotensin II to proceed directly from the pilot study to a phase III clinical trial. It also provided Priority Review, meaning the FDA intends to act on a New Drug Application within just six months, so a treatment can reach patients sooner than usual.

It is extremely rare to have a pharmaceutical come out of a university and go straight into a phase III clinical trial," said Steve Kubisen, Managing Director of GW's Technology Commercialization Office (TCO).

GW’s TCO managed patent filings using outside patent prosecution counsel, and managed licensing of the exclusive rights to the patents to the La Jolla Pharmaceutical Co. (LJPC) in 2015. They started with an option agreement and negotiated the exclusive license that followed. GW TCO also managed the royalty monetization process, utilizing a well-known royalty monetization structuring agent.

The FDA approved GIAPREZA™ in 2017, and LJPC began selling the drug in 2018.

GW’s TCO also obtained broad international patent protection for GIAPREZA™ which will help provide incentive for LJPC to distribute the drug to patients in need globally.

 “In 2019, the European Commission approved GIAPREZA™ and GW’s European patent was granted.  This provides an opportunity to help patients outside the US,” Kubisen said.

Also in 2019, GW struck a deal with financial services firm Barings LLC to sell a portion of its US royalty rights, a common practice for high-value drugs. GW plans to reinvest this game-changing cash infusion into strategic priorities.

“The money could accelerate commercialization in orthopedics, cancer drugs, cardiac devices, diagnostics, and other products GW is developing or licensing out,” Kubisen said.  

“This is an extraordinary example of GW research and innovation at its best,” said GW President Thomas LeBlanc. “A treatment developed here will improve clinical care and save lives, while at the same time provide resources for our university to reinvest in research for the next big discovery. Our impact on society will only continue to grow.”

Patent Number(s): 9,572,856; 9,867,863; 10,500,247; 10,322,160; 10,335,451; 10,548,943; 9,220,745; 10,028,995; 10,493,124

This story was originally published in 2020.

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Crash-Test Software Saves Lives and Money

Wayne State University

Crash-Test Software Saves Lives and Money

Because dummies are not human, the crash-test data that automobile manufacturers rely on to make design decisions is not as relevant to human safety as it could be. Professor King H. Yang, Ph.D., director of the Bioengineering Center at the College of Engineering at Wayne State University in Detroit, decided to come up with a more “human” way to test car safety.

Using crash-test dummies is a good way to make cars safer for dummies — but not necessarily people.

In the early 1990s Yang, along with professor Albert I. King, Ph.D., and a team of graduate students developed a software program called Anthropomorphic Numerical Surrogate for Injury Reduction (ANSIR). The Centers for Disease Control and the automotive industry supported the research, which exceeded $10 million.

The technology was disclosed in 1995 and licensed in 1998 to Toyota Motor Co. ANSIR is a software program that uses computerized models to demonstrate the detailed effects of car crashes on the human body. The models are based on tests using cadavers and reveal how various crash angles, velocities and car sizes affect the human body, especially internal organs. ANSIR presents far more detailed and accurate information compared to data derived from crash tests with dummies.

Toyota is currently developing its own variation of ANSIR and requires first-tier suppliers to use human models to check the safety performance of the parts they supply. ANSIR technology has been licensed around the world and is expected to save millions of dollars in crash-testing vehicles, improve vehicle safety, and reduce injuries. The software also has applications for designing sports and military helmets, body armor, and for pre-neurosurgical planning.


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Promising New Antibiotics Effective Against Infections Resistant to and Tolerant of Current Treatments

St Jude Children's Research Hospital
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

Promising New Antibiotics Effective Against Infections Resistant to and Tolerant of Current Treatments

For over 100 years, antibiotics have been used to fight bacterial infection and disease. However, bacteria are increasingly developing resistance to front line antibiotics,and new therapies are needed to treat these bacterial strains. Dr. Richard Lee, Ph.D., a member of the St. Jude Department of Chemical Biology and Therapeutics, is developing two new classes of compounds to be effective in treating strains that are no longer effectively treated with current therapies. One compound is an adaptation of an old antibiotic- Spectinomycin, which is modified using structure based drug design. The other compound is designed to treat chronic infections and biofilms caused by persister cells that have become tolerant of existing antibiotics. Both compound classes are described below:

Treating resistant bacteria

Dr. Lee’s laboratory designed a promising new class of antibiotics, called aminomethyl spectinomycins, which follows his work on Spectinomycin analogs for treating tuberculosis. In this case a new series of spectinomycin analogs has been developed for treating a broad spectrum of respiratory tract infections including S. pnuemoniae, the most common pathogenic bacteria associated with this type of infection. The aminomethyl spectinomycins are active against drug resistant strains. In collaboration with Dr. Jason Rosch in the Infectious Diseases department, the robust efficacy of this compound series has been demonstrated at low compound dosing levels, further validating this series. These compounds have been licensed by Microbiotix, a privately-held, clinical stage biopharmaceutical company engaged in the discovery and development of novel small molecule anti-infectives.

“This study demonstrates how classic antibiotics derived from natural products can be redesigned to create semi-synthetic compounds to overcome  drug resistance.” - Richard Lee, Ph.D.

Treating tolerant bacteria

Dr. Lee and his collaborators developed another set of compounds designed to treat bacteria, fungi and parasites that develop multidrug tolerance by becoming dormant.
Small subpopulations of tolerant microbial cells are called persister cells, because they can survive the antimicrobial treatments that kill their genetically identical siblings.

When persister cells are left behind, they become a reservoir from which an infection can recur. Examples of chronic infections include endocarditis, urinary tract infections, gingivitis, middle ear infections, fatal lung disease (cystic fibrosis) and infections produced by biofilms.

These infections are often associated with implanted medical devices, such as catheters and artificial joints. Multidrug tolerant infections account for more than 60% of all microbial infections, are hard to treat and subject to infection relapse. Traditional antibiotics kill active cells via inhibition; however, this new set of compounds acts to kill dormant cells. They could be used to treat infections caused by biofilms; and other infections caused by chronic bacteria persister cells. These compounds have been licensed to Arietis, a Boston-based biotechnology company, focused on the discovery and development of novel antimicrobial agents.

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Antimicrobial Coating for Implanted Medical Decices Reduces Risk of Post-Op Infections

Columbia University

Antimicrobial Coating for Implanted Medical Decices Reduces Risk of Post-Op Infections

Infections are a growing problem in health care settings. According to the Centers for Disease Control, there are 4.5 hospital infections for every 100 patient admissions, and nearly 100,000 deaths annually from hospital infections.

To fight this problem, department of surgery researchers at Columbia University in New York, N.Y. have developed an antimicrobial coating for implanted medical devices that reduces the risk of post-operative infection. From 1984 to 1987 Shanta Modak, M.D., Charles Fox, M.D., and Lester Sampath, M.D. developed the method and technology for applying an antimicrobial coating to medical devices and surfaces, making them infection-resistant.

The coating consists of a polymeric matrix containing antimicrobial silver sulfadiazine and chlorhexidine. Initially funded with $500,000 from Daltex Medical Sciences, early experiments involved coating urinary catheters, gauze dressings, soft tissue patches, arterial grafts, catheters, wound covers, gloves, mask, contraceptive devices and implantable pumps.

Studies have shown a 50-80 percent reduction in catheter-related infection and a 60 percent reduction in bloodstream infection when this antimicrobial coating is used.

Columbia University licensed this technology to Daltex Medical Sciences in 1987, which later sublicensed it to Arrow International. Arrow International has sold more than five million central venous catheters that utilize this technology.

W.L. Gore also incorporates this coating in manufacturing the only  hernia repair material that inhibits bacterial colonization in the hernia repair patch for up to two weeks after its implantation. Current research also indicates a lower risk of microorganisms developing resistance to antimicrobialcoated surfaces compared to non-coated implanted medical devices, making them a better long-term solution for patients.

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Anti-Sway Control System Improves Crane Safety, Saves Time

National University of Singapore

Anti-Sway Control System Improves Crane Safety, Saves Time

Industrial crane operators typically manipulate the independent motions of trolley, hoisting and traverse when they are moving payloads. This, however, can result in an uncontrolled swaying motion, which slows down the construction process because extra time is required to let the swaying motion come to a stop. Uncontrolled swaying is also a safety issue that can result in serious injury. 

Led by associate professor Ong Chong Jin, researchers at the National University of Singapore’s Mechanical Engineering Department have developed a highly effective solution to the control of payload sway in industrial crane and crane-like structures. The “Anti-Sway Control of a Crane Under Operator’s Command” technology was developed in 2000.

The use of this technology on construction sites improves safety; labor costs are also reduced because operators spend less time waiting for swaying motions to cease.

In response to the operator’s command for trolley, hoist and traverse motions, this software program utilizes a family of differential equations to calculate the precise counter-adjustments necessary for canceling out sway. The differential equations are solved in real time, using sensory measurement of the cable length and its time derivative.

The program also responds immediately to the operator’s commands under simultaneous trolley/hoisting and traverse/hoisting motions. The software takes into account the acceleration, velocity, and span limits of the drive system of the crane to ensure the anti-sway control is not compromised when these limits are reached.


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Taking the Bite Out of Bed Bugs

The Pennsylvania State University

Taking the Bite Out of Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are insects that feed on blood, usually at night. Their bites can result in a myriad health problems, from skin rashes to blisters and allergic symptoms. They are also stealthy travelers, hitching rides in luggage, purses, backpacks, or other items left on upholstered surfaces.

No doubt you’ve heard stories from those who’ve brought home bed bugs from a hotel stay. And then spent thousands of dollars exterminating the pests, commonly using costly thermal remediation.

Bed bugs, as it happens, are even harder to eradicate than the common flea, as they can survive for up to 400 days without feeding.

Driven by the scourge of the bed bug epidemic, Dr. Nina Jenkins, a Research Professor in the Department of Entomology at The Pennsylvania  State University and  three co-inventors, developed, with the aid of USDA funding, a biopesticide formulation that controls and prevents bed bug infestations. The biopesticide uses a natural fungal disease of insects that kills bed bugs, but is harmless to humans and pets.

Bed bugs pick up the fungal spores by walking on a treated surface. The technology exploits the natural behavior of bed bugs, which hide in group harborages that are typically inaccessible to pesticides.

How does it work? The fungal spores attach to the exoskeleton of the bed bug, germinate and eventually kill the insect. Exposed bed bugs return to their harborage where they unknowingly share the spores with their nestmates, resulting in eradication of the entire population.

Jenkins worked closely with the Penn State Office of Technology Management to obtain U.S. Patent No. 10,085,436 in October 2018.

Penn State’s tech transfer office was the first place I reached out to when we thought we had an interesting discovery.
Dr. Nina Jenkins

Jenkins added,  “Matt Smith,  Sr. Technology Licensing Officer at the Office of Technology Management, was quick to understand the technology and its potential, and was an invaluable resource throughout the development and commercialization process. He assisted with selection of appropriate legal representation for preparation of the patent, and provided input and assistance, preparing a fair and reasonable agreement for the licensing of the technology. This is a great example of how the Office of Technology Management works to maximize the commercialisation of research outputs at Penn State."

It was after winning several innovation contests, that Jenkins and her co-founder, Giovani Bellicanta, established ConidioTec, LLC, and in July 2014, executed an exclusive licensing agreement with the University’s licensing entity, the Penn State Research Foundation.

Using funds from the College of Agricultural Sciences, Jenkins was able to support US Environmental Protection Agency registration of the product, known as Aprehend®.

Working with pest management professionals, ConidioTec established an effective protocol for use of Aprehend, which reduces the number of spray applications required for bed bug eradication, and reduces the preparation requirements for householders prior to treatment.

ConidioTec launched Aprehend® at the National Pest Management Association PestWorld conference in October 2017. Today it is available to pest management professionals across the U.S. and Canada. For more information, visit

This story was originally published in 2022.

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From Hardware Store to Operating Room

University of British Columbia

From Hardware Store to Operating Room

Healthcare facilities in the developing world lack many resources, including access to expensive surgical equipment. As a result, some 5 billion people lack access to safe surgery because surgeons do not have access to the right medical equipment.

Case in point: orthopedic drills needed to perform surgery on serious bone and muscle injuries cost upwards of $30,000. That leaves orthopedic surgeons in low-resource areas with two options — they can use non- sterile hardware drills which increase the  risk of infection, or use sterile, hand-cranked drills that are labor- intensive and  lack precision.

Working with surgeons from Canada and Uganda, graduate students in biomedical engineering at the University of British Columbia (UBC) created a third and more appealing option — a reusable drill cover that transforms a drill purchased at a hardware store into a sterile surgical instrument.

Transforming off-the-shelf hardware into surgical equipment has helped reduce the rate of infection, improve patient outcomes and reduce operating times for low-resource environments in 20 countries.

UBC assigned the patented drill cover to Arbutus Medical. The company’s flagship product, the Arbutus Drill Cover, has been used in more than 12,000 surgeries in 20 countries. Use of the sterilizable and reusable drill cover has  helped reduce the rate of infection, improve patient outcomes and reduce operating times.

Arbutus Medical named the company after the Arbutus tree, an evergreen tree native to the southwest coast of British Columbia that thrives in harsh environments. Like its namesake, the company is working with surgeons around the world to develop safe, affordable and appropriate medical equipment for low-resource environments.

This story was originally published in 2015.

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Designing Devices for Africa's Rural Poor

University of Georgia
University of Georgia Research Foundation

Designing Devices for Africa's Rural Poor

In industrialized countries, a milk cooler is where shoppers grab a gallon of milk at the grocery store. A nutcracker is something people use to pry open a pecan.

But in developing countries, those two devices can look quite different. In some countries, a milk cooler is something a dairy farmer uses to keep his cows’ milk from spoiling. A nutcracker is a person with a rock.

Thanks to William Kisaalita, Ph.D., a professor and tissue engineer at the University of Georgia (UGA) in Athens, storing and harvesting food has become much easier for farmers in Uganda and Morocco. The milk cooler and nutcracker he developed give an economic boost to those who struggle to make a living.

The Uganda-born Kisaalita worked with UGA engineering students to develop these two devices. And though the innovations may be made of metal, a lot of heart goes into the invention process.

The professor, who grew up just outside Kampala, Uganda, is now a U.S. citizen. He and his wife, an accountant, have four children who are healthy and successful. His current surroundings are a stark contrast to the place where he grew up: a house made of reeds and mud, lit by kerosene and heated with wood.

Kisaalita left Uganda, earned his doctoral degree in Canada, and joined UGA’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences in 1991. After asking himself what he could do to help people like those he had grown up with, he set up a program in which engineering students can go overseas and design products to help the poor.

The first product they came up with was a milk cooler about the size of a dishwasher. Farmers along Uganda’s “cattle corridor,” a 50,000-square-mile dry-land area stretching north to south, are now using that cooler.

That region is home to more than 2.5 million dairy farms. Most farmers have between two and five cows. Farmers milk the cows, which produce an average of 50 liters of milk a day, in the morning and evening.

In the past, lack of refrigeration forced farmers to pour about 40 percent of their income potential down the drain each night.

During the day, farmers sell the milk to local vendors who transport the milk to cooling stations. But those markets are closed in the evening. So, in the past, farmers had no way to cool the milk produced in the evening. The

So Kisaalita and 15 of his undergraduate students came up with a power-independent cooler for short-term milk storage. The cooler uses a vacuum system and a mineral called zeolite to help keep the milk cold.

Research funding came from a number of sources: the University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc., the World Bank, U.S. National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

After the first prototype of the cooler didn’t work well enough to market, Kisaalita found an unlikely partner: a German company called Cool-System KEG GmbH, which had designed a selfcooling keg for beer drinkers. After some redesign, Cool-System produced a cooler called CoolChurn. The keglike cooler chills15 liters of milk within three or four hours, and keeps it cold for a full day.

But instead of resting on his laurels, Kisaalita has continued to engineer practical, simple solutions for Africa’s rural poor. So when a colleague approached him in 2005 on behalf of people in rural Morocco, Kisaalita took up the challenge.

The professor and his students were determined to crack the mystery of how to help the Moroccans. Women and children in Morocco used rocks to manually open argan nuts, which contain oil-rich seeds. When cracked open, those seeds yield argan oil, which gourmands around the world use as a cooking ingredient. The oil also serves as a rich source of vitamin E for cosmetics.

Cracking those nuts using rocks was not only labor-intensive, it was unsafe. Workers engaged in this work sometimes broke fingers. Sustaining such an injury meant women and children faced periods of inactivity and lost income from one of the few economic activities available to them. Given the lack of proper medical care, those broken fingers often resulted in poorly healed bones. That could lead to hand or finger deformity — even permanent injury.

So Kisaalita and students Max Neu, Meghan Samberg, Jonathan Dunn and Phillip Jones designed a simple metal-and-wood structure that cracks one nut at a time and is three times faster than cracking with rocks. The device is much sturdier than a nutcracker a consumer in the United States might use for something like an almond because argan nuts are incredibly hard to crack. Kisaalita’s nutcracker maximizes safety, thereby eliminating injuries while greatly increasing productivity and income.

The University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc. and the University of Georgia Office of the Vice President for Public Service and Outreach both funded the technology, which is now in use in Morocco.

Someone who lives in an industrialized country may not always think about where the food comes from before it arrives on a dinner plate. But for William Kisaalita and his students, the question of how farmers will get food on the table is one they won’t be forgetting anytime soon.


This story was originally published in 2011.

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Bovine Intervention: Sleeping Sickness a Thing of the Past

University of Greenwich

Bovine Intervention: Sleeping Sickness a Thing of the Past

One of Africa’s most harmful pests, the tsetse fly, has been all but eradicated from parts of the continent thanks to a novel artificial cow developed by an international group of researchers, including scientists from the University of Greenwich.

Today, sleeping sickness is virtually unheard of.

The artificial cows attract tsetse — which can infect humans and  cattle with fatal sleeping sickness — by emitting chemicals (kairomones) to mimic the smell of real cattle. The fake cattle are impregnated with insecticides that kill the tsetse attracted to them.

The cows were introduced to Zimbabwe in the mid-1980s, when thousands of cattle were infected with nagana (the equivalent to human sleeping sickness), transmitted by tsetse.

Cases of sleeping sickness in Zimbabwe have plummeted to practically zero, largely due to the use of artificial cows.

Cases of nagana in Zimbabwe been virtually zero for the last five years with the help of nearly 60,000 articificial cows. The fake cows also act as an effective barrier to stop tsetse re-invading areas cleared of flies.

Not only are artificial cows highly successful in controlling tsetse, but their use also results in a dramatic reduction in the amount of insecticide necessary to control the pest.

With only four artificial cows needed per square kilometre to ensure effective pest control, the use of insecticide is far more targeted than conventional widespread aerial and ground spraying, resulting in a greatly reduced environmental impact.


This story was originally published in 2007.

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Artificial Lung Helps Patients Breathe Easier

University of Pittsburgh

Artificial Lung Helps Patients Breathe Easier

A 76-year-old woman with chronic emphysema was admitted to a hospital in India earlier this year. She was complaining of shortness of breath and was diagnosed as being in respiratory failure, meaning she had a buildup of carbon dioxide in her lungs and couldn’t take deep enough breaths to push it out and suck in oxygen instead.

Normally doctors would put such a patient on a mechanical ventilator, which would mean sedating her so they could insert a breathing tube down her throat. Instead, her doctors decided she was the ideal person to be enrolled as the first patient in a study of a new artificial lung initially developed by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh, called the Hemolung.

The device is connected to a patient by a catheter. It pumps blood out of the patient, runs it across a bundle of fibers that pull out carbon dioxide and infuse oxygen, then sends the blood back into the patient, thus doing about 50 percent of the work of the person’s failing lungs.

The woman was hooked up to the Hemolung and quickly began breathing more easily. By the time it was removed three days later, her carbon dioxide levels were down, and she could breathe on her own. Equally importantly, she had avoided needing to be put on a mechanical ventilator and, therefore, spent her time in the hospital alert and able to eat and talk with her family.

“It was very rewarding to see that happen,” says Nick Kuhn, chief operating officer (COO) of ALung Technologies, the Pittsburgh company developing the Hemolung. ALung is hoping to finish its first clinical trial on patients in Europe and

India early next year and then apply for approval in the United States. The goal is to be able to help the 450,000 people in this country and millions more worldwide avoid temporary hookup to a ventilator, thus granting them a shorter and more comfortable stay in the hospital.

Carbon Dioxide out and Oxygen in

The innovation grew out of work in the Medical Devices Laboratory at the University of Pittsburgh. The external device now known as the Hemolung has changed shape considerably, having started as an internal device. Professors Brack Hattler, M.D., Ph.D., and William Federspiel, Ph.D., designed what they called the Hattler catheter in the mid-1990s. The catheter held a series of tiny hollow fiber tubes that were bundled together and was inserted into a patient’s large vein during respiratory failure. The tubes had oxygen running through them, so when the patient’s blood ran across them, it picked up oxygen and left behind carbon dioxide.

ALung is focusing on two types of potential patients, those with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and those with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). COPD patients, who often have emphysema, have trouble breathing deeply because the airways in their lungs are restricted, having grown stiff or swollen over the years. ARDS patients’ lungs have been damaged as a result of another disease or accident, and they tend to develop ARDS while in the hospital.

In its first trial, ALung is looking at the Hemolung’s effect on people with COPD who have a sudden drop in respiratory function.

“They could get a cold or a flu or anything that puts these patients over the edge,” Federspiel explains. “If you or I get a bad cold in the winter, we don’t have to go to the intensive care unit because we breathe fine. If they get a bad cold, they can’t breath.”

The artificial lung is a temporary device needed to get them through that period of acute need, usually three to four days. “Eventually the cold or flu resolves itself and they get better,” he says.

Starting a Company

Hattler, who died in 2008, and Federspiel patented the catheter-based artificial lung with the help of the University of Pittsburgh’s Office of Technology Management (OTM) and founded ALung in 1997. They didn’t have any plans to commercialize the device at the time, but needed to work with a company to apply for grants. The research has been funded by the National Institutes of Health, the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Army.

By 2001, they were presenting their idea at scientific conferences and had started generating enthusiasm for an actual catheter-based device, Federspiel says. They couldn’t find an established company interested in licensing the technology, so they decided to set out on their own.

But first they needed to negotiate a one year licensing option with the university, explains Maria Vanegas, OTM technology licensing associate. The office generally grants options to startups because this strategy is a simpler and less expensive way to investigate whether there really is a market for the product. Startups can use that year to perform due diligence on the technology and to start fundraising, she says.

They also brought in an outside chief executive officer for the first time, choosing Kuhn (who switched to COO in 2009), a veteran of other medical device companies. Kuhn worked at raising money, while Hattler and Federspiel toiled in the lab to make the catheter as small as possible. After the one-year option was up, the company fully licensed the technology.

In 2005, they found that the miniaturization of the catheter device topped out at about 1 centimeter in diameter. While it worked well in animal studies, the scientific advisory board assembled by Kuhn opined that such a large a catheter would be unappealing to many medical professionals.

“It became obvious that we needed to make a change,” Kuhn says.

After much deliberation, they decided to scrap the Hattler catheter and turned to a related innovation — the one that eventually became the Hemolung.

Breathing New Life Into the Project

Federspiel had been working on another iteration of the technology that used the same fiber bundle but positioned it outside the body. Because the bundle didn’t have to get inside the person’s vein, the catheter size dropped to 5 millimeters in diameter, the same size used in kidney dialysis.

There was a precedent for an external artificial lung. A technology called extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is used at a small number of hospitals in the country. It removes a patient’s blood, adjusts the gas levels and then pumps it back into the body. But, because it removes two to three liters of blood a minute, the patient has to be very carefully monitored.

“If there’s a complication in the line, they could bleed out,” Federspiel says. “The technology is considered very invasive and complex.”

Federspiel figured that if he could come up with a way to remove sufficient carbon dioxide using a much smaller amount of blood per minute, the technology would be a far more attractive. But removing less blood meant that the artificial lung had to be more efficient in restoring the correct carbon dioxide and oxygen levels to have the same desired effect.

That’s when he had the idea of rotating the fibers. Spinning the fibers allows them to come into contact with more blood as it’s pumped out and so it works more efficiently, Federspiel explains. The Hemolung removes about 400 milliliters of blood a minute, or between a 5th and a 10th as much as the ECMO machine. ALung changed the design while retaining the concept so that the blood now rotates around stationary fibers rather than the opposite.

ALung is now focusing exclusively on the Hemolung. While this switch has slowed down the company’s plans for generating a product, everyone agrees that it has made the device much more marketable. Vanegas applauds Hattler and Federspiel’s determination to see the project succeed, despite the initial setback.

“It’s unique when you find dedicated inventors who don’t get frustrated with the process, especially when they had one device and then had to switch,” she says.

For patients like the woman in India, the device’s long evolution was definitely worth it, both for the medical care it provides and the ability to avoid being hooked to a ventilator.

“They’re able to move around, get out of bed,” Federspiel says. “They have the ability to eat normally, talk normally and express how they’re feeling. It’s a significant quality-of-life improvement.”


This story was originally published in 2010.

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Life-Changing Artificial Pancreas Helps Manage Type 1 Diabetes

University of Virginia

Photo courtesy of Tandem Diabetes Care 
Living with Type 1 diabetes (T1D) requires constant management. Due to a deficient pancreas, food and exercise must be manually balanced against blood sugar and regular insulin injections. Even for patients with insulin pumps and compact monitors, managing T1D creates daily medical decisions that burden basic activities with the disease’s life-threatening nature.

The concept of an artificial pancreas, based on a complex algorithmic combination of pumps and monitors into one closed-loop system, has been around for as long as pumps and monitors themselves. And yet, it has for decades remained unsolvable, a far-flung hope flying the face of the reality that emulating organic pancreatic function presents impossibly complex problems.
The impossible became a reality after decades of effort from a collaborative team of mathematicians, engineers, physiologists, clinicians, alumni, and a software startup company from the University of Virginia (UVA).

Among the group of interdisciplinary researchers from the UVA Schools of Medicine and Engineering in Charlottesville, VA were Boris Kovatchev, Ph.D., who was inducted into the National Academy of Inventors in 2020, Stephen Patek, Ph.D., Patrick Keith-Hynes, Ph.D., Marc Breton, Ph.D., and Stacey Anderson, M.D.

The research team attracted early funding in 2006 from the National Institutes of Health, the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) and UVA’s LaunchPad supported by the Manning Family Foundation. This support enabled the development of a simulator that digitally replicated the human metabolic system in order to connect Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) systems to insulin pumps. Pre-clinical trials of automated insulin delivery using the simulator began at UVA in 2008 and expanded to include 10 other centers across seven countries.

By 2011, ongoing research and development led to new iterations of the device that had shrunk from a bulky computer system into a wireless smartphone device, leading to staggering success in further clinical trials. Recognizing the strength of the team’s research and intellectual property portfolio, the UVA Licensing & Ventures Group (LVG) tapped UVA alumnus Chad Rogers to launch TypeZero Technologies, Inc., in 2013, with a license for the artificial pancreas technology. When TypeZero launched, it held the single largest patent portfolio ever licensed from LVG, which leveraged more than 30 clinical trials with more than 500 patients at 12 sites, including one at UVA. Several members of the research team, including Stephen Patek and Patrick Keith-Hynes, joined the company to further develop and productize the “artificial pancreas.”
In 2015, TypeZero received the first investment from the newly established $10 million LVG Seed Fund, enabling the company to further develop the platform and attracted Dexcom Inc., and Tandem Diabetes Care as partners for a large-scale, multi-site NIH-funded clinical trial.
“This story is representative of what is possible when we harness the full capacity of this institution to support innovation,” said Michael Straightiff, LVG Executive Director. “Our interdisciplinary team of researchers leveraged federal funds, the financial generosity of our alumni, and our sophisticated translational research infrastructure to engineer technologies to relieve the heavy decision-making burden from patients living with diabetes. Then, in partnership with our research team, LVG once again leveraged the time and talent of our alumni to build, invest in, and sell a company that productized these early technologies. The story, though not yet over, has culminated in local economic development, return on investment, and, most importantly, lives enriched and improved by the University of Virginia.”

In August 2018, Dexcom, Inc. acquired TypeZero Technologies, Inc., uniting the groundbreaking artificial pancreas technology with an industry giant capable of bringing TypeZero’s innovative solutions to the commercial market. The acquisition marked the first exit for the LVG Seed Fund, and the artificial pancreas reached a coveted commercialization status rarely achieved by university technologies.
The technology made its commercial debut with Tandem Diabetes Care in January 2020 as Control-IQ™, and has since improved the lives of more than 155,000 patients with Type 1 diabetes. The system is the first of its kind to secure FDA approval and integrates with the Dexcom G6 CGM system. The increasing potential of Control-IQ™ motivated a five-year sponsored research agreement with Dexcom that LVG helped secure to continue advancing the Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes research at UVA.

This story was originally published in 2021.

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UW-Madison Startup's Device Helps Detect Arrhythmias in Infants After Heart Surgery

Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation

UW-Madison Startup's Device Helps Detect Arrhythmias in Infants After Heart Surgery

The idea began with alligator clips and electrical tape. Now, a University of Wisconsin Madison startup company is improving care for the tiniest and most vulnerable heart surgery patients.

A doctor’s vision for a better way to detect arrhythmias (abnormal heart rhythms) in newborns after major cardiac surgery led to the founding of Atrility Medical LLC to develop and distribute an innovative medical monitoring device called AtriAmp, which was approved by the FDA in 2020.

Nick Von Bergen, a pediatric cardiac electrophysiologist at American Family Children’s Hospital, saw a need for improved detection of arrhythmias, which occur in up to 60% of newborns after major heart surgery. Arrhythmias can be potentially dangerous and prolong hospitalization—especially in small, complex patients.

But diagnosing and treating arrhythmias is challenging. Conventional methods lack either precision or timeliness. Bedside monitors typically display low-quality signals, while a high-quality electrocardiogram (ECG) can take up to 20 minutes to set up. And even then, expertise is required for ECG detection of subtle rhythms produced by the heart’s atrial chamber, which can get lost amid stronger signals from other, larger parts of the heart.

Armed with an idea and a primitive prototype made of alligator clips, wires and electrical tape, Von Bergen connected with a team of UW-Madison biomedical engineering students with the skills to drive product design and development. This collaboration led to the formation of Atrility Medical LLC, which has transformed his vision into an innovative device currently in use at UW Health and around the nation.

The Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF) worked with Von Bergen to patent the device and license the technology exclusively to Atrility. In addition, WARF Ventures, a venture capital fund created by WARF, has invested directly in Atrility and holds a seat on the board.

The device is called the AtriAmp. It sits on the outside of a patient’s chest and acts as a connection hub, receiving atrial signals from the heart (via wires temporarily implanted during surgery) and sending those signals to the bedside monitor to provide a streaming atrial electrogram in real time. If needed, the AtriAmp can also be connected to a temporary external pacemaker.

Continuous. Immediate. Integrated. It all translates to better care for pediatric patients. A 2023 study found that pediatric cardiologists and pediatric critical care doctors were more confident and more accurate when diagnosing postoperative atrial arrhythmias in using the AtriAmp device than when using a standard ECG.

“It’s great to see how far they’ve come since the team of student engineers and Dr. Von Bergen first submitted their disclosure to WARF,” said Stephanie Whitehorse, director of intellectual property for physical sciences. “It’s gratifying to be part of the process, enabling early-stage innovation to make it to a product that enhances patient care, and this team has been so fun to work with.”

Von Bergen envisions the device moving into the general heart surgery patient population on its merit.

“The reason is just the significant improvements in ease in evaluating heart rhythms,” he said. “In this potentially critically ill population, the AtriAmp really does a wonderful job of allowing us to know the patient’s heart rhythm, as opposed to saying: maybe we need a few more tests.”

This story was originally published in 2024.

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Emory Researchers at the Forefront of HIV Antivirals

Emory University

Emory Researchers at the Forefront of HIV Antivirals

More than 90 percent of people in the U.S. who have HIV, and many around the world, take at least one of the drugs invented by Emory researchers Ray Schinazi, Dennis Liotta, and Woo-Baeg Choi.

In the early 1990s, Schinazi, an infectious disease and antiviral expert, Liotta, a chemist, and Choi, who was a postdoctoral research associate in Liotta's lab at the time, announced the discovery of an unusual molecule, FTC (emtricitabine, sold alone as Emtriva®, with the "Em" standing for Emory) and a chemically similar compound, 3TC (lamivudine, sold alone as Epvir®).
"In addition to being quite effective, Emtriva® is one of the safest antiretroviral agents available," says Liotta. "This is quite important because AIDS patients have to take their drug regimens every day of their lives."
Both drugs are in the class known as nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, which work against the enzyme that copies HIV RNA into new viral DNA.

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"Everyone was intrigued but skeptical about our work—no one realized the importance of what we had found," Schinazi says. "We pushed Emory University very hard to file patent applications to protect these inventions (FTC and 3TC). Emory finally did, and received the rewards less than ten years later."
This would culminate in a $540 million deal, the largest royalty sale at the time in higher education.
FTC was licensed in 1996 to Triangle Pharmaceuticals, a biotech company founded by Schinazi in 1995. In 1999 and again in 2002, Emory resolved patent disputes with various third parties to consolidate intellectual property rights and clear the path to market for FTC.
In 2003, Gilead acquired Triangle for $482 million; in the same year, FTC was approved by the FDA. Shire and GlaxoSmithKline jointly licensed Emory's patents related to 3TC, which is contained in at least five FDA-approved therapeutics (including a drug to treat chronic hepatitis B).
In 2005, Gilead Sciences and Royalty Pharma signed a deal with Emory to buy its FTC royalty interest for $525 million. Gilead paid Emory an additional $15 million to alter the terms of the license as it relates to the company's plans for developing the compound for use against another disease. Emory College and the School of Medicine were major beneficiaries of the $540 million sale, along with the departments of chemistry and pediatrics and the laboratories of Liotta and Schinazi. Choi left Emory to found the drug-discovery company FOB Synthesis Inc. The three scientists shared 40 percent of the sale.
In August 2004, Gilead obtained approval for Truvada®, a fixed-dose combination of Emtriva® and Viread® for use by people infected with HIV. (In July 2012, the FDA also approved the use of Truvada® to help uninfected people at high risk for the AIDS virus. Truvada® was the first HIV drug to be approved by the FDA for preventative use.)
In July 2006, Gilead and Bristol-Myers-Squibb gained approval for the first once-a-day, single tablet regimen for adults with HIV— Atripla® —from the FDA. Atripla® is intended either as a stand-alone therapy or to be used in combination with other antiretrovirals.
By combining the three drugs, efavirenz (Sustiva®), emtricitabine (Emtriva®) and tenofovir disoporxil fumarate (Viread®), Atripla® reduces pill burden and simplifies dosing schedules, easing compliance, storage, transport and distribution. In North America and Europe, Atripla® is marketed jointly by Gilead and BMS, but in much of the developing world, marketing and distribution is handled by Merck & Co. Merck announced that it will lower the cost of the drug in countries with high HIV prevalence, and will use a sliding scale based on each country's wealth. It is registering Atripla® in forty-five countries in the Middle East and Africa and in nine countries in Latin America, the Caribbean and Asia.
Schinazi is the Frances Winship Walters Professor of Pediatrics at Emory and director of the Laboratory of Biochemical Pharmacology. Liotta is the Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor at Emory and Executive Director of the Emory Institute for Drug Development.
"It's very gratifying to see that our work has helped so many people all over the world," Schinazi says. "HIV is no longer a death sentence."

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Market by Mandate: Weill Cornell Medicine Certified Appropriate Use Criteria

Cornell University

Market by Mandate: Weill Cornell Medicine Certified Appropriate Use Criteria
The United States spends approximately twice as much as other high-income countries on medical care, yet utilization rates are similar to those in other nations. One exception is advanced imaging tests, such as MRIs and CTs, which have a higher utilization rate and higher cost per test in the United States.

Dr. Keith Hentel and a multi-disciplinary radiology team at Weill Cornell Medicine (WCM) of Cornell University in New York, New York, recognized an opportunity to impact healthcare costs and standardization through improved clinical delivery of advanced diagnostic imaging tests based on evidence-based best practices. The team developed criteria that could be deployed on any digital platform and utilized by physicians and other healthcare providers.

The team included a multidisciplinary panel of experts in clinical trials, imaging studies, primary care, and statistical analysis fields to implement this work, furthering the “Protecting Access to Medicare Act” of 2014 (PAMA) which created the Medicare Appropriate Use Criteria (AUC) consultation program. AUC aims to benefit providers and patients by verifying the necessity of expensive imaging studies and ensuring the appropriateness and standardization of advanced diagnostic imaging services provided to Medicare beneficiaries. Beginning in January 2023, AUC consultation will be mandatory for all Medicare patients' MRI and CT imaging services. The large market opportunity created by this government mandate targets the more than 1.5 million providers (physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants) who order advanced imaging diagnostics for their Medicare patients.
In partnership with the Center for Technology Licensing (CTL) at WCM, the team’s work has been translated into a digital health solution. It is currently implemented by companies such as Siemens, Stranson, Cranberry, and Cornell startup Radrite. They have licensed it to translate AUC into digital logic and implement it with Qualified Decision Support Mechanisms (QDSMs). The digital logic allows it to work on an electronic health record down to the level of a digital app. CTL at WCM  recognized the diversity of providers and facilities impacted by the government mandate -- from large hospital systems that have integrated Electronic Health Records to the small physician practices still using paper records.

Since 2017, the licensing team has addressed these different market opportunities with non-exclusive licenses, including the market leader and Cornell startup  Radrite, the first mobile application to serve small physician practices. Since 2020, as systems come online to address the mandate, the licenses have generated over US$ 600K in royalty revenue.


This story was originally published in 2022.

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Audax Medical Licenses Northeastern U Nano Tech to Battle COVID

Northeastern University

Audax Medical Licenses Northeastern U Nano Tech to Battle COVID

Audax Medical, Inc., a Massachusetts-based medical innovations developer, worked with Northeastern University to license a repurposed pre-market technology that uses a nano-molecular approach to viral therapy and can be deployed in the fight against COVID.

Audax first licensed Northeastern's tech to provide an injectable nano-molecular material that could help regenerate tissue and cartilage in patients. As development continued, in the years since Audax's licensing, researchers noticed that these molecules also helped prevent the spread of bacterial infections. The technology is still being commercialized for several regenerative medicine applications.


When the pandemic hit, the team pivoted to potential treatment applications, determining that there was additional nanotechnology that could be used for anti-viral applications, including a flexible solution for COVID. Since it and viruses in general are nano-meter structures, the nano-molecular focus is well-suited to combating the virus by disrupting its function.


"This was our call to action,” said Ted Werth, Director of Entrepreneurship at Northeastern University's Center for Research Innovation. “We immediately processed the technology disclosure and patent filing and worked with Audax to quickly execute a license agreement covering Professor Thomas Webster's new IP.” Webster heads the "Nano-Medicine Lab" at the College of Engineering at Northeastern University, responsible for researching and developing advanced nano-molecular technology.  “The entire process, from initial conversation to signed license, took just a few weeks,” said Werth. Adding, “Northeastern's rapid response was key to advancing the promising new application of this important technology."

The material that Webster’s team produces may prove a safe and effective viral therapy to combat COVID-19 as well as providing relief for inflammatory symptoms.

"It's inspiring to witness best-in-class research focused on therapeutic development, diagnostics, and drug discovery repurposed so quickly to address the COVID-19 virus," Werth said.

They are awaiting FDA approval and thorough testing before it can be administered to patients but are confident they will meet these obstacles and move the treatment to market.

"We believe advancing our efforts and combined scientific expertise with Dr. Webster and his team in addressing this global crisis is our responsibility. Audax is honored to partner with Northeastern on this critical pursuit," said Mark Johanson, Founder and CEO of Audax Medical.

This story was originally published in 2020.

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Augmented Neuromuscular Training Helps Heal Injuries, Improve Performance

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

Augmented Neuromuscular Training Helps Heal Injuries, Improve Performance

One in two adults are affected by a musculoskeletal condition and 61% of all sports injuries are musculoskeletal*. Conventional treatment of musculoskeletal injury begins with a subjective assessment of an individuals physical movements. This assessment and corrections through physical therapy can result in high outcome variability, in part due to the manual process and the patients ability to retain and apply instructions on their own.

A team in the Division of Sports Medicine at Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center, in collaboration with psychologists at University of Cincinnati, developed an autonomous digital health solution called aNMT (Augmented Neuromuscular Training) to assess movement and provide feedback in real-time. Using cameras and proprietary algorithms, positional information is processed in milliseconds, giving biofeedback about whether a movement was correct. aNMT acts as a virtual coach to assess, correct, and optimize the user’s biomechanics, objectively and autonomously. Funding for the early development of this technology came from the National Institutes of Health, the State of Ohio and the Cincinnati Children’s Innovation Fund.

The technology transfer office of the medical center, Cincinnati Children’s Innovation Ventures (CCIV), worked closely with inventors to develop their investment pitches, and performed extensive due diligence to explore company formation. Ultimately, the team successfully negotiated the favorable terms of an exclusive license to IncludeHealth, a Cincinnati based start-up. CCIV worked closely with the medical center’s leadership and compliance department, seed investor and Entrepreneurial Services Provider CincyTech, and external counsel to develop the investment rationale, and to manage multiple agreements with the licensor, inventors and key contributors.

aNMT is being integrated into IncludeHealth’s cloud platform and connected equipment, to provide clinically validated treatment paths for patients, including children and adults recovering from musculoskeletal diseases, disorders or injuries; seniors with mobility issues or other musculoskeletal pain; and athletes of all ages and physical ability.

*Source: U.S. Bone and Joint Initiative

This story was originally published in 2021.

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Automation Technology Speeds DNA Analysis

Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab

Automation Technology Speeds DNA Analysis

In the event of a disease outbreak or biochemical terrorist attack, identifying the pathological agents as quickly as possible is critical for mitigating losses. Technology developed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Livermore, Calif., now automates the molecular analytical process.

The technology reduces the time spent obtaining DNA identification from several hours to several minutes.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) is a U.S. Department of Energy research laboratory managed by the University of California. The new automation technology, involving a micro-machined chemical reaction chamber with rapid and precise thermal control, was developed from 1994-1995 by LLNL researchers Allen Northrup, Raymond Mariella, Anthony Carrano and Joseph Balch. Initial funding was provided by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, an arm of the U.S. Department of Defense.

What makes this technology unique is the improvement in the thermal control over the reaction occurring in the reaction chamber. Before this technology was developed, a single heating/cooling cycle for copying a DNA strand could take up to four to five minutes, and 30-40 cycles would require several hours for full amplification and identification. Not only do long cycle times delay the DNA identification, but they also permit extraneous reactions to occur in the sample and interfere with the analysis. LLNL technology is a more efficient way to reproduce exact copies of DNA sequences, decreasing the cycle time to as little as several seconds to copy a single strand of DNA, and the full amplification process to a matter of minutes.

The technology was licensed by LLNL to Cepheid, a California-based startup company founded in 1997 to develop and commercialize genetic analysis systems for the clinical assessment, biothreat and life sciences markets. Core products being marketed today by Cepheid that are licensed under this technology are Smart Cycler®  and GeneXpert real-time thermocyclers, which can quickly perform a variety of genetic tests. Cepheid is to continue developing a broader array of tests for the scientific and medical communities.

Smart Cycler®  and GeneXpert are trademarks of Cepheid.

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A Better View of Cancer Treatment

Emory University

A Better View of Cancer Treatment

In 2003, the Office of Technology Transfer licensed the patents to Nihon Mediphysics — a Japanese joint venture owned by Sumitomo and GE Healthcare — which had provided funding for Goodman’s research for 10 years beginning in 1994. In 2008, GE Healthcare licensed the fluciclovine F-18 imaging compound from Nihon Mediphysics. But then GE concentrated its efforts on a different imaging compound — one for Alzheimers’ — and fluciclovine F-18 languished. That frustrated not only Emory researchers but also a few GE employees, including David Gauden.

“GE has a lot of options about where it can invest its money,” says Gauden. “It was clear to some of us that this particular project was not going to be a priority for them,” he says. “But we believed in the product. We could see an unmet need.” When prostate cancer spreads, it often goes to lymph nodes and bone. Fluciclovine F-18 could more accurately detect cancer in those areas, says Gauden, compared to other types of diagnostic scans that had trouble spotting cancer if it wasn’t a large tumor mass.

To help that innovation reach the marketplace, Gauden and several of his colleagues left GE and formed Blue Earth Diagnostics in 2014. The company’s founding investor was Syncona, an investment company aligned with the Wellcome Trust and Cancer Research UK.

In 2014, GE licensed fluciclovine F-18 to Blue Earth Diagnostics, which now markets the compound under the name Axumin. “We continue to have a productive collaboration with GE,” says Gauden, now CSO at Blue Earth Diagnostics. “They make some of the raw materials for us for product manufacturing.”

He notes that the licensing history of the compound involves three continents — with companies in the United States, Japan and UK— and Emory’s tech transfer office played a critical role along the way. “It’s a fairly complicated licensing chain, and Emory’s tech transfer has done a lot of work to keep everyone happy,” says Gauden. “We also work very collaboratively with Emory to strengthen the patent portfolio on this product.”

Axumin received FDA approval in May 2016 and marketing authorization from the European Commission came one year later. "The FDA gave us an expedited review. … I think because they could perceive the unmet need," said Gauden.

With U.S. headquarters in Burlington, Mass., and global headquarters in Oxford, Blue Earth Diagnostics now has more than 50 employees and hopes to expand Axumin’s use for other cancers. That includes brain cancer — which originally prompted the development of fluciclovine F-18 at Emory — as well as breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and bladder cancer. Those possibilities are being investigated clinically, says Gauden.

In the last year, thousands of men and their families, and doctors, have benefited from better information about the location of their prostate cancer recurrence and more informed decision making about treatment.
David Gauden

"To have that kind of impact already is great, and we look forward to much more of that in the future," says Gauden. “It’s just great to sit here and think, we are able to actually progress a technology that may not have progressed otherwise,” 

To learn more, watch the FACBC video or check out the blog series.

This story was originally published in 2018.

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“Magic Bullet” Azedra Gives Hope to Patients with Rare Adrenal Cancer

University of Western Ontario

“Magic Bullet” Azedra Gives Hope to Patients with Rare Adrenal Cancer
Western University Chemistry Professor Emeritus Duncan Hunter gets a little choked up when it’s noted the work he began more than three decades ago will now, finally, be applied to saving hundreds of lives in the form of the drug Azedra.
Hunter describes Azedra as “a bit like a magic bullet” for rare adrenal tumors that can’t be surgically removed and require systemic anti-cancer therapy.

In 2018 the new compound, developed by Progenics Pharmaceuticals, became the first FDA-approved therapy for this use, offering hope to patients with rare adrenal gland tumors. It decreases the need for blood pressure medication and reduces the size of tumors in about one-quarter of patients – people who had exhausted all other medical options.
Adrenal cancers affect about 1,000 people in the United States each year. 
Hunter developed the compound with his Western lab team 30 years ago and then, after years of further development, applied for the patent.
The compound is highly radioactive and, once injected intravenously is specifically absorbed by, and then attacks the tumor, while the kidneys flush out the material it doesn’t use. Key to Azedra’s success is the use of a radioactive pharmaceutical called metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG), a compound designed to target only the tumor.
“Essentially, every molecule of MIBG has a radioactive iodine (iodine-131) on it. It gets absorbed where you want it to, it irradiates where you want it to and then it decays,” Hunter said.
While a form of MIBG has been used for years, one of the main stumbling blocks has been to find a method to produce MIBG in which every molecule carries the radioactive isotope. The Hunter lab developed a specific resin that would hold the precursor to the radioactive material until ready to be converted into the radiopharmaceutical for use by the body.
“There were very few companies in the world that specialize in radiopharmaceuticals. It’s highly specialized work,” Hunter said.
WORLDiscoveries, the technology transfer office for Western University, located in London, Ontario, helped Hunter apply for patents and coordinated license agreements with Molecular Insight and later Progenics Pharmaceuticals.
At the eleventh hour, Molecular Insight, a Boston-based company, picked up the license on the patent and began development, and then clinical trials.
It is a process that requires a lot of resources, and when Molecular Insight couldn’t stay financially afloat, it appeared as if the project might be over before its time. In stepped Progenics Pharmaceuticals, which secured the license and rescued the research, resuming clinical trials at several specialized centers in the US. Progenics’ results confirmed the effects and benefits of the pharmaceutical, now named Azedra (iobenguane 131).

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Sri Lankan Superfruit Drives Health and Economic Recovery

University of Jaffna

Sri Lankan Superfruit Drives Health and Economic Recovery
The University of Jaffna's technology transfer office partnered with Mullai Milk Processing Industry to add the bael yogurt drink to its portfolio of products.
After the end of a nearly three-decade civil war, the citizens of the Northern Province of Sri Lanka have been steadily rebuilding their local communities and economies. Specifically, they are working to improve the health of their citizens, while also helping the dairy industry return to pre-war levels of productivity.

To address the health and economic needs of the region, researchers at the University of Jaffna in Sri Lanka developed a yogurt drink flavored with bael fruit syrup that features the medicinal and therapeutic properties of bael fruit. The product was developed using natural bael fruit, while omitting artificial preservatives, colors and flavors.

Bael is a seasonal fruit found across South Asia. It has been recognized for its medical value for centuries by local populations, and recent studies have shown its nutritional benefits as a source of calcium, potassium, iron, and vitamins A, B, and C. When ripe, bael has astringent, laxative and restorative properties, among others. The fruit is also reported to contain phytochemicals associated with anti-cancer and anti-ulcer properties. 

Food fortification, in which nutrients are added to readily available processed food products, is a strategy often used to address nutritional deficiencies across a population. Yogurt is a popular vehicle for food fortification—often with the addition of Vitamin D—because it does not require chewing, is generally tolerated by people who are sensitive to other sources of lactose and stays edible for longer than many other dairy products.

The yellow-green bael fruit is about the size of an orange but has a hard shell, gelatinous flesh and numerous hard seeds, which can make it difficult to eat out of hand; processing the fruit into juice, jam or syrup are popular ways of making the popular flavor and nutrients available to consumers. The bael tree is hardy, and can grow in almost any type of soil, but the fruit is harvested seasonally. 

The university’s tech transfer office, University Business Linkages Jaffna (UBL-Jaffna), worked with Mullai Milk Processing Industry (Mullia MPI), to add the new yogurt variety to its growing portfolio of products and made it available for licensing in 2022. The bael syrup yogurt was the first product to be licensed by UBL-Jaffna, and launching the product has started a new era of product-based research at the university.

Mullai MPI has provided job opportunities to rural, war-affected communities and war widows, improving their standard of living. Mullai MPI produces pasteurized milk, curd, yogurt, ghee and cottage cheese.

The bael syrup drinkable yogurt was officially launched for commercial sale in October 2022 at a celebration held at the University of Jaffna. The researchers and university personnel were joined by government officials, commercial representatives and other directors from industries in the province.
The drinkable yogurt is currently available in stores and supermarkets across Jaffna and is in high demand due to both the flavorful taste and the health benefits of the bael fruit. 

The new yogurt variety was invented by S.Anand Kumarr, Susanthaa Piratheepan, S.Sivatharshan, and Sivajanani Thiruchchenthuran at the University of Jaffna Department of Animal Science.

This story was originally published in 2023.

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Improved Diagnostic Test Targets Hard-to-Detect Bacteria

North Carolina State University

Improved Diagnostic Test Targets Hard-to-Detect Bacteria

By the time Edward Breitschwerdt was in 9th grade, he knew he wanted to become a veterinarian. After turning that childhood dream into a degree, Breitschwerdt, D.V.M., expected to spend his career taking care of the local animals in Maryland, where he had grown up on a small farm. Instead, he has dedicated years to teaching young veterinarians, practicing internal medicine and performing infectious disease research that has implications for global health. His research has led to a diagnostic test that dramatically improves the detection of Bartonella — a bacteria that infects a range of animals. In humans, Bartonella infection has been documented in patients with a startling range of chronic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia and multiple sclerosis.

Bartonella has wreaked havoc on humans for centuries — it infected as much as 20 percent of Napoleon's army. The trench fever epidemic from World War I has also been attributed to a species of Bartonella that’s still prevalent in homeless populations.

A Microorganism with Many Disguises

Scientists have discovered more than 30 Bartonella species so far, and about half of those cause disease. These bacteria are primarily transmitted by tiny insects like ticks, fleas, lice and biting flies — and also through the bites and scratches of other animals, such as cats (cat scratch fever is one disease example).

Because Bartonella are slow-growing bacteria that hide within cells, they often elude detection. When conventional testing is used on a patient’s blood sample, the result too often is a false negative. Patients can have many common symptoms like persistent headaches, chronic fatigue or muscle pain. “It doesn’t have a signature,” says Anupama Ahuja, Ph.D., licensing associate at North Carolina State University’s Office of Technology Transfer. As  a result, many patients infected by Bartonella are misdiagnosed or not diagnosed at all.

The Search for Fertile Ground

In the early 1990s, Breitschwerdt’s research laboratory at North Carolina State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine studied vector-borne infectious diseases like those carried by fleas, ticks or mosquitoes. “As time went on, my research laboratory went from putting 90 percent of effort into other known vector-transmitted organisms to putting 90 percent of our research effort into Bartonella.”

Bartonella are known as fastidious bacteria. Basically, they are picky about where they live, and often need a complex set of nutrients to grow to detectable levels in patient specimens. In 1993, Breitschwerdt isolated the first Bartonella species from a dog with endocarditis (an infection of the heart valve), but subsequently wasn’t able to culture the bacteria from other dogs thought to be infected.

His research lab attempted to culture it using mammalian cell-based media — that’s what microbiologists always did if a type of bacteria was pathogenic for mammals. But Bartonella’s comfort zone seemed to be in insects, the most common carriers of the bacteria. With that in mind, someone suggested a different approach: Instead of using media derived from mammals, why not use insect cells? “No one had ever asked that question in that manner,” says Breitschwerdt. “Those two biochemical compositions — mammals vs. insects — are extremely different.” This novel culture method worked.

With co-inventor Sushama Sontakke, Ph.D. (and support of internal funds from North Carolina State University), Breitschwerdt led the development of BAPGM — shorthand for Bartonella alpha Proteobacteria Growth Medium. It is a medium made to support the growth of insect cells and optimized chemically to enhance growth of Bartonella. Subsequently, Ricardo Maggi, Ph.D., research associate professor at the College of Veterinary Medicine, led efforts to optimize the medium for growing Bartonella and other fastidious bacteria.

Because it significantly improved the detection of Bartonella, BAPGM upended conventional  wisdom that Bartonella didn’t cause a chronic bloodborne infection. Some researchers, like Breitschwerdt, had suspected that Bartonella could remain in patients’ bloodstream for many years. But no one could really prove it, until BAPGM came along. “We are demonstrating that there are individuals with chronic symptoms that are persistently infected with Bartonella in their bloodstream,” he says. “I think the rest of the world is starting to catch on to the fact that could be a big deal.”

Testing the Business Potential

In 1999, North Carolina State University saw that BAPGM filled an unmet need and filed a patent application. Not everyone saw BAPGM’s potential, though. That became clear after Breitschwerdt approached several major diagnostic companies, in an effort to find a corporate partner. Even with his long list of credentials — including his role as former president and subsequently the chairman of the board of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine — he could not convince any companies to invest.

Breitschwerdt had no plans to start a company. But, his oldest son had enrolled in a class that required the development of a business plan as a project. He led a team that featured BAPGM. To turn that plan into reality, Breitschwerdt and his co-founders secured a company inception loan from the North Carolina Biotechnology Center. The funding allowed Galaxy Diagnostics Inc., based in Research Triangle Park, N.C., to obtain an exclusive license for the BAPGM technology from North Carolina State University and open its doors in 2009.

“The tech transfer office played an important role in getting the technology patented,” says Amanda Elam, Ph.D., president of Galaxy Diagnostics. “They don’t patent everything … they do their own due diligence.That’s an important step in the process, early on in the innovation.”

The Office of Technology Transfer continues to be involved with the advancement of Galaxy Diagnostics.The company was included in the 2012 inaugural class of NC State Fast 15 program, a venture launch support and mentoring program run by New Venture Services in the Office of Technology Transfer.The program helped Galaxy Diagnostics build connections in the growth capital community.

The test offered by Galaxy Diagnostics is called Bartonella ePCR. The e refers to enrichment — that’s BAPGM’s role, and it’s critical when diagnostically dealing with a slow-growing bacteria like Bartonella. “You’re looking for minute amounts of foreign bacterial DNA in a patient sample,” says Elam. By giving Bartonella more fertile ground to grow, BAPGM increases the chance of identifying the bacteria with the use of PCR (polymerase chain reaction) — a highly sensitive technology that can make millions of copies of a DNA sequence. Previous conventional Bartonella PCR tests only detected about 20 percent of cases. With BAPGM, now 80 percent of infected individuals can be diagnosed.

In 2009, the company launched Bartonella ePCR testing services for the veterinary market.Two years later, it began offering testing services for physicians. The company and its four employees are developing a test kit that could be used in hospitals around the world.

Before they receive a Bartonella diagnosis, patients often see more than a half-dozen medical specialists and can end up with a spectrum of diagnoses, ranging from arthritis to serious neurological problems, like seizures and loss of feeling or motor ability in arms and legs. The symptoms of cat scratch disease (caused by Bartonella henselae) can closely resemble lymphoma. Elam recalls talking with one physician who said the ability to make a cat scratch disease diagnosis meant he could send a patient home with antibiotics, instead of a referral to an oncologist and the possibility of two years of chemotherapy.

Says Breitschwerdt,“Doctors, whether physicians or veterinarians, can’t diagnose and treat what they don’t know exists.” For many years, he has taught veterinary students, interns and internal medicine residents that, “The kindest form of therapy is an accurate diagnosis.”

Identifying More Culprits Behind Chronic Disease

It can take quite a while for the medical importance of a microorganism to gain widespread acceptance. Breitschwerdt points to Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium known to cause most gastric ulcers in people. After that disease association was first proposed by researchers in Australia, it still took many decades to change the belief that ulcers were caused only by stress.

Using BAPGM, ePCR has already enhanced understanding of the scope of Bartonella infection. “With all the case studies they’ve collected and published, I feel like every correct diagnosis is a life changed,” says Ahuja. Symptoms can be debilitating — but it’s not just physical distress that’s alleviated with correct diagnosis. “Many of these patients are already struggling to convince even their physicians that the symptoms are real,” she says. “Even people around them are saying, ‘It’s all in your head.’”

Accurate testing could do more than alleviate patient suffering. It may also have a dramatic effect on healthcare costs. For U.S. rheumatoid arthritis patients alone, some estimates show annual healthcare costs could exceed $8 billion, and costs of other rheumatoid arthritis consequences (such as lost work productivity) were $10 .9 billion. Even if Bartonella only accounted for a small percentage of rheumatoid arthritis cases, it could save the healthcare system a lot of money.

Breitschwerdt readily acknowledges the big “if” in that scenario. The more complex a disease, the less likely a single factor (or bacteria) is solely responsible for the patient’s symptoms. That’s why he emphasizes the need for more research to establish that Bartonella actually causes or contributes to the development of certain chronic diseases. With ePCR, that research is now possible. He also suspects the usefulness of BAPGM may extend beyond Bartonella. “In the future, I think what we will ultimately find that BAPGM is going to allow us to find other bacteria in humans and animals that cause chronic intravascular infections that we didn’t know existed.”

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Be Free Odor-Eliminating System Offers Freedom to Ostomates

Emory University

Cynthia Timms (BSN, RN, CWOCN), a nurse at Emory Healthcare in the Wound Ostomy and Continence Nursing (WOCN) Department in Atlanta, GA, ended up with an ostomy in her twenties due to Crohn’s disease. As a result of her experience of the anxiety about the smell when the ostomy is emptied, Cynthia, her spouse Greg, and her partners, Ronny Bracken and George Cavagnaro, came up with the Be Free™ odor-eliminating system.

An ostomy is an opening on the abdomen (called a stoma) that brings the intestine out through the abdominal wall, allowing waste to leave the body and collect in a disposable pouch attached to the skin. Although this is often a life-saving intervention that allows ostomates to lead healthier and more productive lives, it still comes with a cost.
On average, ostomates need to empty their pouch four to six times a day. However, when emptied, the ostomy pouch produces a strong and distinct smell that can attract unwanted attention. The concern for hiding the smell can lead to anxiety, depression, and other emotional distresses.

 Timms recalled that she always tried to avoid her classmates at school because of that anxiety. As a result, she was determined to help herself as well as other ostomates better adjust to the lifestyle with an ostomy, and the most important step was to effectively eliminate the disturbing odor.

Although there are liquid deodorizers on the market today, their effects are usually short-lived, and they are inconvenient to use. Ostomates must reapply them many times throughout the day, forcing them to carry liquid deodorizers wherever they go.

The Be Free system consists of an absorbent pod impregnated with a deodorant. The pod is suspended in the pouch by way of a plastic tail, which is held in place by the pouch’s adhesive barrier, allowing it to remain in use for as long as the ostomate wears the pouch. The pod’s odor elimination properties are further enhanced by the application of the team’s liquid deodorant twice daily, or as needed. It also eliminates the need for ostomates to carry deodorants everywhere. 

Timms is the biggest user of the Be Free™ system, as well as its biggest beneficiary. She no longer avoids people at work or in social situations and is eager to share the liberation she has achieved with others.
“It's been a process coming from being really afraid to empty my pouch in public to now, thirty years later, having a solution for that and wanting to share my solution with everybody,” Timms said. 
The Emory University Tech Transfer Office funded the refinement of the technology’s design through its proof-of-concept fund. The office also worked with the inventor to secure funding from the state organization Georgia Research Alliance. Finally, the office has supported her in the creation of a start-up company for this technology.

This story was originally published in 2020.

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Berkeley-Darfur Stoves Improve Women’s Safety and Feed Refugees

Engineers Without Borders
Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab
University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley)

Berkeley-Darfur Stoves Improve Women’s Safety and Feed Refugees

The humanitarian crisis in the Darfur region of western Sudan has displaced nearly 2.3 million people. While many of these individuals live within the safe confines of refugee camps, they are not always out of harm’s way.

Women must venture outside camps to collect firewood to cook for their families. The sudden and drastic increase of people relying on the camps’ surrounding land has taken a toll on the environment.Deforestation has left the area surrounding camps barren, and the lack of firewood causes more than 50 percent of families to miss one or more meals a week. As women spend more time outside of the camps in search of wood (a typical trip can last up to seven hours), they put themselves at risk of being raped or subjected to genital mutilation by the Janjaweed militia.

When Dr. Ashok Gadgil, Senior Scientist and Group Leader for the Environmental Energy Technologies Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, was contacted by an officer of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to help refugees in Darfur, he knew little about the daily lives of refugees and wondered how a group of scientists could help better their lives.

The initial USAID proposal was to develop a compactor to turn sun-dried kitchen waste into a fuel source. On his first trip to Darfur, Gadgil concluded that there was not enough kitchen waste to provide an adequate fuel source for cooking fires. He did note that refugees cooked over three-stone fires, which transfer just five percent of heat to food.

This inefficient cooking method inspired Gadgil to develop a field test in Darfur to study the efficiency of various cooking stove designs.

Researchers assessed the factors of cooking in Darfur. They worked closely with women, taking note of what they liked and didn’t like about each stove in the trial. Other factors they considered included the size and shape of the pots used, how the stove was manned and the cooking environment-either outdoors, in close proximity to neighbors, or inside refugees’ small shelters.

The team also took note of the types of food cooked. One of the staple foods of Darfur is assida, a bread that is cooked in a pot and must be continuously stirred. As the assida cooks, it becomes viscous and requires the cook to use the leverage of the pot to stir-stability is crucial to ensure the pot and stove do not tip over. Mulah is a sauce served with the assida. Cooks must fry onions, a cooking technique that requires a higher heat output from the fire than other techniques such as boiling water.

Back in the United States, Gadgil and students at the University of California, Berkeley designed a stove that would address the specific needs of refugees in Darfur. The resulting Berkeley-Darfur Stove is four times more efficient than a three-stone fire and features customized engineering to benefit the refugees.

A tapered wind collar increases fuel-efficiency in the gusty Darfur environment and allows for multiple size pots. Wooden  handles allow for the stove to be handled while hot. Metal tabs accommodate a flat plate to bake bread. Internal ridges create the optimum space between the stove and pot for maximum fuel efficiency. Feet provide stability, and optional rods can be pounded into the earth for more stability. Nonaligned air openings between the outer stove and inner firebox prevent too much airflow, and a small firebox opening prevents cooks from using more fuel wood than necessary.

Berkeley-Darfur Stoves use 25 percent of the fuel used in three-stone fires. The stoves have more combustion efficiency (how well energy is converted into heat) and better heat transfer (how heat gets to the pot).

The design also minimizes the changes required of the refugees. It allows them to prepare the same kinds of food as before in the same amount of time, something not guaranteed by other options such as solar stoves. With the design in place, the next step was to devise a plan to produce and distribute the stoves. The Berkeley group partnered with the San Francisco Professionals Chapter of Engineers Without Borders to develop a manufacturing system with Darfur’s infrastructure in mind. Led by Ken Chow, this group of engineers revisited the stove design to make it simpler to build by reducing the number of parts and streamlining the assembly without compromising the design of the stove.

The Berkeley-Darfur Stove is metal, instead of clay, because metal provided better quality control when producing mass quantities. Sheet metal is stamped and cut to the exact dimensions shown to provide the most efficiency.

These flat kits are shipped to Darfur and assembled by local workers. In cooperation with CHF International, a pilot production facility has been set up in Darfur. The facility currently produces between 200 and 500 stoves per month, not nearly enough to provide for the estimated 400,000 stoves needed. The facility is currently working to increase production by increasing days of operation and adding a second shift. The project hopes to open more facilities in the future.

The manufacturing sites will create new jobs in Darfur, just one of the economic benefits of the Darfur Stoves Project. Families who use the stove will save $250 a year on firewood. Women will spend less time looking for firewood and will be able to pursue entrepreneurial activities such as weaving mats. An influx of money to the Darfur economy will improve the living conditions of refugees. Each stove costs $25. Since this is an outrageous amount for refugees to pay, international nongovernmental agencies underwrite the stoves.

Amy Callis, Executive Director of the Darfur Stoves Project, works with organizations such as The Hunger Site to distribute the stoves and provide training to ensure the most efficient cooking. There has already been a high demand for the stoves. During a three-week trial, 50 stoves were distributed and assessed. After the study, the stoves were offered for sale, and each one was bought.

This successful program could not have been possible without the collaboration of experts from various fields—Gadgil and his scientific team, Chow and his engineers and Callis’ networking and communication skills. The project was executed almost entirely by volunteers. Each had their own specialty and none worked exclusively.

“We’re doing what we can to relieve them from suffering, but the humanitarian crisis is extreme,” said Chow. “The stoves will improve the situation but will not be an answer to the crisis.” For more information visit

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Better Plantlets for Better Plants

Washington State University
Washington State University Office of Commercialization

Better Plantlets for Better Plants

Using a proprietary growing method developed at Washington State University (WSU), start-up company Phytelligence is producing plants and trees faster than ever, offering a fresh alternative to tree farmers in an industry overripe for innovation.

We can produce in one year what is typically produced in three years: a 10-foot tall tree.
 Amit Dhingra, Associate Professor of Horticultural Genomics and Biotechnology at WSU

The company’s soil-less multiplication system — which requires less water and no pesticides — combined with genetic analysis services to ensure the identity of tree species offers tree farmers a way to improve profitability and reduce their environmental impact.

“The company’s plant multiplication method can produce 250,000 plants in one year from a single plant in five-week intervals,” says Preeti Malik-Kale, Ph.D., Technology Licensing Associate in WSU’s Office of Commercialization. “DNA testing prior to shipment guarantees the authenticity of the fruit tree or plant species being supplied to growers.”

Tree Growing 101

Most trees are not grown from seed, but rather grafted on rootstocks — the root system and about 18” of tree stem — that are traditionally propagated in the ground at specialty nurseries. Once the rootstock is large enough, a branch from another tree representing a commercial plant variety (called a scion) selected for its fruit or another attribute is then inserted — or grafted — into the woody stem of the rootstock. After one or two years of growing time, the tree is uprooted and shipped to an orchard, where it takes an additional two to three years before the tree bears fruit.

“Nurseries are confined by the amount of land they have to grow with; 100 acres is a lot. It’s a limiting factor and [space for new trees] only opens up every two to three years,” says Dhingra.

Dhingra says traditional tree propagation is lengthy and rife with inefficiency: About 10 to 40 percent of rootstocks may eventually die, and 10 to 20 percent are not even the variety ordered — a nasty surprise that may come to light years after planting forcing the farmer to rip out trees from random spots in an orchard.

“This results in millions of dollars of loss to the industry,” Dhingra told attendees at a TEDxWSU event in 2014. “It’s a commonly accepted norm.”

Indian-Born Botanist

Dhingra had an affinity for plants at an early age, but growing up in India furthered his resolve to work in agriculture and plant sciences.

“There were food shortages in the early ‘80s in India and seeing people dying from famine made a big impression on me,” he says.

He earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in botany in India followed by a doctorate in plant molecular biology from University of Delhi, India, and Rutgers University, New Jersey in 2000. Before joining WSU, he worked as a researcher at Rutgers, the University of Central Florida and University of Florida.

“From 1994 to 2015 my work has been in the broad area of photosynthesis, trying to change how plants grow and to produce them faster,” he says.

When Dhingra joined WSU in 2006, there was little gene-based information on apples, pears and cherries, so he mapped the genome of each in collaboration with colleagues from Chile and Europe.

“I was like a kid in a candy store; the field was wide open,” he says.

Meeting Farmers

Dhingra also traversed the states of Washington, Oregon and California — top producers of apples, cherries, raspberries and grapes — which gave him a better understanding of the problems faced by nurseries, farmers and fruit packagers.

“There were common themes everywhere,” he says. “Farmers would tell me they were waiting for a million plants and they’d maybe get 10,000.”

Neither traditional propagation nor a newer alternative called plant tissue culture or micropropagation were able to meet the demand for rootstocks. In micropropagation, cultivation occurs not in soil but in the laboratory, where a small amount of tree tissue (called an explant) is added to a sterile container filled with a gel-based mixture of nutrients and placed under artificial light.

“Apple trees multiply in soil slowly, and tissue culture wasn’t efficient because they were using a one-size-fits-all approach,” he says. “A lot of tissue culture labs were using compounds formulated for tobacco. I knew that wouldn’t work, so I began developing my own formulations.”

Growing Formulations

Dhingra and students in his horticultural genomics laboratory went to work experimenting with different compounds in agar-based media in which explants of various plant species would quickly multiply.

“I was fortunate to have students who were open to a city kid from New Delhi who told them to come along with him and meet with farmers and who wanted to have a practical impact beyond learning,” he says.

Tyson Koepke was just beginning his doctoral work in Dhingra’s lab in 2007 when he was asked to work on a growing medium for sweet cherries alongside other graduate and doctoral students assigned to different plants. Five-and-a-half years later, the group had perfected four media packages and growing processes for apple, pear, cherry and grape species, each of which included specially customized compounds for four growth stages.

During each five-week growing period, explants multiply three- to five-fold and are divided and placed into containers with a new mix of customized nutrients. After several months in a carefully controlled laboratory environment, the plants are moved to a greenhouse where they continue growing for approximately 4-6 months.

“There are other tissue culture labs out there, but [our] group figured out how to make cultures more viable and developed protocols for growing higher quality plants,” says Koepke.

Going Commercial

When a pair of undergraduate students suggested that Dhingra explore commercializing the multiplication method, he met with representatives of WSU’s Office of Commercialization to discuss the intellectual property management and commercialization plan. Because the growing compounds developed in Dhingra’s lab were essentially recipes, the Office decided to classify the intellectual property as trade secrets.

In 2012, Dhingra, four students and a laboratory manager founded Phytelligence — the first plant-focused biotechnology startup to come out of the university — and licensed the media packages and protocols as well as the software for verifying plant identity through high-resolution genetic analysis.

“When we started the company, it wasn’t just me, it was a group of co-founders,” says Dhingra, who now serves as CEO of Phytelligence. “It changed the paradigm on campus because this was the first group of graduate students to start a company in plant science. It has become motivation for other Ph.D. students to form companies.”

WSU’s Office of Commercialization also connected Dhingra with experts who could help draft a business plan as well as potential investors — 70 percent of the company’s $1 million in start-up funding came from Washington growers and nurseries.

From Researcher to Entrepreneur

Two weeks after Koepke completed his doctorate, he became the director of operations at Phytelligence and began outfitting the lab and building the company’s team, which has grown from three full-time employees in early 2014 to 24 employees today.

After shipping 110,000 plants last year, the company is on track to deliver up to 300,000 plants in 2015. In addition to performing genetic testing on each plant it produces to ensure the rootstocks are true to type, Phytelligence also offers genetic analysis services to farmers and nurseries.

“Because of our genome sequencing and analysis expertise, we know how to assure each plant is true to type so it doesn’t have to be dug out of the ground and present a problem to a farmer a few years later,” says Dhingra.

Koepke says the company has also been able to achieve propagation rates that are in some cases two to five times faster than those of competing tissue culture labs.

“We’re able to improve the business cycle for the average apple farmer,” says Dhingra. “They get trees to plant one to two years after ordering, 95 percent survive and all rootstocks are as ordered, resulting in 20 percent extra income annually for the farmer.”

In addition to benefitting tree farmers, the Phytelligence multiplication system has significant environmental benefits: The process requires no insecticides, pesticides or fungicides and, compared to traditional propagation, uses 50 to 80 gallons less water per tree produced.

Fruits to Nuts to Forests

Phytelligence is now exploring ways to expand, including franchising or establishing partnerships with other tissue culture labs. Long-term, the company hopes to apply its soil-free multiplication technology to citrus trees, nuts and forestry. In addition to introducing a new media package for raspberry plants, the company continues to research growing compounds for other plant species.

“There’s an art and science to developing superior formulations, and we have to work all the time at improving, and now we have the engine doing that,” says Dhingra. “We’ve just started scraping the surface of how to improve growing trees.  The secret is to keep on innovating and leading the field with cutting-edge research.”

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BevShots Takes Flight with Cocktail Imagery

Florida State University

BevShots Takes Flight with Cocktail Imagery

Michael Davidson, of the FSU Magnetic Laboratory, created images of mixed drinks photographed using a light microscope and polarized light. The photo galleries of the pictures were first used by Stonehenge Inc in NYC, a NeckTie business, to create and sell a cocktail collection of silk Neckties. These ties were trademark branded by Stonehenge with the images copyright protected by FSU.

Casual Fridays in the early 2000's shrank sales dramatically.

What emerged was Lester Hutt, a young Tallahassee entrepreneur who used the cocktail gallery of images and created a series of drink related products — wall art as well as a line of women's beach clothing accessories and men's clothing accessories.


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BeadChip Types Platelets for Better Transfusion Outcomes

BioArray Solutions
BloodCenter of Wisconsin

BeadChip Types Platelets for Better Transfusion Outcomes

In a hospital birthing suite, a mother’s labors are rewarded, and a new life enters the world. But the baby appears to be severely bruised, almost as if it had been beaten in the womb. How could this have happened?

In another hospital, a cancer patient who has received multiple transfusions shows a dangerously low platelet count. He receives yet another platelet transfusion. Hours later the platelet count remains seriously depleted, despite the transfusion. The new platelets seem to have mysteriously disappeared. Where did they go?

Both the newborn and the cancer patient are examples of immune-related platelet disorders. Almost everyone knows that humans have different ABO blood types and that, before transfusion, blood must be properly matched between donor and recipient to prevent serious complications. Few, however, are aware that platelets — the little disks in the blood that are essential for clotting — also have "types" that, when mismatched, can produce immune reactions such as those seen in the newborn and the cancer patient.

The newborn that appeared to be bruised is bleeding beneath the skin. That is caused by a low platelet count resulting from a mismatch between the platelet types of the mother and father. The medical term for this condition is neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia or NATP. According to the BloodCenter of Wisconsin, in the United States about 3,000 babies are born each year with NATP, which can result in bruising, intracranial bleeding and, in some cases, death.

In the case of the cancer patient, the newly transfused platelets are disappearing because the body’s immune system is attacking them because of a mismatch of platelet types. About 10 million platelet transfusions are given each year in the United States. No one knows for sure how often immune problems resulting from transfusion mismatches may occur.

The good news is that both the newborn and the cancer patient can be helped with platelet transfusions that have been properly typed and matched to them.

The Road to Finding out "Why"

When doctors first saw what happened to the ‘bruised" newborn and the cancer patient with disappearing platelets, they were puzzled. "The antigens that cause blood types have been recognized for almost 100 years, but for many years nothing was known about platelet types," says Richard Aster, M.D., professor of medicine at the Medical College of Wisconsin and senior investigator at the BloodCenter of Wisconsin’s Blood Research Institute. "Typing platelets didn’t become important until people began transfusing platelets in the 1950s and 60s."

Over the years, a team of researchers at the Blood Research Institute would identify a number of platelet antigens critical to patient health. "I got involved at the very beginning," Aster says, "when we were defining platelet antigens using antibodies identified in individual patients."

Later, Aster and Peter J. Newman, Ph.D., now vice president for research at the BloodCenter of Wisconsin and associate director of the Blood Research Institute, would identify the molecular basis for various platelet antigens. "We were able to identify the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) that creates individual antigens. Knowing that opens the door to a fast, accurate test for platelet typing," Newman says. "It’s a little like knowing which key opens which lock."

What was needed now was a fast, convenient way of executing such a test.

The Genesis of the BioArray BeadChip

In the early 1990s, researchers in New Jersey had the germ of a concept for such a test. The idea was to make a beadchip for complex nucleic acid and protein analysis. After some patents were filed on the concept and Small Business Innovation Research funding was secured, BioArray Solutions was formed. The company would eventually be acquired by Immucor in 2009, but much work had to be completed.

"To make the BeadChip work, many novel elements had to be developed in-house," says Sukanta Banerjee, senior director of research and development at BioArray. "This includes software for reading the chips, an associated microscope for examining the BeadChips and an entire system for manufacturing an array of BeadChips bonded to glass slides. None of these elements, with the exception of the microscope, which we heavily customize—can be bought off the shelf."

Banerjee adds that while they were developing the technology for the complete system that comprises the BioArray BeadChip, there was a question constantly in the back of their minds: "There are lots of things that the BeadChip could test for, but where is there a demand for a platform like this? The answer was in blood. Now we have separate BeadChips for detailed analysis and typing of red blood cells, platelets and white blood cells."

To make their Human Platelet Antigen (HPA) BeadChip work, BioArray licensed the markers for human platelet antigens from the BloodCenter of Wisconsin.

Transferring the Technology

"In 2006, BioArray Solutions approached the BloodCenter of Wisconsin. We had a meeting in which BioArray explained what their base technology was and how it worked," says Laura Savatski, technology transfer officer for the BloodCenter of Wisconsin’s Blood Research Institute. "They were interested in licensing our Human Platelet Antigens and in collaborating on samples that would give them access to positive controls to confirm that their system was working."

Savatski notes that while the agreement was executed in 2006, it took a couple of years to get the final product working and market-ready. "Now sales are growing, and we are getting royalties," she says, "which have actually taken off in the past two years."

Putting it All Together

At the heart of the BioArray BeadChip system are tiny silicon chips that measure just 300 micrometers by 300 micrometers, smaller than the period at the end of this sentence. Hard to see with the naked eye, 96 BeadChips fit on a glass slide, which means that 96 different samples can be tested at once. Each of the 96 BeadChips is seeded with 4,000 microparticle "probes" for detecting the various Human Platelet Antigens.

The sample to be tested is prepared by taking whole blood from the person to be analyzed, extracting genomic DNA from it and performing PCR (polymerase chain reaction) amplification for the target areas of interest. The sample is put onto an individual BeadChip, and when there is a match between the sample DNA and the BeadChip, there is a fluorescent reaction, which can be seen and analyzed using a special microscope and software that is part of the BeadChip system. The entire test, including sample preparation, takes place within a single work shift and shortens the process of typing platelets by more than two days.

According to Banerjee, the BeadChip is widely used in Europe and is considered the test of record there for platelet typing. The BeadChip currently is available for research use only in the United States.

Aster says, "From our viewpoint, the key benefit of the BioArray BeadChip is that it can be used to type large numbers of donors to create prescreened and typed platelet units.

"So when a baby with NATP or a cancer patient with the low platelet count needs a transfusion, we can give them platelets without fear of adverse reactions."

This story was originally published in 2012.

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Diagnostic: Nano Biosensors Help Identify and Slow Spread of Major Diseases

Argonne Natl Lab

Diagnostic: Nano Biosensors Help Identify and Slow Spread of Major Diseases

Throughout history, human migration has contributed greatly to the spread of infectious diseases. Trade caravans, religious pilgrimages and military maneuvers spread many diseases such as influenza, plague and smallpox.

Today, epidemics continue at an accelerated rate thanks to an internationally mobile population with unprecedented access to quick, global travel.

This increased international mobility has created the potential for a serious and costly health crisis, prompting world health authorities to seek rapid, high-throughput disease surveillance and reporting programs as a first line of defense. A solution needs to identify, manage and contain highly communicable infectious diseases such as tuberculosis (TB), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis, influenza and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).

Infectious diseases can be separately diagnosed with existing highly effective gold-standard diagnostic tests such as culture and/or polymerase chain reaction (PCR). But, the most sensitive and accurate tests conducted in clinical labs usually take days to provide an answer, while the very rapid tests that require only a few minutes are usually less sensitive and inaccurate.

Performing individual tests for each of these diseases at a reasonable cost, though, creates formidable logistical and financial challenges. A more innovative solution that cuts down the number of tests is needed.

Next Generation Disease Screening

One possible solution that shows great promise is a high-throughput diagnostic system, which is commercially available from Akonni Biosystems, a private molecular diagnostic company based in Frederick, Md. Called TruSentry, the system can extract DNA and/or RNA directly from either a tiny spot of dried blood or whole blood and then subject the single sample to testing for 10 to 20 of the most prevalent diseases at the same time. Results are available in less than five hours — fast enough to allow the analysis of thousands of samples per day.

The TruSentry diagnostic system can also be deployed in a single national reference lab, processing millions of samples per year or as part of a larger network of separate satellite facilities that are at, or closer to, the point where samples are collected. Other configurations can be deployed remotely in the field, for example, at the point of an infectious disease outbreak.

At the heart of the TruSentry system is nanoscale biosensor technology on three dimensional gel-drops licensed from Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois. Known as a biochip, this high-throughput form resembles a 96-well microtiter plate but in a 1 centimeter by 1 centimeter area that contains several dozen to several hundred “dots” or small drops. These biochips also are available in a microscope slide-size format for use in point of care settings. Each serves as a miniature laboratory with a unique protein, antibody or nucleic acid that will attach to a particular DNA sequence or antigen to identify infectious diseases such as TB, multidrug-resistant TB, HIV, viral hepatitis B, hepatitis C, syphilis and influenza.

“What Akonni has been able to do with the innovations licensed from Argonne is a very fascinating success story,” says Yash Vaishnav, Ph.D., M.B.A, senior manager, intellectual property development and commercialization, Division of Technology Development and Commercialization (TDC), at Argonne National Laboratory. “It illustrates what can happen when innovative technologies, developed by two international research facilities, with cultural and geopolitical differences, fit well together, and a technology transfer office and licensee work together to overcome challenges.”

International Collaboration Leads to Biochip

The special nanoscale biosensor technology is the result of an international research collaboration originally started in 1988 by the late Professor Andrei Mirzabekov, Ph.D., and his team at the Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology in Moscow and subsequently advanced via a joint research agreement in 1995 with Argonne National Laboratory. Argonne is one of the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) oldest and largest national laboratories for science and engineering research.

One of the many inventors who worked on developing this innovative technology is Daniel Schabacker, Ph.D., team leader, Bio-Detection Technologies at Argonne, where he is the lead scientist for the development of the biochip portfolio. Schabacker helped develop the technology for manufacturing the biochips in a commercial setting.

“When I joined the Argonne team, many aspects of manufacturing and scalability of biochips had not been worked out,” Schabacker says. “It was interesting, with a lot of capabilities, but there was no manufacturing mindset — the manufacturing process needed to be scalable to be commercially viable.

“We really developed a package of standard operating procedures and a cost analysis that showed how our biochips could be marketable and manufactured in a commercial environment. We also transitioned from the original gel-pad concept to gel drops, which increased efficiency and produced a robust product.”

Since this international group of researchers started collaborating in 1993, development of the biochip has been supported with $22 million in funding from government and private sponsors — U.S. National Institutes of Health, DOE, U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, Centers for Disease Control, Motorola Inc., and Packard Instrument Co.

The Argonne National Laboratory biochip point-of-care diagnostic portfolio contains 29 issued U.S. patents with six pending applications, and the Argonne TDC has granted three exclusive licenses with defined fields of use to:

  • Safeguard Biosystems — focusing on veterinary diagnostics
  • Aurora Photonics — developing biochip imager for research and diagnostics
  • Akonni Biosystems — developing human diagnostics

Innovations Licensed to Startup

Akonni first approached the Argonne TDC in 2003 after hearing Mirzabekov talk about detecting TB in human samples. As a startup biotech company, Akonni wanted to license the strong portfolio of intellectual property relating to this innovative microarray technology to raise funds.

After submitting a business plan and completing a licensing questionnaire, Argonne worked with Akonni to identify key patents and exercise an option agreement to negotiate a license prior to the request for seed funding. After the funding was obtained, they entered into license negotiations.

Argonne’s Vaishnav says the first exclusive license included biochips for TB and a few other infectious diseases, a reasonable upfront fee and royalty rates, and due diligences based on sales and commercialization activity. As the relationship matured, it became clear to both that they needed a more dynamic agreement beyond standard licensing. The result was a collaborative research approach with the guidelines that allowed for advancing the technology and developing prototype applications of the biochip.

Over the years, many of them filled with time-consuming processes and difficult challenges, Vaishnav says both parties took a flexible approach that resulted in the agreements to evolve so they could overcome risks, attract more investors and collaborators, and take advantage of growth opportunities.

Today, the relationship is guided by a fine-tuned license that includes an equity stake for Argonne in Akonni and a cooperative research and development agreement. The result is a successful relationship: So successful, in fact, that former Argonne staff, including a key biochip researcher, have joined Akonni, and both entities are working constructively with others to bring the technology to the marketplace.

“This technology adds a molecular diagnostic solution where the current technology, while good, simply can’t perform,” says Kevin Banks, vice president of sales and marketing at Akonni Biosystems. Unlike today’s real-time PCR-based platforms, the Akonni TruSentry system, Banks says, can rapidly screen a sample for hundreds of disease markers at one time by using hundreds of molecular biosensors in a microarray the size of a fingernail thanks to all the work, not only at Argonne and Akonni, but the original research started by Mirzabekov and his team.

Akonni, which is deploying the technology in both point-of-care and high throughput screening settings, is in the process of attaining U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval for its diagnostic tests. Banks says this is a major milestone on the road to clinical trials and eventual clearance to market it as a commercially available diagnostic system.

“At the end of the day, what we have developed together is a third-generation molecular diagnostic solution that can provide truly accurate and trusted results, combined with alert detection and reporting on the world’s most prevalent and dangerous infectious diseases,” Banks says. “It represents the future of molecular diagnostics — a rapid, cost effective diagnostic system can greatly help immigration and health care officials identify and slow the spread of potentially dangerous diseases and would benefit all people.”

This story was originally published in 2010.

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3D Bone Implants Developed to Improve Skull Repair

National University of Singapore

3D Bone Implants Developed to Improve Skull Repair

“Brain injury occurs more frequently than breast cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injury,” remarks Allan I. Bergman, president and chief executive officer of the Brain Injury Association.

Standard treatment to prevent brain injury caused by pressure on the brain following stroke or trauma involves drilling burr holes into the skull to relieve pressure. Typically the holes are closed with a titanium plate or bone grafts. These approaches each have drawbacks. The use of a titanium in either mesh or plate form can be expensive, and bone grafts are difficult to perform, painful and prone to infection. Each of these techniques can lead to deformity of the skull curvature.

A team of doctors and engineers from the National University of Singapore (NUS) and the National University Hospital, collaborating with Temasek Polytechnic, saw the need for something better. Inventors Swee Hin Teoh, Dietmar Hutmacher, Kim Cheng Tan, Kock Fye Tam and Iwan Ziein developed a biocompatible polycapolactone polymer-based implant for the burr holes that provides a base for the bone of the skull to regenerate after repair at half the cost of a titanium mesh or plate. The invention is currently licensed to Osteopore International Pte Ltd., a NUS spinoff.

This approach is not only economical but minimizes infection.

The technology works by rapid prototyping and design of a 3D patient-specific burr plug. It uses fused deposition modeling and enables the fabrication of the exact shape needed for the patient without a mold. This invention has received support from various organizations, including the Ministry of Education, the National Medical Research Council and the Tote Board.

One of the first patients treated was a 23-year-old man who suffered an injury on the job. The engineering team fashioned a precise scaffold infusing some of his living bone cells into the scaffold to “seed” the growth process. The bone plug has achieved wonderful results, and two years later the scaffold has fused with the surrounding tissue, with no trace of the original hole. His hair has even grown back.

Teoh indicated in the Far Eastern Economic Review (Oct. 21, 2004) that this new technology might be used in developing countries, where medical imaging equipment is scarce, causing doctors to drill multiple holes in a patient’s skull before they may find the correct entry point. Other anticipated applications for this technology include treatment of patients with facial injuries and uses in cardiovascular, orthopedic and dental treatment. 

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Biodegradable Boards Made From Plant Fibers Provide Alternative to Standard Materials

Cornell University

Biodegradable Boards Made From Plant Fibers Provide Alternative to Standard Materials

Composite materials, such as particleboard, fiberglass and carbon-fiber products, are held together with a moldable glue or resin. Unfortunately, most glues are not safe for the environment, are not biodegradable, and are often toxic.

Many of the polymers used in composites are petroleum-based — a nonrenewable, high cost resource. Engineered wood products also contain formaldehyde, a known carcinogen that degasses slowly over time, creating indoor air quality problems. Huge amounts of engineered wood products are thrown into landfills every year, both from tear-downs and new construction projects.

Scientists at Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y., have invented an alternative to standard composite materials — biodegradable composites made entirely from plant materials.

This biodegradable composite technology is stronger, cheaper and safer for the environment.

Developed by Anil Netravali, a professor of fiber science and apparel design at Cornell University, the process binds together renewable fibers from fast-growing plants with a proprietary soy protein-based resin. This material is then processed into sheets. Many of these fibers, such as bamboo, kenaf, and flax, can be grown on marginal or unused farmlands. Other advantages include a high strength-to-weight ratio, no petrochemical content, and lower overall cost compared to traditional composite materials.

e2e Materials LLC, an Ithaca company founded on this new technology, is developing biodegradable composites with a wide range of strength properties, reaching as high as midrange steels, for different industries and applications. Biodegradable composites manufactured by e2e Materials are currently being used in skateboard decks and office furniture. The company is also developing advanced composites that are stronger than steel but almost six times lighter, which will be suitable for a variety of structural applications, such as I-beams.

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Biodegradable Inks Make Tattoo Removal Easy, Affordable

Massachusetts General Hospital

Biodegradable Inks Make Tattoo Removal Easy, Affordable

People get tattoos for lots of reasons that seem great at the time — but as life and love change, tattoos, especially if they are highly visible, may cause problems. Removing a tattoo can be painful and expensive and may lead to permanent skin damage and scarring. But that doesn’t have to be the case.

Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston has developed a safe, removable ink that is both biodegradable and bioabsorbable.

Rox Anderson, M.D., of Massachusetts General Hospital’s Wellman Center of Photomedicine, became interested in the chemistry of tattoo ink when one of his patients developed a severe reaction to a permanent tattoo. After several years of research, Anderson invented microencapsulated biodegradable and bio-absorbable dyes within safe, colorless polymer beads. The dyes are made from natural pigments and enclosed in tiny beads several microns in diameter, which are injected under the skin. To remove the tattoo, a laser is passed over the tattoo, which ruptures the beads and releases the inks, which are then safely absorbed by the body.

This technology is licensed to Freedom-2 Inc., a startup company founded in 1999 by Anderson to commercialize biodegradable Freedom-2™ tattoo inks. The company is continuing to research and develop new engineered ink products using well-established, safe, biocompatible materials that provide both high-quality art and easy removability.

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Bioengineered, Insect-Resistant Variety of Eggplant Developed

Cornell University

Bioengineered, Insect-Resistant Variety of Eggplant Developed

Eggplant is an essential crop in many tropical countries around the world, including India  and the Philippines. However, eggplant fields are often attacked by the eggplant fruit and shoot borer (EFSB), an insect that can causes widespread crop damage. These losses hurt the food supply chain, as well as the regional economies where eggplant is a staple food source. They also force farmers to spread expensive chemical pesticides, to which the EFSB is gradually becoming resistant. 

In an effort to strengthen crop yields, Cornell University,  Ithaca, N.Y., and Sathguru Management Consultants in India have partnered with a private enterprise Mahyco seed company and a consortium of public research institutions to introduce a bioengineered, EFSB-resistant variety of eggplant to Asia. They coordinated the pro bono use of Monsanto – Mahyco technology, which was licensed to a public/private research and development consortium to develop this new variety of eggplant. The work was funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development’s Agriculture Biotechnology Support Project and the governments of India, Bangladesh and the Philippines.

Bioengineered eggplant allows farmers to reduce their dependence on pesticides, it's safe for the environment, and maximizes farm yields and creates more stable income for farming families.

Monsanto’s insect-resistance technology is based on the cry1Ac protein from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), a soil bacterium. This unique organism produces crystal proteins that are toxic to a variety of insects, including EFSB. The technology bioengineers the cry1Ac gene into the eggplant, creating a hybrid variety with plant leaves that are toxic to EFSB but safe for human consumption. 

Transgenic Bt-hybrid eggplant will be available commercially in India, Bangladesh and the Philippines in 2008.

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Antibody-Based Kits Detect Nut Contamination in Food Processing Machinery

Florida State University

Antibody-Based Kits Detect Nut Contamination in Food Processing Machinery

BioFront Technology's MonoTrace ELISAs represent the first line of monoclonal antibody-based kits (MABs) for detecting nut contamination in food matrices. Precisely defined MABs targeting major allergenic proteins help insure sensitive, specific, and reproducible results. 

The company offers a series of diagnostics test kits for ground nut and tree nut allergy tests.

In an increasingly allergic world, these kits make a difference.

Companies manufacturing food which include such nuts need to ensure that their machinery is meticulously clear before beign used for non-nut containing foods. Slight contamination can lead to very expensive food recalls.

Prior to this, available test kits used polyclonal antibodies which have high cross reactivioty and high false positives.

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Blood Test Helps With Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease

Blood Test Helps With Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease
Rowan University researchers have invented a blood test to aid in the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) based on detection of disease-specific autoantibodies as blood-based biomarkers. Thus far, there are no blood-based diagnostic tests for early-stage AD approved by the FDA.
The goal of the test is to screen for the presence of AD-related pathological changes in the brain of patients that arrive in their doctor’s office with a cognitive or memory complaint, and to properly direct these patients for follow-up testing that can lead to a definitive diagnosis of AD. Early detection and diagnosis allows early treatment, and early treatment greatly increases the likelihood of a successful therapeutic outcome. In addition, it would allow early enrollment into clinical trials seeking new treatments for AD and facilitate monitoring of disease progression in patients by their physicians, including those participating as subjects in clinical trials. 
Currently, detection and diagnosis of early-stage AD is difficult and often inconclusive even after using expensive neuropsychological evaluations and state-of-the-art brain imaging techniques. This new, unique blood-based test is based on detecting increased levels of a specific set of self-reactive antibodies (autoantibodies) in the blood that are there to clear away debris generated by ongoing AD-related pathological changes in the brain.
This new test uses a single drop of blood to detect these disease-associated autoantibodies which serve as blood-based biomarkers for early detection of AD. This platform is now being developed for detection of multiple diseases.
The Rowan University Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC) in Glassboro, NJ, licensed a portfolio of technologies in the neurodegenerative disease sector (including the patent underlying this test) to a startup, Durin Technologies, founded by Robert G. Nagele, PhD, Professor of Geriatrics at Rowan. The OTC has helped Durin secure regional and national venture funding and identify the latest round of financing. Durin has managed to raise significant investment from different sources and is currently moving forward with its platform technology in seeking FDA approval for further blood-based tests for AD, Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis using autoantibodies as biomarkers.

This story was originally published in 2022.

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Biomarkers and Blood Test Breathe New Life into Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental Illness

Cambridge Centre for Neuropsychiatric Research
University of Cambridge

Biomarkers and Blood Test Breathe New Life into Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental Illness

 Early detection and proper care is a common message used by health care organizations in their efforts to educate people and governments throughout the world about winning the war against certain cancers and other chronic diseases.

But does this message offer the same real hope of change for individuals and caregivers who live with the chronic and disabling affects of schizophrenia and other mental and neurological disorders? Early detection and proper care is less than assured. This is especially true when general practitioners and psychiatrists must rely on a century-old, highly subjective and time consuming verbal diagnosis that hopefully will help them identify the exact  sychosis that is causing the delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thinking and other psychotic symptoms. This process often delays treatment and extends the suffering of millions throughout the world.

About 24 million people suffer worldwide from schizophrenia. Treatment is more effective in the initial stages of the disease, but more than 50 percent of persons with this disorder are not receiving appropriate care.

Existing diagnosis and treatments are failing too many people who suffer from schizophrenia and other mental and neurological disorders, as well as contributing to runaway global health care costs.

But in early 2009, Rules-Based Medicine Inc. (RBM), the leading multiplexed biomarker testing laboratory based in Austin, Texas, plans to sell worldwide a reliable and objective blood test for the diagnosis of schizophrenia. This diagnostic blood test, which relies on RBM’s comprehensive protein biomarker assay and technology platform, is based in large part on proprietary biomarkers that are a signature for schizophrenia.

The identity of these biomarkers are the result of 12 years of ground-breaking research by Sabine Bahn, M.D., Ph.D., MRCPsych, of the Cambridge Centre for Neuropsychiatric Research (CCNR) at the Institute of Biotechnology, University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom. Aided by funding from Stanley Medical Research Institute, the National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression and University/Higher Education Innovation Fund, Bahn and her team of researchers tested spinal fluid and analyzed post-mortem tissues of schizophrenic brains in their quest for a scientific approach that can enable more appropriate and timely therapeutic intervention.

A psychiatrist by training, Bahn cofounded Psynova Neurotech in 2005 to develop and commercialize novel biomarkers—genes or proteins in tissues, blood and body fluids—that can distinguish schizophrenia from Alzheimer’s disease, bipolar disorder, manic depression or dementia. The founding intellectual property of her ground-breaking work is licensed on an exclusive worldwide basis by Psynova from Cambridge Enterprise Limited, the University of Cambridge’s technology transfer company.

The last piece to fall in place came in June 2008 when Psynova and RBM agreed to partner in the validation, regulatory approval and manufacture of a diagnostic blood test.

This first blood test for the diagnosis of schizophrenia is a scientific tool that can help general practitioners and psychiatrists diagnose patients much sooner, say Bahn and RBM’s Chief Executive Officer, Craig Benson, both of whom have witnessed first hand the suffering of a family member with a mental disorder. It also offers the potential to identify disease subtypes, develop proper treatment options, monitor patient responses and discover novel drug approaches.

“Our diagnostic blood test represents new hope for the millions of individuals throughout the world with schizophrenia,” says Bahn, “not only for early detection and proper care but more personalized treatments that would make the trial and error approach they now know obsolete.” 

This story was originally published in 2009.

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Biomarkers Identify Best Options for Leukemia Patients

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

Biomarkers Identify Best Options for Leukemia Patients

In 2001 the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) approved the drug Gleevec™ as a firstline therapy for treating chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). To date results have been impressive.

Over 90 percent of the patients who received Gleevec responded well to treatment, with many experiencing complete remission. Yet the remaining 10 percent failed to respond at all to Gleevec, or experienced slight improvement before developing a resistance to the drug and relapsing.

Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, have discovered key mutations that are predictive of Gleevec activity and resistance. Disclosed in 2001, the Gleevec Pharmacogenomic Test was developed by Mercedes Gorre, Neil Shah, John Nicoll, and Charles Sawyers. Initial research was funded by the National Institutes of Health.

The Gleevec Pharmacogenomic Test can be used to accurately determine whether CML patients will respond favorably to Gleevec. In 2005 the university licensed this biomarker technology to Genzyme, which manufactures a diagnostic test that can quickly identify patients who are likely to respond to Gleevec, as well as those who are likely to develop resistance to the drug. Physicians and clinicians using this test will be able to make earlier and more effective treatment decisions for their patients regarding Gleevec therapy. 

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Technology Converts Agricultural “Leftovers” into Useful Products

University of Western Ontario

Technology Converts Agricultural “Leftovers” into Useful Products

A new technology developed at the University of Western Ontario in London, Canada, enables farmers to convert biomass “leftovers” into valuable commodities such as heating oil, pharmaceuticals and food additives.

Department of biochemical engineering professors Franco Berruti, Ph.D., Cedric Briens, Ph.D., and Ron Golden, Ph.D., developed the apparatus and process for the pyrolysis of agricultural biomass in 2005. Initial funding of $100,000 was provided through the Ontario Centers of Excellence. Agri-Therm, a University of Western Ontario spin-off company, was created to commercialize and market the technology.

The portable device converts agricultural biomass, such as leftover crop material, into bio-oil, carbon char and non-condensable gases through a process that rapidly heats the biomass to temperatures hotter than 932 degrees Fahrenheit (500 degrees Celsius).

The chemical bonds of biomass compounds are broken, releasing the constituent components. The resulting hot, smoky gas is filtered and rapidly cooled to condense liquid bio-oil from the gas stream. Combustible gases such as methane, hydrogen, and ethane are recovered and burned as a partial replacement for natural gas used to heat the pyrolysis process, or to dry out biomass feedstocks. The solid “char” can also be burned as fuel, applied as fertilizer, or used to filter contaminated air streams.

While the process can convert any carbon-based material, or biomass, each feedstock produces a unique combination of solids, bio-oil, and gases depending on its chemical makeup. Fuel, fertilizer, pesticide, pharmaceutical, food and specialty chemical uses are all possible when appropriate feedstocks  are matched with the desired end-use product. The truck-mounted mobility of the device allows farmers to economically process the biomass residue on-site in their fields.


This story was originally published in 2008.

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Bio-Material Improves Heart Surgery Outcomes

Purdue Research Foundation

Bio-Material Improves Heart Surgery Outcomes

More than 650,000 open heart surgeries are performed every year. During open heart surgery, the thin sac or casing surrounding the heart is cut open and sometimes even damaged. It’s usually left unrepaired because a compatible repair material is not readily available. This increases the risk of developing scar tissue or adhesions, which may result in difficult follow-up surgery.

In the late 1980s and early 1990s researchers at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Ind., in  partnership with Cook Biotech Inc. in Purdue Research Park, developed the CorMatrix  ECM Patch for closing the pericardial sac during surgery. Further cardiovascular applications were developed by Rob Matheny, M.D. of CorMatrix Cardiovascular Inc. in Sunnyvale, Calif.

The CorMatrix® ECM Patch is made from a pig’s small intestine submucosa,  which has been used for years in general soft tissue reconstruction and repairing wounds. This same material is now being used by heart surgeons.

The CorMatrix®  ECM Patch provides surgeons with a way to repair or reconstruct the sac surrounding the heart. This also helps restore the natural barrier between the back of breastbone and the heart and can also protect underlying grafts.

In 2006 the first CorMatrix®  ECM Patch was implanted to close the pericardial sac. To date more than 2,000 pericardial closure implants have been successfully performed in the United States. CorMatrix® Cardiovascular Inc. continues to research and develop new cardiovascular applications for this innovative technology.

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Biorefinery Technologies Maximize the Value of Renewable Resources

Research Foundation of SUNY

Biorefinery Technologies Maximize the Value of Renewable Resources

Forest biorefinery is defined as the full conversion of wood biomass into fibers, chemicals and energy. For decades pulp mills have burned or discarded wood sugars and chemicellulose, which can be used in the manufacturing of plastics, ethanol and acetic acid. Now new processes developed at the State University of New York’s College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY ESF) in Syracuse make it much easier to exploit these co-products.

A suite of “Forest Biorefinery” technologies were developed by Thomas E. Amidon, Ph.D., Gary M. Scott, Ph.D., Bandaru V. Ramarao, Ph.D., Raymond Francis, Ph.D., Christopher D. Wood and Jeremy Bartholomew. The technologies are designed to extract value from trees in new and unique ways.  The Empire State Paper Research Institute was the primary funding source. Wood chips are pretreated with selected enzymes, which make the lignin, sugars, and hemicellulose easier to extract. Once extracted and concentrated, the sugars and hemicellulose are converted to acetic acid and ethanol, two valuable commodities. This enables pulp mills, chipboard plants and other businesses that utilize trees (or forest biomass) to better extract economic value from their current production processes. 

It is estimated that the extracted lignin, sugar and hemicellulose will yield as much revenue from downstream chemical products as the fiber or fuel that is traditionally extracted yields in the production of paper products or energy.

Acting on behalf of SUNY ESF, The Research Foundation of State University of New York is in the early stages of licensing and commercialization.  Licensees and potential licensees are testing these technologies in small-scale pilot operations throughout the country. In 2007 New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets dedicated $10.8 million to the construction of pilot and demonstration plants in New York, first at SUNY ESF and then transferring the pilot plant to Lyonsdale Biomass, LLC, a wood-burning power plant on  the Moose River, Lewis County. The first full-size biorefinery is scheduled for completion in early 2009 in the state of New York.  

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Small, Biodegradable Spheres May Have Big Impact on Tumor Treatments

University of Minnesota

Small, Biodegradable Spheres May Have Big Impact on Tumor Treatments

Jafar Golzarian, M.D., has spent nearly 20 years redirecting traffic — not for vehicles, but for blood flow.

Golzarian works in University of Minnesota's Department of Radiology as an interventional radiologist, a specialist who uses imaging techniques like ultrasound and fluoroscopy to pinpoint and treat areas with precision, and without surgery. That includes procedures like opening blocked arteries with stents or angioplasty. But sometimes, doctors strategically block blood vessels to improve patients’ health.

Arterial embolization — millions of tiny spheres injected into a blood vessel and clogging it — is an effective way to control bleeding in trauma patients while controlling some types of tumors by blocking the blood flow to tumor cells and letting them starve to death.

Embolization is often used on benign tumors in the uterus, known as uterine fibroids. It’s a non-invasive way to eliminate the tumor. But when Golzarian recommended this treatment to his uterine-fibroid patients, some of them refused — even though the technique has a proven track record. For nearly two decades, embolization has been used to treat uterine fibroids. (And it's been used on other tumors for nearly 50 years). When patients said no to the procedure, it often happened after they asked this question about the embolization microspheres: How long will they stay in my body? The answer: Forever. The particles are made of materials that can’t be absorbed by the body. Golzarian would explain to patients that studies didn’t show any serious side effects from the microspheres. Still, patients remained unconvinced. They didn’t want to carry around millions of tiny beads for the rest of their lives.

“I understand the mentality of the patient,” says Golzarian. “’If there’s no need for the material to stay in my body, why can’t you use something that’s resorbable?’”

He’s devoted the past five years to answering  that question. His research led to the launch of a startup, EmboMedics Inc., based in Maple Grove, Minn., which hopes to earn FDA approval for a different type of microsphere — one made of natural materials that the human body can absorb within days and  could improve treatment for tumors and also for cancer and other medical problems. These tiny spheres have the potential to make a big difference.

Building a Better Sphere

Most women have uterine fibroids — some estimates suggest as many as 75 percent of women do.  And most women will never know it, because they don’t have symptoms. For those who do experience symptoms, uterine fibroids can bring misery, including back pain and pelvic pain. About 10 to 20 percent of women who have fibroids require treatment. When they are treated with arterial embolization, the radiologist uses real-time X-ray imaging to guide a catheter (a thin tube about the size of a spaghetti strand) into position. The microspheres are loaded into a saline-filled syringe and injected through the catheter to a precise spot, where they clump together and block blood flow to the fibroid. Some studies show that after the procedure, nearly 90 percent of patients report significant or total relief from their symptoms.

After the microspheres create the blockage, it only takes a few hours for the fibroid to die. If they can eliminate fibroids so effectively, why not have microspheres that disappear after their work is done, instead of lingering? That’s the challenge Golzarian began tackling in 2008. With internal funding, he set up a lab at the University of Minnesota and enlisted the help of polymer chemist Lihui Weng, Ph.D. 

Their criteria included  natural — not synthetic — materials that would be absorbed by the body and materials that could be manufactured with consistent quality and shape. That’s no easy task when creating particles measured in microns (one millionth of a meter), and Golzarian knew he would need to make some of the microspheres as small as 100 microns. For comparison, the period at the end of this sentence is about 500 microns.

They also wanted materials that were easy to synthesize, without a hefty price tag. “We didn’t want fancy expensive material, because that would be costly for the end user,” says Golzarian.

After testing hundreds of substances, they found a combination that worked: chitosan, made from shells of shrimp and other crustaceans, and cellulose, the main component in plant cell walls. Cellulose is also on the ingredient list of many grocery items (it prevents clumping in prepackaged shredded cheese and makes low-fat ice cream seem creamier).  When it’s in the bloodstream, the chitosan-and-cellulose compound eventually breaks downs into carbon dioxide and water — things the body can easily dispose of.

With this material, the microspheres can be manufactured in various sizes (larger spheres work better for large arteries). That’s not the only customizable aspect of the material. Using a chemical process, Golzarian and Weng  were able to control the rate at which the body absorbs the microspheres, ranging from three days to 30 days.

Moving Beyond the Lab

The researchers knew they had developed a useful polymer. But was it patentable? To determine that, the University of Minnesota’s Office of Technology Commercialization  (OTC) conducted rigorous research on existing polymer patents — including hiring a patent attorney — in  2009.

“We spent more than the average amount of time trying to figure out whether this was patentable,” says Karen Kaehler, technology strategy manager for life sciences at University of Minnesota’s OTC. That effort paid off. Submitted in 2010, the 50-page patent, #8,617, 132, was issued in December 2013, with all of its 44 claims. That same month, a European patent (2485777) was issued. More patents are likely on the way — applications have been submitted in Australia, Canada, China, Hong Kong, and Korea.

In addition to patent assistance, the OTC helped with the search for a commercial partner to license the technology. “We talked with a lot of different companies,” says Kaehler. “And we heard a lot of comments like, ‘That sounds interesting. Let us know when you get it further along.’”

In this case, “further along” meant launching a startup to continue development of the embolization microspheres. Golzarian didn’t want to lead a company, so the OTC vetted potential entrepreneurs in 2012. That search lead to Omid Souresrafil, who became cofounder  and CEO of the startup, EmboMedics (the university owns 25 percent of the company).  “I’ve worked with medical devices for more than 20 years, so I know a good idea when I see it,” saysSouresrafil.

After a six-month process, the OTC  licensed the technology to EmboMedics in April 2013. “They were always very helpful about getting things to the next level,” says Golzarian, who is also EmboMedic’s cofounder and chief medical officer. Souresrafil echoes that sentiment, noting the OTC played a vital role in obtaining the startup’s most valuable asset:  the patent. “[The OTC] also introduced us to people who could invest in the company,” says  Souresrafil. “They did a very good job.”

Treating Liver Cancer

EmboMedics plans to call its product “resorbeads” — a nod to the shape (bead) and key attribute (resorbable). In March, the company began the application process for FDA approval. EmboMedics is also seeking regulatory approval for the microspheres in Europe and China. In addition to treating benign tumors, Golzarian and Souresrafil envision other uses. The microspheres could help stabilize patients with severe bleeding caused by trauma or ulcers — and after they served that purpose, the tiny beads would break down.

But the most dramatic way EmboMedics’ microspheres could make a difference is by treating liver cancer. Liver cancer caused 745,000 deaths worldwide in 2012, making it second only to lung cancer. Arterial embolization is already being used to treat liver cancer. The microspheres act as tiny sponges loaded with cancer-fighting drugs. When the microspheres are injected, they deliver a one-two punch: They close off the arteries that feed to the liver’s cancerous tumor and also gradually release the drugs.

Here’s the problem with the current microspheres used for this treatment: Because they stay in the body, they continue to release the chemotherapy drugs even after they’re taken care of the tumor. Also, the permanent particles may block the access to the tumors if the patient needs another treatment. That’s not ideal, says Golzarian — and there is some data suggesting that the unnecessary drug release may provoke side effects. “It makes more sense that when tumor is dead, the spheres go away and don’t release drugs anymore.”

Golzarian would like to see EmboMedics’ product used for this purpose, but that goal is still years away and would require clinical trials for FDA approval. In the meantime, he’s hoping EmboMedics can change the conversation around arterial embolization, by making the absorbable material widely available. 

When patients ask, “How long will these microspheres stay in my body,” the doctors can finally give an answer they want to hear.  

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BIOX Technology Makes Biodiesel Faster to Manufacture, Cheaper

University of Toronto

BIOX Technology Makes Biodiesel Faster to Manufacture, Cheaper

A University of Toronto chemistry professor’s research that began with sewage sludge oils has led to breakthroughs in producing biodiesel — a cleaner form of fuel for diesel engines.

Oil and water don’t mix, as any elementary school science teacher will tell you. That basic concept is the foundation of a University of Toronto chemistry professor’s discovery.

This innovation significantly cuts the time and cost for creating biodiesel — a renewable fuel for diesel engines derived from natural oils like soybean oil and a variety of other feedstocks such as animal fats, greases and used cooking oils.

It also led to the creation of an Ontario firm called BIOX Corp., which has 33 employees and is headed by Chief Executive Officer Tim Haig. BIOX recently built a $24 million plant in the steel-making city of Hamilton.

The facility is capable of producing 60 million liters (18 million gallons) of biodiesel a year and shipped its first batch of fuel to the United States in late 2006. Over time, the company hopes to build plants throughout North America and Europe.

BIOX’s Beginnings

The BIOX story goes back more than a decade to when David Boocock, Ph.D., then head of the University of Toronto chemical engineering department, was looking into the oils that were produced when sewage sludge was heated. He is now a professor emeritus at the school.

“I was investigating the technology of using pyrolysis to turn the sludge into a liquid fuel,” he recalls. Pyrolysis is the use of heat to break down complex chemical substances into simpler substances.

“I identified that there were good oils and bad oils,” he explains. “The bad came from the proteins and the good came from the lipids.” Lipids are also known as fats.

That led Boocock — an organic chemist by training — to biodiesel that was being manufactured in Germany.

“I knew that it was lipid-like, so I looked at the literature and came to the conclusion that most of what was being published was wrong,” he notes.

The people making biodiesel believed that methanol and vegetable oils and animal fats, plus a catalyst, would mix, he said.

“They don’t,” says Boocock. “Chemical engineers call this a mass transfer problem. They were trying to measure the rates of reactions, but it was based on a faulty premise.”

To cut to the quick, Boocock came up with an inert co-solvent to add to the oil and methanol. The three melded and became one.

“It was clear and you could see through it,” he comments. “And when it was mixed, the reactions speed up and go a lot further.”

That, in a nutshell, was the technology that launched BIOX. Boocock continued to refine his discovery, and in 1999, it began to look like the technology had a business application. The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada provided funding for Boocock’s research underlying BIOX.

Biodiesel’s Growing Importance

Cyril Gibbons is the commercialization director for physical sciences and engineering for Innovations at University of Toronto (IUT), a group of professionals charged with commercializing innovations developed by University of Toronto researchers and its health care partners. He commented that there was not a lot of interest in the technology until the cost of fuel began its upward swing.

Boocock said the discovery of mad cow disease in Canadian cattle several years ago also made producing biodiesel cheaper. 

“It is the cost of the feedstocks that largely control what it costs to make biodiesel,” he says. “And when mad cow disease appeared, this resulted in a dramatic falling in prices of ‘refurbished’ waste fats and oils (from animals).” 

Regulations cut off transfer of those materials between countries, essentially wiping out the foreign market, so the BIOX process also helps solve a waste problem, he said.

Gibbons adds: “From the environmental side, there are many reasons to use biodiesel because it is significantly cleaner, emitting 80 percent fewer hydrocarbons, 60 percent less carbon dioxide and 50 percent less particulate matter than petroleum diesel.”

He says that Innovations helped Boocock patent his discovery and retains a small interest in BIOX.

Moreover, scientists say high quality biodiesel blends easily with petroleum diesel in any proportion, requires no engine modification, and is actually good for the engine.

“Before 1999, biodiesel was considered too expensive too produce,” he says. “But the cost of oil is now about double what it was back then, so the economics shifted strongly in our favor.”

Growth Opportunities for BIOX

In 2000, Innovations found a Toronto investor willing to put up the money to build a prototype plant. The company, Madison Ventures Ltd., introduced Haig to Innovations, and BIOX was off and running.

Haig, an engineer who had worked with wind farms and other renewable energy sources, said he was fascinated by the simplicity of Dr. Boocock’s discovery. Instead of applying more heat or pressure to the process — what Haig called the “sledgehammer” approach — Boocock went back to the first principles.

“David is a finesse guy,” says Haig. “Rather than using brute force, he found a way to make the liquids — oil and alcohol — go together by adding a co-solvent that made the two want to stay in one phase until the reaction was complete.”

Haig worked with Scott and Joe Monteith, the principals behind Madison Ventures, who also happened to make grease traps for restaurants.

“It was a lot for what was then just an idea,” says Haig. “But Joe Monteith was a chemist, too, and he saw elegance in the technology.”

Haig also got about $500,000 in grant money from the Canadian government to help build the pilot plant.

“Prior to that, we had no idea if it would be scalable,” explains Haig, adding that the pilot was finished in April of 2001.

“We ran that for some time and found out there was a fine line between making soap and biodiesel,” he recalls. “As you would expect, we had some issues. But our first plant, in Oakville, ultimately proved the chemistry.”

Haig then “beat the pavement” to find more high net worth investors so the company could buy the University of Toronto biodiesel intellectual property outright and build another plant in Boston.

“The second plant proved efficient separation,” he says. “In the first, you had a concoction of a whole batch of carbon chains. In the second, we proved we could separate carbon chains into the right bucket at the right price.”

With that hurdle passed, they scaled up to build the big new plant in Hamilton.

“We finished it this summer and it is working well,” Haig says confidently. “We raised another $48 million this summer and we intend to build three, four or five more plants in the next few years, selling to companies that want to mix what we are producing with regular diesel — probably at blends of 2 to 5 percent.

“And you know the ironic thing about all this?” Haig asks. “Rudolph Diesel invented the diesel engine to run on vegetable oil.”

Pierre Schuurmans, chief operating officer of Birch Hill Equity Partners Management, Inc., said his company put up $48 million so BIOX can continue to grow.

“We think they have a low-cost technology in process that puts them in a good position to meet the growing demand,” Schuurmans explains. “With mandates and subsidies in some places, BIOX is very competitive.”

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Black Silicon Revolutionizes How Light is Captured and Stored

Harvard University

Black Silicon Revolutionizes How Light is Captured and Stored

In 1999 Harvard University physics professor Eric Mazur accidentally created a remarkable new material in his laboratory by subjecting gray silicon to ultra-short bursts of energy from a high-intensity laser. He discovered the surface of the now-blackened silicon was covered by billions of tiny, needle-like spikes of silica only one-hundredth the diameter of a human hair.

Mazur and his research team quickly realized this new material, which he named black silicon, had excellent light-absorbing properties. Funding for additional research was provided by the U.S. Army Research Office, National Science Foundation, and the U.S. Department of Energy.

Black silicon can absorb 96 to 98 percent of the light that hits it — giving it highly sensitive and unique optical and electronic properties.

Black silicon can absorb visible light and infrared radiation (heat) at unprecedented levels. For comparison, normal gray silicon absorbs only about 60 percent of sunlight that strikes its surface.

This technology is currently being developed by Massachusetts-based Sionyx, Inc. Possible applications include manufacturing very sensitive and inexpensive photodetectors for high resolution cameras, day/night cameras for security and surveillance, and high-sensitivity detectors and imagers for biotechnology applications. Because it also absorbs heat, black silicon is an excellent detector of clouds, pollution, water vapor and other atmospheric effects that influence climates. Other possible products include disposable chemical/biological sensors and improved thin-screen displays.

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Bloodchip Technology Could Change the Face of Blood Testing

University of the West of England, Bristol

Bloodchip Technology Could Change the Face of Blood Testing

Bloodchip® is a new approach to testing blood groups that could save many lives and significantly improve patient care in Europe and worldwide.

The new test is intended to replace traditional methods of blood grouping with a highly accurate genetic test, giving a much clearer picture of the many different and often small variations in blood types. This will enhance the accuracy with which blood donors are matched with recipients (patients). The Bloodchip testing solution will be particularly beneficial to patients who are receiving multiple blood transfusions and require perfectly matched blood types. Over time these patients develop antibodies that reject imperfectly matched blood transfusions, a process known as alloimmunization, which can lead to serious illness and life-threatening side effects.

Particular beneficiaries of Bloodchip® include those affected by sickle cell disease and thalassemias, which are hereditary disorders involving defective hemoglobin production, and result in low production and destruction of red blood cells.

The Bloodchip test will help ensure people with sickle cell disease or thalassemias receive perfectly matched blood to enable them to better manage their conditions.

Bloodchip has been developed by the panEuropean Bloodgen consortium led by scientists at the University of the West of England, Bristol. The consortium is a mixture of academic institutions, national blood transfusion services and commercial organizations involving the following participants:

  • University of the West of England, Bristol 
  • Progenika Biopharma S.A.
  • Sanquin, Amsterdam
  • Bristol Institute for Transfusion Sciences
  • University Hospital Blood Centre, Lund
  • Transfusion Centre and Tissue Bank (CTBT), Barcelona
  • Institute of Haematology and Blood Transfusion (UHKT), Prague
  • Biotest A G

The European Union’s Fifth Framework Program, which promotes research and technological development, funded the consortium’s work. 

This story was originally published in 2007.

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University of Michigan Developed Software Recognized for Successfully Battling Lead Pipe Water Contamination

University of Michigan Developed Software Recognized for Successfully Battling Lead Pipe Water Contamination

Lead pipes contaminate drinking water, endangering people across the United States, but it can be hard for water utilities to tell which homes are most at risk because they lack accurate service line inventories. This uncertainty delays replacements of these lead service lines, increases costs by creating inefficiencies in digging to find the lead, and extends the amount of time people live with the risk of lead exposure.  

Data science expertise and the desire to create more equitable use of resources across communities led professors Jacob Abernethy of Georgia Tech and Eric Schwartz of the University of Michigan to create BlueConduit, a company whose software predicts which homes have lead pipes that need to be replaced using an algorithm. That algorithm predicts unknown service line materials from utility records and the age of a home, among dozens of other factors.  

The company’s proprietary software reduces the total time people are exposed to lead, maximizes available funding by helping remove lead service lines efficiently, and analyzes risk so cities know which homes need to be prioritized. The technology has been so successful that BlueConduit was named a Best Invention of 2021 by Time Magazine.   

“BlueConduit’s data-driven approach has empowered city officials to proactively address the issue of lead pipes, by simplifying a complex process and by giving water utilities clear ways to communicate risk to residents, including interactive maps. The technology also saves taxpayers and utilities money,” said Schwartz. “BlueConduit was the first to develop this method, or any kind of method of predicting materials of service lines buried underground,  and we have been inventorying and identifying lead service lines since 2016.”  

Today, the technology is being used in more than 200 cities, towns, and water systems, including Flint, Detroit, Trenton, and Toledo, saving hundreds of millions of dollars. BlueConduit has inventoried over 2 million service lines which serve more than 4 million people and has so far led to the removal of more than 15,000 lead service line pipes.   

Working with University of Michigan’s Innovation Partnerships, the office responsible for research commercialization, Schwartz and Abernathy were able to launch BlueConduit while keeping their careers focused on teaching and research.   

“We really love our lives as academics. We appreciate this real privilege of being faculty at research institutions, and that includes benefits like being able to work with groups like Innovation Partnerships, who encourage real-world impact of our work. This allows us to build a business as a social enterprise that is genuinely mission-driven,” said Schwartz. “We truly could ask the questions: What is the best vehicle through which this technology can have the biggest impact?? How can we improve the lives of as many people as possible nationwide? How can we take this beyond lead pipes and water?”  

Accessibility and equity remain key priorities for the company, which has worked with various foundations to make its predictive modeling approach more accessible. Thanks to a $1.5 million  grant received in 2021 and $1.2 million in grants from The Rockefeller Foundation since 2020, the BlueConduit has provided its services to underserved and disadvantaged communities, without charging those communities, and the company also is making available free open-source tools to help communities start identifying lead pipes, the first step in the removal process.  

BlueConduit joined a White House partnership aimed at replacing all of the nation’s lead service lines in a decade. The Get the Lead Out Partnership, a public-private initiative aimed to expedite the removal of lead in drinking water, was launched by the Biden-Harris administration in January of 2023, where BlueConduit was invited to the White House to attend.  

This story was originally published in 2023.

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BluePRO Water Filtration System: Saving Water Resources and Money

University of Idaho

BluePRO Water Filtration System: Saving Water Resources and Money

Municipalities and industrial plants are under pressure to meet increasingly stringent clean-water regulations, which often are costly to implement. But they may get some assistance from a cutting-edge firm that has commercialized an innovative water treatment process developed at the University of Idaho.

Municipalities and industrial plants across the United States are finding themselves between a rock and  hard place.

On the one hand, they’ll need to spend millions of dollars to improve their water treatment systems to comply with new clean water regulations. On the other hand, the existing technology to upgrade water treatment systems is not highly effective.

Much of their dilemma revolves around regulations to reduce nutrients such as phosphorus in discharged water by as much as 95 percent. Phosphorus, a vital nutrient in all living things, can be harmful when excessive amounts are in lakes and streams. Too much phosphorus causes rampant algae growth, which further diminishes the quality of water and can kill fish and other organisms vital to aquatic ecosystems.

Conventional water treatment systems may be capable of reducing phosphorous levels to as low as 500 parts per billion. But in certain parts of the country, such as the Spokane River in the northwest United States, new phosphorous reduction regulations allow for only 50 parts per billion — far below the water cleaning capabilities of conventional systems.

Luckily, a new water treatment technology has entered the marketplace — and not a moment too soon.

It’s called BluePRO™, a low-cost, low maintenance solution that is highly effective in removing phosphorus and other contaminants from water.

Scrubbing Wastewater With Coated Sand

The BluePRO™ filtration system is based on the pioneering research of Professor Greg Möller, Ph.D., and Remy Newcombe, Ph.D. The two conducted initial work on the technology at the University of Idaho in Moscow, under the sponsorship of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and other U.S. government agencies. In 2003, Blue Water Technologies Inc., based in Hayden, Idaho, was founded to commercialize the technology; it also obtained the license to the technology underlying BluePRO™.

Similar to existing water filtration systems, BluePRO™ uses sand as a key filtering agent. But it’s not just ordinary sand that you might find at the beach.

Instead, it’s coated with iron oxide, a rust-like property that is particularly absorbent. The specially coated sand scrubs phosphorus and other undesirable properties in wastewater that flows through large tanks. As the sand sinks from the top of the tank to the bottom, the iron oxide detaches and absorbs the phosphorus. Next, the water, sand and iron oxide are separated from each other by density. The clean water is pumped out, the sand is separated and removed for reuse and the waste solid containing iron oxide/phosphorous particles is removed for disposal.

“The sand filter is the core of our product,” explains Tom Daugherty, president of Blue Water Technologies Inc. “These filters have no moving parts, so they’re easy to maintain. And only up to 10 percent of the sand must be replaced annually over the 20-year life cycle of the filters. These are a few of the reasons why BluePRO is so cost-effective.”

Depending on the size of the community involved, use of the BluePRO™ system can cost as little as $12 per household annually for about 20 years.

In cases like the Spokane River where conventional systems are incapable of reducing phosphorus to lower levels required by the EPA, other exotic systems involving reverse osmosis and membrane filtration could conceivably do the job, Daugherty says. “But their cost would be many times more than that of the BluePRO™ system,” he says. And cost efficiency definitely is a critical issue when considering the scale of phosphorous reduction needed in the United States.

As much as half of the country’s waters do not adequately support life because of excessive phosphorus and other nutrients, according to the EPA. To meet the EPA’s lower phosphorous levels in these bodies of water, an effective, relatively inexpensive solution like BluePRO™ would help thousands of cash-strapped municipalities responsible for water treatment.

Putting BluePRO™ to the Test

In view of increasing regulatory requirements for cleaner water, it’s no surprise that numerous potential customers have shown an interest in purchasing the BluePRO™ filtration system, especially given its affordability and ease of use. In fact, Blue Water Technologies Inc. created a portable trailer-mounted water treatment system to demonstrate the value of BluePRO™ filtration systems at various locations throughout the Northwest.

However, a number of companies and communities have been reluctant to invest millions to upgrade their wastewater treatment systems with BluePRO™, noting that it has been demonstrated only on a small scale — not in large-scale applications.

Undaunted, Blue Water Technologies Inc. teamed up with the town of Hayden, Idaho, to create a 1,200-square foot, $1 million dollar test facility connected to Hayden’s wastewater treatment plant, capable of treating 1.5 million gallons of contaminated wastewater every day. Launched in May 2005, the Hayden Wastewater Research Facility showcases BluePRO™ technology in a real-life setting.

“The Hayden facility gives researchers at the University of Idaho and other institutions a full-sized environment in which trials and demonstrations of other experimental water treatment processes can be conducted,” says Gene Merrell, interim director of the Idaho Research Foundation at the University of Idaho, and assistant vice president and chief technology transfer officer at the University of Idaho’s University Research Office.

The main focus of the Hayden Wastewater Research Facility is phosphorous removal, given the EPA’s regulatory push to reduce phosphorous levels in water.

“When it comes to phosphorus, natural water should have less than 40 parts per billion, and 20 parts per billion is even better,” notes Möller.  In late 2005 the Hayden facility dramatically surpassed clean water requirements.

The BluePRO™ system can lower phosphorous levels from 3,000 parts per billion to 10 parts per billion — a 99.7 percent reduction.

Researchers at the Hayden facility are setting out to prove that a modified BluePRO™ process can remove other harmful substances besides phosphorus. These include arsenic, heavy metals and endocrine disrupters commonly found in detergents, birth control pills and other personal care and pharmaceutical products that are flushed down toilets or put down the drain. Endocrine disrupters are particularly worrisome, as they can cause cancer and birth defects, and can adversely affect immune and reproductive systems in humans and animals.

Improving the environment while saving money in the process may seem like a dream to most taxpayers and business executives. Yet this dream is quickly becoming a reality, thanks to the University of Idaho’s groundbreaking scientific discoveries that are being perfected, commercialized and marketed by Blue Water Technologies Inc.



This story was originally published in 2006.

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Body Sensor Networks Monitor Physical Data Wirelessly in Real Time

Imperial College London

Body Sensor Networks Monitor Physical Data Wirelessly in Real Time

Professor Guang-Zhong Yang and his team at the Department of Computing, Imperial College London have developed Body Sensor Networks (BSNs) that effectively monitor readouts of heart-rate, blood oxygen levels, temperature and physical activity with relative ease. 

The miniature wearable microsensors and wireless communication technology can be used wherever real-time monitoring is required — from managing patients’ chronic diseases in medical facilities to monitoring the health of people living on their own.

The e-AR (ear-worn activity recognition) sensor developed by the team has been tested with patients recovering from surgery at St. Mary’s Hospital in London.

Beyond medical applications, a team from Imperial College’s Tanaka Business School demonstrated BSNs also could be used for personal fitness monitoring. So the Royal College of Art was tasked with designing a wearable sensor directed at the elite athlete and fitness sector. The end result: a device that can monitor an athlete’s performance and transmit the information to his or her mobile phone, personal digital assistant device or computer.

Professor Yang and his team are now working with the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, which is the United Kingdom’s governmental agency for funding university research grants for engineering and physical sciences projects, and UK Sport, the leading government agency promoting sports in the United Kingdom, in piloting the e-AR sensor for training potential UK medallists. Imperial Innovations, a technology commercialization and investment  company based at Imperial College London, has formed the company Sensixa to commercialize the many applications of BSNs. Various government grants were used to fund the initial research underlying the patented BSN technology.

Additional information is available at

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Planting Seeds to Faster Recovery

Emory University

Planting Seeds to Faster Recovery

Angioplasty has come a long way. In the early days of the procedure, stainless steel stents were used to keep the patient's artery from reclosing after the angioplasty balloon restored blood flow. But about a fifth of these patients developed restenosis—the growth of scar tissue in and around the stent. The results were chest pain, repeat procedures to reopen the clogged artery, and sometimes death from heart attack.

To remedy this situation, in the late 1990s Emory University physician/scientists Ian Crocker, MD, Spencer King, MD, Keith Robinson, PhD and Ron Waksman, MD along with engineers from Novoste Corporation, developed the Beta-Cath™ System, which uses vascular brachytherapy to prevent the artery from re-closing.

With brachytherapy, tiny “seeds” of radiation are placed within the coronary artery at the site of the angioplasty, and are left in the artery for less than five minutes before being removed. The radioactive seeds minimize the growth of cells at the site, which reduces the amount of scar tissue that may develop. Patients’ exposure is less than 1 percent of the radiation they would be exposed to by a typical chest X-ray.

The Beta-Cath™ System was licensed to Novoste and received FDA approval in 2000. It was the first commercially available vascular brachytherapy device in the U.S. and Europe. A few years later, Novoste received FDA approval for its smaller diameter Beta-Cath™ 3.5F System and its Beta-Cath™ System that uses a 60mm radiation source. The company also began clinical trials of its CORONA™ System for treatment of peripheral vascular disease and restenosis of arterial-venous dialysis grafts. In 2006, Novoste (now NOVT) sold all of its vascular brachytherapy assets to Best Vascular, Inc.

What sets Beta-Cath™ apart from other technologies such as drug-eluting stents, is its proven track record.

When standard stainless steel stents are used, 15 to 20 percent of patients experience restenosis as well as bouts of angina and chest pain. Drug-eluting stents, which are coated with medicines that interfere with reblocking, show a complication rate of 8 percent, while Beta-Cath™ has shown complication rates as low as 3.8 percent.

Fewer procedures mean less expense for the patient, less of a burden on the nation's health care system, and longer and better lives for patients. Beta-Cath™ is backed by data and the experience of interventional cardiologists, who have used it to treat more than 50,000 patients worldwide.

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Researchers Realize a Vision to Help the Blind

Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF)

Researchers Realize a Vision to Help the Blind

Sometimes the path technology takes to the marketplace is dotted with people who raise a quizzical eyebrow and say, You want to do what? In the case of the Brainport vision device, some of the first people to do so were two of the co-inventors.

The innovation started with Paul Bach-y-Rita, M.D., who was an early pioneer in the field of neuroplasticity — the idea that the brain can be trained to process information in a new way. In the 1960s, he became interested in using that concept to design a device that would transfer the sense of sight into touch, a process known as sensory substitution. He did this by creating a machine out of an old dentist chair with a camera attached. Four hundred little rods popped in and out against a person’s back mimicking the patterns of the objects the camera was seeing.

Though Bach-y-Rita proved that the system worked, not much happened with that invention. When he came to the University of Wisconsin in the 1980s he picked up the idea of sensory substitution again. He was particularly interested in using electrical pulses instead of manual stimulation to represent shapes.

Bach-y-Rita, along with Kurt Kaczmarek, Ph.D., then a staff scientist at the university, designed a system that translated black-and-white images into electrical pulses against a blind person’s fingertip. The strength of the pulse depended on how black, white or gray an object appeared on a computer screen. The device worked well, but it was bulky and cumbersome. Still, it gave people with no sight a way to visually perceive objects for the first time.

“These are truly visual tasks and they did them without their eyes,” says Kaczmarek, now a senior scientist in the university’s Tactile Communication and Neurorehabilitation Lab.

That rudimentary device eventually turned into the Brainport vision device — giving blind people a way to “see” their surroundings through electrical pulses.

Transferring to Tongues

But that device needed to get much smaller, which led to a switch away from fingertip stimulators and the first round of skepticism.

Bach-y-Rita started talking to Kaczmarek and another research colleague, Mitchell Tyler, about using people’s tongues instead of fingertips. His reasoning was that the tongue is super sensitive, a large part of the brain is devoted to processing information from the tongue, and except for when we’re eating and talking, the tongue doesn’t do a whole lot.

“We looked at him kind of funny,” Kaczmarek says. “Mitch and I thought he was being a little crazy.”

Bach-y-Rita, it turned out, was onto something. He spent a couple years mulling over ways to use the tongue for sensory substitution. Kaczmarek and Tyler finally acquiesced and agreed to give it a try. They took the fingertip device, and stuck it on their tongues. The pulses it delivered were comfortable and effective. People have described it as feeling like champagne bubbles are painting a picture in their mouth. The researchers did some preliminary studies and proved that people could recognize basic geometric shapes while wearing it, and it performed as well as the fingertip version.

One of the key “aha moments” Kaczmarek recalls was realizing that the tongue required much less circuitry than fingertip devices. The surface of our skin changes depending on whether we’re hot, cold or sweating. Tongues stay uniformly wet and warm. So the electrical circuitry needed to generate and control the pulses is much simpler, meaning the device can be much smaller. Kaczmarek, who designed the first tactile tongue display, got the hardware down to the size of a shoebox. It would eventually become the size of a cell phone.

Road to Commercialization

The group published its results in 1998 and approached the school’s private, nonprofit technology transfer organization, the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF), about patenting the invention. WARF eagerly proceeded. Then it started looking for companies interested in licensing the technology. It found none.

“It was a little off the wall — thinking about seeing with your tongue,” says Jeanine Burmania, a licensing manager with WARF. She says the market didn’t fully appreciate the device’s potential at the time.

Or, as Kaczmarek says: “We were viewed as those crazy people in Madison who were doing things with the tongue.”

So Bach-y-Rita, who passed away in 2006, decided to found a company called Wicab, after his wife’s maiden name.

“It’s a good example of the passion of an inventor who wanted to see his technology commercialized,” Burmania says.

WARF exclusively licensed the technology to Wicab in 1999. WARF received equity from Wicab in lieu of an upfront licensing fee, an arrangement WARF frequently makes with startups, Burmania says.

“Sometimes, technologies developed at universities need further development prior to attracting interest from existing companies,” she continues. “This development is often outside the scope of traditional university funding mechanisms and no longer feasible within the university setting. The Brainport technology is an example of a device that could have languished in the lab from lack of exposure, but was able to make it out of the university because of Wicab.”

For the first several years, Wicab operated mostly as a research and development company, and the personnel overlapped entirely with the university staff.

A couple years into their work with Wicab, the team discovered a new way to use the tactile tongue display. Tyler had a bad inner-ear infection, which caused him to have balance problems. The group decided to try putting a sensor on a helmet that monitored tilt and then translated that information to people’s tongue via electrical pulses that let them know if they were off balance. After seeing that it worked, they started developing a balance device in addition to the vision device.

In 2005, Robert Beckman took over as chief executive officer of Wicab. A veteran of other medical device companies,

Bach-y-Rita invited him to helm the still fledgling company. Beckman realized that the commercial viability of the Brainport balance device was much higher than the vision device because there are many more people with balance problems than those who are totally blind. So they pushed ahead aggressively with the balance device, using much of the $10 million he raised from angel investors during his first year on the job. The vision device was still being developed, mostly with the help of funding from the National Institutes of Health, the National Eye Institute, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the State of Pennsylvania.

Then Wicab got some bad news. The company had received approval in Europe and Canada to sell the device, but that process is based only on proving the safety of the device not its efficacy. During U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) trials earlier this year, the company discovered that its balance device, while effective 60 percent of the time, was not more effective than the “sham device” that half of the people in the study used. Beckman believes the benefit came from the training and exercises that both groups of users went through in conjunction with their participation in the clinical study. Kaczmarek isn’t convinced that it was the training and exercises alone that helped 60 percent of the people in the study and is trying to puzzle this out in his lab.

Either way, Beckman says of the results: “It’s good for science. It’s bad for commercialization.”

Independence Through Improved Sight

Wicab’s full attention has now turned to the vision device, which could get FDA approval as early as the end of the year, Beckman says. They have proved that the device works by testing it on more than 100 people who have had great success with it.

While there are 300,000 people with no sight in the United States, the company is focusing only on the 100,000 who are not elderly and, therefore, probably more receptive to new technology. He’s also interested in the potential market in China and India.

The device has shrunk considerably since its days in the University of Wisconsin lab. Users now wear a pair of sunglasses with a camera mounted on the nose bridge. A lollipop-sized square, which has 400 electrodes in it, sits on their tongue. The stimulation pattern of those electrodes mimic whatever the camera is picking up, essentially acting as the camera’s pixels. So if the camera is seeing white, the user gets a stronger pulse, gray gets a medium pulse and black gets no pulse. A cell phone-sized control box is attached by a wire to the camera and allows the user to zoom in and out on specific objects. Beckman says the next step is to make the device wireless.

Users get trained for 10 hours on the device, and almost all are very comfortable with it at the end and eager to take it outside or use it at home, says Aimee Arnoldussen, Ph.D., a neuroscientist with Wicab. They’ve listed the many tasks and activities they would love to use the device for, from simply reaching directly for a cup of coffee on the table instead of having to feel around for it to being able to run a marathon by following a guide instead of having to be tethered to him.

“They talk about the independence that the devices can give them,” Arnoldussen says. Unlike many devices for the blind that read aloud the information people can’t see, the Brainport allows people to dictate what they want to pay attention to.

“The user gets to control this technology and what information they’d like to understand,” she says. “They get to decide where their attention is drawn.”

In a video on Wicab’s Web site, blind adventurer Erik Weihenmayer demonstrates how he can rock climb while wearing the device. Weihenmayer, who lost his vision as a teenager, has climbed Mount Everest and scaled El Capitan since losing his sight. He also performs some less daring feats in the video, such as playing tic-tac-toe with his daughter while wearing the Brainport.

Some of the most emotional users, Arnoldussen says, are military personnel who lost their sight in explosions in Iraq and Afghanistan. “In many ways they’ve given up having visual perception, and we can provide that for them,” she says.

The Rotary Foundation has bought early versions of the vision device to help blind children in Central and South America. “Can you imagine the experience of a child who hasn’t had sight before being able to comprehend objects around them?” Arnoldussen says.

Who would raise a quizzical eyebrow to that?


This story was originally published in 2010.

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BRCA1 and BRCA2: Predictive Gene Testing Lets Women Know if They Are at Risk for Developing Breast Cancer

University of Utah

BRCA1 and BRCA2: Predictive Gene Testing Lets Women Know if They Are at Risk for Developing Breast Cancer

Every year, nearly 200,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer. Research has shown that about 10 percent of these cases occur in women who have inherited higher-risk factors from their parents. Knowing this early in their lives can help them take a preventive approach to their health care, including more frequent screenings.

Two genes, BRCA1 and BRCA2, normally help the body fight off breast cancer. But an inherited mutation of these genes can make women more at risk for developing breast cancer. In fact, by age 70, women who carry the BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation are nearly 10 times more susceptible to developing breast cancer.

BRCA1 and BRCA2, and their mutations, were discovered in the mid-1990s by a research team led by Mark Skolnick, Ph.D., a professor in the department of medical informatics at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City and executive vice president of research and development for Myriad Genetics. The research was conducted in collaboration with the University of Utah and others.

The number of women being tested for BRCA1 and BRCA2 is growing by 40 percent every year.

Since that time Myriad has become an international leader in preventive medicine and discovering disease-related genes. In 2007 Myriad Genetics expects to analyze more than 70,000 tests, which have become an accepted part of medical care among women.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Breast CT: A New Alternative to Mammography

University of California, Davis (UC Davis)

Breast CT: A New Alternative to Mammography

Computed tomography (CT) is used extensively to identify tumors and other abnormalities in the brain, abdomen and pelvis. In contrast to medical X-rays, which produce a single-layer 2-D image, a CT scan records hundreds of images of multiple tissue layers and assembles them into a 3-D representation.

A team working at University of California Davis Cancer Center has developed a breast CT device they believe provides a more comfortable and potentially more sensitive alternative to X-ray based mammography to detect breast cancer.

The breast CT device, currently in a Phase II investigational trial, is the invention of Drs. John Boone, professor of radiology at UC-Davis, and Thomas R. Nelson, professor of radiology at University of California, San Diego. CT has not typically been applied to breast cancer detection because of concerns over the radiation dose required. The inventors solved this problem by designing a CT device that scans each breast while the patient lies face down on a special table. The radiation exposure in the breast is equivalent to that of a traditional mammogram, and the thoracic cavity is not irradiated at all, as it would be in a conventional CT scanner.

The first 21 patients in the ongoing clinical trial reported that the CT breast scan, which does not require breast compression, caused them less discomfort than mammography. The CT detected 19 of the 21 tumors initially identified by mammography, and Dr. Lindfors believes the prototype machine and method of scanning can be modified to improve on this detection rate. Once the Phase II trial is complete, a trial directly comparing breast CT and mammography will be the next step in moving the technology forward.


This story was originally published in 2007.

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Crop Protection Gets a Boost with Biotechnology

University of Georgia
University of Georgia Research Foundation

Crop Protection Gets a Boost with Biotechnology

Big problems can come in small packages. Case in point: The insect pests that feed on crops. Each year, these tiny creatures cause large-scale agricultural devastation around the world. For farmers, that erodes revenue worth billions of dollars and also contributes to steeper food prices. This poses a particularly worrisome trend in developing nations, where growing populations already struggle to afford the sustenance they need.

InsectiGen Inc. plans to help squash that bug problem.

The scientific discovery has led to increased effectiveness of widely used biopesticides and genetically modified crops — without damaging the environment.  

On the Farm, Bacteria Lend a Hand

To understand how InsectiGen’s product, BtBooster, can improve insect control, it helps to know a little about the type of pesticide it enhances: Bacillus thuringiensis, or Bt.

Bt is a form of bacteria commonly found in soil. Thousands of Bt strains exist today, and these bacteria have a valuable property. When eaten by certain insect larvae, Bt proteins turn toxic, killing the larvae within a couple days. That function was discovered a century ago, and farmers have used Bt toxins to help protect their crops for decades. Worldwide, it represents the most commonly used biopesticide. Considering the benefits Bt offers, it’s easy to understand why.

Unlike some pesticides, Bt doesn’t kill haphazardly. That’s because each Bt strain works like a lock and key, matching up with gut receptors in different insect larvae. As a result, it can target specific pests and let helpful insects thrive. Bt is also biodegradable, so it avoids problems linked to conventional chemical pesticides, such as potential harm to nearby livestock or wildlife or contamination of soil and water.

In the mid-1990s, farmers began planting cotton and corn crops that contained the Bt gene. These genetically modified plants produce the Bt protein that kills insect larvae. Since the introduction of Bt plants, their use has grown dramatically. In 1997, Bt crops represented 8 percent of U.S. corn acreage and 15 percent of U.S. cotton acreage, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. By 2010, those figures had surged to 63 percent for corn and 73 percent for cotton.

Giving Bt a Much-Needed Boost

While Bt has significant benefits — like the ability to selectively kill insects — it hasn’t eradicated agriculture pests. To glimpse the problem’s enormity, consider that for U.S. farmers, the cost of insect treatments and crop loss due to the corn rootworm can reach $1 billion annually, according to a Journal of Economic Entomology article. And that’s just the toll taken by one insect species, in one country.

Several shortcomings have kept Bt from making a bigger dent in the pest problem. It works well on some insects but has little effect on others. Concerns about Bt’s effectiveness have grown, as insects show signs of building resistance (one recent documented case is the fall armyworm, a well-known corn and cotton pest). Plus, Bt is a relatively expensive biopesticide, so it’s costly for farmers.

InsectiGen addresses those challenges with BtBooster. The aptly named product gives a boost to Bt’s effectiveness, in both spray form and genetically modified crops. According to InsectiGen, tests have demonstrated BtBooster’s ability to increase Bt’s potency by 20-fold or more. This creates several advantages for insect control. The heightened potency allows current Bt products to more effectively kill the insects they target. It also allows the development of new Bt products aimed at a wider range of pests.

What’s more, the extra-potent Bt diminishes insects’ ability to develop resistance to it — and farmers can use smaller amounts of Bt when it’s paired with InsectiGen’s product. As a result, BtBooster provides a twofold benefit for agriculture: It not only makes Bt more effective, but less costly too.

All of those advancements sprang from a happy accident — basically, a failed hypothesis that led to a scientific breakthrough.

A Path to Serendipity

“In the lab, you learn to look for ‘eureka’ moments,” says Michael Adang, Ph.D, professor of entomology and biochemistry and molecular biology at University of Georgia in Athens. That’s exactly what he found in October 2003.

At the time, Adang sought answers to a fundamental question: What makes certain Bt toxins kill one caterpillar and not another? With several patents for genetically modified Bt plants and more than 25 years of research, Adang was already well-versed in the science of Bt. But he needed to dig deeper.

To that end, Adang and his colleagues did an experiment using fragments of an insect’s receptor for Bt toxin. They took the fragments, mixed them with Bt toxin, and fed it to larvae. The researchers thought the fragments would neutralize Bt’s effects and block the toxin from binding to the insect’s gut. Instead, they got a startling result that defied their expectations. The receptor fragment didn’t protect the insects at all — it caused them to die from lower-than-usual doses of Bt toxin.

“We thought, ‘This is really unusual,’” says Adang. “At first we didn’t believe it.” Adang and his team — Gang Hua, Ph.D, Jiang Chen, and Mohd Amir Abdullah, Ph.D — repeated the experiment several times. When they got the same results again and again, they started believing. “We said, ‘This is real.’ It was a serendipitous discovery.”

A Business Takes Root

To commercialize that happy accident, Adang co-founded InsectiGen in 2003 with Clifton Baile, Ph.D. With BtBooster, they envisioned a new strategy for insect control: A product that doesn’t replace Bt, but augments it. “The BtBooster has no toxicity itself because it’s just part of an insect protein. It bindsto the Bt, and preserves its bioactivity,” says Baile, InsectiGen’sCEO. Previously, he served as a director of research and developmentat Monsanto, one of the largest agricultural biotechcompanies in the world. But he’s no stranger to the struggles ofa small business. Before InsectiGen, Baile helped launch nineother biotech startups.

When InsectiGen needed to create a business plan, the not-forprofit Georgia Research Alliance helped pay for a professional to write it. Funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the National Institutes of Health helped Adang conduct research to further develop the company’s nontoxic protein. In 2003, InsectiGen licensed BtBooster’s initial technology from University of Georgia Research Foundation, the university’s technology transfer group. Since then, Adang’s lab has done additional patent-worthy research for BtBooster. “We jointly own some of the patents with InsectiGen, which is a little bit unusual,” says Rachael Reiman Widener, Ph.D, technology manager at the University of Georgia Research Foundation.

The company has close ties to the university; InsectiGen is currently based on campus at the university’s BioBusiness Center, which serves as an incubator for faculty startups. Widener notes that not all academics are natural entrepreneurs — and that sets InsectiGen apart from other startups she’s observed.

“It is not unusual to have struggles with faculty startup companies,” she says. That hasn’t been the case with InsectiGen. “They make it easy,” says Widener. “Mike and Cliff have a good sense of what it means to run a company, versus running a lab. So we’ve been able to work with them without any hiccups.”

Even before his BtBooster invention, Adang says the University of Georgia Research Foundation played a helpful role. “I’ve filed other patent applications previously, and our technology transfer group here is very faculty friendly,” he says. “They’re supportive of faculty that have entrepreneurial ambitions.” He also appreciates the level of trust shown by the technology transfer group. “When I asked to work with a patent attorney I’ve known for more than 15 years, they said ‘Great, go with it,’” says Adang. “They could have insisted on using a local attorney, but they didn’t.”

Baile echoes those sentiments regarding the technology transfer group’s support. “We consider them members of the team,” says Baile, who is also a professor in University of Georgia’s Departments of Animal and Dairy Science and Foods and Nutrition. “They’ve been very good in nourishing the commercialization activity of the company.”

InsectiGen’s Next Steps

Soon, the company plans to take BtBooster’s commercialization a step further. It’s working toward registering the product with the Environmental Protection Agency. “We’ve been doing field trials for several years on combinations of BtBooster with Bt biopesticides,” says Adang. “I think we could have it registered in the next two or three years.”

The product has already caught the attention of large companies.A subsidiary of DuPont, Pioneer Hi-Bred, is using BtBooster under a licensing agreement to develop better geneticallyengineering Bt crops. “It’s the only one we have publiclyannounced, but we have other agreements with companies,”says Baile.

In its present form, BtBooster is designed to thwart agriculture infestations, but InsectiGen won’t stop there. Ultimately, Adang wants to broaden the scope of insects that Bt kills — and not just pests that damage crops. His current research includes BtBooster’s effect on the darkling beetle, which can transmit Salmonella in commercial poultry houses. He has other pests in the crosshairs too.

“Some of our more interesting work is trying to find a more effective way to make biopesticides for mosquito control,” says Adang. He has applied for a National Institutes of Health grant to conduct field trials in this area. If he’s able to curb mosquito populations with BtBooster, it could have widespread effects on world health issues by preventing the spread of lethal diseases. Malaria is one example — according to the World Health Organization, at least 1 million people die each year from malaria transmitted by mosquitoes.

Adang knows the rewards of taking a discovery from the lab to the marketplace. Each year, he helps plant that seed in students’ heads by teaching a biotechnology course at University of Georgia (one of the guest lecturers the patent attorney who works on BtBooster). “I think he’s really able to get the point across to students that there is another world beyond academia,” says Widener.

BtBooster has officially entered that other world. It evolved from a “eureka” moment in the lab to a product that could dramatically improve pest control.

“It’s very gratifying,” says Adang. “But this isn’t the first time I’ve had this experience.” In 1982, he started developing technology for engineering Bt genes into plants. InsectiGen continues to build on those decades of research. With a boost in potency, Bt toxins can help reduce the damage insects do to plants, and the disease they cause in humans. The potential significance isn’t lost on Adang. “It’s a motivating force in my career,” he says, “that you can continue to make discoveries that will have value for society.”


This story was originally published in 2011.

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Helping Newborns and Their Parents Breathe Easier

Rice University

Helping Newborns and Their Parents Breathe Easier

Each year, millions of babies are born with an urgent struggle: breathing. It’s particularly common for premature babies who don’t have fully developed lungs, and one solution that can save lives is a machine called a bubble CPAP (which stands for “continuous positive airway pressure”).

Originally developed more than 40 years ago, it’s widely available throughout hospitals in developed nations. That’s not the case in most developing countries, where the World Health Organization estimates that almost 800,000 neonatal deaths occur each year due to acute respiratory infections. A typical bubble CPAP machine can cost more than $6,000 dollars, placing it out of reach for low-resource facilities. That’s changing, thanks to a low-cost bubble CPAP machine called Pumani (which means “breathe easy” in Chichewa, the national language of Malawi).

Initially developed at Rice University, this affordable, durable, and easy-to-use device has already proven it can dramatically improve infant survival rates.  
The idea behind Pumani emerged from Rice 360° Institute for Global Health Technologies — a program where Rice faculty and students develop low-cost health technology to address the needs of developing nations. As part of that program, students, and their advisors collaborate extensively with Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Malawi. As co-founder and director of Rice 360, Rebecca Richards-Kortum, Ph.D. visits the hospital three times a year and sees the resource challenges first-hand. "In the neonatal ward, you might find 60 or 70 babies with only two nurses to take care of them. And it's not uncommon to see up to four babies sharing a single bed,” says Richards-Kortum, who is also Malcolm Gillis University Professor.
When Rice 360 participants asked clinicians to identify gaps in their ability to deliver care, the main request was the development of a robust, affordable bubble CPAP system. An air tube extends from the baby’s nostrils to a column of water in the machine — the air flow in the system creates water bubbles, and the machine helps increase lung pressure and keeps airways open for lungs that haven’t fully developed yet.  
In 2009, a team of senior Rice undergraduate students began working on the problem, with initial funding from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and the National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance (now called VentureWell). “We looked at the main components of a CPAP which provide pressure and flow — and tried to determine the best way to provide those in a low-cost, durable way,” says Jocelyn Brown, who was part of that student team. After considering several off-the-shelf pumps and fans, the team discovered that aquarium pumps would work well for their prototype, which took about nine months to complete.
"I was still an undergraduate student, and I really had very little idea of what is actually required to bring a medical device to market,” says Brown. "In my mind, it didn't seem like a possibility at the time.” That changed after she went to Rwanda with other Rice students to meet with doctors in major hospitals and demonstrate the prototype. Then something unexpected happened: One of the hospital administrators tried to buy the prototype from the team. ”It was very encouraging in a certain way, but also really evident to me that there was such a desperate need for equipment like this,” she says. “That experience really showed me that there was huge potential for the device."
To help refine how the device would be designed and manufactured for a reasonable price, Rice University enlisted the services of 3rd Stone Design, a product design and development company. The San Rafael, Calif.-based firm had worked with the Rice 360 program on two previous projects. “Every now and then, students come up with something that isn’t just a good student project, but is potentially a good product,” says Robert Miros, founder of 3rd Stone Design.
Although he calls the students’ use of the aquarium pump “a stroke of genius,” the Pumani design changes included a different pump to maximize product durability. “We found that with aquarium pumps, sourcing might be problem to get the adequate amount consistent to our required specifications.” The current pump is one that’s commonly used in fountains "to keep them from getting slimy,” says Miros. Data shows those pumps can run continuously for nine years, while the aquarium pumps might only last for a few years.
For a high-volume production unit, most companies invest in expensive tooling to make injection-molded parts, says Miros. Instead, 3rd Stone Design focuses on lower-cost tooling production methods. That includes sheet metal — which makes the product heavier, but also more durable. “With higher-tech stuff, [the manufacturers] know it isn’t going to last forever, so they design that way. We’re designing something that will last five to 10 years in the field,” he says.
In 2013, Miros hoped that Rice would find a commercialization partner to license and produce the Pumani long-term — but he wasn’t keenly interested in that role. “There are global distribution challenges, and it costs a fair amount to develop it, and there are regulatory reviews and other additional overhead. Honestly, I was not certain it was a good fit for us."
He reached a turning point later that year, after visiting Queen Elizabeth Hospital and other clinics in Malawi.  “There’s an extreme disparity between what you see there and what you might see in a U.S. hospital,” he says. "What they showed me was, with the Pumani hooked up, these babies are breathing and they're going to make it— without it, the chances are not as good. That really changed my attitude,” he says. “I decided we should figure out a way to do it. And it's worth any added headache and financial cost, because it really is going to have this tremendous impact."
The university’s Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) had discussions with several potential licensees before talks began in earnest with Miros’ firm in October 2013. "The licensing process was a bit different than most, in that we were working with a company that was aiming to produce and sell products in developing markets.  The licensing structure and royalties were negotiated to facilitate entry into these low resourced markets,” says Andy Castillo, Licensing Associate, Biological Division at the Office of Technology Transfer.
By the end of May 2014, the device was exclusively licensed by Rice to Hadleigh Health Technologies, LLC., a subsidiary of 3rd Stone Design. “This is something that, frankly, is never going to make a tremendous amount of money,” says Miros. “The OTT was flexible and willing to consider variations on what is probably the standard formula for licensing,” he says. “And they were also able to realize that we are a smaller entity, and they were willing to hear me out on what was reasonable from our perspective, in terms of assurances and payments."
Hadleigh Health Technologies, LLC., also has assistance from one of the device’s creators: Jocelyn Brown, who works as product manager at the firm. "She spent two years living in Malawi, and I saw she was best person to have here as product manager, to help expand its presence in the world,” says Miros.
One study has already demonstrated Pumani's life-saving potential. Under a seed grant from USAID’s Saving Lives at Birth program, a clinical trial conducted at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Malawi showed that the device improved the survival rate of newborns with severe respiratory illness, from 44 percent to 71 percent. For babies with low birth weight and sepsis, survival rates more than tripled after treatment with the device. The United Nations has also taken note of Pumani. In September 2013, it named the device as one of 10 “Breakthrough Innovations That Can Save Women and Children Now.”
With funding from USAID, Pumani bCPAPs are now being placed in all government hospitals in Malawi, and units are also being distributed in hospitals in 12 other African countries, along with Pakistan, Indonesia, Haiti, and Cambodia. Hadleigh Health has received interest from more than 100 hospitals worldwide, as well as NGOs like UNICEF and Doctors Without Borders, says Miros. The units sell for no more than $800, and may even have potential customers in developed countries, he says. Although the initial market of Pumani will amount to hundreds of devices, Miros says that ultimately, it could encompass tens of thousands of devices — maybe even hundreds of thousands. His firm may be able to support distribution to several countries, but Miros knows the need for a device like Pumani covers a wider territory.  “To get to 100 countries, we may need to partner with a larger company.” he says.
It's not unusual for undergraduates to have good ideas about how to change the world, says Yousif Shamoo, Vice Provost for Research at Rice’s Office of Research. Fortunately, Pumani has moved far beyond the "good idea” stage. "A lot of times, good ideas don't go anywhere because there's not a network, or a framework, to bring them to market,” he says. "The role that tech transfer has is to give them the opportunity and the ability to get the technology out there."

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Buffalograss May Bring Relaxation Back to Your Summer

University of Nebraska

Buffalograss May Bring Relaxation Back to Your Summer

For hundreds of years, hearty, drought-resistant buffalograsses have thrived on the Great Plains of America. The search for improved, urbanized buffalograsses that could be used for lawns, golf courses, parks, and other commercial turf applications throughout the country was accomplished when scientists at University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) developed new and improved turf buffalograsses.

The urbanized buffalograsses require up to 50 percent less water than the commonly used Kentucky bluegrass.

The grasses are as tough as their prairie ancestors while requiring far less mowing and fertilization than traditional turf, can grow successfully in poor soil, and are especially useful in water-short areas.

The UNL research team developed the environmentally friendly buffalograsses over 18 years. Research was first headed by Terrance Riordan and now by Robert Shearman, both professors of agronomy and horticulture at the university. Ten improved turf buffalograss cultivars have been released since the research began. Major research funding has come from the United States Golf Association (USGA), which has provided more than $1 million to support this research. Cultivars developed through this research have generated more than $1 million in royalties.

Turf buffalograsses are sold as seed, sod or as the UNL-developed, pre-rooted plugs, which allow the grass to become established faster than by seeding. UNL has licensing agreements with several companies for various turf buffalograsses.

While different UNL turf buffalograss cultivars grow best in differing climates and conditions, all share some important characteristics. They are easy on the eye as well as the environment. All are darker green and denser, and maintain their color longer than conventional buffalograsses, making them well suited for home and commercial turf applications.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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BullEx Digital Safety Makes Hot Product Out of Fire Extinguisher Training

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

BullEx Digital Safety Makes Hot Product Out of Fire Extinguisher Training

Not all technology breakthroughs spring from the brains and laboratories of those with a Ph.D. Sometimes undergraduates have pretty darn good ideas, too.

That’s the whole point of the Inventor’s Studio at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) in Troy, N.Y., where students came up with a live fire extinguisher training simulator that ultimately led to the founding of BullEx Digital Safety.

The goal of the course is to define problems that most people don’t even know exist. And then invent and patent solutions.
Burt Swersey, RPI faculty member

But the students in Swersey’s class didn’t start out seeking to create what has come to be known as the Intelligent Training System™, a safe and relatively inexpensive technology that can detect the accuracy of trainees’ sweeps of compressed air and water from its SmartExtnguishers™ onto what looks like an oversized camping stove.

Company officials say the system that evolved is an ideal teaching tool, thanks to an onboard control system that realistically and automatically varies the propane-fed flames to simulate a variety of fire types. The system also allows the trainer to control the flame range, score and rate trainees, and vary the degree of difficulty.

Experts note that fires account for more than $9 billion in property loss in the  U.S. each year. Yet the majority of these fires can be stopped before growing too large with a single extinguisher, operated by a trained user.

Better training in the use of fire extinguishers is greatly needed, they say, because most homeowners — if they have them at all — don’t know how to use them. In addition, federal law requires industries to train workers how to use their fire extinguishers.

Students as Inventors

Swersey, who has been teaching in the Inventor’s Studio for the past eight years in the department of mechanical, aerospace and nuclear engineering, gives most of the credit for the Intelligent Training System to two former students — Paul Darois and Steve Galonska — who began working on a related project when they were sophomores at RPI several years ago. Swersey is also listed as a co-inventor on the patent application, as are former RPI students John Blackburn and Travis Bashaw.

“I believe this product will save lives and prevent property damage. That’s a pretty great thing,” says Swersey, who has started and run several medical device companies in New York. A Cornell University graduate, he began his career at Polaroid and is a devotee of Edwin Land, who pushed employees to find unrecognized needs and create products to solve them.

Swersey says Darois and Galonska first designed a cook stove that would turn itself off if a fire erupted. But many other inventors had worked on that problem and obtained patents. So they toyed with making race cars and airplanes safer from fires. Eventually, they looked at fire extinguishers and found that the system for training users could be improved significantly.

“Basically, the state of the art was to ignite kerosene in a container in a parking lot and have trainees use a fire extinguisher to put out the fire. It’s expensive, $20 plus to recharge the extinguisher, makes a mess and provides no metrics of the test,” he says. “And that’s how it’s still done around much of the world.”

Swersey says it was important that Darois and Galonska did not “fall in love” with their first idea.

“Iteration is the key,” he states. “Rarely is the first idea the winner. You need successive iterations and they kept working until they created a design that was far better than what exists.”

Swersey says he distinctly remembers the day a few years back when Galonska came into his class and proudly showed him a sensor he had purchased for about $7.

“He said ‘Hey, look at this’ and proceeded to demonstrate it,” he recalls.

Galonska stood 15 feet from his partner Darois and ignited a cigarette lighter. When Galonska pointed the sensor at the flame, “low and behold” the simple little circuit he had built went off, Swersey says.

“The sensor could see the cigarette lighter 15 feet away,” he says. “That was a key moment. And it resulted from their attitude — constantly striving for improvement and taking initiative, rather than waiting to be told what to do. They attacked problems with optimism and confidence that they could learn any new technology on their own and would do whatever was needed to succeed. That is the most important lesson.”

They continued improving the mechanical and electronic design and running a succession of tests. And rather quickly, the training system, which uses advanced sensors embedded in the burner in combination with the control system to determine the students’ technique, was ready to be shown to users.

BullEx: “An Inspiration”

Other key players in the BullEx story are volunteer firefighter Ryan O’Donnell, who is now the company’s CEO, and John Blackburn, electrical engineer and head of technology. O’Donnell and Blackburn took over the company, when Galonska and Darois chose to pursue other careers after they graduated. O’Donnell and Blackburn were also in Swersey’s class and overlapped with the original inventors.

Phil Weilerstein also played an important role. He is the executive director of the National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance (NCIIA), which gave out grants worth nearly $30,000 to the fledgling company. NCIIA is supported by the Lemelson Foundation. Its namesake, Jerome Lemelson, was a prolific inventor.

“BullEx is an inspiration that we have broadcast widely in our network to make it clear to other faculty that they need to do the kinds of things that were done for this team and to look for students who can be nurtured the way these students have,” Weilerstein says.

“They killed a lot of birds with one stone and went from the classroom to a company,” he says. “O’Donnell pulled together a team, took a great idea and made this happen with determination and know-how. But it wouldn’t have happened without the RPI environment.

“Their story exemplifies the opportunities that are there for students in higher  education for locally funded and developed innovations that can have a positive impact on the local economy without any large federal grants or venture capital funding,” he says.

Charles Rancourt, who heads Rensselaer’s Office of Technology and Commercialization, says he, too, is inspired by the success of BullEx and its student entrepreneurs. Rancourt’s office helped the inventors with the patenting process and coordinated the licensing of the technology to BullEx.

“They were very successful at winning business plan competitions to help launch the company,” he says. “But the thing I would emphasize is that this was a student project. They took an invention that had commercial potential and then had the initiative to start a company that is the ‘real deal’ with customers all over the country.”

O’Donnell, who remains a volunteer fireman, said the company earned about $150,000 in grants and awards from the NCIIA and a number of state and local business plan competitions. It also took out a “significant” loan to get off the ground in 2005.

BullEx, which is based in Albany, N.Y., has 30 employees and is making a profit, he says. It now has customers in virtually every market and industry group, including the U.S. Army, General Electric, Harvard University and the state of Alaska.

“We’re making a difference in a lot of positive ways,” says O’Donnell, who earned his degree from RPI in engineering. “From here, our aim is to keep growing, capitalize on new innovations and offer systems similar to the fire extinguisher training technology that can provide a real and cost-effective benefit to customers.”

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Breakthrough Rare-Disease Therapy Gives Children the Opportunity to Live Healthy Lives

Indiana University

Breakthrough Rare-Disease Therapy Gives Children the Opportunity to Live Healthy Lives
A breakthrough therapy that can treat two rare childrens’ diseases has been brought to market thanks to the efforts of Indiana University faculty and its Innovation and Commercialization Office (ICO).

Burosumab, brand name Crysvita, has orphan drug designation for x-linked hypophosphatemia, a rare inherited form of rickets that affects children aged one year or older. It can also be used to treat another rare disease, tumor-induced osteomalacia, that causes bone malformation. Burosumab highlights how the drug development process works to successfully bring a new treatment to market after decades of research.

Michael Econs and Kenneth E. White, of the Indiana University School of Medicine in Indianapolis, led the research that resulted in the development of a novel treatment for the debilitating disease X-Linked Hypophosphatemia (XLH). XLH is a deforming bone disorder that causes rickets, or softening of the bones, and other complications.

The treatment is based on Econs' and White’s initial discovery of Fibroblast Growth Factor-23 (FGF23). Patients with the disease overproduce FGF23. The hormone blocks phosphate absorption in the kidneys and intestines, resulting in low levels of phosphate in the blood, which negatively affects bone development. Crysvita is a monoclonal antibody that binds FGF 23 and inhibits its excessive activity within the body, allowing phosphate absorption by the body and normal constitution of bones in children.

“I first started seeing XLH patients in 1986 and started doing research on XLH shortly thereafter,” said Econs, who is Distinguished Professor of Medicine and Medical and Molecular Genetics at the IU School of Medicine. “When Burosumab was finally approved, it was like a dream come true.” 

ICO manages the FGF 23 IP portfolio and related agreements and negotiated a license with Kyowa Kirin Co., Ltd., a Tokyo-based pharmaceutical and biotechnology company to advance the technology to the clinic. Kyowa Kirin discovered and manufactured burosumab, based on this licensed technology, and entered into a collaboration and license agreement with Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical of Novato, Calif., to develop and commercialize the drug.

Crysvita obtained U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval in 2018. In 2020, the FDA also approved Crysvita for the treatment of tumor-induced osteomalacia, highlighting another success for the FGF23 technology. The treatment is an injection delivered every two weeks based on the weight of the patient.

The technology was developed with support from National Institutes of Health (NIH) research grants and is a clear example of the positive outcomes that basic research can have on the well-being of patients and the public at large.

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Emory Expands Existing Tech to Build COVID Symptom Checker

Emory University

Emory Expands Existing Tech to Build COVID Symptom Checker
Feeling feverish? Wondering if it’s coronavirus? In 2020-21, Emory University quickly pivoted to adapt existing software into a free online symptom checker to help anyone assess the likelihood they've contracted COVID-19. Based on the answers to questions about signs and symptoms, age and more, a person would be directed to guidance based on CDC guidelines and is placed into one of three risk categories: high (needs immediate medical attention), intermediate (can contact their doctor for guidance), or low (can likely administer self-care or recover at home). Participants are never dissuaded from seeking professional medical advice or contacting their healthcare provider for more guidance.
“We’re all fighting, in ways big and small, to keep our loved ones out of harm’s reach. But the anxiety and uncertainty around the best way to do that can result in crowded emergency departments that will have difficulty managing the surge,” said Dr. Justin Schrager, emergency medicine physician at Emory University Hospital and co-founder of Vital. “Our goal was to prevent that from happening, while also making it super simple for people to understand and follow CDC guidelines.”

Emory Department of Emergency Medicine’s Health DesignED Center physicians, including Chair Dr. David Wright and Dr. Anna Quay Yaffee, assistant professor and director of Global Health in Emergency Medicine Section at Emory University School of Medicine; and Emory Office of Critical Event Preparedness and Response’s Dr. Alex Isakov, executive director and co-author of the SORT algorithm guided Vital, a software company focused on emergency department workflow, in designing the site and further developing SORT, an existing Emory technology originally designed for the H1N1 outbreak in 2009. The site is for educational purposes and not a replacement for a healthcare provider evaluation.

The ongoing relationship required substantial input from Emory’s Tech Transfer office to help address concerns of deploying university technology through Vital during the pandemic, including the use of the Emory trademarks and collection of individual’s data.

Emory’s OTT negotiated and executed a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement between Emory, USUHS, and Vital to develop and validate the technology and launch the Emory-Vital cobranded website. Vital did not charge the public for use of the symptom checker. Users could opt to share a zip code to contribute to research tracking the geographic spread and eventual recovery from the pandemic.

“Through this partnership, Emory and its academic colleagues also gain access to valuable epidemiological data that come from the public use of the website,” said John Nicosia, a Licensing Associate for Emory’s OTT.

Vital was founded by Schrager and Aaron Patzer, founder of, and launched in 2019, before the coronavirus pandemic, to help offset the already overloaded work of Emergency Departments.

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Tumor Marker Assay Helps Identify the Recurrence of Breast Cancer

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Tumor Marker Assay Helps Identify the Recurrence of Breast Cancer

The monitoring of breast and other types of cancer with blood tests is critical for improving the odds of successful treatment. Discovering cancer markers that identify the progression of cancer at early stages is a research goal for many medical institutions.

Based on their research conducted in the late eighties and early nineties, Dr. Donald W. Kufe, M.D., and colleagues at the DanaFarber Cancer Institute in Boston, developed a monoclonal antibody that recognizes the MUC1 glycoprotein. MUC1 is aberrantly overexpressed by most carcinomas of the breast, lung, ovary and other sites. Dr. Kufe’s research showed that MUC1 is released by tumor cells into the blood and that the level of MUC1 in the circulation reflects the extent of disease.

This highly accurate blood analysis is regarded as one of the most sensitive tests for detecting breast disease.

Today the blood test, also known as the CA15-3 radioimmunoassay, is commercially available to the clinical community under a license granted by the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Measured over time, CA15-3 can detect the recurrence of cancer, more quickly than standard methods of follow-up testing, especially for patients already treated for Stage II or Stage III breast cancer. CA15-3 is supported by more than 2,000 peer-reviewed studies and is one of the most widely used cancer detection markers in the world.

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Methodology and Tool for Mechanically Sorting and Cleaning C. Elegans

Methodology and Tool for Mechanically Sorting and Cleaning C. Elegans
The nematode worm, Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans), is a premier model organism for genetic studies across a range of basic and biomedical research. In addition to the straightforward and controlled nature of their cultivation in the laboratory, their entire genome is sequenced and the developmental fate of each cell is known.
However, along with these beneficial characteristics come some challenges. Within the nematode research community, there is a need for an affordable and effective way to maintain large, age-matched populations of C. elegans.

Due to their rapid generation time, C. elegans populations can quickly run out of food and/or become mixed populations with multiple generations and developmental stages present at once. Thus, experiments performed on solid nematode growth media (NGM) require researchers to physically move animals to fresh plates before the bacterial food source depletes and new larvae develop. This can be time-consuming and detrimental, as a frequent transferring of the animals is required to prevent the experimental populations from becoming mixed with offspring generations.

Still, some experiments require both large numbers of animals and extended time points (e.g., DNA or RNA extraction in adulthood). This compounds the challenges of accurately maintaining a synchronized population and transferring large numbers of animals.
Scientists at the University of Alaska Fairbanks have provided a methodology and tool for mechanically sorting and cleaning C. elegans in a cost-effective, efficient, fast, and simple process to obtain animals of uniform sizes and life stages for their use in experiments.
This tool, the Caenorhabditis Sieve, uses a custom-built lid system that threads onto common conical lab tubes and sorts C. elegans based on body size. The Caenorhabditis Sieve effectively transfers animals from one culture plate to another allowing for rapid sorting, synchronizing, and cleaning without impacting markers of health, including motility and stress-inducible gene reporters. This accessible, affordable, efficient, and innovative tool and associated protocol for its manufacture and operation is a fast, efficient, and non-stressful option for maintaining C. elegans populations that can improve biomedical research and meet the need of the research community.

A utility patent application was filed on the technology for the sieve tool and sorting methodology through UAF's Office of Intellectual Property and Commercialization (OIPC). The technology has also been previously licensed through OIPC for commercial manufacturing and sale throughout the United States.

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Campath: Collaborations Across Continents Prove Successful

University of Cambridge

Campath: Collaborations Across Continents Prove Successful

It is fitting that the promising cancer therapy called Campath® begins with the letter “C” — the same letter that starts the word “collaboration” (not to mention “continents” and “commitment.”) For the story behind Campath is characterized by collaborative efforts that span several countries and involve hundreds of committed individuals.

Backed by several decades of research and development and then subjected to a dizzying series of mergers and acquisitions during its commercialization, Campath’s history is both long and winding. Yet in the end, the personal stories like those of Juliana Oliveri, a chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) patient successfully treated with Campath, are what matter the most.

One Grateful Patient’s Story

The last thing a busy professional like Oliveri had time for in her life was a chronic disease. A former society singer and performer in major cities across the U.S., she had since switched the focus of her career and was working 16-hour days for the luxury goods industry in New York City. When a routine physical by her internist revealed an alarmingly high white blood cell count five years ago, Oliveri had no intention of slowing down, especially since she felt physically fine. Additional tests indicated that although asymptomatic, Oliveri had CLL, the most common form of adult leukemia.

Her doctors adopted a “watch and monitor” approach, and for the next three years Oliveri continued to work long hours, travel, and cater to demanding celebrity clients. The symptoms struck quite suddenly on her 49th birthday in July 2005, and they were serious enough to warrant admission to the hospital and the initiation of therapy. At the time she was first diagnosed, Oliveri had learned about a promising CLL therapy called Campath, and she took a proactive approach in helping her physicians formulate a treatment plan. Campath was the therapy she felt she needed, and fortunately that is what she received.

For six months Oliveri checked into the hospital three mornings a week as an outpatient. There she would endure routine blood work, followed by intravenous administration of Campath, and after an hour of close monitoring, she would leave the hospital to begin a full day of work “tending to the rich and famous.” Recalls Oliveri, “I had no side effects during treatment — it was amazing.” She has remained in full remission since completing Campath therapy in January 2006 and continues to lead a life as busy and demanding as ever.

Oliveri’s experience with CLL has taught her many valuable lessons such as the importance of teaming up with health care specialists who understand cutting edge treatments. But overall, she credits her health to the availability of Campath.

Knowing I had Campath to go to when the time came for treatment was the best thing that could have happened to me.
Juliana Oliver

A Long and Winding History

The discovery of Campath, a monoclonal antibody that targets cancerous blood cells, began in the 1970s in the laboratory of Herman Waldmann, Ph.D., at the University of Cambridge in Cambridge, England. Waldmann, a pioneer in the field of monoclonal antibody production, first sought to develop the proteins to treat problems associated with bone marrow transplantation. Through Britain’s Medical Research Council (MRC), money was raised to establish research projects along these lines. Joining him in those efforts in the early 1980s were two ambitious researchers in Cambridge’s department of pathology — Mike Clark, Ph.D., and Geoff Hale, Ph.D.

The team of scientists spent years searching for monoclonal antibodies effective in targeting human immune cells. Eventually, they successfully discovered several. One of the next critical steps involved gaining the technical expertise to use the antibodies in human patients. With the help of colleague Greg Winter, Ph.D., they learned how to humanize antibodies, and in 1988, they successfully treated their very first lymphoma patient using the humanized antibody. The promising molecule, which binds to a specific target called CD52 on cell surfaces and directs the body’s immune system to destroy those CD52-bearing cells, was named Campath, for Cambridge University Department of Pathology.

The commercialization potential of Campath had meanwhile generated discussion between Cambridge and the British government’s technology transfer arm, the National Research and Development Corporation (now renamed the British Technology Group, or BTG). Richard Jennings, Ph.D., director of technology transfer and consultancy at the University of Cambridge, was involved in the negotiations at that stage and recalls that they represented a rather complex nexus of interest between different people and different organizations.

“It was a really fascinating project to work on, and it was driven by fantastic enthusiasm on the part of the academic inventors who showed a long-standing motivation to get new types of therapies to market for patients,” says Jennings. “They remained driven, and this impressed us.”

When Clark recounts the early phases in Campath’s development, the power of collaboration is what stands out above and beyond everything else. “We had already established that the antibody worked clinically, but we now needed to convince those involved that it was a commercially viable product,” he says. “That initial direct collaboration between researchers and clinicians has been the key to the success of this entire project.”

Through the work of Jennings’ office and the BTG the Campath team connected with The Wellcome Foundation (which became Glaxo- Wellcome and is now part of GlaxoSmithKline). Campath was licensed to the company in 1985 and efforts to commercialize it for use in the treatment of lymphoma and leukemia, as well as an immunosuppressive agent in rheumatoid arthritis patients, began in earnest. By the mid-1990s Phase II trial results were demonstrating that Campath showed potential for treatment of lymphoma and CLL patients.

The results of rheumatoid arthritis clinical trials however were unimpressive. Thus began the rollercoaster ride for Campath and its inventors. In 1995, around the time that Wellcome was considering a merger with pharmaceutical company Glaxo, it announced it was abandoning the project.

Yet the strength of scientific connections served to rescue the faltering project. Waldmann contacted Harvard University pathologist Timothy Springer, Ph.D., a colleague whose path he had first crossed when the two were learning monoclonal antibody technology in the MRC laboratory of Nobel Laureate scientist César Milstein, Ph.D. Springer had since returned to the U.S. and had founded a startup company, LeukoSite, in the Boston area. LeukoSite, it turned out, was in a position to license the rights to Campath from BTG.

By 1997 LeukoSite had negotiated a new licensing deal for Campath and clinical trials designed to test the therapy in CLL patients were back on track. Yet again the route of Campath was altered by a series of commercial mergers and acquisitions. Within two years LeukoSite announced its merger with another Boston area company, Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. While the company quickly gained Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of Campath for the treatment of B-cell CLL patients who fail conventional chemotherapy, Millennium eventually transferred the rights to ILEX Oncology, Inc. In 2004 Genzyme Oncology, Inc. acquired ILEX and gained the production rights to Campath. While Campath’s history with ILEX was short-lived, it was beneficial, as Genzyme investors recognized the therapy’s potential at a time when it was looking to expand its prognostic and diagnostic portfolio in the treatment of hematological cancers.

According to Terry Murdock, Genzyme senior vice president and general product manager of Campath, the gain of Campath as a therapy in the treatment of CLL was the perfect platform for the company in which to leverage a diagnostic tool and a targeted therapy. “In hematological malignancies like CLL, the need to eradicate residual disease in patients is important as relapses are often related to the residual nature of the disease,” says Murdock.

The merging of ILEX and Genzyme was ideal as the strengths and directions of the two companies complemented one another. “ILEX had a strong clinical operating route University of Cambridge and a strong base of experience in getting clinical trials completed. It also had a solid track record of getting drugs developed,” says Murdock. “Genzyme has a strong academic and clinical physician base, as well as experience with regulatory approval and manufacturing. Putting those two things together, we provide a solid base to move forward with Campath.”

A Bright Future Ahead

Under the protection of Genzyme, Campath remains the first and only monoclonal antibody approved by the FDA for the treatment of patients with B-cell CLL. In the fall of 2007 the FDA granted a label expansion and approved Campath as a first-line treatment for the disease. Along with Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals, which markets Campath, Genzyme is also developing the therapy as a treatment for multiple sclerosis. The latest news reports successful results in Phase II trials of Campath for multiple sclerosis patients; Phase III trials are now underway.

Reflecting on the long history and sometimes uncertain future of the therapeutic protein to which Clark has devoted much of his life, he recognizes certain recurrent themes. Most significant he claims were the collaborations that existed between clinicians and university research groups that provided the dedicated Campath researchers with the confidence necessary to push for its commercialization.

Hale echoes those sentiments and points to the unusually strong tie between himself, Clark and Waldmann — the original three behind the discovery of Campath.

“One of the greatest things about this project is that while the three of us have been working on it going back to the early 1980s, we’ve all remained very close,” says Hale. “And there have been hundreds of other scientists, clinicians and patients who have helped along the way and made this project successful. Everyone has been very loyal every step of the way.”

This story was originally published in 2008.

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Campus Incident Tracking System Supports Campus Security

Boston University

Campus Incident Tracking System Supports Campus Security

Campus safety is a top priority among college and university administrators. When director Peter Schneider and associate director Ron Slade of Boston University’s Office of Environmental Health and Safety (OEHS) realized there was no software package designed to track and analyze “incidents” on campus, they decided to create one.

Schneider and Slade developed the “Campus Incident Tracking System  (CITS)” from 2000-2005 with $60,000  in funding from Boston University. CITS is a user friendly, Internet-based system that logs, tracks, analyzes, reports, and follows up incidents that occur on university, college and medical campuses. 

The software captures critical information about each incident, and allows for trend and root-cause analysis. It is also a highly effective tool for recording information from multiple sources, such as police and fire officials, public safety personnel and eyewitnesses. Major risks can be identified and mitigated to improve campus safety, and speed up response time. The recorded data and reports can also be used to support lawsuits and internal audits.

By analyzing trends and root causes, and implementing corrective actions, OEHS personnel have significantly improved campus safety.

Since it began using CITS, OEHS has tracked 800 incidents, and the university has licensed the software to Boston-based  Axim Systems, which markets and sells  CITS worldwide. 

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New Test Kit Improves In Vitro Fertilization Success Rates

McGill University

New Test Kit Improves In Vitro Fertilization Success Rates

In vitro fertilization (IVF) can be an emotional roller coaster for many couples, one that often ends in disappointment; using current methods, about 85 percent of healthy-looking embryos transferred through IVF fail to result in pregnancy. Aside from the emotional toll this takes, IVFs are expensive and not always covered by health insurance.

Researchers at McGill University in Montréal, Canada, have developed a rapid, noninvasive test for determining compatibility between an embryo and a potential mother. Professors David Burns, Ph.D., and James Posillico, Ph.D., at McGill’s department of chemistry developed Via-Test™-E in 2006-2007. Funding was provided by The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, and Molecular Biometrics, a medical technology company.

ViaTest™-E targets in vitro biomarkers of oxidative metabolism (OM) that are indicative of embryo viability. The degree of OM is basically a measure of the level of oxidative stress in the cells.

Embryos and gametes that are highly stressed are less likely to result in pregnancy. ViaTest™-E enables the rapid, simultaneous identification and analysis of multiple OM biomarkers in a single sample. This methodology leads to the accurate detection of viable embryos of high reproductive potential.

Current practices grade and select embryos for implantation based on their morphology, or how they look. This is a subjective and inaccurate practice that leads to high failure rates. To counter this, a common practice is transferring multiple embryos. This, in turn, results in higher incidences of multiple births and increased health care risks to mothers and infants. When combined with morphology, ViaTest™-E provides the most accurate method for identifying the healthiest and most compatible embryos.

Molecular Biometrics has licensed the technology from McGill University and is marketing the test kit. This product is the first of its kind and has generated interest around the world. Long-term use of ViaTest™-E is expected to increase pregnancy rates, lower multiple births, and reduce health risks to mothers and babies.

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Carbon Nanotechnology Lowers Cost of Hydrogen Fuel Cell

Florida State University

Carbon Nanotechnology Lowers Cost of Hydrogen Fuel Cell

To keep the world’s growing army of cell phone towers constantly powered so mobile phone users can enjoy ubiquitous service, telecommunication providers are scrambling to find viable solutions to supplement unstable power grids or meet new regulations for alternative energy sources in remote areas. 

According to a report by Navigant Research, there are approximately 5 million cell phone towers (also called mobile base stations) worldwide, including 640,000 off-grid base stations at the end of 2012, most of which are powered by  generators using diesel fuel.

Using nanotechnologies developed at Florida State University (FSU), Bing Energy hopes its hydrogen fuel cell that features a cutting-edge, high-performance material called buckypaper will become the cell tower power of choice in many countries around the world.

The Hydrogen Fuel Cell

The hydrogen fuel cell (also known as a proton exchange membrane fuel cell or PEM) is similar to the lead-acid battery in that it generates electricity through a chemical reaction. However, unlike a battery, which requires recharging once its stored energy is consumed, this fuel cell not only keeps producing electricity as long as it has a supply of fuel, but it is also free from the environmental hazards associated with lead–acid batteries.

The basic components of a PEM fuel cell include a channel on one side that allows hydrogen to flow in to the anode electrode, where a catalyst causes the hydrogen to split into positive ions and negatively charged electrons. On the other side of the fuel cell, oxygen flows into the cathode electrode. A membrane in the middle allows only the positively charged ions to pass through to the cathode, while blocking and forcing the electrons to travel to the cathode via an external circuit or load, creating the electrical energy. When the electrons and ions eventually meet at the cathode, they combine with the oxygen to form water, an environmentally safe by-product..

Collectively, the anode and cathode electrodes and membrane form membrane-electrode assemblies, or MEAs.

“The fuel cell is a small stationery unit that consumes the most common element in the universe (hydrogen) to generate electricity, producing a waste product of water,” says R. Dean Minardi, chief financial officer of Bing Energy.

Until now, one of the limitations to the hydrogen fuel cell — whether it is used to power an automobile or as a stationery unit of backup power — has been cost. It’s typically because of it’s expensive platinum or other precious metals that are used to strip the electrons off hydrogen gas in the anode and reduce oxygen to water in the cathode.

As a result, scientists — including James P. Zheng, Ph.D., a professor in the Center for Advanced Power Systems at FSU — have been searching for ways to lower the cost of the fuel cell by reducing the amount of platinum it requires or finding alternative catalysts.

The Carbon Nanotube and Buckypaper

Zheng knew that his FSU colleagues, Richard Liang and Ben Wang in FSU’s High Performance Materials Institute, had been working with a new material called buckypaper, made from a unique form of pure carbon. Over lunch with his fellow scientists, they theorized that the properties of buckypaper could provide an excellent material for the MEA in the PEM fuel cell.

Depending on how its atoms are bound together, carbon can take on a variety of forms. Arranged in a tetrahedral lattice, carbon atoms form a diamond. But a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb or hexagonal shape results in graphene. Rolled into a cylindrical shape, graphene becomes a carbon nanotube 50,000 times thinner than a human hair.

Although carbon nanotubes occur naturally, they can be created with a carbon source, such as sugar cane or corn with the help of heat and a catalyst. Carbon nanotubes can then be synthesized into a thin film, stacked and compressed to create buckypaper, a conductive material 250 times stronger than steel yet 10 times lighter.

Zheng and his colleagues decided to hire a postdoctoral student in 2007 to test buckypaper for the fuel cell application. Nine months later, the team had a viable proof of concept.

“The gradient structure of the buckypaper improved gas flow and the effectiveness of the catalysts,” says Zheng, who began working with the Florida State University Office of Commercialization to start the patenting process.

“There are 50 to 60 patents in the United States on Dr. Zheng’s buckypaper work,” says John Fraser, executive director of the FSU Office of Commercialization. “Dr. Zheng is a super star at FSU, and we have high hopes for him and this technology.”

Initial funding for FSU buckypaper-based fuel cell research came from the U.S. Army and was followed by support from the FSU Research Foundation Gap Grant Program, which provided $50,000 to help scale the invention for commercialization, and the U.S. Department of Energy.

Startup Company Bing Energy

In 2010, FSU entered into an exclusive licensing deal with Bing Energy, a spinoff company led by Richard Hennek, to create PEM fuel cells with MEAs made with buckypaper. Hennek relocated the company from California to Florida to be closer to Zheng, who serves as technical adviser to the company, and received $300,000 from the Florida Institute for the Commercialization of Public Research to help develop the technology.

“FSU’s Office of Commercialization has been extraordinarily helpful,” says Minardi. “We wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for that office.”

At the company’s new Tallahassee headquarters, Bing began its buckypaper-based MEA production.

“We embed platinum in the buckypaper as the anode, but it requires 70 percent less platinum and performs the same [as a fuel cell made without buckypaper],” says Minardi. “The MEA looks like a furnace filter with platinum on the filter fibers to provide a reactive surface.”  The large decrease in the amount of platinum that needs to be mined is another environmentally significant improvement of the buckypaper technology. 

Each fuel cell requires a number of MEAs stacked together, depending on the amount of energy that needs to be generated. Today there are 15 employees in Tallahassee working to produce 300 MEAs during each eight-hour shift — a number that will soon grow to several thousand per shift when the facility is semi-automated.

Once completed, the MEAs are sent to the company’s second facility in Ragao, China, just outside Shanghai, for final production. Zheng, a native of Shanghai, worked with Chinese authorities to establish an enterprise zone for the factory and a dormitory. Thirty-five employees in Ragao place end caps around the MEAs, affix aluminum hoses and pipe-fittings, and finally, place the unit inside a box cabinet to create the final fuel cell product.

Powering China Telecom’s Cell Towers

The first commercial application of Bing’s fuel cells will be in China, where they will replace lead-acid batteries in isolated cell phone towers owned by China Telecom, an international telecommunications company. The PEM fuel cell will be placed at the foot of each cell tower in a rain-proof metal locker with a 5-foot tall steel cylinder nearby to hold the hydrogen fuel.

“China Telecom needs backup power desperately,” says Minardi. “They have a very unstable grid and the country is trying to ban acid batteries. It’s the same situation in India, which is seeing significant telecom industry growth.”

China Telecom’s off-grid cell phone towers, each with a 3-kilowatt generator, will require the electrical output of 40 hydrogen fuel cells.

The Market for Stationery Fuel Cells

Smaller, lighter, quieter, lower environmental impact,  and lower cost are just a few of the advantages Bing Energy says it offers with its new PEM fuel cell.

“There’s a sweet spot in the market for distributing stationery fuel cells to replace existing battery or diesel backup power,” says Minardi.

He says even cell phone towers that are connected to an electrical power grid need backup power  when the grid goes down, a common occurrence in developing countries.

There are 1.3 million cell towers in China alone, and they all are converting to this technology.
R. Dean Minardi

Minardi says Bing’s fuel cell stacks up well against other energy alternatives, such as lead-acid batteries (which are being phased out in China due to environmental waste issues) and diesel-powered generators. While batteries need to be constantly charged, diesel powered generators require a significant amount of fuel and frequent maintenance — and both will last only 18 to 60 months before they will need to be swapped out for new equipment. Conversely, he says Bing’s fuel cells have no emissions, fans or pumps and have a 20-year lifecycle.

 “The durability of our fuel cell and low platinum usage is being embraced by the market,” he says. “There is a place in the energy world for distributed hydrogen power.”

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Carbovir Compounds Offer New Alternatives for AIDS Patients

University of Minnesota

Carbovir Compounds Offer New Alternatives for AIDS Patients

When the National Institutes of Health requested that he patent his discovery, Dr. Robert Vince, professor of medicinal chemistry and director of the Center for Drug Design at the University of Minnesota, realized the impact his anti-HIV Carbovir compounds could have on AIDS patients.

In December 1998, the Food and Drug Administration approved Carbovir-based Ziagen®, which was developed through a license with a pharmaceutical company. It inhibits HIV’s ability to reproduce in the white blood cells called T cells, which regulate the body’s immune system.

In order to reproduce, HIV attaches to a protein on a T cell’s surface. The virus is then able to enter the cell and replicate. Like other nucleoside analogues, Carbovirs interfere with the enzyme HIV uses to manufacture new viral particles within an infected cell. They work by incorporating into the elongating DNA strands and terminating the extension process. Carbovirs work earlier in the HIV replication process compared to the well-known protease inhibitors and therefore offer a more attractive option in early treatment.

Today, medications containing Carbovir compounds, including Ziagen®, Trizivir®, and Epzicom™, contribute to the treatment of hundreds of thousands of AIDS patients worldwide.

The sale of these medications has generated more than $200 million in royalties for the University of Minnesota. Portions of this royalty have been re-invested back into the university through the establishment of the Center for Drug Design to do further research in the drug development arena.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Ultrasound Technology Helps Maximize Beef Production

Kansas State University

Ultrasound Technology Helps Maximize Beef Production

A more efficient and profitable form of beef production became possible with the invention of the innovative carcass ultrasound technology invented by Kansas State Professor John Brethour.

The technology offers beef producers a fast, non-invasive way to predict and measure cattle carcass characteristics in live cattle. In 1995, the university licensed the technology to Cattle Performance Enhancement Co., based in Oakley, Kansas. The technology revolutionized the beef industry by allowing producers a cost efficient way to measure intramuscular fat in livestock.

The technology, which estimates the fat, muscle and body composition of cattle, enables beef producers to raise premium beef without over feeding the cattle —  a cost savings for the producers and a healthier end product for consumers.

Achieving a premium grade of beef is typically linked to overly fat cattle, but with Brethour’s ultrasound technology, the selection and management of livestock helps predict carcass yield and quality. Brethour’s technology is based on two U.S. patents. The first is for a system that accurately allows breeders to measure the intramuscular fat in live cattle. The second patent provides an assessment of how long cattle should be maintained on feed for maximum profit by projecting future carcass merit.

In 2003, when the Kansas State Agricultural Research Center-Hays (ARCH) entered 80 Angus steers in the Best of Breed Angus Challenge at the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association annual convention and trade show, they came away with the $100,000 top prize. Illustrating that the university’s livestock research is top notch, ARCH steers were graded 100 percent Choice beef or better and 91 percent earned the prestigious Certified Angus Beef award.


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Visual Acuity Test Helps Determine Vision Problems in Young Children, the Intellectually Impaired

Cardiff University

Visual Acuity Test Helps Determine Vision Problems in Young Children, the Intellectually Impaired

When people cannot express in words what they see, it is difficult for health care professionals to determine the nature of visual problems they may have. That’s why Professor Maggie Woodhouse, Ph.D., at the Cardiff University School of Optometry and Vision Sciences, with university funding, designed the Cardiff Acuity Test.

Announced in 1993, the Cardiff Acuity Test measures acuity in toddlers ages one through three, as well as individuals with intellectual impairment.

Historically this is considered a hard-to-test group because these individuals cannot communicate well enough to describe the familiar symbols and images they are shown.

Children do not need to name, or even recognize, the images used during the test. Instead the observer relies on the technique of “preferential looking” and records the subject’s eye movements to determine how much of the image is actually being seen.

The Cardiff Acuity Test comes in a simple, quick, durable, and easy-to-use format, which is important when dealing with toddlers and individuals with intellectual impairment. Users find it is easy to interpret the results.

To date about 2,100 test kits have been sold in the United Kingdom and the United States. The royalty income has allowed Woodhouse to develop the Cardiff Near Test and the Cardiff Contrast Test. Find more information, here.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Electronic Career Portfolio Reports Skills, Not Just Jobs

Florida State University

Electronic Career Portfolio Reports Skills, Not Just Jobs

Oftentimes what makes or breaks students’ success in getting a job is their ability to demonstrate that they have obtained knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for the required position throughout their college experience. The standard resume showing work experiences may not necessarily reflect what they are now able to do or how they are able to think critically or strategically.

To keep up with the growing demand of capturing and tracking this experience, Jeff Garis, Jill Lumsden, and the Career Center team at the Florida State University (FSU) developed a Web-based application called Career Portfolio. This career resource enables students to showcase the skills they have developed by allowing them to input information into five experience categories — coursework, memberships and activities, volunteer work, jobs and internships.

This online portfolio serves both the students and the prospective employers. Students can see which skills they have developed so far and which skills they may want to concentrate on in the future. By keeping all of the information centralized, employers can gain access to additional electronic information that is not included on a typical resume or curricula vita and use it to more effectively direct their decision making process.

More than 40,000 students have used the Career Portfolio system since its inception.

It has become part of the academic and student service culture at FSU. In fiscal year 2005, Career Portfolio was licensed to three major colleges — University of California, San Diego, Montclair University and Georgia Technical Institute — and a private  company based in Japan. The invention of the FSU Career Portfolio changed the national landscape regarding how college students prepare for their careers and apply for jobs. The FSU Career Portfolio is recognized nationally as a new leading innovative career service and is contributing to an international trend in the development of ePortfolios.

For more information visit

This story was originally published in 2007.

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CaseNEX Brings Research to Life in Classrooms Everywhere

University of Virginia

CaseNEX Brings Research to Life in Classrooms Everywhere

The University of Virginia developed CaseNEX in early 2000 — a research-based methodology that educators apply during case study analysis. The CaseNEX methodology represents the type of jobembedded professional development required by the federal “No Child Left Behind” legislation.

The technologically blended, case-based approach provides educators the opportunity to read cases, view streamed video and follow links to a virtual library of current research. The expectation is that teachers and administrators who can perform the steps of case-based analysis are likely to repeat the process when faced with similar situations in their classrooms.

The CaseNEX problem-solving model is engaging, collaborative and effective, offering more than 150 multimedia, Web-based cases, or “slices of life,” that form a bridge between best practices and the complex school environment.

School district and university partners across the country integrate the CaseNEX learning model and access the library of case studies to enhance, enliven, and extend their existing programs. Teachers can join the collaborative online learning cohorts to satisfy professional development requirements, earn graduate credits, and complete master's degree programs.


This story was originally published in 2007.

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CATCH: Comprehensive Assessment for Tracking Community Health

University of South Florida

CATCH: Comprehensive Assessment for Tracking Community Health

Three University of South Florida professors from the colleges of Public Health, Computer Information Sciences and Business Administration joined forces more than 10 years ago to use their combined expertise to develop a tool for assessing community health.

Capitalizing on a unique combination of practical experience and research expertise in information technology, James Studnicki, Alan Hevner and Donald Berndt developed the Comprehensive Assessment for Tracking Community Health, or CATCH, which  uses a data warehouse to assess the health status of community populations. CATCH Reports use more than 250 health care indicators in conjunction with an innovative comparative framework and weighted evaluation process to produce a ranked list of community health.

For health care providers, community organizations and public agencies, the assessments can be used as a tool to determine resource allocation and health care policy formation.

Individuals and whole communities benefit from the improved efficiency and effectiveness in how health care services, including medical and surgical procedures are provided. Moreover, health issues among defined populations can be better assessed and evaluated to determine smarter health care strategies for those group.

The product is licensed to a start-up company called Medegy which is run by the inventors. Customers include hospitals, health departments and managed care organizations, with a large number of CATCH Reports being delivered to government-run and private health care agencies.

This story was originally published in 2008.

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Colorful Hybrids Brighten Gardens Across America

University of Connecticut

Colorful Hybrids Brighten Gardens Across America

Millions of home gardeners have beautified their yards with colorful flowers developed by Professor Ron Parker, Ph.D., at the University of Connecticut-Storrs. Parker’s plant-breeding work was highly unusual in that he made extensive use of naturally growing wild plants from around the world — most notably Catharanthus and Impatiens.

Catharanthus is an annual flower that can withstand extremes of heat and sunlight, making it a favorite among gardeners. Although hardy, it was available in only two or three rather bland colors. In 1991, after 12 years of plant development at the University of Connecticut, Parker released three varieties with striking pink and rose-colored blossoms: “Pretty in Pink,” “Parasol” and “Pretty in Rose.” The flowers feature glossy green foliage and large pink, deep rose, magenta or bright white blossoms. Annual sales of seeds for these varieties of Catharanthus have reached as much as $1 million a year.

All three flowers won All-America Selection awards, the horticultural equivalent of winning an Oscar.

Impatiens, another top-selling bedding plant for commercial growers and home gardeners, was also known for its limited color options. With funding from the Bodger Seed Co., Professor Parker and Maryke Cleland developed Impatiens hybrids with pale yellow to gold-yellow petals and profuse branching. These hybrids were transferred to Bodger Seed under a development and sales agreement, and four of the University of Connecticut hybrids are the subject of separate U.S. plant patents. Bodger used the new plants as the foundation for developing a colorful series of Impatiens that was introduced to the market in 1998 that included yellow, apricot, peach and tangerine hues. These plants continue to be sold in 2007.


This story was originally published in 2007.

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Scientific Visualization Leads to the CAVE

University of Illinois, Chicago

Scientific Visualization Leads to the CAVE

Imagine being able to stand inside a human heart and watch blood flow around you. Or, imagine test-driving a car, before it actually has been built.

Through the wonders of the CAVE (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment), the first technology to widely exploit immersive virtual reality (VR) environments, people can do just that. The “wow” technology was pioneered at the University of Illinois at Chicago’s (UIC) Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL). CAVE is a trademark of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. EVL is an interdisciplinary graduate research laboratory that combines art and computer science with advanced networked visualization and collaboration tools and technologies. Since the early 1970s, the lab has been recognized for its leadership in computer graphics. EVL, a unique collaboration between UIC’s College of Engineering and the School of Art and Design, is one of the oldest formal interdisciplinary efforts between art and engineering in the U.S. Through its combination of the two disciplines — engineering and art — EVL serves as an excellent example of collaborative university research.

CAVE Adaptations

From the CAVE’s development at EVL, other products and services have emerged, ranging from immersive virtual rooms, to software libraries to desktop/office-sized displays to anatomical teaching devices for medicine. Its success in the marketplace is due to its unique collaborative components — science, coupled with vision, design and computational steering. Together they are helping solve complex problems. The CAVE name was first commercialized and licensed to Pyramid Systems and is currently licensed to Mechdyne Corp. of Marshalltown, Iowa.

In immersive CAVE environments, people walk inside a room surrounded by large wall-size projection screens, wearing special glasses that allow the CAVE 3-D graphics to be seen with three-dimensional depth. The glasses are synchronized with the projectors so the images appear to be in front of their eyes. People then can walk around virtual objects, see objects float by, as well as peer inside a world where reality and illusion come together. The ImmersaDesk®, which was developed in 1995 at EVL, is a derivative of the CAVE system. This system uses one screen, positioned at an angle, like a drafting table — people look forward and down instead of all around. The system was less expensive than the original CAVE since it didn’t require building a room within a room. Pyramid Systems commercialized the ImmersaDesk system, which also followed through to Mechdyne Corp.

Software Solutions

Researchers at the University of Calgary’s Sun Center of Excellence for Visual Genomics have taken CAVE technology in a new direction. Viewers who study the Sun Center’s life-sized, human model called CAVEman, are looking at a marvel of visual reality technology. The anatomical digital atlas offers students, scientists and medical personnel a high-resolution view inside the human body. The technology has been used at the University of Calgary since 2002.

Christoph Sensen, Ph.D., professor at the Centre for Advanced Technologies, University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine, says, “We are developing a Java 3D™-based human body model for research, education and clinical applications.” The final result of the virtual reality development will be a next generation 4-D (designating space and time) visual window that will show genetic components of diseases like cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer’s.

Sensen says, “Using our CAVE models, we will soon be able to simulate diseases for which we have no examples here in Alberta and teach our students how to treat them.” CAVE technology is also used to treat various phobias, including the fear of heights and spiders. Since people absorb most of their information through visual stimuli, a CAVE experience, which is being used in multiple ways in industry, can be a phenomenal way to impart information. An in-depth CAVE experience, for example, involves a basic four-screen (three walls and a floor) immersive room and a small graphics computing cluster.

Jeff Brum, vice president of marketing and business development at Mechdyne Corp., says, “While the costs can go into the millions of dollars for complex, six-sided, high- resolution rooms, the result in any CAVE is a compelling experience. When we have navigated to the edge of a virtual building or stood on the virtual space station looking down at Earth, many first-time CAVE users experience a real sense of vertigo.”

Virtual Manufacturing

The CAVE’s virtual applications allow people to address a wide range of challenges like creating better crops for improved harvests and better safety features on cars.

Designers can sit in life-sized vehicles and create better sight-lines and other safety components. It also allows manufacturers to “see” production lines before the products are rolled out so potential changes can be built in early in the planning process.
Jeff Brum

Car companies have incorporated these features by developing virtual prototypes that help get the products into the marketplace sooner. The technology is also a cost benefit since virtual prototypes give companies an excellent alternative to building expensive physical prototypes.

Conceiving the World’s First Projection-Based Technology with Walls and a Floor

It was a long journey from the development at EVL in the 1990s to the wonders of today’s virtual reality applications. Tom DeFanti, Ph.D., a distinguished professor emeritus at UIC now a research scientist at the University of California, San Diego’s California Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2), co-conceived the CAVE system in 1991 with fellow UIC researcher and art professor Daniel Sandin. Carolina Cruz-Neira, an EVL Ph.D. student at the time, wrote the initial versions of the CAVE software library, and shares credit for the invention of the CAVE system.

“Dan and I conceived of the CAVE hardware; I named it; we built prototypes, and Carolina and other students wrote software drivers and applications for it,” DeFanti explains. In describing how CAVE has helped make the world a better place, Sandin says, “It is the first technology that provides a life-sized improvement in visualization since viewer-centered perspective was developed in paintings in the Renaissance. This is especially true with images on the floor, which gives users a true sense of presence like they are standing in, and are surrounded by, a virtual world.”

CAVE Paves the Way for Numerous VR Applications

When one of Mechdyne’s predecessor companies, Pyramid Systems, first learned of the work at UIC, it licensed the CAVE technology for commercialization. Next on the agenda was collaboration between research and industry. “Pyramid and UIC jointly promoted the CAVE at conferences and trade shows, supporting each other’s research and development efforts,” says Brum.

In 1994, three years after the technology was developed, Pyramid licensed the CAVE name and began commercializing the immersive environment concept. Five years later, Fakespace Systems acquired Pyramid and was subsequently acquired by Mechdyne. In 2006, Mechdyne acquired VRCO, a software company that licensed the original CAVE software library called CAVELib from UIC, putting all of the original CAVE components in one company.

DeFanti points out that CAVE technology originating at UIC has paved the way for a number of virtual reality offshoots.

“All of the subsequent technologies use concepts that are derivative in some sense of the original CAVE,” DeFanti explains. “The success of the CAVE technology can be evidenced by Mechdyne’s growth.”

Mechdyne’s 120 employees are spread out among its headquarters in Marshalltown, Iowa, an Ontario, Canada office, a software development office in Virginia Beach, Va., a Houston office, and an office in Leicestershire, England, which is spearheading growth in Europe.

By the late 1990s, with less than 100 immersive rooms in the world, some organizations found that the cost to set up supercomputers to drive a dedicated CAVE display was too cost-prohibitive. Users needed more flexibility to expand and justify the use of fully immersive environments.

“The idea to allow the side walls to push outward to create angled and flat wall screens, came from that feedback,” says Brum.

This display, known as FLEX, is sold by Mechdyne and is now the largest configuration for immersive displays that the company sells. Brum points out that FLEX is a successful design component, but it has not replaced the immersive experience of CAVE systems.

“We regularly sell CAVEs to those who only want the experience of being surrounded by virtual imagery,” he says.

Since the early 1990s when the CAVE concept was developed, it has gone through several advances based on performance and need. Digital projector technology, introduced in 2000, is even more astounding. The digital projections on each screen now have a resolution of 1400 x 1050 or about 6 million pixels on four screens. Compound that with the fact that CAVE has evolved to five- and sixsided systems. The higher resolution of the images and the additional sides in these enhanced CAVE environments provide a more realistic virtual environment, offering a vivid display of spatial relationships and improved information discovery.

“We have begun tiling high resolution projectors on each wall, which has led to our building the two highest resolution virtual reality environments in the world,” says Brum.

One of these enhanced systems is at Los Alamos National Laboratories in Los Alamos, N.M. Possessing five sides and amazing 43 million-pixel resolution, “La Cueva Grande” at Los Alamos has been used for a range of research projects since February 2006. The Los Alamos immersive environment can simulate everything from high energy explosions to the “dinosaur-killer” comet believed to have caused the mass extinction of dinosaurs 65 million years ago.

The highest resolution virtual reality environment is located in the Virtual Reality Applications Center at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa. Originally built in 2000 by Mechdyne, Iowa State’s C6 was North America’s first six-sided immersive CAVE-like environment. In 2007, its resolution was upgraded to 100 million pixels, offering the highest resolution of imagery in any CAVE-like environment in the world — about 16 times the resolution of a typical immersive room. The enhanced C6 system can be used for showing students how photosynthesis works, giving researchers magnified views of 22,000 different genes, or for training soldiers for combat.

DeFanti and colleague, Greg Dawe, who designed and built the ImmersaDesk and the production model CAVEs at EVL, recently finished the StarCAVE in UCSD’s Atkinson Hall. It is a 17-screen, 34-megapixel/ eye pentagonal-shaped CAVE with excellent polarizing-preserving rear projection and a floor. It features the use of inexpensive lightweight circular polarized glasses that feel more like sunglasses than goggles.

CAVE’s advanced technology has changed the way people work and learn by showcasing new ideas in a virtual environment. Imagination and innovation, hallmarks of CAVE, continue to play a giant role in opening the way to new collaborations in industry, science and education.

This story was originally published in 2008.

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Antimicrobial Agent Kills Food-Borne Pathogens Safely

University of Arkansas

Antimicrobial Agent Kills Food-Borne Pathogens Safely

Deadly microbes such as Salmonella, E. coli, and Listeria are a big concern for food-processing plants. Despite the food industry’s efforts to maintain clean work environments, these organisms still enter the food chain and sicken thousands of people every year.

To tackle this problem, a team of scientists at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS), led by Danny Lattin, Ph.D., in collaboration with Michael F. Slavik, Ph.D., at University of Arkansas, Fayetteville (UAF), researched cetylpyridinium chloride, or CPC, and discovered it to be a highly effective antimicrobial treatment for killing food-borne microbes.

Initial funding for this work came from the Food Safety Consortium, a group of researchers from UAMS, UAF, Iowa State University and Kansas State University. Further research and development of the CPC application, sold under the Cecure® brand name, was completed by Safe Foods Corp., which has licensed the technology from UAMS BioVentures.

Significant kill rates of pathogens can be accomplished with Cecure® without altering the taste, texture, odor and appearance of the food product.

Many of the largest U.S. poultry processors are now treating their products with this biocide. With additional U.S. Food and Drug Administration approvals for more  food applications soon to come, and keen international interest, Cecure® is expected to be used in the largest food-processing countries within the next several years. The development of Cecure® has created more than 50 technical, high-paying jobs in the U.S. — a number that is expected to double by 2010.


This story was originally published in 2007.

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Cell Biology Tools Offer Unique Benefits

University of South Florida

Cell Biology Tools Offer Unique Benefits

Cell proliferation assays are widely used in cell biology research, in academia, and in the burgeoning global biotech and pharmaceutical sectors. Assays, or scientific tests, are used to measure the impact of a given substance or environmental treatments on cells (such as sunlight, temperature, and other factors) by detecting whether the impacted cells proliferate, stay the same or die. Whether they’re used to test new cancer drugs or anti-dandruff shampoos, cell proliferation assays are critically important scientific tools at the heart of the cellular fact-finding process.

In the past, these assays typically involved radioactive methods that included the following sequence: adding radioactivity to the cells, incubating for several hours or overnight, harvesting the cells, washing the cells, applying the cells to a special filter in a vial, adding a hazardous reagent (a substance used in a chemical reaction) and finally reading the results. But this all changed, due to University of South Florida’s Professor Terence C. Owen, who worked in conjunction with Promega Corp.’s assay development group.

Owen, now a retired professor emeritus, devised a new chemical compound for use in cell proliferation analysis methods that has made it easier and faster to conduct experiments since it involves a simpler and shorter sequence of actions: adding the reagent to cells, mixing the cells and the reagent and reading the results.

By reducing the number of steps and thereby reducing variability, the new chemical compound technology used in the cell proliferation assay helps researchers obtain more reliable data.

An added benefit is that the non-radioactive process reduces the cost of waste disposal. This technology was licensed to Promega Corp. and is the cornerstone in the assays now known as the CellTiter 96 AQueous product line of cell proliferation analysis tools.

The CellTiter 96 AQueous One Solution Cell Proliferation Assay remains widely used throughout the academic community, largely due to ease-of-use and speed with which research data may be generated.


This story was originally published in 2007.

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Cellulosic Ethanol Technology Holds Key to Inexpensive Fuel

Dartmouth College

Cellulosic Ethanol Technology Holds Key to Inexpensive Fuel

Timing, alas, is nearly everything.

For years, Alla Kan, the director of the Technology Transfer Office at Dartmouth College in Hanover, N.H., shopped around the cellulosic ethanol technology developed by professor Lee Lynd at Dartmouth’s Thayer School of Engineering.

No luck. Just lots of frustration. No one, it seemed, was interested in investing in research that would turn grasses,  crop residue, paper pulp, wood scraps from mills and other forms of biomass into ethanol in one step called consolidated bioprocessing.

Not when gasoline was selling for $2 a gallon or less.

But gas prices topping $3 a gallon, oil selling for more than $90 a barrel, acceptance of global warming as a real threat, military conflicts in the Middle East, other geopolitical concerns — to say nothing of achievements in cellulosic ethanol technology — all combined to shift opinion.

“I have mailing lists and mailing lists over various periods of time,” says Kan, whose scientific background in chemical research includes tertiary oil recovery to wring more petroleum out of underground reservoirs.

I knew the time would come, but it would depend on many factors, a lot of which were political, not scientific. Altogether, I probably presented the technology to 200 different companies and dozens of technology brokers over many years.
Alla Kan

Meanwhile, Lynd had found success in getting government grants for his research as Dartmouth assembled a considerable patent portfolio.

But the big break, in terms of commercializing the technology, came in 2005 when Lynd and businessman Bob Johnson were able to convince renowned venture capitalist Vinod Khosla to back a nascent company called Mascoma. The firm now has more than 70 employees, roughly half doing research in Lebanon, N.H., and the remainder in the company headquarters in Cambridge, Mass.

“Why was it so difficult for all those years?” muses Kan.

“The time was not ripe and the companies we approached did not have the foresight,” she says. “But the geopolitical realities are such today that it is recognized that we need to look for alternative sources of energy so we don’t have to depend on oilrich countries that are not particularly friendly to the United States.

“It’s also because we are starving for new energy,” she says. “That reality finally began to sink in and became a hot topic in the news. Yes, it was frustrating, but I was always confident that one day people would recognize the need for this technology. Time has proved us right.”

Kan credits Khosla with giving Mascoma, which is now building cellulosic ethanol plants in several states, a kick-start. With Khosla’s $4 million initial investment — and reputation for backing winners — others took notice. Now more than $39 million has been raised from private backers. In addition, state and federal grants currently total $75 million.

“He is a brilliant man with a good foresight for technology that can be commercialized,” she says of Khosla, who co-founded Sun Microsystems. He then joined a venture capital firm that financed many successful Silicon Valley firms when they were small.

“We felt he would be able to help put together the right team to make this happen,” she says. In the process, Dartmouth licensed Lynd’s technology to Mascoma and took an equity share in the company. In addition, Mascoma is funding some of Lynd’s continuing research at Dartmouth.

Khosla, whose interests in ethanol have been well publicized, says in a statement that he believes “Mascoma is poised to transform the current model for ethanol production.

“Mascoma’s research and innovation in the field have solidified our leadership position in commercializing cellulosic ethanol technology and we expect a great and positive impact on the industry and consumers alike.”

In an interview with CNNmoney. com, he says, “I think we have a replacement for oil today. It’s cheaper, cleaner, it doesn’t require a change of infrastructure, and it appeals to most of the lobbies. What is this platform? It’s ethanol.

“In the past, ethanol was made from corn, which isn’t that great environmentally and isn’t very efficient — for every one unit of energy you get 1.5 units of fuel,” he says. “Now, with bioengineering, we can make ethanol from agricultural waste, which is four to eight times as efficient.”

Lynd Persevered

Lynd, who began his research on cellulosic ethanol in the late 1970s, says the lack of interest in his work gave him pause, causing him to think it might not be worthwhile.

“Frankly, in the time between then and 2005 or so, there was not much enthusiasm in this field,” he says. “And I did ask myself if perhaps there was something wrong that I just didn’t see.

“But I was committed, though for much of that time, it seemed I was one of the few persistent ones who maintained faith in it.

“That meant that when venture capitalists got interested in the summer of 2005 — others began to take note somewhat earlier — I found myself in the position of being one of relatively few people who had long-standing activity in the field.”

As for the conversation he and Johnson had with Khosla on Oct. 7, 2005, Lynd remembers it as if it were yesterday.

“We had about a two-hour conversation about cellulosic ethanol,” he recalls. “At the end, Vinod said, and I quote,  Let’s do this.’”

Lynd, a co-founder of Mascoma, which is named after a lake near Dartmouth, sits on the company’s seven-member board. He is also Mascoma’s chief scientific officer, dividing his time between his Dartmouth lab and Mascoma. The other co-founders are professor Charles Wyman, who is now at the University of California, Riverside, and Bob Johnson.

“I continue to lead research in my academic capacity at Dartmouth, which complements Mascoma’s activities,” Lynd says. “We see ourselves as scouts at Dartmouth. We are ahead of the main fi le, which at this point is Mascoma.”

Currently, that research is focused on developing a new generation of enzymes, microbes and processes for economical conversion of cellulosic feedstocks into ethanol. With this conversion will come a complete rethinking of the ways in which we fuel our economy, Lynd says.

“I got into this not to start a company, but as a service,” he says. “I believe that a transition to a world supported by sustainable resources is probably the defining challenge of our time.”

Plants in New York, Tennessee and Michigan

“One hundred years from now, people will look back on us and ask how well did humanity do on this issue. Frankly, I don’t think we’re doing too well with it now.

My gift to the world, as modest as it may be, is going to be advancing cellulosic biofuel technology.”

With backing from venture capitalists, Mascoma has built a multi-feedstock demonstration-scale biorefinery located in Rome, N.Y., that is being developed in partnership with several New York state agencies.

Construction was expected to start at the end of 2007 on a $40 million plant in Tennessee that will use switch grass to make 5 million gallons a year. This joint effort is backed by the University of Tennessee and will include $27 million for research and development activities.

Also in 2007, Mascoma and the state of Michigan announced plans to build one of the nation’s first commercial scale biorefineries using wood as a feedstock. This project is being developed with the Michigan Economic Development Corporation, Michigan State University and Michigan Technological University.

Lynd said the collaboration between Dartmouth and Mascoma has gone well.

“If I take a step back from the details, Dartmouth’s fundamental mission is to educate people and serve humanity,” he says. “Mascoma’s mission is to be a successful business in a direction that serves the world. A lot of our momentum is because of that service aspect.

“To some extent, this story is still very much in progress,” he adds. “Dartmouth has its mission rewards, with students being educated and the school getting credit for groundbreaking research. If all plays out well, Mascoma will be successful and help solve what is today one of our biggest problems.”

Five years down the road, Lynd says he can foresee Mascoma producing well over a billion gallons of ethanol a year for transportation fuel. While one billion is a big number, Lynd notes that the United States now uses 140 billion gallons of gasoline annually.

But growing the industry to 10 billion gallons of ethanol per year or more may come soon after, he says.

“To increase it to 1 billion, it has to be profitable, the technology has to work and you have to do a lot of things for the first time,” he says. “By the time you are at a billion gallons, however, you are replicating success and growth can be very rapid. It’s one of those things that starts very slowly and if things are properly aligned, can accelerate.

“Two thirds of the value of gasoline is the cost of oil,” he says. “Fuel production is dominated by raw material costs. (Think $80 plus for a barrel of oil.) So a very good question is what is the cost of cellulosic biomass. The answer is around $50 a metric ton, which is the equivalent of $17 a barrel.

“When you are starting with something that inexpensive and you have biotechnology on your side, which is arguably the transformative science of our time, it seems realistic to think that we can make fuel pretty cheaply.” 

This story was originally published in 2008.

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Cellulosic Ethanol: A Cleaner, Lower-Cost Alternative to Petroleum

University of Florida

Cellulosic Ethanol: A Cleaner, Lower-Cost Alternative to Petroleum

Because of increasing costs and dwindling reserves of petroleum, the world is focusing more on ethanol as an alternative fuel. Ethanol can be created from a variety of plants, the most well-known being corn. In the late 1980s, professor Lonnie Ingram, Ph.D., of the University of Florida in Gainesville, developed technology that enables the production of cellulosic ethanol from biomass derived from specific energy crops, such as sugarcane bagasse and specially bred energy cane.

Funding for this research was provided by the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Dr. Ingram’s process, which was disclosed in 1989 and patented in 1991, breaks down biomass cells and reduces the cellulosic matter to five sugars. The sugars are then fermented  to produce cellulosic ethanol.

Prior to this discovery it was not feasible to use cell matter to produce ethanol.

Yields of cellulosic ethanol are about five times higher per acre than ethanol produced from corn. Another big advantage over corn is that cellulosic ethanol does not compete with the food supply (the demand for corn to produce ethanol has a tremendous impact on the price and availability of corn for consumption).

In 1991 the University of Florida launched Verenium Corp., a start-up company, to commercialize this unique production process. They have worked together to continuously improve their core cellulosic ethanol technology. Today Verenium is known around the world for its expertise in pre-treatment, enzyme development, fermentation, engineering and project development. The company has upgraded and expanded its production facility in Louisiana and  is testing yields from diverse regional feedstocks. By 2010 the facility is expected to produce about 30 million gallons of cellulosic ethanol annually.

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Green Power of Centia Moves Biofuel Energy Closer to Reality

North Carolina State University

Green Power of Centia Moves Biofuel Energy Closer to Reality

The cry for alternative fuels echoes around the world. It doesn’t really matter whether individual cries are in mourning the toll of global warming, or in fear of the ever-diminishing supply of fossil fuels, or both. In any case, the plaintive chorus calls for immediate relief.

Now, that relief may be at hand with North Carolina State University’s recent breakthrough in biofuel production, which converts vegetable oil and animal fat—even cooking grease and algae—into jet fuel, bio gasoline and biodiesel using a 100 percent green process at a much reduced cost. The technology is called Centia™, a name that means “green power” in Latin. It is not that biofuel is a new idea, but low energy yields and costly raw materials called feedstock, i.e. plants and animal fat, the most common of which is corn, have made its reality more of a dream.

In renewable energy, we want to stay away from crop oils so that we do not compete with the food supply.
William L. Roberts, Professor and Centia co-inventor, North Carolina State University

Indeed, grocery store chains and warehouse stores saw rising prices and even purchase limitations this year as efforts to produce biofuels began to pressure the food supply.

The first order of the day, then, for Roberts and his fellow inventors was to find a way to effectively and efficiently use feedstocks that were too low in quality for human consumption. By doing so, millions of people around the globe could then afford food staples such as flour, corn meal and vegetable oil.

However, food supply was not the only thing dwindling in the wake of biofuel production. “Rain forests were being destroyed to make way for palm oil and other plantations,” says Roberts. While the renewable energy industry is launching many new jobs, a “green” technology is not truly green if its use or production wreaks havoc on the environment in any way. In essence, current biofuel efforts were selling out the long-term in favor of the short-term, even if by accident.

There was also a problem with tying the industry too closely to a handful of feedstocks. “Seventy percent of the final price of biofuel comes from the cost of feedstocks so you don’t want the process tied to one feedstock which in turn is vulnerable to market swing and unduly high costs,” says Roberts. Ultimately, it is the free fatty acid in the feedstock that is needed to create biofuel; the higher the content, the more expensive the raw material.

Thus feedstocks became a central issue in the research. Roberts worked alongside H. Henry Lamb, Ph.D., professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering; Larry F. Stikeleather, Ph.D., professor in the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering; and, Timothy L. Turner, Doctoral Student in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering to resolve this and other obstacles typical of biofuel production.

Remarkably, the Centia process can use low-quality feedstocks of virtually any origin and in any combination.

“We can use any starting material including crop oils—virgin or waste—animal fats, even lipids from algae,” says Roberts.

Another huge obstacle to creating biofuel was the low energy content. Simply put, previous biofuels simply did not have enough oomph to power existing machines. Usually, costly modifications to machinery were necessary to make biofuel useable at all.

“We set out to mimic the fuel we were attempting to replace so we worked backwards from there, almost a reverse engineering,” laughs Roberts.

After two months of theoretical work followed by 18 months of proof of concept work, the N.C. State team was successful in rendering the right mix of physical and chemical properties to produce a biofuel the true equivalent of a fossil fuel.

“We achieved the two extremes, lowest quality feedstock to produce the highest quality fuel,” beams Roberts.

The process consists of a first stage hydrolysis reaction, where fats and oils are converted into free fatty acids. In a second stage, a carbon dioxide molecule is removed from these free fatty acids, yielding a long, straight chain hydrocarbon. These long straight chain molecules are then isomerized, cracked, and/or aromatized, yielding a wide range of molecular sizes and structures. The final recipe of iso-alkanes, aromatics, and cycloalkanes can be adjusted to yield the desired octane number.

“The high temperature, high-pressure catalytic process changes the structure as needed to mimic diesel, gas or jet fuel,” says Roberts. These fuels are consumable in any conventional gasoline engine without modification, a major plus in reducing the overall costs associated with converting to alternative energy use.

Since no petroleum-derived products are added to the process, Centia is 100 percent green. There is no soot or particulate matter associated with fuel from fats so the fuel created by the new process also burns cleaner.

What remains to be solved is scalability, i.e. moving from the teaspoon to the gallon level. N.C. State has licensed the technology to Arizona-based Diversified Energy Corporation to push the technology into the commercial space.

Diversified Energy Corporation specializes in transitioning alternative and renewal energy technologies into viable commercial products. Currently, Centia is one of four technologies in the company’s portfolio. “It’s still at benchmark scale in nature, but it’s sexy, and we’re doing the necessary R&D now to have it commercially ready by 2013,” says Jeff Hassannia, vice president of business development at Diversified.

The key advantages of fuel products rendered from the Centia process, according to Hassannia, are:

  • No external hydrogen is used which means no fossil fuels are needed to produce the biofuel.
  • The jet fuel made in this process contains the necessary aromatics so there is no damage to engine seals and valves.
  • Diversified Energy incorporates a glycerol burner (another technology in its portfolio) into the process to increase the energy conversion efficiency.

N.C. State made 2008 its “Year of Energy” to highlight its commitment to energy conservation and the development of alternative and renewable energy sources. The university was recently selected by the National Science Foundation to lead a national research center tasked with revolutionizing the nation’s power grid. This Engineering Research Center for Future Renewable Electric Energy Delivery and Management (FREEDM) will be headquartered on N.C. State’s Centennial Campus and will be supported by an initial five-year, $18.5 million grant.

N.C. State’s Office of Technology Transfer is hopeful that Centia will prove to be an important contributor to America’s quest for energy independence and will prove crucial to bridging the gap between fossil fuels and the new generation of clean and renewable energy sources.

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Using a Pill, Rather Than an IV, to Treat Gaucher Disease

University of Michigan

Using a Pill, Rather Than an IV, to Treat Gaucher Disease

During the 1980s, an important collaboration took shape at the University of Michigan between two researchers: Norm Radin, a neurochemist; and Jim Shayman, a nephrologist (a doctor who specializes in kidneys). They shared an interest in studying lipids, which are fatty substances found in cells. These fats play critical roles in our health, such as keeping cell membranes stable — but when they accumulate too much, they cause problems. That includes Gaucher disease, a rare genetic disorder affecting at least 10,000 people worldwide. Gaucher patients may now have a more flexible treatment option, thanks to Radin and Shayman’s work.

Their research led to an FDA-approved drug called Cerdelga — a pill that offers convenience for certain Gaucher patients who would otherwise receive IV treatments.
The drug may ultimately have more widespread benefits too, as additional research at the University of Michigan explores its potential to treat common diseases.

Gaucher disease harms the body because it affects cell parts called lysosomes. When working properly, these tiny sacs contain enzymes that break down fatty substances. But in Gaucher disease, a gene abnormality causes enzyme deficiencies, leading to fat buildup in the liver, spleen, and other major organs. With symptoms including liver enlargement and anemia, it’s a debilitating disease for adults. For children, it can be fatal.

Radin began studying this enzyme-deficiency problem in the 1950s. At that time, researchers sought ways to replace defective enzymes, allowing the body to effectively break down fats. Radin proposed a different solution: Find a drug that could block the synthesis of excess fats.

"Radin was one of the long-term leaders in the area of biochemistry that’s most relevant to Gaucher disease,” says Shayman.

In 1988, Shayman formed a research team with Radin to look for molecules that prevented the harmful creation of excess fats. Even after Radin formally retired in 1995, the two researchers continued their search for effective compounds to treat Gaucher disease. In addition to blocking fat synthesis related to Gaucher, the compounds needed low toxicity to make them suitable for long-term use.

"It's one thing to develop a drug that you might use for cancer, where the toxicity of the drug might be acceptable given that the end goal is to use it for a shorter period of time,” says Shayman. “But for Gaucher disease, where we were looking for something that patients could take, in theory, for the rest of their lives, it's a real challenge. We had to find inhibitors that were quite specific and non-toxic."

By 1998, the research team identified compounds to fit that description. The compounds could be taken as a pill — unlike other Gaucher treatments, which require a couple hours of IV infusions every two weeks. In 2000, the University of Michigan’s Office of Technology Transfer licensed the compounds to Genzyme Corp. The company was well-established in the field, which was critical for the success of clinical trials.

“With a rare disease like Gaucher, you have limited numbers of patients and you need a way of identifying them, as well as finding experts who can participate in the clinical trials on-site,” says Shayman who noted that the clinical trials involved 60 medical centers in 29 countries.

In 2011, Sanofi-Aventis acquired Genzyme Corp. and by August 2014, the FDA approved the Gaucher treatment. Sold under the brand name Cerdelga (also known as eliglustat tartrate), the pill became the first FDA-approved small molecule drug based on research at University of Michigan. Cerdelga was studied in the largest Phase 3 clinical program ever conducted on Gaucher disease, says Shay Zukowski, Sanofi Genzyme’s associate manager of corporate communications for rare diseases. She notes that the company’s first FDA-approved therapy, Ceredase, was the world’s first disease-modifying treatment for Gaucher disease — it was followed by a product called Cerezyme. Both are enzyme replacement therapies delivered via IV infusion.

“Because Cerdelga is a pill, it offers patients an alternative to enzyme replacement therapy requiring biweekly infusions,” says Zukowski.

Shayman has observed the benefits of that. "There are patients who’ve been on enzyme replacement, typically older, who feel more comfortable doing IV treatment,” he says. "But when I talk to patients who are younger, they are quite happy to have the oral option available to them."

In addition to negotiating and executing licensing agreements, the university’s Office of Technology Transfer also helped monetize a portion of Cerdelga’s royalty stream. In November 2014, PDL BioPharma Inc. agreed to pay the university $65.6 million in exchange for 75 percent of all Cerdelga royalty payments due under the license agreement with Sanofi Genzyme. The university’s Office of Technology Transfer already had experience with monetizing royalty streams, because it had done the same thing with the FluMist flu vaccine in 2007.

“The process was much smoother the second time around, because we had internal experience and knew what we were doing,” says Robin Rasor, the university’s Managing Director of Licensing at the time (now head of Duke University’s office of licensing).

For Cerdelga’s royalty stream, once the Office of Technology Transfer determined that there would be interest in a purchase of its royalty asset, it widely offered the royalty stream to find the most appealing investor package. "I think what people miss sometimes is all the work the tech transfer office has to do post-license, and this is one example,” added Rasor.

Although estimates place the number of Gaucher patients at about 10,000, Shayman expects that to increase, considering many cases have gone undetected. That’s due to Gaucher’s wide-ranging effects: In some people, it causes severe neurological problems and premature death, while others may show few symptoms.

“How many people worldwide are affected? The short answer is, we don’t really quite know,” says Shayman. “The disease is well-studied in western populations such as the United States and Europe, but other regions — including China, India and Southeast Asia — are now receiving more attention,” says Shayman.

In the coming years, Cerdelga may have uses beyond Gaucher disease. Shayman is researching other possible applications. “Eventually I’d like to see uses expanded to more common diseases,” says Shayman. "That will take many years of development and work, but at some point perhaps we’ll be there.”


This story was originally published in 2017.

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Viewing Blood Flow in the Brain

University of Missouri

Viewing Blood Flow in the Brain

As a result of work conducted at the University of Missouri Columbia, physicians who treat patients with neurological disorders have a pharmaceutical that helps them look at blood flow abnormalities in the brain.

Ceretec®, the first drug of its kind, is able to cross a person’s blood-brain barrier and is an important diagnostic tool in brain research and medical treatment.

Subsequent research demonstrated the ability of this drug to label a patient’s white blood cells that are then used to image sites of infection or abscesses anywhere in the body. Ceretec® was invented in 1983 at the University of Missouri-Columbia and licensed in 1985.

The milestone discovery was invented by Wynn A. Volkert, Ph.D, a curator’s professor of radiology, biochemistry and chemistry and director of the Radiopharmaceutical Sciences Institute; and the late David E. Troutner, PhD, professor of chemistry. The research leading to this discovery was funded by the National Institutes of Health.

The innovative research by Volkert and Troutner in the area of radiopharmaceutical sciences has impacted thousands of patients’ lives. For example, Ceretec® has been used in patients with severe epilepsy, to effectively image the precise localization in the brain where the regional blood flow becomes excessively high or low and causes seizures. In addition, white blood cells labeled with Ceretec® are routinely used to image the sites of potentially life threatening abscesses in patients that cannot be detected by other diagnostic means.

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Scientists Find Promising Treatment for Neglected Killer Diseases

University of Washington
Yale University

Scientists Find Promising Treatment for Neglected Killer Diseases

A University of Washington and Yale University collaboration yields a set of chemical compounds that may hold the key for treating infectious parasitic diseases including Chagas’ disease and malaria. The compound was licensed to a nonprofit pharmaceutical company that is developing a drug for use in Latin America.

Some of the world’s most intractable diseases are predominant in the developing world. These illnesses are known as neglected diseases because, though they have a significant impact on vulnerable populations, they receive little attention from the medical community or the pharmaceutical industry.

One of these neglected killers is called Chagas’ disease. Chagas’ disease is an insect-borne, parasitic illness that infects and kills millions of people every year, according to the World Health Organization. Chagas’ is endemic in 21 Latin American countries and a major cause of heart failure in the region. Caused by the parasite Trypanasoma cruzi, it is most often transmitted by an insect known as the kissing bug. Humans, as well as wild and domestic animals, carry the parasite, and the insects infected with T. cruzi frequently live in the thatched walls and roofs of homes, making it especially challenging to eradicate.

Controlling the disease is difficult, costly and risky. It depends largely on treating homes in affected areas with residual insecticides and, in general, improving housing by replacing traditional thatch-roofed dwellings with more modern plastered walls and metal roofs. Management of the illness now entails blood screening to prevent transmission through transfusion. Some drug treatments are available as well.

Finding a Treatment for the Disease, Not Just the Symptoms

But the standard drug treatments for Chagas’ leave much to be desired. Most are aimed at fighting the infection, which manifests in the heart and gastrointestinal tract of the victim. The drugs are difficult to administer and highly toxic, leading to severe side effects in many patients. And no existing medicines have consistently cured patients, according to a report from the Institute for OneWorld Health, a nonprofit pharmaceutical company whose purpose is to develop affordable treatments for neglected infectious diseases around the world.

A collaborative research effort among scientists at the University of Washington and Yale University recently brought forth a non-toxic drug therapy for Chagas’. The team included Andy Hamilton and Junko Ohkanda, both chemists at Yale; and Fred Buckner and Wesley Van Voorhis, infectious disease experts, and Michael Gelb and Kohei Yokoyama, chemists, at University of Washington.

“It was a wonderful collaboration between organic chemists and parasite biologists that came about through reading the literature and recognizing potential connections,” says principal investigator Andy Hamilton, who has since become a provost at Yale. “Big problems nearly always involve collaborative solutions because no one person or institution can have all the answers.”

Fred Buckner, of the University of Washington Medical School, agreed. He has worked for years with a group of chemists led by Michael Gelb to develop compounds to treat infectious diseases caused by protozoan pathogens. 

“They would make the compounds and we would test them against the parasites to see if they would do anything. Some turned out to be active against targets that were different that what we designed them to do, but we determined the mechanism of action and showed them to be active in an animal model,” Buckner says.

Collaboration Goes Beyond the Laboratory 

The original patent application described “compounds and methods for treating infections caused by bacterial protozoal and fungal agents,” says Aline Flower, of the University of Washington TechTransfer Invention Licensing.

“We developed, in collaboration with parasitologists, compounds that target the Chagas’ disease agent in animal models, and we are seeing some very encouraging data,” Hamilton says when asked about the potential application of the compound. 

Buckner and his colleagues had made inroads targeting these diseases, working toward cures or vaccines. “We had discovered that protozoan parasites contain the enzyme protein farnesyltransferase,” he says. “This same enzyme plays an important role in cancer cells, which meant a lot of research laboratories were developing drugs against it. We were working on the hypothesis that protein farnesyltransferase inhibitors might work against parasites,” Buckner says.

In the meantime, Hamilton and his colleague at Yale were working on a similar problem from another angle. “This was the result of many years of fundamental research in trying to get a novel molecular structure to target a specific enzyme,” Hamilton says. “It’s a question of how one synthetic molecule could recognize a biological molecule in a process called molecular recognition.”

Perhaps just as important as the chemical compound the researchers discovered, Hamilton says the two universities and the nonprofit pharmaceutical company have developed an integrated model for drug development. “We hope, as we make progress in the pre-clinical stage, OneWorld Health will help us pull together the necessary funding to allow the clinical and preclinical development of these compounds,” he says.

Alan Carr, senior licensing associate at the Yale Office of Cooperative Research, says that an inter-institutional agreement between the University of Washington and Yale enabled the institutions to structure a deal with OneWorld Health to license the compound affordably.

Like the drug compound, this model for drug development, borne of innovative university technology transfer, could well have a lasting impact on people around the world.

This story was originally published in 2006.

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Innovative Chemical Clean-up Techniques Help Restore the Earth

Univerersity of Connecticut
University of Connecticut

Innovative Chemical Clean-up Techniques Help Restore the Earth

Long before George Hoag took an academic interest in the environment, he forged a personal connection with it. “As a child, I just loved being outdoors,” he says. “Camping, skiing, biking, you name it.” Hoag, an avid hiker, later realized the human race didn’t always tread lightly on the planet. That steered him toward a career path dedicated to cleaning up the chemical mess industry can leave in its wake, wreaking havoc on soil and water.

In 1983, Hoag earned a doctorate in environmental engineering from the University of Connecticut in Storrs, Conn., and applied his knowledge to methods that could help rid the environment of contaminants. He wasn’t impressed with conventional methods used to accomplish that goal. Typically, the technique used on contaminated sites involved pumping chemicals out of the ground and disposing of them as a hazardous waste or digging them up and hauling them to landfills.

I just didn’t think moving contamination from one place to another was the best way for our society to manage the problem.
George Hoag

Instead, Hoag discovered a new cleanup method that targets contamination at its source. So far, it’s helped restore soil and water quality at hundreds of sites around the world.

Trouble with Chlorinated Solvents

While Hoag was immersed in his doctoral studies, the U.S. federal government was also taking a closer look at environmental issues. That included the creation of Superfund, the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) program to clean up hazardous waste areas. According to the EPA, the program has helped restore nearly 1.3 million acres of land for productive use during the past 30 years, ranging from bird sanctuaries to golf courses. But there’s still much work left to be done. As of April 2011, the EPA had 1,290 contaminated sites on its priority list of Superfund sites.

In the 1990s, Hoag became interested in a pervasive toxic culprit — a type of chemical compound called chlorinated solvents. About 80 percent of all Superfund sites with groundwater contamination have chlorinated solvents, according to Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program, the U.S. Department of Defense’s environmental science and technology program. An example is perchloroethylene, the chlorinated solvent most widely used by dry cleaners. It’s a suspected carcinogen and has been detected in soil and groundwater near some dry cleaning facilities. If left untreated, the effects of chlorinated solvents can linger for many decades.

United Technologies Corp. (UTC), based in Hartford, Conn., had concerns about those long-term problems. Like many other large manufacturers, it had chlorinated solvents on itsproperty. In 1997, UTC turned to Hoag for help. The companyneeded to clean up sites contaminated with trichloroethylene,a chlorinated solvent commonly used to clean industrial machinery.One of the decontamination methods available at thetime entailed pumping out polluted water and then treating it.It was a costly approach and not a particularly effective one.While the pump-and-treat method does clean affected water, itoften fails to neutralize the pollution’s origin, which can lurk undergroundfor decades. Seeking a better solution, UTC fundedHoag’s research at University of Connecticut laboratory to findnew methods that could target the contaminant source.

Putting Free Radicals to Work

To accomplish this daunting task, Hoag researched a group of substances called chemical oxidants. When injected into the ground, chemical oxidants can convert hazardous contaminants to less toxic compounds.

One of the initial chemical oxidants Hoag studied was potassium permanganate — but it was only effective on a limited spectrum of compounds. He also tested the effects of hydrogen peroxide, after adding a catalyst and prompting it to make free radicals.

Most people think of free radicals as something to avoid, and rightfully so. Free radicals can destroy cells and cause disease. But the properties that make free radicals harmful in people also make them function as a helpful, hard-working cleanup crew. “The free radicals from hydrogen peroxide are phenomenally good at destroying a broad range of organic chemicals in water, like pesticides, herbicides and PCBs,” says Hoag.

But the catalyzed hydrogen peroxide had a significant shortcoming. When injected into soil, it decomposed much too quickly. That prevented the helpful free radicals from reaching the contamination source.

“So I asked myself the question, is there anything else that makes free radicals and could potentially be used in the ground?” says Hoag. With the help of colleagues — Pradeep Chheda, Ph.D., a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Connecticut; and Bernard Woody, M.Sc., and Gregory Dobbs, Ph.D., both from United Technologies Research Center — he found the answer in a chemical oxidant called sodium persulfate.

Specifically, the researchers studied activated sodium persulfate — which means it’s exposed to a catalyst, like heat or iron. When injected into the ground, activated sodium persulfate lasted longer and traveled farther than hydrogen peroxide and was practically as good at making free radicals.

“This technology has a lower carbon footprint than, say, digging things up,” says Hoag. Plus, it could neutralize a wider array of contaminants than potassium permanganate: In addition to cleaning up chlorinated solvents, sodium persulfate could handle petroleum-based contaminants.

UTC’s funding for Hoag’s work included treating a site owned by the company. During the field trial to destroy contamination at the site, Hoag learned persulfate could travel up to 50 feet in ground water.

The field trial revealed a surprise, too: The technology worked even better than Hoag had suspected. That’s because the persulfate stimulated naturally occurring bacteria in the soil, which were able to help break down contaminants (chlorinated compounds and petroleum compounds) present at the site.

“That was very exciting to find out,” says Hoag.

Commercializing the Cleanup Technology

The university’s technology transfer office — the Center for Science and Technology Commercialization (CSTC) — guided the patent process for Hoag’s discovery. The CSTC also coordinated efforts to introduce the new cleanup technique in the marketplace.

Some of those initial discussions included the possibility of creating a spin-off company. But years ago, Hoag had worked on a spin-off company for another technology — and he wasn’t eager to revisit that experience. “It took an awful lot of time and energy,” he says.

Instead, the university chose a licensing approach. “The technology transfer office really helped a lot, in terms of working through that process,” says Hoag. “They identified companies to license it to.”

In 2000, the CSTC began arranging nonexclusive licenses with about a half-dozen environmental remediation companies. At first, adoption of the new technology fell short of expectations. Says Michael Newborg, Ph.D., executive director of the university’s CSTC: “The licenses we had in place weren’t generating a whole lot of income, which implied that this particular technology wasn’t being broadly used.”

That changed in 2005, when the technology caught the attention of FMC Corp., a chemical company. FMC is the world’s largest manufacturer of sodium persulfate, and the only company that produces it in North America. At the time, FMC already sold persulfate for many applications, from manufacturing printed circuit boards to bleaching hair in salons. Philip Block, Ph.D., remediation technology manager at FMC, heard about Hoag’s work and saw the potential to expand that range of use.

“I was looking for new applications, so when I saw University of Connecticut had done a fair amount of work on the use of persulfate in the environmental market, I found that quite exciting,” says Block.

The university negotiated an agreement with FMC in 2006 to give the company licensing rights for using activated persulfate in environmental cleanup projects. “It was definitely a pleasure working with the University of Connecticut,” says Block. “I think the relationship has been financially beneficial to both organizations.”

FMC now markets the product under the name Klozur Activated Persulfate. Whenever the company sells persulfate for environmental cleanup that uses Hoag’s technique, FMC is able to grant a sublicense for use of the technology. In return, the university receives a royalty on the amount of Klozur sold by FMC. That’s not the only advantage of the agreement. “Many more companies are using the technology now, compared to those we had licenses with initially,” says Newborg. That broader adoption gives the technology a better chance to prove its effectiveness.

A Novel Approach Becomes an Industry Standard

Before FMC established the licensing agreement with the university, the company had a very small environmental group. Now that business is burgeoning, says Block. Since the launch of Klozur Activated Persulfate, revenue for its environmental group has reached double-digit growth each year. Block notes that in the United States, the two driving forces behind environmental projects are regulatory requirements and real estate (properties that must be decontaminated before they can be sold and redeveloped).Even when real estate projects took a hit, demandstayed strong in other areas. Groundwater protection, for example,isn’t influenced by the U.S. economy. “The EPA is goingto make you clean up the site, regardless,” says Block.

Persulfate’s ability to target a range of hazards — chlorinated solvents as wells as petroleum-based substances — gives it an advantage over many other technologies, says Block. He’s observed several indicators that underscore the effectiveness of this particular decontamination technique. For starters, FMC has received many repeat customers for Klozur Activated Persulfate. Not only has the number of cleanup projects increased significantly, but the size of those projects has grown too. About five years ago, the average persulfate environmental project used about 10,000 pounds of Klozur Activated Persulfate. Today, that number can exceed 100,000 pounds for an average cleanup site, says Block: “That’s a good measure of success.”

The decontamination technique has come a long way in just a few years. At a major environmental conference in 2004, Block recalls only one persulfate presentation on the schedule. “In 2010, at the same conference, there were whole sections devoted to persulfate-related talks,” says Block. “It’s now considered one of the industry standards.”

In the United States alone, Klozur Activated Persulfate has been used in more than 600 decontamination projects, including large Department of Defense and Department of Energy sites. International demand for the product is rising too. FMC currently sells it in 16 countries, and customers outside the United States account for 20 percent of sales for Klozur Activated Persulfate.

More Innovation on the Horizon

“There have probably been a minimum of 100 journal articles written on different aspects of using this technology,” says Hoag. “I’m very pleased a technology I discovered has had the widespread positive environmental impact that it has.” That doesn’t mean he plans to kick back and bask in the glow of success. “People who know me know that I’m very passionate about this field,” says Hoag, who founded and directed the University of Connecticut’s Environmental Research Institute. “I’m very committed to applying technology to obtaining a cleaner planet.”

Hoag left the university in 2003 to do consulting work, helping companies apply his new persulfate method. In 2005, he channeled that entrepreneurial spirit into the co-founding of VeruTEK Technologies Inc., a Bloomfield, Conn., company that develops environmentally friendly decontamination technologies using green chemistry. His company funds the research of a few University of Connecticut chemistry faculty members and doctoral students. (VeruTEK jointly holds patents with the university for inventions by some of those faculty and students too.)

“We’re working on licensing from the university some of the new technologies we’ve developed, some of which are an outgrowth of the original work I did on sodium persulfate,” says Hoag.

He notes that more innovation is needed to keep up with hazardous waste. That’s especially true for the chemical pollutants that proliferate in rapidly industrializing countries with lax environmental regulations. Still, Hoag has faith in the problem-solving power of science. “There’s a lot of great work being done in this field,” he says. The persulfate technique represents an important part of those ongoing efforts. By cleaning up contamination at its source, Hoag’s discovery can do good things for the great outdoors.

This story was originally published in 2011.

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Microchip Diagnostic Revolutionizes HIV Monitoring in Developing Countries

University of Toronto

 Microchip Diagnostic Revolutionizes HIV Monitoring in Developing Countries

An HIV-positive woman living in a remote African village walks 37 kilometers, six-month-old baby in tow, to the nearest health clinic for a simple blood test to determine if her disease has progressed to AIDS. She will have to make the same arduous journey weeks later for her results, and if the test reveals that her immune system is weak, she’ll need to return to the clinic again and again — if she’s able — for antiretroviral drugs and continual monitoring.

She is just one of the millions of men, women and children living with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa that James Dou, a doctoral student at the University of Toronto (U of T), hopes to reach with his new invention: a portable lab on a chip that makes blood testing more accessible, efficient and affordable.

HIV and Sub-Saharan Africa

The World Health Organization (WHO) considers the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) a worldwide pandemic, but sub-Saharan Africa is disproportionately affected.

According to the World Health Organization, more than 22 million people with HIV live in sub-Saharn Africa, accounting for nearly 70 percent of the global total.

As HIV progresses to AIDS, the infection weakens the body’s immune defenses by destroying CD4 (T-cell) lymphocytes, a group of white blood cells that help guard against bacteria, viruses and other germs. When CD4 cell levels decrease, the body becomes vulnerable to a host of opportunistic infections that invade when the body’s defenses are low.

“When people are infected with HIV, they are more prone to other infectious diseases such as malaria or tuberculosis, which can become lethal,” says Dou.

A critical component of HIV care is monitoring CD4 levels and administering antiretroviral treatment when they decrease. Antiretroviral drugs help suppress the HIV virus and strengthen the immune system by inhibiting the HIV replication cycle. But such drugs must be given only when the disease progresses — and discontinued once CD4 cells return to stable levels.

Counting Blood Cells

CD4 cell counts are measured by a flow cytometer, a machine the size of a photocopier that is standard equipment in clinical labs — at least in the advanced world. Because the typical flow cytometer costs up to $100,000 and requires both sophisticated infrastructure and trained technicians to operate, it is beyond the reach of many developing countries.

“Flow cytometers are for the most part concentrated in first world countries,” says Dou. “Many countries in the developing world simply do not have the facilities or infrastructure to offer HIV monitoring.”

The Toronto-based Dignitas International, an organization that supports people with HIV and AIDS in the African country of Malawi, has only one flow cytometer in its central health facility, which runs just 250 blood tests per week.  Blood samples are collected from villages and transported to the facility for testing via an unorganized process involving motorcycles, buses and bicycles. Results can take weeks to produce and often never reach the patient at all. Dou’s invention would eliminate the need for patients to travel to a central facility for blood testing or blood samples to be collected and processed elsewhere. His portable, handheld cytometer, similar to the glucose monitor developed for diabetic patients, could provide rapid, point-of care HIV monitoring in even the remotest parts of Africa. At a cost of $5,000 to $10,000 per device, Dou’s cytometer offers the potential for affordable, efficient HIV testing, providing results in a few minutes at a cost of less than $10 per test.

The Science of Flow Cytometry

Dou’s invention grew out of his work as a graduate student in the laboratory of Professor Stewart Aitchison, Ph.D., U of T’s vice dean of research in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering. With funding from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and Ontario’s Ministry of Research and Innovation, he created — and has now patented — a multi-test particle detection and analysis platform that involves a plastic cartridge, an optical reader and software. Additional software can be easily added to the device to transmit results wirelessly to a central database.

A disposable cartridge is engineered with tiny channels, reservoirs and reaction chambers the size of a human hair. For the CD4 test, a dried reagent — an antibody designed to bind to CD4 cells combined with a fluorescent molecule — is placed in the reaction chamber. When the blood mixes with the reagent, the antibody/fluorescent compound binds to the CD4 cells and light up. As blood flows through the channels, the optical reader and software count the CD4 cells, and an LCD on the device displays the results within minutes.

Going to Market

Dou designed his platform to be capable of executing any number of applications from counting blood cells and measuring air pollution to testing for food safety. To determine which application to pursue first — and for help bringing the invention to market — Dou and Aitchison turned to U of T’s Innovations and Partnerships Office (IPO).

Once U of T committed to Dou, the office suggested a startup company and facilitated the development of a business plan, with the help of U of T’s Rotman School of Management, a commercialization plan and patent filings. “Most of our team has a technical background so adding Innovations and Partnerships brought us complementary skills in business,” says Dou. “They’ve been very helpful in helping us make connections, complete our market analysis and apply for funding.”

Engineer Meets Biologist

Director of Commercialization and Business Development Lino DeFacendis and Commercialization Manager Kurtis Scissons introduced the engineers to Rakesh Nayyar, an expert in flow cytometry who had recently become aware of the need for HIV diagnostic equipment in the developing world.

“They were initially looking at testing for leukemia/lymphoma,” says Nayyar. “I advised them to look at doing the CD4 count because it’s a much simpler test and the immediate need is far greater.”

With valuable experience in biological testing, Nayyar joined Dou and Aitchison in forming the ChipCare Corp. to commercialize the portable cytometer.

“This is both a good business venture and humanitarian effort,” says Nayyar, who was recently appointed ChipCare’s CEO.

A bonus for the new company is U of T’s collaboration with the MaRS center, an innovation and commercialization hub situated in downtown Toronto’s discovery ecosystem. The IPO is physically housed within MaRS, which acts as a catalyst to commercialization by bringing together and supporting research institutions, startup companies, entrepreneurs and industry.

“We take a team approach and collaborate in order to leverage our complementary resources,” says DeFacendis.

Getting into the Field

U of T also helped ChipCare establish partnerships with two organizations that are anxious to get the portable cytometer into the field: Dignitas in Malawi and the Camillian Social Center of Rayong, Thailand, which is dedicated to caring for orphans with HIV and AIDS.

“This proves how university research has a direct and positive impact on people’s lives,” says Professor Peter Lewis, Ph.D., U of T’s associate vice president, research, and acting executive director of the university’s Innovations and Partnerships Office. “Our team at IPO is having great success at working with U of T professors in taking their research to the marketplace for the good of society. Our work with Professor Aitchison and James Dou is an excellent example.”

Dou’s invention has impressed others as well: It beat out 200 entrants to win the Canadian Business magazine’s Great Canadian Innovation Competition in 2009. The top prize included nearly $90,000 in engineering and business services, which the company used to refine its technology and develop its first prototype.

“They have de-risked the science,” says DeFacendis. “The blood flow is the tricky part. You need a clean, extremely discreet profile to count the cells.”

With additional funding, the company is set to shrink the current prototype, which is about the size of a breadbox, to the handheld version. ChipCare’s goal is to deploy 100 devices in Malawi and Thailand in 2012.

Multiple Uses in Many Countries

Dou’s portable diagnostic device also has potential applications in North America and other advanced countries, where it could help reduce health care costs. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends routine HIV screening of adults, adolescents and pregnant women — and reports that each year, nearly 22 million Americans are tested for HIV.

“The portable cytometer is a nice complement to existing flow cytometers in hospital laboratories that have a lot of bells and whistles,” says Dou. “Many of the tests that run on flow cytometers don’t need to use all of its features.”

Dou says obtaining one CD4 blood count from a flow cytometer in North America typically costs between $75 and $100. He expects his portable cytometer to complete the same test for approximately a tenth of the cost. But the ChipCare Corp. won’t stop with one blood test. The company has recently filed a second patent that covers the chemical processes involved in testing for other blood-related ailments, such as malaria. With one drop of blood, Dou’s device could count CD4 cells and detect malaria parasites, providing two results from one test.

ChipCare’s portable cytometer could also perform a simple complete blood count (CBC), a routine screening test used to check for anemia, infection and other diseases in patients all over the world. By performing CBCs in settings far removed from a hospital laboratory, the portable cytometer could make a huge impact on the delivery of health care.

For example, patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment for cancer must have their blood tested regularly to monitor cell counts (such as the number of white or red blood cells). The ChipCare cytometer would allow health care workers to perform blood tests in a patient’s home, eliminating the need for extra trips to the hospital or clinic.

“Our technology has the potential to revolutionize medical diagnosis by providing less expensive, accurate blood testing with timely results while saving patients pain and inconvenience,” says Dou.

ChipCare’s portable cytometer could also be engineered to count bacteria in water — an application that would eliminate the need to collect and send water samples away for analysis and instead provide immediate, onsite detection of E. coli and other dangerous microorganisms.

“It’s very meaningful and rewarding to do this work,” says Dou. “I am hoping that our efforts can allow technology to have a bigger impact on people’s health and quality of life. That is my motivation.”

This story was originally published in 2011.

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Cholera Vaccine Keeps Turkeys Healthy

Brigham Young University

Cholera Vaccine Keeps Turkeys Healthy

If you enjoyed that gobbler you and your family ate at Thanksgiving, or simply like the occasional turkey-on-rye sandwich, you may be indebted to a Brigham Young University (BYU) emeritus professor of microbiology named Marcus Jensen.

Jensen, who retired from BYU in 1994, developed a vaccine that prevents turkeys from getting coryza, a whooping cough-like disease. He also created vaccines to fight avian cholera and staph infections. Because of Jensen’s work, coryza has been eliminated from many flocks.

Billions of turkeys have been inoculated with Jensen’s M-9 vaccine and grown fat on their way to market.

Jensen started his research on poultry diseases in the late 1970s to help Utah turkey farmers who were experiencing severe financial losses because of high mortality rates among their flocks. Jensen was able to develop the M-9 coryza vaccine extraordinarily fast in 1979. Instead of working on the vaccine over a period of years, he and colleagues developed it in about six months. They started in January and by July were reporting successful field tests.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Minichromosomes Carry the Key to Improved Crops, Better Yields

University of Chicago
Unversity of Chicago

Minichromosomes Carry the Key to Improved Crops, Better Yields

The projections are dire. “World Population in 2300,” a report released by the United Nations’ Expert Meeting on World Population in 2004, predicted that the planet’s population will grow nearly 50 percent — to more than 9 billion people — by the year 2075.

“Reaping the Benefits,” a study released by the United Kingdom’s Royal Society in 2009, concluded that current food production systems will be unsustainable for future needs, with few opportunities for increasing crop-producing lands without inflicting environmental damage.

In the future, the ability to grow more — and better — crops on existing farmland will be essential to meet expanded population demands.
Daphne Preuss,  CEO of Chromatin Inc.

By altering plants’ genomes, today’s researchers can improve production on limited acreage with crops that can be planted closer together and are more resistant to pests and diseases.

“But these plants have been developed by adding genes incrementally — a very slow process,” she says. “The technology we have developed — minichromosomes — lets us add a larger number of genes simultaneously and breed varieties containing those changes much more quickly.”

Laboratory Research

Minichromosome (or gene-stacking) technology grew from a discovery by Preuss while working with a small mustard plant called Arabidopsis thaliana in her laboratory at the University of Chicago, where she served as a professor of molecular genetics and cell biology.

“Daphne found a mutation with characteristics that let us develop a genetic mapping technique for plants,” notes Gregory Copenhaver, Ph.D., who began working on the project with Preuss as a postdoctoral student in 1996. “We devised a technique for identifying the centromere, the spot on chromosomes that a cell grabs onto when it needs to move them during division. We were able to figure out how to catch hold of the centromere ourselves and use it to  work with other plants.”

Building Chromatin Inc.

The question was what to do with those discoveries. During the course of the 1990s, the University of Chicago secured the rights to them with a series of patents. “To take it beyond that,” notes Heather Walsh, Ph.D., project manager in the university’s Office of Technology and Intellectual Property, “Daphne and Greg believed they needed to commercialize it. But they felt that if gene-stacking was simply licensed to a single big organization, their work would be relegated to a limited set of plant products. They thought a smaller operation would be able to make the technology more broadly available for use with a multitude of crops.”

Preuss and Copenhaver founded Chromatin Inc. in 2001, with the university licensing the technology to the new company. The name draws on the DNA and protein material that make up a cell’s chromosomes.

Copenhaver put his pursuit of an academic career temporarily on hold to serve as president, eventually going back to academia as an associate professor with joint appointments in the Department of Biology and the Carolina Center for Genome Sciences at the University of North Carolina. He continues to serve Chromatin as a consultant, working through teleconferencing and monthly trips to Chicago.

Preuss, who has now left the University of Chicago, has been leading Chromatin for the past three years, serving as president and CEO of a company that has grown to more than 30 employees and facilities at several sites. In its primary DNA workshop in Chicago, the company builds and analyzes chromosomes. At labs in Urbana, Ill., researchers focus on plant growth and manipulating plant tissues and DNA.

Additionally, Chromatin operates field stations in other locations where higher yielding crops are bred. Among a series of additional patents secured by the company is one in 2007 granting it exclusive minichromosome rights in all plants.

Autonomous Chromosomes

“People have been able to alter plants by putting genes in chromosomes for several decades,” Copenhaver says, “but that’s essentially a random approach. When you place a new gene within a cell’s nucleus you can’t be sure where it’s going to land. First, the gene must insert itself into an existing chromosome. The position it lands in may affect its functioning. Or, it might disrupt other genes during insertion.”

As a consequence, researchers often have to work with thousands of plants in order to find a few that achieve the sought-after alteration. And since the point is that new traits have to be successfully passed on to succeeding generations, it’s a long, labor-intensive — and expensive — process.

Preuss and Copenhaver thought a better approach would be to create their own chromosome, stack it with the genes they wanted and insert it into the cell.

“We were able to identify the centromere region in corn and work from there,” Copenhaver says. “We tested a lot, using marker genes that fluoresce under ultraviolet light. We could see if the genes were being expressed and make sure they were autonomous — that they didn’t insert themselves into existing chromosomes.”

“Being autonomous solves a lot of problems,” Preuss adds. “It makes it easier to pass on traits. It makes breeding new plants faster, better, cheaper and more predictable.”

It’s still an empirical process. As the Chromatin researchers build up a catalog of minichromosomes, they can compare traits and make better predictions as to what a combination of genes is going to do. Testing is still necessary but the ability to predict results shortens the process.

They reported their results in corn in the journal PLoS Genetics in the fall of 2007; the company has also had ongoing programs in a number of other crops, including soybean.

Corporate Licensing

Initial research was supported by funding from the university; private foundations; the National Science Foundation; and the Consortium for Plant Technology Research, a Department of Energy/industry funding collaboration. As a company, Chromatin was launched with venture capital and federal Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) financing. It subsequently has gone through additional rounds of venture capital and SBIR funding. And, it receives revenues fromits licensing contracts with agricultural companies.

These include a 2007 collaborative agreement with agricultural giant Monsanto Co. allowing that organization to adapt Chromatin technology for its research crops. Also in 2007, Chromatin granted Syngenta Biology Inc. a nonexclusive license to use the technology for corn and soybeans.

Other agreements have followed — with Dow AgroSciences for research on combining Chromatin minichromosomes with Dow technology and with Bayer Crop-Science for its use in cotton plants. An exclusive agreement with Syngenta lets that company pursue minichromosome technology in sugarcane.

“Our first mission has been developing crops that leading agricultural companies are pursuing today — crops like soybeans that farmers can plant more closely together to increase yields, allow more efficient use of pesticides or are resistant to drought,” Preuss says.

“In the future, minichromosomes can bring about improved types of crops — foods high in Omega 3 oils, cottons with different types of fibers, new medicines and biofuels,” Preuss continues. “Manufacturers have been seeking to derive insulin from safflower plants and antibodies from aquatic plants. Crops like sugarcane and sawgrass offer the prospect of becoming very productive, efficient biofuel sources.”

That’s why the importance of minichromosomes’ capacity for stacking unlimited numbers of genes can’t be understated, Copenhaver says.

“Science’s ability to discover new genes and be sure what they’re doing has outstripped our ability to use them,” he says. “Most companies have a lot more genes than they’ve been able to implement. This opens new doors for making important advances available to people.”

This story was originally published in 2010.

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Cinnamon Extract Provides Powerful Defense Against Viruses

Tel Aviv University

Cinnamon Extract Provides Powerful Defense Against Viruses

With antibiotic-resistant “superbugs” on the rise, new strategies and materials are desperately needed to combat these and other potentially deadly microorganisms, including human and avian influenza.

Tel Aviv University, Isarel, has taken a big step in fighting these superbugs by developing a novel extract from cinnamon that kills viruses in less than one minute of incubation.

Michael Ovadia, Ph.D., a professor in the university’s zoology department, identified and tested “Viral Neutralizing Fraction” (VNF) in 2001-2002. Both in vitro and animal studies showed the substance neutralized a number of viruses, including human influenza H1N1, avian influenza H5 and H9, Sendai virus, Newcastle disease virus HIV and the human herpes virus. VNF was also successfully used in mice and chicken embryos as a vaccination against Sendai virus and Newcastle disease virus.

VNF shows promise as a possible treatment for human and avian viral infections, as well as a vaccination agent. It may also be incorporated into consumer-care products such as intimate lubricants (reducing the chances of transmission of HIV, the herpes simplex virus and other viruses), air filtering systems, hand sanitizers and cleaners, and personal masks for reducing the spread of viruses in closed spaces. 

An exclusive license for VNF was issued to Frutarom Industries, Ltd., one of the world’s largest flavors companies. The cooperation with Tel Aviv University is part of Frutarom’s broad strategic plan to expand Frutarom’s offering of unique natural products and to strengthen Frutarom’s position and standing as a leading global supplier of natural products and functional food ingredients for tasty and healthy solutions.

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Magnetic Imaging Identifies Microchip Failure Quickly, Accurately

Brown University

Magnetic Imaging Identifies Microchip Failure Quickly, Accurately

When microchips fail in semiconductors and electronic devices, the root cause can be difficult to diagnose. Complex circuits and equipment often have to be painstakingly disassembled piece by piece, and even then the reason for the system failure might never become clear. As wires in such microchips grow smaller and denser, failure caused by atom migration within the wires is becoming more common.

Along with colleagues at the Brown University Nanoscale Physics and Devices group, physics professor Gang Xiao, Ph.D., developed magnetic imaging technology that allows the visualization of electric current flow within microchips. Xiao formed Micro Magnetics, Inc., in 1998 to pursue the commercial application of the technologies he was developing at Brown. Based in Fall River, Mass., Micro Magnetics obtained an exclusive technology transfer license with the university, and created the Circuit Scan 1000 (CS1000), a highly sensitive diagnostic microscope for the semiconductor and electronic industry.

Since the micropscope doesn’t touch the equipment it’s scanning, there is no risk of damage, and semiconductor owners can isolate and analyze problems more efficiently than ever before.

The CS1000 uses the technology developed at Brown to produce high-resolution visual maps of electrical current in microchips. Noninvasive and brief (less than two hours for a high-resolution scan), the magnetic imaging can diagnose short circuits, hot spots, leakage and other problems not visible through less advanced microscopic techniques.

For more information, visit

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Chemotherapy Drug Offers Hope for Hairy Cell Leukemia

Brigham Young University

Chemotherapy Drug Offers Hope for Hairy Cell Leukemia

Hairy cell leukemia represents about two percent of all forms of leukemia, typically affecting men and women between the ages of 40 and 70. Most patients are white males over 40.

Men are four to five times more likely to be affected by this form of leukemia than women.

Its name stems from the fact that it is characterized by abnormal white blood cells that appear to have hair-like projections when examined under a microscope. It is a chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), which means it is a form of leukemia that involves the production of too many lymphocytes — white blood cells that are vital to the body’s defenses. Symptoms of the disease include increased fatigue, infections and swelling of the spleen.

Yet help for those suffering from hairy cell leukemia eventually came from researchers at Brigham Young University (BYU). In the early 1960s, a graduate student named Morris J. Robins was the first person to make cladribine, a drug which interferes with the growth and spread of cancer cells associated with hairy cell leukemia. In the 1980s, Robins’ second cousin, Roland K. Robins, along with fellow BYU researcher Ray Revankar, developed an improved method of making cladribine. The Scripps Research Institute also played a key role in the development of cladribine, performing clinical trials using funding from the National Institutes of Health.

Yet the success story of cladribine is far from over.

In 2006, Morris J. Robins, now a distinguished chemistry professor at BYU, took cladribine a step further improving the method and lowering the cost associated with manufacturing it.

Additionally, the FDA has granted fast-track status to a European pharmaceutical company to test an oral version of cladribine for the treatment of multiple sclerosis.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Processing Text With Domain-Specific Spreading Activation Methods

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

Processing Text With Domain-Specific Spreading Activation Methods

The launch of Clarigent Health’s Clairity app comes as clinicians respond to a mental health crisis linked to months of stress, anxiety, and isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The continued need for social distancing has propelled the use of telehealth appointments, which bring new challenges for mental health professionals trained to look for signals in a face-to-face environment.

The app’s HIPAA-compliant listening tool is designed to provide clinical decision support to mental health professionals. Its technology is based on “spreading activation,” a neuropsychiatry platform that uses natural language processing. Clairity analyzes speech to identify vocal biomarkers – noninvasive, objective indicators of mental health states calibrated to identify suicidal risk and provide an additional objective metric to mental health professionals.

The foundational science comes from research at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center led by John Pestian, PhD and Tracy Glauser, MD. The research team enlisted volunteers from online suicide support communities to review the world’s largest collection of suicide notes. Written between 1950 and 2011, the notes were read one by one, transcribed, anonymized, and annotated. In the last words, sentences and phrases used by those who died by suicide, the researchers identified emotions such as anger, blame, fear, guilt, and very often, loss of hope. The notes, as well as consented recordings of patient-provider conversations at multiple clinical sites, were used to develop a corpus of “words of despair” from which the algorithms analyzed for patterns, with the goal of better identifying those at risk of self-harm.

Pestian, the director of Computational Medicine Center at Cincinnati Children’s, believes "The holy grail of mental health care is early identification.  When used in the hands of a professional caregiver, technology can help find patients in need much earlier.”

The algorithms became the backbone of a Cincinnati Children’s spin-out company in 2018. Cincinnati Children’s tech transfer office, Cincinnati Children’s Innovation Ventures, helped establish Clarigent Health by helping to select the management team and secure funding. Clarigent Health has since brought to market an app to help clinicians detect risk of suicide and other mental health concerns, and has plans to broaden their product offering.

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New COVID-19 Saliva Swab Boosts Testing Capacity

SUNY Upstate Medical University

New COVID-19 Saliva Swab Boosts Testing Capacity
Testing is critical to prevent and contain the spread of COVID-19.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued an emergency use authorization for Clarifi COVID-19 on September 22, 2020.
The new, rapid diagnostic test developed by researchers at SUNY Upstate Medical University and Quadrant Biosciences in Syracuse, NY, has boosted SUNY's testing capacity twelve-fold -- to over 120,000 tests per week -- and will help communities across the country better pinpoint and contain COVID-19.

Quadrant is an epigenetic diagnostics company that has a lot of experience in identifying human and microbiome genetic material in saliva. Dr. Frank Middleton, associate professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at SUNY Upstate, worked with Quadrant as co-lead investigator on the research behind its RNA diagnostic test for autism spectrum disorder (Clarifi ASD, which uses the same unique saliva collection kit). Middleton realized in March that some of that experience and knowledge could be used to create a saliva test to diagnose the COVID-19 virus.  
Quadrant’s Clarifi COVID-19 Test Kit uses the same saliva collection kit used in Clarifi ASD. This collection kit is unusual in that it has an integrated transport media that prevents degradation of the SARS-CoV-2 RNA prior to laboratory testing (thereby limiting “false negatives”) and inactivates the virus (making the laboratory handling of the specimen safer).

Initially developed for individual testing, Clarifi COVID-19 was the third most sensitive test in the world. Quadrant successfully modified Clarifi COVID-19 to allow for pooling of up to 12 individuals without losing sensitivity.  In the "pooled test" multiple samples are combined into a single "pooled" sample, which is tested for COVID-19. If the entire pooled sample tests negative, this means that all 12 people whose individual samples are included in the pooled group are presumed at the time to be COVID-free.

Now, thanks to SUNY Upstate and Quadrant’s innovation, if the pooled sample tests positive, each individual saliva sample within the pool is quickly tested individually to pinpoint exact positive cases - without the need to collect a new sample, thus providing the ability to rapidly screen more than 20,000 samples a day in a single lab to identify the infected individuals.

The cutting-edge innovation has enabled SUNY Upstate and Quadrant to provide affordable, high-quantity testing across the entire SUNY system.

The FDA authorization makes this new, innovative test available for use throughout the U.S. by high-complexity clinical laboratories serving patients at physicians' offices, urgent care clinics and hospitals. According to Quadrant Founder and CEO Richard Uhlig, the company is already working with several laboratories within the U.S. and is in negotiations with others internationally.
“The ability to transfer Quadrant’s innovative diagnostic platform to address the urgent need for COVID-19 testing solutions demonstrates the great value of strategic collaborations between academia and industry,” said Matthew Mroz, director of Innovation and Partnerships at the Research Foundation for SUNY.  “We are proud to have supported this effort by working collaboratively and swiftly with the research teams at SUNY Upstate and Quadrant to draft and file joint patent applications, and to negotiate various agreements including licenses, collaborative research agreements, and materials transfer agreements to enable the broad commercialization of Clarifi COVID-19.”
SUNY researchers are shaping the future by producing more than 200 new technologies every year. Within SUNY’s broad and rich research portfolio, special focus is placed on scientific and technological areas that have the potential to accelerate economic growth, drive social impact, and enhance human wellbeing. The RF works with business and industry, government agencies and other partners to move SUNY's ideas and inventions to the marketplace.

This story was originally published in 2020.

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ClearGlide Eases Vessel Harvesting for Coronary Bypass Surgery

Emory University

ClearGlide Eases Vessel Harvesting for Coronary Bypass Surgery

Sixteen years ago, Alan Lumsden, M.D., FACS, was a heart surgeon and professor at Emory University, and he was troubled. A small but necessary step in preparing for coronary bypass surgery was causing disproportionate problems for his patients.

"In bypass surgery, we overwhelmingly use veins from the leg,” says Lumsden, now at Methodist DeBakey Heart and Vascular Center, Methodist Hospital, Houston. “Harvesting the leg vein required an open incision anywhere from the ankle to the groin,” he says. “

Many patients complained more about the leg incision than about having their chests cracked, and it was a source of potential infection and complications.
Alan Lumsden

The problem was enormous. According to the Centers for Disease Control, 415,000 times a year surgeons open the chests of patients stricken with coronary artery disease to “plumb around” a restriction in a coronary artery by grafting a healthy blood vessel from elsewhere in the body. As many as four narrowed coronary arteries may be bypassed in one coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG, pronounced cabbage) procedure. 

But in order for a surgeon to perform a CABG, he or she needs a healthy blood vessel harvested from elsewhere in the patient. And therein lies the rub: How to harvest that vessel while minimizing discomfort and complications.

The Spark of an Idea
There had to be a better way, Lumsden thought. Then he attended the Georgia Surgical Symposium at Sea Island Georgia where Felmont Eaves, M.D., showed a minimally invasive technique for harvesting muscle flaps for plastic surgery. “I’m a great believer in looking in the other guy’s toolkit, and the instruments they developed looked like they could be modified for saphenous vein harvesting,” Lumsden says, “so we talked about it and actually used those instruments to take out a shorter piece of vein.”

Lumsden says, “I contacted Ethicon Endo-Surgery, a company devoted to providing surgeons with products that assist in minimally invasive surgery, talked to them about this concept, and began a series of iterations with their engineers that lead to the development of the ClearGlide system for harvesting vessels for CABG surgery. Emory University already had a collaboration agreement with Ethicon, so that made it easier.  It was a tremendous advantage to have an industry partner who could prototype a device that was custom made for the purpose.”

The result was a huge improvement over the old method of vessel harvesting. The ClearGlide system requires a single small incision. The vessel harvesting instrument is then inserted into the incision around the vessel. The instrument slides down the outside of the vessel to the required length, the vessel is snipped off, and the vessel can be withdrawn from the leg, ready for use by the CABG surgeon.

The result revolutionized the harvesting of vessels for bypass surgery. “There is less pain, less swelling, fewer complications, dramatically reduced infection rates, smaller scars, and improved patient outcomes and satisfaction,” Lumsden says. “It’s pretty much the national standard for harvesting these veins.”

Licensing the ClearGlide Technology
“We executed an initial licensing agreement with Ethicon for the vessel harvesting technology invented during the Ethicon collaboration,” says Susanne Hollinger, director of License and Patent Strategy, Office of Technology Transfer, Emory University. 

“That was completed in 1994,” she says, “and resulted in royalties of some $1.1 million until 2005. After corporate acquisitions required divesting the vessel harvesting technology, it was transferred to Datascope in 2006 and in 2009 to Sorin Group who enhanced and renamed it VascuClear.”

Hollinger adds, “Since 2005, the royalties Emory has received from the ClearGlide/VascuClear licensing amount to an additional $1.2 million, and we will be receiving revenue for a few more years.”

The Impact of the Technology
Leslie Snow, vice president of U.S. Marketing for Sorin Cardiac Surgery Business Unit, Sorin Group, says, “We acquired this technology because it is a fantastic method to get a conduit —  the vessel —  needed for bypass surgery.”

She adds, “Our business is focused on the cardiac suite in three main areas of expertise: heart valve, cardiopulmonary and cardiac rhythm management. As the industry moves toward less invasive procedures, this technology is a good fit for us. When we purchased the technology from Datascope, we made some changes to make it more user friendly for customers, and those changes have been well-received. We’re one of the top three companies in this marketplace.”

Snow notes that VascuClear fits well with broad trends in the health care industry. “With an emphasis on quality in health care reform, hospitals won’t get paid for readmissions after surgery; they are incentivized to reduce problems after surgery. VascuClear helps to do that for coronary bypass surgery.”

She concludes, “This technology is good for our company, good for patients, and good for health care providers.”

This story was originally published in 2010.

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Single Use Vaginal Speculum Improved Patient Outcomes

University of South Florida

Single Use Vaginal Speculum Improved Patient Outcomes

The ClearSpec® Single Use Vaginal Speculum is an innovative device that can not only improve patient outcomes but can also improve patient discomfort often associated with gynecological exams. ClearSpec® Single Use Vaginal Speculum has been scientifically proven in an Institutional Revew Board (IRB) randomized clinical study to improve visualization of the cervix, which can help the approximately 19 million women in the United States who receive annual gynecological exams. 

Titled “sheathed versus standard speculum for visualization of the cervix,” the study was published in the May 2014 issue of the International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics. The study found that there was a significant increase in the visualization of the cervix from 78% to 95% with ClearSpec, and that 100% of cervix was visualized in 64% of all patients with ClearSpec versus 16% with standard speculums.

Speculum exams can be very uncomfortable, and having a product that minimizes this discomfort is a real advantage as well as the added benefit of providing a better diagnosis to the patient. 

There are a total of approximately 60 million speculum exams completed each year. Standard Speculums offer only single plane (superior/inferior) tissue retractions. ClearSpec’s multi-planar tissue retraction solves many of the issues associated with cervical examinations, ultimately resulting in better disease diagnosis and treatment. Some of these advantages include:

  • The physician has an unobstructed view of the patient’s cervix, even when there is excessive vaginal tissue.
  • The sheath makes it possible for the physician to perform an examination or diagnostic procedures, such as pap smears, cervical cultures and biopsies.
  • A second instrument such as a lateral retractor or condom is not needed to perform an exam.
  • Opening the speculum wide is not necessary. The blades can be opened just wide enough to conduct an adequate examination, minimizing patient discomfort.
  • The sheath material is warmer and more comfortable to the touch for the patient.
  • The speculum is disposable
  • Saves the physician precious time and can cut down on wait times for patients in general.

The ClearSpec sheathed vaginal speculum is essential for all cervical procedures including Colposcopy, Cervical Biopsy, Cryotherapy, Endometrial Biopsy and Ablation, Hysteroscopy, Essure, Pregnancy Exams, Pap Smears and cervical cultures.

The company exhibited their innovative technology at the 2014 American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) annual meeting, the nation's leading group of physicians providing health care for women. ClearSpec has partnered with McKesson Medical-Surgical Inc., for distribution of their device to physicians' offices, home care agencies, long-term care facilities and surgery centers in the United States.  McKesson Medical-Surgical Inc. brings next-generation solutions to life every day and carries medical-surgical products in every major product category to improve the health of medical businesses.

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Seeing More Means Hearing More

Univesity of Illinois

As the father of a child with recurring ear infections, Ryan Shelton felt the frustration that many parents experience because inner ear problems are so difficult to diagnose and treat. But unlike most parents, Shelton had a doctorate in biomedical optics and imaging and was doing postdoctoral research at the Biophotonics Imaging Laboratory at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Together, he and Stephen Boppart, MD, PhD, went to work developing an imaging tool that would allow physicians to directly visualize the middle ear.

The team employed an imaging technology called optical coherence tomography (OCT), which uses near-infrared light waves to create three-dimensional views of the inner ear. The technology is similar to ultrasound but instead of sound waves, OCT shines light through the eardrum and collects the light reflections that bounce off the structures within the middle ear.
Although a desktop-sized OCT machine is the gold standard for examining the retina, Shelton and Boppart built a hand-held OCT device for the ear called the ClearView otoscope. Utilizing the full range of technology transfer resources offered by the University of Illinois — from patent filing and licensing agreements to startup support — the researchers established a start-up company, PhotoniCare Inc., to market their new device.
“Starting a company in the University of Illinois ecosystem, and particularly in Urbana-Champaign, continues to be a really terrific experience,” says Ryan Shelton, CEO and Co-Founder of PhotoniCare. “Support through affordable resources, access to expertise and mentorship and top-notch facilities is exactly what early-stage companies need.”
PhotoniCare has quickly moved the technology from bench to bedside, equipping physicians with its ClearView otoscope and conducting a National Institutes of Health-supported clinical trial with the device at Children’s National Health System in Washington, DC.

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Cloned Enzymes Identify Bacterial Toxins at Extremely Low Levels

National University of Singapore

Cloned Enzymes Identify Bacterial Toxins at Extremely Low Levels

Because horseshoe crab blood immediately clots when it comes into contact with bacteria, the blood of this unique animal has been used for decades by pharmaceutical companies for testing the purity of sterilized medical equipment and human injectable products.

Although this quality assurance method is effective, it is costly, time consuming, and suffers batch-to-batch variations in sensitivity, and could possibly kill the horseshoe crab, which is now considered an endangered species in various parts of the world. Now, however, a genetic engineering breakthrough at the National University of Singapore has cloned the enzyme that clots the blood of the horseshoe crab.

A novel generation of cloned horseshoe crab recombinant Factor C for detection and removal of endotoxin was discovered in 1998 by professor Ding Jeak Ling of the department of biological sciences, and associate professor Ho Bow of the department of microbiology.

This technology enables Factor C to be produced without having to bleed horseshoe crabs, which will help conserve this dwindling species.

The cloned “Factor C” enzyme reacts to bacteria and endotoxins at extremely low levels, and is more stable and chemically consistent than the naturally occurring form.

The Factor C recombinant technology has been licensed by the National University of Singapore to several companies, including BioDtech and Lonza, a global life sciences company based in Switzerland. Lonza is using the cloned enzyme in both their Pyrogene™ and PyroSense™ systems with Pyrogene being an endotoxin detection kit whilst PyroSense is an online endotoxin monitoring system. 

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Cochlear Implant Brings Sound and Language to Thousands

University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)

Cochlear Implant Brings Sound and Language to Thousands

An electronic hearing device developed by neuroscientists at the University of California, San Francisco gives the gift of sound to thousands of people who have lost their hearing and brings normal language to people who have been deaf since birth.

One of the most remarkable technologies ever developed for people with hearing loss is the cochlear implant. An amazingly complex, micro-machined electronic device that stimulates the acoustic nerve to replace the excitatory function of a pathologically destroyed ear, the cochlear implant has led to restored hearing in people with advanced hearing loss and established normal language use in people who have been deaf since birth. Though the device has been somewhat controversial within the deaf community, it is nothing short of a miracle for people who use it.

Michael Merzenich, Ph.D., and his colleagues at the University of California, San Francisco led research on the development of cochlear implants in the1970s and 80s. Merzenich, a neuroscientist, has spent his career investigating the neural origin of higher brain functions and the remediation of human neurological dysfunction and disability. His lab focuses on defining the neural bases of learning, recognition and memory, defining the mechanisms that underlie functional disabilities, and developing strategies for remediating learning-disabled children and adults. The cochlear implant is one of a number of commercial products that has emerged from those varied interests and pursuits.

It is one of the most sophisticated electronic devices that’s implanted into humans.
Michael Merzenich

The university licensed the technology in 1988 to a cardiac pacemaker manufacturer, which created a subsidiary called Advanced Bionic, now a subsidiary of Boston Scientific, to develop and market the technology.

Merzenich and his team developed novel strategies to electrically stimulate the auditory nerve array in the inner ear with patterned stimulation that generated sensory inputs designed to simulate those generated in a normal, intact ear. Though the Merzenich team was the worldleading research group in this area, they didn’t patent their inventions until they began to search for a company that could manufacture the device.

Studies Began in the 1950s
Researchers had been working on the problem since the 1950s, wondering whether it might be possible to replace the electric signals from the missing hair cells in people who had hearing loss, especially those who had intact auditory nerves. Initial efforts to create a cochlear implant were met with a great deal of skepticism and daunting technical obstacles.

In parallel, the communication industry had been working to reduce the information in a speech signal without losing its intelligibility. Spearheaded largely by AT&T’s Bell Laboratories, these early voice coders simplified the designs of the coding stages for the cochlear implant. Merzenich’s inventions were based in part on that technology.

Merzenich says that the first patent was very general, covering the basic idea behind the technology: the patterned replacement of sound that would simulate the activation that occurs in an intact ear. The ear of a non-hearing person lacks the tiny hairs that act as transducers to stimulate the auditory nerve, creating sound. The cochlear implant directs the electrical simulation input of complex sounds. Later patents described specific features that were critical to the successful application of the device.

Distinct From Hearing Aids
Cochlear implants are not the same as hearing aids. Surgically implanted to replace the function of the ear, they are used in patients whose deafness is complete, or almost so. Hearing aids amplify sounds and are created to target specific areas of the auditory nerve to make up for hearing loss. 

In contrast, the cochlear implant  stimulates the whole auditory nerve array with patterned electrical signals to simulate normal nerve input in a way that would be expected to generate sound in an intact ear. It is more sophisticated, complex and costly than a hearing aid; it also is extremely difficult to manufacture, requiring complex micromachining, microfabrication and engineering. 

“Each implant has hand-fabricated components and very complicated electronics,” Merzenich says. “The engineering development in this product has been substantial.” Merzenich estimates that each device costs $5,000 to $10,000 to manufacture with appropriate quality assurance. “Quality assurances are crucial,” he says, “because these devices are designed to last a lifetime.”

The implant was developed for those with the most severe hearing loss, but it is being applied more and more frequently to patients with marginal hearing. One of the most famous people to receive a cochlear implant is radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh, whose career was on the line because his hearing loss was so severe.

The cochlear implant technology, while embraced by the medical community, has met with some resistance in the deaf community. Merzenich says it is difficult for deaf families — especially those who have always been deaf — to deal with a hearing child, or even to understand why anyone would want to treat the nonhearing child. 

“It isn’t surprising that deaf individuals can be a little insulted by the notion that deafness is an unacceptable condition that demands treatment,” he says. “It’s not an entirely unjustified fear that deaf children implanted with the device can become aliens in their own families and communities.”

Understanding Sounds
The “ah-ha” moment for Merzenich and his colleagues came in 1979 or 80, when patients equipped with the technology, sitting in a sound room, “began to understand everything the scientists were saying to them through the cochlear implant-mediated hearing alone.”

When a deaf person with a cochlear implant is first exposed to speech, they usually cannot understand what they’re hearing, according to Merzenich. “Speech sounds distorted or robotic,” he says. “But, in time, about 90 percent of the patients come to understand almost everything that’s said to them.”

More than 20,000 patients have received Cochlear implants since the technology was patented in 1980.

This story was originally published in 2006.

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Serving a Greener Cup of Coffee

University of Guelph

Serving a Greener Cup of Coffee

Thanks to researchers at University of Guelph, consumers are now brewing a more earth-friendly cup of coffee.

The popularity of single-serve coffee makers has grown dramatically in recent years. The handy appliances provide convenience for consumers but at a high cost to the environment. The single-serve pods used by these machines generate enough discarded coffee pods to circle the globe 10 times.

The main obstacle preventing coffee pods from going green are the rings that secure the pod’s pouch. The rings are made from polypropylene, an inexpensive petroleum-based plastic.

Already looking for ways to reduce the world’s dependence on petroleum-based plastics, Amar Mohanty, Director of University of Guelph’s Bioproducts Discovery Development Centre, partnered with Atul Bali, CEO of Competitive Green Technologies, to find a more environmentally-friendly cup of coffee that  was also cost-effective.

To reduce the amount of biodegradable plastic needed in the rings, Mohanty found a plentiful and affordable natural fiber.  The skin — or chaff — of the coffee bean is discarded before the beans are roasted. Coffee chaff is widely available: in Canada and the United States alone, roasters produce more than 10 million pounds of chaff each year.

The University of Guelph Catalyst Centre was instrumental in making this project a great success. The support we received in commercializing the technology is essential in a project like this.
Amar Mohanty, Director of University of Guelph’s Bioproducts Discovery Development Centre

By September of 2014, Mohanty created a successful ring formulation consisting of 25 percent coffee chaff. The University of Guelph’s Catalyst Centre then filed a patent on Mohanty’s  invention and  exclusively licensed the technology to Competitive Green Technologies. The company now produces half a million rings per day for a compostable coffee pod which is sold through large retailers including Kroger, Walmart and Costco.

This story was originally published in 2015.

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Cogmed Working Memory Training Improves Memory, Reasoning

Karolinska Institute, Stockholm

Cogmed Working Memory Training Improves Memory, Reasoning

Much has been discovered about working memory and how problems with it can affect how we function and how we learn. Working memory problems occur in a range of populations including those afflicted with attention deficit and/or hyperactivity disorders, people with learning disabilities, and victims of stroke and traumatic brain injury.

Torkel Klingberg, M.D., Ph.D., professor of neuroscience at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, conducted groundbreaking research in 2001 that showed working memory can be trained through focused exercises. Based on this research, Klingberg designed Cogmed Working Memory Training, an educational software program. Funding for the initial research came from the Swedish Research Council. 

The software is the first program to exclusively target working memory.

Cogmed Working Memory Training is an engaging and challenging software program that increases the user’s working memory capacity. Participants engage in specific memory exercises for about 30 minutes every day for five weeks. The exercises are designed to train both visuo-spatial and verbal working memory. With each click of the mouse, the level of difficulty adjusts based on the real-time performance of the participant.

By improving attention and problem-solving and critical-thinking skills, Cogmed Working Memory Training helps people with problems with working memory manage their daily lives.


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EKU-Developed Test Kit Shines a Light on E. Coli Detection

Eastern Kentucky University

EKU-Developed Test Kit Shines a Light on E. Coli Detection
When Eastern Kentucky University professor, Dr. Jason Marion traveled to East Africa with a group of students studying public and environmental health, he encouraged them to identify concerns close to home that they could research and solve for. When they arrived in Kenya, students there took him to their hometown water supplies, which held high levels of Escherichia coli, commonly known as E. coli, a bacterium commonly found in the gut of humans and warm-blooded animals. When found in water, it is recognized as an indicator of waterborne disease. Globally, there are billions of cases of waterborne illness annually, with 829,000 deaths per year resulting from diarrheal disease, of which 297,000 are children.

Marion put his expertise to work to better understand and solve for E. coli testing in low-resource areas and created ColiGlowTM, a simple and affordable kit that provides a low-cost way to detect E. coli in water sources and make informed decisions about the safety of a water supply.

The kit is designed to be used by anyone—researchers, individuals concerned about their water, citizen scientists, and children.

"With E. coli, we don't want to just know presence or absence. For many parts of the world, unfortunately everyone's got E. coli in their water, so those types of tests aren't going to work for about half the world's population, about 4 billion people," Marion said. "We need to be able to count in some sort of way how great the risk is and then allow people to prioritize where to either have improvement or issue advisories to inform people of what they can do.”

When it was time to commercialize ColiglowTM, Marion looked to the experts at Kentucky Commercialization Ventures (KCV) to guide him in the patent and licensing process.

Through KCV, which provides institutions in Kentucky with technology transfer support, Marion patented his work, participated in the UAccel bootcamp program, which offers professional development and an experiential learning opportunity to innovators affiliated with a university who are interested in learning the best commercialization path for their technology. He then licensed the rights to the technology for his startup company, Eastern Scientific, LLC.

"ColiglowTM is an empowerment tool,” he said. “It gives people the ability to collect their own water samples and then advocate for improvements, whether you're a citizen scientist working on the Hickman Creek watershed in Kentucky or you're trying to get a better water source to drink from in western Kenya."

Through field tests from Kentucky to Kenya, the feedback from communities is promising and initial partners are eager for more kits to test their local water.

ColiGlow took home the top prize in the Unite for Sight Global Health and Innovation Conference (2021), and with the prize, Marion manufactured and distributed as many kits as possible to give to colleagues at Kisii University in Kenya, attempting to fulfill his sense of obligation to the partners who helped ColiGlow’s success.

Marion is looking for partners to continue product research and development so he can fulfill his mission of cleaner, safer water for everyone.

This story was originally published in 2023.

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New Oral Vaccine Will Improves Health of Swine Herds Worldwide

Université de Montréal

New Oral Vaccine Will Improves Health of Swine Herds Worldwide

Maintaining healthy livestock is one of the best ways for producers and ranchers to ensure profitability, as well as food safety. Researchers at the Université de Montréal in Quebec, Canada, have developed an oral vaccine that prevents and controls post-weaning diarrhea in swine.

By eliminating needles, the oral vaccine results in minimal handling and less stress for the pigs.

The product, ColiPROtec, was developed from 1999 to 2001 at the Department of Veterinary Medicine at the Université de Montréal by John M. Fairbrother, Ph.D., and Dr. Eric Nadeau, D.M.V.

The research was funded by the Department of Veterinary Medicine, Gestion Univalor Limited Partnership, and Valorisation Recherche Quebec. Univalor, the commercial arm of Université de Montréal, supported launching and invested in Prevtec Microbia Inc., a spin-off company that is commercializing the technology. The company has raised investment from three venture capital firms and used that funding to launch the sale of ColiPROtec during the fourth quarter of 2007 and to accelerate pipeline development.


This story was originally published in 2008.

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Color-Coded Beads Help Women Avoid Unwanted Pregnancies

Georgetown University

Color-Coded Beads Help Women Avoid Unwanted Pregnancies

Women who are poorly informed about pregnancy prevention — especially in poor or developing nations — are at much higher risk for unplanned births. Large numbers of children can create additional economic and emotional hardships for struggling families.

To help women prevent unplanned pregnancies, researchers at the Institute for Reproductive Health at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., invented CycleBeads®, a string of color-coded beads that represent different days of the menstrual cycle, according to the Standard Days Method™ of family planning.

Victoria Jennings, Ph.D., and Marcos Arevalo, M.D., developed the system in 2000-2002, which was successfully field-tested in Bolivia, Peru and the Philippines. About $200,000 in funding was provided by the U.S. Agency for International Development and Georgetown University to develop and test the beads.

​Field testing showed that, when CycleBeads were combined with the Standard Days Method, women were 95 percent effective in preventing unplanned pregnancies.

With CycleBeads a woman can track the days of her menstrual cycle, identify which days are her most fertile and determine whether her cycle is the appropriate length for using the Standard Days Method.

CycleBeads are ea sy to use and understand, inexpensive, and offer a contraceptive/family planning option for women who prefer not to use hormonal or invasive birth control methods. Because they are a visual tool, CycleBeads also facilitate communication between women and their partners regarding fertility and sexual matters. More than half a million women around the world use CycleBeads many of them in some of the world’s poorest countries such as Burkina Faso, Mali, Rwanda, Madagascar, Benin, India, the Philippines, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guatemala and Honduras. In addition, many women in developed countries, including the United States, use CycleBeads as part of their birth control planning.

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CLA: A Versatile Fatty Acid with Promising Applications

University of Wisconsin Madison
Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF)

CLA: A Versatile Fatty Acid with Promising Applications

The pivotal collaborations that lead to groundbreaking inventions are typically born in the hallways of research institutes or during coffee breaks at scientific conferences. But on a running path? That’s where two ambitious scientists with seemingly different interests bumped into one another one day while setting out for their respective daily exercise jaunts on the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison) campus.

Mark Cook, Ph.D., refers to himself as “the chicken guy” when recounting that fateful crossing of paths almost 20 years ago. A nutritionist in the department of animal science at UW-Madison, Cook was studying the influence of nutrition on the immune response in animals, particularly birds. At that time his work in chickens was demonstrating how certain immune molecules negatively affect their growth, and recent results indicated that a family of compounds — fatty acids — was involved in this response.

Meanwhile, the research of another UW-Madison scientist, Michael Pariza, Ph.D., a professor in the department of food microbiology and toxicology and director of the University’s Food Research Institute, was burgeoning. Like Cook, Pariza cared greatly about fatty acids; in fact, he had established a reputation worldwide for his 1987 discovery of the anticarcinogenic effects of a fatty acid called conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). Pariza’s work on CLA had led to a greater understanding of not only its anticarcinogenic properties, but also its effects on body composition and metabolism.

When Pariza stopped Cook to bid him a casual hello on the running path, he told him of his need for laying hen, and Cook realized the value of his molecule in his animal wasting model. Pariza could supply the CLA, and Cook would execute the chicken experiments. Their very first set of experiments resulted in a publication demonstrating the ability of CLA to prevent immune-induced growth suppression in animals. This marked the start of a fruitful collaboration that has since yielded hundreds of worldwide patents involving the use of CLA. From dietary supplements aimed at reducing body fat wasting to therapeutic treatments for autoimmune diseases, the versatile nature of CLA has proven to be valuable.

According to John Hardiman, licensing manager at the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF), the circumstances of how Pariza’s and Cook’s scientific interests first collided was “a good start to the serendipitous nature of this entire story. We’re very pleased about the commercial success of CLA,” he says. “It represents a home run for WARF and we feel it has tremendous future potential.”

About CLA
It helps to know something about CLA to better understand how this fatty acid can impact our health. CLA actually refers to a wide range of isomers (compounds with the same composition and molecular weight, but differing structures) in naturally occurring linoleic acid. A member of the omega-6 fatty acid family, linoleic acid is found in beef, dairy products and vegetable oils. One of the first health benefits CLA was found to impart was in weight and body composition management; the molecule both increases lean body mass and decreases fat mass.

CLA’s mechanism of action involves the suppression of enzymes that normally help fat cells absorb triglycerides – the most common type of fat, or lipid, in our body. Instead of being taken up by fat cells, triglycerides are diverted to the muscles and used as fuel. CLA also induces the breakdown of fat by stimulating the release of other enzymes linked to that process.

The research of Pariza and Cook has spawned studies that have since demonstrated additional health benefits of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) — from immune system support, cancer reduction, and antioxidant protection to positive inflammatory response.

The Licensing and Manufacturing of CLA
As Pariza and Cook’s collaborative animal studies demonstrated convincing results in the realm of body composition and feed efficiency, the potential for commercialization of CLA was clear. Together they approached WARF about patenting CLA for its ability to prevent against body wasting in animals, and once the idea caught on, WARF took an active approach in obtaining licenses. Cook does admit feeling surprised when WARF decided to first license CLA as a dietary supplement, a field of food and nutrition that was in its early stage of development, but now says that “it turned out to be a good move.”

One of the first major nutritional companies to get excited about the potential of CLA was EAS. Now owned by Ross Products, a division of Abbott Laboratories, EAS is a leading manufacturer of athletic and sports training dietary supplements. The company recognized the value of CLA as a preventative agent in the phenomenon of immune-induced growth suppression. Bodybuilders and athletes are often susceptible to wasting and loss of muscle mass when they become sick — a phenomenon that Cook first demonstrated in his research on chickens. One of the companies that supplied CLA to EAS, Natural ASA, based in the Netherlands, (and now called Aker Biomarine), contacted WARF in 1995 about licensing opportunities.

“If not for Natural we might have lost our momentum,” says Hardiman. “Many big companies looked at CLA but failed to pull the trigger. And some major American firms obtained rights and then terminated them.”

What followed was a succession of large international manufacturing companies requesting the right to license CLA either directly from WARF or from Natural. Currently, in addition to several smaller licenses, Cognis, headquartered in Germany, and Lipid Nutrition, headquartered in the Netherlands, possess licenses to use CLA in dietary supplements and food ingredients. BASF, also in Germany, and Lipid Nutrition secured the rights to manufacture CLA for use in animal nutrition. The original partnership between Natural and the University of Wisconsin/WARF is the reason why CLA is now available worldwide, and supplements containing CLA can be found at nutrition stores and pharmacies and are widely used.

CLA technology developed at the University of Wisconsin was funded primarily by the University’s Food Research Institute and gifts to Pariza’s and Cook’s research program. In its earlier stages, their research was funded by local companies and not for profits such as Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board and the American Meat Institute. Natural provided significant financing for early stage research as well.

CLA on the Horizon
The animal studies designed by Cook and Pariza to study the effects of CLA in body composition have since led to another exciting avenue for CLA — the treatment of autoimmune diseases. One autoimmune disease, lupus, which is characterized by inflammation of different organs in the body such as skin and kidneys, is currently being tested for its response to CLA. The fatty acid is believed to be effective in preventing body weight wasting in lupus patients. This is because it plays a role in regulating leukotrienes, inflammatory substances that are released by mast cells during allergic reactions. In individuals with lupus, the inflammatory pathway typically overacts, forming damaging immune complexes that then attack vital organs.

As more research is conducted on the various ways CLA affects our health, more benefits are identified and the significance and versatility of this nutrient may continue to expand. Pariza is pleased with how his early work on the anticarcinogenic effect of CLA in hamburger has led to applications now worthy of annual international research symposiums and that may be just the beginning.

“The role of CLA in controlling body fat remains the main application at this point, although I do think its other positive effects such as those found in the immune system will be important,” he says. “While most of the attention first focused on CLA’s effect on preserving muscle in bodybuilders, I think it will turn out to have a much greater effect in the general population.” 

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Lincoln Lab Designs COVID-19 Contact Tracing System

Lincoln Lab

Lincoln Lab Designs COVID-19 Contact Tracing System
To better see who an individual interacted with and where they were before a COVID-19 diagnosis, a team of researchers from MIT and Lincoln Laboratory led institutional partners in developing a digital "contact tracing" app that users can download.
The system traces an individual’s movement patterns leading up to a positive COVID-19 diagnosis using short-range Bluetooth signals, or “chirps."

Nearby smartphones are able to detect these signals, allowing users to determine if they crossed paths with an infected person, while maintaining individual privacy. This system augments “manual” contact tracing done by public health officials.
MIT has committed to releasing developed software under open source so these tools and technologies can be openly disseminated and rapidly adopted for the greater public benefit.

This broad set of mobile apps is under development by a team led by Ramesh Raskar of the MIT Media Lab.
This approach to private, automated contact tracing will be available in several ways, including through the privacy-first effort launched at MIT in response to Covid-19 called SafePaths, which has benefitted the design of the Bluetooth-based system.

“'Find My’ inspired this system. If my phone is lost, it can start broadcasting a Bluetooth signal that’s just a random number; it’s like being in the middle of the ocean and waving a light. If someone walks by with Bluetooth enabled, their phone doesn’t know anything about me; it will just tell Apple, ‘Hey, I saw this light,’” says Marc Zissman, the associate head of MIT Lincoln Laboratory’s Cyber Security and Information Science Division, and co-principal investigator of the project.
After a positive COVID diagnosis, a person would receive a QR code from a health official. Scanning the code through the app will upload their signal log. Anyone with the app could then initiate their phones to scan uploaded logs from those who've tested positive. If there’s a match, a notification would tell a user how long they were near an infected person and the approximate distance. It will include information from public health authorities on next steps. The entire process uses cryptographic techniques to maintain the privacy of those Covid-19 positive and those checking if they have been exposed.

The ability to conduct contact tracing quickly and at a large scale can be effective not only in flattening the curve of the outbreak, but also for enabling people to safely enter public life once a community is on the downward side of the curve.

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Reducing Rat Populations Through Non-lethal Pest Control

University of Arizona

Reducing Rat Populations Through Non-lethal Pest Control

Two mating rats can produce 15,000 descendants in one year alone. They have achieved evolutionary success, to be sure, but that success becomes problematic when those populations cross paths with humans. 

They spread disease, eat and destroy our food in the field and in storage, wreck our infrastructure, and the strategy we have been using more often than not is lethal poison, which is dangerous to people, other animals and the environment, and is never 100 percent effective.  
View the Video
Targeting Fertility, Not Mortality

While rats have been nibbling away in cities around the world, researchers at the University of Arizona were working on developing a non-reproductive rodent model for the study of menopause. In the College of Medicine – Tucson, Dr. Patricia Hoyer’s research yielded a chemical formulation that provided humane, non-lethal rodent infertility. Translation and reformulation of this invention has provided a new pest control strategy by targeting the root of the problem: reproduction. The technology allows for the management of animal populations by targeting their ability to produce offspring as opposed to killing them outright.

The invention offers a number of advantages over traditional lethal methods like anticoagulants and metal phosphides. Studies showed that the formulation, delivered through a liquid bait, chemically accelerates the depletion of ovaries and induces egg loss in female rats. It also causes testicular disruption in males. Not only do the rats become infertile, but the treatment causes no systemic toxicity or adverse side effects. Research also demonstrated that the treatment is quickly metabolized, residing in rodents’ blood for less than 15 minutes before being broken down. As an added benefit, it is environmentally neutral, does not affect the food chain and has no reported toxic effects on humans.

From the Lab to City Streets

Working closely with Dr. Hoyer, post-doctoral fellow Dr. Loretta Mayer and NAU Research Professor Dr. Cheryl Dyer, launched a start-up – SenesTech, Inc. – to bring the UA technology to the market. Since then, the team has further developed the formula, secured a registration from the EPA for the company’s US built a manufacturing facility, created a distribution network, and organized a national sales team to deliver the desired results: fewer rats, no poisons.
Two mating rats can produce 15,000 descendants in one year alone.

In 2011, the company received two NIH SBIR awards totaling over $1.1M that they used to bring the technology to the market. At that time, the SBA also honored the company with a Tibbetts award, which recognizes firms that have made a visible socio-economic impact and exemplify the best SBIR achievements. 

Engaging the expertise of UA students and colleagues worldwide, the company began to address the critical-need markets and demonstrate their effectiveness through case studies. In cities where they tested their strategy, they documented population reductions of up to 46 percent in just 12 weeks. In targeted food production facilities, they showed a 43 percent reduction, and in zoos, animal sanctuaries and research facilities, they show reductions as high as 50 percent. 

And while lethal rodenticides have compounded the problem by giving rise to resistant populations, the group’s latest publication demonstrates that contraception will not favor resistance. 

Today the publicly traded company (SNES:NASDAQ) is working to expand their impact to island ecologies and other global needs. The technology has been translated for similar non-lethal formulations to manage mice and even feral pig populations. 

The company continues to have a close relationship with the UA through Tech Launch Arizona, the University’s commercialization office.

“Our colleagues have helped us to see that reducing rat populations in rice farms in Asia by five percent could feed over 400 million people,” says Dr. Mayer, “and reducing the poison burden in our environment can slow the extinction of wild animals. Most of all, we’re refocusing our strategies from killing of animals to population management, but we must do this in collaboration with our academic colleagues. Any successful biotechnology must be built on sound science.”  

This story was originally published in 2019.

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CEA Systems Offers Efficient Ways to Bring Food to the Table, Lab

CEA Systems

CEA Systems Offers Efficient Ways to Bring Food to the Table, Lab

CEA Systems, and its partner, Cornell University, have developed an agricultural technology that could save energy, provide better food security and control, and lead to the creation of products for pharmaceuticals and other high-value plant-based compounds.

A vast majority of people in the world live within 10 miles of their major food sources, but in the United States much of our food travels as far as 2,000 miles from the farm to the table.

CEA Systems, and its partner, Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y., think they have the technology that could change that, thus saving energy while providing better food security and control, as well as developing products for pharmaceuticals and other high-value plant-based compounds.

CEA, which stands for Controlled Environment Agriculture, is an advanced and intensive form of hydroponically based agriculture. Plants are grown within a controlled environment so that horticultural practices can be optimized. Cornell has long been a leader in this research.

Techniques are not simpler than older systems for growing plants. Indeed, they demand sound knowledge of chemistry, horticulture, engineering, plant physiology, plant pathology, computers and entomology.

“We basically use the control of light, and an optimized solution of nutrients, in our agriculture,” says Louis Albright, Ph.D., one of the founders of the CEA program at Cornell and current director of the program.

The plants are grown in a high-tech greenhouse, where the environmental  variables — total amount of daily light, carbon dioxide concentration and temperature — are controlled by a computer. The environmental variables monitored include relative humidity, temperature, carbon dioxide and light intensity.

“By using the computer, we can predict temperatures, light and other factors and adjust the process through shades and supplemental light,” Professor Albright explains.

The hydroponic system used is called the deep trough system. In this system, the tank is filled with a nutrient solution and the plants are grown on Styrofoam with holes, which floats on the surface.

In a deep trough system, aeration is necessary since the water surface is completely covered by Styrofoam, which minimizes evaporation and discourages algae growth. Pure oxygen is injected into the system to ensure that enough oxygen is supplied to the roots. Acid and base injections also are made to maintain pH.

A dedicated computer is used to control and monitor variables in the nutrient solution, which include temperature, electrical conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentration and nutrient solution volume.

All Grown Up and No Place to Go
Cornell originally had a commercial partner, Agway, in its greenhouse research, but that Northeast-based cooperative pulled out because of their own financial concerns. Cornell was left with a CEA operation with market possibilities, but no commercial partner.

Mike Hall, a retired Air Force pilot and Cornell graduate, was interested in the Cornell CEA work and stepped in.

“I was raised on a small farm in upstate New York and remained interested in agriculture,” says Hall, who is now with CEA Systems, a business and commercial development firm. “I also worked with cutting edge technology while in the Air Force and was aware of what was being done at Cornell. So, these things sort of came together.”

CEA Systems, which grew out of Hall’s efforts, is a privately held corporation based in Ithaca, N.Y. CEA Systems is in partnership with the Cornell Center for Technology, Enterprise and Commercialization, which manages Cornell University’s intellectual property. It is charged with the development and deployment of CEA technology and know-how for the profit of the partners. The exclusive license for the CEA technology was granted to CEA Systems in 2002.

“Our mission is to identify and develop commercial applications for the intellectual property and technology flowing from the Cornell University CEA research program,” Hall said.

John Brenner, senior technology manager of the Cornell Center for Technology, Enterprise and Commercialization, says, “CEA represents the enormous potential, the complexity and the unexpected outcomes related to university-based technology transfer. From the standpoint of potential, CEA is a platform to launch a completely new paradigm in plant-based science research and education. All of production agriculture has been focused on the plant’s survivability in field-grown batch agriculture.

We like to think we are doing organic farming, only better,.
Louis Albright

“CEA offers the ability to optimize a plant’s growing environment such that it concentrates its energy on productivity, not simply survival, while at the same time offering continuous production in place of batch production. The simple shift from survivability to productivity offers wide scientific research opportunities to learn exactly what are the optimal conditions for various plants and then how to breed or otherwise modify the plants for even greater productivity once you can control the plant’s environmental parameters.

“The potential extends to other plant-based products that are currently impossible to produce reliably such as pharmaceuticals and other industrial products. In each case the potential represents decades of research, education and economic opportunity.”

Potential Growth Opportunities
CEA Systems continues to seek commercial partners for joint venture opportunities in high quality, nutritionally-enhanced crops; environmental systems; energy-efficient food production and distribution and pharmaceutical production.

The latter in that list might come first, according to Hall.

“When I was in the Air Force, the move to jets in commercial airlines might not have happened if the military had not worked in that area first,” Hall says.

“There is somewhat of an analogy to CEA. There is resistance to change in the produce and food industry. We have regionalized it, with much of our leafy vegetables raised in California and other western areas and trucked to the population centers in the Northeast and elsewhere. We believe that will change eventually because of escalating petroleum costs and other factors.”

“At this point, however, we also can provide pharmaceuticals from the nutrients in the produce we grow. We can control that effectively because of the controlled environment. So that might develop first, with a trickle down into the food industry over time.”

Hall and Professor Albright emphasized that 70 percent of the light in the CEA system comes from natural, outside sources, even in the somewhat cloudy rthe Northeast. Supplemental light from electricity can be produced cheaper than petroleum for transport if the latter continues to go up in price. Contaminants from pesticides, manure and other additives used in conventional agriculture, and even organic agriculture, can be eliminated through hydroponic agriculture.

Hall said that incidents like the e. coli outbreak in spinach and onions in 2006 only spark more interest in CEA.

The CEA research has attracted funding from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, the Empire State Electric Energy Research Corporation, Agway, Inc., Country Products Group, the New York State Electric and Gas Corporation, the Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, the Electric Power Research Institute, NASA and Westbrook Greenhouses.

CEA at Cornell has published research on dry bean growth for a NASA mission to Mars, a host of work on hydroponic lettuce and spinach production, supplemental lighting in indoor agriculture and a variety of related topics.

Various related courses are offered through Cornell’s departments. Handbooks for growers of hydroponic lettuce, spinach and bok choy are available.

CEA Systems also has instituted a sub-licensing program to provide the system to local sheltered workshop organizations for client employment in a cash flow business model so that such agencies are able to deliver a product to the marketplace. The first example is Finger Lakes Fresh Lettuce, produced by Challenge Industries in Ithaca, N.Y.

“People who might not get a chance to work in a high-tech agriculture environment are getting practical experience and do a wonderful job in packaging and a variety of other areas,” Hall says.

Hall and Professor Albright feel strongly that the day is approaching when we will want to move our food production closer to where people live. “I don’t know exactly when it will happen, but I believe it is coming within the next 10 years,” Hall said.

Professor Albright adds, “We want to be ready.”

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Letting Cooler Roofs Prevail

Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab

Letting Cooler Roofs Prevail

Imagine it’s a hot summer day, and you can choose between walking barefoot on a black asphalt sidewalk or one that’s concrete. Unless you’re a glutton for punishment, you’d probably choose the relatively cooler, light-colored concrete sidewalk, which reflects the sun’s heat.

This idea of reflecting the sun’s heat is at the heart of “cool roof” technology, which is growing in popularity in the United States. Developed through a collaborative partnership of federal researchers and companies, this innovative technology can be a powerful weapon in the battle to cut greenhouse gas emissions, while reducing urban pollution and energy consumption.

The basic idea underlying cool roofs is nothing new under the sun.

Lighter colors tend to reflect sunlight and heat, which is why people in tropical climates typically wear white or light-colored clothing. The same holds true for roofing materials. Buildings with dark-colored roofs are hotter than those with light-colored roofs. Employing the same principle, cool roofs are made of materials that reflect the sun’s energy, so they’re much cooler.

How much cooler? Cool roofs generally reduce the roof surface temperatures by 50 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit, and in some cases by as much as 90 degrees.

Consequently, this decreases the heat transferred to the building, which can reduce energy costs associated with cooling the building. Not only that, but cool roofs have other potential benefits, such as lower maintenance costs, longer-lasting roofs, and generally improved comfort for the building’s occupants.

Cool roofs translate into environmental benefits by lowering greenhouse gases and emissions that go hand-in-hand with energy consumption. Also, since cool roofs last longer, they don’t have to be replaced as frequently which, in turn, reduces roofing waste that ends up in landfills.

 But there’s another big environmental win that cool roofs offer – especially to city dwellers — the reduction of heat islands and concomitant smog.

What’s a heat island? Think of it as an expansive canopy of warm, polluted air that covers an urban area where the temperature is higher than in the surrounding areas. So, these urban areas are islands of heat, surrounded by suburban and rural areas where trees and vegetation lend themselves to cool temperatures. Dark, heat-absorbing rooftops are big contributors to the growing problem of urban heat islands.

The Birth of a Collaborative Partnership

While cool roofs have become more common in the marketplace in recent years, they have been years in the making. For decades, two separate federally funded research institutions have been researching the possibilities of making roofs reflect the sun’s heat and radiation: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) in Berkeley, Calif., and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), managed by UT-Batelle for the Department of Energy, in Oak Ridge,  Tenn.

“We’ve conducted building envelope research since the 1970s, and our first cool roof experiment took place in 1986,” explains Andre Desjarlais, group leader of Building Envelope Research at ORNL. Building envelope research involves investigating the energy efficiency of a building’s “skin” – its roof, walls, foundation and windows, as opposed to internal “working parts” such as the furnace, appliances, etc.

Meanwhile, the Environmental Energy Technologies Division (EETD) at Berkeley Lab had been studying solar reflectance of roofs since the early 1980s.

“Within the last 25 years, we have achieved global recognition for our work on heat mitigation and cool roof research,” notes Hashem Akbari, head of the Heat Island Group at Berkeley Lab.

However, the two institutions had been approaching cool roof research from two distinctly different vantage points.

“We received U.S. Department of Energy funding for our research on building energy efficiency, whereas Hashem’s Heat Island Group received U.S. Environmental Protection Agency funding to explore the environmental benefits of cool roof research,” says Desjarlais.

But in time, a series of emerging trends and events brought the two institutions together in a collaborative partnership to bring cool roof technology to the marketplace.

As the new millennium dawned in 2000, the concerns over the environment and global warming became widespread in the U.S. Case in point: 71 percent of Americans reported being either actively involved in the environmental movement or sympathetic toward it.

Around that same time, concerns over the environment and energy consumption became particularly acute in California. From November 2000 through May 2001, Californians experienced a series of brownouts —  planned partial shutdowns of energy for limited durations, designed to ease the demand on the power grid to avoid a complete energy blackout.

It became clear that controlling peak demand, rather than investing millions of dollars into new power plants, would be necessary to deal with California’s looming energy shortage problem. Utility companies and energy policy experts soon discovered that cool roof technology offered an effective means to control peak demand. One of its biggest advantages is that it doesn’t rely on changing or influencing people’s energy consumption habits, such as turning off lights, doing laundry at off peak times or using energy-efficient appliances. Once the cool roof is installed, significant energy savings start adding up.

By 2001, the California Energy Commission began promoting cool roof technology, running ads to increase awareness of its benefits, and offering more than $20 million worth of rebates to building owners who installed cool roofs.

But the California Energy Commission took its mission a step further. In 2002, it brought together researchers at the Berkeley Lab and ORNL for a collaborative Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) project aimed at improving cool roof technology and expanding its availability and use in the California marketplace.

“The project also involved industrial partners representing 95 percent of the roofing material-type market in the United States,” added Akbari. “They were essential to our success.”

Among the originally participating companies were 3M, American Rooftile Coatings, BASF, Custom-Bilt Metals, Elk Premium Building Products, Inc., Ferro Corp., GAF Materials Corp., Hanson Roof Tile, International Specialty Products Minerals, MCA Tile, MonierLifetile and the Shepherd Color Co.

“We already had been working with a lot of these manufacturers before 2002, but our cooperative research project with ORNL made the relationship with our industry partners more ‘formal,’” says Akbari. “Since then two dozen other manufacturers have expressed interest in joining us.”

The Cool Color Challenge

One of the biggest challenges facing the partnership between Berkeley Lab, ORNL and the manufacturers was to develop cool roof technology available in a rainbow of colors appealing to a wide range of residential customers.

At the time, existing cool roofs were available in just light colors. For commercial buildings, having a white or light-colored roof is a non-issue. This is because commercial buildings’ roofs typically are flat and out of the public eye, so it really doesn’t matter what color the roof is.

But most homeowners are very particular about the color of their roofs. Many U.S. homeowners may not buy lighter-colored cool roofs, even it could help them save money by cutting their air conditioning bills.

With this in mind, Berkeley Lab scientists worked with industry partners, including Ferro Corp. and Shepherd Color Co., testing different types of materials and pigments, with the goal of creating a large palette of cool colors. Using solar spectrometers, the researchers identified the pigments contained within colors that reflect what is known as “near-infrared” radiation, which comprises more than half of the energy in sunlight. Armed with this new information, they developed software enabling manufacturers to use these pigments to create roofing materials with “high solar reflectance” – the ability to reflect solar radiation both in the visible and near-infrared parts of solar spectrum.

The next step involved the development and testing of roofing materials containing these “cool colors.” Residential roofing experiments involved roofing made of coated asphalt shingles, clay or concrete tiles, or metal. And this is where the industrial partners came into play.

Companies donated materials and shared information, working with Berkeley Lab researchers on developing experimental cool colored materials with just the right combination of pigmentation to achieve optimal reflectivity. Utilizing these prototype materials, Berkeley Lab and ORNL conducted field tests to determine their effectiveness.

“These experiments typically involve using sensors to measure the amount of heat flowing into the house from the attic,” explains Desjarlais.

Frank Klink, Ph.D., a laboratory manager in 3M’s Industrial Mineral Products Division, notes that the cool roof initiative resulted in great enhancements to the sand-like granules 3M manufactures for coated asphalt shingles.

“The value of increased reflectance is further enhanced by the granules’ naturally high thermal emittance,” he explains. “This means that whatever solar energy is not reflected is readily dissipated, further helping to keep the roof cool. Incorporating these factors into roofing helps reduce building cooling costs, especially on the hottest days of the year when electrical demand peaks.”

The Success Story Continues

An interesting aspect of the cool roof PIER project is that the resulting technology has not been patented or licensed. It’s available free of charge to any roofing product company wishing to take advantage of it.

Akbari says the project has successfully achieved its goal of promoting the use of cool roofs in the marketplace, not only in California, but beyond.

“The popularity of cool roofs is catching on in other parts of the country,” he says.

In different cities throughout the U.S., the projected annual cost savings from using cool roofs is considerable. For example, Phoenix can save as much as $26 million in annual cool energy costs, while Los Angeles can save $15 million.

As for the environmental benefits, a single 3,000-square-foot home with a cool roof can reduce its yearly carbon dioxide emissions by one ton. And based on field tests, cool roofs can save residents and building owners 20 percent in annual cooling energy use. Given these great benefits, it’s no surprise that the Berkeley Lab research team is exploring other uses for cool colors – for car surfaces, clothing, tools and camping gear.

Tony Chiovare is president and CEO of Custom-Bilt Metals, a partner in the project and one of the first manufacturers to use cool roof technology in metal shingles. For him, the cool roof “revolution” makes good sense from both an environmental and a business standpoint.

“I’m a capitalist, there’s no question about that,” he says. “But if we can promote technologies like this one that help us reduce energy consumption and benefit the environment, we all win!” 

This story was originally published in 2008.

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Northeastern Startup Turns Cool Idea into Greener Alternative to Air Conditioning

Northeastern University

Northeastern Startup Turns Cool Idea into Greener Alternative to Air Conditioning

A technology invented at Northeastern University is poised to provide an environmentally friendly alternative to air conditioning systems for homes and other buildings—a cool idea that began with an overflowing paper recycling bin and a blender.

Air conditioners and other compressor-based cooling systems account for about one fifth of the world’s electricity use—in the US alone, $29 billion is spent annually on cooling homes—and contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. Yi Zheng, PhD, an associate professor of mechanical and industrial engineering at Northeastern, and his startup company, Planck Energies, are addressing this problem with a highly reflective, ultra-white paint that helps keep buildings cool passively.

Northeastern’s Center for Research Innovation (CRI) licensed the technology to Planck and is providing expert guidance on market entry, team formation and fundraising through the university’s venture accelerator, Ignite. Successfully utilizing these resources, Planck has hired its first full-time engineer and in August 2023 won a coveted National Science Foundation (NSF) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I Award of $275,000.

This technology’s story began when Zheng spied a blue recycling bin overflowing with white printer paper and started to envision how recycled paper itself could potentially be used to keep buildings cool and help fight climate change in the process.

Zheng took the printing paper, stuck it in his high-speed household blender and started experimenting with the resulting paste. He discovered that adding hydroxyapatite (an abundant calcium-based natural mineral) fibers to the paste created a nontoxic, reusable, self-cleaning material that could reflect sunlight, draw out heat, shed water and retard fire. He dubbed this new material “cooling paper” and began testing its viability as a rooftop cooling system.

When applied, the paper reduced internal building temperature by as much as 10°F, even during midday. By redirecting 99% of sunlight and absorbing heat generated by bodies, machines and other processes within a building, Zheng’s innovation reduced energy consumption by up to 25% without the use of electricity or hazardous coolants—factors that are particularly relevant in under-resourced areas.

“With heat waves on the rise, finding a more viable cooling approach is of paramount importance,” Zheng said. “Cool roof technology is extremely well suited to these scenarios due to its low cost and off-grid capability, so we are very driven to apply it in these environments.”

An NSF CAREER Award of $500,000 in 2019 helped support Zheng’s initial research. The CRI at Northeastern proactively secured patent protection and awarded Zheng $100,000 through the Spark Fund, CRI’s technology accelerator.

Although cooling paper was first incorporated into roofing materials, a collaboration with 3M demonstrated that the most effective commercialization pathway involved integrating the 

substance into exterior paints. The SBIR grant will allow the team to refine the product, manufacture enough for pilot testing and assess its cooling performance and durability.

“Moving an idea from conception to commercial product is absolutely rewarding,” said Jennifer Boyle-Lynch, CRI’s Executive Director. “Technology transfer is a complicated enterprise, and seeing it come to fruition is inspiring.”

This story was originally published in 2024.

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From Tamales to Skateboards: A Green Idea Harvested from the Corn Belt

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

From Tamales to Skateboards: A Green Idea Harvested from the Corn Belt

Professor Scott White, Ph.D., had a regular weekly lunch date with two colleagues in the early 1990s who, like him, had recently been hired at the University of Illinois. They had similar backgrounds in designing composite materials, so they started brainstorming over their lunches about a project they could work on together.

White, who is a professor in the aerospace engineering department and in the school’s Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, added another challenge: They should come up with a material that had a distinct Illinois feel. It didn’t take long to figure out how to infuse a Midwestern ethos into their project.

“Every day when driving into work we’d pass acres and acres of cornfields,” White remembers. Thus their idea was born. The group would turn corn waste into a plywood-like building material.

Nearly two decades later, their innovation is out on the market in the form of skateboards and, soon, outdoor furniture produced by a company in Texas that licensed the university’s technology. The product, called CornBoard, helps the environment in two main ways. It sequesters carbon in the boards instead of allowing the cornhusks and stalks to decompose in farmers’ fields. This saves 1.5 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions per acre, according to the company now manufacturing CornBoard. And it’s a renewable resource that reduces the number of trees that need to be cut to use as lumber.

“I thought that was a pretty cool aspect,” White says of their quest to create a corn-based material, even though the idea of green technology wasn’t as pressing an issue as it is today. Since then, the world has learned a lot about the need for environmentally sensitive products.

“It’s very, very satisfying,” White says of the realization that his innovation could help the planet. “It’s a huge problem now, and it’s nice to have already tackled that to some degree.”

Trips to the Grocery Store and Testing in the Lab

White, along with colleagues Nancy Sottos, Ph.D., and Thomas Mackin, Ph.D., began his efforts to turn corn into a composite material by going to the grocery store and buying a bunch of tamale wrappers. After all, they were just cornhusks that someone else had taken the time to clean and dry.

They used the outer sheath of the corncob because it’s constructed of fibers embedded in a matrix. A matrix is the key component in composite materials because it gives the material its structural integrity. The trio played around with the matrix to find just the right architecture for the fibers and laminated the test material in hot presses. (They soon graduated from tamale wrappers to carloads of corn waste, known as stover, that a student volunteered to drive in from his parents’ farm.)

“The kinds of material we were using for CornBoard were basically left on the field and had no value at all,” White says. “You’re taking something that was basically useless and making something valuable out of it.”

And it worked.

“It became pretty clear very early on that this stuff was kind of neat,” White says. “It looked cool, it felt like a material, it looked like a material.”

They got a grant from the United States Department of Agriculture, which they used to perfect their material. The next step was to bring it to market by licensing the technology.

A Setback and Then Success

White, Sottos and Mackin got a patent in 1998 with the help of the university’s Office of Technology Management (OTM). Several years later, in 2005, the office signed an agreement with a company to develop the product.

Then nothing happened.

The licensee essentially disappeared, explains Steven Wille, assistant director of marketing and senior technology manager at the OTM. This was frustrating for everyone since that company had an exclusive license to the technology. “We want to make sure technology is out there in the world and not sitting on the shelf somewhere gathering dust,” he says.

It took four years for that dust to get brushed off, and it happened through a fortuitous meeting on a Texas beach.

Lane Segerstrom, a Texas entrepreneur, was on South Padre Island in 2008 when he met a friend of a friend who had been involved with CornBoard. The man represented several investors in the original licensing company who were upset that they hadn’t recouped their money. He asked Segerstrom to look into the defunct company’s technologies to see if any of them had legs.

“One jumped out, and it was the University of Illinois technology,” Segerstrom remembers. “Being a farm boy from Iowa, I thought that one had some possibilities.”

While he was researching, one of the investors called to ask if Segerstrom would investigate bringing CornBoard to market. Segerstrom agreed and spent several months on the project.

He was struck by the abundance of corn stover in the country. “It’s just ridiculous,” he says, citing a stat that if one year’s worth of American stover was rolled into 1,000-pound bales it would stretch around the Earth 21 times. “All we had to do is get just a little bit of it.”

Despite his excitement, the man who hired him wouldn’t return his phone calls. Segerstrom was angry and felt like he’d been used — he never got his final paycheck — and decided to channel that frustration into turning CornBoard into his own endeavor.

“I felt like I was going to the pound and rescuing this championship dog that somebody left abandoned,” he says.

He called the OTM and asked if he could get a new exclusive license to the technology. They agreed, and by 2009 were able to void the original license and grant Segerstrom his own, a process that is highly unusual, Wille says.

Unusual, but beneficial, says Wille, who calls Segerstrom a model commercialization partner. He respects the professors, had a clear, focused plan to commercialize the product, and “the man understands marketing.”

CornBoard Goes to the Smithsonian

Part of that marketing push was to make CornBoard sexy. Segerstrom likens it to the fact that everyone knows what Kevlar is because it’s in bullet-proof vests. So when people hear that Kevlar is in other products, like rope, consumers immediately respect those products.

“What can we put CornBoard in that’s a sexy product, a wow product?” Segerstrom wondered at the time. The answer: skateboards.

Segerstrom’s CornBoard Manufacturing Inc. in McKinney, Texas, created the Stalk It Longboard, a skateboard that has been endorsed by professional skaters and surfers. Last year he had a truck tow him on a Stalk It board down an airport runway. At 78.1 mph, he broke the Guinness World Record for speed on a towed skateboard. That board is scheduled to be officially inducted into the Smithsonian in August. The boards are for sale through the company’s website and, as of this writing, slated to be in retail stores in 2011, eventually being sold in 11 cities worldwide.

Next up is a line of modular outdoor furniture that will be out this year. CornBoard also plans to produce a green version of wood shipping pallets. According to the company, more than 2 billion wooden pallets are used every year in the United States alone — the equivalent of approximately 1 million acres ofhardwood forest.

Cabinets and other products will follow. Segerstrom’s first plant is currently being built in the Texas panhandle near corn farmers who are happy to have their waste bought and towed away. Segerstrom plans to build more plants as demand increases in small, Corn Belt towns around the country. Any money the farmers make on their stover is a bonus, since most leave it in their fields to decompose and be tilled into the soil the following spring.

Segerstrom believes his company will be able to produce Corn-Board in a carbon negative way, meaning it will sequester more CO2 than it uses to produce its products. Plus, he says, “every bit of board we make reduces board that comes from a tree. That’s less trees that need to be cut down.”

He knows that consumers are eager to purchase green, but the main stumbling block is that environmentally friendly products often cost more than their less-green counterparts. Because CornBoard is being custom engineered for the specific product it will become — the skateboard boards are designed specifically to become skateboards, the furniture boards to become furniture, etc. — they are a superior product than other pressed wood boards, Segerstrom says. And the company will ensure that their products never cost more than the same items made out of conventional materials.

“If we can deliver to the consumer at the same price a product that is better designed and better quality, then somebody is going to buy green over not green,” he says.

This story was originally published in 2011.

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Staggered Banknote Identification Card Aids the Blind

Universidad de Costa Rica

Staggered Banknote Identification Card Aids the Blind
In order to improve the quality of life of the blind and visually-impaired people, Costa Rican banknotes use different colors, sizes, and tactile marks to distinguish the different types of banknotes used in the country. Proffesor Eric Hidalgo-Valverde of the University of Costa Rica (UCR)'s Plastic Arts School proposed a design of a credit-card sized plastic card enabling the identification of Costa Rican banknotes through their sizes and colors.
By using the banknote identification card, blind and visually-impaired people are enabled to inmediately and correctly identify a banknote without aide from a third-party, reducing their risk of being scammed by dishonest individuals, and reducing their need to depend on others to live their daily life.

As mentioned before, the banknote identification card is credit-card sized, therefore, easy to carry in their wallets or purses, it also has a socket to attach a cord to it, enabling them to carry attached to any body part they wish.
A first batch of 10,000 cards were produced and freely-distributed through an alliance between the UCR, the Costa Rican Central Bank (BCCR), the National Patronage for the Blind (PANACI), and the BAC Credomatic private bank.
Although the identification card is designed specifically for Costa Rican banknotes, it is possible to adapt it for other countries' banknotes sizes (assuming they use a similiar staggered system).


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UW-Madison Research Yields the Most Widely Prescribed Blood Thinner

University of Wisconsin Madison
Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF)

UW-Madison Research Yields the Most Widely Prescribed  Blood Thinner

Coumadin, and its counterpart, Warfarin, together represent one of the first technology transfer success stories emanating from the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF), UW-Madison’s patenting and licensing arm, which has supported the university’s scientific research since its establishment in 1925.

The story begins in 1933, when a farmer from Deer Park, Wis., paid an unexpected visit to Professor Karl Paul Link’s laboratory in UWMadison’s School of Agriculture. The farmer’s cows had been dying, and he suspected it had something to do with the sweet clover hay the cows had been eating. For that reason, the farmer had brought samples of the clover feed and container of non-coagulated blood from one of his cows to Link’s lab.

The farmer’s cows had been dying, and he suspected it had something to do with the sweet clover hay the cows had been eating.

In 1941, after years of research, Link and his team isolated the anticoagulant in the clover feed. The researchers found that it was highly toxic for rodents and eventually patented it under the name of Warfarin (named after WARF), for use as a rat poison. It ultimately became one of the most widely used rat poisons in the world.

Further research on Warfarin yielded several related compounds, which also were patented and used in medical practice. Coumadin, a blood thinner for treating heart patients and preventing blood clotting, was among these compounds. In the years since, Coumadin has become the most widely prescribed blood thinner in the world.


This story was originally published in 2007.

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Grading the Professor: Online Tools Give Instructors Feedback on Their Courses

University at Buffalo

Grading the Professor: Online Tools Give Instructors Feedback on Their Courses

University instructors depend on evaluation and feedback from their students to revise and improve their study materials and teaching methods. This information is also useful for academic planning and accreditation activities.

Researchers at the University at Buffalo’s School of Dental Medicine launched The Academic Software Collaboration (TASC) in the 1990s to develop software that allows academic institutions to set up Internet-based course, faculty and other program assessment tools licensed as CoursEval™.

In 2001, TASC became Academic Management Systems, a University at Buffalo startup company within the University at Buffalo Technology Incubator. The company provides software solutions for universities, colleges and health professions schools.

CoursEval™ is now widely recognized as the premier platform for online course and instructor assessment.

A self-assessment and a peer-review mechanism also allows members of a group to evaluate themselves, as well as each other’s performance.

AMS software product lines now include admissions management, course evaluation and electronic CV software. More than 250 institutions across the U.S., Canada, Europe and the Middle East use AMS products. 

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UMN Develops First-of-Its-Kind Alternative to Traditional Ventilators

University of Minnesota

Ventilators serve a crucial role in treating COVID-19—but the surge in patients outpaced the number of ventilators available. The low-cost device, known as the “Coventor” was designed by University of Minnesota researchers and an alumnus as a compact, first-of-its-kind alternative to traditional ventilators, offering another means to increase the oxygen levels in patients’ blood.

The US Food and Drug Administration authorized the production, use, and distribution of the device. UMN released the Coventor as open-source, letting companies interested sign a free electronic license and download the manufacturing specifications.
“From the outset, the mission of this project was to make this emergency device available to people in need, wherever they might be in the world, as quickly and safely as possible,” said Stephen Richardson, MD, a lead developer of the Coventor and a cardiac anesthesiology fellow in the Medical School, M Health Fairview. “Through the tremendous hard work, ingenuity, and force of will of hundreds of individuals coming together as a team, we made that a reality in a matter of weeks.”

The UMN research team, supported by a Rapid Response Grant from the Office of Academic Clinical Affairs, included researchers from the Earl E. Bakken Medical Devices Center, the College of Science and Engineering, and UMN’s Medical School.

Support from Boston Scientific as the lead design partner and manufacturer, with input from Medtronic and UnitedHealth Group, helped the device through the FDA process. Financial and in-kind support was provided by Midwest companies Digi-Key, MGC Diagnostics, and Protolabs, as well as Teknic Inc. from the state of New York.

UnitedHealth Group, Medtronic, and Boston Scientific are helping deploy thousands of devices to health care providers short on traditional ventilators. The academic-industry collaboration ensured the Coventor received the technical, clinical, regulatory, and manufacturing expertise it needed to reach the market successfully.

“Thanks to the dedication of all involved, this elegantly simple, effective design now has the potential to help fight his pandemic across the world,” Richardson said. The Coventor and several other technologies are available for licensing on UMN’s COVID-19 Innovations page.

A Commitment to Public Good

The Coventor is one example of how institutions across the country are applying their research and expertise to fight the pandemic.

During this time, University technology transfer offices act as the bridge for new technologies to reach those who can quickly put them to work. UMN is among the 92 institutions to voluntarily sign on to AUTM’s COVID-19 Licensing Guidelines, which aim to expedite solutions that address the pandemic by prioritizing the availability of COVID-19-related technologies for companies or organizations to license and put to use in society.

“Signing the AUTM pledge puts into words the shared commitment that the University of Minnesota and numerous other research institutions have to unite in serving the public good, especially during trying times,” said Rick Huebsch, executive director of UMN Technology Commercialization. “The speed at which we can bring new discoveries into society is paramount right now, so we have all hands-on deck. It’s encouraging to see the unprecedented level of collaboration taking place between industry leaders and University experts.”

This story was originally published in 2020.

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Surgically Implanted Plate Ideal for Challenging Fractures

University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

Surgically Implanted Plate Ideal for Challenging Fractures

Metaphyseal fractures are breaks that occur at the end of a bone, near the junction between the tubular shaft and the blocky end of the bone. Standard methods of repair, including casts, external fixators, pins and plates, may result in less-than-perfect outcomes, such as shortened bones, infection or chronic pain, irritation and stiffness. Conventional plates can be effective, but a large incision is required that usually results in a significant scar. The plates are large and have irregular surfaces that can irritate tendons, muscle tissue and skin, causing discomfort and restricted motion.

To remedy these problems, Laurence E. Dahners, M.D., professor of orthopaedic surgery at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, invented the percutaneous intrafocal plate system in 2000.

The device is a simple, safe and effective method for treating metaphyseal fractures that is more comfortable and does not result in major scarring.

The plate system is inserted through a very small incision above the fracture. The body element of the plate is actually inserted into the tubular hollow of the bone, so the plate is seated securely in the fracture site. Because the plate is slender and has a smooth surface, it does not irritate soft tissue. The system also enables screw placement at predetermined anatomic angles so bone fragments can be attached to the plate for maximum stability.

The University of North Carolina has licensed this technology to Minnesota-based Tornier U.S., a leading designer of medical devices. Tornier U.S. is actively marketing the device as the CoverLoc Volar Plate™.


This story was originally published in 2008.

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As America Rediscovers the Sweet Potato, a Variety Takes Root

North Carolina State University

As America Rediscovers the Sweet Potato, a Variety Takes Root

Traditionally served just once a year on American’s Thanksgiving Day dinner tables, sweet potatoes are starting to pop up everywhere, from pancakes and salsa to fine dining and fast food restaurant menus.

Reaping the benefits of the vegetable’s growing popularity — and a superior variety of the root vegetable called the Covington — are North Carolina farmers, who began planting the new sweet potato released by the  Sweetpotato Breeding and Genetics Program at North Carolina State University (NCSU) in 2005.

With higher yields, a longer grocery shelf life and a uniform size, the Covington has become a preferred variety of farmers, wholesalers and retailers.

“Throughout my career, I’ve seen over a million seedlings planted and most of the time, they fail,” says Craig Yencho, Ph.D., NCSU professor and leader of the breeding program. “We hit a homerun with the Covington.”

Sweet Potato Love

In 2010, Americans purchased nearly 12 million pounds of sweet potatoes — up from 7 million in 2008. Nearly half of all sweet potatoes grown in the United States come from North Carolina, the country’s No. 1 producer of the crop.

But in 1997, North Carolina farmers were feeling desperate. The main sweet potato variety they had been planting and harvesting for years, the Beauregard, was no longer performing.

“After growing successfully for years, the Beauregard was giving way to disease and just wasn’t growing well,” says Kenneth V. Pecota, M.S., researcher and cobreeder with NCSU’s sweet potato breeding program.

One in a Million

Yencho and Pecota quickly went to work on a new variety, combining one sweet potato plant’s parent with another plant parent to identify the best progeny. The multiyear process involves growing seeds produced in the crosspollination yearly by the tens of thousands in a greenhouse and then transferring cuttings from the plants to fields, a process aided by funding from the North Carolina SweetPotato Commission, North Carolina Certified Sweet Potato Seed Growers Association, and the North Carolina Crop Improvement Association.

“In a breeding program, the goal is to find a needle in a haystack, the plant that will withstand all of our testing,” says Yencho. “It takes 1 to 2 million seeds to establish a major cultivar.”

In 1999, the fledgling plant that would become the Covington caught the attention of breeders by thriving in a tough growing season. Yencho and Pecota decided to fast-track the plant, asking commercial growers to plant 50, then 150 acres and then 500 acres of the potential new variety over three years. Throughout the breeding process, NCSU evaluated the yield in on farm and research-station experiments, testing the roots for their disease resistance and nutritional profile and conducting baking and processing trials — all of which the Covington passed with flying colors.

Sweet Deal

In 2005, the Covington became the first commercially successful plant-patented sweet potato variety in the world. In addition to filing the plant patent, NCSU’s Office of Technology Transfer helped structure a nonexclusive licensing agreement for farmers and seed growers, which included an annual fee plus a royalty on acreage grown or percentage of seed sold.

“The Covington is one of the crown jewels of the plant breeding program,” says Kultaran Chohan, Ph.D., licensing associate at NCSU. “Over the years, it has consistently been one of NCSU’s highest royalty earners.”

Today, the Covington accounts for 90 percent of the sweet potatoes grown in North Carolina and is gradually displacing the Beauregard in California. According to Yencho, the variety represents about 20 percent of all sweet potatoes grown nationwide — generating more than $250 million in U.S. farm revenue in 2012 — and is the No. 1 sweet potato exported out of the country.*

Size Matters

“Once we introduced it, the Covington quickly became a preferred variety,” says Pecota. “It may not be spectacularly pretty like the Beauregard, but it’s dependable and it produces high yields.”

Sue Johnson-Langdon, who joined the North Carolina SweetPotato Commission as executive director after spending 25 years as a sweet potato farmer, says the hospitality industry really appreciates the Covington’s uniform size.

“A restaurant can’t deliver a large sweet potato to one customer and then a small one to the customer at the next table,” she explains.

Major food processors are also embracing the sweet potato — converting the orange root into frozen French fries, pie filling, soups and purees — as are fast food restaurants, which have experimented with sweet potato fries as a menu item.

“I don’t think we’ll ever replace the potato but the sweet potato offers a more complete nutritional package,”says Johnson-Langdon. “I think we’ve just touched the potential of the sweet potato.”

Cash Crop

The introduction of the Covington in combination with improved agricultural, curing and storage practices have boosted the entire state’s farming economy according to Johnson-Langdon. Since 1995, North Carolina’s sweet potato acreage has increased by 194 percent, yields are up 133 percent and prices are up by 26 percent.

“The Covington is a super variety that’s been a real gift in terms of commercialization,” she says.

“I know a lot of growers and their families so it feels great and humbling to see them be successful,” adds Yencho. “It’s been a big hit for us and it has helped a lot of growers become profitable.”











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Cryoablation Catheter Reduces Risk of Heart Complications

Emory University

Cryoablation Catheter Reduces Risk of Heart Complications

Since medication helps only about half of the seven million people worldwide who experience atrial fibrillation (AF)—a sustained fluttering or rapid beating of the heart—alternative, catheter-based treatments are vital. Episodes can last for weeks or even longer, leading to fainting, fatigue, difficulty breathing, and chest pain, as well as putting patients at risk for congestive heart failure or stroke.

The Pulmonary Vein Ablation Catheter® (PVAC), the most common nonsurgical treatment for AF, was developed by Emory Professor of Internal Medicine Jonathan Langberg, MD. The multi-electrode catheter is used to map, ablate and verify isolation of the pulmonary veins, streamlining the procedure and reducing the risk of complications.

The Arctic Front® cryoablation catheter, also based on technology developed by Langberg, was designed to simplify pulmonary vein ablation. Unlike traditional ablation treatments that cauterize single spots, cryoballoon ablation freezes an entire ring of tissue at the junction of the pulmonary veins and left atrium, blocking the conduction of electrical signals that trigger AF. The balloon-based technology of Arctic Front® uses a coolant delivered through the catheter, which expands it against the inside of the heart and freezes the trouble spots. The freezing also helps the balloon maintain contact with the heart tissue.

PVAC was licensed to Biosense Webster, a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson Company. It has also been sub-licensed to Medtronic and the Arctic Font® is currently being sold by Medtronic Ablation Frontiers LLC.

In June 2010, Medtronic reported positive results from a trial involving AF patients who were treated with the Arctic Front® catheter. Twelve months after treatment, just 20 percent of AF patients reported debilitating symptoms. Patients reported improvements in six categories:
  • Palpitations decreased from 86 percent to 25 percent
  • Fatigue decreased from 76 percent to 13 percent
  • Rapid heartbeat decreased from 66 percent to 16 percent
  • Difficulty breathing (dyspnea) decreased from 54 percent to 9 percent
  • Dizziness decreased from 48 percent to 9 percent
  • Fainting (syncope) decreased from 4 percent to 1 percent.

Since AF is often age-related, as the US population continues to grow older the need for more effective treatments is escalating. "AF really has a negative impact on a person’s quality of life," says Panya Taysavang, a licensing associate at Emory's Office of Technology Transfer. "To see a technology developed here that has the potential to help such a high number of patients is exciting."

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New Imaging Technique an Early Indicator of Treatment Response

New Imaging Technique an Early Indicator of Treatment Response
We cannot survive without oxygen. The hemoglobin in our blood transports oxygen from our lungs to every organ throughout our body. Interruption of blood flow can lead to death of oxygen-starved tissue. Blood flow, or tissue perfusion, is measured using MRI or CT-imaging methods. For CT-perfusion imaging, the movement of a contrast agent over time is captured in a series of CT-images, and software is used to translate the imaging information into measurements of blood flow parameters for each target tissue.

Dr. Ting-Yim Lee, a professor of medical biophysics at Western University and a Lawson and Robarts imaging scientist, is an expert in the visualization of tissue perfusion through imaging methods. His lab pioneered the methods and software used for CT-perfusion imaging to measure blood flow in various tissues including the brain, tumors and the heart.

For example, CT-perfusion imaging of the brain is used during stroke patient diagnosis to measure the size, location, and level of blood flow (perfusion) in the tissues impacted by the stroke. Clinical treatment decisions are then based on the perfusion parameters. Patients with smaller ischemic cores and suitable perfusion of the surrounding tissue are ideal candidates for mechanical thrormbectormy, a treatment that has transformed stroke management. In tumor applications, Lee co-led an ambitious, multi-site, 120-patient clinical study of CT-perfusion with the Gynecologic Oncology Group (GOG) and the American College of Radiology Imaging Network (ACRIN) – both American non-profit organizations that administer major research studies funded by the National Cancer Institute.

The parent Phase III clinical study compared the current standard of care with a new treatment method for advanced ovarian cancer, while the ACRIN-6695 sub-study measured CT-perfusion as a biomarker of treatment efficacy in advanced ovarian cancer and showed that CT-perfusion imaging may be used as an early diagnostic indicator of treatment response, because decrease in blood flow in responding tumor was observed as early as four weeks post-treatment.

“We designed this scanning method, the first cancer multi-center trial using CT Perfusion,” Lee said. “We also used a standardized protocol and standardized analysis method developed here. This was a big undertaking with over 20 sites in the U.S., and all the images were sent to our lab for analysis.”

Lee has a long-term research relationship with GE Healthcare, who has licensed the technology from the University through WORLDiscoveries in London, ON, the technology transfer office for Western, Lawson, and Robarts, and who has managed the technology since it was disclosed almost two decades ago. The software has been continuously developed and improved over the years and GE provides it with their scanners.

“The current version of software covers the whole body except the lungs,” Lee said.

This story was originally published in 2022.

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Columbia, Med Center Researchers Team to Produce 1.5M+ Face Shields

Columbia University

Columbia, Med Center Researchers Team to Produce 1.5M+ Face Shields
In just one week, Columbia Engineers designed, prototyped, scaled up, and manufactured thousands of face shields for NYC-area health care workers. By the end of the week, 1.5 million more shields were on order for New York-Presbyterian and other hospitals.
Columbia Engineering and Medical Center researchers joined forces to help meet the urgent needs of NYC hospital systems. Columbia Engineering teams collaborated by virtual meetings to create designs for face shields that can be cheaply and quickly manufactured at scale, by the tens to hundreds of thousands per day.
Thousands of shields were initially produced by 3D printing and water jet cutting at the school’s Makerspace. But when NYC-area hospitals estimated needing 50,000 or more masks per day per hospital, the teams developed designs that can be die cut for less than $1 per shield, made in seconds, and are easily assembled. The one-piece face shields are made by traditional contract manufacturers that can meet the demand.
Within a week, 10,000 shields were delivered to New York-Presbyterian for testing, then scaled up for deliveries of 50,000 per day.
At the same time, other designs have been ordered for use at other regional and national hospitals, as well as in Europe, Asia, and North Africa. They are downloadable for others to use for free.
“As a tech transfer office, we are used to working on projects that, even if successful, the societal benefit comes years or more than a decade into the future,” said Orin Herskowitz, Executive Director of Columbia Technology Ventures. “To be able to see impact in days not decades was incredibly gratifying for our whole team, as we worked with the researchers on the free click licensing contracts, negotiated with contract manufacturers, produced marketing materials, and coordinated on shipping and delivery. These aren’t traditional roles for tech transfer offices, but desperate times require new ways of thinking and doing.”

“It has been remarkable to see our engineers step up to rapidly design and prototype a face shield that can be easily mass produced and meets this important PPE need. Universities and hospitals are working collaboratively behind the scenes on a number of critical issues to address this dynamic situation,” said Columbia Engineering Dean Mary C. Boyce. “If, back in early March, anyone had suggested that we would be designing and mass producing a product in just a week—or even at all—we would have said a clear ‘no.’ But desperate times call for extraordinary measures.”

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University of Oklahoma Spin-out Delivers Next-Gen Antibody Blood Panel That Helps Diagnose Neuropsychiatric Disorders

University of Oklahoma

University of Oklahoma Spin-out Delivers Next-Gen Antibody Blood Panel That Helps Diagnose Neuropsychiatric Disorders

Grace Harper was a healthy, outgoing 5-year-old before she suddenly began having unexplained fits of rage and obsessive-compulsive behaviors so severe that she was suspended from kindergarten. She had few friends, struggled in school and was tormented by behaviors she did not understand. For two years, her parents searched for answers until one day doctors discovered the cause.

Strep, a common bacterial infection, was triggering an autoimmune response in Grace, resulting in brain inflammation and debilitating psychiatric symptoms. After being tested with the Cunningham Panel™, she was diagnosed with Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections (PANDAS).
There is a growing body of evidence documenting the connection between infection, inflammation, immune dysfunction and the development of neurologic and psychiatric illnesses.

In some people, like Grace, common infections, like strep, influenza, mycoplasma pneumonia and sinusitis, can trigger an autoimmune reaction causing inflammation in the brain and a variety of neurologic and psychiatric symptoms, such as obsessive compulsive disorder, tics, ADHD, depression and behaviors associated with autism spectrum disorder.
For more than two decades, Dr. Madeleine Cunningham, an internationally recognized leader in Neuropsychiatric Disorders research and other infection-induced autoimmune disorders, and her team at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center laboratory, have been researching and developing a panel of tests that would assist physicians in diagnosing neuropsychiatric disorders.
In 2013, the Cunningham Panel™ was introduced to assist physicians in their diagnosis of autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders. It is the only test of its kind in the world that can help identify whether an autoimmune dysfunction may be causing a person’s neuropsychiatric symptoms.

The test, which was made available through Moleculera Labs, a life science company co-founded by Dr. Cunningham and Dr. Craig Shimasaki and is based in the OU Research Park in Oklahoma City, is today being used by physicians worldwide to help guide diagnosis and target treatments. The technology research that led to the Cunningham Panel™ is exclusively licensed from the University of Oklahoma. No federal funding was involved.
The Cunningham test measures the level of antibodies attacking certain proteins in the brain, causing inflammation and abnormal behaviors. High levels indicate that an individual may have an infection-induced autoimmune disorder, such as PANDAS.

As with Grace, PANDAS initially triggered by a strep infection, can disrupt a child’s normal neurologic activity. PANDAS occurs when the immune system produces antibodies, intended to fight an infection, and instead mistakenly attacks healthy tissue in the child’s brain, resulting in inflammation of the brain (basal ganglia section) and a sudden onset of movement disorders, neuropsychiatric symptoms and abnormal neurologic behaviors. You can learn more about Grace’s story.  

Shimasaki says the company’s mission provides people with hope that there is a clearly identifiable issue that can be properly diagnosed and treated.

Patent Number(s): 9,804,171 US Issued, 10,228,376 US Issued, 16/259,062 US Continuation Application

This story was originally published in 2019.

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Shedding Light on Cancer Surgery and Treatment

Phil Low, Ralph C. Corley Distinguished Professor of Chemistry at Purdue University, is working to revolutionize cancer treatment by developing several ‘cancer-lighting’ molecules. Low and his team of researchers in West Lafayette, IN, developed fluorescent molecular markers of a near-infrared dye and a targeting molecule, or ligand, that binds to folate receptors overexpressed on cancer cells, designed to illuminate the cancerous lesions, lighting the way for the resection of malignant tissue. The goal is surgeons feeling even more confident in pursuit of a complete surgical resection for their patients.

Surgically removing the cancerous lesion remains widely used and is effective at preventing recurrence of the disease. Yet the methods currently used to identify malignant tissue are limited – skilled surgeons often rely only on preoperative imaging and real-time visual and tactile cues. Moreover, 40% of cancers recur in the original site of the surgery because surgeons might miss a microscopic cluster of 10 or 20 cells that cannot be seen during a normal procedure.
“If the surgeon can see it all, they can easily remove it. My hope is to develop tumor targeted fluorescent dyes to every cancer known to man,” Low said.
One such novel fluorescent compound, pafolacianine sodium (OTL38) was recently approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The drug is released in the market by On Target Laboratories under the brand name of “Cytalux.” Cytalux is the first Purdue University invented and patented drug approved by the FDA.

This technology is licensed through the Purdue Research Foundation (PRF) Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC) to On Target Laboratories, of which Low is a co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer. The revolutionary fluorescent imaging technology is supported by a robust patent portfolio: five U.S. patents issued and dozens more filed and pending around the world. Several of the initial patents were filed and assigned to the PRF-OTC.

The OTC is managed by the PRF, which protects Purdue's intellectual property and promotes entrepreneurial ventures, and manages the Purdue Foundry, a hub for practical entrepreneurial support in starting companies and the Purdue Research Park, the largest university affiliated business incubation complex in the U.S. The entire PRF ecosystem helps in successful commercialization of Purdue technologies and startups, including On Target Labs.

On Target Laboratories is a privately held biotechnology company that has successfully raised more than $81 million, backed by the Purdue Foundry and investors such as Johnson & Johnson Innovation, among other public and private funding.

Learn more about OTL38 clinical trials on ovarian cancer and lung cancer.

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Cytokine Intervention Shows Promise for Fighting the Painful Inflammation of Rheumatoid Arthritis

University of Glasgow

Cytokine Intervention Shows Promise for Fighting the  Painful Inflammation of Rheumatoid Arthritis

New methods of modifying the immune response are showing great promise in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. One of these methods is “cytokine blockade,” best shown by the success of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) blockers. Cytokines are small proteins that control the immune system. Interleukin-15, or IL-15, is a cytokine created by white blood cells that stimulates the immune system to attack an inflammation site such as the joint.

Supported by funding from the Medical Research Council, the Wellcome Trust, and the Scottish Office and Health Department, Dr. Iain McInnes and Dr. Foo Yew (Eddy) Liew of the University of Glasgow’s Centre for Rheumatic Diseases, Division of Infection, Inflammation and Immunity began to research the role of IL-15 in the late 1990s.

They discovered that IL-15 activity in the joints of patients with rheumatoid arthritis actually stimulated the production of TNF-alpha, a molecule known to contribute to inflammatory damage because of the existing drugs referred to above.

Further work with a European biotechnology company that manufactured human antibodies to IL-15 showed that the antibodies blocked the activity of IL-15 in the laboratory. The next step, phase I/II clinical trials with 30 sufferers of rheumatoid arthritis, revealed that antibody injections reduced the pain and inflammation in most subjects, with some showing dramatic improvement. 

Currently, one in every hundred people develop painful rheumatoid arthritis. Research continues to show that cytokine intervention can be used to regulate the immune response, which has exciting implications for the treatment of inflammatory diseases.


This story was originally published in 2007.

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Providing a Live View of the Cellular World

Auburn University

Providing a Live View of the Cellular World

When Vitaly Vodyanoy wanted to see something that had forever been invisible, he figured out a way to see it. Cobbling together glass lenses and playing with the angles of various light sources, he built a novel microscope that allowed him to see the miniscule workings of living cells in real time. It enables live cell images to be visualized for the first time. Like the inventors of the first microscopes, Vodyanoy has provided us with a new perspective on human life.

A professor of physiology and director of the Biosensor Lab at Auburn University in Auburn, Ala., Vodyanoy had been conducting research on biological membranes, and specifically, olfactory function. A biophysicist and biologist, he was intrigued by the molecular phenomenon of olfactory function — how the olfactory sensors interact with the receptors on neurons, and the multitude of biochemical events that provide us with the sense of smell.

He’d been searching for cilia under his microscope. Cilia are the delicate hair like structures found in great numbers on the surface of a cell, and used, in many organisms, in locomotion. Vodyanoy was studying the cilia that are projected from olfactory sensory neurons.

“I wanted to look at cilia in the mucous of the olfactory, but they are very small, one billionth of a meter — only a few microns in length,” he says. “All of the olfactory receptors are embedded in this structure, but they are essentially invisible. So I started looking around to find a way of doing this.”

An “Illuminating” Discovery

As a physicist and biologist, Vodyanoy was a veteran user of microscopes, and he understood how they worked. Optical microscopes use refractive lenses, usually made of glass, to focus light into the eye or another light detector. Various wavelengths of light are used for special purposes — the study of biological tissue, for example. Today, biologists frequently use ultraviolet light combined with fluorescent tagging to make certain parts of an organism “glow” under the microscope, enabling the researcher to see those tagged components as distinguished from other parts.

Vodyanoy had visited Gaston Naessens, a scientist in Canada in the early 1990s and seen him use a microscope with a special kind of illumination system. Illumination is critical to microscopy because it gives an image a three-dimensional appearance and enables the user to see otherwise invisible features. According to Vodyanoy, this particular microscope had a light condenser that converted a beam of light into a cone, effectively illuminating the subject at a high resolution. Years later, when Vodyanoy was unable to see the olfactory cilia, he decided to create a better illumination system for his microscope.

“It’s really an old kind of technology,” he says, “but I made a special kind of illumination system, one that produces annular illumination. It’s a special structure that produces empty cones of light, which has advantages for looking at small particles. So it’s a combination of old technology put together in one unit to produce new, higher resolution on smaller subjects.”

Vodyanoy is not a microscopist. His main research interests are in cellular dynamics, chemical sensing and the physics of interaction. But he is also, according to those who know him, a renaissance man — someone who loves music and art, a good cook, a charmer.

“He is this wonderful man, a Russian scientist, who created this instrument because he couldn’t see what he needed to see,” says Jan Thornton, director of the technology transfer office at Auburn. “He is just the type who seeks knowledge and will do whatever it takes to find things out.”

According to Thornton, her team had been invited to Vodyanoy’s lab to see another discovery, when they happened upon the microscope. He had created it with his own money, and hadn’t even thought of disclosing it. But after the technology transfer professionals had seen it, they disclosed the invention to the U.S. Department of Defense. The government, which has become more interested in highly sensitive tools for detection of disease agents in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, asked for a prototype.

Vodyanoy obliged.

The Start of a Collaborative Partnership

Around the same time, Thornton had begun meeting with a venture capitalist in Memphis. The investor, Thomas Lawrence, had experience bringing new inventions out of a university setting and into the marketplace. He’d been approached by Auburn University alumni to take a look at their technology transfer efforts and help them develop a sustainable model for bringing in licensing income in the era of declining government support.

Once Lawrence and his son Sam saw the microscope and the prototype Vodyanoy had built for the government, they were impressed enough to work with Auburn to form a collaborative partnership. Together, they launched Aetos Technologies in 2003 to commercialize discoveries made at Auburn and other universities, and the first technology they wanted to bring to market was Vodyanoy’s microscope.

“We immediately understood the importance of this,” says Sam Lawrence. “This microscope gave us the ability to see live, real-time cellular interactions in a completely analog manner — just light and lenses, no software manipulation.”

Lawrence brought in experts in microscopy, a variety of medical fields, nanotechnology and engineering to look at the tool and it met with excitement and enthusiasm.

“The base technology was really exciting,” Lawrence says, noting, “The importance of this to basic research in biology and medicine was immediately recognized.”

While the product had an enormous amount of potential, the company had to first invest time, money and energy into fitting the scope to the needs of the market. Researchers at Aetos and Auburn spent the next year collaborating to develop the product from a bench top prototype to a device that could be compatible as an add-on component to the standard bench microscopes.

The first commercial product, called the CytoViva optical illuminator, was launched in 2004. It’s an “add-on” that provides ultra high-resolution, high-contrast images. Less than two years later, the company developed the CytoViva Dual-Mode Florescence unit. This tool enables researchers to use fluorescent tagging in combination with high-resolution, high-contrast, real-time imaging. In the same year, 2006, Aetos launched CytoViva as a separate company.

Biologists use fluorescence to visualize intracellular interactions, marking portions of cells with fluorescent tags to better observe the biomechanics that are occurring. The dual-mode fluorescence unit allows users to combine morphological data with fluorescent data, making it possible to see all the structural data and all the dynamic data, and to switch back and forth between the two.

“Heretofore, researchers would have to take a picture of the cell with one technique, then take another picture of the other data, and nothing allowed them to look at both at the same time,” says Sam Lawrence. “Now, they can do both and do it in real time.”

The tool allows researchers to see the morphological structures of cells responding to and interacting with other cells. This is especially important in the study of infectious disease, where it’s important to see how cells infect one another, or in the development of drug delivery tools, as it allows researchers to see how much of a chemical is entering a cell.

“We can offer a full system to scientists that allows for a robust qualitative and quantitative picture of their research,” Lawrence says.

Continuing a Successful Track Record

Aetos Technologies and Auburn University have won several awards and accolades for the CytoViva products, including being selected as one of the 100 most significant new products by R&D Magazine in 2006, and winning a Nano 50 award in 2006 and 2007. The company’s products are being sold worldwide for applications ranging from cell biology to bioinformatics.

One customer, an oncologist, is using the microscope in a predictive, diagnostic way to understand the way cancer metastasizes inside a living human being. Next to the market: a scope with a CytoViva-compatible environmental chamber that will enable researchers to keep a sample alive for hours or days while it’s being studied.

Even as CytoViva begins to sell its components and prepares for future product development, Vodyanoy says researchers in a variety of fields on the Auburn campus have been flocking to his lab to use his microscope.

“We’ve had many visitors to our lab,” he says. “We’ve seen nanotubes, the insides of cells, and we’ve visualized the transport of protein in blood vessels.”

And yet he remains modest about his discovery.

“I don’t look at this as an invention, it’s really just a tool,” Vodyanoy says. “It’s a real workhorse.”

The development of the first microscope in the 16th century revolutionized biology and today it remains an essential tool in science. Vodyanoy’s microscope might very well continue the revolution, as it provides scientists the first tool with which one can study both the qualitative and quantitative aspects of life at the smallest scale. 


This story was originally published in 2008.

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Leprosy: Test Kit Tackles a Disease That is Forgotten but Not Gone

A*STAR’s Genome Institute of Singapore

Leprosy: Test Kit Tackles a Disease That is Forgotten but Not Gone

Characterized by deformed body parts and painful itches, leprosy is still prevalent in parts of the world. From the labs of A*STAR’s Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS), scientists have developed a genetic testing kit to identify the potential for dangerous adverse reactions to leprosy medication provided by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a Multidrug Therapy (MDT) treatment regime for those who need it the most.

In 2005, the WHO declared leprosy wiped-out worldwide, reporting instances of the disease down to less than 1 case for every 10,000 people.
In places like Papua, Indonesia, however, 5 in 10,000 cases are reported annually among the province’s 3 million inhabitants. In the neighboring province of West Papua (home to more than 800,000 people), leprosy’s presence is twice as high.

Leprosy causes significant nerve damage and muscle paralysis, causing body parts – from eye lids to legs - to stop working. The disease spreads through repeated contact with untreated patients making it more prevalent in specific regions.
Indonesia’s health authorities have been distributing free anti-leprosy medication to remote villages in Papua with the hope of eradicating the disease. But antibiotics do not work for everyone – a significant number of Papuans have potentially deadly adverse drug reactions to the medication.
“If 1 percent of the villagers have dapsone (1 of the 3 drugs used in the WHO MDT) hypersensitivity syndrome, which can cause organ damage or death local health authorities stop MDT distribution altogether in the entire village, preventing effective treatment and the reduction of leprosy,” said Dr. Astrid Irwanto, an Innovation Fellow at the Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS), one of A*STAR’s research institutes.
Once Irwanto and her colleagues successfully identified a genomic biomarker that determines dapsone hypersensitivity, they worked to utilize the findings in Papua communities. Bringing the lab-based kit to Indonesia, however, proved to be a challenge. Leprosy’s prevalence in rural and remote areas meant that the kit had to be cheap yet robust and easily deployable.
With support  from A*ccelerate,  A*STAR’s commercialization arm, Dr. Irwanto’s kit is now quick, easy to use and affordable – it costs $5 per sample.
Papua’s Institute for Research and Development for Biomedicine (IRDBP) is confident about the potential of this technology. Distribution began in mid-2018 under a pilot study to five districts across three provinces. The pilot is currently testing whether the genetic test will significantly reduce the incidence of dapsone hypersensitivity. After a few months of use, 20 percent of the patients were found to be a positive carrier of the predictive biomarker, much higher than expected.
Irwanto’s team will receive regular updates from their collaborators. The progress serves as a great reminder of the impact they are making, but it also reminds them how much work is left to be done.
The technology is now licensed to Singapore start-up Nalagenetics, co-founded by Dr. Irwanto to grow the impact of pharmacogenomics in Asia.

Photo credit:: Matthew Oldfield

This story was originally published in 2018.

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Helping Educators Empower Diabetic Patients

University of Illinois, Chicago

Helping Educators Empower Diabetic Patients

Nearly 26 million Americans are affected by diabetes, a disease that impairs the body’s ability to produce or use the hormone called insulin that controls glucose (sugar) levels in the blood. The disease, which can lead to devastating health problems, including heart disease, blindness and death, disproportionately affects racial and ethnic minorities.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 7.6 percent of non-Hispanic whites in the United States have diabetes, compared to 13.2 percent of Hispanics and 12.9 percent of African Americans. Experts say minority populations have a combination of risk factors for diabetes, including a lack of access to healthcare and effective diabetes management once a diagnosis is made.

Educators at the Midwest Latino Health Research, Training, and Policy Center at the University of Illinois (UIC) at Chicago developed a diabetes self-management program called Diabetes Empowerment Education Program, or DEEP™ specifically to help low-income, racial and ethnic minority individuals take control of the disease and reduce the risk of complications.

“The program teaches community health workers how to become peer educators on diabetes prevention and self-management using principles of adult education and participatory techniques in a culturally sensitive manner,” says Amparo Castillo, MD, PhD, MS the center’s Interim Director.

UIC copyrighted the program and began licensing the program to religious organizations, community health centers and Quality Improvement Organizations in 2013. The university issues a five-year, non-exclusive license for $600, which gives all employees of an organization access to the DEEP training material.

“I think the DEEP Program is something that hits on all the notes of a great public university: research, education and making the public better off,” says Jonathan Gortat, senior technology manager in the UIC Office of Technology Management.

To date, UIC has licensed DEEP to 50 organizations, which have in turn sub-licensed to 150 additional organizations. The program is now utilized in nearly every state and will soon be available in Spanish, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese. DEEP was also chosen as one of only three curricula affiliated with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid’s ‘Everyone with Diabetes Counts’ initiative.

“We offer licensing online to make it as seamless as possible,” Gortat says.

Much of the program’s success, says Castillo, is the use of interactive exercises and plain language that is relevant to participants.

“It’s essential that our participants perceive our trainers to be genuinely interested in their well-being and that the information is delivered in an entertaining and fun, relaxing manner,” she says.

Diabetic patients in the DEEP program attend a free 1.5-2 hour class once per week for eight weeks. Topics covered include understanding how the body works, blood sugar monitoring, meal planning, the importance of physical activity and how to identify and prevent complications of the disease. Rather than conducting a PowerPoint presentation, trainers are provided a thick binder of information and suggested activities and materials.

Ardis Reed, MPH, RD, Health Disparities Diabetes Content Expert at the TMF Health Quality Institute in Texas, says the beauty of the program is that it can be conducted anywhere from a classroom to a park or a private home.

“The DEEP program can be used by clinicians and lay leaders as well,” says Reed. “Our trainers may refer to the manual to answer a question but they don’t read from the manual word-for-word. The program provides suggested tools and a lot of flexibility for forward-thinking educators to think out-of-the-box.”

Reed says some of her favorite learning tools have included cutting up a foam pool noodle to simulate how a blood vessel can get ‘clogged’ and a creating a concoction of ketchup and vinegar in a Ziploc bag to demonstrate how high sugar levels thicken and slow down blood flow.

“We have talented and passionate educators who come up with great ideas for presenting the material,” says Reed. “We get a lot of ‘aha’ moments from these exercises that are much better than trying to explain biophysical changes.”

In addition to conveying information on diabetes-related topics, DEEP educators ask participants how they are coping and what barriers they are encountering in their day-to-day lives. They also encourage both goal setting and creating action plans.

“The adult learner wants to participate and have some fun, not feel like they have sat and listened for an hour,” said Reed. “That’s why we have such high retention rates.”

Reed said up to 78 percent of participants are still attending the program by their sixth DEEP session and upon completion, many experience positive changes in weight loss, blood pressure and blood glucose markers.

The ultimate goal, however, is to get DEEP participants more comfortable with diabetes terminology and to empower them to interact with their healthcare team.

“What we want is for them to speak up for themselves and participate in their care,” says Reed.

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Anonymizing Health Care Information for Higher Use

Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO)
University of Ottawa

Anonymizing Health Care Information for Higher Use

Privacy Analytics, a Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) Research Institute Inc. and University of Ottawa spin-off, has developed the world’s only proven, responsible way of unlocking the value of health data, ultimately improving the health of patients.

 Over the past few years the term “Data Privacy” has grown from a concern for information technology professionals into a complex social issue in both public and private sector organizations. With the shift from paper to databases and online technologies, data privacy has become a key issue, especially in industries such as government, insurance, finance, and healthcare.
These days, it’s easy to lose a memory stick with data on hundreds of thousands of patients. If it was just a case of protecting someone’s privacy, the situation would not be that complicated.

The challenge is that those patient records are a valuable resource to researchers who could use them to reduce health-care costs, to allocate resources more efficiently and to rapidly detect disease outbreaks. “Everybody wants this data,” says Dr. El Emam, CEO of Privacy Analytics. “Data has a lot of value and can bring about a lot of societal benefits when it is shared and analyzed. But the bottom line is that this has to be done in a way that is protective of privacy.”
To address this issue, Dr. El Emam formed Privacy Analytics Incorporated (PAI) in 2007 and launched a solution to privacy problems in 2009: the Privacy Analytics Risk Assessment Tool (PARAT). The PARAT is a digitalized solution, based on scientific analysis that uses a process called “De-Identification” which strips out key data elements that may be used to tie individual records back to people. While the technology is applicable across the breadth of vertical industries most concerned about privacy, PAI’s initial focus is on healthcare, where the secondary use of medical information is being hampered due to privacy concerns.
“In other words, family histories, home addresses, and occupations are concealed by PARAT, while other valuable aspects of data are preserved. These can then be analyzed and potentially lead to important discoveries,” explains Dr. El Emam.
At CHEO, the solution solved a long-standing problem for pediatric hospital pharmacists who wanted to benchmark drug utilization. “This tool made the intangible privacy risks much more concrete and easier to manage”, says Dr. Regis Vaillancourt, Director of CHEO Pharmacy.
On May 9th, 2016, nine years after the company’s creation, Privacy Analytics Inc. was acquired by IMS Health (now QuintilesIMS), a leading global information and technology services company providing clients in the healthcare industry with end-to-end solutions to measure and improve their performance. QuintilesIMS offers Privacy Analytics a global platform and access to leading-edge technologies.
“The University has been very supportive of commercialization. Most of our employees are uOttawa grads, so the process of commercializing our research has allowed us to keep the best and the brightest here as well as to generate interest among the student body, getting them thinking about how to commercialize their ideas and deploy them in the real world. Commercialization is a great way to shorten the normally lengthy process of translating research into practice,” says Dr. El Emam.

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De-inking Technology Enhances the Value of Recycled Material

University of Georgia

De-inking Technology Enhances the Value of Recycled Material

Adequately removing ink from wastepaper pulp has always been a challenge for the paper industry. De-inked pulps that appear dirty and dark are less in demand and have fewer markets, especially for high-quality printing, writing and tissue paper grades.

Karl-Erik Eriksson, Ph.D., a Swedish researcher who joined the University of Georgia faculty in 1988, conducted extensive research on the use of enzymes to treat recovered wastepaper fibers. He discovered that the application of certain mixes of enzymes to wastepaper enhanced the detachment of inks and contaminants, making them more easily removed during the de-inking (recycling) process. The technology works through a variety of mechanisms that treat the fibers, coatings, inks and sticky contaminant materials.

Enzymatic treatments of recovered fiber results in cleaner and brighter de-inked pulp stock, which translates into better-looking final recycled paper sheets.

Making cleaner wastepaper pulp enables mills to use cheaper and dirtier wastepaper, which reduces the use of virgin pulp, lowers the costs of production, opens up more outlets for low-grade wastepaper and ultimately raises the incentives for broader wastepaper collection and use.

In 1994 Eriksson’s process of enzymatic treatment of recovered fibers was licensed exclusively to Enzymatic Deinking Technologies, LLC (EDT). EDT now has more than 40 applications running this  technology worldwide and has made considerable advances in tailoring the technology for mill-scale use. The technology is being used globally to treat more than three million tons of wastepaper annually.


This story was originally published in 2007.

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Technology Advances Lead to Reduced Motor Vehicle Fatalities

University of Nebraska

Technology Advances Lead to Reduced Motor Vehicle Fatalities

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, more than 38,800 people were killed in the U.S. in 2020 as a result of motor vehicle accidents. Hoping to battle back that annual statistic, researchers at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) designed the next generation of steel barriers, a new crash cushion system called Delta™, in collaboration with TrafFix Devices, Inc., a company that is now manufacturing and selling the product. 

“We hope it will save somebody’s life,” said Ron Faller, director of the Midwest Roadside Safety Facility, a research organization at UNL focused on highway design and safety. “That’s what it’s about—sending somebody safely home to their family.” 

One of the Delta crash cushion’s distinguishing features is its side panels, which absorb kinetic energy during a crash and eliminate the need for complex devices commonly used in other barriers, such as hydraulic cylinders, cables and cartridges. 

According to Faller, transportation officials have praised the cushion’s simplicity, which requires minimal maintenance and is easy to install. The steel beam fender panels are easily replaced after hits. 

Behind this simple design is a six-year industry partnership between Nebraska researchers and TrafFix Devices engineers. NUtech Ventures, the technology commercialization affiliate at the University of Nebraska and UNL Industry Relations, a university department that focuses on research collaborations with industry, worked with the teams to arrange an industry-sponsored research agreement and manage the patenting and licensing processes. 

“UNL’s reputation is unmatched in the world for our industry, and it’s been an incredible development process for us,” said Geoff Maus, vice president of engineering at TrafFix Devices, Inc. “The Nebraska team pushed the envelope beyond what I thought was possible.” 

For the Nebraska researchers, the feeling is mutual. 

“TrafFix is a great partner and had a clear idea of what they wanted out of the device to make it commercially successful,” said Bob Bielenberg, research engineer at the Midwest Roadside Safety Facility. “For us, the design challenge was the fun part.” 

Indeed, the product needed to meet the highest safety standards, be fully recyclable and cosmetically appealing, fit onboard tractor trailers and overseas shipping containers, and be cost-competitive to manufacture—making it more accessible for emerging markets. 

“We took all this into consideration and have developed one of the best products on the market,” said Brent Kulp, president of TrafFix. “As a global company that exports to more than 50 countries, we’re excited to bring this product to the world.” 

This story was originally published in 2022.

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Pioneering Researcher Plants Seeds of Biotechnology Success

University of Calgary

Pioneering Researcher Plants Seeds of Biotechnology Success

For more than two decades, University of Calgary Professor Maurice Moloney, Ph.D., has focused on the molecular biology of plant development. But it was his research on seeds and oilbodies — the protein-covered spheres within seeds that are involved in seed oil storage — that has led to further biotechnological developments, and ultimately, the creation of a successful company.

Moloney discovered a way to genetically engineer oilbodies and oilbody-related proteins, called oleosins, which have a wide range of therapeutic and industrial applications. With support from University Technologies International, the University of Calgary’s technology transfer and commercialization arm, Moloney and others formed SemBioSys Genetics Inc. in 1994. Based in Calgary, SemBioSys utilizes Moloney’s oilbody-oleosin technology to develop and commercialize various pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical products.

One of its first products was DermaSphere®, an oil-in-water emulsion that can be used in a variety of personal care products, from sunscreens to lotions to eye-care products. SemBioSys also has developed ImmunoSphere™, a feed additive that encourages disease resistance in shrimp.

The company currently is developing and testing a safflower-based form of insulin that could cut capital costs by up to 70 percent and product costs by more than 40 percent.

With shares trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange, SemBioSys had a market capitalization of more than $80 million in late 2005. That same year, it was named company of the year by BIOTECanada, Canada’s leading biotechnology association.

It is work like Moloney’s that gives new (and literal) meaning to the phrase “planting the seeds of success.”

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Diagnostic Test Warns Mothers Before Preeclampsia Strikes

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Ctr
Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Diagnostic Test Warns Mothers Before Preeclampsia Strikes

Preeclampsia is a potentially dangerous complication of pregnancy that can strike women as early as the 20th week of gestation with little notice. It is characterized by a sudden spike in maternal blood pressure, edema and protein in the urine. In severe cases, preeclampsia escalates to eclampsia, which can cause the mother to suffer potentially fatal complications and lead to forced premature delivery of the infant.

Preeclampsia adds significantly to infant mortality rates in all countries and regions, but most especially so in areas where there are insufficient resources to save and treat premature infants. According to the Preeclampsia Foundation, this disease strikes 5 to 8 percent of all pregnant women in any given population, some 200,000 annually in the U.S. alone.

The foundation also estimates that preeclampsia is responsible for more than 70,000 maternal and 500,000 infant deaths globally per year. The only cure for preeclampsia is forced labor or cesarean section to deliver the infant prematurely.

Despite the severity and high prevalence of preeclampsia, an ancient affliction, very little is known about mechanisms behind development of preeclampsia and less yet about early diagnosis and potential therapies.

“In an average OB-GYN practice in the United States, the doctor will see 25 to 50 women with preeclampsia every year,” says Ananth Karumanchi, M.D., a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator and associate professor of the Division of Nephrology and the Division of Vascular Biology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC), a teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School located in Boston. “Even though doctors know they will see many women with the disease, there has not previously been a way to tell which of them has preeclampsia until the onset of signs and symptoms,” says Karumanchi.

Finding the Warning Markers

That is, until now. Karumanchi and his team of researchers are developing the first diagnostics test for preeclampsia. It is work born from years of careful research.

Starting with the knowledge that after the placenta is delivered, the disease gets better, Karumanchi became intrigued with the role of the placenta in preeclampsia. A kidney specialist by training, he hypothesized that the placenta must be secreting toxic substances into the mother’s blood, either subsequent to the disease process or as the cause of the disease.

“We took a molecular approach to studying this hypothesis. We took an approach that was not possible in the past because the technology did not yet exist,” explains Karumanchi, who began this research in 2001.

The BIDMC research team studied placentas to find the molecules that might cause high blood pressure, kidney protein spillage, vascular impact and/or seizures in a pregnant woman — all symptoms of preeclampsia. “We found a number of molecules, but one in particular proved very important,” explains Karumanchi.

That molecule is a protein called sFlt-1 — an antagonist of circulating vascular endothelial growth factor and placental growth factor (PIGF). sFlt-1 was later confirmed to be present in large quantities in the bloodstream of patients with preeclampsia.

“We found that the sFlt-1 protein levels increased several weeks ahead of signs and symptoms. By finding that early warning marker, we now have a way to predict which women will suffer from the disease, and we can prepare early to address the problem,” says Karumanchi.

Co-investigator Vikas P. Sukhatme, M.D., Ph.D, Victor J. Aresty professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and chief academic officer and Harvard faculty dean for academic programs at BIDMC, adds. “Down the road, the contemplated treatment would be through administration of drug therapies that neutralize the effects of sFlt1,” he says.

Identified but not Arrested

However, the discovery of the sFlt-1 protein did not arrive in a lightning strike. It was a painstaking process. “There was no Eureka! moment,” reports Karumanchi. “It took time for us to appreciate the discovery, and it took time for a number of colleagues across the field to confirm the findings.”

By testing the sFlt-1 protein in pregnant rats, Karumanchi discovered that sFlt-1 reproduces the characteristics of preeclampsia: high blood pressure, protein in urine and glomerular endotheliosis — a classic lesion found in preeclampsia cases. This established a relationship between excess sFlt-1 in the bloodstream and the presence of the disease. Working with scientists at the National Institutes of Health, Karumanchi and his team were able to demonstrate that circulating sFlt-1 and PIGF levels can be used for the clinical diagnosis and prediction of preeclampsia.

The team is currently studying the role of certain placental cells in the regulation of sFlt-1 production. They are concurrently characterizing other elevated gene products that may also play a role in preeclampsia and may serve as biomarkers for early disease detection.

Moving this knowledge into clinical trials, and then commercial use, whereby it can potentially save thousands of women and infants, however, requires more than the efforts of the scientists in the lab.

Finding a Champion

“The technology piqued a lot of interest, but we had difficulty licensing it,” explains Mark Chalek, director of Technology Ventures Office (TVO) at BIDMC. “We spent the better part of one year trying to find a big pharmaceutical company to license the technology. Most large pharmaceutical companies were concerned that the clinical trials would be too risky and that the preeclampsia market would be too small to justify an investment.”

But the support for the diagnostic could not be denied.

“It was vital to bring this technology to the bedside, which is consistent with BIDMC’s mission and its unique strength in translational medicine,” says Karumanchi. “We are fortunate to have highly competent staff in TVO, capable in acting as catalysts to accelerate the project.”

Part of that acceleration was making the decision in 2005 to license the technology to Nephromics, a Massachusetts based startup company.

Spearheading the negotiations was TVO’s Christine Jost, who serves as associate director. She explains that Nephromics is a private startup company based on intellectual property (IP) arising from both BIDMC and Massachusetts General Hospital. While this maneuver established a focused champion, it also posed both funding and management difficulties.

The initial laboratory research that led to this discovery was funded by the National Institutes of Health. However, Nephromics was precluded from sponsoring Karumanchi’s research in compliance with Harvard’s and BIDMC’s rules.

Yet Nephromics needed capital to market the IP to companies that would actually develop a commercial test kit and handle the clinical trials, testing, manufacturing, marketing and distribution. The company also required managers to complement the scientific expertise of Karumanchi and others.

“We are not venture capitalists in the traditional sense of managing a fund,” explains Patrick Jeffries, president of Nephromics. “We are good at the business side; and the scientists, such as Karumanchi, are good at the science side. We complement each other.

“In essence, our team believed in the science, trusted the scientists and figured out how to work well together to attract larger companies as sub-licensees to get this product out,” Jeffries says.

This approach — to offer nonexclusive sublicenses to several manufacturers — would allow the test to get to patients faster by creating a competition between the companies.

“For example, when we began to negotiate with Abbott, Roche pushed back hard, claiming there must be only one manufacturer for the purpose of competitive exclusivity,” Jeffries says. “We explained that the big companies such as Roche, Abbott and others compete in laboratory testing equipment, but not in individual tests, so no exclusive license was warranted. We won that argument.”

Nephromics has now successfully sublicensed the preeclampsia diagnostic to several leading diagnostic companies such as Beckman Coulter, Roche Diagnostics, Johnson & Johnson and Abbott Pharmaceuticals.

“Our objectives are to get the diagnostic kit standardized across the sub-licensees, get it to market and get doctors ready to use the kit to save lives,” says Jeffries.

Over time, the discovery may be offered as a point-of-care test in a doctor’s office. A pregnant woman and her doctor would know her preeclampsia risk in a matter of minutes, rather than in several days, when a result comes back from a lab.

The interest in this discovery is, for now, focused mainly on diagnostics rather than therapeutics. “That begs the question, of course, as to why we should use the test if there is no specific treatment. Babies will still need to be delivered early,” says Karumanchi. “By eliminating the guesswork in diagnosis, we may prevent unnecessary premature deliveries.” Despite the current absence of a cure, a future treatment may indeed eventually result from the research under way today. “We are hopeful that the markers will prove useful in developing new therapies and may lead us to a cure one day,” Karumanchi says.

“Thus far,” Jeffries says, “we have awakened the scientific community to the importance of markers we can now utilize to find a cure. We are a long way off, but we are definitely on that path.” At some point, the test may enjoy a groundswell of public support.

“This story is a tremendous example of the marriage of great science, effective technology transfer and commercialization, leading to the development of a preeclampsia diagnostic,” says Chalek. “And if we are lucky — it will be accomplished in less than a decade.”

Even luckier still are the mothers and their children who might be spared unnecessary risks. As Jeffries says, “Nearly everyone would want to prevent the risks of complications stemming from premature delivery.”


This story was originally published in 2010.

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Diagnostic Kits Speed Detection of Infectious Diseases

National University of Singapore

Diagnostic Kits Speed Detection of Infectious Diseases

Malaria and dengue fever are mosquito-borne diseases that affect millions of people in the tropics, with malaria killing about three million people worldwide every year. Rapid, accurate diagnosis is paramount for timely treatment or emergency response/containment procedures. The standard test for the malarial Plasmodium parasite is time-consuming, laborious, and can produce false negatives. Testing for dengue fever takes up to eight days and may also deliver inaccurate results. However, a Singapore medical diagnostics company, using breakthrough molecular technology from the National University of Singapore, has developed rapid-assay test kits that detect killer parasites in a matter of hours.

National University of Singapore researchers Ursula Kara, Robert Ting, Jill Tham, James Nelson and Theresa Tan discovered and patented the unique nucleic acid diagnostic primers for these organisms over a 10 year period. The technology was announced in 1998.

A primer is a short strand of DNA/RNA that is required for the formation of longer chains of DNA/RNA. Using a single drop of blood, the highly sensitive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology can distinguish between different Plasmodium species within three hours.

The dengue fever kit can detect the virus within three to five days after it first appears in the bloodstream, compared to the usual eight days using standard immunodiagnostic methods. Early detection enables earlier medical attention, which can be critical for preventing serious complications, such as dengue hemorrhagic fever and engue shock syndrome.

The National University of Singapore has licensed its technology to Veredus Laboratories, which is manufacturing and selling several diagnostic kits. Singapore’s National University Hospital has used the Veredus dengue fever kit for more than three years as a routine diagnostic tool. In addition, Veredus has produced the world’s first validated commercial avian flu diagnostic kit, which has cut the time required to accurately detect the H5N1 virus from seven days to as short as two days. The company is also developing kits for encephalitis, SARS, yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis, and chicken pox.



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U ANDES Develops Dialect Platform to Assess K-12 Reading Skills

Universidad de los Andes

U ANDES Develops Dialect Platform to Assess K-12 Reading Skills
International standardized test results show Chilean reading skills are still very poor, with more than 60 percent of K-12 students failing to reach a baseline level of proficiency. 
In an effort to change this, in 2012 researchers from the Faculty of Education in Universidad de los Andes in Santiago, Chile, Pelusa Orellana and Carolina Melo, PhD, developed Dialect, a program to help assess Spanish reading skills in students from kindergarten to twelfth grade. The program consists of automated tests and teaching strategies.
Kindergarten students who used Dialect showed significant improvements from the beginning to the end of the school year in reading patterns, listening and vocabulary.

Dialect is a test automation platform accessible from any device. The tests, a central part of the program and platform, provide an instant achievement report, which contains an analysis of the student’s performances and suggestions of actions that may be taken to help them develop each skill. The student’s teacher receives the information to formulate a specific intervention plan throughout the school year. Teachers have recognized that personalized evaluations and strategies to bolster a student’s deficient areas help them make better use of teaching time.
To scale Dialect, models were implemented to adapt the test difficulty to the abilities of the students, and automatically generate individual and group reports. More than 55,000 students have used Dialect in Chile, Argentina, Costa Rica, Uruguay, and Spain. As the technology is focused on the Spanish language, it has the potential to reach a much bigger market. 

U ANDES’ TTO supported researchers in managing the registration of their IP rights. The TTO also created a commercial agreement with the world's leading learning assessment company, Metametrics. Through this alliance, the tests were validated, creating a high standard measurement system, Lexile, which will be used exclusively throughout Latin America. The TTO facilitated a commercial agreement with the Chilean company Colegium S.A, where the platform was developed. The project was initially financed by the Chilean state.

This story was originally published in 2020.

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Lens Helps Cataract Patients See at All Distances

University of Arizona

Lens Helps Cataract Patients See at All Distances
Imagine having cataracts, then finding a way to see - at all ranges - without contacts or glasses. Previous cataract surgeries offered clarity for only two distances: near and far. What about the intermediate range?
A University of Arizona optical scientist has realized this vision for some by designing implantable cataract replacement lenses that allow for mid-range sight. The lenses were developed by Jim Schwiegerling, a professor in the Department of Ophthalmology and Vision Science in James C. Wyant College of Optical Sciences.

As we age, the precisely structured proteins that create the eye's naturally transparent lens begin to clump, causing cataracts that cloud vision. The routine solution to this problem for nearly 50 years was surgery to replace our natural lenses with artificial intraocular lenses. The downside is the inability of these lenses to focus near, requiring the recipient to wear reading glasses. In the 1990s, bifocal intraocular lenses became commercially available to address this issue. The problem is that their design offers clarity for only two distances: close up and far away.

"One of the complaints about bifocal lenses is that you can drive a car and read, but everything in between is kind of fuzzy. With the prevalence of screens in the modern day, people want that extra intermediate distance," Schwiegerling said.

With support from Tech Launch Arizona (TLA), the UArizona office that commercializes inventions created from research, patents were filed and granted to the Arizona Board of Regents. TLA then partnered with Alcon, a global medical device company specializing in eye care products and one of the largest producers of intraocular lenses in the world, providing the company a license to use the UArizona technology in its products.

Alcon incorporated Schwiegerling’s patented technology in its novel trifocal intraocular lens, PanOptix, launched in Europe in 2015. Eventually, PanOptix was approved for use in countries around the world, and in summer 2019 the last two major countries – the United States and Japan – approved use of the new lenses.
Half a million people around the world have now received the trifocal Alcon lenses.

Besides offering better eyesight through a third focal distance, the lenses can also let more light into to the eye, which creates sharper, higher contrast images, solving yet one more common problem of bifocal lenses.
Schwiegerling himself discovered he had cataract in one eye in 2016, he said, but because PanOptix wasn’t yet available in the U.S., he decided to travel to Germany to get the lens implanted.

"I’m a user and not just a maker,” he said. “I am thrilled with being able to do my outdoor activities, work at the computer and read without being encumbered by glasses. I see like I am young again."

This story was originally published in 2020.

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Direct Injection Retrofit Kit for Two-Stroke Cycle Engines Cuts Pollution

Colorado State University

Direct Injection Retrofit Kit for Two-Stroke Cycle Engines Cuts Pollution

Carbureted two-stroke engines are one of the world’s largest sources of air pollution, specially in Southeast Asia. Nearly 35 percent of the fuel in these engines escapes directly into the exhaust and never burns, resulting in high hydrocarbon emissions. Pollution from taxis, scooters and other vehicles powered by two-stroke engines kills thousands of people annually in Asia, Africa and South America. In the Philippines alone, particulate emissions from 1.8 million two-stroke vehicles are estimated to result in 2,000 premature deaths every year.

To counter this problem, researchers at Colorado State University’s Engines and Energy Conversion Laboratory in Fort Collins, Colo., invented the “Direct Injection Retrofit for Two-Stroke Cycle Engines Kit.” Core technology developed by Orbital Engine Corp. was used in the design.

The retrofit technology was disclosed in 2003 and Envirofit International, a nonprofit corporation, as formed to commercialize the product. About $1.5 million in seed funding was provided  by the Bohemian Foundation in Fort Collins from 2004-2007. During that time Envirofit perfected a production-ready direct-injection product, performed extensive field testing and began installing the technology on vehicles in the Philippines.

The retrofit kit significantly reduces emissions and improves fuel efficiency. The direct-injection method results in more complete combustion of fuel,  reducing carbon monoxide emissions by 76 percent, carbon dioxide emissions by 35 percent and hydrocarbon emissions by 89 percent. At the same time, fuel use is reduced by 35 percent and oil by 50 percent.

An Envirofit retrofit kit costs about $350, but the annual fuel and oil savings are more than $500.  For a typical Filipino taxi driver, the $500 in annual savings represents about a 40 percent increase in income. To date more than 500,000 kits have been installed worldwide.

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CSU dGH Technology Helps Detect Genomic Structural Variation, Health Risks

Colorado State University

CSU dGH Technology Helps Detect Genomic Structural Variation, Health Risks
Human karyotype illustrating five color whole genome dGH paints.  Inversions are readily visualized as switch of fluoresent signal from one side (chromatid) to the other and back (chromosome 1, circles).  Sister chromatid exchange (SCE) detected as single switch (chromosome 6, circle).  
NASA’s first One Year Mission attracted much media attention as the mission’s astronaut, Scott Kelly, had an identical twin brother, Mark Kelly, who was also an astronaut and former Navy test pilot. The perfect “out-of-this world” experiment was conceived, with “Space twin” and “Earth twin” as the high-profile subjects – one spending a year in space aboard the International Space Station (ISS) and the other, similar in both nature and nurture, stuck on Earth serving as the perfect ground control. The landmark NASA Twins Study represented the most comprehensive investigation ever conducted on the response of the human body to space flight. 
The Twins Study was also NASA’s first integrated effort to launch human space life science research into the modern age of molecular- and “omics”-based studies. In addition to a variety of gene expression changes and dramatic shifts in telomere length dynamics, chromosomal signatures of space radiation exposure were also observed during spaceflight. For the first time in astronauts, directional Genomic Hybridization (dGH™) was employed as a direct “biodosimeter” to detect genomic structural variation, a potential cause of cancers or other genetic diseases, and importantly, providing NASA a better understanding of the inherent health risks of spaceflight. Directional Genomic Hybridization was originally invented in 2007 by faculty at Colorado State University in Fort Collins and UTMB to provide exactly this type of dosimetry data for NASA. 

To date, eleven astronauts on one-year and six-month ISS missions have been analyzed with dGH (Cell Reports, Luxton et al., 2020a,b) and, consistent with chronic exposure to the radiation environment of near space, frequencies of structural changes known as inversions increased during spaceflight. Surprisingly, levels of inversions remained elevated after spaceflight, a finding potentially suggestive of damage to stem cells and/or genome instability, hallmarks of increased disease risk. Other exposed cohorts analyzed with dGH include WWII Atomic Veterans (Radiation Research, McKenna et al., 2019), and prostate cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy (Journal of Personalized Medicine, Luxton et al., 2021).

The dGH results will guide future studies and personalized approaches for evaluating health effects of individual astronauts, as we continue to partner with NASA to monitor the health effects of space flight for years to come.
Because of the human health impacts of structural variants, and the unique power of dGH, in 2007 the CSU inventors partnered with CSU Ventures, the TTO for Colorado State University,  to launch the start-up KromaTiD, a company dedicated to developing and commercializing the platform. CSU Ventures provided the upfront costs for the initial invention patent filing through licensing, and provided the support and guidance to KromaTiD’s founders. The TTO has continued to provide marketing, media support/dissemination, and assistance with company development, facilities, etc. during the early years of KromaTiD company formation.

With the support of CSU Ventures, NASA, and the NHGRI, KromaTiD developed dGH into the only comprehensive, whole genome, strand-specific, single-cell method for measuring complex structural variation on the market. Based on the foundation built from this and similar studies, KromaTiD today provides dGH structural variant assays throughout genomics, in particular for the emerging market of gene therapies. By leveraging cellular engineering techniques such as CRISPR/Cas9, other gene editing techniques, as well as viral-mediated genome modification approaches like AAV and lentiviral tools, gene therapies hold tremendous promise in the treatment of cancers, heritable genetic diseases and hematologic diseases. However, much like radiation exposure, the introduction of unwanted and unexpected structural variants represent real and uncontrolled risks to patients. KromaTiD’s dGH products and services provide gene therapy innovators with a variety of targeted and unbiased tools for detection and measurement of genomic structural variants of all types.

This story was originally published in 2021.

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Cystic Fibrosis Discovery Hailed as a Medical Milestone

Hospital for Sick Children

Cystic Fibrosis Discovery Hailed as a Medical Milestone

The discovery of the cystic fibrosis gene by researchers at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto and the University of Michigan leads to improved health care and global scientific knowledge.

Sixteen years ago, Grant Boyle’s birth was a familiar routine in a world of medical challenges and sickly children. Like other parents, John and Marylynn Boyle of Toronto were thrilled to learn their firstborn child was healthy.

But 13 months later, it became obvious that Grant was not thriving. Though they knew he wasn’t well, he suffered from symptoms that parents unfamiliar with cystic fibrosis wouldn’t have recognized. The baby’s skin had a salty taste, he wasn’t gaining weight as he should and he suffered from a constant bowel dysfunction. 

When his parents started down the diagnostic path that would lead to The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, John Boyle says, “We didn’t know anything about cystic fibrosis, including any of the symptoms connected with the disease.”

Cystic fibrosis, a debilitating inherited disease that is usually manifested in children and affects approximately 1 in 2,000 live births in North America, often results in premature death. In the U.S. about 1,000 new cases are identified each year.

As Grant’s parents discovered, the defective gene blocks chloride transport, and as a result of this gene defect, the body produces an abnormally thick mucus that affects the lungs. The disorder is often a precursor to life-threatening lung infections. 

John Boyle would learn that he, along with millions of others in North America, are unknowing, symptomless carriers of cystic fibrosis. He also would learn that nothing a parent does causes the disease.

Grant was born in the same month in 1989 that the cystic fibrosis gene was isolated and characterized at The Hospital for Sick Children, Canada’s most research-intensive hospital. The University of Toronto-affiliated hospital is the largest pediatric academic health science center in Canada and one of the largest in the world. Its clinicians are widely known for treating a huge number of patients with cystic fibrosis.

Researchers Isolate Mutant Gene

Thanks largely to the world-class research  team of scientists and physicians, the defective gene responsible for cystic fibrosis was found in human chromosome No. 7. Before the discovery, scientists knew that the faulty gene was somewhere in the 22 pairs of autosomal chromosomes, not the x or y sex chromosome. But Lap-Chee Tsui, Ph.D., Jack Riordan, Ph.D., and others in collaboration with the University of Michigan’s physician-geneticist Francis Collins, M.D., and his research team, took the research to a new level when they cloned and sequenced a gene encoding a protein known as cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator, or CFTR. They found a mutant form of the CFTR gene known as Delta 508, which causes about 70 percent of the clinical incident of the disease.

During eight years of intensive research, they narrowed the field from an enormous pool of genes — now known to number about 30,000 along the DNA molecule. The discovery provided the first structural evidence that the defective CF gene leads to a malformation of the protein that regulates chloride transport across epithelial cells. This milestone discovery of the cystic fibrosis gene was a supreme example of how research can benefit people worldwide and lead to better health care. 

“During the collaborative research, looking for the CF gene was somewhat like looking for a needle in a haystack. When the gene’s position was found, it set the stage for the development of CF carrier tests,” says Stuart D. Howe, Ph.D., director of business and partnership development at The Hospital for Sick Children.

The discovery has enormous impact on families worldwide. The breakthrough opened the door to a screening test to identify people who unknowingly carry the defective gene and pass it along to their children. 

Diagnosis, Treatment and Testing

Grant’s diagnosis started with a sweat test to assess the salinity of his skin. When the first test was negative, his parents were relieved, but when it was run again, it confirmed the baby had cystic fibrosis. His father, though not affected by CF, is a carrier of the Delta 508 gene. 

“I was in Ottawa on business when I learned I was Delta carrier. I didn’t recognize the connection with CF,” John Boyle says. “I thought the test results had something to do with the heart.” Back home, the reality that Grant has cystic fibrosis, hit hard. “When I read that CF affects the lungs, is always fatal, and that it typically happens when children are young, I fell apart inside.”

When Grant spent a week at The Hospital for Sick Children while his medications were adjusted, two life-changing things happened. First, Marylynn Boyle learned she was pregnant with her second child. “By then I knew there was a one-in-four chance that the unborn baby would have CF. I wasn’t terribly concerned, but everyone around me was worried,” John Boyle recalls.

Before the 1989 gene discovery, parents were alerted to the possibility of having a baby with cystic fibrosis only if they already had an affected child. But as a result of the breakthrough cystic fibrosis gene discovery, doctors can identify carriers and conduct genetic tests on unborn babies to offer parents a prenatal diagnosis. The sophisticated diagnosis shows if the fetus has a known mutation of the cystic fibrosis gene. At the 12-week mark in her pregnancy, Marylynn Boyle was tested and learned the baby did not have cystic fibrosis. 

The genetic screening not only provided knowledge of the baby’s health, it also unleashed enormous comfort and joy for the family. James, the baby Marylynn was carrying when Grant was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, is now 14. The couple’s third child, 8-year-old Jacklynn, does not have cystic fibrosis, but genetic testing has determined she is a cystic fibrosis carrier.

There was a second thing that happened during Grant’s stay at the hospital. “By the end of the week, I saw many kids far sicker than Grant,” John Boyle says. “At the end of the week, I actually felt jubilant when I realized that, when compared to other children, Grant is fairly healthy. Because the CF team is exceptionally proactive and dedicated, they have helped Grant live life to the fullest.” 

Grant continues to do just that. But when he was 12 cystic fibrosis caused his lung to collapse. The event was extremely alarming, John Boyle says. “CF kids may look normal one day, but the following day they may be ill or dead because of a time bomb inside of them.”

When Grant lost the function of his lung, John Boyle asked the hospital staff if there was someone they could call. “They humbly replied that when it comes to CF children, other hospitals call them. We felt privileged to have this extraordinary CF team working for us.” 

Worldwide Impact

Today, children and parents throughout the world benefit from the CF testing. The Hospital for Sick Children and the University of Michigan entered an agreement that allows the hospital to manage international licenses while the University of Michigan manages licensing activities in the United States. 

“The decision to license non-exclusively has encouraged competition among diagnostic laboratories,” says David Ritchie, Ph.D., senior technology licensing specialist at the University of Michigan. “Seventeen companies are producing CF testing kits, about half are not on the market yet but expect to be in the next five years.”

Licensing of the cystic fibrosis testing occurred in 1994, and in the last four years the licensing has become profitable, allowing both institutions to reinvest in new research. With every diagnostic kit sold, a small percentage of each net sale is returned in royalties. Patent protection was established for the gene, the protein derived from it and the mutation. Numerous non-exclusive licenses for the diagnostic test have been granted in Canada, the U.S. and Europe.

“The widely available CF diagnostic testing offers valuable ‘yes or no’ information. Families now have the opportunity to make intelligent decisions about deciding to have children and, depending on the test results, what the risks might be,” Ritchie says. Now that newborns are automatically tested for cystic fibrosis, the technology has had a direct impact on the licensing of the test.“If you want to do CF testing, use of the Delta 508 mutation must be included in the testing panel because it is present in 70 percent of CF patients,” Ritchie says. 

CF research was funded in the U.S. by Cystic Fibrosis Foundation of America, the Howard Hughes Medical Institutes and the National Institutes of Heath. In Canada, funding was received from several government and private grantors including the Canadian Institute for Health Research, formerly the Medical Research Council, and the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Royalties derived from the Delta 508 tests are shared with a number of the grantors.

Today, Grant Boyle is an outgoing 16-year-old high-school student. His father says he goes full tilt. Last summer he spent a month in Africa with a humanitarian organization. “He’s a great musician, a professional actor and fully connected with life,” John Boyle says. “He doesn’t think about his CF much, which is a lesson for his parents.”

Still, if it hadn’t been for the hospital’s CF clinical care and research, combined with life saving drugs and physical therapy, it might be a different story. 

“The hospital has superb technology driven clinical care, and outstanding CF research and empathetic skills,” says John Boyle. “As parents we demand the best care for our kids, and as CF parents, we are grateful that the hospital is gifted when it comes to CF research and knowledge.” 


This story was originally published in 2006.

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Discrete Element Model Helps Prevent Wheel Slips

Discrete Element Model Helps Prevent Wheel Slips
Coupi's Polyphysica particle-based simulation model and discrete element method is a software product and method originally developed to support NASA missions to explore surfaces of the Moon, Mars, asteroids, and comets. It was created by researchers Anton Kulchitsky and Jerry Johnson at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF). Coupi acquired the software copyright and technology rights from UAF through the Office of Intellectual Property and Commercialization (OIPC) after OIPC registered the copyright, helped to spin-out the startup from the university, and provided space on campus for the company offices.

Discrete Element Methods (DEM) simulations consider the individual existence of each discrete grain forming a solid or fluid, solving problems that are difficult to simulate. It models the behavior of solids, individual particles and aggregates using physical interaction rules including friction, elasticity, cohesion, cementation, viscosity, and force at a distance (e.g., gravity, electrostatics).
The Coupi DEM model has simulated a Mars exploration rover's wheel mobility to help prevent wheel slips.

Back on Earth, it has helped understanding of the impact forces of floating trees and debris on a diversion platform for turbines of hydrokinetic in-river power generators in Alaska. Past partners and clients have included NASA, JPL, DOE, and Honeybee Robotics.

This story was originally published in 2021.

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Chemical-Free Strategy Keeps Food Pest-Free

University of California, Davis (UC Davis)

Chemical-Free Strategy Keeps Food Pest-Free

Every day at mealtime, millions of people worldwide are joined by uninvited guests: namely, pathogens and other pests that reside in food. When consumed, the contamination often leads to dire consequences. Microbes like E.coli and salmonella harbor illness that can be fatal — and food safety problems do more than unleash an avalanche of devastating health effects. The fallout wreaks economic havoc too, in the form of market-share loss, medical care, legal fees and other costs.

Current techniques to address contamination can involve toxic chemicals, but a California-based company called RF Biocidics Inc. has taken a different approach to the problem. Developed at University of California, Davis, the technology gives commercial food producers a chemical-free path to food safety — without diminishing taste, texture or nutrition. And that’s just the beginning, because this process has potential disinfection applications that extend far beyond the dinner plate.

Unwelcome Ingredients

Hardly a month goes by without headlines announcing another outbreak of unwanted microbes in the food supply. The cumulative effect leads to some startling figures.

Approximately 1 in 6 U.S. residents contract a foodborne disease each year. Of those, 128,000 end up in the hospital and 3,000 die, according to the Centers for Disease Control. And that represents only one corner of the globe.

Consider the repercussions from a salmonella outbreak that originated about five years ago at a U.S. peanut butter manufacturer. The products sickened more than 625 people in 47 states and may have led to nine deaths. The recall involved 326 million pounds of peanut butter, and the manufacturer, Peanut Corporation of America, ultimately filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

That single example underscores a two-fold effect shared by other outbreaks: Not only do they sicken people, they also don’t do any favors for economic health. According to the Pew Health Group, the total cost of foodborne disease to the U.S. economy is estimated at more than $152 billion annually.

New Purpose for a Familiar Technology

To make food safer, RF Biocidics uses heat. That may not sound particularly innovative, considering heat has been used for decades to destroy pathogens in certain foods, like the pasteurization of milk and juice. But the innovation resides in the heat source, which employs a new use for a familiar technology: radio frequency.

First developed a century ago, radio frequency (RF) is used for wireless communication around the world, transmitting data, sound and video. In this case, it’s used to prevent the transmission of food-borne illness. The process is called RF thermal processing, and it applies electric power to create an oscillating electric field that is converted into RF power. When material is exposed to that electric field, water molecules within the material start to vibrate and give off heat. That raises the temperature of the entire material.

The basic science of RF thermal processing has been around for years — for instance, the lumber industry has used it for decades to dry wood. But could it also zap bacteria and bugs without compromising food quality? In the 1990s, that question was on the mind of Manuel Lagunas-Solar, Ph.D., currently the chief scientific officer at RF Biocidics. “As you can imagine, there’s a big difference between lumber and almonds, particularly in terms of commercial practices,” says Lagunas-Solar.

At the time, he worked at the Crocker Nuclear Laboratory at UC Davis and had plenty of experience with radio frequency, which powered the lab’s particle accelerator. “I worked there for about 42 years … 41.7 years, actually,” he says. That response hints at Lagunas-Solar’s need for precision, and it’s a useful mindset when applying heat to disinfect food. There’s little room for error when the goal is to destroy bacteria and other pests (like moth larvae) but not food quality. “The difference between sterilization and the deterioration of food quality and nutrition can be as little as 10 degrees,” says Fortunato Villamagna, Ph.D., CEO at RF Biocidics Inc.

For this process, Lagunas-Solar knew he had to work with lower frequencies that don’t interfere with things like cell phone communication, radio and television broadcasts, or air traffic control. It opened up some unchartered territory, considering the scant scientific literature exploring how RF interacted with different materials — particularly food — at low frequencies.

He collaborated with co-inventors Nolan X. Zeng, Ph.D., and Timothy K. Essert (also at Crocker Nuclear Laboratory), spending seven years studying the effects of RF treatment on more than 100 foods. Their research showed that RF treatment could effectively kill microbes and insects without overheating the food surface, making it suitable for a range of materials including nuts, seeds and spices.

Disinfection and disinfestation aren’t the only benefits of the RF process. Some foods have enzymes that promote the growth of cells, and that can dramatically reduce the shelf life of those products. For example, edible seeds like pine nuts will germinate during long-term room temperature storage, leading to economic losses when the seeds’ quality deteriorates. But RF treatment inactivates the enzymes. By controlling germination, it improves shelf-life stability.

Private sponsors provided early funding for the research, says Raj Gururajan, Ph.D., intellectual property officer for Technology Transfer Services at UC Davis InnovationAccess. “We’re always looking to enable inventions with social and economic impact to move into the marketplace,” says Gururajan. “We think it has the potential to be deployed not just in the developed world, but in the developing world too, for fast and effective disinfection of food and agricultural products,” says Dushyant Pathak, associate vice chancellor, technology management and corporate relations at UC Davis.

Beyond the Lab Bench

RF Biocidics wasn’t the first company to license the technology from UC Davis. The technology was initially licensed in 2001 to a different business, but it returned the technology rights to UC Davis in 2008. The technology transfer group at UC Davis worked quickly to identify a potential licensee — and found a viable partner in Allied Minds Inc., a Boston-based investment firm that focuses on university research innovations. Allied Minds formed RF Biocidics in 2008 as a startup company to hold the technology and has also provided funding for further development of the technology, including a commercial prototype.


Villamagna praised the work of the technology transfer group. “At this stage, we are working with them to manage the patent portfolio,” he says. “In transferring the technology, the UC Davis office has been extremely helpful and cooperative.” Lagunas-Solar echoed that sentiment. “Their role has been very important in connecting the university research with the industrial application,” he says. “I think they’ve done an excellent job, not just with this technology but with other technologies as well.”

For RF treatment, the RF Biocidics equipment moves food (or other material) via a conveyor belt through a treatment chamber. The material stays in the treatment chamber for a set period of time, depending on the type of material and the desired level of disinfection or disinfestation. RF Biocidics both sells and leases the equipment to food producers, primarily for nuts, seeds and spices. It currently has units installed in the U.S, England and Latin America.

The treatment system is approximately 35 feet long, 6 feet wide and 8 feet high — and requires a substantial investment. To help companies that can’t afford to lease, RF Biocidics built a facility in California to processes material on a contract basis. “We take in customers’ product, process it, put it back on a truck and send it to them. We never open the containers, so once it is pasteurized, it doesn’t get re-contaminated,” says Villamagna. For more than a year, the facility has processed a half-million pounds of nuts, seeds and spices. Villamagna expects that figure will soon reach 1 million pounds per month, and plans to open a second California facility this year to boost the company’s processing volume.

A Safer Food Supply, from Farm to Plate

Most consumers don’t recognize the contamination risks that can occur long before food reaches the grocery store shelf. Take nuts, for example. Walnuts, almonds and other nuts are collected by shaking the trees on which they grow. After the nuts fall, they’re scooped up — along with other things that happen to be on the ground, like fecal matter from animals. That’s a big yuck factor — and worse, it’s a source of salmonella and E. coli.

There’s also a need to remove microbes from nonfood consumer products too — like essential oils in cosmetics, says Villamagna. He wants RF Biocidics to help improve the safety of anything humans ingest or absorb through their skin. “The concept of destroying pathogens, whether they are bacteria or tape worm larvae, it just spreads exponentially,” he says. “Actually, when you think about it, you get the willies.”

Of course, RF Biocidics has an antidote for the willies — one that doesn’t require chemicals. That’s important for several reasons, notes Villamagna. Current agricultural production often involves massive amount of pesticides to eradicate unwanted insects, microbes and fungal pests. That can have harmful effects for the environment, agricultural workers and possibly for consumers who end up eating trace amounts of those chemicals.

 “I believe that the days of relying almost entirely on chemical applications in different phases of food production and distribution are probably going to be replaced by more friendly technologies that allow the food industry to respond to concerns from consumers to the use of chemicals,” says Lagunas-Solar. “Particularly because they leave a residue in the food, and there are many concerns with what happens to the public health in general and environmental health in particular.”

There’s another ongoing problem with pesticides: Insects constantly adapt to them, which means scientists must fight to stay ahead of the genetic curve. RF treatment doesn’t have that problem. It works on all species, and they can’t adapt to survive its effects.

The creation of this technology has also led to the creation of jobs. RF Biocidics currently employs more than 40 people at facilities in the United States and the United Kingdom. Although initial use has focused on seeds, nuts and spices, it has potential for many other applications. One example is fishmeal — a type of animal feed commonly part of the diet of livestock. Another is animal waste, which plays a critical role in agriculture. “We spent a lot of time looking at animal waste from, say, dairy production,” says Lagunas-Solar. Although animal waste is an important liquid source of nutrients, it’s often applied to farm fields without being disinfected first. That’s not the only potential agriculture application for RF treatment.

“One of these days, I think, even soil could be treated in a way that minimizes or prevents the use of chemicals, but we’re not there yet,” says Lagunas-Solar.

In addition to people food, RF Biocidics treats pet food. The company has already processed canary seed for one client. “Believe it or not, the animal side is equally important, in terms of preventing bird flu and other diseases,” says Villamagna.

By harnessing radio frequency power for disinfection and disinfestation, RF Biocidics could play a vital role in reducing an array of illnesses. “At some point I think everything we consume will be pasteurized, and the potential volumes are enormous,” says Villamagna. With RF treatment, his company provides a chemical-free, effective and reliable alternative to existing methods. “The ability that I can give my child a product to eat that I know won’t hurt him — that is a very good thing,” says Villamagna. “It actually makes the world a safer place.”

This story was originally published in 2012.

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DNA Testing: Changing Lives with Billion-in-One Precision

University of Glasgow

DNA Testing: Changing Lives with Billion-in-One Precision

Using the latest technology, Crucial Genetics provides the DNA testing that can make or break a case in the courtroom.

Identity has become a powerful driver in today’s world, especially as identity theft breaks new records every year. Verifying identities through DNA testing has become a part of daily life as well, leading to richly rewarding experiences that include reuniting family members and bringing people closer together. Identification through DNA testing can also bring long-needed closure to traumatic events and start the process of healing. In short, identity can be the one thing that matters most when lives are being rebuilt.

This is exactly what Crucial Genetics, a Scotland-based DNA testing company, does for clients around the world. Using the most modern technology available, Crucial Genetics delivers the genetic data that is often the difference in “making or breaking” a case in the courtroom.

“The work we do could be the deciding factor in a murder trial, or it could help someone confirm the identity of his or her biological father,” says Jacqueline Perry, Crucial Genetics’ laboratory manager.

Headquartered at Southern General Hospital in Glasgow, Crucial Genetics is part-owned by the University of Glasgow, an institution with an international reputation for genetic and forensic research. This close association provides Crucial Genetics scientists with access to top university researchers who have a remarkable range of knowledge and expertise in the biosciences.

In the early 1990s, Dr. John Gow, a molecular geneticist who is also director of the Centre for Forensic Investigation at Glasgow Caledonian University and a leader in field of DNA research, recognized the commercial need for DNA testing in Scotland.

“The world was showing an ever-increasing need for, and greater reliance on, DNA testing,” says Gow. “The technology was also rapidly evolving, which made commercial applications more feasible and affordable.”

In 2003 Gow and his team pioneered several new techniques that enabled the university to distinguish between family members in disputed paternity cases. Encouraged by these results, Crucial Genetics was formed in 2004 as a spin-off company.

“University of Glasgow supported the venture through business model development, full marketing support, and securing funding from investors such as Fifty-Six Ltd., a venture capital firm,” says Kevin Cullen, Ph.D., director of research and enterprise for the University of Glasgow.

Over the last two years Crucial Genetics has grown rapidly, tripling in size and quickly becoming the laboratory of choice in Scotland for DNA testing.

A Unique Technology

Crucial Genetics uses the most advanced automated fluorescent DNA laser scanning equipment available for STR/PCR DNA profiling — that is, the short tandem repeat (STR) polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method. This procedure compares 16 genes and is so sensitive that it can identify someone’s entire DNA profile from one individual cell. Results are available within 48 hours of testing. The accuracy is astounding — results are 99.9999 percent reliable, meaning the odds of two people having the same DNA are more than one-billion-to-one.

Most of Crucial Genetics’ work is directed toward paternity testing, forensic testing, genetically modified foodstuff testing and the pedigree analysis for animals. The procedure of preparation and analysis is actually a three-laboratory process.

A swab sample is taken from inside the subject’s cheek. The head of the swab is injected into a test tube, where the cheek cells are immersed in a concentrated  alkaline salt solution. This solution rapidly enters the cells, expanding the cell and rupturing the cell walls. The freed DNA molecules, which carry a negative charge, collect on positively charged magnetic beads within the test tube.

The beads are washed and the pure DNA is released from the beads. The DNA is then prepared for analysis in a second laboratory, where each of the 16 genes that will be identified during testing is tagged with a chemical dye.

In the third laboratory the pieces of DNA are separated by size in a genetic analyzer. An argon laser excites the dyes, which then fluoresce. The fluorescence data is collected and analyzed by a computer, which converts the numbers into a DNA profile.

Results that Matter

Whether it’s the somber identification of human remains, or the joyous reunion of long-lost family members, Crucial Genetics makes it possible using state-of-the-art laboratory techniques. The company works closely with police departments, immigration offices, insurance companies and health care organizations, often providing critical evidence for police cases and courtroom trials. Crucial Genetics scientists have helped identify casualties from natural disasters and the war in Iraq. This type of closure allows grieving families to hold funeral services and begin the long process of healing.

In 2005 Crucial Genetics became the only private DNA profiling firm in Scotland to be approved by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service to carry out human genetic profiling.

“This is a business where you simply cannot afford to make mistakes,” says Gow. “Having this accreditation illustrates that we operate at the highest level, both in terms of scientific expertise and capability, as well as professional and ethical standards.”

Crucial Genetics has also launched the United Kingdom’s first secure DNA storage and profiling facility — 80 meters underground. Individuals can have samples of their DNA stored for future use in this highly secure facility, especially those working in high-risk fields such as construction, security, transportation and the military. Knowing a loved one can be identified in the event of a tragedy creates peace of mind for the entire family.

“Storing DNA can be very useful to individuals, as well as organizations,” says Gow. “Genetic pre-disposition testing will allow families to trace a range of diseases to which they are susceptible. But if one piece of the family’s DNA is unavailable, no preventative action can be taken.”

Crucial Genetics also provides markers for genealogical studies and confirming paternal lineage and common ancestry along the male line. The company is creating an expansive database of DNA profiles that can connect Scottish individuals to their ancestral clans.

Thousands of children were orphaned after the devastating tsunami that struck Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Thailand in December 2005. A baby found alive floating in the ocean — later named Baby 81 — was claimed by over ten distraught women who had lost infants during the flood. With assistance from Crucial Genetics, the baby was reunited with its true biological mother.

“We’ve helped put criminals behind bars and, in some cases, have saved people who were innocent,” says Max Hamilton, business development manager for Crucial Genetics. “Our paternity work stabilizes the lives of mothers and children by proving who the natural fathers are, who often then provide support. Ultimately we impact people’s lives on a daily basis by simply helping them find the truth.”



This story was originally published in 2007.

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Life-Saving Warmth for Newborns with Hypothermia

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Life-Saving Warmth for Newborns with Hypothermia
Hypothermia contributes to the death of an estimated one million newborns every year, almost exclusively in low- and middle- income countries (LMICs). These deaths are especially tragic because they are easily preventable. Premature or low birth-weight newborns are most likely to die from hypothermia because their bodies are not yet able to retain heat. Survivors experience stunted growth, including brain growth, as they divert calories to try to stay warm. This problem is exacerbated in LMICs where incubators are scarce and families struggle to heat their homes. Although continuous skin-to-skin contact with their mothers is an excellent source of external heat, it can be insufficient or infeasible.

To give these youngest humans the best chance at life, researchers from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), using Department of Energy (DOE) funds, and the University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley) collaborated with Boston Children’s Hospital, Partners In Health, and the Rwanda Ministry of Health to develop a simple, affordable, reusable, and portable infant warmer that does not require electricity.
The technology was optimized for manufacturing in 2015 by Berkeley Lab scientists Ashok Gadgil and Vi Rapp, building upon an earlier design by Mike Elam, Jonathan Slack, and others at Berkeley Lab and UC Berkeley.

The warmer uses a USDA-approved biosafe phase change material that becomes liquid at exactly skin temperature. It is sealed in a mat and placed in a sleeve made with an FDA-approved polymer material. Heating the phase change material in the mat is simple, requiring a small amount of boiled water, heated with an electric tea kettle or other source of heat. The warmer retains heat for several hours warming the newborn in a safe and effective manner. Gadgil and Rapp worked with Boston Children’s Hospital’s Anne Hansen, Berkeley Lab’s partner in initial trials in Rwanda. Hansen formed a non-profit company called Global Newborn Solutions, which aims to distribute the warmer first in Rwanda, and then in other countries.

The DreamWarmer is in use today because of technology transfer support. Berkeley Lab’s Intellectual Property Office (IPO) recognized its potential and therefore, its intellectual property, commercialization, licensing, and legal teams worked collaboratively, filing in 2015 for, and receiving in 2016, a design patent on the Infant Warming Pad granted by the USPTO. Berkeley Lab and UC Berkeley entered into an Inter-Institutional Agreement (IIA) in 2020 to bundle complementary IP from the two institutions, including an improved design of a temperature indicator from UC Berkeley, and to enable Berkeley Lab to take the lead on licensing the collective IP to Global Newborn Solutions. Berkeley Lab IPO negotiated and executed an exclusive license agreement with Global Newborn Solutions in 2021. To maximize the impact to society, the parties agreed upon licensing terms that reflect and support Global Newborn Solutions’ humanitarian goals.

Today, Global Newborn Solutions is taking the DreamWarmer to more places where it is needed. Armed with the exclusive license granted by Berkeley Lab, the company now plans to expand the rollout of the DreamWarmer in Rwanda, then into other countries in Africa and beyond. The goal is to trial the DreamWarmer in Rwanda, Malawi, Lesotho, Mexico, Peru, and India in 2022-2023, then Sierra Leone and Haiti in 2023-2024. 

In addition, Global Newborn Solutions has begun identifying and on-boarding strategic commercial partners:
  • Research Institute for Compassionate Economics (R.I.C.E), a joint initiative with a medical college in Uttar Pradesh;
  • VNG Medical Innovation System, an India based medical device company that specializes in a range of neonatal medical devices, with offices across India, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Pakistan; and
  • Africa Medical Supplier, a Rwanda base medical device distribution company.
“Mortality and morbidity from neonatal hypothermia is preventable given the appropriate equipment to complement skin to skin warmth. The collaboration between engineers, health care providers, and public health officials that has made the DreamWarmer available to communities in need is a compelling example of effective and generous teamwork,” Hansen said.

This story was originally published in 2022.

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Smartphone App Steers Drivers Toward Safety

University of Minnesota

Smartphone App Steers Drivers Toward Safety

Alec Gorjestani, M.Sc., showed an early interest in transportation innovation — as a teenager, he built a go-cart from a lawnmower engine. Years later, he's moved beyond backyard DIY projects. Gorjestani's problem-solving skills and engineering aptitude are now channeled into his work as a research fellow at University of Minnesota's Intelligent Transportation Systems Institute. He's developing ways to keep the road safer, and that includes DriveScribe, a smartphone app commercialized by Minneapolis-based Drive Power LLC.

A Dark Road

Although distracted driving existed long before the dawn of mobile phones, the devices have certainly exacerbated the problem. That's underscored by some startling figures from the U.S Department of Transportation. When fatal car crashes involved distracted driving, at least 13 percent of the accident reports cited mobile phones as the source of distraction. Those statistics are bleaker for newer drivers: When teenage drivers caused fatal crashes, 19 percent were distracted by mobile phones.

It's a problem that carries a growing sense of urgency, particularly with the widespread use of smartphones — devices that allow users to easily check email, Web surf and text. In the United States, more than half of all mobile subscribers own smartphones, and that number continues to rise. According to Nielsen Research, two-thirds of new mobile phone purchases in the U.S are smartphones.

A Different Approach to Helping Drivers

Those crash statistics make most people fearful. But while DriveScribe's inventors want to reduce distracted driving, they don't rely on fear as the motivator. "We want to positively reinforce good driving behavior," says Will England, founder of Drive Power.

That's the idea behind the DriveScribe app, which consumers can download for free to their iPhones and Android phones. It blocks calls, text and email access — but more importantly, DriveScribe acts as a personal driving coach. It gives feedback to drivers who brake suddenly or run stop signs, and warns them to slow down if they exceed the speed limit. And it doesn't just point out room for improvement. DriveScribe also helps drivers avoid potential problems — it will alert drivers to a sharp curve in the road up ahead. Information about driving behavior is stored online, so parents can log in to a website to review their teen's progress.

DriveScribe also provides a reward system for teen drivers. For example, a parent can choose to sponsor a teen driver for $5 or $10 a month, and through good driving behavior, the teen can earn back that money in the form of gift certificates for Amazon and other retailers.

At the Starting Line

The basic idea behind the app came from a research project that began around 2004, at the University of Minnesota's Intelligent Transportation Systems Institute, with initial funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation. The intent was to develop in-vehicle technology that could detect unsafe driving in teens, like speeding. No phones were involved initially. "It was basically a big computer, with a map on it and GPS," says Gorjestani.

Around 2008, as cell phone usage increased, so did concern about calls and texting that led to distracted driving. At the same time, phone technology was becoming more sophisticated — and that included the quality of accelerometers and GPS in phones. Says Gorjestani: "We thought, instead of the cell phone being a bad influence on driving, why not try to make it a good influence?" From 2009 to 2011, he led the technical research phase on the project, and helped design a smartphone-based system.

The technology worked for the smartphone-based system. But would drivers actually use it? To find out, Gorjestani and his team of mechanical engineering researchers (including Arvind Menon, M.Sc.; Eddie Arpin, M.Sc.; Craig Shankwitz, Ph.D.; Janet Creaser, M.Sc.; Michael Manser, Ph.D.; and Max Donath, Ph.D.) enlisted the help of cognitive psychologists within the Intelligent Transportation Systems Institute. They surveyed about 30 pairs of teens and parents to obtain their perspective on the smartphone-based technology. As expected, the parents overwhelmingly supported the technology's ability to improve driving habits. The teen response was unexpected: For example, 93 percent of teens indicated that it would help them obey speed limits. "We were surprised at the high acceptance rate," says Gorjestani. "We thought there would be more resistance from teens saying, 'I don't need this, this isn't helpful' — but that wasn't the case."

In 2011, when Gorjestani and his team had finished their research to build the technology, Andrew Morrow and his technology transfer office (TTO) colleagues began looking for a business partner, but couldn't find one that was a good fit. "We decided it would be best as a startup company," says Morrow, technology marketing manager at University of Minnesota's Office of Technology Commercialization. "That way, it will get the attention it needs to grow and will likely be acquired by a larger company."

Several entrepreneurs expressed interest, but one stood out: Will England, now CEO of Drive Power. "Licensees for UMN technologies always have a requirement to produce a business plan, and the plan Will produced appeared to have the most promise," says Morrow.

In December 2011, the University of Minnesota licensed the technology to Drive Power LLC. England praised the TTO's ability as "dealmakers." "It's a very diligent group," says England. "They put the right people in the room to kickstart it."

Gorjestani, who also serves as Drive Power's vice president of technology, noted the TTO did extensive work to identify the technology's potential — conducting a market search for similar technologies, determining who the competitors were. "They even did some financial analysis," says Gorjestani. "They played a critical role in finding someone who was willing to take a chance and take this to market."

The app officially launched in June, but significant work was needed to optimize technology for wider distribution. Using Gorjestani's technology as an initial platform, the company spent about six months refining the phone app and also building the Web portal to let users view information about driving performance.

Many Routes to Road Safety

The app could also bring drivers' education into the 21st century. "Drivers' ed is very outdated, and everyone knows that," says England. Instead of studying book-based driving information, a teen driver's homework could entail taking a drive and reviewing their performance afterward.

But DriveScribe's potential extends beyond teen drivers. As England observes: "From a safety perspective, everyone needs a little help as a driver."

For example, it can collect information on driving habits to allow drivers to qualify for lower insurance rates. "Insurance companies want to give safe drivers the ability to put up their hand and say, 'Hey, I'm a safe driver — I deserve a discount,'" says England. Some car insurance companies are starting to do this already, but with hardware devices that connect to a car's dashboard. As a phone app, DriveScribe has an advantage. "It's infinitely cheaper and easier to distribute than a hardware device," says England, who notes that insurance companies have expressed interest in the app.

For companies that want to create a driver safety culture, DriveScribe is also well-suited for commercial fleets. Earlier this year, Drive Power launched a pilot project with Saudi Aramco, a Saudi Arabia oil company that will use the app to monitor the driving performance of some of its workers.

Morrow says his own driving has improved, and he's discovered a side-benefit: His three young daughters find the app entertaining. They like hearing it tell their dad what to do. "They can hear it coaching me, and they all laugh," he says. "It's now become an engaging part of every family car ride."

Thanks to the app, England made a discovery about his driving too: "I learned I speed a lot, to be perfectly honest." He speeds less now. "Everyone knows they shouldn't be doing these behaviors, like speeding or not coming to a full stop at a stop sign," he says. "Just to have that little reminder, either in the moment or afterwards, is very beneficial."

Avoiding Other Hazards

For nearly 20 years, Gorjestani has pondered ways to steer drivers' behavior in the right direction. "He has a strong, genuine desire to combat this problem of unsafe driving," says England. That's true, but he arrived at transportation research via a detour. Initially, Gorjestani intended to work in robotics. He reconsidered that choice in the early '90s, when funding for robotics research began to dwindle. At the same time, he saw growing funds to address transportation challenges. "I decided to go with the flow and get into transportation," says Gorjestani. "But as I did so, I grew to really love it."

One reason, he says, is the way it brings positive changes to people's lives. Gorjestani observes that, for the foreseeable future, two behaviors will persist: People will continue to drive, and they will continue to make mistakes. An overarching goal of the university's Intelligent Transportation Systems Institute, where Gorjestani works, is to help people do a better job driving. "It has always tried to go for research projects that fulfill that goal," says Gorjestani.

Case in point: Snowplowing in Alaska, where snowfall is measured in feet, not inches. That can quickly make roads invisible to drivers. To address that, Gorjestani and colleagues (led by Craig Shankwitz, Ph.D.) used a type of technology called a heads-up display. This transparent display projects information without blocking the user's view — miliitary and commercial pilots have relied on heads-up displays for decades. For the snowplows, a curved acrylic plate is mounted in front of the driver's field of vision, reflecting a computer-generated display that marks the road's boundaries. That allows drivers to look through the windshield and "see" the road hidden beneath more than a foot of snow. Several Alaska plows currently have this technology, and soon it will be added to some snowplows in Minnesota.

Gorjestani has also helped design a system for safer bus rides. In Minnesota's Twin Cities area, buses are allowed to use the shoulders on freeways during traffic congestion. But that's a challenge, because the shoulders are narrower than a regular lane — and buses are wide vehicles. To keep buses where they belong, he and his team created a lane-assist system that gives bus drivers useful feedback. "We vibrate the seat to the right side or left, depending on where they're deviating from the lane," says Gorjestani. The steering wheel provides feedback too: "If they start to deviate to the right, there will be some torque feedback, nudging them back into the lane."

Paving the Way for Future Drivers

When it comes to nudging drivers toward better habits, DriveScribe could play a vital role. The technology is miles away from the stereotypical phone app. "There's a purpose to the product," says England. "It just gives you that extra boost to continue to press forward through the times that inevitably are somewhat challenging."

The idea is not just to help new drivers, but also people who might not realize they need it. "Everyone thinks they're a better driver than they are," says Gorjestani. His desire to encourage safer driving has a personal twist too, considering his young children will earn their drivers' licenses in the next five years or so. He knows the allure of smartphones isn't going to diminish during that time.

"Cell phones are only going to become more ubiquitous, more powerful, and more feature-packed," says Gorjestani. That translates into a distraction that's hard to resist. "People have tried legislating the problem, but the reality is, it's difficult to police," says Gorjestani. It's a problem that's going to be around for a while, and he hopes to solve it with solutions like DriveScribe.

"As an engineer, you can choose to work on a lot of things," says Gorjestani. "I'd like to do good in this world, even if it's just a little bit. And that's one of the reasons I want to stay in research and products that help people."


This story was originally published in 2012.

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Drug Combination of Antacid and H2 Antagonist

Brigham & Women's Hospital

Drug Combination of Antacid and H2 Antagonist

Heartburn is a prevailing condition for many Americans that can lead to gastro reflux disease, scarring of the esophagus, painful or difficult swallowing, and precancerous lesions. More than 60 million Americans have heartburn at least once a month, and about 15 million have it daily. Antacids have long been known to temporarily relieve the symptoms of heartburn.


Researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, a teaching hospital at Harvard Medical School, in Boston have incorporated antacids into a more effective, longer-lasting medication for heartburn relief. Michael J. Wolfe, M.D. (now section chief of gastroenterology at Boston University Medical Center), combined standard antacids with H2 antagonist pharmaceuticals to create the new medication.

H2 antagonists are drugs that block the activity of histamine along the stomach wall, thereby decreasing the amount of acid these cells produce. The “double punch” of antacid and H2anatgonists (such as Pepcid™) provides immediate and longer-lasting relief from heartburn discomfort. Prior to this discovery, medical researchers believed that using both these medications together would decrease the effectiveness of the H2 antagonist.

Brigham and Women’s Hospital licensed the technology to Johnson & Johnson/Merck Consumer Pharmaceuticals Co., which subsequently developed a new version  of Pepcid™ called Pepcid Complete™.  Pepcid Complete is highly regarded as an over-the-counter medication that provides heartburn relief for millions of people.


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Drug Technology Targets Alzheimer’s Disease

Tel Aviv University

Drug Technology Targets Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is a devastating neurodegenerative disorder that is increasing at alarming rates around the world. The Alzheimer’s Association estimates that by 2050 nearly 12 million Americans and 45 million people worldwide will be afflicted with this chronic, debilitating condition.

A new weapon against Alzheimer’s disease has been invented at the George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences at Tel Aviv University in Israel. The novel pharmaceutical technology consists of drug candidates with a unique mechanism of action that targets the very early stages of Alzheimer’s disease.

This technology was developed from 2003 to 2007 by a research team led by professor Ehud Gazit, Ph.D. The project was part of a portfolio of technologies funded by an $8.5 million investment raised by Ramot at Tel Aviv University Ltd., the university’s technology transfer company. A group of U.S. investors provided the investment capital.

Tel Aviv University licensed the discovery to Merz Pharmaceuticals GmbH in 2007. Merz is one of the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies in Alzheimer’s disease research and development.

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Intoxication Tests Help Keep Roads Safe

Indiana University

Intoxication Tests Help Keep Roads Safe

Indiana University Professor Rolla Hager, M.D., introduced the Drunkometer in 1938, marking the beginning of a long, fruitful relationship between the university and the fight against drunk driving. Patented in 1936, the Drunkometer was the first practical test to measure intoxication levels and involved subjects breathing into a balloon. Hager, then chairman of the Indiana University School of Medicine’s department of biochemistry and toxicology, invented the device to combat the growing dangers of drinking and driving.

The Drunkometer led to the creation of the modern Breathalyzer in 1954 by Robert F. Borkenstein, a professor at Indiana University’s department of forensic studies. Later licensed to Smith and Wesson, the Breathalyzer measured blood alcohol content while adding a portability lacking in the Drunkometer, which needed to be recalibrated when moved.

As the Breathalyzer and other tests for intoxication have become commonplace in law enforcement, alcohol-related driving fatalities have decreased steadily. Deaths caused by drunk driving have dropped more than 36 percent since 1982 in the United States, indicating progress is being made keeping the nation’s roads safer and more sober.

The Drunkometer also led directly to the establishment of the Indiana University Research and Technology Corporation (IURTC) in 1996. The IURTC is a not-for-profit organization designed to assist in the process of bringing technology and innovations from university researchers into the public sphere. University administrators and faculty began supervising patent and licensing procedures with Hager’s invention, forming the beginnings of what would become the IURTC.

The IURTC’s mission is to not only enhance the research and development capabilities of the university but also to support economic development in Indiana and the rest of the United States.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Desired Sensation Level Software Gives Infants, Children Gift of Hearing, Again

University of Western Ontario

Desired Sensation Level Software Gives Infants, Children Gift of Hearing, Again
For nearly 15 years, Desired Sensation Level (DSL) software has helped clinicians around the world provide infants and children with the gift of hearing.
DSL was originally designed for use in children’s hearing aids but has been upgraded to work for adult hearing aids as well. The software has also been updated over the years to include support for a variety of different hearing aid types.

In 2017, a team of researchers at Western University’s world-renowned National Centre for Audiology (NCA) in London, Ontario, rolled out an updated version of DSL, developing the world’s first hearing aid prescription software for bone-conduction hearing aids, which work on force, not sound pressure like conventional hearing aids.

“These small devices send sound directly into the skull, bypassing the external ear and middle ear,” said lead researcher Susan Scollie.

Originally developed by Scollie, Richard Seewald and NCA colleagues, DSL helps clinicians properly fit hearing aids and tune them to a patient’s specific needs. By applying these principles to bone-anchored hearing aids, clinicians can now improve hearing outcomes for many patients born without external ear structures, or who have been affected by certain infections or amputations.

Working in concert with NCA software engineer Steve Beaulac, and Bill Hodgetts, a Western alumnus and Program Director of bone conduction amplification at the University of Alberta and the Institute for Reconstructive Sciences in Medicine, Scollie developed algorithms that take hearing assessment information from each patient and prescribe recommended amounts of loudness and pitch shaping for their individual needs.

WORLDiscoveries, the technology transfer office for Western University, helped trademark, secure internal development funding, market and license the technology to commercialization partners.

The project has already drawn industry attention, and is licensed by a local testing company, and a multinational healthcare manufacturer in Denmark.

“We’ve had a long history of impacting clinical practice in hearing aid fitting, so we’re very happy to bring this type of evidence-based accuracy to the fitting of bone-anchored hearing aids,” Scollie said.

This story was originally published in 2020.

To see available technologies from research institutions, click here to visit the AUTM Innovation Marketplace.

DYNA6.1 Software Helps Design Foundations That Can Withstand Catastrophic Events

University of Western Ontario

DYNA6.1 Software Helps Design Foundations That Can Withstand Catastrophic Events
DYNA6.1 is used worldwide for the design of foundations subjected to dynamic loads, such as those under large factory equipment or buildings susceptible to earthquakes.
The highly versatile software program has been used to formulate foundation requirements for power plants, turbines, roads, and rotation of centrifugal or reciprocating machinery, where precision is needed most.

It was developed by M. Hesham El Naggar, Professor and Director of the Geotechnical Research Centre at Western University in London, Ontario, Faculty of Engineering. WORLDiscoveries, the technology transfer office for Western University, helped El Naggar commercialize the copyrighted software by helping him through the formation process of his own company. WORLDisoveries continues to manage the technology by issuing license agreements and takes care of all ongoing finance and administration for the software company.
Since being commercialized, the DYNA6 software has been used by more than 200 engineering organizations including Hyundai, Samsung, and Stantec.

DYNA6 an easy-to-use graphic interface that allows engineers to enter various data points to measure the strength of their foundations, and if it is suited for their project. Once the engineer has entered in their specifications, the program returns the response the foundations would have to various forms of dynamic load pressures and provides the engineer a data output in technical graphs and spreadsheets.

It can calculate the frequency dependent stiffness and damping constants of shallow and deep (pile) foundations and calculates the response of the machine foundation system to harmonic, transient and random loads. Dyna6 can also be used as a complementary tool to structural analysis and design software such as STAAD, RISA and SAP2000 which are industry standard.

This story was originally published in 2020.

To see available technologies from research institutions, click here to visit the AUTM Innovation Marketplace.

Labor of Love Helps Severely Disabled Communicate

Boston College

Labor of Love Helps Severely Disabled Communicate

How can we tell if people with severe disabilities have an active mental life? That’s a question Jim Gips has grappled with for more than 20 years. It’s a significant problem for those who lack voluntary muscular control for speech, typing, sign language or other forms of communication.

"I think these folks have a double whammy. They have a serious physical disability, but also people don't always take them seriously as human beings,” says Gips, a computer science professor at Boston College in Chestnut Hill, Mass. “They look at this person in a wheelchair — who might be drooling, unable to control spittle — and they say ‘This person doesn’t have an active mental life, there's nothing going on inside.'”

Those assumptions are often incorrect. A device called EagleEyes — developed by Gips and his colleagues — proves it. By controlling a computer screen with eye movements, EagleEyes allows severely disabled people to express themselves. And it shows just how wrong first impressions can be.

“Cool” Technology Finds a Greater Purpose

The springboard for EagleEyes dates back to a 1992 lunchtime discussion between Gips and a colleague, regarding projects they’d like to tackle. “We decided it would be great to control the computer with our minds,” says Gips. Initially, he wondered if that might be possible with EEG (electroencephalography), which uses electrodes to detect the brain’s electrical activity. After visiting Boston College’s electrophysiology lab, they realized EEG wasn’t a viable option — at least, not at that time (over the years, technological advances eventually led to EEG-controlled computers).

Instead, Gips and his colleagues turned to EOG, or electrooculography. By detecting electrical signals, EOG can track eye movements. That’s possible because eyes have different charges — the cornea is positive, and the retina (located at back of the eye) is negative. For each degree of eye movement, the EOG signal changes approximately 20 microvolts. Electrodes placed temporarily on the skin around the eyes detect those signals.

Using this technology, Gips and his colleagues developed EagleEyes, which received initial funding from Boston College. EagleEyes uses the signals from eye movements to control the position of a cursor on a computer screen. They also developed software that allows users to spell out messages or play simplistic video games — all by shifting their gaze. Initially, they didn’t plan to help people with disabilities. Says Gips: “We really developed EagleEyes because we thought it was cool to control a computer through the electrodes.”

Can You Help Me?

That changed with a fortuitous turn of events. After Gips presented the device at a scientific conference, it caught the attention of national media. One day, a film crew called — it wanted to shoot a segment for national TV and wondered what Gips could do with EagleEyes beside play video games. Gips told the crew, “Well, maybe it can help children with severe disabilities.” He and his colleagues had considered that possibility, but hadn’t yet tried it.

Fortunately, Gips didn’t have to look far for someone to test it out, because Boston College has a campus school for children with profound disabilities. Gips called the school director and explained his situation, and they were able to have a disabled young woman try EagleEyes, while being recorded for national TV. “It worked — she was happy, we were happy,” says Gips. Soon after, Gips and his colleagues placed EagleEyes within a classroom at the university’s campus school for children with severe disabilities, and word spread quickly among parents. They called Gips, wanting to know if their child could try EagleEyes. And the calls weren’t just local — Gips heard from parents in England, Italy, all over the world. They had the same basic question: Can you help me?

Gips saw the overwhelming demand but lacked the resources to make EagleEyes more widely available. He talked with about a dozen entrepreneurs and venture capitalists, but kept hitting the same fundamental roadblock with potential investors. Although EagleEyes could have a huge impact on the lives of people with severe disabilities, it would never have much potential for profitability.

“This was in the early 2000s, and things reached a bit of a standstill,” says Gips. “It was difficult. How do I get the invention out of my laboratory, and into the hands of people who can use it? I couldn't really see a path through."

A Nonprofit Makes Wider Distribution Possible

In 2004, the answer came from a chance encounter. After Gips demonstrated EagleEyes at a technology conference in Boston, an attendee told him, “There’s someone you really need to talk with."

That turned out to be Debbie Inkley, executive director and founder of the nonprofit Opportunity Foundation of America (OFOA), based in Salt Lake City, Utah.

OFOA had been facilitating a job-skills training program for Discover Card to support individuals with physical, emotional and financial challenges to gain employment in the company’s U.S. call centers. But after 10 years, that program was coming to an end, and OFOA needed a new focus.

Soon after speaking at the technology conference, Gips traveled to Salt Lake City and met with Inkley and OFOA’s board. From there, things moved quickly. "Our board made the decision within a month, that we wanted this to be our new project and our only project,” says Inkley. Within just a few months of meeting Gips, OFOA signed an exclusive license agreement with Boston College in 2004 to provide manufacturing, distribution and training for EagleEyes.

Boston College did not patent the technology, says Jason Wen, Ph.D., director of the university’s Office of Technology Transfer and Licensing, who came to Boston College at the end of 2012. Instead, it initially granted a know-how license to OFOA. That meant OFOA wasn’t paying fees, but it needed to renew the license every 10 years and couldn’t make changes to the device without approval from Boston College. When the license came up for renewal in 2014, Wen decided to grant OFOA a permanent license for EagleEyes and its software system, with all the rights to further develop the technology. The process began in late September and was completed in November, and only included a minimal one-time payment from OFOA, says Wen. "Normally I could charge much more,” he says. “But we value the public good much more than any financial return.”

Gips says the technology transfer office has been very helpful. "I'm guessing they're usually more interested in projects with more commercial application, but with EagleEyes, no one is going to be making money. So it is always a labor of love,” says Gips. “It's a labor of love at the technology transfer office as well, because they wanted to see the system helping as many children as possible. They enabled that to happen.”

Cause-and-Effect Games Create a Path to Communication

Since receiving the initial license, OFOA has placed about 285 EagleEyes systems, primarily in the United States, but also in Canada and Ireland. About 60 percent of those systems are in schools and organizations, and the rest are in individuals' homes. OFOA charges $800 for EagleEyes, which is the cost to manufacture it. That makes EagleEyes an affordable option for families and schools, says Inkley. “Technologies that are similar to what we do can cost between $10,000 and $15,000,” she says.

OFOA has certified trainers who help people with severe disabilities — and their families — understand how to use EagleEyes. The first step in that process involves teaching the disabled person to play cause-and-effect games, like drawing a picture on the screen by moving their eyes. It’s vital for EagleEyes users to start with those games, so they understand that they have control over movements on the screen.

“With our users, everything has been done for them,” says Inkley, whether it’s having diapers changed or being fed through a tube." Professor Gips developed a game where you start blinking, and all of a sudden you see flashes of red and yellow, and you can modify it to be circles, stars or squares.” That may sound like a very basic game — but it’s a profound one for people who’ve had no control over their environment. "It's incredible, because the user is doing something for the very first time in their life on their own,” says Inkley. Some EagleEyes users immediately understand they are controlling the screen, and others need to try four or five time before they internalize that cause-and-effect dynamic.

From there, EagleEyes users move on to educational games, which can teach things like colors, letters, numbers and shapes. After that, they can use a communication board on the computer screen, says Inkley. “Mom and dad can ask them a very simple yes-or-no question, and they can also go to a choice board where it might say 'I want…’ and they can choose from small icons on the screen, like a favorite book, toy, or movie.”

The journey from cause-and-effect games to communication board does not take place overnight. It depends on the child, Inkley says, but the process can last nine months to a year.

“It takes parents who are really committed to using the technology with them on a daily basis, because we’re talking about getting the brain stimulated,” she says. "You just don’t put the electrodes on and say, 'OK, I’ll be back in an hour.’ It takes time."

During the past decade, EagleEyes has undergone a few design improvements. The first EagleEyes system was rack-mounted — now it’s much more portable, about the size of a paperback book. EagleEyes’ basic functionality hasn’t changed much over the years, but it has created seismic shifts for the people who use it.

Gips has witnessed this first-hand. It is a life-changer, he says, not only for the children and young adults who haven't been able to express themselves, but also for their families. He remembers an uncle, who saw his 12-year-old nephew use EagleEyes for the first time. “The uncle breaks down into tears and says, ‘Wow. That's my nephew, that's my nephew.’ His entire life, he hadn't attributed there was anything going on inside."

Inkley says her organization aims to distribute 100 EagleEyes systems this year. She’s already seen dozens of life-changing moments from the systems currently in use. “Usually the statement we hear is, 'I always knew my little girl or my little boy was bright. I always knew she had an intellect,” says Inkley. "The moms and dads jump up and down and have a smile on their face.”

As exciting as those revelatory moments can be, EagleEyes’ lasting effect — forging stronger bonds through communication — is just as thrilling. "Often times, when kids have severe disabilities, they are loved but they are put in the back of the room,” says Inkley. “With EagleEyes, you can plug it into a screen, and mom and dad can be there. Brothers and sisters can be there.” This is one of the biggest benefits, she says: “It brings the family together.”


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Composting Toilet Is Environmentally Friendly

University of Washington

Composting Toilet Is Environmentally Friendly

Managing human and animal waste can be a big problem in remote, rural, or environmentally-sensitive areas. But University of Washington-Bothell professor Chuck Henry, Ph.D., has taken a big step toward managing this challenge by inventing an inexpensive, continuously-composting toilet that produces a nontoxic end product that can be used as compost.

The “Earth Auger” was developed and tested from 2001 to 2006 by Henry and several of his graduate students. The device can be assembled from standard, inexpensive piping and processes both human and animal waste.

It is ideal for locations lacking wastewater treatment facilities, especially undeveloped natural areas or places designed for animal use, such as dog parks.

The Earth Auger is better than pit toilets because it produces usable compost and works continuously with minimal maintenance. Although other continuously composting toilets exist on the market, Earth Auger is significantly less expensive and is easy to construct, which makes it ideal for use in developing countries.

Brown and Henry LLC owns the technology, which has been licensed to Zaste, a for-profit company, and Creative Sustainable Practices, a not-for-profit organization. Zaste is marketing the composting toilets to city governments for use in dog parks and other suitable areas. Creative Sustainable Practices is using the product to raise international awareness of how lower-cost, alternative sanitation technologies can benefit underdeveloped regions of the world.


This story was originally published in 2008.

To see available technologies from research institutions, click here to visit the AUTM Innovation Marketplace.

LBNL Tech Removes Arsenic and Excess Fluoride, Providing Safe Drinking Water in India

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

LBNL Tech Removes Arsenic and Excess Fluoride, Providing Safe Drinking Water in India
With 600 million people relying on groundwater in rural India, safe drinking water is a priority. Two inventions from LBNL are helping address this vital issue.
Arsenic, a known carcinogen, and fluoride, which in large doses can cause deformities and crippling illness, are both present in high levels in groundwater across India, making safe drinking water a major challenge. Since the early 2000s, there have been so many reports of arsenic contamination that the World Health Organization has referred to India’s problems as “the largest mass poisoning in recorded history.” Meanwhile, of the 85 million tons of natural fluoride deposits on the earth’s crust, almost 12 million are in India.
Although there are numerous potential solutions for arsenic and fluoride removal on the market, many are expensive and/or ineffective, and few are sustainable in the long-term.
Scientists at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) in Berkeley, California, led by Ashok Gadgil, developed two technologies to combat the threats: ECAR and SAFR. Electro-Chemical Arsenic Remediation (ECAR) uses a small amount of electricity to create rust in contaminated water. The rust binds to the highly toxic arsenic, which is then extracted from the water.

The Safe & Affordable Fluoride Removal Technology (SAFR) uses minimally processed bauxite ore as an inexpensive adsorbent to battle the fluoride contamination that exists in 22 states and 200 districts, putting 60 million people at risk of fluorosis. Lab tests have shown that the best-performing bauxite from Guinea, an amorphous clay rock used in fluoride remediation, was about 23-33 times less expensive than with the widely used activated alumina.
Both technologies were designed using locally sourced materials. Both are affordable, highly effective, technically feasible, and robust in rural settings where approximately 595 million people live and rely on groundwater for drinking. They require minimal manpower to operate and maintain. Both meet World Health Organization guidelines.
In 2018, both ECAR and SAFR were licensed by LBNL to Bangalore-based SATTVA Consulting, known as a leader in clean water solutions. To develop and scale these technologies, Sattva invited a small group of corporate and non-profit national experts, including Piramal Sarvajal and the INREM Foundation, to develop a collective action consortium to tackle the clean water crisis, called SAFEBillion.
These licenses accelerate the deployment of the technologies by leveraging the SAFEBillion network and its ties to local entrepreneurs, delivering clean drinking water in India and Bangladesh by setting up water dispensing stations (“water ATMs”) owned and operated by local entrepreneurs. Its goal is to identify areas of acute problem of Arsenic and Fluoride contamination, develop a localized solution and task force, create behavior change materials, and implement the technology.
The LBNL licenses are non-exclusive and require low royalties, providing the opportunity for further deployment by other organizations to maximize deployment around the world.  
The government of India’s Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation includes ECAR on its list of recommended technologies for arsenic removal. ECAR is mentioned as one of five technologies that work in a 2018 report by the United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health.

This story was originally published in 2020.

To see available technologies from research institutions, click here to visit the AUTM Innovation Marketplace.

Software Program Gets to the Heart of Electrocardiogram (ECG) Results

University of Glasgow

Software Program Gets to the Heart of Electrocardiogram (ECG) Results

Back in the late 1960s, a University of Glasgow professor sat down with a piece of blank paper and a pencil to begin developing software for electrocardiogram (ECG) analysis.

“No equipment whatsoever,” chuckles Peter Macfarlane, who still works at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary. His title is professor of electrocardiology, which is the study of the electrical activity in the heart.

Electrocardiography — the branch of electrocardiology dealing with displaying and interpreting electrical signals the heart generates — is a starting point for detecting many cardiac problems. Some of these cardiac problems include irregular heartbeats, heart attack and some congenital heart conditions. The electrocardiogram is used routinely in physical examinations and for monitoring a patient’s condition during and after surgery, as well as in the intensive care setting.

It is the basic measurement used in exercise tolerance tests and is also used to evaluate symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath and palpitations.

Forty years ago, Macfarlane says, there were only two places in North America that were developing methods for ECG analysis.

“A cardiology professor in Glasgow at that time thought it would be interesting to do something along the same lines in Scotland,” he says. “That’s how it all started.”

Eventually, his team got a small lab computer so he and his colleagues didn’t have to deal with the university’s cumbersome KDF9 computer, which Macfarlane jokingly says was so big it occupied about half a soccer field.

“As things moved on from there, we obtained some support from the Scottish government in the 1970s,” he says. “Eventually, by the late 70s, they gave us a large grant and said we’d have to go out and find commercial partners. And that’s what we did around 1981.” The university hooked up with a prominent German electronics manufacturer, which signed an agreement with the university to use Macfarlane’s algorithm in the ECG equipment it was developing in its Swedish plant. Since then, through a series of acquisitions, a license to use the technology has been granted several times to different medical equipment manufacturers. The Glasgow software is now incorporated into ECG machines made by Burdick, a division of Seattle-based Cardiac Science.

The Glasgow ECG Interpretation Algorithm has been continuously improved since its initial development, allowing it to stay abreast of the latest advancements in electrocardiographic research, company officials say.

“The faculty of medicine in Glasgow is at the forefront of new technology and we are continually working with our partners to improve health care throughout the world,” Macfarlane says.

While other products use only age and gender to a limited extent, Macfarlane says the University of Glasgow ECG Interpretation Algorithm — a set of diagnostic rules sometimes involving complex math built into a software program — uses five clinically significant variables. They are gender, age, race, medication and clinical history.

This is critical because ECG patterns for patients of various ages from different ethnic backgrounds and with differing medical conditions can vary greatly, he says.

Macfarlane collaborates with Cardiac Science and travels regularly to the Deerfield, Wis., facility where Burdick ECG machines are manufactured. The University of Glasgow receives royalties for each machine sold that includes his algorithm.

Alex Castro, director of international marketing for Cardiac Science (Nasdaq symbol: CSCX), says his company is indebted to Macfarlane for his time, research and entrepreneurial spirit.

“Peter is the renowned authority in electrocardiology and Cardiac Science is thrilled to partner with him,” says Castro. “We’ve woven Peter’s algorithm into several generations of Burdick ECG devices and we regularly work with him on new product development.”

Helping Different Age Groups

Macfarlane says the algorithm and software have evolved over time. “It started off initially as an adult program,” he says. “But by the late 1980s, we got money to look at ECGs in newborn babies and children.”

Researchers then developed a pediatric ECG database in Glasgow that eventually had 1,750 healthy youngsters’ ECGs, all recorded with the permission of the children’s parents. By the early 1990s, they had added to the analysis program the ability to analyze ECGs from children as well as adults.

“The ECG of a baby is quite, quite different compared to the ECG of an adult,” he says. “Children are not small adults. There is a continuing change from birth right through to adolescence. And as individuals get older the electrical activity diminishes a little bit and the size of the wave forms (on the ECG graph) decreases with increasing age. Also, men tend to have higher signals than women. And that has to be built into the program, too.”

After the work with babies, they added the capability to compare ECGs over time.

“If you had an ECG from the minute you entered the hospital with chest pain, you could automatically compare it with an ECG on the second day,” he says. “It’s quite important to be able to compare ECGs recorded on different days, different hours in fact.”

Ethnic Considerations

Macfarlane also has worked with researchers in Taiwan to get a database of ECGs from Chinese patients, which allowed him to put ethnic considerations into the program. He says researchers at the University of Glasgow are now recording ECGs from different ethnic groups, and so he hopes to further enhance the software with newer criteria.

Macfarlane says his algorithm offers two kinds of output for physicians to help them interpret the ECG data.

“One is a little bit more verbose in providing some reasons as to why the diagnosis was made,” he says. “That one is really for family practitioners. We also have a shorter interpretation that we would expect to be used in the hospital environment by physicians who are more familiar with ECGs.”

Macfarlane also says he believes his algorithm places more emphasis on the age and gender of patients than those of other vendors.

“As far as I know, no other manufacturer has access to a database of 1,750 ECGs from healthy children like the one we gathered that allowed us to develop our criteria for newborn babies and children.

“We are always looking for ways to improve interpretations based on experience,” he says. “Believe it or not, the definition of a heart attack keeps changing from a clinical point of view as new biomarkers like troponin (a complex of three proteins integral to muscle contraction in cardiac muscle) have become available to indicate damage to the heart muscle.”

He says his work has resulted in some new ECG criteria for acute heart attack. These criteria are being adopted by international bodies, such as the European Society of Cardiology as well as the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association and have very recently been published in the relevant cardiology journals.

“These criteria will include some of the things we have been shouting about for quite some time, including the differences in ECGs of women and men,” he says. “This criteria update is based solely on our efforts here in Glasgow to point out these things to the international community”.

“That,” he says, “is satisfying.” “It’s also been very good to have such a good collaboration with Burdick over the years,” he adds. “They are certainly a leader in the field.”


This story was originally published in 2008.

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Affordable, Green Buildings Hit Home for Students and the Community

University of Virginia
University of Virginia Patent Foundation

Affordable, Green Buildings Hit Home for Students and the Community

For most of its 50-plus year history in the United States, the prefabricated or prefab home has been the ugly stepsister of the housing industry, disparaged for substandard quality and lack of design aesthetic. But a confluence of factors — from the advent of green building technologies and a natural disaster to the latest financial crisis — has prompted innovative architects to take a second look at the modular home.

After building an award-winning prefab home with a small army of students, John Quale, associate professor at the University of Virginia (UVa) School of Architecture, realized the modest modular offered him a wealth of opportunity: Building prefab homes in collaboration with the community would allow him to create environmentally conscious, energy-efficient and affordable housing — while providing a unique, hands-on learning experience for students.

Winding His Way to Sustainable Housing

Quale never intended to teach architecture or pioneer sustainable building practices in the modular housing industry. His is one of those circuitous career paths that in retrospect, seems to make perfect sense.

As an undergrad at the American University School of International Service, he concentrated on international development and Asian studies. He spent time as a magazine photo editor before enrolling in the master of architecture program at UVa. After graduation, he worked on fantastic high-end residential and commercial projects for prestigious architecture firms, all the while looking for an opportunity to practice sustainable design.

“The ’90s was the era of the ‘starchitect,’ and there wasn’t anyone with a design agenda that included sustainability,” says Quale, who is a Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) accredited professional.

Building a Solar-Powered Trojan Goat

Soon after Quale began teaching at his alma mater, a longtime UVa professor of electrical and computer engineering, P. Paxton Marshall, Ph.D., came looking for a member of the architecturefaculty to help build a home for the inaugural Solar Decathlon. The annual event, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy,challenges collegiate teams to design, build and operatecost-effective and energy-efficient houses totally powered bythe sun.

Their collaboration produced the Trojan Goat, a 750-squarefoot, solar-powered modular home designed and built by architecture and engineering students on the UVa campus and transported to the National Mall in Washington, D.C. Energized by the experience — the Trojan Goat won first place for design and livability and second place overall — Quale saw an opportunity to apply what they had learned from the competition to the affordable housing market.

“The Trojan Goat wasn’t something that could be replicated in the real world,” he says of the home, which cost more than $350,000 to build. “I realized I wanted to do something similar, but with a social conscience.”

As an electrical engineer keenly aware of the country’s energy issues, Marshall shared his colleague’s concerns.

“The green movement caught on in the building industry, but affordable housing lagged behind, which meant those who could least afford it were saddled with higher utility bills,” he says.

 ecoMOD: Build, Design, Evaluate

In 2004, the two professors established ecoMOD as a partnership between UVa’s School of Architecture and School of Engineering and Applied Science and began looking for housing partners to collaborate on future building projects.

The goal of the design, build, evaluate project — which is fully integrated into both schools’ curricula — is to create prefab, affordable housing units using rigorous standards for sustainable design. Guided by Quale and Marshall and various other faculty members and outside advisers, students from the architecture and engineering schools would spend a year designing the modular home, build over the summer, and then monitor and evaluate the finished product for an entire year.

“The University of Virginia’s ecoMOD project is a terrific example of what can be accomplished when researchers from different fields of study come together to solve the world’s problems,” says W. Mark Crowell, executive director and associate vice president for innovation partnerships and commercialization at UVa. “Through this project, the University of Virginia’s architects and engineers are pushing the boundaries of sustainable design to create affordable housing solutions, for our community and yours.”

ecoMOD1: The OUTin

Using a decommissioned airplane hangar owned by UVa, the first ecoMOD team started constructing its inaugural project: the OUTin, a two-unit condominium to be placed in a Charlottesville neighborhood. The condominiums, funded by the Piedmont Housing Alliance, became home to two of the housing organization’s clients.

“John was convinced there were economies of scale in off-site construction, where you have all your tools and labor there and you’re sheltered from weather,” says Marshall.

The OUTin condo was designed to merge the inside and outside, making the entire site habitable and usable. The condo project also included the area’s first potable rainwater collection system, a solar hot water panel and sustainably forested wood flooring from Virginia.

A New Semester, a New House

Since the OUTin condo was completed in 2005, ecoMOD has built a total of six housing units, collecting a slew of awards and major press coverage in magazines such as Metropolis, Dwell and Architectural Record.

Each project is different from the last: one ecoMOD home was transported to Mississippi, where the local housing industry was hobbled by Hurricane Katrina; others have been strategically sited to aid in neighborhood redevelopment. Another was built as an accessory dwelling unit (ADU), behind an existing home. At 398 square feet, the ADU is the smallest building in the world certified by LEED, the internationally recognized green building certification system.

Quale says response from the community has been overwhelmingly positive — a large number of builders and other businesses have served as advisers and donated resources. When it makes sense, ecoMOD teams have pursued grant funding and the expertise of UVa faculty from other disciplines — such landscape architecture and historic preservation.

“Ten years ago, very few architecture schools offered handson building opportunities like ecoMOD,” says Quale. “And although there are programs like ours around today, the collaborative nature of ecoMOD and the evaluation component set us apart.”

Systems Testing and Homeowner Feedback

In the evaluation phase, students analyze the home’s environmental impact, energy performance and comfort levels, among other factors. Homeowner feedback as well as air temperature, humidity and utility-usage information gathered by a monitoring system installed in each ecoMOD home are also part of the comprehensive process.

Energy-efficient construction methods employed for ecoMOD1, such as the use of high-performance structural insulated panels, help the condominium outperform a comparable conventional home of the same size by 65 percent to 70 percent.

“I think we’ve done the best with insulation and sealing our homes,” says Marshall. “Our homes are very well-insulated and tight.”

ecoMOD4: Going for Gold

The ecoMOD4 project, a townhouse built in partnership with Habitat for Humanity of Greater Charlottesville, is likely to be the design that comes closest to net-zero energy usage. The hope is that the home, which features geothermal heating and cooling combined with solar panels, will also be certified gold or platinum through LEED.

“We’ve made good progress designing an energy-efficient home, lowering upfront costs and the cost of operating the home, and incorporating advanced technology but still creating affordable housing,” says Marshall.

At $125 or less per square foot, the cost to build an ecoMOD home is well below the national average for a stick-built home and within the budgets of housing organizations such as Habitat for Humanity. Even more importantly, the utility costs for ecoMOD homes are also significantly decreased.

“The homeowner who lives in our ADU is our best spokesperson because he loves living there and tells everyone how about how low the utility bills are,” says Quale. “That’s what’s most rewarding, to see students go through the process from design to build to the homeowner moving in. And once homeowners live in [our homes], they really understand and appreciate what we were trying to do with the design. They get it.”

The Student Experience

To date, more than 300 students have participated in ecoMOD, many of whom have been inspired to embark on careers that include a dedication to sustainability.

“I’m particularly proud of the value of this project for student education,” says Marshall. “There’s nothing else that provides students with a holistic experience like working on an ecoMOD team.”

The University of Virginia Patent Foundation has licensed its copyrighted designs to affordable housing organizations and continues to pursue nationwide commercialization channels so that ecoMOD designs may be built across the country.

“It’s all about getting the designs and the concept of sustainability out there,” says Quale.

ecoMOD continues to vigorously partner with organizations in the nonprofit sector, providing students with real-world project experience and a service-learning opportunity — while contributing to the inventory of affordable, sustainable housing.

“I’ve learned that students can accomplish a lot more than I ever believed possible,” says Marshall. “They can be out addressing the real problems of society.”


This story was originally published in 2011.

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Low-Frequency Vibration Device Provides Non-invasive, Mobile Therapy to Those in Need

National University of Science and Technology

Low-Frequency Vibration Device Provides Non-invasive, Mobile Therapy to Those in Need
According to the World Health Organization, more than 1 billion people throughout the world are affected by some type of neurological disease. Nearly 7 million people die every year as the result of a neurological disorder.

A team of biomedical researchers from the National University of Science and Technology (NUST) in Pakistan, led by Dr. Muhammad Usman Akram and supported by a grant from the Higher Education Commission (HEC), made a valuable addition to the growing number of treatments for neurodegenerative disorders with the invention of the EKKO Wave Therapeutic Device (EKKO).

The EKKO is a non-invasive, mobile therapy that takes concepts used for treatment of muscles and applies them to the brain. Vibrational waves aid in the fast recovery of muscles because of their resonance with the natural frequencies of the muscle fibers. In recent years, these waves also have been shown to affect neural activity, which can help in the treatment of neural diseases.

The EKKO improves patient access to treatment for symptoms like tongue dysarthria, motor speech aphasia/dysphasia, tongue apraxia, cerebral palsy and eye squints. Two versions of the technology are available: the EKKO-Clinic for clinics, therapy centers and hospitals, and a portable, app-based version for home use.

After presentations at various scientific conferences, including Falling Walls in Berlin, Imagine Cup in Amsterdam, and MEDICA in Düsseldorf, NUST filed for protection of the intellectual property associated with the device.

The NUST Technology Transfer Office worked with various departments and stakeholders from the kick-off of the project to the successful pilot testing of the device, which was licensed to M/S RiseTech for commercialization.

The team of innovators includes Dr. Sajid Gul Khawaja and Dr. Muhammad Usman Akram from NUST’s College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. The device is built on Neurotransmission Cognitive Theory, which was developed by Shahbaz Khalid, a well-known speech therapist and psychologist.

The EKKO Wave was the winner of the 2023 Better World Project Award. The annual Better World Project Award honors the exemplary work of one technology transfer office from the stories submitted during the previous year.

“Taking EKKO from a very basic concept to an actual product being used by multiple families and those who are in need, is a matter of great satisfaction,” said Mehfooz Ahmed, General Manager, Technology Transfer, in the Innovation & Commercialization Office at NUST. “We feel honored to have won this prestigious Better World competition, which provided us with a platform to make a humble contribution as part of global efforts to foster a disability-free society with our product EKKO.”

This story was originally published in 2023.

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Recycle and Reuse…with Electrochemistry: Electrifying the Chemical Decomposition of Plastic 

University of Colorado Boulder

Recycle and Reuse…with Electrochemistry: Electrifying the Chemical Decomposition of Plastic 
Polyethylene terephthalate, known as PET, is a common plastic found in water bottles, blister packs and even polyester fabric. Although recycling initiatives have increased, plastic waste remains a worldwide problem, as most waste ends up in landfills. 

“We pat ourselves on the back when we toss something into the recycling bin, but most of that recyclable plastic never winds up being recycled,” noted Oana Luca, an assistant professor at the University of Colorado Boulder (CU Boulder) 

To address this problem, Luca and fellow CU Boulder chemists developed an “electrifying” new way to recycle. Luca utilized electrolysis, the process of using electricity to break molecules apart, frequently for water and salt molecules.  

However, the molecules of plastic have stronger bonds than the molecules found in water and salt. The voltages applied in classic electrolysis methods were not sufficient enough to divide the molecules of PET plastic. Therefore, her team introduced an additional component to electrolysis to assist in breaking down the molecules: a chemical reaction.  

The decomposition process begins with grinding PET plastic into a powder and adding it into solution along with a chemical solution combined with salt. This salt serves as a mediator, providing an additional electron to the PET molecules which causes them to break apart much more easily. 

Through this electrochemical decomposition process, the materials are changed mechanically, returning to their original molecular components, which can then be used again in synthesizing future materials. Luca compared the process to Lego®: taking a creation and deconstructing the pieces to reconstruct it into something new. 

Since beginning her research at CU Boulder, Luca continues to partner with the university. She initially worked with Venture Partners at the university to patent this PET recycling technology and introduced the idea in an NSF I-Corps Hub: West RegionStarting Blocks course, the university's program dedicated to customer discoveries.  

Currently, the team reports that they can break down about 40 milligrams, approximately “a small pinch” of PET plastic over several hours with mediated electrochemical decomposition. With additional research and resources, the team hopes to accelerate and expand the process, breaking down multiple types of plastic — not just PET — at once. 

“If I were to have my way as a mad scientist, I would use these electrochemical methods to break down many different kinds of plastic at once,” Luca said. “That way, you could, for example, go to these massive garbage patches in the ocean, pull all of that waste into a reactor and get a lot of useful molecules back.”

This story was originally published in 2024.

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Electronic Pill Crusher Improves the Task

British Columbia Inst of Tech (BCIT)

Electronic Pill Crusher Improves the Task

The health care environment is often a hectic, fast-paced, and sometimes hazardous workplace for nurses and other providers. One of those hazards is the risk of developing painful and often debilitating carpel tunnel syndrome from repeatedly grinding pills into powder form by hand. Nurses do this for patients who cannot swallow pills and need their medications mixed with water or juice.

Dennis Kruger, owner of AB Innovations in Vancouver, British  Columbia, with the help of the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT), invented the Electronic Pill Crusher to help nurses with pill preparation.

The crusher is lightweight, portable, easy to use, and powered by rechargeable batteries. This device relieves nurses of the task of crushing pills by hand and performing the same repetitive motion hundreds of times a day. It also increases nursing staff efficiency by saving time.

With $23,000 in funding from AB Innovations, BCIT designers Gordon Thiessen, Matt Greig, and Nancy Knaggs developed the device from 2005 to 2006. A plastic bag of pills is inserted into the crusher. When a button is pressed, the motor and rotating crusher head are activated. Different crushing modes are available for uncoated pills, coated pills or multiple pills.

The Electronic Pill Crusher can be used 1,000 times or more before it needs recharging. AB Innovations is currently licensing the technology to a medical device manufacturer.

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Electrostatic Sprayers Find New Use During Pandemic

Electrostatic Sprayers Find New Use During Pandemic
As the world began to reopen during the COVID-19 pandemic, scientists looked for ways to limit the spread of germs on high-touch surfaces. They had to look no further than their garden sheds, where a common pesticide sprayer, once used to keep the insects at bay, was now joining the fight against COVID-19 and other contagious diseases.

S. Edward Law, D.W. Brookes Distinguished Professor Emeritus at The University of Georgia, a member of the National Academy of Engineering, and Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors, created the Electrostatic Sprayer in 1977 to apply agricultural pesticides that reduced the amount of chemical needed, minimizing adverse environmental impacts.

Electrostatic sprayers work by charging the antimicrobial liquid as it passes through a nozzle. The positively charged antimicrobial droplets are attracted to negatively charged environmental surfaces allowing for improved coverage on hard, non-porous environmental surfaces.

Following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, electrostatic sprayers were widely deployed in schools and other institutions, not only to improve the coverage of sanitation sprays, but to minimize the amount of chemicals needed to maintain cleanliness. In July 2020, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued guidance for using the electrostatic sprayers in the fight against Covid.

“It’s been satisfying to see the physics get embodied into safe and reliable electrostatics products that can be put to meaningful use,” Law said. “It’s only useful to humanity if we can transfer the technology to the public. That’s the fun of the engineering process.”

These developments were carried out by the licensee, through the incorporation of the licensed technology. Therefore, being IP developed by the licensee, these developments have not been the subject of interactions between the inventor and our office, nor did they lead to additional patents assigned to the university, even if they incorporate the previously patented technology.

Law aided in the development/assessment of the implementation of the sprayer as a tool to combat the spread of COVID and other pathogens. Once developed, the EPA expedited the review of the product and approved the change in label to allow for uses beyond pesticides.

“Dr. Law’s work with the EPA to create new guidelines to meet the needs of the COVID-19 pandemic were instrumental in creating a new use for an already successful product,” said Gennaro Gama, Senior Technology Licensing Manager at the University of Georgia.

This story was originally published in 2022.

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Gene Therapy from Nationwide Children’s Hospital is First to Receive FDA Approval for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

Nationwide Children’s Hospital

Gene Therapy from Nationwide Children’s Hospital is First to Receive FDA Approval for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

In children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), a gene mutation causes progressive weakness and damage to muscles—including muscles responsible for heart function and breathing—that lead to death in early adulthood. Now children with DMD have a new treatment option, thanks to a gene therapy developed at Nationwide Children’s Hospital that is the first DMD treatment to target the genetic cause of the disease in addition to the symptoms. 

ELEVIDYS, a gene therapy that was invented at the Center for Gene Therapy at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, was approved by the FDA in June 2023 to treat ambulatory children with DMD who are 4 and 5 years old. This achievement has involved multiple collaborators within Nationwide Children’s and a major industry partner, Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc. 

DMD is an X-linked condition—meaning the gene mutation occurs on the X chromosome— typically affecting boys. Left untreated, most boys require wheelchair assistance by the time they are teenagers and lose their lifelong battle with DMD before turning 40 due to impaired cardiac and pulmonary function.  

ELEVIDYS was developed by Dr. Jerry Mendell, recently retired neurologist and principal investigator at Nationwide Children’s and Louise Rodino-Klapac, PhD, formerly head of the gene therapy research laboratory at Nationwide Children’s and currently the executive VP, CSO and head of R&D at Sarepta Therapeutics. The gene therapy technology specifically addresses the dystrophin protein, which strengthens muscle fibers and protects them from injury in healthy people and is impaired in children with DMD. 

Using a shortened version of the dystrophin gene and an adeno-associated virus vector,  Mendell and Rodino-Klapac developed a way to deliver the building blocks of that key protein to the muscle cells of a person with DMD and translate those components into a functional version of the dystrophin protein. Studies have shown increased levels of healthy dystrophin in children with DMD 12 weeks after an intravenous injection of ELEVIDYS.  

Studies also suggest the treatment helps children with DMD maintain their ability to walk, climb stairs and rise from sitting to standing. Time to rise from sitting to standing is a particularly important measure, because needing longer than 5 seconds to complete that task is predictive of losing the ability to walk. In a recent study, children treated with  ELEVIDYS were 91% less likely to have a time to rise of 5 seconds or longer after one year than children who received a placebo injection.   

The translational capabilities of Nationwide Children’s, such as the Office of Research Regulatory Affairs which manages filings with the FDA for Investigational New Drug Applications, and the Clinical Research Services that manage clinical trials at Nationwide Children’s, helped the institution attract a commercial partner.  The Office of Technology Commercialization initially entered into an option agreement with Sarepta Therapeutics in late 2016, then licensed the technology in 2018 following promising positive Phase I clinical trial results. This licensing deal helped to move the therapy into clinical trials and further development quickly and efficiently.  

Sarepta Therapeutics filed a Biologics License Application with the FDA in the fall of 2022. On June 22, 2023, the FDA announced accelerated approval for the therapy. To date, Sarepta Therapeutics has treated more than 140 individuals in the clinical development program, and eligible patients are now being treated in a commercial setting. 

Learn more at FDA Approved Gene Therapy - Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.

This story was originally published in 2023.

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The Tell-Tale Heart: Emory's Cardiac Toolbox

Emory University

The Tell-Tale Heart: Emory's Cardiac Toolbox

A three-dimensional image of a beating heart rotates on the computer monitor in Ernest Garcia's first-floor office at Emory Hospital. On another screen, color-coded virtual "slices" of the heart show the distribution of blood flow while the patient is at rest and while exercising. The area of the cardiac muscle with inadequate blood flow shows up as a black void.

This software program, known as the Emory Cardiac Toolbox™ (ECTb™), is one of the most widely applied cardiac imaging systems in the world, and was developed by Garcia, PhD, a professor of radiology in the School of Medicine. Garcia, who credits his invention with saving his own life, says the most fundamental question the software addresses is whether a patient has coronary artery disease.
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"This is a collection of tools we've developed over thirty years," he says. The latest addition to the toolbox allows physicians to more accurately diagnose and treat heart failure. "In particular, it helps with predicting which patients are going to benefit from specific treatments," Garcia says. "One treatment that is becoming more widespread these days is cardiac resynchronization therapy. Just by using the software and analyzing how the heart beats, we can see how synchronized it is. And if it's not synchronized, we can now predict how well it would improve with resynchronization therapy, a method of restoring the correct mechanical sequence of heart contractions in patients with an irregular heartbeat."
The Emory Cardiac Toolbox™ (ECTb™), is one of the most widely applied cardiac imaging systems in the world, and was developed by Garcia, PhD, a professor of radiology in the School of Medicine
Garcia and his collaborators, including researchers at Cedars-Sinai and Georgia Tech, gained a copyright and Emory began licensing the initially developed tools in 1993 and the first version of ECTb™ in 1998 to companies such as General Electric, Siemens and Philips. In 1999, Atlanta-based Syntermed, Inc. was founded, which sublicenses the software to larger companies as well as selling it directly.
Laura Fritts, Director, License & Patent Strategy in the Office of Technology Transfer at Emory, says, "Licensing ECTb™ to Syntermed reduced the University's liability exposure and relieved Emory of the obligation of meeting FDA requirements as a medical device maker. Additionally, starting Syntermed provided a position from which the technology could expand."
Because the technology was a proven moneymaker, Syntermed hit the ground running and required no outside financing. Emory and Georgia Tech remain shareholders in the privately held firm, which brings in more than $1.5 million a year in revenue—20 percent of which comes back into Garcia’s lab and is used to fund projects and augment researchers’ salaries. Garcia’s research also has been supported by the National Institutes of Health and the Georgia Research Alliance.
Bringing research into the marketplace is "contagious," says Garcia, who serves as Syntermed’s chief scientific advisor. "Some of my colleagues feel that you denigrate research when you commercialize it, that you are no longer a true scientist. I feel exactly the opposite. A lot of funding is being spent on research that never amounts to anything. An invention should be translated to help the health of the public."
With over 10,000 licenses sold, ECTb™ is one of the most widely applied methods of cardiac imaging around the world. Garcia believes the toolbox is a best-case partnership between academic researchers and private industry.
"Although our path was sometimes rocky, we were able to develop a product, keeping patients and their needs as the focus and successfully marketing the product and making it profitable," Garcia says. "Once you feel the satisfaction of walking into a little hospital in China or Italy and they are running your software to help a patient, it makes the effort worthwhile."

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Software Helps Professionals Design Highly Energy-Efficient Buildings

Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

Software Helps Professionals Design Highly Energy-Efficient Buildings

In the 1990s the federal government was eager to replace its outdated software for calculating heating and cooling loads in the buildings it constructed. The U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory, the Department of Energy’s Office of Building Technologies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory teamed up to design EnergyPlus, a stand-alone simulation program.

Launched in 2001, EnergyPlus allows users to calculate the impacts of different heating, cooling, and ventilating configurations and various types of lighting and windows to maximize energy efficiency and occupant comfort.

The software can save companies millions of dollars in operational costs over the life of a building, compared to more traditional approaches. EnergyPlus is also being used to evaluate designs for future construction at the World Trade Center site.

Berkeley Lab has developed several different types of licenses to encourage the improvement and widespread adoption of EnergyPlus in the private sector. In addition to 24,000 end-user licensees, nearly 100 universities, research organizations and private-sector companies are acting as collaborative developers, contributing their software improvements to EnergyPlus. EnergyPlus may be freely downloaded from The U.S. Department of Energy’s Drury Crawley manages the development project.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Hearth Health: Cooking up a Safer Way to Prepare Meals

Colorado State University

Hearth Health: Cooking up a Safer Way to Prepare Meals

Every day, millions of people around the world engage in an essential task: preparing meals for themselves and their families. It’s a life-sustaining endeavor, but cooking can also pose life-threatening problems. That’s because nearly half the world’s population cooks over fires that use wood, charcoal and other biomass for fuel, according to the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves. As a result, they are exposed to carbon monoxide, black carbon and a host of other toxins.

The Envirofit G3300 Clean Cookstove, currently sold in more than 40 countries, helps eliminate those risks. Thanks to innovative engineering, it not only dramatically reduces the smoke and harmful gasses emitted by cookstoves, but also uses less fuel and reduces cooking times — which leads to wide-ranging benefits for personal safety, climate change and more.

An Under-the-Radar Threat Despite the severity — and enormity — of health problems surrounding traditional cookstoves and open-flame cooking, the issue largely remains outside the public consciousness. Consider that smoke inhalation from cooking may cause nearly 2 million deaths annually, according to the World Health Organization. That’s more than double the deaths caused by malaria each year. The medical fallout includes pneumonia, chronic respiratory disease, heart disease, low birth weight and tuberculosis — and the resulting premature deaths mainly affect women and children. It’s not an issue that will disappear anytime soon, since this cooking method proliferates in developing nations that also have steady population growth.

What’s more, it’s an insidious problem. People who use open-flame cooking often don’t recognize any health risks in their meal preparation. “Their mother did it that way, and their grandmother and their grandmother’s grandmother,” says Nathan Lorenz, M.Sc., vice-president of engineering for Envirofit International. That deeply ingrained seal-of-approval is tough to discredit. When asked if they’ve ever felt faint or dizzy while using open-flame cooking, people will say yes — but blame it on not eating enough that day, says Lorenz: “Actually, it was most likely carbon monoxide inhalation.”

Shifting Gears

Cookstoves weren’t part of Envirofit’s original plan. Instead, the Fort Collins, Colo.-based nonprofit aimed to reduce pollution from two-stroke motorcycle engines. It was founded in 2003 by two students and two professors from Colorado State University: Lorenz and Timothy Bauer, M.Sc., both mechanical-engineering graduate students at the time; entrepreneurship instructor Paul Hudnut; and Bryan Willson, Ph.D., director of the university’s Engines and Energy Conversion Laboratory.

Envirofit’s initial mission emerged from one of Lorenz and Bauer’s student projects, where they successfully created a cleaner engine for the pollution-spewing two-stroke engine found in snowmobiles. But snowmobiles had scant market potential, so Envirofit focused on retrofitting two-stroke engines of motorcycles (used mainly in India and Southeast Asia) to reduce emissions. 

The focus shifted in 2007 after Envirofit met with the Shell Foundation, the charity arm of Shell Oil, to seek funding assistance. As it turned out, Shell Foundation didn’t have much money to bolster nonprofits tackling transportation issues. But it did have a funding program for indoor air pollution initiatives. During the meeting, Shell posed an unexpected question for Envirofit: Did they have any experience with cookstoves?

Thanks to a bit of serendipity, they did. During graduate school, Lorenz and Bauer helped test cookstove emissions in a CSU lab. They worked alongside Morgan DeFoort, Ph.D., now co-director of the Engines and Energy Conversion Lab at Colorado State University. Although Lorenz and Bauer (now Envirofit’s vice president of operations) had cookstove experience, they didn’t have all the answers. With funding from Shell Foundation, Envirofit needed help designing a safer, affordable cookstove. For that, they turned to DeFoort and his colleagues at the university’s Engines and Energy Conversion Lab.

The Path to Cleaner Combustion

On the face of it, cookstove design seems like a simple problem for someone with a doctorate in engineering. DeFoort quickly learned that wasn’t the case. “It’s a humbling problem,” he says. “The cookstove is actually incredibly complex from a combustion standpoint, much more so than an engine is.” That’s due, in part, to the cookstove’s fuel source. Take wood, for example. “Wood is a mixture of all sorts of chemicals, so when you burn them, there’s a much more complex reaction,” says DeFoort. “It’s this open-ended, multivariable kind of problem, which makes optimizing it very difficult.”

As Envirofit worked toward that optimization, they wanted to avoid repeating the mistakes of others. One problem with previous cookstove initiatives, says Lorenz, is that they often emphasize a social mission over pollution reduction — specifically, the stoves needed to be produced locally. But those good intentions can bring unintended consequences.

“You get such horrible quality control when you do those kinds of programs, and you end up sacrificing the indoor air pollution goal by focusing too much on how and where it’s built,” says Lorenz. He’s seen many cases where local people learn to build cookstoves — and a year or two later, the cookstoves they produce bear little resemblance to the original design.  “People didn’t like certain features, so they changed them,” says Lorenz. In the process, they unwittingly remove the design elements that had improved the stove’s emissions.

To ensure rigorous quality control, Envirofit chose to mass-produce the stoves in a factory. But that doesn’t mean they’re not helping local economies. Instead of selling direct to end users, Envirofit sells stoves to distributors, who hire local retail agents. “It’s hard to put a number on it, but there definitely has been a lot of job creation across these countries in the sales and distribution areas,” says Lorenz.

Mass production meant Envirofit would have to ship the stoves, which posed its own set of challenges. Typically, cookstoves have ceramic or clay combustion chambers, making them ill-suited for shipping because those materials are heavy and breakable. And Envirofit wanted a durable cookstove—one that would last at least five years.

The design team decided that the best solution would be an all-metal combustion chamber. But to do that, they needed the right alloy. “You think of a cookstove as a very simple thing that you build fire in, but it’s actually an incredible harsh environment for any metal to live in,” says Lorenz.  The material would need to withstand temperatures up to 1,650 Fahrenheit and exposure to corrosive compounds released when biomass burns. 

DeFoort and his colleagues knew that such metals existed. They’re called super alloys — but at about $50 per pound, they carry a super-big price tag. Envirofit needed a metal that would be less than 10 percent of that cost. To make any in-roads replacing open-flame cooking methods, the product had to be inexpensive. As Jeremy Nelson, licensing and business development director at CSU’s technology transfer office observes: “Your competition is three rocks on the ground.”

To develop a special alloy that was both resilient and inexpensive, the design team worked with the Oakridge National Research Laboratory, which has a group focused on high-temperature materials. After a year of testing an array of metals, they found a low-cost option that could survive a cookstove’s punishing interior.

That breakthrough opened up possibilities that hadn’t existed for other cookstoves. “Once we had the metal, we could do some interesting things on the design side,” says DeFoort. That includes making the stove more lightweight, which reduced the amount of fuel needed. The designers also added an orifice ring — a round metal plate with hole in the middle, like a large washer. It helps recirculate the gas to the center of the combustion chamber, increasing the chance that it will be fully combusted, and that means reduced emissions.  “It’s a very simple thing,” says DeFoort. “But nobody had thought of it because nobody could use metal in a cookstove before.”

Those changes helped lead to a cookstove that emits up to 80 percent less smoke and harmful gasses, uses 60 percent less fuel, and reduces cooking times by 40 percent.

The inventors—Morgan DeFoort, Ph.D., Bryan Willson, Ph.D., Nathan Lorenz, M.Sc., Anthony Marchese, Ph.D.,  Michael P. Brady, Ph.D., and  Daniel D. Miller-Lionberg—saw the result of their work in 2008, when the Envirofit G3300 Clean Cookstove entered production. 

In May 2009, CSU Ventures (the university’s technology transfer office) licensed the technology to Envirofit. Since the cookstove initiative began, CSU Ventures has emphasized flexibility while working with Envirofit, as the nonprofit seeks to overcome supply chain difficulties in overseas markets that aren’t necessarily easy to penetrate, says Jeremy Nelson, Ph.D., licensing and business development director. “We’re doing a lot of support coordinating the office actions and the patent applications,” he says. Currently, there are two patents pending on the cookstove design.

“We have a pretty progressive tech transfer office here at CSU, and they did a very nice job of shepherding the relationship,” says DeFoort, who describes CSU Ventures as very supportive. “They let Envirofit have a seat at the table as we sorted out the IP [intellectual property] and decided what was worth patenting and what wasn’t,” he says.

Envirofit began marketing its product in India, and by 2010, it started distributing in Africa and then Latin America. The core technology from the G3300 Clean Cookstove is now used in five other Envirofit wood and charcoal stoves. So far, the nonprofit has sold more than 350,000 clean cookstoves around the world.

The Ripple Effect of Optimized Stoves

United Nations Foundation President Timothy E. Wirth notes that cooking conditions represents the fifth greatest threat to health in poor developing countries. By building a better stove, DeFoort, Lorenz and their colleagues help ameliorate risk factors that extend beyond the detrimental effects of inhaling smoke and toxic gasses every day.

When cookstoves use less fuel, for instance, it leads to multiple benefits in health and well-being. Women and children do most of the fuel gathering — and often, that takes place in conflict areas, exposing them to violence. If they don’t have to collect as much fuel, they spend less time in harm’s way. And there are additional benefits for children, who can spend several hours a day collecting fuel. “If the children only have to gather half as much, then that’s more time they can spend studying and being kids,” says Lorenz.

For those who buy fuel instead of collecting it, the optimized cookstove can help save a substantial amount of money. In some areas, up to 40 percent of the household income is spent on fuel for cooking, says Lorenz. When people pay for fuel versus gathering, they instantly recognize the value of the stove, because they can put a dollar amount on using half as much wood, he says: “Some people say they use 80 percent less fuel with the stove.”

The stove offers environmental benefits too. By requiring less wood, it reduces deforestation. And when it does burn biomass, it does so thoroughly. That’s important, because incomplete combustion spits out pollutants like black carbon and methane that go into the atmosphere.

“They’re actually much more harmful from a global warming standpoint than carbon dioxide,” says DeFoort.

Recently, the need for safe, affordable cooking has gained some much-needed attention. In 2010, the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves was formed, with Colorado State University and Envirofit as founding members. Led by the United Nations Foundation, it’s a public-private partnership of more than 60 national governments, UN agencies, private companies and nongovernmental organizations, all working toward a clean efficient approach to cooking (actress Julia Roberts signed on in 2011 as a global ambassador for the alliance).

Still, DeFoort knows a disconnect still exists between the developed world’s kitchen, and the rest of the world. “When I give people tours of our lab, I show them the stove and I say, ‘We’re in the minority. Most of the world fires up a stove and cooks inside their home and breathes a bunch of smoke,’” says DeFoort. “And I think that really surprises people.”

With Envirofit’s cookstoves, there’s now a safer way to prepare meals — and a recipe for better health.

This story was originally published in 2012.

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Enzyme Therapy Fights the Rare and Often-Deadly Pompe Disease

Erasmus University

Enzyme Therapy Fights the Rare and Often-Deadly Pompe Disease

MyozymeTM  is the first medicine produced for Pompe disease and the first ever treatment for an inherited muscle disorder. Pompe disease is a rare genetic disorder, which can affect infants, children, and adults; only about 5,000 to 10,000 people in the world suffer from this condition. Progressive muscle weakness is the most common symptom of both the infantile onset and the late-onset forms of this disease. It limits mobility and respiratory function. 

No therapy was available for this devastating condition until 2006. Fundamental and applied clinical research at Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, finally resulted in the first pharmaceutical product that is effective in treating Pompe disease. A defective gene in the body causes this disease because the gene cannot produce acid alpha-glucosidase, an enzyme that breaks down glycogen, a form of sugar.

This inability leads to accumulation of glycogen in the muscle, which is followed by loss of muscle function.

 A.J.J. Reuser, Ph.D. and A.T. van der Ploeg, M.D., at Erasmus University Medical Center, initiated the development and manufacturing of recombinant human alpha-glucosidase in cultured cells and milk of transgenic animals. Genzyme, a Boston-based biotechnology company introduced the product MyozymeTM  to the health care market in 2006 after receiving FDA and EMEA approval. The Erasmus University Medical Center, the Prinses Beatrix  Fonds, patient associations and industrial partners provided funding for this work.

Clinical trials have shown that MyozymeTM  improves the ventilator-free survival rate in patients with infantileonset Pompe disease and the condition of affected children and adults.

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Electronic Glasses Bring Sight to Low Vision and Legally Blind

University of Arizona

Tech Launch Arizona licensing manager for the College of Optical Sciences Kennedy Nyairo gets a demo of the eSight system from inventor Hong Hua. Photo: Paul Tumarkin/Tech Launch Arizona

Research developed at the University of Arizona (UA) has led to the eSight 3, electronic glasses that help the blind see.

“For the first time in my life I clearly saw the details of my mother’s face, her smile and tears on her cheeks,” said Christy Poteat, an eSight wearer.

eSight users report being able to see the face of loved ones, start new jobs or return to work, perform better in school, and feel more confidence in new environments.
Time Magazine eSight one of the top 25 inventions of 2017.
“This is where we see the real-world impact of the leading research being done at the UA,” said Tech Launch Arizona (TLA) Director of Licensing Rakhi Gibbons. “We’re so proud of Dr. Hong Hua and her work, and of the UA’s commitment to contributing to improving lives.”
Working with TLA, the UA office that commercializes inventions stemming from research, the University patented the technologies and licensed them to eSight Corporation, which integrated the inventions into new electronic glasses that deliver the ultimate combination of image quality, field of view, size, weight and cost.
For the first time in my life I clearly saw the details of my mother’s face, her smile and tears on her cheeks. -Christy Poteat, eSight wearer
The glasses capture images with a small camera, enhancing them, and then projecting them onto screens in front of each eye in real-time, providing more visual data to the brain and triggering an increased reaction from the eye. They allow users to adjust zoom, focus, contrast and color. 
Hua, a professor at UA’s James C. Wyant College of Optical Sciences, has become highly recognized for her research in innovative 3D display technologies, complex visualization systems and novel image acquisition systems. Working with graduate student Jason Kuhn, the team developed technology that has enabled the creation of the latest generation of best-in-class near-eye optics.
Hua was intrigued by the broad social impact of the eSight collaboration. “They said they were developing a system to help low vision people, and the more I listened to them, the more I thought they were doing something really useful and helpful, and I wanted to be a part of it,” she said.
Hua and Kuhn developed a wedge-shaped prism eyepiece design with free-form surfaces that provide both high resolution and a large exit pupil – a combination and level of image quality that has not been previously achieved. The UA invention provides a larger image and thus more visual data to the brain. 

eSight Chief Technology Officer Charles Lim said the partnership with UA has helped the company be an innovative leader.

"The IP we worked on with the University of Arizona has been critical in allowing us to develop our proprietary best in class near-eye optics that have allowed eSight to deliver the best combination of image quality, field of view, size, weight and cost to help position us as leaders in this space," Lim said.

This story was originally published in 2020.

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Biomarkers and Balloons Help in the Fight Against Esophageal Cancer

Case Western Reserve University

Biomarkers and Balloons Help in the Fight Against Esophageal Cancer

Esophageal cancer is the fastest growing cause of death from solid cancers, primarily because it is hard to detect early enough to be cured. Two new testing methods developed at Case Western Reserve University have the potential to save thousands of lives each year by improving doctors’ ability to identify inflammation in the esophagus before it leads to cancer.

In nearly all patients who develop cancer of the esophagus, or the pipe that allows food to pass from the mouth to the stomach, the cancer arises from a precursor condition called Barrett’s esophagus, in which the pipe’s normal lining is replaced by abnormal cells. Diagnosing Barrett’s esophagus lets doctors know that a patient is at high risk for esophageal cancer, which enables them to start treatment that can prevent the cancer from developing.

But most people with Barrett’s esophagus don’t know they have it until it has led to an incurable esophageal cancer. Until now, the only way to diagnose this disease is with endoscopy, a procedure in which a tiny flexible tube with a tiny camera on the end of it is inserted through the patient’s mouth into the esophagus. The camera allows doctors to see if the tissue is abnormal.

Endoscopy is expensive, requires anesthesia, and requires the patient to miss a day of work. That’s why more than 90% of esophageal cancer patients never get the opportunity for early treatment that a diagnosis of Barrett’s esophagus provides.

Sanford Markowitz, M.D., Ph.D., and his co-investigators, Amitabh Chak, M.D., and Joseph Willis, M.D., at Case Western Reserve University and University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center in Cleveland, developed two technologies to improve the diagnosis of Barrett's esophagus.

One technology, called EsoCheck, is an innovative way to get tissue samples for testing without the need for endoscopy. Instead of a camera, a small, soft balloon is swallowed into the esophagus and gently inflated so ridges on the outside of the balloon can collect tissue samples. The other technology is a DNA test called EsoGuard that is used to detect genetic markers diagnostic for Barrett's esophagus if present in the tissue sample collected using EsoCheck. In a clinical trial, the combination of EsoCheck and EsoGuard detected more than 90% of patients with early Barrett’s esophagus.

EsoCheck and EsoGuard have recently been commercialized and made available to physicians and patients through a license to Lucid Diagnostics, a biotechnology company. The technology transfer office (TTO) at Case Western Reserve University helped connect the researchers with Lucid Diagnostics, and with local partner Nottingham Spirk to develop the balloon-based sample collection device.

The American Gastroenterological Association and the American College of Gastroenterology recently updated their clinical practice guidelines to add Lucid’s EsoCheck Cell Collection Device and EsoGuard Esophageal DNA Test as an acceptable alternative to endoscopy.

These innovations were developed with support from programs of the National Cancer Institute, the State of Ohio, the Case-Coulter Partnership, and with collaboration among oncologists, gastroenterologists, and pathologists. The EsoCheck device was recently named a 2020 Edison Award Silver Winner as one of the year's most significant innovations in the Medical Testing category.

This story was originally published in 2023.

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TyraTech: Bringing "Green Pesticides" to the World Marketplace

University of California, Davis (UC Davis)
Vanderbilt University

TyraTech: Bringing

One day in the early 1990s, it was business as usual for Essam Enan, Ph.D.

Enan was performing cancer related research on essential plant oils in his laboratory at the University of California, Davis, where he was working as a research professor. Suddenly, the lights went out. After waiting a bit, he realized the power was not going to come back on right away, so Enan opened the door to his lab to try to keep cool in the summer heat.

Other scientists in the building did the same thing, and soon flies and other insects started coming in from outside. But as he walked by the labs next to his, Enan noticed a strange thing: they had many more flying pests than his lab did.

This got him to thinking. Could it be possible that these essential plant oils had something to do with the absence of insects in his lab space?

Essential oils — the volatile aroma compounds of the oils that can be extracted from any plant — have been around for ages. They have been used in the perfume industry, and have been on the Environmental Protection Agency’s list of exempt chemicals, considered safe for people and animals.

But it was also known that these oils had the power repel, and even to kill, insects. However, scientists did not know why essential plant oils had these insect-killing and repelling qualities. So in his spare time, when he wasn’t doing his cancer research, Enan began to investigate this question, out of pure scientific curiosity.

A few years later, in 1996, he unlocked the mystery: essential plant oils disrupt certain external olfactory and protein receptors that only invertebrates have. This causes rapid and abnormal calcium production which either kills or repels the bugs.

Filling a Potential Marketplace Need

For several years, Enan went on investigating the properties of these oils. He developed oil combinations that could repel mosquitoes, kill ants, and he even found a way to screen for oil combinations that would target specific insects. Yet it wasn’t until 2003 that his mind turned from curiosity about the process, to how it might be applied to the needs of people in the marketplace. Enan took stock of his discoveries, and decided this was something that could benefit society while filling a key market niche: green pesticides.

“I looked at everything I had,” says Enan, who was then a research professor in biochemistry at Vanderbilt University, where he is still based, “and I decided, this is not just about the science, or about the publication. There is something behind it, and I need to see if I can make something out of it. That’s when I decided that this should be a product, not just a publication.”

Enan gathered up his things, and went down to Vanderbilt’s Office of Technology Transfer and Enterprise Development, where he made his pitch to Brian Laden, who remembers it well.

“It’s very unusual that someone would walk in the door here with a technology related to agriculture,” says Brian Laden, the university’s senior technology commercialization associate, “At Vanderbilt, we don’t do much with that. But then, in walks Essam, and he starts telling me this story of how he’s come up with some essential oil combinations that are very effective at repelling or killing insects.”

Laden was impressed, but skeptical. Together, he and a colleague walked over to Enan’s lab, where Enan gave them a little demonstration, by dripping a few drops on a tissue covered with ants, and watching the ants scatter.

Laden was even more impressed, and could see the obvious market possibilities for a benign pesticide that didn’t even need to be approved by the Environmental Protection Agency. So they took some of his samples and sent them to an independent lab for testing. “Lo and behold,” says Laden, “they were very, very effective, compared to typical products.”

Partnering with XL TechGroup

Vanderbilt had already been in touch with XL TechGroup, a Melbourne, Fla.– based company that is publicly traded on London’s Alternative Investment Market (the U.K.’s equivalent of the NASDAQ), and that has pioneered what it calls a new “value creation” model, different than the traditional venture capital model. Instead of putting money into a host of promising new technologies and pushing them out into the market, XL TechGroup works with the business community to identify needs that exist in the current marketplace. XL TechGroup then scours university systems and other technology sources looking for technology platforms that can meet those needs. When they find such technologies, they build companies based on them. It’s a model that has proven remarkably successful.

When XL TechGroup was alerted to Enan’s oils by Vanderbilt’s Technology Transfer office, according to senior vice president Harold Gubnitsky, they liked what they saw: a technology platform, an innovation, with massive development potential to do everything from revolutionizing agriculture to stamping out intestinal parasites, to making our barbeques that much more pleasant.

As it happens, just when Enan was getting his oils tested and verified, the demand for “green pesticides” began to grow in Europe. Under strict new environmental laws, traditional pesticides were being banned by the hundreds. Clearly, there was market demand in Europe and elsewhere for environmentally friendly pesticides, and XL TechGroup could help bring Enan’s laboratory discovery to consumers around the world.

Laden and his colleagues, Tom Noland and Christopher Rand, sat down with Gubnitsky and others at XL TechGroup to negotiate the formation of a company called TyraTech in June 2004. In exchange for an equity stake in the company for Vanderbilt, the technology was given to Tyratech, which would take responsibility for developing the technology into marketable products. Then the XL Techgroup, which founded TyraTech, began cultivating partnerships with large companies like Scotts Miracle-Gro, Kraft Foods, Syngenta, Arysta LifeScience and others to fund the development of the various essential oil products. These companies are currently in the process of developing (or have developed) products that can kill bedbugs, lice, mosquito larvae, cockroaches and other pests. They are also working on agricultural pesticides, and a variety of other applications. One of the more surprising developments is the possibility that Enan’s oils could help to eradicate intestinal parasites. Since essential plant oils have no effect on humans, the company has developed a range of combinations that target the so called Helminths that plague many areas in developing countries where water quality and sanitation are a persistent problem.

After three years of building partnerships and growing the technology from its initial platform, TyraTech went public in June 2007, on London’s AIM. The company had a first-day market capitalization of $219 million, before its products have even gone on sale. XL TechGroup expects this to increase significantly over the next several years.

Needless to say, all of this is immensely gratifying for Enan, who has made a power failure into a powerful idea that will have a real impact on the world. That is all he ever wanted.

“The ultimate goal for any scientist,” Enan says, “is to translate your science into something people can benefit from. Besides the publicity, besides all of that, what will really give you satisfaction is to see the community benefit from it.” 


This story was originally published in 2008.

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Etanercept Helps Those Suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis

Massachusetts General Hospital

Etanercept Helps Those Suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a debilitating illness that affects nearly two million people in the U.S. alone, mostly women. While its cause is unknown, rheumatoid arthritis causes chronic joint inflammation and potentially can lead to joint destruction, and functional disability. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease, which means that the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks its own tissues — in this case, joints and surrounding body parts, including cartilage, bone and sometimes nearby organs.

Research at Massachusetts General Hospital, an affiliate of the Harvard Medical School in Boston, utilizing a special bio-engineering technique developed separately at Columbia University in New York City, led to the development of a medication called Etanercept, used to treat rheumatoid arthritis patients. Etanercept is a protein that reduces the amount of tumor necrosis factor (TNF), which is prevalent at abnormally high levels in those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.

TNF is a substance produced by the body’s immune system, and too much of it can overwhelm the immune system’s ability to control inflammation in the joints. Etanercept deactivates TNF before it leads to inflammation.

TNF also is found in excessively high levels in those with other autoimmune diseases, such as ankylosing spondylitis (chronic inflammation of the spine), psoriatic arthritis (an arthritic condition linked to psoriasis) and psoriasis. For this reason, Etanercept also has been used to treat people with these diseases; patients have reported significant, long-lasting relief, often in a matter of weeks.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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eTriage® Helps Emergency Rooms Prioritize Patient Care

University of Alberta

eTriage® Helps Emergency Rooms Prioritize Patient Care

The eTRIAGE® technology, developed in 2002 by a research team led by Michael Bullard, M.D., at the University of Alberta, is improving triage efficiency in emergency rooms across North America.

Triage methods prioritize a patient’s need for urgent care based on information provided to emergency room staff. Since emergency rooms are constantly overcrowded, triage nurses are forced to make fast decisions about when a person is seen and this can lead to inappropriate assignment of a patient’s need and inadequate emergency care.

The University of Alberta’s technology, eTRIAGE®, is a Web-based tool that provides decision support to health care workers in emergency rooms. The software program helps triage staff classify a patient’s need for urgent care by processing information gathered by a registered nurse and automatically assigning each patient a score from 1 to 5 based on his or her need of immediate care (Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale).

While the tool is designed to avert triage problems, it allows nurses to override it and use their own judgment as appropriate. 

Registered Nurse Rhonda Gariepy uses the eTRIAGE program developed by David Meurer (left) and Dr. Michael Bullard.

Development of the triage tool became possible primarily through funding by grants from the Alberta Medical Association and Alberta Health and Wellness.

eTRIAGE®, which was first licensed in 2003, is protected by copyright and trademark. It was implemented in all emergency rooms in the Edmonton Capital Health region in 2003 and now it is being used at the British Columbia Children’s Hospital and the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority. The program is now undergoing a significant enhancement that will take it into the emergency departments of two major eastern Canadian health regions.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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UWA Drug Treatment Offers Hope for Young Sufferers of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

University of Western Australia
University of Western Australia’s Centre for Neuromuscular and Neurological Disorders
Western Australian Neuroscience Research Institute

UWA Drug Treatment Offers Hope for Young Sufferers of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Professors Steve Wilton and Sue Fletcher.

Some 20,000 chlidren are diagnosed each year with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, a fatal muscle wasting disease, which is caused by errors in their dystrophin gene. Affected children are usually confined to a wheelchair by the age of 12 and succumb to their illness by 30. The disease almost always affects boys.

Professors Steve Wilton and Sue Fletcher developed a treatment at The University of Western Australia’s Centre for Neuromuscular and Neurological Disorders (CNND) and the Western Australian Neuroscience Research Institute (WANRI). The treatment is designed to allow the body to make a shortened but functional version of dystrophin - an essential protein involved in muscle fiber function and lacking in patients with DMD.
This is the first treatment for DMD that addresses the cause of the disease and the hope is that it will slow its progression and keep patients mobile for longer.
UWA’s Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research Professor Robyn Owens

In 2016, the US Food and Drug Administration granted an accelerated approval for the drug. Sarepta Therapeutics, a US biotechnology company that licensed the development and commercialization rights, now manufactures and markets the drug as Exondys 51®.

The treatment helps patients with a deletion mutation adjacent to exon 51 of the dystrophin gene (about 13% of the DMD population). Treatments targeting different exons are currently in clinical trials, with a treatment addressing exon 53-flanking mutations (another 8% of the DMD population) expected to receive FDA approval later in 2019 and a treatment for exon-45 flanking mutations expected in early 2020.

“What Steve and Sue and the team at Sarepta have done is amazing – to think that the results in a lab notebook at UWA have gone on to be translated into a treatment for a disease where there is currently little hope is amazing,” Owens said. “It demonstrates how universities can be the source of great ideas and how partnering with experts in industry can create real impact.”

The patented treatment should be useful for DMD patients with a mutation in a particular region of the dystrophin gene and the race is on to develop similar treatments to treat more DMD patients.

Simon Handford, Manager Research Commercialisation at UWA, said the technology transfer journey from laboratory to patient was an extensive process.

“We’ve been working with Steve and Sue since 2004 and it’s so satisfying to have played a small part in the process from discovery to approval,” Handford said.

“Our hope is that this inspires other researchers to think about how they are going to translate their research findings – whether in medicine, agriculture, engineering, business – and to think about partnering at an early stage.”  


This story was originally published in 2019.

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Discovery of a Fundamental Lung Function Leads to Higher Survival Rates for Premature Infants

University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)

Discovery of a Fundamental Lung Function Leads to Higher Survival Rates for Premature Infants

A University of California, San Francisco professor dedicated his career to studying how lungs work, then created a treatment that helps babies suffering from respiratory distress syndrome breathe. The result is a dramatic decline in infant mortality caused by RDS.

Not long ago, thousands of newborn babies died in hospitals every year because of a mysterious affliction called respiratory distress syndrome. Up until the mid-1950s, doctors didn’t know the cause of this heartbreaking ailment. That’s when professor John Clements began to make inroads into doctors’ understanding of the human lung that eventually led to a cure for RDS.

Clements had been in the U.S. Army’s Medical Research Unit during the Korean War. A trained biochemist and physiologist, Clements had been assigned the task of understanding how nerve gases affect the lungs. His research focused on the defensive aspects of chemical warfare — providing better treatment for soldiers who had been exposed and trying to figure out whether they could be protected against the noxious gas. The knowledge Clements sought for the battlefield would eventually save thousands of lives — not soldiers’ lives, but babies’ lives in hospital nurseries around the world.
“My studies on lung mechanics led me to think there was a surfactant there,” Clements says, more than a half-century later. 
Finding It Was Just the Beginning
A surfactant is a substance that reduces the surface tension of liquid containing it. It accumulates at the surface of the lung and occupies the surface of air spaces, which are typically wet and would otherwise have high surface tension. The lung secretes this surfactant to allow the lung to expand in breathing and remain air-filled.
“I guessed it was there, tested for it, and I found it was there,” Clements says. “It turned out to be very interesting, very complex — and it took me another 25 years to really understand it,” he adds with a laugh.
Clements is now an emeritus professor at the UCSF Cardiovascular Research Institute and the Department of Pediatrics. “It’s only one molecule deep,” he says about the qualities of lung surfactant. “It’s like a sheer nightgown covering the surface of the airspaces of the lung, but it is absolutely critical to life.”
Intrigued, Clements has spent decades Investigating the structure, function and biology of lung surfactant. The problem for newborn babies, especially those born pre-term, is that this life-supporting mammalian function doesn’t become active until late in pregnancy, around 28 to 32 weeks.
“Preemies with RDS don’t have a surfactant,” Clements says. “They have not begun to secrete the protective surface that will enable them to keep their lungs expanded.”
The Connection with Infants
Around the same time Clements was beginning to explore and publish articles about lung surfactant, Mary Ellen Avery, a pediatrician interested in RDS, and Jerre Meade, a pulmonary physiologist who knew about Clements’ research, decided to see if infants with RDS lacked  surfactant. Working at Harvard University, they consulted with Clements to learn his methods and in 1959 published data indicating that babies who died with RDS did, in fact, lack surfactant.
Between that time and 1982, Clements explored the intricacies of surfactant in the human lung, using his research knowledge to consult with clinicians about how best to care for premature infants. It was during this time that one of the nation’s first intensive care nurseries was developed at UCSF, with expert input from Clements.
“I consulted on the research aspects of neonatal care, especially in terms of physiology and basic science,” he says. “We brought many supportive measures — blood transfusions, artificial oxygenation and others developed in adult intensive care — to bear on the problems of sick newborns.” Other universities including Columbia University and Vanderbilt University also were introducing these types of facilities, Clements says.
Around 1980, a Japanese pediatrician, Tetsuro Fujiwara, created an artificial surfactant from cow lungs and found it worked well in 10 infants with RDS. Clinicians from the Specialized Center of Research on Pulmonary Disease at UCSF asked Clements what surfactant he would advise for a larger clinical trial. Clements, who was a little concerned about putting animal materials into human lungs, told them that he would design a synthetic substitute for them. Two weeks later, he presented a substance named Exosurf. 
Clement’s synthetic surfactant was licensed by Burroughs-Wellcome in 1986. Clements says a friend persuaded the pharmaceutical company, now GlaxoSmithKline, to take a look at the substance. The company shepherded the product Through the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval process, from pre-clinical work through human clinical trials.
But it wasn’t an easy road to market. According to the University of California Office of Technology Transfer, the Exosurf invention was disclosed just before the passage of the Bayh-Dole Act in 1980, meaning the university had no legal right to license it. And the preference of the National Institutes of Health for non-exclusive licensing was incompatible with the company’s need for exclusivity. So several years of negotiation ensued before the university could offer exclusive rights.
Trials Showed the Impact Was Immediate
When Exosurf finally went into human clinical trials, the impact of the drug on the welfare of newborn babies was immediate. “During the first trials of Exosurf, infant mortality was reduced one-half to one-quarter of what it was with the standard treatment,” Clements says.
Exosurf, and other surfactant substitutes developed more recently, have contributed to a dramatic drop in the infant mortality rate in this country and around the world. Between 1988 and 1993, infant mortality in the United States dropped by 16 percent — a remarkable decline in such a short time frame. 
In honor of their achievements, Clements and the Burroughs-Wellcome scientists who assisted in the development of the drug received  the 1997 Discoverers Award from the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, a membership organization dedicated to the research and introduction of new medicines.

This story was originally published in 2006.

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Library Management Software Streamlines Day-to-Day Operations

Clemson University

Library Management Software Streamlines Day-to-Day Operations

Library operations are complex and include production processing setup, expediting resource requests, scheduling operator activities, supporting unattended operations and dealing with processing delays.

To streamline these operations, Clemson University’s Multiple Virtual Storage Systems programming group invented Expert Library Manager (ExLM) in 1988. The research was funded by the Clemson University Research Foundation.

ExLM is licensed software that manages automated and virtual tape library resources. It uses customer-defined rules and policies to automate content management, placing tape resources where they are needed, when they are needed. From a single point of control, customers can manage complex storage environments with minimal operating costs.

ExLM helps customers productively use their automated tape libraries by concentrating activity at the best times to minimize robotics and manual activity during peak production windows. Complete consolidated tape management reports are also provided.

ExLM has been upgraded regularly since its release and is still in high demand today. The software is used by approximately 1,000 customers around the world, including major banks, telephone companies, oil companies and government agencies.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Extraction Technology Allows Researchers to Identify Genetic Information from Preserved Tissue

University of Southern California

Extraction Technology Allows Researchers to Identify Genetic Information from Preserved Tissue

Until an innovative extraction technology was invented at the University of Southern California, it was impossible to extract meaningful genetic information from diagnostic specimens fixed and stored in paraffin. Ribonucleic acid (RNA), a molecule that carries genetic information in a manner similar to that of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), could only be obtained from fresh frozen tissue samples.

The method of extracting RNA from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues was developed in 2000 by University of Southern California researchers Kathleen Danenberg, Ph.D., Peter Danenberg, Ph.D. and Stephen Swenson, Ph.D.

This discovery enables the extraction and analysis of genetic information from genes derived from tumor samples stored as formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded speci mens.

It allows pharmaceutical companies to create new, cost-effective platforms for the analysis of clinical trial samples,leading to the development of more “personalized” patient therapies.

Response Genetics, a biotechnology company in Los Angeles, holds the exclusive license and has invested approximately $13 million to further develop the process. Strategic partners include global pharmaceutical and diagnostics companies, including Hitachi, GlaxoSmithKline, Roche and Eli Lilly. Response Genetics’ laboratories, which process clinical trial samples for its pharmaceutical partners, are located in Los Angeles and Edinburgh, Scotland, with expectations to expand into Japan and China within the next year.

This story was originally published in 2008.

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EZ-IO: Using the Bone When the Veins Won't Do

University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio

EZ-IO: Using the Bone When the Veins Won't Do

More than six million emergency room patients annually cannot have intravenous (IV) therapy started successfully when they need it. In situations in which the patients’ veins collapse due to shock, low blood pressure, cardiac arrest or other complications, IVs prove extremely difficult to start, often resulting in no access or significant delay in access to the blood vessels, and subsequently thousands of deaths every year.

The intraosseous space, where bone marrow resides, is a specialized area of the human body’s vascular system where blood flow is rapid and continues even during shock. Drugs and fluids injected into the bone marrow reach the central circulation at least as quickly as those administered through standard IV access. While the medical community has long recognized that bone marrow acts as a non-collapsible vein through which any drug or fluid can be rapidly and safely administered, it has, until recently, been faced with the problem of how to safely penetrate the hard part of the adult bone with a catheter to gain access to the bone marrow.

Vidacare in conjunction with The University of Texas Health Science Center – San Antonio developed the EZ-IO product system. The system consists of a small, battery-powered intraosseous (IO) driver and needle set that provides fast, safe and controllable intraosseous access, safely penetrating through the bone in seconds.

This unique design alerts the user when the needle has entered the intraosseous space providing greater control, even in the most challenging cases.

Studies have shown that insertion using the EZ-IO® system usually takes less than 10 seconds, while IV insertion takes an average of eight minutes.

Technologically advanced and designed for maximum patient tolerance, the EZ-IO AD for adults was the first power-driven FDA- cleared IO access product and has been successfully used in the field since late 2004. Similarly, the EZ-IO PD for pediatric patients, recently cleared by the FDA, was designed with a modified needle for safe access into smaller patients and is now available throughout the United States.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Discovery Leads to the Development of a Treatment for Acquired Hemophilia A

Emory University

Discovery Leads to the Development of a Treatment for Acquired Hemophilia A

As stories in the world of drug development often go, Emory hematologist Pete Lollar, MD, didn't set out to create a treatment for hemophilia. He came to Emory as a hematologist in the School of Medicine in the 1990s and began researching hemostasis, the process by which a damaged vessel stops losing blood and begins repair. In trying to understand coagulation, the process by which blood changes from a liquid to a gel, he stumbled upon a serendipitous discovery. It was this discovery that would lead to the development of Obizur, a drug that was approved in 2014 as a treatment for acquired hemophilia A by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that approximately 20,000 individuals in the U.S. have hemophilia. Hemophilia is a group of blood clotting disorders leading to excessive bleeding that can occur spontaneously or following injury or surgery. In patients with hemophilia, the blood lacks sufficient blood-clotting proteins to clot normally. Hemophilia A is caused by a deficiency of clotting factor VIII (FVIII), and can be inherited or acquired.

In acquired hemophilia A, the immune system is somehow provoked into making antibodies against factor VIII that inactivate it. Acquired hemophilia is a challenge for doctors to deal with because patients frequently present with severe, life threatening bleeding and also because it’s a surprise: patients do not have a previous personal or family history of bleeding episodes. Antibodies to factor VIII also can be a problem for approximately 30 percent of patients with inherited hemophilia.

Lollar’s team, which includes Ernest Parker, John Healey, and Rachel Barrow, developed a modified form of factor VIII, derived from the protein sequence of pigs, which is less of a red flag to the immune system. The modified form of factor VIII is a recombinant protein that is delivered intravenously and replaces the inhibited factor VIII protein.

“Porcine FVIII is used because it is similar enough to human FVIII to be effective in blood clotting, but is less likely to be affected by the antibodies against human FVIII that are present in people with acquired hemophilia A,” according to a statement from the FDA.

Obizur® has been proven in clinical trials to be effective for patients with hemophilia A. It also received orphan drug designation by the FDA because the drug is intended for use in treatment of a rare disease or condition.

This is not really rocket science. We’re basically trying to replace a missing factor.
Pete Lollar

Although today Lollar and his team have taken a step away from drug development and returned to their passion for research, another serendipitous discovery may still await them.

Lollar, who is now the Hemophilia of Georgia Professor of Pediatrics in the Aflac Cancer and Blood Disorders Center at the Emory University School of Medicine and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, originally filed an invention disclosure for the drug in 1992, before Emory’s Office of Technology Transfer had a formal office. In getting the drug off the ground, Lollar cites the importance of having the resources of OTT’s legal expertise. This expertise eventually led in 1998 to this FVIII technology being licensed to an Emory start-up company Octagen, which was founded by Lollar and a Philadelphia businessman, Richard Driansky. In the early 2000’s Octagen and Lollar partnered with French company Ipsen Biopharm and conducted preclinical and clinical studies. The drug, which initially was called OBI-1, completed phase II clinical testing in 2006. In 2008, Ipsen purchased the rights to OBI-1, and in 2010 licensed them to Inspiration Biopharmaceuticals for further development. The pivotal phase III clinical trial took place between 2010 and 2013. In that same year Inspiration filed for bankruptcy and its assets were acquired by Baxter International for $185 million plus royalties. Baxter renamed the drug Obizur®, completed its development for the acquired hemophilia A indication and filed for licensure with the FDA in late 2013. The FDA approved Obizur® in October 2014. Obizur® has now been approved for use in Europe (July 2015) and Canada (October 2015). In July of 2015 Baxter spun off company called Baxalta which comprised a number of assets including four approved drugs of which Obizur® was one. In January of 2016 it was announced that Baxalta was being purchased by Shire.

OTT Executive Director, Todd Sherer, PhD, summarizes it this way, “The story of Obizur® is one of perseverance on the part of the inventors, the companies, and Emory itself. Its long and twisting road from discovery to market, this is a prime example of how complex it can be to bring a drug to market, but also how great an impact research can have on patients’ lives.”


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For Amber Waves of Grain: High-Yield Wheat Stretches Around the World

North Dakota State University
North Dakota State University Research Foundation

For Amber Waves of Grain: High-Yield Wheat Stretches Around the World

Developing a new variety of wheat takes time — as much as 10 years. So James Faller, a research specialist who worked in the hard red spring wheat breeding program at North Dakota State University (NDSU) for more than 30 years, knew it might be a decade until his hard work bore fruit.

But sadly, Faller died in 2006 — before some of the projects he was working on had come to fruition. In honor of Faller’s contributions, Mohamed Mergoum, Ph.D., the breeder Faller worked with, dubbed one of the wheat varieties “Faller” in his honor.

Because of its high yield, the wheat developed in Fargo, N.D., called Faller hard red spring wheat, can make its mark far beyond the state’s boundaries.

The United States exports hard red spring wheat varieties — which mainly grow in North Dakota, Minnesota, South Dakota and Montana — to Europe, Asia and South America. In fact, the United States exports about 50 percent of its hard red spring wheat, according to Mergoum.

This is good news for other countries, especially those that have suffered severe drought. Such countries can help meet local demand for wheat by importing the high-yielding Faller variety and mixing it with lower-quality wheat. Thus, the variety that Jim Faller helped develop might show up in a meal in Egypt or South Africa.

Faller wheat is noted for its elasticity, which makes it especially suitable for products such as pizza dough. But this adaptable wheat variety not only shows up in pizza. It also serves as the main ingredient in baked goods such as bread and cookies. Naming this hardy, high-yield wheat after Faller seems a fitting tribute to a researcher whose colleagues describe him as very hard-working.

Nowadays, Faller’s name lives on, both in the wheat variety named after him and in the form of his son Jay, who is involved in the barley-breeding program at NDSU.

Considering Jim Faller’s legacies to the agricultural community — and his contribution to meeting the increasing demand for wheat around the world — somehow that seems fitting.

This story was originally published in 2011.

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Farecast: The First and Only Airfare Prediction Web Site

University of Washington

Farecast: The First and Only Airfare Prediction Web Site

A University of Washington professor developed, a Web site that helps travelers save money by forecasting the best time to buy airline tickets for the best prices.

Oren Etzioni doesn’t believe in getting mad. But making sure he doesn’t get burned twice, well, that’s another thing.

So a few years back, after the University of Washington (UW) computer science and engineering professor learned that the passenger in the seat beside him paid approximately $70 less for the same flight — and had purchased it later — his brain started to spin.

“My family and I were on our way to my brother’s wedding,” he recalls. “Because there were four of us, it wasn’t an insignificant amount of money that we’d spent on our airfares.”

That set him thinking how he could use data-mining technology to figure out the best time to buy a ticket for the best price.

It wasn’t too long before his annoying experience, and the ensuing research, sparked a company first dubbed Hamlet, as in “To Buy Or Not To Buy.” Since then, the name has changed to Farecast, to better reflect its mission.

It has attracted more than $8.5 million in venture capital funding, made 150 billion price observations and spawned a workforce of more than 20 employees in Seattle. And by late 2006, it was covering 75 airports and 2,000 market combinations.

Since its June 2006 launch, has also become popular with users,  logging more than 1.5 million unique visitors in its initial beta phase.

Moreover, the Web site has earned accolades right and left, including honors from Time magazine, Popular Science, Business Week, and

And after initial skepticism from the airline industry, it has now been accepted and even endorsed by some key players.

In a statement, American Airlines says: “We support Farecast because they  provide useful information that helps consumers make smarter and more confident purchase decisions.”

Etzioni first worked with colleagues at the University of Southern California on the project because they had an infrastructure to gather the necessary flight and pricing data to anticipate price fluctuations. For a start, they studied Seattle and Boston.

“That was how it began,” he says.

They then wrote a paper and presented it at the 2003 Conference on Knowledge, Discovery and Data Mining. The University of Washington followed up with a brief press release on the academic study.

What came next shocked Etzioni.

“I never thought anybody read those press releases,” he says. “But this one  triggered a huge amount of interest.”

Media outlets that covered the story at the outset included Wired, MSNBC, “NBC Nightly News,” The Seattle Times and Business Week. Since then, it has received much more coverage.

“I got hundreds of e-mails from people saying ‘Hey, I want this,’” says Etzioni. “In addition, people in the travel industry contacted me and said ‘When can we have it?’ At that point, I realized I’d struck a raw nerve.

“I thought what we’d done was kind of neat,” he allows. “But before that flurry of interest, I never thought it would be the basis for a company.”

Etzioni was also motivated by a somewhat indignant student, who accused the professor of being unhelpful.

“This fellow was sitting in back of my class. He proceeded to tell me how expensive fares were and said he was going to fly home to see his mother,” Etzioni says. “He asked if I could tell him the best time to buy a ticket. When I said I couldn’t because what I’d done was a limited study, he accused me of holding back on him.”

That, and the growing public interest in his project, spurred Etzioni on.

The Washington Research Foundation (WRF), which helps Washington state research institutions derive and enhance value from their emerging technologies, contributed $30,000 for additional research after the initial results were established, Etzioni says. Even though all he had was a speculative concept and a research prototype, Seattle’s Madrona Venture Group and WRF Capital (which manages the Washington Research Foundation’s seed venture fund) ponied up $1.5 million in October 2004 to get the company off the ground.

About a year after the first round of funding, Greylock Partners joined Madrona and WRF in a second round that raised another $7 million.

“Madrona agreed to take a chance on us in part because I serve as an advisor for them and because they have a long relationship with our department and have funded many startups coming out of it,” he says.

The University of Washington’s Technology Transfer Office then stepped in to help with the licensing deal, which included an inter-institutional agreement with the University of Southern California. 

“Everyone said ‘We have some great early-stage stuff here,’” says Chuck Williams of the UW. “All the parties wanted to jump on Oren’s idea.”

Hugh Crean, Farecast’s president and CEO, joined the company in November 2004. He says consumers typically save about $40 on a ticket using the service and that Farecast is accurate nearly 75 percent of the time.

Because Farecast sends customers directly to the airlines websites, once they have decided on a flight, they do not have to pay a service fee, like online travel agencies often charge.

“Essentially, we’re like the weatherman,” Crean says. “We make forecasts so people can avoid experiences like Oren’s. It really isn’t any fun to sit on a plane and find out you bought your ticket earlier than someone next to you did, but you  paid more.”

Farecast’s patented airfare prediction shows whether the lowest fares for trips  are rising or dropping over the next seven days. The company also shows anticipated price movements, confidence levels and buying tips when consumers search for flights.

“With many airfares running around $300, these tickets aren’t an inconsequential purchase,” says Crean. “We want to be like a ‘Consumer Reports’ and help online travel shoppers save money and buy with confidence.”

To create its proprietary airfare predictions, Crean says Farecast systematically aggregates large amounts of airfare data on a daily basis, and tracks and measures price fluctuations.

Along with each flight search, provides an airfare history graph. The airfare history graph shows online travel shoppers what the lowest available price for their trip has been each day, up to 90 days in the past.

To back up its fare predictions, Farecast in mid-December started testing a new product called “Fare Guard,” which gives users an option to lock in low fares for one week without buying the ticket. The cost during the initial test period was a mere $1. It is scheduled to go up to $9.95 when the product officially launches in 2007.

“We offer Fare Guard when we predict that fares are dropping, so we’re putting our money where our mouth is,” says Crean.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Innovative Resuscitation System Saves Lives in Critical Patient Care

British Columbia Inst of Tech (BCIT)

Innovative Resuscitation System Saves Lives in Critical Patient Care

Seconds can mean the difference between life and death in medical emergencies. Trauma patients in car accidents, life-threatening situations at home, on battlefields, or on ambulance crash carts and in hospitals, need life-saving medicine and fluids, and they need them fast. But sometimes administering intravenous (IV) drugs and fluids rapidly and reliably is not possible.

When Veins Collapse

When patients receive serious injuries, or experience health emergencies such as cardiac arrest, the body starts to shut down and the person’s veins become smaller and more difficult to access. Even with the most skilled provider, it can take precious time to thread a catheter into a peripheral vein in the arm or leg before the vein becomes flat and inaccessible. The FAST1™ technology, invented by Pyng Medical with the support of British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT), allows drugs and fluids to be administered directly into the sternum through the intraosseous (IO) space, which acts as a non-collapsible route to the heart. It is the only device able to provide access within seconds to get drugs and fluids to the heart of someone who is critically injured. For that reason the FAST1 is used in the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan when access to the peripheral veins is not a fast and efficient option.

Jason LeMoine, a fifth-generation firefighter and paramedic at a 21-station fi re department in the San Francisco Bay area, and who also works as a registered nurse at a local medical emergency center says, “I have seen patients die when time was not on our side. It was frustrating when we couldn’t get IV access to them faster.”

But on one particular September day in the San Francisco Bay area, where fiery sunsets and wind-swept beaches are part of the landscape, something even more stunning appeared.

LeMoine, along with a team of firefighters, responded to a report that an 18-year-old was having a seizure. When they arrived, they found the patient was not having a seizure but he was in cardiac arrest. Two bystanders, who were performing CPR, reported that the downtime of the patient was between five and seven minutes. When the fi re department arrived, the patient was unconscious and had “fl at-lined.” “He didn’t have a heart rhythm,” he says.

Never were the words “time is of the essence” more apparent. Instead of taking valuable time to use traditional IV access when the patient was pulseless, LeMoine, 36, used FAST1™ technology to administer lifesaving medication to the patient. “We were able to revive him within five to six minutes,” says LeMoine. “When the patient was transported to the hospital, he had a pulse.”

Development of Intraosseous Access

While timing and technology saved the life of this patient, this is just one of many successful outcomes due to FAST1™. Numerous stories like this one can be attributed to research conducted by the Health Applied Research and Development group at British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT). Judy Findlay and David L. Johnson Ph.D., were the principal inventors of the technology. Technology transfer also was handled by the Health Applied Research and Development group led by Dr. Johnson. Findlay, now the director of BCIT’s Health Technology Research Group, says, “This has been a successful collaboration between BCIT and Pyng Medical Corp. The company’s flagship product, which has been adopted worldwide, has already saved many lives.”

The collaboration between Pyng Medical Corp., based in Richmond, British Columbia, and BCIT began when Michael Jacobs, founder of Pyng, came to BCIT for assistance. Specifically, Pyng needed BCIT’s scientific and engineering expertise in helping develop a product that could be used in medical emergencies when IV lines failed or peripheral IVs were difficult to access.

Developing technology that can save lives takes an enormous amount of time, patience, and teamwork. FAST1™ development involved in-depth research of adult sternal and vascular anatomy as well in-depth research into the skills, attitudes, and training of users and the unique challenges of pre-hospital environments.

Findlay explains, “It is often assumed that an invention coming out of a university is ready to be manufactured, but that is seldom the case. The invention is really just step one. The solution needs a significant amount of development which may entail a huge risk for the company licensing the product. This is where professional product development comes into play — including developing and meeting design requirements, verification and validation testing, achieving regulatory approvals (in this case by the FDA and Health Canada), and eventually manufacturing, distribution and product launch.”

The progression from research to product commercialization for FAST1™ had to do with its unique set of variables. A brilliant idea, as in the case of FAST1™, needs a significant amount of professional product development before it can be commercialized. With FAST1™, Findlay says, “The first invention that Pyng hoped to market met only five of about 20 necessary top-level design requirements. Once these had been established, BCIT worked with Pyng to develop a product that ultimately met all the necessary performance, safety and regulatory requirements.”

Funding for the development of the technology came from Pyng’s parent company, Pyng Technologies, from Canadian Federal Government funding sources and from the Science Council of British Columbia. In 1998, the fi rst patent was assigned to Pyng for the “Apparatus for Intraosseous Infusion or Aspiration,” followed by a 2004 patent for the “Method and Apparatus for the Intraosseous Introduction of a Device Such as an Infusion Tube.”

Pyng’s President and CEO David Christie comments, “It takes a bold vision to turn an invention into a business, and entrepreneurial energy and tenacity to get the idea to market. People don’t often realize the amount of blood, sweat and tears it takes from research to commercialization of products. It took us more than seven years to develop the product, another three years to develop the market, and three more years to secure true profitability and a sustaining business.” From the time Pyng came to BCIT in early 1993, it took until 2001 before the company sold its first product. Christie says, “Today, we have sold over 120,000 units. FAST1™ has likely saved tens of thousands of lives on the battlefield of Iraq and Afghanistan, in motor vehicle accidents, in cases of violent or accidental trauma, and in situations involving cardiac arrests.” The company, which has eight patents in eight countries, has 17 employees and annual sales of $4.8 million.

Combat medics and the people they treat in Iraq and Afghanistan have benefited from the FAST1™ technology. Since the late 1970s, many American troops have worn the Kevlar flak vest which protects a person’s “body core,” that is, the heart, lungs and abdominal area. Battlefield injuries often involve the peripheral areas — a person’s arms and legs. Many lives on battlefields have been saved thanks to FAST1™ rapid resuscitation access through the sternum.

Victims of civilian emergencies around the world are also benefiting from the FAST1™. Paramedic LeMoine, who has used FAST1™ with about 15 individuals over two years, says, “It is a fast way to get venous access. It only takes about 60 to 90 seconds to gain vascular access as opposed to standard IV access in a person’s limb which typically takes three to 12 minutes, and that’s if you even can get access.”

IO devices like FAST1™ are now recognized as the first-in-line, safe and effective alternative when IV access is not an available route to deliver lifesaving drugs and medicine.

Recently, the American Heart Association made a historic recommendation when it revised its guidelines for Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) and recommended IO devices, which include FAST1™, as the first alternative for adults in cardiac arrest. At the same time the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) recommended IO access be used for adults and pediatric patients as a first alternative in life-threatening situations. Since FAST1™ was first developed, other IO devices have entered the marketplace.

Today, Pyng has started the development of the next generation of FAST1™, and complementary devices.

“In the face of the ever-changing role of emergency medical service and the evolution of our medical products, we anticipate an even broader use of FAST1™ technology,” says Christie.

LeMoine adds, “FAST1™ has saved numerous lives and will save many more. The first few minutes during a medical emergency can mean the difference between life and death, which is why this is an excellent advancement in pre-hospital care.” 

This story was originally published in 2008.

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Glass Fiber Reinforcement Provides Dental Material Strength and Flexibility

University of Connecticut

Glass Fiber Reinforcement Provides Dental Material Strength and Flexibility

Two researchers at the University of Connecticut Health Center create a new dental composite named FibreKor® with the strength characteristics of a stealth bomber’s surface, and aesthetic characteristics that please dentists and patients.

What might stealth bombers and some modern dental bridges, crowns, splints and posts have in common? At first glance, not much. But if you look below the surface of FibreKor®, a dental composite, and the skin of the bomber, you’ll find tiny glass reinforcing fibers that make both durable and strong.
Two University of Connecticut Health Center researchers — materials scientist Jon Goldberg, Ph.D., and orthodontist Charles Burstone, D.D.S. — collaborated in the late 1980s to create the fiber-reinforced material now used by dentists around the world in a number of dental devices.
The Old State of the Art Was Metal
“Before we did this, the state of the art was metal,” Burstone says. “But metal is not transparent and, unfortunately, has the undesirable effect of darkening the tooth.”
Once technicians build the base of a FibreKor® bridge or crown, they coat it with an existing plastic restorative material to complete the artificial tooth that is strong and natural looking — without requiring a metal base. Posts and splints also are advantageous because they look like real tooth enamel. And dentists can use FibreKor® to make some dental devices right in their offices on a while-you-wait basis.
This high-quality and flexible product is the first commercially successful dental application of a fiber-reinforced composite, and it’s an ideal fit in the field. “People had tried to use polymers in the past. But they didn’t have the rigidity or other attributes needed for dentistry,” Burstone says. “But by putting in fibers, we discovered that you could have both pleasing aesthetics and the desired mechanical properties.”
Going Outside the Literature
To find answers for their endeavor, the pair went outside dental literature — to the U.S. Air Force. “We looked at how they made the skin of stealth bombers,” he says. “And we found some of the information there.
“I don’t know if this is the gold standard for dentistry,” Burstone says. “But the polymer products look much better than metal, certainly.”
Goldberg says he and Burstone have been working together for nearly three decades. “We go way back,” chuckles Goldberg, who chose to specialize in dental materials when he was a graduate student at the University of Michigan. He received his Ph.D. in materials science from the University of Michigan Schools of Dentistry and Engineering.
“I had a number of opportunities, but I liked the challenges that dentistry posed,” he says. “I also liked the people in the dental school.” He began his collaboration with Burstone when he joined the University of Connecticut Health Center faculty.
A Long Way From Stainless Steel
In one of their first projects, they developed a titanium alloy that was used to replace stainless steel wires traditionally used in orthodontics. “The great thing about it was that it had a lot more flexibility,” he says.
Then, they turned their attention to what became FibreKor®. “We looked over materials available and settled on fiber reinforced composites,” he says. “What we initially developed, though, was not used for the orthodontic application that we’d originally intended. We had hoped to use fiber-reinforced composites for orthodontic wires as a follow-up to the titanium wires.” 
But they didn’t give up because they were convinced that what was eventually marketed as FibreKor® would be useful in dentistry. So they set about refining their discovery. 
“In a sense, it was a kind of serendipity,” he says. “Once we had it in hand, we saw that it could be used for various dental applications like bridges and posts.”
The idea of using fiber-reinforced composites had never been successfully applied to dentistry. “It was a puzzle that had yet to be figured out,” Goldberg says. 
“But the defense industry had made strides, so we researched what the military had done. Then we were able to properly identify a dental need and, then, adapt FibreKor® to retain the characteristics we wanted,” Goldberg says. Burstone and Goldberg received their first of two U.S. patents in 1988.
Initially, Dentists Were a Tough Crowd
Even after they came up with their prototype, the materials didn’t immediately gain acceptance in the dental world. “To be honest, it was like a number of things we have done,” Goldberg says. “At first, we could not get people to adopt it … It takes a combination of having a fairly well developed prototype and a commercial partner with interest in that area. It took off when that partner was identified,” he says. 
That partner was Pentron, a small company in Wallingford, Conn., and one of the world’s prominent makers of dental materials. Pentron signed the first of two exclusive licenses with the University of Connecticut in 1996, and introduced the first fiber-reinforced composite materials to the dental market in early 1997.
Pentron Helps Get Dentists’ Attention
Joe MacDougald, chief operating officer of the privately held Pentron, was involved with negotiating the original licenses with the university. He calls FibreKor® a “great technology” and says his company liked the material because it replaced less attractive metal materials.
“FibreKor® posts have much of the strength of metal,” he says. “Moreover, it bonds better than metal and it’s easier for dentists to use. They can apply the Splint-It® version of the material chair-side in strips to stabilize or repair teeth in the office. And it replaces the metal understructure of the crown and gives just as strong support,” he says. “With a composite up above, the substructure and the tooth can match each other.”
Pentron first introduced FibreKor® to replace metals for crowns and bridges. Its second product, Splint-It®, became available in fall 1997 to hold groups of teeth together to compensate for a lack of gum or bone support. Dentists also use it to splint teeth together to simplify and make more aesthetic orthodontic treatment and retention. Pentron’s third product, the FibreKor® post, was unveiled in 1998 as an alternative to traditional metal posts that support the construction of a crown after root canal procedures.
Root Canal Posts Are the Biggest Application
Golberg says FibreKor®’s biggest application is in dental posts. He estimates that fiber-reinforced composites comprise 20 to 30 percent of root canal posts. “If you have a root canal, but not enough tooth left to properly restore, a post will provide the additional retention necessary for a crown,” he says.
FibreKor® is gaining in popularity for several reasons, Goldberg says. “Aesthetics is one big issue,” he says. “Metal post creates a shadow in the tooth because it is darker. But polymers also bond better than metal … And anything you do with teeth, you want to have a good bond.”
Finally, the processing is easier. “You don’t have to do metal casting and you don’t have high-temperature metal handling,” he says. “It’s a winner.”

This story was originally published in 2006.

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As Fire Seasons Stretch Longer and Hotter, a University of Nebraska–Lincoln Start-up is Using Drones to Fight Fire With Fire

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

As Fire Seasons Stretch Longer and Hotter, a University of Nebraska–Lincoln Start-up is Using Drones to Fight Fire With Fire

Drone Amplified is headed by Carrick Detweiler, University of Nebraska-Lincoln associate professor of computer science and engineering. The company’s drone-mounted technology carries chemical spheres the size of ping pong balls. At the press of a button, the spheres drop and ignite — intentionally sparking small fires that burn vegetation and starve incoming wildfires of potential fuel.

“Our product fills a niche in the market between a helicopter, which is expensive, and hand lighting, where people have to walk or take a four-wheeler,” said Jim Higgins, chief engineer and Nebraska alumnus. “It allows crews to ignite large, complex burns without the danger factor.”
At the 2018 Klondike fire in Oregon, the team helped firefighters use the drone system as part of their daily operations. They have also trained employees from federal government agencies, who have used the system to fight fires across the United States; one of these agencies, the U.S. Department of Interior, named the technology a ‘Top 12 Made in America” invention.
Today, the team is focused on scaling its business to reach more customers — especially due to recent fatalities involving firefighting helicopters, which is driving an urgency to find safer replacements, says Higgins. The team has sold several dozen systems to companies in the US, as well as internationally.
According to CEO Detweiler, the team’s business success has benefitted from local investment by organizations including Invest Nebraska, Nebraska Angels and Nelnet, as well as grant awards from the Nebraska Department of Economic Development and the Small Business Innovation Research program.
The team has also worked with NUtech Ventures, the university’s commercialization affiliate, to patent and license the technology for their start-up company.
“NUtech was really supportive throughout the process,” Detweiler said. “They helped us lay out the milestones and what we need to be thinking about in the future.”
While Drone Amplified’s product represents a distinctly different way to fight fires, the team foresees drones becoming a standard tool, as normal as picking up a firehose or calling in a bulldozer. It’s a vision they’re working to fulfill.
“I think we’re right at the leading edge of this wave of using unmanned systems in firefighting,” Detweiler said. “We want to save the lives of people doing very dangerous jobs.”

This story was originally published in 2019.

University of Buffalo Pill Crusher Makes Medicine Easier to Swallow

University of Buffalo

University of Buffalo Pill Crusher Makes Medicine Easier to Swallow

Have you ever had to manually crush a pill for a child, an elderly person or one of the millions of Americans with documented swallowing difficulties (dysphagia)? Perhaps you have had to crush medication for yourself because the large pill size would lead to discomfort during swallowing. Now, imagine having to perform this tedious task several times a day while suffering from arthritis, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, carpal tunnel syndrome or post-stroke difficulties that severely limit your ability to crush the medication. Sounds incredibly challenging, doesn’t it?

To address this challenge, James Peron, James Leahy, Jonathan Leahy and Robyn Washousky of the University of Buffalo have created First Crush, a battery-operated and easy-to-use machine that quietly and automatically crushes pills. First Wave Products Group has commercialized the technology whose initial development was funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research of the U.S. Department of Education and supported by the Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center of Technology Transfer and the University at Buffalo. The result is a machine that generates medication in the form of a powder that can be mixed with food or liquid for easy ingestion.

The primary beneficiaries of this technology are the elderly and people with disabilities. Interestingly, statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau indicate that adults age 65 or older consume more than 30 percent of all prescription medication and purchase more than 40 percent of all nonprescription medication. This elderly population continues to grow due to improvements in health care and the aging of the baby boomer generation, with the number of elderly expected to increase from 39.4 million in 2010 to 53.2 million in 2020. In addition, as the elderly population increases there is an inherent increase in the number of people who develop various disabilities, who could benefit from assistive-technology devices such as First Crush.

Notably, some health care professionals in nursing homes and hospitals, for example, are known to crush hundreds of pills a day and would thus greatly benefit by using First Crush.
But the elderly and those with disabilities are not the only ones to significantly benefit from this new technology. A survey of 540 nurses indicated that more than 80 percent of nursing homes either crush pills or open medication at least once a week. The same survey indicated that 58 percent of these nurses reported receiving instructions from the prescriber to crush or open the medication. Notably, some health care professionals in nursing homes and hospitals, for example, are known to crush hundreds of pills a day and would thus greatly benefit by using First Crush.

So whether it is people with disabilities who rely on assistive-technology devices, health care providers who crush thousands of pills in a year or patients of any age who have difficulty swallowing their medication, there is a significant segment of the population that would benefit from a reliable and durable device such as First Crush. 

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Vaccine Developed to Shield Newborn Calves from Deadly Rotavirus

Baylor College of Medicine
The Ohio State University

Vaccine Developed to Shield Newborn Calves from Deadly Rotavirus

After more than 20 years of basic research on the structure and biology of rotavirus, Dr. Mary Estes’ and colleagues in her lab at Baylor College of Medicine and The Ohio State University, have contributed to the development of a vaccine that protect newborn calves from the life-threatening illness.

“When we started this research many years ago we were not planning on developing a vaccine,” said Estes, Cullen Foundation Endowed Professor Chair of Human and Molecular Virology in molecular virology and microbiology at Baylor College of Medicine and emeritus founding director of the Texas Medical Center Digestive Diseases Center.
Rotaviruses are the main cause of gastroenteritis in infants and children around the world; they cause more than 200,000 deaths annually.
Years of research opened a number of unforeseen possibilities. The research generated not only a better understanding of the viral proteins and the capsid structure and new basic science questions, but also resulted in a candidate viral vaccine product, virus-like particles. Their initial results were published by Baylor’s Dr. Sue Crawford and their collaborative team in the Journal of Virology in 1994. Many collaborators at Baylor and other institutions were involved in demonstrating that rotavirus virus-like particles are candidate vaccines for animals and humans.  

In addition to Crawford, key players included Dr. Margaret E. Conner, Dr. Sarah E. Blutt, and Dr. Max Ciarlet at Baylor, and Dr. Linda Saif at the Ohio State University in the Food and Animal Health Research Program.
“We used the particles for many basic science experiments initially and then we worked on a program for developing them as a virus-like particle vaccine,” said Estes, who was recently named a fellow of the National Academy of Inventors. “Over a number of years, we determined the best immunization protocols, including the best route and use of different adjuvants, for virus-like particles to be highly immunogenic in a number of species. Our studies showed that these particles had clear potential as a vaccine for both humans and animals.”

Although currently there are other human rotavirus vaccines available, their efficacy is limited. In developed countries the efficacy is about 90 percent, but in developing countries it drops to nearly 50 percent. There is still a need for alternative immunization protocols.

The road to commercialization

The virus-like particles captured the interest of ImmuCell Corp., a growing animal health company that develops, manufactures and markets scientifically-proven products to improve health and productivity in the dairy and beef industries. One of ImmuCell’s product lines aims to prevent pathogen-caused diarrhea, or scours, in newborn calves, a significant problem in these industries.

Rotaviruses, together with other pathogens such as coronaviruses and E. coli bacteria, are the most common causes of neonatal diarrhea in calves. This condition can be fatal from the loss of nutrients and dehydration. Survivors suffer the consequences of their neonatal condition through life; they are more susceptible to disease, gain less weight and produce less milk than calves that did not have scours.

The scientists at ImmuCell developed and field tested a vaccine of virus-like particles in cows. The cows responded to the vaccine by producing anti-rotavirus antibodies in the colostrum, which were tested for their ability to protect newborn cows from the virus. Successful field trials led to First Defense® Tri-Shield™, a new product approved by the US Food and Drug Administration in 2017 that combines the anti-E. coli and anti-coronavirus antibodies in ImmuCell’s product First Defense® with anti-rotavirus antibodies.

In natural conditions, antibodies passed from the vaccinated dam to the calf through colostrum protect newborn calves from these pathogens. However, research suggests that many dams do not make sufficient levels of antibodies through this natural process, so a significant number of calves remain unprotected. The new product claims to overcome this situation by directly providing calves the amount of antibodies needed to confer protection against the pathogens in a large edible capsule.

“This is a very important achievement by our development and manufacturing teams after many years of challenging work,” commented Michael F. Brigham, president and CEO of ImmuCell. “Generating a consistent level of rotavirus antibodies through our proprietary hyper-immunization program is not easy. Our prior initiatives to achieve this result did not utilize the novel technology that we have exclusively licensed from Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.”

“We state in our grant proposals that our research is to help prevent or treat disease, but it is not very often that someone successfully achieves that goal,” Estes said. “I am delighted that we have a rotavirus vaccine that has been licensed and we hope will help improve the health of farm animals. I also hope that after the success in the cattle industry, health care officials will be encouraged to think about rotavirus vaccines based on virus-like particles for children.”

Michael Dilling, Director of the Baylor Licensing Group, agreed. “This is precisely the outcome that we want to see -- new products introduced to the market that incorporate important discoveries from the labs at Baylor.”

Patent Number(s): US 5,186,933, US 5,827,696, US 5,840,541, US 5,843,733, US 5,891,676

This story was originally published in 2019.

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One Robot Could Transform the Lives of People with Disabilities Across the World

Staffordshire University

One Robot Could Transform the Lives of People with Disabilities Across the World

Even the most basic tasks such as shaving, cooking or cleaning can be a struggle if you are disabled or elderly, forcing you to rely on others just to get through life’s daily chores. But a robotic caterpillar developed by scientists at Staffordshire University allows people to perform the basic tasks of day-to-day living by themselves, with the privacy and dignity that the able-bodied take for granted.

‘Flexibot’ is the world’s first robotic arm that can propel itself like an inchworm from one socket to another across a room. It takes the form of an arm, jointed in the middle and at either end, which can clamp itself to socket on a wall or ceiling. By plugging one end into a socket and then reaching over and plugging into the next one, it can move around on its own accord. Taking instructions from each ‘intelligent’ socket, it performs different tasks using its three-fingered hand to grip and maneuvre objects.

Several multi-national companies are currently discussing how the robot could be mass-manufactured to transform the lives of people with disabilities across the world. Its benefits are simple: it is cheap, accurate, and flexible. It also works: Flexibot is based on the same principles as ‘Handy one’, currently the most successful rehabilitation robot in the world.

Sheffield Hallam University meanwhile have developed artificial arms that work and move like real limbs. The results of the ‘Analogous Artificial Arm’ project are already being used by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to help develop a robot skeleton with plastic muscles for future space missions.

Other future applications include elbow implants, and machines controlled by computers that can be used to mimic surgical operations.

Researchers at Leeds Metropolitan University are using computers to help people with autism and Asperger’s Syndrome learn how to deal with potentially problematic social situations. The simulations ask computer users for example to choose where they should join a queue and illustrate the consequences of their choices. The software is being designed to make it easy for parents, teachers or carers to write new simulations aimed at their young people with autism.


This story was originally published in 2007.

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Florida Pearl Captivates Consumers

University of Florida

Florida Pearl Captivates Consumers

Florida farmers are growing a new white variety strawberry, branded Florida Pearl and have taken consumers and the internet by storm due to its unique color and taste.

Although the fruit looks a little like the traditional, red strawberry, there are some significant differences between the two. When ripened, the white berry takes on a golden blush color and offers a hint of a tropical aroma when eaten, bearing flavors of pineapple and pear. Many refer to this new white strawberry as a pineberry due to the slight pineapple aroma.

The fruit phenomenon certainly did not “grow” overnight. Before the cultivar was released by the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) in 2020, white strawberries were typically only found in Japan and other Asian countries. In 2012, Dr. Vance Whitaker, Associate Professor in Horticultural Sciences at UF/IFAS, began exploring how his program could develop such a distinctive berry that would thrive in Florida’s strawberry growing region. Through traditional breeding techniques, Florida Pearl made its way into the berry market in 2020 as the first white berry in the US.

Florida Foundation Seed Producers, Inc., a direct support organization of UF/IFAS that is responsible for technology transfer for new plant variety inventions from UF/IFAS, has exclusively licensed the US rights in the Florida Pearl brand strawberry to a Florida company, the Florida Strawberry Patent Service Corporation (FSPS). FSPS is a sister corporation of the Florida Strawberry Growers Association. FSPS has sublicensed multiple nurseries across the US and Canada that propagate and sell plants of Florida Pearl to growers. FSPS has also sublicensed the international rights to Florida Pearl to the Ekland Marketing Company of California.

“It's an exciting new thing and consumers are always on the hunt for something new and fun,” said Nick Wishnatzki, public relations manager for Wish Farms, one of the first companies to offer wide distribution of the new berry, marketing them as Pink-A-Boo Pineberries. 

According to Wishnatzki, Florida Pearl has resonated with consumers of all generations, but particularly with the younger generations, who have shared their experience with the berry all over social media. Videos featuring the viral Pink-A-Boo Pineberries achieved approximately 46 million views, causing sales to skyrocket so viewers could experience the berry for themselves.

Florida is known as the ‘winter strawberry capital of the world’ with a total annual economic contribution of the industry estimated to be about $1 billion. A large majority of the varieties grown in Florida were bred and released by UF/IFAS. Historically, it has been difficult to promote new Florida strawberry varieties coming to market due to the lack of visual differences and the fact that strawberry varieties aren’t typically sold by variety, as is generally the case with other produce such as apples. The striking white color of Florida Pearl, however, has attracted renewed consumer interest, setting Florida apart from other strawberry growing regions.

Moving forward, Dr. Whitaker and his team don’t plan to stop with Florida Pearl. The UF/IFAS strawberry breeding program hopes to develop new white strawberry varieties, continuing to prioritize flavor and quality, and also aiming to increase yields to levels closer to the leading red strawberry varieties.

This story was originally published in 2023.

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Flowmi Cell Strainers

St Jude Children's Research Hospital

Flowmi Cell Strainers

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is known for performing groundbreaking and life changing research; and the Office of Technology Licensing endeavors to facilitate the development of innovations originating during this research into products that can benefit St. Jude patients and the public at large.

Sometimes, small things can make a big difference, as is the case with Flowmi™ Cell Strainers, a filter co-designed by Dr. Steven Zatechka at St. Jude and researchers Bel-Art Labs to improve flow cytometry.
Flowmi is a fast and efficient cell strainer that joins to the end a micropipette tip and allows users to strain debris from a sample just prior to analysis by flow cytometers.

These filters are designed to preserve sample volume and avoid clogs, and are recommended for use with samples having a maximum concentration of 2MM cells/ml.

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Ending the Contamination of Public Watersheds

Ending the Contamination of Public Watersheds
The largest environmental contaminant cleanup of the 21st century is underway to clean toxic "forever chemicals" known as PFAS from the global environment. Aquagga, Inc. is leveraging their expertise as scientists and entrepreneurs to advance cutting-edge contaminant destruction technologies from the laboratory to the field to aid this global effort. Its patented and portable system is like a pressure cooker on steroids that harnesses the unique properties of hot, compressed water to convert PFAS to benign salts, in an energy-optimized design. It uses advanced manufacturing techniques to produce system components that maximize process efficiency and provide system scalability while producing no toxic byproducts.
Aquagga is the product of a collaborative technology development effort between the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) and other universities, aimed at ending the contamination of public watersheds with toxic PFAS.

Starting with a foundational patent spun out and licensed through UAF's Office of Intellectual Property and Commercialization, Aquagga incorporated in 2019 as a for-profit public benefit corporation (B-Corp) with a social and environmental impact provision.

Aquagga is currently developing prototypes of its modular system for testing at partner sites such as the United States Air Force and offers end-of-life PFAS destruction solutions for environmental remediation firms, industrial filtration companies, solid waste managers, and environmental site managers.

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FluMist Reshapes the Fight Against Flu

St Louis University School of Medicine
University of Michigan

FluMist Reshapes the Fight Against Flu

Many children, as well as adults, cringe at getting an annual flu shot. But now, with the development of FluMist®, there is a needle-free, highly beneficial alternative to getting a shot in the arm.

FluMist, which has been available in the United States since 2003, is a trailblazer in the annals of flu prevention. The research behind its innovation spanned seven presidencies, but for millions of people nationwide, the nasal spray vaccine, which has its origins in research at the University of Michigan, was well worth the wait.

While many viruses can make people moderately ill, true influenza can cause serious illness. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention point out that each year more than 200,000 people are hospitalized with flu complications and about 36,000 people die from the flu.

Since the flu virus mutates and changes quickly, prevention is an ever-challenging issue. FluMist has demonstrated protection against both matched and drifted strains of the flu. “That alone makes this product vastly different,” explains James Young, Ph.D., president of research and development at MedImmune, the company that manufacturers the vaccine.

Flu shots have been around since World War II, but it wasn’t until 2003, when FluMist® first became available, that the world had an alternative. That’s when the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the new nasal spray vaccine for healthy people between the ages of five and 49 who are not pregnant.

Recently, the FDA approved FluMist for children between the ages of two and five years. MedImmune also has developed a new refrigerated version of the vaccine, which was first available in the 2007/2008 flu season.

Freezer storage is no longer needed as it was during the first four flu seasons the nasal spray was on the market.

Young says, “It was more difficult to transport it to schools or other sites, but now, because it’s available as a refrigerated product, we anticipate that it will have higher usage.”

For those who wonder why the vaccine was developed as a nasal spray, Hunein “John” Maassab, FluMist’s inventor and professor of epidemiology at the University of Michigan, has the answer. The vaccine, which contains three live (weakened) flu viruses, stimulates the body’s immune system to develop protective antibodies. Maassab says, “The viruses, which are attenuated, cold-adapted, and temperature sensitive, can grow in the nose but not in the lower respiratory system and in the lungs where the body’s temperature is warmer.”

Maassab further explains that the cold-adapted live vaccine has shown to be highly successful in warding off the flu. “As the virus mutates, it becomes temperature-sensitive,” he says. “The weakened virus used in FluMist®, which does not cause the flu, will not grow well at higher temperatures in the lungs.”

Since flu is transmitted from one person to another as an airborne pathogen, the nose is a logical place to stop the virus where it enters the body. Maassab adds, “By squirting the vaccine in the nose it induces a more complete, broader immune response.”

University-Business Collaboration

In 1955, Maassab, a public health graduate student, was in the audience at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, when Dr. Thomas Francis, Jr., Dr. Jonas Salk’s teacher and mentor, announced that the polio vaccine developed by Salk was safe and effective. Maassab, who was born in Damascus, Syria, in 1926, was young enough to have heard about the accounts of the pandemic flu of 1918, designated the Spanish Flu. The devastating outbreak was responsible for the deaths of more than 20 million people throughout the world.

Maassab’s interest in developing a vaccine for the nasal passages became his life’s work. By 1960, he had isolated the “A” Ann Arbor influenza virus, which he used to create the cold-adapted live influenza virus. Over the next 20 years, he worked with scientists at the Laboratory of Infectious Diseases in the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in Bethesda, Md. refining the cold-adapted virus.

In the late-1970s and early 1980s the National Institutes of Health funded clinical trials to test the efficacy of the new vaccine. In 1995, the University of Michigan licensed the vaccine technology to Aviron, a biopharmaceutical company.

Partnering with Aviron and later MedImmune, after its purchase of Aviron, researchers at the University of Michigan provided information from earlier research studies and materials from the University of Michigan School of Public Health laboratories to assist with the commercialization efforts. By 1997, the vaccine was proven effective in a major study in children at 10 centers throughout the United States.

In 2003, the FDA approved FluMist as a nasal spray commercially available through MedImmune Vaccines, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of MedImmune, Inc. Dr. Maassab’s dream, to develop an effective flu vaccine without the need for needle injection, was becoming a reality due to his pioneering efforts and the collaboration among Aviron, MedImmune and the University of Michigan.

First Line of Defense

Since preschoolers and school-age children are often considered the vectors in transmitting the fl u, one important strategy in reducing its spread is to vaccinate this age group.

Robert Belshe, M.D., professor of medicine and pediatrics at Saint Louis University School of Medicine in St. Louis, was the lead investigator on the pivotal pediatric FluMist trial. This trial was key to the recent expanded approval of FluMist for use in children as young as two years. The doubleblind study included approximately 8,500 children between six months and five years of age in 16 countries at 249 sites. The study was conducted between 2004 and 2005 and published in 2007.

“It was the biggest influenza vaccine trial ever done with children,” Belshe comments.

For the 2006-2007 influenza season, MedImmune made about 3 million doses of FluMist. Now, with the approval for FluMist use with children as young as two, Young says, “We intend to make approximately 4.5 million doses this year.”

MedImmune has invested about $2 billion in FluMist since commercializing the technology. Young points out, “Based on current data, there may be an increased cost savings to communities who vaccinate more people. Fewer parents may need to stay home from work, and fewer children may have to stay home from school.”

By some estimates, over 1.5 million work days are lost in a single year due to the flu. Research published in December 2006 in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that school-based influenza vaccination programs using FluMist may represent an effective and feasible strategy to help lessen the impact of seasonal influenza on households and communities.

In this study, researchers found that households with children who attended schools with influenza vaccination programs reported missing approximately two fewer school days per 100 school days during the flu season (4.34 vs. 6.63 days) than households with students in schools without programs. While not statistically significant, there was a trend toward adults missing fewer workdays due to being ill or staying home to care for a sick child.

As more pediatricians choose FluMist during the flu season, there is the potential for an even greater effect on fighting the flu.

Belshe sees new applications for the technology ahead. Instead of going to the flu clinic or medical clinic to receive FluMist, he envisions vaccination centers where people congregate.

Although FluMist is not right for everyone and proper screening is necessary, Belshe says, “There may come a day when you’ll see the vaccine available at kiosks at shopping malls. FluMist has changed the world of public health. It’s easy to give — no special skills are needed to administer the nasal spray, and children and parents love it.”

And there is nothing like it in the U.S. marketplace. That fact alone is remarkable, but when coupled with the astonishing talent, vision and scientific strides that took 40 years of research to bring FluMist® to market, it could be called a medical marvel. The collaborative work between university research and industry has opened the door to a brand new way of helping protect people from debilitating flu. 

This story was originally published in 2008.

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Fluorescent proteins: Aequorin and Luciferase

University of Georgia Research Foundation

Fluorescent proteins: Aequorin and Luciferase

Bioluminescent animals possess special enzymes, pigments and other compounds that, when present in sufficient concentrations, can produce flashes of dazzling blue and green light that they use to communicate, attract mates, distract predators or lure unsuspecting prey.

Many researchers imagined using the naturally glowing substance to track important processes in the human body, harnessing the proteins for medical research, diagnostics and therapeutics. But the only reliable sources for the light-emitting substances were the animals themselves, making them both difficult to acquire and prohibitively expensive.

A group of scientists from the University of Georgia tackled this problem by studying light-emitting proteins harvested from Renilla and Aequorea, better known as the sea pansy and crystal jellyfish.

After years of experimentation, Milton Cormier, Douglas Prasher, Richard McCann and William Lorenz found a way to produce two proteins–Aequorin and Luciferase–using E. coli.

Their discoveries enabled the industrial-scale production of these critical proteins, and now, less than 30 years later, bioluminescent proteins are used in many branches of medicine and industry. They serve as indicators for reporter genes, a kind of tag used to see the expression of certain genes in an organism. Their fluorescent glow makes it possible to trace infections, cancer progression, brain function and the development of nerve cells. Bioluminescent proteins are also used to evaluate the effectiveness of new cancer treatments designed to limit blood flow to tumors.

The scientists did their work during the 1980s, well before the aid of the now ubiquitous computational and robotic tools, as part of UGA’s newly formed department of biochemistry and molecular biology.

Aequorin is cited in nearly 3,800 U.S. patents, and luciferase in 2,000.

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Fluxless Soldering Method Eliminates Expensive, Environmentally Hazardous Cleaning

University of North Carolina Charlotte

Fluxless Soldering Method Eliminates Expensive, Environmentally Hazardous Cleaning

In most soldering methods, the first step involves pre-cleaning and deoxidation of surface oxides, usually involving a liquid flux material. While this method gets the job done, fusing of traditional lead-tin solders leaves flux residue that has to be removed, often by an expensive, environmentally hazardous cleaning method.

But Stephen M. Bobbio, Ph.D., and his research team at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte, invented a soldering method that doesn’t require the use of pre-soldering flux nor the once necessary cleanup associated with flux bonding deposits.

The technology, developed at the university in 1997, uses strong bonding fluorine that contains gas such as hydrogen fluoride, which allows for the solder to be reflowed on the surface for as long as two weeks.

The efficient and cost effective fluxless soldering can be used to bond together two parts or as a preparation technique to join together one or two parts for soldering.

Funding for the original research came from the U.S. Army Research Lab. The patented technology was first licensed in May 1998.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Natural Folates Help Battle Major Diseases

University of South Alabama

Natural Folates Help Battle Major Diseases

Although for many years folate has been used to treat anemia and prevent birth defects, it is now clear that deficiency in this critical vitamin is also related to the risk of colon cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and vascular diseases. Folate can be obtained from dark green leafy vegetables and many fruits, but until now supplements have incorporated folic acid, a synthetic form that does not occur to a significant extent in fresh natural foods.

Scientists at the University of South Alabama have discovered that the folates found in nature have many advantages over synthetic folic acid, and have developed technologies to further the healthpromoting benefits of this vitamin. For example, before synthetic folic acid can support any functions of the body, it must first be converted into the fully reduced natural folates. 

Research at the University of South Alabama has shown that humans have very low levels of the enzyme that performs this role.

As a result, folic acid doses greater than the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Daily Value of 400 micrograms (and even the DV for some individuals) are not efficiently converted into active folate. Conversely, 5-methyltetrahydrofolate, the form that is most abundant in blood and many tissues, is very rapidly absorbed from the intestinal tract and is already active. Moreover, this folate (but not folic acid) can be transported into the brain.

The South Alabama Medical Science Foundation has licensed some of this technology to Merck, KGaA, and major products are now available in the U.S. and Europe in the areas of cardiovascular disease, cognitive function and prenatal vitamins. In addition, recent research has demonstrated that the natural folates can protect against damage by ultraviolet and ionizing radiation. These technologies are being  further developed and licensed.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Clean Eating A Possibility With Food Sterilization System

Washington State University Office of Commercialization

Clean Eating A Possibility With Food Sterilization System

After decades of food trends and practices have made the American diet less nutritious and overly dependent on processed foods, a refreshing new movement is afoot: clean eating. 

Consumers are increasingly looking for ways to eat clean by incorporating fresher, more natural foods into their diet and eliminating highly processed foods laden with additives and preservatives. Startup company 915 Labs of Colorado is hoping to play a major role in the clean eating movement by harnessing a new and healthier way to process and package foods developed at Washington State University (WSU). 

The new sterilization method, called microwave-assisted thermal sterilization (MATS), is drastically different than conventional food processing, a process that has remained virtually unchanged for more than 100 years. Historically, food has been vacuum packed in a can or pouch and placed in a pressurized cooker at temperatures above 250 degrees for up to an hour. 

Conventional thermal processing was invented for all the right reasons, so that pathogens would be removed from our food, but it also causes significant damage to the flavor, texture, color and nutritional content of food.
Michael Locatis, CEO of 915 Labs

"This forces food companies to use additives to mask that damage," says Locatis, adding, "There are more than 3,000 FDA-approved food additives to compensate for flavor and texture lost during processing.” 

In contrast, the MATS technology invented by WSU’s Juming Tang, Ph.D., eliminates food pathogens and spoilage microorganisms in just 5 to 8 minutes by immersing packaged food in pressurized hot water and simultaneously heating it with microwaves at a frequency of 915 megahertz (MHz), which penetrates food more thoroughly than the 2450 MHz used in home microwave ovens.   

“When you shorten cooking time, you retain more nutritional value,” says Tang. “You produce a product that is more appealing to the consumer.” 

Adds Locatis, “MATS has a light touch on the food product. It gives the culinary experts a chance to pull the junk out.” 

The Problem With Processed Foods

Commercial packaging has become a mainstay of the food industry by facilitating the safe, convenient and cost-effective distribution of produce and other food products while extending their shelf life. Yet despite its contributions to food safety and security, conventional thermal processing has significant downsides. 

Highly processed foods — or those processed to such an extent that they offer minimal nutrition along with high levels of oils, sugar, sodium and other additives — are under increasing scrutiny today for the role they play in unhealthy diets and growing rates of obesity and diabetes. 

According to a 2014 statement issued by the American Society for Nutrition (ASN), processed foods contribute 52 percent of saturated fat, 75 percent of added sugars and 57 percent of sodium in the American diet. To meet its dietary guidelines, the ASN encourages consumers to limit their intake of fat, sugar and salt and to eat nutrient-dense foods — whether processed or not. 

MATS packaging technology enables food packagers to accomplish both objectives: its minimal processing time allows foods to retain their color, texture and flavor while eliminating the need for added preservatives. 

Making a Big Impact

Tang didn’t set out to revolutionize food processing. 

“I fell into food by accident,” says Tang, who holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering in addition to master’s and doctoral degrees in agricultural engineering. His first job, as an assistant professor in the School of Food Science and Human Nutrition at Acadia University in Canada, brought him into food engineering teaching and research. He joined WSU in 1995. 

“When I came to WSU, my department chair told me to start an ambitious project that would have a huge impact,” he says. 

After attending a meeting of the International Microwave Power Institution, Tang decided to tackle a technical challenge that has long prevented the food industry from exploiting the rapid heating capabilities of microwaves: ensuring uniform and reproducible heat treatment. 

“As an engineer, I could design things and I know a lot about math,” he says. “And microwaves require a lot of mathematical computations.” 

Making Better MREs and Mac and Cheese

By 1998, Tang’s MATS research attracted funding from the U.S. Army and Kraft Foods, which were looking to improve military rations, or meals ready to eat (MREs) and macaroni and cheese, respectively. He was then selected as a grant recipient of the U.S. Department of Defense Dual Use Science and Technology (DUST) Program, which helped create a consortium of private companies in the food packaging and equipment sectors. 

“Our goal was to develop a commercially viable technology to produce military rations and food for the consumer market,” says Tang. 

The WSU-led Microwave Sterilization Consortium included U.S. Army Natick Soldier Center and a variety of prominent food and packaging companies, including Kraft Foods, Hormel, Ocean Beauty Seafoods, Rexam Containers and Graphic Packaging. In total, the DUST grant and consortia members contributed millions of dollars in funding and expertise to the development of MATS. 

Tang designed the MATS system to use a combination of microwave heat and a hot water tunnel to very rapidly heat packaged food to sterilization temperatures and hold it at the appropriate temperature for a minimum amount of time before very quickly cooling it down. Packaged food sterilized with the MATS prototype system showed minimal heat damage and retained its original quality. 

In 2006, WSU patented the design for the 915 MHz single-mode MATS technology for producing prepackaged, low-acid foods. It took another three years to develop a semicontinuous system and collect the engineering data required to file for acceptance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which was received in 2009 (to MATS-process mashed potatoes). In 2010, the FDA accepted a MATS process for salmon filets in sauce. 

“The FDA requires demonstration of engineering and scientific principles and evidence that the technology can produce a safe product,” says Tang. “Before us, no food packager using microwaves for low-acid foods had received FDA acceptance.” 

In 2010, WSU licensed the MATS technology — and a companion technology for pasteurizing liquids, microwave-assisted thermal pasteurization (MAPS) — to a startup company called Food Chain Safety, which was purchased by 915 Labs in 2014. 

“Juming is one of our most prolific inventors,” says Michael Harpen, J.D.,
technology licensing associate in WSU’s Office of Commercialization. “There are a small percentage of patents that make more than $1 million in royalties in their lifetime, and this has the potential for that.” 

Collaborating for Technology Transfer

Locatis says Tang’s success and the progress made by 915 Labs is a testament to some extraordinary teamwork among academia, government and industry. 

“WSU has been a terrific partner,” says Locatis. “There’s a tremendous push to see more GDP activity in the transfer of federally funded research to improve the supply chain of ideas. There are incredible lessons to be learned from tech transfer.That’s why 915 Labs is such a good case study.” 

This year, 915 Labs expects to begin building its first full-scale commercial sterilization system, called the MATS-150, for delivery in 2017. Additional orders for the MATS-150 system, which is capable of processing 150 food packages per minute, are pending around the world, and the Australian Department of Defense has specified the technology for the production of its MREs. 

To build the MATS system, Locatis says the company has identified world-class providers of the various components in Tang’s prototype, including the microwave system, conveyer and automation, pressurization vessel, and control systems. A typical multi-ingredient food product undergoing MATS sterilization is placed in a special container, such as a rigid plastic tray, a meal-divided tray or flexible pouch, all of which are sold by 915 Labs. The food is then mixed or homogenized and sealed. The oxygen-free container is then placed into an automated carrier tray and transported through the microwave system and on to packaging for shipping. 

Testing Recipes

915 Labs has also built and placed small versions of the sterilization system, called MATS-B, in two processing and packaging companies: AmeriQual and Wornick Foods, both of which prepare MREs and food products for commercial companies. In addition to conducting their own testing with the MATS-B system, AmeriQual and Wornick are allowing outside food companies to schedule time in their food labs to experiment with the sterilization system. 

“Major food companies are anxious to transform existing food brands and to launch new, natural brands with the help of MATS processing,” says Locatis. “These MATS-B systems allow chefs and culinary experts to work on recipes and obtaining FDA acceptance [for individual food products]. MATS liberates chefs and culinary experts and enables them to achieve clean labels.” 

Locatis says more MATS-Bs are on order and food brands and food co-manufacturers around the world have expressed interest in obtaining MATS-B systems for their food labs. 915 Labs also hopes to place a MATS-B system at WSU to support Tang’s ongoing research, which currently expands the application of microwave technology to control pathogens in frozen and chilled meals with the help of a $5 million USDA Agriculture and Food Research Initiative grant. 

“We appreciate what Dr. Tang has brought to the world and as we become successful, we want to make sure he remains successful,” says Locatis. 

Wide Range of Applications for MATS

The appeal of food processed with MATS is wide-ranging, from the armed forces and humanitarian agencies to third world countries plagued by famine and food wastage. Here in the United States, Locatis says MATS will help food companies scrambling to respond to consumers’ growing distaste for processed foods. 

“The big food companies are astute, they are in touch with their customers and they want to do the right thing,” says Locatis. “Until now, they couldn’t because of processing issues.” 

Microwave sterilization opens up the possibility of processing a wide range of foods  — from tender spears of asparagus to spicy Indian dishes to gourmet foodstuffs. With the help of MATS, modern food processing and packaging — already a cost-effective means of making food readily available — has the potential to provide a greater variety of healthful, additive-free foods. 

“In the past, you couldn’t have a clean label, quality and convenience,” says Locatis. “With MATS, you can have all three.” 

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FreezePruf Offers Protection for Crops Threatened by Falling Temperatures

University of Alabama

FreezePruf Offers Protection for Crops Threatened by Falling Temperatures

When freezing temperatures hit Florida with unexpected strength in early 2010, they wiped out 30 percent of some growers’ citrus crops, killed 70 percent of tomatoes in southwest Florida and wreaked havoc on crops ranging from sweet corn to green beans. Losses were estimated in hundreds of millions of dollars, according to the Wall Street Journal.

The impact was felt well beyond the growers themselves. One northeastern supermarket group reported a 40 percent increase in wholesale prices for tomatoes, lettuce and other produce.

If the risk of a killing freeze is growers’ collective nightmare, biologist David Francko, Ph.D., has a solution — an antifreeze for plants that can keep oranges, tomatoes and other vulnerable crops growing past killing frosts and well into the fall. 

“FreezePruf helps plants survive a freeze,” says Francko, a professor of biological sciences at The University of Alabama (UA). “Applied at least 12 hours ahead of a projected freeze, FreezePruf can help crops avoid the blossom loss and fruit rot normally associated with freezing temperatures.”

So far, the FreezePruf spray appears to be effective on nearly every kind of plant, from fruit trees to vegetable plants to ornamental flowers and shrubs. Francko and his team are working to extend the list.

“With almost 300,000 species of plants in the world,” hesays, “there’s bound to be at least one it won’t work on. But I haven’t found it yet.” In fact, the list of applicable plants is growing not just from his research but also from customer input.

“A real surprise was a call I got from the owner of a small vineyard in Virginia,” Francko says. “We hadn’t worked on grapes, so they weren’t on our list of applicable plants, but the client said he used it on his Chardonnay grapes before an unexpected frost and they came through just fine.”

 As Francko sees it, FreezePruf is valuable for both commercial growers and home gardeners. With it, flowering and setting of fruit can be extended by as much as three weeks on either end of the season. Cold tolerance of foliage can be increased by as much as 9 degrees Fahrenheit, depending on the type of plant. He compares it to moving a growing zone 200 miles south.

He is quick to point out, however, that the product does not make plants invincible. “Expectations have to be reasonable. FreezePruf can protect tomato plants at 31 to 32 degrees, but it won’t protect them for extended periods at 25 degrees,” emphasizes Francko. “It likely won’t save 100 percent of an orange grower’s crop during a truly deep freeze, but it may save 50 percent of the crop rather than the 5 percent that might survive untreated.”

Transition Zones

Francko began working on cold-hardiness issues while on the faculty at Miami University in Ohio in the late 1990s. He continued the research at UA, where he relocated in 2006. He also serves as dean of the UA Graduate School and associate provost for the university.

“Southern Ohio is something of a transitional growing zone, and we were wondering whether some southern ornamental plants could succeed there,” Francko says. His team at Miami included geneticists Kenneth Wilson, Ph.D., Quinn Li, Ph.D., and postdoctoral associate and co-inventor Maria Alejandra Equiza. Focusing on plants like palms and crape myrtles, Wilson and Li found that they relied on the same genes and pathway systems as cold-hardy varieties.

“That suggested that we might be able to genetically engineer plants,” Francko says, “but I also wondered if there was something we could do with existing plants. I started looking for a mechanical approach.”

 At Miami, the work was supported by university funds and a grant from the Ohio Plant Biotechnology Consortium. A significant part of the work was done at Miami, and he couldn’t have developed the technology without its support, Francko notes.

“Dave wanted to bring the project with him to Alabama so we worked out a compensation arrangement with Miami,” notes Richard Swatloski, Ph.D., a licensing associate in UA’s Office for Technology Transfer. “His UA work has been supported with university funds — and without any corporate support. Dave was concerned that the technology not be tied to a large manufacturer, where it might end up a minor side-product.”

Simulating Drought Stress

At Miami, Francko’s search for a “mechanical approach” led him to think about “drought stress,” the phenomenon plants rely on to avoid damage from low moisture levels and that can also make plants more cold hardy. A big issue in simulating drought stress was making sure that, as cells shrink in reaction to water stress, they do so uniformly, retaining their integrity and their ability to function.

 It took him six months to find the right combination of agents. The key was polyethylene glycol (PEG), a common polyether compound that has applications ranging from lubricants in eye drops to pollutant removal in power plants. Its ability to prevent warping or shrinking in wooden objects by replacing the water in the wood has been utilized to preserve sunken wooden ships when they are raised.

“PEG drives the whole process, but FreezePruf is a combination of agents that work together, each with a specific role,” Francko says. One, a surfactant, helps the agents quickly pass through the surfaces of leaves, flowers and fruit.  Another, an antidessicant, reduces water loss from plant structures once the surface is dry.

Two cryoprotectants insulate against freezing temperatures. High-molecular-weight PEG stays largely outside the cells, pulling water from within them to lower the freezing points in both cell interiors and extra-cellular spaces. A second, low-molecular-weight compound partitions between the interior and exterior cell spaces, contributing to lower freezing points.

The high-weight PEG also interacts with cell membranes and walls to increase their resistance to ice crystal damage, increasing plants’ cold hardiness. And a silicate compound binds to cell walls to strengthen against ice crystal damage.

Going to Market

“If things like ‘polyethylene glycol’ and  ‘surfactants’ sound unappealingly chemical,” notes Swatloski, “they’re all currently present in many consumer products and incorporated in many edible products . All of FreezePruf’s components are agents already widely used in foods and to grow fruits. It’s absolutely green — safe to eat and biodegradable.”

Using existing ingredients also meant the product could bypass federal approval, although it still faced challenges.

“With its makeup of existing, approved ingredients, FreezePruf didn’t require federal review,” says Swatloski.  “On the other hand, that meant we’ve had to get state-by-state approvals for it. We’ve worked our way through most of them.

“We applied for a patent on FreezePruf in 2007 and licensed the technology to a small company called GroTech-SM in 2008.”

In fact, Oregon-based GroTech-SM has exactly one employee and one product — FreezePruf. Founder and President Mark Russell has worked for more than a decade as an independent consultant focused on commercial agriculture, dealing with issues ranging from crop development to product promotion to market expansion. He founded GroTech-SM — SM stands for sales and marketing —  as a potential venue for his work in 2007. 

He saw a UA news release about FreezePruf and called Francko to pursue the possibility of representing it in the Northwest. When he was told that the university was first looking for a company to help with commercialization, he explained instead that he thought he could take the new product to market.

“We thought we could make FreezePruf available at the retail level fairly quickly,” Russell says. “We contracted with Liquid Fence to manufacture and distribute it, and it began appearing on shelves in the late summer of 2009.”

Based in Brodheadsville, Penn., the Liquid Fence Co. specializes in gardening and farm materials such as deer and rabbit repellants, insect repellants for animals, and gardening accessories. It sells its products through retail distribution and by mail order, bottling FreezePruf in quart and gallon to multigallon quantities. At present, the majority of FreezePruf sales are at the retail level through independent garden centers, Russell says.

 “Our agreement gives Liquid Fence the rights to package and sell at the retail level nationally,” Russell notes, “but we hold the trademark and the rights to produce for the commercial market separately. I’m currently negotiating with several companies for commercial-level production and distribution.”

It is, he notes, a relatively easy product to produce but an expensive one to ship. He expects to have several regional manufacturers producing FreezePruf PRO for the 2011 season.

A Ripe Future

FreezePruf can be a valuable tool for commercial growers, whether for fruit trees, vines or vegetable crops,” Russell says. “The challenge for the commercial market is that growers will test a product for two or three years before committing to it on a large scale. But I’m confident that will happen.

“This technology has the potential to help home gardeners get more from their plants, both vegetables and ornamentals. But in my mind it holds tremendous economic benefits for commercial growers in avoiding crop damage and financial losses due to freezes. And that will help all of us in terms of the prices we pay at the supermarket.”



This story was originally published in 2010.

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A Unique Video-Based Approach Makes French Easier

Yale University

A Unique Video-Based Approach Makes French Easier

In an effort to break away from traditional “classroom French,” Yale University language professor and researcher Pierre Capretz created “French in Action,” a video-based curriculum that teaches French syntax, vocabulary and culture. Students are not required to memorize grammatical rules and vocabulary lists; instead they are led to learn French from the situations presented in the videos.

This series of programs was developed at Yale University between 1960 and 1983, in cooperation with Wellesley College. Funding was provided by the National Endowment for the Humanities, Annenberg/Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Mellon Foundation, Gould Foundation, Cox Foundation, French Ministry of Culture and French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Students are not required to memorize grammatical rules and vocabulary lists; instead they are led to learn French from the situations presented in the videos.
Pierre Catrez

French in Action is an integrated system based on 26 hours of video, 60 hours of audio recordings and related text. It’s organized to let learners discover lexical meanings and structures on their own through the presentation of a continuous story, accompanied by hundreds of examples taken from French films, television programs, advertisements, interviews and cartoons.

The entire program is based on a video story filmed in France, with French actors and a French crew. The movie keeps learners interested, which accelerates their pace of comprehension, learning and retention. Today more than 2,000 educational institutions in the United States have used “French in Action,” which is also broadcast on television stations around the world. Students who complete both levels (52 lessons) can go to any French-speaking country and communicate fluently with the native population.


This story was originally published in 2007.

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FSU SmartCard Technology Leads the Way

Florida State University

FSU SmartCard Technology Leads the Way

At Florida State University (FSU) one card does it all! This city-size university, with a student population of 29,000, added functionality to their student ID cards and paved the way for the SmartCard technology on university campuses across the country.

In 1985, FSU developed and combined a student ID card that also served as a library card; a secure access card to enter dorm rooms or to view confidential university academic and financial records; a bank card (debit and ATM); a phone card; and a cash equivalent card, holding up to $100, for use in everyday small purchases.

They recognized the technology’s benefits for students and staff: convenience, ease of use, speed and driving new efficiencies in their operational systems.

In 1997, having identified and appreciated FSU’s substantial expertise in the design and use of multifunctional cards, particularly those with both embedded computer chips and magnetic strips, CyberMark licensed the FSU technology. Bill Norwood and eight colleagues left FSU in 1997 to jumpstart CyberMark’s expanding business.

Sixty people at CyberMark processed transactions on 700,000 issued cards. In May 1999, First USA, the world's largest credit card issuer, purchased shares in CyberMark and added a credit card option to the card. CyberMark continued marketing and issuing the cards to educational institutions (Villanova, Guilford College, University of Toronto, and Cleveland State University) and marketing to corporations for use at sporting events. Corporations are interested in it for many of the same reasons as universities — secure access to buildings or records, banking functions and cash equivalent for small purchases.

Today, HDO Card Systems is the privately held successor to CyberMark and is a leading provider of college “smart cards” and ID related services and products, servicing more than 100,000 students nationwide.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Stanford and Columbia Researchers Pioneer Antibody Production Methods

Stanford University

Stanford and Columbia Researchers Pioneer Antibody Production Methods

Monoclonal antibodies play a key role in diagnosing and treating various diseases. These man-made antibodies are derived from a single cell, and can be tailor-made to locate and attach themselves to specific substances, such as cancer cells, in the body.

A significant milestone in the development of monoclonal antibodies came in 1984 with the invention of functional antibody technology. Professor Leonard Herzenberg and Dr. Vernon Oi of Stanford University in Stanford, Calif., and Professor Sherie Morrison, formerly of Columbia University in New York City, developed the technology involving a molecular method for producing “humanized” or chimeric antibodies — a unique genetically engineered fusion of certain portions of antibodies in mice with those of humans.

This was a significant development because it overcame the obstacle of the human body rejecting the mouse antibody, otherwise known as the HAMA (human anti-mouse antibodies) response.

In the years since, this technology has benefited thousands through its use in developing therapeutic antibodies for treating Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer and multiple sclerosis. It also has been used to develop an anti-clotting agent. Professor Leonard Herzenberg Stanford University in Stanford, CA.

In 2002, the functional antibody technology was cited as one of Stanford University’s top 10 inventions from 1975 through 2002, having generated $30.2 million in royalties at that time. It is also one of Columbia’s top three revenue-earning inventions to date.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Case Western Reserve University Licenses Rapid Malaria, Hemoglobin Disorder Tests

The odds for the successful diagnosis and treatment of two devastating diseases – malaria and sickle cell – will dramatically increase with Hemex Health’s inexpensive, portable, and easy-to-use Gazelle diagnostic device. The device supports testing technologies developed at Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) in Cleveland, OH, and delivers significant advances in performance and cost.
The Technology Transfer Office brought together two separate technologies — one from the School of Medicine and another from the School of Engineering — into one great device for underserved populations worldwide. The resulting technology was licensed to Hemex Health, who now uses it in its Gazelle device. 

The first technology was developed in the lab of Dr. Brian Grimberg, a professor in CWRU’s School of Medicine in the Center for Global Health & Diseases, Department of Pathology. Grimberg’s technique is a rapid magneto-optical detection of malaria that capitalizes on unique magnetic properties of malaria pigment (hemozoin) in the blood, caused by the malaria parasites.

The second technology was invented by Dr. Umut Gurkan and his team in CWRU’s School of Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Gurkan’s lab uses the principle of electrophoresis in a microfluidics format to measure the characteristics of the protein in blood to simulate the gold standard for lab-based determination of sickled cells. The test quickly identifies patients carrying Sickle Cell Disease.

The technologies have won the USPTO Patents for Humanity Award as a full award and runner up, respectively.

The Gazelle’s Malaria test detects all species and strains of malaria, affordably, delivering an accurate result in about one minute. There are 3.2 billion people still at risk of malaria, with a need for over 1 billion diagnostic tests per year, according to the World Health Organization. Current diagnostics, however, are time-consuming and may miss low-level infections. The Gazelle Malaria test detects very low concentrations of hemozoin, a byproduct of all malaria species and strains. This fast, affordable test is ideal when speed and accuracy are needed, such as border screenings and during epidemics. Results can be stored locally or transmitted to the Cloud for patient and disease tracking.
The Gazelle’s HB Variant test identifies hemoglobin disorders rapidly, easily, and inexpensively.
Over seven percent of the world’s population is at risk of inheriting hemoglobin disorders, including sickle cell disease (SCD) and Thalassemia. Early diagnosis could prevent tens of thousands of SCD child deaths each year. Gazelle Hb Variant is a miniaturized version of the gold standard test known as cellulose acetate electrophoresis. Administration of the test requires minimal training. Results are displayed in eight minutes, including hemoglobin percentages by type.

This story was originally published in 2021.

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Altered Yeast Strains Hold the Promise of Expanded Biofuel Supplies

Indiana University
Indiana University Research and Technology Corp.

Altered Yeast Strains Hold the Promise of Expanded Biofuel Supplies

Most people don’t spend a lot of time thinking about yeast, but in fact, it plays extremely important roles in our lives. A singlecelled fungi with hundreds of variations, it digests sugars in plant materials, in the process leavening flours into breads and fermenting grapes into wine, grains into beer and hard alcoholic beverages.

And, as it turns out, helping deal with the world’s energy crisis. It’s an essential component in the manufacture of ethanol, the biofuel made from renewable crops and added to gasoline to reduce the nation’s dependence on oil.

If Mark Goebl, Ph.D., has his way, the genetically modified yeasts he’s developed will dramatically expand the availability of ethanol. A professor of biochemistry and molecular biology at the Indiana University (IU) School of Medicine, he and several colleagues founded Xylogenics Inc. in Indianapolis to develop the technology.

“Right now,” he says, “we’re focused on helping corn ethanol manufacturers expand their production. In the long run, we see ourselves providing the missing element — more efficient yeast — that will make manufacturing cellulosic ethanol practical for biofuel companies. This will significantly increase the amount of ethanol that can be created.”

Ethanol, the most common type of biofuel, is an alcohol obtained by fermenting sugars and starches in plant materials. Although nearly all gasoline sold in the United States today is 10 percent ethanol, it’s corn ethanol, made from the starch in corn kernels, a limited source. The cob, stalks, leaves and other cellulosic material are often left on the ground as waste.

To Goebl, those cellulosic “waste” materials represent the opportunity to create new and much more abundant sources of ethanol. But it’s not practical yet.

“People we’ve talked to say the missing piece in cellulosic ethanol production is the yeast,” says Xylogenics Founder Mike Neibler. “The strains of yeast that are currently available work on the starch in corn kernels but not on the cellulosic material in other parts of the plant in a way that makes it financially feasible.

“And cellulosic ethanol is much harder to make than corn ethanol,” he adds. “You have to pretreat it, expose it to expensive enzymes to convert it to sugar and then add yeast to ferment it. Currently, yields are low — 7 to 8 percent.

“We expect our technology to help make it workable by increasing the production yield, speeding up the process and reducing enzyme needs.”

Understanding Yeast

As a cancer researcher, Goebl’s focus on cell division would seem to be far away from the subject of biofuels. However, yeast connects the two.

"Yeast is one of those organisms, like fruit flies, that constitutes a model system for studying biological processes, such as how cells grow and divide,” he says. “As we worked with yeast for biological insights, we began to understand the things that yeast cells eat — and that one of those things could be cellulose.

“Once we found that, we realized that it could be important for nonmedical uses. We kept studying it.” We is Goebl and three graduate assistants working with him in 2005-06: Ross Cocklin, Josh Heyen and Cary Woods. The issue is that yeast has an overwhelming preference for the simple sugar glucose — when it eats, it uses up every bit of glucose available before moving on to other sugars, even abundant ones like those in other plant materials. By working with the genome, they found that removing specific genes made cells able to use xylose and other key sugars in cellulosic materials at the same time as glucose. And, they found that the enzymes breaking down the complex sugars also became much more efficient.

“It took a while to understand, but once we did, making it happen wasn’t hard,” Goebl says. “The key part was figuring it out.” Notes David Wilhite, M.B.A., senior technology manager in IU’s Office of Technology Commercialization, “One day, Mark and his team were looking over their data and one of them had the thought that perhaps they ought to patent their findings.

“They brought their results to the technology office and we applied for the patent,” he says. “Forming a company made sense as a way to develop the technology as quickly as possible.”

The company was established in late 2008 with Goebl and his assistants as founding partners, and the technology licensed to it in mid-2009.

Goebl lauds Wilhite for his assistance. “David was instrumental in making our company happen, helping us through the legal steps, finding the right people, developing a business plan.” They named it Xylogenics for xylose, the second most abundant sugar in cellulosic material.

Goebl’s original research and his biofuel offshoot received support from the National Science Foundation. Ongoing research was supported by money raised once Xylogenics was formed.

Building a Company

“We established the company at the worst time possible — the height of the recession,” notes Neibler, a chemical engineer by training whose background includes expertise in startup companies — Xylogenics is his sixth.

“My first job was to get funding,” he says. “I had a list of 200 prospects. It’s amazing how many nos I heard, that, ‘The technology looks good, the business plan looks good, we’re not investing right now.’

“We couldn’t have survived if we hadn’t gotten seed money from the School of Medicine. We finally got some funding from the Irish Angels, a group of Notre Dame University alumni.”

Initially, the new company was based at the School of Medicine, with Neibler the only employee. Goebl describes himself as “either one of the owners, or a volunteer.” Heyen, having earned his doctorate, has joined the company as a full-time employee, and the organization has moved into offices in IU’s incubator, the Emerging Technology Center. Cocklin is pursuing postdoctoral studies in plant genomics and Woods is finishing up his doctorate.

“Our strategy is to be a research and development company, to sublicense intellectual property,” Neibler says. “We’ve had people in Indiana, seeing the prospect of jobs, urge us to establish a manufacturing operation. But we don’t feel it would be economically feasible. It would change the nature of what we’re trying to do, and it would certainly delay introduction of our product for several years.”

Instead, the company sought to form an alliance with one of the largest companies that serve the global yeast market. In mid- 2010 they finalized an agreement with Milwaukee-based Lallemand Ethanol Technology to work on commercializing genetically enhanced ethanol-producing yeasts. Their first efforts will focus on new corn ethanol technology. Lallemand will utilize Xylogenics technology to manufacture and market modified yeast.

Cellulosic Ethanol Still in the Future

“When we started out, our vision was about the next generation of ethanol, cellulosic ethanol,” Neibler notes. “It still is, but, in the short-term, we found we could make a contribution to the production of corn ethanol.

“We went to a couple of corn ethanol manufacturers and talked to them. After looking at their operations, we saw ways we could increase their production by 3 to 5 percent. We didn’t consider it a huge number, but when we told them they practically fell out of their chairs. For them, it was a big deal.”

Specifically, Goebl points out, they saw a way to speed production time with Xylogenics yeast by 25 percent while using less enzyme. It’s a savings that turns a 40-million-gallon capacity into a 50-million-gallon capacity.

Since currently there are some 200 manufacturers producing corn ethanol and none at all producing cellulosic ethanol, focusing on corn ethanol makes sense. Revenue from that business can support research on cellulosic ethanol technology, with the expectation that the cellulosic industry will come of age in the foreseeable future. Several large corporations are presently constructing cellulosic manufacturing plants, anticipating cellulosic ethanol becoming a profitable product in the futureand prepared to live with losses while the technology develops.

To Goebl, the ability to process sugars other than glucose is essential in making ethanol a practical reality. Brazil, which relies heavily on glucose in sugarcane for ethanol production, can’t produce enough of it. The United States has just approved usage of 15 percent ethanol for cars made since 2003, a 50 percent increase over the current level.

Goebl sees xylose as an important part of the future. Unused in corn ethanol production, it constitutes 25 percent of the sugars in corn stalks and leaves — currently treated as waste in corn ethanol agriculture — and represents an opportunity to significantly expand ethanol production. Neibler notes that corn kernels constitute a somewhat limited source for ethanol in its current form, since space to plant new corn acreage is limited, he says.

The Xylogenics team isn’t solely committed to corn waste — sorghum, wheat and rye are all potential sources. Neibler speaks admiringly of switchgrass, the native grass that once covered the Midwestern prairies, which grows well, can be harvested twice a year, doesn’t need pesticides or insecticides and is a great absorber of carbon dioxide.

For that matter, while ethanol occupies its attention at present, the company is looking at other potential yeast-related opportunities — including baking, brewing, distilling, and biochemical and biopharma production.

In the meantime, Neibler notes, the benefits of a shift to cellulosic ethanol will be enormous, including reduced dependence on foreign oil, lower carbon dioxide emissions, job creation and stimulation for the economy.

“The industry is waiting for advances in the fermentation process. That’s us. We feel we can be a game changer.”



This story was originally published in 2011.

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Tailoring Apple Cultivation with Precision - A Global Economic Safeguard


Tailoring Apple Cultivation with Precision - A Global Economic Safeguard
As consumers stroll through the aisles of their local grocery store, plucking their favorite fresh apples from the shelves, they may not realize the profound innovation that underpins the root system for the apple trees that bear these fruits. The Geneva® Apple Rootstock, born from a decades-long collaboration between Cornell University and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Services (ARS), has revolutionized the apple industry.
Over the last decade, thanks to the USDA’s federal funding and technical guidance, six additional varieties were released and licensed, resulting in a portfolio of 33 commercially released and licensed Geneva® Apple Rootstock varieties.  These remarkable varieties have extended their reach far beyond the domestic apple market and are being integrated as the rootstock in apple-growing regions worldwide.

In 1968, in the small city of Geneva, New York, breeders at Cornell University embarked on a bold mission: to initiate the apple rootstock breeding program focused on creating disease-resistant apple trees and increasing orchard productivity in roots.
In recent years, Dr. Gennaro Fazio, a plant breeder and research geneticist of USDA-ARS in Geneva, NY, and Dr. Terence Robinson, an applied fruit crop physiologist from Cornell University, have successfully fine-tuned nutrient profiles and tailored rootstocks to scion cultivars, ushering in a new era of precision horticulture. The program saw its first patented apple rootstock released in the 2000s, followed by more than 14 other plant patents covering new apple rootstock varieties over the past 20 years. Their work not only benefited apple growers but has also solidified the Geneva® Apple Rootstock’s position in the market.
“We have heard orchardists say 'Our business could not survive without Geneva® Apple Rootstocks',” Dr. Fazio proudly acknowledges. However, without the support and collaboration of the Center for Technology Licensing (CTL) at Cornell University, navigating this journey would be far more challenging.
The journey begins with breeders sending new apple rootstock varieties to trusted evaluation partners in locations across the US and the world for several years of testing. After the evaluation proves successful when grafted and paired with other apple varieties, CTL secures patent rights and trademark rights to the varieties.  Large farm operations in the Pacific Northwest and Northeastern US have implemented the Cornell-USDA apple rootstocks in their high-density apple orchards as well as smaller local “Pick-Your-Own" family-owned farming operations.  “The high field performance of the Geneva® Apple Rootstocks has generated increasing demand in the U.S. markets, possibly trending toward replacing current commercial rootstocks in the next two decades,” Dr. Fazio said.  “Just the impact on fire blight is worth tens of millions of dollars every year.”
The ripple effect of Geneva® Apple Rootstocks extends to vital regions like Washington state, where one major nursery anticipates the sale of 1.5 million apple trees in 2024. Remarkably, over 70% of these apple trees are grafted onto Geneva rootstocks, underscoring their role in bolstering the state’s apple industry.

In India, Seven Star Pvt Ltd, a leading agribusiness venture, has an exclusive license to propagate and commercialize Geneva® Apple Rootstocks in India.  Field trials of the rootstocks in India have delivered promising results in terms of plant growth and yields, and Seven Star anticipates grafting 400,000 new trees by 2026.  The majority of these will be planted in the state of Jammu and Kashmir, which currently produces 77% of the country’s apples—an industry that provides jobs for nearly 3.5 million people.
Agromillora Group, a global nursery leader in Spain has commercially propagated and sold a broad spectrum of Geneva® rootstocks varieties in to apple growers in Morocco, Brazil, and countries in the European Union.  In New Zealand, Cornell and Waimea Nurseries have a multi-decade licensing arrangement to introduce the rootstocks to New Zealand apple growers.

Apple growers worldwide now have disease and pest-resistant apple rootstocks tailored to fit specific environments, allowing them to maximize their yields. Thanks to the blight resistance, planting apples in international markets is now a feasible endeavor. 

This story was originally published in 2024.

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Working for a Good Clause: Canadian University Negotiates Global Access Licensing Deal for a Drug Reformulation That Could Save Thousands of Lives

University of British Columbia

Working for a Good Clause: Canadian University Negotiates Global Access Licensing Deal for a Drug Reformulation That Could Save Thousands of Lives

Whenever Mommy and Daddy start talking about work, 6-year-old John Paul Wasan is quick to quip, “Oh, no! Not that science thing again!”

But the tedious dinner conversation that Ellen and Kishor Wasan’s son is so eager to change is actually about an exciting discovery—the reformulation of a drug called amphotericin B (Amp B) that could save the lives of many little boys—as well as men, women and children around the world. And its journey is filled with all the elements of a good children’s story—unsung heroes, Lady Luck and kinship working together to stand up for the underdog and fend off evil intruders.

Only in this tale, the “bad guy” is Leishmania donovani, an insidious parasite that invades white blood cells, infiltrates vital organs and can ultimately lead to severe infection and death. And the good guys are the researchers, university staff and students, and licensee of the technology that are working  together to ensure that, if the promising new “science thing” that the Wasans are working on pans out, it could impact patients dealing with systemic  fungal infections and the more than 350 million people from 88 countries—most of whom are in the developing world—affected by a deadly parasitic disease that causes visceral leishmaniasis.

The Perfect Storm
The story starts, in part, with a small band of idealistic students at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver, Canada. In 2005, they formed a chapter of the Universities Allied for Essential Medicines (UAEM), an organization that works with student and faculty groups across the U.S., Europe and Canada to construct new approaches to developing and delivering public health goods.

This fledgling group of approximately 20 students, many of whom were doing graduate work in life sciences and medicine, started its charge by approaching the University-Industry Liaison Office (UILO) at UBC to discuss ways to enhance global access to the university’s technologies.

With the promising results in hand, Kishor contacted the UILO, which was able to negotiate its first tangible licensing deal using the newly developed global access principles.

Their timing was impeccable, according to Ian Bell, a technology transfer manager at UBC’s UILO, because, as it so happened, the conditions were ripe for developing global access principles—guidelines for how the university provides global access to its technologies—and, eventually putting them into
practice with a licensing deal that included a global access clause for Amp B.

“The licensing deal for Amp B was the result of a perfect storm in a way,” recalls Bell. “Just as this group was forming on campus, we had an associate director, Barbara Campbell, who was more than willing to champion the cause.”

Another stroke of luck, says Bell, was that the university had recently appointed a new president and vice chancellor—one with a keen interest in social justice—Stephen J. Toope, Ph.D., a former international law professor, with a strong human rights and humanities background.

“He was very open and receptive to the ideas,” recalls Bell. “It meant that we could undergo a philosophical paradigm shift. We realized that while we couldn’t sacrifice deals or shun traditional commercial avenues, we could still look at ways to go beyond that.”

Campbell began work with the students to get the go ahead from the president’s office before leaving for a new post as associate director of Industry Liaison and Innovation at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. After about a year of writing and consultation with industry and university administration, UBC became the first Canadian university to formally adopt global access principles.

(A copy of “Principles for Global Access to UBC Technologies” is available on UBC’s Web site at

Family Fortunes
Meanwhile, serendipity was at work in UBC’s lab. Kishor and his team had stumbled across something that they had thought was impossible: that Amp B, which he had been working with for more than two decades, could be reformulated from its current intravenous form to one that could be administered orally. This breakthrough would make the drug much more practical for treating two conditions: systemic fungal infections—which often afflict immunosuppressed individuals such as cancer and AIDS patients—and leishmaniasis—which is mostly prevalent in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sudan and Brazil, but has cropped up in Mexico and the southern United States in the unsanitary conditions in the aftermath of hurricanes.

“Amp B is the gold standard,” says Kishor, “but it can only be given as an injection which is impractical for many people, such as those who live in remote villages. It also has some toxicity issues that means it must be monitored carefully. Since I had been involved in developing the parenteral drug during my graduate work, I was sure an oral form was impossible. …It sounds like it would be simple, but the science is actually quite complex.”

With so much time invested in the drug throughout his career, Kishor was ready to concentrate on other projects. But then, a set of experiments in the Wasan lab using Amp B as a negative control resulted in the discovery of a new way to mix the drug with a lipid—and that put an oral formulation within reach.

The lab data looked so promising, says Kishor, that he knew he had to go back to work on Amp B. However, he needed a formulation specialist on board. That’s when Lady Luck stepped in again, only this time in the form of his wife, Ellen, who possesses just the right expertise. (Ellen Wasan, Ph.D., is an adjunct professor on the faculty of pharmaceutical sciences at UBC and on the faculty at the British Columbia Institute of Technology in Vancouver.)

“My wife says, ‘Oh no! You aren’t dragging me into another one of your projects, are you?’” laughs Kishor. “I’m a pharmacist by training and I had the animal models I needed, but what I didn’t have was someone to bounce ideas off of about the best formulations. And there she was, right next to me.”

Under the Right Conditions

With the promising results in hand, Kishor contacted the UILO, which was able to negotiate its first tangible licensing deal using the newly developed global access principles.

“Originally, we were all thinking along the traditional commercial path,” recalls Bell. “Our initial consultations led us to believe there might be hesitancy from industry in agreeing to these global access principles.”

But Amp B was different. Because it was already approved by the FDA and in use in its intravenous form, it was a lower risk technology. But, more importantly, it could be used to treat two conditions each in a separate market, and, thus it was an easier sell. As it turns out, however, it was not difficult to find a licensing company at all, in fact, in yet another twist of fate, the licensing company found UBC.

“I’m slightly embarrassed to say that it was one of our shareholders who introduced us to this opportunity,” admits Andrew Rae, president and chief executive officer of iCo Therapeutics, a Vancouver-based reprofiling company focused on redosing or reformulating drugs with clinical history for new and expanded indications. “He had heard about this technology and asked us to go out to the university and have a chat,” Rae continues.

That chat eventually resulted in iCo acquiring the worldwide exclusive rights to iCo-009, iCo’s oral formulation of Amp B, in May 2008. In return for the worldwide right to develop and sell the oral formulation in the developed world as a treatment for blood-borne fungal infections, iCo Therapeutics agreed to ensure the availability and accessibility of a suitable formulation to countries in the developing world to treat leishmaniasis.

“This is basically a win-win,” says Rae. “The fact that the product really only requires a candy-wrapper lipid and has been tested and approved makes it lower risk and fits our business model. Plus, it is suitable for two noncompeting markets.”

Further, says Rae, because one of those markets is the developing world, additional funding for the reformulation may be available from what he calls the super philanthropies, some of which are targeting neglected diseases. But it’s not all about money, says Rae, the true value of the product lies in its potential to impact society, and the good will that results.

“There is a natural inclination in the health care industry to do well,” says Rae. “As health care providers, we are proud to see products improve the quality of life.”

A Chance of a Lifetime
And no one is prouder than Kishor, who is quick to point out that Amp B still has a ways to go before actually going to market. (The reformulation is currently undergoing preclinical testing in animal models, where it is showing a greater than 99 percent eradication of leishmaniasis.) However, it is possible to advance the formulation to market on an accelerated development schedule, given the existing safety data on Amp B. Still, Kishor says, he can’t help but dream of a day when he can visit his parents’ birthplace, India, and help his physician uncle actually administer the drug to some of the many people infected with the parasite in that country.

“I know I have been lucky,” says Kishor. “It’s such a unique situation that I fell into almost by mistake. But I am embracing the moment because this is such a wonderful opportunity to make a difference.”

For now, says Kishor, that’s enough to make his story have a happy ending. And maybe, just maybe, give millions of other people a chance to live out their happily ever-afters.



This story was originally published in 2009.

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Global Swine Disease Vaccine Will Save Millions of Animals

Virginia Polytechnic Institute

Global Swine Disease Vaccine Will Save Millions of Animals

Post-weaning multi-systemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) has been a major threat to the global swine industry for more than a decade, especially in Europe and Asia. Porcine Circovirus Type 2 (PCV2) disrupts the immune system in pigs and severely constrains their weight gain and development. Recent outbreaks in the U.S. and Canada recorded mortality rates as high as 30 percent.

Breakthrough research by scientists at the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine’s (VMRCVM) Center for Molecular Medicine and Infectious Diseases at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Va., has resulted in a vaccine that protects pigs against PMWS.

The vaccine, Suvaxyn® PCV2 One Dose, was developed over a seven year period by X. J. Meng, M.D., Ph.D., a virologist and professor in the VMRCVM’s Department of Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology, and his former graduate student Martijn Fenaux, Ph.D., and Pat Halbur, D.V.M., Ph.D., from Iowa State University. Funding was provided by Fort Dodge Animal Health Inc., the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and several other funding agencies.

The technology uses a non-infectious strain of a related virus known as PCV-1 to produce a genetically altered virus that expresses the immune response of the infectious PCV2, but does not result in the disease.

Because there are many unknowns about the transmission, pathogenesis, epidemiology, and control of risk factors related to PMWS, effective prevention is critical to the health and financial performance of the swine industry. Virginia Tech Intellectual Properties Inc. has licensed the vaccine to Fort Dodge Animal Health Inc. for commercialization. Since only one dose is required for protection, Suvaxyn PCV2 One Dose lessens the risk of reactions and reduces farm labor costs. It is expected the vaccine will save the global swine industry millions of dollars in production losses caused by PMWS.

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Universities in the U.S. and the Netherlands Team up to Feed the World

University of Nebraska

Universities in the U.S. and the Netherlands Team up to Feed the World
How do you feed a growing population while protecting the environment? Using global data, University of Nebraska-Lincoln agronomist Patricio Grassini is helping agricultural stakeholders find common ground through the development of an online platform known as the Global Yield Gap and Water Productivity Atlas.

Developed in collaboration with Wageningen University in the Netherlands, the international team has helped stakeholders increase production on existing cropland.

Currently, we are expanding cropland areas at a rate of 13 million hectares every year and destroying fragile ecosystems,” said Grassini. “We need to understand how much more food we can produce on existing cropland — and where. The places with the biggest yield gaps have the biggest opportunities.

The platform, the world’s leading database on agronomic data with local and global relevance, estimates water productivity, crop nutrient requirements and yield gaps for major crops in 70 countries and includes:
  • actual and potential crop yield and yield gap, 
  • actual and potential water productivity,
  • actual and minimum nutrient requirement,
  • underlying data on weather, soil and cropping systems, and
  • climate zones and technology extrapolation domains (TEDs).
The data serves research, strategic decision making and local-global actions that aim to improve yield and resource use efficiency by public and private sectors.

Jeewan Jyot, director of licensing at NUtech Ventures, the nonprofit technology commercialization affiliate of the University of Nebraska, worked with the team to develop a licensing strategy for the platform’s data, which has been downloaded by more than 40,000 people worldwide. Companies pay to use the data for commercial purposes, but government users and nonprofits can access it for free.

The team also developed a corporate sponsorship model for the platform, allowing participating companies to select a level of financial commitment, which enables them to access the platform and offer feedback on new features and future directions.

The sponsorship program was implemented in February 2021 and helped the project become financially self-sustaining.

“Our goal was to reach a sponsorship level that allows us to update and expand the platform — and in the first two years, we’ve already exceeded that goal,” Grassini said. “With this support, our team can think big and continue addressing important demands in agriculture.”

Global Yield Gap Atlas was featured in the 2022 Sustainable Development Report, the annual assessment of progress of all United Nations Member States toward Sustainable Development Goals.

This story was originally published in 2023.

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Tiny Monitor Gives Diabetics Frequent, Automatic Readings

University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)

Tiny Monitor Gives Diabetics Frequent, Automatic Readings

The first non-invasive continuous monitoring device, pioneered at the University of California, San Francisco, helps patients better manage diabetes.

In 2002, many people with type 1 diabetes rejoiced when they learned that a new technology offered relief from being a human pincushion. Diabetics who were tired of pricking their fingers to check their blood sugar levels, or ignored or avoided the process altogether — and, by doing so, increased their chances for hypoglycemia — had a new, portable, convenient option. 
That non-invasive score-keeper was the GlucoWatch® Biographer™, the world’s first wristwatch monitoring device, which incorporates technology invented at the University of California, San Francisco. As a supplement to finger-prick devices, the easy-to-use GlucoWatch® has helped diabetics and their doctors become better informed about the patient’s disease. 
Staying in tight control of glucose levels is key in managing diabetes. Physicians usually advise doing blood checks by finger prick four to seven times a day; but because of the inconvenience, some patients draw blood only once a day, if at all. 
The trade-off for this relaxed attitude can be deadly. Patients who do not actively manage their diabetes could suffer long-term diabetes-associated complications including blindness, hypertension, stroke, heart disease, kidney disease and amputation. 
In 2005 the World Health Organization estimated about 500 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes and only about 40 percent have been diagnosed. More than 20 million people, or about 7 percent of the U.S. population, have the disease and about a third of those are undiagnosed and untreated.
In 2002 — the year that GlucoWatch® Biographer™ was introduced — 224,092 deaths were attributed to diabetes complications, and these numbers are considered low because many older people have multiple chronic conditions. In the same year, the annual economic cost of diabetes was estimated at $132 billion. 
Easy-to-Use Tool Changes the Landscape of Glucose Monitoring
Scientists at the UCSF spent eight years developing and patenting the technology behind the GlucoWatch® Biographer™, a first-of-its-kind glucose monitoring device. Blood glucose monitors can offer substantial benefits that other traditional sampling methods don’t provide.
For diabetics who want to better manage the disease by tracking glucose levels in a noninvasive, easy-to-read way, the small, portable technology invented at the UCSF has changed the landscape of diabetic monitoring.
In addition to the convenience of being able to wear the monitor, the GlucoWatch® Biographer™ also warns patients before their glucose levels become too low or if there is a sudden, rapid drop in glucose levels. The technology has been an important step toward improving diabetes management.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the GlucoWatch® Biographer™ in 2001 as a supplement to — not a replacement for — blood testing through finger pricks. It has helped patients make better decisions about diet, medication and physical activities. The frequent readings show how various activities such as exercises, stress, sleep, taking medications and eating meals affect glucose levels. Most important, it can warn patients of low blood glucose levels, which can be fatal.
“The pain-free, wrist-watch device automatically checks sugar levels by transmitting tiny imperceptible electric currents through the skin,” explains Yashwant Vaishnav, Ph.D., business development and intellectual property manager with the systemwide Office of Technology Transfer at the University of California. “The concept for the first-of-its-kind technology was developed in 1987, and in 1995 the university licensed the technology to Cygnus Inc. of Redwood City, California.”
In 2001, Cygnus began marketing the device in Europe, and in 2002 the second-generation model, the GlucoWatch® G2TM Biographer™, became available in the U.S. for adults and pediatric patients.
The forerunner of recently released selfmonitoring devices, the GlucoWatch® G2 Biographer™ provides noninvasive readings by measuring glucose collected through the skin as opposed to the traditional finger-prick method of collecting readings from whole blood. The Biographer™ provides frequent automatic glucose readings — as often as every 10 minutes for up to 13 hours. 
Noninvasive diabetes management begins when the patient places an adhesive AutoSensor, a thin disposable pad, to the back of the watch and straps the GlucoWatch® Biographer™ on the forearm. The sensor adheres to the skin, collects glucose in tiny gel discs in the sensor, then displays the readings on the watch’s face.
“Readings are taken noninvasively through the sensor by extracting glucose from interstitial fluids between the skin cells,” Vaishnav says.
Though automatic glucose monitoring devices are not for everyone, they can make it easier for diabetics to gather and review information. In addition to convenience, Vaishnav points out, there is another significant benefit for users of the GlucoWatch® Biographer™. “The technology gives the user an archival record. Worn like a watch, it calculates, displays and stores frequently recorded glucose readings,” he says. 
And a patient doesn’t have to be a computer programmer to use the data management system. Before purchasing a glucose monitoring device, patients’ physicians or diabetes educators can help discern what information they want patients to record. The technology lets patients scroll back to see glucose readings over a few hours and download the information to a personal computer to save, print out and interface with physicians’ computer systems. The GlucoWatch® G2 Biographer™ can store up to 8,500 readings, and the information, once transferred to a computer and plotted as a graph, can offer a good visual picture of patients’ histories. 
Spawning the Next Generation of Self-Monitoring Devices
Since 2001, the University of California has consented to the transfer of the GlucoWatch® license agreement from Cygnus to Animas Corp, which is dedicated to making insulin pump therapy easier for diabetes patients and healthcare professionals. The company is now selling GlucoWatch® products.
The interest that ensued when the GlucoWatch® Biographer™ was first introduced is still evident today. The University of California’s pioneering technology opened the door to other continuous monitoring products that have been and are expected to be introduced to the marketplace as a direct result of the GlucoWatch® Biographer™. 
Some new products include the DexCom® Inc. Short-Term Sensor Continuous Glucose Monitoring System, the Medtronic Inc. MiniMed Long-Term Sensor System™ and Guardian® RT Continuous Glucose Monitoring System, and the Abbott Laboratories Freestyle Navigator™.
“The Regents of the University of California maintains ownership of the technology,” Vaishnav says. “While there are other newer products on the market, GlucoWatch® was the first commercially available product of its kind.” 

This story was originally published in 2006.

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UCF’s Low-Impact “Dirt” Technology is a Safer, Cheaper Way to Clean Water

UCF’s Low-Impact “Dirt” Technology is a Safer, Cheaper Way to Clean Water
UCF’s Bold & Gold patented biosorption activated media being applied. Photo courtesy of Environmental Conservation Solutions.

It may look like dirt and feel like dirt, but the Bold & Gold® (B&G) technology from the University of Central Florida (UCF) is far from “just dirt.” B&G safely removes harmful nutrients and pathogens from our most valuable natural resource: water. The patented biosorption activated media filtration system is eco-friendly and inexpensive, unlike other types of water treatment systems that depend on the availability of land and regular maintenance.

Still, the process of patenting and commercializing the technology took some time and effort.
From a Tech Transfer standpoint, it was very interesting because what it essentially looked like in the first disclosure was: here’s a recipe for dirt.
Andrea Adkins, an assistant director at UCF’s Office of Technology Transfer.

“Trying to make the case at the university to spend resources on patenting dirt—mixtures of crumbled up tires, clay, coconut husks and sand—to filter water wasn’t actually an easy sell,” she said. “There were a few people who didn’t believe in it and didn’t think we were going to do anything with it, but this many years later, we not only got patents on the composition, the use of the composition, and the systems for using the compositions, but we have start-up companies licensing the technology.” 

Fighting long-term threats to drinking water and the environment

It was a decade ago that Martin Wanielista, Ph.D., P.E. and Ni-Bin Chang, Ph.D., P.E., of UCF’s Stormwater Management Academy, recognized that nutrient pollution from stormwater runoff and wastewater threatened the quality of Florida’s waters. “Solving the problems of flood control and drainage were being done worldwide, but the water quality issue was being overlooked,” said Chang. “People weren’t seeing the issue—how nutrients affect water bodies on a long-term basis.”

The nutrients were nitrogen and phosphorus from pesticides, fertilizers, and human and industrial waste. Though plants use the nutrients for growth, excessive amounts can cause overgrowth, choking waterways, and depriving aquatic life of oxygen. The pollutants can also leach into Florida’s aquifers—critical sources of the state’s drinking water that lie just below the ground.

So the researchers sought to develop low-cost, eco-friendly technologies that worked passively, without machinery, to filter the polluted water. With funding from the Southwest Florida Water Management District and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, they formulated and tested different mixtures of 10 non-toxic, natural and recycled materials. Their work led to a new media filtration system now known as Bold & Gold®, which removed not only the target nutrients but pathogens such as fecal coliform. The new system made the water recyclable—suitable for other uses such as lawn irrigation or for safely replenishing groundwater that is used to recharge Florida’s aquifers.

Chang says that B&G can remove as much as 90 percent of pollutants in water and can last as long as 20 years. It is also quite versatile, with different compositions designed for specific uses, such as greenroofs, septic systems, sewer systems, stormwater retention or detention ponds, silviculture, agriculture, geothermal discharge, and aquaculture.

Patenting and commercializing Bold & Gold®

UCF obtained eight patents and two trademarks for the B&G portfolio. After the patents were issued, Wanielista formed a start-up company called STE LLC and licensed the technology from the university. “This really is a success story that started with the opportunity and knowledge provided by the faculty and students,” said Wanielista. “Then carried forward by Andrea. Dr. Chang and Andrea deserve so much credit.”

In 2015, Wanielista sublicensed B&G to Environmental Conservation Solutions (ECS) of Apopka, Florida. ECS is the exclusive manufacturer of B&G media. ECS president, Chris Bogdan, said that the demand for B&G continues.

“When we started our licensing agreement, we sold 472 cubic yards of B&G. Then in 2018, we sold 11,300. So, our growth has been substantial over the last three years,” said Bogdan. According to Wanielista, B&G is used throughout Florida by companies such as Wawa, Walgreens, several city and county agencies, the Florida Department of Transportation, and many private developers.

“Now we’re going to have an international company installing Bold & Gold in their stormwater systems,” said Adkins, referring to another sublicensee, Suntree Technologies® of Cocoa, Florida.  Suntree was recently acquired by Oldcastle Infrastructure™, which will continue to sublicense B&G. Oldcastle Infrastructure is part of CRH, which operates in 32 countries and is the largest building materials company in North America.

“It’s an economic success, and it’s all the things in Tech Transfer that we’re looking for: sales, manufacturing, development, infrastructure,” said Adkins. “These are multi-million dollar companies that hire UCF engineers, local people, and their businesses. It’s been a big revenue generator for the Tech Transfer office, and we’re still a relatively small office in terms of our revenue-producing licenses.”

This story was originally published in 2019.

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Taking a Chance on Google

Stanford University

Taking a Chance on Google

In 1996, two Stanford University students—Larry Page and Sergey Brin—created an internet search engine they called Page Rank. It was game changing. Today we know that invention as Google, one of the largest and most profitable tech companies in the world and one of the most financially successful inventions ever licensed by a university.

In the years since its launch, Google has provided the world with a wide array of cutting-edge internet-related services and has expanded into other fields to create Google Glass and Driverless Car. Driven by the same insatiable curiosity of its founders, Google continues to create innovative products that enable the world to be a better, bolder place.

Intrigued by the mathematical relationships they were observing in the rapidly expanding World Wide Web, Page and Brin felt certain there was way to build a much better internet research tool. The result was an algorithm that utilized all the links on different webpages to search and rank websites from the World Wide Web.They launched their new search engine on the Stanford University website in March 1996. Within six months Page Rank’s popularity had overloaded Stanford’s bandwidth, shutting down the university’s internet access several times.

They launched their new search engine on the Stanford University website in March 1996. Within six months Page Rank’s popularity had overloaded Stanford’s bandwidth, shutting down the university’s internet access several times.

They launched their new search engine on the Stanford University website in March 1996. Within six months Page Rank’s popularity had overloaded Stanford’s bandwidth, shutting down the university’s internet access several times. “We were lucky there were a lot of forward-looking people at Stanford,” remembers Page. “They didn’t hassle us too much about the resources we were using.”

Page and Brin disclosed their invention to Stanford University’s Office of Technology Licensing (OTL), which marketed the technology to prospective business partners. At one point a technology company approached OTL about Page Rank, seeking a non-exclusive license for the invention in return for a very attractive royalty payment.

“I thought the best thing for the technology was to give Larry and Sergey an exclusive license because they were the ones most likely to make the technology a commercial success,” says then-OTL associate director Luis Mejia, who felt that giving the inquiring company a non-exclusive license might have made it very difficult for the inventors to raise venture capital.

Frustrated that investors were failing to recognize the value of their product, Page and Brin founded Google (derived from googol, the name for the numeral 1 followed by 100 zeroes) to market and commercialize their search engine. After Google incorporated on September 4, 1998, Stanford licensed the PageRank algorithm to the new startup. In a short two years, Google became the world’s largest search engine, with more than 1 billion webpage addresses in its index. The company went public in 2004.

There is no question that supporting Google, when nobody else would, was a gamble, but today Google is far and away the most financially successful invention ever licensed by Stanford’s OTL.

“Two of our graduate students had developed what they passionately believed was the best search engine in the world, yet existing companies didn’t believe them,” notes Katharine Ku, OTL’s former Executive Director. “They also had no business experience or knowledge about how to build a company. Who would take a chance on them? We did.”


This story was originally published in 2018.

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Identifying Safer, More Effective Molecular Drug Candidates

McGill University
Université de Montréal
Université de Sherbrooke

Identifying Safer, More Effective Molecular Drug Candidates
In both the human body and the field of molecular pharmacology, proteins known as G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are superstars.

When naturally occurring molecules (called ligands) bind to GPCRs, the complex hubs prompt much of the cellular activity in the body, including metabolism and brain function, by activating signalling pathways. Different ligands change the shape of GPCRs, which in turn, alters the signals sent.
Drug makers exploit this cell function by engineering artificial ligands that will bind to GPCRs and selectively activate signalling pathways to achieve a specific therapeutic response. However, scientists haven’t come close to tapping the potential therapies available through ligand-based signalling.

To help scientists predict the efficacy and side effects of candidate molecules, Michel Bouvier, Ph.D., and Graciela Pineyro, M.D., Ph.D., from the Université de Montréal (UdeM); Stéphane Laporte, Ph.D., and Terry Hebert of McGill University; and Richard LeDuc, Ph.D., from Université de Sherbrooke developed a set of biological tools called GPCR biosensor technology. The research team received a multiyear grant from the Quebec Consortium for Drug Discovery to develop the platform.

In 2013, UdeM’s Institute for Research in Immunology and Cancer – Commercialization of Research (IRICoR) negotiated a partnership among McGill, UdeM and Domain Therapeutics, exclusively licensing the GPCR biosensor technology to the French biotech company. As part of the agreement, the company established a Montreal-based subsidiary that provides GPCR analysis to a wide range of clients from both academia and
the biopharmaceutical industry.

Today, Domain Therapeutics is identifying and developing new drug candidates for improved treatments for the central nervous system and oncology, in addition to providing access to its technologies through research and collaborative agreements.

From initial project funding to the inter-university partnership and a committed industry partner, the development of the GPCR biosensor and its commercialization are a testament to what can be achieved through collaboration.

This story was originally published in 2016.

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Converting Mango Waste Into Valuable Products

University of San Carlos

Converting Mango Waste Into Valuable Products

Every day, thousands of tons of mango peels and seeds headed to open dumpsites in Evelyn Taboada’s home province of Cebu in the Philippines. And she knew it. Left to rot, the mango waste piled high in dumpsites released foul odors and attracted disease-carrying insects — a problem compounded by local residents who scavenge the sites, creating a significant health hazard.

 “When I visited the dump site for the first time I was so disappointed to see children scavenging and eating the seeds and peels,” said Dr. Taboada, professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of San Carlos (USC). “I thought, what can I do?”
As the director of the university’s BioProcess and Engineering Research Center (BioPERC), Dr. Taboada had a team of researchers and an advanced laboratory focused on solid waste and energy at her disposal. So she and colleagues Dr. Camila Flor Lobarbio and Francis Dave Siacor, launched a BioPERC project to develop biochemical processes to convert the organic waste into commercially viable ingredients.
To help commercialize the mango waste conversion process, USC established a joint venture with a local investor and alumnus of the university to create a startup company, Green Enviro Management Systems (GEMS), which has exclusive license to use the technology across a wide range of applications in food, pharma, personal care and energy.
Today, seven mango producers in the Cebu province divert their mango waste to GEMS, which built a 2,500 square meter mango waste processing facility in 2012 to convert the refuse into flour, fuel and other products. The innovation has boosted the local economy with the creation of additional jobs and eliminated a dangerous health hazard created by the fetid, open-air waste.
When the waste arrives at the GEMS facility, it is placed in a solar drying area where seeds and peels are laid on racks to dry under a transparent roof. Next, the peels are separated from the kernels and workers remove the seed kernel’s hard shell, or husk, and sort the inner kernels by quality. The fresher kernels are ground into a naturally gluten-free flour, which is exclusively licensed to a local bakery that sells the product and uses it for vitamin-rich flour for cookies, energy bars and bread. Lower quality kernels are packaged as an additive for animal feed or as a soil conditioner.
“We have zero waste,” says Dr. Taboada, who, in addition to her duties at USC, serves as Chief Technical Officer at GEMS. “The husks are sold as low-cost fuel right now but in the future, they may be a useful fiber for making furniture and or as composite material for concrete and building construction.”
The dried peels are milled to a powder that undergoes BioPERC’s proprietary multi-step bio-refining process to extract two high-value compounds: pectin, a gelling agent commonly used as a thickener in foods and for pharmaceutical gelatin-capsules, and polyphenols, antioxidants used in foods and nutraceuticals.
GEMS and USC researchers continue to study additional bio-refining processes and applications for the mango waste, including working with pharmacologists to test the antimicrobial properties of converted ingredients and using the natural oils in the mango kernel as an anti-aging moisturizer.
During the peak of the mango season, GEMS processes up to 30 metric tons of mango waste per day with the help of 100 employees, including many of the same people who had been scavenging at the dumpsites.
“It’s great to help improve the lives of these marginalized people, who gain a sense of human dignity through their work,” says Dr. Taboada. “This whole concept is attractive from an environmental and social aspect as well.
“Five years ago, technology was the most important thing to me. But now I’m interested in building an enterprise and using the technology for the good of humanity.”
The project has become the model for technology transfer success, says Danilo B. Largo, Ph.D., Manager of USC’s Innovation and Technology Support Office, who travels the country to help educate other universities about the benefits of academic research commercialization.
In 2012, the new USC ITSO filed its first two patents for the newly developed BioPERC mango waste conversion process. Since then, the university has filed eight additional patents related to the biochemical processing of fruit waste.


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Green Steel Gets the Lead Out

University of Pittsburgh

Green Steel Gets the Lead Out

Two professors at the University of Pittsburgh discovered a better alternative to the millions of tons of lead-containing steel produced worldwide every year. They found that tin can perform the same function as lead. Just as lead has been removed from gasoline and paint for environmental reasons, the tin steel offers another attractive way to keep lead products out of the environment. For this reason, the tin steel has been named “Green Steel.”

Anthony DeArdo and C. Isaac Garcia, professors of materials science and engineering, examined the new tin steel on an atomic level to determine how it affected machinability. Machinable steel has a smoother surface finish and causes less wear on the tools used to shape it.

They found that their tin steel can be machined at speeds about 30% faster than leaded steel which can result in a significant increase in profitability by companies that make machined parts.

In addition, the expenses that go toward protecting factory workers from lead fumes can be eliminated.

The work leading up to the invention started in 1995 under funding from a consortium of companies that manufacture and machine steel. The University of Pittsburgh Office of Technology Management worked with these companies to form the Non-Leaded Free Machining Steel Consortium LLC. The Web site of Curtis Screw Co. LLC, one of the consortium members, says 2,000 of its 12,000 tons of cut cold drawn steel will be green steel this year. The consortium was dissolved in 2002 to pursue licensing as a better way to advance the technology. 

The university has granted an exclusive license to a major steel company that serves all of North America, a non-exclusive license to a major steel manufacturer in Europe, and is fielding inquiries for possible licenses from companies in the Far East and South America.

This story was originally published in 2008.

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Nebraska Turfgrass Tech Means the Grass is Always Greener

NUtech Ventures

Nebraska Turfgrass Tech Means the Grass is Always Greener

It’s usually the last thing on golfers’ minds as they putt for par: the turf itself. Maintaining that turf, however, requires spreadsheets and calendars — and often, guesswork — to determine when to apply fertilizer and other products.

The University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Bill Kreuser, an assistant professor in the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, wanted to make turfgrass management simpler and more sustainable.

To that end, Kreuser developed a software application that provides guidance for applying fertilizer and plant growth regulators — products that make grass grow slower — and launched a start-up company known as TurfGrade.

“My vision for GreenKeeper is to transform how the turf industry makes daily decisions, and discover and share turf research,” Kreuser said.

His app, GreenKeeper, is based on research models that use weather data to determine how long managers should wait before reapplying products. He licensed the technology from NUtech Ventures, the University’s technology commercialization affiliate.

“Our goal is to take all this research and put it into an interface that is intuitive and user friendly,” said Kreuser, who is also a turfgrass specialist with Nebraska Extension. “We’re taking our research and turning it into a tool industry can use.”

In 2018, Kreuser was presented with the Emerging Innovator of the Year award, which recognizes a junior faculty member for recent contributions as an up-and-coming innovator at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Today, one year after the start-up was formed, the company has nearly 6,000 customers globally — with 1,000 weekly users — spread across six continents and almost all 50 U.S. states. These customers include high-end golf, football and softball facilities that host major championships, as well as nine-hole golf courses in small communities, including several in Nebraska.

Kreuser’s interest in turfgrass science began in high school when he installed a putting green in his parent’s backyard. Thinking he wanted to be a golf course superintendent, he became involved in undergraduate research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, which evolved into a career of turfgrass research and extension.

Many features in the first release of GreenKeeper were developed during Kreuser’s undergraduate research. He thought the models were helpful but needed a way to put them in the hands of turfgrass managers.

GreenKeeper now features 570 research models based on different products, grasses and management practice, including guidance for pest control and soil testing. Ultimately, the app is successful because it provides two-way communication, Kreuser said, as users enter data and receive personalized guidance.

A customer himself, Kreuser still has a backyard putting green and manages it with GreenKeeper.

Behind the Green

Kreuser worked with NUtech Ventures to develop a royalty structure that fit his growing startup company.

“NUtech has been supportive and flexible,” Kreuser said. “With apps and websites, many customers expect services to be free until you’re more established. The structure of our startup license is allowing us to reinvest money into developing our business and grow.

As a result of that growth, Kreuser has hired recent graduates from computer science programs at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln and University of Nebraska Kearney. He is also considering industry partnerships to reach more customers.

“NUtech has your back as a new business owner,” he said. “They explain how to look at business decisions for the long term, which helps us make decisions that are right for our company and product.

Lana Koepke Johnson contributed to this story.

This story was originally published in 2018.

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Groovy Drum Skimmer Improves Oil-Spill Recovery Rates

University of California, Santa Barbara (UC Santa Barbara)

Groovy Drum Skimmer Improves Oil-Spill Recovery Rates

Oil-recovery methods from oil spills have essentially stayed the same for decades. A rotating drum with an oil-adhering surface called a “drum skimmer” turns in the contaminated water, removing oil that is then scraped into a collector. However, a new skimmer developed at the University of California, Santa Barbara is poised to revolutionize the oil-recovery industry.

Victoria Broje, a doctoral student at the university, redesigned the standard drum skimmer by adding new surface coatings and V-shaped grooves running in the direction of rotation. The grooves add four times the surface area compared to the standard drum skimmer. These grooves help the drum pull up a thicker layer of oil with each rotation, and slow oil drainage back to the slick.

Tests showed that the Groovy Drum Skimmer increased oil-recovery rates by more than 200 percent.

The “Groovy Drum Skimmer” was disclosed in 2004. With a $170,000 grant from the Coastal Response Research Center at the University of New Hampshire, Broje successfully tested the design in ice-infested water. In 2006 the product was licensed to Illinois-based Elastec/American Marine, the largest manufacturer of oil-spill recovery equipment in the United States. It is being sold to recovery companies around the world.

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Decision-Planning Technology Generates More Efficient, Higher Quality Meetings

University of Arizona

Decision-Planning Technology Generates More Efficient, Higher Quality Meetings

Some of the most important work that people do — brainstorming, strategic planning, problem solving, organizing and information gathering — occurs during group meetings. With that idea in mind, Jay Nunamaker, Ph.D., Regents Professor and Director of the Center for Management of Information (CMI) at the University of Arizona, founded the management information systems (MIS) department at the university in 1974, a U.S. top-five ranked MIS department for the past 17 years.

In 1985 at the University of Arizona, Nunamaker made a quantum leap by building the first operational decision support center under funding from the U.S. Army, the National Science Foundation, IBM and others. Nunamaker, one of the developers of “group support systems,” engineered a computer-supported approach that gives people new ways to collaborate.

Using networks, personal computers and software products, the decision-making planning software has led to improved productivity and more efficient meetings.

The innovative group support systems technology resulted in the development of GroupSystems software product in 1989. Licensed to Ventana Corp., a Tucson-based startup company founded by Nunamaker, the company has evolved to GroupSystems, a Colorado company that provides team-based information technology tools to hundreds of organizations that want to help people collaborate effectively.


This story was originally published in 2007.

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Detachable Coils Defeat Brain Aneurysms With Skill and Ingenuity

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

Detachable Coils Defeat Brain Aneurysms With Skill and Ingenuity

Brain aneurysms are usually symptom free while they are developing but are devastating when they finally make their presence known. Most of these bulges in the arteries of the brain remain undetected until they’ve swollen to the point of bursting and begin smothering brain cells with free-flowing blood.

Only a small percentage of people with brain aneurysms experience ruptures, but as many as 50 percent of those whose aneurysms do burst die before reaching the hospital, according to figures compiled by the nonprofit Brain Aneurysm Foundation. Half of those who get to the hospital go on to die within 30 days, while survivors often suffer from brain damage and lingering disability, the foundation notes.

Conversely, some patients receive prompt care with minimally invasive detachable platinum coils. While surgery is sometimes appropriate, coils avoid the need for physically opening patients’ skulls to access aneurysm sites. Threaded with extreme care through the arteries by highly trained and skilled interventional neuroradiologists, the soft, flexible coils are packed inside the aneurysm pockets to close them off, ending the danger of continued bleeding.

The best possibility is for the procedures to be performed preventively, before the aneurysms actually rupture. Usually, however, the aneurysms’ presence is discovered only by accident, during tests for other problems.

Shape-Shifting Flexibility

Somewhat resembling tiny slinky toys, detachable coils are comprised of spiraling wires thinner than strands of hair.

Platinum is used because it is visible to a fluoroscope, is flexible and can assume the shape of the aneurysm it fills. Delivered through catheters inserted into the arterial systems, the coils are detached by low-voltage electrical currents that dissolve the connection between them and their delivery wires.

“Before coiling was approved in 1995, the best tools we had for treating aneurysms were either surgery that involved removing a section of skull or the use of balloons we could inflate within the aneurysm to try to fill it,” says Fernando Vinuela, M.D., director of interventional neuroradiology at the University of California Los Angeles’ (UCLA) Ronald Reagan Medical Center. He was a member of the team that invented the Guglielmi detachable coil (GDC), named for Guido Guglielmi, M.D., the Italian physician who led the project.

“Balloons weren’t a satisfactory solution because they didn’t adjust to the shape of the sac. The Guglielmi detachable coil proved to be a superb technology — soft and flexible, forgiving, with a low complication rate. The Matrix detachable coil, approved a few years ago, accelerates the clotting process with a biopolymer coating.”

Since the GDC’s approval for commercial sale by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1995, coils have been used on more than 500,000 patients worldwide, Vinuela notes.

A Silent Stalker

One in every 15 people develop brain aneurysms during their lifetime, according to the American Society of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradiology (ASITN). Aneurysm bulges grow at weak spots in arterial walls, believed to be promoted by risk factors as diverse as smoking, hypertension, infection and traumatic injury. A tendency for the development of brain aneurysms can be inherited, so family history is also a risk factor.

As many as 3 percent of those aneurysms rupture, resulting in a total of more than 30,000 people who are affected in the United States each year, the ASITN organization says.

The most common type of brain aneurysm is a sac attached to the artery by a neck, or stem. Often, this develops within a “vee” where one artery branches off from a larger one. The danger is that a burst aneurysm lets blood flow into the subarachnoid space surrounding the brain — a subarachnoid hemorrhage that damages brain cells and, if severe enough, leads to death.

“Sometimes, bleeding from a rupture stops fairly quickly — a warning leak — giving us a window of opportunity for treatment,” Vinuela notes. “A burst site needs to be treated as quickly as possible to prevent additional rupturing. When additional rupture occurs, the mortality rate is about 75 percent.

“It’s even more desirable to treat aneurysms before they burst, if possible,” he adds. “Most unruptured aneurysms are found in the course of brain MRI or CT scans for other concerns. The complication rate for closing them off is very  low, and treatment is well-justified in many patients.”

Guido Guglielmi’s Mission

The development of the detachable coil began with Guglielmi’s arrival in 1989. His father had died of a brain aneurysm and he wanted to find a way to deal with the disorder. Lacking the resources in Italy, he came to UCLA. His original idea was to use a powder to seal aneurysms off by causing the blood inside them to coagulate.

“I formed a research team involving Guido, Ivan Sepetka and myself in order to develop the first prototypes to be used in ruptured aneurysms,” Vinuela notes. Sepetka was an engineer with Target Therapeutics, a medical device company.

Guglielmi ultimately dropped the idea of developing a powder, and, at Sepetka’s suggestion, the group began working with the soft, platinum helical coils. Following animal tests, their first human case was a patient in 1990 with an aneurysm involving the cavernous sinus — nothing in contact with the brain. “We were elated with the results,” Vinuela says. “We presented our work to the American Society of Neuroradiology that year.”

Licensing, Variations, Limitations

Approved for use by the FDA in 1995, the Guglielmi detachable coil was licensed to Target Therapeutics (which was acquired by Boston Scientific Corp. in 1997), notes Emily Loughran, director of licensing at UCLA. Guglielmi and Sepetka were determined to be the inventors and were named on the patent.

“Since then,” Loughran says, “numerous companies have developed coils — today, there are more than 140 versions in varying sizes and characteristics. But the GDC has been the gold standard.”

Published in 2002, the International Subarachnoid Aneurysm Trial, a large-scale study of ruptured aneurysms in patients equally suited for coiling or surgery, found a 22.6 percent lower relative risk of death or significant disability after one year for patients treated by coiling. A follow-up study published in 2005 found that the benefit continues for at least seven years after the procedure. It also found that, while the risk of repeated bleeding is low with both techniques, it is slightly higher with coiling.

In fact, recanalization, or reopening of the aneurysm, was identified as a problem early on. “By the end of the ‘90s,” Vinuela says, “we recognized that 18 to 21 percent of aneurysms were recanalizing — that is, their stems were reopening — particularly large ones with wide necks.”

Illustrations of coils in aneurysms usually depict them as completely filling the sacs, but actually they generally occupy no more than 30 percent of the aneurysms’ volume. The rest is filled with clotted blood. When an artery’s blood flow is strong, the pressure can push a coil from the neck into the body of the aneurysm, allowing blood to flow back into the sac and presenting the risk of re-rupture.


Faced with these issues, the UCLA team went back to the lab and changed the size and radial force of the coil.

“Beyond this,” Vinuela notes, “we started looking at more sophisticated changes we could make to the GDC.” By the mid-1990s, Guglielmi had retired and returned to Italy, but Vinuela worked with fellow UCLA neuroradiologist Yuichi Murayama, M.D., to refine the GDC.

“Drs. Vinuela and Murayama coated the GDC with a biopolymer material,” Loughran says, “a polylactic acid that accelerates inflammation within the aneurysm. It speeds up clotting, eventually degrades and is absorbed by the body. By 1998 they had perfected a new, coated version called the Matrix detachable coil.”

While development of the Guglielmi coil was supported by Target Therapeutics, the Matrix coil was developed with National Institutes of Health funding. With Vinuela and Murayama designated as the co-inventors and named on the patent, the Matrix device was licensed to Boston Scientific in 2000.

“With these changes in size, strength and materials,” Vinuela says, “the recanalization rate is down to 9 percent. At the present time, endovascular technology has dealt very well with small aneurysms.”

Surgery is still necessary for many brain aneurysm cases, but at medical centers like UCLA, the majority are treated by coiling — in Europe, coiling accounts for more than 90 percent of treatments, according to Vinuela. In large part the choice of the approach depends on the type and location of the aneurysm, the patient’s general health and the patient’s preference.

New techniques are being explored for large aneurysms. One innovation uses balloons to divert blood flow from the aneurysm while coils are placed within it. Another technique utilizes combinations of stents and coils. However, the newest idea is to use stents by themselves as flow diverters for very large aneurysms so as to stimulate clotting without the use of a coil at all.

“Coils are very successful,” Loughran notes. “Studies of unruptured patients have indicated that coiled patients require much shorter hospital stays, experience dramatically shorter recovery periods and report far fewer new symptoms afterwards than surgical patients.

“These factors are good for both patients and our society. A study in California found both adverse outcomes and hospital costs to be considerably lower with coiling than with surgery.”

Vinuela adds: “We started working on these devices 30 years ago and I don’t remember stopping for a minute. It’s been an extraordinary, unique experience.

“Most importantly,” he says, “we can look back and see that these devices have helped half a million people, all over the world, cope with problems that otherwise would have been fatal or disabling to many of them. That’s a good feeling.”


This story was originally published in 2010.

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Turning Quitters Into Winners: the Nicotine Patch Success Story

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

Turning Quitters Into Winners: the Nicotine Patch Success Story

A casual conversation between two brothers in the early 1980s leads to the research and development of the Habitrol® nicotine patch, which has helped thousands kick the smoking habit each year.

When Jed Rose, Ph.D., gave his brother a ride to their family reunion back in 1981, the topic of work came up in their conversation. Little did Jed know that their discussion would lead to a major medical discovery that would save thousands of lives.

At the time, Jed Rose was a faculty member of the University of California, Los Angeles School of Medicine and founder of UCLA’s Nicotine Research Program, and his brother Dr. Daniel Rose was a physician with a successful private practice in Healdsburg, Calif.

“I remember talking to Dan about my research on separating nicotine from sensory factors like taste or inhaling tobacco smoke into your lungs,” Jed Rose says. “In discussing the issue of satisfying nicotine cravings, Dan wondered whether some sort of skin patch could be developed — similar to the transdermal scopolamine patch used for the prevention and treatment of motion sickness.”

This nicotine patch could potentially be used to reduce people’s cravings for cigarettes, cigars and other tobacco products containing nicotine. “So we hatched a plan to develop the patch,” Rose says. And the rest, as they say, is history.

Getting the Nicotine Patch to People Who Want to Kick the Habit

Working together with his brother and Murray Jarvik, Ph.D., then head of UCLA’s Psychopharmacology Laboratory, Jed Rose initiated the research and development of the nicotine patch. Using himself as the first research subject, Jed Rose determined that nicotine could indeed reach the bloodstream when applied to his skin using a polyethylene patch. The team’s first published study on the subject in 1984 demonstrated that the transdermal transfer of nicotine into the bloodstream had the desired effect of reducing nicotine cravings.

After years of experimentation on hundreds of test subjects, the team, with assistance from the Swiss pharmaceutical company Ciba-Geigy, developed a skin patch that would transmit low doses of nicotine into the bloodstream through a subject’s skin at a rate corresponding to that of smoking. The patch could also be used in combination with a nicotine aerosol spray in development at the time that would mimic some of the sensations associated with inhaling tobacco smoke. The trio of researchers obtained the first of three patents on the technology in May 1990.

Ciba-Geigy licensed the new nicotine patch technology from the University of California Office of Technology Transfer and after gaining approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the company launched the patch as a prescription drug in 1991. It wasn’t long before other prescription-based Habitrol® transdermal nicotine patches entered the marketplace as well. In 1991 and 1992 other pharmaceutical companies began marketing their own nicotine patch products based on technologies licensed from other research institutions.

But it was the FDA’s approval of over-the-counter nicotine replacement therapies in the mid1990s that marked another significant step in the nicotine patch success story. Through much wider over-the-counter accessibility, use of nicotine patches increased by as much as 92 percent compared with prior prescription use. By 1999, an over-the-counter version of Habitrol® was introduced to the marketplace by Novartis, a pharmaceutical giant formed from the 1996 merger of Ciba-Geigy and Sandoz.

Because 70 percent of all smokers express a desire to quit smoking, the widespread over-the-counter availability of these and other nicotine replacement therapies has presented even greater opportunities to kick the tobacco habit.

Tremendous Benefits to Society

To say that nicotine patches have benefited society is like saying breathing oxygen is good for your health. Ample scientific and medical data show that nicotine patches have helped reduce the toll of smoking on society. And it has been a heavy toll indeed. In the U.S. alone, one out of five adults — 44.5 million people — were smokers in 2004. Nearly one out of every five deaths is related to tobacco use, killing 438,000 Americans annually. Cigarette smoking is the primary cause of death and disease in the U.S., taking more lives than alcohol, car accidents, suicide, AIDS, homicide and illegal drugs combined.

The Centers for Disease Control estimate that adult male smokers lose an average of 13.2 years of life, while female smokers lose an average of 14.5 years of life because of smoking. According to one estimate, smoking annually costs Americans 1.1 million years of potential life lost before they reach 65.

Besides these tremendous human costs, the economic costs of smoking are staggering as well. In 1993, an estimated $50 billion in the U.S. was spent on smoking-related medical care. Lost productivity and earnings from smoking related disabilities were estimated to cost an additional $47 billion.

Yet nicotine replacement therapies and the nicotine patch in particular have gone far in reversing these devastating trends. Numerous studies indicate that nicotine patches roughly double the rate of successful quit attempts. Successful quit rates for those using nicotine patches range from 9 percent to as much as 20 percent. According to one estimate, the annual number of successful quits achieved using over-the-counter patches alone in the U.S. was 13,566.

By helping thousands of smokers quit every year, nicotine patches generate significant annual net social benefits — an estimated $1.17 billion to $1.39 billion. What’s more, the nicotine patch is considered highly cost-effective. Use of the patch produces a lifetime quitter at an estimated cost of $7,332, a tremendous bargain in light of the tremendous cost to society posed by tobacco use, which amounts to $3,391 per smoker per year. It comes as no surprise that nicotine patches and other nicotine replacement therapies are more cost-effective than other common disease prevention approaches, such as the treatment of hypertension or high blood cholesterol.

Today Jed Rose continues to lead nicotine research as Director of the Duke Center for Nicotine and Smoking Cessation Research at Duke University in Durham, N.C., working alongside his wife, Frederique Behm, who was involved in his initial nicotine patch experiments years ago. Looking back, he notes a humble feeling of satisfaction when reflecting on the groundbreaking research that he, his brother and Murray Jarvik initiated.

“It is very exciting and gratifying to know that our work has made a difference in people’s lives,” he says. “This shows the potential impact that clinical research can have on society.”



This story was originally published in 2006.

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Giving a Hand to Vision Tests

Emory University

Giving a Hand to Vision Tests

As a teacher for visually impaired students, Cindy Lou Harrington found that she didn’t always trust the results that came back from her students’ vision tests. “I had kids who didn’t speak English, or had cerebral palsy or multiple impairments,” says Harrington, who taught for nearly three decades in DeKalb and Fulton County schools. “The regular eye testing charts didn’t work for them.”

In fact, she came across several children who had been completely misdiagnosed: a boy diagnosed as learning disabled who actually had severe nystagmus and was legally blind; a shy 5-year-old Asian girl who had been thought of as blind but actually had good vision. This led to misguided educational interventions and a failure in treating the actual visual impairment.
So Harrington decided to create her own test that even nonverbal students could easily perform—not only that, she wanted to make it fun. To that end, she developed the “Thumbs Up” test, to assess functional vision. This test used pictures of common hand gestures that her nonverbal students could mimic.
She also started going to eye exams with her students, watching how they were tested and learning more about their eye problems. “I get very passionate about helping my kids,” she says. Fortuitously, during these exams, Harrington met Emory pediatric ophthalmologist Amy Hutchinson and approached her about working together to refine her functional assessment tool into a valid test of visual acuity.
Hutchinson and then-medical student Caroline Cromelin expanded on Harrington’s idea to use hand gestures as a functional assessment of vision. They came up with the Handy Eye Chart™, a formal test of visual acuity that conformed to accepted standards for visual acuity charts. They validated the chart by comparing it to a gold standard eye chart on children age 6 to 18 who were visiting the Emory Eye Center.
Since then, with the help of Emory medical student J.P. Gorham, they have tested the chart in a number of settings, including a population of students at the Atlanta Area School for the Deaf. In the May 2016 issue of the Journal of AAPOS (American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus,) they shared results from the study: testing with the Handy Eye ChartTM was faster, preferred by the majority of students, and valid. Another article, published in the Journal of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, suggested that the Handy Eye Chart™ “might also aid in the visual acuity screening of children with language delay, who are shy, or who have aphasia.”
“The chart was well received, and the children really liked it a lot,” says Hutchinson. “The other place we think it will really be helpful is in some international settings.”
“It has been really inspiring to work with Cindy, Amy, Caroline, and the Groundwork Go team on this project,” says Clifford Michaels, assistant director of Emory’s Office of Technology Transfer. “There has been a real, true passion to help others and make a difference behind each stage of the chart’s development; it is infectious. I’m excited for everyone involved that we have reached the point where the product is now available for purchase, and look forward to seeing where the team takes it next.”
The inventors of the chart would like to see the test go digital, with versions for computer and tablet screens. And while the Handy Eye Chart™ hasn’t been tested in children under 6, Harrington feels that is a group for which the test is a natural fit. “We already have a song and a little game with their hands to teach them how to use it,” she says, adding that the siblings of children being tested have spontaneously wanted to take part. “It feels like play to them.”


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Harnessing Patient’s Immune System to Fight Cancer

St Jude Children's Research Hospital

Harnessing Patient’s Immune System to Fight Cancer

For patients with leukemia or lymphoma, today’s treatments can fall short. If a patient’s cancer recurs, sometimes It can be more aggressive and more difficult to treat. Even when treatments are successful, therapies often have dangerous side effects with  long-term consequences, particularly in children. In response, researchers from St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital have developed an alternative treatment to harness the power of patients’ immune systems that could lead to better therapies for some cancers, including leukemia and lymphoma. 

This therapy “provides a new treatment option for patients whose cancer does not respond to standard treatment,” said former St Jude researcher and co-inventor Dario Campana, MD, PhD,  noting that it may become part of the standard-of-care arsenal to treat cancer, and could even replace some or all of the existing therapies for leukemia and lymphoma. "Hopefully, as similar methods are being developed, patients with other forms of cancer will also benefit from these technologies."

In the Beginning

In the early 2000s, Campana and fellow St. Jude researcher Chihaya Imai, MD, PhD, began working to stimulate patients' immune cells to fight cancer — a method known as immunotherapy. To achieve that, they enlisted the help of white blood cells called T-cells (the “T” is for thymus, the gland where these immune-system cells develop). Infusions of T-cells had already helped a few leukemia patients, but the resulting side-effect outweighed the benefits. The treatments required T-cells from donors, and those donor cells would sometimes attack patients' tissues and organs. Campana and Imai needed a way to control the T-cells’ search-and-destroy activity, to kill cancer cells while leaving healthy cells intact.

They found the answer by improving an existing T-cell therapy, called chimeric antigen receptor or CAR.  A version of the therapy uses a patient’s own cells instead of donor cells. How? After T-cells are removed from the patient, they are genetically engineered to attack specific cancer cells. This is done by modifying the T-cells to target proteins expressed on the surface of cancer cells. For their treatment, the researchers programmed T-cells to target a protein called CD19, which is found in leukemia and lymphoma cells. After the T-cells are genetically engineered, they are returned to the patient’s bloodstream. Because donor T-cells can be too destructive, the patient’s T-cells represent a useful alternative. “Our own T-[cells] do not attack our own tissues,” says Campana.

To improve the strength of CAR treatment, the St. Jude researchers added a molecule (4-1BB) that not only induces T-cells to kill the targeted cancer cells, but also causes T-cells to proliferate.

When the researchers tested this modified treatment in the lab, the results were encouraging. "I was amazed by how powerful they were,” says Campana, who now works at University of Singapore. "This incredible capacity to eliminate target cells within minutes was something that I had never seen before."

In 2003, the researchers presented their findings at the American Society of Hematology conference, which attracted about 20,000 scientists and physicians — but only about 20 people attended their presentation. Interest from pharmaceutical companies and investors was essentially non-existent, says Campana. Ten years later- after this CAR T-cell therapy achieved its first clinical results and the promise of immunotherapy began to be realized - interest increased significantly.

From Lab to Marketplace

The basic idea behind immunotherapy has existed for many decades. As far back as the 1890s, doctors attempted to fight cancer by stimulating patients’ immune systems. Sometimes those experiments worked, but researchers often struggled with a lack of knowledge about the immune system. That changed over the last 15 years, with advances in genetics that revealed key information about the body’s natural defenses. “[Immunotherapy] is something that’s come of age,” says Chad Riggs, a marketing associate for technology licensing at St. Jude, which filed a patent application in 2003 based on Campana and Imai’s T-cell work. A patent was issued in March 2013.

It wasn't long before St. Jude heard from Juno Therapeutics, a Seattle-based biopharmaceutical company that focuses on immunotherapy treatments for cancer, and is one of a small number of companies working to bring CAR T-cell therapies to market.

“We identified the St. Jude technology as a good fit,” said Hans Bishop, Juno’s CEO, who credits St. Jude’s technology transfer office, which supports the commercialization of research innovation, as “critical to a positive outcome.” Licensing negotiations were completed in December 2013.

A drug candidate, JCAR017, is currently being evaluated in clinical trials directed at CD19, a known antigen associated with certain leukemias and lymphomas.  Juno has announced that its collaborator, Celgene Corporation, has exercised an option to commercialize Juno’s CD19 program outside of North America and China.

There are no CAR T-cell treatments commercially available yet, but Bishop says that they expect their product candidate could be on the market as early as 2018. It’s too soon to know if that will be JCAR017 — but based on early clinical results, JCAR017 received designations from both the FDA and the  European Medicines Agency (EMA) that make it eligible for expedited approval assessment. Still this does not guarantee approval.

Bishop is confident. "This product candidate has the potential to provide a life-saving treatment option for patients,” he said.

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Heart-Healthy Buttery Spread

Brandeis University

Heart-Healthy Buttery Spread

Diets high in the wrong kinds of  fats, especially trans fats, can lead to serious health problems such as high LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. Now researchers at Brandeis University in Waltham, Mass., have created a butter substitute that increases HDL (“good”) cholesterol and lowers bad cholesterol.

Increasing the HDL level and the HDL/LDL ratio in human serum with fat blends was the goal reached in 1995 by department of biology professor K.C. Hayes, Ph.D., professor Daniel Perlman, Ph.D., and Kalyana Sundram, Ph.D., director of nutrition for palm oil research at the Malaysian Palm Oil Board in Kuala Lampur.

Research was funded by the Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia and Brandeis University.
The special blend is composed of cholesterol-free fats, with balanced proportions of saturated fats and  polyunsaturated fats.

The mixture provides natural hardness or plasticity that makes it as spreadable and flexible as shortening, which is difficult to achieve with most natural fats.

These blends have been incorporated into a number of heart-healthy foods, such as Smart Balance  spreads and popcorn. Clinical trials have shown the Smart Balance® formulas are effective in improving cholesterol ratios. Because of its excellent flavor (three consecutive Best Taste Awards from the American Culinary Institute), natural stability when heated, and melting characteristics, Smart Balance products have gained widespread acceptance by consumers  as a butter substitute. Sales have increased 20 to 40 percent annually since it was introduced to the  marketplace a decade ago.

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Hemophilia B Treated with Gene Therapy Vector from St. Jude

St Jude Children's Research Hospital

Hemophilia B Treated with Gene Therapy Vector from St. Jude

Hemophilia B, a disease in which the patient’s blood fails to clot properly, affects about one in 30,000 individuals, mainly males. It is caused by a mutation in the gene coding for Factor IX (FIX), a factor involved in blood clotting. People with hemophilia B suffer from lower than normal levels of Factor IX.

Hemophilia B is well suited for gene therapy replacement because the lack of a single protein is responsible for the disease and achieving even a modest rise in FIX levels is enough to alleviate a subject’s clotting deficiency. Several groups of researchers have conducted research with gene therapy vectors designed to express FIX, but have not been able to achieve stable production of therapeutic levels in humans.

Drs. John Gray, Andrew Davidoff and Amit Nathwani jointly designed a FIX expression vector that may finally reach this goal. It includes two significant improvements for which St. Jude sought patent protection. The first is a specific coding sequence designed for optimal expression of FIX. The second is a transcriptional regulatory control region that regulates the expression of FIX in liver cells. This transcriptional regulatory control region consists essentially of a smaller version of a known liver specific enhancer and promoter, both of which are reduced in size but still retain their function.

By reducing the size of this control region, the chimeric FIX gene was able to fit into a self-complementary virus vector which is more efficiently transduced into cells than standard virus vectors.

Standard treatment is directed toward stopping the bleeding associated with the disease by infusion of factor IX concentrates to replace the defective clotting factor. Current recombinant protein treatment causes peaks and troughs; whereas, gene therapy replaces the defective gene and yields stable FIX levels. It is hoped hemophilia B gene therapy will be successful enough to replace all recombinant FIX products.

The University College London, in collaboration with Drs. Arthur Nienhuis and Andy Davidoff, initiated a Phase I/II study in adults using the St. Jude vector. Six patients with severe hemophilia B have been treated with vector produced at St. Jude in the Children’s GMP. To date, all six patients have demonstrated increased circulating factor IX levels for the duration of the trial, which has been over a year in some of these cases. Four of the six have been able to discontinue their previously necessary prophylactic factor IX protein injections.

St. Jude filed a patent application claiming the aforementioned improvements to this expression vector, which was recently granted on October 4, 2011 as U.S. Patent No. 8,030,965.

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Chronic Hepatitis B: Battling a Global Killer With a New Drug

Emory University

Chronic Hepatitis B: Battling a Global Killer With a New Drug

Hepatitis B, a virus that inflames the liver, is one of the top ten killers worldwide. Globally, about 350 million people, about 5 percent of the world's population, are chronic carriers, and thousands die each year from complications of chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infections. Due to a successful vaccine and better treatment options these rates are declining. But for HBV patients who show signs of liver damage, are pregnant, or who have HIV as well, the medications normally used to treat HBV might be harmful.

The drug telbivudine (marketed under the tradename Tyzeka®) is now available to help this group. Invented by Raymond Schinazi, PhD, Director of the Laboratory of Biochemical Pharmacology at Emory, Tyzeka® is the only FDA-approved hepatitis B drug that is selectively active against HBV. Telbivudine, which was approved by the FDA in 2006, works by decreasing the amount of HBV in the body. It does not cure HBV but may prevent complications. Tyzeka® (marketed as Sebivo® in Europe) is a synthetic nucleoside analogue that was codeveloped by Idenix Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and Novartis Pharma AG, which has exclusive worldwide commercialization rights to the drug.

"If you have someone who is co-infected with HIV and you treat them with a different Hep B drug, you can get an emergence of resistant HIV. With this drug, you don't have to worry about that. It's inactive against HIV in vitro and in humans," Schinazi says. "It is also one of the few drugs that can be used to treat pregnant HBV infected women."

HBV can be passed from person to person through contact with blood or bodily fluids, from mothers to their infants, or by sharing infected needles, similar to HIV. In the US, HBV is largely a disease of young men aged 25 to 44, a population also at risk for HIV.

While about 1.25 million Americans are HBV carriers, only a fraction of them are receiving oral HBV medications.

Tyzeka® is bringing hope to people living with chronic hepatitis B, which can progress to fatal cirrhosis and/or liver cancer, said Timothy Block, PhD, president of the Hepatitis B Foundation.

Through a settlement agreement with Idenix Pharmaceuticals (IDIX), a company co-founded by Schinazi in 1998, Emory is receiving payments for telbivudine-containing products that are expected to total at least $6 million by 2018. Idenix settled a long-standing dispute with Emory and the University of Alabama at Birmingham related to telbivudine in 2008. The company made a one-time payment to Emory of $1.6 million and agreed to additional ongoing royalty and minimum payment obligations.

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Breeding Selection Technology Allows Dairy Farmers to Raise Healthier Herds

University of Guelph

Breeding Selection Technology Allows Dairy Farmers to Raise Healthier Herds
Dr. Bonnie Mallard, (left), of the Ontario Veterinary College at the University of Guelph.

The rate of disease in the global dairy population has increased each year since 1996. The selection of low heritability traits, which does not directly measure an animal's ability to resist diseases, has not provided a significant change in the health of the dairy population.

Following 20 years of research, Dr. Bonnie Mallard, of the Ontario Veterinary College at the University of Guelph, has devised a test to identify cattle as high, average or low immune responders. By improving breeding selection, the tool allows farmers to raise healthier animals that need less treatment and antibiotic use. High immune responders have about half the disease incidence of their herd mates.

Semex Alliance, a cattle genomics company, partnered with Mallard and Guelph to introduce the High Immune Responder (HIR) technology to dairy producers as Immunity+® sires. These animals have genetics that provide robust immune systems capable of dealing with a large variety of potential immune challenges, both viral and bacterial in nature, encompassing nearly all major diseases that have an economic impact on farm.
According to Semex, research, involving 35 large commercial herds, and analyzed data from more than 30,000 cows and 75,000 heifers, showed reductions in every major disease and a 5 to 20 percent reduction specifically in animals bred by Immunity+ sires compared to all others. Mastitis, lameness and mortality saw especially large decreases in frequency.

Immunity+ sired animals also respond better to commercial vaccinations and produce higher quality colostrum  -- the milk produced in the first 24 hours after birth that contains immunoglobulins and, when absorbed by the calf's gut, helps protect the animal from common disease challenges  -- than animals sired by any other bull, according to Semex.

The technology was first licensed from the University’s Research Innovation Office to Semex in 2012, and Immunity+ was launched the following year. The project has received funding from the Canadian federal and Ontario provincial governments.

HIR technology was recognized in 2017 with a Governor General’s Award for Innovation, which celebrates outstanding Canadian individuals, teams and organizations— trailblazers and creators who contribute to the country's success, shape the future and inspire the next generation.

“The healthier the cow, the healthier the environment,” said Mallard, upon winning the award. “I am very pleased this immuno-genetics approach has worked so well to improve animal health, and now has proven effective in the field. HIR provides benefits to the producer, the consumer and the animal, resulting in a healthier and sustainable food chain.”

Since launching Immunity+ for dairy bulls, Semex has also launched an award-winning Immunity+ genetic test for cows. Semex and the Mallard lab continue to collaborate on expanding the product to beef cattle.

Patent Number(s): US 6,287,564; US 7,258,858; CAN 2,255,423

This story was originally published in 2019.

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Berkeley Lab and Symyx Technologies: A Winning Combination

Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab

Berkeley Lab and Symyx Technologies: A Winning Combination

With its unique approach to materials identification and analysis, Symyx Technologies is helping  powerhouse companies worldwide blaze new trails  in the realm of research and development.

Take one brilliant idea, a supportive national laboratory and a savvy technology transfer office, and occasionally the combination will hit the jackpot. It’s all quite fitting given that the essence of this story is a technology based on the concept of combinations. The key elements, when brought together, resulted in the company Symyx Technologies, Inc., which today generates over $100 million in sales annually.

Symyx was sparked by the innovative research of renowned scientist Peter G. Schultz, Ph.D., who began his career studying DNA, catalytic antibodies and other biological molecules. Professor Schultz was intrigued by the concept that manipulating antibodies in different combinations yielded an exponentially higher number of biological products, thereby opening the door to broader testing for immune-related drugs. As a chemistry professor and principal investigator at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Berkeley, Calif., back in the 1990s, he applied the same approach to the growing field of materials sciences.

While conventional materials development involved creating new materials one at a time, and then painstakingly testing each one for desired qualities, analyzing combinations of materials promised to revolutionize the process. Professor Schultz and his colleagues at Berkeley Lab invented and reduced to practice a highly efficient and automated process, called high throughput, for simultaneously analyzing 10,000  different materials, or “combinatorial libraries.” Using the techniques of miniaturizing and simultaneous parallel processing, they designed a technology that allowed them to identify new materials with specific and desirable physical and chemical properties. These lead compounds were then analyzed and characterized to determine their structure.

The scientists achieved their goal of applying the concept of high throughput research to combinatorial chemistry, and applied it to the discovery of new materials – from magnets and super conductors, to catalysts and polymers. When they published this milestone in 1995, it warranted the cover story of the journal Science. That very same year Symyx was founded.

“It was a very broad concept with high risk that needed to be developed and commercialized within an entrepreneurial venture,” says Symyx President and CEO Isy Goldwasser. “That’s why Symyx was quickly founded to advance this technology.”

New Strategies for Successful Technology Transfer

The partnership between Symyx and the Berkeley Lab Technology Transfer Department was somewhat unusual, but proved to be beneficial to both parties. According to Viviana Wolinsky, licensing manager at the Berkeley Lab, the SymyxBerkeley license transaction is believed to be the first of its kind whereby a national lab accepted partial payment in the form of equity. This arrangement allowed the startup company, based on the core intellectual property created at the Berkeley Lab, to devote more of its initial capital to developing the promising technology.

“As a Department of Energy lab, we’re always keen to make appropriate choices with licensing,” says Wolinksy. “We realized that Symyx had a great plan from the start — it made the right choices and has really gone far beyond initial plans.”

The original funding for the work was an $80,000 grant to Professor Schultz for his research from Berkeley Lab’s Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) Program. The LDRD program is a source of discretionary funding that awards grants through a scientific and management peer review process for early-stage projects that are directed to the advanced study of hypotheses, concepts, or innovative approaches to scientific problems.

By 1998, Symyx had raised $38.7 million from a variety of private and venture sources, including Alejandro Zaffaroni, Bayer INNOVATION, Chemical and Materials Enterprise Associates, Institutional Venture Partners (which is now Versant Ventures) and Venrock Associates. The company, headquartered in Santa Clara, Calif., went public in 1999 and is listed on NASDAQ.
Today Symyx is an impressive example of a federally funded technology that resulted in a vibrant and profitable startup, creating hundreds of high-value jobs. Symyx has more than 375 employees, the majority of whom are highlevel scientists and technical staff.

“We’re proud of this job creation, as well as other direct and indirect effects on economic development,” says Wolinsky. “Symyx has become a research powerhouse for other businesses both nationally and abroad.”

Symyx’s performance continues to shine. Last year the company reached over $108 million in revenue. Goldwasser says that as the first company worldwide to offer this technology, it has built a leadership role and therefore gains the most business and the most investments. Currently its equity is worth approximately $750 million, a value that has benefited both the Berkeley Lab and other Symyx shareholders. 

Impacting the Big Industries

The list of materials and technologies that have emerged from the company’s founding technology continues to grow, as does the list of pharmaceutical, chemical, energy and electronics companies that have benefited from Symyx Tools, Software and research services. Two of the company’s more prestigious clients are ExxonMobil and Dow Chemical, and each has made a long-term commitment to change its organization to conduct research and development the way Symyx does, according to Goldwasser.
“Industry-leading companies like these don’t usually seek help from outsiders, so it’s been a big shift for them,” he says. “This exemplifies how Symyx has changed an industry that is normally very resistant to change.”

The materials that have been developed in the years since Symyx introduced its broad methodology include new polymers, chemical catalysts and specialty formulations. With over 320 issued patents, Symyx has the largest portfolio of any company devoted to high throughput materials discovery.

“Most technologies out of universities and national labs are very early stage tech- nologies that need further nurturing and are not ready to jump out of the lab and into the marketplace,” says Wolinksy. “But Symyx was able to take a very early stage technology, and a great concept, and exploit it to its fullest so that it’s now providing huge value across an entire panoply of industrial sectors. It’s very rewarding to see a licensee that has devoted its resources and creative energies so well.”

Goldwasser, who began his involvement with Symyx as a summer student with Schultz, is perhaps most proud of the way in which Symyx is changing the field of materials sciences.
“We have been very profitable and very fast growing for a small company,” he says. “What’s most impressive for everyone is that we have really achieved what we initially defined as our overall vision — to change the way that research and development is conducted, by making it faster, better and more efficient.”



This story was originally published in 2007.

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Green Power for the Planet's Biggest Polluters

University of British Columbia

Green Power for the Planet's Biggest Polluters

Westport Innovations, a small company in Vancouver, British Columbia, is driving a change in the way the world powers its buses and trucks, which are a major source of urban air pollution and greenhouse gases in industrialized areas around the globe.

Air pollution casts an ugly cloud over the world’s largest cities, hanging over crowded highways in places like Sao Paolo and Mexico City. Trucks and buses alone contribute more than 20 percent of total particulate air pollution around the globe. These heavy-duty vehicles are usually powered by diesel engines, long a favorite of manufacturers and suppliers of commercial vehicles because of their characteristics, which combine robust performance with energy-efficiency. Unfortunately, the engines also are a major source of urban air pollution.

For the air quality regulation authority in Los Angeles, the “last remaining beachhead” to cleaning up air pollution in the area were the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. Together, the two ports contribute 9 percent of the smog; 12 percent of the particulate matter pollution, or soot; and 45 percent of the sulfur oxides, or acid rain air in Greater Los Angeles, according to the ports’ Clean Air Action Plan.

Westport Innovations is working with the South Coast Air Quality Management District in Los Angeles to reduce particulate air pollution from diesel engines in  the trucks that transport container cargo from the ports. The Vancouver, British Columbia-based company is helping government agencies and suppliers of vehicles around the world switch to a cleaner natural gas power while retaining the positive traits of diesel.

Westport’s engines are developed around a technology called high-pressure direct injection (HPDI), invented by Philip Hill, an emeritus professor of mechanical engineering at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. Hill wanted to preserve the characteristics of the diesel engine that made it popular, while reducing its harmful by-products.

“Diesel has amazing fuel flexibility and energy efficiency, but, unfortunately, these engines also produce disproportionate amounts of air pollution,” says David Demers, founder and chief executive of Westport. “If we could start with a cleaner fuel, inevitably we would get few problems coming out of the tailpipe.”

Hill explains: “There was a serious defect in the diesel engine, and that was the emission of particulates and nitrous oxide, and that demanded a solution.”

Hill dedicated his career to working out a solution, starting in the early 1980s, with funding from the Canadian Science and Engineering Research Council and the Science Council of British Columbia. Most common engines are spark-ignited, and most gasoline-powered cars today use a three-way catalyst that reduces dangerous emissions, but these catalysts are not useful for diesel engines.

HPDI was the answer. It allows diesel engines to use a cleaner fuel without sacrificing performance. Injecting a small amount of diesel pilot fuel into the combustion chamber before a main injection of natural gas starts combustion, preserving performance, but with much lower emissions. 

Hill knew his discovery could greatly improve the quality of the very air that we breathe. Originally, his goal was to repower the bus fleets in North America. Eventually, this was expanded to potentially include all heavy-duty transport engines around the world.

In 1995, the University of British Columbia introduced Hill to David Demers, a successful entrepreneur, and Westport Innovations was born, built around the core technology of HPDI. It now owns more than 200 patents. Demers says the original plan was to further develop and demonstrate the benefits of the technology, and license it to diesel engine companies around the world. But it turned out to be more complicated than that.

“It’s the classic story of a new technology company that discovers there is no  market for their fantastic new idea,” he says. “Most people didn’t understand how this innovation could be important to their future.”

Facing the market realities, the company targeted a few of the leading engine  companies active in the California transit bus market. Demers says the management team knew it would need a complete solution for vehicle fleets, including new fueling infrastructure and gas suppliers, in order to create a market that could use its technology.

“We could’ve set up as a new engine company and compete with the existing industry, but we would need a new plant, new vehicles, new support channels — a tremendous investment and a lot of risk involved,” Demers says. “It made more sense for us to try to partner with companies that already had that expertise and those support channels in place.”

The industry at the time was experiencing excess capacity around the world and competition was fierce, according to Demers. So it made sense for major diesel  companies to work with Westport on a niche market like natural gas, enabling them to focus on their core business. Companies that used the Westport technology had a competitive advantage. The Westport engines burned cleaner but they still had the workhorse properties of old-fashioned diesel.

To solve the infrastructure problem, Westport partnered with the natural gas company BCGas (now Terasen) in British Columbia to build the infrastructure necessary to meet the needs of commercial fleets around the world. This included new natural gas fueling stations in Southern California and elsewhere. This venture, now called Clean Energy Fuels, is the largest supplier of natural gas vehicle fuel in North America.

Today, Westport is developing technology with Cummins, Ford, BMW, Isuzu and many others. Uncertainty about access to secure oil supplies, combined with more stringent air quality standards, has created a demand for Westport technologies.

Stricter regulations pose tough challenges for city governments, making natural gas attractive because it costs less and produces fewer emissions.

Demers notes that most pollution comes from transportation, and most fuel consumption, in general, is by heavy vehicles. China and India, the world’s two fastest growing economies, must build transportation infrastructure to meet their economic goals, and yet are challenged by environmental regulations. Westport helps suppliers of heavy vehicles meet the regulations and at the same time keep a check on soaring oil prices.

Westport has partnered with Cummins to become Cummins-Westport, in order to leverage Cummins’ global manufacturing, distribution and support network. Cummins does the manufacturing at plants around the world; Cummins-Westport does the engineering and marketing. Demers says Westport will try to replicate that model with other companies in other parts of the world.

Demers has seen a change in attitudes from global vehicle manufacturers and energy suppliers, and their customers, regarding global climate change. He says they are convinced that something needs to be done about greenhouse gas emissions. And he feels a certain pride in the contributions of Westport.

“I think we are already changing the world,” he says. “We’ve seen material improvements in air quality in every place we’ve shipped — and we’ve shipped more than 14,000 engines to heavily populated areas around the world.”

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Rapid Screening Fits Patients for New HIV-fighting Drugs

New York State Department of Health

Rapid Screening Fits Patients for New HIV-fighting Drugs

A new diagnostic assay developed by the New York State Department of Health and Health Research allows physicians to quickly screen potential candidates for a new class of HIV drugs.

The technology was developed at the Wadsworth Center of the New York State Department of Health in Albany from the late 1990s to the present by Sean Philpott, Ph.D., Barbara Weiser, M.D., Harold Burger, M.D., and Christina M. Kitchen, Ph.D., who is based in Los Angeles. Initial funding was provided by the New York State Department of Health, the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and a National Research Service Award from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.

Licensed and commercialized by Pathway Diagnostics as SensiTrop™, the lab test measures a patient’s HIV-1 co-receptor usage, to determine if the patient is an appropriate candidate for a new type of HIV drug called CCR5-blocking or CXCR4-blocking entry inhibitors. A co-receptor is a specific part of the cellular structure that HIV needs in order to attack the cell.

These drugs are part of the first new class of drugs for HIV treatment in 10 years and offer hope to patients whose treatment with other HIV drugs has failed. They may also be effective in treating newly infected patients, while causing fewer side effects.

However, only patients with a specific co-receptor type of HIV will benefit. A test for co-receptor usage, also known as “tropism,” ensures that patients are matched with the right drug. Studies also indicate that tracking tropism may be an important new tool for clinicians monitoring HIV progression and making treatment decisions. SensiTrop provides a significantly faster solution for screening HIV patients for compatibility with these new drugs.

Mayo Laboratories has become the first major lab to offer the test. Because of the need to epeatedly perform tests to monitor patients, cost and turnaround time are important factors. SensiTrop is extremely sensitive, very rapid, and about half the cost as compared to the biological HIV tropism assay that’s currently available.

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Holographic images of the body ideal for security, fashion

Pacific Northwest Natl Lab

Holographic images of the body ideal for security, fashion

With airline security in mind, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), a federal research facility in Richland, Wash., developed its Millimeter Wave Holographic Body Scanner technology in the late 1980s. Researchers Doug McMakin, Tom Hall, James Prince, Ron Severtsen, and Dave Sheen invented the device, which creates holographic images of the body ideal for detecting hidden weapons or explosives.

The body scanner relies on millimeter wave array/transceiver technology to create the image. A person stands within the portal-like scanner and is illuminated with low-level millimeter waves, a type of harmless radiation. The radiation penetrates clothing and is reflected off the body. The signals are captured, transmitted to a high-speed image processing computer, and converted into high-resolution, three-dimensional images. PNNL recently licensed this technology for use in the private sector.

SafeView, a California-based technology company, utilized the technology in its Scout™ Personnel Screening System. In 2006, SafeView was purchased by L-3 Communications, an international company specializing in security and military intelligence.

In the contrasting world of fashion, PNNL’s body-scanning techniques are being used by Intellifit, a Pennsylvania-based company that adapted the technology for the fashion industry.

In 2003, the company worked with PNNL to design a portable scanner for calculating body measurements.

Distributed in malls and retail stores around the country, Intellifit scanners provide fully clothed clients with their exact body measurements in about 10 seconds.

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Honeycrisp: The Apple of Minnesota’s Eye

University of Minnesota

Honeycrisp: The Apple of Minnesota’s Eye

As university labs go, it’s hard to top the one where Jim Luby and David Bedford work. It features a 30-acre orchard that’s the proving ground for the University of Minnesota’s internationally known apple-breeding program.

And it’s where, in 1991, the two researchers introduced a new apple that would captivate consumers around the globe and revive a flagging industry back home in Minnesota and nearby states.

They named it Honeycrisp.

It had this amazing texture in your mouth—an explosive crunch, and then the juice filled your mouth,” says Luby, who supervises the university’s fruit-breeding programs.

Growers gushed about Honeycrisp’s amazing taste: simultaneously tart and sweet. The New York Times excitedly called it “the iPod of apples” and “already a legend in its time.

New apple varieties take two decades or more to develop. Honeycrisp required cross-pollination of hundreds of blossoms by hand—what Luby calls “kind of a dating and mating service”—growing and grafting seedlings onto outdoor rootstock, waiting several years for the trees to grow and bear fruit, cloning a few test trees and waiting several more years, then testing for taste and discarding those apples that don’t make the grade for any reason.

Small wonder, then, that Honeycrisp is one of just 27 new apple varieties released by the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station since 1908.

With some 20,000 unique apple seedlings in the ground at one time and more in the university’s pipeline, the odds of making it all the way to commercial success are minuscule: usually listed as 1 in 10,000, although Luby says Honeycrisp “raised the bar for everyone,” to two or three times that level. And to think it almost didn’t happen.

Bedford’s predecessor as manager of the university’s apple-breeding program had all but given up on MN 1711, as Honeycrisp was originally known. When Bedford took over in 1982, he decided to give it another chance. It turned into one of the best decisions he ever made.

The resulting fruit, patented in 1990, is now one of the top six apples grown in the United States, and the fastest growing in terms of production in the last decade, according to the U.S. Apple Association. This, despite prices that run two or three times higher than its competition.

Honeycrisp has changed how people experience apples. It’s world-renowned for its taste and crunch. It’s basically set the industry standard.
Anne Hall, University of Minnesota, Office for Technology Commercialization

In 2006 Honeycrisp was declared one of ”25 Innovations That Changed the World’ by the Association of University Technology Managers. The award recognized the apple’s “almost magical properties,” including its ability to survive in harsh climates, and a storage life of about seven months.

That customers were willing to pay double or more for Honeycrisps was great news for growers, especially small, family-run orchards in the Upper Midwest and New York looking for an economic booster shot from new products.

It was also a welcome boon for the University of Minnesota. Royalties on Honeycrisp and Honeycrunch (as it’s known in Europe) have exceeded $14 million, making MN 1711 the university’s third-most-profitable invention ever.

Honeycrisp’s U.S. patent expired in 2008 but money continues to come in from overseas licensing. The royalties have helped fund additional academic research in agriculture and other areas. Today, 80 percent of all apples grown in Minnesota were developed at the university.

Honeycrisp, though, is the one that captured Minnesotans’ hearts. In 2006, at the urging of elementary schoolchildren, it was named the official state fruit.

This story was originally published in 2018.

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HPV Vaccine: Global Effort Defeats Cancer-Causing Virus

Georgetown University
German Cancer Research Ctr (DKFZ)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
University of Queensland, Australia
University of Rochester Medical Center

HPV Vaccine: Global Effort Defeats Cancer-Causing Virus

 The world’s first vaccine against human papilloma viruses (HPV) is also the world’s first vaccine developed to specifically combat cancer. Distributed under the brand names Gardasil and Cervarix, by Merck & Co. and GlaxoSmithKline, respectively, the vaccine is widely known for its effectiveness against precursors of cervical cancer in women. The breakthrough medical advancement, recently approved for use in males, stands to benefit men too.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), some 500,000 women a year worldwide develop cervical cancer, and 274,000 die from the disease. Cervical cancer is caused by HPV and is the most common cancer affecting women in developing countries. The virus, however, does not restrain its attack to women or even to the female reproductive tract; there are more than 100 known types of HPV, and at least 13 are cancer-causing. WHO estimates it also causes 90 percent of anal cancers, 40 percent of cancers of the external genitalia, at least 12 percent of oropharyngeal (throat) cancer cases and at least 3 percent of oral cancer cases. In the United States, HPV is the most common sexually transmitted disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and will infect at least 50 percent of sexually active people at some point in their lives.

In other words, HPV strikes more humans than it spares and it continues to spread.

The need to confront and prevent this threat is universally recognized. As such, it came as no surprise that scientists, working separately and under different flags, would toil to the same end: Find a way to stop HPV.

Miraculously, an HPV vaccine was created. Science did prevail. But the prophylactic protection followed a long and complicated path of conflict, collaboration and cooperation on its way to your doctor’s office.

 The Race for Answers 

Research groups around the world — funded by government institutions in Germany, Australia and the National Institutes of Health in the United States — worked furiously on solving the puzzle of how HPV infects the human body. There were promising signs in several laboratories in the early 1990s. Leading the pack toward a breakthrough were the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ); University of Queensland, Australia; and, in the United States, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the University of Rochester Medical Center and Georgetown University.

The knowledge gained by each was leading to a single conclusive answer.

While their research paths took different routes, the starting point for all of the scientists was the same — the findings

of Harald zur Hausen, M.D., D.Sc. (Hon), M.D.s (Hon), professor emeritus. A virologist and former chair and scientific director of the DKFZ, zur Hausen is credited for discovering that HPV causes cervical cancer, in particular HPV 16 and 18. The Nobel Committee awarded zur Hausen the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine for discovering the mechanism of HPV-induced carcinogenesis that made vaccine development possible.

“The global public health burden attributable to human papilloma viruses is considerable. More than 5 percent of all cancers are caused by persistent infection with this virus,” the Nobel Committee said in its statement explaining its decision for the award.

The combined achievements of the contributors proved extraordinarily successful. The HPV vaccine was nearly 100 percent effective — a rare result in clinical trials — in preventing precancerous lesions in young women. Gardasil also proved to be 90 percent effective in preventing anogenital warts. In both cases, the extremely high success rates were in women 16 to 18 years old with no previous HPV infections. This rare success rate eventually helped fuel collaboration as competitors readily acknowledged the vaccine’s worth to humankind.

 The Many Paths to Collaboration 

Zur Hausen’s co-worker, Lutz Gissmann, Ph.D., a professor and head of the Division of Genome Modifications and Carcinogenesis at DKFZ, contributed significant findings crucial to vaccine development: Chief among them were virus-like particles (VLP) discoveries.

Several researchers concluded that the use of virus-like particles (VLPs) were the most likely answer to the HPV problem. VLPs prevent infection by papillomaviruses by inducing an immune system response, also known as neutralizing antibodies. Early on, Gissmann and team noted that the HPV 16 isolate had to be taken from samples with active virus production in order to generate VLPs.

Further research showed that VLPs consist of only one protein (L1). Gissmann suggested that the L1 gene worked in VLP generation only if active virus production was present. The L1 protein has the ability to spontaneously assemble into VLPs, hence they can easily be manufactured by standard molecular biology technology.

Scientists at other institutions, including the team led by Ian Frazer, M.D., of the University of Queensland, Australia, and another organized by Gissmann while at Chicago’s Loyola University, were rapidly gaining ground on the same or similar solutions to the universal HPV problem. The University of Queensland scientists had narrowed down the virus to L1 and L2 proteins, but had yet to narrow it further to just L1. They were, however, on a significant path and closing in on the solution that others would arrive at as well.

Meanwhile in the United States, principal scientists at NIH, Douglas Lowy, M.D., and John Schiller, Ph.D., were also working on HPV vaccine development. This team examined biochemical and genetic aspects of the papillomavirus oncogenes and their protein products. Once VLPs were discovered to be an effective immunization agent, the NIH team developed techniques for large-scale production. The NIH team also found that little cross immunity exists between different HPV types. This information is important to developing a polyvalent vaccine, which is a vaccine that can simultaneously protect against several HPV types.

Over at the University of Rochester, virologists Richard Reichman, M.D., William Bonnez, M.D., and Robert Rose, Ph.D., had set out 20 years before to discover how the immune system fights HPV infection. They too created VLPs by putting an HPV gene into insect cells using a virus, which then produced particles that mimicked the shape of real HPV particles and incited the immune response.

Still more scientists at Georgetown University, a team led by Richard Schlegel, M.D., Ph.D., chair and professor of pathology, looked at how the mechanism of papillomavirus-mediated cell transformation can eventually lead to the design of viral-specific therapeutics. Following the development of the first-generation HPV vaccine, his work led to second- and third-generation vaccines that enable rapid purification of the vaccine and stabilization of its protein conformation.

The events of discovery were thus sufficiently entangled as to cause confusion over who should own any resulting patents.

Commercial Interest Sputters

Despite overwhelmingly similar findings in many of the world’s leading research institutions, commercial interest in the imminent vaccine was mixed.

“DKFZ had a long cooperation on HPV with the former ‘Behringwerke,’ a vaccine company in Marburg, Germany,” explains Ruth Herzog, Ph.D., head of the Office of Technology Transfer at DKFZ. “So they were aware of HPV, but the company completely underestimated the market potential of a HPV-vaccine, as did others.”

In the United States, reception was not so chilly but still a long way from the fanfare many thought the accomplishment deserved.

“NIH did receive interest early on from vaccine companies, but there was initially some doubt as to how effective the approach would be using virus-like particles and the challenging fact that such a vaccine would be used as a preventative against cancer, rather than simply against an infectious agent,” explains Steven Ferguson, CLP, deputy director, licensing and entrepreneurship, Office of Technology Transfer at the NIH.

“There was significant risk and questions in the early days, which provided a small company at the time, Medimmune, to become a significant player in the field in the early 1990s,” he adds. “Medimmune was able to leverage their prior research experience with VLP vaccines — in this case, parvovirus, also licensed from NIH — to form an early belief that the VLP approach could also be commercially developed into a product for HPV.

”Had it not been for U.S.-based Medimmune, the outcome for this breakthrough may have been much bleaker.

“Medimmune did what a biotech should do and did at the time very well: Take on early innovative projects, develop them and sell them to big pharma,” says Herzog.

"Medimmune gambled that the HPV vaccine would be a big winner and made strategic investments into the technology. In addition, Medimmune assembled intellectual property from different sources, including the NIH, and moved the project to the clinic. Eventually they were able to interest a partner in the project, SmithKline, which later on became GlaxoSmithKline.”

In a parallel effort, U.S. pharmaceutical giant Merck & Co. acquired some licensing rights from NIH and the University of Queensland, Australia.

Patent Claims and Clashes

The question of who owned the patent on the technology remained.

The U.S. Patent Office (USPTO) was left to sort which of the many scientific teams was the first to make the pivotal invention.

In the end, the players themselves resolved the problem. In early 2005, Merck & Co. and GlaxoSmithKline entered into a cross license agreement. To facilitate the settlement of the patent cases, the U.S. licensors renegotiated their shares of vaccine sales revenues with licensees. This paved the way for millions of women to benefit from the vaccine’s life-saving benefits.

“That there were so many institutions involved both on the research and commercial development sides represents both the size of the market need for this product as well as the unproven initial difficulty and complexity of the underlying science,” explains Ferguson.

Although the dispute at the USPTO was hard-fought, the resolution itself proved peaceful.

“In the end, an increasing awareness by all parties that the underlying science for the vaccine was in fact sound and that a solution to this very difficult public health problem was actually close at hand, provided a means for an agreement that recognized the contribution of all the parties,” says Ferguson.

While the path to the vaccine was challenging, competitive and even combative, the successes were counted on many fronts.

“The development of the HPV vaccine was a complicated story with many players, but it is a great testimony to the success of academic and federal tech transfer,” says Marjorie Hunter, J.D., associate vice president, Office of Technology Transfer of the University of Rochester Medical Center.

Even so, the best barometer of success is measured in human lives saved. The inventors and investors have not lost sight of that fact.

“I consider myself extremely lucky,” says Gissmann. “It does not happen often that a researcher — within his own lifetime — participates in the process of discovery of the link between an infection and a disease, is part of the development of a vaccine against it and then lives to see it being successfully used.”

The sentiment is echoed by all who contributed.


This story was originally published in 2010.

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University at Albany Creates Living Duplicate of Eye Tissue

University of Albany

University at Albany Creates Living Duplicate of Eye Tissue
With the costs of developing a new drug or medical device now averaging more than $2.5 billion, companies large and small are constantly looking to embrace concepts that shorten the timelines, reduce risk, conserve resources and save money for both preclinical research and clinical trials.

Dr. Susan Sharfstein and Dr. Yubing Xie, Professors at the University at Albany, College of Nanotechnology Science & Engineering, developed a process that creates a living duplicate of a filter-like tissue in the eye called the trabecular meshwork. The artificial tissue mimics the natural tissue, providing a useful model for testing medications and treatments as a less expensive, less complex alternative to animal models for preclinical trials. This fundamental innovation provided the foundation for Humonix Biosciences, which has already seen its services used by major industry players, including Aerie Pharmaceuticals, Broadwing Bio, and Nicox.
Recognizing the potential value of their platform technology, Sharfstein submitted a disclosure to the technology transfer office at the Research Foundation for The State University of New York. A team comprising intellectual property, legal and business development experts evaluated the disclosure for patentability and marketability and obtained the patent. They also worked with Sharfstein to identify target customers and validate the idea of using 3D human tissue models to de-risk the development of ophthalmic treatments. 
Early in the customer discovery phase, Sharfstein received a SUNY Technology Accelerator Fund (TAF) seed grant to develop a proof-of-concept and prototype. TAF seed grants and investments are awarded through a competitive process that evaluates each technology for innovativeness, market potential, and financial viability. The goal of TAF is to make SUNY discoveries more attractive for licensing and increase their readiness for federal non-dilutive funding and innovation programs.
Karen Torrejon, Sharfstein’s graduate student and a co-inventor of the trabecular meshwork technology, collaborated with several other students to found a company called Glauconix Biosciences. Using the trabecular meshwork as a prototype, the startup created a 3D human tissue model that can be used to decrease time and labor costs in drug development and trials.
Recently rebranded from Glauconix to Humonix to reflect its potential beyond glaucoma, the model system helps screen, identify and validate the unique mechanism of action of the most effective ophthalmic drug candidates, more accurately and efficiently than traditional pre-clinical testing.
Since its founding, Humonix has received grant funding from the New York Business Plan Competition, the National Science Foundation Small Business Innovation Research program, and investment groups Eastern New York Angels and Excell Partners. 
“TAF was integral to making those subsequent achievements possible,” said Torrejon, who is now the company’s Chief Scientific Officer. “This grant helped us to validate the commercial potential of this technology, which led to the launch of our flagship 3D model for glaucoma.” 

The company has active projects studying vascular and fibrotic tissue models and has plans to develop 3D lung tissue models for applications focused on pulmonary fibrosis and pulmonary hypertension.

This story was originally published in 2023.

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Promising Hydrogen Sensor Technology

Niigata University

Promising Hydrogen Sensor Technology

Some of the best inventions are the ones that are the least expected.

Just ask Shuji Harada, Ph.D., a professor in the Institute of Science and Technology at Niigata University in Niigata, Japan.

Harada has focused much of his research on metal-hydrogen systems, an increasingly important field relating to energy storage (think rechargeable nickel metal hydrate, or NiMH batteries) and hydrogen fuel storage cell development. Several years ago, one of his students suggested that he purchase a hydrogen sensor for his laboratory, but at the time, Harada could not afford it. So, he took it upon himself to develop one himself, using funds from his annual research budget along with grant money from the Japanese government.

The end result was an extremely small, simple yet versatile hydrogen sensor device. It had an extraordinarily quick response speed — within nanoseconds — and was highly selective, picking up only hydrogen, and not other gases. It also was very sensitive, able to trace miniscule amounts of hydrogen in the air. And finally, it required no external power source.

Having created this marvelous device for use in his student’s lab, it dawned on the professor that it could be used to detect hydrogen gas leaks in a variety of other settings, for example, the chemical and power generation industries, the space industry, and potentially in the future fuel cell vehicle market.

With this in mind, Harada patented the device, and plans are under way to develop a business that will manufacture and market these hydrogen sensors in the future.

Harada received significant royalties from a three-year licensing agreement arranged through the Niigata Licensing Organization. Yet he donated all of the royalty money to Niigata University, so that the funds could be used to support younger researchers engaged in related fields of research. In recognition of his outstanding invention, Harada received an award from Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in June 2006.

Harada’s devices may one day help protect, and perhaps even save the lives, of those who may be exposed to the dangers of hydrogen gas leaks in their daily work.


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University of Florida


Alcholo Sniffer Gives Hospitals a Hand Tackling Super Bug Infections

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), health care-associated infections (HAIs) are the fourth leading cause of death in the United States. This despite the fact that something as simple as hand washing could drastically reduce the death rate.

HAIs can be fatal and are often highly resistant to antibiotics. Prevention, primarily through stringent hygiene practices to avoid transferring infections between patients, is the only known means of curtailing these deadly unintended effects of health care.

HyGreen Sniffs out Poor Hand Hygiene

Now, thanks to researchers at the University of Florida hospitals and other health care settings have a new tool to help enforce hand-washing adherence. They recognized that their work on a project to detect alcohol and other volatile compounds could easily be adapted to aid hand-hygiene practices in health care environments. Since proper hand hygiene practices are the first line of defense in the prevention of HAIs, it made sense to develop a system that ensures this simple hygiene protocol is always followed.

Enter HyGreen — a transparent system that ensures health care workers wash their hands before delivering care and, thus, prevents the spread of infection from one patient to another. The system consists of a badge, an alcohol sniffer, a bedside monitor and a wireless reporting system.

“Virtually all hand-hygiene products — both soap and waterless — contain an alcohol,” explains Richard Melker, Ph.D., M.D., the primary inventor and professor at University of Florida’s College of Medicine, Anesthesiology. “A hand-wash station is positioned wherever these products are dispensed and detects the presence of the alcohol on the health care workers’ hands immediately after they practice hand hygiene. The health care worker wears a badge that broadcasts a unique identifier so the database knows who washed their hands and where they were washed.”

This is just the first step of the system’s process. The following step is designed to protect the next patient the health care provider approaches.

“The invention provides a safety net around the patient, so that a health care worker can only enter a safe area around the patient if his or her hands are clean,” says Melker. “If not, the “unclean” badge status is communicated to a bed monitor, which, in turn, activates the badge to provide a series of vibrations reminding the health care worker to wash before entering the safe area around the patient,” he continues.

The system also wirelessly records all interactions in a central database so that the hospital, clinic or health care facility is notified in real-time which health care workers are complying with hand-hygiene recommendations and which are not. This allows the health care institution to intervene quickly if necessary and keep accurate incident records. It also provides a means to report to entities such as the CDC for accurate national incident trend tracking.

Change Saves Lives and Money

While saving lives has always been of high importance to health care workers and institutions, recent developments have heightened concerns over HAI rates.

“The change in reimbursements by Medicaid and Medicare really was a significant influence on the market acceptance of this invention,” explains Bruce Clary, assistant director of the Office of Technology Licensing at the University of Florida.

As part of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, Congress required the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) to identify a number of circumstances that are preventable, avoidable or containable and that adversely affect health care delivery or outcomes — so-called never events, since they should not occur and are not the reason the patient was admitted to the hospital. HAIs are counted among those circumstances.

Thus Medicare and Medicaid will not pay hospitals for treating infections the patient did not arrive with (nor allow them to charge the patient directly). In other words, health care institutions are required to provide care for HAIs but will not be paid for delivering treatment for these infections.

This is a significant change in insurer reimbursements, but it’s a move that is likely to be popular with health care consumers concerned with the consequences of HAIs.

“Health care-associated infections account for over 250 deaths every day in the United States,” exclaims Melker. “Imagine what the public outcry would be if a commercial jetliner crashed every day in the U.S.!”

HHS considers the change in Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements as an important part of its mission to make American health care safer and more affordable. It is largely accepted that private insurers will soon follow suit and refuse payment for the treatment of HAIs. This is no surprise considering the impact of these unintended diseases on both the health care system and health care consumers.

“Health care-associated infections are the fourth leading cause of death in the United States and cost the U.S. health care system between $30 and $40 billion per year,” says Clary.

A Chance Remark Leads to a Handy Discovery

Despite the obvious need for better hand hygiene systems, however, the inventors of HyGreen, who, in addition to Melker, included Nikolaus Gravenstein, M.D., Christopher Batich, Ph.D., and Donn Dennis, M.D., did not start out to tackle the problem of HAIs. They heard the cry for a solution while they were working on another project.

“A colleague commented that hand hygiene was a problem in hospitals and was a major cause of health care-associated infections and asked if we might come up with a solution,” explains Melker. “There was an immediate Eureka! moment, since we were already working on the detection of ‘taggants’ and ethanol for other products.

“Our experience with sensors for ethanol and other compounds made it very easy for us to develop a prototype/proof-of concept system,” he adds.

Good Chemistry Facilitates Clean Deal-Making Process

Also relatively easy, says Melker, was getting the product to market. “It took a very short time to prepare a patent disclosure to the University of Florida and to begin development of the technology at Xhale Inc.,” says Melker. “In this instance, the university licensed the technology to a company in which the inventors were actively involved, so commercial interest dramatically helped in the very rapid development of the technology.”

Indeed, two of the inventors — Melker who serves as Xhale’s chief technology officer, and Dennis, who is Xhale’s chief science officer — were co-founders of the company, which is also located in Gainesville. “We had licensed other technology from these inventors two years earlier, while we were creating the company,” says Richard Allen, chief executive officer of Xhale.

“We had started the company to work on the other suite of patents, so we were already working with this group of inventors when they conceived of HyGreen,” explains Allen. ”In this case the first idea came from a team of University of Florida researchers who were already tied into Xhale, and, therefore, the licensing effort and ‘commercial finish’ were a bit easier than normal,” he concludes.

Xhale invested $5 million to speed HyGreen’s development.

“The process was very serendipitous right from the start,” agrees Clary. “The chemistry between the primary inventor, Richard J. Melker, M.D., and Xhale’s CEO Mr. Richard Allen was terrific. So our role as the Office of Technology Licensing was very easy, simply protect the intellectual property, quickly get a license agreement in place and allow the Xhale team to run with it.”

Clary says the most important thing in this story was the close and collaborative working relationship the University of Florida had with the licensee, Xhale. “We tried to place as few hurdles in front of them as possible and to be a positive influence,” he says. “They responded by really creating value and moving through the product development cycle amazingly fast.”

Allen says HyGreen has enjoyed a huge amount of market interest since the change in hospital reimbursement by Medicaid and Medicare. “So no, the economy hasn’t dampened interest at all in HyGreen. It seems to be the right time for this,” says Allen.

He expects interest to climb with the passing of the health care reform bill. “When the government is striving to save money and lives in health care, this is a good fit,” he says.

The highest cost tied to HAIs, however, is calculated in terms of human lives. “It feels good to save lives, to prevent disease and to make a difference,” says Melker.

— Pam Baker, Better World Report, 2010

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Cell Sample Testing 30 Times Faster with Flow Cytometer System

University of New Mexico

Cell Sample Testing 30 Times Faster with Flow Cytometer System

Flow cytometers can examine cells by using a laser to measure molecular biomarkers in each cell. Standard flow cytometers rely on a manual sample feed, where technicians place individual samples into the flow cytometers one at a time. This process is too slow for drug discovery and other large-scale biological research, which require rapid analysis of tens of thousands to millions of samples.

Researchers at the University of New Mexico (UNM) in Albuquerque have increased sample handling rates by creating the “HyperCyt™ HighThroughput Flow Cytometry System.” Developed from 2001 to 2006 by Larry Sklar, Ph.D., and Bruce Edwards, Ph.D., of UNM’s Cancer Research and Treatment Center, this computer-driven sampling system is 30 times faster than standard flow cytometers.

To develop this technology, initial funding of $12.5 million was provided by the National Institutes of Health and the first patent was issued in 2005.

HyperCyt™ technology consists of an autosampler and data analysis software platform that are connected to a flow cytometer. A straw-like metal probe sucks samples from a microplate and rapidly delivers them into the flow cytometer. The software platform analyzes and stores the data. 

This technology is ideal for drug discovery research because it analyzes many samples rapidly. The automated feed system replaces single test tubes and allows hundreds of samples to be analyzed in seconds. HyperCyt™ also lowers the overall cost of testing because it requires smaller samples, which means fewer cells and associated reagents are needed for each sample. Also, most standard flow cytometers can be easily retrofitted with HyperCyt™ technology.

IntelliCyt, a startup company, licensed this technology in 2006. It is currently manufacturing the HyperCyt™ platform and selling it to pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies for drug discovery screening and life science research. There are currently 20,000 flow cytometers in use worldwide that could benefit from the HyperCyt™ technology.


This story was originally published in 2008.

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HyRed Gives Cranberry Growers a Competitive Edge

University of Wisconsin Madison
Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF)

HyRed Gives Cranberry Growers a Competitive Edge

Color and yield are everything if you’re a cranberry farmer. Traditionally, farmers have relied on the deep red pigment of ripe cranberries to signal that it was time for harvesting. But in cold weather states like Wisconsin, the world’s largest cranberry producer, the intense red color may not develop until late fall. That delayed ripening can damage cranberry crops if winter weather sets in. 

Now, after 10 years of development by University of WisconsinMadison plant breeders Eric Zeldin and Brent McCown, Midwest growers can better compete with growers in other areas of the country who have longer growing seasons.

The new, intense red cranberry named HyRed, ripens two to three weeks earlier than the leading Stevens cranberry cultivar, and early tests show the new cranberry produces a larger yield. Development of HyRed was supported in part by the Wisconsin Cranberry Board and Ocean Spray, Inc.

UW-Madison scientists developed HyRed by crossing the Stevens variety with the Ben Lear cranberry. In 2001, when HyRed was released to growers, it was the first cranberry hybrid available to the public in over 30 years. The patent on HyRed was issued in 2003 to the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Inspired by His Son, Boston University Professor Invents Bionic Pancreas to Manage Type 1 Diabetes

Boston University

Inspired by His Son, Boston University Professor Invents Bionic Pancreas to Manage Type 1 Diabetes

The mental math of monitoring one’s blood sugar can be exhausting, as anyone who lives with type 1 diabetes knows. How do I compensate for the cookie in the breakroom? What if I take an extra-long hike today? Do I have supplies ready if my blood sugar crashes? Someone with type 1 diabetes must consider questions like these during every part of their day. 

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition where the pancreas produces little to no insulin, the hormone that the body relies on to allow sugar into cells to use as energy. Insulin lowers blood sugar levels; without it, sugar builds up in the bloodstream as glucose. If untreated, diabetes can lead to death. When undertreated, it can result in serious long-term health problems, including nerve damage, blindness, and kidney and heart disease; overtreating with too much insulin leads to hypoglycemia. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated 1.6 million adults have type 1 diabetes in the US. 

To date, those with type 1 diabetes have relied on continuous glucose monitors and insulin pumps to help regulate and manage the disease. Yet what if there were a wearable device that, as needed, automatically delivered insulin to a user? 

That’s what Ed Damiano, a professor of biomedical engineering at Boston University, has created. In May 2023, the FDA cleared the iLet bionic pancreas that Damiano developed over two decades. The iLet bionic pancreas is an insulin delivery system that works with glucose monitor to reduce the need to make decisions about diabetes management.

From his first idea, to FDA approval, Damiano worked in partnership with the university’s tech transfer office, which received its first of many disclosures in 2004. 

“These things always take longer than you think they will, especially when there is so much focus on the welfare of the people that will benefit from the new product,” said Michael J. Pratt, managing director of BU’s Technology Development office. 

Damiano had been researching microvasculature systems (the tiny blood vessels within organs) when his son David was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes shortly before his first birthday in 2000. Damiano and his wife Toby Milgrome, a pediatrician, lived in dread of what is called “dead-in-bed syndrome”, the sudden death of young people with the disease. They tested David constantly.  

“That overriding concern, worry and fear inspired this idea of building a bionic pancreas that would basically take care of his diabetes for him better than we could,” Damiano said. 

Over the next decade, Damiano raised $30 million in research grants and philanthropy to test and improve his product. In 2015, he incorporated Beta Bionics as a benefit corporation, a certification that enables a company to prioritize a stated purpose over shareholder interests in its decision making. 

“Ed's mission has always been to put the care of the people first,” Pratt said. In mid-November 2015, Damiano told Pratt he had lined up a pair of big-name investors – if he could close the deal by year’s end. Working nonstop, they hammered out 11 different support agreements required to finalize the two licensing agreements, and Beta Bionics was able to close its first tranche of funding on December 31, 2015. 

“The university’s tech transfer office has been my partner the whole way,” Damiano said. “Now the iLet, an automated insulin delivery system, is available as the first automated insulin-delivery system that determines 100% of all insulin doses.” 

To date Beta Bionics has raised nearly $300 million in equity financing, including the $100 million series D financing that just closed in August 2023.  

This story was originally published in 2023.

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ILLiad Makes Interlibrary Operations More Efficient

Virginia Polytechnic Institute

ILLiad Makes Interlibrary Operations More Efficient

The interlibrary borrowing process became less labor-intensive and more customer friendly thanks to Virginia Tech's development of ILLiad, a groundbreaking interlibrary loan automation software system. ILLiad, an acronym for InterLibrary Loan Internet Accessible Database, was developed at Virginia Tech in 1997 by Jason Glover  when he was a programmer in the InterLibrary Loan Department. Licensed to Atlas Systems, the software was developed under funding from Virginia Tech.

The innovative technology allows librarians to perform many interlibrary functions involving the complete process of borrowing. Functions range from searching for lending libraries that have the requested material to sending overdue notices to customers.

Virginia Tech’s technology streamlines the entire borrowing system and generates a higher level of customer satisfaction and service.

The labor-saving software helps libraries by eliminating paper records and manual record keeping. Library patrons benefit from ILLiad’s efficiencies, too, since they can track the progress of their requested library materials online.

Harry Kriz, Director of Interlibrary Loan Services at Virginia Tech points out ILLiad is more than a management system since it not only helps library staff accomplish their day’s tasks, it benefits customers by helping them accomplish their research and reading goals. ILLiad is now in use by nearly 800 libraries, including about 80 percent of U.S. research libraries.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Researchers Revolutionize Soft Tissue Surgery

Vanderbilt University

Researchers Revolutionize Soft Tissue Surgery

For more than a decade, image-guided technology has been used successfully for brain, skull, spine and joint surgery. These rigid anatomy applications have helped surgeons do more complicated procedures. Research led by Bob Galloway, M.D., of Vanderbilt University should similarly transform soft tissue surgery.

Galloway, an industry pioneer for more than 15 years, has worked closely with Vanderbilt’s Office of Technology Transfer to ensure the commercialization of the image-guided soft tissue surgery platform through the creation of Pathfinder Therapeutics, founded in 2004.

Rigid anatomy applications have the advantage of being relatively easy to identify, image and track. Soft tissue, like the liver, is very difficult to image and track.

Galloway and other researchers at Vanderbilt have solved the problem by developing a method to collect dense surfaces of internal organs and merge those with the computerized tomography or magnetic resonance image for the patient, using a system similar to a global positioning system. Surgeons can now plan complex surgery and ensure that their surgical tools avoid key blood vessels and reach their targets quicker.


This story was originally published in 2007.

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Implanted Medical Device Relieves the Pain of Spinal Stenosis

Yale University

Implanted Medical Device Relieves the Pain of Spinal Stenosis

Over 500,000 older Americans suffer from lumbar spinal stenosis. Progressive degeneration of the skeletal structure in the lumbar area (lower back) with aging can create a narrowing of the spinal canal, or spinal stenosis. This condition compresses nerve roots in the spine, resulting in chronic lower back pain and leg pain. Standard surgical treatment involves fusing the troublesome vertebrae together; although this does provide pain relief, it also greatly restricts motion.

After 20 years of research, Manohar Panjabi, Ph.D., a professor at Yale University Medical School in New Haven, Conn., perfected a surgically implanted device that stabilizes the weakened area of the spine, relieving pressure on the nerves and also preserving motion and flexibility.

This safer and lower-cost alternative to spinal fusion decreases the specific movement in the spine that causes pain, while still allowing bending and twisting motions.

Called Stabilimax NZ ®, this spine stabilization technology uses an innovative dual-spring mechanism that provides maximum stabilization to the spine, which decreases the motion that causes nerve compression and pain. Components of the device are made from non-ferromagnetic cobalt chromium, Elgiloy, and titanium alloy. Implanting Stabilimax NZ is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that requires a shorter hospital stay than spinal fusion.

Panjabi founded Applied Spine Technologies to further develop and commercialize the Stabilimax NZ® system for treating chronic low back pain. Controlled clinical trials are underway in Europe and the United States. Once approved, Stabilimax NZ is expected to become the treatment of choice for lumbar spinal stenosis.

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Helping Those With Spinal Injury Stand, Walk Again

Parker Hannifin Corporation
Vanderbilt University

Helping Those With Spinal Injury Stand, Walk Again

The dream of regaining the ability to stand up and walk has come closer to reality for people paralyzed below the waist who thought they would never take another step.

A team of engineers at Vanderbilt University’s Center for Intelligent Mechatronics has developed a powered exoskeleton that enables people with severe spinal cord injuries to stand, walk, sit and climb stairs. Its light weight, compact size and modular design promise to provide users with an unprecedented degree of independence.

The university has several patents pending on the design and Parker Hannifin Corporation – a global leader in motion and control technologies – has signed an exclusive licensing agreement to develop a commercial version of the device, which it plans on introducing in 2014.

According to the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center, somewhere between 236,000 to 327,000 people in the U.S. are living with serious spinal cord injuries. About 155,000 have paraplegia. The average age at injury is 41 and the estimated lifetime cost when it happens to a person of 50 ranges from $1.1 million to $2.5 million.

Until recently “wearable robots” were the stuff of science fiction. In the last 10 years, however, advances in robotics, microelectronics, battery and electric motor technologies advanced to the point where it has become practical to develop exoskeletons to aid people with disabilities. In fact, two companies – Argo Medical Technologies Ltd. in Israel and Ekso Bionics in Berkeley, Calif. – have developed products of this type and are marketing them in the U.S.

These devices act like an external skeleton. They strap in tightly around the torso. Rigid supports are strapped to the legs and extend from the hip to the knee and from the knee to the foot. The hip and knee joints are driven by computer-controlled electric motors powered by advanced batteries. Patients use the powered apparatus with walkers or forearm crutches to maintain their balance.

“You can think of our exoskeleton as a Segway with legs,” said Michael Goldfarb, the H. Fort Flowers Chair in Mechanical Engineering and professor of physical medicine and rehabilitation. “If the person wearing it leans forward, he moves forward. If he leans back and holds that position for a few seconds, he sits down. When he is sitting down, if he leans forward and holds that position for a few seconds, then he stands up.”
Goldfarb developed the system with funding from the National Institutes of Health and with the assistance of research engineer Don Truex, graduate students Hugo Quintero, Spencer Murray and Kevin Ha, and Ryan Farris, a former student who now works for Parker Hannifin.

“My kids have started calling me ‘Ironman,’” said Brian Shaffer, who was completely paralyzed from the waist down in an automobile accident on Christmas night 2010. He has been testing the Vanderbilt apparatus at the Nashville-area satellite facility of the Shepherd Center. Based in Atlanta, Shepherd Center is one the leading hospitals for spinal cord and brain injury rehabilitation in the U.S. and has provided the Vanderbilt engineers with the clinical feedback they need to develop the device.

“It’s unbelievable to stand up again. It takes concentration to use it at first but, once you catch on, it’s not that hard: The device does all the work. I don’t expect that it will completely replace the wheelchair, but there are some situations, like walking your daughter down the aisle at her wedding or sitting in the bleachers watching your son play football, where it will be priceless,” said Shaffer, who has two sons and two daughters.

“This is an extremely exciting new technology,” said Clare Hartigan, a physical therapist at Shepherd Center who has worked with the Argo, Ekso and Vanderbilt devices. “All three models get people up and walking, which is fantastic.”

According to Hartigan, just getting people out of their wheelchairs and getting their bodies upright regularly can pay major health dividends. People who must rely on a wheelchair to move around can develop serious problems with their urinary, respiratory, cardiovascular and digestive systems, as well as getting osteoporosis, pressure sores, blood clots and other afflictions associated with lack of mobility. The risk for developing these conditions can be reduced considerably by regularly standing, moving and exercising their lower limbs.
The Vanderbilt design has some unique characteristics that have led Hartigan and her colleagues at Shepherd Center to conclude that it has the most promise as a rehabilitative and home device.

None of the exoskeletons have been approved yet for home use. But the Vanderbilt design has some intrinsic advantages. It has a modular design and is lighter and slimmer than the competition. As a result, it can provide its users with an unprecedented degree of independence. Users will be able to transport the compact device on the back of their wheelchair. When they reach a location where they want to walk, they will be able to put on the exoskeleton by themselves without getting out of the wheelchair. When they are done walking, they can sit back down in the same chair and take the device off or keep it on and propel the wheelchair to their next destination.

The Vanderbilt exoskeleton weighs about 27 pounds, nearly half the weight of the other models that weigh around 45 pounds. The other models are also bulkier so most users wearing them cannot fit into a standard-sized wheelchair.

From a rehabilitation perspective the Vanderbilt design also has two potential advantages, Hartigan pointed out:

  • The amount of robotic assistance adjusts automatically for users who have some muscle control in their legs. This allows them to use their own muscles while walking. When a user is totally paralyzed, the device does all the work. The other designs provide all the power all of the time.
  • It is the only wearable robot that incorporates a proven rehabilitation technology called functional electrical stimulation. FES applies small electrical pulses to paralyzed muscles, causing them to contract and relax. FES can improve strength in the legs of people with incomplete paraplegia. For complete paraplegics, FES can improve circulation, change bone density and reduce muscle atrophy.

There is also the matter of cost. The price tags of other rehabilitation model exoskeletons have been reported to be as high as $140,000 apiece, plus a hefty annual service fee. Parker Hannifin hasn’t set a price for the Vanderbilt exoskeleton, but Goldfarb is hopeful that its minimalist design combined with Parker Hannifin’s manufacturing capability will translate into a more affordable product. “It would be wonderful if we could get the price down to a level where individuals could afford them and insurance companies would cover them,” he said.

Meanwhile, Hartigan has advice for potential users: “These new devices for walking are here and they are getting better and better. However, a person has to be physically fit to use them. They have to keep their weight below 220 pounds, develop adequate upper body strength to use a walker or forearm crutches and maintain flexibility in their shoulder, hip, knee and ankle joints … which is not that easy when a person has relied on a wheelchair for months or even years.”

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Partnership Results in Advanced Energy Solutions

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Partnership Results in Advanced Energy Solutions

It’s been the dream of researchers for years — to revolutionize the development of energy resources. Consider that in the last 125 years, according to Cambridge Energy Research Associates, the world has used one trillion barrels of oil and the demand keeps growing. In the next 30 years, another trillion barrels of oil are expected to be needed.

Availability of fuel is taken for granted by some, but not those who work in the energy industry. Los Alamos Industrial Fellow assigned to Chevron, Kevin Jakubenas says, “It takes an increasingly sophisticated technology to keep the lights on and our cars running.”

The Alliance for Advanced Energy Solutions, a partnership between Chevron and Los Alamos National Laboratory, is working on innovative solutions.

“They are drawing on every area of expertise, from fundamental physics, chemistry and materials science to satellite engineering and earth and environmental sciences,” says Jakubenas.

It takes an enormous amount of effort and money to fill up a car with gas. If you’re filling up in the United States, approximately one in 10 gallons comes from the Gulf of Mexico, and it doesn’t come easy.

“Reaching oil in the Gulf of Mexico requires a platform the size of a city block located more than 100 miles offshore,” Jakubenas explains. “Up to two miles below that platform on the sea floor is a completely automated village in which the only business is moving oil to the surface. The oil itself starts as many as five miles below the village, locked away in an environment with such high pressure that rock can flow like taffy.”

Cutting-Edge Science

Technology plays a significant part when the oil reaches the surface and is then sent through miles of pipeline to a refinery or a molecular factory where atoms are pulled apart and reassembled into products such as gasoline. In discussing the cost Jakubenas says, “These processes involve billions of dollars of cutting edge technology and thousands of highly trained engineers, technicians and scientists.”

What happens when oil that is easy to access now becomes difficult to attain? Finding, recovering and processing the next trillion barrels in an efficient and environmentally responsible way is a formidable challenge.

Scientists unrelated to the oil industry are beginning to solve some of the oldest problems in the industry, including how to reduce the United States’ reliance on foreign oil.

The collaborative partnership has given Chevron the opportunity to work with Los Alamos scientists of widely different backgrounds. For example, a polymer chemist is using laser technology to prevent collapse of wells in the Gulf of Mexico while a space scientist is enabling breakthroughs in sensors miles underground, and a materials scientist’s expertise is measuring complex flows in oil pipelines.

In 1987, the relationship began with Manuel Gonzalez, a senior drilling engineer in the oil and gas industry who is now co-manager of the Alliance. Gonzalez first encountered Los Alamos technology during his time in the U.S. Army.

“The Los Alamos technology I worked with in the military was impressively advanced, but more importantly it always worked when needed,” recalls Gonzalez.

When he left the Army for the oil business, Gonzalez remembered is previous encounters with the innovative equipment from the scientists “on the hill” and how he had come to trust their ability to make advanced technology reliable. Subsequently, Gonzalez worked with Los Alamos technology both in an innovative oil well logging tool and in a company he started to track fraud in retail gasoline distribution.

Building Partnerships

In 2003, while working at Chevron, Gonzalez initiated conversations with Los Alamos’ Technology Transfer Division on yet another technology, wireless communication. The technology, called Inficomm, implies “infinite communication.”

It was the initial Alliance project and grew out of technology originally developed for military communications. Gonzales and Don Coates, a technical staff member in Los Alamos’ Physics Division and an Intellectual Property Coordinator for Los Alamos’ Technology Transfer Division, proposed to adapt Inficomm to allow down-hole wireless communication in oil and gas wells. Inficomm is expected to allow data rates up to a million times faster than conventional techniques without the need for any power source located in the well. This would enable the collection of real-time, broadband production data and revolutionize the way in which oil fields are managed, potentially allowing much more oil to be recovered from existing fields.

Los Alamos and Chevron realized the project was just one in which Los Alamos’ technology could help Chevron face its growing challenges in extracting oil from increasingly difficult environments. They also recognized an opportunity to build a lasting relationship to meet long-term goals that would continually benefit the United States and possibly the world.

The Alliance for Advanced Energy Solutions was established in 2004 in order to coordinate efforts across multiple project areas. This formalized partnership is guided by an Alliance Agreement that states that the parties will collaborate to advance energy security and help Chevron and the entire oil industry deliver reliable, affordable, and environmentally sound energy. This is also a strategic goal of the Department of Energy.

Los Alamos has designated John Russell as its Alliance Coordinator to coordinate technical projects, agreements, and strategic planning. “The Alliance allows Los Alamos to apply world-class science to Chevron’s greatest challenges that in turn helps Los Alamos advance these sciences further benefiting the Laboratory’s mission in energy security,” Russell says. Twice each year, the Los Alamos-Chevron Alliance Decision Review Board meets to discuss new and ongoing projects. The Board consists of Chevron and Los Alamos senior managers who set the strategic direction for the Alliance.

The structure of the Alliance provided the framework and eventually the contractual mechanism — an umbrella Cooperative Research and Development Agreement, or CRADA — to build effective relationships, select and manage projects, and to ensure early success.

The umbrella CRADA sets the overall contractual terms of interaction including protection of proprietary information and expectations for licensing of intellectual property. A separate Alliance Agreement has also helped build a bridge of trust and clear communication that is making the Alliance increasingly successful.

A second early project developed through the Alliance is trapped annular pressure mitigation, or TAP, used in deep water drilling. Trapped annular pressure is a problem in deep water drilling when hot oil from miles under the seafloor first flows in wells located in cold deep ocean water. The temperature differential can cause extremely high pressure that can collapse wells like a cheap soda straw. The elegant solution developed under the Alliance uses a new compound as an ingredient in the drilling mud. This compound is a monomer (small, simple molecules that chemically bond to other monomers to form polymers) liquid that combines to form a solid polymer upon exposure to heat. The monomer solution was first brainstormed in early 2005, and then was tested in the laboratory and scaled up and demonstrated in a test well within a year. When these monomers are present in the drilling fluid, they cause a reduction in volume that eliminates the pressure buildup.

Robert Hermes, lead scientist on the TAP project, says, “I’ve had this solution sitting on my desk for 25 years, but I didn’t know it. I had never heard of the problem until Chevron came to Los Alamos.”

Through a partnership with Baker-Hughes, a leader in oilfield services, Chevron and Los Alamos have been able to field test TAP. Chevron believes that the use of the Los Alamos TAP technology has the potential to prevent catastrophic failure in every one of their deep-sea wells — an insurance policy for billions of dollars in investment, much of it in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico where a single well may cost well over $100 million to drill. TAP is one of the technologies that may be commercially available to the oil and gas industry within the next two years. The Alliance has agreed that once tested and successful in working wells it will partner with outside companies to manufacture and market TAP for the rest of the industry.

Developing New Technologies

Los Alamos and Chevron also have a strong commitment to the environment and are studying methods for oil shale recovery that can be done with as little environmental impact as possible. The Alliance is also drawing on expertise at other national laboratories and universities. Through the Alliance, Los Alamos provides opportunities for Chevron to work with some of the most knowledgeable scientists in the world along with other research collaboration.

The Alliance is constantly trying to develop new technologies to solve the industries’ toughest problems. One example is the development of oil shale in the western United States. The work includes reservoir simulation and modeling, as well as experimental validation of new recovery techniques. The project demonstrates Los Alamos’ and Chevron’s interests in basic research for unconventional fuels, in addition to applied problems facing the industry like trapped annular pressure.

The Los Alamos-Chevron Alliance is successful because it is built on the common goals of applying first-class science to problems of compelling need. The Alliance has established a strong structure to guide and organize the efforts while also allowing sufficient flexibility for the unexpected confluence of ideas that leads to true innovation.

The broad breadth of projects is an indication of the value of the Alliance to both parties. “We have 15 projects in place — Inficomm and TAP are current projects that address every aspect of the oil industry. Our projects are in advanced well performance, oil shale, deep water exploration and high efficiency separation processes,” says Russell.

Chevron and Los Alamos continue to work together to identify new areas of potential collaboration in refining, equipment reliability and advanced geologic imaging. The Alliance expects to see these technologies advance into field trials and deployment within the next two years. Through commercialization, these projects not only help Chevron better provide energy but they are also consistent with the Department of Energy’s mission of energy security.

There’s no doubt about it. Future opportunities exist to develop technologies to enhance oil exploration, which improve efficiency, save money and reduce environmental impact. Together, Chevron and Los Alamos are championing the future. 


This story was originally published in 2008.

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Inflatable Design Could Make Solar Energy More Affordable

Florida State University

Inflatable Design Could Make Solar Energy More Affordable

In 1973, Ian Winger experienced a harsh reality that would stick with him for the next 40 years. He had just graduated from high school and was starting to enjoy the freedom of owning a car. But that year, a stumbling block wedged itself between Winger and the open road: the energy crisis of 1973.

An OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) embargo triggered a four-fold increase in world oil prices, and fuel became extremely scarce in U.S. communities. Some gas stations closed temporarily, and consumers had to wait in long lines just for the privilege of buying a few gallons.

At the time, Winger thought: "We've got to do something. This is really bad." By the '80s, the energy crisis had abated, and the national zeitgeist suggested that the energy worries were over. At least that's how it seemed to Winger, now a scientific research specialist at Florida State University (FSU): "And I thought, 'No, not everything is OK again.'"

To Winger, those gas lines signified more than a temporary annoyance. They reflected a larger problem — over-reliance on fossil fuels. Decades later, he's played an instrumental role in an energy alternative. Working with an FSU colleague, Sean Barton, Ph.D., Winger has helped design a solar collection device called the Solar Sausage. Commercialized by Florida-based Sunnyland Solar, the product harnesses the sun’s energy with an innovative, low-cost design that could spur notable advances in renewable energy efforts.

A Lightbulb Moment

Even though he wanted to make a dent in the energy problem, Winger didn't immediately believe he was the right guy to do it. "You think, 'Well, a lot of people know a lot more than I do,'" says Winger. "Well, over time, you learn there are a lot of things that just haven't been tried."

He always had a do-it-yourself ethos, coupled with an acute need to understand how stuff works. As a high school student, he built his own electric bass. While earning a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering, he worked his way through college by learning the machine shop trade. That experience made him a good fit for his current FSU job, which includes making equipment for the physics department.

Before Winger came up with the idea that would become the Solar Sausage, he worked on designing a helium-inflated kite that would harness wind energy. He made the kites out of a type of mylar, similar to the material used for special-occasion balloons or the inside of chip bags.

Winger came up with another use for mylar during one oppressive summer day in 2005, repairing the roof of a disadvantaged homeowner. His engineering brain kept remembering how much sunlight hits the surface of the Earth at noon on a cloudless day: about 1,000 watts per square meter. "It's a tremendous amount of energy," he says. "And when you're on that roof, you really get a good feeling of what that is."

During the hour-long ride home, he thought about the relentless heat that day. And he thought about mylar. Winger told himself, "There's got to be an easy configuration to concentrate sunlight so you can do stuff with it." He brainstormed different configurations in his head during that drive home, but didn't start actively working on the project until a year later, when he teamed up with Sean Barton, a grad student at the time. "He was one of those physics whiz kids," says Winger.

Like Winger, Barton knew a few things about mylar — he had used it to make inflatable vacuum chambers. They discovered that mylar could also provide an inexpensive way to create a solar concentrator.

Creative Problem Solving Slashes Costs

To understand why that's significant, it helps to know what a solar concentrator does. Solar concentrators are parabolic mirrors. Some are dish-shaped mirrors, and when the sunlight reflects off the curved shape, it focuses those rays to a single point. But most solar concentrators use trough-shaped mirrors, which focuses the sunlight along a line. That sunlight can be concentrated on photovoltaic cells. It can also be used for thermal energy collection, where a fluid-filled pipe becomes a heat source that powers an engine (such as a steam turbine).

Here's the problem with conventional solar concentrators: They're expensive. The reflective surface is made of glass, and that can cost about $30 per square meter. Plus, heavy structures are needed to support those mirrors, and they carry a hefty price tag.

Winger and Barton tackled those issues by designing a trough-style solar concentrator that doesn't use glass. The basic design features a transparent sausage-shaped inflatable with a sheet of mylar inside, cutting lengthwise through the middle. That creates two separate chambers, which allows changes in air pressure to adjust the curve of the mylar sheet. And mylar costs about 50 cents per square meter — compared to the cost of the shaped glass used in conventional solar concentrators, that’s a 98 percent savings per square meter.

Because the Solar Sausage is inflatable and creates its own rigid structure, it doesn't need expensive support structures. "All you have to do is secure it on both ends. If you keep it tightly inflated, it will handle very high winds," says Winger.

Shining a Light on Commercial Viability

The initial design wasn't much bigger than a mylar party balloon — about a foot and a half long and 8 inches in diameter. Winger and Barton expanded on that, building a 12-foot long model and installing it on the roof of the FSU physics building. They soon realized it had potential. In 2009, Winger requested a $7,500 grant from the FSU Research Foundation Grant Assistance Program to develop a proof-of-concept version. But Winger didn't receive the amount he requested. Instead, the program gave him $15,000. "That's the only GAP application where we've gone back and said, 'You need more money,’" says Jack Sams, director of licensing at FSU's Office of IP Development and Commercialization. The grant helped ensure that Winger's idea could move beyond the confines of the physics building roof, and the university's technology transfer office (TTO) helped facilitate a patent application for the device (in August 2012, patent #8,235,035 was issued). In November 2009, a Florida-based company called Basic Concepts signed a licensing agreement for the innovation, hoping to win a government contract to develop a solar thermal facility.

That facility proposal didn't pan out. But Winger's invention had already caught the attention of another local entrepreneur — J.T. Burnette, founder of Sunnyland Solar. "We were very interested in having an economic impact on the local community, with commercialization of technology out of the university," says Burnette. He also saw a chance to achieve the unfulfilled promise of solar energy: grid parity. With the Solar Sausage, Burnette's ultimate goal is to produce renewable energy that doesn't cost any more than power already available on the grid.

To that end, Burnette bought Basic Concepts in November 2010, acquiring the license for the Solar Sausage. The TTO played a vital part along that path, says Burnette. "They were instrumental. With the help of Jack Sams, we were able to whip up a licensing agreement in less than 30 days," he says.

"They're very interested in progressively pursuing people who want to commercialize and invest in technology." Kim Rivers, principal of Florida-based Inkbridge, assisted with financial transactions that helped fund commercialization of the technology. In addition, FSU helped obtain a $50,000 grant from the Florida Energy Systems Consortium to provide research support for the design effort. To further the Solar Sausage design, Burnette contracted with Barton to aid his company's development team.

Burnette wanted the Solar Sausage to concentrate light on photovoltaic cells, which required some alterations — and Winger was impressed with the entrepreneur's fast-paced approach to problem solving. "To me, when things are developed, it's a very incremental process," says Winger. "But when J.T. saw it, he just went gangbusters."

That fits with Burnette's overarching business philosophy: Hurry up and mess up. "The sooner we make mistakes, the sooner we can correct those problems," says Burnette.

His company worked with DuPont to develop a special type of UV-resistant mylar for the Solar Sausage. DuPont also helped sort out one of the invention's greatest challenges — namely, how to attach the sheet of mylar. The current Solar Sausage design is a 6-foot diameter, 50-foot long inflatable, which puts significant pressure on the seams. "I think we went through 40 different bonding materials to finally come up with an adhesive that worked with mylar," says Burnette. "That took about six months."

To collect data for ongoing improvements in the technology, there are now three separate Solar Sausage farms set up in northern Florida. Collectively, they cover an area about the size of 35 U.S. football fields, and contain about 2,600 Solar Sausages. Each one is suspended about a foot off the ground. "There's more to this than just how they collect and concentrate sunlight," Burnette says. "It's how they interact with the environment."

Sunnyland Solar hasn’t sold any Solar Sausages yet, and the Solar Sausage farms won’t produce energy for a few more months. That’s because there’s an important component that needs to be tweaked a bit more: the photovoltaic cells (where the Solar Sausages will concentrate the reflected sunlight). Although grid parity is the long-term goal, Burnette does have an interim goal in mind. In the next 24 months, he'd like to reduce the cost of solar production by 20 percent. "We may also look at licensing the technology for consumer products, such as a solar hot-water heater for your pool," says Burnette.

Basking in the Glow of Solar's Potential

Burnette is a savvy entrepreneur — he's started more than 14 businesses ranging from an information technology company to a boutique hotel. But with the Solar Sausage, he sees something more than a market opportunity.

"This is a renewable source that can service very remote communities, so that's also very exciting to us," says Burnette. Locally, the company is already helping the economy. So far, 60 jobs have been created around the Solar Sausage (including Sunnyland Solar, as well as its suppliers). Burnette says that job number could increase to 500 during the next few years.

Another added benefit of the device: Most of the materials it uses can be recycled. And unlike solar concentrators made of shaped glass, the Solar Sausage transports easily. "You can fold them up and stack them on pallets, and inflate them onsite and install there," says Winger. That makes the devices ideal for water purification or providing electricity in isolated areas. "To me, this is really for developing nations, more than anything else," says Winger.

It's one more way the Solar Sausage could help feed the world's growing appetite for energy.

For  more information about this technology, watch this video.


This story was originally published in 2012.

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Scanning for Survival: Portable Head Scanner Makes Time-Critical Injury Diagnosis Possible

Baylor College of Medicine
Drexel University
University of Pennsylvania

Scanning for Survival: Portable Head Scanner Makes Time-Critical Injury Diagnosis Possible

About 25 years ago, Alok Sharma, M.D., watched an episode of the “Star Trek” science fiction television series that featured a USS Enterprise crew member having his injured head examined with a hand-held device. Sharma thought this concept was interesting, but not something that would ever evolve beyond the science fiction realm. But Sharma was wrong: He was recently involved in a trial of such equipment at Lokmanya Tilak Medical General Hospital (Sion Hospital) in Mumbai, India, where he serves as chief neurosurgeon.

Known as the Infrascanner™, the device tested by Sharma and his team detects intracranial hematomas-blood clots on the brain’s surface that result from traumatic brain injury. Computeraided tomography (CAT) scanners are viewed as state-of-the-art technology for diagnosing brain hematomas, yet many hospitals-particularly in developing countries-do not have this equipment in place. Other facilities have only a limited number of units, and, in turn, delayed diagnosis of some patients. However, time is of the essence in intracranial hematoma cases, as outcomes have been found to be significantly better if treatment begins within one hour after head trauma has occurred. Left undetected or detected too late, intracranial hematomas can expand, compressing the brain and resulting in death. Even if death does not occur, brain function can be compromised by an intracranial hematoma of any size.

Wanted: Non-Invasive Diagnosis

Development of the Infrascanner™ began as a collaborative effort by Britton Chance, Ph.D., Sc.D. (Cantab.), M.D. (Hon), a professor emeritus of biophysics, physical chemistry and radiologic physics at the University of Pennsylvania, and Claudia S. Robertson, M.D., a leading neurosurgeon in the Department of Neurology at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston. Robertson was seeking a noninvasive means of identifying brain hematomas.

Based on his own extensive research, Chance proposed that beaming near-infrared light at the brain via a hand-held instrument, and subsequently analyzing the light reflected back at the device, could indeed reveal the presence of intracranial hematomas.

“Dr. Chance had a number of workable patents, and Dr. Robertson was the neurologist with the right application,” says Stewart Davis, assistant director of Baylor Licensing Group, Baylor College of Medicine’s technology transfer arm.

Robertson and her colleagues conducted clinical trials of the device over a period of several months, utilizing it on more than 300 patients. Their study indicated that it could facilitate the detection of hematomas in and around the brain by measuring the differential absorption of near infrared light in brain tissue and/or the three layers of membranes between the brain and the spinal cord.

Scratching an Entrepreneurial Itch

In 2002, Chance was approached by Baruch Ben Dor, Sc.D., a medical optics specialist and acquaintance who had worked as a CEO and was anxious to start a company of his own. Ben Dor spent several learning about Chance’s technologies to determine which of the professor’s intellectual properties he might develop into a commercial product. “I chose the brain scanner because I saw it as the most mature option in terms of its ability to get to market, and also because it had strong potential to address the need for a cost-effective, efficient means of closing the neurological window in brain injury cases-particularly in  environments where a CAT scan isn’t even an option,” Ben Dor explains. He adds that the latter include not only health care facilities, but ambulances and battlefields, among others.

As Chance had formally retired from University of Pennsylvania when the device was developed and tested, he and Robertson licensed the technology to InfraScan, the Philadelphia-based company Ben Dor had formed, solely through Baylor Licensing Group. “It seemed like an extremely good fit given Dr. Ben Dor’s area of expertise and the potential for multiple commercial applications,” notes Davis.

Then came Ben Dor’s first obstacle: raising capital for his venture. He wrote a business plan in 2003, but failed to generate the necessary monies. Undeterred, he reviewed the feedback he had received and followed critics’ suggestions that he improve the plan and increase the size of his team. To handle the former, he called upon two business students at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, Sandeep Naik and Samonnoi Banerjee. Naik and Banerjee entered the plan in the 2004 Wharton Business Plan competition and won the $20,000 prize. “They got the money, and I got an  excellent business plan along with credibility for investors,” Ben Dor says. Meanwhile, to develop the technology further, Ben Dor partnered with Banu Onaral, Ph.D., director of the School of Biomedical Engineering, Science & Health Systems at Drexel University, and her colleagues. Onaral specializes in biomedical signal processing and imaging.

Funded in part by a Phase I Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant from the U.S. Navy, the group embarked on several modifications to the device. Most importantly, Ben Dor explains, the original unit “was scientific, rather than medical,” and required the use of “knobs and dials” to manually measure light reflection. “We developed a prototype that runs proprietary software,” he continues. “The software does the measuring and automatically adjusts measurements according to an algorithm we devised.” The Infrascanner™ unit itself comprises a sensor and an off-the-shelf, hand-held personal digital assistant (PDA) that runs the proprietary software and operates on the Windows Mobile platform. Like the device developed in Chance’s laboratory, the device relies on the differential light absorption of the injured versus the non-injured part of the brain.

A healthy, normal brain displays light absorption that is symmetrical in the right and left hemispheres. However, when there is internal bleeding, the higher concentration of hemoglobin present results in a greater absorbance of light and commensurate reduction in the reflected component. This difference is detected by the unit’s sensor component, which is placed symmetrically on the skull lobes.

By using the principle of diffused optical tomography, the Infrascanner™, via the proprietary software, converts the differential optical data into interpretable results. Communication between the sensor and PDA components occurs via the BluetoothTM wireless protocol.

Three months after Naik and Banerjee won the business plan competition in April 2004, InfraScan incorporated and before the summer was over, the team received a $50,000 pilot investment from BioAdvance, the biotechnology greenhouse of Southeastern Pennsylvania, to fund the conduction of due diligence on InfraScan’s business plan.

In January 2005, BioAdvance awarded InfraScan, Inc. an additional $450,000. The U.S. Navy and Army have also recognized the relevance of deploying Infrascanner™ technology in combat operations, providing $1.1 million in grants. InfraScan has since received several other grants, including $100,000 from a U.S. Army SBIR and $150,000 from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and has secured additional investments from Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Southeastern Pennsylvania and the Philadelphia Industrial Development Corp. A number of studies of the Infrascanner™ have since been conducted. A pilot human clinical study conducted on 305 patients at the Baylor College of Medicine demonstrated high sensitivity for detecting bleeding in the brain and for rapidly identifying the onset of delayed hematomas. Equally positive outcomes have been revealed in a subsequent 400-patient multi-hospital study, as well as a limited study by the U.S. Army and a trial of the device by Sharma at Lokmanya Tilak Medical General Hospital.

In late 2008, InfraScan received the CE Mark, or European marketing clearance, for the device, certifying that it meets European Union health, safety and environmental requirements. The company has since signed its first distributors in the United Kingdom, Spain, Israel, India and Africa. Ben Dor is now awaiting FDA clearance to market the device in the U.S.

“Meanwhile, we are leveraging the fact that we can sell the device not just in Europe, but in undeveloped countries, where other scanning methods are not readily available,” Ben Dor concludes. “The market need and the benefits are clear.” 

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Web Site Provides Instant Access to Available Emergency Housing

Florida State University

Web Site Provides Instant Access to Available Emergency Housing

Finding temporary shelter quickly after losing a home in a natural disaster such as a hurricane, earthquake, or forest fire is one of the most stressful challenges anyone can face. A new online resource created by faculty at Florida State University in Tallahassee provides government officials, real estate agents, and natural disaster victims with immediate access to information about available emergency housing in the area.

A research team led by Janet Dilling, director of Florida State University’s Center for Disaster Risk Policy, created Disaster Housing Resources Online (DHROnline), a unique Web site that provides listings and descriptions of available rental properties in the region, as well as nearby states. The system operates on both a Web server and a database server at Florida State University.

At its height, DHROnline listed more than 30,000 housing resources.

Federal Emergency and Management Agency (FEMA) and the State Emergency Response Team launched DHROnline in 2004 in the aftermath of four major storms that hit Florida during the hurricane season. At its height, DHROnline listed more than 30,000 housing resources. In total, 120,000 housing opportunities were listed during the recovery from those storms.

The Web site was originally created for real estate agents and property owners in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas. However, because of the widespread destruction from hurricanes Rita and Katrina in 2005, Florida State University expanded the DHROnline license to all 50 states.


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InstaTrak Helps Doctors Operate in Confined Spaces

Boston University/Brigham and Women's Hospital

InstaTrak Helps Doctors Operate in Confined Spaces

Boston University and Brigham and Women’s Hospital deliver an electromagnetic, three-dimensional surgery system that provides real-time images to surgeons performing sensitive surgical procedures.

Fresh out of Boston University Medical school in 1991, Maurice Ferre, M.D., could have gone the usual path and headed off for a residency. But Ferre, who 15 years later is a businessman with a medical degree, chose instead to accept a fellowship at the university’s Health Care Entrepreneurship Program, under the direction of Richard Egdahl, M.D., and John Valentine.
“It was a unique model,” says Ferre. “It was an entrepreneurial residency, and it fit in perfectly with what I wanted to do. While in medical school, I also took a lot of business courses and got a double degree in public health.”
Once at the center, Ferre began working with Frenenc Jolesz, M.D., and Ron Kininis, M.D., of Brigham and Women’s Hospital, on a project that led to the commercially successful InstaTrak® system, an electromagnetic, image-guided surgical technology.
InstaTrak® also resulted in the creation in 1993 of Visualization Technology Inc. through Boston University’s Health Policy Institute. It refined the system and focused the technology initially on ear, nose and throat surgeries. VTI estimates that it holds 80 percent share in that market. “Because of my training, I can communicate well with the medical community,” he says. “That has been a big advantage for me.”
System Shows Three-Dimensional View
Ferre says the InstaTrak® system provides a three-dimensional view of a patient’s CT scan combined with real-time information about the location of surgical instruments during operations. “Essentially, what we did was bring a military technology — one used for helping pilots guide missiles while flying F-16s — into the operating room,” says Ferre, who was the company’s founding CEO.
“We were able to build on that technology to track tumors and work in very confined spaces,” he says. “Another way of putting it is that we were the first company to bring electromagnetic GPS tracking technology to the operating room. We used CT scans and MRIs as road maps,” he says. “We used a tracing technology to track surgical instruments in relationship to tumors and important structures like the optic nerve. It was the perfect marriage.”
VTI has since expanded to cranial, spinal and orthopedic procedures and today is used in more than 800 surgical centers in the United States and abroad. The company was sold in 2002 to General Electric, the world’s largest imaging company, for more than $50 million.
Technology Doesn’t Require Line of Sight
Ferre says most image-guided surgery systems available today are based on optical tracking, which uses an infrared camera and LED array that facilitate the communication between the camera and the surgical instrument.
VTI’s technology is electromagnetic so it requires no line of sight between the instrument and the cameras. With an optical system, someone in a crowded operating room could block that path and interrupt the ability to track the instrument. But with VTI’s system, the transmitter and receiver can see each other even without an optical line of sight.
Ferre praises Egdahl and Valentine for serving as mentors while InstaTrak®  and VTI got off the ground. Valentine served as a director of the company until its sale. “They set up an incubator at Boston University that was geared toward people like myself,” he says. “So I was able to explore business opportunities in the medical world. They nurtured my ideas and I was able to run with one: InstaTrak®.”
Enter the Angel Investor
Valentine also introduced Ferre to Tom Rosse, an entrepreneur in the medical device industry who put millions of his own money into VTI when it was in its earliest stages. He also followed up with more financial help. “Tom was an angel investor who believed in the process,” Ferre says. “I could not have done it without him. Eventually, we built the company to more than 150 employees before we sold it.”
Ferre has since moved back to his native city, Miami, to do it all over again. He now is founding CEO of Mako Surgical Corp. “It’s an orthopedic robotics company,” Ferre says. “We’re trying to take surgical robotics to the next level. In a sense, it’s kind of like what we did with InstaTrak®.” He says the company just closed on a $20 million round of financing, the largest round for a medical device firm in the state of Florida.
“Maurice is a real entrepreneur and we became very good friends,” says Valentine, who now serves as vice chairman of the board of Boston Medical Center, BU’s affiliated teaching hospital. “He liked the ideas that two doctors had at the Brigham who were working on brain surgery and he got very excited about it.”
Though Ferre understood the technology much better than his mentor, Valentine says Ferre knew little about raising money. To start VTI and get InstaTrak® off the ground, Valentine arranged meetings with financiers, including Tom Rosse, who put in the first $1 million. Valentine describes Rosse as his own angel network.
“Tom Rosse is an extraordinary guy,” Valentine says. “He believed in this and never blinked when we needed more money. That’s the kind of backer you need.” 
Taking InstaTrak® to ENT
Valentine also helped guide Ferre to a market that could support VTI. “At first, the application we were considering focused on the brain,” he says. “But I looked at the number of procedures done and it wasn’t enough.
“As a doctor, Maurice could see a lot of applications,” Valentine says. “But my thinking was that we needed to grind out some salable products.” InstaTrak®  was well-suited for ear, nose and throat work, Valentine says, and the next step was to bring in several engineers who began to write the necessary software. 
“When you go up the nose, you usually can’t see where you are operating,” he says. “When you’re up there cleaning out debris, you can get awfully close to the optic nerve and the brain.” Because surgeons do not want to damage vital structures, they sometimes had to repeat surgeries, Valentine says. “With InstaTrak® , though, they know exactly where they and their surgical instruments are. 
“Our technology has a screen showing the patient’s head and it puts the sharp end of the instrument right in the cross hairs. It reduces the number of times you have to do surgery over and that’s big.”
When GE became interested in buying VTI, it also looked at a dozen other systems, Valentine says. But they were all optical, and InstaTrak®  had the advantage of being electromagnetic. “Ours was the best,” he says. “I’ve heard some doctors say that anyone who doesn’t use InstaTrak®  should be sued for malpractice, that’s how much many of them like it.”

This story was originally published in 2006.

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Wireless, Mobile Access to Medical Data Means the Doctor Is Always In

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

Wireless, Mobile Access to Medical Data Means the  Doctor Is Always In

Doctors are expected to respond quickly and appropriately as their patients’ medical needs dictate. In an ideal world, physicians would have access to all medical data for a patient at their fingertips, but in the real world information must be retrieved from several different sources. Now, under an agreement with Sprint, a new technology developed at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) will offer physicians mobile wireless access not only to patient records, including X-ray and CT images, but also to real-time data from ICU monitors, bedside charts, and even live video feeds.

The Integrated Clinical Information System Mobile (ICIS Mobile) solution will make this comprehensive medical information available on handheld devices and smart phones, even when doctors are away from the hospital.

Mobile access to existing clinical information systems through wireless networks is expected to improve the quality and safety of patient care, avoid errors, increase cost-effectiveness, and increase physician productivity and responsiveness. The system will make it simpler and faster to retrieve patient information, leaving more time to care for patients.

The Integrated Clinical Information System Mobile (ICIS Mobile) solution will make this comprehensive medical information available on handheld devices and smart phones, even when doctors are away from the hospital.

The digital data retrieval and storage system behind ICIS Mobile is already used in many departments of the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine, where it was invented and developed by Neal A. Martin, chief of neurosurgery, Valeriy I. Nenov, director of the Brain Intensive Monitoring and Modeling Laboratory (BIMML), and Farzad Buxey, a systems architect and research specialist working at BIMML. The team of inventors founded a privately held software company, Global Care Quest, Inc. to commercialize the technology through deals, including the agreement with Sprint.


This story was originally published in 2007.

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IntegritE-DNA Environmental Test Protects At-Risk Species and Their Environment

University of Victoria

IntegritE-DNA Environmental Test Protects At-Risk Species and Their Environment
Biological impact assessments, biodiversity monitoring, and species inventories play an integral role in environmental risk, conducted to discover the impact of a new development on the surrounding ecological area; and remediation assessments, conducted to remove contaminants from a site.

Environmental DNA (eDNA), genetic material isolated from environmental samples without obvious signs of the species of interest, is helpful for identifying species that are very good at hiding and humans may not be aware of their presence. eDNA is commonly used to determine the ecological impact of the proposed development or remediation of a natural area. eDNA tests provide a quick and easy method to identify at-risk and invasive species, such as the sharp-tailed snake (at-risk), American bullfrog, or zebra mussel (at-risk). They offer a less invasive approach to identification when compared to tracking, tagging and trapping. They also provide an early warning system for detecting invasive species.

However, previous variability in results and limited reliability has limited industry and government uptake of eDNA tests and prevented policy and regulatory acceptance.
To provide solutions to these issues, Caren Helbing, Professor of Biochemistry and Microbiology at the University of Victoria, has developed the IntegritE-DNATM test. The novel IntegritE-DNATM method only requires a scoop of water from the target area, but can be used on water, soil, and sediment samples and taken back to the lab for analysis.
The test uses plant DNA to determine if the sample has high enough integrity for animal DNA testing. Testing for sample integrity, through qualitative PCR (qPCR), eliminates the inconsistency and lack of reliability found in eDNA tests currently on the market. If the sample passes the integrity test, it can confidently be used for a species-specific test.

Traditional field testing can take weeks. Comparatively, the novel IntegritE-DNATM method, in combination with species-specific tests, identify the existence of species 10 times faster, within days. This non-invasive test will be used to protect species at risk, particularly those that are more elusive, and their habitats. The test will help guide clear project decisions for environmental risk and remediation assessments. 

Helbing collaborated with Hemmera and Bureau Veritas to fine-tune the technology through field and laboratory validation and to bring the test to commercialization.

Commercializing this University of Victoria-created test has been a community effort. The UVic Research Partnerships Office filed US and Canadian patent applications and supported researchers in fostering industry and government relationships to gain required field testing. The project received funding from the Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program, the BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy, Innovate BC’s Ignite Program and others. The IntegritE-DNATM is currently non-exclusively licensed, providing industry with an opportunity to enhance their knowledge and collective understanding of species at risk.

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Intravenous Catheter Design Eliminates Risk of Potentially Dangerous Needlesticks

City of Hope Natl Med Ctr

Intravenous Catheter Design Eliminates Risk of Potentially Dangerous Needlesticks

Health care workers who suffer accidental needlestick injuries are at significant risk of contracting life-threatening diseases including hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV-AIDS. It has been estimated that 600,000 to 800,000 needlesticks and other sharp injuries occur among health care workers every year. Not only do these injuries cause anxiety and concern, the follow-up blood testing that is required is expensive and time-consuming,

To alleviate this problem, Dr. J. Martin Hogan, M.D., of the City of Hope, a leading cancer hospital and biomedical research center in Duarte, Calif., invented an intravenous catheter with safety features that protect health care workers from accidental needlesticks. City of Hope was awarded a U.S. patent for the device in 1992.

The catheter's inner needle is passively covered as it is withdrawn from the catheter after insertion into a patient's vein.

The device shields the health care worker from accidental needlestick injury and potential exposure to blood-borne diseases such as hepatitis and HIV-AIDS.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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A Seasoned Discovery Helps Keep Crops Fresh and "Unweathered"

North Carolina State University

A Seasoned Discovery Helps Keep Crops Fresh and

Contrary to the image of scientists having sudden, stunning insights that abruptly change the world, most scientific advances occur in progressive steps over time, one stage building on another through years of systematic research.

A case in point: A synthetic compound called 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP). As SmartFresh, it helps keep apples, kiwis and other fruits fresh and crisp for consumers to purchase and eat long after they’ve been harvested. As EthylBloc, it’s used by flower wholesalers to prolong freshness in their floral products.

Developed by biochemist Edward Sisler, Ph.D., and horticulturalist Sylvia Blankenship, Ph.D., at North Carolina State University (NC State), 1-MCP’s discovery followed dogged work in the 1980s-1990s on the role of the organic compound ethylene in plant growth.

In 2011, advances by other scientists are adding a new role to 1-MCP’s capabilities: Helping an array of growing crops remain productive through the stress of drought or extreme heat. Sprayed on plants facing a stretch of hostile conditions, the new Invinsa technology helps them weather the unfriendly conditions by preventing their normal response — wilting and shutting down.

It has the potential to help boost food production around the world — whether by rice farmers in Asia or corn growers in Iowa — improving crop yields in third-world countries where food supplies can be marginal and helping blunt price spikes for consumers in affluent societies.

Further, government tests on 1-MCP in the United States and other countries have found it safe for consumption and without impact on the environment.

Blankenship, now a professor of horticulture and an associate dean at NC State’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, hasn’t been involved in the latest developments. But she’s pleased to see her foundational work still moving forward.

“I think it’s wonderful,” she says. “To know your work continues to evolve and to make a difference is a great feeling.”

Finding SmartFresh

Both Sisler and Blankenship spent their careers studying the physiology and biochemistry of ethylene. The vapor-borne plant hormone plays multiple roles in plants’ lives, from stimulating shoot growth, root formation and flower opening to triggering flower and leaf decay and fruit ripening. For Sisler, an early research goal was to find a way to speed up tobacco leaves’ color changes in curing sheds.

A focus was ethylene’s interaction with receptors on plants. It was a complicated process that included discovery of one substance (diazocyclopentadiene or DACP) that did inhibit ethylene. Although they patented it in 1993, DACP proved impractical for several reasons, including flammability.

“Eventually, we identified components of DACP that proved to be potent ethylene inhibitors,” Blankenship says. “1-MCP was synthesized. It was remarkable in its ability to retard ripening. You could put an apple on a counter for a month and pick it up and eat it and it would be fresh. It worked on fruit, cut flowers, tomatoes.”

Blankenship compares a plant’s ethylene receptors to a lock — ethylene is the key that opens the lock and tells the plant tobegin shutting down and the fruit to begin ripening.

“1-MCP is also a key, but not exactly the right key,” she says. “You can insert it into the lock but can’t turn it. Once it’s there, it blocks the ethylene from acting.”

Once Sisler and Blankenship had their key, the next step was almost as formidable as the research. “Ed and I are classic scientists,” Blankenship says. “We didn’t know what to do next. In those days, you got on the university website, found a form for reporting patentable discoveries and sent it in. Then someone in the technology transfer office called and explained what you could and could not do.”

“After the university secured patent protection in 1996,” notes Kelly Sexton, Ph.D., assistant director for outreach and new ventures in NC State’s Office of Technology Transfer, “the challenge was to get the technology commercialized. The Office of Technology Transfer and the inventors approached a number of food companies they thought might be interested, but without success.

“Finally, they decided to approach businesses in the flower industry. A small, family-owned company, Floralife responded.” Sexton notes that both Floralife’s tweak of 1-MCP into a floral product and its subsequent life as a fruit preservative were covered by NC State’s patents. And although Sisler and Blankenship had no part in the latest product development work on Invinsa, NC State’s patents for their foundational work apply to that as well.

Sisler’s and Blankenship’s original research was supported with research funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service. After Floralife became involved, corporate funding underwrote further developments.

At Floralife, chemist Jim Daly formulated it into a powder that could be mixed with water — when 1-MCP was then released into the air, it slowed the aging of the flowers. The product became a staple for the wholesalers who bring those flowers to market.

Since edible products weren’t involved, there were only minimal regulatory requirements to be dealt with. But as Floralife scientists worked on their new technology, they recognized its potential for food preservation. In the late 1990s the small family- owned business approached the global technology company Rohm and Haas, which organized trials on apples. In 1999 it founded AgroFresh Inc. to commercialize the product they called SmartFresh. In 2009, Rohm and Haas — and AgroFresh — were purchased by the Dow Chemical Co. as wholly owned subsidiaries.

Worldwide Usage

“Today, SmartFresh is used around the world, from Europe to South Africa, New Zealand and China,” notes Gerry Lopez, AgroFresh’s vice president and director for agronomic crops. “SmartFresh is used to slow the ripening of about 50 percent of all apples harvested in the United States.”

Apples are SmartFresh’s No. 1 product, but it’s also applied to fruits like pears, kiwis, plums and avocados. It’s been tried for crops like tomatoes, as well, but since fresh tomatoes are available year-round, the economics are different. The product best serves single-harvest crops.

SmartFresh is a treatment that the fruit is exposed to, applied in enclosed spaces such as cold rooms. Simply introduced into the atmosphere within the enclosed space, it’s absorbed by the fruits from the air.

“By extending freshness, this compound gives growers, packers and wholesalers much more flexibility in taking their products to market, increases yields and reduces losses to waste,” Lopez says. “Most of all it gives consumers access to crisp, fresh fruit almost year-round. When SmartFresh is used in combination with other storage technologies — such as controlled atmosphere — you get the best piece of fruit you can buy in the store.”

The Invinsa Factor

Still, in its 10-year life as a product, SmartFresh has been used only on fruit already harvested. AgroFresh’s staff wondered if there was a way to extend its benefits to living plants — which would require applying it in the open air. In 2008, the company entered into a partnership with agricultural giant Syngenta to develop Invinsa. Scientists at nine universities throughout the United States and in Argentina contributed to research on forms — primarily sprays — that could be used outdoors.

“We started with flowers because we knew the kind of biological responses to look for,” Lopez says. “Once we knew meaningful results were possible, we tried it on field crops — corn, soybeans, rice, wheat, cotton. Cotton responds extremely well. One benefit that emerged was its ability to help crops avoid theirnormal stress response.”

Essentially, when besieged by drought or hot spells, growing plants respond by shutting down — allowing their flowers to wilt and their leaves to curl — and generating seeds to reproduce themselves. By blocking their ethylene receptors with Invinsa, the farmer has a way to prevent the stress response.

“Generally,” Lopez says, “Invinsa increases plants’ photosynthetic activity during stress and increases plant robustness. For corn, as an example, it produces larger ears with better kernel fill at the end of the ear. For cotton, it fosters early boll retention and limits ethylene boll abortion due to insect damage.” The multiple-university studies have demonstrated that an Invinsa crop’s yield will increase 5 to 15 percent compared to the normal yield in a stressed crop. Lopez expects the new product to reach market within the next several years.

But he adds a caveat: “This technology has a specific role. It’s effective in defeating transient stress but it won’t resolve the hazards of prolonged stress. If the farmer knows the drought or extreme heat is going to break in seven to 10 days, Invinsa will help bridge the crisis and provide a better yield at the end of the year.”

Invinsa’s first target market is likely to be rice crops in Asia, Lopez suggests — the stress of hot climates is more predictable than in more temperate climates. One challenge is the need to develop a range of appropriate delivery techniques — in the United States it might be applied to corn as a spray from a trailer pulled by a tractor and to rice by aerial spraying. In Asia, it’s most likely to be administered by hand, suggesting multiple applications in a granular form.

“This is a superb example of the way that science continually builds upon itself,” Lopez suggests. “It started with the laboratory research development of 1-MCP. It was a wonderful discovery. Scientists around the world have written hundreds of papers on its potential uses.

“EthylBloc and SmartFresh have had enormous impacts on people’s quality of life. We think Invinsa has the potential to help support a sustainable food supply for a burgeoning world population.”



This story was originally published in 2011.

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IRENE Restores Sound from Old or Damaged Recordings

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

IRENE Restores Sound from Old or Damaged Recordings

Recorded media is constantly evolving; what was once state-of the-art is now ancient technology.

Media such as wax and plastic cylinders, vinyl discs, and acetate sheets that are more than 100 years old, are usually damaged by scratches or mold, or have pieces missing. Thanks to a new, touchless restoration technology, these older recordings can be fully recovered.

The “Berkeley Lab Optical Sound Restoration (OSR) System” or “Image, Reconstruct, Erase, Noise, Etc. (IRENE)” system was developed from 2000-2003 at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Berkeley, Calif., by physicists Carl Haber and Vitaliy Fadeyev. More than $600,000 in combined funding was provided by the Library of Congress and the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Current restoration techniques would damage or destroy this historic media, but Berkeley’s  technology recovers audio data without any physical contact with the fragile discs and cylinders. The OSR System is the first technology to provide non-contact restoration of recording on all types of mechanical sound carriers. The system produces either two-dimensional or three-dimensional optical digital images, creating a map of the entire groove profile of a disc or cylinder. Computer algorithms emulate the stylus motion, select undamaged portions of the groove, and reconstruct the audio waveform.

Because it is “touchless,” the lack of physical contact prevents any further damage to the older materials. The inventors are developing a customized machine for the Library of Congress and are working with the University of California’s Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology to reconstruct sound from wax cylinders that capture the spoken word and songs of endangered Native American cultures. The hope is that the digitally restored recordings will help language institutes revitalize these cultures.

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Computer Scientists Create New Routing Software for Web-based Companies

Boston University

Computer Scientists Create New Routing Software for Web-based Companies

Large Internet sites tend to require a cluster of expensive equipment to handle customer queries. Typically a customized centralized router — a computer networking device that forwards data across a network toward its destinations — is required to direct each caller to the appropriate server. The server, in turn, is a computer system that provides services to other computing systems over a computer network.

Researchers at Boston University wanted to improve on the Internet-based customer service process by developing software that allows each server to act as an individual router, thereby enabling quicker response times to more people. With initial funding from the National Science Foundation, Professor Azer Bestavros, Ph.D., and Professor Mark Crovella, Ph.D., of Boston University’s department of computer science developed the “distributed routing” prototype in 1997–1999.

In 1998 they co-founded a spin-off company, Commonwealth Network Technology (CNT) with Boston University’s New Ventures unit and venture capital fund Community Technology Fund. CNT then developed a commercial application of distributed routing for Windows NT. CNT was sold to WebManage Inc. in 1999 and, after further research and development, the i-Scaler product was launched in 2000.

i-Scaler enables each server to be used as a router, allowing information to be routed more quickly to multiple clients from multiple servers simultaneously.

Instead of facing possible bottlenecks at one central router, iScaler opens up more pathways for information exchange. WebManage Inc. was acquired by Network Appliances in 2000.


This story was originally published in 2007.

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Researchers Help Make Cellular Therapies a Reality

Johns Hopkins University

Researchers Help Make Cellular Therapies a Reality

For many years, some cancer patients have received an aggressive treatment using state-of-the-art stem cell transplantation techniques developed from monoclonal antibody technology pioneered at The Johns Hopkins University. And in the future, as a result of continuing research, that technology may also play a role in the treatment of cardiovascular and other diseases.

High doses of chemotherapy can change the interior of bones where bone marrow is produced and resides. Cancer patients who have received high doses of chemotherapy drugs may have a diminished ability to fight infection because their white blood cell counts are lowered; likewise, their bone marrow may be unable to make sufficient new red blood cells. Now there is a way to get around the effects of chemotherapy on bone marrow.

Patients who receive stem cell transplants using Baxter Healthcare Corp.’s Isolex® Magnetic Cell Selection System have their own hematopoietic (blood-forming) progenitor bone marrow cells removed or harvested before high dose chemotherapy is administered.

With the Isolex® Magnetic Cell Selection System, the anti-CD34 monoclonal antibody is used to enrich the patient’s CD34+ hematopoietic progenitor cells. Through this enrichment process any tumor cells present in the product are passively depleted. After chemotherapy, the patient’s enriched CD34+ cell population is reinfused into the patient to rescue the blood-forming system.

This stem cell selection system was developed by Baxter employing monoclonal antibody technology licensed from The Johns Hopkins University. The anti-CD34 monoclonal antibody technology was developed by Dr. Curt Civin, a pediatric oncologist at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, whose original research on the technology was sponsored by the National Institutes of Health.

The Isolex® Magnetic Cell Selection System has been commercially available since 1998 for use in cancer treatment. Currently, Baxter is conducting research with the Isolex® Magnetic Cell Selection System, investigating the efficacy, tolerability and safety of blood-derived selected CD34+ stem cells to improve symptoms and clinical outcomes in subjects with chronic myocardial ischemia (CMI), a severe form of coronary artery disease. The National Institutes of Health and other research institutions are using the Isolex® system in their own research today, studying the use of selected CD34+ stem cells in the treatment of a variety of medical conditions.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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World’s Smallest Medical Implant Delivers Big Results

University of California Irvine

World’s Smallest Medical Implant Delivers Big Results

More than 3 million Americans suffer from glaucoma, a disease that blocks the eyes’ drains, causing fluid to build up and increase pressure in the eye, potentially damaging the optic nerve. The result is eye pain and vision loss, which make glaucoma the second leading cause of blindness worldwide.  

Professor Richard Hill was a physician of ophthalmology at University of California, Irvine’s (UCI’s) School of Medicine when he developed a microinvasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS) device called iStent, a tiny tube to relieve ocular pressure by allowing fluid to move into the eye’s normal drainage system.  

Known as ‘the world’s tiniest medical device’, iStent is 20,000 times smaller than the intraocular lenses used in cataract surgery. But the size of iStent is only part of its story. In a U.S. clinical study, 68% of glaucoma patients who received iStent remained medication-free at 12 months.  

UCI filed patents on Hill’s invention beginning in 2000, and in 2002 Hill founded a startup called Glaukos Corporation to commercialize the iStent and license the invention from UCI. For the next decade, UCI’s technology transfer office provided Hill and his startup support, in the form of patent strategy, business plan consultation, introduction to investors, and regulatory guidance.  

Together, UCI and Glaukos shared time, resources, and intellectual capital to bring the product to market. In 2012 Glaukos became one of the first companies to have a MIGS device FDA cleared and commercially available in the US. Since then, the invention has been used all over the world to prevent vision loss and blindness. In 2022, the device had been used in more than one million procedures. 

“The success of the iStent is an example of how academic research commercialization can impact the world and make the lives of people healthier and happier,” said Alvin Viray, Associate Director of UCI’s technology transfer office, currently manages Hill’s UCI patent portfolio. “The iStent has also resulted in domestic and worldwide economic development in the form of job creation and IPO. UCI’s partnership and relationship with Glaukos helps fulfill our mission to facilitate the transfer of the university’s research and technologies into commerce for the public benefit.” 

The iStent technology and the work of UCI’s technology transfer office were honored as one of three finalists in the 2023 Better World Project Awards program. 

This story was originally published in 2023.

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Intravenous Busulfan Offers Hope to Leukemia Patients

University of Texas

Intravenous Busulfan Offers Hope to Leukemia Patients

Back in 1990, Borje S. Andersson, M.D, Ph.D., recognized that lethal liver failure in one of every four to five patients undergoing stem cell transplantation for leukemia was unacceptable.

He traced this to the unpredictable effect of high-dose busulfan given by mouth while preparing the patients for their transplant. He came up with the idea of giving this “insoluble drug” directly into the blood, something thought to be impossible, since busulfan is chemically unstable and thought of as truly insoluble. He suggested that an intravenous busulfan formulation would be easier and safer to administer. Not accepting that busulfan would be insoluble, Dr. Andersson set out to create an intravenous formulation.

This project led to the filing of a patent application for “intravenous busulfan” three years later, and in 1995 clinical studies were initiated to better prepare leukemia patients for stem cell transplants. The clinical trials spearheaded by The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center were carried out at seven different U.S. transplant centers, and in 1999 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted regulatory approvalfor intravenous busulfan (IV Busulfex).

This was the first, and so far the only, time that the FDA approved a chemotherapeutic agent or technology for use in pretransplantation preparative therapy.

Since then, the transplant group at M. D. Anderson has conducted a series of clinical trials using IV Busulfex, combined with either cyclophosphamide or with Fludarabine as part of conditioning therapy for patients with chronic and acute myeloid leukemia and for patients with myelodysplastic syndrome. They have firmly established IV Busulfex™ as a safer alternative to existing pretransplant preparative regimens for patients with myeloid leukemia; the risk of a lethal complication in an adult undergoing a transplant for leukemia is now below eight percent in the first year after the transplant. IV Busulfex is now successfully used in more than 40 countries around the globe.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Jersey Giant Hybrid Proves Bigger is Better

Rutgers University

Jersey Giant Hybrid Proves Bigger is Better

Researchers at Rutgers University made a major breakthrough for asparagus production when they developed Jersey Giant — the first all-male asparagus hybrid. Asparagus is dioecious, which means a plant is either male or female. Because male plants do not produce fruits that drain nutrient resources they out-yield female plants over time. Male plants also do not produce unwanted volunteer seedlings that contaminate the field. They also do not bear the weight of the fruits, therefore are less likely to suffer stalk breakage in a windstorm.

Jersey Giant is highly productive. Its introduction led to doubling of yields for the growers and helped to make this vegetable affordable to consumers.

Jersey Giant has vigorous growth habit and very good resistance against asparagus rust, a damaging disease that reduces yield and weaken the plant. It also has enhanced tolerance to crown and root rot diseases caused by Fusarium fungi that can shorten the lifespan of asparagus. Hence, Jersey Giant has been known to produce for up to 20 years from Washington State eastward to New England and south to the Carolinas. Since its introduction, Jersey Giant has become the most cultivated of the all-male hybrids.

Rutgers University has one of the most active asparagus breeding programs in the world, and continues to develop many other unique varieties of asparagus since succeeding with Jersey Giant. 

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Precision Engineered Device Relieves Pressure for Glaucoma Patients

University of Colorado Anschutz

Precision Engineered Device Relieves Pressure for Glaucoma Patients
More than three million people in the United States, and 60 million people globally, are affected by glaucoma. In 2012 Dr. Malik Kahook set out to create a surgical tool, the Kahook Dual Blade (KDB), to help ophthalmologists treat patients that suffer from the disease. KDB gave surgeons the opportunity to open clogged drainage pathways in the eye with an approach that is accessible to surgeons across the globe. 

The breakthrough tool was brought to market by New World Medical (Rancho Cucamonga, CA) in 2015 in partnership with the University of Colorado Anschutz, CU Innovations.

Not long after taking his device to market, Kahook sought to make it even better through modifications and enhancements. 
“The original KDB was really good for the majority of patients, but there were outliers in the tails of the bell curve where the procedure itself could have been made smoother,” Kahook says. 

With an eye on innovation, Kahook created the KDB Glide and the CU Innovation office continued its long-standing relationship with Kahook to ensure the newly imagined device would remain covered under the original intellectual property rights.

As a stand-alone procedure or in combination with cataract surgery, more than 4.5 million glaucoma patients in the U.S. could benefit from the new and improved KDB Glide, which was made commercially available in February 2021. 

The KDB Glide’s versatilely navigates each patient’s unique anatomy to improve surgical precision and control and is available for use in patients who’s glaucoma ranges from mild to severe.

On a global scale, the number of potential beneficiaries, and the need for versatile, cost-effective, minimally invasive devices, is even greater. Just as with the original KDB, KDB Glide is made available all around the world for humanitarian use through Sidra Tree Foundation, which is the philanthropic arm of New World Medical. 

Some of the most notable improvements have been in patients that may have smaller or irregular anatomies. The early success of the new KDB Glide model, and eagerness of his colleagues at home and worldwide to support the modifications, inspires Kahook to continue gliding in the right direction through the next decade.

“The dream of any inventor in the medical field is to change the lives of patients and provide the best possible methods for restoring health,” Kahook says. “I feel lucky to partner with a mission-driven organization like New World Medical and to be part of this supportive environment and innovative culture within the Sue Anschutz-Rodgers Eye Center at CU Anschutz.”

This story was originally published in 2022.

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Kepivance Improves Quality of Life for Cancer Patients

National Cancer Institute

Kepivance Improves Quality of Life for Cancer Patients

Chemotherapy and radiation are widely accepted treatments for many forms of cancers. Although they can be highly effective in eliminating or shrinking tumors, they often have serious side effects that destroy normal tissues. One of the most painful, debilitating, and depressing side effects of these treatments is mucositis, which results in painful ulcerations that attack the lining of the mouth. Mucositis can make a patient’s everyday activities, such as eating, drinking, swallowing, and talking, difficult or impossible.

A research team led by Jeffrey Rubin, M.D., at the National Cancer Institute, within the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Md., made an important finding in the late 1980s. They discovered a compound that has proven effective in fighting oral mucositis.

This substance, called keratinocyte growth factor (KGF), occurs naturally in the human body and stimulates cells on the surface layer of the mouth to grow, which speeds healing of ulcers. Palifermin, a manmade version of KGF, is equally effective in treating mucositis.

The NIH then partnered with Amgen, a company specializing in chemotherapy-related products,to develop a therapeutic based on KGF.

Amgen received an exclusive license from the NIH for its KGF technology in 1992.

After years of research and testing Amgen has released its anti-mucositis drug, Kepivance™.

Kepivance™ was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2004 for reducing the incidence and duration of oral mucositis in leukemia patients undergoing bone marrow/blood cell transplantation.

Prior to Kepivance™, no effective treatment existed for this condition. Currently this drug benefits about 11,000 adult Americans who undergo bone marrow transplants each year. This reduces medical costs because patients recover more quickly and hospital stays are shorter.

Kepivance™ may also enable patients to undergo fuller doses of treatment and acquire fewer infections during their hospital stay.

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KineMed Offers Kinetic View of the Body

University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley)

KineMed Offers Kinetic View of the Body

KineMed is a drug development company built upon a new way of seeing the inner workings of the human body and thus predicting clinical outcomes.

KineMed intends to change the way the world sees health and disease. The biotechnology company, based in Emeryville, Calif., has developed a technology that allows researchers to monitor and measure the myriad dynamics taking place at the cellular and molecular levels in the human body. The unique vantage point offered by KineMed’s technology enables researchers to understand the full landscape of dynamic pathways of disease and thus predict the onset and monitor the course of an illness. These tools also enable researchers to discover new uses for drugs and expedite the drug development process.

David Fineman, co-founder of KineMed, explains: “To understand biological systems, you have to understand the dynamics of those systems. You have to understand the functional relationships that drive important clinical outcomes. KineMed enables seeing the multiplicity of drug effects in the biochemical and physiological pathways in the body.”

Measuring exactly what drugs do in living systems leads to a more comprehensive understanding of a drug as it acts within the complexity of a human being. Most importantly, the KineMed technology accomplishes this with no effect on the system itself.

“It’s like having a ghost observer in the body – something that can observe every- thing that’s taking place but have no impact on the process,” says Fineman.

Using non-radioactive, or stable, isotopic labeling, a scientist can measure the rates of flux, or change, as the label is incorporated into molecules in the body.

“The label is a biochemical tag,” says Marc Hellerstein, M.D., Ph.D., the inventor of the technology. “It is an atom that is part of one molecule, and is transferred to another molecule when some biochemical event occurs.”

The tag provides researchers with a record of that event.

One way that KineMed achieves this is by administering to a patient a small dose of deuterium in a glass of water. Deuterium, a “heavy” form of hydrogen, is naturally occurring in nature and harmless at low levels. Deuterium has an extra neutron in the nucleus that does not change its chemical behavior in the body, but allows its fate to be monitored. The additional weight of the neutron makes it distinguishable by mass spectrometry, providing scientists with a way to “light up” pathways so they can see exactly what effects their drug is having on target cells, where the drug acted, and what the consequences are within the whole body system.

“For drug discovery, this is a ‘systems biology’ approach, which provides authentic biomarkers of the actual processes involved in disease or health,” says Fineman.

Hellerstein, who is a professor of nutrition at the University of California, Berkeley, professor of medicine at University of California, San Francisco, and a physician specializing in diabetes treatment at San Francisco General Hospital, had long been interested in metabolism. He also has a lifelong interest in translational medicine, which, loosely defined, is the process of bringing new tests and therapies out of the laboratory and into the clinic.

Hellerstein was struck by the differences he encountered between standard medical care and biological laboratory research.

“I couldn’t understand why we were not measuring the same cellular and molecular processes in a human being that we could do routinely with cells in the lab,” he says.

Hellerstein’s uncle, a cardiologist in Cleveland, had told his nephew the story of a researcher who had catheterized his own heart and injected himself with dye — and discovered that he could visualize the entire circulatory system of the heart. Today that’s known as angiography. For years, the discovery was only used as a laboratory research tool, until its value for diagnosing coronary heart disease was recognized.

“A mindset exists that prevents us from translating research tools to the clinic,” Hellerstein says. “But I was convinced that the type of tools I had been working on to answer questions in human metabolism could be used in medical diagnostics and drug discovery.”

Hellerstein patented his first invention through University of California, Berkeley. The first patent was on a method for non-invasively measuring the synthesis of polymers, such as proteins, cholesterol and glycogen, in the body. Prior to the invention, these measurements had some fundamental limitations.

“We could give a label to a person, but how could we figure out how much of the label really made it into the cells?” he explains. “You never knew how much label got into the biosynthetic machinery that generated a polymer, because it was non-accessible.”

He solved the problem by developing a combined mathematical and mass spectrometric approach to calculate definitively how much of the label was being delivered into the cells.

While his research was largely funded by National Institutes of Health (NIH) grants at the time of his discovery, the research into kinetic measurements was “sort of between the cracks,” while he was involved in AIDS research.

Today, there are more than 100 patents in the portfolio, the core technology having been licensed to KineMed. Hellerstein and Fineman, who are longtime friends, co-founded the company. The technology works by measuring the flow of molecules through pathways, like a motion picture capturing the dynamics of a good billiards break.

“It’s like being able to see the entire table, and watch all the balls go in different directions, seeing where they hit each other and what path they travel across the table, all at the same time,” says Fineman.

“The molecules in the body don’t just sit there,” says Hellerstein, “yet most diagnostic tests today are static measurements. You can see an X-ray or CT-scan of a structure, or measure the level of messenger RNA in a cell, but these types of measurements do not show movement, and in truth, everything is dynamic.  So it was clear that there was a huge gap in the tool kit.”

Applying new strategies for tagging key processes in the body with non-radioactive tracers, combined with new mass spectrometric and mathematical analyses of these dynamic processes, enabled Hellerstein to see the kinetics of various biological pathways and processes. He characterizes most diseases as disorders of kinetics and the control of kinetics.

“Cancer is related to the production rate of cancer cells,” he says. “Liver cirrhosis is about the production and breakdown rates of collagen; AIDS is about the production and death rates of T-cells. Biochemistry is regulated through rate control,” that is, kinetics.

KineMed is now investigating the dynamic basis of various diseases by isolating specific molecules and looking at them through a kinetic lens.

The company has hired dozens of researchers with various specialties to develop its own drugs and  has relationships with more than 20 drug companies that are using KineMed’s platform in combination with other methods of drug discovery and testing.

“Kinetic medicine adds a new dimension in biology by including the measurement of time, the element that’s been missing in the area of drug development and molecular biology,” says Hellerstein.

KineMed is already making a difference in research, having developed assays for several major disease states, including cholesterol metabolism, insulin resistance, neuronal dysfunction, fibrosis and inflammation. That’s powerful technology that can lead to more powerful medicine.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Device Helps Knee-Pain Sufferers Get Back on Their Feet

Ecole de Technologie Superieure

Device Helps Knee-Pain Sufferers Get Back on Their Feet

Most drivers hate red lights. But motorists with knee pain might want to reconsider. Thanks to a chance meeting at a stoplight, patients can now get more accurate diagnosis and treatment for their conditions.

The key is a motion-capture-and-analysis device called Knee Kinematics Graphs, or KneeKG. KneeKG allows health care professionals to test a patient’s knee function while the patient walks on a treadmill. X-rays and MRIs can only take images of the knee while it is still.

What’s more, KneeKG costs less than X-ray or MRI machines. And, with the help of two Canadian technology transfer organizations, the device is on the market in Canada and approved for use in the United States.

The technology benefits anyone with knee pain — both professional athletes and the general population. That includes workers whose jobs are hard on their knees, such as mail carriers and rug installers. In countries with aging populations, osteoarthritis is the most common cause of knee pain in people who reach middle age, no matter what a patient’s profession.

In fact, American patients visit their doctors about 19 million times a year for knee problems, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Knee pain and other bone and joint problems represent the most disabling and costly medical issues in countries such as the United States.

The Questions That Led to a 20-Year Project

The story of how the device came to market is almost as complexas the knee it was designed to analyze. It offers a clearpicture of how technology can help those who need it, thanksto more than 20 researchers, three universities and multiplefunding agencies.

Back in 1990, an orthopedic surgeon came to Jacques de Guise, Ph.D., with two questions: How could he limit harmful stresses on a patient’s knee ligaments? And was there an optimum position in which the stresses were minimal for the ligament in the knee?

The orthopedist was performing knee surgery on patients with injuries to ligaments such as the anterior cruciate ligament, or ACL. An ACL tear, an injury familiar to many athletes, can be debilitating. Surgery does not always restore a patient’s knee to its pre-injury function.

De Guise quickly realized that, to get answers to his questions, the doctor would need to be able to provide a 3-D image of the knee in motion. Unlike an X-ray or MRI, which provides a two-dimensional picture of the knee, the device de Guise envisioned would capture the knee’s motion and present it as a 3-D image. However, no existing device could provide such information.

Besides that, getting a portrait of the joint would not be easy because the knee’s movement is quite complex. The only way to capture such data was to surgically implant pins into the knee, with wiring leading to a motion-capture device that would compute the data.

Why Did the Professor Cross the Road?

At the time, de Guise was a professor of biomedical engineering at the École de technologie supérieure (ETS) in Montreal. But, the engineering school did not have any medical faculty, something de Guise needed in order to work with a physician.

So de Guise went across the road to the University of Montreal and took a position as an adjunct professor at the faculty of medicine and as a researcher at the University of Montreal Hospital Centre, or CHUM. He continues his work at both institutions today, with multiple roles at each organization.

“My left arm is at the ETS, and the right arm is at the University of Montreal,” de Guise jokes. “My head is in between.”

With his appointment at the University of Montreal, de Guise was able to install an ETS lab at the CHUM Research Center, the Imaging and Orthopedics Research Laboratory (LIO). At the LIO, he and his students began investigating different options for obtaining data about the knee.

First they reviewed medical literature to see if other researchers had already found a technique for capturing movement with motion sensors. The group did not find anything, so they brainstormed solutions and did an anatomical study of the knee’s structure.

The idea that emerged from those efforts involved a special motion-sensor attachment system — a knee brace that allowed the quasi-rigid fixation of movement sensors to the knee. In 1994 they came up with the prototype of a fixation system in which a motion detector could be firmly attached to a patient’s lower limb.

Their next task involved describing the knee’s motion so they could design software that would compute the mechanical stresses to the ACL. That allowed de Guise to show the surgeon the best way to perform orthopedic surgery.

Once they had the hardware and software to record the kinematics — the movement of the knee — de Guise and his students undertook the next phase of research: looking at normal kinematics versus abnormal kinematics.

The funding for the initial research came from several sources. They included NSERC (the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada) and FQRNT (The Quebec Fund for Research on Nature and Technology). De Guise also secured a grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research to study patients with osteoarthritis of the knee.

Red Light Leads to Green-Lighting of Project

What happened next put the project on a different footing.

De Guise was riding his bicycle one day in 2000 when a former engineering classmate, Francois Bastien, pulled up next to him in a car at a red light. When Bastien asked what he was up to, de Guise told his former classmate about his research. Bastien asked de Guise why he hadn’t commercialized the invention.

The two quickly became business partners and created a new company called Solution YD3. On top of the grants de Guise had received, Solution YD3 obtained funding from INNOV, a special innovation-funding program from NSERC.

“A researcher is always seeking more money,” de Guise says.

For a time, the project received adequate funding. And over the course of its development, more than 20 graduate students worked on the KneeKG.

L’Hocine Yahia, a professor at ETS, and Nicolas Duval, a surgeon, worked with several students to help de Guise get the device into clinics and show how it could work in a clinical setting.

However, economics eventually threatened to sideline the project.

Although some Solution YD3 employees were working on the KneeKG project full time, they were not drawing a salary. And, without enough people to continue development, progress would grind to a halt.

So de Guise approached two universities where he worked. Each had a technology transfer office.

Together, Valeo — the technology transfer agency for ETS — and Univalor — the University of Montreal’s technology transfer organization — retired the original KneeKG license and found a new licensee, Emovi Inc.

Valeo and Univalor had asked Quebec-based Emovi to identify any barriers to commercialization for the device. When Solution YD3 gave up its rights to the license, Emovi president and CEO Michelle Laflamme expressed interest in acquiring the license. Emovi, which provides medical products to health care providers, obtained the license for KneeKG in 2007.

Jean Bélanger, director of the Centre for experimentation and technology transfer at the ETS, explains why the university was interested in licensing the technology.

“KneeKG offers a quick way to diagnose the mechanical causes of the knee problems,” Bélanger says. “There are not too many techniques that assess the knee in dynamic and weightbearing conditions, in fact, this is the sole product available for clinical settings. And, it’s noninvasive.”

Health care providers can use the KneeKG in settings such as doctors’ offices, hospitals, clinics and rehab facilities. It helps health care professionals in several ways:

• Looking at whether the knee is functioning normally

• Diagnosing the cause of knee pain

• Allowing comparison of knee function before and after treatment

• Getting a baseline of the patient’s knee function for comparison in case of future injury, damage or disease

The device is also much more user-friendly than other systems that analyze the knee while in motion, in a weight-bearing position. Although some laboratories in universities and hospitals can perform similar analyses, those systems are not available in a clinical setting.

What makes KneeKG different from other systems is that it accurately analyzes the function of the knee joint in a clinical setting. A technician performs the 15-minute test. Afterward the device generates an easy-to-read report about the findings.

Licensee Offers a Leg Up

Emovi has been integrating the device into its care protocol at its Emovi Knee Clinic since 2008. According to Laflamme, Emovi invested in the project with two objectives: First, to develop software applications to make the results easily understandable. This technology then demonstrates its added value to the patient, the physician and the health care system.

Second, to develop a database of different knee conditions, diseases and abnormalities. This not only adds to the value of the technology, it also advances the science as it relates to the knee.

The software applications that have been developed cover different angles:

  • • Highlighting knee-function problems that are linked to known diseases or conditions, to help the investigation of symptoms
  • • Clinical scores enabling easy post-treatment followup
  • • Pre- and postsurgery information for total-knee and ACL surgeries
  • • Diagnostic applications for general practitioners

“Emovi aims to help physicians revolutionize the way they evaluate knee problems,” Laflamme explains. “This empowers doctors to provide top-notch knee care.”

Working with Universities Allows Licensees to Put Their Best Foot Forward

Laflamme says her company first became involved with the two universities because Emovi wanted to license the technology. Now the company has developed a solid relationship with the universities.

“It’s something other companies should look at, when they want to innovate,” Laflamme says. “More companies should work with universities. They have terrific knowledge and are also aware of development around the world. Plus, they are the best spokespeople for the innovation because they know it by heart.”

Emovi now focuses on two activities: developing and selling the KneeKG, and operating its knee clinics.

As of early 2011, health care professionals are using the KneeKG in two Emovi clinics in Canada. Emovi has also sold its first units for use in a hospital in Lyon, France.

In addition, Emovi has gotten approval from the Food and Drug Administration to sell the device in the United States. Laflamme says the company is targeting about 10,000 orthopaedic surgeons in the United States, specifically those at the country’s 2,000 or so orthopedic and sports-medicine clinics.

As for de Guise, he is continuing his work at both the ETS and the University of Montreal, thanks to grants from the FQRNT and the Fonds de Recherches en Santé du Québec. Due to his efforts to help patients with knee pain, people can get back to work, play with their grandchildren and even ride their bikes — perhaps providing someone else with a chance for a lifechanging encounter at a stoplight, too.


This story was originally published in 2011.

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Innovative Computer Tool Helps Hearing Impaired ‘Train’ at Home

University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)

Innovative Computer Tool Helps Hearing Impaired ‘Train’ at Home

The aging of the baby boomer generation is stimulating innovation in many areas of technology important for seniors. Hearing loss is an especially common experience as humans age, and an estimated 28 million Americans currently suffer some degree of impairment. Although hearing aids can help, only an estimated 20% of the hearing-impaired seek treatment. Of those who do wear a device, many are disappointed with the results; hearing aids amplify sound but do not improve other aspects of hearing loss, like impaired frequency and temporal resolution. In addition to a mechanical aid, the hearing impaired need strategies to compensate for the fragmentary auditory signal.

With training, listening and comprehension abilities can improve and even result in changes in neurons of the central auditory system. However, individualized therapy to teach auditory skills has rarely been offered because it is time-intensive.

A new interactive computer-based training program called LACE (Listening and Auditory Communication Enhancement) addresses this problem by allowing patients a chance to “workout” on their own to improve their listening skills and increase comprehension, especially in difficult conditions.

LACE is the brainchild of Dr. Robert Sweetow, director of audiology, and Jennifer Henderson-Sabes, a research audiologist, both at the University of California, San Francisco, and software programmers at NeuroTone, a company created by Gerry Kearby, founder of Liquid Audio. Over a four-week training period, LACE users practice understanding rapid speech, speech in a noisy background, or speech delivered simultaneously with a competing speaker. The difficulty of the comprehension tests is scaled to the user’s ability, to prevent either boredom or frustration.

In addition, LACE provides training in cognitive skills that diminish with age, such as auditory memory and speed of processing. Finally, the program also helps users acquire new interactive communication strategies. The program was tested on 80 subjects and results showed that LACE training improved comprehension and increased user confidence in challenging listening situations. A portable version of the program for a hand-held device is being built to allow patients without access to a computer to experience these benefits.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Large-area Graphene Fabrication Method

Grolltex and Graduate student at UC San Diego
Univ. California
University of California, San Diego (UC San Diego)

Large-area Graphene Fabrication Method

Graphene is pure carbon in the form of a very thin, nearly transparent sheet, one atom thick. It is remarkably strong for its very low weight (100 times stronger than steel) and it conducts heat and electricity with great efficiency. Graphene research has expanded quickly since the substance was first isolated in 2004.

Graphene is expected to play a significant role in future technologies that span a range from consumer electronics, to devices for the conversion and storage of energy, to conformable biomedical devices for healthcare. To realize these applications, however, a low-cost method of synthesizing large areas of high-quality graphene is required. Currently, the only method to generate large-area single-layer graphene that is compatible with roll-to-roll manufacturing destroys approximately 300 kg of copper foil (thickness = 25 μm) for every 1 g of graphene produced.
The most common approach used to build graphene devices is to grow the polycrystalline graphene via chemical vapor deposition on a thin metal foil, followed by transfer of the graphene to the substrate of interest. This process can produce large areas of graphene with good control over the thickness.

However, the graphene is often wrinkled because the metal foil substrate is rough. Furthermore, the relative crystallographic orientation of the domains is random because of the lack of registry with the substrate.

Nanoengineers from UC San Diego have developed a new environmentally benign and scalable process of transferring graphene to flexible substrates. Their green method for fabricating graphene sheets reduces the costs and the time required to perform the transfer and enables the synthesis of graphene on an industrial scale.

The process is based on the preferential adhesion of certain thin metallic films to graphene; separation of the graphene from the catalytic copper foil is followed by lamination to a flexible target substrate in a process that is compatible with rollto-roll manufacturing. The copper substrate is indefinitely reusable and the method is substantially greener than the current process that uses corrosive iron(III) chloride to etch the copper. The quality of the graphene produced by this new process is similar to that produced by the standard method, given the defects observable by Raman spectroscopy. Green, inexpensive synthesis of high-quality single-layer graphene will enable applications in flexible, stretchable, and disposable electronics, low-profile and lightweight barrier materials, and in large-area displays and photovoltaic modules.

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Rapid, Cost-Effective Diagnostic System Based on Innovative Nano Biosensors Helps Identify and Slow Spread of Major Diseases

Indiana University
Indiana University Research and Technology Corp.

Rapid, Cost-Effective Diagnostic System Based on Innovative Nano Biosensors Helps Identify and Slow Spread of Major Diseases

Throughout history, human migration has contributed greatly to the spread of infectious diseases. Trade caravans, religious pilgrimages and military maneuvers spread many diseases such as influenza, plague and smallpox.

Today, epidemics continue at an accelerated rate thanks to an internationally mobile population with unprecedented access to quick, global travel. This increased international mobility has created the potential for a serious and costly health crisis, prompting world health authorities to seek rapid, high-throughput disease surveillance and reporting programs as a first line of defense. A solution needs to identify, manage and contain highly communicable infectious diseases such as tuberculosis (TB), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis, influenza and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).

Infectious diseases can be separately diagnosed with existing highly effective gold-standard diagnostic tests such as culture and/or polymerase chain reaction (PCR). But, the most sensitive and accurate tests conducted in clinical labs usually take days to provide an answer, while the very rapid tests that require only a few minutes are usually less sensitive and inaccurate.

Performing individual tests for each of these diseases at a reasonable cost, though, creates formidable logistical and financial challenges. A more innovative solution that cuts down the number of tests is needed.

Next Generation Disease Screening

One possible solution that shows great promise is a high-throughput diagnostic system, which is commercially available from Akonni Biosystems, a private molecular diagnostic company based in Frederick, Md. Called TruSentry, the system can extract DNA and/or RNA directly from either a tiny spot of dried blood or whole blood and then subject the single sample to testing for 10 to 20 of the most prevalent diseases at the same time. Results are available in less than five hours — fast enough to allow the analysis of thousands of samples per day.

The TruSentry diagnostic system can also be deployed in a single national reference lab, processing millions of samples per year or as part of a larger network of separate satellite facilities that are at, or closer to, the point where samples are collected. Other configurations can be deployed remotely in the field, for example, at the point of an infectious disease outbreak.

At the heart of the TruSentry system is nanoscale biosensor technology on three dimensional gel-drops licensed from Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois. Known as a biochip, this high-throughput form resembles a 96-well microtiter plate but in a 1 centimeter by 1 centimeter area that contains several dozen to several hundred “dots” or small drops. These biochips also are available in a microscope slide-size format for use in point of care settings. Each serves as a miniature laboratory with a unique protein, antibody or nucleic acid that will attach to a particular DNA sequence or antigen to identify infectious diseases such as TB, multidrug-resistant TB, HIV, viral hepatitis B, hepatitis C, syphilis and influenza.

“What Akonni has been able to do with the innovations licensed from Argonne is a very fascinating success story,” says Yash Vaishnav, Ph.D., M.B.A, senior manager, intellectual property development and commercialization, Division of Technology Development and Commercialization (TDC), at Argonne National Laboratory. “It illustrates what can happen when innovative technologies, developed by two international research facilities, with cultural and geopolitical differences, fit well together, and a technology transfer office and licensee work together to overcome challenges.”

International Collaboration Leads to Biochip

The special nanoscale biosensor technology is the result of an international research collaboration originally started in 1988 by the late Professor Andrei Mirzabekov, Ph.D., and his team at the Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology in Moscow and subsequently advanced via a joint research agreement in 1995 with Argonne National Laboratory. Argonne is one of the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) oldest and largest national laboratories for science and engineering research.

One of the many inventors who worked on developing this innovative technology is Daniel Schabacker, Ph.D., team leader, Bio-Detection Technologies at Argonne, where he is the lead scientist for the development of the biochip portfolio. Schabacker helped develop the technology for manufacturing the biochips in a commercial setting.

“When I joined the Argonne team, many aspects of manufacturing and scalability of biochips had not been worked out,” Schabacker says. “It was interesting, with a lot of capabilities, but there was no manufacturing mindset — the manufacturing process needed to be scalable to be commercially viable.

“We really developed a package of standard operating procedures and a cost analysis that showed how our biochips could be marketable and manufactured in a commercial environment. We also transitioned from the original gel-pad concept to gel drops, which increased efficiency and produced a robust product.”

Since this international group of researchers started collaborating in 1993, development of the biochip has been supported with $22 million in funding from government and private sponsors — U.S. National Institutes of Health, DOE, U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, Centers for Disease Control, Motorola Inc., and Packard Instrument Co.

The Argonne National Laboratory biochip point-of-care diagnostic portfolio contains 29 issued U.S. patents with six pending applications, and the Argonne TDC has granted three exclusive licenses with defined fields of use to:

  • Safeguard Biosystems — focusing on veterinary diagnostics
  • Aurora Photonics — developing biochip imager for research and diagnostics
  • Akonni Biosystems — developing human diagnostics

Innovations Licensed to Startup

Akonni first approached the Argonne TDC in 2003 after hearing Mirzabekov talk about detecting TB in human samples. As a startup biotech company, Akonni wanted to license the strong portfolio of intellectual property relating to this innovative microarray technology to raise funds.

After submitting a business plan and completing a licensing questionnaire, Argonne worked with Akonni to identify key patents and exercise an option agreement to negotiate a license prior to the request for seed funding. After the funding was obtained, they entered into license negotiations.

Argonne’s Vaishnav says the first exclusive license included biochips for TB and a few other infectious diseases, a reasonable upfront fee and royalty rates, and due diligences based on sales and commercialization activity. As the relationship matured, it became clear to both that they needed a more dynamic agreement beyond standard licensing. The result was a collaborative research approach with the guidelines that allowed for advancing the technology and developing prototype applications of the biochip.

Over the years, many of them filled with time-consuming processes and difficult challenges, Vaishnav says both parties took a flexible approach that resulted in the agreements to evolve so they could overcome risks, attract more investors and collaborators, and take advantage of growth opportunities.

Today, the relationship is guided by a fine-tuned license that includes an equity stake for Argonne in Akonni and a cooperative research and development agreement. The result is a successful relationship: So successful, in fact, that former Argonne staff, including a key biochip researcher, have joined Akonni, and both entities are working constructively with others to bring the technology to the marketplace.

“This technology adds a molecular diagnostic solution where the current technology, while good, simply can’t perform,” says Kevin Banks, vice president of sales and marketing at Akonni Biosystems. Unlike today’s real-time PCR-based platforms, the Akonni TruSentry system, Banks says, can rapidly screen a sample for hundreds of disease markers at one time by using hundreds of molecular biosensors in a microarray the size of a fingernail thanks to all the work, not only at Argonne and Akonni, but the original research started by Mirzabekov and his team.

Akonni, which is deploying the technology in both point-of-care and high throughput screening settings, is in the process of attaining U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval for its diagnostic tests. Banks says this is a major milestone on the road to clinical trials and eventual clearance to market it as a commercially available diagnostic system.

“At the end of the day, what we have developed together is a third-generation molecular diagnostic solution that can provide truly accurate and trusted results, combined with alert detection and reporting on the world’s most prevalent and dangerous infectious diseases,” Banks says. “It represents the future of molecular diagnostics — a rapid, cost effective diagnostic system can greatly help immigration and health care officials identify and slow the spread of potentially dangerous diseases and would benefit all people.”


This story was originally published in 2010.

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You Say 'Potato,' India Says 'More Income and Less Crop Destruction'

University of Wisconsin Madison

You Say 'Potato,' India Says 'More Income and Less Crop Destruction'

Farmers in India and Bangladesh have become increasingly reliant on the potato over the past 50 years. Since the 1960s, Indian farmers have turned to this cash crop in lieu of more traditional crops such as buckwheat, hog millet and foxtail millet because of its high density of food per acre. Likewise, in Bangladesh, potato production has tripled since 1980. The highly nutritious potato provides essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids to the region’s ricedominated diets.

In 2007, 70 percent of India’s 1.28 million hectares of potato crops were lost to late blight, a plant disease caused by a fungal pathogen. An estimated $236 million has been lost in India due to late blight infections. In Bangladesh, the disease has attacked 50 percent of potato crops, and an estimated $43 million has been lost. It is not uncommon, in either country, for a farmer’s entire crop to be ruined.

Late blight is the best known as the disease behind the Irish Potato Famine of the mid-1800s. It causes potatoes and tomatoes to rot in fields or in storage. An entire crop can be destroyed within one to two weeks under certain conditions. The pathogen can survive from season to season in infected potato tubers, and infected plants produce millions of spores in wet weather conditions. Late blight is a tough disease to control, to say the least.

Farmers in India and Bangladesh attempt to control the disease with pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. These primarily subsistence farmers can barely afford the high price of these chemicals, and, often times, the plants are resistant to them. Bangladeshi farmers apply more than 20 treatments a year. This not only cuts into their profits, but also poses heath and environmental risks to the region.

Solanum bulbocastanum is a wild relative of the potato. It comes equipped with a gene that makes it resistant to late blight infection. Researchers first attempted to fight late blight by cross breeding the resistant variety with common cash crop potatoes, but they were unsuccessful.

However, researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison were able to isolate the resistant gene, Rb, and use genetic engineering to insert it into popular U.S. potato varieties.

Sathguru Management Consultants in India coordinated with the university to use this gene technology pro bono and develop resistant cultivators in India and Bangladesh. A global consortium under the United States Agency for International Development’s Agricultural Biotechnology Support Project II (ABSPII) was formed for this project, including the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Sathguru, Cornell University, Central Potato Research Institute in India and Bangladesh Agriculture Research Institute.

>With funding from ABSPII, governments in India and Bangladesh, Cornell, Sathguru and the University of Wisconsin-Madison, researchers have introduced the Rb gene to popular local potato varieties. In India, Kufri Jyothi and Kufri Bahar varieties have been modified and tested, and in Bangladesh, Diamant and Cardinal varieties are being assessed. These field trials judge the Rb-infused varieties’ effectiveness against local strains of late blight.

Successful trials have led researchers to believe that soon new products will be available to farmers and become an integral part of pest management systems for late blight.

The new products will be licensed to both public and private enterprises. Commercial farmers will have access to seeds through private companies’ seed catalogues, while poorer farmers will receive seeds through local distribution channels. These channels will distribute literature and show audio-visual programs in key Indian languages to educate farmers about the new product, address safety issues and show the benefits of adopting the new technology.

The new product could save farmers between $160 and $200 million in chemicals alone. George Norton of Virginia Tech University, in partnership with national economists in India and Bangladesh, conducted a detailed socio-economic impact assessment that shows farmers using late blight resistant potatoes will double their income. The study also found that labor would decrease by 11 percent and potato yields would increase 25 percent. Chemical applications would also decrease and benefit local health and environment conditions.

This international effort in technology transfer and development will benefit both the farmers of these countries and consumers, who get a safe, high-quality product that is free of chemicals.

This story was originally published in 2009.

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Lauren's Test Innovation

Lauren State University

Lauren's Test Innovation. Email me to let me know you got the notification! [email protected]

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Arsenic Removal: Fixing Drinking Water for Millions

Lehigh University

Arsenic Removal: Fixing Drinking Water for Millions

It certainly seemed like a good idea in the 1970s to improve the health of millions of people in India and Bangladesh by replacing their reliance on polluted river waters with access to small-tube wells. By drawing clean water from underground aquifers UNICEF, World Bank and Indian and Bangladeshi officials hoped to reduce the diarrhea, dysentery, cholera and hepatitis that were constants of life in the Gangetic Delta. And it worked – Bangladesh saw its infant mortality rate, one of the highest in the world, cut in half.

But by the 1990s, it was clear there was an unwelcome trade-off: A fifth of the eight million wells in place by then were contaminated by arsenic. Today, says the World Health Organization, tens of millions of people in Bangladesh and the eastern Indian state of West Bengal are being poisoned by drinking water laden with toxic levels of arsenic.
“We’re used to thinking of contaminated water as a man-made problem but arsenic is a natural contaminant of groundwater found throughout the Earth’s crust, including in the United States,” says Arup K. SenGupta, PhD, a Lehigh University professor whose career has focused on removing trace contaminants from water. “In some places arsenic levels are quite high, and it’s become a very serious public health problem.”
Compared to the World Health Organization’s acceptable standard of 10 parts per billion (ppb) of arsenic to water, 46 percent of Bangladeshi wells are above that level and 27 percent are above 50 ppb. It is, a WHO scientist said in 2000, “the largest mass poisoning of a population in history.”
“A similar crisis has since emerged in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam,” notes Tom Meischeid, Interim Director of Lehigh University’s Office of Technology Transfer. “It’s a case in which research in a university setting can be translated into potential relief for entire populations.”
SenGupta, P.C. Rossin Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and of Chemical Engineering at Lehigh, has found a novel way to impregnate tiny polymeric beads, known as anion exchange resins, with ferric hydroxide nanoparticles to create a safe, effective mechanism for separating arsenic from the water in wells and public water supplies. The technique is the basis of LayneRTTM, an advanced filtering medium manufactured by Northborough, MA-based SolmeteX® Inc.
Chronic, Long-term Effects
Unlike its “Arsenic and Old Lace” image, arsenic poisoning doesn’t automatically lead to one’s keeling over and expiring on the spot. Individuals’ responses to it can vary – some people do have acute reactions that include nausea, heart failure and death within a few hours and some can tolerate large doses without ill effect. For most, arsenic poisoning is a matter of chronic, long-term, possibly fatal diseases – including skin, lung, bladder and kidney cancers. Studies have linked arsenic to cardiovascular disease and Type II diabetes. Hyperkeratosis – blotchy thickenings and changes inpigmentation of the skin – are common. It’s an ingestion issue. Arsenic-laden water is safe to use for bathing and laundry.
“Arsenic is found in drinking water in more than 70 countries, from Argentina to Taiwan, but its presence varies from region to region and even from well to well,” SenGupta says. “It’s a severe regional problem in eastern India, Bangladesh and southeast Asia.”
In the United States, arsenic levels are not as toxic as in other regions but a 2006 Environmental Protection Agency tightening of acceptable levels from 50 ppb to 10 ppb has meant that many areas are now considered to have excessive levels. That’s estimated to be the case for more than a third of wells in Arizona and California. 
The Iron Factor
SenGupta’s involvement in arsenic removal began in the 1990s, when he started collaborating with staff at the Bengal Engineering College in India on developing a sustainable well-based system to filter out the poison. Placed in some 150 villages, the manually operated pumps used granular activated alumina to generate arsenic-reduced water.
The devices yield arsenic levels of less than 20 ppb. For their work, SenGupta and his associates were awarded the 2005 Mondialogo Sustainable Engineering Award by Daimler-Chrysler and UNESCO, the 2007 Grainger Silver Prize Award by the National Academy of Engineering and the 2008 Dhirubhai Ambani Award from the Institution of Chemical Engineers in the United Kingdom.
In his laboratory at Lehigh, SenGupta focused on other filtering substances. He saw iron oxide nanoparticles as an excellent medium for arsenic separation – but one that clumps and clogs the filter column when water is run through it. He thought it should be possible to disperse ferric oxide through a substrate base to achieve a stable structure.
The Massachusetts-based SolmeteX Inc., had been focused on remediation of arsenic in industrial wastes when the EPA announced plans in 2001 to lower the acceptable levels for drinking water in the United States as of 2006, notes SolmeteX CEO Owen Boyd. The company began looking – with little success – for a technology that would do that when, in 2003, Boyd and his team came across accounts of SenGupta’s work.
“We talked to him on the phone,” he says. “We drove down to Lehigh that afternoon. And we signed an agreement not long afterwards.” SenGupta worked with doctoral candidate Luis Cumbral at Lehigh for several years before they found a way to place a hybrid ion exchanger (“HAIX”) in columns of tiny polymeric ion-exchange beads that could be irreversibly impregnated with hydrated iron oxide nanoparticles.
The LayneRTTM Factor
In 2007, SenGupta and Cumbral received a U.S. patent for their invention, a HAIX dubbed ArsenXnp and produced by SolmeteX. After SolmeteX was acquired by Layne Christensen Company some 18 months later, the technology was further modified and commercialized as LayneRTTM,, a substance offering enhanced performance economically and safely.
“The beauty of Arup’s approach,” Boyd says, “is that by embedding iron oxide into a polymeric structure, he’s created a very durable product that lasts a long time and generates very little waste. They’re both positively charged and should repel each other. He figured out how to get a positively charged iron oxide solution onto a positively charge polymer.” Certified by the EPA in early 2009, LayneRT offers a capability for reducing arsenic levels to the U.S. and WHO standards of 10 ppb. By mid-2009, it had been installed in 30 to 40 systems throughout the United States, the largest a 1,500 gallons/minute application in Arizona serving about 4,000 homes.
“We’re working with companies in India to try to get products made in that country for use there,” Boyd
says. “It’s not feasible to simply install and maintain these systems from here. It’s essential that the materials and services be available locally.”
The newest hot spot in the arsenic crisis is Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam, notes Yatin Karpe, Ph.D., Associate Director in Lehigh’s Office of Technology Transfer. Working with the Technology Office, in early 2009 SenGupta received a grant from the National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance to install sustainable arsenic removal systems in Cambodia.

This story was originally published in 2009.

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Lead-Free Solder Makes Electronics Production Safer

Iowa State University
Sandia National Laboratories

Lead-Free Solder Makes Electronics Production Safer

Because of its harmful impact on human health and the environment, lead has been removed from many commonly used products. However, lead-based solder is still used in the manufacturing process, especially for electronics. Discarded computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices are a major source of lead contamination in landfills.

In partnership with Sandia National Laboratory in New Mexico, Iowa State University-Ames researchers patented a new type of lead-free solder technology in 1996. Funding was provided by the Department of Energy and the Iowa State University Research Foundation.

The tin-silvercopper solder has superior performance characteristics compared to other lead-free alternatives on the market, such as a lower melting temperature and greater strength.

These properties are especially important in prolonged high-heat conditions, such as those found in computers and cell phones.

Besides protecting the environment, eliminating lead from the solder used in manufacturing makes companies more competitive in the global marketplace. For example, Europe strictly limits the amount of lead and other hazardous materials contained in electronic appliances, and a similar initiative is being considered in Japan. Accordingly, Iowa State University’s technology is gaining international interest. To date there are 61 licenses in 16 different countries.

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Educational Software Brings Nonusers Online One Step at a Time

Portland State University

Educational Software Brings Nonusers Online One Step at a Time

Unlike everyday users of mobile devices and home computers, many adults don’t see the Internet and computers as a positive in their lives — but rather as a digital dead-end. They don’t understand how to use them, or how technology can add value to their lives and help them accomplish their goals.

“In areas with intense poverty, there are a lot of people who are not comfortable with technology,” says Stephen M. Reder, Ph.D., a professor of applied linguistics at Portland State University(PSU).

In fact, in a world where Internet use seems ubiquitous, a gulf remains between populations using digital technologies. According to the Pew Research Center, 81 percent of American adults are Internet users. However, the percentage of online users is much lower among adults in households earning less than $30,000 a year and among those without a high school diploma — only 67 and 51 percent, respectively.

To help overcome the digital divide, Reder developed Web-based customizable educational software called the Learner Web that helps adults learn how to use the Internet and accomplish their educational goals simultaneously — from preparing for the G.E.D. to applying for citizenship to researching the job market.

Learner Web allows people who are uncomfortable with technology to accomplish goals requiring them to use technology without going through a steep learning curve on the technology alone.

The Learner Web has become an ideal tool for education centers, libraries and workforce centers to offer adult learners because it allows users to work independently while connecting online to local organizations. In addition to teaching basic computer skills and digital literacy, the Learner Web also offers a growing library of learning plans that provide users with life and job skills.         

“I think the single most important thing Learner Web does for someone is to teach them how to be an independent Web learner,” says Jenifer Vanek, Learner Web administrator for the Minnesota Literacy Council. “It’s based on the idea that individuals need to become independent users of distributed knowledge in order to fully participate in a community.”

Studying High School Dropouts

The idea for the Learner Web was borne out of Reder’s adult literacy research, including a 10-year study of about 1,000 high school dropouts.

“My study broke one of the major stereotypes about dropouts: that these individuals don’t have goals,” says Reder. “Instead, we saw adults who lacked realistic plans and a structure to help them get to where they wanted to go.”

Reder says even adults being supported by different agencies and institutions — such as job training and adult education programs — often lacked a coordinated, cohesive plan.

“Adults who are new to this country or our educational system are often behind in their use of technology,” says Vanek. “The bar is high for immigrants, refugees and those who experience poverty. They don’t have time to gradually learn how to use the Internet on their own; they need to use it immediately.

“Even getting food assistance requires completing an online application. They have to develop their own skills or have others do it for them, which can be demoralizing. Without the skills to accomplish tasks, they become the object of technology, rather than the operator of technology,” she says.

In response — and with the help of a $1 million grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services — Reder developed the Learner Web software and sought the help of PSU’s technology transfer office to copyright it.

“Learner Web is the flagship nonpatent invention for Portland State,” says Joseph Janda, director of Innovation and Intellectual Property at PSU. “PSU’s technology transfer portfolio is primarily technology-based, with a heavy emphasis on engineering and physics.”

Logging On

To use the Learner Web, users create a personal profile with the help of a tutor or teacher, complete a reading assessment and interest inventory, and then choose a learning plan, which they can follow independently or with assistance. For example, the learning plan for obtaining a G.E.D. diploma may include information on the required tests, an assessment of the user’s skills that need work and recommended practice steps. Users can save their work in an e-portfolio and return to it at any time.

“The Learner Web is like using the Internet with training wheels,” explains Vanek, who supports Learner Web sites throughout Minnesota. “It provides a supportive sequence of steps that scaffold the learner experience as they visit the websites.”

Learner Web users can also allow teachers, tutors or agency personnel to monitor their work and progress toward their goals.

“Because Learner Web connects various agencies together as they support one learner, that individual can reach their goal much more efficiently,” says Vanek.

For example, the need for duplicate forms may be eliminated, and student assessment results can be shared amongst agencies or learning institutions.


Reder initially thought the Learner Web would offer universal learning plans for digital literacy, English language skills or specific job skills that could be used anywhere in the country. But customization turned out to be not only necessary, but also advantageous.

“We envisioned a one-size-fits-all software program,” he says. “But based on feedback and interaction with our users, we came to realize that the Learner Web in Portland would need to look at lot different in Minnesota.”

Reder’s team reengineered the software, adding a customization feature that allows regional administrators to add links to community organizations, embedding general learning plans with local resources that can serve and assist the user.

“As an online environment, the Learner Web is very flexible,” says Vanek. “It enables teachers or tutors to load content that is media-rich and interactive.”

What’s more, Learning Web partners gain access to all the learning plans created by PSU as well as all other partners licensing the software. Administrators using the Learner Web in New York City, for example, may use learning plans created by administrators in California, either as they are or after customizing the plan to fit their location.

Digital Literacy Plans in Minnesota

In 2010, the United States Department of Commerce awarded Reder a $3.3 million grant to deploy digital literacy learning plans through the Learner Web in six different areas of the country, including St. Paul, Minn.

“Our digital literacy plans are foundational,” says Vanek. “They aren’t, ‘How do I build an Excel spreadsheet for my household budget?’ but ‘What is Google?’ and ‘How do I set up an email account?’”

To help adults who are about to get their G.E.D., the Minnesota Literacy Council in St. Paul also developed learning plans to support vocational preparation, includingprograms on career exploration and researching the local labor market.

“Our most popular plan is how to prepare to be a certified nursing assistant,” she says.

When educators in other parts of Minnesota began asking to use the Learner Web in their cities, the Minnesota Literacy Council began supporting administrative users of the  software across the state.

Today, eight other states in addition to Minnesota offer the Learner Web. An estimated 25,000 learners have used the software at adult education centers, public libraries and other organizations in 25 cities. An annual licensing fee provides each Learner Web with two portals capable of supporting hundreds of users.

“It’s interesting to see what happens at the different sites,” says Reder. “The way the Learner Web is used varies by community. Often a partner will seek out the software because the community is working on a particular educational issue.”

A Bridge for Inmates

In Syracuse, N.Y., and New Orleans, for example, the Learner Web has been adopted by the criminal justice program, which is using the software to help inmates prepare to reenter society. So far nearly 800 inmates in New Orleans have used the Learner Web to complete a digital literacy program — an accomplishment that can be used to reduce the length of their sentence.

“Being incarcerated intensifies isolation,” says Reder. “Learner Web can be a bridge. We want people who come out of prison to be able to reintegrate with the world. Very often ex-convicts have both hands tied behind their back with no money or job. Learner Web helps people digitally connect with a world they may view as strange.”

Since the first iteration of Learner Web was introduced, revenue generated by annual fees — up to $100,000 per year — has been channeled back into further development of the software.

“Steve is great at writing grant proposals and at team- and community-building,” says Janda. “This invention reflects the social mission of the university.”


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Lehigh, St. Luke’s Hospital Design UV N95 Decontamination System

Lehigh University

Lehigh, St. Luke’s Hospital Design UV N95 Decontamination System
Lehigh University professor Dr. Nelson Tansu, along with Dr. Christopher Roscher from St. Luke's Hospital in Bethlehem, have designed an Ultraviolet Decontamination System for N95 Masks which can disinfect about 600 masks per hour. In a 10-hour working period, it could disinfect up to 5,000 masks a day, “plenty for our network’s needs,” Roscher said. An initial prototype is working at St. Luke’s.

In an interview on local WMFZ, Roscher said that when the shortages of PPE in China began, he started reading through medical literature. He read about different ways to decontaminate masks in a pandemic setting. “UV light tended to be the most practical solution,” he said.
He reached out to collaborate with Tansu, Director of the Center for Photonics and Nanoelectronics at Lehigh, after being introduced by a mutual friend.
They affectionately call their invention the “bug zapper” because of its form and function, Roscher said.
Using the right wavelength and dose of ultraviolet light disrupts the biochemical structure of the virus, as well as other bacteria and mold, while maintaining a safe level to avoid disrupting the filtration capacity of the masks. To eliminate coronavirus, the invention will use ultraviolet light with a 254nm wavelength, or spectral range from 200-280nm, with a dose of 1 J/cm2.

The design of their High-Throughput Symmetrical and Non-Shadowing Ultraviolet Disinfection System for N95 Masks system focuses on practical implementation by medical technicians in hospital settings. It will feature a significant symmetrical radiation pattern to ensure full irradiation of the masks, including in shadowed regions.

Another unique aspect of the design is that it was built without human contact between its designers. “We never met in person, only interacted by Zoom or phone calls,” Roscher said.
To obtain the materials, Roscher went to his local Home Depot, then leaned them outside the door of Tansu’s building. “It was an intense production schedule,” Roscher said to WMFZ. “It was a unique and gratifying collaboration with Lehigh.”
"I'm not surprised that Drs. Tansu and Roscher were able to come together, create a solution to a dire problem, and build a prototype in 2 weeks. Like past Coulter Foundation project teams, pairing an engineer with a clinician is a very innovative partnership," said Rick Smith, Director of Lehigh’s Technology Transfer Office.
Smith consulted with outside patent counsel to file a patent application on the invention, and worked with St. Luke’s on the joint partnership. The TTO has been in touch with the Pennsylvania Economic Development office managing a program for new COVID-19 technologies, including looking for local PA manufacturers. Lehigh University has endorsed AUTM’s COVID-19 Licensing Guidelines and are proceeding per these guidelines on management of university inventions in the public interest in the context of the pandemic.

In late 2020, Leihigh licensed the N95 Mask UV Decontamination System to Analytik Jena US, a subsidiary of Analytik Jena AG in Germany.


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Groundbreaking Gene Therapy for Rare Genetic Disorder

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Groundbreaking Gene Therapy for Rare Genetic Disorder
You may have heard of the "bubble boy" disease, but research licensed from St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital may have made this disease a thing of the past. A lentiviral (LV) vector made at St. Jude is being investigated in multicenter clinical trials in conjunction with reduced-exposure busulfan conditioning. The therapy uses the bone marrow of the patients and a lentivirus that “installs” a copy of the gene to activate the immune system in the cells. The therapy was developed by a team led by Brian Sorrentino, M.D., a faculty member who died in late 2018.

X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency (XSCID) is a rare genetic disorder that occurs in 1 to 2 births per 100,000. The children are born lacking the ability to produce T cells or natural killer (NK) cells; and although they have a normal number of B cells, they are not functional. As a result, patients often suffer from potentially deadly bacterial, viral, or fungal infections very early in life.

Previously, patients on gene therapy trials gained T cells but still required lifelong gamma globulin therapy. More than two years after the first clinical trial, initial patients are producing a greater percentage of immune cells.

Both trials continue to add patients, with those under the age of 2 being treated at St. Jude, UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital San Francisco, and Seattle Children’s Hospital; and older patients being treated at the NIH.

In 2018, the successful trials generated commercial interest which ultimately resulted in an exclusive worldwide license agreement between St. Jude and Mustang Bio to further develop and commercialize this therapy. St. Jude’s Office of Technology Licensing helped market the invention and vetted interested companies for a potential commercial license. These efforts ended in successful licensing to Mustang Bio. 

The St. Jude XSCID clinical trials provide insights for treating other disorders, which include Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome, a disorder that causes infections and reduces the ability to form blood clots, and sickle cell disease, which affects about 100,000 Americans. St. Jude cares for around 1,000 pediatric sickle cell patients, and the gene therapy platform could potentially be curative for these patients as well as for many other devastating immune disorders in the future.

The treatment was honored with a Smithsonian magazine American Ingenuity Award for Life Sciences in 2019.

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DUSA Pharmaceuticals Sheds Light on Cancer

Queen's University

DUSA Pharmaceuticals Sheds Light on Cancer

With an initial grant of $8,000 and a long-held interest in light-based therapies, two researchers in  Kingston, Ontario, develop a uniquely effective method to treat cancer, licensed by DUSA Pharmaceuticals.

On a shoestring budget and little else but a burning curiosity about light-based medicine, Jim Kennedy developed a simple and effective cure for actinic keratoses (AKs), the most common precursor of skin cancer. As researchers at Queen’s University and the Royal Military College of Canada, both located in Kingston, Ontario, Kennedy and colleague Roy Pottier invented an unusually effective method for treating AKs and other skin cancers by combining two completely natural and harmless products: visible light and aminolevulinic acid (ALA), a small molecule synthesized by almost every nucleated cell in the human body.

Their research suggested the possibility that the administration of ALA to a cancer patient, when combined with an appropriate dose of visible light, might destroy at least certain types of cancerous and precancerous cells. Their hypothesis turned out to be correct. Subsequent studies showed that ALA could be effective when administered in an appropriate vehicle by topical application, ingestion or through intradermal, subcutaneous or intravenous injection.

Kennedy has dedicated his professional life to the treatment of cancer. He began his academic career studying cancer immunology in the department of pathology at Queen’s University. But he switched his research focus when he learned about  photodynamic therapy, that is, the use of light, together with a photosensitizing agent, to treat disease.
Also instrumental in his career change was meeting Dr. Tom Dougherty of Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, N.Y.

Dougherty was using photodynamic therapy as a way to destroy tumors in rats. Kennedy became fascinated by the potential of this new technique for treating cancer. His new focus required a change in grant-funding agencies and in professional affiliation, so he could have access to cancer patients.

“It was a risk,” Kennedy says, “at that time, photodynamic therapy was almost completely unknown to the medical community, and grants for research in such an obscure field were difficult to obtain.”

Kennedy’s research in the area began with an $8,000 grant from the Ontario Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation to study photosensitizing compounds, also known as photosensitizers.

“These are compounds that absorb the energy of light and then transfer it to molecules of oxygen, which in turn become activated in such a way that they tend to react chemically with adjacent materials,” Kennedy explains.

In the case of cancer treatment, photosensitizers can be combined with light to destroy cancerous cells. After many years of work, Kennedy and Pottier discovered that administering large amounts of ALA to patients could induce the accumulation of intracellular protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) in cells — especially in potentially cancerous cells.

PpIX can serve as a sort of marker in malignant or pre-cancerous cells. Administering ALA causes cells to accumulate higher levels of PpIX, thereby increasing the ability to detect malignant or pre-malignant cells, if the right equipment is used.

“It turns out that malignant, pre-malignant, and certain other abnormal cells accumulate significantly more PpIX than do normal cells,” Kennedy explains. “This allows us to use ALA-photodynamic therapy to kill such cells preferentially — the normal cells experience only minor damage that is easily repaired, while the abnormal cells are severely damaged.”

Because ALA is a small molecule, it passes easily through skin, unlike the other compounds they had tried, which had to be injected. Kennedy immediately tried ALA to treat tumors in mice, with mixed results. Then Kennedy, the quintessential  scientist, tried it on himself — the skin of his arm, a patch of whiskers, a healing  scratch on his skin.

“I wanted to see if it was like radiation therapy and I would lose my hair or cause depigmentation or a scar,” he says, but there were no such side effects.

In 1987, Kennedy decided to try topical ALA on a patient he’d been treating who had cancerous tumors on her forehead, and he activated the process using a slide projector with a red filter. The experiment worked, and worked well. That success was followed by another: a man with a number of serious medical problems and large, painful ulcers of basal cell carcinomas at multiple sites on his skin. Because of his medical condition, his doctors did not want to operate to remove these cancers and asked Kennedy to see if his new therapy might get rid of the ulcers. Again, the treatment helped.

In 1991, Geoff Shulman, a dermatologist and businessman, heard a lecture by Kennedy about the use of photodynamic therapy to treat skin cancer. He too  became intrigued and just happened to be in the perfect spot to bring the idea to commercialization.

A few years earlier, Shulman had helped his father launch a pharmaceutical company in Canada. Suffering from Parkinson’s disease, his father, who was also a doctor, found his most effective treatment was a drug called Deprenyl, which was not available at that time in Canada or the United States. The younger Shulman helped his father found a company called Deprenyl to bring that drug to Canada.

“The commercial potential of this light therapy for cancers and precancers appeared to be very large,” says Shulman, “and the risks appeared to be relatively low, since Dr. Kennedy had already shown it worked in hundreds of patients.”

Most drugs fail in clinical trials before ever getting to market, according to Shulman; this one was already curing people. With that kind of clinical success in place, Shulman knew the odds of getting the drug approved were good. He also knew that in order to ensure success, they had to get it approved in the United States.

“If it was approved only in Canada, it wouldn’t be worth it,” Shulman says.

So he set up DUSA Pharmaceuticals as a U.S. company. But the road to market  for DUSA turned out to be a much longer journey than the one he’d been on with Deprenyl.

Kennedy and Pottier began treating patients with the experimental compound in 1987 and published their first paper in 1990. The first patent was issued one year later, held by Queen’s University. When Shulman learned of it that year, he met with Kennedy and soon afterwards, Pottier. Deprenyl spun off Deprenyl USA, which later became DUSA Pharmaceuticals and licensed the invention. It wasn’t until 1999 that the company won the first approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and in 2000, launched Levulan PDT for the treatment of AKs.

Today, DUSA has 90 employees, including its own 40-person dermatology sales force, and, after many years in the “development stage,” it is growing. Sales have jumped from $1 million in 2003, to $11 million in 2005, to a projected $25 million in 2006. The company has used ALA-photodynamic therapy as a platform technology for applications such as aging skin and acne. In 2004, DUSA also entered into an agreement with the National Cancer Institute to test Levulan PDT in patients with oral and esophageal cancer.



This story was originally published in 2007.

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A Breakthrough Treatment for Sufferers of Psoriasis

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

A Breakthrough Treatment for Sufferers of Psoriasis

Researchers at Harvard University’s Dana-Farber Cancer Institute join forces with a Boston-area biotechnology company to develop a new treatment for psoriasis. Their joint studies of immune molecules and functions yield an effective therapeutic that provides relief for this painful illness.

I have had chronic plaque psoriasis since I was 4 years old and it usually covered my entire body. Oftentimes, it was difficult to deal with since friends and strangers weren’t very sympathetic,” says one individual.

Another reports, “I was diagnosed with chronic plaque psoriasis … It started out as a small patch … but then it was out of control covering my face, arms and legs. Since I frequently missed work — not wanting to show my face looking the way I did — my job was in jeopardy.”

Yet another patient describes:

“In my early 20s, my friends were dating, building careers, and enjoying life. Meanwhile, I could barely stand to look at myself in the mirror.”

The patient testimonials speak volumes. Living with a medical condition like chronic plaque psoriasis is one of those things that you have to personally experience to understand. It is not a life threatening illness, nor is it a disorder that can rely on public health campaigns to raise awareness, understanding and sympathy. Instead, it is a painful and oftentimes disfiguring illness that can seriously compromise the patient’s quality of life. When a therapeutic called Amevive became available, those lives got better.

Biogen Idec, a global biotechnology company headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts, is the present manufacturer of Amevive. The discovery that led to the development of this biologic therapy goes back almost 20 years when the company joined forces with Harvard scientist Timothy Springer, Ph.D. Springer, at that time an associate professor at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, a teaching affiliate of Harvard Medical School, and now a professor of Pathology at Harvard’s CBR Institute for Biomedical Research, was studying molecules of the immune system with a particular focus on the immune pathways involved in fighting cancer.

Collaboration Between Academia and Industry Advances Research

Springer’s research strategy entailed making monoclonal antibodies to proteins that are present on the surface of human white blood cells, called T lymphocytes or T-cells. By screening for antibodies that could block the ability of lymphocytes to kill their target cells, Springer reasoned he might discover new proteins with important biologic activity.

With the help of graduate student Michael Dustin, Ph.D., now an investigator at the Skirball Institute of Biomolecular Medicine at New York University, Springer identified three novel proteins called lymphocyte function associated antigens, or LFAs, and named them LFA1, LFA2 and LFA3. Then, they conducted rigorous cell biology experiments to figure out how and why these proteins normally functioned. “We knew that since these were important in normal lymphocyte function, when the immune system got out of control, they should be able to block or dampen this over activity,” Springer says. “We thought that blockers of these molecules would be good therapeutics for a whole range of autoimmune diseases.”

Springer turned to the technology transfer office at Dana-Farber for some assistance. He researched his options for collaborations with industry to determine the most efficient way to develop LFA3 as a therapeutic agent. What resulted was the implementation of a funded research agreement with Biogen, a local biotechnology company. Biogen sponsored several subsequent and key steps in the development of LFA3 that were carried out by Springer and colleagues at Dana-Farber. This research led to the generation of intellectual property owned in part by Dana-Farber and Biogen. The intellectual property was eventually licensed exclusively to Biogen which then initiated an internal research program to develop clinical products.

“This was a fine example of collaboration and partnership between academia and industry,” says Anthony del Campo, vice president for research and technology ventures at Dana-Farber. “Amevive represents an excellent technology transfer story and shows how discovery and innovation at the academic level can eventually make it to the marketplace.”

With the help of scientists at Biogen, the protein sequence of LFA3 was used to identify a LFA3 cDNA clone. Researchers then used this clone to develop a fusion protein that interacts with a particular receptor (CD2) on T-cells, serving to inhibit the binding of endogenous LFA3. By inhibiting T-cell activation, the LFA3
fusion protein effectively interferes with the T-cell mediated inflammatory response. This type of inflammatory reaction is precisely the underlying etiology of psoriasis.

Therapy Targets Overactive Immune Cells

Though a detailed picture of all the molecules and pathways that converge to trigger psoriasis is not yet known, scientists understand that malfunctioning T-cells travel to the surface of the skin and cause an inflammatory reaction. Skin cells respond by multiplying seven to 12 times faster than normal, forming itchy and painful psoriatic plaques on the skin surface. Often cracked or blistering, these plaques can develop anywhere on the skin, though they usually appear on the scalp, knees, elbows and torso. Typically chronic and with no real cure, this autoimmune disease affects about 2 percent of the population worldwide; in the U.S. alone, 4.5 to 6 million people have a moderate to severe form of chronic plaque psoriasis.

The LFA3-fusion protein received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of patients with moderate to severe psoriasis in January 2003 and is marketed by Biogen, now Biogen Idec, as Amevive. Its generic name is ‘alefacept,’ a mnemonic for L-F-A-cept. Since its approval this biologic therapy has provided treatment for more than 12,000 patients. Designed to target overactive immune cells, Amevive is administered by injection, either intramuscularly or intravenously, once a week for a total of 12 injections per treatment course.

The deeply personal testimonials Amevive users share on a Web site devoted to this therapy explain how their quality of life has improved. There is hope that many of the other immunologic proteins found to mediate T-cell responses will provide the key to treating a host of autoimmune diseases for which there are now no effective therapeutics.

This story was originally published in 2006.

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Device Offers Pain Relief From Chronic Bladder Infections

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Device Offers Pain Relief From Chronic Bladder Infections

When Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) professor Michael J. Cima, Ph.D., learned that the most commonly used treatment to relieve the pain of interstitial cystitis (IC) is ineffective and can cause severe complications, he thought, “I can do something about that.”

One aspect of MIT’s mission is to commercialize technology arising from the research conducted by its inventors. Cima fulfilled the mission by inventing a device to treat the pain of hundreds of thousands of people in the United States who suffer from IC, a chronic inflammation of the tissues of the bladder wall that causes patients to make as many as 50 trips to the bathroom every day. Cima, who teaches material science and engineering and is the inventor of several medical devices that incorporate material science technology, assembled a research team in 2007 that includes peers from MIT and one from Children’s Hospital Boston. By the end of one year, the team came up with a drug-delivery system called LiRIS, which stands for lidocaine-releasing intravesical system.

Now in its first phase of clinical trials, LiRIS is “moving along rapidly and is expected to reach the market within five years,” says Tom Tachovsky, Ph.D., a technology licensing officer at MIT. The device, licensed by the MIT Technology Licensing Office and its licensing partner, Children’s Hospital Boston, is being tested and will be manufactured and marketed by Taris Biomedical of Lexington, Mass., which was founded in 2008 by Cima and others specifically to launch LiRIS.

“Big companies are not always willing to invest in new technologies such as this,” says Tachovsky. “So we felt licensing to a startup, which is more willing to take some risks, would be the best way to develop this device.”

Plus, says Tachovsky, this approach benefited from another important asset: the innovator himself. “Michael is not only an academic, but he’s a serial entrepreneur so we were confident that, with him providing scientific guidance, the technology would be commercially developed.”

How LiRIS Works

The current treatment for alleviating the pain of IC consists of infusing a “wash” of dimethylsulfoxide and lidocaine into the ureter through a catheter. Relief lasts about 90 minutes, at most. Patients often call their urologists an hour later in dire pain.

LiRIS, however, delivers an extended-release dose of lidocaine, which lasts about two weeks, directly into the bladder through a tube designed by Cima that is made of elastomers, which are atype of polymer. Both the current treatment and the one using LiRIS are performed in a doctor’s office.

Cima says LiRIS uses shape memory technology that allows it to “fold up into the shape of a pretzel so it stays inside the urethra” — the canal that empties from the body the urine that collects in the bladder.

LiRIS is less invasive, greatly reduces the chance of infection and can be easily inserted and removed. Also unlike the current system, the device isn’t at risk of damaging the bladder or causing possible side effects.

The Heartbreak of IC

According to the National Kidney and Urologic Disease Information Clearinghouse, more than 1 million people in the United States suffer from IC, a disease of unknown origin. IC is sometimes called overactive bladder, a term that belies its severity, says Cima. In addition to constant pain, sufferers experience incontinence, urinary urgency, debilitation, depression and the reality that there is no cure.

In addition to the current treatment of douching the bladder through a catheter, other treatments — such as oral opioids, relaxation techniques, physical therapy and biofeedback — are used but with, at most, temporary success. When all else fails, doctors sometimes remove the bladder.

“But even then, patients still have pain from the nerve damage caused by the repeated wash treatment,” Cima says.

To add insult to injury, as recently as 15 years ago “urologists thought patients who had all the symptoms of IC were crazy,” he says. “They did not think that IC was a real disease.”

But for those dealing with chronic pain and the decrease in quality of life that came with it, IC is very real. Cima says some of the clinical study patients have tracked him down at his office because they’re so desperate to get relief from the constant pain.

Only about half of IC sufferers have been diagnosed with the disease, Cima says, because the remaining half are too embarrassed to talk about their symptoms with their doctor.

Patients usually display symptoms for a long time prior to diagnosis. IC usually is diagnosed by ruling out other possible conditions. It is common for doctors to misdiagnose the disease as a bladder or urinary tract infection, and then to prescribe antibiotics, which do nothing to help. On average, it takes about 18 months to diagnosis IC, Cima says.

Relief Is on the Way

LiRIS comes not a moment too soon, and no doubt it will be enthusiastically received, Cima says, not only by those who suffer from IC — predominantly women and older men — but also by urologists, because “there’s a huge unmet need.”

The beauty of the LiRIS device is that “it’s not rocket science,” says Cima, whose team is composed of MIT researchers Mario Castillo-Ortiz, Karen Danielle Daniel, Steven Froelich, Hong Linh Ho Duc, Grace Young Kim and Heejin Lee, as well as Jordan Dimitrakov of Children’s Hospital Boston.

“Our objective is to keep the cost of care less than or equal to what it is now,” Cima says, “and to produce a more efficacious outcome. LiRIS is designed for flareups and episodic pain, which means that patients need to be treated three times a year. That means three office visits to put the device in and three visits to take it out.”

The Benefits of Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration

LiRIS, Tachovsky says, is good example of collaboration among disciplines at MIT.

“Usually there’s little cross-talk between disciplines,” Tachovsky says. But that isn’t the case with Cima, whom Tachovsky calls representative of a “new era of investigator” who uses his expertise in material science and engineering to tackle medical problems and “come up with integrated solutions.” Cima does his research at the Koch Center at MIT, a facility designed to mix faculty, postdocs and students on each floor thus promoting interdisciplinary collaboration.

In the case of LiRIS, Cima and his team collaborated with MIT’s departments of biology and mechanical and electrical engineering, as well as with researchers at MIT’s David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research. The various departments shared the expense of bringing LiRIS to fruition and also  ere funded by MIT’s Deshpande Fund, which was created in 2002 to help technologies and ideas developed in the institute’s labs make their way to the marketplace.

Next Steps

At Taris, LiRIS is nearing the end of Phase 1, which is the developmental stage in which Taris’ scientists continue to work on LiRIS’ design, do human testing and collect data. The Food and Drug Administration then will review Taris’ protocols and determine if the company can move to Phase 2.

Upon FDA approval of the final version of LiRIS, which Tachovsky estimates could happen as soon as 2014 or 2015, LiRIS will be put to use in the offices of urologists in the United States and, Taris hopes, doctors’ offices throughout the world.

Last year, volunteers in Taris’ clinical study tested the LiRIS device without the lidocaine to see if they could feel it in their body. No one could sense it, Cima says.

“What we learned with an empty system is that the device is highly tolerable,” says Julie Himes, M.D., who is one of Taris’ founders, its chief medical officer and its senior vice president of clinical development, as well as an internist in infectious diseases.

Not only is the device comfortable for users, Cima says, it’s also not harmful.

“We’re very confident that what we’re doing is safe,” Cima says.” Our data are clear on this. Now we’re building a case by conducting carefully controlled studies that show that LiRIS is efficacious.”

In addition to helping alleviate the pain of interstitial cystitis, Cima and his team believe that LiRIS eventually can be used to deliver chemotherapy to patients who have bladder cancer and to aid in the treatment of other diseases of the bladder. He says there’s also the possibility that LiRIS can be designed to provide pain relief for longer than two weeks.

“Urologists whom we work with in our clinical trials are very excited about LiRIS,” Himes says. “They’ve given us lots of feedback — all helpful and positive.” One of the nicest things about LiRIS, Himes says, is that Cima and his team have invented a technology that “fits well with what urologists currently use in trying to treat interstitial cystitis.”

This means that “doctors will find LiRIS easy to deploy,” she says, and that it will be adopted rapidly.

More importantly, says Tachovsky, this technology has the power to help millions of people recover from chronic pain and make huge gains in quality of life. “This device is offering hope to lots of people,” he says. “I feel fortunate to be part of that.”



This story was originally published in 2011.

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Jobs and Market Opportunities Bloom from Preserved Flowers

Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University

Jobs and Market Opportunities Bloom from Preserved Flowers

For purists and romantics, there is no substitute for a bouquet of roses. For the more practical-minded consumer, artificial flowers are the way to go.

The new Iluba rose falls directly between the two categories: It is a real flower that has been preserved to last — without water — for up to six months.

“We believe we are positioned in an extremely large market between the fresh flower market and the artificial floral industry,” says J. J. Viljoen, founder and director of African Floralush in Muldersdrift, South Africa, which produces the long-lasting Iluba roses and foliage. “Our market research found that people are buying artificial flowers because they can’t afford fresh-cut, but they still want flowers.”

The Pursuit of the Everlasting Flower

Flower preservation is a centuries-old practice that has produced mixed results for many people — including South African entrepreneur Tinie Maske, who turned to scientists at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU) for help with developing a preservation process. The Iluba technique evolved at the university in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, where chemists spent years experimenting with various ways of improving consistency and throughput.

“We started fiddling with the process to improve upon what others were doing,” says Professor Ben Zeelie, Ph.D., director of InnoVenton, the NMMU’s Institute for Chemical Technology. “The old way of submerging flowers in glycerin was a long drawn-out affair that didn’t work well.”

Zeelie and fellow scientist Shawn Gouws, Ph.D., together with Maske, developed a chemical process in which some of the water in the cells and tissue of the flower are replaced with natural preservatives. Once infused with the preservatives, the flowers and foliage are able to absorb moisture from the air for an extended period of time — often for as long as two years.

 “Our preservatives are eco-friendly and similar to those used in the cosmetics and food processing industries,” says Viljoen.

Introducing Technology Transfer in South Africa

The chemists’ innovation happened to coincide with the hiring of the NMMU’s first technology transfer specialist, Jaci Barnett, who established the technology transfer office (TTO) at NMMU in 2007. In addition to helping the university’s chemists patent their unique flower preservation technique, Barnett worked with them to find a commercial partner.

“University technology transfer offices often license a technology, or step out of the picture when a venture capitalist comes on board,” says Barnett, director of Innovation Support and Technology Transfer. “However, because tech transfer is new in South Africa, we help manage the whole commercialization process including playing a mentoring role in the creation of a new business.”

NMMU approached Viljoen, an experienced entrepreneur and consultant in the technology space, for help in writing a business plan, which was submitted to the Industrial Development Corp. (IDC), a South African government agency. With the help of a first funding tranche of $1 million in venture capital from the IDC and funding from the NMMU, Viljoen eventually established a flower processing plant just north of Johannesburg in 2009.

“Over the years, we have been very hands on in starting the business with J. J.,” says Barnett, noting that the university is a shareholder in both the patent-holding company and the African Floralush manufacturing company, which licenses the technology.

“We’re really just coming to grips with the concept of intellectual property and tech transfer now,” she says. “Our faculty is beginning to understand that if they come up with something, we’ll help them get it out there. It won’t just sit on a shelf.”

For Zeelie, having his work commercialized has been an especially rewarding change of pace.

A Quick Return on Investment: Jobs and More Jobs

“Academics are typically focused on their personal careers, working to publish articles in high-impact journals,” he says. “It’s nice to have something that makes a difference and that physically has a great deal of meaning to a lot of people.”

While a return on the university’s investment — in terms of dollars — may take years, Barnett says university officials appreciate that the technology developed at NMMU is already making an impact on the local economy.

“The return for the university is that we’re producing a product that has revolutionized the floral industry, in addition to creating jobs,” she says.

Job creation is vitally important in South Africa, where unemployment hovers at nearly 25 percent according to government statistics. African Floralush employees represent the broad spectrum of cultures that exist in South Africa — a country with 11 official languages — including refugees from war-torn Zimbabwe to the north.

“We have employees who have gone to great lengths to come here and send money home to family in Zimbabwe,” says Viljoen.

The company hires unskilled workers and spends three to four months training employees in computer skills and its patented three-week preservation process. Viljoen says that in addition to the 90 African Floralush employees — virtually all of whom are involved in flower processing and packaging — 25 spinoff enterprises, each with one or two employees, have been established in South Africa as a result of company’s presence.

 New companies have sprung up that are using Iluba roses and foliage to create amazing home décor products and arrangements that they sell,” he says.

From South African Farms to 30 Countries

African Floralush also purchases roses and foliage grown by local farmers, each of whom uses internationally recognized agricultural practices.

 “The rose growers in South Africa have become very environmentally conscious, and most of them are moving away from chemicals to totally natural organic control systems that use pests to control plant disease,” says Viljoen. “They actually build bridges out of string so that insects are able to cross rows of roses. If you look carefully, you’ll see string crisscrossing the greenhouses and multitudes of bugs going across them.”

African Floralush currently processes 70,000 roses each month, distributing them throughout South Africa and to a total of 30 other countries, including 16 in Europe as well as Australia, Japan and Saudi Arabia. Sales — primarily to wholesalers and the hospitality industry — are approximately $120,000 a month.

“We’ve gotten over many hurdles and technical challenges, which were enormous in the first two years, including spending six months waiting for adequate electricity, and seasonal preservation problems that were not picked up during research,” says Barnett. “Now we are getting into the international market and we have the best product in the world.”

Long-Lasting Flowers Reduce Carbon Footprint

Satisfied customers include hotels, ocean liners and Rovos Rail, a luxury train that uses Iluba long-lasting flowers to avoid having to replenish fresh-cut floral arrangements on extended itineraries. Because Iluba roses and foliage do not require a ‘cold chain’ for distribution — fresh-cut flowers must be refrigerated throughout the transportation process — African Floralush is also able to reduce the carbon footprint associated with other floral distributors.

“You can imagine the cost savings for a hotel that replaces Iluba floral arrangements every six months instead of replenishing weekly fresh-cut flowers,” says Viljoen.

The price tag on the Iluba roses — which are available in 20 colors and a variety of stem lengths — is about $15 to $20 a stem, versus $5 to $10 for the fresh flower.

“It has been easy for the marketplace to accept this product,” says Barnett. “Customers have no aversion to the price.”

Still, Viljoen expects the majority of Iluba sales to come not at the expense of fresh flowers, but rather as a substitute for artificial flowers.

“Our market research showed a decline in the fresh flower industry over the last two years and a steep incline in the artificial market,” says Viljoen. “We offer a natural alternative to artificial flowers.”

The success of African Floralush, which is the most advanced of the NMMU’s technology spinoffs, has helped the university appreciate a strong TTO — and commercial partner.

“The university is beginning to understand that IP [intellectual property] is something that must be protected and that efforts must be made to commercialize it,” says Barnett.

Adds Zeelie, “You have to have the right entrepreneur to make something like this work. Unless you have someone like J. J., it doesn’t matter if you’ve got a brilliant product. You need someone who can make it work.”

Adding Proteas, Hydrangeas and the U.S. Market

Having overcome a host of challenges — all of which Viljoen says are typical when taking a new technology to market — the African Floralush team is nothing but positive about the future.

“We’re seeing the light now,” says Barnett.

Next year, the company plans to take advantage of South Africa’s natural biodiversity — the country is home to some 23,000 plant species — by opening a second manufacturing plant in the Western Cape region to process proteas and hydrangeas.

Viljoen says the company will also slowly expand its direct sales efforts to include North America, a region they have purposely avoided while ramping up production and service capacity.

“Our problem now isn’t marketing, it’s keeping up with demand,” he says.


This story was originally published in 2012.

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Rapid Identification of Deadly Microbes

Brandeis University

Rapid Identification of Deadly Microbes

Quick response is critically important when dealing with an outbreak of disease or a biological weapons attack.

Rapid identification of deadly microbes is essential for rapid deployment of emergency response plans and minimizing loss of life. Now an invention by a professor at Brandeis University in Waltham, Mass., provides accurate results from samples in less than two hours.

Professor Larry Wangh, Ph.D., and his laboratory colleagues have invented a unique DNA amplification and analysis technique called “Linear After The  Exponential (LATE) PCR (Polymerase Chain  Reaction).” LATE-PCR is an advanced form of asymmetric PCR which begins by generating double-stranded DNA molecules but then switches to efficient amplification of single-stranded molecules.

LATE-PCR provides significant advantages over traditional PCR techniques that only generate double-stranded DNA molecules, especially its ability to identify multiple types of bacteria or viruses in a single test. The technology was first disclosed in 2002 aand was licensed to Smiths Detection, Inc. in 2004. Since that time Smiths Detection has provided major funding for further THE BETTER WORLD REPORT PART TWO  research and development of LATE-PCR. Smiths Detection has engineered a point-of-use instrument, known as the BioSeeq, to enable the use of LATE-PCR outside of the traditional laboratory.

The BioSeeq® is a sophisticated and ruggedized portable device that incorporates automated sample preparation, assay processing and result reporting. Bioseeq® can also be decontaminated by immersion into bleach, making it the ideal platform for use in field locations where spread of disease must be controlled. Initially, Bioseeq® and LATEPCR will be used to monitor and control animal disease outbreaks.

A sample from an animal can be prepared and analyzed on the BioSeeq in under two hours. The veterinarian thereby has the opportunity to take effective action without the risks associated with removing a potentially infected sample from the location.
Up to five independent tests can be run simultaneously on the BioSeeq, and the LATE-PCR technology has the ability to identify several different infectious agents with a single test.

The list of diseases/infectious organisms for which tests are currently being developed is long, but includes anthrax, tularemia, plague, and orthopox. Multiplex assays for Foot and Mouth Disease and Avian Influenza® are also in an advanced stage of development. LATE-PCR technology will play an increasingly important role in counter-bioterrorism efforts, as well as in detecting and monitoring high contagious animal disease outbreaks.

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Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling Process Produces More Power and Lessens Environmental Impact

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling Process Produces More Power and Lessens Environmental Impact
WPI researcher Yan Wang.
Current lithium-ion batteries rely on mined materials largely from China, where the supply chain is less secure. Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) inventor Yan Wang, Center for Resource Recovery Professor of Mechanical Engineering and researcher, invented a new way to recycle batteries. His process shreds the batteries, treats them chemically, and recovers all the key elements of the batteries. Those materials are then transformed directly into premium, cathode active materials and sold to manufacturers to build new batteries.
Independent testing has shown these materials produce 83% more power and have at least 33% more cycles than those developed from mined materials. Recycling them saves valuable resources and lessens the environmental impact of manufacturing.

In 2012, Wang came to the WPI Office of Technology Commercialization and disclosed the process, his first invention in this area, and tested a crude benchtop scale model in the lab. In 2014, he and his post doc, Eric Gratz, along with Todd Keiller, Director of the Office of Technology Commercialization, attended the national I-Corps program to begin exploring formation of a company.

By 2016, Gratz became the first employee of the newly formed Battery Resourcers and moved out of the WPI lab to a small incubator space. WPI licensed in the intellectual property and made an investment from the university’s Commercialization Fund. Gratz was able to build a larger-scale version of the lab process in response to customer and investor requests. In 2018, Battery Resourcers moved into its own facility in Worcester, where the team began processing 50kg of batteries per day. 

WPI has today licensed six different patents into the company, three pending patents and three issued patents. Newly renamed Ascend Elements, the company has raised $90 million, has 59 employees, and is opening North America’s largest battery recycling facility in Covington, Georgia in August 2022, with capacity to process 30,000 metric tons of batteries a year.  Several more plants are planned to open in subsequent years in the US, UK, and Europe.

This story was originally published in 2022.

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Little Chemical Factories Pave the Way for Low-cost Antimalarial Drugs

Berkeley (UC Berkeley)
Office of IP

Little Chemical Factories Pave the Way for Low-cost Antimalarial Drugs

The genetically engineered microbes in Jay Keasling’s laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley) are tiny but powerful.

The ‘little chemical factories,’ as Keasling calls them, have attracted $53.3 million in funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, launched a successful startup company and paved the way for low-cost supplies of a semisynthetic antimalarial drugs for those who need it most.

The journey from custom-made microbe to the antimalarial drug took some 10 years, innovative science — specifically, the emerging field of synthetic biology — humanitarian licensing agreements and a unique public-private partnership. As a result of the partnership’s efforts, antimalarial treatments with semisynthetic derivatives produced by the healthcare company Sanofi are saving hundreds of thousands of lives.

“Only through cross-sector collaboration between an [academic] research lab, biotech company and commercial partner could results like these be attainable,” says Jack Newman, a former post-doctoral student in Keasling’s laboratory and co-founder of the startup Amyris.


Long vanquished from the United States and Europe, malaria remains a major health and economic problem in Africa, India and Southeast Asia. The parasitic disease, which is passed from one person to another through the bite of an infected mosquito, causes high fevers, flu-like symptoms and anemia. Without effective treatment, it can result in life-long learning disabilities and death.

“Malaria exists in the tropics in low- and middle-income countries, [places] pharmaceutical companies don’t focus on,” says Carol Mimura, Ph.D., Assistant Vice Chancellor, IP & Industry Research Alliances at UC Berkeley. “The pharmaceutical industry is not motivated to invest in high-risk projects unless there is a prospect of high reward in terms of recouping the investment.”

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 500,000 people — mostly children — die from malaria every year, despite the fact that the disease is curable and preventable.

A Cure

A botanical compound found in the leaves of the Artemisia annua (or sweet wormwood plant) called artemisinin is 100 percent effective against malaria. Artemisinin-based combination therapies, or ACTs, have been recommended as the treatment-of-choice for the most common form of malaria by the WHO since 2005. But due to a number of factors — including drought, seasonality and crop failure — the supply of plant-derived artemisinin is inconsistent and unpredictable.

Keasling’s Engineered Microbes

“Jay is a pioneer in synthetic biology and producing [semisynthetic artemisinic acid] was his first high-profile project,” says Mimura.

With training and degrees in chemical engineering and biology, Keasling arrived at the University of California-Berkeley in 1992 as an assistant professor and stayed, becoming a professor in of biochemical engineering and Associate Laboratory Director for Biosciences at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

“I’ve been working for about 20 years in the lab engineering the chemistry inside microbes to produce interesting chemicals from simple sugar,” says Keasling, the director of UC Berkeley’s Synthetic Biology Engineering Research Center.

In 2000, he began working on a platform to build a class of molecule called an isoprenoid, which includes cholesterol, flavors, fragrances and artemisinin.

“The most interesting isoprenoids come from plants,” explains Keasling. “Rather than harvest them, [why not] make derivatives that do the same thing?”

Using his synthetic biology platform, Keasling is able to take a metabolic pathway found in nature and graft it into the genetic code of a yeast or bacterium, which then converts sugar into the desired chemical.

“The magic of biotechnology is being able to make unlimited quantities of a compound of interest without having to rely on Mother Nature,” says Mimura.

Producing Artemisinic Acid

Keasling’s research team found a paper reporting that the first gene in the pathway for the production of artemisinin had been cloned. When the team discovered that there was a dire need for synthetic artemisinin, they knew they had a worthy target for their newly built platform.

The team began by discovering and cloning the sweet wormwood genes and grafting them into the genetic code of a bacterium. In 2003, the group published a paper reporting their methods for re-tooling the Escherichia bacterium to produce amorphadiene, a precursor to artemisinin.

”That paper got a lot of press and pharmaceutical companies that make artemisinin-based therapies called saying ‘We’d love to have that microbe,’” says Keasling. “We said ‘We’re a long way from artemisinin and it will require additional funding.”

But R&D funding for a drug for a developing country is hard to come by.

“Companies won’t invest because they can’t recoup their costs and make a profit,” says Mimura.

Gates Foundation

In 2003, a proposal to fund Keasling’s research was submitted to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which has made malaria a top priority. At the time, the going rate for a course of ACT was $2.40 a dose. Mimura, Keasling and the Institute for One World Health (iOWH), which is now PATH —an international nonprofit organization that works to improve health and save lives in Africa and Asia — embraced a challenge issued by the Gates Foundation to reduce the current price of a course of ACT therapy from $2.40 to just 24 cents. To accomplish their goal, PATH and UC Berkeley formed a public-private partnership with Amyris, founded by Keasling and four post-doctoral students, Newman, Vince Martin, Neil Renninger and Kinkead Reiling.

The Gates Foundation responded in 2004 by awarding the partnership with $42.6 million (followed by $10.7 million in Phase 2 funding). Additional funding came from Akibene Foundation, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the UC Discovery Grant Program, the National Science Foundation and the Diversa Corporation.

“In one day we signed two license agreements and a three-way collaborative agreement that worked together to implement our mutual goals,” says Mimura.

De-Risking R&D

UC Berkeley issued royalty-free and ‘no profit, no loss’ licenses to both PATH (in developing countries, limited to the field-of-use of malaria treatment) and Amyris (in developed countries, all fields of use) — that were ultimately sub-licensed to Sanofi (in the malaria field of use)— covering methods to produce engineered yeast strains that manufacture artemisinic acid. The licenses (and corresponding collaboration agreements) include humanitarian-use clauses addressing access and affordability of the malaria treatment for patients in 88 named developing countries.

“The public-private partnership de-risked the translational research stage with vital funding from the Gates Foundation,” says Mimura. “This is the stage of drug development that pharmaceutical companies cannot afford to engage in if the outcome is uncertain or if the prospect of returning a profit on sales is low. Shifting the funding and R&D burden upstream from pharma to the public-private partners enabled a critical gap to be traversed and ultimately created an acceptable value proposition to Sanofi.

For three years, Keasling’s lab worked to discover the genes required to make artemisinic acid and construct the first yeast cells to produce artemisinic acid.

Amyris used those genes and others discovered by Pat Covello, a senior research officer at the University of Saskatchewan, to create a significantly modified yeast strain that could produce at industrial levels. PATH shepherded the drug’s development from the lab to Amyris and in 2008, to Sanofi for production.

Sanofi began manufacturing its ACT therapy, ArteSunate AmodiaQuine Winthrop, with semisynthetic artemisinin in 2013 using the required no-profit, no-loss production model. The company also began supplying other drug manufacturers with the manmade active ingredient.

Saving Lives

To date, Sanofi has delivered some 16 million antimalarial treatments with semisynthetic derivatives to Africa. The company plans to produce an average of 50-60 tons of semisynthetic artemisinin per year for its own ACT therapy and to sell to other manufacturers, ensuring an annual production of up to 150 million ACT treatments.

“250 million people have malaria at any one time so Sanofi will be [directly or indirectly] supplying half of world’s needs,” says Keasling. “That equates to saving several hundred thousand lives a year.”

For their commitment to increasing access to antimalarial therapies in underserved communities, both UC Berkeley and Sanofi have been awarded the prestigious Patent for Humanity Award from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

“Carol [Mimura] was fantastic to work with and so proactive,” says Keasling. “The Gates Foundation was so generous, they allowed us to put the pedal to the metal and get the drug quickly. The whole process keeps giving back.”

Indeed, with work on the semsynthetic artemisinin complete, Amyris is now using the synthetic biology platform to convert plant sugars into other useful hydrocarbon molecules.

“We now use this amazing platform to make all sorts of products,” says Newman. “Emollients, fragrances, biofuels . . . we make thousands of tons of these at our 1.2 million liter fermentation facility today.”


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St. Jude Children's Research Hospital Tackles Universal Pneumonia Candidates

St Jude Children's Research Hospital

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital Tackles Universal Pneumonia Candidates

Pneumonia has been known for over 2,000 years, but in the United States its the most common hospital aquired infection and deadliest infectious disease, killing 40,000 to 70,000 each year.

The term "pneumonia" describes a severe inflammation of the lungs in which tissue around air spaces swells and fills with fluid. Though there are various causes, it results in fever and sharp chest pain made worse by breathing and coughing.

Pneumonia is a typical complication from seasonal influenza, and is often caused by a common bacterium, Streptococcus pneumoniae, which lives in the respiratory tract of 15 percent of the population without causing problems; howevr, it spread pneumonia only when inhaled deeply into the lungs. Germ travel to others through coughing, sneezing, and even talking in close proximity. Bacterial pneumonia is most common in winter and spring, when upper respiratory tract infections are frequent.

Bacterial pneumonia has been treated often with antibiotics, which lowered the pneumonia death rates in the United States 40 percent from 1936 to 1945. The more common viral pneumonia usually diminishes on its own, but all strains of pneumonia can be serious if neglected.

Current pneuminia vaccines only protect against a few of the over 100 serotypes, and many high-risk patients do not routinely receive them.  Researchers at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital are working on Universal Pneumonia Candidates.

Live Vaccine Candidate (SJ-11-0001)

Jason Rosch, PhD, Department of Infectious Diseases, discusses St. Jude’s Universal Live Attenuated Streptococcus Pneumonia Bacteria Vaccine and how it protects against pneumonia, acute sinusitis, and otitis media. It consists of a genetically modified bacterium that is unable to cause tissue damage or massive inflammation, does not translocate to the blood stream and is rapidly cleared from the body. Another advantage over currently approved vaccines is its ability to recognize bacteria independent of different serotypes, whereas approved vaccines only cover 13 of the over 100 serotypes. Our vaccine generates antibodies against both the bacteria’s polysaccharide capsule and the bacteria’s serotypes, or protein targets.
Acute otitis media caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae remains one of the most common infectious diseases worldwide despite widespread vaccination.

A major limitation of the currently licensed pneumococcal vaccines is the lack of efficacy against mucosal disease manifestations such as acute otitis media, acute bacterial sinusitis, and pneumonia. We sought to generate a novel class of live vaccines that are fully attenuated and retain all major antigenic virulence proteins.

A live vaccine candidate based on deletion of the signal recognition pathway component ftsY induced potent, serotype-independent protection against otitis media, sinusitis, pneumonia, and invasive pneumococcal disease. Protection was maintained in animals coinfected with influenza virus, but was lost if mice were depleted of CD4+ T-cells at the time of vaccination. Compared to the commercial conjugate vaccine that promotes IgG1 production in mice, the live vaccine induced a strong serum IgG2a and IgG2b response that correlated with CD4+ T-cell mediated class switching. Deletion of genes required for microbial adaptation to the host environment is a novel strategy for development of live, attenuated vaccines that retain potentially antigenic virulence factors.

Attenuated Vaccine Candiate (SJ-05-0036, SJ-10-0028, SJ-13-0032)

Researchers at St. Jude are also working on a vaccine comprising synthetically linked domains of choline binding protein A (CbpA) from Streptococcus pneumonia and a new type of pneumococcus vaccine component in which a T-cell epitope (e.g. Pneulmolysin toxoid) is fused to immunogenic fragments of choline binding protein A (CbpA). This new fused vaccine component provides an easier, less costly and more efficient way to elicit an immune response to both the T-cell epitope and CbpA as compared to a mixture of separate antigens. The CbpA fragment used preferably comprises synthetically linked domains of CbpA.

The CbpA peptide-pneumolysoid fusion construct is a viable broadly protective pneumococcal vaccine that potentially adds protection against other meningeal pathogens; and may be useful for treating or preventing infections such as sepsis, meningitis, and pneumonia. Also, SJ-13-0032, “YLN for Cardiac Indication,” involves using these vaccine components to avoid adverse cardiac events caused by pneumonia infections (This is co-owned with Univ. of Texas Health Science Center.) These cardiac events are common and deadly and can create a "ticking time bomb" scenario.

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Robotic Technology Helps Patients with Neurological Injuries Walk Again

University of California, Davis (UC Davis)
University of Zurich

Robotic Technology Helps Patients with Neurological Injuries Walk Again

In her early days as a physical therapist, Candy Tefertiller says some patients were, figuratively, “left by the wayside.”

That’s because clinicians could not figure out a way to get patients upright and moving their legs on a treadmill without hurting themselves — or the therapist working with them.

That changed when her facility, the Shepherd Center in Atlanta, got a Lokomat — a robotic device that automates locomotor treadmill therapy. Patients essentially slip into an exoskeleton that supports their legs and off they go.

The device is made by a Swiss company called Hocoma. Appropriately, its motto is “We Move You.”

Big Improvement Over Manual Training

“The biggest difference in having the Lokomat is knowing that no matter what the person’s size is, within reason, or degree of debility or weakness, I will be able to get him or her upright and moving,” says Tefertiller, who is the clinical program director for Beyond Therapy and Multiple Sclerosis at the Shepherd Center, which obtained a Lokomat around two years ago.

Prior to that, patients underwent rehabilitation training on a treadmill where they were supported in a sling and therapists manually assisted the clients in moving their legs in the appropriate walking pattern.

If the patients exhibited significant spasticity — involuntary contraction/ movement of the legs — manual locomotor training can be difficult, and is often not a very good tool for these patients, says Tefertiller, a therapist for almost eight years.

“I’m very thankful to have the Lokomat,” she says.

Beyond Therapy is a rigorous, activity-based program designed to help people with neurological disorders, including spinal cord injury, improve their lifelong health, minimize secondary complications and get the most out of any new neural links to their muscles.

“For many patients with stroke, traumatic brain or incomplete spinal cord injury, it’s a great way to get them moving and attempt to reintegrate their nervous system,” she says. “It helps them remember how to walk and goes through the same type of motor patterns that you and I do every day. It is essentially designed to reteach their bodies to walk again.”

A Promising New Technology and the Birth of a New Company

The Lokomat is the brainchild of Gery Colombo and two partners, fellow biomedical engineer Matthias Jörg and economist Peter Hostettler. Hocoma is a combination of the trio’s nicknames. They came up with the moniker when they were undergraduates in the middle 1980s.

Colombo is an electrical engineer who focused on biomedical technology in his studies at the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. Working primarily with incomplete spinal cord injury patients who have some feeling and motor control below their injuries, he looked into ways to improve their therapies.

“It was around 1995, and my team had the idea to develop a robot that could do manual treadmill training automatically,” says Colombo, the company’s chief executive officer.

In manually assisted treadmill training, a patient is suspended in a harness over a treadmill and two physical therapists are moving the legs of the patient while he is doing the training to relearn how to walk.

“Being an engineer, I had the idea that this could be done by a robot instead of two physical therapists. The robot is an exoskeleton that is worn by the patient,” says Colombo, who co-founded Hocoma with the two colleagues to fund the engineering work on the device.

“It was a dream back then,” Colombo muses. “We had a small project idea and thought we were geniuses. Funny that 10 years later we were really able to create something and use that name.”

Since its launch in 2000, Hocoma has sold 130 Lokomats for clinics in 28 countries at a cost of around $200,000 each. Hocoma now has approximately 70 employees in Zurich and at a subsidiary in the United States. Hocoma, Colombo notes, was launched as a private company in 1996, but the three founders worked for free for the next four years on its development. In 2000, it raised about $375,000 from private shareholders to hire staff and head down the commercialization road.

In one of the more recent developments, the company is adding feedback to measure the interaction of patients and the machine.

“We can then display how much the patient is participating during the training,” Colombo says. “And to make it more interesting, because treadmill work can be boring, we are adding a virtual environment program. It could be a virtual forest, subway or train station, and the patient, with his activity in the machine, can control how he is moving through this virtual environment. If the patient pushes harder, he will walk faster.”

Teaming up with Other Researchers

In addition to the Lokomat, which is for adults, Hocoma has a smaller version for children as well as another device that helps retrain severely weakened arms. The latter technology, for a device called Armeo, is the result of research led by David Reinkensmeyer, a professor in the mechanical and aerospace engineering department at the University of California, Irvine.

The key to the Armeo, Colombo says, is that it supports the arm with an exoskeleton featuring a spring mechanism that unloads the weight of the limb.

“For a healthy person, it’s easy to lift the arm,” he says. “But for a stroke patient, that weight (roughly 10 pounds) is already quite a challenge. If you can unload the arm from its own weight, then a patient can with much less force perform functional tasks.

“We also can measure the movements and give patients virtual feedback via a monitor. They can do simple tasks or more complex ones in a virtual environment such as a shop and pick something off a shelf and put it in a basket.”

Reinkensmeyer, who has been working with Hocoma for more than 18 months, says the collaboration has gone well and that he is looking forward to continuing it.

“I have been impressed with Hocoma’s commitment to quality and good design. They listen well, and have built multiple collaborations to produce the best product possible,” he says.

A Strong University-Business Partnership

Colombo describes the technology transfer process from the University of Zurich to his company as a straightforward, collaborative partnership.

“I think because I had worked there it was much easier,” he says. “Not only was the transfer on paper, but it was also in the brain, so to speak. We continue to work closely with the university.”

Herbert Reutimann, managing director at the University of Zurich technology transfer office, says backing for the Lokomat research and development came from the Swiss National Science Foundation and from CTI, the Commission for Technology and Innovation, a governmental institution that provides funding for joint research projects between universities and small- and medium sized enterprises. Without this support and financial backing, the Lokomat’s path to success likely would have been longer and more difficult.

Reutimann says the collaboration between the university and Hocoma went smoothly and continues to do so. “People on both sides wanted to see this apparatus become reality,” he explains. ”Lokomat is a superb example to show the benefits which can result for patients and the society from the long-term collaboration between academia and an innovative company”.

Reutimann said the licensing agreement features royalties to the university from the sale of devices using its technology. UC Irvine also will receive royalties from the sale of Armeo devices.

“The people who developed this device are very close to the clinic and the patients, and had their interests at the forefront,” says Reutimann. “Whatever they did, they had the needs of their patients and the therapists in mind from the beginning. It was created right beside the patients in close collaboration with the physicians and the therapists, and was continually evaluated to meet the patients’ needs. I believe that is one of the key factors to its success.” 

This story was originally published in 2008.

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Device Kills Head Lice in One 30-Minute Application

University of Utah

Device Kills Head Lice in One 30-Minute Application

There are more than 10 million cases of head lice in the United States annually and more than 200 million globally, with 80 percent of the cases afflicting children. During the last five years the problem has increased dramatically because lice have developed widespread resistance to the pesticides used in both prescription and over-the-counter medications. In fact, head lice now cause almost twice the level of school absenteeism over asthma, the previous leading cause.

To fight this problem, in 2002-2003 University of Utah researchers developed the “Ectoparasite Eradication Method and Device.” Professor Dale Clayton and students Joseph S. Atkin and Kevin G. Wilding showed that the chemical-free, hairdryer-like device eliminated head lice infestations by exterminating the eggs and killing enough lice to keep them from reproducing. More than $500,000 in funding from the State of Utah Centers of Excellence Program, the University of Utah and the National Science Foundation was used to develop and test the technology prior to licensing.

Marketed as LouseBuster™, the device blows warm, temperature-controlled air through a flexible hose attached to a special applicator that kills lice and eggs by drying them out, not by heating them.

The big advantages over existing treatment methods are that the process is pesticide- and chemical-free, requires only one treatment, has no side effects, and results in extremely high kill rates for both lice and eggs.

Experienced entrepreneurs licensed the technology from the University of Utah and created a spin-off company, Larada Sciences, to commercialize and market the device. Initial products will include the LouseBuster™ as well as single-use disposable kits for institutional sale to health care professionals. Key markets include schools, public and private health care providers, homeless shelters, the military, day-care facilities and smaller niches such as summer camps.


This story was originally published in 2008.

To see available technologies from research institutions, click here to visit the AUTM Innovation Marketplace.

Low Swirl Injector Cuts Gas Turbine Nitrous Oxide Emissions

Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab

Low Swirl Injector Cuts Gas Turbine Nitrous Oxide Emissions

Combustion has been one of the most studied chemical processes throughout history. The process does, however, release large amounts of pollution into the atmosphere that harms the environment and contributes to global warming. Now researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) in Berkeley, Calif., have invented an ultra-low emissions combustion technology that significantly reduces greenhouse emissions and pollution from industrial burners and gasturbines for electricity generation.

The Low Swirl Injector (LSI) technology was developed in LBNL’s Environmental Energy Technologies Division by a research team led by Robert Cheng. Funding for the work was provided by the U.S. Department of Energy.

Cheng took a non-conventional approach to turbulent fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and flame chemistry to create the Low Swirl Injector, which releases less than two parts per  million of nitrous oxides (NOx) during combustion — almost five times less than its nearest competitor. The LSI is designed to be a drop-in component for gas-burning turbine power plants that requires no significant mechanical refitting. It also burns a variety of fuels, including natural gas, liquefied natural gas, petroleum production, refinery gases, waste gases and biogases. 

LSI technology has the potential to eliminate millions of tons of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere every year.

It is currently being sold by Indiana-based Maxon Corp. Several collaborative research projects are in progress that are testing combustion with different fuel types, including pure hydrogen. LBNL and Solar Turbines Inc. of San Diego are working together to develop an LSI unit for burning carbon-neutral renewable fuels from landfills, petroleum refining operations and other industrial processes. 

To see available technologies from research institutions, click here to visit the AUTM Innovation Marketplace.

Breathe In, Breathe Out

Simon Fraser University

Breathe In, Breathe Out
Although  mechanical ventilation can  be  a life-saving  intervention for patients who  are  unable to  breathe effectively on their  own, automated breathing machines often  put  patients at risk for infection,  pneumonia and death. After just a few days on a ventilator, the respiratory muscle becomes weakened, making it difficult for patients to be weaned from the machine and regain  the ability to breathe independently. When a critically ill patient becomes ventilator-dependent, the  risk of dying increases seven-fold.

To combat the rapid  and  profound atrophy of the diaphragm in patients with respiratory failure, Dr. Joaquin Andres  Hoffer  and  his team at Simon  Fraser University  (SFU) worked  relentlessly over  the  past decade to develop a neurostimulation system designed to exercise and  strengthen the  diaphragm muscle, the  main muscle used for breathing.

“I watched patients struggle to wean from the ventilator,” says Dr. Joaquin Andres. “I realized that electrical ‘pacing’ could help patients regain muscle strength and  endurance.”

While Dr. Hoffer  and  his team conducted extensive pre-clinical  market research on  the  new  device  called the  Lungpacer Diaphragm Pacing  System  (DPS), the  SFU Innovation Office developed a strategic business plan and an intellectual property portfolio for the invention.
The spinout company called Lungpacer Medical, Inc. received an  Expedited Access  Pathway (EAP) designation for  the  DPS from  the  U.S. Food  and  Drug Administration (FDA), becoming the  first Canadian company to win approval through the  program designed to facilitate rapid  patient access to breakthrough technologies.

Dr. Hoffer  credits the  support and  expertise of the  SFU Innovation Office. “Their help  was  essential to us obtaining key grants and the initial investment that allowed the company to hire an experienced management team, move  into its own premises and  finally start flying solo.”

A crucial grant from the  Canadian Institutes of Health  Research made it possible to conduct feasibility trials with 24 mechanically-ventilated patients. The promising trial results may one  day lead  to faster recoveries and  lowered hospitalization costs as patients begin  breathing easier.

This story was originally published in 2015.

To see available technologies from research institutions, click here to visit the AUTM Innovation Marketplace.

Lyrica: Music to the Ears of Those Who Suffer from Neuropathic Pain

Northwestern University

Lyrica: Music to the Ears of Those Who Suffer from Neuropathic Pain

While in pursuit of an anticonvulsant agent for possible use in the treatment of epilepsy, Richard B. Silverman, professor of chemistry at Northwestern University, along with postdoctoral fellow Ryszard Andruszkiewicz, invented the novel compound pregabalin, which successfully treats both epilepsy and neuropathic pain. Although there are other drugs for treating epilepsy, Lyrica™, the trade name for pregabalin, is the first and only approved drug to date for the effective treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy and post-herpetic neuralgia, two of the most common forms of nerve pain that afflict millions of people.

Lyrica™ was launched in the United States in mid-September 2005 and has been in the European market for more than a year, having received market approval by the European Union in July 2004, for two indications, neuropathic pain and epilepsy. In March 2006 the European Union also approved Lyrica for the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). So far, Lyrica™ sales in the U.S. are approved for neuropathic pain and epilepsy. Clinical trials continue in the United States with Lyrica™ for GAD.

Lyrica™ is protected by numerous patents covering its composition, methods of syntheses, and clinical use for treatment of various conditions, such as epilepsy, pain and anxiety disorder. A license agreement between Northwestern University and Warner Lambert (later acquired by Pfizer), granted the exclusive rights to Pfizer.

Lyrica’s acceptance among physicians and patients has made it one of the most successful new drug launches in recent years. Sales of Lyrica™ in 2006, the first full year after FDA approval, is expected to exceed $1 billion dollars.

More information is available at

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Specially Formulated Feeds Keep Reindeer and Muskox Herds Healthy

University of Alaska Fairbanks

Specially Formulated Feeds Keep Reindeer and Muskox Herds Healthy

Alaska’s large-animal herds are an increasingly important part of its overall economy. Because the nutritional value of pasture grasses varies with the seasons, reindeer and muskox are susceptible to nutritional deficiencies that can lead to compromised immune systems and intestinal problems.

To counter this problem, researchers at the University of Alaska Fairbanks developed cost-effective, well-balanced feed rations for these unusual animals. In the late 1990s nutritional physiologist Perry Barboza and Dr. John Blake, D.V.M., attending veterinarian at University of Alaska Fairbanks, developed and tested three specialized feed products: 1) M Ration, a pelleted feed supplement for muskox, 2) C Ration, a complete diet for muskox calves, and 3) D Ration, a complete feed for reindeer and caribou.

The research was conducted at the Large Animal Research Station at the University of Alaska Fairbanks and funded by Alaska Science and Technology Foundation. Professor John Blake feeding a muskox food supplements that he and his team developed at the University of Alaska.

The new feeds have improved the health of the university’s captive reindeer and muskox herds and reduced the risk of life-threatening intestinal disease in muskox calves.

The feeding standards developed from this research strengthen established husbandry techniques for reindeer and muskox, and facilitate the production of qiviut, a super-fine underwool that is prized for its beauty, texture and warmth. The sale of raw qiviut fiber, processed yarn, and finished clothing from captive muskox provides sustainable income for rural Alaskans.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Math for Business Decisions: An Equation for Success

University of Arizona

Math for Business Decisions: An Equation for Success

Most tales of technology transfer collaboration don’t begin with a thorny, difficult situation. But that’s how this story begins.

For years, the University of Arizona (UA) mathematics department faculty had been teaching finite mathematics and brief calculus to undergraduate pre-business students. This two-course sequence was required for students who hoped to enter the Eller College of Management as business students at the start of their junior years.

Just one problem.

“These courses were not popular with the students,” says Richard Thompson, now a retired professor of mathematics at UA. “We were failing to teach them in a way that related to their world.”

What’s more, the mathematics professors didn’t enjoy teaching students who weren’t interested in the material and did not want to learn it.

Professor Chris Lamoureux, head of UA’s department of finance, adds that although the traditional courses were theoretical in nature, they were scaled back for pre-business students.

“It was as though these pre-business students were considered ‘little math students’,” he explains. “Yet these students were capable of handling rigorous math.”

Recognizing the need to change, Thompson convened a group of deans and faculty to explore the problem. The group unanimously agreed that mathematics and business professors would have to work together to find a better approach.

So in 1997, Thompson took the next step — or several hundred steps, as it were.

“I remember walking across campus to discuss this with Chris Lamoureux for the first time — it took a while to get there!” recalls Thompson with a chuckle.

You might say the physical distance between Lamoureux’s and Thompson’s offices on campus was a metaphor for the gulf between their respective disciplines, at least as far as teaching pre-business mathematics was concerned. The mathematics department’s approach was more abstract, while business faculty focused more on applied learning.

Fortunately, Lamoureux and Thompson hit it off, and started creating a brand new way of teaching math to prebusiness students.

The Experiment Begins

After a series of meetings and lengthy discussions, Thompson and Lamoureux fashioned a brand new set of courses, Business Math I and II, incorporating three key “pillars” designed to engage the students.

“Real World” Examples

Within each of the semester-long courses, the students had to solve two major business “problems,” using the mathematical concepts at the core of the classes. The problems included:

  • Loan work outs: Using bank records to decide whether to foreclose or attempt to work out repayment on a delinquent loan.
  • Stock option pricing: Determining the value of stock options.
  • Technology marketing: Developing a marketing strategy for computer hard drives.
  • Auction bidding: Bidding on an offshore oil lease.

Each of these problems involved realistic amounts of data, giving the students a sense of the scope, depth, and complexities of an ever-changing business environment.


In the business world, computer applications — namely Microsoft® Excel®, PowerPoint® and Word® — are common tools of the trade. Both courses integrated these software programs commonly used by business professionals, particularly Excel, into the real-world tasks of preparing reports and making presentations.

Working in Groups

In contrast to “traditional” math courses, in which students work individually on assignments, students in Business Math I and II are required to work in groups.

While Lamoureux was largely responsible for designing the overall structure of the projects, Thompson provided the mathematical content and developed the texts supporting the courses. Instead of offering texts in print, they were available in an electronic format, in keeping with how students learn in the digital age.

You might think that even though the new courses were based heavily on experiential learning, the sophistication and difficulty of the math involved may have been compromised, or at least less rigorous than traditional math classes.

Think again.

“The mathematics underlying two of the courses actually is based on Nobel prize-winning economic theories,” explains Lamoureux.

The auction bidding project involves the Nash equilibrium game theory, for which John F. Nash (who was depicted in the Academy Award-winning fi lm, “A Beautiful Mind”), John C. Harsanyi and Reinhard Selten won the 1994 Nobel Prize in Economics. The stock option pricing project entails the Black Scholes formula, which is part of the work that earned Robert C. Merton and Myron S. Scholes the 1997 Nobel Prize in Economics.

“It would take about five years to learn the math involved in these projects,” says Thompson. “But we use computer simulations, based on historical data, to help the students understand the concepts and methodology.”

During 1998-1999, Lamoreaux and Thompson taught the new courses, and quickly realized they were onto something big.

The students, it turned out, were energized by the new format, and wholeheartedly embraced this new approach to learning business mathematics. They realized that math was vitally important to helping them solve real-life business problems.

After that first year, the Business Math I and II replaced their unpopular predecessors — finite mathematics and brief calculus. In a survey of students, the new two-course combo was ranked “number one” among incoming juniors in UA’s business program. This was quite a contrast from just a few years earlier, when students eschewed UA’s pre-business math courses.

It wasn’t long before Thompson and Lamoureux realized Business Math I and II could become part of prebusiness  curricula at other colleges and universities.

Licensing Opportunities

Don Albers, editorial director of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA), had heard rumblings in the mathematics community about the UA’s “experimental” business math project.

“These courses vividly demonstrated how interdisciplinary experiences for students can be shaped through the active collaboration of academic departments — in this case, mathematics and business,” says Albers.

He was so dazzled that he began to explore ways the MAA could promote and even license Business Math I and II. After making successful presentations to the MAA’s publications committee, Albers entered negotiations with Thompson and Patrick Jones, director of UA’s Office of Technology Transfer, to license Business Math I and II.

In 2003, the MAA gained rights to publish and distribute the courses in the United States under the name “Mathematics for Business Decisions,” while international distribution would be handled by Cambridge University Press. As part of the deal, the Arizona Board of Regents retained all copyrights for the University of Arizona, so the university could coordinate expanding work on new opportunities for Mathematics for Business Decisions.

For its part, the MAA made editorial enhancements to Mathematics for Business Decisions, and started selling it in a CD-ROM format complete with Microsoft® Excel® workbooks, internet links and video clips.

Paradigm Shift

Meanwhile, in 2003 the UA received a $500,000 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to continue the development and promotion of Mathematics for Business Decisions.

A telling example of the national recognition Mathematics for Business Decisions was receiving occurred in June 2003, when Thompson, Albers, two UA undergraduate business students and NSF representatives paid a visit to Washington, D.C. The delegation made presentations to members of Congress, showcasing the tangible, beneficial impact of NSF funded projects like Mathematics for Business Decisions. Jason Haun, one of the UA students taking part in the visit, says the course has benefited him since graduation.

“I’m in real estate development, and a lot of what we learned — from auction bidding to using modeling tools for pricing — continues to help me in my work,” he notes.

Yet Albers notes that getting business and mathematics faculty around the country to embrace Mathematics for Business Decisions has not been an easy task.

“It’s a major paradigm shift for these people,” says Albers, whose background includes serving for 23 years as a mathematics professor and dean at Menlo College in Atherton, Calif. “You’re asking them to uproot their way of thinking about applied mathematics, and to change. Professors aren’t always willing to change.”

Nonetheless, a number of academic institutions have incorporated Mathematics for Business Decisions into their curricula. Today, Kent State University in Ohio, Texas A & M in Corpus Christi, Pima Community College in Tucson, Ariz., Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, and Seattle Central Community College have joined UA in teaching Mathematics for Business Decisions. It’s also being used at the American University of Kabul in Afghanistan.

Professor Deb Hughes Hallett is intimately familiar with Mathematics for Business Decisions, having taught Thompson’s and Lamoureux’s Business Mathematics I and II at the UA. She also teaches mathematics at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, and is an internationally renowned expert on teaching mathematics at the college level.

“We’re exploring ways to use this same collaborative approach to teach applied mathematics in other disciplines, such as biology, agriculture or journalism,” says Hughes Hallett.

Protecting Intellectual Property, Promoting Adaptability

With the success of Mathematics for Business Decisions came new challenges.

At schools that used Mathematics for Business Decisions in their curricula, a few students would purchase the CD-ROMs, and then make copies for their friends.

“This diminished the self-sustaining revenue generated from sales of the CD-ROMs, and was forcing the MAA to raise prices, which increased the likelihood of copying,” says Jones, who also served as president of the Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM), 2007.

To address this growing problem, Jones and the UA Office of Technology Transfer provided their expertise in rights management to devise an effective solution for the MAA: site licenses incorporating a course fee concept with download-accessible content.

By providing such licenses for the software, the academic institutions themselves were responsible for dispensing the content provided by the MAA and collecting fees for use. The purchase price of Mathematics for Business Decisions could be substantially lowered compared to previous versions, also solving a vexing problem of increasing textbook costs, while still generating enough revenue to allow the MAA to continue offering, and improving, the content.

Jones points out that while the intellectual property at the heart of Mathematics for Business Decisions is protected, it can be customized to meet the academic institutions’ unique requirements.

“It has been designed in the spirit of a collaborative community,” he explains. “Everyone on the Math for Business Decisions team felt it was important for others to be able to contribute their creative ideas, allowing for customization within a coherent framework.”

The Future

With the success of Mathematics for Business Decisions at U.S. institutions, the UA and the MAA have translated it into Spanish, and are investigating new markets for the software in Latin America, as well as in Spanish-speaking areas of the United States. Additionally, educators in Tunisia and Senegal have expressed interest in Mathematics for Business Decisions, so French-language versions may be in the offing. It also is being considered for use in elementary and secondary schools.

“Through our ongoing partnership, we’re eager to continue promoting and improving Mathematics for Business Decisions,” says Jones.


This story was originally published in 2008.

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Maximizing DC Power Conversion from Solar Panels

British Columbia Inst of Tech (BCIT)

Maximizing DC Power Conversion from Solar Panels

A new device developed at the British Columbia Institute of Technology in Burnaby, Canada, allows energy users to draw the maximum amount of power from a solar array, at any given time.

Called the Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) technology, it was developed by BCIT engineers  and students over a four-year period. Photovoltaic cells have a single operating point where the current and cell voltage result in a maximum power output. This point fluctuates according to several factors, including time of day, season, temperature and weather conditions. MPPT technology uses a patented logic algorithm that continuously searches for the point of maximum power buildup in the solar array, and allows the converter  circuit to extract it from the cell. Benefits are most apparent when the weather is hazy, overcast, or rainy, or when the battery  has a low charge. The controller also acts as a battery charger for various battery types.

Analytic Systems of Surrey, British Columbia, licensed the technology from B IT and designed and produced the final design. Called SolarMax, the solar charge controller is primarily being marketed for industrial applications.

At 100 amps it provides the highest power output of any solar charge controller currently on the market, and is one of the most compact. 

Analytic Systems is developing a line of products for the solar and wind-generation industries and expects to increase revenues  by 100 percent  over the next five years. The United States government is also interested in potential  military applications of the technology. Based on this initial technology Analytic Systems has been given a prestigious IRAP grant, one of the largest in Western  Canada, from the National Research Council of Canada  to continue  to develop products in this solar category.

To see available technologies from research institutions, click here to visit the AUTM Innovation Marketplace.

Industry and Academic Research in Regenerative Medicine Leads to Biological Treatment for Damaged Joints

Cambridge Enterprise Limited
University of Cambridge

Industry and Academic Research in Regenerative Medicine Leads to Biological Treatment for Damaged Joints

Professional athletes are well-aware of the damage their sport may wreak on their bodies. So too are many of the millions of weekend warriors, overweight and others whose age, activities and medical conditions may one day lead to pain brought on by degradation of the cartilage in the linings of their joints.

Many with the onset of degenerative joint disease and osteoarthritis will find respite in a range of symptom-relieving products, from physical therapy and orthotics to anti-inflammatory and analgesic over-the counter medications. Seniors, who are in a more advanced stage of this condition, may require surgery to replace the damaged or diseased joint with a prosthesis.

Then there are the individuals with big cartilage lesions who no longer find pain relief from traditional treatments but are too young for total joint replacement. For this group of patients who are in the prime of their life, there are few available options today. It is in this space, between symptom relieving products and surgical treatment, where industry and academia are conducting regenerative medicine research to develop a biological solution that might stem the projected six-fold increase for total knee replacements by 2030 cited in Health, United States, 2009, by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

One possible biological solution is Chondromimetic, a collagen scaffold developed by the British medical technology company Orthomimetics. As a porous, bioresorbable tissue regeneration scaffold, it stimulates bone and cartilage growth when implanted into the knees and other joints, which could offer a more effective, economical, easier and less painful means of treatment than current methods. A research group is conducting clinical trials in Europe to gather data on its ability to help regenerate articular cartilage and provide durable solutions for degenerative joint disease and osteoarthritis.

Groundbreaking Transatlantic Collaboration

Orthomimetics, part of the Belgian biotech company TiGenix since December 2009, is a relatively young academic spinout with a list of accomplishments:

  • Chondromimetic received CE Mark approval ahead of schedule, which allows the company to market its line of bioresorbable implants for bone or soft tissue repair in the European Union.
  • Orthomimetics was featured in the “Killer 50” list of the most “disruptive technology” businesses in Eastern England for 2009. Unveiled by Business Weekly in association with Mathys & Squire Intellectual Property, the Killer 50 companies are chosen on raw technology that has either achieved commercial success or promises to do so.
  • Andrew K. Lynn, Ph.D., Orthomimetics’ founder and chief executive officer, who successfully made the transition from academic to entrepreneur, received the top European Award for University Entrepreneurs in Chemistry and Materials in the inaugural Academic Enterprise Awards 2008.

Orthomimetics’ products are based on a proprietary technology platform, with patent-protected technology that was developed during a groundbreaking collaboration between the University of Cambridge in Cambridge, United Kingdom, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), in Cambridge, Mass., under the Cambridge-MIT Institute (CMI) alliance. CMI was an experimental transatlantic collaborative program between two of the world’s leading research universities. It was launched in 2000, funded by the British government, in recognition of MIT’s commitment to share its successful approach to connecting public research with innovation and economic growth.

“Orthomimetics brings a new dimension to the treatment of joints thanks to its heritage in this trans-Atlantic collaboration between our two world-leading academic institutions and its researchers who have contributed more than 30 years of experience to the repair of bone and soft tissues, respectively,” says Margaret Wilkinson, technology manager at Cambridge Enterprise Ltd, the commercialization arm of the University of Cambridge that helped Lynn spin out the company, and, on behalf of CMI, negotiated the license.

A Marriage of Two Technologies

While working on the CMI project as a doctoral student at University of Cambridge, and collaborating with a team at MIT, Lynn played a leading role in developing the technology platform on which Orthomimetics’ products are based.

He co-founded Orthomimetics with a core group of CMI-funded researchers who are pioneers in the fields of artificial bone and artificial skin:

• Artificial-bone pioneer William Bonfield, Ph.D., professor of medical materials in the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge

• Lorna Gibson, Ph.D., Matoula S. Salapatas professor of materials science and engineering, MIT

• Ioannis Yannas, Ph.D., professor of mechanical engineering, biological engineering, and health sciences and technology, MIT, who developed a scaffold for the regeneration of skin that is now in clinical use

• Brendan Harley, Sc.D., a graduate of MIT and now an assistant professor in the Department of Chemical and Bimolecular Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

“This really ended up as a marriage of two technologies: at MIT we had an expertise in the fields of tissue engineering and artificial skin, while Professor Bonfield at Cambridge and his team of international researchers had an expertise in bone replacement and biomaterial innovation,” says Gibson, who knew of Bonfield and his work and had firsthand knowledge of the University of Cambridge system as she did her doctoral degree there.

The CMI-enabled collaboration began when the team of academic researchers and students decided to build a biological scaffold based on an existing method to produce a skin scaffold that could provide support for tissue regeneration in the areas of orthopedics and regenerative medicine.

The result was a technique to mineralize the collagen scaffold by adding calcium and phosphate to mimic the structure of bone, which then led to the development of a two-layer scaffold to regenerate both bone and cartilage.

Orthomimetics’ products are based on this leading collagen biomaterials platform they developed for the production of scaffolds for cartilage, meniscus, ligament and tendon repair. Orthomimetics’ technological advantage lies in the patent-protected ability to combine three natural biomaterials — collagen, glycosaminoglycans and calcium phosphate — into bioresorbable tissue regeneration scaffolds.

As the first product to come out of this collagen biomaterials platform, Chondromimetic is designed to stimulate regenerative repair in millions of young and aging patients who suffer from damaged joint surfaces and bony defects caused by degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis, trauma or surgery. It was shown in a head-to-head preclinical trial to outperform leading synthetic products, and a simple and accurate delivery system has been designed and tested by surgeons. TiGenix expects Chondromimetic to join a growing number of market-ready products in the field of regenerative medicine, which the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in 2006 cited as a technology that is “desperately needed to combat rising health care costs.”

The Art of Reaching Consensus

As the first spinout from CMI, Orthomimetics licensed the exclusive rights to four patents covering the revolutionary technology that had resulted from the team’s research and was funded by the University of Cambridge and MIT.

The negotiation on the licensing agreement with CMI was a delicate process, due to opinions about the terms for an exclusive license, especially on future revenue streams. Traditionally, Cambridge had taken equity stakes in its startups, while MIT had rights not only to equity but also to milestone fees, royalties and license fees. Lynn and his co-founders wanted to make sure the right balance was struck between early milestone payments and equity or other compensation linked to progress when the company was more mature.

Eventually, the parties succeeded in finding licensing terms that worked for everyone. And, despite the delicate process of the license negotiations, all involved credit CMI and the collaboration it fostered as the reason they "gathered in the same room, put all the technologies together" and launched a spinout company.

“I think our success is due in large part to CMI, which enabled an international team of academics with a prior track record of producing commercially successful innovations to come together and develop our new technology platform," says Lynn.

Technology Transfer Offices Give an Assist

Lynn gives Cambridge Enterprise and the Technology Licensing Office at MIT a lot of credit for helping the startup  ain a solid financial footing.

“They did a good job of pointing us in the right direction," Lynn says. "Our story was good, and we had a great business case. But first and foremost, we had to learn how to talk to investors, which the technology transfer offices facilitated."

Building on this support, they established links with venture capitalists, business angels and potential company directors in both Cambridge communities, successfully raising an initial funding round of $8.5 million (£5.65 million) in 2007 from the United Kingdom equity firms Schroders Investment Management Ltd, Oxford Capital Partners Sloane Robinson Private Equity and a group of private investors of Eden Financial. In 2008, the company received funding from United Kingdom funding bodies; $1.5 million (£747,000) from the Technology Strategy Board for the commercial development of the company’s second commercial product, LigaMimetic; and a $953,440 (£600,000) Technology Strategy Board grant to support a research and development project for improving joint tissue regeneration.

Today, the onetime CMI spinout is part of TiGenix. The Belgian developer of regenerative medical products that treat damaged and diseased joints now has two complementary products to market in the European Union — its own Chondrocelect, a cell-based product that helps to regrow cartilage in the knee, and Orthomimetics' Chondromimetic, a scaffold for the repair of damaged joint surfaces and underlying bone defects.

"This is a really sensible and exciting way forward," says Lynn, who is now the chief business officer at TiGenix. “I’m delighted with this development because it is the culmination of the Orthomimetics story.”

Orthomimetics is a successful technology transfer story that is taking the next step in delivering innovative commercial products in the field of regenerative medicine.

This story was originally published in 2010.

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Nonexclusive Licensing Pays Off for MEMS Actuator

University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley)

Nonexclusive Licensing Pays Off for MEMS Actuator

Gaining exclusive access to a new invention or idea is a common and important business strategy for technology companies. Many inventions lend themselves to this licensing approach but others have broad application or offer such a clear advantage that a better strategy for the inventor is to offer non-exclusive licenses to many adopters. Using just such an approach, the University of California, Berkeley (UCB) Office of Technology Licensing has licensed a new microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) actuator design to a broad range of companies, including Honeywell, Toyota, Bosh and Discera.

MEMS is a cutting-edge technology that uses the tools and techniques developed for the integrated circuit industry to build microscopic machines.

These machines are built on standard silicon wafers. Actuators are devices that convert an electrical control signal to a physical action.

The novel actuator arose from work done in the 1980s by Roger Howe, then a professor at UCB, and a graduate student, William Tang, as part of a larger interdisciplinary research project to create MEMS, which combines electronic circuit design with complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) fabrication technology. Berkeley researchers have been at the forefront of this investigation, and the Berkeley campus is the source of many MEMS inventions spearheading the commercialization of this technology.

The actuator invented by Howe and Tang resembles two tiny combs with their tines intertwined. One comb is fixed and the other pivots when a small voltage is applied, resulting in activation. While previous MEMS actuators were perpendicular to the CMOS chip, the novel actuator is fabricated lateral to the chip surface. This design enables reliable, precise MEMS actuation that is commercially feasible in high-volume, low-cost applications.

The advent of this MEMS actuator and the non-exclusive licensing of the associated patent rights have resulted in the proliferation of the technology in devices from disk drives to gyroscopes to networkrouters and optical switches.


This story was originally published in 2007.

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Concentric Medical, Inc.: Saving Stroke Victims

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

Concentric Medical, Inc.: Saving Stroke Victims

Due to a pair of physicians’ innovation and determination, the removal of potentially fatal blood clots in the brain may one day become standard procedure in hospitals around the world. Concentric Medical, Inc., is doing its part to make the Merci Retriever more effective and more available to stroke victims with no time to spare.

Eighteen-year-old Melissa Welch of California serves as a poster child for the medical intervention that saved her life two years ago. Twenty-year-old Marissa Arnold of Connecticut made national television last year because of the dramatic result achieved by the same clinical device. These young women are just two examples of the thousands who can count themselves lucky.

The enemy in these situations is stroke. The savior is Concentric Medical, Inc.’s Merci Retriever.

The rate of strokes is rising, and according to the American Stroke Association,  it is the leading cause of serious, long-term disability in the United States. Stroke is the third largest cause of death, ranking behind heart disease and all forms of cancer, but it is quickly gaining ground as the number two killer.

Close to 80 percent of the 750,000 strokes that occur each year nationwide are ischemic strokes — that is, caused by the blockage of a blood vessel, usually by a clot that forms elsewhere then travels to and lodges in a blood vessel in the brain. It would seem that the clot-busting drug, tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA), can occasionally work miracles. However, it is effective only if administered within a critical three-hour window of time following the onset of a stroke. Also controversial is t-PA’s increased risk of a brain hemorrhage.

While a frustrating situation for clinicians who treat ischemic stroke patients, it inspired a dedicated pair of neuroradiologists to invent a tool that offers patients a greater shot at recovery. Just over 10 years ago, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) physicians Pierre Gobin, M.D., and J.P. Wensel, M.D., began designing a device that could travel to the site of a blood clot in the brain and actually remove the clot.
Great strides in this concept had already been achieved with coronary arteries. But there are dramatic differences between the heart and the brain, as Gobin attests.A blocked coronary artery is caused by plaques that form there and narrow the vessel,” he explains. “In the brain it’s completely different where in most cases the blockage forms from a clot that travels there from somewhere else in the body. Our idea was that if a clot arrives and lodges in a brain vessel, it could be extracted.

An Idea Becomes Reality

From concept to successful product, today the Merci Retrieval System is comprised of three key components. After a blood clot in the brain is located by angiography, a clinician inserts the Merci balloon guide catheter through a small incision in the patient’s groin. Under X-ray guidance, the catheter is then maneuvered up to the carotid artery in the patient’s neck, and a guidewire, along with the Merci microcatheter, are deployed through the catheter and into the brain where they are placed just beyond the clot. The third component, the Merci Retriever — a corkscrew-shaped platinum wire — is then deployed to grab and ensnare the clot. After capturing the clot, the clinician inflates the balloon guide catheter to temporarily stop the forward flow of blood while the clot is withdrawn and gently pulled into the catheter and out of the body. Once the balloon is deflated, blood flow is restored through the now open vessel.

The development of the Merci Retrieval System relied on critical support from the UCLA Office of Intellectual Property where Drs. Gobin and Wensel filed a patent on their invention. UCLA invested in the domestic rights and Dr. Gobin, believing strongly enough in the device to share the financial risk inherent in patenting such early stage technology, took over the foreign rights. While searching for the right partners to create a spin-off company, Dr. Gobin remained committed to his mission and succeeded in finding interested investors and obtaining venture capital. In 1999 he launched the company Concentric Medical.

“This was a good example whereby the inventor’s dedication and persistence on the commercial front paid off,” says UCLA Office of Intellectual Property’s Director of Licensing Emily Loughran. “While we maintain an active network of potential industry licensees there is no substitute for having a motivated and involved inventor teaming with our efforts. Inventors are often the best source of industry contacts and are the most appropriate individuals to serve as the catalyst for the formation of a startup around the technology, as was the case here.”

Concentric Medical spent its infancy in a San Francisco Bay Area incubator called the Foundry. According to Gobin, the Foundry was an excellent place to start a company, as it provided engineering expertise and funding. As the company gained financial support, the design of the Merci Retriever continued to improve. A preliminary safety trial of the device was underway within a few years, and the results paved the way for the launch of a pivotal clinical trial.

A veteran business mind with expertise in developing new medical device companies, Gary Curtis came on board as president and CEO of Concentric Medical in 2002. At this critical time the company needed additional venture capital to fund a clinical trial and move forward with commercialization of the Merci Retriever. With more than 35 years of experience in the startup medical device arena, Curtis has played a valuable role in the commercialization of numerous major medical tools including total hip replacement and interventional cardiovascular devices.

FDA Approval Spurs Concentric’s Momentum

Now headquartered in Mountain View, Calif., Concentric Medical is still privately held and benefits from an impressive number of major investors, including New Enterprise Associates, ProQuest Investments, Oxford Bioscience Partners, and Schroder Ventures Life Sciences. Curtis says the company has achieved a revenue rate of approximately $1 million a month; he expects to be doubling that and approaching profitability by the end of this year. “We focused on the U.S. marketplace for my first four years, and we’re just starting to explore international markets and opportunities,” he says. “We have many hopes and expectations.”

The 65 employees of Concentric Medical feel fortunate to be part of a company that is truly saving lives. A major milestone occurred in 2004 when the Merci Retrieval System was cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, making it the first ever FDA-approved medical device for removing blood clots from the brains of ischemic stroke patients.

“With the approval of our product and the development of such interventions, we now help about 250 patients per month,” says Curtis. “It’s a very rewarding way to come to work each day.”

Since the approval of the Merci Retrieval System, there are now close to 250 hospitals in North America that have the product on their shelves, as well as trained clinicians able to use it for treating patients. Curtis estimates that since the device has been available, it has treated about 4,000 patients through clinical trials and interventions. Studies of the Merci Retriever have shown that if blood flow is restored to stroke victims within an eight-hour window of time, then half those patients will regain functional independence within 90 days. Without the means of such an intervention, only one out of 32 people suffering a stroke achieve that independence.

“We really consider Concentric Medical to be one of our big success stories,” says Loughran. “For very early stage technologies such as the Merci Retriever, the number of products that not only make it through FDA approval but are then actually widely used are few. We’re excited to see this become one that is so valuable for the management and treatment of stroke.”

Thankful Patients

Unlike the majority of stroke victims who either die or suffer permanent disability, Melissa Welch and Marissa Arnold were fortunate to enjoy a full recovery. Welch was home from the hospital a week after her stroke just in time to spend Christmas with her family. Arnold was back to her full course load and playing varsity soccer as a junior at Mt. Holyoke College in South Hadley, Mass., just two weeks after her frightening episode. The design, development and commercialization of the Merci Retriever serves as a stellar example of how successful technology transfer to the marketplace is making our world a better place.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Green Technology Cleans up with Waste

Cornell Center for Technology Enterprise and Commercialization
Cornell University

Green Technology Cleans up with Waste

Cornell University opened its Technology Farm in Geneva, N.Y., in 2005 to foster new, innovative technologies and the startup companies that develop them. Since its builders had asked plant biologist Gary Harman, Ph.D., to solve the facility’s soilcontamination problems, there was a karma-like symmetry to his founding a company for new water-remediation techniques — and basing it there.

“We didn’t solve the Technology Farm’s soil problem,” notes Harman, a professor in Cornell’s Department of Horticultural Sciences, “but the experience started a thought-process that led to ways to clean up pollutants in water — oils, heavy metals and hydrogen sulfide. It was a direct link.”

He adds: “These are ecologically friendly techniques that are less expensive and more easily handled than traditional approaches.”

Like a lot of old farmland in upstate New York, the campus at the Technology Farm — officially Cornell’s Agriculture and Food Technology Park — was laced with lead arsenic, a consequence of heavy pesticide use over the years.

Harman and his Cornell colleagues, chemist Terry Spittler, Ph.D., and technician Robert Patrick, began with the idea of planting ferns to take up the substance. The reality, they concluded, was that while ferns would do this, they couldn’t accumulate enough to be effective, since much of the soil-based contaminate isn’t soluble. At present, the only solution in such a case is to scrape up the polluted soil and haul it to a hazardous waste site.

The Lignin Solution

“The episode started us thinking about the general problem of heavy metal contamination,” Harman says. “Then, we were at a conference where we heard a discussion about bioproducts’ capacity for removing heavy metals from watery materials like sewage sludge. We wondered, ‘If so, how?’ That led us to think about lignin, a complex compound that binds cellulose and strengthens the cell wall of plants, and its potential for binding with contaminates.”

Lignin fills the spaces between cellulose and other components in trees and plants and helps strengthen cell walls. The Cornell team knew that its complex structure gives it strong negative binding capabilities.

“It binds heavy metals very tightly, in a way that the accumulated pollutants won’t leach out,” Harman notes. “Then, it usually can be placed in a regular landfill without having to be taken to a hazardous waste site. The remediated water can then be dealt with according to local regulations — for instance, returned to the groundwater or disposed into a waste stream.”

The question was where large quantities of inexpensive lignin could be obtained. In fact, they found a number of sources, testing 30 to 40 materials that might be feasible, such as ground-up cornstalks. One good source was the plant fiber in cow manure, as the ruminants’ digestive process strips away the cellulose, leaving a high-quality lignin. Manure fiber proved to be a highly effective absorbent for oil and other contaminants.

Tree bark, the material accumulated in massive amounts by landscapers and used as mulch around shrubs and flowers, also proved to be an excellent binding substance for heavy metals like nickel, copper and iron. Among the varieties tested, hardwood barks proved to be the best. The team published its results in the Winter 2007 issue of the journal Industrial Biotechnology.

Enter Terrenew

“Once Gary and his associates had promising results, they did two things,” notes Jeff Fearn, senior technology commercialization and liaison officer in Cornell’s Center for Technology Enterprise & Commercialization. “They brought their results to our office, and they established a company, Terrenew.

“Gary felt that starting a company was essential,” Fearn says. “He felt that even though he had a patentable result, there are wide gaps between patents and viable products. Larger companies tend to be reluctant to take on new, unproven technologies that need extensive work to become commercially feasible. Smaller companies and startups tend to be more innovative in that way.”

While the university filed a patent on the technology in early2005, Harman and four colleagues established Terrenew LLC,and the university subsequently licensed it back to the new organization,which moved quickly to pursue a range of productsbased on the work.

“Soon, all our products will have been commercialized, and we’ll be at a point of needing additional investors to move to the next level,” notes Terrenew CEO Thomas Bourne.

He adds: “There’s no shortage in the world of polluted water supplies that we can serve — contaminated groundwater, industrial process water and mining waste-water sites.”

Bourne is an environmental engineer whose background involves extensive consulting on economic development for environmental companies. He and Harman met at a scientific meeting, heard each other speak, liked what each said and began talking about the intellectual properties related to Harman’s work.

“Gary asked me to help start the company and help find aCEO once it was formed,” Bourne says. “After a while, I was intrigued by the company and what it could accomplish, so I dropped the ‘interim’ label.” Harman serves as the company’s chief scientific officer, Spittler as its director of research and development.

Harman’s early research was supported with funding from the Cornell Center for Advanced Technology and the United States-Israel Binational Agriculture Research and Development Fund. Since its establishment, Terrenew has received support in the form of small business innovation research grants through the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

The Process and the Products

Terrenew’s offices are based at the Cornell Technology Farm in Geneva, but its operations are located in 18,000 square feet of leased space about four miles away. There, agriculture wastes are collected and processed — manure is dried in a mechanical dryer, tree bark is collected in 10-to 15-feet-high piles for sorting and shipment.

Terrenew placed its first remediation product, OilMaster, on the market in 2008, producing it in granular forms for dry-surface oil spills and in a pad form for oil spills in water. As with alltheir products, they stress its qualities as lighter-weight, lessexpensive,easier to handle and more effective than traditionalagents — and far safer ecologically.

SulfaMaster uses lignin fiber from manure to remove hydrogen sulfide from biogases, as might be produced and recovered in waste-water treatment plants. Since hydrogen sulfide causes acid rain, corrodes machinery and can be toxic to humans and animals, the ability to strip it out enhances the prospect of biogases as alternative fuels.

As a separate line, the company also produces an AgriMaster category of growing products, including organic potting soil, dry cow manure soil conditioner and mushroom compost concentrate.


The newest product to approach commercialization is MetalMaster, which uses tree bark to take up heavy metals in water. As a waste product from logging operations, the bark is purchased from landscapers who otherwise collect it for use as mulch.

While it’s important that manure fiber be thoroughly decomposed for oil treatment, the tree bark for heavy metal work doesn’t require extensive decomposition. Preparation is primarily a matter of sifting through to remove twigs and other inappropriate matter and to produce a medium that is properly sized for the vessel and use anticipated. The ability to achieve an even flow of water through the tree bark mass is essential.

And whereas treatment of oil contaminants tends to be fairly straightforward, each MetalMaster treatment needs to be individualized for the site, depending on the target metal, the quantity of water to be remediated, the concentration of the contaminant and the pH of the tree bark (which affects its ionic binding capability).

“MetalMaster works well on three situations,” Harman notes, “including large bodies of polluted water, metal processing operations that produce contaminated water as a byproduct and contaminated drinking water. It binds up a range of contaminates, including magnesium, potassium, nickel, copper, iron and lead. A project to treat water used in a jewelry manufacturing operation removed some 90 percent of the silver, zinc and copper present.”

Essentially, the remediation of contaminated water involves a process of filtering it through a mass of MetalMaster tree bark placed within a containment vessel, making sure the water moves at a consistent rate.

The desired flow dynamics determine how big the vessel needs to be. For an early project to clean up chromium from a groundwater spill in upstate New York, the vessels consisted of a series of 55-gallon steel drums. More often the vessels are specially designed and constructed by affiliate companies. The size depends on how long the water needs to be in contact with the tree bark. The water is pumped in at the container’s bottom, rising through the bark mass to exit at the top. This approach ensures an even flow through all of the bark mass, as opposed to a trickle-down approach whose flow might be erratic.

“Besides being more effective, easier to deal with and less expensive than other approaches,” Harman says, “the bark binds the pollutants very tightly — they won’t wash out. It’s ‘green’ to start with — it uses natural waste products — and it ends in ‘green’ results — the water is remediated and the remediating material used can be treated as normal landfill, not as hazardous waste.

“It can have a significant impact on environmental cleanup efforts, with nothing but positive outcomes. It’s very gratifying to have something to do with that.”

This story was originally published in 2011.

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Mobility Options for Commuters

University of Arizona

Mobility Options for Commuters

Cities face a huge transportation problem: too many individuals driving too many cars trying to travel on a limited number of streets and producing too much harmful pollution. The resulting traffic and air problems are unsustainable, not to mention the driver frustrations.

But what if cities could work with travelers to make small behavioral changes that would help drivers commute more efficiently, which in turn, resulted in more efficient commutes, less pollution and happier commuters?

This is what Metropia does. The system was originally developed by Associate Professor Yi-Chang Chiu and his team in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Arizona. The technology provides a city-wide ecosystem connecting commuters, businesses, employers and governmental agencies to help drive improvements in metro mobility. The system has two elements that integrate into a single solution:

  • Mobile App: This gives commuters advanced traffic prediction and vehicle-routing technology so that they can make choices to help alleviate traffic by changing their traditional travel routes and times. Those who make smarter and safer travel decisions earn rewards that are provided by community and business partners in participating cities.
  • Synergy Platform: Integrated with a city's systems, this management platform uses proprietary algorithms and data analytics to provide a framework for agencies to collaborate, actively manage demand and enhance and monitor transportation systems' performance.

Metropia’s unique approach empowers individual drivers to make informed decisions that work for their schedules and incentivizes them to save time and earn rewards while reducing the strain on roads. Rewards come in the form of points, which can be redeemed at local partnering businesses. Drivers can also choose to exchange points for gift cards; in Tucson, AZ, the company has agreements with Target, Amazon, and Starbucks as participants in the rewards program. Points can also be exchanged for the planting of trees.

Most navigation apps start working when the user gets into their car, but by then it's often too late. By planning ahead with Metropia, users get a clear picture as to what their upcoming commute will look like, as well as updated alerts when accidents and lane closures require an earlier departure or a detour.

Pre-scheduling a trip gives users the foresight to plan their drive and the flexibility to make adjustments when needed.

In Tucson, a proactive effort to alleviate congestion and reduce impacts on air quality in the region, Metropia Inc. partnered with Pima Association of Governments (PAG), the region’s metropolitan planning organization. Research gathered by Metropia is benefiting PAG’s travel reduction program to promote ridesharing. Metropia is also collecting travel time and speeds for PAG to inform plans for future road projects, forecast pollution levels and ensure compliance with air quality regulations.

Along with improving travel experiences and making cities work more efficiently through incentivizing and facilitating better "travel choices and behavior," the company is actively giving back. Most recently, Hurricane Harvey destroyed nearly 500,000 vehicles in Houston, leaving many without access to reliable transportation. To help bring people together to ride share, Metropia quickly implemented its Houston Riding program to provide access to its online carpool-matching service.

The Metropia platform is currently implemented and available to travelers in Tucson, AZ; Austin, TX, El Paso, TX; and Juarez, Mexico. It will soon be available in Houston, TX; and Phoenix, AZ.

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UD Microbe Technology Helps Plants Grow Stronger from Root to Shoot

UD Microbe Technology Helps Plants Grow Stronger from Root to Shoot
The field on the left has been treated with a BASF inoculant containing the UD-patented beneficial bacteria named UD1022. Inset: Bacteria rapidly cover newly formed root tissue, helping to shelter it from stresses associated with growth in soil. Teaser photo of roots courtesy BASF research trials 2017.

Our global population is growing, and more people means more mouths to feed. Farmers confront this problem every day, searching for ways to increase food production while safeguarding their crops.

At the University of Delaware, basic research aimed at providing safe, effective tools for agricultural growers led to the discovery of a beneficial microbe that helps increase plant size and yields, improve drought tolerance and fight fungal disease.
Developed by Professors Harsh Bais and Janine Sherrier, the UD-patented microbe [known as UD1022] is a unique strain of Bacillus subtilis, a natural, beneficial bacterium that lives on the surface of roots and the surrounding soil, or rhizosphere. Studies show that the beneficial microbe helps boost the protection of seedlings and plants from disease. It also helps plants form a root-strengthening biofilm, allowing more energy to be directed to growth and yield.

BASF, a global company that creates chemistry for a sustainable future, recognized the technology’s potential for improving crop productivity and worked with UD’s technology transfer office to license the UD-discovered microbe in 2013.
Today the UD technology is a key component of BASF’s Velondis product line. In early 2018, BASF introduced a rhizobial-based inoculant for peas and lentils called Nodulator Duo that incorporates the UD-patented Bacillus subtilis strain in conjunction with BASF’s top performing rhizobial strain for pea and lentil. The product is used in Canada to promote nitrogen fixation and plant health in peas and lentils.
BASF is currently exploring other ways to use the UD-patented microbe for other agricultural crops, including soybean and corn. The promising microbe may have other potential applications in horticulture and forestry, too. At UD, Bais and colleague Yan Jin have shown that a strain of the beneficial microbe can increase water retention in soil to mitigate drought. Bais also is studying the beneficial microbe’s effect on alfalfa.
UD's Office of Economic Innovation and Partnership has been instrumental in our success....they really stepped up to help us convert a simple, basic science idea into an extremely important and timely commercial product for the agricultural market.
Harsh Bais

The path to commercialization

Sherrier and Bais did not arrive at commercialization on their own. UD’s Office of Economic Innovation and Partnerships (OEIP) played a significant role in helping the researchers navigate the various aspects of the process.

It was basic research that led to the discovery of UD1022’s ability to help plants fight fungal disease. When Sherrier, then a UD scientist, realized they might have something important, she reached out to OEIP for support in evaluating whether the innovation had market potential.

The diverse team at OEIP’s Technology Transfer Center reviewed the innovation and determined that UD1022 was both patentable and had solid commercial potential. The technology transfer team helped the researchers acquire the proper legal protection and find a partner (Becker Underwood, now BASF) to test the invention and collect preliminary performance data. They then negotiated a two-year research contract with BASF in 2011, allowing Sherrier and Bais to validate the invention’s usefulness over a broad range of applications. An exclusive licensing agreement with BASF followed, and — fast forward to 2018 — has resulted in a real product.

“Technology transfer involves the transitioning of scientific findings from the University to an industry partner with the aim of developing the invention and commercializing it into a product,” said Joy Goswami, assistant director of technology transfer at UD and a member of AUTM’s Cabinet. “This process involves identifying the technology, safeguarding it with patents or other types of intellectual property protection, and licensing those rights to industry.”

The work is complex and requires tech transfer professionals to be fluent in the specialized languages used by scientists, engineers, business professionals and lawyers. They have to be patient, nimble and considerate of all stakeholders and keep everyone informed during the process. Behind the scenes, there are myriad tasks and mounds of paperwork to keep the process moving forward.

For faculty members like Bais, though, having the tech transfer folks in OEIP in his corner is a major advantage; one that allowed the researchers to continue focusing on the science.

“OEIP has been instrumental in our success,” Bais said. “Early on, they provided seed money to fund a student to work on this project full time doing greenhouse trials using UD1022 on different plants and plant combinations. Later, having a team of tech transfer professionals who understand the science, was extremely helpful to our formulating ideas and concepts into logical products. In this way, OEIP really stepped up to help us convert a simple, basic science idea into an extremely important and timely commercial product for the agricultural market.”

This story was originally published in 2019.

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Biomedical Innovations: Changing Wound Care One Doctor, One Patient at a Time

University of Georgia
University of Georgia Research Foundation

Biomedical Innovations: Changing Wound Care One Doctor, One Patient at a Time

Imagine the anguish that comes from receiving a severe wound, burn or skin ulceration. Aside from the pain, the mind will struggle with quality-of-life issues in the near future.

These worries are very real for millions throughout the world (see sidebar) who, without proper wound care, will suffer from devastating scars, disfigurement, amputation and/or social rejection. This problem is most acute in a wide variety of resource poor settings, including sub-Saharan Africa, rural Asia, much of South America and areas impacted by natural disaster where there is a very high risk of infection — the primary obstacle to optimal wound care.

Open skin wounds such as burns, neuropathic ulcers, pressure sores, venous stasis ulcers and diabetic ulcers routinely heal via a complex multistep cellular-based process. But healing is often impaired when components in the process — individually or as a whole — fail to function properly for a variety of reasons, primarily infection.

Young Girl’s Hand Is Saved

This is the very position a young girl in Haiti found herself in after the hurricane of 2010. She received severe burns on her hands and arms from a cooking mishap. By the time she saw a medical professional, her hands had become badly infected. She likely faced a life without digits or possibly her hands due to the prevailing belief that amputation was the only solution.

As luck would have it, two new topical applications, with antimicrobial agents and marketing clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, were undergoing evaluation in Haiti as part of a multidrug therapy regimen for leprosy.

Using compounds based on licensed academic research conducted at the University of Georgia (UGA) in Athens, the innovative topical technology “potentiates” — increases the effectiveness of microbial killing — in available antibiotics to fight dangerous infections, even drug-resistant microbes such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis, multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa and multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii.

These products work by generating physical holes in the microbe’s cytoplasmic membrane, or antibiotic-resistant biofilm, which provides a shield that effectively protects the integrity and functionality of the microbe’s cellular membrane. The holes reduce the bacteria’s ability to remove classes of clinically relevant antibiotics and result in the death of the microbe.

“Microbes function very much like a boat because both are dependent on differential pressure,” says co-developer Branson Ritchie, D.V.M., Ph.D., a distinguished research professor at UGA and president and chief executive of the academic startup company founded in 2002, Molecular Therapeutics LLC of Athens. “If you punch holes in a boat or a microbe, they can’t work anymore.”

In Haiti, health care providers decided as a last resort to apply Molecular Therapeutics’ innovative topical treatments, Silvion and Silvaklenz, on the young girl’s severely burned hands. Remarkably, the pain rapidly diminished, the spreading microbial infection was stopped in a matter of days and the prospect of a future with the use of two hands became a reality.

This dramatic example is just one of many in which this biomedical technology is producing similar results, not only for those living in undeveloped areas, but also for those with access to wound-care gold standards practiced by the urban hospitals of major cities in the developed world.

“These products are just incredible. I see patient outcomes that are astronomically better than what I’ve seen using methods approved by WOCN [Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society],” says Donna Howarth, director of nursing, Medside Healthcare home-care agency in Sandy Springs, Ga. “Traditional wound care is focused at the tissue level, while these products work at the cellular level, which I think makes the difference.”

Academic Research Provides Biomedical Foundation

Developed at the UGA College of Veterinary Medicine, these biomedical technologies are licensed to UGA startup Molecular Therapeutics by the University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc. (UGARF), which manages intellectual property developed by UGA employees. The startup company markets three antibacterial products based on the UGA portfolio: Silvion, a moisturizing solution, and Silvaklenz, a wound cleanser, both for humans; and Tricide, a veterinary treatment to prevent infection and promote healing in nonfood fish, such as koi.

“The wound-care market is quite crowded, but these products appear to be unique in their ability to significantly enhance the killing activity of a topical antimicrobial,” says Derek E. Eberhart, Ph.D., a senior licensing manager in the Technology Commercialization Office (TCO) at UGARF.

Eberhart was one of many in the business support team, including the university’s Georgia BioBusiness Center incubator, to help protect the innovations, prepare the technology for licensing opportunities and enable the eventual spin out of the academic startup company. The research was supported in part by UGARF’s Animal Health Fund, which fosters selected research initiatives in the UGA College of Veterinary Medicine. In addition, Molecular Therapeutics received seed funding from the Georgia Research Alliance, a partnership of state government, local industry and academia focused on facilitating new science and technology efforts with the potential to help people and have significant economic impact.

Two patents are issued to UGARF — one in the United States for aquatic applications and another in Canada for medical/human applications — and additional patents are pending in the United States and Europe. The inventors involved in various aspects of these technologies included Ritchie and his colleagues at UGA: Richard Wooley, D.V.M, Ph.D., a professor in the UGA College of Veterinary Medicine who is now retired; Victoria Burnley Vaughan, formerly in the department of Small Animal Medicine and now owner/director of Koi Lab LLC; Douglas T. Kemp, Pharm.D. formerly of the College of Veterinary Medicine; and Anthony Capomacchia, Ph.D., associate professor in the College of Pharmacy.

Ritchie embarked on antimicrobial research in 1998 with his mentor and colleague Wooley in an attempt to resolve the problems associated with multidrug-resistant microbes in burn patients. The compound that enhances the effectiveness of antibiotics became the underlying foundation for the biomedical technologies for humans and animals that Molecular Therapeutics is using.

“This technology, which helps kill drug-resistant bacteria and fungi with compounds that cleanse wounds while also being gentle on the tissue, is a beautiful example of translational medicine,” Ritchie says. “We started with burn patients as our target, but it just so happens that it also works with wound care in companion animals.”

Veterinary and Pharmacy Sciences Come Together

A real breakthrough came when potentiated antibiotics were combined with a bioadhesive following collaboration between Ritchie and Capomacchia on a nontoxic ointment to help burn victims. Capomacchia specializes in the formulation of drug delivery systems.

Veterinarians soon successfully used the Tricide nonpetroleum ointment treatment on a burned dog in a high-profile animal cruelty case, followed shortly by Gasper, a beluga whale at the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta.

These animal trial applications were soon followed by the first human patient — a firefighter involved in an explosion that caused first- and second-degree burns on his face and arms. Within 12 days of treatment with Silvaklenz and Silvion, the results were astounding. His skin is now back to normal.

In a short period of time, the researchers had come full circle: from designing a nontoxic ointment to help burn victims, to developing drug-delivery applications for aquatic animals and back to treating skin problems in humans.

Translation of Basic Research to Effective Products

Initial attempts to license the basic science research by UGA failed to identify any companies that could translate it into effective clinical products.

“Our intent was to license these technologies for use with people and animals, but we couldn’t find anybody interested,” says Ritchie, who feels the existing licensing environment is “quite challenging” for academic biomedical research. “So, it came down to a decision: We either do this ourselves or let down the constituents who could most benefit and who we wanted to help.”

The self-described “entrepreneur by necessity” says it isn’t so much what he intended to do, but what he had to do.

Eberhart in the TCO at UGARF says existing companies that consider in-licensing academic opportunities — research that is often in the concept stage — tend to focus on risk assessment and the pathway to commercialization.

“Most inventions arising from university research are early stage and, thus carry a high level of risk and uncertainty,” Eberhart says. “Most academic labs are not set up to perform the extensive proof-of-concept experiments that many companies would prefer to see before licensing a technology. Sometimes, a startup company is a necessary step in the commercialization process.”

Today, both Eberhart and Ritchie say that Molecular Therapeutics is starting to get some traction with nine independent sales representatives under a national sales director who are introducing more health care providers to the company’s Silvion and Silvaklenz products. “We’re making headway — one doctor, one patient at a time,” says Ritchie. “We’re OK with this approach because we’re helping patients who can really benefit from these products.”

People Are the Real Beneficiaries

Even though Ritchie says he didn’t start out with entrepreneurship as a goal, he says he is “honored” to have worked with colleagues who started with a problem, developed a viable solution and now sees better quality-of-life prospects for people suffering from burn wounds, neuropathic ulcers, pressure sores, venous stasis ulcers, diabetic ulcers and even acne.

“I look at this as a blessing because we’re in touch with the user base,” says Ritchie, who sees merit in building connections between caregivers and the patients, such as those that exist between the young girl in Haiti and about a dozen patients under Director of Nursing Howarth’s care at Medside Healthcare.

“One of our patients suffering from cellulitis (a noncontagious spreading bacterial skin infection) was looking at having his legs amputated,” Howarth relates. “I’ll admit I was skeptical, but we used the topical applications on Day One. On Day Four, we took the bandages off and his toes were no longer black and he was pain free.

“We had been treating him for three months with traditional methods and little progress. Imagine, in four days seeing measurable progress. It was out of this world. It was so Star Trek.”


This story was originally published in 2011.

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Promising Proteases Have Potential to Reverse Incurable Kidney Disease

Tufts Medical Center
Tufts University

Promising Proteases Have Potential to Reverse Incurable Kidney Disease

As diseases go, IgA nephropathy (IgAN) has a low profile among Americans. A disorder that can lead to total kidney failure, it is present in the United States, but it is much more prevalent in Asia. Often, it is not recognized until it is far along.

“Several factors make this illness fly under the radar in the Western world,” says Andrew G. Plaut, M.D., a professor of medicine at Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston. “It’s not common in the West, it has a very slow progression and it requires a kidney biopsy for diagnosis — a procedure many clinicians are reluctant to order because effective treatment is not available.

“The illness is common in Japan, which screens children for IgAN rigorously. It’s estimated that more than 1 percent of the population in China is afflicted with it. Singapore and South Korea have similar numbers, and it’s probably abundant in India. It’s a serious problem but there really are no effective treatments and no cures.”

That, hopefully, will change as a result of work done by Plaut and Jiazhou Qiu, M.D., at Tufts Medical Center, where they’ve pioneered techniques of using proteases — enzymes whose many functions include roles in immunity — to eliminate IgA1 protein from kidneys and clear the disease. Patented by Tufts Medical Center in 2003, development of the technology is in the preclinical stage by IGAN Biosciences Inc., a Boston-based company founded by Plaut and Qiu, and by BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc. in Novato, Calif.

IgA Nephropathy

IgAN develops when immunoglobulin A(IgA1) proteins in the blood accumulate in an affected kidney’s million glomeruli — the tiny capillaries that filter wastes from the bloodstream. As these deposits build up over time, the glomeruli become inflamed and damaged, slowly losing function and eventually closing down altogether. Treatment has generally been focused on drugs that limit inflammation, but, at best, they only slow the loss of kidney function.

IgA is one of five major types of antibodies — gamma globulin proteins found in bodily fluids — that play important roles in fighting off pathogens. IgA1, present in the blood of all healthy persons, is the version of IgA that causes IgAN.

“In patients with IgAN, the protein is already a bit larger than normal as it circulates in the plasma,” Plaut notes.

“It also has a tendency to aggregate into small clumps. And it looks like an abnormal protein to the immune system, which binds antibodies to it — making it even bigger. As it passes through the glomeruli, it settles, building up and degrading the kidney’s ability to function.”

Numbers of patients with IgAN are hard to pin down, since the only definite numbers apply to the 40 percent of IgAN sufferers who have progressed to end stage renal failure. An IGAN Biosciences analysis suggests as many as 125,000 cases of IgAN in the United States and, because of large Asian populations, as many as 2 million worldwide. Regardless, IgAN is considered to be the most common cause of glomerulonephritis worldwide, and one of the leading causes of kidney failure.

It’s not even clear what causes the disease. There appears to be a genetic factor that groups it in families, and perhaps among populations, but it isn’t understood. The incidence of IgAN is low among Africans and high among members of the Zuni Indian tribe in the American Southwest. Asian countries like Japan and China may report higher levels because they are more likely to screen for it.

“It’s most likely underdiagnosed,” Plaut says, “because biopsying someone’s kidney to prove a diagnosis is pretty invasive — it requires a long needle, some pain and potential risk. And since there aren’t any cures, diagnosing it may be a Pyrrhic victory.”

The Protease Approach

Working with bacteria in the 1970s, Plaut realized that an IgA protease produced by a bacterium called Haemophilus influenza — already known to help bacteria avoid immune attack by IgA antibodies — could be used to clear IgA1 proteins. Proteases are proteolytic enzymes found in living organisms — they have the ability to cut proteins. Hundreds of types are known, ranging from papain, the agent in meat tenderizer, to the virus protease targeted in HIV therapy.

“We studied the unique IgA proteases for a long time,” Plaut notes. “In the 1980s we began to gain insight as to how these enzymes could be used to cut the human IgA1 molecule. It’s effective for bacteria because it cuts IgA antibody in half, making it useless. And the only thing that it cuts is IgA1. This makes it very useful for our treatment plan.”

Understanding the concept of cutting a protein is different from having a protease that can clear it from a kidney. One question was whether IgA1 in the kidney is permanently attached to the glomeruli. The answer turned out to be no. While recurrences develop in IgAN patients who receive transplants of non-IgAN kidneys, in cases where non-IgAN patients (mistakenly) receive IgAN kidneys, the IgA proteins disappear from the kidneys within weeks.

The next question was how much enzyme was needed. The answer was a lot. Qiu, who began working with Plaut as a member of the scientific staff in 1987, first focused on growing the bacteria and identifying interactions between the enzyme and human IgA1.

“During the 1990s,” he notes, “I worked on purifying the enzyme. It was difficult to get the high levels needed for animal studies.”

Working with a Case Western Reserve University team headed by Michael E. Lamm, M.D., and Steven Emancipator, M.D., Plaut and Qiu conducted animal tests in 2004. They demonstrated that the protease efficiently removed some 85 percent of human IgA1 they had deposited into the kidneys of mice. The group published the results in the American Journal of Pathology in January 2008.

Seeking a Partner

While Plaut’s and Qiu’s initial research was supported by National Institutes of Health grants, it became clear early on that developing the protease concept further would require additional, outside funding.

“Andrew and Jiazhou disclosed their invention to us in 2003,” notes Nina Green, director of the Office for Technology Licensing and Industry Collaboration at Tufts Medical Center. “We filed a patent and immediately began seeking a corporate partner to work with us.

“Andrew felt very passionate about this work. Progress was slow. Some companies said it was too early in the development process, and Andrew and Jiazhou decided to start their own company.” They secured private funding from a senior portfolio manager at Boston-based Ironwood Investment Management.

IGAN Biosciences was founded in 2005, with Plaut serving as chief medical officer and Qiu as chief scientific officer. Tufts executed an exclusive license with the company in 2007. That same year, IGAN began collaboration with BioMarin in California.

“Preclinical work is something BioMarin is good at,” Qiu says. “They’re doing the animal testing, developing techniques for producing the protease in large amounts, everything needed to take the product to the Food and Drug Administration to apply for clinical trials.” It’s a three-party agreement between Tufts Medical Center, IGAN and BioMarin.

While BioMarin is working with the original protease version, Plaut and Qiu have moved on to a second generation, filing a patent in 2009 to modify the protein to make it smaller.

“Todd Holyoak, Ph.D., a colleague at the University of Kansas, worked with us to develop an image — a crystal structure — of the protein so that we can understand how it’s shaped,” Plaut notes. “If we want to make changes, knowing the structure can tell us where the changes would be tolerated. I’m prepared to see obstacles rise up, but everything we’ve seen in the animal studies is favorable.

“As many as 40 percent of IgAN patients go on to experience complete kidney failure and the need for renal dialysis or a kidney transplant. This is a disease that severely impacts people’s lives. It can kill them. We have a chance to eliminate it.”



This story was originally published in 2010.

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TIny Devices that Protect, Entertain and Simplify

Cornell Center for Technology Enterprise and Commercialization
Cornell University

TIny Devices that Protect, Entertain and Simplify

Have you ever heard of accident victims in isolated areas being quickly rescued?

In situations like these, people owe a debt of gratitude to researchers at Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y. That’s because they helped develop the tiny microelectromechanical motion sensors that play a critical role in locating victims and deploying assistance, or protecting data on hard drives that may be lost due to a hard jolt or a fall.

Microelectromechanical systems, or MEMS, technology isn’t an easy concept to grasp. Fortunately, though, MEMS technology exists and it factors into many devices that we rely on every day. From lifesaving GPS assistance, to tilt-sensing game controllers and cell phones with gesture recognition, MEMS inertial sensors are the enabling component. The ability of such devices to detect motion and translate that motion into an electrical signal that ultimately protects a hard drive and the data it contains is attributable to MEMS technology. One thriving company called Kionix, Inc., located in Ithaca, N.Y., is taking that technology to new levels.

Kionix is recognized as a global leader in the design, engineering, and manufacture of high-performance, silicon-micromachined MEMS sensors. These tiny sensors are equipped to measure acceleration, rotation and free-fall. With the use of fabrication equipment standard to the semiconductor industry, the company constructs three-dimensional, moving silicon structures on the scale of modern microelectronics.

Inertial-sensor innovations developed by Kionix are used today in a wide range of applications including hard disk drive protection, computer and video gaming, personal navigation, sports diagnostics and health monitoring systems.

From Laboratory Inventions to a Vision for a Company

The work of Cornell University engineering professor Noel MacDonald, Ph.D., was especially significant in the development of MEMS technology. A leading researcher in the field of semiconductor fabrication, MacDonald pioneered the concept of using semiconductor manufacturing techniques, specifically reactive ion etching, to manufacture very small electromechanical devices in single crystal silicon wafers. Although prolific in the number of inventions he designed while at Cornell, MacDonald already had ample experience in commercializing his technologies and preferred to pursue teaching and academic research.

Many of MacDonald’s inventions and designs did, however, land on the desk of licensing managers at Cornell’s office of patents and licensing. Richard Cahoon, now director of the Cornell Center for Technology, Enterprise and Commercialization, was a manager at that time and recalls being intrigued by MacDonald’s entire technology platform.

“His underlying invention involved the ability to do a certain kind of deep etching in single-crystal silicon. I realized this represented a fundamental breakthrough, and although a basic idea, it demonstrated a very powerful tool,” says Cahoon. “We were looking at methods and devices that would be useful and relatively inexpensive for sensing and actuating. I began to create a vision around the platform of this technology and considered the business possibilities that could jump off from this platform.”

Cahoon was willing to take the lead in creating a company and packaging its property portfolio to make it compelling enough to recruit investors, management and partners. Yet, he needed to find others with the background and the desire to start a company. He realized that this called for some innovative collaboration among knowledgeable colleagues.

What resulted was a “protoboard,” or a mix of business, technology, and not-for-profit people, and even some ambitious engineering students from MacDonald’s lab. The group was united by their experience in the worlds of technology and business. Cahoon recalls how they all brought to the table some key solutions for laying the groundwork of what would eventually become Kionix.

Yet they still needed to identify the right CEO for the company, a born leader who would be energized by the challenge. Greg Galvin, Ph.D., fi t the bill. After earning his doctorate in materials science, as well as an M.B.A. from Cornell University, Galvin served for more than five years as deputy director of the Cornell Nanofabrication Facility. He also worked as director of Corporate Research Relations at Cornell, an experience that undoubtedly served him well as president and CEO of Kionix.

Galvin took a sizeable risk in starting the company in 1993, according to Jeanette Shady, director of external communications for Kionix. Along with co-founder Timothy Davis, Ph.D., who now serves as executive vice president and chief technical officer, they initially funded the venture with a modest $25,000 in personal financing and investments from family and friends. The two also faced the challenge of being located in upstate New York, a region relatively isolated from mainstream venture capital.

Until Kionix completed its first silicon wafer fabrication facility five years later, it continued to rely on Cornell’s infrastructure and rented use of the Cornell Nanofabrication Facility. It wasn’t until late in 1998 that the company had its own fabrication facility, built from the ground up, located in the Cornell Business and Technology Park. In 2001 a new production facility was built to support Kionix’s production requirements, which now stand at more than 40 million MEMS inertial sensors per year and are growing rapidly.

Galvin’s appreciation of the Cornell Nanofabrication Facility and the seminal MEMS research pioneered by MacDonald still runs deep. He says it was one of the key ingredients of the overall collaborative effort that eventually yielded the birth of Kionix. “If it wasn’t for MacDonald’s background and the research capabilities available here at Cornell, the creation of Kionix probably would not have happened,” says Galvin.

A Plethora of Intellectual Property

As Kionix technologies took off, so too did the intellectual property coming out of Cornell University. The company secured its first license for its plasma micromachining technology in 1994, and the original license granted through Cornell was amended to allow for the incorporation of new discoveries into the company’s portfolio. Scott Macfarlane, a senior licensing manager with the Cornell Center for Technology Enterprise and Commercialization, serves as liaison between Kionix and Cornell and says that more than 200 patents now protect Kionix products and manufacturing processes.

The industrious company has realized many successes since its founding, including acquisition by Calient Networks of San Jose, Calif., in 2000. Given Calient’s focus on fiber-optic systems, the company was eager to acquire Kionix’s optical business, specifically its MEMS micro-mirror array technology. Prior to the transaction, a new Kionix was spun off to investors to pursue inertial sensor and microfluidic business opportunities. As Galvin points out, in the end each company was able to focus on related, yet different, MEMS applications, and Kionix shareholders benefitted by the acquisition.

Almost 15 years ago when Galvin accepted the challenge of leading a new company, he couldn’t possibly have predicted the technological explosion that would fuel the demand for MEMS products. By 2006, Kionix achieved annual sales of greater than $10 million with a compounded annual growth rate in excess of 100 percent. Continued and rapid growth is expected over the next several years as advances in technology and demand for inertial sensors continues to rise.

Kionix now employs more than 100 people and remains a privately held company with shareholders that include both individuals and organizations. Having come a long way from the initial $25,000 investment by friends and family, Kionix has to date raised more than $70 million from both individuals and institutional investors. A close collaboration with the Ithaca based Cayuga Venture Fund has helped mitigate the difficulty of raising capital far from the traditional centers of venture investors.

Collaborations have played and will continue to play a significant role in the success of Kionix. Galvin places great importance on customer collaborations and the unparalleled customer service provided by his company. “The company’s global sales team does more than insure sales success,” he says. “Each operation is supported with a technical expert who can respond rapidly to questions and work in tandem on new applications.” According to Galvin, this capability propelled Kionix to its leadership position in the markets it serves. As for the teamwork among researchers at Cornell that ultimately led to the creation of Kionix, they continue to spark new partnerships. Today, Kionix is involved in new collaborations with researchers at Cornell, and other related parties, in completely new areas of technology. Galvin is confident such relationships will lead to a new company and another great success. 


This story was originally published in 2008.

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Unique Microbe Killer Could Transform Animal and Human Health

Brigham Young University

Unique Microbe Killer Could Transform Animal and Human Health

Thanks to an unlikely pairing of horse breeders and chemists at Brigham Young University (BYU), a new antimicrobial therapy is delivering dramatic results to animals plagued by persistent bacterial infections. The technology, which is also being tested for human pharmaceutical and medical applications, may be an answer to the growing problem of antimicrobial-resistant (AMR) infections.

Too Much of a Good Thing

The introduction of antimicrobial drugs in the early 20th century was a major milestone in the practice of modern medicine. Penicillin and other antibiotics conquered countless bacterial enemies, including pneumonia and tuberculosis, dramatically reducing the death toll from infectious diseases.

But the overuse or misuse of antimicrobials has enabled bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites to adapt and become antimicrobial-resistant. As a result, diseases and infections once eradicated with antibiotics are becoming difficult or impossible to treat, posing a worldwide threat to both animal and human health. The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that the 21st century may bring a post-antibiotic era in which common infections and minor injuries can kill.

Scientists, including BYU’s Paul Savage, have been feverishly studying the mechanisms of bacterial growth and resistance, looking for new ways to combat AMR. After taking graduate-level classes in microbiology, Savage became interested in the immune system’s first line of defense — antimicrobial peptides or AMPs.

“The National Institutes of Health offered biotech training when I was a Ph.D. student in organic chemistry,” says Savage, a professor of chemistry and biochemistry. “I was exposed to bacterial processes that I began to understand at a chemical level.”

Searching for Ways to Combat AMR

AMPs consist of a short chain of amino acids capable of destroying the structure of the membranes of invading microbes, leading to cell death.

“AMPs have been present for hundreds of millions of years and are everywhere in the natural world,” says Savage. “AMPs have been found in practically everything studied, including humans, animals, fish, insects and plants.”

In humans, AMPs are deployed at the earliest stages of infection and play a key role in innate immunity.

“AMPs are essential for human health,” explains Savage. “A deficiency in AMPs on the skin is associated with atopic dermatitis infections.”

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg, according to Savage. In the absence of AMPs, periodontal disease and blood stream and urinary tract infections can run rampant.

Savage knew that the clinical use of naturally occurring AMPs to treat bacterial infections, called peptide therapy, was hampered by several problems, including high production costs and instability. AMPs also have their own enemies — including enzymes produced by bacteria and the human body that are able to bind to and destroy peptides.

“Bacteria can release enzymes that breakdown AMPs, and we have proteases in the mouth that chew up AMPs,” says Savage. “It’s chemical warfare." 

Mimicking Naturally Occurring Peptides

Savage and his team of graduate and postdoctoral students set out to develop a nonpeptide mimic of AMPs in the hope of avoiding the problems associated with peptide therapeutics.

He theorized that synthetic mimics of AMPs would be far less costly to prepare on a large scale and more easily controlled than natural AMPs. He also suspected that a nonpeptide mimic of the AMP would not be susceptible to the proteases that destroy AMPs.

Using a common bile acid produced by the gallbladder as a scaffolding, the researchers added amino acids and other chemical groups to create a new chemical compound.

“We looked at the shapes of AMPs and used the tools of synthetic and organic chemistry to identify what small molecules reproduced that shape,” explains Savage.

A New Antimicrobial

To understand the structural features required for antibacterial activity, the team prepared hundreds of such compounds over years, ultimately identifying a new class of antimicrobial agent called the cationic selective antimicrobial (CSA) or ceragenin that was highly active against invading microbes.

The researchers found that like AMPs, the positively charged CSAs were attracted to the negatively charged cell membranes of viruses, fungi and bacteria.

“With the CSAs, we see the same mechanisms of action as with the AMPs,” says Savage. “They selectively target bacterial membranes, depolarize and kill.”

Even better, the researchers found that the CSAs had distinct advantages over natural AMPs: As expected, they were far more scalable and less costly to produce. Further research revealed the synthetic compounds were also able to prevent the formation of biofilms — otherwise known as that slimy stuff that grows on the side of the water bowl.

Fighting Communities of Bacteria

“Bacteria grow in their own communities, creating biofilms that are not very susceptible to antibiotics,” says Savage. “Our arsenal of antibiotics that works on biofilms is near zero.”

Biofilms can grow on catheters and tubing used to deliver oxygen and fluids to patients — and even on medical devices implanted in patients, such as artificial hips.

“Persistent infections, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa (a common bacteriumin the lungs of cystic fibrosis patients), contain biofilms and are almost impossible to eradicate,” he says.

With the help of BYU’s Technology Transfer Office, the family of CSA compounds (which numbers in the hundreds) was patented in 1997. Today, there are a total of 35 patents related to the technology in the United States and 16 countries abroad.

“Dr. Savage is top-notch, he could be at any research university in the U.S., but he’s chosen to be at BYU,” says G. Michael Alder, director of technology transfer at BYU.

“He and other chemistry faculty love the working environment [at BYU] and are bringing us great new inventions.”

A Broad-Spectrum Antibacterial

With help from other academic and commercial laboratories, Savage determined that the family of CSA compounds displays a broad spectrum of antibacterial activity, including against gram-positive, gram-negative and drug-resistant bacteria. Some 48 peer-reviewed articles have been published confirming the efficacy of the antimicrobial, which can be formulated and added to topical creams and gels, encapsulated and swallowed, or used as a coating.

“I’m excited that we can move forward with confidence, knowing we have the data that shows good efficacy, no toxicity, and strong upsides with few downsides,” says Savage.

After the first company to license the technology in 2006 went bankrupt, BYU found a second licensee in 2010 — a company called N8 Medical — for the rights to human and pharmaceutical applications. A second company, Diamond Fork, licensed the family of CSA compounds for use in the animal industry, which is how horse breeders Lance Robinson and Chad Beus were introduced to the technology.    

In 2011, Robinson and Beus had a bacterial infection in their barn when they were approached by Diamond Fork to try a spray containing the CSA compound. They were losing foals — a costly problem for the breeders, who command as much as $1 million for a full-grown thoroughbred or quarter horse.

“We did a trial, spraying the barn, mares and foals every other week and all of our foals got well,” says Robinson.

From Horse Breeding to Biopharmaceuticals

The breeders were so impressed with the results they formed a company called CSA BioTech two months later and bought into the Diamond Fork business. But they quickly decided to buy out the company, gaining all animal and disinfectant rights to the CSAs.

“Because of the success Chad and I have had in the horse industry, we’ve always had people asking us to test products and this is the only thing we’ve ever used that worked like this,” says Robinson. “We knew this was something special, a game changer.”

In 2013, N8 Medical sold the majority of its rights for pharmaceutical and human applications to CSA Biotech, retaining a few shared pharmaceutical applications with CSA and applications for medical devices.Today, N8 is focusing on its work on developing both its medical device coating, as well as treating cystic fibrosis with CSA therapy.

CSA BioTech

With the help of a group of investors, Robinson, Beus and a third managing director, Mike Moore, are working on taking CSA Biotech in several directions. Through the subsidiary company BioCare Animal Products, they are selling topical, wash and spray treatments for cats, dogs and horses. The retail products, sold under the brand name Purishield, are available both online and at retail outlets throughout the country. A second subsidiary, Ceragyn, sells veterinary-grade formulations of the antimicrobial.

“Our Purishield wound spray has done well,” says Robinson.“[At Ceragyn], our No. 1 product is a uterine lavage (in which the uterine cavity is irrigated with the therapeutic solution) to address reproductive problems in equines, treating mares that have chronic infections in the uterus.”

Meanwhile, the company is making progress on human preclinical studies of the antimicrobial to treat chronic wounds, such as diabetic foot and venous leg ulcers and herpes. CSA BioTech is also capitalizing on the selectivity of the ceragenins by testing their ability to destroy several types of cancer, including breast (through an intravenous injection), skin (a topical treatment) and bladder (delivered as a lavage).

 “The ceragenin technology is selective, it does not attack healthy cells,” says Robinson.

With just eight employees, the Utah-based CSA BioTech relies heavily on contracted labor, which has been key to the company’s success, according to Robinson. The company, which works with  researchers in the United States and abroad, has a close relationship with the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Robinson said human applications are mostly likely to become available first in Latin America and the European Union, followed by the United States.

“I never would have guessed this is where I’d end up,” says Robinson, who now devotes 90 percent of his time to the new businesses. “Dr. Savage has created something unique. This was completely outside our area of expertise, but we knew this was something special, [worth a] complete change of business and life.”



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Dental Carrier Device Makes Advancements In Oral Health

Louisiana State University Hlth Sciences Ctr

Dental Carrier Device Makes Advancements In Oral Health

Patients may not know it, but they and their dentists are benefiting from a dental carrier device invented by Ron Lemon D.M.D., and Raymond Luebke, D.D.S., at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center in New Orleans.

A new generation of filling material called mineral trioxide aggregate or MTA, was developed to be more biocompatible for dental patients.

There was, however, no efficient way to manipulate, deliver, and place this new material, which required very different handling from the previous generation of dental material. The slurry MTA substance was clogging traditional tools, maddening dentists and failing to create proper seals in patients’ mouths. Poor seals can lead to bacterial leakage, recurrent decay, and tooth hypersensitivity — all bad news for the patient.

Dr. Lemon and Dr. Luebke invented and funded the development of the initial prototype devices that could handle this revolutionary new dental material. With the carrier technology reduced to practice, it was greeted with great acclaim in the dental world and was quickly commercialized. An exclusive license was granted to DENTSPLY International in 2001.

Dentists now have access to technology that allows maximum use of the new generation of filling material and patients can be more confident that their current dental procedures will not be the cause of even more dental work.


This story was originally published in 2007.

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MobiliT Rover Converts Wheelchairs to All-Terrain Vehicles

University of South Florida

MobiliT Rover Converts Wheelchairs to All-Terrain Vehicles

Sometimes the best inventions are inspired by the closest pain. In a senior projects class at the University of South.Florida (USF) in 2005, Travis Watkins listened to his professor suggest potential devices for individuals struggling with disabilities. Watkins was one of many mechanical engineering students required to design a device that showcased their education. The professor’s menu of projects was intended to guide them to build devices with direct and immediate real life applications.

“I had someone else in mind,” says Watkins. “If I was going to build something for a disabled person, it wasn’t going to be for some stranger. It was going to be for my father.”

Inventing for the Individual

Watkins’ father had once been very physically active. He enjoyed tennis, boating, rock climbing, skiing and exploring among other highly physical activities. “He wasn’t one to sit around and go down the common path or follow the person in front of him,” says Watkins. “He was a trailblazer and flaunted his freedom and independence in the face of those who forgot that anything is possible.”

That came to an end when Lou Gehrig’s disease (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) weakened and then destroyed the motor neurons that operated his father’s muscles.

“I thought about how now he couldn’t go anywhere that wasn’t paved and smooth due to the poor capabilities of his top-of-the-line wheelchair,” explains Watkins. “I thought how difficult this must be for him, to be confined to a road that someone else paved going somewhere where nothing exciting or really interesting is likely to take place.”

Watkins says images of machines, power transmission methods, capabilities and limitations started flashing through his head. “I instantly analyzed and either accepted or rejected each idea,” he says. “I thought of hundreds of different ways of giving my father his freedom back but only one that could feasibly work.”

Designing a Destination Vehicle

With that one idea in his head, Watkins joined fellow students Robert Burn and John Hopkins to form a research team. Burn and Hopkins left Watkins to design his dream machine while they worked on the research documentation and verifications. Soon, they had a working prototype.

The resulting rover device is an attachment for an electric wheelchair. A disabled person simply drives his or her electric wheelchair on top of the rover via an integrated ramp. Once positioned on top of the rover, the electric wheelchair automatically and securely locks into place.

Once secured, each of the wheelchair’s drive wheels is positioned on top of and in between two rollers. When the electric wheelchair’s wheel rotates, it turns the rollers. These rollers turn a shaft with a sprocket attached at the end. In addition, the rover has huge extreme off-road capable wheels on axles with sprockets.

A chain links the roller sprocket to the wheel sprocket so that when the wheelchair operator activates the wheelchair, the wheelchair wheels turn the rollers. Those turn the sprocket, which rotates the chain, which turns the extreme off-road wheels.

“Basically, when the wheelchair is locked in place on the rover, the wheelchair’s controls now control the entire rover,” explains Watkins. “One of my main requirements was to use the wheelchair controls to control everything. The rover is so easy to use. Just drive your wheelchair up on it, it automatically locks into place, and you drive the rover away ready to take on any obstacle in your way and go wherever you please, even places you can’t get by foot!”

He called it the ATEWA — All Terrain Electric Wheelchair Attachment. It was later nicknamed the “Tank” for its ability to overcome numerous terrain obstacles. It is now known as the MobiliT Rover.

Carrying the Idea to Market

By any name, the device thrilled disabled users but fell short in attracting commercial interest.

“We require our students to focus their senior design projects on solving real world problems,” says Stephen Sundarrao, associate director of USF’s Center for Rehab Engineering and an instructor in its Department of Mechanical Engineering. “We thought this particular project would appeal to commercial companies, but they were oddly noncommittal.”

Determined to see this invention get to the people who needed it, Valerie McDevitt, assistant vice president of patents and licensing at USF, urged faculty to create a company to commercialize the product.

“It took a fair bit of instigating on our part,” says McDevitt. “But this was one instance where we saw a real benefit to starting a spin-up company, not only because of the rover design, but because there was a considerable pipeline of good ideas coming from this group.”

Using cash provided by angel investors, the faculty started Rehab Ideas in late 2007. “We selected five of the senior projects initially, and one of them was the rover,” explains Sundarrao.

By 2008, Rehab Ideas was selling products. “We worked with Dixie Chopper in Indiana on distribution and manufacturing,” says Sundarrao. “And we have the backing of GE Capital to finance floor plans with dealers.”

Watkins’ father was the first to own a MobiliT Rover, but he isn’t the first to feel the freedom it brings.

“It was the most amazing thing to witness the first person who bought it,” beams McDevitt. “It was a young person who promptly drove all over the lawn laughing. His caregiver and best friend even jumped up and rode on the back.

“It was a touching and exhilarating moment to witness, and it brought home why these projects matter.”


This story was originally published in 2010.

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The MBPS System Protects Soldiers While They Sleep

University of Maine-Orono

The MBPS System Protects Soldiers While They Sleep

American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan are frequently deployed on short missions to remote regions, where it is logistically difficult to provide sandbags and concrete barriers for protection against explosives and missile strikes. To protect these soldiers in their bivouacs, the University of Maine-Orono and the U.S. Army have teamed up to create lightweight, inexpensive ballistic protection that meets the requirements for Forward Operating Base construction.

University of Maine faculty members research staff and students, H. J. Dagher, E. Cassidy, K. Goslin, and L. Parent of the Advanced Engineered Wood Composites Center at the University of Maine-Orono, with the support from the U.S. Army Natick Soldier Research, Development & Engineering Center in Natick, Mass., invented the Modular Ballistic Protection System (MBPS). Over $1.5 million in funding was provided by the U.S. Department of Defense. The technology was developed in 2006-2007, progressing from concept to field demonstration in the Middle East and Southwest Asia in less than 18 months.

The MBPS consists of panels of wood composite (plywood or chipboard) covered in a thermoballistic composite skin, which are mounted inside the soldiers’ tents with an energy-absorbing connection system.

These reinforced wooden shields provide immediate protection for troops at the beginning of deployment before sandbags and concrete barriers arrive. A 20-by-32 foot tent can be up-armored with MBPS in less than one hour. The reinforced plywood can also protect units on the move.

The risk of injury from explosive devices and small-arms fire is greatly reduced in tents that are up-armored with MBPS. Domestic applications include protecting federal and institutional buildings, barracks, and responding to disasters. The University of Maine is currently negotiating several production agreements to further commercialize this protective technology in the private sector.

This story was originally published in 2008.

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Promising Mayo Clinic Technology Joins the Fight Against Breast Cancer

Mayo Clinic

Promising Mayo Clinic Technology Joins the Fight Against Breast Cancer

Most of us know someone who has been affected by breast cancer.

In fact, the American Cancer Society estimates that roughly 1 in 8 woman will have invasive breast cancer at some point in her life, and that approximately 1 in 35 women will die from breast cancer. However, the number of deaths resulting from breast cancer is on the decline, and many people believe this decline is due to earlier detection and better treatment.

A team of researchers at the Mayo Clinic, including Deborah Rhodes, M.D., Michael O’Connor, Ph.D., and Carrie Hruska, Ph.D., has spent the last seven years developing and evaluating ways to improve the detection and monitoring of breast cancer. This research, supported by Mayo Clinic, Gamma Medica Ideas Inc. and the National Institutes of Health, has resulted in technologies exclusively licensed to Gamma Medica Ideas for use in their molecular imaging systems.

This set of intricate algorithms and hardware embedded into the imaging device allows for efficient detection of breast cancer and a drastic reduction in the radiation dosage administered to women during screening procedures.

At times, current mammography technology is unable to detect breast cancer, especially in women with dense breast tissue. The molecular breast imaging algorithms and device hardware technology from Mayo Clinic, coupled with the detector technology at Gamma Medica Ideas, creates a method of diagnosis and monitoring that can overcome the detection problem involved with dense breast tissue. Molecular breast imaging is also less expensive than alternative techniques like contrast enhanced breast MR.

This technology has the potential to improve the quality of life of large numbers of women, provides a less expensive alternative method for detecting breast cancer and offers a more robust detection system. Most importantly, earlier detection and lower doses of radiation make it very appealing to patients and practitioners.

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Linking Mothers

University of Calgary

Linking Mothers
Bringing a new life into the world can be one of life’s most rewarding, fulfilling experiences. But many new moms find themselves struggling with debilitating postpartum depression — a condition affecting up to 10 percent of new mothers, according to the Canadian Psychological Association.

“It’s not  only problematic for the  mother, it’s problematic for their  children who end  up  with cognitive  and language delays,  problems with peer relationships and  struggles in school,” says  Nicole Letourneau,  PhD, a professor at the  University of Calgary’s Faculty of Nursing  and  member of the  Alberta  Children’s Hospital Research Institute.

Having studied the long-term effects of postpartum depression, Dr. Letourneau knew women suffering from the condition were likely to isolate instead of seeking help.  To reach out  to mothers struggling with post- partum depression, Dr. Letourneau developed a program while at the  University  of New Brunswick  called MOMS Link™, adapting material created by Dr. Cindy-Lee Dennis,  a professor at the  University of Toronto and  Canada Research Chair in Perinatal Community Health.

Nearly 9 out 10 mothers successfully overcame postpartum depression after completing the MOMS Link™ program.
Dr. Letourneau initially worked with the New Brunswick non-urgent healthcare call centre, which identified mothers in need. Mothers who rated high on measures for depression were then invited to participate in the program.

“We provided eligible mothers with a peer mentor who had overcome postpartum depression and would speak to the mom for one hour a week for 12 weeks,” said Dr. Letourneau. “At the end of the program, 89 percent of the mothers were no longer depressed.”

After the program’s successful launch in New Brunswick, MOMS Link™ is now positioned to deliver assistance to partner communities across Canada.                                          

This story was originally published in 2015.

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Ophthalmology Software Brings the Promise of New, Non-invasive Diagnostics and Novel Therapies

Medical College of Wisconsin

Ophthalmology Software Brings the Promise of New, Non-invasive Diagnostics and Novel Therapies
Advances in optical imaging technology has allowed detection of not only prevalent eye diseases, such as macular degeneration and glaucoma but newer diagnosis possibilities are on the horizon, such as detecting diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and multiple sclerosis. 

With the advance of technology has come numerous clinical and translational research activities with the promise of new, non-invasive diagnostics and novel therapies, and a vast quantity of optical images.

Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) faculty inventor Dr. Joseph Carroll and his team developed software tools to help manage the images for ophthalmology researchers. With the aid of funding from the NIH, Carroll and his team created a work environment called Mosaic, where users can analyze photoreceptors and study the impact of disease and therapeutics on the photoreceptors, helping to extract more data from the images. 

They also developed Lattice, an online platform to streamline clinical eye research by incorporating electronic medical record keeping, scheduling and team communications, as well as a portal to manage optical images and data.

Beginning in 2018, MCW’s Office of Technology Development (OTD) worked closely with both Carroll and entrepreneur Dr. Eric Buckland to manage the academic and commercial relationship. 

Ultimately, MCW licensed Carroll’s software to Buckland’s new company, Translational Imaging Innovations (TII). Buckland and TII had a vision for an end-to-end suite of products to enable translational researchers to develop better diagnostics and better therapies, with more predictable benefits – faster, at a lower cost, and with less frustration than other software products.

TII’s simplified ocular research platform is a unified suite of applications that addresses the workflow and data management needs of ophthalmology and vision science investigators in a collaborative, secure, environment.

Since licensing, TII has obtained two National institutes of Health direct-to-phase II Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grants and has grown to the point where the Lattice and Mosaic technologies are used to manage more than 80 clinical research projects at MCW and leading ophthalmology research institutions. 
The next phase for TII includes continued growth to support clinical research and gene therapy clinical trials. 

This story was originally published in 2023.

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Of Mice and Women: Chemically Altered Rodents Help Researchers Study Diseases in Postmenopausal Women

University of Arizona

Of Mice and Women: Chemically Altered Rodents Help Researchers Study Diseases in Postmenopausal Women

It took 12 years, an interdisciplinary collaboration between University of Arizona professors from physiology and pharmacology, and the professional nurturing of a post-doctoral fellow to discover a way to cause premature ovarian failure in female mice without surgically removing their ovaries.

What the Physiology Department’s Patricia Hoyer has accomplished, along with post-doc Loretta Mayer, is the creation of a mouse model that can be used to study postmenopausal conditions such as cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, osteoporosis, and a number of other conditions that increase in women after menopause. The research was funded by grants from the National Institutes of Health, March of Dimes and the Arizona Disease Control and Research Commission.

The method developed by Hoyer and her team uses a chemical called 4-vinylcyclohexine diepoxide (VCD), an industrial solvent normally used in the manufacture of tires, plasticizers and insecticides. When administered to a female rat or mouse they found that is destroys oocytes (eggs) in their ovaries.

Furthermore, it is selective for the smallest form of oocyte containing particles, so it does not produce extensive effects within the ovary. By destroying the eggs in the mouse and rat ovaries, VCD accelerates a natural process called “atresia.” As a result, the ovaries become depleted of eggs and the animals go into a state of premature ovarian failure, similar to menopause in women. Hoyer says she and her team determined early on that except for causing ovarian failure, VCD causes no other adverse effect in animals.

Hoyer has moved the discovery beyond the University of Arizona campus through collaborations with La Jolla Institute of Molecular Medicine, Northern Arizona University and the University of California, Davis. The research group disclosed the technology in October 2001. And with help from the university’s Office of Technology Transfer and Arizona’s Technology and Research Initiative Fund have worked to move the Mouseopause™ mouse model into broader availability through patenting and licensing. The VCD mouse model has been used in studying important human diseases and may also be applied to the study of wild animal population control and “neutering” of pets without surgery. These new applications of the technology are being developed in a startup directed by Dr. Mayer at NAU in Flagstaff, Ariz., called Senestech.

Excerpted from University of Arizona’s Report on Research Special Edition – TRIF


This story was originally published in 2007.

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MPEG-2 Technology Sets International Standard for Digital Audio and Video

Columbia University

MPEG-2 Technology Sets International Standard for  Digital Audio and Video

The next time you marvel at the detail on a high-definition TV, consider the fact that some of the key technology that created those sophisticated television signals originated at Columbia University in New York. Dimitris Anastassiou, Ph.D., professor of electrical engineering at Columbia led the team that developed one of the important MPEG-2 algorithms of the early 1990s.

Professor Anastassiou’s groundbreaking research has been incorporated into the international video compression-coding standard.

The MPEG-2 technology (the acronym stands for Motion Picture Expert Group) algorithm, is really a set of mathematical manipulations that send and compress quality video and audio over limited bandwidth channels, and then decompress it for display.

MPEG-2 is now used in countless forms of digital technology including high-definition TV (HDTV), DVD disks, Video on Demand, personal computing, direct satellite TV and digital cable systems.

Columbia was the only academic institution involved in the development of the MPEG-2 technology, but it has spurred a prolific research area. Anastassiou’s pioneering work has led to a patent pool of nearly 800 patents held by 23 companies, representing a market of $700 million of royalty income and a total market in the billions of dollars. As long as consumers continue to demand large TV screens with sharp details, Columbia’s technology will contribute to making this popular pastime a more stimulating experience.


This story was originally published in 2007.

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Super Vision: MRI Scanners Replace the Need for Riskier Surgical Procedures

University of Nottingham

Super Vision: MRI Scanners Replace the Need for Riskier Surgical Procedures

The technique was developed by a number of UK academics during the 1970s and 1980s. In 1976 Peter Mansfield at the University of Nottingham was the first to publish a successful MRI scan of a living human body part — a finger.

Approximately 15,000 MRI scanners are now used in hospitals around the world, replacing the need for riskier surgical and X-ray procedures.

The machines are standard kit for doctors detecting neurological diseases such as stroke, cancer, multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease. Sir Peter was awarded the 2003 Nobel Prize for Medicine (joint with Paul Lauterbur) for his work in developing the concept of MRI and for pioneering ultra-high speed imaging techniques.

During the 1980s John Mallard at the University of Aberdeen took MRI another step forward when he discovered a technique, known as spin-warp imaging, that could produce three-dimensional images unaffected by the movement of patients. MRI scans produce a map of the water content of the parts of the body using magnetic and radio waves. It is based on a phenomenon discovered by scientists in the 1930s, called nuclear magnetic resonance, in which magnetic fields and radio waves cause atoms to give off tiny radio signals. The MRI scanners convert the signals into visual images.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Michigan State University Develops Decontamination Method to Reuse N95s

Michigan State University

Michigan State University Develops Decontamination Method to Reuse N95s
Michigan State University is using specialized equipment to clean and decontaminate used N95 masks to increase their lifespan and curtail their shortage in the fight against coronavirus.

This is especially critical when supplies of N95 respirators are insufficient during the COVID-19 pandemic. MSU has a pending application for an emergency use authorization (EUA) from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for its system.
To create the system, staff at MSU’s Extension Food Processing Innovation Center reviewed scientific literature on coronavirus disinfection and adapted food-processing practices using large-scale commercial ovens.

Staff retooled their equipment to heat the masks in such a way it kills viruses and bacteria. This dry heat process can be replicated in most commercial ovens and allows masks to be disinfected up to 20 times. The masks are then sealed in individual bags and left to further decontaminate for three days before being returned.

MSU Technologies, the technology transfer office at MSU, has assisted the staff involved in this development by working through commercialization hurdles in real-time at the university. MSU has signed on to the AUTM COVID-19 licensing principles and accordingly, drafted an agreement that facilitated the royalty-free sharing of the disinfection technology with all interested parties.

Prior to receiving the emergency use authorization from the FDA, MSU is openly sharing information on the process, to allow others to quickly develop their own and expand the life span of available N95 masks. When MSU’s End User Agreement is completed, the applicant is emailed a packet including general protocol for the system, efficiency measurements, fact sheets, and record keeping forms.

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Veterinary Surgeons Make Suture Training More Like the Real Thing

CSU Ventures Inc

Veterinary Surgeons Make Suture Training More Like the Real Thing

The way doctors in training learn to stitch — or suture — a wound is one of the many contradictions of modern medicine: At many veterinary and medical schools, students still practice suturing techniques on orange peels, pig feet or fabric.

To improve that educational experience, surgeons at the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Science at Colorado State University (CSU) developed a multilayer silicone suture pad that mimics live tissue — and founded a company called SurgiReal to sell the product to medical training programs and their students.

“I think we’re making a difference in turning people out who are better at what they do and giving patients better care,” says inventor Dean Hendrickson, DVM, professor of surgery at CSU. “That makes it all worthwhile.”

Suturing 101

Learning to make an incision and then sewing it up with a needle and suture material are fundamental skills taught to doctors and various healthcare professionals during their training. Students are required to master various suturing techniques including symmetry in the depth and width of each stitch, knot-tying and deep-wound closure.

As SurgiReal began looking for customers outside of veterinary schools, they learned that nurse practitioner and physician assistant students are trained to close superficial wound closures, a task that could be mastered using a three-layer suture pad.

After nearly 15 years training veterinary students, Hendrickson was frustrated by the lack of materials available for students to practice suturing.

“Surgical labs didn’t have what I wanted to teach with,” he says. “We had been working with orange and banana peels and carpet pads, but I wanted something that handled more like a live animal and less like a peel.”

A quick review of the marketplace produced nothing that impressed Hendrickson.

 “I couldn’t believe there wasn’t something out there,” he says. “Even med schools are using products that don’t mimic tissues well.”

“Students learn to suture with rudimentary, crude models,” concurs Steve Foster, director of licensing and business development at CSU Ventures. “Then they go straight to a live animal. There’s no stepping stone.”

Simulating Real Skin

To give students a better alternative, Hendrickson and another well-known animal surgeon at CSU, Fausto Bellezzo, DVM, researched materials and began experimenting with different silicone formulations, pouring the liquid rubber by layers into an 8 ½-by-11-inch mold.

“We ordered different silicones and just worked until we finally got one that felt like skin,” says Hendrickson.

Their first prototype, completed after about six months of trial and error, consisted of five layers of silicone — some embedded with fibers and fabrics — simulating the various layers of tissue in animal and human bodies: the outer epidermis, subcutaneous tissue, external fascia (fibrous connective tissue), muscle and internal fascia. To mimic animal fur or hair, they added a flocked texture to the outer layer.

According to Hendrickson, the suture pad is a better material because it more closely resembles and feels like animal and human tissue.

“Surgical training is muscle memory,” he says. “With the traditional training method, you’re learning and practicing a technique that’s unlike the real thing, which can lead to mistakes and trauma to the skin. Our technique is pretty close to live tissue.”

Like the Real Thing

To make the silicone suture pad even more realistic, Bellezzo and Hendrickson embedded a closed circuit of vessels within the pad that could be connected to an IV bag of artificial blood to simulate the bleeding that occurs when live tissue is cut.

“We had students at CSU give it a try and their eyes got really big when they cut through a vessel and the pad started to bleed,” says Hendrickson. “They don’t have to pretend, it really is bleeding and they have to pay attention to it.”

With the help of Foster and CSU Ventures, two patent applications on the pads were filed in 2010.

“We didn’t know enough to go to the TTO, he had to find us,” says Hendrickson. “We had the classic academician mentality — you research, write it up, give it all away at a conference and move on to the next thing!”

When the surgeons did present their invention at an academic conference, other universities began asking for the suture pads — alerting Foster to a possible commercial opportunity.

“We started sending the pads out under single-use licenses,” he says. “We thought if there are universities out there that want to use them, there must be a market.”

With the help of Foster and an MBA class at CSU, which created a business plan and financials for the startup, Hendrickson and Bellezzo founded SurgiReal in 2011 and licensed the suture pad technology. In late 2012, they set up shop in 2,000 square feet of space in Fort Collins.

“I wish every inventor was as great to work with as they were,” says Foster. “Dean and Fausto were very responsive.”

In early 2013, Mitchel C. Willett was hired as the company’s chief operating officer, joining a full-time production manager and Bellezzo, who works part-time doing research and development.

“As a startup, SurgiReal was great because the product was defined, the IP [intellectual property] was under way and the doctors were available to help,” says Willett.

Stepped Approach to Learning

SurgiReal’s line of suture pads follow a stepped-learning approach, beginning with a translucent suture pad that allows students to evaluate the quality of their stitches.

“I remember practicing suturing on pieces of fabric and then working on live tissue,” says Bellezzo of his own medical training. “It was a very different experience. I wish I would have had a step-by-step process for learning on real tissue versus an artificial process.”

Willett says the company’s suture pads offer several advantages over traditional practice materials, such as pig feet — the use of which is a messy process that requires gown and gloves and lab space.

“The beauty of our product is you can get up to 1,500 practice sutures on one pad versus a pig’s foot, which can only take about 30 stitches total,” says Willett. “The economics are compelling.”

To expand the company’s product line, which currently includes 40 different items, SurgiReal has taken advantage of customer feedback.

Customer Input

“Customers started asking us, ‘Do you sell instruments? How about suture materials?’” says Willett.

Knowing that instructors don’t want students tethered to a laboratory, the company began marketing a portable kit complete with everything a student needs to practice suturing.

“The kit can be taken anywhere, from home to the kitchen table to the library,” adds Foster. “It can be thrown into a backpack and go anywhere for practice time.”

As SurgiReal began looking for customers outside of veterinary schools, they learned that nurse practitioner and physician assistant students are trained to close superficial wound closures, a task that could be mastered using a three-layer suture pad.

“That opened up the three-layer market,” says Willett.

SurgiReal’s offerings also include light and dark skin suture pads, as well as a pad with a mole to allow students to practice punch biopsy techniques — one of the company’s best-selling products.

“Thirty to 40 percent of the time a customer is introduced to our product either at a trade show or by getting a sample, they become a customer,” says Willett.

Increased Revenues

As a result, SurgiReal’s sales of $140,000 in 2013 doubled in 2014 — and in the last six months of 2014 the company was profitable. Royalty fees paid by SurgiReal to CSU have also steadily risen over the past two years, but Foster says the university always knew SurgiReal would be selling to a niche market.

“Our intention was that this could make a difference in training and teaching students to be better at what they do and alleviate the use of animals in teaching surgery, not revenue,” says Foster.

Although the technology transfer process was challenging, Hendrickson and Bellezzo recognize that the company offers the opportunity to help improve educational outcomes and ultimately, patient care.

“I wouldn’t hesitate to do it all again,” says Hendrickson. “Every now and again I go back into the mentality of giving it all away. But then I realize that are 87 programs using our suture pads that wouldn’t have found out about them at an academic meeting. Commercialization is a way to impact more people.”

Adds Bellezzo, “When I came into this I thought we were just going to do something to help students learn. I think that initial focus and the purity of that thought is what has driven us to where we are today. SurgiReal is slowly finding its place in the educational space.”



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MuniRem Makes Contaminated Land and Water Safe for Use

University of Georgia
University of Georgia Research Foundation

MuniRem Makes Contaminated Land and Water Safe for Use

Long after they have served their explosive purpose, the munitions of war continue to damage lives and the environment. Their detonating capacities may be expended in battle or training, but the substances that made them volatile persist, contaminating the soil and ground water with carcinogens and other highly toxic substances.

It is a more complex problem than simple pollution. Many of these materials may also cause hard-to-extinguish fires or leach dangerous chemicals into lakes, streams and aquifers where they are subsequently incorporated into the food chain. Discarded and corroded munitions are found when foundations for new buildings are laid in certain areas. Moreover, munitions dumped at sea are now washing up on the shores of the Great Lakes and the Eastern Seaboard.

“When we hear ‘bombs and ammunition,’ we think of their destructive power in combat,” notes Valentine Nzengung, Ph.D., professor of geology at the University of Georgia (UGA) and president of Planteco Environmental Consultants LLC, based in Athens, Ga.

“Their explosive effect is gone quickly,” he says, “but their residues of nitrates, ammonia, perchlorates, mercury, chromium and other substances linger indefinitely. Munitions residues make soil sterile and unable to support vegetation, water unsafe to drink and streams unable to support healthy aquatic life. They place people at risk for ills like convulsions, central nervous problems, leukemias and other cancers.”

Typically, these problems have been dealt with by hauling away the contaminated soil and treating it as hazardous waste, or, sometimes, by incinerating the soil.

However, Nzengung has developed a different approach involving the use of MuniRem, an environmentally friendly compound that uses chemical processes to facilitate munitions remediation. This compound converts explosives contaminants into “nature-usable” components that are safe when humans are exposed to them. MuniRem is applied much like new seed is sown on cropland — it is broadcast, tilled in and watered.

“Once the chemical action starts,” Nzengung says, “nitrates are degraded and heavy metals are converted into nontoxic metal-sulfides, reducing soil contamination by more than 98 percent within 24 hours. These byproducts are easily metabolized by plants and bacteria and other organisms in the soil. Once treated, land has been planted with grasses and trees for several years, it’s safe for habitation.”

Remediation Missions

With a doctorate in environmental geochemistry, Nzengung has long had a strong focus on contaminant remediation. Nzengung founded Planteco in 2000 and now, with a dozen employees, the company has developed remediation approaches ranging from bacterial treatments that deal with oil sludge to bacterial mats and manmade wetlands that treat contaminated surface water.

Nzengung was studying perchlorate — a compound used in explosives and solid rocket propellants — with funding from the U.S. Air Force when the Department of Defense established the Military Munitions Response Program in the early 2000s to clean up former military sites with contamination problems. Contamination was a long-standing issue for military bases, but once the armed services began closing bases — often for conversion to civilian use — the need to deal with this contamination became more urgent.

Nzengung expanded his focus to general munitions. After initial work with soil samples in his UGA laboratory, he obtained funding from the Georgia Research Alliance through the Georgia BioBusiness Center (the university’s incubator) and, subsequently, the U.S. Army, to further develop and test the technology.

“Valentine holds a number of patents on environmental remediation techniques,” says Gennaro Gama, senior technology manager at the University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc. “He began working on munitions remediation — the technology that became MuniRem — with the belief that contaminated soils could be reclaimed rather than just hauled away.

“For one thing, it’s much less expensive. It opens the door to similar treatment of exhausted farmland — the remediation of nitrates in soil that has been over fertilized. And, most importantly, it makes our world safer for people to live in. It will address environmental contamination caused by wars past, present and future.”

Nzengung worked on the project for several years before bringing a completed prototype to the UGA Research Foundation in early 2007, Gama notes. The group filed the first of two patents in May 2007, licensing the technology exclusively to Planteco.

Confronting Contamination

Residue contamination occurs at every developmental stage and site of a bomb or artillery round’s existence including the land surrounding munitions manufacturing plants, artillery firing ranges and aerial-bombing practice ranges. Although some contamination occurs in actual war zones, the residue levels are most concentrated at plants and practice ranges where the materials are used continuously.

The three main forms of munitions are unexploded ordnance; discarded military munitions; and munitions constituents from stockpiled munitions, former military facilities and manufacturing installations. Some of these are present in land that is now privately owned, while some is public land used for recreation or other purposes.

At rifle ranges, the primary issue is lead contamination from bullets. But at artillery ranges the powder charge bags used in cannons to propel rounds exude mixed residues along the firing lines, and the target areas become residue-contaminated where the rounds detonate during impact. Many sites involve contaminated bodies of water — like artillery ranges on the Chesapeake Bay and Great Lakes, for example — complicating cleanup.

“Beyond the inevitable contamination associated with training,” notes Catherine Knudsen, Planteco’s vice president of federal programs, “the military commonly dealt with excess munitions for years by burying them in the ground or disposing of them in the sea. As these materials corrode, leakage from the stocks into groundwater is a major problem. And once they are there, these pollutants stay in the environment.”

The most common types of highly explosive materials are the familiar TNT (trinitrotoluene), the more recent RDX (royal demolition explosive) and variations like HMX (high melting explosive). RDX is among the most frequently used type of ordnance today, but any munition is likely to consist of a formula combining different substances for desired characteristics. Their manufacture is a complex process of combining, altering, refining and synthesizing a myriad of often-volatile chemicals for desired characteristics — perchlorates, sulfuric and nitric acids, many variations of nitramine compounds, and toluene (the second T in TNT).

“MuniRem utilizes a sulfur-based compound to address explosives and metals,” Nzengung says. “By attacking the nitro groups, our formula reduces them to nitrogen gas or to a low-oxidation state — nitrogen oxide. And it causes sulfide from the reaction of MuniRem to bond to heavy metals that may be present, like chromium and lead, to form a non-soluble metal sulfide — the way iron sulfide can be turned into pyrite, or fool’s gold.”

Other metals normally found as environmental contaminants in military areas include mercury, cadmium, arsenic and depleted uranium, all of which can be passivated by MuniRem and, if needed, extracted from the soil in subsequent processing steps.

On the Ground

Before any treatment is undertaken, the Planteco team takes soil samples for analysis to determine the types and concentrations of contaminations and soil characteristics such as the pH value — necessary information for creating the right mixture of MuniRem chemicals.

For soil remediation, MuniRem is usually applied in granular form, broadcast on the soil and tilled in. If the soil column is deep, an auger with a large-diameter tip may be used to embed it. Then the area is saturated with water to activate the compound.

“You can see the reaction,” Knudsen says. “If you have a high concentration, you can see the soil change color, becoming a dark brown. It becomes warm. If it reacts to certain explosives, it may turn pink.

“We return a day later and take more samples. Our experience is that almost all the chemical action is complete within 24 hours. But we take more samples two weeks later to confirm permanency.”

MuniRem, Knudsen notes, may also be sprayed in liquid form to treat the walls of a contaminated building or injected down a borehole to reach a contaminated groundwater aquifer.

Pilot tests at munitions plant sites in Ohio and Wisconsin — the Department of Defense prefers that specific sites not be identified — demonstrated MuniRem’s effectiveness. At a former plant in Ohio, just under an acre of contaminated land was treated successfully — basically overnight. In Wisconsin, the Planteco team quickly neutralized the explosive material from 10 artillery rounds, demonstrating the procedure for dealing with live munitions recovered intact, whether from in-ground burial or from underwater disposal. The recovered munition is split open with a water jet cutter (no sparks) by explosive ordnance specialists and the volatile materials inside placed in a chemical reactor to neutralize them.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has awarded Planteco multiple contracts for demonstrating the MuniRem technology, and the company is poised to receive a series of remediation contracts from the Department of Defense and military munitions manufacturers.

“It’s very difficult to get a new product like this adopted by large, established contractors,” notes UGA’s Gama. “Progress is being made in demonstrating its capabilities and fostering its implementation.

“As it should be. MuniRem can play a great role in resolving threats to our environment and our health. It’s not just that it makes land safe for habitation by local residents. It’s a key for making groundwater aquifers safe for populations as a whole and for reclaiming the ecosystem.”


This story was originally published in 2010.

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University of Colorado Software Makes Kids Game for Learning

University of Colorado

University of Colorado Software Makes Kids Game for Learning

If you are a parent who is always telling your children to stop playing video games, wait until you hear this.

My Virtual Tutor is an interactive video game available for the handheld Nintendo DS system that makes the process of learning to read fun, affordable and portable. The Foundations to Literacy project, nationally recognized for its innovative and engaging educational approaches, started at the University of Colorado at Boulder after receiving a five year National Science Foundation grant in 2000 and additional funding from the National Institutes of Health, the Coleman Institute for Cognitive Disabilities and the University of Colorado Technology Transfer Office.

According to the National Institute for Literacy (NIL), the period in a child’s life between birth and age 5 is crucial for the development of literacy skills that will influence how the child will perform academically. Young children can be taught to read long before they start kindergarten. The NIL suggests that children be exposed to environments that support literacy skills in a manner that engages them, like songs, games, activities and puzzles.

The foundation of the proprietary software for My Virtual Tutor was developed by a team of 18 researchers at UCB’s Center for Computational Language and Education Research before being licensed to Mentor InterActive Inc. in 2006. Mentor InterActive Inc. added features to the child-friendly product capable of improving the reading comprehension and language skills of young children making it available on the extremely popular Nintendo DS platform.

So before you tell your children to put down the video games and pick up a book, make sure they are not already enriching their academic future by playing My Virtual Tutor on their Nintendo DS. 

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Armed with Robo Rehab, Stroke Patients Gain Mobility and Hope

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Armed with Robo Rehab, Stroke Patients Gain Mobility and Hope

Some robotic devices are designed to give people superhuman powers. Others are made to unleash the power of human potential.

Such is the case with the Myomo e100 NeuroRobotic System, a wearable robotic brace that helps stroke patients recover the use of their arms. While the 1 lb., 11 oz. Myomo system is decidedly more compact — and less complicated — than futuristic exoskeletons that offer super strength and extra protection, this “smart” elbow brace has the potential to help millions of stroke survivors perform the tasks of daily living and reduce one of the nation’s major causes of disability.

The Stroke Effect

According to the American Heart Association, every year in the United States nearly 800,000 people suffer a stroke, a potentially life-threatening event in which the blood supply to the brain is temporarily disrupted. Of those who survive, as many as half experience partial paralysis in one arm — and only one in five regain full use of the limb.

Because brain cells and neurological pathways are damaged by stroke, patients cannot effectively control their weak muscles, resulting in partial paralysis. But new studies reveal that the brain is capable of re-wiring — making new connections in order to complete a desired movement. For new connections to form, brain cells must begin communicating — which is where the Myomo system comes in.

How the Myomo System Works

When patients attempt to move their arms, electrical muscle activity signals are sent from the brain to the arm muscles along the skin’s surface. The Myomo system detects and processes these signals with software and forwards the data to a robotic device that provides just enough assistance to help patients complete the intended movement.

With repeated use over a period of weeks or months, the patient performs simple tasks they would do at home — such as opening a jar, turning on a light switch or carrying a laundry basket — all while wearing the elbow brace. The experience of attempting and then completing the movement — a process completed with the help of a “power assist” from the Myomo device — appears to be the impetus for the brain’s relearning process.

The theory, according to leading stroke rehabilitation expert Joel Stein, M.D., is that, by facilitating patients’ ability to practice tasks repeatedly, new connections are formed in the brain and existing connections are reinforced, resulting in improved ability to move the arm. Results of a pilot study showed that, after six weeks of rehabilitation with the Myomo elbow brace, patients experienced a 23 percent improvement in arm movement.

Myomo’s Inventors

The Myomo NeuroRobotic System was developed by John McBean and Kaila Narendran as part of their graduate studies at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, Mass.

As kids, both McBean and Narendran suffered fractures that required rehabilitation to reawaken atrophied muscles.

Using those experiences as a jumping off point, the two friends applied their knowledge of robotics and a cursory understanding of neurology to create a prototype of the Myomo device.

Early feedback from Stein, professor and chair at the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at New York’s Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, empowered the inventors to push forward with their idea.

“Dr. Stein was convinced that stroke survivors could benefit from the device,” McBean says.

MIT’s Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

Receiving a grant from MIT’s Deshpande Center for Technology Innovation in 2001 put the Myomo invention on the fast track. In addition to providing the inventors with critical funding, the center also supplied valuable support services including a volunteer mentor named Steve Kelly, an entrepreneur with three successful technology startups under his belt.

With guidance from the Desphande Center, Kelly and other mentors, the inventors scored the top prize at the 2004 MIT $50K Entrepreneurship Competition.

“MIT sets a model for commercialization of late-stage research projects and tech transfer,” says Kelly, who eventually became president and CEO of the Boston based Myomo Inc.

The Myomo inventors continued to tap into what Narendran calls MIT’s “entrepreneurial ecosystem,” an array of support services that includes the Venture Mentoring Service and Technology Licensing Office (TLO).

“MIT’s licensing office is viewed as among the best by entrepreneurs because they are straightforward and consistent to negotiate with; you know what the rules of the game will be and they don’t change. They also have a lot of support infrastructure,” says Kelly.

Working with MIT’s TLO, Myomo completed a license agreement in 2006, and, in 2007, the company received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for its robotic elbow brace.

The experience was validating for McBean and Narendran, who, despite their initiative and drive, were surprised by the product’s success.

“As graduate students, we didn’t know a lot about business, but we had this idea and it seemed to us it should work,” says McBean. “We couldn’t believe it when it actually did and no one had done it.”

Myomo Market Potential

Kelly says the market potential for the Myomo NeuroRobotic System is vast.

“Our potential is embarrassingly large,” he says. “There are more than 5 million stroke survivors in the country, and about 3 million of them have some level of arm disability. Personal robotics, like PCs, have portability and multiple uses. We can take the Myomo and drive it across the care continuum from rehab hospitals to home health agencies.”

What’s more, recent studies — as well as clinical experience with the Myomo device — show that patients can improve up to 20 years following a stroke, not just within a six-month window as originally thought.

There are also rehabilitative needs for other joint braces as well as different patient groups, such as those with spinal cord injuries and degenerative diseases, who could benefit from wearable robotic devices.

But Kelly says the company will expand slowly and deliberately to a national footprint.

“We’re eager to get this out to people who need it, but we are conservative about making sure everyone has a positive first experience,” he says.

According to MIT’s James R. Freedman, technology licensing officer, the company’s strategy is a good one.

“Myomo has done a good job of staying focused and on track,” Freedman says. “For startup companies, it can be hard to take a manageable bite and digest it. Myomo has stayed focused on how to bring value back to their investors and what they need to do to create commercial value in the face of market realities.”

Putting Myomo to Work

For now, under Kelly’s leadership, Myomo has established some half-dozen clinical partnerships. Now deployed throughout myriad hospitals, long-term care facilities and home health agencies, the robotic elbow brace is receiving positive reviews.

“Rehabilitation specialists, including both occupational and physical therapists, are all finding the product very useful,” Kelly says. Some therapists have dubbed Myomo therapy “robo rehab,” while others say that seeing hope return to patients’ faces after using the device validates their choice to work in rehabilitation.

“Seeing the reaction on someone’s face when they move their arm for the first time, it’s powerful,” says Kelly. “For people who had a stroke yesterday, they put the brace on and realize all is not lost. For stroke patients who lost use of an arm years ago, it’s powerful to see that limb move again.”

Patient reaction to the Myomo device even inspired the company’s name, according to Narendran. A stroke survivor, surprised by her newfound ability to move her arm after using the device, exclaimed, “It’s my own motion!”

The success has had an equally big impact on its inventors.

“It’s every engineer’s dream to make something that goes on to affect a lot of people in a positive way,” says Narendran. McBean couldn’t agree more. “It’s not hard to drag yourself to work when you know you’re restoring quality of life for people who had otherwise given up hope.”


This story was originally published in 2010.

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U Tennessee’s Essential N95 Mask Technology Protects Billions

U Tennessee’s Essential N95 Mask Technology Protects Billions

Dr. Peter Tsai may not be a household name, but odds are you’ve come face-to-face with his work, particularly during COVID-19.
The University of Tennessee research professor created N95 respirators’ essential technology. They have become vital in protecting frontline workers against COVID-19. The World Health Organization recommends them to protect against SARS, bird and swine flu, in addition to other airborne diseases like COVID-19, and the FDA, CDC, and OSHA also recommend N95s Tsai's technology has also been widely used for over three decades in products such as HVAC filters and medical face masks. An estimated one billion people have used N95s to protect and improve their health.
In 1995, Tsai received five U.S. patents, including one for the corona electrostatic charging of nonwoven fabrics– the key technology in N95s. Tsai's novel method ionizes the neutral air with an electric field, generating ions and electrons which charge the nonwoven fibers through field and induction. This charged nonwoven fabric filters particles in the air ten times more efficiently than uncharged fabrics, without adversely increasing air resistance.


Though the patent for the original N95 filtration technology has expired, Tsai continues to improve the technology. Just last year, he developed a new approach to apply electrostatic charge to fabrics through friction. The resulting nonwoven fabric boasts a filter efficiency 20 times greater than that of untreated fabrics.
In a partnership with the university's tech transfer office, the University of Tennessee Research Foundation (UTRF), that spans more than 25 years, Tsai has 12 U.S. patents and more than 20 commercial license agreements.
With the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, UTRF has played an important role in connecting Tsai and his research to a growing number of facilities around the world; he has shared his expertise with many companies interested in producing the charged nonwoven fabric or in scaling up production.


"Dr. Tsai exemplifies how researchers can have a huge impact on bringing innovative products to market by making and maintaining valuable industry partnerships," said UTRF Vice President Dr. Maha Krishnamurthy. "His dedication to research and passion for the commercialization process have allowed him to partner with a variety of industry experts to respond to the increased demand for PPE (such as N95 respirators) during COVID-19."

This story was originally published in 2020.

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Cleaning up the Environment Faster and More Cost Effectively

Lehigh University

Cleaning up the Environment Faster and More Cost Effectively

Tiny, ultrafine particles of pure iron are making a big difference in aiding environmental cleanup and helping make the world a better place.

This critical progress in environmental restoration is due to technology that was pioneered and invented at Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa. Huge rewards sometimes come in tiny shapes and sizes, and Lehigh Nanotech LLC, which produces the nanoscale particles, is making that happen. It only takes six ounces of the tiny nanomaterials, versus a ton of larger compounds, to make sweeping changes in cleaning up contaminated environments.

This revolutionary breakthrough in nanotechnology is helping clean up hazardous waste sites and toxic industrial sites faster and more economically than ever before.

Throughout the United States numerous industrial sites have toxic contaminants in the soil and groundwater. And while environmental remediation is a logical solution to improving the environment, cleanup is often extremely costly and exceedingly time consuming. It can take many years to transform the environment from a previously unusable site to one that is free of contaminants.

Technology invented at Lehigh University is successfully cleaning up a wide range of soil and groundwater sites with toxic materials, heavy metals, fertilizers and pesticides in about a tenth of the time of typical environmental remediation.

This is how the technology, using nanoparticles comprised of pure iron, works to clean up contaminated sites. The particles are so small they remain suspended in water. When they are injected into contaminated groundwater, the iron reacts with contaminants. Paul Osimo, who has more than 25 years of experience in the environmental field as both a consultant and a client, and serves as vice president of the new company, explains, “The complex molecules of chlorinated hydrocarbons, such as industrial degreasers and chemical solvents are broken apart into simple, non-toxic compounds and the iron combines with oxygen and turns to rust. The quantity of iron injected is relatively small compared to the amount of iron which occurs naturally in soils.”

Since environmental remediation has a history of arduous, expensive cleanup, many cities are not receptive to bringing in new industry. Yatin Karpe, senior manager of technology transfer at Lehigh University says, “Some cities are simply unwilling to welcome new industry into the area due to a history of pollution and the long, expensive road to cleanup when industry leaves. But now Lehigh Nanotech’s products, using technology developed at the university, is changing that direction.”

Environmental remediation is a worldwide issue that will continue to be needed as the world’s population continues to grow and industry expands. World population is expected to increase to approximately 7.2 billion people by 2015, and about 95 percent of that increase is expected to be in developing areas of the world. Additionally, about 70 percent of the world’s industrial wastes in developing countries are discharged into water supplies without treatment, often resulting in pollution.

A Better Way to Clean Up the Environment

Twelve years ago, Wei-xian Zhang, Ph.D., associate professor of civil and environmental engineering at Lehigh, began his research on the use of iron particles for removing hazardous waste contaminants like explosives and highly toxic material from the soil and groundwater. About four years later, he began working with nanoparticles. Ultimately, Zhang successfully developed nanotechnology that uses less energy more efficiently and at a fraction of the cost of expensive pump and treatment procedures to clean up polluted sites.

The Lehigh Nanotech nanoiron, which is composed almost totally of ultrafine iron particles, is injected into the contaminated groundwater area by gravity or through pressure. It remains in the groundwater for long periods of time attacking contaminants like chlorinated hydrocarbons and pesticides.

Zhang’s research regarding contaminated groundwater has been seen as unique in more ways than one and has received support and recognition from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the National Science Foundation and other agencies. Karpe explains that Zhang’s work in the field of nanoparticles is an extraordinary accomplishment. His work has been featured in a wide range of media including academic publications such as Technology Review, Environmental Science and Technology, Chemical and Engineering News, and major newspapers, TV and radio outlets.

“Recently, published reports from the University of Pennsylvania show there are about 120 scientific publications in the field of nanotechnology for every three patents issued, and for about every one product developed,” says Osimo.

Collaboration Leads to a Startup

Lehigh Nanotech hit the ground running, selling products just four months after it was founded in 2006. But the path to success did not occur overnight. A crescendo of collaboration between the university, the private sector and the state preceded its marketplace debut.

Lehigh University’s School of Engineering and Environmental Science had long attracted industry due to its history of innovation. It didn’t take long for industry to react to Zhang’s work with nanoparticles for environmental remediation.

“When we read about professor Zhang’s work in publications, abstracts and conference papers, we made our first contact with the university,” says Osimo. Karpe notes, “Professor Zhang’s research was promoted by two Lehigh University innovation seed grants and a Keystone Innovation Zone (KIZ) grant. The resulting company, Lehigh Nanotech LLC, came about through efforts of the Office of Technology Transfer, was an extensive collaborative venture between the university, the startup company, and the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development that funds KIZ  .”

Lehigh Nanotech also received funds from the Ben Franklin Technology Partners (BFTP), and the Lehigh Valley Economic Development Corporation provided grants to assist production and control procedures.

Osimo says, “A year after professor Zhang and Lehigh University fi led a patent application to protect his technology, we had established a company, licensed the technology from the university and were producing and selling a product.”

Osimo credits the expertise of the Technology Transfer Office at Lehigh University in quickly and successfully negotiating the necessary licensing agreements with the startup company, Lehigh Nanotech LLC.

“Lehigh’s technology transfer office was technically efficient and helped make the process work smoothly,” says Osimo. “Once the company was established, it was a challenging and exciting time. We had several product orders before we even opened our doors. Even as we were getting the electrical system in the production facility completed, orders were coming in!”

A True Success Story

The collaboration has proven to be an enormous success. “The technology that originated with professor Zhang’s research has been successful not only for the university but also for the state of Pennsylvania,” says Thomas Meischeid, director of Research & Sponsored Programs, and interim director for the Office of Technology Transfer at Lehigh University.

No toxic chemicals are used in the production of Lehigh Nanotech’s nanoscale iron products, which have been used for environmental remediation projects by the federal, state and local governments, as well as for projects in the private sector.

The following is an example of how Lehigh Nanotech nanoscale iron products are helping make the world a better place. For several years, the owner of a former industrial manufacturing site in Ohio was paying to operate a pump and treat the system. But when the company’s engineering consultant learned of Lehigh Nanotech’s nanoiron, Lehigh was brought in and was able to achieve complete elimination of the serious contaminant in the groundwater in the treated area in only a few weeks time. Additionally, a full-scale remediation is planned for early 2008.

At another site in New Jersey nanoiron is being used to treat chromium contaminated wastes known as COPR (chrome ore processing residue), which is left over from industrial production in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s.

Nanoiron is being used to stop the leaching of hexavalent chromium from contaminated soils into the groundwater.

Osimo says, “This is breakthrough technology and it affects every consumer. Currently, the technology is being used to treat groundwater where industrial leaks and discharges have contaminated drinking water supplies. At hazardous waste sites, it can take 10 to 20 years to clean up. These small nanoparticles are solving big problems. They allow us to clean up a toxic site in less than a year. This is a huge breakthrough.”

Behind the scenes, Zhang’s technology led to widespread collaboration among the university, companies and Pennsylvania state agencies in order to make Lehigh Nanotech’s products available. The university and affiliated regional organizations such as the Lehigh Valley Small Business Development Corp. and the Ben Franklin Technology Partners were instrumental in getting Lehigh Nanotech in front of the Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and other state and regional agencies who could utilize the technology at sites throughout the state.

And Lehigh Nanotech’s partnership with the university continues to grow stronger and stronger. Since Zhang was well-known regarding his scientific and technical symposiums, Lehigh Nanotech has arranged meetings for a potential client, who was considering various technological approaches to treat contaminated groundwater at industrial sites, to visit the laboratory and meet the professor.

Osimo says, “This dialogue helped Lehigh Nanotech be more responsive to the client, and allowed the client to have a greater confidence that the product would do the job.”

Osimo says, “Moreover, as we continue to look for ways to produce more materials on the nanoscale, we will create products that allow development of more efficient and less expensive solar panels, heat transfer materials, and many other products that reduce energy consumption and improve the environment.”

Undoubtedly for areas in the world where environmental cleanup is not being done because of the high cost and time it takes to treat contaminated sites, Lehigh University’s technology will become even more beneficial.

Meischeid adds, “Lehigh Nanotech’s products manufactured in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, will continue to impact the world environment.” 


This story was originally published in 2008.

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Narrowcasting is the Next Wave of Global Advertising

Narrowcasting is the Next Wave of Global Advertising

Narrowcasting is just the opposite of broadcasting: instead of sending a single message to every possible listener or viewer (whether it is of value to them or not), narrowcasting targets a selected audience, such as customers, and presents them with customized, relevant messages that boost sales and increases cross-selling across multiple areas.

Two researchers at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario —Ed Elliot and Ken Stuart — developed the intelligent narrowcast network in 1998 with initial funding from the university’s office of technology transfer and industry liaison.

This software program, which incorporates a user-friendly web interface, can control thousands of digital screens and enables universal access, multi-level user privileges, precise control of digital media messages, and performance monitoring.

Using special algorithms and high-quality streaming video, the network system incorporates the business’s own unique data such as systems, sales goals, inventory levels, weather conditions, and schedules to inform and influence buyers when they are most likely to spend, at or before the point-of-purchase. Thus a variety of local, national or global marketing messages can be delivered, in real time, to specific departments, aisles, or stores.

EK3 Technologies, a University of Western Ontario spin-off company in London, Ontario, was established to further develop this state-of-the-art narrowcasting and digital signage technology. The company’s core technology, EK3 imPulse™, is used by some of the largest companies in the world across a wide range of industries, including retail, grocery, financial, automotive and advertising.


This story was originally published in 2008.

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Improving Lives: Understanding What It Means to Be Poor

University of Birmingham

Improving Lives: Understanding What It Means to Be Poor

Social scientists in UK universities have produced a series of seminal studies that have improved our understanding of the nature and impact of poverty. The findings have transformed the way that government and charities provide help for the less well-off.

The link between deprivation and ill health has been known for many years, prompting the Victorians to introduce clean water systems and sanitation. But thanks to the work of Thomas McKeown at the University of Birmingham in the 1970s we are now much more aware of all the influences of social conditions on health.

McKeown looked at the number of deaths in England and Wales caused by different diseases from the 19th century until the early 1970s. His statistics revealed a huge impact of factors such as nutrition, water supply, sanitation, food hygiene, smoking, diet and exercise on the health of less well-off communities. The study has led the government to take far more seriously these factors in its efforts to improve the health of people.

During the 1970s Richard Morris Titmuss at the London School of Economics and Political Science meanwhile found that poverty, not family circumstances, were behind the behavioural problems and learning difficulties in children from one-parent families.

In the late 1970s and early 1980s Peter Townsend at the University of Essex, revealed the full reality of social inequalities among different communities. Townsend identified the key groups living in poverty, including: the unemployed, low paid workers, disabled people and the long-term sick, large families, one-parent families, families with children with disabilities, older workers and the elderly. He also showed that the deprived do not only have poorer housing and diets than the better off, but also face more limited lives at work and within the family.

In the 1990s Michael Noble at the University of Oxford produced new official statistics that can more accurately identify those living in disadvantaged communities. The National Index of Multiple Deprivation covers several ‘domains’ of deprivation: income, employment, health, education, housing and access to services. The Index is used to allocate more than £2 billion of Government spending every year in the UK.

© 2006 EurekaUK, Universities UK,


This story was originally published in 2007.

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New Oxide Technology Improves the Efficiency of Semiconductors

University of Illinois, Chicago

New Oxide Technology Improves the Efficiency of Semiconductors

The effectiveness of a semiconductor greatly depends on the chemical properties of its conductive materials — especially for some purposes the purity of the oxide layers grown or deposited on it. Native oxides (those that are formed on the material) tend to be better matched, more stable, and perform better than deposited oxides (which are mechanically applied directly to the chip). Although native-oxide technology already exists for the silicon chip, no such technology has been available until recently for non-siliconbased semiconductors.

Professor Nick Holonyak Jr., Ph.D., and graduate student J.M. Dallesasse of University of Illinois’s electrical and computer engineering department, remedied this problem in 1989–1990 by inventing the process called “Forming a Native Oxide from Aluminum-Bearing Group III-V Semiconductor Material.” Initial funding was supplied by the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Army.

By immersing aluminum-bearing Group III-V semiconductor material in a hot “wet” gaseous environment, a smooth, solid layer of aluminum-bearing native oxide is generated.

As in this case, native oxides are preferred for semiconductors because they are more dense, stable and defect-free compared to deposited oxides.

Optoelectronic and microelectronic devices that utilize native-oxide technology are more efficient, lower cost, and longer-lasting than those that use deposited oxides. Native oxides also improve the performance of lasers and light-emitting diodes (LEDs). This technology has been licensed by the University of Illinois to companies around the world who manufacture electronic products that utilize this unique, advanced material.


This story was originally published in 2007.

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Neoprene: Staying Warm in the Wild and Wooly Outdoors

University of Notre Dame

Neoprene: Staying Warm in the Wild and Wooly Outdoors

Generations of neoprene-clad surfers, scuba divers and anglers have stayed warm in the wild and wooly outdoors because of the work of legendary University of Notre Dame priest-botanist-chemist, Rev. Julius A. Nieuwland, began almost exactly a century ago.

Nieuwland, a Belgian-born organic chemistry professor, obtained several patents for his unique method of making the chemical divinylacetylene — a jelly which firms into an elastic compound similar to rubber when passed over sulfur dichloride — and its polymerization products.

This innovative work led to the creation of synthetic rubber by DuPont, which is used in countless products, ranging from waterfaucet washers, to fuel-pump hoses to the adhesive strips on disposable diapers.

Its insulating properties make it ideal for material such as fishing waders, keeping people warmer as they stand for long periods in often cold streams. Its strength and flexibility has made it a popular material for laptop and iPod cases.

Nieuwland’s work was lucrative for Notre Dame. According to the university, total income from his patents amounted to around $2 million. At its peak in 1944, the royalties his patents brought Notre Dame are estimated to have been able to pay 75 percent of the school’s faculty salaries.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Behavioral Data Transforming Online Industry

University of Arizona

Behavioral Data Transforming Online Industry
The Neuro-ID team takes a break to cool down from the summer heat at Tucson’s Ventana Canyon. Photo credit: Neuro-ID
Neuro-ID sought to bring to the world a powerful new method for understanding online customer behavior. By analyzing how customers navigate and enter information when applying for a loan or buying a product – how customers touch, type, and swipe – its founders discovered that anomalous data entry could suggest possible fraud or poor usability of websites or apps.
“In one of our early projects, we used mouse cursor movements to identify frustrated online shoppers. We had an ‘a-ha‘ moment when we envisioned using mouse cursor tracking and other methods of human-computer interaction such as typing on a keyboard or touching your smartphone as a method for not only assessing frustration but also assessing a person's credibility – and to do this at internet scale,” said co-founder and Management Information Systems (MIS) Professor at the University of Arizona Eller College of Management Joe Valacich.
“Some of our key findings were when we were able to detect things like emotion, decision conflict and hesitation as people are filling out online applications. Neuro-ID is currently processing 100,000 applications every day and we have hundreds of billions of metrics in our database that we draw upon to make decisions,” said co-founder Jeff Jenkins, now a professor at Brigham Young University. 

This new source of rich behavioral data is highly predictive and is helping online businesses scientifically measure and better understand customer intent and emotion. Such insight into the digital customer journey is rapidly transforming many online industries and this patented technology is being used by many of the world’s largest online brands and platforms.

Based on their research, Valacich and his then-Ph.D. student Jenkins worked with Tech Launch Arizona (TLA), the commercialization arm of the UArizona, to protect the intellectual property for the invention and form their new company, which launched in 2015.

“Neuro-ID and our work with Joe and Jeff is really a good example of what TLA can do with our investigators. It spans everything from the very early stages of getting them engaged with the whole commercialization process, with the protection of their ideas, and investing in those ideas to move them forward and get to a point where they get traction out in the market,” said TLA Assistant Vice President Doug Hockstad.

Now, six years later, with a market-leading Behavior-as-a-Service (BaaS) platform and under the passionate leadership of CEO Jack Alton, Neuro-ID is servicing a rapidly growing number of online customers. As of December 2020, the company was facilitating over 500,000 customer interactions a day, and that number continues to climb.

“This all started as a university research project, but we’ve gone far beyond the science,” said Valacich. “We have built a company that helps people gain improved access to financial services. We’re helping organizations make better decisions by lowering risk and uncertainty. In sum, we're helping individuals and businesses work better and smarter together.”

This story was originally published in 2021.

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Surgical Tool Reduces the Effects of Glaucoma

University of California, Irvine (UC Irvine)

Surgical Tool Reduces the Effects of Glaucoma

Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness in the world, according to the World Health Organization. The disease occurs when the clear fluid in the eye does not drain properly through the trabecular meshwork, an area of spongy tissue near the base of the cornea. The poor drainage increases the internal pressure in the eye, which damages the optic nerve and causes progressive, irreversible vision loss over time.

In 2002 George Baerveldt, M.D., a professor at the University of California Irvine’s department of ophthalmology, invented a new surgical tool and method for treating glaucoma. This procedure allows surgeons to remove the clogged tissue, restoring access to the natural drainage pathways in the eye. Funding was provided by NeoMedix through a Small Business Innovation Research Grant from the National Eye Institute of the National Institutes of Health.

This technique is minimally invasive (only one clear corneal incision is required), relatively easy to perform, and can be combined with other surgical procedures, such as cataract removal. Studies have shown a 91 percent success rate in reducing pressure on the optic nerve.

Because of its excellent safety profile in both intra-operative and postoperative settings the Food and Drug Administration approved the procedure for open-angle glaucoma, a common form of the disease.

The technology was patented in 2005 and licensed to California-based NeoMedix, which manufactures and markets the product as Trabectome. The tool and procedure is currently being used in eyecare centers around the United States.

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University of South Florida’s NEWgenerator Provides Safe Sanitation to Remote Locations

University of South Florida

University of South Florida’s NEWgenerator Provides Safe Sanitation to Remote Locations

Hundreds of elementary school students in South Africa lack access to clean water and sanitation due to their remote locations. They rely heavily on dangerous pit and chemical toilets, particularly in areas where water is scarce.  

Now those students and others have a new option for safe sanitation: NEWgenerator, designed and developed by Dr. Daniel Yeh and his team at the University of South Florida (USF). The solar-powered innovation provides off-grid sanitation and generates nutrients, energy and water by safely recovering them from human wastewater. 

NEWgenerator’s unique technology uses microbes to break down waste and is different than typical wastewater treatments because it recoups what other methods cast off. Byproducts such as nitrogen and phosphorus can be harvested as fertilizers, and the clean water can be used for irrigation or other applications.  

The USF invention requires little energy to use and creates an energy source in the form of methane gas. The entire process is net energy positive, which means it generates more energy than it consumes. This innovative technology, which is self-sustaining and operates completely off-grid, is designed to help take the strain off sewage infrastructure and help solve water and sanitation problems worldwide. 

Recognizing the potential impact of this breakthrough technology, the USF Tech Transfer Office (TTO) collaborated with the inventors, lawyers and the university to secure IP protection. To ensure this technology could reach the people who needed it most, the TTO team negotiated non-exclusive license agreements with companies in foreign countries and partnered with organizations like the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.   

After successful testing with electronic toilets in India in 2016, Yeh and his team installed NEWgenerators in Durban, South Africa as part of a $1.14 million grant from the Gates Foundation through its Reinvented Toilet program. NEWgenerators were connected to restroom facilities that include toilets, showers and sinks to recycle water for toilet flushing, cutting down on water demand. They also captured nutrients for fertilizers to help local community gardens, creating a potential food source.  

“As an engineer and an educator, I feel blessed to be in the position to witness our team’s invention make a direct improvement on the lives of the school children,” Yeh said. 

Yeh and his team are in talks with disadvantaged communities throughout the US as well, bringing safe sanitation to challenging rural environments. 

It wasn’t an easy journey for the team, which includes senior development engineer Robert Bair, who’s been working on the project since he was an undergraduate student at USF.  

“It has been an incredible opportunity to have worked on the technology since its inception. Plenty of hours, blood, sweat and tears were necessary to get us to this point. All that effort was worth it, knowing that we are making a positive impact in people’s lives," Bair said.   

Since entering mass production, the NEWgenerator has been modified to reduce costs – utilizing locally made materials and adjusted for local customer requirements.  

The NEWgenerator took home top prize from the Cade Museum in 2014. Other funding awards received include the USF Bull Ring Accelerator Grant (BRAG), NSF I-Corps Team and Florida High Tech Corridor. Yeh’s team was also recognized by the USPTO, winning a 2020 Patents for Humanity Award. 

This story was originally published in 2023.

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Protecting Hearing: Spinout Advances Innovative Noise-Filtering Device

Dartmouth College

Protecting Hearing: Spinout Advances Innovative Noise-Filtering Device

Members of a flight crew work in a dangerous job environment — it’s chaotic and deafening.

Loud jet engines generate noise levels that can exceed an excruciating 130 decibels (dB), a measurement of the loudness or strength of sound vibration. This is well above the 90 dB that may cause vibration intense enough to damage the inner ear and, according to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, the threshold of 100 dB for more than 15 minutes where hearing loss is likely. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) spends more than $1 billion per year for hearing-loss cases.

To survive this job environment, flight crews must keep a constant vigil, wear protective ear plugs or earmuffs, and primarily communicate via hand signals. But what if there was a headset that enabled communication while shielding flight crews from ear-damaging noise?

That’s the challenge from the VA and branches of the military, one willingly picked up by Sound Innovations Inc., a privately held corporation in White River Junction, Vt. Launched in 2004, the spinout from Dartmouth College started with: 

• The desire to develop a noise-filtering device

• A small team of engineering and business graduates and researchers from the private college in Hanover, N.H., whose expertise complemented one another

• $300,000 in early funding from industry and government, including the U.S. Army and the U.S. National Science

Foundation, to advance the academic research, which had been supported by earlier rounds of research funding to Dartmouth from the U.S. Air Force, the VA and the Lemelson Foundation of Portland, Ore.

• A letter of intent from a flexible Dartmouth Technology Transfer Office for an exclusive license with delayed royalties for the faculty-developed innovative digital-signal processing control algorithms

Dartmouth Spinout Delivers First Product

Today, thanks to more than $4 million in development contracts from the U.S. Army and the U.S. Air Force, Sound Innovations has its first product, the ACE — an earplug for aircrew that incorporates an active noise reduction module that protects hearing and improves communication in high-noise environments.

Based on mathematics that  successfully conjoin noise-control algorithms, this highly stable, hybrid system is undergoing qualification testing by the U.S. Air Force with expected market entry in 2010.

“Looking back over the last several years, this has been one of the most exciting things I’ve ever done,” says Dartmouth’s Laura Ray, Ph.D., who worked out the groundbreaking mathematics behind the proprietary algorithms. “I wear many hats now, so it’s very different than my life as a professor, where I do research, publish and find funding.”

The professor in the Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth co-founded Sound Innovations with fellow Professor Robert Collier, Ph.D., who died in 2009 shortly after the earplugs were flight tested at more than a half-dozen air force bases. Together, they were assisted on the project by two former Dartmouth students, David A. Cartes, Ph.D., and Alexander Streeter. Today, Cartes is an assistant professor of mechanical engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, at the Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University–Florida State University’s College of Engineering in Tallahassee, Fla. Streeter is an engineer at DEKA Research and Development Corp. in Manchester, N.H.

Ray recalls how serendipity played a big role in early successful formation of the startup. She and Collier, a retiree who specialized in acoustics, hearing protection and environmental noise control, ran into each other at Thayer where they combined their interests in signal processing and developed their innovative technology. Their efforts to commercialize their discovery really took off when they started working with the Technology Transfer Office staff, which helped them develop a technology disclosure, secure U.S. patent protection and locate funding for their new venture.

“We marketed this technology in the usual way but had little success in attracting interest,” says Glennis Gold, assistant director, Dartmouth Technology Transfer Office. “Then we started recognizing the inventors were enthusiastic about the possibility of starting a company.”

Next, they met someone who helped them solidify their thoughts about founding a company. At the time of the encounter, Chris Pearson, a graduate of the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth with a master’s in business administration, was focused on finding a startup opportunity through the Dartmouth Entrepreneurial Network (DEN). According to Ray, Sound Innovations might never have taken off without Pearson because he brought a business sensibility that complemented the two professors’ academic focus, and this critical contribution has helped the new company avoid a lot of the problems that cause startups to stumble.

“I knew I wanted to start a business so I was working with several teams at DEN,” says Pearson, who is now the chief executive officer at Sound Innovations. “Since I was focused on finding a startup company through DEN, I was introduced to Dr. Ray. We started to work together, built a small team and matured an early stage technology into a product and other technologies.”

Elements of Success

Both Ray and Pearson credit the successes to date to some key elements:

• A common willingness to take risks

• The ability to make the right contacts and attract students/employees at the right time

• An early link they established between the business and scientific side of their endeavor

“Dr. Ray isn’t caught up with control, and I’m willing to spend time on developing a company,” says Pearson. “These key ingredients don’t always come together in an academic spinout company.

“It’s important to remember that commercialization and research are two different worlds. Unless you’ve been involved on the business side of taking a product to market, it can be a difficult process for academic professors to understand.”

But learning about the commercialization process is exactly what Ray finds so interesting — it’s a new level of knowledge that she feels will help make her a more valuable resource to her students at Dartmouth.

“I feel like the many hats that I wear at Sound Innovations keep me connected to the real world,” she says. “For example, it’s been a true learning experience to understand our customers — 17- and 18-year-old soldiers aren’t interested in their hearing when they need to focus on survival. Our challenge has been to find a way to enable them to focus and protect their hearing, all at the same time.”

The Sound Innovations team is well on its way to developing the next generation of aviation communications headsets that rely on their patented digital-signal processing methods for active noise reduction that cancel noise by producing diametrically opposed sounds. They’re also developing proprietary chip and electronic designs and innovative mechanical designs for advanced noise reduction and communication products. These products are expected to improve the work environment of active-duty soldiers and industrial workers by protecting and enhancing their hearing, allowing clear, two-way communication in noisy environments and enabling them to effectively listen to sounds from a distance.

“In the case of Sound Innovations, we were right to support this spinout that needed latitude to build a business and it’s worked out so beautifully,” Gold says. “The inventor was able to pair herself with the right manager and team to help commercialize this licensed Dartmouth technology that shows great promise of benefiting the public, exactly the kind of realization envisioned in the Bayh-Dole Act.”


This story was originally published in 2010.

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Novel Technology for Characterizing Nanoparticle Assemblages

University of California, San Diego (UC San Diego)

Nanoparticles are the most abundant particle-like entities in nature, and commonly associated with many human activities/applications and typically encountered as assemblages of particles of different sizes. Unfortunately, present methods for determining nanoparticle size-distributions are inaccurate for samples of mixed nanoparticles sizes, a problem facing many nanotechnology application areas.

With the widespread use of nanoparticles in industrial processes there is an urgent, yet unmet need, for a routine method to accurately and reproducibly characterize nanoparticle concentration and size distributions.

Scientists and engineers from UC San Diego have developed a new technology to accurately characterize the concentration and sizes of nanoparticle assemblages.

Referred to as the Multi-sizing Apparatus for Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (MANTA), this technology ensures that the concentration and size of nanoparticles can be determined over a broad range of nanoparticle sizes.

Superior to existing commercial technologies, MANTA’s novel approach leverages patent-pending sample illumination and imaging technologies to characterize nanoparticle assemblages in unperturbed samples.

Tests with nanoparticle standards have confirmed that the MANTA technology is poised to advance research in a broad range of health and environmental applications, including the diagnosis of disease and pathological conditions, development of efficient and specific therapies, environmental risk assessment, food safety, and occupational health and safety risk management strategies.

This invention offers a major competitive advantage over existing technologies and should find use in a variety of industrial nanotechnology applications (e.g. production and manufacturing of drugs, cosmetics, pigments, inks, catalysts, and textiles, and also in diagnostics, printing, and milling).

Detailed information about this technology is available under a secrecy agreement.


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New Medications Offer Hope for the Scourge of Malaria

Universisty of Nebraska Medical Center
University of Nebraska Medical Ctr

New Medications Offer Hope for the Scourge of Malaria

The stakes are immense. Worldwide, more than 300 million new cases of malaria are diagnosed each year, and more than 1 million people die from it, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Young children and expectant mothers are especially at risk.

An enormous problem: The parasites that cause malaria have developed resistance to long-effective medications. The best drugs currently available are derived from artemisinin, a Chinese herbal medicine that’s extracted from the bark of sweet wormwood. It’s costly, its supply is limited and it requires frequent doses.

Jonathan Vennerstrom, Ph.D., a professor at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, is hoping to change that by developing a synthetic version of artemisinin, one that can be more effective, easier to administer and manufactured in large quantities at lower cost.

In research supported by a small grant from WHO, Vennerstrom, Yuxiang Dong, Ph.D., and other Nebraska colleagues were able to synthesize a peroxide-based drug that acted like artemisinin by producing a chemical reaction that ultimately leads to the death of the parasite.

Projects of the Year

With promising results, they approached Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV), a nonprofit foundation based in Switzerland. MMV provided funding and formed an international team involving scientists at Nebraska, Monash University in Australia and the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute.

The first drug candidate, OZ277, was declared MMV’s Project of the Year in 2002 and was licensed to Ranbaxy Laboratories in India for development. In 2004, the team published its results in Nature.

Still, team members thought they could do better. For one thing, OZ277 requires three doses over three days.

For reduced costs, improved patient compliance and easier distribution, the researchers envisioned a second generation that could work in one dose.

OZ439, a potential single-dose drug candidate that remains effective for much longer than OZ277, became MMV’s Project of the Year for 2006. The lead innovators include Vennerstrom and Dong at Nebraska; Susan Charman, Ph.D., and Bill Charman, Ph.D., at Monash; Sergio Wittlin, Ph.D., at the Swiss Institute; and Hugues Matile, Ph.D., at Hoffman-La Roche Ltd. The team published its results in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in February 2011.

Vennerstrom tends to be cautious about predicting success. However, OZ277 could be available for use by the end of 2011. The new drug, OZ439, is in Phase IIa trials now in Bangkok and hopefully will be available in several years. 

This story was originally published in 2011.

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NQR Scanner Detects Explosives in Shoes at Airport Security Checkpoints

U.S. Naval Research Laboratory

NQR Scanner Detects Explosives in Shoes at Airport  Security Checkpoints

Taking your shoes off at airport security checkpoints slows down the entire departure process and can be aggravating. Technology originally developed at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, D.C. is being refined to allow for the detection of explosives hidden in shoes as people walk through a scanner, without having to remove them.

The detection of explosives by nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) technology was invented in late 1980s by U.S. Navy researchers Michael Buess, Allan Garroway, and Joel Miller. About $100,000 in funding was provided by the Federal Aviation Administration Technology Center in 1989 to explore explosive detection technology for baggage. The technology was disclosed in 1991.

Explosives generally contain nitrogen, whose common isotope N has specific electronic properties that can be detected with highly sensitive equipment.

Components include a radio frequency power source, a coil to generate a magnetic excitation field, and a detector circuit that is programmed to recognize the specific nitrogen response. The NQR technology can also discern between different kinds of nitrogenrich compounds commonly used in explosives.

In 1995 the NQR technology was licensed to Quantum Magnetics, which was acquired in 2005 by GE Security. The company is continuing to develop and refine the technology for shoe scanning and other airport applications. The military is interested in using the device for detecting hidden explosives such as landmines. There are also nondestructive applications as well, such as analysis of stress and strain in mechanical parts.


This story was originally published in 2008.

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Advanced Plasma Technology Zaps Deadly Microbes

University of Tennessee
University of Tennessee Research Foundation

Advanced Plasma Technology Zaps Deadly Microbes

Though we rarely admit it, human beings live in a kind of organic stew, surrounded virtually everywhere by bacteria, viruses, fungi, endospores and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Most of the time, the presence of our tiny companions is of no particular concern, but there are certain settings — such as in hospitals, hotel rooms and locker rooms — in which a quick and effective means of air purification is not only highly desired but a potential life-saver. Now, thanks to technology that sprang from curiosity about ball lightning at The University of Tennessee (UT), people are able to enjoy healthier, safer, more sanitary environments.

The Genesis of the Idea

In the early 1990s, John Reece Roth and his colleagues Peter Tsai, Chaoya Liu, Mounir Laroussi, Paul Spence and Larry Wadsworth at UT became interested in a natural phenomenon: ball lightning. They wondered: Would it be possible to recreate it in a laboratory?

Ball lightning is atmospheric plasma. Plasma is an energized gas, the fourth state of matter (the first three are solid, liquid and gas) and the most abundant form of matter in the universe. For years researchers had experimented with plasmas in the laboratory, but most of these experiments required the use of vacuum chambers and exotic gases. At the time the UT researchers turned their eyes toward ball lighting, very little was understood about atmospheric plasmas. From their subsequent studies, a whole new field of scientific endeavor would emerge.

During their investigations, they found that atmospheric plasmas — plasmas that occur in ordinary air at standard pressure and ambient temperatures — could indeed be created in the laboratory. After considerable research, they developed a One Atmosphere Uniform Glow Discharge Plasma (OAUGDP) technology that generates atmospheric plasmas comprised of highly reactive chemical species. Funding from several government agencies, including the Department of Defense and NASA, was obtained to demonstrate the technology for several practical applications.

Yes, but What Is it Good For?

In 1996, Kim Wintenberg, Ph.D., a microbiologistand now director of new business development for Advanced Plasma Products, was asked to join the UT team to study the ability of the OAUGDP to kill microorganisms.

As far back as the 1930s, researchers had killed microorganisms with plasma, but all of these techniques involved extreme heat, vacuums or specialty gases. Wintenberg and the team found that the highly oxidative gases in OAUGDP are extremely effective at killing microbes and oxidizing VOCs.

Further, the team discovered that OAUGDP had two key characteristics that might lend themselves to using this technology against microorganisms that are commonly found on surfaces. First the glow discharge is relatively uniform, unlike some other plasma technologies. Second, sensitive materials, such as textiles, can be immersed in the plasma field without pitting or burning. This bodes well for a system that could be used to destroy microbes.

Licensing the Technology

The long road to licensing began in 1993, when the OAUGDP team disclosed several inventions to The University of Tennessee Research Foundation (UTRF). UTRF spent some years looking for potential licensees. In time, Atmospheric Glow Technology licensed the technology but eventually Atmospheric Glow Technology went bankrupt, and the technology reverted to UTRF.

At that time, four entities were interested in the assets of Atmospheric Glow Technology, and one of them was Ken Wood and his business partners. They had joined Applied Science Products, a publicly traded parent company, and saw the opportunity to create a new company. In 2008, he formed Advanced Plasma Products, based in Knoxville, Tenn., bought the physical assets of Atmospheric Glow Technology, brought on some of the key personnel, licensed the technology and began working on a focused commercialization effort.

“They have a robust diligence plan for commercializing product,” says John Hopkins, vice president for UTRF. “The

Advanced Plasma Products team is building good future value for the company, and they have done it in poor economic circumstances and in a short time.”

One reason for the team’s success is simple experience. “I approached the licensing process with some measure of familiarity,” says Wood, now president and chief executive officer of Advanced Plasma Products, “and I was comfortable with assessing the technology and understanding the scope of the underlying intellectual property.

“After that, it was a matter of stepping through the various processes,” Wood says. “The UTRF people are pros, so we were able to work through the steps relatively quickly and efficiently. If both sides know what they are doing, it’s a bit like getting a mortgage for a house. The UTRF people facilitated the process.”

The First OAUGDP Product

Using and building upon the technology developed at UT, Advanced Plasma Products has already brought to market its first offering, the TriClean Pro. The TriClean Pro is a standalone air purification system with capabilities of exchanging and sanitizing the air at least 3.4 times per hour in a 4,000 cubic foot room.

The TriClean Pro operates in two phases. During the capture phase, ambient air that contains microorganisms and VOCs is drawn into the unit. Large particulates are removed by a prefilter, while smaller particles and microbes are removed by a very efficient particulate filter with a low pressure drop. VOCs are trapped by a carbon filter. During the destruction phase, the fan operates at lower speed and the plasma grid is energized. The reactive gases produced by the plasma oxidize VOCs and kill trapped microorganisms. Air is passed over a catalyst to neutralize reactive gases and returns to the air free from odors and harmful contaminants. The TriClean Pro, which requires about 65 watts of power to operate, has met all necessary UL safety tests for ionizing air purifiers, including the tests for ozone.

Applications for the TriClean Pro include health care settings, such as surgical suites, intensive care units where immunocompromised patients are more susceptible to infection, medical waiting rooms, general patient rooms, nursing homes and offsite surgical centers. Additional applications outside of health care include veterinary offices, athletic locker rooms and training facilities, and the hospitality industry, where guests’ expectations of clean facilities during their stay are important.

Advanced Plasma Products has invested heavily in developing the technology it licensed from the UT. One of the key developments has been to engineer systems in which the plasma is generated at one site and then the reactive species are delivered to a remote site. Without this capability, plasma systems are limited to treating materials that can fit between the two plasma-generating electrodes, which are typically millimeters apart. By contrast, the new Advanced Plasma Products system can deliver the reactive species onto a wrapped object like a surgical instrument, and those species survive long enough to sterilize it.

In the end, Hopkins has high aspirations for technology transfer through UTRF. “We’d like to grow advanced technology companies in our region that contribute to economic prosperity, hire our graduates and foster entrepreneurialism in the area.

“As a land grant university, we have a responsibility to ordinary people to impact their lives in a positive way,” he says. “We want to do that by getting beneficial technologies into society, by providing job opportunities for our students, by supporting the tax base of the state and by the direct return of license revenues to the university.”


This story was originally published in 2010.

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OnePump Fluid Dispensing System Cuts Drug Production Costs

University of Maryland Baltimore

OnePump Fluid Dispensing System Cuts Drug Production Costs

Manufacturing today’s pharmaceuticals is a tricky business; the drugs are expensive and extremely fragile thus requiring extremely accurate mixing and dispensing with an eye on cost. A team of researchers at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) and Scientific Products & Systems, Inc. (SP&S) joined forces to engineer a liquid dispensing system platform never before seen in the bio/pharma markets. SP&S is currently marketing its core “OnePump” technology to a variety of markets that rely on precision fluid-handling capabilities.

An initial scientific collaboration between a team of researchers at UMBC, headed by Dr. Muniswamappa Anjanappa, and David Bach, CEO/CTO of SP&S, led to a jointly developed technology and an exclusive license in 2003. A graduate student researcher at UMBC was later hired by SP&S. The company is located in a business incubator affiliated with the university.

The company’s goal is to provide proprietary precision fluid handling tools to the pharmaceutical, bioscience, dental, cosmetic and specialty chemistry industries, globally.

Key applications include positive piston and peristalsis technologies, which use a piston to force material through a syringe or a tube, respectively. SP&S offers its customers a range of dispensing units based on the patented OnePump™ technology.

With the packaging equipment industry’s increased emphasis on ultra-high accuracy, automated and modular low cost systems, the OnePump™ offers unique flexibility allowing users to handle fluid dispensing on the lab bench, in clinical trials and pilot operations, and on full manufacturing lines. In addition, the SP&S OnePump™ has been proven and validated by several of the United States’ largest pharmaceutical manufacturers.


This story was originally published in 2007.

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Optical Technology Platform for Cancer Screening and detection

Northwestern University

Optical Technology Platform for Cancer Screening and detection

American BioOptics LLC (ABO) is a medical device company founded to commercialize a novel optical technology platform for cancer screening and detection. This technology shines light inside the colon and analyzes how the reflected light interacts with the lining of the colon.

This interaction provides unique insight into abnormalities in healthy appearing tissue that are too small to be seen with an endoscope or microscope.

Based on a patented discovery at Northwestern University and NorthShore University HealthSystem, this technology is now harnessed in a commercial-ready mobile instrumentation system and highly sensitive, easy-to-use, minimally invasive test for screening for colorectal cancer (CRC).

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Mammogram Library from Cancer Research Horizons Helps AI Improve Diagnosis

Cancer Research Horizons

Mammogram Library from Cancer Research Horizons Helps AI Improve Diagnosis
Regular mammography screening is the most effective tool available for detecting breast cancer early enough to save lives, but there is currently a global shortage of breast radiologists trained to interpret mammography scans. Academic and commercial institutions around the world are developing artificial intelligence (AI)-driven software to assist doctors with mammogram interpretation, using a breast imaging database developed by researchers in the UK to teach the AI what to look for.   

OPTIMAM is a library of 3.3 million mammography images from more than 170,000 women, collected from seven sites in the UK, along with details from expert radiologists’ interpretations of those images. Funded by Cancer Research UK (CRUK), the researchers initially began developing OPTIMAM with the goal of improving the accuracy and efficiency of radiologist performance within the National Health Service’s breast cancer screening program.

“AI wasn’t on the cards at all,” says Professor Mark Halling-Brown, Head of Scientific Computing at the Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust, who now jointly manages the OPTIMAM database with Professor Kenneth Young.

As time went by during the development of OPTIMAM, it became clear to the team that AI could be immensely helpful in the screening process. Consequently, in 2013, the team applied for further funding from Cancer Research Horizons (the innovation and technology commercialization arm of CRUK) to expand on this idea. Now more than 40 academic and commercial institutions have used the database, a group that includes medical AI companies. Google-owned DeepMind, for example, used the OPTIMAM dataset to help train a deep-learning system to detect breast cancer as accurately as the current UK system in which mammograms are screened initially by two independent human radiologists. The findings were published in Nature in 2020. 

Under the UK’s “double reading” protocol, if the two initial expert readers do not agree, the mammogram is sent to two additional radiologists for further analysis. If AI-based screening can take the place of one of those readers, as studies suggest, that could help address the current radiologist shortage and improve diagnostic efficiency without compromising accuracy.     

Cancer Research UK now solely supports the upkeep of the mature database, rather than funding its further development. The arrangement works well, says Halling-Brown, with Cancer Research Horizons' legal and administrative expertise smoothly arranging new partnerships and collaborations that not only allow the data to be used for new purposes, but also help grow and diversify the dataset to make it more representative of the general population. 

Access to the database is open to academic and commercial organizations through a request process. A panel of specialists and patients review all applications and determine if there is reasonable justification for accessing the images. If approved, a legal agreement is signed between the organization and Cancer Research Horizons to start the licensing process, which grants access. 

The success of the OPTIMAM system prompted the development of a database for chest X-rays from COVID-19 patients and served as a guide for organizing the data. Due to its usage and overall benefits to the medical community, it is likely that other similar systems will be created based on OPTIMAM. 

This story was originally published in 2023.

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Livestock Feed Supplement Developed at Cornell Helps Reduce Phosphate Pollution

Cornell University

Livestock Feed Supplement Developed at Cornell Helps Reduce Phosphate Pollution

In the 1990s, while he was working on his Ph.D. in animal science, Xingen Lei learned that phosphorus pollution from livestock is a huge problem. When he came to Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., as a professor in the Department of Animal Science, his first project was to develop an enzyme that could be used as a feed supplement to alleviate this problem. His research resulted in OptiPhos, a feed supplement that can reduce phosphorus pollution from pigs and poultry by as much as 50 percent.

Necessary Nutrient

As animals grow, they need phosphorus for bone and muscle development, and to help them use the energy in their diet. Much of the phosphorus in a typical corn-soy-based diet for livestock occurs as phytic acid. Livestock with simple stomachs, such as pigs and chickens, cannot digest the phytic acid, so it is excreted.

Pigs, chickens and other simple-stomach livestock animals need to receive supplementary phosphorus in the form of inorganic phosphates, which their digestive systems easily absorb. For pigs, the cost of this phosphate supplementation is currently $2 to $4 per animal during its growth cycle, the third most costly component of the animal’s feed. Inorganic phosphate is obtained from mines and is a nonrenewable resource. The depletion of this resource has resulted in an increase in price per ton of phosphate from $200 or $300 to $1,000 in recent years.

Even though animals need the phosphate supplements, the phosphorous they excrete causes phosphorous pollution, taking a toll on the environment. While pig and chicken manure can be used to fertilize crops, the high level of phosphorus in the manure limits how much manure can be spread on a field. In livestock-raising areas, water runoff from farms washes much excreted phosphorus into neighboring waterways, lakes and ponds. This
promotes eutrophication—excessive growth of aquatic plants that deplete the oxygen concentration in the water, often killing fish and other organisms.

Fortunately, through research in the U.S. and abroad, phytase enzymes are now available as feed supplements to help animals break down the phytic acid in their feed into usable phosphate. “Phytases are a group of enzymes,” says Lei. There are different versions, but they all do the same job: breaking down the phytic acid. “It’s like cars. There are different models, different engines, different colors, but they all do the same thing—get you from here to there.”

Phytase Developments 

The first phytase supplements, developed in Europe in the early 1990s, showed promise but did not act effectively in the conditions present in an animal’s stomach. To be effective, a phytase supplement needs to do its work in the presence of stomach acid and digestive enzymes. And the phytase needs to work fast. Food doesn’t stay in the animal’s stomach for very long; an hour to an hour and a half in pigs, and less in poultry, is all the time the phytase has to do its job.

Lei and his students found a strain of E. coli bacteria that produces a phytase enzyme resistant to the digestive enzymes and acid in the stomach. Also, it works quickly enough to convert a significant amount of phytic acid to useful phosphate while food is in an animal’s stomach.

After isolating the gene responsible for making phytase, Lei expressed it in yeast to produce the phytase in quantity, and improved the enzyme’s stability. Then, he published a paper based on animal studies of the enzyme’s performance.


Lei’s work attracted the attention of Frank Ruch, president of Protein Scientific, Inc., a Portland, Maine, company specializing in nutritional products for humans and animals. Protein Scientific and JBS United, a Sheridan, Ind. animal feed company, formed a joint venture, Phytex LLC, to license the technology from Cornell and further develop it. In 2001 Cornell granted Phytex an exclusive license for the development and production of the phytase enzyme.

Phytex performed further development of the enzyme and transferred it to large-scale production. The company has also worked with academic
laboratories in the U.S. and abroad to improve the yield. In 2005, Phytex completed a 3-year Food and Drug Administration approval process for OptiPhos.

Meanwhile, “the cost of the enzyme went down, and the cost of phosphate went up,” says Ruch. It became cost effective to substitute animal feed with more and more phytase enzyme in place of inorganic phosphate, enabling farmers to raise pigs on a diet with very little inorganic phosphate supplementation.

The OptiPhos technology transfer program has involved patents in three main areas, says Alice Li, a senior technology commercialization and liaison officer at the Cornell Center for Technology Enterprise and Commercialization. One family of patents covers bacteria phytase enzyme. Another covers improved versions of bacteria phytase that have been developed. Other patents cover methods of phytase production.

Continuing research includes applications in the poultry industry with turkeys, chickens, and ducks, as well as work with swine to investigate substitution of greater amounts of enzyme for more and more of the inorganic phosphate supplements. Additional work at Cornell has included improving the enzyme’s resistance to the heat and moisture encountered during the pelleting process.

Within the phytase research programs, Lei has had “the opportunity to teach students that technology can make a real impact—research is not just about writing papers,” he says. And he has been pleased with the experience of working with commercialization partner, Phytex. “There is a great role for university professors and industry to work together as a team.” 

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New Sunscreen Ingredient Protects Against UVA Light and Free Radicals

University of Oxford

New Sunscreen Ingredient Protects Against UVA Light and Free Radicals

Dismayed by the chemical reactivity and inconsistent protection provided by commercial sunscreen products, Professor Peter Dobson and Drs. Gareth Wakefield and John Knowland at the University of Oxford in England created Optisol UV Absorber in the late 1990s.

In addition to protecting against ultraviolet B radiation, Optisol also protects against ultraviolet A radiation, which has only recently been recognized as another contributor to skin damage. The active ingredient in Optisol is titanium dioxide with added manganese. The manganese also absorbs UVA light and helps stop the formation of free radicals in the titanium oxide when it is exposed to sunlight.

This makes Optisol -based sunscreens more stable when exposed to light than traditional sunscreens, as well as more effective in protecting against cell damage and premature aging.

With the help of the University of Oxford’s technology transfer company, Isis Innovation Ltd., Dobson founded Oxonica in 1999. The company is based in Oxford and currently employs 56 people. Oxonica develops and manufactures other innovative nanotechnology-based products, such as a nanocatalyst that improves fuel economy and lowers emissions.

For more information, go to

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Animating Organic Chemistry

University of New Brunswick

Animating Organic Chemistry

For Professor Ghislain Deslongchamps, organic chemistry is a way of life. As the son of a renowned chemistry professor, Deslongchamps himself became a professor of chemistry at the University of New Brunswick with impressive research credentials and experience, including the invention of a new method of manufacturing anticancer drugs.

When teaching his students in the classroom, though, Deslongchamps found that certain students had difficulty grasping the concepts of chemical reactions. Indeed, mentally visualizing chemical activity at the molecular level is no easy task, even for the brightest of students. With this in mind, Deslongchamps took it upon himself to develop a solution. While on sabbatical, he mastered a computer animation program and began to build an extensive series of interactive multimedia animations to help students “visualize” and better understand organic chemistry.

Within six years, he had developed more than 130 multimedia learning modules, which were hailed by students and teaching colleagues alike.

With a $20,000 award from Springboard Atlantic, a network of 14 Canadian universities, he was able to hire a programmer, purchase equipment and complete a beta prototype. The Canadian educational publishing company, Thomson Nelson, became keenly interested in Deslongchamps’ multimedia creations. Ultimately, Thomson Nelson and the University of New Brunswick signed an exclusive, global licensing agreement for the technology, which is now known as Organic Chemistry Flashware.

Deslongchamps is developing the platform even further to include general chemistry. In the future, it may also encompass biology, biochemistry and other physical sciences.

As the saying goes, a picture paints a thousand words. In this case, moving pictures of organic chemistry can paint tens of thousands of words, illuminating complex scientific concepts.

For more information, visit


This story was originally published in 2007.

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Research Yields New Chemicals for Pharmaceutical Development

University of Nebraska

Research Yields New Chemicals for Pharmaceutical Development

Located in Lincoln, Neb., Rieke Metals, Inc. derives its competitive advantage from technology developed at the University of NebraskaLincoln. The technology is a patent protected method for producing new organo-metallic reagents (chemicals comprised of an organic molecule and a metal atom).

For approximately 100 years chemicals known as Grignard reagents have been used in chemical reactions with other organic molecules to form new chemical compounds. Grignard reagents contain a magnesium atom, are highly reactive and have been used to produce many pharmaceuticals. Grignard reagents, however, prove to be too reactive with a large number of organic molecules because of their specific chemical structure. For these molecules, a Grignard reagent’s reactivity destroys the organic molecule during the reaction.
Rieke Metals, Inc. produces reagents similar to Grignard reagents, known as organo-metallic reagents, which contain zinc metal in place of magnesium.

The use of zinc in place of magnesium creates a reagent that will undergo much more mild reactions with organic molecules. Rieke organo-metallic reagents do not destroy the organic molecules that would be destroyed by Grignard reagents.

In other words, the reagents produced at Rieke Metals allow the synthesis of a massive number of organic compounds which could not be produced previously using Grignard reagent technology. These organic compounds have special chemical structures (functional groups) that allow pharmaceutical researchers to create new drugs with new biological functions within the body. 

Developed from 1991–1994 by Dr. Reuben Rieke, the funding for the research and development for this technology came from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Small Business Innovation Research grant programs. Rieke Metals, Inc. has been producing high quality compounds since 1992 having supplied more than 350,000 molecules to clients under research contract.


This story was originally published in 2007.

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Early Detection and Improved Protection Against Osteoporosis

University of Washington

Early Detection and Improved Protection Against Osteoporosis

Early research of collagen, a major component of bone, led to the discovery that discrete fragments of bone that were expelled from the body could indicate bone breakdown, the hallmark of osteoporosis. The technology has had a major impact on the ever-growing arena of osteoporosis detection and treatment.

Osteoporosis has garnered much attention in the past few decades as important research breakthroughs have led to more effective treatments for this highly prevalent and often silent disease. The condition, which affects more than 10 million people in the U.S. alone, is characterized by a gradual softening and breakdown of bones.

In the high risk population of peri- and postmenopausal women whose estrogen levels can quickly decline, the rate of bone loss can be especially fast.
Some women can lose as much as 10 percent of their bone mass in a single year, and in the long term this deterioration can seriously compromise bone health. Because osteoporosis is a preventable medical condition, efforts to ramp up early detection and screening are now linked with efforts to develop more effective treatments to stop bone resorption.

Drugs like Fosamax®, Evista®, Actonel® and Premarin® are now widely prescribed and contribute to the multi-billion dollar osteoporosis market. Yet with new treatments come new challenges. Osteoporotic drugs may be abundant, but clinicians who prescribe them and patients who take them need to know if these medications are actually doing their job. Is bone breakdown slowing? Are fragile bones gaining back the advantage as bone growth is stimulated?

Innovation Inside and Outside the Lab

One technology transfer success story helps to answer such questions. The story begins in the 1980s in a research laboratory at the University of Washington’s Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine. While pursuing studies on collagen, a key component of bone and cartilage, David Eyre, Ph.D., professor and director of research, discovered a group of discrete protein fragments that were reproducibly appearing in urine samples. Chemical analysis revealed that the fragments were type 1 collagen peptides, and they derived from bone degradation.

Eyre and his colleagues then developed monoclonal antibodies that could bind to the peptides and an immunoassay, which could accurately reveal the presence of the peptides in human urine. Further development of the technology led to a prototype test for measuring stable end products of collagen breakdown. Eyre named the test NTx — later commercialized as Osteomark® NTx — for the origin and chemical composition of the peptides (they are cross-linked N-telopeptides of type 1 collagen), and recognized the promise of the technology.

Because levels of NTx in urine correlated with rates of bone degradation, the test might aid in the detection of individuals at risk for developing osteoporosis, as well as help monitor the effectiveness of anti-osteoporotic medications. In an innovative technology transfer arrangement with the University of Washington, Eyre sought the help of Seattle legal and business expert Ray Cairncross to form a startup company and eventually move NTx into the public domain.

The company, called Ostex International Inc., was founded in 1989 and acquired the exclusive license for the technology from the university. As part of the agreement, Eyre chose to continue pursuing his academic research at the university and retain his status on the faculty. In the meantime, Cairncross and his law firm organized a group of local investors and generated enough capital in the first round of financing to move forward with the development of the Osteomark NTx technology.

Though Ostex functioned as a virtual company early in its history, Eyre soon announced that his product was ready to be commercialized and the time had come to create physical space and hire personnel. As chair and chief executive officer of Ostex, Cairncross again succeeded in raising funds in a second round of financing, and the emphasis turned to building the company and optimizing the NTx technology. 
Ostex International hit the ground running and went public just six years later, raising more than $30 million in its initial public offering. The first product, designed to test for NTx In urine samples, led to a second modified assay that measures collagen peptide fragments in human blood. Samples are acquired for the test in a clinician’s office, then sent to centralized laboratories for results.

Scientists developed several different versions of the original Osteomark technology in quick succession, and they received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. When Osteomark first went commercial, Eyre remembers feeling that his vision had finally become a reality. “It was very satisfying,” he says, “to know that our basic research had translated directly into a product that could improve human health.” 
New Product Delivers Results in Five Minutes
The most current version of the Osteomark technology, the NTx Point-of-Care device, is perhaps the most revolutionary. The device allows clinicians to test patients’ urine for the presence of collagen peptide fragments right in the physician’s office, so a result is available within five minutes. Its ease of use means that patients can be tested every three to six months for a more updated status of their disease and assessment of their response to therapy. Most importantly, the disposable handheld kit allows physicians and patients to confer and make decisions about osteoporosis treatment based on the test results during that same appointment. 
The Osteoporosis Education Project in East Syracuse, N.Y., was selected as one of four test sites nationwide to participate in clinical trials designed to evaluate the Osteomark NTx Point-of-Care device for home use. Susan E. Brown, Ph.D., C.C.N., and director of the project, points Out that one of the most critical aspects of evaluating bone degradation in osteoporosis patients is the rate of bone loss.& It's helpful to monitor when changes occur, and how fast they occur, in people undergoing bone breakdown,” Brown says.

“Is a patient currently losing bone? Is the patient continuing to lose bone, or is it something that happened in the past? Now we can distinguish those who are losing bone at a rapid rate, rather than at a more normal, moderate rate.”
Brown’s assessment of the utility and impact of the Osteomark technology complements Eyre’s perception of the changing emphasis in osteoporosis treatment. “The standard for bringing new drugs to market in the pharmaceutical industry has relied on measurement of bone resorption. It used to be that DEXA (dual energy X-ray absorptiometry), which is typically performed only once every one or two years, was the exclusive test,” Eyre says. But he says that mindset is changing as doctors begin to focus on a patient’s bone quality, rather than simply bone density and mass. 
Since the development of the NTx point-of-care device, Ostex International was acquired by Inverness Medical Innovations Inc., based in Waltham, Mass. The merger, completed in 2003, provided Inverness Medical Innovations with the intellectual property rights in the field of osteoporosis testing, and the Osteomark technology continues to provide a valuable way to quantify bone degradation in osteoporosis patients.

This story was originally published in 2006.

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Online Learning System Provides Interactive Electronic Textbooks

University of Massachusetts Amherst

Online Learning System Provides Interactive Electronic Textbooks

Researchers at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst have developed an Internet-based software program that provides electronic homework, online examinations, interactive electronic textbooks, and online training and compliance materials.

“OWL” (Online Web-Based Learning) was originally developed in the late 1990s by the Chemistry and Physics Departments and the Center for Educational Software Development (formerly the Center for ComputerBased Instructional Technology). Initial funding was provided by the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Energy, Five Colleges, Inc., Davis Educational Foundation, the Dreyfus Foundation, Cengage Learning (formerly Thomson Learning) and the university.

OWL provides students with study questions that are graded automatically online. Algorithmically generated practice questions help students practice for tests or exams, which are also taken online (including high-stakes tests).

Interactive electronic textbooks incorporate embedded graded questions that students can try to answer as they read, providing instant feedback. OWL can also be customized for any age group of students, including middle school and high school.

The original version of OWL, a chemistry curriculum developed for the University of Massachusetts’s chemistry department, was licensed to Thomson Learning in 2001 to support the company’s line of chemistry textbooks. The success of this endeavor has led Thomson Learning to license other OWL programs, including organic chemistry and nursing chemistry. The university is seeking to expand OWL’s reach to include a broader offering at the college and university level as well as to continuing education, high school and refresher courses.


This story was originally published in 2008.

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Groundbreaking Cell-binding Technology Helps Patients Grow New Bone

University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)

Groundbreaking Cell-binding Technology Helps Patients Grow New Bone

CeraPedics, LLC, a Lakewood, Colo., company is developing and commercializing bone graft products based on milestone technology developed at the University of California, San Francisco.

It’s been the dream of medical researchers for decades: to step beyond Mother Nature’s limitations and grow new bone.

Now, the prospect of growing new bone at the site of spine fusions, trauma and joint reconstruction has become a reality. CeraPedics, based in Lakewood, Colo., is developing and commercializing products that are expected to treat a large and growing segment of the population requiring bone replacement surgery.

The Holy Grail in bone grafting has long been autogenous bone — one’s own bone. Now through the development of a bone-growing technology called P-15, CeraPedics’ bone growth products can imitate autogenous bone. This is proving to be a safe and effective alternative to the current method of performing surgeries involving the removal of bone from a hip to repair or replace bone lost to disease or trauma. P-15 originally was developed by Professor Emeritus Rajendra Bhatnagar at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), whose research was funded by grants from the National Institutes of Health.

Andrew Tofe, Ph.D., a nuclear scientist, licensed the technology from UCSF in 2001, and founded CeraPedics. Interestingly, the proving ground for CeraPedics was in the dental market. Tofe’s former company, CeraMed Dental, used the technology to develop P-15 dental products which helped fill in defects in the bone of the oral  cavity. CeraMed Dental was sold to DENTSPLY International Inc. in 2001. According to Tofe, CeraPedics was founded on a simple concept.

“We had success growing bone in the oral cavity, which is a cesspool of bacteria and other contaminants,” he explains. “Imagine what you can do in orthopedics, where you have a mostly cellular, sterile environment.”

Championing the Future

Transforming human cells into new tissues such as bone more than 40 years of research by Bhatnagar who led UCSF’s bioengineering group. The breakthrough, first commercialized in 1999, was extraordinary for another reason. Bhatnagar’s discovery focused on using fibroblasts found in the central layers of human skin to transform the cells into bone.

The creative spirit at UCSF was alive and well when Bhatnagar reasoned that since skin is the largest organ of the human body, and therefore easily accessible, it would be possible to take fibroblasts from living skin and gum cells to grow bone cells for filling in space between broken bones. His discovery led to the development of technology such as P-15, which facilitates the successful promotion of new bone growth.

“Dr. Bhatnagar’s discovery was phenomenal,” says Don Freeman, CeraPedics’ director of clinical research and marketing.

While bone grafts aren’t new, P-15 is changing the way bone substitutes are being used.

“The beauty of P-15,” says Freeman, “is that it accelerates the body’s natural  rejuvenation process, and at the same time, the technology is safe, cost-effective, and less painful for patients.”

While autogenous bone or bone taken from another region in your body is considered the “gold standard” of bone grafts, Freeman says, “It involves a second surgical procedure, usually from the hip, and usually involves a significant amount of postoperative pain as well as the increased cost of operating room and surgeon’s time to harvest the graft.”

The small peptide combined with the calcium phosphate uses a “cell attachment mechanism” that makes human bone cells grow new bone cells.

“Peptide is defined as a chain of amino acids — building blocks of  protein,” says Freeman. “In the case of P-15, it is a peptide that is  15 amino acids in length, which is a relatively small peptide.”

In describing the role of calcium phosphate, Freeman points out this is the inorganic or mineral portion of the bone which provides the hard structure needed to support the body.

The organic part of bone is mainly type 1 collagen, a primary protein of connective tissue, which the bone cells attach to, beginning the process of bone formation.

“Think of a key fitting in a lock,” Freeman explains. “When a bone cell attaches to the calcium phosphate matrix via P-15, it changes the environment. This ‘attachment’ factor then starts the process of new bone formation in the body.”

The P-15 technology offers an affordable alternative to current growth factor technology and is expected to be kept within typical insurance reimbursement coverage.

“P-15 is a synthetic peptide, which means it can be produced at a significantly Pre-filled syringe of P-15 Bone Graft Substitute is carefully placed in a pouch prior to sterilization and final packaging. lower cost than other technologies such as growth factors,” explains Tofe.

A Growing Need for Bone Graft Products

The market for bone graft substitutes is moving forward at record speed. In 2005,

“U.S. Markets for Spinal Fusion Products,” published by Windhover Information/Medtech Insight reported that the U.S. market for such bone growth factors was expected to grow from $303 million in 2005 to $1.4 billion in 2009. The reasons are many, including an aging baby boomer population and the body’s natural deterioration of the muscular and skeletal system, as well as the increased cost of new bone growth factor technologies.

One of the fastest growing segments of this market is in spinal fusion procedures, where bone graft substitutes such as P-15 are used.

The number of procedures in spinal surgery is expected to grow from approximately 581,000 in 2004 to about 763,000 in 2009. CeraPedics anticipates having a large share of this growing market with a product that will be more affordable than current growth factor products. The company began clinical trials in spinal fusion surgery in the second half of 2006.

Reports from the Field

Michael Janssen, D.O., orthopedic spine surgeon and chairman of the Spine Education and Research Institute, a medical educational and research facility in Thornton, Colo., says, “Because of the attachment factor of P-15, which positively changes the environment, we anticipate that it will have enormous impact in advancing surgical techniques and patient outcomes.”

Janssen, also is the principal investigator in the current U.S. Food and Drug Administration investigational studies of P-15.

“We’re very excited about the possibilities it offers toward promoting the health and welfare of patients,” he says.

When Professor Bhatnagar successfully developed the technology that facilitates the formation of new bone, he expressed hope that someday the research would help people with degenerative diseases and injuries.

That time has come. CeraPedics’ bone graft products not only are expected to help millions of people with ongoing pain, they are also positioned to alleviate the cost and inconvenience of numerous surgeries.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Pacifier Activated Lullaby

Florida State University

Babies born prematurely often are not able to suck properly and feed themselves.  In the neonatal intensive care unit they need to be trained to be bottle fed by the neonatal nurse which is stressful for the baby and expensive for the hospital.

The PAL device took 10 years of product development, but is now being sold across the US.

Studies have shown that the PAL is effective in enabling the infant to go home eatly and feed properly and well using the PAL device.

Studies are showing that the PAL device hastens learning byn the infant and will minimize mental health and behavioural issues later in life.

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UVM App Calms, Studies Panic Attacks During COVID

University of Vermont

UVM App Calms, Studies Panic Attacks During COVID
For the nearly 36 million Americans who experience panic attacks, the coronavirus pandemic is a potentially significant trigger.
A new app developed by faculty at the University of Vermont, PanicMechanic, may be part of a solution. The app adapts biofeedback-like monitoring so it can be used on a mobile phone. The app can work at any time and in any location, the first technology to do so for panic.

PanicMechanic is meant to be used as a supplement to professional clinical care.

“The challenge with panic attacks is that they’re episodic,” said one of the app’s developers, Ellen McGinnis, an assistant professor at the University of Vermont’s Center for Children, Youth and Families and a trained clinical psychologist. “That means they’re not only difficult to treat in a traditional therapy setting, because a panic attack is hard to induce, but also that the one intervention that does seem to work for people—biofeedback—isn’t available when it’s needed.”

PanicMechanic uses the camera on a cell phone to measure the body's panic response, using an approach like photoplethysmography, an optical measurement of arterial volume used to determine heart rate.

"Activating the app, then holding your finger against the flash can give you an objective measure of your reaction to stress,” said Ryan McGinnis, assistant professor of Electrical and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Vermont, and a co-developer of the app.

The concept is grounded both in decades of research showing that enabling panic sufferers to observe their body’s reaction to stress reduces panic, and in Ellen McGinnis’s clinical practice.

“I’ve used a low-tech version of this technique with a dozen patients,” she said. “It was effective in helping patients manage, take control of and overcome their panic.”        

The explanation? Intervening with objective information targets a driving dynamic of panic, she said. 
“Panic takes hold and you feel like you're out of control of your body. By showing someone their patterns of physiological arousal, it helps them gain a sense of mastery over their panic response.”

The app also works because it gives the panic sufferer something to do during an episode.

The app also asks a variety of questions. These also occupy the sufferer and help provide data on behavior and triggers with the attack that may be avoided in the future.

It also predicts how long the panic attack will last, based on past attacks, helping alleviate one of the more frightening aspects of an attack.

PanicMechanic employs machine learning to make sure the data gathered by the user on heart is accurate. In a study that will be published later in 2020, Ellen and Ryan McGinnis and their collaborators demonstrate that app-obtained data was as accurate as that obtained in a lab.

The team that developed PanicMechanic includes Steve DiCristofaro of Synbrix Software, LLC., in addition to Ellen and Ryan McGinnis. The University of Vermont’s Innovations office filed a patent application on the system in 2018 and has entered in to an exclusive option agreement with the pair of inventors to allow them to test the feasibility of commercializing their app by releasing it on the Apple App store prior to committing to an exclusive licensing agreement.

The PanicMechanic app is currently available in the Apple App store and is scheduled to be available for Android devices before the end of 2020.

This story was originally published in 2020.

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Dr. Pap’s Life-Saving Test

Cornell University Medical College

Dr. Pap’s Life-Saving Test

His father wanted him to follow in his footsteps and practice medicine. George Papanicolaou had other ideas. Medical research was his passion.

In 1913 the 30-year-old Greek doctor and his wife arrived in New York. They spoke no English and had just $250 in savings.

The next year he began a 47-year affiliation with New York Hospital and Cornell University Medical College. There, over three decades, Papanicolaou developed the life-changing cancer screening test for women known as the Pap smear.

A Pap test, in which cervical cells are scraped or brushed off and examined for abnormalities under a microscope, can detect the early stages of cancer as well as precancerous lesions. It is one of the most successful cancer screening tests ever. “It was truly a monumental contribution” in the cancer wars, said Brian Kelly, who directs the Center for Technology Licensing office that serves Cornell’s medical college. “It showed that screening is important, that cancer can be beaten.”


In the early 1900s, cervical cancer was the leading cause of cancer deaths among U.S. women, claiming nearly 40,000 lives a year. Today, with about 13,000 new cases and 4,000 deaths annually, it’s not even in the top 10. The Pap test has been credited with reducing the U.S. mortality rate from cervical cancer by more than 60 percent since the 1950s.

In recent years, the test has been refined and in some cases replaced by screening for, and vaccination against, human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV infection causes most cervical cancer.

But neither screening method is foolproof, so some doctors are reluctant to abandon the Pap test, the gold standard in screening for more than half a century.

In a 2016 book, Neda Voutsa-Perdiki, a former student, said Papanicolaou’s “secret was hard work, dedication, love of research. ...He did not want to earn money” from his test.

So, no patents or licensing for Dr. Pap.

“There was a totally different mindset at that time,” said Kelly. “It wasn’t about intellectual property and patents and royalties.” Instead, the focus was on publishing new developments.

“Papanicolaou,” Kelly said, “cleared the path many others have followed. He strategized an approach to understanding the foundations of biology.”


This story was originally published in 2018.

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Curricula Trains Outreach Staff to Help Parents Raise Healthy Babies Florida State University

Florida State University

Curricula Trains Outreach Staff to Help Parents Raise Healthy Babies Florida State University

The Florida State University Center for Prevention and Early Intervention Policy, under the leadership of Mimi Graham, Ed.D., has developed, copyrighted and widely distributed the Partners for a Healthy Baby curricular series. These guides were developed to help nurses, home visitors and other outreach staff help expectant families have and cope with a new baby to ensure a happy, healthy childhood.

Practical applications of research are integrated throughout the curricula in strategies families can use for promoting a healthy pregnancy,early bonding and nurturing relationships. The program also discusses caring for a new baby, nutrition, health and safety, recognizing early warning signs of health and developmental problems, and supporting and enriching the child’s development. Career development and financial issues are covered, too. Magazine-style handouts summarize critical points in each trimester of pregnancy and each month of the child’s development through the age of 3.

Topics include enriching family relationships, enhancing fatherhood, nurturing self-esteem, supporting early language and literacy development, childproofing the environment, choosing quality child care, providing appropriate guidance for young children, the importance of routines for young children and dealing with temper tantrums.

The purpose is to help home visitors effectively communicate these issues and help families provide the social, emotional, intellectual and physical support young children need to thrive.

The handouts reflect ethnically diverse families and are published in English and Spanish. Programs such as Early Head Start, Healthy Start and Healthy Families use the series, as do hospitals and school boards across the United States. Additional curricula focus on fatherhood and self-esteem. More information is at


This story was originally published in 2006.

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EnviroFlux Offers a Better Way to Assess Groundwater Contamination

University of Florida

EnviroFlux Offers a Better Way to Assess Groundwater Contamination

Tracking contaminated groundwater is no easy feat.

When groundwater is contaminated, the traditional approach has involved obtaining random “grab samples” that gauge concentrated contamination levels at and around the contamination site.

While this method can determine localized concentration levels of contaminants, it offers no clear picture about how much or how fast the contaminants have spread to other areas via groundwater. It’s kind of like looking out the window on a rainy day: you can see the precipitation in your own neighborhood, but you have no way of knowing whether rain has spread throughout the rest of the county or state.

But in 1999, a trio of University of Florida scientists devised a clever technology that would change all of that.

Michael Annable, Ph.D., Kirk Hatfield, Ph.D., and Suresh Rao, Ph.D., developed what is called the “Passive Flux Meter”

(PFM), nylon tubes filled with absorbent materials, also known as sorbents and tracer materials. PFMs are inserted into monitoring wells near the contaminated areas, where they intercept the flow of groundwater. The sorbents retain the dissolved contaminants in the groundwater, while the tracers gradually leach out of the nylon tube. After one to four weeks, the PFMs are removed and analyzed. The contaminants can be analyzed to determine the time-averaged flow of contaminants, while remaining tracers are analyzed to determine the overall flow rates of the groundwater that has been contaminated.

In 2005, a privately held company, EnviroFlux, was founded by the three inventors, as well as entrepreneurs Jared Kennedy and Matt Tilman. Based in Gainesville, Fla., EnviroFlux secured an exclusive license from the University of Florida to commercialize the technology. EnviroFlux markets its products and services to environmental consulting firms, and it plans to license its PFM technology to environmental firms around the world. For more information, visit


This story was originally published in 2007.

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An Unconcealed Success Story

McMaster Team Hones Weapons Detection System

McMaster University

An Unconcealed Success Story

Deter. Detect. Defend.

That’s the motto of Patriot One Technologies Inc., an Ontario company that’s come up with a revolutionary way of spotting concealed weapons—quickly and unobtrusively.

Not surprisingly, the security world is keen to know more. Schools and police forces are among those expressing interest.

The technology was developed over eight years by a McMaster University team headed by professor Natalia Nikolova, an expert in high-frequency electromagnetics. It combines short-range radar with machine learning algorithms to scan passersby for guns, knives, grenades and other threatening objects.

Each Patscan Cognitive Microwave Radar unit is about the size of a brick, so it can be easily hidden in walls, turnstiles and other high-traffic areas. As people pass the sensor, an antenna emits electromagnetic radiation pulses. Some of that energy bounces back to a second Patscan antenna and is analyzed to determine its source.

“We call it an object’s radar signature,” said Nikolova. The technology is particularly proficient with metal detection. In tests, accuracy readings have topped 90 percent. “The computer can actually tell what sort of metallic object is on your body,” she said. It also can take a photo of a person being scrutinized.

The first-of-its-kind Patscan system has been certified by both Industry Canada and the U.S. Federal Communications Commission, paving the way for a phased commercial rollout. Interest and orders have been received from around the globe, and Patriot has licensed six international patent applications.

“Initial feedback from our pilots [program] and … leading customers is that this is going to be quite disruptive, quite transformative” in enhancing security, said Dinesh Kandanchatha, Patriot One’s chief technology officer. The company and McMaster are working to extend the device’s range beyond three metres.

A major selling point is that people pass by the sensor unaware of its existence. “People are prepared to give up a measure of convenience for safety,” said Patriot One CEO Martin Cronin. “But people don’t want to live in a fortress.”

With Patscan, they don’t have to. Life seemingly goes on as normal—even in these uncertain times.

“Essentially this is about saving lives,” said Cronin. “Patriot One technology will save lives.

This story was originally published in 2018.

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Online Program Delivers Training Tools for the Paving Industry

University of Washington

Online Program Delivers Training Tools for the Paving Industry

Researchers at the University of Washington’s (UW) Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering have created an engaging, interactive web-based solution for training workers in the pavement construction industry.

The idea for such a tool originated with early work by professor Joe Mahoney in the late 1980s well before the rise in popularity of the World Wide Web. While they waited for technology to catch up, Mahoney and professor Steve Muench continued to develop training content based on their research. In 2002, Mahoney, Muench and senior research engineer George White began developing web-based, interactive delivery systems for this growing body of training material.

Several products were developed along the way for research sponsors including the National Asphalt Pavement Association and the Washington State Department of Transportation; the latter of which, in 2003, won a national award from the National Engineering Education Delivery System (NEEDS), for computer-based training. In addition, the University of Washington also entered into license agreements with a number of paving industry organizations and state departments of transportation.

Currently, these high-quality interactive training materials are the largest collection of digital media and information resources available on hot mix asphalt pavement construction materials, methods and practices.

In 2006, Pavia Systems, the first startup company to come out of the UW Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, exclusively licensed the materials for commercial delivery and released a subscription based product series in the form of structured online training courses.

Pavia Systems is marketing the modular, customizable online training service to paving companies, equipment manufacturers and transportation agencies around the world and expects to have an international impact on the paving industry. Whereas, traditional training requires one to spend hours of time in a classroom, Pavia’s online solution available at provides one the convenience of personalized training 24 hours a day.


This story was originally published in 2008.

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PEI Grad Students Harvest a Winner

Oyster Cage Flipper Saves Time, Money

University of Prince Edward Island

PEI Grad Students Harvest a Winner

Wanted for Hire: Physically strong individuals capable of lifting and turning large wire cages weighing up to 300 pounds for 10 hours a day over several months in all weather conditions.

That less-than-ideal job description is reality for the oyster farmers of Atlantic Canada. For generations, mollusk harvesting has provided their livelihood. In the 1990s it was discovered that oysters taste better when grown suspended in the water in cages. Large oyster farms now have thousands of submersible cages.

But these cages need to be flipped every 10 to 14 days, allowing the sun to kill the algae, barnacles and other parasites that attach to them and compete with the oysters for food. Oysters take three or four years to mature. A plentiful food supply over that time results in meatier oysters, which command higher prices at market.

That’s what led three grad students at the University of Prince Edward Island (UPEI) to a practical, and hopefully profitable, second-year engineering project. They built a machine that attaches to a boat and does the work of two or three men by gently flipping the oyster cages.

Tiny Prince Edward Island accounts for nearly 30 percent of Canada’s oyster aquaculture. In 2016, the latest year for which statistics are available, the province produced a record crop of 3,672 tonnes.

Earlier cage-flipper designs used hydraulics and were too costly for farmers. Grad students Jordan Sampson, Brett McDermott and Dylan MacIsaac, all of whom grew up on PEI, took a different tack. Their machine uses the forward motion of the boat, which lowers the cost. The result, Sampson has said, is “you don’t need a guy standing in the water doing the labour-intensive work.”

The trio formed a company, Island AquaTech Inc., and got a patent with assistance from Synapse, a company that helps turn UPEI ideas into useful products and services. They received $25,000 in startup funding from PEI’s Ignition Fund, and $28,000 from UPEI and Springboard, a network that supports technology transfer at 19 Atlantic Canadian universities and colleges.

The company will run further tests in 2019, with commercial sales to follow. In the meantime, it’s back to grad school to finish those degrees.

This story was originally published in 2018.

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Pepcid® Complete Brings Hearburn Relief

Brigham & Women's Hospital

Pepcid® Complete Brings Hearburn Relief

Approximately 100 million Americans suffer the pain and discomfort of heartburn. It is commonly treated by over-the-counter medications such as antacids or H2-blockers. Antacids neutralize stomach acid and provide rapid but short-term relief. H2-blockers impede production of acid, generally lasting six to 12 hours but can take up to one-and-ahalf hours to provide relief. Intuitively, the combination of the two medications should give quick and long-term relief from heartburn.

But leaders in the medical field had written extensively that simultaneous use of the two products would significantly weaken the benefits of the H2-blocker.

M. Michael Wolfe, M.D., then a gastroenterologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, believed there was a way to combine the two medications to offer fast and long-term relief for heartburn sufferers. In 1990 Wolfe successfully developed this dual-action drug; his discovery involved finding a way to combine the drugs while retaining their medicinal properties.

Pepcid® Complete became the first and only non-prescription combination heartburn tablet that effectively and safely delivered fast and long-lasting relief.

In 1993 Wolfe, presently chief of gastroenterology at Boston University Medical Center, obtained a patent for the medication and the FDA approved it in 2000. As a result of the Brigham and Women’s Hospital license, J & J Merck developed Pepcid® Complete, which is distributed over the counter worldwide and provides heartburn relief to millions of people.

In July 2006, Best Life magazine voted it the best over-the-counter drug for heartburn.


This story was originally published in 2007.

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Revolutionary Cell Technology Helps Fight Deadly Diseases

Leiden University

Revolutionary Cell Technology Helps Fight Deadly Diseases

It was a first for science when research in The Netherlands led to the development of PER.C6 technology, which uses human cells to produce vaccines  for combating infectious diseases like the flu, AIDS, and the West Nile and Ebola viruses.

In late 2006, the United Nations and the World Health Organization released a report stating that AIDS had claimed 2.9 million lives during the year, and that since 1981, more than 25 million people have died of the disease.

AIDS and other life-threatening illnesses are now being targeted by companies who have licensed the groundbreaking PERC.6 technology, first developed in the early 1990s at Leiden University, in Leiden, The Netherlands. Subsequently, Crucell, the company founded by the technology’s co-inventor, is now a sizable worldwide player in developing and producing vaccines.

The combination of scientist, inventor, business leader and company founder is not common. But those familiar with Domenico (Dinko) Valerio, Ph.D., previously a gene therapy professor and biomedical scientist at Leiden University, as well as Crucell’s former president and CEO, know he’s a world apart when it comes to thinking outside the box.

While the world’s biopharmaceuticals labs were producing vaccines from animal cells, Valerio was working at Leiden University on a revolutionary technology that would change the way vaccines are made.

During the 1980s, when it was less common to combine disciplines, Valerio found  a way to combine his drive to be a good scientist with a drive to be a good business leader.

Invention Makes Waves

Valerio, whose work as the co-inventor of PER.C6 technology, a human cell platform, is credited with making the unique production process of vaccine products available to industry. PER.C6, which uses a human cell line, forever changed the face of antibody and vaccine products.

Up until the development of PER.C6, animal cells, like fertilized chicken eggs used to produce flu vaccine, and hamster cells used in rheumatoid arthritis medicine, were the only types of cells used to make vaccines.

The driving force behind Valerio’s work was his interest in responding to the need for vaccines for all people.

“Not only was animal cell vaccine production limiting, it also didn’t address the need for new vaccine types that can only be produced on human cells,” he explains.

In 1993, Valerio had started a biotechnology company called IntroGene. As an entrepreneur and scientist, he set out to do what no one had done before — to develop an alternative vaccine-manufacturing technology using human cells.

While scientists had considered the development of a technology using human cells, the obstacles against commercializing it were huge.

“Human cells had never been used because of the difficulty growing a large enough number for commercial purposes,” says Valerio. “PER.C6 technology is very different. It uses healthy cells in a controlled environment that allows the cells to divide and multiply in indefinite numbers.”

In 1994, Valerio worked together with scientists in the lab of Alex van der Eb, a professor of tumor virology, who had pioneered the concept of gene transfer into mammalian cells.

“He created one of the first human cell lines,” says Valerio, who views his former professor also as a mentor. “I was interested in this work because I wanted to make products that required human cell lines. There was nothing appropriate for manufacture at the time in terms of safety, scalability and availability.”

Once the scientists saw that viruses propagated well on PerC.6, their work took a new direction.

Three years later, IntroGene had successfully launched PER.C6. By 1999, IntroGene was positioned to move into new fields, developing vaccines and producing antibodies from its human cell line.

Building Crucell

In 2000, IntroGene’s purchase of the company U-Bisys led to the creation of Crucell, and Valerio became its president and CEO. The company’s goal was to develop and market a range of vaccines and antibodies for use in fighting infectious diseases.

Valerio points out the successful building of Crucell, a NASDAQ and Euronext-listed company, came about in part because Leiden is ideally suited for collaborative biomedical research.

“They have a reputation of being a world-class research institution, and there was then a willingness to take advantage of commercial opportunities,” says Valerio.

“It’s one thing to have superb technology at academic centers; it’s another thing to put that technology to commercial use.”

It was a decisive moment in 2000 when a team of Crucell researchers and scientists recruited by Valerio recognized that the base ingredient of the gene therapy they were working on could be used to make a vaccine that would prevent an infection with viruses.

“We moved from gene therapy to developing PerC.6 into a vaccine manufacturing platform,” says Valerio, who also notes it was the same year that he took the company public.

Merck & Co. recognized that the cell line that Valerio had developed had a critical component needed for the AIDS vaccine. Valerio also was interested in using the cell line to develop his own company’s products.

“The cell line is broadly applicable,” he says.

Of the many products that today are being generated on PER.C6 several are now being tested in humans. These include vaccines for influenza, West Nile and Ebola viruses and tuberculosis.

Paul van Grevenstein, formerly a managing director at Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) and responsible for all technology transfer at LUMC, agrees that Leiden has an outstanding biomedical research base. Van Grevenstein, who now heads an international tech transfer consulting firm, handled the negotiations with IntroGene/Crucell.

“We negotiated two main agreements,” he explains. “One, which was called the master agreement, dealt with the spinning out from the university, and another, a few years later, dealt with the ultimate assignment of Leiden’s share in the then still early stage PERC.6 technology.”

When discussing the factors that helped the creation of Crucell, van Grevenstein notes that the management of Leiden University in those days was supportive of the technology transfer possibility of Valerio’s discoveries. One other important factor, he notes, is that founder Valerio is also adept at surrounding himself with exceptional people and that he dares taking calculated risks.

“One of the elements of this tech transfer story is that at some stage, Dinko changed the company’s emphasis from a gene therapy track to a business model using the PERC.6 technology,” he says. “That took foresight and courage.

“Valerio was very clear about the steps he wanted to take to grow the company,” van Grevenstein continues. “Tech transfer is at its best when it is done for the creation of value, taking the technology to the next step through collaborative research.”

Crucell has grown quickly over the last decade and is now the largest independent vaccine company in the world. In 2004 Valerio stepped down as CEO and founded a new company together with international venture capital veteran Michiel de Haan, called Aescap Venture Management in Amsterdam. In this venture capital company Valerio has what he calls a “second career” by selecting, investing and coaching companies to become the Crucell of the future.

Meanwhile, Crucell’s development of vaccines continues, and the success story that put the company on the world stage over a decade ago continues to make great strides in developing vaccines that eradicate infectious diseases worldwide.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Dental Research Yields Powerful Product in the Fight Against Periodontal Disease

SUNY Stony Brook

Dental Research Yields Powerful Product in the Fight Against Periodontal Disease

A therapeutic use for a well-known family of antibiotic drugs is the basis of a revolutionary treatment. An ingenuous series of experiments by dental researchers at SUNY Stony Brook leads to Periostat, which works by inhibiting the human host response to dental plaque.

Certain organs in our body — the heart and lungs for example — seem to receive more attention than others when it comes to health and maintenance. Teeth on the other hand, are something that many of us take for granted.It usually isn’t until later in life when teeth may become susceptible to chronic problems, and require painful and costly procedures to save them.

Considered a silent condition with few symptoms in its early phases, periodontal disease can sneak up on adults. In too many cases, by the time periodontal disease is diagnosed, it is quite advanced. In the U.S. alone, more than 65 million adults—one out of every three—suffer from periodontal disease, and its escalating incidence makes it the second largest health-care problem after the common cold.

There is no cure for periodontal disease, but a product called Periostat® has proven to be revolutionary in the management and control of this disease. The discovery of Periostat® was the result of a fruitful collaboration that began 30 years ago in a dental research laboratory. At that time, Lorne Golub, D.M.D., M.D. (honorary), Nungavarum Ramamurthy, D.V.M., Ph.D., and Thomas McNamara, Ph.D., of the Department of Oral Biology and Pathology in SUNY Stony Brook’s School of Dental Medicine were investigating a specific family of enzymes known to break down collagen, a connective tissue that is a primary component of our bones, skin and teeth.

Bacterial Infection Isn’t the Culprit

Before the line of experimentation spearheaded by Golub and colleagues, efforts to combat periodontal disease focused on the bacteria that build up around teeth known as dental plaque. Researchers understood that the body’s natural immune response helped fight the plaque-causing bacteria, but a big breakthrough in the field was the discovery that enzymes produced by these immune cells and other human host cells—rather than the bacterial infection—were in fact responsible for the actual breakdown of the gums and bone that support teeth. In other words, it was the body’s own host response to the bacteria that was causing the most damage and initiating the destruction of soft tissue and bone in the mouth.

Golub and colleagues began experimenting with ways to inhibit the host derived tissue-destructive enzymes such as collagenase using an already well-known compound: tetracycline. Though tetracycline works as a powerful antibiotic when used at certain doses, the molecule exerts a completely different mode of action when used at lower non-antibiotic levels. The investigators focused on a type of tetracycline called doxycycline and found that it effectively inhibited the activity of the enzymes, classified as matrix metalloproteinases, that break down collagen and gum tissue.

Perhaps most critical was their demonstration that this property of doxycycline occurred at low, non-antibiotic doses and therefore would not  create drug-resistant strains of bacteria. They also chemically modified the tetracycline molecule to eliminate the antibiotic activity of the drug and created new compounds called chemically modified tetracyclines, or CMTs, some of which showed enhanced anti-enzyme properties.

The Research Foundation of SUNY went on to file several patents for these discoveries, which represented a new therapeutic use for an old family of drugs. The first product was named Periostat®, and a startup company was launched in 1992 after it purchased the exclusive license for the technology. Under the guidance of its first chief executive officer, Brian Gallagher, CollaGenex Pharmaceuticals Inc., located in Newtown, Pennsylvania, committed itself to developing innovative medical therapies in the dental and dermatology markets.

Gallagher continued to lead the company, taking it public in 1996, and Periostat® received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved in October 1998. Today the product remains the only FDA-approved matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor drug and systemic treatment for periodontal disease. “Periostat® is the most successful chronic prescription product ever launched in the dental market,” says David Pfeiffer, CollaGenex’s senior vice president of sales and marketing. “Before Periostat®, the only prescriptions written by dentists were for short-term analgesics and antibiotics.”

Millions Rely on Periostat® for Improved Oral Health

The acceptance of this therapy is reflected in its widespread use by dental clinicians worldwide. To date, more than 4 million prescriptions have been filled for Periostat®. One of the most important features of Periostat® is that it works systemically in patients. Whereas other periodontal therapies are effective only at specific tooth sites, Periostat® is delivered to all tissues supporting the teeth simultaneously, offering a whole-mouth approach to the treatment of periodontal disease. The product is highly regarded as an adjunct therapy to the conventional, non-surgical standard of periodontal care, mechanical scaling and root planing, which is designed to physically remove bacteria and deposits from tooth surfaces.

The enzyme-suppressing technology behind Periostat® and its systemic effects have led the Stony Brook investigators and others to explore and identify its therapeutic potential in a wide range of medical diseases that share a similar etiology with periodontal disease. Inflammatory diseases characterized by destruction of the body’s connective tissues, cardiovascular disease, cancer metastases and diabetes-related complications are some examples where Periostat®-related technology holds the promise of delivering powerful therapies.

Clinicians who prescribe Periostat® say it has changed the way they practice. Maria Emanuel Ryan, D.D.S., Ph.D., professor and director of clinical research in the Department of Oral Biology and Pathology at SUNY Stony Brook, can attest to the change that this technology has meant to her practice. “As a clinician, I now have a new way to manage my patients. By administering Periostat® as a pill twice a day, it amplifies or gives a boost to the response that I can achieve by mechanical scaling and root planning alone,” says Ryan. “For a lot of people who may not have responded well to traditional periodontal therapy, we now can achieve a positive response with Periostat® and can better manage their disease, in some cases without any surgery. I find that all modes of therapy, both non-surgical and surgical, have been improved in patients who are taking this medication.”

Ryan also has witnessed firsthand the improved quality of life that patients enjoy thanks to Periostat®. “To a lot of patients who didn’t have much hope, this treatment gives them the hope that they can better manage this disease and maintain their teeth,” she says.

Though periodontal disease has not been considered life-threatening, it recently has been linked to an increased risk for a number of systemic conditions such as heart and respiratory diseases, diabetes and adverse pregnancy outcomes. “There is no known cure for periodontitis — it requires a lot of work to control the disease — and many patients become despondent over this,” says Ryan.

“But Periostat® really provides us with another tool to better manage this disease and has spared many patients from needing dentures or implants. In the end, patients always prefer to keep their own teeth.”

This story was originally published in 2006.

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Groundwater Treatment Technologies Offer Increased Efficiency and Reduced Expense

University of Waterloo

Groundwater Treatment Technologies Offer Increased Efficiency  and Reduced Expense

Permeable reactive barriers developed at the University of Waterloo are two to five times less expensive than traditional pump-and-treat methods and in field tests are proving to be more effective in removing groundwater contaminants.

Contaminated drinking water is a worldwide problem, causing disease and death in developed and undeveloped countries alike. Especially troubling to remediation specialists are areas where the aquifer has become contaminated with heavy metals. These pollutants — which include mercury, arsenic, chromium and lead — are known to be toxic and difficult to extract from groundwater.

Throughout the western U.S. states, where gold and silver mines once provided abundant wealth, abandoned mine shafts have left an unexpected legacy: ground water contaminated by mine tailings.

Clean-up efforts in these areas have been notoriously expensive and frequently unsuccessful. A new class of remediation technologies, collectively known as permeable reactive barriers, or PRBs, are helping to undo the damage done by more than a century of mining and other activities in the United States and throughout the world. These technologies, developed at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada, are likely to revolutionize the way contaminated groundwater is treated in the future.

A Relatively Simple System

The PRB system is relatively simple, says Scott Inwood, technology transfer manager at the University of Waterloo. A typical installation involves selecting and placing a chemically reactive material into an excavated trench or chamber and positioning it to intercept the path of the contaminated groundwater plume. The PRB acts as an effective filter that removes contaminants as the groundwater flows through it. Scientists select reactive materials depending on the target contaminants that need to be treated, making the PRBs useful in a variety of applications.

The PRB technologies provide a more economical, efficient means of treating groundwater than traditional pump-and-treat methods. These conventional methods involve pumping contaminated water to the surface and treating it using filters, chemicals, electricity and manpower. The pump-and-treat approach can waste clean water and often produces contaminated byproducts. In some cases, this can cause the direction of the contaminated plume to change, increasing the risk of contaminating adjacent properties.

The mechanical pump-and-treat approach is two to five times more expensive than using the passive, unmanned, electricity-free PRB technologies, according to a 2001 report by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Aside from providing the lowest-cost alternative
method, PRBs have proven to be more effective in meeting stringent regulatory criteria. And, because they are buried underground, PRBs do not create eyesores or huge surface equipment scars that may reduce property values.

Governments, Corporations Support PRBs

The University of Waterloo, Canadian and U.S. governments, and several multinational corporations have invested significantly in the research and development of passive remediation technologies at the University of Waterloo, resulting in the creation of more than 20 technologies and more than 100 patents and patent applications. One targets common inorganic industrial contaminants, or metals, such as chromium, uranium, copper, zinc, arsenic and mercury.

David Blowes, a professor of Earth sciences and a Canada research chair, and Carol Ptacek, an adjunct professor and research scientist with Environment Canada, invented the metals-specific PRB. While researching, they found that PRBs that use zero-valent iron or organic carbon-reactive materials could be used to treat groundwater. The two were studying dissolved metals at a mining site in New Brunswick when they realized that contaminants were being removed in some places, but not in others. That’s when they began searching for practical ways of promoting chemical reactions in the aquifer that would remediate the site.

The metals-specific PRB is now used at several Superfund cleanup sites across the United States, as well as similar sites in Canada, Europe, South America and Australia.

“Our system is efficient as possible and less expensive,” Ptacek says. “Over the last decade, we’ve seen a gradual transition, from doing groundwater remediation by pumping to remediation by manipulating the aquifer.”

The Path to Licensing Has Been Difficult

In spite of the many significant benefits this technology offers, the path to successful licensing of the technologies has been arduous. “Regulatory agencies and engineering consultants don’t want to use a technology that’s not proven,” Inwood says. “We initiated a number of small-scale demonstration projects over an eight-year period to generate enough data that would provide the credibility to secure the first commercial license of the technology.”

The metals-specific PRB technology is now being field-tested at five sites in Canada and the United States, where the two governments have garnered licenses for field demonstrations. So far, 12 commercial entities have licensed the technology, including several in Canada, five in the United States and several in the European Union.

Inwood believes the technology will be widely used and accepted by the time the patent expires in 2012.

This story was originally published in 2006.

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Power Puck Replaces Batteries With Energy From Air

Pacific Northwest Natl Lab

Power Puck Replaces Batteries With Energy From Air

The quest for renewable energy is not entirely fueled by recent political winds or green movements. Much of the momentum comes from earlier efforts to overcome the one obstacle that prevents nearly every technological achievement from reaching its zenith: cheap and continuous energy.

The Perpetua Power Puck, a source of energy for remote wireless sensors and radio frequency transmitters that lasts for decades, thus sprang from a recurring need for new energy sources but debuted in a most timely fashion. The device completely eradicates the need for batteries or an electrical supply by using ambient temperature differences.

Although in development for years, the technology appeared to burst onto the commercial scene, but not without its trials and not without the intricate work of several partners.

“Research and development work on this technology began over a decade ago,” explains Cheryl Cejka, technology commercialization director at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). The timing of its completion as a marketable technology, however, could not have been more perfect. “We were fortunate to have someone interested in the very early stages of our marketing efforts,” says Cejka.

“One of the founders of Perpetua Power Source Technologies Inc., Jon Hofmeister, did market research and came back and said he wanted to license it,” she explains.

Thus the technology known as Thermoelectric Ambient Harvester (TEAH) became a near-overnight success and the basis for the product called Perpetua Power Puck.

“The deal still took about a year to put together,” says Cejka. “Considering that over the course of the process, a company had to be established, investors had to be engaged and the terms of the license concluded, this deal went relatively quickly.”

The discovery, however, always precedes the deal and is rarely achieved in a hurry.

The Path to Power

Back in the 1990s, John DeSteese, an engineer at PNNL in the Energy Technology Development Group, proposed and conducted a funded project to explore a large variety of energy conversion technologies that can produce electric power from all forms of environmental energy. Wind and solar power are common examples that are now in commercial use.

“My emphasis was on devices that operate indefinitely in remote areas without human attention,” he says. “I recognized little work had been done to exploit the natural thermal energy in the environment, particularly in devices that produce less than a watt of electricity.”

He continues, “I invented the conceptual energy-harvesting basis of the Power Puck when I discovered the limitations of the prior design of this kind of device.”

TEAH, the technology in the Perpetua Power Puck, directly converts heat into electricity using the thermoelectric effect. In other words, it produces electrical power from the heat that is available in its surroundings.

“It’s the way some digital thermometers work,” explains DeSteese. “If I make two junctions of dissimilar metals, holding one junction at, say, the freezing point of water (32 F) and the other junction in air, the circuit of just these elements will produce a voltage proportional to the difference in temperature of the two junctions.”

Using just the right combination of materials maximizes the effect, he says. “Optimizing the material properties enables the effect to significantly increase performance,” he adds. “Now, multiply the number of junctions by a factor of thousands using semiconducting manufacturing processes, and we have a device like the Power Puck that produces renewable energy to run sensors and data communication equipment.”

Cejka says the PNNL team and Perpetua have created “a remarkable amount of new materials and embodiment technology that culminates in Perpetua’s current product.”

Because it has no moving parts, the Power Puck is ideal for harsh climates and remote industrial, military, environmental and agricultural applications.

The company recently won government contracts to develop wearable energy harvesters that convert body heat into energy for powering wireless sensors. Market applications include powering ultra-long-life location devices for military personnel and first responders. It is also ideal for some medical applications, such as those that help patients with diabetes, heart disease and sleep disorders.

The Power Puck can power virtually any wireless sensor, regardless of the sensor’s purpose. Among the applications identified so far are sensors for law enforcement, border security, hospitals, automotive, consumer electronics and tracking devices for outdoor sportsmen, athletes or pets.

Green Aspect Adds Commercial Appeal

The green aspect of the Power Puck added additional commercial appeal as countries around the world seek new sources of renewable or alternative energies and a means to reduce landfill poisons.

“Energy harvesting can make a direct environmental impact by reducing the number of batteries disposed of in landfills every year, save businesses significant money by eliminating costly battery replacements and enabling valuable electronics to be deployed in areas otherwise not practical,” explains Hofmeister, who serves as Perpetua’s president.

Perpetua negotiated an exclusive license from Battelle, the entity that has operated PNNL for the U.S. Department of Energy since 1965, to develop and commercialize the technology in 2007. Perpetua then worked on ways to improve volume manufacturing of the thermoelectric material, which it branded Flexible Thermoelectric Film. The film is incorporated into marketable products and solutions such as the plug-and-play Perpetua Power Puck.

“We first heard about Pacific Northwest National Laboratory’s work with flexible thin-film thermoelectics through relationships with the University of Oregon,” says Hofmeister. “The southern Willamette Valley area here in Oregon, including the University of Oregon, Oregon State University, and Oregon Nanoscience and Microtechnologies Institute, is one of the top thermoelectric research areas in the world.”

Perpetua began selling products in early 2009, and the Perpetua Power Puck is the flagship product using the Flexible Thermoelectric Film technology.

“They are designed to harvest waste heat from almost any warm surface for powering wireless sensors used in industrial applications such as condition-based monitoring of critical equipment,” he says.

“We’re teaming with wireless radio providers, energy storage companies, industrial equipment manufacturers and facility owners bringing our industrial solutions to market.”

The Power of Partnerships

Hofmeister credits the PNNL team for being “extremely helpful in making sure that Perpetua succeeds in bringing thermoelectric energy harvesting to market.”

Indeed, it takes a team effort to bring any new idea to market, but it isn’t a true partnership unless the effort benefits all.

“Collaborating with commercial partners on efforts like this reduces research and development costs for companies and allows the development of new products,” says Cejka. “And, each successful effort recognizes the work of our talented R&D teams and further fuels the desire to commercialize their innovations.”

PNNL also has a rewards and recognition program that has recognized the team’s efforts which DeSteese applauds.

“I can only speak for myself,” says the primary inventor, DeSteese, “but being recognized as an inventive individual by peers and the scientific community is my biggest motivation.”

Everyone involved likes to see the research out on the market helping people in all walks of life and in real scenarios.

“Because so many ideas, and even those that get as far as being reduced to practice in the laboratory, still fail to find commercial application, the special joy that comes from this invention and its subsequent development is knowing that it will actually enter the marketplace as a useful and hopefully socially beneficial product rather than remaining a soon-forgotten laboratory curiosity,” says DeSteese.

The Power Puck may power sensors for decades, but its success also helps power the next batch of discoveries at PNNL.


This story was originally published in 2010.

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Dried Oats Yield New Opportunities

University of Alberta

Dried Oats Yield New Opportunities
Oats are a great source of carbohydrates, proteins, fiber and important nutrients. They also contain valuable bioactive compounds that play a role in the prevention of diabetes, coronary heart disease and cancer.

Extracting   these natural ingredients can be challenging for pharmaceutical and nutraceutical products — products that may need to be dried or powdered to be made into tablets, pills or supplements. The water-based natural biopolymers from oats must be converted into a dry form, a process that often requires heat which can weaken the most important ingredients.

To overcome this obstacle, the Edmonton-based biotechnology company Ceapro Inc. turned to Dr. Feral Temelli in the Department of Agricultural, Food & Nutritional Science at the University of Alberta. Dr. Temelli and doctoral student Bernhard Seifried developed a novel moderate-temperature spray-drying technique called PGX.
The PGX technology utilizes the unique properties of Pressurized Gas expanded liquids to produce numerous forms of water-soluble biopolymers including oat beta glucan, already well-known for its cholesterol-lowering properties.

“This partnership between Ceapro and the University of Alberta is a great example of translational research, from lab to the marketplace,” says Gilles Gagnon, President and CEO of Ceapro.

As the commercialization agent for University of Alberta technologies, TEC Edmonton helped negotiate the licensing agreement giving Ceapro the right to use the PGX technology. Already, multi-national food and natural drug proces- sors have approached Ceapro with interest in sub-licensing the game-changing drying technology.

“This agreement will create jobs and export revenue,” says Chris Lumb, CEO of TEC Edmonton, the university’s licensing agent. It also demonstrates the importance of local licensing as a way to develop economic diversity and increase linkages between universities and their communities.”

This story was originally published in 2015.

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Software Program Identifies At-Risk Children in the Classroom

University of Virginia

Software Program Identifies At-Risk Children in the Classroom

High literacy rates are among the chief hallmarks of a strong educational system. And in order to stay ahead of the curve, teachers must regularly assess students’ reading skills, monitor their progress, and determine how well they are achieving their literacy goals. To help teachers meet this formidable task, researchers at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville invented the “Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening (PALS) Online Score Entry and Reporting System,” a diagnostic reading software tool for kindergarten through third grade students.

Marcia Invernizzi, director of the McGuffey Reading Center in the Curry School of Education at the University of Virginia, developed PALS from 1997 to 2002. The Virginia Department of Education initially funded the project at $350,000, which it increased to an annual amount of $950,000 in 2000.

PALS is a software program that quickly assesses how well children understand literacy fundamentals.

Children who need intervention are identified quickly so they can receive the tools and special instruction they need before they fall too far behind. Students are tested two to three times a year to monitor their progress and adjust their method of instruction, if necessary.

PALS is an important diagnostic tool that identifies at-risk elementary students at a young age, allowing for early intervention. It is easy to use and generates quantitative data that accurately determines reading level, comprehension and other literacy metrics. The PALS Internet database has resulted in 100 percent universal literacy screening in K–3 in Virginia and has  become a model for other states.


This story was originally published in 2008.

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Software Converts 2-D Digital Photographs into Stunning 3-D Mosaics

University of Washington

Software Converts 2-D Digital Photographs into Stunning 3-D Mosaics

Suppose you’ve taken a series of photographs of the Notre Dame cathedral — now what? Using a software program developed by the University of Washington, you can meld those photographs into a three-dimensional mosaic, zooming effortlessly from an aerial view to a close-up ground level view and back again. 

The software, called Photo Tourism, was invented by computer science and engineering department doctoral student Noah Snavely, associate professor Steven Seitz, and affiliate professor and Microsoft researcher Rick Szeliski, Ph.D. Research was funded in part by the National Science Foundation, the Achievement Rewards for College Scientists Foundation, Microsoft Research, and the UW Advanced Technology Initiative. Photo Tourism was disclosed in 2005 and licensed to Microsoft the following year.

The program creates a three-dimensional mosaic using random viewpoints from a collection of digital photographs. The underlying three-dimensional computer model is generated automatically, and the photos are placed as a mosaic over this model.

The collection of photos can then be navigated by interacting with the model, creating an immersive, 3-D experience. This technology offers an innovative way to arrange, navigate, and search through collections of digital images. It can also be used to create high-fidelity computer models of sculptures, buildings and other structures.

Photo Tourism is an important part of Microsoft Live Lab’s Photosynth technology, which has been used by NASA to show 3-D Web views of the space shuttle Endeavour and parts of the space program rarely seen. Microsoft is further testing the technology in more rigorous, complex environments before releasing the software more broadly.


This story was originally published in 2008.

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Photodynamic Therapy: A Light at the End of the Tunnel for Cancer Patients

Roswell Park Cancer Institute

Photodynamic Therapy: A Light at the End of the Tunnel for Cancer Patients

Almost a decade ago, a woman in her 60s was in extreme pain from a tongue tumor that was spreading along the floor of her mouth. The cancer surgeon whom she consulted removed the lining of her mouth with a laser incision and cut out the tumor. Two months later, the woman’s pain level was the same as before surgery and the tumor returned. The surgeon repeated the procedure, yet three months later there was no progress.

“This was a case of the cure being worse than the disease,” says Nestor R. Rigual, M.D., a head and neck surgeon at Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, N.Y., who struggled with this woman’s case.

Recognizing that what he was doing wasn’t working, Rigual consulted Thomas J. Dougherty, Ph.D., at Roswell Park who had invented a light-targeted cancer therapy called photodynamic therapy or PDT. Dougherty was then head of the PDT Center. Rigual’s patient was a good candidate because her lesion was accessible. With the woman’s approval, Rigual treated her with PDT.

“The initial result was quite dramatic,” Rigual says. “The disease went away for more than a year.”

Shining a Light on the Matter

“PDT is an entirely unique concept in cancer treatment,” says Richard R. Matner, Ph.D., director of technology transfer and commercial development at Roswell Park Cancer Institute. “It’s possible that one application may be able to control a cancer, but multiple applications are possible since the treatment is nontoxic.”

Where the light strikes the tumor cell, Matner explains, it releases oxygen and, simply put, “It’s killed.” Matner experienced the treatment himself when a basal cell carcinoma on his shoulder “disappeared” with a single treatment of PDT.

As an alternative cancer therapy, PDT dramatically reduces many of the side effects of standard treatments that include surgery, radiation and chemo or hormone therapies. Unlike radiation or surgery, there are no permanent or deleterious effects like scarring with PDT.

If PDT doesn’t work, says Rigual, “you haven’t burned any bridges” to try other treatments, which is an important concept in medicine.

Rather than using toxic radiation to kill cells, a surgeon shines a light at the tumor. This powerful beam of light, directed by a tiny diode laser or endoscope via a particular wavelength that fits in a briefcase-size pack, creates energy that destroys vessels by stopping blood supply. The tumors then starve to death.

“PDT’s impact is akin to a combination of chemotherapy and radiation,” says Matner. “It takes the best of each and eliminates the worst of each.”

Bringing PDT Into the Light

The first indication that light could damage living organisms was discovered by a German scientist in 1900. He found that a single-cell paramecium was killed when a fluorescein-type dye was added and then exposed to light. Years later, others recognized the role that the oxygen played — and this ultimately became known as the photodynamic effect.

“My first exposure to this phenomenon was accidental,” says Dougherty. “I was testing a potential radiation sensitizer that I had made for its cellular toxicity using a fluorescein derivative that produces fluorescence to remain in live cells but not in dead ones. I was told to do this testing in subdued light since light would kill all the cells in the presence of this stain.”

Like a curious scientist, Dougherty found this intriguing, and so he tried it. “Sure enough,” he says, “ all of the cells died.”

And an area of cancer research was born.

His first experiments using fluorescein as the PDT photosensitizer on mice “sort of” worked, says Dougherty. “It slowed the growth but didn’t kill the tumor.

“I soon realized two problems with using fluorescein,” he continues. “First, it produces very little singlet oxygen when

activated by light, and, second, the light needed to activate it does not penetrate very far into the tissue. I needed a drug — a photosensitizer — that could be activated by red light (which penetrated tissue the deepest) and produced   large amount of the oxygen needed to kill the cells. I chose a class of compounds called porphyrins since they possess both of these properties. When porphyrins were used, the tumors on the mice completely disappeared.”

The results stunned the researcher. “I couldn’t believe it,” says Dougherty, “I repeated the experiment at least a dozen times!”

Many more experiments took place on numerous mice. Then, with permission from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to start clinical trials on a few brave people with advanced cancers (some who suffered a great deal of pain from overtreatment until the researchers got the dosages right), Dougherty, with the help of many others including various pharmaceutical companies, achieved the one-chance-in-a-thousand odds for FDA approval in 1995.

Not everyone saw the light of PDT at first. Some of the researchers from Roswell, including Dougherty, created a company to commercialize the original compound that Dougherty had identified and patented, called Photofrin. Funding was first provided by the National Cancer Institute in 1974 as a grant and renewed many times over the course of their research. Financial support also came from The Oncologic Foundation of Buffalo. These funders, along with money from Johnson & Johnson for the Photofrin rights, officially launched and carried the program.

When the Photofrin was licensed to the company, it, in conjunction with Lederle Laboratories, obtained approvals for obstructive esophageal cancer in 1995 and for lung cancer in 1998. When Axcan Pharma of Quebec obtained the license from the company, the group earned approval for high-grade dysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus in 2003.

At that time, Barbara Henderson, Ph.D., and current head of the PDT Center at Roswell Park, discovered that destruction of the tumor blood vessels, in addition to the tumor cells, was key to the complete destruction of the tumor. Henderson helped change medical minds with this finding. “She translated the PDT technology into patients,” says Matner.

But there was still a concern with one of the side effects of the drug, says Dougherty. “There was skin phototoxicity, which meant that patients had to stay out of the sun for six to eights weeks after the procedure.”

Ultimately this problem was solved by Ravindra Pandey, Ph.D., a chemist at Roswell. He worked on a series of compounds that would be as effective as Photofrin, but without the skin toxicity. The breakthrough came when Pandey synthesized compounds that reduced skin phototoxicity from several weeks to three or four days. This dramatically impacted quality of life for patients following the PDT cancer treatment.

How Brightly the Light Can Shine

PDT has been used for essentially every conceivable cancer as well as many noncancer indications. Some of the most promising are cancers of the head, neck and bile duct. The only approved noncancer uses are for vision loss and skin lesions. It is approved in the United States,Canada, Europe and Japan for palliative use and cure for certain cancers of the esophagus, lung, skin, cervix and bladder (bladder cancer is not yet approved in the United States).

Pandey’s new photosensitizer has been licensed in China and in India where it will be used for treatment of head and neck cancers that are prevalent in these countries. This will greatly expand the number of patients who can benefit from PDT.

As for the woman whose tongue cancer was treated with PDT by Rigual over a decade ago — she is in her 70s now and cancer free. At the rate it is being studied and applied, PDT is not only likely to extend the lives of many more people with cancer, but will allow clinicians to make earlier and more precise diagnoses that will

This story was originally published in 2010.

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Photoselective Mesh Invention Helps Preserve Crops

University of Concepcion

Photoselective Mesh Invention Helps Preserve Crops
During the last decade, farmers have suffered extreme meteorological phenomena that have deteriorated crop production and intensified water shortages. Examples include the 120-degree days recorded in Oregon and Washington in 2021 hitting vineyards; and the case of an apple field in southern Chile that lost 40% of their production due to sunburn. 

In 2000, researcher and agronomist Richard Bastías from the University of Concepcion in Concepción, Chile, saw the effects of climate change were increasing the temperature, solar radiation exposure, and periods of drought in the fields. These extreme environmental conditions were causing a decrease in fruit sizes, water deficit, and loss of production due to sunburn. Bastías’ laboratory decided to investigate the use of meshes to protect the fruit from solar radiation without affecting the trees’ productivity. Their research culminated in 2015 with a novel combined photoselective netting helping to overcome these crucial global challenges.

Presently, farmers in Mexico, Peru, and Chile are applying this innovation in commercial apple, cherry, and blueberry orchards, where it is promoting vegetative, floral, and fruit growth. These meshes have improved production and water efficiency by guaranteeing favorable environmental conditions such as reduced direct sunlight radiation and less extreme temperatures.
These conditions avoid anthocyanin degradation, stimulate chlorophyll synthesis, reduce overexposure to summer solar stress, and improve water usage efficiency by limiting water evaporation.

Normally, sunburn loss in fruit affects over 40% of production. The application of these meshes reduced these losses between 60-95%, depending on the species. In berries, there has been an increase in yield per plant, improved fruit quality (volume, weight, color), more flower blooming, and improvements in post-harvest processing.

Finally, the use of these meshes accounts for 50% less water usage compared to other nets. One of our early adopters said, "the mesh allows to increase the productivity of the fields while extending their usable lifetime. Also, it allows us to reduce the use of water, a scarce resource." Convinced of the value of this technology, Campomallas licensed the technology, with forecasts of over $25 million in sales over the next three years, which would make it the most profitable invention of the University of Concepción.

The tech transfer process is highly collaborative. The Technology Transfer Office (TTO) was important to articulating the key actors in the development process, particularly; Sandra Araya’s leadership as Director of UdeC TTO. In addition, the specialized support provided by APTA, particularly Varinka Farren's drive as APTA's CEO, made it possible to exhibit the technology with international partners, proving its use at a global scale, demonstrating that Chilean science can have an impact on the global market. The technology is undergoing patent applications in the United States, Europe, Mexico, Peru, and Chile, and is entering the Peru and US markets.

This story was originally published in 2021.

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DNA Microarray Rapidly Profiles Microbial Populations

Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab

DNA Microarray Rapidly Profiles Microbial Populations

Microbial threats, it seems, might be anywhere — bioweapons in the air and water, pathogens in the food supply, diseases in the human population, and changes in microbial populations in the environment, whether the result of natural or human activity.

A number of government agencies and health and medical researchers would like to monitor microbial populations to help keep us safe, cure our diseases and protect the environment. But it’s not that easy. In fact, until recently it’s been hard — exceedingly hard — to monitor microbial populations with any kind of depth and accuracy.

Oh, sure, a researcher could grab a sample, try to culture it in a petri dish and see what’s there. But when you culture bacteria, you’re creating an artificial, unnatural environment for the bacteria, and only a small proportion of the bacteria will actually grow under those conditions. If you want to do a more rigorous DNA analysis on the sample, the conventional techniques for preparing samples are tedious, finicky, expensive, error-prone and grindingly slow. Some labs have tried to use robots to automate the sample preparation process. It’s rumored that the robots quit because the work was too boring.

Now, thanks to research at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, efficient technology transfer and a startup company, there is a much faster, efficient and accurate way to identify and monitor microbial populations. It’s called PhyloChip technology.

The Evolution of a Breakthrough

Gary Andersen, Ph.D., Molecular Microbial Ecology group leader at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), is not a man given to puffing himself up. He says, “To start, you have to realize that we have made our accomplishments only by standing on the shoulders of giants. The mid-1990s were a revolutionary time in biology, and my colleagues and I owe a lot to the achievements of those researchers.

“There are two keys that make PhyloChip technology possible,” Andersen says. “The first is the discovery that the 16S ribosomal gene — a 1,500-base DNA sequence that all bacteria have — is like a barcode for a bacterium. The 16S gene is used in the assembly of protein, and it’s different for every species of bacteria. Researchers have built up a large database of 16S gene sequences from different bacteria, so that now if you have a new community of bacteria, you could identify it on the basis of the previously known 16S sequences.”

The second key development, Andersen relates, was the use of DNA microarrays to identify DNA sequences. A DNA microarray is a pattern of microscopic DNA “probes” arranged on a chip. Each probe is a precise sequence of DNA, and it has the capability to detect a specific DNA target. When a samplethat has been treated with fluorescent dye is passed over a microarray,researchers can then tell, by looking at the glowingdots on the microarray, which specific DNA targets have beendetected. Initially researchers were using microarrays to detectthe expression of genes. At first it was possible to test only for100 different DNA targets, but soon it was possible to test forthousands using more advanced microarrays.

“We were the first research team to figure out that this technology could be used to identify bacteria by looking for specific pieces of the 16S gene,” Andersen says. “Originally, I experimented with 98-well microtiter plates, and it worked. The first array in its present form that we used had 16,000 probes. That was a huge jump, and it paved the way for making much larger arrays and eventually analyzing them by computer.”

Andersen adds, “The other key things we did were to figure out a way to group the probes together to rapidly distinguish one set of targets from another, to make the probes smaller to increase specificity of identification and to use multiple probes to identify each bacteria, which greatly increases our confidence of correct identification.”

Going Big Time

With funding from the Department of Homeland Security, Andersen continued to develop and refine PhyloChip technology. And he wasn’t alone.

Todd DeSantis, software developer in the Molecular Microbial Ecology group at LBNL, says, “We found out three important things. First, the technology is highly scalable. We started with 16,000 probes in an array, and now we’re up to over a million.

“Second, our results are not just qualitative — that is, we can see which species of bacteria are present — but also quantitative: From sample to sample we can see which bacteria are growing in a population. It’s tremendously important in ecological and clinical studies to see what the trend is over time.”

Third, DeSantis states, the results are highly reproducible in tracking even the low abundance organisms. “That’s critical to making sure the changes you are seeing are real and not some artifact of testing error,” he says.

He also notes that as the number of probes on a PhyloChip array has exploded, the ability to analyze the results by computer has become an absolute necessity. “If you were to try to analyze a million-probe chip by hand, it would be just as tedious, time consuming and error-prone as the old DNA analysis techniques that PhyloChip technology replaces. The computer speeds and refines the process.”

Licensing the Technology

Virginia de la Puente, senior licensing associate in Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Management at LBNL, is the first to admit that the licensing history of PhyloChip technology is unusual. “This technology was the overall third-place winner for The Wall Street Journal’s 2008 Technology Innovation Awards. You might think that would pretty much guarantee a licensing deal, but it was not to be. We had three or four companies interested, but none of them came back with a proposal.” She adds, “There is a certain amount of tension in tech transfer. Big companies want a certain level of development, and small companies generally don’t have a lot of money. You have to find the company that’s the right fit for the technology.”

It took, instead, a chance conversation to get PhyloChip technology licensed. One day Corey Goodman, who was between executive assignments and would ultimately become one of the founders of the company that licensed the technology, was chatting with a neighbor. The neighbor was involved in a water quality experiment involving PhyloChip technology and was raving about it. “You have to check this out!” he said to Goodman.

De la Puente says, “Goodman did check it out and soon entered into a six-month option agreement for the PhyloChip

technology. Then this agreement was extended for another six months. The team Goodman put together hired a pretty aggressive law firm and negotiated hard. Finally a license agreement was signed.”

The Realities of Bringing PhyloChip Technology to the Marketplace

In April 2009, a company called PhyloTech was set up specifically to commercialize the PhyloChip technology. “In a very short time, we got the technology transferred and up and running,” says Rachel Steger, marketing director for the company. By July 2010, we started selling to customers. That speaks very well to the tech transfer process, which allowed us to commercialize very quickly. In 2011, we’re making money and paying royalties.”

Steger notes that there is a huge effort in the research community to understand the human microbiome — that is, all the bacteria that reside in and on the human body. She says, “It turns out that any individual has far more bacterial cells than human cells, so many in fact that it amounts to a second genome. This second genome is not well-understood, but our technology is uniquely useful in helping researchers to get a handle on it. Because of that, our company was recently renamed Second Genome.”

She adds, “We are selling a service. Customers send us raw or processed biological samples. We do laboratory processing using the PhyloChip technology and perform data analysis on the results. Most of our customers are doing research in academic labs, but we also have customers in industry and in specific applied markets involving waterborne detection. Using conventional techniques, it could take years to get the detailed data that we can provide in just weeks.”

PhyloChip technology has already been put to good use in detecting oil-digesting bacteria in the plume from the BP

Deepwater Horizon oil spill, in profiling microbial populations in floodwaters from levee breaks following Hurricane Katrina and in assessing the health of coral reefs. When the next microbial threat or research question arises, it seems likely Second Genome and PhyloChip technology will play a significant role in keeping us safe, curing our diseases and protecting the environment.



This story was originally published in 2011.

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Software Improves Productivity of Grant and Faculty Effort Managers

Vanderbilt University

Software Improves Productivity of Grant and Faculty Effort Managers

Compliance with federal regulations governing sponsored research is a constant challenge for research-intensive organizations. In particular, faculty effort committed to federally-funded research projects is highly scrutinized by auditors. To improve efficiency in sponsored research and faculty effort administration, Mark A. Hughes, departmental administrator for Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s department of microbiology and immunology, invented the “Project and Investigator Effort Reporting” database software, or PIER.

This grant management software was developed between 2002 and 2006 with funding from the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.

The program consists of a relational networked database platform for sharing critical research data elements among administrators, centers, departments, divisions or the entire research enterprise.

The software can be customized to provide research administrators with the enhanced resources they need to manage research personnel, projects and awards.

Launched in July 2006, the program is being used at Vanderbilt and the University of Southern California. For more information, go to

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Pin Bone Wizard Removes Fine Bones from Salmon and Trout Fillets

University of Alaska Fairbanks

Pin Bone Wizard Removes Fine Bones from Salmon and Trout Fillets

It’s been a long-standing problem in the food industry: how to remove smaller bones from fish fillets, especially salmon and trout. These fine bones, called pin bones, are difficult to remove and often detract from the pleasure of eating fine fish. In fact, many view the presence of pin bones to be a significant deterrent to fish consumption.

In an effort to support Alaska’s commercial fishing industry, researchers Lawrence V. Kozycki and Gregory Shipman at the University of Alaska Fairbanks invented a pneumatic device that pulls these bones from fish. Their research, which received funding from the Alaska Science and Technology Foundation, the United States Department of Agriculture, the University of Alaska Fairbanks’ Geophysical Institute, and University of Alaska president Mark Hamilton, began in 1997, and is ongoing.

The compact, tabletop machine was developed for fish markets, grocery stores, fish smokers, individual fishermen, off- and on-shore processors, and restaurants. These small businesses cannot afford the large, expensive processing equipment used by the big processors. Marketed as Pin Bone Wizard™, it is more affordable than existing pin bone pullers and far more effective at removing bones from muscular, wild-caught fish. It can also pull neck bones (which lie on a different plane than pin bones) and does not break bones that are difficult to pull.

The flesh of the fillet remains undamaged, providing an attractive product.

The Geophysical Institute markets and sells the Pin Bone Wizard™.  Interest has come from around the world, including Ecuador, Peru, Mexico, Iceland, Australia, Canada and the countries of Scandinavia. The patented pulling mechanism is also being distributed to major manufacturers of fish-processing equipment for use in larger, automated, pin-bone removal machines used in processing plants.

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Radar System Sees Through Underground Pipes to Detect Potential for Sinkholes

Louisiana Tech University

Radar System Sees Through Underground Pipes to Detect Potential for Sinkholes

Sinkholes and ruptured water mains are occurring with alarming frequency throughout the country, creating a sense of urgency for upgrades to the nation’s aging drinking and wastewater infrastructure. 

According to the American Water Works Association, much of the nation’s underground infrastructure is nearing the end of its useful life and needs to be replaced — which will take a significant toll on the budgets of local governments and utilities. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates the cost of replacing more than 1 million miles of drinking water pipeline to be more than $1 trillion, with an additional $298 billion to upgrade sewer and storm-water infrastructure.  
Using an electromagnetic scanning technology developed at Louisiana Tech University, Florida-based CUES Inc. is able to help municipalities identify infrastructure most in need of repair and prevent catastrophic failures in underground systems by detecting voids around buried water pipes.
“We can’t afford to fix all of our infrastructure at once,” says Richard Kordal, Louisiana Tech’s director of intellectual property and commercialization. “But this technology gives us the opportunity to triage underground infrastructure and fix pipes that are in critical need of repair first.”
Underground Infrastructure
Erez Allouche, Ph.D., P.E., joined the faculty of Louisiana Tech in 2003, just two years before Hurricane Katrina devastated parts of Louisiana. 
“When Hurricane Katrina happened there was much hype about the above ground damage, but I had great concern about the damage done to the buried infrastructure that would only come to light 10 years later,” says Allouche, associate professor of civil engineering and director of the Trenchless Technology Center
Allouche applied for and received a $30,000 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to work with local contractors to perform camera inspections on underground pipes and correlate the damage found there to the amount of water damage above ground. However, the commercially available video inspections could provide only limited information about the interior pipe wall and nothing about the environment surrounding the pipe. 
“I knew that most of the damage would occur outside the pipe, where the soil washes away,” says Allouche. 
Underground pipes often develop cracks and crevices, especially when stressed by flood conditions. Over time, soil falls through the cracks and into the pipe, creating a void in the ground space above the pipe that can eventually develop into a sinkhole. Allouche says that by 2006, soil voids began developing throughout storm-ravaged New Orleans.
“People would see a puddle and would worry, is it 2 inches or 2 feet deep?” he says. 
Seeing Through Pipe
With no existing technology available to detect sinkholes before they break through the surface, Allouche and his colleagues Arun Jaganathan and Neven Simicevic set out to develop a system that could “see through” pipes to assess the conditions around them. The project dovetailed perfectly with the mission of the Trenchless Technology Center, which is dedicated to rehabilitating underground infrastructure without excavation.
The research team evaluated a variety of technologies for the task, including acoustic and thermal imaging, but ultimately decided on using high-frequency electromagnetic waves also known as ultrawide band (UWB) technology. The use of UWB radio waves (3.1-10.6 GHz), which until 2001 were limited to military applications, has also been adopted by the automotive industry for use as vehicle sensors to warn drivers when other vehicles or objects are getting too close.
“Ours was one of first civilian applications of UWB technology in the U.S.,” says Allouche. 
Commercial Partner
In CUES, Allouche found a natural commercial partner for developing the technology. CUES, the world's leading manufacturer of closed circuit television video inspection, rehabilitation and pipe profiling equipment, was already an industry sponsor of the Trenchless Technology Center.
“CUES has been manufacturing inspection equipment for nearly 50 years,” says Joe Purtell, vice president.
Kordal says CUES was interested in the project, but knew it would require more research and development funding than the company could provide. So Louisiana Tech and CUES joined forces with Department of Defense contractor Niitek and applied for funding through the National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST), which held a competition to award grants specifically for next-generation infrastructure assessment technologies in 2007.
“The NIST proposal took countless hours, and Joe Purtell worked tirelessly,” says Allouche. “We couldn’t have a better partner than CUES.” 
The team was selected and became one of nine grantees, receiving an award of $3.2 million. 
“We won a very rare NIST grant that gave the university a lot of visibility,” says Kordal. “It showed that we are doing impressive, cutting-edge research here, and it highlighted the Trenchless Technology Center.”
Additional money from the state of Louisiana and a $400,000 Major Research Instrument Grant from the NSF also boosted the development of the UWB technology. 
“The NSF grant enabled us to buy electromagnetic research equipment and that put us on our way,” says Allouche. 
The technology development team grew to 10 full-time engineers and technicians working simultaneously on various components, from mechanical design and electronic components to mathematical algorithms. Years of hard work and many, many iterations were followed by testing at the university’s indoor and outdoor test beds and, finally, in cities across the United States.
“The in-field experience of the CUES engineering team led by Tony Winiewicz was instrumental in transferring the technology from a laboratory prototype to a field-ready tool,” says Allouche.
Field Testing
The first field test was conducted in 2012 in Slidell, a city outside New Orleans that had been under water for weeks in the aftermath of Katrina. The team sent the ground-penetrating radar into the city’s water main and sewer pipes, where it emitted signals that passed through the pipes and into the soil surrounding the pipelines. The signals’ reflections were then processed using algorithms and software to dimensionalize the pipes, providing information on defects and the likelihood of voids at various segments of along the lines.
“It was very encouraging that we were able to detect soil voids there,” says Allouche of the successful trial. 
Kordal agrees.
“The UWB technology helped the city of Slidell determine that the failure of its crumbling sewer and drainage pipes was a result of the effects of Katrina not normal wear and tear,” adds Kordal.
Louisiana Tech applied for and received a patent on the technology entitled Pipe Survey Method Using UWB Signal (US 8,350,570, issued in January 2013). Kordal helped negotiate the sponsorship agreement and intellectual property plan required for the NIST grant, as well as the exclusive licensing agreement with CUES.
Today, CUES is refining the radar system to make it simple, easy to use and “industrial-hardened.” The company is working with its early adopter clients in the United States and Canada to test the new inspection system, FutureScan.
“Our challenge is to make this system a ubiquitous tool that is added to the tool kit of asset managers and deployed globally,” says Purtell. 
The FutureScan radar device, housed in a casing the size of a smartphone box, is strapped on top of CUES’ video inspection robots and integrated into the company’s existing assessment software. As the wheeled robot traverses through a pipeline gathering video footage, FutureScan sends out signals and processes the reflections, providing the operator with a detailed report including a graphical display of pipe anomalies and the likelihood of voids at each segment of the pipeline. 
“FutureScan can look through any nonmetalic type of pipe and, depending on soil conditions, see several feet beyond the pipe wall to detect voids or other anomalies,” says Purtell.
The real-time, 360-degree scans can be performed on plastic, vitrified clay pipe, and concrete pipes from 18 to 36 inches in diameter (up to 48 inches in specific conditions) at a speed of 30 feet per minute. 
“The information [FutureScan] produces is extremely powerful,” says Allouche. “For the inspection of pipe, this is the best system out there: solid-state electronic equipment and leading-edge algorithms. It’s an extremely advanced system.”
FutureScan can accurately measure pipe wall thickness, detect delaminations (composite material failures) and assess the corrosion of steel rebar within reinforced concrete pipe, providing asset managers with a better estimate of the  pipe’s remaining useful life.
“By monitoring the growth of the voids over time, cities can better plan for repairs and only fix what really needs to be fixed,” says Purtell. “We’re anxious to get FutureScan out there to help communities better predict and plan for their capital expenditures.”
Both CUES and Allouche hope that many of the thousands of video inspections conducted in the United States every day will soon include FutureScan, reducing risk for the owners of pipe systems and threats to public health and safety.
“Sinkholes are a real threat — I’ve personally nearly driven into a few,” says Allouche. “I’m proud to be part of a team that developed a system that may potentially save lives and provide people with higher confidence that the ground will not open beneath them.”

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Plasmid Rescue System Injects New Life Into Flu Vaccines

St Jude Children's Research Hospital

Plasmid Rescue System Injects New Life Into Flu Vaccines

In November 1918, as World War 1 was ending, a new battle emerged — one with a microscopic foe. The 1918 influenza pandemic stretched into 1920, and when it was over, nearly one-third of the world’s population had been infected. The war claimed nearly 17 million military and civilian lives. The 1918 influenza pandemic killed about50 million people, with some estimates reaching nearly 100 million.

Today, there are better defenses against influenza, in the form of vaccines that prime immune systems to fight the virus (the first U.S.-approved flu vaccine arrived in 1945). But influenza viruses mutate constantly, which means vaccines need to keep changing too.

To that end, researchers at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital developed a technique called the 8-plasmid reverse genetics system. Using precise genetic modification, it quickly and effectively reduces the time involved for vaccine development when influenza pandemics emerge.

The Fundamentals of Flu Vaccine

Based in Memphis, Tenn., St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is known as a research center for childhood cancers. But St. Jude also has a long history of flu vaccine research, dating back about 40 years.

As it turns out, influenza research has plenty of relevance for St. Jude’s cancer patients. “A lot of our oncology patients die from infectious diseases — including influenza — because their immune systems are just so weak,” says Shawn Hawkins, associate director of technology licensing for St. Jude. So you have to try to find ways to treat those infectious diseases better.

To appreciate how St. Jude scientists did this, it helps to understand the basics about how vaccines are made.

Before vaccine manufacturers can produce millions of doses, they need to know exactly what to produce. For that, they require a vaccine seed strain — a benign strain of the influenza virus that will build immunity without causing infection. These seed strains are created in a handful of laboratories approved by the World Health Organization, and St. Jude Children's Research Hospital is one of those labs.

Historically, scientists have created seed strains by injecting chicken eggs with two flu strains: the target strain (which the vaccine builds immunity against) and also another flu strain that’s proven to grow quickly and therefore enhances seed strain growth (because if the seed strain fails to reproduce well, it can lead to vaccine shortages). Inside the eggs, the genetic material of the two flu strains combines naturally and randomly. Scientists must test the eggs to find the hybrid virus that's best-suited for seed strains, then purify them and send them to manufacturers for vaccine production. With this approach, it can take up to 4 months for scientists to identify the right seed strain and an additional 4 to 6 months for manufacturers to produce large quantities of vaccine. That gives a pandemic virus plenty of time to wreak havoc.  

Targeting the Troublemakers

At St. Jude, researchers developed a system that can develop seed strains for influenza vaccine in about 2 weeks instead of up to 4 months.

Called the 8-plasmid reverse genetic system, this technique still combines the target flu strain with a fast-growing strain, but in a more precise way. With funding from the National Institutes of Health, Robert Webster, Ph.D., and Eric Hoffman, Ph.D., began developing the 8-plasmid reserve genetic system around 1998, building on recent vaccine advances.

Instead of adding the entire target flu strain into the mix, the researchers selected specific parts of the virus, using a reverse genetics technique that improved on earlier versions developed in the 1990s at Mount Sinai School of Medicine. This allowed the St. Jude researchers to focus on two genes that make the proteins: hemagglutinin and neuraminidase. These two proteins are the main culprits behind influenza infection. They represent the H and N in flu viruses’ names (such as H1N1 and H5N1). By isolating the genes for those troublemaker proteins — something the conventional vaccine system doesn’t allow — the scientists can develop an effective seed strain more quickly and reproducibly.

To combine the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase genes with the fast-growing flu strain, the researchers use one of genetic engineering’s main workhorses: plasmids. Plasmids are DNA molecules that can transfer genes between cells. Since the 1970s, laboratories have used plasmids to combine DNA from more than one source. Because the influenza virus has eight genetic segments, Webster and his colleagues used eight plasmids — one for each genetic segment. Of the eight plasmids, two contain genes for the troublemaker proteins (hemagglutinin and neuraminidase), and the other six plasmids contain genes from the fast-growing virus strain. The plasmids are added to cultured mammalian cells (instead of chicken eggs), where their genetic material combines to make seed strains for vaccines.

St. Jude’s system improved on work done at University of Wisconsin-Madison, where researchers had developed a 12-plasmid system during the late 1990s.

“The 8-plasmid system hadn’t been developed before because the molecular biology wasn’t in place to allow it to happen,” says Webster. “As the right molecular biology became available, we used it. We needed the simplest possible system. It was sort of a no-brainer."

Here’s one benefit of simplicity that comes from 8 versus 12. Imagine you’ve been given a cake recipe. If there are fewer ingredients, that can lessen the chance of a baking mishap. The same basic idea — fewer variables, more predictability — applies to the plasmid system.

The 8- plasmid and 12-plasmid systems work on the same principle,” says Richard Webby, Ph.D., who joined Webster’s lab during the final stages of development. “But with 8 plasmids, there are less raw ingredients you need to do the same process and less things that can go wrong, so it’s a little more efficient,” says Webby, who is currently a member of St. Jude Department of Infectious Diseases.

Finding a Licensee

St. Jude’s Office of Technology Licensing saw the potential in this efficiency. It filed for a patent in April 2000 and began looking for licensees. The office was soon contacted by a company called Aviron, and completed negotiations on the exclusive licensing agreement by September 2001. In 2002, the company was purchased byMedImmune.

Compared to the old method of seed strain development, the 8-plasmid system has more predictable results, says Hong Jin, Ph.D., senior fellow in MedImmune’s infectious disease division. “It enables rapid production, evaluation and selection of vaccine seeds.

That helped MedImmune be the first vaccine manufacturer to deliver H1N1 flu pandemic vaccine to the U.S. government in 2009, says Jin. “In addition, it allows generation and evaluation of a number of different subtypes of influenza pandemic vaccines for pandemic preparedness,” she says. MedImmune has made nonexclusive licenses available for manufacturers to produce vaccines using the system. So far, 10 manufacturers have those licenses, including Novartis and GlaxoSmithKline.

With the 8-plasmid system, MedImmune has also developed a different type of seasonal flu vaccine. Most seasonal flu shots — as opposed vaccines for highly pathogenic H5N1 or pandemic flu — are developed using the older, conventional vaccine system. They also contain inactive flu virus, which means the virus is dead.

But using the 8-plasmid system, MedImmune developed a seasonal vaccine that doesn’t require injections. It’s administered as a nasal spray and contains attenuated flu virus. That means the virus is alive, but weakened so it can’t infect — think of an aggressive animal that’s had all teeth and claws removed. For the nasal spray, the virus is attenuated by introducing specific mutations into its genome.

The nasal-spray vaccine first received U.S. approval in 2003, as FluMist. (It is trivalent, meaning it protects against three strains of flu.) In 2012, AztraZeneca — MedImmune’s parent company — received U.S. approval for FluMist Quadrivalent, which protects against four strains of flu. More than 75 million doses of nasal spray flu vaccine have been distributed since 2003. Other countries have approved its use too, including Canada, South Korea, Israel and the European Union.

Pandemic Preparedness

There's widespread acceptance now for customizing influenza’s genetic composition — but that’s not what Webster experienced more than 15 years ago when work began on the 8-plasmid system. "I have to say that initially, there was quite a bit of resistance to genetically modifying an influenza virus,” he says. “There was some opposition to the idea of manipulating that influenza virus to suit ourselves, rather than just letting mutations appear."

That sentiment changed in 2003, with the spread of a highly pathogenic avian flu, H5N1. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared a pandemic alert for H5N1 in February 2003, and the older, conventional way of producing vaccine didn’t work. In addition to killing birds and people, H5N1 also killed eggs — which meant the virus had to be genetically modified (by removing the pathogenic part of the hemagglutinin gene) before a vaccine seed strain could be produced. "That really convinced people that genetic modification was the way to go,” Webster says.

During that H5N1 pandemic, Webby helped lead a team at St. Jude to develop a vaccine seed virus. Using the 8-plasmid system, it took the scientists less than 3 weeks to prepare a seed strain, which they sent to the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta and the World Influenza Center in London for additional testing.  Webby notes that his lab wasn’t the only one developing a vaccine seed virus to tackle the pandemic. “As the growth properties of similar vaccine viruses can vary substantially, multiple labs typically start the process simultaneously so that multiple options are available,” he says.

Particularly lethal — about 60 percent of those infected have died. The virus spreads to people when they have direct contact with infected birds, but H5N1 hasn’t been shown to spread from person to person, like seasonal flu does. At least, not yet.

One of biggest limitations we have in the flu world in terms of public health, is that there are flu viruses of all different shapes and sizes circulating in animal populations," says Webby, "And we don't know which of those actually pose real risks to human health — what it takes for a virus in an animal to become a human virus."

There is always a risk of nasty viruses jumping from animal to human, and then mutating to spread rapidly between people, he says: “The potential consequences are pretty catastrophic, and there's really no way of measuring that until it happens. That's where we have to be really prepared for the very worst situation."


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PluroGel Advances Wound Care, Eliminates Infections and Saves Lives

University of Virginia Patent Foundation

PluroGel Advances Wound Care, Eliminates Infections and Saves Lives

PluroGel™, an antimicrobial gel used by the University of Virginia (U.Va.) Health System, is under review by the FDA for commercial approval, a testament to the physicians and patients who have benefited from the product and demanded that the gel be made available beyond the university hospital.

The antimicrobial gel has proven significantly more effective than existing therapies in treating severe burns and chronic wounds, such as diabetic ulcers, pressure ulcers and venous leg ulcers. The topical treatment is unique in that it thickens at high temperatures (such as body temperature) and liquefies at cooler temperatures. As a result, PluroGel effectively delivers healing medication when applied to the body but is easily removed by cool water, making it much less painful to remove than existing therapies.
The U.Va. Patent Foundation named George T. Rodeheaver, Ph.D., professor of biomedical research, U.Va. Department of Plastic Surgery, as the 2008 Edlich-Henderson Inventor of the Year for his work on the revolutionary wound-healing technology and its overriding benefit to society.
Rodeheaver began research on a burn and open wound treatment with his colleagues in the 1970s. The resulting product, PluroGel, has been successfully used to fight infection and heal burn and chronic wounds in more than 2,000 patients with superior results.
“The fact is that in our burn center, we have been able to eliminate infection, which was the leading cause of death 15 years ago. And we have had great success in healing chronic wounds, many of which (with traditional remedies) had not healed for numerous years,” Rodeheaver says.
Because of the level of success achieved within the U.Va. Health System, word quickly spread to neighboring states such as West Virginia, North Carolina and Tennessee. The health system saw an increase in patients who traveled 300-400 miles to get this treatment. In addition, Rodeheaver said he began to receive calls from former U.Va. wound and burn care surgeons he had trained who were frustrated by the lack of access to PluroGel at other hospitals.
“The benefits and success with our patients was so overwhelming that the university got behind the process of encouraging us to make it available to a wider audience than just U.Va.,” says Rodeheaver.
Technology transfer was uncharted territory for Rodeheaver. However, he was able to tap into resources U.Va. had in place to assist faculty members in moving their products from concept to commercialization. With support from the U.Va. Patent Foundation, Rodeheaver and colleague Adam J. Katz, M.D., Department of Plastic Surgery, patented and licensed the technology. Next, the duo turned to Spinner Technologies, a for-profit branch of the Patent Foundation that exists to encourage faculty start-up programs. With the help of Spinner, and with the aid of an M.B.A. student from U.Va Darden School of Business, they completed a business plan and named their company PluroGen Therapeutics.
The PluroGen plan was entered in U.Va Batten Institute’s Business Plan Competition, earning the company $10,000. In addition, they were given a spot in the Darden Progressive Incubator, a program that offers start-ups a team of business school advisors, office space and an intern. With the help of the Darden students, the company began an ambitious marketing campaign to secure funding to cover early start-up expenses.
Finally, Katz and Rodeheaver tapped into the T100 U.Va. Alumni Mentoring program, which provided business experts to help them further refine their business plan and hire their first CEO and president, Neal Koller. As a result, Rodeheaver says, “PluroGen became much more polished and professional.”
The company has been focused on the commercialization of PluroGel for more than five years. “We’re still in negotiation with the FDA, but we are very encouraged.”
“The process has been a successful litmus test for the entire technology transfer program,” he says. “Developing PluroGel with the support of the entire U.Va. system has been the best source to drive the product to success, rather than a corporate entity.”
“It’s important to remember that the whole motivation was driven by the patient benefit and success we achieved for patient improvement. It was not driven by any commercial incentive. We wanted to make the material available to patients outside of U.Va.”
“The technology has had a dramatic impact so far,” said Rodeheaver. “We are only in the beginning of benefits of PluroGel and what it can bring to the health care community on a global basis,” he says. “In third world countries the availability of an antimicrobial gel for treating burns and chronic wounds will have tremendous impact. Look what it did to the U.Va. Burn Center, which was already at the advanced edge of burn care,” he adds. “We thought we were the best, and we still had infections.”
Rodeheaver hopes to continue his research on PluroGel with other applications beyond infection.

He believes that he is at the beginning of a pipeline of products to enhance healing for the masses. “We can use this unique gel to carry active ingredients such as anti-inflammatory agents or whatever you think the tissue needs to heal—to improve blood flow and cellular repair of damaged tissue, and optimize the healing process.”
“Entrepreneurship in particular is something I see as a brand-new adventure,” he says. “It’s been unique and exciting.”
Continued efforts will brings its benefits to patients everywhere, said Marie C. Kerbeshian, Ph.D., executive director of the Patent Foundation. 

This story was originally published in 2009.

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Florida Researchers Develop the First Blood Test to Diagnose Brain Injuries

McKnight Brain Institute
University of Florida

Florida Researchers Develop the First Blood Test to Diagnose Brain Injuries

When actress Natasha Richardson died of an epidural hematoma after an accidental fall on a ski slope in 2009, many people were shocked. How could something like this happen? Why didn’t the doctors do something?

The fact is, head trauma is frustratingly difficult to diagnose. Traumatic brain injury (TBI) creates a perplexing set of circumstances for medical staff for many reasons.

As was the case for Richardson, patients frequently remain conscious after a head trauma and underreport their discomfort because the injury can impact thinking, memory and objectivity. Emergency room personnel check vital signs such as heart rate and blood pressure but can easily misdiagnose whether it’s a brain injury, stroke or something entirely different. Medical staff may incorrectly prescribe unnecessary tests, fail to order a necessary test like a CT scan or recommend no treatment when it is required.

More than a million people suffer from TBI every year, resulting in more than 50,000 deaths. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, each year, 1.7 million people sustain a traumatic brain injury. Many more TBI-related disability cases are unreported. TBI contributes to a third of all injury-related deaths in the United States, and there was an increase in TBI-related ER visits and hospitalizations between 2002-2006.

Perhaps most disturbing is that after a natural disaster, children are susceptible to TBI inflicted by their parents as a consequence of the high level of stress. According to a study published by researchers in the Department of Social Medicine at the University of North Carolina in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine in April 2004, the incidence of TBI is higher for children living in areas recovering from severe, weatherrelated adversity.

Making Patients Better by Better Diagnosing

With the number of traumatic brain injuries so large, why hasn’t there been a better way to diagnose them?

This was the question that Ron L. Hayes, Ph.D., a tenured professor of neuroscience at the McKnight Brain Institute of the University of Florida, was asking in the late 1990s and early 2000s, almost a decade before Richardson’s death.

“We weren’t diagnosing brain injury very well,” says Hayes, who was the former director of the University of Florida Center for Traumatic Brain Injury Studies. “It occurred to me that in the 35 years I had worked in this area, I hadn’t done anything to make patients better.”

Hayes thought that, just as heart specialists revolutionized cardiology care by discovering protein biomarkers in people experiencing a heart attack, a similar biomarker could exist in an injured person’s blood, postinjury. His theory was that TBI wasn’t simply an immediate injury but a disease process, and the sooner it was diagnosed and treated, the better the outcome for patients.

With the help of his colleague, Kevin K. W. Wang, Ph.D., an associate professor at the McKnight Brain Institute and former scientific director of the Center for Traumatic Brain Injury Studies who also has a doctorate in pharmaceutical sciences, Hayes conducted research to assess proteins produced after a brain injury.

They found correlations between the degree of brain injury and certain levels of brain biomarkers. They were able to show that the levels of the protein UCH-L1 were 16 times higher in patients’ blood following injury to the brain than in noninjured patients. The results of these tests were published in Critical Care Medicine in 2010. The reliability rate was sufficient enough to provide an accurate diagnostic tool.

There it was: A blood test that could possibly have helped save Natasha Richardson’s life. In addition to detecting certain biomarkers in the blood, Hayes’ and Wang’s research also focused on the potential treatment of brain injury using compounds that blocked two enzymes that cause additional brain cell death following injury.

“By blocking the action of these enzymes,” says Hayes, “subsequent tissue damage can be reduced or eliminated, which greatly improves patient outcomes.”

A More Elegant Solution Surfaces

In the early 2000s, Hayes received funding from the Department of Defense and the National Institutes of Health to pursue the diagnostic biomarker. The Office of Technology Licensing at University of Florida entered into a licensing agreement with Hayes, Wang and Nancy Denslow, Ph.D., a University of Florida professor of biochemistry in the Department of Physiological Sciences and Center for Environmental and Human Toxicology who was also director of a Proteomics Laboratory at the university, for a development-stage company based on the biomarker technology. Denslow collaborated with Hayes and Wang to help discover the protein biomarkers of TBI.

By 2002, Hayes and Wang had left their posts at the university to build the University of Florida startup company that ultimately became known as Banyan Biomarkers, after the tree under which Buddha received enlightenment, says Hayes. The banyan tree, native to India, was first planted in the United States in Florida by Thomas Edison.

“The University of Florida is very supportive of startup biotechnology companies,” says Denslow. “We have a wonderful business incubator building in Alachua — the Biotechnology Development Incubator — that offers a great deal of support to startup companies, including shared instrumentation, computer services and meetings with prospective investors. It is a win-win situation for both the university and the startup companies. In the case of Banyan Biomarkers, the University of Florida has been a very helpful partner.”

Hayes became chairman of the board and Wang was named chief operations and scientific officer. Once the company was formed, Banyan was supported by congressional funding and secured two Small Business Innovation Research grants to continue their research efforts.

According to John Byatt, licensing officer at the Office of Technology Licensing at the University of Florida, the university has equity in Banyan and will earn royalties on sales of the biomarkers. “It’s great that the university will earn royalities, but what’s more satisfying is to be a part of the birth of a new company and knowing that the research is making a real difference to the health and well-being of people everywhere,” says Byatt.

Located in Alachua, Fla., just 13 miles from the university, the company is focusing on the development of a simple, point-ofcare blood test for use by physicians in the emergency room and hospital.

“[The financial support] gave everyone confidence to fund work in humans and get to work on a more elegant solution,“ says Jackson Streeter, M.D., an experienced medical device executive who joined the team as CEO in 2010. To date, the company has received more than $70 million in grants from the United States Department of Defense and the National Institutes of Health.

“With Hayes and Wang on board, funding from the U. S. Department of Defense and National Institutes of Health and 65 employees, the company is in a good position to continue to discover and commercialize,” says Byatt.

The company anticipates that three to five biomarkers will be used in detecting and monitoring patients sustaining TBI, translating into a potential market in excess of $250 million in the United States alone, says Streeter.

Hayes is hoping that the diagnostic will ultimately be a portable device much like a handheld glucose strip. This small device would be optimal for testing not only in the playfields as a sports medicine application but also on the battlefield and be able to provide information within 20 minutes.

Athletic, Pediatric and Other Applications

After Banyan completes clinical validation (expected in 2013), the company will seek Food and Drug Administration approval to market the biomarkers as an in vitro diagnostic test for detection and monitoring of TBI. Hayes says that the test will be used for military personnel after blast injuries like those occurring from improvised explosive devices in Iraq and Afghanistan. The test will also be used for sports concussion injuries during athletic events. A future application also includes pediatric TBI, especially for shaken baby syndrome and for children who are victims of TBI inflicted by a parent such as in the stressful aftermath a natural disaster.

Currently, Banyan has three U.S.-issued patents and three patent applications broadly covering the use of biomarkers, and international patents have been filed. The firm has also secured grants to develop biomarkers for stroke and liver injury.

If this is the case, and a handheld device could be used on the slopes by ski patrol, head trauma patients would never again be solely responsible for identifying and communicating the severity of their condition. The chance for a definitive diagnosis could eradicate the question, “Why didn’t the doctors do something?

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Diagnostic Breakthrough Unmasks a Killer in Sub-Saharan Africa

Immuno Mycologics
University of Nevada, Reno

 Diagnostic Breakthrough Unmasks a Killer in Sub-Saharan Africa

It’s no secret that sub-Saharan Africa is being ravaged by HIV/AIDS. An estimated 22.5 million people in the region are living with HIV, accounting for about two-thirds of the world’s total. Some 1.8 million died from AIDS in 2009, and an estimated 2.6 million became infected with HIV that year, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). WHO also estimates that 11.6 million children in the sub-Saharan region have been orphaned as a result of HIV/AIDS.

What is not so well-known is that another vicious killer — a fungus — is stalking those suffering with HIV/AIDS. Called Cryptococcus neoformans, it causes cryptococcal meningitis, an infection of the membranes covering the brain and spinal column. Found in various sites in the natural environment around the world and inhaled by victims,

Cryptococcus neoformans opportunistically attacks immunocompromised individuals — like people living with HIV/AIDS, rheumatoid arthritis patients and transplant recipients — whose immune systems are either compromised or suppressed. Left untreated, cryptococcal meningitis can cause swelling of brain, fever, sensitivity to light, stiff neck, headache, nausea and vomiting, confusion, disorientation, hallucinations and death. A study reported in the journal, AIDS, estimates that cryptococcal meningitis kills 500,000 people a year in sub-Saharan Africa. In sub-Saharan Africa, cryptococcal meningitis is estimated to cause more deaths among those living with HIV/AIDS than  tuberculosis.

The Crux of the Problem

Fortunately, there is a tool in the works that will help shrink this epidemic. “With early diagnosis cryptococcal meningitis can be treated with readily available and inexpensive medicine, although individuals with HIV/AIDS require long-term treatment to prevent reoccurrence. The question is: How do we rapidly diagnose cryptococcosis in sub-Saharan Africa?” says Sean Bauman Ph.D., CEO of IMMY (Immuno-Mycologics Inc.), an Oklahoma company founded in 1979 to produce fungal diagnostic products.

For over 30 years, IMMY has been manufacturing diagnostic kits for cryptococcal meningitis. The current technology is simple but requires refrigeration and additional equipment to work.

“I was in Tanzania almost a year ago doing product training, and it became clear to me that our current Cryptococcus test was not the right technology for the developing world,” Bauman says. “So we set out to do something about that.”

Bauman had known Thomas Kozel, Ph.D., of the University of Nevada School of Medicine, part of the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR), as a leader in the field of Cryptococcus research since 1995. “So I gave him a call.”

The Key to the Solution

With funding from the National Institutes of Health, Kozel has been investigating Cryptococcus neoformans for over 30 years, doing basic science studies on how the organism produces disease.


“We were interested in antibodies as a way to probe the structure of the yeast and for reversing the anti-immune-cell action of the capsule,” says Kozel. “So when Sean called and asked if we had an antibody that could be used for a point-of-care immunoassay for the diagnosis of cryptococcal meningitis in the field, I thought, ‘I know we do.’

“I was sure because we had recently gone through our collection of antibodies, trying to develop a very sensitive laboratory based assay that would pick up all forms of the diagnostic target globally. We had just completed that work  when Sean called,” he continues.

It turned out that Kozel did indeed have an antibody that would fulfill IMMY’s requirements. Kozel had an antibody that increased and broadened the sensitivity of the test, brought it closer to the point of patient care and dramatically reduced the cost. “It’s an almost perfect antibody that can be made in tissue culture using techniques for producing  hybrid cell lines so that it is always the same,” he says.

Kozel sent samples of the antibody to Bauman. When IMMY tested it, they had a “eureka!” moment, and, not long afterward, Bauman was applying to the UNR for licensing the antibody.

Rapid Licensing

“The entire licensing process went very quickly — about four months from beginning to end,” says Michael Birdsell, director of Intellectual Property Marketing and Business Development at UNR. “The key to successful licensing is having the right partner,” he adds. “Although we generally like to work locally with licensing partners, IMMY had all the right stuff: key expertise including years of working with Cryptococcus, current access to markets, capital and a high level of commitment. With lives in the balance, we had an obligation to seek the quickest way to market for this technology.”

IMMY has been busy with the antibody developed by UNR. “We have already developed a test kit that will be useful in existing labs,” Bauman says. “It has recently been cleared by the FDA, has been approved in Europe and is already in use in sub-Saharan Africa. Kits are going out across the world, and momentum is starting to build for this product in the marketplace.” The kit has been evaluated or is in the process of being evaluated in the United States,  South Africa, Thailand, Vietnam, India, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Guatemala, Argentina, Brazil and Mozambique. Further, the test meets the WHO ASSURED criteria: affordable, sensitive, specific, user-friendly, rapid, equipment-free and delivered to those who need it.

A Simple Test

IMMY is in the final stages of putting together a field kit that has all the necessary components to run the test in the back of a truck or in a crude rural clinic in sub-Saharan Africa. The test is almost as simple as a pregnancy test: (1) place a drop of diluent that comes with the kit into a tube, (2) add a drop of patient specimen (urine, plasma or whole blood from a finger stick), (3) add the dipstick containing the antibody to the tube, (4) wait 10 minutes and (5) read the results: two lines, positive; one line, negative.

Delivering the test to places where it is needed is also easy to do, says Bauman. “We can FedEx stuff nearly anywhere in the world,” he says. “In addition, we look for distributors in country to partner with. Some countries also have ministries of health where material is warehoused, and they are responsible for making sure it gets to where it needs to be.”

Bauman says, “It’s a really simple test, and the simpler the test, the lower down the health care chain we can go with it. You have to realize that in many areas of Africa, health care infrastructure is very limited.” He notes that the new test will appeal to health care providers in developed countries as well because it is so easy to use.

Of the licensing process, Bauman says, “UNR has been wonderful to work with. We had a common vision — to help cryptococcal victims in the developing world. Big profits are not what IMMY is after. We are a privately held, family-owned company, and we are not beholden to shareholders, which enables us to develop and market products that meet the needs of both the developed and developing world.”

Ryan Heck, director of UNR’s Technology Transfer Office agrees: “One of the stipulations in our agreement for the licensing of the antibody with IMMY is to have this crucial test available at low cost. Dr. Bauman has already begun to make this happen.”

A Big Impact

The upshot of this new technology promises to be very significant. “With the new point-of-care diagnostic test, a health care provider can give the test, observe the results and administer the first dose of oral medication, all within a few minutes,” says Kozel. “Studies have shown that early identification and treatment are essential to beat cryptococcal meningitis. A late diagnosis means that antifungal therapy will likely fail in resource-limited countries. Most patients in that setting are not diagnosed until they are very sick, and then it’s too late.”

Bauman adds, “Antifungals used to treat cryptococcal meningitis are available for free or at low cost in regions such as sub-Saharan Africa. In countries with limited infrastructure or resources, as many as 1 in 10 AIDS patients may develop crypto. If we can diagnose early and begin treatment, we can save an amazing number of lives.”

Bauman estimates 1,700 people die every day from cryptococcal meningitis. Thanks to Tom Kozel’s research and rapid technology transfer from the University of Nevada, Reno, the new diagnostic test from IMMY promises to help sub-Saharan Africa respond to the adversity of the AIDS epidemic by significantly reducing the death toll from cryptococcal meningitis and preventing thousands of sub-Saharan children from becoming orphans.






This story was originally published in 2011.

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Unique Polymer Coatings Enhance High-Performance Display Panels

University of Akron

Unique Polymer Coatings Enhance High-Performance Display Panels

Polymer films are used in flat-panel liquid crystal displays to improve off-angle viewability. Optical devices also rely on polymer films to maintain the integrity of transmitted light signals. An advanced polymer film invented at the University of Akron in Ohio now makes images on high-performance screens sharper and brighter than ever before.

The polymer films prevent the distortion of light, which results in greater sharpness and clarity, as well as a greater range of distortion-free viewing angles.

After 10 years of research, University of Akron professors Frank Harris and Stephen Cheng developed “Negative Birefringent Polymer Films for Liquid Crystal Displays.” Initial funding consisted of a National Science Foundation Advanced Liquid Crystalline Optical Materials (ALCOM) grant for $500,000.

The technology consists of unique polymers that are applied as ultra-thin coatings to high-performance displays, such as high-definition television screens and cockpit instrument panels. The polymer films prevent the distortion of light, which results in greater sharpness and clarity, as well as a greater range of distortion-free viewing angles.

With assistance from the University of Akron Research Foundation (UARF), Akron Polymer Systems was established in 2002 to further develop and commercialize high-performance polymers for aerospace, optical and photonic applications. UARF transferred the technology to the startup company, which also uses UARF’s polymerization pilot plant to formulate and test different polyimide resins. Akron Polymer System’s economic impact to the area recently led to a $1.5 million award from the state of Ohio for promoting job growth.

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From Cheese Byproducts to Natural Wood Finish

University of Vermont (UVM)

From Cheese Byproducts to Natural Wood Finish

Standard wood finishes can create unhealthy indoor environments by releasing toxic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air. VOCs have been linked to a variety of health problems, including headaches, allergies, and respiratory diseases. Some VOCs are even carcinogenic. A key ingredient in many oil-based wood finishes and paints is petroleum—a high-cost, non-renewable resource. To conserve petroleum and improve indoor air quality, a researcher at the University of Vermont has invented a natural wood finish that contains 25 percent fewer VOCs.

Ming Ruo Guo, a professor in the nutrition and food sciences department, has created a unique coating for wood from very pure whey protein, a byproduct from cheese manufacturing. Whey contains a high BOD (biochemical oxygen demand) that can increase the burden on waste treatment facilities and pollute water resources. The new coating, called PolyWhey, incorporates reformulated whey polymer proteins as the bonding agent.

PolyWhey has a cured hardness twice that of other water-based finishes. It also provides increased density and viscosity, better water resistance, greater coverage, shorter drying time, and lower production costs.

By reformulating whey into a durable, natural wood finish, a potential waste product is not only taken out of the waste stream, but also put to a useful purpose. 

Disclosed in 2002, PolyWhey was licensed two years later to Vermont Natural Coatings, a University of Vermont startup based in Hardwick, Vermont, PolyWhey is being marketed to furniture and toy makers, wood manufacturers, architects, and contractors who are interested in using nontoxic, environmentally friendly products. Vermont Natural Coatings is continuing to research more green alternatives to petroleum-based products.

This story was originally published in 2008.

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Pop-Up” Indicator Alerts Homeowners When Termites Are Near

Louisiana State University & A&M College

Pop-Up” Indicator Alerts Homeowners When Termites Are Near

Termites continue to be a huge problem for homeowners. Every year more than 600,000 homes are damaged by termites causing over $1.5 billion in damage.

Professor Gregg Henderson and graduate student Jay Paxson, researchers at the Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, invented an early-warning device called the “Pop-up Termite Indicator” in 1999–2000. Research was funded by Louisiana State University Agricultural Center.

The invention allows for the detection of termites by placing a termite feedstock in the ground.

When termites eat through the feedstock an indicator flag pops up, indicating the presence of termites and also the need to treat the premises to eradicate the termite problem.

This simple and cost-effective method allows homeowners to monitor their property for the presence of termites. Most pest control companies use a ground treatment to prevent termites from gaining access to the structure. However if the chemical treatment fails, a homeowner never knows until the termites have already done the damage. The “Pop-Up Termite Indicator” allows homeowners to monitor for termite presence as part of their overall termite prevention strategy.


This story was originally published in 2007.

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Small Chips Tackle Big Problems

Harvard University

Small Chips Tackle Big Problems

People all over the world who have never heard of George Whitesides owe him a debt of gratitude, or will one day.

Among his many research interests, the Harvard chemistry professor is known for groundbreaking work in microfluidics, the manipulation of minute amounts of liquids in tiny spaces.

Whitesides invented a paper-based microfluid chip the size of a thumbnail—a miniature, portable laboratory can test a tiny sample of bodily fluid for signs of health or disease. The chip is inexpensive to make, easy to use and, most important to its inventor, ideal for helping people in the developing world and other resource-poor areas.
In 2007, Whitesides and like-minded colleagues started a nonprofit company, Diagnostics For All (DFA), aimed at making the patterned-paper technology available worldwide.

The paper is patterned with water-averse polymers, forming a series of channels that guide a fluid sample to a specific location on the chip that is pre-treated with a reagent. When the reagent is exposed to the fluid sample, it results in a color change that can be translated into a diagnosis.
Citing its commitment to acting with flexibility and speed to improve global health, Harvard University, through its Office of Technology Development, in 2009 gave DFA exclusive licensing rights for diagnostic technology developed by the Whitesides Research Group at the university.
DFA’s first paper-based diagnostic chip test was for liver function. This simple procedure, in which a drop of blood is assessed in about 15 minutes, could save thousands if not millions of lives once the test receives full approval for use. Early diagnosis of impaired liver function could help people with AIDS or tuberculosis. More than 400,000 people in Africa died from TB in 2016, according to the World Health Organization.
Other uses for the paper-based technology include measuring micronutrient levels in children and assessing vaccination coverage and disease incidence in the developing world. In fact, DFA’s scientists say the sky’s the limit on the types of tests that can be embedded on a paper chip.


This story was originally published in 2018.

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Storage Medium Protects Sensitive Biological Materials

University of Wisconsin Madison

Storage Medium Protects Sensitive Biological Materials

Preserving the structural and functional viability of biological materials is essential for biochemical and biomedical research. However, protective agents that are commonly used today, such as fish proteins, are only effective with certain sample types. Now researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have invented a preservation medium that works well with a variety of biological materials.

A new preservation and storage medium for biological materials was developed in 1999 by Juan DePablo, Ph.D., professor of chemical engineering at the University of Wisconsin. Funding was provided by the National Science Foundation and Rhodia (now part of Danisco Co.).

Disclosed in 2000, the preservation medium is a mixture of monosaccarides, polysaccarides and phosphate ions. It works as a cryopreservative that stabilizes biological materials during freezing and/or drying processes, while maintaining the structure and function of these samples.

Compared to other storage mediums on the market, this material provides longer-term stable preservation over wide ranges in temperature and humidity, works well for both freeze-drying and ambient-temperature drying and is less expensive.

Many biological materials can be preserved using this new medium, including enzymes, proteins, viruses, vaccines, tissues, blood, foodstuffs, semen and nucleic acids. This technology can also be used for increasing the shelf life of temperature-sensitive health-care supplements, such as probiotic capsules and powders, as well as freeze-dried bacterial cultures used in the dairy industry.

This story was originally published in 2008.

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Prezista Leads the Next Generation of HIV Drugs

University of Illinois, Chicago

Prezista Leads the Next Generation of HIV Drugs

HIV mutates quickly, rapidly rendering drugs ineffectual. The FDA granted accelerated approval for the anti-HIV medicine Prezista™ in June 2006 and has indicated its use in salvage therapy, a form of treatment given after an ailment does not respond to standard treatment. For the thousands of patients with multi-resistant strains of HIV, Prezista™ is proving a potent option in their fight against the disease.

Possessed of a novel molecular structure, Prezista™ is always co-administered with ribonavir, a protease inhibitor which slows the breakdown of the drug in the body, and other antiretroviral agents. They work together to minimize the risk of a patient developing resistance to the drugs.

Prezista™ is one of two second-generation protease inhibitors providing a major advance in drug resistance.

Prezista™ was developed at the University of Illinois at Chicago by Arun Ghosh, Ph.D. of the department of chemistry (now at Purdue University) with support and collaboration from the National Institutes of Health. In 1999, Prezista™ was licensed to Tibotec Therapeutics, a division of Ortho Biotech Products, L.P. It is expected that Prezista’s sales potential will be $781 million by 2010. The University of Illinois at Chicago stands to receive millions of dollars in royalties.

This story was originally published in 2008.

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Healthier Red Rice Discovered by Malaysian Researchers Hits Store Shelves

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Healthier Red Rice Discovered by Malaysian Researchers Hits Store Shelves
Malaysia – where rice is a staple in daily meals – has one of the highest rates of diabetes in the world. While working to increase the yield ceiling of rice using a wild rice species as a parent in the breeding programs, researchers at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI) found a new type of rice that had a lower glycaemic index value (GI) levels, which ultimately became Primera® Red Rice.

While generally considered healthy, certain varieties of white rice have a moderate to high GI of over 55. Foods with high GI levels are processed in the body more quickly, leading to a blood sugar spike followed by a slump, whereas low-GI foods are processed more slowly and stabilize blood sugar. High-GI foods can be particularly problematic for people with diabetes, as one meal can be the difference between perfectly healthy and very ill.

One of the main differences between white and red rice is how they are farmed and prepared for sale. White rice is sold with its husk, bran and germ removed, leaving just the endosperm. Overall, it also has fewer vitamins and minerals. Red rice, on the other hand, often keeps the hull and germ and has more nutritious benefits, like high levels of antioxidants and fiber.

The color of Primera® Rice, a deep red, comes from anthocyanins, which are a good source of antioxidants. Antioxidants protect your cells from substances called free radicals, which are produced when you break down food. Because of this, Primera® is also beneficial in preventing diseases like cancer and heart disease, among others. 

In addition, when Primera® is sprouted, meaning the rice has begun germinating, glutamic acid in protein is converted to gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) by activated hydrolytic enzymes, increasing the nutrient value. Researchers worked to optimize the benefits of Primera rice by experimenting with different sprouting conditions. Sprouted rice also has high levels of GABA, and Primera® Red Rice has the highest levels of GABA compared to other rice strains. When digested, GABA produces a calming feeling, helping with stress and anxiety, and improves motor control and motor learning. The rice also has a high zinc content, which is useful for cell repair and a healthy immune system.

UKM exclusively licensed the rice variety to Nomatech Sdn. Bhd to develop, commercialize and promote the new variety of rice. Dr. Wickneswari Ratnam, Managing Director of Nomatech, created the new variety by crossbreeding two types of rice, Oryza rufipogon, also known as brownbeard or red rice, and a Oryza sativa Malaysian cultivar. The result, Primera Red Rice, has a low GI value of 46%, which means it can help stabilize and lower blood sugar after consumption.

Since licensing Primera, Nomatech has given almost $9,000 back to the university to encourage further research and student collaboration. Nomatech is responsible for getting Primera® Red Rice on store shelves, and it is now available in chain stores across Malaysia such as Lotus’s, Hero Market and Giant.

In 2021, the Ministry of Health certified that Primera Rice is a non-genetically modified food. A genetically modified organism (GMO) is a plant, animal, microorganism or other organism whose genetic makeup has been modified in a laboratory using genetic engineering or transgenic technology.

This story was originally published in 2023.

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Anonymizing Health Care Information for Higher Use

University of Ottawa

Anonymizing Health Care Information for Higher Use
With the increasing digitization of health care data, concern has grown over the privacy of personal information. But for health researchers, the cumulative data in patient medical records represent a treasure trove of information that could help reduce health care costs, allocate resources more efficiently and rapidly detect disease outbreaks.

“Everybody wants this data,” said Khaled El Emam, a professor at the University of Ottawa (uOttawa) and a senior investigator at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) Research Institute. “Data has a lot of value and can bring about a lot of societal benefits when it is shared and analyzed. But the bottom line is that this has to be done in a way that is protective of privacy.”

To protect individual patient information while preserving data usability, El Emam developed software called the Privacy Analytics Risk Assessment Tool (PARAT). The digitalized solution is based on patented scientific analysis called “de-identification,” which strips out key data elements that could be used to connect individual records to patients.

In 2007, El Emam founded a spin-off company, Privacy Analytics Inc. (acquired by IMS Health, now IQVIA, in 2016) and launched the PARAT solution commercially two years later. At CHEO, the solution solved a long-standing problem for pediatric hospital pharmacists who wanted to benchmark drug utilization by making the privacy risks easier to manage.

“The university has been very supportive of commercialization,” said El Emam, who is CEO of Privacy Analytics. “Most of our employees are uOttawa grads, so the process has allowed us to keep the best and the brightest here as well as to generate interest among the student body, getting them thinking about how to commercialize their ideas and deploy them in the real world.

“Commercialization is a great way to shorten the normally lengthy process of translating research into practice,” he said.

This story was originally published in 2016.

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Programmable Infusion Pumps Reduce Tragic Medication Errors

Massachusetts General Hospital

Programmable Infusion Pumps Reduce Tragic Medication Errors

Adverse drug events (ADEs) are the leading cause of medical injury to patients in the health care industry. Research has shown the medical procedure with the highest risk for ADEs is intravenous (IV) infusion. For example, the Journal of the American Medical Association has reported that, in a study of pediatric inpatients, 54 percent of potential ADEs were associated with intravenous medication.

To reduce ADEs in the hospital setting, researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston spent 15 years perfecting a smart drug infusion pump. Led by Nathaniel Sims, M.D., an anesthesiologist in the department of anesthesia and critical care at Massachusetts General Hospital, and assistant professor of anesthesia at Harvard Medical School, the team created an electronic pump that stores a continually updated, hospital-specific database of intravenous drugs and infusion procedures. The pumps prevent errors by comparing the dose rate the clinician enters with the hospital-specific predefined limits for that drug. If the programmed dose is outside the limits, the system alerts the clinician and, in some cases, prevents administration of the medication.

The smart drug infusion pump was immediately put to use in all departments at Massachusetts General Hospital, including operating rooms and intensive care units.

Affiliates of the hospital are also using the pump, which has been effective in streamlining medication procedures and reducing

Massachusetts General Hospital’s Corporate Sponsored Research and Licensing Office licensed the technology nonexclusively to several global drug infusion pump manufacturers, including Alaris Medical Systems, Hospira (formerly Abbott Laboratories), Braun Medical, and Sigma International. Widespread use of the pump will reduce drug-dosing calculation errors and misprogrammed.

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Insect Catcher Lightens the Load for Researchers Battling Mosquito-Borne Illnesses

Emory University

Insect Catcher Lightens the Load for Researchers Battling Mosquito-Borne Illnesses

The members of a research team from the Department of Environmental Studies at Emory University had one goal in mind when they began a project in Atlanta. They wanted to determine how the West Nile virus was transmitted by mosquitoes in an urban environment. Little did they know they would end up becoming known worldwide as inventors of the ProkoPack mosquito aspirator, a novel, inexpensive and efficient way to monitor adult mosquitoes and the deadly diseases they carry world-wide.

Their work with this tiny insect is no small matter. According to the World Health Organization, each year some 500 million people are infected with mosquito-borne illnesses: dengue, malaria, yellow fever and various forms of encephalitis, including West Nile virus. More than 2.5 million die, many of them young children. Mosquito infestations can be particularly troublesome in the wake of natural disasters such as floods or earthquakes — environments in which the tiny pests thrive and plaque victims during times of stress while hindering recovery efforts.

Therefore, monitoring mosquitoes is a crucial, life-saving step in the battle against mosquito-borne illnesses.

Enter the Emory research team. In 2008, Emory’s Gonzalo Vazquez-Prokopec, Ph.D., a postdoctoral fellow working with Uriel Kitron, Ph.D., MPH, and chair of Emory’s Department of Environmental Studies, set out to find if mosquitoes that harbor West Nile virus were overwintering — or hibernating — in the ceilings of 15-feet-high Atlanta sewer tunnels. However, they knew before they even began that reaching the mosquitoes was going to pose a challenge: The gold standard device for collecting resting mosquitoes for research and disease-monitoring purposes, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention backpack aspirator (CDC-BP), had only a 6-foot reach.

Developed in the mid-1980s, the main principle behind the CDC device is to use air suction similar to a vacuum cleaner to collect mosquitoes that are resting in various habitats, including in homes’ walls and under beds. CDC aspirators are commonly used by researchers and public health technicians to collect certain mosquito species inside houses and determine their numbers and potential infection with disease-causing pathogens.

Challenge Was to Remove the Bulk

In addition to not providing the correct reach, the CDC-BP, which resembles the bulky backpacks used in the 1980s by the Ghostbusters characters, weighs about 26 pounds. “I kept thinking, ‘Why do I need a heavy motor on my back when I need to get suction to go to the ceiling?’ That was the spark — we didn’t need to go so heavy,” says Vazquez-Prokopec.

“It’s not like we woke up one day and said ‘Let’s invent a mosquito aspirator,’” says Vazquez-Prokopec. “It grew out of our needs during field research.”

The research team, with technical support from William Galvin (an undergraduate student at Emory), began the design process by looking for the perfect lightweight motor. Using lab startup funds, they made numerous trips to local hardware stores to purchase and test different varieties of battery-powered motors to find the one that would provide just enough suction power to capture the mosquitoes, but keep them alive for analysis.

After deciding on the motor, co-inventor Kitron says their next concern was focusing on parts that could be found in a developing country. Kitron and Vazquez-Prokopec wanted the device to be cheap, easy to fix and simple to use. They found a painter’s extension pole to give the device the height they needed and attached a plastic container covered by a wire screen to the battery-powered motor using a plumbing pipe coupler. The resulting device weighs 2 pounds and is easily maneuvered by one person. “And, you don’t have to be taught how to use it,” notes Kitron.

Collecting More Mosquitoes

In addition to reaching higher into ceilings and upper foliage, the “ProkoPack collects more mosquitoes than the CDC-BP,” says Vazquez-Prokopec. “Because it can reach into locations where engorged females rest after a blood meal — such as under beds — more of the collected specimens are engorged with blood, so we can figure out in a lab where they are feeding from and whether or not they are infected,” says Vazquez-Prokopec. The ProkoPack “has broad potential, not only for getting more accurate counts of mosquito populations, but for better understanding mosquito ecology.”

For decades, public health officials in developing nations have relied on low-tech and low-price methods to conduct mosquito surveillance. One of the most popular methods is to spray the inside of a home with insecticide, and gather all the bugs that fall to the ground. Not only is the procedure time-consuming, but many of the mosquitoes are dead when they hit the ground.The ProkoPack takes only 10 minutes to make a collection and most of the mosquitoes are caught alive, allowing for better preservation of samples for future processing. Vazquez-Prokopec says better monitoring of mosquito populations makes it easier to take action against them.

The ProkoPack has outperformed the CDC-BP in field tests in underground tunnels in Atlanta and in indoor collections in Iquitos, Peru, during a dengue fever study. It was during the Peru field study that the Emory team named the device. “We wanted a catchy name, not just ‘the mosquito aspirator,’” says Vazquez-Prokopec. “We came up with a combination of my last name and ‘pack.’ As the inventor, I am very proud of the name ProkoPack.”

Kitron is most pleased with how the ProkoPack has been embraced by researchers. The key to exploring mosquito-borne diseases, he says, is having a good understanding of the risk andthe mosquito population in a particular area. Fellow researchersin Africa have embraced this alternative to the time-consumingspraying of houses, which requires more equipment and moretechnicians and is inconvenient for residents who must leavetheir homes. Because data can be collected by one person inonly 10 minutes, it is much easier to target problem houses.

The device is currently being tested in different epidemiological settings including: Coastal Kenya, Zambia and Tanzania for malaria vectors; in Australia, Mexico, Argentina, Thailand and Peru for dengue fever vectors; and in Italy for West Nile virus.

Many institutions in the United States have purchased Proko- Packs to use in local settings. Public health offices in Virginia and Illinois are using the units to monitor West Nile virus mosquito vectors. Researches in Michigan, Illinois and Indiana have purchased units to perform research on different mosquito vectors, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture is interested in purchasing units to test with agricultural pests.

ProkoPack More Affordable

Emory University is selling the ProkoPack for $150 to cover production costs. By comparison, the CDC-BP sells anywhere from $500 to $750. Because of the affordable price and portability, more developing countries will be able to afford the ProkoPack, says Vazquez-Prokopec. “I come from a developing country, Argentina, so I know what it means to be in a place where you can’t get something because of money,” he adds. “We are making this technology available for people in places most in need.

“There is a great need for effective and affordable mosquito sampling methods,” he continues. “Use of the ProkoPack can increase the coverage area and the quality of data collected. Ultimately, we hope it can help us develop better intervention strategies that are more effective than what we currently have.”

Focusing on Use in Developing Countries

That the device is a more affordable alternative to mosquito collection is something that the university supports as well. The ProkoPack is a natural fit for Emory University’s Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) licensing principles that focus on humanitarian use, says Chris Paschall, Ph.D., CLP, and licensing associate for the OTT. “Our license agreements include provisions that a device or drug has to be readily available to populations that otherwise could not be reached.”

Paschall, who helped develop the licensing strategy and payment procedure, says this has been a fun project to manage because so many researchers are excited about collecting mosquito samples with a device that is lightweight and easy to use, especially in hot and muggy tropical climates. “We have been thrilled to make available a device that is inexpensive and works better than anything else on the market and that has that lowered the bar for entry for countries around the globe,” he says. “It’s very exciting to be a part of that.”

The OTT staff contemplated two different licensing strategies to commercialize the ProkoPack. The first idea was to license the device exclusively to an existing company for manufacturing, marketing, sales and distribution. The downside of that strategy was that the company would charge a fee for the services, adding to the cost of the device.

“If the device was too expensive, it would be out of reach for many of the countries who need it most,” says Paschall.

To keep costs down, the OTT decided to employ a nonexclusive licensing strategy and manufacture and distribute the device directly from Emory.

The device is sold at cost and users sign a click-through-type license and payment agreement. By utilizing this strategy, “the device is cheap enough for nearly anyone in the world, and we can distribute it very quickly,” says Paschall.

After the earthquake in Haiti, Vazquez-Prokopec sent three ProkoPacks to the CDC for collection of mosquitoes due to concern that conditions would be ripe for transmission of dengue fever. Co-inventor Kitron says that’s exactly the type of activity that fits with the Department of Environmental Studies’ mission to be a leader in global health. In addition, the scientists published simple instructions on how to make the ProkoPack in the Journal of Medical Entomology.

Data Useful for Developing Mosquito Intervention Methods

“The ProkoPack is extremely effective in showing public health officials how malaria vectors are distributed between houses and even within a house,” says Kitron, “which in turn will help them to reduce the transmission of the disease by collecting data they need to target mosquito intervention.”

Because mosquitoes and other vectors are such a worldwide public health issue, the device is being tested by scientific colleagues from multiple institutions including the CDC, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, Md.; University of Torino in Torino, Italy; and James Cook University in Townsville, Queensland, Australia. Part of the licensing agreement requires the scientists to share feedback on the device, which Vazquez-Prokopec says his research team will welcome to make improvements.

Kitron hopes the simplicity and ease of the ProkoPack will lead public health agencies to not only address mosquito-borne diseases before and during an outbreak, but also after an outbreak to see how the control measures they applied are working.

“We did not cure a mosquito-borne disease, but we opened new doors in terms of mosquito research and surveillance at an affordable price,” says Vazquez-Prokopec. “We moved from building a tool to get to the ceiling to designing a tool that can be used worldwide to measure other vectors more effectively than traditional methods.”

This story was originally published in 2011.

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Pronuclear Microinjection Produces Transgenic Animals for Research

Ohio University

Pronuclear Microinjection Produces Transgenic Animals for Research

Research facilities throughout the country are benefiting from the work of Ohio University’s Thomas E. Wagner, Ph.D., and Peter C. Hoppe, Ph.D., from the Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor, Maine. In the early 1980s, the scientists made groundbreaking history when they were among the first to demonstrate successful gene transfer in laboratory mice and transmission of the “transgene” to offspring. The process has since been applied to animals outside the laboratory, from rabbits to cattle, for a wide variety of purposes. Development of the technology was initially funded through the support of Ohio University and the state of Ohio.

Two U.S. patents were issued on the technology (U.S. Patents 4,873,191 Genetic Transformation of Zygotes and 6,872,868 Transgenic Mammals), which were exclusively licensed to a succession of licensees and extensively sublicensed to biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies, among other commercial users. At least 242 U.S. patents cite the first patent, a dramatic measure of its impact on other patentable inventions.

The Wagner-Hopper work showed that genes could be transferred through the injection of DNA when an animal was still a one-cell embryo, which then could lead to the production of a functional protein and ultimately be passed on to subsequent generations.

The innovative platform technology, called Pronuclear Microinjection, has produced transgenic animals, especially mice, for academic research as well as for commercial applications.

The technology has been used to make transgenically produced biopharmaceuticals, proteins and xenografts, and literally thousands of research models of benefit to society.

Transfer of the technology spawned one of the early examples of a startup company based on university technology and was the foundation for the creation of the Edison Biotechnology Institute at Ohio University. The institute retains this early emphasis on technology development and transfer and has been the source of platform technologies for a number of companies and products currently on the market.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Once a Fossil Fuel Product, Now from a Renewable Resource

Pacific Northwest Natl Lab

Once a Fossil Fuel Product, Now from a Renewable Resource

“Propylene glycol has been used in a broad range of consumer products for decades, from foodstuffs to antifreezes,” says Alan Zacher, a chemical engineer at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) in Richland, Wash. “As a compound derived from petroleum products, it’s so widely used that more than 900,000 metric tons of petroleum resources are consumed in its worldwide production each year.”

In the mid 1990s, Zacher was part of a PNNL team exploring ways to produce propylene glycol (PG) from a renewable biomass source — the simple corn sugar sorbitol — in an intensive research partnership with several private organizations. Sorbitol is one of a number of plant-based sugars — compounds like glucose, xylose and glycerol (also known as glycerin) — that were candidates for developing PG compounds.

If a substance found in both foods and antifreeze sounds off-putting, whether from petroleum or bioalternatives, be assured that there are two types of propylene glycol — PG-I, the industrial grade, and USP, a grade tailored for human use and in line with U.S. Food and Drug Administration standards. USP stands for U.S. Pharmacopoeia, a compendium of government standards.“As a consequence of this work,” Zacher notes, “our industrial partner, Archer Daniels Midland [ADM], opened a new plant in Decatur, Ill., last year to produce PG-I and USP PG from a byproduct of biodiesel fuel, a renewable product itself.

“This is important,” he says. “Biobased PG has the potential to play a big role in reducing our level of oil consumption.”

Advancing Energy Capacity, Lowering Greenhouse Emissions, Corn

One of 10 U.S. Department of Energy National Laboratories, PNNL engages in research and development for the Departments of Energy and Homeland Security, the National Nuclear Security Administration and other government and private organizations. Its mission includes the pursuit of new technologies for increasing American energy capacity, lowering dependence on imported oil and reducing the environmental impact of energy use.

“The PG project grew out of discussions with NCGA, the National Corn Growers Association,” notes Eric C. Lund, Ph.D., technology commercialization manager at PNNL. “They were interested in looking for new commercial outlets for corn. Since they don’t have their own research capabilities, they approached us.

“PNNL has long-standing research programs directed toward producing chemicals from renewable sources,” he says. “We were intrigued by the possibilities, so we entered into a partnership with them.” Subsequently, ADM joined the project.

He adds: “This has been a textbook example of the advantages of well-designed public/private partnerships for public benefit.”

Seeking a Catalyst

Notes organic chemist Paul Bloom, Ph.D., business director of industrial chemicals at ADM,  “The concept itself of creating propylene glycol from renewable sources is not that new. Scientists at the University of Wisconsin demonstrated its feasibility as early as the 1930s, but they couldn’t produce it in a way that was economical for commercial production.” ADM’s Evolution Chemicals Division has been looking for ways to produce biobased PG for at least 20 years, he adds, but the catalysts — the agents for producing it economically and up to quality standards — had never been identified.

That was the challenge facing Zacher and his colleagues at PNNL — research chemist John Frye, Jr., and project manager Todd Werpy, Ph.D. In addition to NCGA support, funding for this phase was provided through grants from the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Biomass Programs.

“John is some kind of creative genius,” Zacher says. “You give him a problem, and he gets really quiet for a long while. Then he gets this look in his eyes and starts weaving a compelling story with a direction and catalysts we should pursue. Then we’d go from there. The two-fold breakthrough was finding catalysts for taking both sorbitol and glycerol to propylene glycol.”

The central issue is getting a catalyst to cut only the right places in molecules that make up simple sugar variations like sucrose, sorbitol, dextrose and glycerol. 

They’re all fairly similar — in Zacher’s description: “Carbon atoms in a row, with an oxygen hanging off of most of them.”

Selective Simple Chemistry

“Converting glycerol into PG is simple chemistry,” Zacher says. “You snip off only a single OH group. But you have to do it selectively to make the process efficient and economical. The trick is finding the right catalyst — a finely tuned pair of chemical scissors to cut only the right bonds. The result is propylene glycol, water and a few byproducts.”

The right catalyst is essential because other catalysts and processes can make PG, but not cheaply enough to make commercial production feasible. The conversion process also produces a few byproducts, such as ethylene glycol, so the next step is to filter out those compounds to create pure PG.

“The PNNL team came up with a novel set of catalysts that enormously improved the capabilities to do this,” Bloom says. “That was the key. From there, we used their findings to scale up a technology for commercial production.”

The Biodiesel Factor

Preceding the development of biobased PG was the broad effort in the 1990s to replace petroleum products with fuels from renewable sources, such as ethanol as a supplement for gasoline. A prime target was a biobased replacement for diesel fuel. Because diesel yields better mileage than comparable gasoline engines, it has long been popular for long-distance transportation — more than 90 percent of freight is shipped in diesel-powered trucks, trains and boats.

Its popularity presented an opening for development of biodiesel alternatives produced from soy and other oily plant and animal sources. According to the National Biodiesel Board, an industry trade group, some 112 million gallons of biodiesel were sold in the United States in 2005; with some 150 biodiesel plants in operation in 2011, the figure was 1.1 billion gallons.

And, biodiesel production has a byproduct — the sweet, colorless, syrup-like liquid called glycerol.

“The early 2000s led to a ‘glut’ of glycerol research,” Zacher notes. “People thought biodiesel would saturate the glycerol market. A ‘free’ feedstock makes every idea look economical, but it turned out that glycerol was never going to be free. Only economically sensible ideas would prevail.”

Flexible Feedstocks

The PNNL/ADM team did better. PNNL’s initial focus was a catalyst that would make PG from sorbitol, but it turned out it could make PG out of glycerol as well. ADM joined the project, both in research and funding, with an immediate goal of developing a formula that would enable commercialization. They ended up working on the glycerol byproduct from biodiesel.

“The ADM team participated in additional collaborative work to improve the technology,” Lund notes, “and once they felt it would be commercially deployable, we entered into a licensing agreement with the company in 2006 granting them rights to manufacture propylene glycol.”

Adds Bloom: “We went with glycerol as our initial starting point but we approached the research targeting a number of potential sources, including corn sugars. Our goal for the long-term is to be able to work with flexible feedstocks — not just glycerol but also multiple carbohydrates including sucrose, dextrose, carbohydrates, corn stover and other cellulosic feedstocks.”

Measurable Contributions

ADM’s new Decatur facility opened in phases. The plant began production of glycerol in 2009, limited production of industrial-grade PG in 2010, continuous PG-I production in March 2011 and USP production in November 2011. The new plant has an annual production capacity of 100,000 metric tons.

“This product and process follows the principles of green chemistry,” Bloom says. “It not only reduces the demand for petroleum feedstocks, our independently reviewed Lifecycle Analysis indicates that it has a 61 percent greenhouse gas reduction compared to petroleum-based PG.”  He notes that ADM propylene glycol meets American Society for Testing and Materials standards for 100 percent biobased renewable carbon content and meets the standards for the U.S.D.A. BioPreferred program. 
“To our knowledge,” he says, “this is the first facility in the world manufacturing biobased propylene glycol that meets industry specifications for USP.”

In March 2012, Zacher was named PNNL’s Inventor of the Year for 2011, a recognition of his contributions, including more than 20 U.S. patents, plus another 20 overseas. All but one have been for renewable products and solvents. Zacher, Frye and Werpy have also all been named Battelle Distinguished Inventors, a recognition awarded by Battelle, the organization that manages PNNL for the Department of Energy. 

“My approach is a love of problem-solving, overcoming challenges,” Zacher says. “As a scientist and engineer, I start from other people’s ideas, great ideas and figure out how to make them work.

“And,” he adds, “I’ve always wanted to be able to drive by a plant and say, ‘That’s something I’ve had a part in.’”


This story was originally published in 2012.

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Carnegie Mellon University


Unraveling the complexity of the cell structure is a vital but challenging task on the pathway to understanding cellular function. Proteins used for proteome analysis are retrieved from isolated cells, whole tissues or bodily fluids and each of these protein sources is comprised of many more components — salts, nucleic acids, lipids and a wide variety of small molecules for instance. The discovery process introduces unwanted elements, such as salts, buffers and detergents to aid in breaking open the cells to release proteins and to otherwise prepare a sample for investigation. But these non-protein components, or contaminants, often interfere with protein separation methods.

The mission of Proteopure is to help proteomic scientists achieve superior results in their research by making each proteomic experiment simpler, faster, and more reliable.

Proteopure’s revolutionary technology is made available through a family of sample preparation kits for protein isolation and recovery, which uses a protein-specific hook to immobilize any protein sample on a resin. The binding of proteins to the resin is reversible, allowing protein recovery following the removal of contaminants.

ProteoHook 2DE Sample Preparation, their first kit, isolates all proteins from contaminants without the need for precipitation and resolubilization. It removes more than 95% of salts, nucleic acids and detergents, including sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) an anionic agent commonly used to separate proteins. This enables the use of harsher methods, such as boiling in SDS, for more complete extraction of proteins from cells.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Vaccine Combats Porcine Pandemic

University of Minnesota

Vaccine Combats Porcine Pandemic

Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) is a viral disease that began attacking swine farms in North America and Europe in the late 1980s. The disease causes stillbirths, miscarriages and piglet mortality rates as high as 70 percent during outbreaks. PRRS can be devastating to swine herds, and costs United States farmers more than $560 million annually, making the virus the most financially burdensome porcine disease in the country.

In 1991, Jim Collins, D.V.M., Ph.D., of the University of Minnesota’s Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, was the first to isolate the strain of the virus in the United States. He then collaborated with a commercial partner, Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc. to develop a vaccine, based on a modified live version of the virus. Through a global exclusive license to Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc. of the University’s Intellectual Property, Collin’s vaccine became the largest selling veterinary vaccine in the world, resulting in annual global sales as high as $30 million and annual royalties as high as $1.3 million for the university.

The vaccines and testing, when combined with other proven herdmanagement strategies, are helping to prevent the spread of PRRS, allowing for healthier swine and economical food products.

In addition, HanSoo Joo, D.V.M., Ph.D., professor of veterinary population medicine at Minnesota, developed Selectigen™ MJPRRS™ Technology, a process that harvests and concentrates viral antigens from PRRS-infected tissue, maximizing the effective content in PRRS vaccines. The technology was licensed exclusively in 2005 to Minnesota-based company MJ Biologics.

The Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory also became the first lab to provide same-day, high-volume testing for PRRS, enabling boar stud producers to identify and control the disease quickly and efficiently. The vaccines and testing, when combined with other proven herdmanagement strategies, are helping to prevent the spread of PRRS, allowing for healthier swine and economical food products.


This story was originally published in 2007.

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The PSA Test: Beating the Odds Against Prostate Cancer

Roswell Park Cancer Institute

The PSA Test: Beating the Odds Against Prostate Cancer

Just decades ago, having prostate cancer was like a death sentence because diagnoses typically occurred in the late stages of the disease. But thanks to the prostatespecific antigen test developed at Roswell Park Cancer Institute, thousands have received early diagnoses and treatment.

When Stanley Inhorn, M.D., visited his doctor for a routine checkup in 1992, he was in for an ominous surprise.

“My wife had encouraged me to get a PSA test during my visit to the doctor. I was 64 at the time and had not had one prior to that,” says the former professor of pathology and preventive medicine at the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Medical School. “In retrospect, I’m glad she did.”
The results of Inhorn’s prostate-specific antigen, or PSA, test indicated he might have prostate cancer. Further follow-up tests and a biopsy confirmed that was, in fact, the case. He sought treatment and has been cancer-free ever since. Now retired, he is actively involved in public health issues including cancer prevention, and is one of more than 1.8 million prostate cancer survivors leading fruitful lives in the United States.
Prostate cancer is second to lung cancer as the leading cause of cancer death in American men. Roughly one out of six men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime.
In 2005 alone, an estimated 232,090 new cases of prostate cancer were diagnosed in the United States, and more than 30,000 Americans die from the disease every year. 
The good news is that over the past two decades, the survival rate for prostate cancer has increased from 67 percent to 97 percent. And one of the most powerful weapons against prostate cancer is the PSA test.
“The PSA test absolutely revolutionized the way we approach prostate cancer diagnosis,” says Donald Trump, M.D., senior vice president for Clinical Research and chair of the Department of Medicine at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, N.Y., where the initial research on the PSA test was conducted.
The PSA test is used to detect prostate cancer long before the symptoms appear, which typically occurs in the more advanced stages of the disease — often when it is considered too late for treatment.
“Before the PSA test came along, being diagnosed with prostate cancer was almost like a death sentence,” says Richard Matner, Ph.D., director of technology transfer and commercial development at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute. “But the PSA gives prostate cancer patients an ‘advanced warning’ so they can consider various treatment options before the cancer spreads.”
Administered to millions each year, this simple blood test has practically become routine for American men in their 50s and older. Besides being used for early detection, it is a valuable tool in monitoring the efficacy of treatments for those already diagnosed with prostate cancer, and it is an effective predictor of the disease’s recurrence.
How the PSA Test Works
Prostate-specific antigen is a protein produced by the walnut-sized prostate gland surrounding the urethra in men. When prostate cancer or benign conditions occur, PSA levels increase — so higher PSA levels are used as a marker to detect the disease. The PSA test measures the level of PSA in the blood. Once a patient’s blood is drawn, PSA levels are measured in the laboratory, indicating whether or not he might potentially have prostate cancer.
Though PSA levels alone do not offer enough data to distinguish between benign or cancerous prostate conditions, physicians and their patients use PSA test results to determine the next steps in checking for other signs of cancer. 
Age is a major risk factor for prostate cancer. More than 70 percent of all prostate cancers are diagnosed in men older than 65. Race is a factor as well; prostate cancer is twice as common among African-American men as it is among Caucasian men. The American Cancer Society recommends that doctors offer the PSA blood test and the digital rectal examination yearly, beginning at age 50 for men who do not have any major medical problems, and beginning at age 45 for men at high risk.
An Ambitious Research Effort
The PSA test’s origins can be traced to the pioneering work of researchers led by T. Ming Chu, Ph.D., at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute. In 1979, Chu and Ming C. Wang, Ph.D., Luis A. Valenzuela and Gerald P. Murphy, M.D., D.Sc., reported the discovery and purification of the PSA. Working with Lawrence D. Papsidero, Ph.D., the following year, Chu demonstrated the presence of PSA in the blood of prostate cancer patients. Together with Manabu Kuriyama, M.D., Chu developed a test to detect PSA in 1980, and in 1981 Chu worked with Murphy to further evaluate and refine the clinical value of PSA. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office awarded Chu, Wang and Papsidero a patent for the PSA test in 1984.
Research Corporation Technologies Inc., based in Tucson, Ariz., acquired patenting and licensing rights to Chu’s PSA test technology, and licensed it on a nonexclusive basis to Hybritech Inc., a pioneering San Diego biotech company that is now part of Beckman Coulter in Fullerton, Calif. Hybritech developed the first commercially viable PSA test, approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 1986. This test was approved only for monitoring the progress of prostate cancer patients undergoing treatment. In 1994 the FDA approved the PSA test for use as a screening tool for the general public. 
The PSA Test’s Impact and Benefits
Since the introduction of the PSA test as a  monitoring and screening tool, prostate cancer survival rates have dramatically increased. In one study conducted in 1991, 32 percent of the prostate cancers identified by biopsies would have been missed if the PSA test had not been used as a screening tool. A 2005 study indicated men who receive yearly PSA tests are three times less likely to die from prostate cancer compared to those who don’t have annual screenings.
“There is no doubt that thousands of men would not be alive today if the PSA test had not come along,” Trump says. 
Though Trump and others point out there isn’t enough hard data available to scientifically prove that PSA tests lower prostate cancer mortality rates, those studies are now under way. Some in the medical field harbor reservations about false positives and negatives associated with the test, but proponents point to the PSA test’s role in thousands of early diagnoses — crucial in helping prostate cancer patients beat the odds against the disease through successful treatment. Additionally, the PSA test continues to be refined and enhanced as a result of ongoing research.
Economically, the PSA test has had a significant impact as well. “Overall, 20 companies ended up licensing the PSA test technology from RCT, which led to significant job creation and generated millions in sales,” says David A. Wiersma, Ph.D., a senior associate at Research Corporation Technologies. “The PSA test remains the biggest-selling commercial diagnostic test of its kind,” Wiersma adds.
What began as an ambitious research effort in Roswell Park Cancer Institute’s laboratories more than a quarter century ago clearly has become one of technology transfer’s greatest success stories.
Just ask Stan Inhorn, who soberly notes, “I might not be here today if I hadn’t taken that PSA test.” 

This story was originally published in 2006.

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Lab-Produced Antibody Prevents a Deadly Bacteria From Spreading its Toxin

Medical College of Wisconsin
University of California, San Francisco

Lab-Produced Antibody Prevents a Deadly Bacteria From Spreading its Toxin

Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pa), a common bacterium found in soil and water, is called an opportunistic pathogen because it attacks individuals with weakened immune systems. In people whose lung function is already compromised — including critically ill patients who cannot breathe on their own and require assistance from a mechanical ventilator and those with cystic fibrosis (CF) — Pa infection destroys lung tissue, often leading to death.

Two scientists working across the country from one another joined forces — and laboratories — to develop a molecule called a monoclonal antibody capable of preventing the toxic effects of Pa. The antibody, now licensed to KaloBios Pharmaceuticals and humanized or converted for use in humans, is undergoing the clinical testing necessary for approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.”


About Pa

Because Pa thrives on moist surfaces, it can grow on ventilator tubes and move to a patient’s lungs. As a result, Pa is the most common cause of pneumonia in patients who are on mechanical ventilators. It is estimated that between 250,000-300,000 ventilator-associated pneumonia cases per year occur in the United States.

“Pa is one of the more dangerous organisms in the ICU,” says Geoffrey Yarranton, Ph.D., chief scientific officer and executive vice president of research at KaloBios. “Twenty to 30 percent of patients infected with Pa go on to die.”

Chronic Pa infection also contributes to the decline of lung function in children and young adults with CF, an inherited disease affecting about 70,000 individuals worldwide, according to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. In CF, a defective gene causes the body to produce unusually thick mucus that clogs the lungs, leading to life-threatening lung infections.

“By the time CF patients are in their teens, 80 percent have Pa,” says Jeanne Y. Jew, senior vice president of business development at KaloBios. “We hope this antibody will ultimately increase the lifespan and quality of life of CF patients.”

The Research Team

Dara W. Frank, Ph.D., director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research at the Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW), has been working to understand the interplay between Pa and its human host since 1989.

As a critical care physician, Jeanine Wiener-Kronish, M.D., sees many immunocompromised patients succumb to Pa infections, which are often resistant to antibiotics. She was studying the bacterium in her laboratory while at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) when she learned of Frank’s work and reached out to her to discuss testing various strains of Pa.

“They had common goals: both were looking for ways to neutralize the Pa bacteria,” explains Joseph O. Hill, managing director in the MCW Office of Technology Development.

Together, the scientists determined that a specific enzyme made certain strains of Pa more virulent — a discovery that led the two to engage in a more formal collaboration beginning in 1992 and lasting over a decade.

“Jeanine developed animal models that mirrored human infections, and I identified the genes required for Pa virulence in these models,” explains Frank, professor of microbiology and molecular genetics at MCW.

Attacking Pa

Initially, the scientists thought they’d go after the toxins secreted by Pa that kill off white cells in the lungs. Instead, they decided to target the toxins’ injection mechanism, a structure called the Type III Secretion System (TTSS). At the tip of the TTSS structure is a protein called PcrV that serves as a needle-like injector of the toxins.

Frank and Wiener-Kronish developed a mouse monoclonal antibody (called a murine antibody) that binds to the PcrV protein, essentially “capping” the injector and inhibiting it from injecting toxins into healthy cells. Monoclonal antibodies mimic the body’s natural antibodies that identify and neutralize foreign objects, or antigens. Part of the burgeoning field of medicine called biological therapy, these specially engineered molecules are increasingly being used to fight cancer and autoimmune disorders.

For Frank and Wiener-Kronish, the lengthy process of creating an anti-PcrV murine antibody involved immunizing mice with the Pa antigen (injecting mice with pure PcrV protein) and then harvesting antibody-producing B cells from the animals’ spleen. The B cells were then fused with fast-growing myleoma cells and cultured over a period of weeks. The resulting cloned cells — called hybridomas — were then individually tested for their ability to produce antibodies that bound to the target antigen, the PcrV protein.

After years of work — funded in part by the MCW Department of Microbiology and Cancer Center, the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, and the National Institutes of Health — testing revealed that one hybridoma, called monoclonal antibody (mAb) 166, was protective in animal models.  A single dose of passively transferred antibody provided protection against Pa.

“This was the first mAb targeting a virulence system instead of a specific toxin,” says Frank.

Finding KaloBios

With the help of Joseph Hill and UCSF’s Office of Innovation, Technology & Alliances, the scientists filed their first patent on mAb 166 in 1998. To date, a total of 35 foreign and U.S. patents have issued covering a number of related discoveries, including the monoclonal antibody itself, its use in therapy, a Pa vaccine and a diagnostic test to determine whether the bacteria carries the PcrV protein.

The two tech transfer offices also divided their labor — MCW worked on the patents, while UCSF looked for potential licensees for the biological therapy. After a false start with a licensee that was unable to humanize the murine antibody, UCSF found KaloBios, which was just completing work on its humanizing technology and looking for animal antibodies to convert for human use.

“Jeanine was on the frontline, convincing KaloBios of the clinical market for a Pa antibody; Dara was able to provide the sophisticated technical and scientific basis for the antibody and toxin. Together they provided proof of concept in animal models of disease,” says Hill. “The market attracts the development partner, but it’s solid science that keeps them engaged.”

Humanizing a murine antibody is a difficult process that involves taking out the mouse genes and inserting human sequences within the antibody: The humanized antibody must mimic the mouse antibody while keeping all of its activity. Key to the process is creating an antibody that won’t be recognized as foreign by the human host, triggering an immune response in which the antibody is attacked by the body.

“We entered into a materials transfer agreement to see what we could do with it and agreed to talk about licensing later,” says Yarranton. “In 2004, we were able to engineer a high-affinity human antibody and entered into an exclusive license agreement with UCSF and MCW.”

The company also stabilized the human antibody by pegylating it to prevent degradation in the lung and improve the half-life of the drug. Named KB001-A, the anti-PcrV monoclonal antibody is actually a fragment of the laboratory-made protein, because it contains only the antigen-binding portion of the antibody, not the portion that triggers an inflammatory response, which is unwanted in these patients.

“Infection in the lung causes inflammation, which recruits immune cells,” says Yarranton. “This antibody works without stimulating more inflammation.”

Testing the New Antibody in Humans

KaloBios has conducted several successful trials in human patients to determine the safety and usefulness of the KB001-A for preventing and treating Pa infections in ventilator-assisted patients and individuals with CF.

The company has entered into its own collaboration by partnering with Sanofi Pasteur, a global healthcare company, to continue studying the antibody’s ability to prevent ventilator-associated pneumonia. Meanwhile, KaloBios is continuing to test the antibody for its effectiveness in CF patients, working with 50 specialized CF centers across the country to recruit patients for a Phase II trial.

“We are recruiting up to 180 patients who will either be treated for four months with the antibody or will receive a placebo,” says Jeanne Jew. “We hope to end recruitment by midyear and have results at the end of the year.”

The study will measure the effect of multiple doses given to CF patients over a four-month period.

“What makes the antibody treatment unique and valuable is its selectivity and half-life,” says Yarranton. “You don’t have to treat multiple times a day. One injection covers 28 days.”

Industry–Academic Collaboration

Meanwhile, executives at KaloBios are keen on continuing to work with academic scientists like Frank and Wiener-Kronish.

“Three of our projects have come from academia,” says Yarranton. “We want to work where there’s the greatest scientific knowledge about a project, so we’ll be successful. It’s a two-way street because the academics are excited to have what they developed be tested in the clinic.

“There’s a lot of knowledge and many good [technologies] out there to be licensed.”

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Device Developed at Universiti Malaya Enables Remote Monitoring of Low Back Pain

Universiti Malaya

Device Developed at Universiti Malaya Enables Remote Monitoring of Low Back Pain
A wearable device for remotely assessing muscle activity, innovated at Universiti Malaya and developed by Nonivasi Care Sdn Bhd in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, is giving clinicians a data-driven means of tracking the rehabilitation of patients with low back pain without the need for in-person visits.

Generally, in patients receiving treatment for low back pain, rehabilitation clinicians will assess the treatment’s effectiveness by asking the patient questions and doing a physical examination—but this observational method is often inaccurate. Computerized functional analysis systems are more accurate, but are also expensive and require dedicated space in a clinic or office.

Technology invented at Universiti Malaya by Professor Fatimah Ibrahim, in the department of Biomedical Engineering, offers a portable, affordable and reliable solution. PULIH—which means “recover” in Malay—is a wireless device that measures a patient’s muscle activity during movement, analyzes the data using a cellphone app that sends the results to a clinician’s office. The device, which is about the size of a wallet, can be used at a patient’s home or in another convenient location, reducing the frequency and hassle of arranging office visits.

The technology is grounded in research showing that specific muscles in the lower back behave differently in people with and without low back pain when bending forward at the waist from a standing position. During a PULIH assessment, the patient attaches electrodes to the skin of their lower back, which detect muscle activity as the patient does a forward bend; the device then wirelessly sends the information to the clinician. As a patient’s rehabilitation progresses, their muscle activity should gradually become more like what would be seen in a person without back pain. If the PULIH data suggests a lack of progress, additional treatments could be considered.

Universiti Malaya’s technology transfer office, the Centre of Innovation and Enterprise, patented the technology (PI 2020003417) and licensed it in June 2021 to startup company Nonivasi Care Sdn Bhd. Commercialization of the device was assisted by a grant of RM 500,000 (about $107,000 USD) from the Cradle Fund, a federal agency under the Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation. The device received regulatory approval from the country’s Medical Device Authority in 2023 and is currently being demonstrated and marketed the device to hopsitals and clinics.

The Malaysian government has placed a strong emphasis on enhancing the country's technology transfer framework. The UM Centre of Innovation and Enterprise (UMCIE), plays an important role in the process of identifying the readiness of the technology to be translated into real-world solutions. UMCIE believes that the right commercial partner can help turn university technology into innovative products that bring value to the society and economy of the nation.

This story was originally published in 2023.

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Purdue Improved Crop Storage (PICS)

Purdue Research Foundation

Purdue Improved Crop Storage (PICS)


Purdue Improved Crop Storage (PICS) is a crop storage system designed to prevent insects from destroying stored grains. The system consists of a triple-layer bag made of 80-micron thick, high-density materials that uses a hermetic, i.e., airtight, seal. The bags are more cost-effective than other hermetic containers, such as metal or plastic drums. The bags are also easy to use and avoid the need for storage insecticides.


Purdue University researchers Dr. Larry Murdock, Professor, Department of Entomology, and Dr. James (Jess) Lowenberg-DeBoer, Associate Dean and Director of International Programs in Agriculture and Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, developed the PICS system, which was originally designed for the storage of cowpeas (or black-eyed peas), a key food crop grown by millions of farmers in Africa. 


In 2007, Purdue University launched the Purdue Improved Cowpea Storage (PICS) project, a five-year initiative supported by an $11.4 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (Gates Foundation) with the goal of having 50 percent of cowpeas in West and Central Africa stored with hermetic method by 2012. Bill Gates spoke at a recent convocation of the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities.  While displaying a PICS bag, he told the audience that the three-layered, polyethylene and polypropylene bag costs less than $2, but is increasing the income of farmers in Central and West Africa by 25 percent.  “This bag is actually helping lift 10 million people out of poverty,” he told his audience.

Additional research is being conducted on using PICS bags for other crops grown in Africa.  The Gates Foundation has provided a $1.1 million in funding for the PICS2 project.

The Problem

The majority of cowpea growers are women who grow cowpeas along with other crops to feed their families and to generate income.  Men growers generally grow cowpeas as a sole crop to sell at market, not to feed their families. Cowpea has great potential to help feed Africa’s growing populations.

Insects damage cowpeas before and after harvest. The major pest is the cowpea weevil. A single cowpea weevil female can have as many as 100 offspring in one month resulting in a heavy infestation within two or three months of storage. Each year, up to 50 percent of cowpeas in Africa are lost after harvest because of infestations by cowpea weevils. As a result, farmers often sell their cowpeas at harvest when prices are at their lowest instead of storing the cowpeas and risking loss. Damaged grain is heavily discounted at market. 

PICS Project

Purdue University and partner organizations have led efforts to develop and implement hermetic storage technology, focusing on low resource farmers in developing nations of sub-Saharan Africa. Through extension services, demonstrations and training on how to use the PICS bags have been performed in more than 31,000 West African villages. Farmers are often skeptical at first, so several bags are filled with cowpeas during the demonstration. After four to six months, a bag opening ceremony is held. When the farmers see the perfectly stored, undamaged cowpeas, they are convinced that PICS will work for them. 

With the small investment of about $2 per bag, farmers can earn $25 to $50 more per bag of cowpeas stored, which is important given a United Nations report states that 45 percent of the population lives on less than $1 per day.  It is estimated that their annual incomes can increase by an average of $150 by using the PICS bags.  Over a five-year period, more than 1.75 million bags were sold in West and Central Africa. PICS bags are used on a large scale in 10 African countries – Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ghana, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Chad, and Togo. They have also been used in Rwanda, Afghanistan, Burundi, Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Laos, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

The PICS team is entering a new phase of raising awareness of the bags and developing a supply chain for their distribution in African countries where they are not widely used.


Lela Agro Industries Nigeria Ltd. (Lela Agro) has licensed the trademarked PICS logo. Located in Kano, Nigeria, Lela Agro’s business operations relate to the farming and agriculture industries. Hassan Fawaz, managing director at Lela Agro, said the company would manufacture more than one million PICS bags in 2013, selling most in Nigeria, but exporting around 100,000 to neighboring countries. The company plans to expand production to more than 1.5 million bags in 2014.  "PICS bags are more effective than other bags because they are made of 80-micron thick, high-density materials. They are more cost-effective hermetic containers for most uses than metal drums or plastic jugs," he said. "PICS bags are easy to use, which makes them an improvement upon storage insecticides, which could be misused to harmful effect." 

Bell Industries Limited (Bell Industries), a private company registered under the laws of Kenya, has licensed the trademarked PICS logo.  Located in Nairobi, Kenya, Bell Industries is a leading agri-business and public health products company and is a leading provider in insecticides, fertilizers, and crop protection products in Kenya and East Africa. 

Other companies have manufactured counterfeit bags they claim are PICS and have the same characteristics.  These manufacturers will not have access to the PICS logo, which means farmers will be able to differentiate between them. 

Additional Research

The science behind the PICS bags continues to help in the education of Purdue Agriculture students.  Researchers originally thought the weevils die in the bags from suffocation, but research by Dr. Murdock found that the insects die of thirst because of their metabolic processes.  The PICS project has led to a new understanding of science giving students a better understanding of insects.

While the original purpose of the PICS system was to protect cowpeas from infestation during storage without the use of pesticides, researchers are conducting tests to determine if the system works with other crops grown in Africa, including corn, sorghum, rice, couscous, hibiscus seed and cassava chips, which are similar to tapioca.  The potential impact is much larger given corn is grown over a much wider area.  

Given the likely expanded use beyond cowpeas, the original name, Purdue Improved Cowpea Storage, is changing to Purdue Improved Crop Storage (PICS).  The first PICS with Cowpea is trademarked and a trademark application was filed on the new PICS with Crop.


Sani Moussa, who grows cowpeas in the Maradi Region of Niger, has used PICS since 2010.  Before then, weevils destroyed the crops he stored.  "I remember storing three sacks of cowpeas and after four months in storage there was nothing left," he said.  "Because I could not store grains for a long time, I had to sell them when prices were low.  Consequently, the production could not cover daily needs, including socio-economic needs, such as marriages and naming ceremonies."  Using the PICS system allows Moussa to store more of the harvest for longer periods.  "With the arrival of the PICS bags, my storage increased three times that I had before because I had no fear of losses due to insect damage," he said.  "I can now wait to sell until the period when cowpea prices are high and increase my profits."

Moussa Maman, who also grows cowpeas in the Maradi Region, has used PICS since 2009.  Before then, he lost more than 50 percent of his grain in storage due to cowpea weevils.  As a result, he had to sell his harvest when prices were low.  "Now that I use PICS, I can store two or three times the quantity that I could store before.  My income also has increased two or three times," he said.  Maman said there are fewer worries with the PICS system.  "One no longer has any worries about storing food.  People gain a benefit from their production," he said.


In 2012, Dr. Murdock and Dr. Lowenberg-DeBoer were awarded the Chevalier de I’Ordre National du Burkina Faso for their work with improving cowpea storage.  This award is the highest honor given by the West African nation of Burkina Faso and is the equivalent to the U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom.  This award is rarely given to foreigners.  

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Pure Crystals Aid in Drug Development

Cornell University

Pure Crystals Aid in Drug Development

X-ray crystallography is a technique in which crystals are analyzed to determine their structure, leading to a better understanding of the crystallized substance being studied. These substances include a wide variety of molecules and compounds, including proteins, DNA and inorganic materials. When X-rays are focused through crystals of purified molecules, diffraction patterns are created, revealing key, molecular-level organizational details of the material in question.

This information can be crucial in a number of areas, particularly in the development of drugs and therapeutic agents, since the structural atomic detail provides answers to essential questions about binding drugs to necessary molecules. However, the pure crystals needed to accurately read and analyze materials are rare and difficult to procure.

Christopher Lima, Ph.D., a Cornell University assistant professor of biochemistry, solved this problem by developing a technique to easily develop pure crystals. SUMO is a small protein that, because of its bonding properties, can be used in various cellular processes. Lima discovered that by using SUMO in a protein expression system, a soluble form of the protein could be created that can be purified and split to provide an active, pure crystal.

The rapidly growing crystallography technology also plays a vital role in protein engineering, materials science and structural chemistry.

Invitrogen Corp., a pharmaceutical and biomedical services company, licensed this technology from the Cornell Research Foundation, Inc. (CRF). In 2004, Invitrogen introduced the Champion™ pET SUMO Protein and Peptide Expression System, which produces SUMO fusion to achieve the highest level of solubility for proteins, leading to purified crystals for research purposes.

The CRF is a wholly owned subsidiary of Cornell University. CRF is the title holder of Cornell's intellectual property and the signatory for the university’s technology transfer contracts and licenses.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Enval Offers Breakthrough Recycling

University of Cambridge

Enval Offers Breakthrough Recycling

The University of Cambridge, with Enval Ltd., hopes it has a technology that can do something useful with the aluminum from juice cartons, much of which ends up in landfills around the world.

In Western Europe, more than 30,000 tons of aluminum are used annually in the lining of drink cartons. The statistics are similar for North America.

Enval Ltd. hopes its technology can recover the aluminum, much of which ends up in landfills.

Using technology developed at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom, Enval uses the process of pyrolysis — applying heat to create a chemical change in a substance, in the absence of oxygen — to separate the aluminum from plastic that also is a by-product from the partial paper recycling of cartons. That aluminum then can be sold for reuse.

Enval also hopes to add energy efficiency to the process by manufacturing a portable pyrolysis machine, rather than having to haul the aluminum and plastic to a central processing location.

“The paper content of cartons has been recycled for quite some time and reused as pulp paper by paper companies, but the residue from the depulping process, containing valuable aluminum, is often sent to a landfill,” says Carlos Ludlow-Palafox, Ph.D., co-founder and chief technical officer of Enval.

“After treatment with the new technology, the metal has a ready market and the oils, generated from the plastic layer, can be used to power the recycling machine. The rubbish sites save money, by avoiding paying landfill taxes. The metal industry saves money and a lot of energy, by purchasing ready-to-use secondary aluminum. And, as consumers, we no longer feel guilty about throwing away yet another drink container that cannot be completely recycled. The planet wins.”

Similar processes have been used in Brazil and Finland, and experimented with in other parts of the world. But, Enval has technology that can be portable.

“It is not energy efficient to haul aluminum liners and plastic to a treatment site,” Ludlow-Palafox says. “It is a relatively light, fluffy material that takes up space, but does not have much weight. So, the portability of our pyrolysis machine has great potential.”

Startup Support

Enval is building a pilot plant pyrolysis machine, thanks in part to startup money from the University of Cambridge and an angel group of investors headed by CREATE Partners. That group has made an initial seed investment of £200,000 with a view to investing further amounts over the next three years.

The investment will allow Enval to build a first-class execution team, to develop a pilot plant for industrial demonstration and to secure initial contracts with industry partners around the world.

Tetra Pak, a leading maker of drink cartons, and others have expressed interest in the technology.

“We are delighted to support a promising technology that, if successful on a large scale, will substantially increase recycling in the UK,” says Richard Hands, environmental manager for Tetra Pak UK & Ireland, in a Nov. 8, 2006, press release.

The process used by Enval started more than eight years ago as Ludlow-Palafox’s Ph.D. project at Cambridge. He worked with Howard Chase, professor of biochemical and environmental engineering and former head of the department of chemical engineering at the University of Cambridge.

“I had been interested in the process of pyrolysis, so we did the  scientific research and developed a lab prototype of a device,” Ludlow-Palafox says. “I was looking at it from the viewpoint of a scientist at that time. I could see it had commercial applications potential, but I did not think at that time I would be the one to do it.”

But, in 2003, Ludlow-Palafox found himself getting involved in the business process. Cambridge Enterprise, which works with technology transfer at the university, began working with the researchers, clarifying the route to market the technology, patenting the invention and using a Proof of Concept grant from the Higher Education Innovation fund to build the first continuous prototype of the process. The University Challenge Fund supported market research that identified a number of paper companies interested in the process.

Ludlow-Palafox and Chase, together with Alexander Domin, Ph.D., entered the 2005 Cambridge University Entrepreneurs Business Plan Competition and won. That led to incorporation and the additional funding from CREATE.

Groundbreaking Opportunity

“Enval is a groundbreaking opportunity,” says Boyd Mulvey, chief executive of CREATE, in a Nov. 8, 2006, press release. “The new process offers industry a simple and cost-effective solution to solving a serious environmental problem. Enval has a robust, patented technology and now, with venture capital and Angel investor backing, the company has the financial resources to deliver that solution.

“CREATE has worked successfully with GEIF Ventures, Cambridge Angels, Cambridge Capital Group and the University of Cambridge Challenge Fund to provide the investment into this compelling business plan.”

Ludlow-Palafox spent much of the latter part of 2006 traveling throughout Europe talking to paper companies and other potential partners for Enval.

“Again, I started at this from the approach of a scientist,” Ludlow-Palafox says. “I now love what I am doing (the combined role of a scientist and entrepreneur). It was difficult going through the period of seeking funding — wondering whether you were going to get any or enough — but now it is rewarding to see the potential in the marketplace.”

Enval initially stood for “Environmental Aluminum.” But, the technology could be used in other recycling possibilities for tires, oil and other waste materials. So, Enval could evolve into “Environmental Value.”

“The research has potential for the marketplace,” says Ludlow-Palafox, who still works with Chase on advising some of the Cambridge researchers. “What better way to bring it to the marketplace than through a company that already is working on it.”

— By Gregg Hoffmann


This story was originally published in 2007.

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Unique Latching System Keeps Wheelchair Passengers Secure During Transit

Queen's University

Unique Latching System Keeps Wheelchair Passengers Secure During Transit

Q’Straint, the world’s leading wheelchair securement company, has its roots in a Queen’s University researcher’s solution to a significant transportation safety problem: How could wheelchairs and their passengers be safely secured in vehicles that transport the physically disabled? More than 25 years ago, existing securement systems did not provide wheelchair passengers on buses with the same degree of safety as seatbelts provided to automobile passengers.

In response to this safety issue, Professor Henk Wevers, an engineering professor at Queen’s, and his clinical mechanics group developed an adjustable, four-point securement system for wheelchairs and their passengers.
In the event of a collision or sudden stop, the novel system isolated the forward forces of the occupant from those of their chair by directing the chair’s forces to the floor of the vehicle through a common tether.

Initial funding for the technology was provided by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Communications.

In 1984 PARTEQ Innovations, the technology transfer office of Queen’s University, licensed the system to Girardin Inc.  (now Q’Straint), a manufacturer of buses and vans for the physically disabled.

Q’Straint is now headquartered in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., and has become the largest wheelchair and occupant securement company in the world, with additional offices in Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia. The  company currently has 85 employees. To learn more about Q’Straint, visit


This story was originally published in 2007.

To see available technologies from research institutions, click here to visit the AUTM Innovation Marketplace.

Quantitative Gene Expression (QGE)

Boston University

Quantitative Gene Expression (QGE)

With the success of the Human Genome Project, bioscientists have made great strides in identifying genes that may predispose the body to developing specific diseases. However, analyzing small strands of DNA is a time-consuming and laborious process. Now researchers at Boston University have developed a new DNA-scanning technique that enhances the diagnosis of genetic diseases and disorders.  Quantitative Gene Expression (QGE)  was developed at Boston University’s  Center for Advanced Biotechnology by professor Charles Cantor, Ph.D., of the department of biomedical engineering, and Chunming Ding, Ph.D. Research was funded through a sponsored agreement with Sequenom, a biomedical company headquartered in San Diego, Calif.

Disclosed in 2002, QGE technology significantly improves an existing process called haplotyping, which scans chromosomes for clusters of mutated genes that may result in the onset of certain diseases.

This process is, however, labor-intensive and can only analyze short strands of DNA. Results can be inconsistent and difficult to interpret without knowing the individual’s genetic profile.

QGE technology combines several existing diagnostic processes (reverse transcription, competitive polymerase chain reaction (PCR), base extension and mass spectrometry) to create a high-throughput, automated gene expression analysis platform. Several hundred genes from up to 500 different samples can be accurately quantified in a single day — a much faster throughput compared to existing  methods. QGE also requires a much smaller sample size and can test longer strands of DNA, eliminating the need for a genetic profile of the individual. These improvements allow medical researchers to more quickly and accurately identify gene patterns that result in disease, as well as permit earlier intervention with more effective treatments.

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Phiar Adding New High-Speed Waves to Electronics

University of Colorado

Phiar Adding New High-Speed Waves to Electronics

Phiar Corp.’s quantum tunneling technology is centered around the idea of electrons as “waves” rather than “particles.”

Garret Moddel considers an unfinished tuna salad in California one of the best lunches of his life.

“It was at a presentation to the investors of Menlo Ventures on our technology,” says Moddel, the co-founder, chairman and CTO of Phiar Corp. in Boulder, Colo.

“I told them we might have a whole new platform technology. In a way, just as vacuum tubes gave way to semiconductors about 50 years ago, now perhaps we have the potential for semiconductors to give way to something that is newer, faster, more easily integrated and cheaper.

“I remember I ordered tuna salad. I couldn’t eat it because I was talking. After I was done with the presentation, Mark Siegel, one of the managing directors, says, ‘We’ll get back to you’ and told me I could go into the next conference room to finish lunch. I sat down to eat my tuna salad and about halfway through it, Mark came into the room and says, ‘We’re going to fund you.’ So I never did finish the tuna salad.”

That led to $9.3 million in venture funding for Phiar, which officially opened on July 2, 2001. Today, the company employs 16 people. The company has a partnership with Motorola, which could become a major purchaser of the technology. It recently moved to a 10,000-square-foot facility that includes a clean room, testing and  development labs, as well as office space.

Phiar’s Technology: Less Costly, Much Faster

Phiar is developing components for what the company describes as “true monolithic integration of high-frequency electronic and electromagnetic-wave functions onto silicon chips and other substrates.”

Phiar’s metal-insulator technology replaces costly hybrid semiconductors and extends the functions to higher frequencies.

The company is implementing this concept as practical components — diodes, detectors, transistors, varactors, modulators — to provide a full suite of low cost, ultra-fast, integrated components for building high-frequency electronic and terahertz (THz) wave circuits and systems.

Quantum tunneling is the basis of Phiar’s technology. At the heart of the phenomenon is the quantum mechanical notion that electrons are “waves” rather than “particles.”

Phiar remains focused on research and development. At the time of publication, the company did not have commercialized products for sale. Diodes and detectors will be the first Phiar products to market, followed by transistors and other devices, culminating in transceivers. The company expects to have its diodes and detectors in production in 2007. The company targets 2008 for production-ready transistors for transceivers.

Growth Opportunities

Potential applications for the technology seem almost unlimited. “The term ‘platform technology’ has been abused,” says Adam Rentschler, director of business development. “But Phiar’s is truly a platform technology. Metal-insulator electronics will impact everything from aircraft landing assistance and improved airport security screening to wireless consumer electronics and adaptive cruise control for cars.

“The radar and imaging applications for our technology are very exciting. An example is aircraft landing assistance imaging that sees through clouds, fog or smoke. There are applications for security screening. The idea here is you can shoot safe, non-tissue damaging waves at people. The screening will reveal things missed by metal detectors like ceramic knives or plastic explosives.

“On the automotive radar front, we are not doing anything that can’t be done today with other solutions, but we can reduce the costs of these systems by about a factor of 10. If auto makers can get their costs down from about $1,000 to let’s say $100, all of a sudden you’re going to see these systems — today found only in luxury vehicles — popping up on KIAs and Hyundais.” 

Wireless data transfer is another potential application. “The promise is putting five DVDs of data on an iPod in two seconds,” Rentschler says. “When the supporting technology in hard drives and flash memory catches up with us, this will be a reality. We’ll also be able to stream 50 channels of uncompressed high def TV simultaneously.” The technology has potential applications in medical imaging and other fields.

The Birth of a Start-up

Moddel, who is on the faculty at the University of Colorado at Boulder (CU), has been interested in startup companies since the early years of his career, when he was part of a solar cell startup in California.

“When I first graduated from grad school, I went to a little Silicon Valley startup company,” Moddel says. “We wanted to make solar cells and paint the world with solar technology and reduce the power of the oil companies. It was very idealistic. It was fascinating, and we developed a lot of technology, but we really had no markets. I learned a lot about what to do and what not to do with startups. I probably got the bug then.”

Moddel remained interested in solar cells and in the potential of metal-insulators while at CU. He and a grad student, Blake Eliasson, who now is director of engineering for Phiar, worked long and hard on the technology.

The team ran into a challenge: single-insulator diodes were not efficient enough. Eliasson had a novel solution: Two insulators (rather than one), can be engineered to form a quantum well in the middle of the device, greatly enhancing performance.

Attorney Steve Shear, Moddel and Eliasson decided to start a company to explore the breakthrough. That led Moddel to that memorable “non-lunch” at Menlo Ventures.

After many months of negotiations with the CU, Moddel simultaneously inked deals with Menlo Ventures and CU’s Technology Transfer Office.

Moddel served as Phiar’s CEO for four years. During his tenure, Phiar grew from three to 10 employees and raised the $9.3 million in venture capital.

In May 2005, Moddel stepped aside as CEO and Goodman was hired. To date, Goodman has successfully negotiated the Joint Development Agreement and Intellectual Property Agreement with Motorola, moved the company to the 10,000-square-foot fabrication and testing facility and continues to strengthen the team with top talent.

Partnerships between startups and universities have become keys for technology development. “Tech transfer has come a long way at the university,” Moddel says. “They have been very helpful. Now if you want to do breakthrough technology, it’s at universities and startups. It’s a different culture and the economy has changed.”

Tom Smerdon of the Office of Technology Transfer at CU, says Phiar was one of several startups that began with ties to the university. “It’s been making fine progress on development,” Smerdon says.

Partnerships like Phiar’s with Motorola are another key. “That sort of makes us real,” Moddel says.

“We view the metal-insulator technology from Phiar, combined with Motorola’s technology and expertise, as being an innovative approach to potentially providing the device speeds that will be required in future generations of wireless, radar and imaging solutions provided by Motorola,” says Vida Ilderem, vice president and director of the center of excellence for embedded systems and physical sciences research, Motorola Labs, in a press release when the partnership between Phiar and Motorola was first announced.

And, of course, the venture capital from Menlo Ventures was another key —
even if Moddel never did finish that tuna salad.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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A Better Membrane Helps to Replenish the World's Fresh Drinking Water Supply

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

A Better Membrane Helps to Replenish the World's Fresh Drinking Water Supply

In April of 1961, at the dedication of a desalination plant in Texas, President John F. Kennedy said: No water resources program is of greater long-range importance than our efforts to convert water from the world’s greatest and cheapest natural resources — our oceans — into water fit for our homes and industry.

He went on to say that:

Such a breakthrough would end bitter struggles between neighbors, states and nations.

While there may be less hope for the end of struggles between nations, Kennedy’s assertion that extracting freshwater from saltwater is one of the greatest scientific breakthroughs in history couldn’t be truer today. More than 97 percent of the earth’s water is too salty for human consumption. Water use has been growing at more than twice the rate of population growth in the last century.

The World Health Organization reports that as populations rise, urbanization grows and there is an increase in household and industrial uses for water, the world is running out of clean, drinkable water. Water scarcity affects 1 in 3 people on every continent. According to United Nations statistics, at least 1 billion people live in areas where water is scarce, and the numbers are reported to reach 1.8 billion by 2025.

Around the time President Kennedy made that speech, researchers at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) were developing a new technology that forced water molecules across a semipermeable barrier at a much faster rate than salt ions, producing a freshwater stream. The process became known as reverse osmosis (RO) and has since become the most popular method of separating salt water from seawater, a process know as desalination. Over time, the UCLA team developed this technology into tubular membrane modules that produced freshwater from ocean and brackish groundwater.

It was a watershed event in addressing seawater desalination.

Over the next 30 to 40 years, manufacturers improved membrane material as well as module and process designs and, as a result, the cost to produce freshwater from seawater was reduced by 400 percent between 1980 and 2000.

But there were two challenges. The first: The process remained energy-intensive and costly relative to traditional freshwater treatment processes. And second, modern RO membranes were prone to fouling when rejected particles and bacteria accumulated on the surface.

By early 2000, though it was only one of a few options available to address severe water shortages, the still-expensive process of RO seawater desalination was gaining global acceptance.

Making over a Membrane

Eric M.V. Hoek, Ph.D., was in his first year as an assistant professor of environmental engineering at UCLA when he began working on a new RO membrane material envisioned to perform better in desalination applications.

“[I thought,] what if we could integrate a nanoparticle into an RO membrane to make it more productive and resistant to bacteria?” says Hoek. “I imagined the properties of such a material, and then one day learned in a presentation by a colleague’s student that something like it existed, but in a different form.”

That material, known as a zeolite, or molecular sieve, due to its internal molecular pores, takes up water like a sponge. The pores are just big enough to let water through but just small enough to reject salt. An extra advantage was that these materials could also be modified to exhibit antimicrobial functionality.

Hoek’s hypothesis was that synthesizing zeolite nanoparticles and embedding them within the RO membrane could reduce the overall energy demand in the desalination process.

That’s when, with startup funds provided by UCLA’s Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, thin-film nanocomposite (TFN) membrane technology flowed from the tributary of great water desalination discoveries at the university.

When it worked, Eric Hoek had built a better membrane. A second stream of funding came from the UCLA California

NanoSystems Institute (CNSI) and from the company that ultimately would commercialize the technology, NanoH2O Inc.

The material was named, says Hoek, “for its unique structure where a 100- to 200-nanometer thin film contains both nanoparticles and polymers working together to produce a better material than either could alone.” It attracted water and rejected salt and other particles that can obstruct the flow of water.

Hoek says the TFN membranes he produced in the lab at UCLA demonstrated a 100-percent increase in permeability when compared to conventional RO membranes while maintaining the same level of salt rejection. It also inhibits the adhesion of bacteria and other organic materials that tend to foul up membranes over time.

All of this significantly reduces the cost of desalinated water, making it a more economically viable option to increase global water supply. In 1980, for example, the cost of desalinating water with conventional membranes was $2 to $3 per cubic meter. In 2010, with the new membrane, the cost was .50 to $1 per cubic meter.

A Sustainable Technology and a Company Surface

Discovery and commercialization came together in 2005 when Hoek met Jim McDermott, an experienced technology entrepreneur, and Bob Burk, Ph.D., a scientist with many years of experience in environmental technologies. Within weeks of their initial meeting, a deal was struck.

“It was an exciting agreement,” says Emily Loughran, director of licensing at the UCLA Office of Intellectual Property about the licensing. “I had heard from a colleague that there was an investor interested in clean energy and sustainable technologies. Our objective is to bring technology with a clear and demonstrable effect to the marketplace for public benefit. This project encompassed all the things we like to see. It’s very rewarding to be a part of a deal like this one.”

Jeff Green, who previously founded Archive Inc. and with Jim McDermott, was brought in as chief executive officer, and Burk was named chief scientific officer. The excitement of the union between Hoek, UCLA, Green and McDermott was further heightened by the fact that not only did the original technology come out of the UCLA, but Green and McDermott are graduates of the UCLA Anderson School of Management.

In late 2005, after receiving $900,000 in angel funding, NanoH2O set up its office in one of the CNSI incubator laboratories. Two years later, a $5 million investment came from Khosla Ventures and, in 2008, another $20 million came from Oak Investment Partners and Khosla.

NanoH20 opened a 26,000-square-foot research and manufacturing and corporate facility in nearby El Segundo, Calif., in late 2009.

The company received an additional $10 million in 2010 from PCG Asset Management and CalPERS, along with a $400,000 research grant from the United States Office of Naval Research to explore military applications for this RO membrane technology now marketed under the QuantumFlux brand name.

“Eric’s membrane improves the economics and energy efficiency of desalination while it increases the world’s freshwater supply,” says Green. “The more productive the membrane, the lower the energy consumption of the desalination process.” In retrofit installations, NanoH2O’s QuantumFlux membranes can significantly increase water production or drastically decrease energy consumption. For new system designs, utilizing QuantumFlux membranes can enable engineers to build smaller plants due to the higher efficiency of the technology.

“This will help improve the quality of life for drought-stricken areas of the world and ensures a potable water supply for future generations,” Green adds.

Freshwater: A Continuing Flow

NanoH2O was recently selected as one of top 100 companies for a Global Cleanteach list out of more than 4,000 nominations. Global Cleantech 100 recognizes companies that offer solutions to the planet’s most pressing environmental challenges.

“I never intended to file a patent or start a company,” Hoek says. “The fact that our ideas have inspired other people is tremendous, and now there’s a company that is poised to lead the membrane desalination industry.”

First commercial sales for NanoH2O’s seawater RO membrane occurred in the fourth quarter of 2010. As of spring 2011, multiple desalination plants around the world are benefiting from this advanced technology.

NanoH2O continues to advance the research conducted at UCLA, allowing an expanded portfolio of products that will further lower the cost of desalination and directly address the worldwide water scarcity issues that President Kennedy foresaw so clearly.

This story was originally published in 2011.

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Taking the Science Measurement to a Higher Level

PARTEQ Innovations, Queen's University

Taking the Science Measurement to a Higher Level

By designing analytical equipment that’s easy to use, inexpensive and more precise, Qubit Systems is changing the way  universities teach and conduct research.

Founded in 1995 as a spin-off company from Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, Qubit Systems Inc. is indeed a technology transfer success story. The Canadian company designs and manufactures state-of-the-art analytical instruments for teaching and research in the biological sciences. Today Qubit Systems provides standard and customized research and instrumentation systems for more than 500 educational and research institutes around the world.

Professors David Layzell, Stephen Hunt and Nicholas Dowling of Queen’s University recognized the need for durable, inexpensive laboratory equipment for their students. 

“When using research equipment in teaching labs, the costs and availability of such equipment often means that students merely gather around expensive pieces of research equipment for demos of physiological processes,” says Hunt, president and CEO of Qubit. “We wanted to change all that. Since Qubit equipment is sometimes only one-tenth the cost of typical research equipment, labs can purchase several Qubit packages for the price of one research instrument. This allows small groups of students to do hands-on experiments themselves, which is really the only way to teach, instead of just gaping at a black box spitting numbers.”

Several of Qubit’s products are the first of their kind, such as a patented differential oxygen analyzer that allows researchers to conduct experiments in plant and insect metabolic analysis that were previously impossible.

“Nobody else was able to make an O2 analyzer with the required  resolution,” says Hunt. “We have also come up with innovative ways to measure nitrogen fixation from legumes, which is greatly expanding our knowledge of this very important process.”

These new methods have shown that previous studies greatly underestimated N2 fixation rates. Research based on improved techniques will hopefully lead toward new farming methods that result in healthier plants and higher yields.

PARTEQ Innovations is the not-for-profit technology transfer office of Queen’s University and has supported Qubit from its inception. In the early days the company worked out of an incubator facility that was jointly funded by Queen’s University and the City of Kingston. PARTEQ also financed Qubit’s initial work with a loan of $24,000 and helped secure a larger $150,000 loan through the Business Development Bank of Canada. Additionally, PARTEQ assisted Qubit with its business plan and intellectual property protection. To date, Qubit has six patents in the U.S., Canada, Europe and Australia.

Easier for Students

Qubit’s technology and innovative designs have resulted in simplified, inexpensive, highly accurate instruments that work well for both research and teaching. The analyzers are integrated into complete software-controlled systems for measuring processes such as photosynthesis and respiration in living organisms.

“The simplicity of Qubit’s designs allows students to understand the processes they are measuring better than our more elegant, expensive, portable photosynthesis machine does,” indicates Professor Judy Parrish, Ph.D., of Milliken University in Decatur, Ill.

Because they are developed by university professors with actual teaching experience, Qubit’s educational packages are designed to fit perfectly into curriculum lab work. Several packages are one-of-a-kind products that make it possible to explore subjects such as fish respirometry, nitrogen fixation, and soil respiration — all of which are key indicators of the health of our waters and soils.

“Another excellent feature is that the students can assemble the unit, get it working, and then handle the data,” adds Warwick Silvester, Ph.D., of the University of Waikato in Hamilton, New Zealand. “This is great from a teaching point of view in that students feel they are in control and they learn the real pitfalls in setup and data handling.”

Because Qubit’s gear is low-cost, universities can afford to furnish entire laboratories with multiple Qubit teaching packages, an attractive option for higher-education institutions in poorer nations.

“In addition to their teaching value, many of our educational packages have the resolution and accuracy suitable for research applications, allowing scientists in developing countries with low R&D budgets to carry out top-level research at a very affordable price,” comments Hunt.

The high resolution and durability of Qubit equipment makes it ideal for use in both the laboratory and in a wide variety of field situations. Researchers on an icebreaker in the Canadian arctic, and others in the tropical rainforests of Costa Rica, use Qubit equipment to monitor respiration in samples as diverse as crustaceans and the eggs of sea turtles. In fact, an increasing number of articles in notable research journals are based on research conducted with Qubit instrumentation. 

Qubit is also tackling problems associated with global warming by providing analyzers to measure fluctuations in greenhouse gases in a variety of environments. In addition, Qubit equipment is being used in a unique study to determine if the accumulation of greenhouse gases may have resulted in past global catastrophes. Scientists at the University of Washington are using Qubit technology to recreate the atmosphere from the Permian period — the last period of the Paleozoic Era — to study how an ancient period of global warming may have resulted in an extinction of plant and animal species.

In the Near Future

Qubit Systems now derives more than 60 percent of its revenues from products designed for scientific research. Recent partnerships with companies in the United Kingdom, Denmark and the Czech Republic have led to exciting new projects in  pharmaceutical development, fish biology and plant science. Qubit also builds  customized instruments for private-sector companies, such as a system for the food industry that determines the freshness of salads prior to packaging, and equipment for the pharmaceutical industry that creates the low-oxygen environment required for keeping extremely expensive chemicals (reagents) from breaking down during storage.

The company is also hard at work developing new products in the field of human exercise physiology. These devices, which can be used in private practice, research and teaching, will analyze breath gases to better evaluate cardiovascular health and fitness. Medical students will be able to determine their own metabolic rates through breath analysis, which provides much more accurate assessment of fitness than other methods.

“Many breath-analysis systems available now cost $40,000-$50,000, and only large health care centers can afford them,” says Hunt. “Ours will be half that cost, making it much easier for individual physicians to afford them. This means patients won’t have to be sent to hospitals for testing, which should help lower overall health care costs. Other products derived from our fitness-testing equipment will be ideal for personal fitness assessment in health clubs, and for use by individuals who must monitor their diets and metabolism very closely, such as people who are obese or have cardiovascular problems.”



This story was originally published in 2007.

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Researcher Improves Life-Saving Blood Clotting Agent

University of California, Santa Barbara (UC Santa Barbara)

Researcher Improves Life-Saving Blood Clotting Agent

Marines deployed in Iraq carry what looks like a container of sand but is actually a novel agent used to stop severe bleeding. The granular substance, a product called QUIKCLOT brand hemostatic agent, is manufactured by Z-Medica Corp., which recently licensed intellectual property originating at University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) to improve their product.

Originally developed in cooperation with the U.S. military and approved by the FDA in 2002, QUIKCLOT® is a novel blood-clotting agent that is helping emergency response personnel and soldiers save lives at home and abroad. Researchers in the laboratory of Galen Stucky, a professor with joint appointments in materials science and chemistry, studied the molecular properties of QUIKCLOT® and used their insights to develop a new formulation.

QUIKCLOT® employs mineral material derived from volcanic rock, generically termed a zeolite, to solve the problem of excessive bleeding.

The zeolite acts like a sponge to absorb water from blood by funneling and trapping it in tiny pores. Unlike a sponge, however, QUIKCLOT® is selective, leaving clotting proteins in blood behind. Because these proteins and platelets are too large to enter the pores in the zeolite, they become more highly concentrated, speeding up the process of clot formation. The UCSB inventors discovered that zeolite surface chemistry also enhances clotting by activating platelets, binding phospholipids, and providing calcium ions, a cofactor for clotting enzymes.

The original formulation of QUIKCLOT® generates heat when it comes into contact with water, which can produce unwanted effects. The UCSB team found this exothermic reaction was due to hydrogen bond formation between positively charged atoms in the zeolite and water in the blood. By altering the mix of positively charged atoms in the formulation they were able to eliminate the problem. The new formulation discovered at UCSB includes silver ions, which have known antibiotic activity, further enhancing the product’s usefulness in wound treatment. It is currently undergoing testing in animals and is expected to be approved and released in summer 2006.


This story was originally published in 2007.

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Malaria: A New Approach Takes on an Old Disease

Portland State University

Malaria: A New Approach Takes on an Old Disease

As a professor of chemistry specializing in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy at Portland State University in the 1990s, David Peyton, Ph.D., was studying the structures of molecules when a colleague asked him for assistance with spectroscopic analysis of a new class of drugs.

That collaboration two decades ago was Peyton’s introduction to malaria, a scourge that annually infects more than 300 million people and causes 1 million deaths worldwide, according to the National Institutes of Health. From that early collaboration, he developed a deep concern about the disease.

“First and foremost,” Peyton says, “malaria is a human problem. More than 40 percent of the Earth’s population lives in areas where it is a health risk — primarily in Africa and Asia. It’s estimated that a child dies from malaria somewhere in the world every 40 seconds.”

Children and pregnant women are especially at risk. If young children survive their first malaria infection, their risk of death from subsequent bouts is diminished, since their immune systems will have adapted somewhat. But their vulnerability during the first infections is very high. Pregnant women are vulnerable because their immune systems are lowered by their condition. Unborn children are also greatly at risk.

“Frustratingly,” Peyton says, “there are drugs for malaria that have been effective in the past — particularly chloroquine — but that have lost their potency as the malaria parasite evolved an ability to resist them.”

Today, Peyton is still a professor of chemistry at Portland State University (PSU) and still immersed in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, but now he is the inventor of a potentially significant breakthrough in the treatment of malaria. By chemically bonding chloroquine with drugs called resistance reversal agents, he’s created a new, hybrid agent more effective than either one alone. He calls it reversed chloroquine.

Malaria in Brief

Malaria is caused by tiny, single-celled parasites of the genus Plasmodium. There are more than 100 species, and different species of malaria are found in many kinds of birds and animals. Humans are vulnerable to just four species.

One, P. falciparum, is responsible for the great majority of the most serious human infections and for most deaths, especially in Africa.

Key to human Plasmodium infection is the Anopheles mosquito. Infected Anopheles inject the parasite into humans as they feed on their blood. The parasites then begin a cycle of invading their human hosts’ liver cells and releasing merozoites that invade the red blood cells. Some of these transform into sexual forms that, ingested by mosquitoes as they prey on humans, repeat the cycle.

Chloroquine was developed in 1934, but ignored until after World War II, when it became widely used to treat — and prevent — malaria. Optimally, it works by establishing itself in a Plasmodium’s digestive vacuole, binding with heme, a component of hemoglobin released by its digestion. This binding prevents the parasite from sequestering the toxic heme and leads to the death of the parasite. But over time, P. falciparum evolved an ability to eject the chloroquine from its vacuole, rendering the drug ineffective.

Resistance Reversal Agents

Peyton settled on the concept of combining resistance reversal agents with chloroquine because he believed that restoring the effectiveness of a standout medication like chloroquine was more promising than trying to develop a new malaria drug from scratch.

“Resistance reversal agents are drugs that have little or no anti-malarial properties of their own,” he says. “In fact, they include things like antidepressants and blood pressure medications. But administered in combination with chloroquine, they help it overcome the parasite’s resistance. The catch is, as separate medications in the combination, they have to be used in very large doses. I wondered what would happen if they could be chemically bonded to chloroquine.” He and his graduate student, Steven Burgess, decided to find out.

What happened in laboratory tests was that a hybrid version of chloroquine and resistance reversal agent proved remarkably effective in remarkably lower doses — much lower than either when used alone.

The specific mechanisms are unclear, but Peyton suspects that when a reversal agent is administered with chloroquine as two separate parts of a simple cocktail, the reversal agent has trouble getting into the Plasmodium’s digestive vacuole where it is needed to keep choloroquine from being ejected. Thus, large doses are required. In a chemically bonded hybrid, he suggests, the chloroquine pulls the reversal agent along with it all the way into the digestive vacuole where it does its work.

An important aspect of the approach, Peyton notes, is that as the parasite evolves to resist the new drug, the hybrid can be reengineered with new resistance reversal agents.

In 2005, Peyton informed PSU’s technology transfer office that he might be onto something. PSU submitted its first patent application for the work that year. Thus far, outside funding included National Institutes of Health grants. The next step was to find funding to move the research and development forward.

“David was so concerned with advancing the research that he became involved in the search for a company,” notes Dana Bostrom, the university’s director of innovation and industry alliances. “We sent him to a weeklong ‘boot camp for scientists’ at the university called Lab2Market. It focuses on technology transfer and commercialization. One part is a mentorship program, matching them with experienced entrepreneurs. Through it, he met Lynn Stevenson and  Sandra Shotwell.”

Designing DesignMedix

Stevenson and Shotwell had both been technology office directors at separate universities before they joined together to form a consulting firm, Alta Biomedical Group, based in Portland, Ore. Since each had had experience with malaria drugs in the past, they were intrigued by Peyton’s work.

“As a team,” Shotwell says, “we decided the next step in moving the technology forward was getting funding for focused drug development.” They felt that by forming a company, they could pursue federal small business grants.

DesignMedix was established in 2006. Stevenson serves as the chief executive officer, Shotwell as the chief operations officer and Peyton — still full time at PSU — as chief scientific officer.

“We were lucky enough to get a Phase I small-business grant on the first try,” Shotwell notes, “and the results of that work were exciting.” This helped DesignMedix get a larger Phase II grant, as well as private equity funding from investors, including the Oregon Angel Fund.

In 2009, DesignMedix won the top prize in the Angel Oregon competition, sponsored by the Oregon Entrepreneurs Network. By 2010, they had six employees, including Burgess (by now a doctorate), an active laboratory and were moving into formal preclinical studies. Support from the university was essential to their progress.

“Portland State is committed to fostering entrepreneurship,” says PSU’s Bostrom. “We operate a 40,000-square-foot Business Accelerator to support startups. It houses 20 companies and will soon add more than 2,000 square feet of wet-lab space, including a new laboratory for DesignMedix.”

DesignMedix/PSU ties are financial as well as logistical — in 2008, the university negotiated a license with DesignMedix. One provision dictates that in any commercialization of the technology, the university won’t receive royalties from sales in specified developing nations — reflecting a concern that, often, the people most in need of such medicines are the ones who can least afford them.

Preclinical Studies and a Pipeline

As 2010 began, reversed chloroquine was in preclinical studies. The product has been through laboratory and animal tests, with highly encouraging results. DesignMedix hopes to go to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to seek approval for clinical trials within two years.

In the meantime, the company has licensed additional technology from the Portland VA Medical Center and the Oregon Health & Science University for a different class of antimalaria molecules and has begun research on applying Peyton’s hybrid techniques to overcoming resistance in bacteria such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), an increasingly common, infection-causing bacterium that has been highly resistant to treatment.

How does David Peyton the chemistry professor react to the prospect of being David Peyton the entrepreneur — and creator of a significant drug?

“This is the first time I’ve even been involved in commercialization,” he says. “I do spectroscopy. I study molecules. We’re all involved in academia because we enjoy learning. This isn’t academic, but, boy, has there been a learning curve!”

He adds: “The process is arduous, but the end result may be a solution to a terrible disease that affects millions of people. It’s worth it.”


This story was originally published in 2010.

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Rubella and Rabies Vaccines Offer Hope Around the World

The Wistar Institute

Rubella and Rabies Vaccines Offer Hope Around the World

In 1963 and 1964, a rubella pandemic took its toll in the United States and Europe. As a result, nearly 12,000 babies were born either deaf or deaf and blind. But due to the efforts of researchers at The Wistar Institute, a non-profit biomedical institute in Philadelphia, a rubella vaccine was introduced in 1969. In the years since, rubella has been virtually eliminated in developed countries.

In the 1960s, Wistar Institute scientists also developed the highly effective Pitman-Moore rabies vaccine, which helps prevent rabies infections in individuals who have been bitten by a rabid animal. The research underlying both the rabies and rubella vaccines was funded by the Department of Health, Education and Welfare.

But rubella and rabies still pose significant health threats in other parts of the world.

In developing countries, congenital rubella syndrome, resulting from rubella infections during pregnancy, still accounts for untold birth defects and nearly 700,000 deaths per year.

The World Health Organization reports that rabies is the tenth most common cause of death stemming from an infectious agent. In fact, more than 90 percent of all rabies fatalities occur in Asia, and every year approximately 30,000 rabies-related deaths occur in India alone.

In response, Wistar has licensed vaccines for rabies and rubella to companies in China, India and Russia. In order to encourage the production and distribution of these vaccines, the terms of the licensing agreements with these companies are well below market rates. This will enable the companies to develop low-cost vaccines for local use.

Wistar has completed six public health licenses for rubella and rabies vaccines from 1999 to the present. It continues to work with groups in developing countries that want to produce inexpensive vaccines for regional distribution.


This story was originally published in 2007.

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Consortium Uses Radiowaves to Track Blood from Donor to Patient

BloodCenter of Wisconsin

Consortium Uses Radiowaves to Track Blood from Donor to Patient

A consortium of academic institutions, healthcare organizations and commercial partners would like radiofrequency identification (RFID) technology to do for the blood supply chain what it has done for other industries in tracking and inventory control such as auto parts, apparel and even casino chips.

The group has created iTraceTx, a suite of Web-based and mobile applications that uses RFID to identify and track individual blood units as they move from the donor to the patient’s bedside. The solution promises greater visibility and efficiency throughout the entire blood supply chain, as well as safer blood transfusions.

“If we’re able to ship anything anywhere within 24 hours, why are we at this point in healthcare today?” asks Ram Venkatesh, founder and CEO of the software developer S3Edge. “The items we can track with iTraceTx have a high value and they are perishable.”

Improving Transfusion Safety
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 14 million transfusions are performed each year. A transfusion is a common hospital procedure in which whole blood or its parts — including red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets or plasma — is administered to a patient to replace blood lost during surgery or as a result of injury or illness.

To meet the demand, independent blood banks across the country collect donations at both fixed and mobile sites. According to the 2011 National Blood Collection and Utilization Survey Report, blood collections totaled 15.7 million units in 2011, 13.7 million of which were transfused.

Despite efforts to reduce the rate of mistransfusion — in which a patient receives the wrong blood type — such errors occur in approximately 1 of every 14,000 transfusions. Half of all transfusion-related deaths are the result of mistransfusion.

To prevent such errors, a handful of hospitals across the country have added barcoding technology to the blood bags. But according to Venkatesh, the majority of U.S. hospitals still use a manual verification system, in which two nurses witness and sign off on the transfusion documents.

Studies have shown that barcode scanning is up to 26 times safer than the dual-nurse verification system and the Food and Drug Administration has approved its use.
Ram Venkatesh

Moving Blood from Donors to Hospitals
For blood banks, collecting and processing blood donations is a labor-intensive process, and it is further complicated by the continuously changing inventory needs of hospital customers.

In addition to storing blood in the emergency room to have on hand for trauma patients, hospitals order specific blood types and volumes to accommodate their daily surgery schedule.

“Blood collection is unique in that the product is free but the testing, blood component production and logistics involved quickly push up costs,” says Venkatesh. “Labor accounts for 40 percent of a blood center’s costs.”

RFID for Blood Bags?
Staff at BloodCenter of Wisconsin, including Rodeina Davis, former chief information officer, CEO Jackie Fredrick and the current Vice President of Information Services Lynne Briggs, began to question whether RFID technology could help both in the management of the blood supply chain and in reducing mistransfusion rates.

RFID systems use radio signals to automatically identify and track objects. An RFID system consists of a tag — a microchip with an antenna that can read, write and store data — and a two-way radio transceiver device comprising both a transmitter and a receiver that sends and receives signals from the tag, enabling an exchange of data.

Longtime industry experts at the BloodCenter of Wisconsin knew RFID systems had the potential to expand on barcodes, which are static and provide minimal information.

“An RFID-enabled solution could be used to continually update data to reflect critical information such as the location of the unit or how long it has been out of refrigeration,” says Briggs. “And while barcodes have to be optically scanned one at a time, multiple RFID tags can be read simultaneously, without being in the line of sight of the reading device.”

Withstanding the Freezer, Radiation
With seed money from the Foundation for Americas Blood Centers, Rodeina Davis and Lynne Briggs turned to the University of Wisconsin-Madison RFID Research Lab for help in assessing the potential of RFID for the health care industry.

“We needed to determine if an RFID tag could withstand being irradiated and frozen and just survive all the handling a blood bag goes through,” says Briggs. “We also needed to know that the radio waves wouldn’t adversely impact the blood product.”

Given that the nation’s blood supply is heavily regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Alfonso Gutiérrez, director of the RFID lab, knew the bar would be set high for the technology.

“This was a great idea that needed to work not 80 percent of the time, but over 99 percent of the time,” he says. “We ran test after test in order to satisfy FDA requirements demonstrating that this technology was not only safe for the blood supply, but capable of improving efficiencies in the supply chain.”

Joining forces with the information technology company SysLogic, BloodCenter of Wisconsin and the University of Wisconsin-Madison won a $250,000 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to conduct a preliminary assessment and ROI analysis.

Meeting the Needs of the Industry
To ensure a solution would be universally applicable within the industry, Davis formed the Transfusion Medicine RFID Consortium, which includes the University of Wisconsin RFID Lab, Syslogic, S3Edge, Carter BloodCare, Mississippi Blood Services, the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Baptist Health Systems, and Mediware.

“The consortium members were able to help us establish the process flows that would be most useful in the blood center and hospital settings,” says Briggs. “Our solution also needed to integrate with existing barcoding and labeling standards and blood transfusion systems already in place.”

The group received $1.5 million as part of the second phase of the STTR-NIH grant, which enabled S3Edge to develop, build and test prototypes of two software solutions, iTraceTx for Blood Centers and iTraceTx for Hospitals.

Each consists of a server-based software application, RFID tags and mobile or fixed RFID/barcode readers. iTraceTx for Blood Centers tracks the movement and information about blood products from the point of donation through shipment to a hospital. iTraceTx for Hospitals tracks blood products from the moment they are received from the blood center to the point of transfusion at the patient bedside.

“What we accomplished as a group could not have been done by any one of us individually,” says Briggs. “Putting an academic research institution together with subject experts, commercial partners and the end-customer resulted in a phenomenal experience and outcomes. We achieved an international standard in short order.”

Initial Results in the Blood Center
The iTraceTx for Blood Centers solution was piloted for a five-month period at BloodCenter of Wisconsin, yielding an 87 percent reduction in errors or misplaced products during the check-in process and a 63 percent efficiency increase in inventory check-in times.

Briggs and Venkatesh say such improvements can have a dramatic effect on a blood center’s bottom line both by increasing efficiencies and reducing waste.

“About 4.3 percent of blood collected is wasted due to it expiring before it can be used,” says Venkatesh. “Platelets account for about two-thirds of that because they have the shortest shelf life of just five days.”

Improving Transfusion Safety
In a four-week pilot of iTraceTx for Hospitals at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, results included a 95 percent improvement in product visibility within the hospital and a perfect bedside transfusion match rate for a total of 144 transfusions. Using iTraceTx, a nurse uses a handheld reader to obtain a three-way match between the patient’s wristband, the transfusion order and the blood bag.

S3Edge, which obtained the commercialization rights for the technology, is currently preparing to market iTraceTx for Blood Centers, which received 510(k) market clearance from the  FDA in May.

Venkatesh says the time was right for iTrace.

“With WiFi, electronic records and barcodes on patient wristbands, all the enabling technologies were in place,” he says. “As a small company, we can’t engineer those technologies but we can leverage them.”

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Rapid Deployment, Broadband Communications System Developed for Disaster Recovery

Purdue Research Foundation
Purdue University

Rapid Deployment, Broadband Communications System Developed for Disaster Recovery

When the winds scream, the earth shakes and the tsunami moves inland, communications systems typically are among the first casualties. Yet communications are critically in demand when disaster strikes — initially to summon help and coordinate first responders. Then, as rescue efforts kick into high gear, broadband communications links are needed to handle a torrent of information: requests for equipment and personnel, detailed situation reports, lists of casualties, streaming video and so forth.

It’s a conundrum: How do you get broadband communications up and running in a disaster situation when they’ve just been wiped out?

Thanks to a chance remark at a meeting at Purdue University, a company in Indianapolis, Ind., has the answer.

Now, when disaster strikes — such as tsunami, earthquake or hurricane — rapidly deployable BATS systems offer new hope for responding to those in peril and in need faster and better than ever before.

Mind What You Say, an Invention Might Happen

In 2005, Professor Lonnie Bentley in the Department of Computer and Information Technology at Purdue University was collaborating on a project with Anthony Smith, also a professor in the same department. At a project meeting, Smith arrived late complaining about an unrelated topic: “I just spent five hours on a tower trying to aim a microwave broadband antenna. There has got to be a better way!”

Bentley said, “Can’t you automate that?” Smith replied, “I think maybe I can.” Bentley considered this for a moment, then said, “Do you want to scrap the other project and work together on this instead?” Smith agreed and began explaining why aiming broadband wireless antennas is so difficult. And with that, an idea, a collaboration and, ultimately, a company was born.

The heart of the problem is twofold. First, broadband wireless systems generally employ a unidirectional antenna at each end to establish a communication link. Each station’s antenna must be accurately aimed at the other station’s antenna for the broadband link to work properly.

Second, at the microwave frequencies at which broadband wireless systems operate, the beam width of unidirectional antennas is incredibly narrow, on the order of .4 degrees. It can be like aiming a laser at a target antenna that may be 35 miles away and only 2 feet to 3 feet in diameter. Until now, aiming the antenna required climbing the antenna tower and manually adjusting it, a time-consuming and frustrating procedure.

Further, current technology is vulnerable to failure. Because the beam width is so narrow, it doesn’t take much — high wind, an aftershock — to move the antennas out of alignment and break the communications link, which requires another manual antenna alignment procedure.

The Light Bulb Comes On

Bentley and Smith, working with Michael Kane, Ph.D., and Raymond Hansen did, indeed, come up with a better idea. “With funding from the state of Indiana, we automated the system,” Bentley says. “We created a computer algorithm that automatically aims the antenna for optimal communications. It controls the antenna rotation and tilt while measuring signal strength and other factors to determine when the antenna is properly aimed.”

The system is not only automated, it’s incredibly fast. Bentley says, “Typically, it takes half a day to manually align an antenna. Our system routinely locates the target and connects in less than a minute.”

By 2008, they wanted to start a company.

Licensing the Technology

The new antenna-aiming technology was licensed exclusively by the Purdue Research Foundation to a new venture spinoff: Broadband Antenna Tracking Systems Inc. (BATS). “Purdue University has a long and excellent history of tech transfer,” says Hilton Turner, project manager, Office of Technology Commercialization, Purdue University Foundation. “Senator Birch Bayh, of the Bayh-Dole Act, is a Purdue University graduate. Right now, we have 67 faculty members who are directly involved with startup companies.”

In keeping with Purdue’s policy of encouraging spinoffs, the actual licensing process took about 30 days. The Purdue Research Foundation filed a provisional patent application, the inventors obtained permission from Purdue to engage in an outside activity, the company was incorporated and the technology license was granted. “It was easy,” Turner says. “All the participants knew what they wanted to do, and this was their opportunity to do it.”

Triple-Digit Growth

BATS hit the ground running and has been expanding quickly ever since. “We incorporated in March 2008, and had our first sale in June,” says Bob Peterson, CEO of BATS. “Our first customer wanted us to establish the broadband link in less than an hour, as a condition of the sale. We obtained the signal and optimized it in 45 seconds. The next question from the customer was: ‘How fast can we get it?’ And it’s been like that ever since.”

BATS sales rose 500 percent from 2009 to 2010, and Peterson expects sales to double again in 2011. The company, which became profitable in 2010, now has stock integrated hardware and software systems available for most of the major radio brands and distributors and value-added resellers to cover much of the world. “We give vendors something new to sell theircustomers, an enabling technology. When customers see whatit can do, the checkbooks come out,” Peterson says.

Powerful Capabilities

Beyond its speed, the strength of the BATS antenna aiming system is that it automatically seeks the best signal quality, regardless of the source. Because microwave signals can bounce off objects and behave in unexpected ways, this can lead to unusual solutions to problems. An oil refinery wanted to establish a temporary secure network during a shutdown for maintenance and overhaul. Numerous storage tanks dot the landscape, making line-of-sight communication difficult. A BATS system quickly found the highest quality signal path could be achieved by bouncing the signal off a storage tank. “It would have taken human operators a week to find that communications path, if they found it at all,” Peterson says.

In another instance, at the 2010 G-20 Toronto Summit, a BATS system provided secure and flexible broadband communications between a mobile command post and a fixed unit on the top of the U.S. delegates’ hotel. The BATS system, which performed flawlessly throughout the conference, eliminated the need to re-aim the antennas whenever the mobile command post was deployed or moved.

More Tricks up BATS’ Technological Sleeve

Not content merely to offer the fastest broadband antenna aiming system, the technical team at BATS continued to refine the system until it could provide broadband communications with a mobile target by tracking it as it moved. “We did the first ever ship-to-shore high-speed wireless communication where the ship was in motion,” Peterson says.

Recently BATS systems permitted an entire fleet to stay in broadband communication while under way, and BATS technology enabled vessel-to-vessel broadband communications for greater efficiency in seismic oil mapping. In a technological tour de force, BATS was able to maintain broadband communications communications with an aircraft from takeoff to 30,000 feet — at a distance of 200 nautical miles.

“With capabilities like these, it’s little surprising that our primary markets at present are the military, the oil and gas industries, and emergency responders,” Peterson says.

BATS to the Rescue

When a Louisiana parish wanted a rapidly deployable mobile command center to provide onsite command and control at disaster sites and to act as a redundant 911 call center, emergency managers turned to BATS for a solution. They wanted to be able to quickly deploy the mobile command center to any location across the 270-square-mile parish and initiate communications — by nontechnical personnel — within 10 minutes.

By installing automated antenna aiming systems on the mobile command post and on each of the four towers that cover the area, BATS systems provide uninterrupted communications throughout the entire area, with integrated voice, video and data transmissions among all public safety organizations simultaneously. This is disaster response communications on steroids. Now, whether there is a hurricane, chemical spill or plane crash, the parish is enabled to respond as quickly as possible while maintaining seamless communications among all emergency response resources.

Thanks to a great idea from professors Bentley and Smith, development by the Purdue team and rapid technology transfer by the Purdue Research Foundation, BATS systems promise to revolutionize broadband usage in situations where communications links are hard to establish and difficult to maintain.

This story was originally published in 2011.

To see available technologies from research institutions, click here to visit the AUTM Innovation Marketplace.

Rapid Diagnostic Tests Could Benefit Millions in the Developing World

University of Cambridge

Rapid Diagnostic Tests Could Benefit Millions in the Developing World

Chlamydia trachomatis is an enormous global public health problem—infecting more than 90 million annually in both the developed and developing world.

As the most prevalent bacterial pathogen causing sexually transmitted disease (STD), chlamydia frequently causes Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) and its long-term consequences, which include chronic pain, ectopic pregnancy and infertility. It also can cause sterility in woman and it is the main cause of blindness in babies in the developing world. The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes it as a major cause of disability in affected  communities in Africa, the Middle East, Central and Southeast Asia.

The infection is difficult to diagnose, with around 70 percent of female carriers and 50 percent of male carriers showing no symptoms. But if detected early, the disease is very easy to treat with one antibiotic pill.

Can chlamydia be detected early and thus treated? Researchers at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom and various funding partners— Wellcome Trust, WHO and National Institutes of Health—believe that it can through rapid diagnostic tests for the chlamydia infection.

Almost 10 years ago a group of industry scientists who worked at a multinational diagnostic company set up the Diagnostics Development Unit at the  University of Cambridge. Led by Helen Lee, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Medical Biotechnology, the team’s goal was to develop innovative, simple, rapid and inexpensive but high performance tests for the detection of infectious agents in developing countries.

The company “Diagnostics for the Real World” was established in 2002, acquiring rights to the founding technology from Cambridge Enterprise, the University’s technology transfer office. The first product to emerge from their research is called FirstBurst, a “dipstick” test that gives results in half an hour.

The speed of the diagnostic test enables health care providers to treat patients immediately instead of having them return to a clinic after two or three weeks.

It is ideal for use in the developing world as well as in clinical settings in the developed world. FirstBurst received the CE mark from European Union authorities and is scheduled to be presented to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for approval.

The antibody-based dipstick relies on a patented sensitive visual amplification detection technology platform called the Signal Amplified System (SAS), which provides a strong visual signal that chlamydia is present. Inexpensive, robust and stable, the device is easy to use and non-invasive because it uses selfcollected vaginal swabs for women and the first few milliliters of urine for men. Field development work and trials in the Philippines and the United Kingdom proved it to be a more effective than any of the rapid tests currently available when compared to the “gold standard” nucleic acid-based test.

Lee and her colleagues still hold true to their altruistic goal: to develop innovative, simple, rapid and inexpensive tests for the detection of infectious agents in developing countries. They are exploring ways to develop tests that use their patented technology platforms for the detection of hepatitis B virus (HBV), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV). Today, the team also runs Diagnostics for the Real World, a California-based spin-out company that provides a business structure to deliver the much needed diagnostic tests to resource-limited settings in both the developed and developing world. The company is on sound footing because Cambridge Enterprise, the University of Cambridge technology transfer company, and Wellcome Trust, the United Kingdom’s largest non-governmental source of funds for biomedical research, collaborated to establish the intellectual  property ownership that led to the formation of the spinout in 2002.

“As our corporate shareholders, they have supported us throughout the years, from the development of our platform technologies, to the launch of our first product and on through the design of our business model,” said Lee. “Now, we would like to successfully implement a two-tiered pricing policy to provide the tests to the developing world at near to manufacturing cost, and work with distributors as well as non-government organizations so the FirstBurst test is applied in settings where the more than 90 million people annually infected by chlamydia can be diagnosed and treated early.”


This story was originally published in 2009.

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Rapid Optical Screening Tool Detects Petrochemical Contaminants

North Dakota State University

Rapid Optical Screening Tool Detects Petrochemical Contaminants

Leaking petroleum-based compounds such as fuels, oils, and coal tar frequently contaminate the soils and groundwater near underground storage tanks (gas stations/truck stops), pipelines, refineries, fueling areas, fire-training facilities, automobile service locations, surface spills, lagoons, waste ponds, tank bottoms, and wood treatment sites. Historically the extent of contamination has been visually determined in the field, which is subject to error or outlined by tedious sampling at many depths and locations.

In 1993–1994 Greg Gillispie, Ph.D., and Randy St. Germain of North Dakota State University developed the Rapid Optical Screening Tool (ROST), the world’s most advanced subsurface petroleumscreening tool. ROST uses laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) to detect and characterize subsurface contaminants. The U.S. Air Force provided the original funding for both the prototype development and field testing.

Based on the successful field tests, a consortium consisting of the university spin-off company Dakota Technologies, Unisys (prime contractor), and Hogentogler & Company was formed to commercialize the technology. ROST became the world’s first commercially available LIF logging service in 1994.

ROST helps identify contamination using “machine vision,” which eliminates the geologist’s often-subjective results.

The device provides LIF system in operation on a frozen lake in Minnesota extremely high vertical resolution, enabling pinpoint detection of narrow “seams” of contamination. Numerical results can be easily transformed into 3-D models that can be readily merged with existing drawings or maps for the “big picture.” Because the better models or maps lead to a better understanding of the contamination, geologists can put together a much more effective remediation plan. Not only does ROST save time and money, it also makes contamination testing more reliable.

ROST has been used extensively throughout the U.S., Japan, and Europe and is standard equipment for nearly every major environmental consulting firm or agency.


This story was originally published in 2007.

To see available technologies from research institutions, click here to visit the AUTM Innovation Marketplace.

Turning the Page on Middle and High School Illiteracy

Vanderbilt University

Turning the Page on Middle and High School Illiteracy

At age 12, Julio Ruiz of Midland, Texas, avoided participating in class. When he was pushed to contribute, or was not able to answer a question, he would misbehave.

“When [my teachers] called on me,” Ruiz says about his sixth-grade experience, ”I would get in trouble so I could go to the office.”

Now at 14, and in the eighth grade, Ruiz has made a remarkable transformation. He is eager to join in class discussions, no longer gets scared or nervous in class and, most importantly, his schoolwork has shown improvement.

What happened?

He learned how to read.

Ruiz was one of the thousands of middle and high school students in the United States who slide by year after year with reading skills that are far below their grade level.

Most children learn to read by the time they have reached third or fourth grade unless they have the added challenge of learning a second language, have a learning disability or a difficult home life.

But what happens when a child has moved through middle school and into high school and still cannot read?

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, more than 7,000 high school students drop out every day. That is equivalent to one-third of the entire U.S. high school population. Two-thirds of students in eighth grade read below grade level.

Without the ability to read, students’ grades can go down, they may withdraw, act out or lose confidence or interest in what is going on around them.

Ruiz is a good example. While he could actually read words, Ruiz did not comprehend what he was reading. He was not understanding and putting things together.

Until his teacher started him on Read 180.

Interactive Reading Intervention

Back in the early 1980s, before “reading intervention” and “no child left behind” became programs, Ted Hasselbring, Ph.D., a research professor of special education at Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College, bridged the gap between computer technology and teaching children to read.

Hasselbring first applied his new technology for use in diagnosing spelling errors for special education and special needs children. From there, he and his graduate student team took this interactive program, which utilized video, audio and digitized speech, and applied it to adult learners.

But it was a Department of Education call for grants — and computers donated by Apple — that set Hasselbring’s reading intervention tool on the path to help middle and high school age students. His team applied for, and twice received, grant money to further develop the program. By 1992, the Learning Technology Center had a prototype program that was making a difference with students in the Nashville area.

Word traveled quickly in educational circles and led Hasselbring’s team to a five-year literacy project in Orange County, Fla.

“For every year of intervention, we were seeing two to three years of growth,” says Hasselbring.

A Program — and a Partnership — Is Born

News of the Florida program’s success made it to Boston, where Hasselbring met Margery Mayer, president of Scholastic. They were attending a meeting at the Center for Special Technology and were introduced by a colleague. Mayer saw the potential right away and scheduled a site visit to Vanderbilt.

Hasselbring subsequently visited Scholastic headquarters in New York. In less than two years, with the help of Janis Elsner, associate director at the Office of Technology Transfer and Enterprise Development at Vanderbilt, Scholastic licensed the intellectual property rights in Read 180 from Vanderbilt.

“Ted is the connective tissue between Vanderbilt and Scholastic,” says Mayer. “The roots of this program fit perfectly with Scholastic’s credo that all children can learn, deserve to learn and can succeed at high levels. It’s even woven in our office carpeting.”

What made the program so powerful is that children were working at their own speed, selecting their own subject matter and receiving immediate feedback, says Elsner.

“There really wasn’t that much out there at the time for middle to high school age students struggling with reading,” says Elsner. “Ted had the data, Scholastic was a great partner — they really know publishing and distributing educational technology.” Scholastic took the basic program, added components, and turned it into a comprehensive reading project available for adoption by schools.

“This program enables students to turn their lives around; they take a 180-degree turn,” Elsner says.

Which is how the program got its name.

Breaking it Down Into Parts

Once a teacher chooses Read 180 for the classroom, rescheduling and classroom rearrangement is strongly encouraged for best results. Desks are set up in a conversation layout, not in rows. Beanbag chairs and comfortable couches are often used for the independent reading rotation. In addition, the teachers — and students — need to commit to 90 minutes every day.

Students begin by listening to an introduction session given by the teacher. The students then rotate through small group instruction with the teacher, individual computer tutorial and independent reading sessions. As a student moves through the program, his or her reading level is assessed and the material is customized. Many of the topics are taken from headline news (an incident where whales were trapped in Alaskan ice), from real life situations (how to get your first job) or from history (such as the story of Hiroshima). After students rotate through the sessions, they meet in a large group to conclude the class.


Technology Meets the Page

Read 180 is not only turning literacy around for students who are two or more years below their reading proficiency, the program also created a successful new business arena for Scholastic.

Read 180 makes up the majority of Scholastic’s educational technology sales, which reached more than $200 million in the first three quarters of 2010.

And there is still plenty of room to grow. According to Scholastic, there are 100,000 middle and high schools in the United States. About 18,000 classrooms incorporate the reading program into the curriculum; some schools have more than one classroom using it.

But it is not just the financial benefits that Hasselbring and others find rewarding. It’s making a difference in children’s lives.

Hasselbring says he has received letters from students saying that before they were exposed to the Read 180 program, they either never read a book or they wanted to quit school. But after experiencing the program, these behaviors and feelings disappeared. “When I’m having a bad day,” Hasselbring says, “I can pick up those letters and remember why I do what I do.”

There is a good bit of teacher enthusiasm too, Hasselbring says. “I also hear from teachers saying that they were ready to retire but once this program was put in their classroom, their job satisfaction went up.”

Readers Are Leaders

Vanderbilt and Scholastic may have co-created a highly effective new reading intervention program, but the real stars are the students. Every year since 2005, Scholastic honors 12 students who stand out from among the many who turn their reading around with Read 180. Ruiz was one such student, however, there are many others.

“These students are an inspiration to all of us,” says Mayer. ”Through hard work and the help of their amazing teachers, these All-Stars have proven that there is no goal that they cannot reach.”

Some of the past few years’ recipients of the All-Star Award have reported that they are getting As and Bs rather than Ds and Fs. They are reading at home after school, running for student council and writing skits for classmates to perform. They have overcome shyness and are letting go of self-destructive behavior issues. Most importantly, they are graduating from high school and are college-bound.

“If you can’t read, school is not a great place. No wonder kids drop out of school,” says Mayer. “We’d like to see Read 180 in every single school.”

It is very possible that every school would like to see that, too.


This story was originally published in 2010.

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University Researchers, Private Industry Work Together to Fight Tooth Decay

University of Melbourne

University Researchers, Private Industry Work Together to Fight Tooth Decay

RECALDENT (CPP-ACP) works to strengthen teeth by delivering calcium and phosphate, the building blocks of teeth, to re-mineralize the enamel. Used as an ingredient in sugar-free chewing gum and other products, RECALDENT™ (CPP-ACP) is marketed internationally by Cadbury Schweppes.

The collaboration to develop the RECALDENT (CPP-ACP) technology was led by professor Eric Reynolds, head of the School of Dental Science at the University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, and included contributions from other areas of the university as well as from government and private industry.

Nature Provides the Solution

The project began in the 1980s, when even though levels of tooth decay in Australia had started to fall due to the introduction of fluoride, the disease was still a major public health problem. So Reynolds and his research team began researching ways to repair teeth by replacing calcium and phosphate ions in the enamel.

The first major obstacle was to find a way to deliver calcium and phosphate to the teeth. “Calcium and phosphate are insoluble,” says Reynolds. “Our challenge was to deliver it in a practical way.”

For a solution, Reynolds turned to nature. Dairy products were well established as having dental health benefits, so Reynolds focused his attention on casein, the protein that carries calcium phosphate and is responsible for milk’s white color. “We researched what part of casein is responsible for this ability to carry and stabilize calcium  phosphate,” he explains.

Though RECALDEN (CPP-ACP) was developed several years ago, collaborative efforts are still ongoing to further develop the technology and find new applications for the product.

Working with his research team, Reynolds was able to easily and inexpensively isolate the active sequences in casein to form a new complex called CPP-ACP. This complex, which would eventually become RECALDENT™ (CPP-ACP), was found in laboratory and clinical trials to bind to the teeth and provide a reservoir of calcium and phosphate on the surface. Simply, it repaired teeth and reversed tooth decay.

To confirm these results, the team embarked on a two-year population based study. In the study, 3,000 children were asked to chew sugar-free gum, which had been shown to reduce tooth decay on its own, for 12-24 months. In the double-blind study, some of the children received gum with CPP-ACP and others did not. The study showed that sugar-free gum with CPP-ACP produced 50 percent greater reversals of early signs of decay than did regular sugar-free gum. “It is the only technology apart from fluoride shown to slow development of decay,” says Reynolds, “and it could actually repair teeth.”

The study was used to build a case for regulatory approval to manufacture and market RECALDENT (CPP-ACP).

Working with Unimelb Pty. Ltd., which was the University of Melbourne’s technology transfer office at that time, Reynolds applied for a patent for RECALDENT (CPP-ACP) and set about looking for a partner to manufacture it on a commercial scale.

Assembling the Team

The role of Melbourne Ventures, which now continues the work of Unimelb, is to build commercial value on the foundations of intellectual property developed at the university. “The major benefit we bring is bridging the divide between research and commercial enterprise,” says Charles Day, Ph.D., general manager of Melbourne Ventures. “We tackle the intricacies of licensing, finance, intellectual property, and so forth.”

Another role is bringing together a diverse set of skills, from outside the university and from within, to get technology into the marketplace.

A collaboration of a diverse set of skills was exactly what was required to manufacture RECALDENT (CPPACP), according to Reynolds. The project brought together Reynolds’ group from the university’s dental school, the chemical engineering department, and Bonlac Foods Ltd., an Australian dairy company.

Assembling an interdisciplinary team like the one assembled for the RECALDENT™ (CPP-ACP) project required funding. Reynolds and the team secured an Industry R&D grant through the Australian government to develop a commercial scale manufacturing process. Reynolds also attracted funding to clinically evaluate the CPP-ACP technology from the National Health and Medical Research Council.

But getting funding for tooth decay research was not easy, according to Reynolds. “The attitude was that fluoride eliminates tooth decay, and the funds go to cancer research and other areas,” he recalls. They were able to secure the grants, however, and the project continued.

“For the government to see the quality of the science showed a lot of foresight,” Reynolds says.

Above all, Reynolds points out that the interdisciplinary team effort was critical to the success of the project.

“Manufacturing on a commercial scale was a completely new thing to us,” he notes, adding that “Bonlac had no expertise in biotechnology.”

Brought together by the government grant, the dental school and chemical engineering researchers created a form of the RECALDENT™ (CPP-ACP) material that could be produced relatively easily. Bonlac, meanwhile, built a pilot plant and provided guidance to the researchers regarding their needs for production. “It was frontier science,” recalled Reynolds. “It was very exciting.”

Impact on Health, Economics

Though RECALDEN (CPP-ACP) was developed several years ago, collaborative efforts are still ongoing to further develop the technology and find new applications for the product. Reynolds is working with dental academics in the United States, Japan and Europe on clinical trials.

These and other efforts have led to the further development of the technology and of several products featuring RECALDENT™ (CPPACP), including toothpastes, gum, mouthwash and professional products used by dentists. Global sales of products containing RECALDENT™ (CPP-ACP) have exceeded US$200 million. The most popular

RECALDEN-enhanced product is Trident White gum, which has generated annual sales of over $50 million in the United States. Other brands of gum with RECALDEN (CPP-ACP) have been successfully marketed in Mexico, Australia and Japan.

The development of RECALDEN (CPP-ACP) has enhanced the research reputation of University of Melbourne.

Currently, the university is teaming up with Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass., and the Toronto Dental School on an international benchmarking exercise. Other research efforts to progress the technology are also ongoing. According to Day, it has been “an incredible magnet” to attract other researchers and opportunities to the university.

Reynolds believes the benefits of RECALDEN (CPP-ACP) are only beginning to be known. “Clinical data is showing that people who use RECALDENT™ (CPP-ACP) are having fewer cavities,” he says.

This not only affects people’s health, but also the economics associated with treating decay. RECALDENT (CPP-ACP) also has a positive cosmetic effect on the teeth, which can improve people’s quality of life.

Reynolds notes, “With people living longer and having significant problems with their teeth, this can have a huge impact on society.” 

This story was originally published in 2008.

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Better Batteries, Better Automobiles and a Better Environment

Argonne Natl Lab

Better Batteries, Better Automobiles and a Better Environment

When Argonne National Laboratory’s Michael Thackeray, Ph.D., talks about lithium ion (Li-ion) battery research, he sees the future. He doesn’t quite write off the acid/lead batteries that start internal combustion engines or the nickel/cadmium cells people buy for cordless power tools and electronic gadgets, but he does see them as having run their course in terms of technological possibilities.

What’s clear  about Li-ion technology is that, for him, it’s a thing of passion, intellectual stimulation – and massive future potential.

“Lithium ion is so versatile, and it’s still evolving,” says Thackeray, Argonne distinguished fellow and senior scientist at the Argonne, Ill., research facility. “Most batteries offer a fixed chemistry. With lithium ion, you can vary the materials and tailor the chemistry to achieve a range of voltages and other traits. You can achieve high voltage, high energy, long life, increased safety, smaller sizes.

“I’ve spent my life in the battery game and lithium ion’s evolution has been like riding a wave,” he continues. “It’s always expanding and it hasn’t broken yet.” He expects the wave to keep going. “The next century will be about energy,” he says. “It’s an environmental, economic and strategic issue.”

At present, the wave is trending toward revolutionizing transportation, moving the electric automobile closer to coming into its own. Argonne’s Li-ion research is significantly expanding the capabilities of a new generation of electric-powered automobiles.

Argonne hasn’t invented a new battery, but Thackeray and colleagues Khal Amine, Ph.D., Chris Johnson, Ph.D., Jaekook Kim, Ph.D. (who has since left the organization) and their team have developed the technology for a new combination of battery cathode materials that manufacturers can build into their products.

The technology has been licensed to a number of companies, including General Motors, where it is helping power the hybrid-electric car Chevy Volt. The Korean firm LG Chem Ltd.’s  has constructed a new plant in Michigan with the goal of producing Li-ion battery packs for electric cars. California-based Envia Systems, the international chemical giant BASF and Japan-based Toda Kogyo Corp. are all pursuing Li-ion battery development using Argonne technology.

“This work exemplifies the importance of research funding not just for science, but for the quality of life for all of us,” says Deborah Clayton, director of Argonne’s Technology Development and Commercialization Division. “Department of Energy funding has been translated into ‘green’ technologies that help reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, benefit the environment, make transportation more affordable and create jobs for American workers.”
Battery Basics

All batteries are one simple thing: a device that stores chemical energy and uses the flow of electrons generated by positively and negatively charged substances – made from lead, nickel, cadmium, zinc, lithium, manganese and cobalt, among others – to create electrical energy.

A battery consists of an anode (the negative electrode composed of, for example, cadmium) and a cathode (the positive electrode composed of, for example, nickel hydroxide), coupled by an electrolyte (such as an acidic or alkaline solution). The electrolyte transports ions between the electrodes during discharge of the battery, while electrons flow along a wire circuit, external to the battery, to power an electrical appliance. The reverse process occurs when the battery is being charged by an external power supply.

There are many possible combinations of anode, cathode and electrolyte materials, each producing specific features in terms of voltages, shelf and service life, reaction to extreme temperatures, safety, environmental issues, size and cost. Inexpensive nonrechargeable batteries like AA-size zinc/manganese oxide alkaline cells are well-suited for low-power needs such as television remote controls.

Devices requiring more power and long service life, such as portable drills, are more likely to use rechargeable nickel/cadmium batteries. Relatively inexpensive and rechargeable lead/acid batteries used in automobiles provide output to start internal combustion engines but would have a limited service life if used continually.

Today’s wealth of laptop computers, smartphones and other electronic devices have both benefited from and fostered the advent of Li-ion technology over recent decades. Still, the big challenge remains the dream of batteries strong enough for electric-powered automobiles. Lithium is at the center of that.

The Lithium Ion Factor

“Lithium is the lightest and most reactive metal,” notes Emilio Bunel, Ph.D., director of Argonne’s Chemical Sciences Division. “It can produce the greatest amount of electrical energy per unit weight. You can vary the formulations for many different uses, and, in fact, our Li-ion research has resulted in a portfolio of technologies.”

Serious work with lithium batteries dates back to the early 1900s, but it was the 1980s before nonrechargeable lithium batteries were a commercial reality. Developing rechargeable batteries was a more difficult matter. Recharging causes highly reactive lithium particles to accumulate on metallic lithium anodes, creating electrical shorts that can heat up the battery, risking fire and explosion. Overheating problems in the 1980s sent manufacturers looking for a new approach.

“The Japanese put a lot of work into lithium batteries,” notes chemist Chris Johnson. “They needed them for their electronic devices. In 1991, Sony came out with anodes that used lithium-carbon materials instead of metallic lithium [to overcome heating problems]. It just knocked people back – everyone went wow!

It was the following year that Johnson started working on Li-ion battery technology – the first person at Argonne to focus on it. “I came right after getting my doctorate at Northwestern in electrochemistry – a pretty broad field,” he notes. “They assigned me to work on the technology. It became a career. And now we have a full team focused on it.”

Born and raised in South Africa, Michael Thackeray joined Argonne in 1994 after 20 years at his native country’s Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. The previous 12 years he had focused on room temperature lithium batteries. One day Thackeray’s bosses told him, “You can do any research you want but we’re shutting down lithium battery research,” he notes, adding that there wasn’t a sufficient market for the technology in South Africa. At a conference in Toronto, he met an Argonne scientist who suggested he move to the American research facility. “It’s worked out incredibly well,” he says.

In the early 1980s, Thackeray was involved in breakthrough research on manganese spinel cathodes. Spinel has a cubic structure that is stable, safe in terms of heat issues and provides space for fast Li-ion flow. Although the basis of the Japanese breakthrough in the early 1990s was lithium cobalt oxide, a different material, manganese spinel proved to be a reliable, inexpensive material and is used today in many commercial batteries.

The Hi-Tech Analytical Factor

“Lithium cobalt oxide has been a very successful cathode material, but it’s expensive,” says Argonne Distinguished Fellow and Senior Materials Scientist Khal Amine. He joined the laboratory in 1998 after studying and working in France, Belgium and Japan. “Lithium cobalt oxide is widely used in small batteries for consumer electronics, but its cost makes it impractical for the very large batteries used in automobiles.” Electric cars initially relied on manganese spinel. It offered a long lifecycle at a relatively low cost, but the downside was that the cars weren’t getting the level of energy they needed.

“Lithium-carbon anode technology had progressed significantly,” Amine notes. “The bottleneck was in the cathode. We looked at it intensively and invented something different – a cathode material that offers more capacity and power and is longer-lasting, safer and more affordable.”

“Intensively” meant using Argonne’s Advanced Photon Source synchrotron facility to study the workings of lithium batteries at the atomic level – and in real-time. From there, they developed a formula for lithium/manganese/nickel cathodes with a very low amount of cobalt. The new combination offers a significant increase in battery energy, significantly lowers the risk of overheating and retains the low cost of manganese technologies.

For drivers, the breakthrough can mean significant advantages in terms of cost, convenience and capability. For the public as a whole, it offers the prospect of a cleaner environment and less dependence on foreign fossil fuel supplies.    

“For hybrid-electric cars like the Chevy Volt, lithium ion technology provides as much as a 100-percent increase in energy storage capacity, with longer operating times between charges,” says Jeffrey Chamberlain, Ph.D., strategic leader of Argonne’s energy storage initiative

“The 400-pound battery in today’s Volt enables you to go 35 to 40 miles on electric energy before recharging is needed,” he notes. “That’s the typical journey for 75 percent of all commuters, so it works for a lot of people.” In fact, it works for Chamberlain, who drives a Volt to Argonne each day in his own commute.

Still Farther to Go

Michael Thackeray regards the current technology as only the first generation of new Li-ion possibilities. “We expect that the next generation will nearly double the current levels,” he says. “The goal is always to increase voltage, energy capacity and battery life and to put it all in smaller and smaller containers – safely.”

That’s the goal in the foreseeable future. In the long view, Thackeray sees an entirely new version of Li-ion technology – a hybrid with lithium/oxygen batteries  in which lithium reacts with oxygen in a controlled way. It could offer 5 to 10 times the energy of current Li-ion technologies.  

“That’s a long way off, but based on past experience, it’s feasible,” says Anthony Burrell, Ph.D., head of Argonne’s Energy Storage Department.

“Argonne has the technical resources for this work, and our success has been a combination of the right people and the right facilities. Mike, Khal and Chris are the best people in the world at this. I’m proud of these guys.”


This story was originally published in 2013.

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Activity Monitoring for Wheelchair Users

University of Alberta

Activity Monitoring for Wheelchair Users
Researchers from the University of Alberta have applied wearable technology to the wheelchair to help prevent shoulder injuries and generate a trove of accessibility data to users. With help from tech transfer partner TEC Edmonton and the start-up company Redliner Inc., the device is making its way to market.

When Martin Ferguson-Pell, Ph.D., learned that 66 percent of wheelchair users with a spinal cord injury experience shoulder pain and injury, he was inspired to help reduce wear and tear to users’ shoulders. He and his team developed a “wearable” device that could be attached to the wheel to collect measurements including the number of strokes or pushes, the length of the stroke, the rolling resistance and the distance covered. The propulsion parameters are then relayed to the user’s smartphone or web dashboard.

Feedback from the device also includes the incidence of “redliner” events, or the number of times the wheelchair user exceeds an exertion level that is likely to produce an injury. For users who are consistently overexerting their upper extremities, the data can help make a case for a power-assisted chair or for more accessible work environments.

The technology management team at TEC Edmonton, a joint venture between the University of Alberta and Edmonton Economic Development, connected Ferguson-Pell with Calgary entrepreneur David Evans, who founded Redliner and licensed the exclusive rights to developing, manufacturing and selling the battery-operated Redliner™ device around the world.
The Redliner has the accessibility characteristics of a typical wearable: The company anticipates the cost of the device to be around $100 and have a battery life of about four days.

Evans plans to continue collaborating with Ferguson-Pell’s group, which hopes to develop an anonymized repository of data from users to help researchers understand the root causes of shoulder injury and to identify wheelchair- accessible routes.

This story was originally published in 2016.

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Protecting Firefighters from Deadly Cancers

North Carolina State University

Protecting Firefighters from Deadly Cancers
Every day, firefighters risk their lives, rushing into burning buildings or facing the deadly power of wildfires. But what comes after the fire is just as deadly, as first responders cope with the long-term effects of smoke, soot and toxic chemical exposure. Cancer now ranks as firefighters’ leading cause of death, according to the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF).
Compared to other professions, firefighters have a 50% higher risk of developing testicular cancer, 30% higher risk for prostate cancer and 21% higher risk of non-Hodgkins lymphoma, according to the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer.
North Carolina State University (NC State) experts in the Wilson College of Textiles’ at the Textile Protection and Comfort Center (TPACC), located in Raleigh, NC, in conjunction with researchers at Lion Group Inc. (LION), worked together under a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) First Responders Group grant to develop a new structural turnout ensemble, the PPE outerwear for firefighters, with enhanced protection from smoke and soot infiltration, reducing the risk of harmful toxicants and carcinogens absorbing into the skin (e.g., smoke and combustion products.)
“We’ve focused for a long time on making sure firefighters come home safely at the end of the day,” said Bryan Ormond, TPACC assistant professor, co-principle investigator and a main technical lead on the project. “Now we need for them to come home at the end of their careers, to be able to retire and use their pensions.”

That focus has paid off. After two years of research, NC State and LION developed a rig that not only protects against fire/thermal hazards and resistance to chemical/smoke infiltration, but also considers factors such as user comfort, heat stress, functionality, and appearance. 

Through its Office of Research Commercialization, in 2017 NC State entered into an exclusive license agreement to allow LION to move forward with commercialization and continues to work with LION to protect this invention through several patent filings. The office was responsible for negotiating and drafting the license and helped to protect the IP by reviewing patent filings and ensuring compliance with federal reporting of inventions.

LION now offers particulate blocking turnout gear based off this research called RedZone, certified to meet National Fire Protection Association performance standards. RedZone™ is tested, proven, and verified by Underwriters Laboratories to block particulates, and features particulate-blocking zones designed to help reduce exposure to the dangers lurking in fireground smoke.

Because the cost of outfitting a firefighter with the recommended two turnouts runs $3,000 to $6,000, many departments, especially volunteer units, must make every investment count and every piece of equipment last, Ormond said. He said RedZone does just that.

“While the cost of new gear is high, especially for large departments, the toll that this cancer epidemic has on individual fire departments across the country is much higher. If this advanced turnout can stop one firefighter’s family from experiencing that dreaded diagnosis, then it has been worth every penny.”

This story was originally published in 2020.

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Scanned CT Imaging System Aids Surgeons During Delicate Procedures

Dartmouth College

Scanned CT Imaging System Aids Surgeons During Delicate Procedures

In the late 1980s researchers at Dartmouth College, led by David W. Roberts, M.D., a neurosurgeon at Dartmouth’s Hitchcock Medical Center, invented a reference display system that receives information from an imaging system, such as a computerized tomography (CT) scanner, and converts the three-dimensional anatomical or pathological images into digitized signals, which are then recreated in the focal plane of an operating microscope. The “Reference Display System for Superimposing a Tomographic Image onto the Focal Plane of an Operating Microscope” was patented in 1988.

Conventional CT scans are oriented transversely to the body axis and the operative approach is rarely along this axis. Dartmouth’s reference display system reconstructs a scanned image to match the surgical perspective and superimposes the reconstructed image over the field of view of the operating microscope.

In order to create the image within the microscope, digitized data from a scanning procedure is sent to a computer that reformats the data into a coded electrical signal.

That signal is then processed through an imaging system, which reformats the data into an image with an orientation matching the surgical perspective, and the image is projected by an optical display system onto the focal plane of the operating microscope.

This allows the surgeon to see, for example, the outline of a tumor (reconstructed by a computer) and to use the superimposed image as a map to accurately guide operative procedures with greater precision than was previously possible.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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New Food Product Relieves the Serious Problem of “Tying Up” in Horses

University of Minnesota

New Food Product Relieves the Serious Problem of “Tying Up” in Horses

“Tying up” is an age-old condition in horses that causes them to develop severe muscle cramping and muscle tissue damage during exercise. Some horses are particularly predisposed to “tying up” and develop pain, stiffness, severe cramping and sometimes complete immobility with very little exertion.

Researchers at the University of Minnesota have discovered inborn errors in muscle metabolism that predispose horses to developing tying up. Common horse feed ingredients such as cereal grains and molasses that are high in starch can contribute to the onset of tying up in these horses.

In 1999 Dr. Stephanie Valberg, D.V.M., Ph.D., at the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Minnesota, doctorate student Jennifer MacLeay, and Joe Pagan, Ph.D., from Kentucky Equine Research, a private nutrition company, obtained funding through the Southern California Equine Foundation to develop RE-LEVE, a new horse feed for horses that are prone to tying up.

RE-LEVE is the first feed developed for horses that uses alternative energy sources such as soy hulls, rice bran, and soy oil, which not only provide easily digestible, high-energy fat and fiber, but are also low in starch.

The product is fortified with all the vitamins and minerals horses need for peak performance. The concept of feeding fat to horses has revolutionized the equine feed industry.

Research has shown that when horses predisposed to tying up were fed RE-LEVE, they demonstrated less post-exercise muscle damage than horses fed on conventional grains or sweet feed. RE-LEVE allows horses with muscle disorders to continue to exercise and compete without developing painful cramping or muscle damage.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Medical Software Provides Blood Analysis at the Point of Need

University of Virginia

Medical Software Provides Blood Analysis at the Point of Need

The “Remote Automated Laboratory System” (RALS) was developed by a group of engineers and faculty in the Medical Automation Research Center at the University of Virginia (UVA) in Charlottesville, Va. RALS is an interactive, multi-station, medical specimen analysis system that analyzes specimens taken at remote locations, processes the data at a central laboratory, and transmits results back to those locations.

Engineers Robin A. Felder, Keith Margrey, Bill Holman, Jim Boyd, John Savory, and Antonio Martinez designed RALS to solve the challenges of delivering quality laboratory care at the point of need (typically a patient’s bedside). The UVA invested more than $100,000 in developing and testing the system from 1985 to 1989.

Not only is RALS a software tool, but it also serves as a robotic system that automatically performs blood gas analysis. It connects patient blood testing in various locations around the hospital with the central laboratory, which allows laboratory professionals to assure the quality of the testing being performed by nurses and other patient caregivers.

The UVA licensed RALS to Medical Automation Systems in 1999. Point-of-care analytical instruments, which are often not equipped to communicate with a computer, can be connected to RALS through customized interfaces developed by Medical Automation Systems or the instrument manufacturer.

Since its inception, RALS has saved the UVA health system more than $5 million by eliminating the need for a fully staffed laboratory near the patient’s bedside.

This story was originally published in 2008.

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University of Delaware Technology Provides Safer Drinking Water

University of Delaware

University of Delaware Technology Provides Safer Drinking Water

Worldwide, about 1.2 billion people lack access to safe drinking water, and twice that many lack adequate sanitation. As a result, the World Health Organization estimates that 3.4 million people, mostly children, die every year from water-related diseases.

In a paradigm shift researchers Pei Chiu and Yan Jin of the University of Delaware have developed a new nonchlorine-based technology (funded by a National Science Foundation Small Business Innovation Research grant and a University of Delaware subaward, Corporate Environmental Solutions) that is able to purify water to remove 99.999 percent of bacteria and viruses.

Viruses have been extremely difficult to eliminate in drinking water since they are smaller than bacteria, highly mobile and resistant to chlorination and filtration. Chiu and Jin discovered that by using elemental iron in the filtration process, they could effectively remove viral agents from source water. The process causes the viruses to be chemically inactivated or irreversibly adsorbed to the iron.

The use of elemental or “zero-valent” iron in this technology is also much cheaper than current techniques because this material is a normal byproduct of iron and steel production, an important consideration in both the developed and developing world. The zero-valent technology has been licensed to the Center for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology (, a nongovernment organization, licensed for humanitarian purposes to provide pure water to impoverished areas of the world. The center is investigating its use in a portable water treatment unit.

Viruses have been extremely difficult to eliminate in drinking water since they are smaller than bacteria, highly mobile and resistant to chlorination and filtration.

The research team envisions use of this technology to safeguard the water supply in other applications such as agriculture where, for example, it could be integrated into the wash system of a produce production facility. In such a setting it could make an important contribution to safeguarding fresh vegetable production. In addition it could help avoid water- and-food-borne illness outbreaks such as that experienced in the United States in September of 2006. That outbreak, according to the Centers for Disease Control, was responsible for sickening 276 people and killing three. 


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Academic Filtration Innovations Aim to Solve What Ails a Perishable Resource: Water

University of Vermont (UVM)

Academic Filtration Innovations Aim to Solve What Ails a Perishable Resource: Water

Water quality is a growing global concern. Under stress from pollution, climate change and a surging population growth, the status of this important and perishable resource is propelling this planet toward a multifaceted crisis.

According to the United Nations Environment Programme’s (UNEP) 2010 Clearing the Waters: A Focus on Water Quality Solutions, “Every day, millions of tons of inadequately treated sewage and industrial and agricultural wastes are poured into the world’s waters. Every year, lakes, rivers, and deltas take in the equivalent of the weight of the entire human population — nearly 7 billion people — in the form of pollution. Every year, more people die from the consequences of unsafe water than from all forms of violence, including war. And, every year, water contamination of natural ecosystems affects humans directly by destroying fisheries or causing other impacts on biodiversity that affect food production. In the end, most polluted freshwater ends up in the oceans, causing serious damage to many coastal areas and fisheries and worsening our ocean and coastal resource management challenges.” 

Phosphorus and nitrogen loading from sewage and other agricultural, industrial and urban uncontrolled discharges is a major cause of eutrophication (excessive nutrients enrichment of water bodies) that triggers taste and odor problems in the public water supply and excess blue green algae that leads to deoxygenation and fish kills. The estimated cost of the excessive runoff into U.S. waterways of phosphorous, a valuable fertilizer used in farming, urban and industrial settings, is more than $2 billion a year, according to the Year Book 2011: Emerging Issues in Our Global Environment by UNEP, “indicating that globally and annually the damage may run into the tens of billions of dollars.” Also, phosphorous reserves are nonrenewable, with projected shortages to develop in less than 100 years.

University of Vermont Academic Filtration Technologies Show Promise

Given the extent of this growing crisis and the need for environmentally and economically sustainable water-treatment options, numerous management strategies and technical innovations are starting to emerge, including a portfolio of filtration technologies for the removal of phosphorous from waste-water sources that were developed by Aleksandra Drizo, Ph.D., a research associate professor at the University of Vermont (UVM) and licensed by the college’s Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC) to PhosphoReduc LLC, a UVM startup company located in Burlington, Vt.

Drizo has pioneered research in the use of various iron-, aluminum- and calcium-based materials — natural and industrial byproducts that can be used to remove phosphorous from waste waters as a lower-cost alternative to other traditional technologies. The suite of UVM sustainable filtration technologies — two with patents pending and a third in the application process — is based on a plentiful and recyclable byproduct of steel manufacturing industry, steel slag.

The sustainable filtration technology has been shown to reduce phosphorous, suspended solids and pathogens (E. coli) loads from sewage, agricultural and urban point and nonpoint pollution sources by 90 – 100 percent.

Apart from providing treatment for a variety of waste-water streams, Drizo and her UVM research team have adapted their technologies to an array of climatic regions, from subtropical to temperate regions, where large storms or snowmelts are common, but large areas of land to handle the high volumes of water from these events are scarce. They also have shown that once the lifespan of the system is completed, the phosphorus and minerals retained by the filtration material can be re-used, instead of chemical fertilizer, to enhance soils used for agriculture, horticulture and forestry.

Specifically, she and her research team at UVM have developed technologies for a simple filtration system that uses unique, but abundant, metal compounds as the filtration medium:
  • An integrated, multistage constructed wetlands and phosphorus removal filter system
  • Phosphorus removal and sequestration filters for treatment of agricultural, municipal and residential waste waters (point pollution sources)
  • Simple “torpedo” system for phosphorus reduction from agricultural tile drains and urban storm-water outflows or in agricultural and onsite waste-water disposal drain fields for capturing and treating pollution originating from nonpoint, diffuse pollution sources and residential waste waters

As a leading researcher in filter technologies for phosphorus removal from waste waters that can help solve the worldwide occurrence of algae blooms and eutrophication, Drizo has received grants and awards for her research from a variety of federal agencies and programs: the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Natural Resources Conservation Service, the National Research Initiative and the Environmental Protection Agency.

Steel slag, available in different types, including electric-arc furnace, blast furnace, basic oxygen furnace and iron smelter slag, for various applications, including mining and road building, “shows real promise as filtration material, not just for phosphorous and suspended solids but also for the bacteria E. coli in waste-water treatment plants in smaller, rural communities, as well as in storm-water applications found in urban areas,” says Robert Slusser, a self-described champion of the UVM technology outside his official duties as a watershed field coordinator for the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation.

Slusser, who first learned of Drizo’s research with steel slag as a filter medium via an email exchange with a New Zealander, says the pollution threat posed by waste-water discharge from farm and rural activities justifies a closer look at sustainable filtration technologies like those developed at UVM. Today, waste-water discharges from 30 percent of the population that depends on septic systems, since they live in areas where it is prohibitively expensive and impractical to extend sewer lines, pose two water pollution concerns: Most of the onsite systems are not properly managed for lack of management skills and/or neglect, and they were installed decades ago and have long since passed the recommended replacement dates. Examples of septic systems failures typically include holes in the pipes

or tanks, clogs that cause tanks to overflow and back up solid waste into buildings or leach fields and soils that either become saturated with nutrients or ill-suited for removing the pollutants.

“When I talk to state and municipal officials, planning consultants and farmers about waste-water issues, I always have the steel slag story in my back pocket,” says Slusser, who has befriended and introduced Drizo to various public and private individuals who are interested in her filtration technologies.

UVM OTC Helps Innovator Launch a Startup

“These filtration innovations represent more of a platform technology where we see several application and market opportunities,” says Todd Keiller, director of UVM Ventures and UVM OTC, which was instrumental in obtaining patent protection for the UVM intellectual property and establishing the startup company. “We could have taken the nonexclusive licensing approach with multiple entities, but it became clear that a better strategy was to license the technology to one entity that would have exclusive rights to target multiple applications and markets.”

Keiller and his UVM OTC team decided it was worth helping Drizo and her partner, Hugo Picard, a Canadian entrepreneur with experience in small-company business development and operation management, start their own company based on the UVM-licensed technology. 

So, in 2007, Drizo and Picard established PhosphoReduc, with seed funding assistance from UVM Ventures. 

“In the early stages, we helped PhosphoReduc bridge the gap between early stage research and angel, early seed ventures,”says Keiller. “Our activities included conducting a thorough market assessment, as well as working with them to develop a prototype and a business plan.”

In return, UVM Ventures holds an equity stake in the company with a royalty agreement.

“I certainly had envisioned owning a business because my partner has been a successful entrepreneur for about the past 10 years,” Drizo says looking back on the decision. “I saw how well it was working so it gave me the strength to go into business.”

Drizo credits the UVM OTC and the UVM College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) for playing a pivotal role in the expansion of her academic innovations beyond university laboratory and field settings.

“In 2006, the UVM OTC funded our first patent application for System and Method for Removing Phosphorus from Non-Point Pollution. Then we received the necessary funding through the UVM OTC and CALS Dean’s Office Agricultural Innovations Fund to establish our small-business venture, PhosphoReduc LLC,” says Drizo. “Now we have broad applications in the United States, Canada and Taiwan.”

Persistence Coupled with Desire to Solve Water Issues

Since 2007, when Drizo, Picard and the UVM support team first established PhosphoReduc, the startup has had to overcome several hurdles in its drive to create pilot, demonstration or full-scale projects. The startup was confronted by various regulatory challenges, from state-to-state, within U.S. agencies and around the world, as well as expensive certification requirements that were made even more challenging during the global economic recession.

“Despite these challenges, the desire to help solve a crucial water-quality issue was what encouraged the PhosphoReduc team to persevere,” Drizo says.

Today, the PhosphoReduc custom-designed systems consist of one or more filter units filled with iron- and/or calcium-based filtration material derived from slag. Phosphorus and other pollutants are removed from waste water by capturing it within the filtration material at the specific hydraulic residence times. The filtration media is packed, arranged and integrated in specially designed modules that form a modular composite filter. This method developed by PhosphoReduc allows users to replace the modules as needed and also extend the overall lifespan of the system, ensuring the effluent meets water-quality targets.

“Our technologies are showing to be highly efficient, not only in removing phosphorus, but also other pollutants including suspended solids, pathogens and various metals and minerals,” Drizo says, citing to-date PhosphoReduc treatment performance data that shows on average: 95 percent phosphorus removal from point pollution sources (residential, municipal and agricultural effluents); 80 percent phosphorus removal from nonpoint pollution sources; 90 percent removal of suspended solids; 95 percent removal of E. coli bacteria; and 85 percent removal of manganese, iron, aluminum and zinc.

In addition to reducing phosphorus and diminishing blue green algae growth, Drizo says PhosphoReduc filters based on UVM technology require little to no energy, a small land footprint, and minimal operation and maintenance. And, since the filtration materials efficiently reduce phosphorus, they decrease the reliance on costly chemicals and the amount of sludge accumulation and disposal in municipal waste-water treatment facilities, are simple to install with negligible land disturbance and provide a significantly longer lifespan compared to other passive treatment systems.

These innovations developed by Drizo and her research team are backed by years of testing and research. They are found in Vermont, Virginia and Taiwan, where demonstration and full-scale systems are contributing to the environmental sustainability of waste-water management in agricultural, urban, residential and municipal settings. Vermont is even considering adopting the technology as a “best management practice” for agricultural tile drains, pending evaluation on a test site in that state.

Meanwhile, in Virginia, Slusser believes that Drizo’s steel-slag argument is going to get a much-needed boost when data becomes available from the residential waste-water treatment project that is being tested and considered in Taiwan.

“We need inexpensive, environmentally sustainable solutions, not only for waste-water treatment plants in smaller communities, but for expensive storm-water detention applications as well. This is a huge problem that is starting to be discussed in Virginia, the rest of the country and the world,” Slusser says. “If steel slag can come along as acceptable as we focus attention on water quality, then this filtration medium can be incorporated into more consistent regulations, and we can really achieve a significant reduction in pollution and bacteria in our planet’s perishable resource.”


This story was originally published in 2011.

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ReoPro™ Inhibits Platelets from Sticking Together, Cuts Risk of Heart Attack After Coronary

Stony Brook University-Long Island

ReoPro™ Inhibits Platelets from Sticking Together, Cuts Risk of Heart Attack After Coronary

Sticky platelets in the blood often group together to form blood clots that can result in  heart attacks — a definite concern during or soon after cardiovascular procedures such as angioplasty and stent placement. However, these risks are greatly reduced today because of a groundbreaking discovery in the early 1980s at the Stony Brook University School of Medicine in Long Island, N.Y.

While conducting research on platelet behavior, Barry Coller, M.D. (now physician-in-chief at Rockefeller University in New York), produced an antibody that inhibits platelets from sticking together.

Further research showed the antibody was more effective than aspirin in preventing abnormal platelet aggregation in animal models. 

Much of the funding for this early research was provided by the National Institutes of Health. In 1994, after 13 years of research and testing, the FDA approved the drug abciximab (Centocor/Lilly), which is based on this antibody.

Abciximab is the first therapeutic drug derived from research in The State University of New York system and is licensed to Centocor Inc., an international biotechnology company specializing in antibody production and technology. Today Centocor/Lilly sells abciximab under the name ReoPro™.

More than two million people have been treated with ReoPro  as a preventative measure during cardiovascular procedures, such as angioplasty and stent placement.

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Just a Simple Swab, and No More Cavities

University of Florida

Just a Simple Swab, and No More Cavities

Innovative technologies developed at the University of Florida that can eliminate dental cavities and possibly major bacterial infections have the potential to affect the entire human population.

David Day, director of the Office of Technology Licensing at the University of Florida, boils it down to a simple explanation: “A single swab of the mouth could result in the total elimination of cavities.” 
Though the compelling story behind this concept began several decades ago, well before his tenure at the university, Day is now involved with the process that may soon make this treatment a reality. About 15 miles from his office on the Gainesville, FL, campus resides a small biotechnology startup called Oragenics Inc. that is poised to launch two very promising, and potentially revolutionary, products.
The two technologies — Replacement Therapy and Mutacin 1140 — share a common background and are the result of more than 25 years of work by Jeffrey Hillman, D.M.D., Ph.D. Hillman’s research on the action of bacteria that cause tooth decay began at the Forsyth Institute in Boston and continued when he moved to become professor at the University of Florida College of Dentistry.
By the mid-1990s Hillman had conceived of an approach to oust cavity-causing bacteria that take up residence on teeth. The key to the technology’s success was to replace the destructive bacteria with a genetically engineered strain of bacteria incapable of causing decay. Once replaced, the decay-causing bugs are virtually powerless to come back.
Hillman worked with the Office of Technology Licensing to obtain an exclusive worldwide license to the technology, named Replacement Therapy. With the help and business expertise of fellow dental researcher Robert Zahradnik, Ph.D., the two colleagues founded Oragenics in 1996. Early growth and development phases moved forward, and less than seven years later the company announced the successful completion of its $3 million initial public offering. 
Envisioning a Global Treatment
Though small in size — Oragenics now has 11 employees — the company continues to grow and change as excitement about its products increases. In September 2005 Zahradnik was named president and chief executive officer of Oragenics; just before that, the company achieved a major milestone as it began a Phase I clinical trial of Replacement Therapy designed to evaluate the safety of the technology. Zahradnik is optimistic and echoes Day when describing the potential impact. “The best way of looking at this technology,” he says, “is that one painless treatment can offer a lifetime of protection.”
Zahradnik says that to date Oragenics has received $5 to $6 million in investments; he also says that investors must view a technology of this nature on a global basis. Indeed, from a public health perspective, Replacement Therapy can address the needs of numerous developing countries and could improve the dental health of 5 billion people worldwide. 
Replacement Therapy has such enormous potential because tooth decay is so prevalent. According to Hillman, tooth decay is the most common chronic infectious disease in the world; essentially everybody has it. Yet at the present time there is nothing available to help prevent tooth decay. Despite the typical hygienic precautions followed by most people for the past 25 years — using fluoridated water, brushing thoroughly and undergoing regular cleanings — tooth decay continues to thrive. In unindustrialized countries where fluoride and cleanings are not readily available, Replacement Therapy could have a tremendous impact.
“Replacement Therapy has a major advantage over these approaches because there is no patient compliance required,” Hillman says. “Replacement Therapy can be done in the dentist’s chair. The dentist just swabs the replacement strain (of bacteria) on the patient’s teeth for five minutes, and that’s all you need to do. When the patient leaves the chair, nothing else will have changed except that the chance of tooth decay and incidence of cavities will be dramatically decreased.” 
The science behind Replacement Therapy is based on the fact that most human tooth decay is caused by a naturally occurring bacterium called Streptococcus mutans. These bacteria sit on the surface of teeth and convert sugar that we ingest to lactic acid that, when excreted by the bacteria, dissolves the mineral that makes up tooth enamel and dentin. Hillman succeeded in genetically engineering a strain of Streptococcus mutans that produces a small amount of antibiotic capable of eliminating all other strains of Streptococcus mutans. Moreover, through recombinant DNA technology, this modified strain can no longer produce lactic acid. Topical application of the patented strain of Streptococcus mutans to a person’s teeth actually displaces any decay-causing strain of Streptococcus mutans. This approach has been described as fighting fire with fire.
Potential Reaches Far Beyond Fighting Cavities
During the course of developing Replacement Therapy, Hillman recognized the tremendous potential of the particular antibiotic he engineered into the replacement strain. A second major focus by Oragenics is Mutacin 1140, a novel broad-spectrum antibiotic peptide that has proven to eliminate some of the most dangerous and stubborn infectious bacterial strains worldwide. In laboratory studies, Mutacin 1140 has demonstrated potency against essentially all gram-positive bacteria and certain medically important gram-negative bacteria including those responsible for strep throat, common pneumonia and staphylococcal infections. In particular, multidrug resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus faecalis, which are notorious for causing infections in hospital settings, have met their match in Mutacin 1140. “This antibiotic has the potential to treat such infections, which might otherwise lead to death of the patient,” Hillman says. Approximately 100,000 patients died last year from infections they acquired during hospitalization.
The patented antibiotic peptide, also held under license from the University of Florida, is now in its preclinical phase of development and may obtain fast track status after application to the FDA as an investigational new drug. Zahradnik is optimistic that if all goes as planned, clinical trials will begin within a year from now. 
“We plan to position it as a drug of last resort, and it can be used in hospital settings to treat infections not responsive to current antibiotics,” Zahradnik says. “These multidrug resistance strains are of major concern in hospitals, but Mutacin is very effective in killing them. It has a unique mode of action compared with other antibiotics on the market so it fills a very important niche.”
Replacement Therapy and Mutacin 1140 show great promise and are generating quite a bit of excitement. Following the completion of clinical trials, expected to take approximately four years, Replacement Therapy will hopefully receive approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and become the first line of defense in tooth decay around the world.
That leaves just one problem: if a simple, painless topical treatment can offer kids a lifetime of protection, can we no longer threaten that eating too much candy will cause cavities?

This story was originally published in 2006.

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Research into Behavorial Markers of Disease

Oregon Health
Oregon Health & Science University

Research into Behavorial Markers of Disease

That’s because her house is outfitted with tiny sensors that track her movements and behavior, as part of a special research project jointly conducted by the Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) and Intel.

Graves, who is 77, is optimistic that the data gathered from the study will contribute to greater understanding of diseases and health issues affecting the elderly.

“If not me, it should help the baby boomers down the road,” quips Graves, who says she has the spirit of a 45-year-old. “And I have grandchildren and a great grandchild who I believe will benefit, too. But in any case, helping science is a good thing to do.”

Graves has been involved since early 2007 in this longitudinal research effort coordinated by the OHSU’s interdisciplinary Oregon Center for Aging & Technology (ORCATECH), which is directed by OHSU neurologist

Dr. Jeffrey Kaye. ORCATECH has been supported since 2004 by federal agencies, including the National Institutes of Health and the National Institute on Aging.

In October 2006, Intel’s Digital Health Group signed a three-year, $3 million collaboration agreement with OHSU called the Behavioral Assessment and Intervention Commons (BAIC). The alliance with OHSU is designed to initiate and accelerate research into behavioral markers of disease, such as changes in walking and performance on computer games. The research should eventually translate into health-related products, services and personalized medicine.

The collaboration between Intel and the university is unique because Intel recognizes the value of a university research partner. “We are inquiry driven, not product-driven, and we need to publish our research. Intel not only understands that but they value it,” says Kristin Rencher, a licensing associate in the Office of Technology and Research Collaborations at OHSU. “They are keen to see us publish and recognize the power of scientific publications in enabling the adoption process of health technologies.”

Arundeep Pradhan, director of the Office of Technology and Research Collaborations at OHSU praises the BAIC and says it “represents an emerging model for creating university-industry collaborations in the appropriate context.”

“Because of the size of the market we expect that the collaboration will result in products, but that is not the focus. We didn’t walk into negotiations with the expectation of royalties,” he says. “For us the bottom line is creating a partnership that furthers the research.”

Signing up her Friends

Graves notes proudly that she was the third or fourth person to enroll in the BAIC project.

“I thought it was such an admirable thing that I got several of my friends to sign up too,” adds Graves, who is a semi-retired communications coach. As part of the project, OHSU and Intel researchers placed dozens of sensors around Graves’ home to track her daily movements around the clock. The resulting data will provide hints of changes in the heart and lung diseases from which she suffers or, detect early indications of Alzheimer’s disease, should they arise.

“These sensors are throughout the house,” she says. “On the doors, along the walls and attached to my refrigerator. I even have a special pillbox that pays attention to when I take my vitamins.”

In addition, she wears a belt one week a month that monitors her physical movements. She also has a cell phone with a global positioning system to track her whereabouts when she leaves her home.

On Monday mornings, Graves gets an automated call to remind her to take a memory test on a computer provided by Intel. In addition to the quiz, she is asked questions about her health status, including if she has fallen, changed her medicines or even if she has moved her furniture — the latter being important because it could affect how the sensors function.

“They say they are trying not to overwhelm me with too much technology, but I find this sort of stuff fascinating” she says. “How they think up and implement all these things is beyond me.”

Tamara Hayes, assistant professor of biomedical engineering at the OHSU School of Science and Engineering and the BAIC project’s lead investigator, says BAIC is a complement to the university’s National Institutes of Health based studies of age-related health outcomes. 

“It will allow us to make significant progress in developing continuous assessment and in-home technologies that have clinical relevance,” she says. “The initial living lab of homes that were funded in 2005 allowed us to test out technologies and make sure we were ready to go forward with Intel and BAIC.”

She said Intel chose OHSU because it is “able to deliver critical information for the development of truly useful independent living technology. They could come up with products and solutions that they think will work. But with no way to test them on patients there is no guarantee they will hit the mark.”

In addition to the core set of sensors, she said some participants wear radio frequency identification (RFID) tags, so the monitors will know who is moving about the house when guests are in the home.

Other components include coaching and intervention to encourage individuals to take their medications. “Right now, we are creating algorithms based on our data that will tell us the right time to prompt patients to take their medications,” she says.

And there are also games to keep their minds alert and to be used as ongoing assessment tools by recording changes in how well the seniors score when playing the games.

Hayes said it has been remarkably easy to get people to sign up for the program. “They realize this is a good project and they want to help,” she says.

A Marriage of Research Interests Benefiting the Elderly

The way Eric Dishman, general manager of product research and incubation at Intel’s Digital Health Group, remembers it, the collaboration with OHSU began about seven years ago. That was shortly after he was hired.

“This was before there was a Digital Health Group here and before ORCATECH existed,” he said.

But over time, the two entities moved from what Dishman calls “dating to full-on marriage,” an arrangement that was more or less consummated with the $3 million BAIC grant.

Back in 2002, before the nuptials, Intel’s Research Council awarded ORCATECH investigator Misha Pavel, an OHSU professor of biomedical engineering, a small seed grant to get things off the ground.

Pavel directs ORCATECH’s Point of Care Lab, where many of these devices are developed and tested prior to their deployment in homes. He says refining devices such as games will help seniors maintain their cognitive abilities, much as physical exercise helps to maintain physical condition.

Dishman notes that while the studies are focused on seniors, other populations can benefit from the research.

“I get about 500 phone calls a month from families with autistic children who have seen prototypes from the research that we have done on people with Alzheimer’s,” he says. “And they say they need these same kinds of capabilities.”

Dishman said the market potential for products to aid independent living is huge and growing fast.

“There are 600 million people on this earth who are over the age of 65 today,” he says. “That will double to 1.2 billion by 2025, then double again in the next 20 years, so there is an enormous market opportunity because many people who are 65 and older have multiple chronic conditions.

“And the 80-year-old plus category is the fastest-growing worldwide. Sadly, half of all 80 -year-olds will have some type of dementia by the time they are 85. There is an enormous potential for a home health platform that would better allow people to manage their own health and welfare as well as provide early warning systems through looking at behavioral and biological changes. It’s a market worth potentially hundreds of billions of dollars.”

But before any products can be sold, he says the underlying technologies need to be put through large-scale, longitudinal studies.

“The whole ORCATECH thing is about how we bring scale to this effort,” he says. “We can’t just test in dozens of households. We are testing in hundreds and then thousands of homes so we can look at statistical trends of both large populations and individuals.

“This effort will bring scientific rigor to the field of behavioral biomarkers. Genetic biomarkers show we might be biologically at risk for a condition. Behavioral biomarkers are ways of measuring and monitoring behavior using technology to show the early detection or onset of a disease.”

Dishman says the BAIC program will increase national attention around behavioral biomarkers, not just their medical counterparts. “You combine the two and you can start to do some pretty powerful stuff,” he says.

“If you have a genetic biomarker that says you are at risk for Alzheimer’s and you combine it with behavioral biomarkers that look for subtle changes of everything from how you talk to how you walk, then you start to have a much better early warning system and even the ability to intervene before the disease unfolds fully.” 

Better World Report, Part 1, 2008

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Genetic Testing Takes Guesswork out of Diagnosis

Naval Research Lab
Naval Research Laboratory

Genetic Testing Takes Guesswork out of Diagnosis

Interpreting a patient’s symptoms, then working backward to determine the cause could be made obsolete by a digital and genetic tool that is mistake-proof, faster and rapidly improving. TessArae LLC is accelerating the process of diagnosing infectious diseases using resequencing pathogen microarray (RPM) testing. The process uses tiny computer chips that take details from culture swabs to identify bacteria and virus samples using a portion of genetic code then matches it against a database of known diseases. Even better, after thousands of RPM tests, there have been no false positive results.

The venture merges information technology, medicine and microbiology. RPM begins by removing everything from the sample organism except nucleic acids, permitting genetic codes to be read. What begins as a patient’s throat swab contents ends up as a series of pathogen genetic code. When compared against databases of known codes, test results are returned with pinpoint accuracy.

Those details can be critical when doctors need to identify a particular flu, disease variant or even a co-infection — such as during the 2009 flu outbreak. RPM technology quickly detected an H1N1 virus sample even before the organism’s genetic sequence was known. When those results did not fit any known flu strain, it pointed to a new influenza. A week later, when the sequence became available, the RPM test sample was a perfect match. More remarkably, the test — developed in 2006 — identified the H1N1 strain several years later. No other test today can do that without specifically being designed against the target organism it seeks to identify.

“The beauty of it is the computer does all the work in converting the sequence into A, C, G, T, “ says TessArae Chief Executive Officer Klaus Schafer, M.D. “Even if doctors think they know what they’re looking for, they are often wrong or find out too late. This test is especially useful when vague symptoms such as cough or fever are all that is known. I’m a physician by training. Today’s process is always to start with a hypothesis and ask, What should I test for? But one only gets results of what one is testing for — so these tests could change our understanding of epidemiology.”

Although there are no reliable measures of missed diagnoses, adverse treatment reactions or those made too late to identify and cure patients, RPM’s creators say it can remake the delivery of health care. It can reduce errors and improve targeted treatment to provide cost savings, better results, more quickly than current practices.

From the Air Base to the Lab

With a story as complex as a prime-time medical drama, RPM technology began as an experiment to spot infectious diseases at U.S. Air Force bases. The path began with concerns over biological weapons in 2001 — when deliveries of anthrax via mail made headlines, prompting research on computer-assisted diagnostics to protect against biological attack.

At the same time, Affymetrix Corp. was pioneering the lab on a chip — computer assisted diagnostics using genetic codes of virus and bacteria samples. Schafer calls RPM microarrays “the software to Affymetrix hardware.” By the mid-2000s, genetic medicine was getting recognition for treatments, but diagnostics was still emerging.

Virologist Clark Tibbetts, Ph.D., teamed with RPM co-inventor David Stenger, Ph.D., of the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, D.C. While serving as a civilian Air Force official, Tibbetts had proposed using RPM predecessor tools to monitor virus and flu outbreaks at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas. Medical teams knew that military installations — especially during initial basic training — were prone to infectious virus outbreaks when recruits came together from all over the world. After Air Force tests, a later proof-of-concept test of RPM was used to safeguard Washington, D.C., during the 2004 presidential inauguration.

Several scientific breakthroughs were combined by the RPM team to increase its capabilities, gradually expanding the number of samples on each array microchip. Up to 70 nucleotides can be scanned simultaneously and quickly compared to genome databases. According to its patent, issued in July 2009, more than a dozen contributors shared credit with the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL).

Building ongoing research relationships and multidisciplinary talents were crucial to commercialization. Joel Schnur, Ph.D., directed NRL’s Center for Bio/Molecular Science and Engineering, contributing his experience in transferring nonmedical military technology to the marketplace.

The route from government lab to business plan can be challenging, because of federal regulations on publishing details of intellectual property in full view of companies that might be pursuing similar advances in private, TIbbetts notes, “The key thing is that all parties have an interest in moving things forward. And by starting in and moving outward, TessArae really mastered this genetic testing for inherited diseases, as well as infectious diseases, where there are chances to leverage the technology and grow more rapidly.”

From Military to Marketplace

Tibbetts and Schafer left the government to start the company and signed a cooperative research and development agreement with the NRL, giving TessArae time to continue while seeking investors and customers. “Part of the challenge in developing new technology in Washington, D.C., is that it can be a conservative place,” Stenger adds. “And what we were trying to do was rather ambitious. I wrote most of the patent applications in 2004. Just before people thought we would fail, they began to see potential to be a real gold standard in medicine.”

Those prospects took shape when TessArae opened in Potomac Falls, Va., in 2007. Regulatory approvals from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and other agencies are still based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing developed in the 1980s. So the company is helping federal officials develop new frameworks for evaluating digital alternatives and modernizing aspects of genetic diagnostics.

Other opportunities for RPM are opening up in unexpected fields, and Stenger notes the database of known genetic codes is growing logarithmically every year, which will advance applications. Beyond current testing for avian influenza, Ebola virus and other human diseases, TessArae received a U.S. Department of Agriculture innovation award for food safety, applying RPM tests to finding obscure, rare diseases in food stock. Single-use tests wouldn’t be cost-effective, Stenger says, but can be profitable when multiple tests deliver more results.

Additional applications have emerged in tracking genetic, inherited diseases. Also, because the same condition may affect two people in different ways, having proof — instead of waiting for symptoms or reactions — means patients get treated sooner.

In 2009, TessArae and Affymetrix collaborated to identify H1N1 flu strains within hours — while the National Institutes of Health used older, slower methods. Outside the medical office, RPM test results will allow doctors to more accurately report a specific strain of influenza and geographically map the spread and speed of outbreaks.

Yet RPM applications intended for soldiers have not been implemented. Commercial prospects and other forces have shifted attention — another unexpected, but not unusual, result in the path of a trailblazing technology, Schnur says.

This story was originally published in 2010.

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Reusable, Energy-absorbing Crash Cylinder Saves Lives, Money

Vanderbilt University

Reusable, Energy-absorbing Crash Cylinder Saves Lives, Money

Professor John F. Carney III, Ph.D., of Vanderbilt University wanted to design a reusable crash cylinder that would survive multiple collisions with vehicles on the highway. Not only would this reduce department of transportation costs, but fewer crash cushions would be discarded in landfills. So Carney did just that.

Working at Vanderbilt’s Department of Civil Engineering, Carney developed the “Crash Impact Attenuator Constructed from High Molecular Weight/High-Density Polyethylene” in the early 1990s.

Crash terminals are typically used on highways to shield hazard areas, such as the ends of rigid barriers and fixed objects sitting in the median, on the shoulder, or between the roadway and exit ramp. The attenuator absorbs the energy of an errant impacting vehicle by dissipating the energy of the hit through a series of cylinders made of high molecular weight/high-density (HMW/HDPE) polyethylene. After the impact, the cylinders self-recover and return to their original shape and position.

HMW/HDPE cylinders can absorb large amounts of energy and deformation without breaking.

The fact that the cylinders self-recover after impact means these crash cushions can remain in place and absorb multiple hits with minimal replacement costs and minimal downtime for maintenance as compared to conventional crash cushions.

Funding for Carney’s research was provided by the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences, Strategic Highway Research Program, State of Washington Department of Transportation and Vanderbilt University.

The U.S. Department of Transportation approved use of the device on U.S. highways in 1995.

The technology is licensed to Energy Absorption Systems, which markets the REACT (Reusable Energy Absorbing Crash Terminal) 3507 line of products. For more information, visit


This story was originally published in 2007.

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Membrane Helps to Replenish the World’s Fresh Drinking Water Supply

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

Membrane Helps to Replenish the World’s Fresh Drinking Water Supply

In April of 1961, at the dedication of a desalination plant in Texas, President John F. Kennedy said: No water resources program is of greater long-range importance than our efforts to convert water from the world’s greatest and cheapest natural resources — our oceans — into water fit for our homes and industry.

He went on to say that:

Such a breakthrough would end bitter struggles between neighbors, states and nations.

While there may be less hope for the end of struggles between nations, Kennedy’s assertion that extracting freshwater from saltwater is one of the greatest scientific breakthroughs in history couldn’t be truer today. More than 97 percent of the earth’s water is too salty for human consumption. Water use has been growing at more than twice the rate of population growth in the last century.

The World Health Organization reports that as populations rise, urbanization grows and there is an increase in household and industrial uses for water, the world is running out of clean, drinkable water. Water scarcity affects 1 in 3 people on every continent. According to United Nations statistics, at least 1 billion people live in areas where water is scarce, and the numbers are reported to reach 1.8 billion by 2025.

Around the time President Kennedy made that speech, researchers at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) were developing a new technology that forced water molecules across a semipermeable barrier at a much faster rate than salt ions, producing a freshwater stream. The process became known as reverse osmosis (RO) and has since become the most popular method of separating salt water from seawater, or desalinated water. Over time, the UCLA team developed this technology into tubular membrane modules that produced freshwater from ocean and brackish groundwater.

It was a watershed event in addressing seawater desalination.

Over the next 30 to 40 years, manufacturers improved membrane material as well as module and process designs and, as a result, the cost to produce freshwater from seawater was reduced by 4 percent between 1980 and 2000.

But there were two challenges. The first: the process remained energy-intensive and costly. And second, modern RO membranes were prone to fouling when rejected particles and bacteria accumulated on the surface.

By early 2000, though it was only one of a few options available to address severe water shortages, the still-expensive process of RO seawater desalination was gaining global acceptance.

Making Over a Membrane

Eric M.V. Hoek, Ph.D., was in his first year as an assistant professor of environmental engineering at UCLA when he began working on a new RO membrane material that he envisioned would perform better in desalination applications.

“[I thought,] what if we could integrate a nanoparticle into an RO membrane to make it more productive and resistant to bacteria?” says Hoek. “I imagined the properties of such a material, and then one day learned in a presentation by a colleague’s student that something like it existed but in a different form.”

That material, known as a zeolite, or molecular sieve, due to its internal molecular pores, takes up water like a sponge. The pores are just big enough to let water through but just small enough to reject salt. An extra advantage was that these materials could also be modified to exhibit antimicrobial functionality.

Hoek’s hypothesis was that synthesizing zeolite nanoparticles and embedding them within the RO membrane could reduce the overall energy demand in the desalination process.

When it worked, Eric Hoek had built a better membrane.

That’s when, with startup funds provided by UCLA’s Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, thin-film nanocomposite (TFN) membrane technology flowed from the tributary of great water desalination discoveries from the university. A second stream of funding came from the UCLA’s California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI) and from the company that ultimately would commercialize the technology, NanoH2O Inc.  

The material was named, says Hoek, “for its unique structure where a 100- to 200-nanometer thin film contains both nanoparticles and polymers working together to produce a better material than either could alone.” It attracted water and rejected salt and other particles that can obstruct the flow of water.

Hoek says the TFN membrane demonstrates a 50- to 100-percent increase in permeability when compared to conventional RO membranes while maintaining the same level of salt rejection. It also inhibits the adhesion of bacteria and other organic materials that tend to foul up membranes over time.

All of this significantly reduces the cost of desalinated water, making it a more economically viable option to increase global water supply. In 1980, for example, the cost of desalinating water with conventional membranes was $2 to $3 per cubic meter. In 2010, with the new membrane, the cost was .50 to $1 per cubic meter.

A Sustainable Technology and a Company Surface

Discovery and commercialization came together in 2005 when Hoek met Jim McDermott, an experienced technology entrepreneur, and Bob Burk, Ph.D., a scientist with many years of experience in environmental technologies. Within weeks of their initial meeting, a deal was struck.

“It was an exciting agreement,” says Emily Loughran, director of licensing at the UCLA Office of Intellectual Property about the licensing. “I had heard from a colleague that there was an investor interested in clean energy and sustainable technologies. Our objective is to bring technology with a clear and demonstrable effect to the marketplace for public benefit. This project encompassed all the things we like to see. It’s very rewarding to be a part of a deal like this one.”

Jeff Green, who founded Archive Inc. and with Jim McDermott, was brought in as chief executive officer, and Burk was named chief scientific officer. The excitement of the union between Hoek, UCLA and Green was further heightened by the fact that not only did the original technology come out of the UCLA, but Green and McDermott are graduates of the UCLA Anderson School of Management.

In late 2005, after receiving $900,000 in angel funding, NanoH2O set up its office in one of the CNSI incubator laboratories. Two years later, a $5 million investment came from Khosla Ventures and, in 2008, another $20 million came from Oak Investment Partners and Khosla.

NanoH20 opened a 26,000-square-foot research and manufacturing and corporate facility in nearby El Segundo, Calif., in late 2009.

The company received an additional $10 million in 2010 from PCG Asset Management and CalPERS, along with a $400,000 research grant from the United States Office of Naval Research to explore military applications for this RO membrane technology now marketed under the QuantumFlux brand name.

“Eric’s membrane improves the economics and energy efficiency of desalination while it increases the world’s fresh water supply,” says Green. “The more productive the membrane, the lower the energy consumption of the desalinization process. In retrofit installations, NanoH2O’s QuantumFlux membranes can significantly increase water production or drastically decrease energy consumption. For new system designs, utilizing QuantumFlux membranes can enable engineers to build smaller plants due to the higher efficiency of the technology.

“This will help improve the quality of life for drought-stricken areas of the world and ensures a potable water supply for future generations,” Green adds.

Freshwater: A Continuing Flow

NanoH2Owas recently selected as one of top 100 companies for a Global Cleanteach list out of more than 4,000 nominations. Global Cleantech 100 recognizes companies that offer solutions to the planet’s most pressing environmental challenges.

“I never intended to file a patent or start a company,” Hoek says. The fact that our ideas have inspired other people is tremendous, and now there’s a company that is poised to lead the membrane desalination industry.”

First commercial sales for NanoH2O’s seawater RO membrane occurred in the fourth quarter of 2010. As of spring 2011, multiple desalination plants around the world are benefiting from this advanced technology.

NanoH2Ocontinues to advance the research conducted at UCLA, allowing an expanded portfolio of products that will further lower the cost of desalination and directly address the worldwide water scarcity issues that President Kennedy foresaw so clearly.

Update: According to “LG Chem to Acquire U.S. Desalination Membrane Innovator NanoH2O,”  by Randall Hackley, published on  March 16, 2014 by Bloomberg, NanoH2O Inc. is being purchased by Seoul-based LG Chem Ltd. for $200 million.

This story was originally published in 2014.

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High-Performance Radio Frequency ID Tags Work Near Water

University of Kansas

High-Performance Radio Frequency ID Tags Work Near Water

The performance of ultra-high frequency (UHF) radio-frequency identification (RFID)  tags usually degrades significantly when they are placed near water or metal, where read distances typically fall from a normal range of 15-20 feet to 5 feet or less. To solve this problem, a researcher at the University of Kansas-Lawrence has invented a new antenna that corrects this interference.

Professor Dan Deavours, Ph.D., director of research at the RFID Alliance Laboratory at the University of Kansas, developed the microstrip antenna device for RFID tags over a two-year period from 2005 to 2007. About $100,000 in funding was provided by the Kansas Technology Enterprise Corp. through internal commercialization grants.

The technology involved developing an ultra-thin microstrip antenna to replace the dipole antenna that is typically used in RFIDs.

Traditional microstrip antennas require an electrical connection between the top and bottom layer of the antenna. This new microstrip antenna eliminates the need for that connection and can also be more easily manufactured, without the need for drilling holes, wrapping or other methods of connection.

The microstrip antenna for RFID device is an innovative solution that overcomes the “metal/water problem” associated with UHF RFID by creating a thin, higher-performance tag that is lower cost and more easily manufactured than standard tags.

This story was originally published in 2006.

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Chemical-Free Technology May Help Control Crop Diseases

University of Arizona

Chemical-Free Technology May Help Control Crop Diseases

Research on fungal plant diseases by scientists at the University of Arizona has led to a chemical-free technology that may soon help farmers control destructive crop diseases.

Mike Stanghellini, Ph.D., formerly a plant pathologist at the university’s department of plant pathology, accidentally discovered the key to this process in 1995.

Stanghellini’s work focused on trying to find the most efficient way to control zoosporic fungal pathogens — which attack everything from grapes to cucumbers to potatoes — using the only means then available: chemical fungicides.

During an experiment, he was perplexed when a routine check of pathogen-injected plant specimens showed that some had not died. Even odder, he saw that the nutrient solution was foaming extensively in the unit where the plants continued to thrive.

Working with Raina Miller, Ph.D., a microbiologist in the university’s department of soil, water and environmental science, the pair isolated the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa. They discovered that it was making a biosurfactant — a kind of naturally occurring soap — that was protecting the plants.

Their research showed that rhamnolipids, a type of biosurfactant, destroyed the zoospores by slicing through their membranes and exploding them. The technology was patented by the university in 1998, and has been licensed to a company in the Midwest which hopes to have its product on the market soon. The rhamnolipid biosurfactants can be used in contact lens cleaning solutions,  consumer cleaning products and to help remove heavy metals from soil and clean up sludge.


This story was originally published in 2007.

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Mind Over Matter: the World of the Rheo Knee

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Mind Over Matter: the World of the Rheo Knee

Adapting to user walking style and terrain via a microprocessor that sends signals to magnetic fluid in the artificial joint — and optimizing control over time — the Rheo Knee helps below-the-knee amputees enjoy active lives.

An irony lies deep at the heart of modern society. Though technology is an outgrowth of our vigorous imagination, it can, at times, take on a life of its own. With gigabytes of empowering information at our fingertips, microprocessors far smarter than we are, clappers that turn off lights and clickers that open garage doors, it’s easy to become complacent and become overwhelmed by our own creations. 
However, some wills appear to be made of sterner stuff. There are inspiring stories — of a triple-amputee-turned-triathlete; of a soldier who, after losing his legs to a landmine in Afghanistan, fulfilled his dream of running alongside the president of the United States; and of a mountain-climber, amputated below the knees, who was able to climb again. It is people like these who refuse to let their handicaps define who they are, who reclaim what is theirs. It is people like these — and many others — for whom the Rheo Knee™ makes all the difference.
Technology as Healing
The hypotheticals above aren’t hypothetical. They’re flesh-and-blood Rheo Knee wearers. In fact, that very mountain climber is one of the principal investigators of the Rheo Knee, Hugh Herr, Ph.D. A graduate student and aspiring mountain climber, Herr was stranded on Mount Washington in minus-20-degree temperatures for four days in 1991. He suffered severe frostbite that ultimately resulted in the amputation of both legs.
After being fitted with conventional prostheses, Herr wondered how he could get back to his old passion. The answer was technology. Not satisfied just getting around, Herr, now director at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Biomechatronics Group, invented a specialized foot device that allowed him to get back to mountain climbing. After that, as part of a personal quest to extend technology as a means for healing, he led a team of MIT researchers in the invention of the Rheo Knee, a microprocessor-controlled artificial knee. 
A Smarter Knee
Artificial knees have used microprocessors for about a decade, and these can be programmed to give the user a more natural gait compared with conventional leg prostheses, which cause users to stumble and limp. But Rheo Knee is unique, even among other microprocessor-controlled knees.
Artificial intelligence is an important feature that sets the Rheo Knee apart from other prosthetic devices. The Rheo Knee adapts automatically to the individual’s personal walking style and continually learns while optimizing control over time.

The Rheo’s Dynamic Learning Matrix Algorithm™ constantly learns from and responds to changes in the user’s walking pattern and the surrounding environment. As the range of walking speed and activity increases, the Rheo Knee adapts appropriately, optimizing cadence response for individuals as they progress to higher levels of function.
Built-in sensors measure how far the knee is bent and how much pressure it is bearing. This feedback is communicated, as frequently as 1,000 times per second, to a magnetic fluid made up of oil and tiny iron particles inside the artificial joint. A magnetic charge is cast across the fluid and as more tension is exerted, the magnetic field becomes stronger and the chain formed by the iron particles becomes more rigid.
Wearers of the Rheo Knee are freed from thinking, and worrying, about their knees. Instead, the knee thinks so the user can act. Ossur, the Icelandic company that manufactures and distributes the Rheo Knee, is pleased with its reception since coming onto market in February 2005. “Sales have gone through the roof,” says Tabi King, marketing communications manager of Ossur North America.
The Rheo Knee’s intelligence hasn’t gone unrecognized by the media. Discover and The Wall Street Journal have reviewed it, Fortune and Time listed as a top 2004 invention and Popular Mechanics awarded Herr its Breakthrough Leadership Award in September 2005.
A Soldier’s Story
Amputees hail from every walk of life and number 1.6 million in the U.S. alone. National Guardsman Sgt. Mike McNaughton is part of a special and growing segment of this population: soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. In January 2003, while leading a mine-removal team that had cleared an astonishing 150,000 antipersonnel and 47 antitank mines in just seven months near Bagram, Afghanistan, McNaughton saw a flash of smoke and tasted TNT on his lips.
“We have an amputee!” he heard the medics yelling. He knew from Army training not to look at his injury, but he also knew he had lost a limb and that his life would never be the same. “I flew up in the air and all I could think was that I had just spoken with my wife two hours before,” McNaughton recalls. McNaughton, who had volunteered for mine removal duty, was rechecking an area declared mine-free and had rejoined the military after Sept. 11, 2001, has never been one to take the easy way out. After receiving a Purple Heart, undergoing 11 operations, spending four months in Walter Reed Army Medical Center and eventually losing his right knee, McNaughton — during a visit from President Bush — announced that he would run again. After being fitted with a prosthetic knee in 2004, McNaughton made good on his promise and ran alongside the president for a mile around the South Lawn track.
Seeking a full recovery, McNaughton was fitted with a Rheo Knee in 2005. “Before the Rheo, I used a C-Leg, another micro-processor knee with technology that’s almost 10 years old. The C-Leg is like a car with a governor on it, but the Rheo is like one without one. The Rheo is the Lamborghini of prosthetics. Because of its artificial intelligence, it knows my walking style. The Rheo does the thinking and adjusting for me, even when I’m walking down ramps and stairs. It’s like a part of me, an experience I haven’t had with other prosthesis.” 
McNaughton, now an operations manager at the Department of Homeland Security in Baton Rouge, plays soccer with his kids, has run marathons, and plans to complete the New York Marathon in a few years. And he and his wife had a baby boy in December 2005.
The Future: Keep Moving Forward
As McNaughton trains for marathons on his Rheo Knee, Herr and his colleagues — at the helm of an emerging discipline called biomechatronics, the interfacing of robotic prosthetics with the human nervous system — are busy developing a prosthetic ankle that might be viewed as the successor to Rheo Knee. 
Herr, as part of a $7.2 million U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs research project designed to help returning amputee soldiers, will have three small sensors implanted in his leg below his knee. These sensors measure electrical impulses given off as the amputee-user flexes leg muscles in ways that once moved the ankle; this feedback is conveyed to a computer chip that activates the prosthetic ankle’s motor. Though this device may sound futuristic, its application and value for veterans and others comes down to the most basic of human impulses. And it’s what compels Herr to do what he does for himself and others everyday: the desire to keep moving forward.

This story was originally published in 2006.

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“We Are” The Future of Smart Fertilizers: Enhancing the Efficiency of Phosphorus at Penn State

Penn State University

“We Are” The Future of Smart Fertilizers: Enhancing the Efficiency of Phosphorus at Penn State
More than 90% of phosphorus mined today is applied to agricultural fertilizer, yet plants use only 10-30% of the traditional phosphates. Being the second most common nutrient used in food production worldwide, phosphorus’ finite supply makes this system significantly inefficient. 
To address this issue, Jonathan Lynch, a faculty member in the Department of Plant Science at Penn State University, began researching a method to provide plants with phosphorus at levels that are both sufficient and optimal for the plants’ performance. Lynch’s patented research served as the foundation for a 2016 Penn State senior undergraduate project conducted by Hunter Swisher. Swisher decided to commercialize Lynch’s research by forming Phospholutions, resulting in RhizoSorb®.

“Jonathan Lynch’s patented approach starts with increasing fertilizer efficiency to improve plant growth, root architecture and yield, reduce depletion rates of our known reserves and minimize the environmental impact,” said Matthew Smith, Sr. Technology Licensing Officer at Penn State.

Embedded into small granules, RhizoSorb® is a smart fertilizer technology that optimizes the release of this nutrient dependent on the plant’s needs – a plant-driven release. The unique metal oxide composition of RhizoSorb releases phosphorus on a chemical concentration gradient, rather than environmental and soil conditions that traditional fertilizers rely on. As a result, less water and fertilizers are needed for healthy plants with vigorous root growth that promotes greater drought tolerance.
In traditional fertilizers, many of the nutrients become tied in the soil, becoming trapped and unavailable for plant uptake. This is especially detrimental for finite resources like phosphorus. As a reversible phosphorus reservoir, RhizoSorb stores, releases into depleted soils, withholds and even reclaims phosphorus to minimize phosphorus runoff. RhizoSorb reduces harmful environmental effects associated with traditional fertilizer, reducing runoff potential by 58%, leaching by 87% and decreasing greenhouse gas emissions by more than half.
“The technology promotes increased grower profitability and reduces environmental impact to contribute to a more sustainable future for farming,” noted Carl Casale from Ospraie Ag Science (OAS), an investor in Phospholutions Inc.
Swisher founded Phospholutions, a Penn State alumni-funded startup, to develop and commercialize RhizoSorb. Swisher has raised over $15 million in investment from sophisticated, early-stage investors and leading fertilizer companies to develop and commercialize RhizoSorb as one of his company’s signature technologies. With the assistance of Lynch, Smith and entrepreneurial resources available at Penn State University, venture capital fund 1855 Capital and the Pennsylvania economic development initiative, Ben Franklin Technology Partners, Phospholutions has pioneered and promoted award-winning solutions surrounding sustainable agriculture. 

Expanding beyond an idea at Happy Valley, Phospholutions has introduced RhizoSorb to farmers in other countries, including India, New Zealand and Turkey. In 2024, Phospholutions intends to expand to other countries, beginning field trials in China, Brazil and Canada, expanding RhizoSorb to enhance sustainable agriculture worldwide. 

This story was originally published in 2024.

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Testing Chemotherapy’s Effectiveness Early in Treatment

Laurentian University

Testing Chemotherapy’s Effectiveness Early in Treatment

For cancer patients and their doctors, chemotherapy often poses a high-stakes gamble. Although the treatment can destroy some tumors and dramatically extend patients’ lives, that’s not the outcome for all. Chemotherapy has little or no effect on some tumors, but it still wreaks havoc on healthy tissues — and in extreme cases, the side effects can be life-threatening.

During early stages of chemotherapy treatment, doctors haven’t been able to predict whether a patient’s tumor will likely die or survive after treatment. But at Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario, a serendipitous discovery may have changed that. The resulting test, licensed to Toronto, Canada-based Rna Diagnostics Inc., analyzes RNA to assess chemotherapy’s effectiveness. It would allow doctors to identify patients who aren’t benefiting from a specific chemotherapy regimen, and switch those patients to another treatment — instead of continuing on a path that won’t lead to improved health.

A “Weird” Result Yields Exciting Developments

“Like a lot of discoveries, people like to think that we planned these things,” says Amadeo Parissenti, Ph.D., a chemistry and biochemistry professor at Laurentian University. That certainly wasn’t the case in 2006, when Parissenti was working on a large clinical trial — one that became pivotal in unexpected ways. Parissenti is a tumor geneticist with a keen interest in the role genes play in patients’ response to chemotherapy. In the clinical study, he and his colleagues assessed whether certain genes might be associated with chemotherapy resistance in breast tumors.

For some subtypes of breast cancer, the survival benefit of chemotherapy may be as little as about 25 percent, and the remaining 75 percent of patients get no survival benefit, says Parissenti. “What's horrible about that is they get all of the toxicities associated with chemotherapy, and there are many.” The 75 percent of patients who do not benefit from the chemotherapy may still get the side effects of hair loss, nausea, heart problems, neuropathy, accelerated blood clots, and increased infections. In some elderly patients, chemotherapy itself can contribute to a higher death rate.

The researchers hoped the clinical study could lead to more targeted and safer treatment for a disease that affects millions of people worldwide.

About 1.7 million women received a breast cancer diagnosis in 2012, according to the World Health Organization — a 20 percent increase compared to 2008 figures. 

In the clinical study, administered by the NCIC (National Cancer Institute of Canada) Clinical Trials Group, researchers focused on active genes (humans have tens of thousands of genes, but not all of them are turned on). To identify active tumor genes in the breast cancer patients, they looked for an important indicator: ribosomal RNA.

Parissenti and others have successfully isolated RNA from tumors prior to treatment on many occasions. But this study was a bit different, because the researchers also tested tumor samples that had undergone chemotherapy treatment specifically to see changes in gene activity.

Parissenti remembers the eureka moment that occurred during that study. His postdoc, Baoqing Guo, Ph.D., was analyzing tumor samples from patients in the midst of chemotherapy treatment, but there seemed to be a problem. “He told me, ‘It’s really weird, but I’m not getting good RNA quality from some patients,’” says Parissenti. The RNA for some samples appeared to be degraded. At first, Parissenti thought it might be a technical problem — sometimes tumor samples are processed differently, which leads to variation in RNA quality. “In fact, one thing you learn early in research is often, something that looks really exciting can be explained by mundane factors,” says Parissenti. He finally determined that a technical problem wasn’t the explanation.

Instead, Parissenti suspected that if a patient's tumor RNA was degraded, that tumor was probably dying. If the tumor RNA quality was high, the tumor was probably surviving and resisting the chemotherapy drugs. So he chose several patient tumor samples with high quality RNA — then called Maureen Trudeau, M.D., who was leading the study and had access to patient records. Parissenti then asked her a simple question: "Is there anything special about these patients?” The response: “How did you do that? These are some of our worst performing patients. Some have already died.”  

That wasn’t enough to prove he had a valid method for testing chemotherapy effectiveness — additional studies followed, with early funding from Aventis Pharmaceuticals Inc. and a grant from the Cancer Research Fund of the Ontario Institute for Cancer ResearchStill, it was an exciting phone call, says Parissenti. “It was our first indication that we were on to something."

A Looming Patent Deadline

In 2007, Laurentian University filed a U.S. provisional patent application for the RNA test — then a year later, it filed an application under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). “That covers you worldwide, for 18 months, and at the end you have to decide in which country you will apply for a patent,” says Gisele Roberts, MBA, research activities manager for Laurentian University's Intellectual Property and Partnerships. "If the deadline lapses, you lose your patent application and you can’t get it back.” That created an urgent timeline for finding investors. Roberts helped contact about eight companies, but they weren’t ready to commit.

Then in 2009, she encouraged Parissenti to present his idea at a biotech conference for investors. His pitch caught the attention of Ken Pritzker, M.D. At the time, Pritzker was a partner at York Medtech, a venture capital firm in Toronto. “We were looking selectively to invest and manage an early stage biotech,” he says. “We’d looked at over 100 opportunities during the past year.” As a former chief of pathology at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, Pritzker appreciated the potential implications of Parissenti’s findings. But that wasn’t enough — not then, anyway. “We were busy evaluating a lot of investment opportunities, and we hadn’t thought through the business model [for Parissenti’s test,],” says Pritzker. So they parted ways, with no investment deal.

Then about six months later, Pritzker and his colleagues received an urgent call from Ontario Centres of Excellence, a government organization that partners with industry to help fund and commercialize research from universities. The 18-month PCT patent application for Parissenti’s innovation was about to expire in three months, and Laurentian University couldn’t cover the cost to file the PCT application in individual countries. It was seeking an investor to fund a portion, with the rest of the application fees covered by Ontario Centres of Excellence.

In December 2009, Pritzker and his colleagues signed a nondisclosure agreement. In February 2010, the license agreement between the new company, Rna Diagnostics Inc, and the university was signed. It represented Laurentian University’s first licensing agreement, and only took about three months to complete. “You have to appreciate the speed at which this occurred,” says Pritzker, now CEO of that Toronto-based company where Parissenti is chief scientific officer. “This meant the university’s [intellectual property office] and its management team came to an agreement on licensing in a very short period of time — a shorter time than you could even get a call back from some universities.”

The test the company plans to sell is called the RNA Disruption Assay. The diagnostic test will be provided as a service for labs: Tumor samples will be sent to Rna Diagnostics, which will test the biopsies at its Canadian facility, then send results back to the lab. A set of patent-protected algorithms provides an objective, quantitative way to assess RNA quality from tumor biopsies, to determine whether chemotherapy is working for a patient.

So far, the company has filed for additional patents in Canada, the United States, and Europe. Patents have been awarded already in Japan and Australia, and the company expects a European Union patent to be awarded soon — Pritzker says the company should begin selling the RNA Disruption Assay in Europe in 2015.

Meanwhile, trials are under way to further explore the technology’s potential. That includes a trial with 220 patients, sponsored by MaRS EXCITE, an Ontario government agency, and others. “The trial is part of a program that looks at groundbreaking new technologies that have the prospect of strongly affecting patient care, and possibly save money with personalized care,” says Parissenti.

Assessing Chemotherapy During the First Treatment Cycle

If doctors know early that chemotherapy won’t destroy a tumor, the benefits are two-fold — it helps the patient, and it can also lead to more effective use of healthcare dollars. The greatest benefits will occur when doctors can identify nonresponding patient tumors as early as possible. Chemotherapy usually involves six to eight cycles of treatment, each lasting two to three weeks. Parissenti already has data showing the RNA Disruption Assay can identify nonresponding tumors during the midpoint of chemotherapy. But that can be nine weeks into treatment.

Parissenti thinks the RNA Disruption Assay can reveal chemo effectiveness much earlier in treatment. A recent study has demonstrated reliable data during the first or second cycle of chemotherapy. "That’s where the value of the test is,” he says. “If you can show no survival benefit from certain chemotherapy drugs, then you can get patients early on to other treatments that can work.” That minimizes exposure to toxicity that’s only harming healthy cells, not the tumor.

At a breast cancer conference in 2013, Parissenti reported findings that showed a correlation between patients who had poor RNA quality in tumors after receiving chemotherapy, and a longer disease-free survival rate. That suggests the RNA Disruption Assay could be a much more reliable indicator of whether chemotherapy is effective, compared to tracking how much a tumor shrinks. “It’s always better to have shrinkage than not, but that doesn’t show if the tumor is responding to chemo, in terms of enhanced survival,” says Pritzker. "The tumor might shrink 100 times, but there can still be billions of cancer cells left.”

The benefits of the RNA Disruption Assay aren’t limited to breast cancer, says Pritzker. He notes the company has preliminary data from other studies that show the test could work for other cancers, including ovarian cancer and lymphoma.

Before Parissenti’s work that led to the RNA Disruption Assay, there was no mention in cancer chemotherapy scientific literature about a connection between dying tumors and degraded RNA. Pritzker says he’s not surprised by this. “I’ve come across a lot of stuff before that was plainly evident, but nobody paid attention to it,” he says. "That’s actually the story of science, in many ways. You only see what you know, or what you think you know.”

It’s the sort of scientific discovery that, for years, was hiding in plain sight. “From the start, we had a lot of support, but as you would expect, there were also people who said there’s nothing in this, it’s an artifact — anything but that it’s real,” says Pritzker. “We’re long past that stage. They were wrong. This is real."


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RNAi Medication Discovery Helps Improve Quality of Life in Rare Disease Patients

Max Planck Society (MPG)

RNAi Medication Discovery Helps Improve Quality of Life in Rare Disease Patients

The research of Thomas Tuschl has enabled an entirely new class of therapeutics which is harnessing the potential of RNA interference (RNAi). As a researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, located in Goettingen, Germany, Tuschl was able to prove that the known RNAi mechanism is effective in mammals and, consequently, in humans.

His patented research findings were exclusively licensed in 2002, to Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, a leading RNAi therapeutics company, and in 2018 they received the first-ever FDA approval of an RNAi Therapeutic, ONPATTRO® (patisiran). ONPATTRO® (patisiran) is approved for the treatment of the polyneuropathy of hereditary transthyretin-mediated (hATTR) amyloidosis in adults. hATTR is a rare, adult-onset disease that can be life-threatening and lead to dysfunction of various organs and tissues, including the heart and kidneys. In the largest controlled study of hATTR amyloidosis, ONPATTRO was shown to improve polyneuropathy – with significant benefit on the neurological components of the disease in many patients – and to improve a composite quality of life measure, reduce autonomic symptoms, and improve activities of daily living.

Amy, a hATTR patient, started with a clinical trial, and in the four-plus years she’s used ONPATTRO, she’s regained some strength and endurance, and is able to eat regular food.
“After a few months, I began to have an appetite, and I was soon able to eat real food more and more, and use the feeding tube less and less. Eventually, I was able to stop using the feeding tube completely. I was so grateful I was given the chance to try something other than liver transplant surgery.”

In a testimonial, ONPATTRO user Mike said, “I am happy to report that my symptoms have improved since I started on ONPATTRO. I no longer have pains in my hands and feet, and the numbness and tingling only happen at night in my hands, where it used to happen all over, all the time. […] Above all, I’m so thankful to be able to concentrate on the good things in my life: spending time with my wife, and being a loving dad to my kids.”

Click here to view patient stories.

The natural cellular process of gene silencing makes it possible to “switch off” individual genes by introducing synthetically produced short strands of RNA into the cell, destroying the relevant mRNA and deactivating a single gene. Max Planck Innovation, the tech transfer office of the Max Planck Society, saw the enormous potential for future medical applications especially for hereditary diseases and campaigned for the patenting and marketing of the technology.

In 2019, Alnylam received FDA approval for its drug GIVLAARI®(givosiran), also based on Tuschl’s RNAi research. The newly approved active agent givosiran is used in the treatment of acute hepatic porphyria (AHP), an extremely rare genetic disease. With Oxlumo® (Lumasiran) a third RNAi drug using Tuschl’s research has been approved in 2020 by the authorities in the USA and Europe. The very rare genetic disease “primary hyperoxaluria type 1” can be treated with the new drug. Alnylam employs more than 2,000 people at 19 locations worldwide, with a market value of around $15 billion. They have a further 12 drugs currently in clinical development. 
Max Planck Innovation took the lead in filing the patent application for the so-called Tuschl I and II patents and was actively involved in the granting of the patents. The RNAi medications of Alnylam are based on the Tuschl patents. The Tuschl I patented technology is based on joint research by the Max Planck Society, the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and University of Massachusetts. The Tuschl II patent is based on the research of the Max Plank Society alone, where it was discovered that RNAi works in mammalians, including humans.

Max Planck Innovation pooled these technologies and took the lead in licensing. In addition, Max Planck Innovation promoted and supported the establishment Alnylam, and later the merger with Ribopharma. The license revenues for Max Planck Society alone from the RNAi patents (therapeutics and research tools) are over $30 million to date.

This story was originally published in 2021.

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Robossis: Intelligent Surgical Robotic System for Long-Bone Fracture Alignment

Robossis: Intelligent Surgical Robotic System for Long-Bone Fracture Alignment
More than half of all fractures occur in long bones, including the femur. Current surgeries for them are manual, and a major limitation with current protocols is the manual realignment, which presents difficulties due to the bone’s elongated anatomy and the strength of the surrounding counteracting muscles. Malalignment is serious complication with long-bone fractures, with a malalignment of 15° or more after femur fracture fixation occurring in 28% of patients.

To overcome the above challenges Dr. Mohammad H. Abedin-Nasab, an Assistant Professor and Director of Surgical Robotics Lab at Rowan University in New Jersey has developed Robossis, an intelligent surgical robotic system for long-bone fracture alignment, which improves alignment by 90%. Unlike traditional femur fracture surgeries, Robossis enables the surgeon to accurately apply large traction forces, precisely align the fractured bone, and significantly reduce radiation exposure. The robot has a unique architecture with two wide-open rings. This facilitates positioning the leg inside the robot and provides a large workspace for surgical maneuvers. Using its own imaging technology, Robossis drives the bone fragments into correct alignment and holds them in position for the duration of the surgery.

The Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC) at Rowan University, and Dr. Yatin Karpe, OTC Director, helped Robossis file four US and EU patent applications. Two key US patents were issued in 2020 and 2021, and two others are pending. A Patent License Agreement between Rowan University and Robossis was signed in 2021, a significant achievement for both parties to bring the technology closer to commercialization. Thanks to OTC supports, Robossis has secured external funding from National Science Foundation I-CORPS program, Science Center QED program, and New Jersey Health Foundation. Robossis has recently performed its first successful cadaver testing, and two leading medical device companies have already shown their great interest in this technology. 

This story was originally published in 2022.

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Robotic Exoskeleton Helps Those Paralyzed Walk Again

University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley)

Paralyzed from the waist down after a BMX accident, Steven Sanchez rolled into SuitX’s Berkeley, California, office in a wheelchair. A half-hour later he was standing and walking thanks to the a robotic exoskeleton.

The suit returns movement to wearers’ hips and knees with small motors attached to standard orthotics. Wearers can control the movement of each leg and walk at up to 1.1 miles per hour by pushing buttons integrated into a pair of crutches.

At 27 pounds, it is among the lightest and cheapest medical exoskeletons. It also has unique abilities; the suit is modular and adjustable so it can adapt to, say, a relatively tall person who just needs mobility assistance for one knee.

The technology behind the industrial and medical exoskeleton originated at the Robotics and Human Engineering Laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley, which Homayoon Kazerooni leads.

The exoskeleton device is a step toward mobility for those who are paralyzed.

He said his major goal is to build a version of the exoskeleton for children. Children with neurological disorders sometimes need intensive walking training or can risk losing their mobility.

The device could also have therapeutic benefits for people who have experienced a stroke or other motor injury, but more research needs to be conducted.

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Stopping Rotovirus in its Tracks

Cincinnati Children Hosp Med Ctr

Stopping Rotovirus in its Tracks

Rotavirus infection is the primary cause of gastroenteritis in children. More than 600,000 children around the world die every year from this virus, mostly in developing countries.

Gastroenteritis results in painful inflammation and infection of the gastrointestinal tract — symptoms include diarrhea, internal bleeding, vomiting and dehydration.

Scientists at the Cincinnati (Ohio) Children’s Hospital Medical Center Division of Infectious Diseases have developed an oral vaccine against the virus.

Richard Ward, Ph.D., and David Bernstein, M.D. developed the rotavirus vaccine from 1989 to 1995. Initial funding was provided by the National Institutes of Health. The Rotarix™ vaccine immunizes children against rotavirus infection and is quickly gaining acceptance around the world.

The government of El Salvador has recently undertaken a national immunization program using Rotarix. Prior to the program, there were 15-20 deaths and hundreds of hospitalizations of children per year due to rotavirus infection. Since the Rotarix vaccine program was introduced in early 2006, there have been no reported deaths or hospitalizations of children caused by rotavirus infection.

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RMeasuring pH of Exhaled Breath Helps Identify Airway Diseases

University of Virginia

RMeasuring pH of Exhaled Breath Helps Identify Airway Diseases

When it comes to identifying airway diseases and a course of treatment, standard methods of monitoring airway inflammation in patients have proven invasive, difficult and expensive — until now. Physicians at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville have developed a quick, non-invasive, inexpensive breath-analysis test that accurately determines the severity of lung diseases, as well as the presence of acid reflux, which often leads to lung disease.

This new methodology, involving exhaled breath condensate pH measurement, was developed primarily by John Hunt, M.D., and Ben Gaston, M.D., both faculty members at the University of Virginia. Engineer Rafi Baddour of Respiratory Research, a University of Virginia startup company, designed the “RTubeTM™ Exhaled Breath Condensate Collector.”

The RTubeTM™ is used with the pH measurement system to test samples of condensed breath, which provides previously unavailable information about how much acid there is in the lungs in diseases such as asthma, chronic cough, acid reflux and respiratory failure in the intensive care unit.

Test results, obtained in as few as 20 minutes, are useful for identifying gastric acid reflux as the cause of chronic cough, as well as determining which patients need airway pH neutralization therapy.

This system is readily usable by patients in a home, clinic, hospital or emergency room setting. RTubeTM™ provides highly reproducible results that may have relevance to airway pathology beyond asthma, including cystic fibrosis, smoking-induced diseases and occupational lung diseases. Scientists are using this equipment to better understand airway biochemistry and to develop more effective therapies for respiratory diseases.

This story was originally published in 2008.

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Breakthrough Technology Minimizes the Effects of Radiation Exposure

University of Tennessee

Breakthrough Technology Minimizes the Effects of Radiation Exposure

Exposure to high levels of ionizing radiation can result in widespread cell damage, failing organ systems or even death. Now a new product developed at the University of Tennessee in Memphis—RX100—can help people survive potentially lethal doses of whole-body radiation, up to 24 hours after exposure.

RX100 was developed in 2004 at University of Tennessee’s Health Science Center by Gabor Tigyi, M.D., Duane Miller, Ph.D., and Rusty Johnson, Ph.D. Initial research was supported by the National Institutes of Health.

Prior to the development of RX100, there was no protective treatment (radioprotectant) that could prevent damage if administered after the exposure occurred. RX100 is the first radioprotectant that boosts the immune system and promotes and sustains cell survival, avoiding massive cell death and organ failure.

It is also highly effective at protecting rapidly growing cells, such as those in the blood or the small intestine. RX100 also protects the mucosal lining of the intestines, preventing diarrhea and combating bacterial infections.

Studies have shown that RX100 can prevent death if given before or during lethal radiation exposure — and rescue life if administered up to 24 hours after lethal, whole-body radiation exposure. This remarkable compound can be formulated for a wide range of patient types, from infants to the elderly.

RxBio, Inc., a biotechnology startup founded by the research team, continues to study and develop RX100. Applications abound in fields where exposure to ionizing radiation is possible, including health care and military or defense applications. The company’s discoveries have generated major interest from several U.S. government agencies and departments.


This story was originally published in 2008.

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S3S Nanosatellite Star: Sensor Designed for Navigation

Ryerson University
Sinclair Interplanetary
University of Toronto

S3S Nanosatellite Star: Sensor Designed for Navigation

When you’re sending a satellite the size of a shoebox into orbit, it’s safe to say that space is at a premium. Fortunately, a Ryerson researcher has devised a small-sized technology that is making a big impact onboard miniature satellites.

John Enright, an aerospace engineering professor, is principal investigator of Ryerson’s Space Avionics and Instrumentation Laboratory (SAIL). There, he develops attitude sensors for spacecraft, and his latest invention – the S3S nanosatellite star tracker – has really taken off. Brought to the market by Sinclair Interplanetary, an Ontario-based supplier of spacecraft hardware, software, training and expertise, the S3S has already generated more than $700,000 in sales.

Attitude sensors, simply put, tell a satellite what it’s looking at. A star tracker is a special type of attitude sensor that photographs stars and determines the satellite’s heading from the distinct patterns of stars in the image. Accuracy is key; just one fuzzy picture or misidentified star could potentially send a satellite in the wrong direction.

“Star trackers have been used for quite a while,” Enright says. “They are highly accurate, but they demand a lot of mass, volume and power – all of which is in short supply onboard a small satellite.”

As a result, small satellites have had to make do with less accurate types of sensors. The S3S, however, offers the ideal solution. No bigger than a deck of cards and weighing only 90 grams, this star tracker is currently the smallest unit of its kind available on the market. It was expressly made to provide precise orientation information to small satellites, which offer significant cost-savings over their larger counterparts. In fact, the inventors hope that the S3S will enable new and innovative space missions that previously would have required a large spacecraft, and a large mission budget to match.

The S3S was developed by Enright, along with SAIL PhD candidates Tom Dzamba and Geoff McVittie, Cordell Gr ant of the Space Flight Laboratory of the University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies, and Doug Sinclair of Sinclair Interplanetary. Enright’s team developed most of the onboard procedures that are used to see and match up stars, and ultimately estimate a satellite’s orientation. The group also developed techniques to focus and calibrate the sensors during the manufacturing process.

To assess the S3S’s accuracy, the researchers used computer-generated images in the lab that mimic stars.

From there, field testing was done using real stars in the skies over North Toronto and California (“it was warmer and less cloudy,” Enright says). Also, numerous tests, including those involving motion, vibration and radiation, were used to verify that the S3S could survive the rigours of launch, and the space environment encountered in orbit. In the end, it was determined that the S3S could withstand three to five years in space, more than double the average design lifetime of most miniature satellites.

Today, as orders for the S3S continue to be fulfilled, Enright says his team is still an active participant in the production process. “Our lab continues to be involved in studying how to improve the sensors’ performance and general capabilities.”

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SafeLane Surface Overlay Improves Winter Road Safety

Michigan Technological University

SafeLane Surface Overlay Improves Winter Road Safety

When an experimental strip of SafeLane surface overlay was laid down on the icing-prone Wolf River Bridge at Crandon in northeastern Wisconsin in 2003, officials hoped to cut down on the four to five weather-related motor vehicle accidents the structure saw each winter.

It reduced them by cutting them to zero for all of the next five years.

A SafeLane system installed in 2005 on a problematic ramp for the Blatnik Bridge at Superior, Wis., yielded the same, zero accident results. An analysis of other test sites in several states during the 2005- 2006 winter season — all normally hazardous — reinforced those results: no ice-and-snow-related accidents.

At the same time, similar untreated stretches of roads and bridges near each were a mess.

“Rather than putting down chemicals to melt snow and ice once they’ve accumulated, SafeLane embeds anti-icing chemicals in the roadway ahead of time,” says Russ Alger, the technology’s inventor and director of the Institute of Snow Research at Michigan Technological University in Houghton, Mich.

“Melting agents are stored for release when they’re needed — when a storm comes. They help prevent ice from forming from the time the storm begins. This improves safety tremendously.

“Beyond this,” Alger notes, “the epoxy overlay ‘armors’ the roadway and extends its useful life. And, the system reduces the amount of chemicals needed to keep it ice-free, so it’s a big advance environmentally.”

However, SafeLane overlay is more expensive than regular paving, so it is used mostly to target specific trouble spots like bridges, access ramps and intersections rather than to cover full-length roadways.

Patented by Michigan Tech in 2001 and licensed to the Deicing Technology Division of Cargill Inc. in 2004, the SafeLane product has now been installed at more than 85 highway and 15 sidewalk and airport sites in states from Maine to Texas to California.

To De-ice or to Anti-ice?

Creation of the SafeLane surface overlay represented a combination of several technologies. One is the epoxy coating on the surface of the roadway, most commonly a two-part glue designed to expand and contract like the underlying roadway itself.

The epoxy hardens the surface, but, more importantly, it provides the base for an overlay of small, aggregated quarter inch pebbles — somewhat like the texture of rough sandpaper — that can soak up and hold anti-icing agents like a hard sponge. Applied ahead of time, these chemicals remain dormant until the moisture of snow or sleet releases them and their anti-icing action.

“There are a couple of different ways to maintain a highway in winter,” Alger says. “One is the traditional de-icing approach — plowing the roadway and applying chemicals to melt the ice that has been formed. The other is anti-icing — using chemicals to keep snow and ice from accumulating at all.”

Alger continues, “There are different ways of anti-icing. You can focus on the pavement or on the chemicals. Or, you can do what the SafeLane system does and combine the two — creating a pavement that releases the salt brines that prevent ice from forming in the first place.”

When researchers began looking at antiicing in the mid-1990s, it was a new idea. Working with liquid sodium chloride on different pavements, Alger realized the samples were behaving differently.

“I found the difference was in the pavements themselves,” he says. “At the same time, in a separate project I was looking at epoxy overlays to armor pavement. The two of them crashed together, and I saw some possibilities.”

To test his ideas, Alger explored a broad range of pavement materials, aggregates and chemicals in his 10’x15’ cold lab, subjecting six-inch- and eight-inch-square blocks to temperatures as low as -400 F. Between tests, they would be washed and subjected to cold temperatures multiple times to assess the chemical’s lifespan.

While several types of chemicals are utilized as melting agents, the most common is sodium chloride — the equivalent of table salt. Solid salt granules work best for de-icing, but Alger found that sodium chloride in a liquid brine is more effective for SafeLane application.

“The aggregate has to hold onto the antiicer and release it in reaction to moisture,” Alger notes. “It has to be durable and able to hold the chemical well. Those two characteristics don’t necessarily go hand in hand. Very porous isn’t really good for an aggregate material — the anti-icer stays in the pores. We want it to stay at the surface, where the ice forms.”

Limestones and dolomites proved to be excellent for this. Not so porous, they keep the anti-icer at the surface — it dries out and crystallizes in tiny surface pores. Also, Alger believes that a chemical reaction bonds them to the stone.

Field Testing and Licensing

By the time Alger contacted Michigan Tech’s Technology and Economic Development office, he had taken his findings beyond the simple idea stage.

“Russ worked on it in earnest before he disclosed it to us in 2001,” notes Technology Director Jim Baker. “We filed for a patent that year and began a search for a corporate partner. We undertook tests with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation.

“I met some folks from Cargill at an AUTM conference. They responded quickly. We now have a series of patents that the university owns and have exclusively licensed to Cargill. The initial research was supported by university discretionary funds, with Cargill supporting some of the later work.”

A study of 26 sites during the 2006-2007 winter repeated earlier observations of excellent results — but added a caveat: At a few test sites it appeared that wet, heavy snowfall diluted the chemicals to the point that the test segments performed no better than control stretches.

Overall, the analysis revealed, SafeLane surface overlay worked well: It kept treated segments free of ice and snow and it dramatically improved safety. It cited one interchange in Superior, Wis., that had seen 87 accidents before installation and just one afterward.

The 2006-2007 study’s finding that dilution over time can diminish effectiveness wasn’t a surprise.

“Chemical duration is a function of the frequency and vehemence of a site’s weather,” Baker notes. “Areas with heavy precipitation likely need more frequent application. Even so, SafeLane overlay sites tend to need less treatment than other roads. A bridge that used to get anti-icer two times a week may now need it only once a month.”

Corporate Licensing

Since those 26 sites of 2006-2007, the number of SafeLane surface overlay installations has increased exponentially, says Sean Riley, marketing manager for Cargill’s Deicing Technology Division. Today, he notes, there are SafeLane product sites in more U.S. states than not, and installations have begun in Canada.

“From our point of view it has several benefits,” Riley says. “Most importantly for our mission, it’s a great anti-icing product. But it also helps preserve the pavement. And, since customers can use less chemical, it’s more environmentally sound.”

Cargill focuses on selling the two-part system — epoxy and aggregate — but installation, although specialized, relies on subcontractors (Alger, for one, has founded a company that does this). Cargill sells the chemicals as well, but not as part of the SafeLane system. It’s up to the customers to buy and apply it.

Alger and Cargill have developed a second version of the SafeLane technology — a product that uses eighth-inch stones in a single layer, versus the highway’s double layer of quarter-inch stones, for use on sidewalks, bike paths and airport taxiways and service roads.

“The fact that it’s a single layer lowers the cost substantially,” Alger notes. “And the smaller aggregate means it’s a little easier for somebody with a snow shovel to clean up.

“Most importantly,” he adds “the evidence is clear is that SafeLane technology improves highway safety significantly for drivers forced to deal with winter-time ice and snow. And it does it in a way that’s better for the environment.”


This story was originally published in 2010.

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Temperature-Stabilizing System Ideal for Transporting Perishable Materials

University of Calgary

Temperature-Stabilizing System Ideal for Transporting  Perishable Materials

Maintaining exact temperature control for specialty products, such as medicines, organs, tissue samples and blood-products, is a big challenge for shipping companies–one that can actually be a matter of life and death. Now a new heat-stabilizing technology developed by a Canadian engineering firm makes it easier to guarantee the safe arrival of critical shipments.

In 1999 Ted Malach of Calgary-based Intermed Engineering invented a unique packaging “phase change” material that can maintain a restricted temperature range for up to 72 hours. It’s also reusable, nontoxic and meets all transportation regulations.

Intermed Engineering approached University Technologies International—the technology transfer and commercialization arm of the University of Calgary—to help commercialize the product.

As a result of their efforts, the technology was licensed in 2001 to Saf-T-Pak and trademarked as Saf-TTemp™. Saf-T-Pak, an international company based in Edmonton, Canada, develops and markets packaging materials that meet the regulatory requirements for transporting infectious substances by global organizations such as the United Nations and the International Air Transport Association. Saf-T-Pak is also exploring the possible use of this unique material for shipping sensitive electronic equipment. It may also be beneficial in the production of clothing and building materials.   

This story was originally published in 2008.

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University of Colorado Boulder Saliva-Based COVID Test

University of Colorado-Boulder

University of Colorado Boulder Saliva-Based COVID Test
Researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder have developed a rapid COVID-19 saliva test that renders results in 45 minutes. They’ve now spun off a company, Darwin Biosciences, to commercialize the test.
“We are facing a serious testing shortage in this country right now as more people want to get tested and diagnostics labs are overwhelmed,” said Nicholas Meyerson, a postdoctoral associate in the Sawyer Lab at the BioFrontiers Institute at CU Boulder. “We’ve developed a test that could get results to people much faster.”

The test is reverse-transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP). It is designed for widespread screening of asymptomatic individuals, who may make up as many as 70 percent of cases. A user spits in a tube, adds a stabilizing solution, closes the lid and hands it to testing staff, who can complete the test at the same location (point-of-need testing.) It is processed through a simple system of pipettes, heating sources and an enzyme mixture.  The sample is heated to inactivate potential pathogens and liberate any viral genome from the test liquid, then added to two tubes containing a custom enzyme mixture which when heated undergoes a chemical reaction where SARS-CoV-2 genetic material is detectible. Results are colorimetric: should the sample remain pink, it’s negative; if it turns yellow, the test is positive.

Since no swabs, elaborate equipment, or specially trained personnel are required, the tests are less vulnerable to backlogs and supply chain shortages. In addition, saliva procurement is completed by the user, avoiding the need for multiple nurses or technicians, reducing costs and speeding the process.
In one experiment, researchers conducted a “contrived clinical validation,” spiking half the saliva samples with inactivated SARS-CoV-2 in the lab. The samples were shuffled and given to another scientist to test with the RT-LAMP technology.

“The test predicted with 100% accuracy all of the negative samples, and 29 of 30 positive samples were predicted accurately,” said Meyerson, noting that the 30th test was scored as inconclusive. Additional second-party validation tests are underway.

The researchers note that the test is slightly less sensitive than those performed in clinical labs. But a separate computer modeling study completed at the BioFrontiers Institute found that quick turnaround is more critical to curbing the pandemic than test sensitivity.

“Our modeling showed that whether a test is sensitive or super-sensitive is not that important,” said BioFrontiers Director Roy Parker, co-author of that paper, which has not yet been peer reviewed. “What is important is frequent testing, with the test results returned as fast as possible, which identifies more infected people faster and can limit new infections.”

Ideally, the team sees the test as a “surveillance tool.”

“While we are all very optimistic about a coronavirus vaccine, scientists have been working on an HIV vaccine for 30 years without success,” said Professor Sara Sawyer, a virologist in the Department of Molecular Cellular and Developmental Biology who led the development of the test. “Meantime, the HIV pandemic showed us that pervasive testing can make a big difference.”

This story was originally published in 2020.

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Plastics Manufacturing Process Reduces Need for Crude Oil, Conserves Resources

University of Maryland

Plastics Manufacturing Process Reduces Need for Crude Oil, Conserves Resources

When Professor Lawrence Sita, Ph.D., joined the chemistry and biochemistry department at the University of Maryland in 1999, he was determined to figure out the most effective way to make the kinds of plastics used in shopping bags and automobile dashboards, known as polyolefin plastics.

Then he took a “world-view-changing trip” to India in 2004, where he saw discarded plastic everywhere across the countryside. Trees were laden with plastic bags — so much so that they looked like they were growing plastic.

“What I saw just staggered me,” Sita says. He realized that wanting his contribution to science to be a way to simply make more of the same type of plastic “was a very naïve and pretty ignorant viewpoint.”

But by that point, in 2004, Sita had already made important discoveries in plastics manufacturing. He was working on a new, more efficient way to make polyolefin plastic out of the simple raw materials obtained from natural gas as opposed to crude oil, which is used in the manufacture of many plastics. So he switched his focus from making plastics to making pure, synthetic oils and waxes through the same process.

In 2008 he finalized his invention and founded a company, Precision Polyolefins, which he hopes will soon start selling his products. His technology is a more environmental solution than current manufacturing processes because similar products made from crude oil require so much more refining and shipping — not to mention the geopolitical issues involved — than more readily available natural gas.

Creating a Catalyst

Sita’s research has focused on the agent, called a catalyst, that causes the long molecular chains of plastics to form out of the raw materials. In much the same way that enzymes in our body create new materials by controlling chemical reactions between molecules, an artificial catalyst in plastics manufacturing controls how the molecules join up in a specific way to form long chains from which the plastics are derived.

Plastics manufacturers have used various catalysts made from different metals to achieve this goal. But each catalyst can only make one type of plastic, meaning that if companies want plastics of different strengths they have to stop the manufacturing process and substitute in a new catalyst they designed to specifically produce a different type of plastic. Polyolefin synthetic oils and waxes are made using the same process, but by creating shorter chains of molecules than plastics require. (A polyolefin is a chain of repeating hydrocarbon molecules, petroleum being a mixture of different hydrocarbons.)

Sita discovered a sort of universal catalyst that can take the raw materials obtained from natural gas and turn it into any desired type of polyolefin plastic, oil or wax.

The final product depends on the amount of time the catalyst and building blocks spend in the reactor creating shorter or longer chains. Additionally, the process uses special chemical additives that instantaneously reprogram the exact way in which the catalyst stitches the molecular building blocks together to form the molecular chains.

Sita and his graduate student coworkers achieved this by spending 10 years in his lab, picking apart the mechanisms that make catalysts function. They studied them until he could reassemble a new, more versatile catalyst, as opposed to the traditional industry approach of simply screening thousands of different catalysts by trial and error until a new product is “discovered.”

“Through generous support by the National Science Foundation over the past 10 years, I had the luxury of saying, ‘How do these catalysts work?’ instead of needing to make something commercially successful,” he says. “The traditional approach is much more empirically driven. We want to have absolute knowledge and control over the structure of both the catalyst and the material.”

By 2008 he had developed his universal catalyst and the manufacturing technology that utilizes the new catalyst. The catalyst is made with a tiny amount of an expensive metal called hafnium and a much larger amount of inexpensive aluminum.

The university had been obtaining patents for his work along the way and was eager to recoup on its investment. With the help of the school’s Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC), he started looking for companies interested in licensing the technology.

“My preference would have been for some company to come in and license everything,” he says. “That would have left me peacefully doing my lab work.”

It didn’t work out that way.

From Competition to Company

After striking out with existing companies, the OTC invited Sita in 2007 to participate in an annual competition it holds for faculty members to present their business ideas to local entrepreneurs and venture capital investors. Sita won the “Best Inventor Pitch.”

“He stood out right away,” says Gayatri Varma, OTC’s executive director. The key was that Sita stuck to explaining his business plan and didn’t veer into the heavy science, as researchers are prone to do.

“I got my plaque and good feedback,” Sita says of the competition. He also realized that he needed to do the heavy lifting to bring his catalyst to market. “If something was going to happen, I should take a leading role in trying to get it out the door.”

In 2008 he founded Precision Polyolefins, and the university licensed the catalyst technology to him. Sita is about to move the operation into incubator space on campus.

The company is currently a one-man show, but hopefully not for much longer.

In addition to feeling better about his contribution to the environment, Sita realized that it would be much harder to enter the plastics market against giants like The Dow Chemical Co. than it would be to introduce new synthetic oils and waxes.

“The plastics market is very competitive,” says Varma, who applauds Sita’s business decision. “The price point is very low.”

Sita is working hard to find the right investors in this sour economic climate. Varma has helped negotiate a loan from the university to keep the company moving forward.

“We’re trying to be a little creative because we want to see this company be  successful,” she says.

Producing Oils and Waxes

Sita’s plan is to focus on synthetic oils at first, and he hopes to have a product out by next spring. These oils could be used as lubricants in places where clean oil is required, such as food processing or medical equipment, or as hydraulic fluid.

The advantage to his universal catalyst in producing synthetic oils is that he can change the desired viscosity of the oil without having to change the catalyst. So he could easily switch between oils and lubricants needed for cars in the Arctic to your run-of-the-mill city car needs.

Eventually he hopes to add waxes to the mix, focusing on high-tech products such as those used in thermostats that have to melt at a specific temperature. The United States currently imports a billion pounds of wax per year — and this will soon increase to 2 billion pounds, he says.

In addition to easing the manufacturing process, Sita says his catalyst is better for the earth. As crude oil becomes scarcer, companies are looking to import cruder and cruder sources that require more and more refining, which is an energy intensive process.

“In the U.S. we have an abundance of natural gas, so it’s a highly desirable starting material for petrochemicals,” Sita says. “The energy required for manufacture is a fraction of what is currently required by crude oil refining. And it would limit the amount of energy that goes into transportation of crude oil, which is not insignificant when you have tankers chugging around the world.”

And, as the country continues to recuperate from the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, people are eager to find ways to reduce the need to find more and more sources of oil.

This story was originally published in 2010.

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Tool Detects Protein Variations May Benefit Cancer Research

University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley)

Tool Detects Protein Variations May Benefit Cancer Research

For decades, researchers have analyzed proteins in cells with a laboratory technique called Western blotting. But this method couldn’t provide a complete picture when researchers wanted to study important differences at the single-cell level. In cancerous tumors, for example, heterogeneity exists even in small populations of cells. Because conventional Western blotting uses bulk measurements of cell groups, it can't reveal vital details about protein variations.  

That’s changed, thanks to the work of Amy Herr, Ph.D., and her colleagues at UC Berkeley's bioengineering department. They developed an analysis tool called single-cell Western (scWestern) blotting. Unlike conventional Western blotting which provides results as averages, scWestern blotting can analyze proteins for more than 1,000 individual cells simultaneously and identify subpopulations of cells.

By providing a detailed view of heterogeneity, this tool can lead to a better understanding of cancer biology and may facilitate discoveries that improve cancer treatment.

Developed in 1979, the conventional Western blot process requires several steps. After the cell sample is placed in a gel, proteins are separated with the use of electrophoresis (which allows an electric field to sort molecules by their size). The proteins are transferred out of the gel to a polymer membrane. In the final step, researchers identify specific proteins by exposing them to antibodies that bind to those target proteins (the name Western blotting is a play on words — it’s a nod to Southern blotting, the DNA detection method named after its inventor, Edwin Southern).

That approach has some notable shortcomings: It’s a time-consuming, labor-intensive process, and it can’t detect proteins at the single-cell level. When Amy Herr arrived at Berkeley’s bioengineering department in 2007, she was determined to find a better research tool. “Each cell is packed with biomolecules that are telling it what to do,” she says. Among other things, that affects whether cancers develop aggressively or not. “How do we get inside that cell to see what’s happening?” says Herr. "And how do we do that, not just for one of these tiny little packets of really dynamic information, but for thousands of them?"

Significant innovations did exist for single-cell detection of RNA and DNA, but not for proteins. That matters, says Herr, because proteins more accurately reflect the variations underlying cell behavior. Essentially the molecular machines of the cell, proteins can both indicate and cause differences in cell behaviors. “There are all kinds of things that happen in proteins, like chemical modifications, and none of that activity is captured in measurement of DNA or RNA,” she says.   

To address that, Herr turned to a field she’d worked in for a decade: Microfluidics. It involves the design or use of tools that control the movement of fluid through microscopic channels. In 2010, Herr received an important award from the National Institutes of Health, to help fund her development of a microfluidics tool that could detect proteins at the single cell level. Called the New Innovator Awards, it provides $1.5 million over five years and is intended for young researchers who take bold approaches to biomedical challenges. Says Herr:
“It’s a once-in-a-lifetime chance from the federal government, recognizing we need to unleash creativity to allow people to do things that are truly high-risk."

It proved to be a worthwhile investment, helping Herr and her lab researchers design the scWestern blotting system. With this tool, the cell sample is captured in an array of microwells that are fabricated into a thin hydrogel layer. The size of the microwells and the thickness of the hydrogel layer are both about half the diameter of a human hair. Like traditional Western blotting, it uses electrophoresis to separate proteins. But scWestern eliminates the time-consuming step of transferring the proteins a separate membrane. That’s because the gel in the channel contains a molecule (benzophenone) that reacts with UV light. When the gel is exposed to UV light, the benzophenone binds with the proteins and locks them in place. The proteins are then exposed to antibodies that bind with target proteins and allow them to be identified.  

With scWestern blotting, researchers can detect up to four specific proteins in about 1,000 individual cells at once. Herr says that although other research tools allow direct measurement of proteins, they have significant limitations. While those tools can only detect whether a protein is present, scWestern blotting can also identify proteins by size. That means It can measure modifications or chemical changes to those proteins by identifying differences in molecular mass. “That’s an important contribution we’ve made,” she says. Such detailed detection could allow better experiments for cancer research and reveal why some tumors don’t respond to chemotherapy, for example. 

The first patents for the scWestern blotting system were filed in 2011 by UC Berkeley's Office of Technology Licensing []. The next year, Herr received additional commercialization support from the university — she was selected for UC Bekeley’s Bakar Fellows Program. Designed to help Berkeley innovations reach the marketplace, the program provides funding for research fellows as well as networking and mentoring services. Herr soon decided the best commercialization path would entail launching a company. “We had several established companies interested. I guess they didn’t move fast enough,” she says. “It came down to timing."

For co-founders, she turned to Kelly Gardner, Ph.D. (who became CEO) and Josh Molho, Ph.D. (who became CTO). Gardner worked previously in Herr’s research group, although not specifically on scWestern blotting. And Herr had known Molho since the two met in graduate school at Stanford University. "I know Kelly and Josh so well. There are ups and downs, points where hard decisions had to be made, and working with a team you inherently trust is the biggest thing when you’re founding a company."

In December 2013, they formed Zephyrus Biosciences, and Berkeley's Office of Technology Licensing (OTL) granted a letter of intent agreement for licensing. That provided several months of exclusivity for the company, which was crucial for a successful launch, says Molho. "We had to have a clear path to licensing, or the investors wouldn't be interested,” he says. “In the life sciences space, there's a lot of weight put on intellectual property. If you don't have any, it's generally assumed that somebody else will come along and eat your lunch.” Herr agrees that the OTL’s support played a vital role. "Having them there every step of the way has helped us to be able to do much more than we could alone,” she says. After about a month of negotiation, Zephyrus received an exclusive license in July 2014.

“Not only do they have a technology that solves a need, but the team really leveraged the resources available to them,” says Terri Caron-Sale, Senior Licensing Officer at UC Berkeley’s OTL. That included participating in a 10-week workshop called Lean Launchpad, organized and sponsored by the UC San Francisco Innovation, Technology & Alliances (ITA) []  The lean startup approach emphasizes rapid innovation on a small budget. Historically, those techniques were mainly applied to the software industry, but the Lean Launchpad workshop showed how life sciences companies could be lean startups too. As part of that workshop, the founders interviewed more than 100 potential customers, which helped the company refine its target market, says Molho.

By September 2014, Zephyrus had received a $350,000 Small Business Innovation Research grant from the National Institutes of Health, and had raised $1.5 million in funding (led by angel investor group Life Sciences Angels). In the following months, the founders expanded their laboratory, hired a small team, developed instrumentation and microchip prototypes, and pitched venture capitalists for follow-on investment. They also discussed possible strategic investments or partnerships with more than 10 large companies. In March 2016, discussions with Bio-Techne Corp. [ ] became more than just talk. The Minneapolis-based life-sciences company (with $499 million net sales in fiscal 2016) acquired Zephyrus, which had six full-time employees and a team of consultants at the time. A few months after the acquisition, Zephyrus CEO Gardner was included in MIT Technology Review’s annual “35 Innovators Under 35” list. Says Molho: “We formally founded the company at the end of 2013, we didn't have a lab until April 2014, and the company was acquired a little less than two years later. That's a somewhat unusual path for a life science start-up.” 

At Bio-Techne, the scWestern tool is branded as Milo ( and became commercially available in 2016, says Molho (currently director of engineering for Milo).

"I'm a mechanical engineer, and I could work in lots of different areas,” he says. "But I like life sciences because with the end goal, you're either increasing scientific knowledge or you're impacting healthcare.” Regarding the impact that scWestern blotting could have, Molho notes there are several research areas — like cancer and stem cell research— where scientists are seeking more detail about cell populations that aren’t homogenous. “They’re asking questions like, what’s different about this sub-population of tumor cells that isn’t getting killed off by a drug? Or they have stem cells that they want to turn into heart cells, and want to understand why some of those stem cells aren’t transitioning,” says Molho. By revealing more about the proteins in those cells, scWestern may help answer those questions. Says Molho: "It's kind of a long game, but I hope that with this technology — in its current and other forms that may come in the future — we'll play a small role in helping improve outcomes for people."

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New Testing Device Identifies Unseen Hazards Around the World

Bioplex Technologies
University of South Florida

New Testing Device Identifies Unseen Hazards Around the World

David Fries has dedicated his career to developing instrumentation that helps scientists see the unseen. The results of his work are embodied in a small but powerful device called the SE 300 Portable Bioreaction Monitoring System: a handheld diagnostic device with a multitude of potential uses — from the beach to the bedside.

The SE 300 is a miniature version of a fluorometer, a standard piece of laboratory equipment that identifies and characterizes specific molecules within fluid samples. The size and portability of Fries’ device — the SE 300 is the smallest handheld fluorometer on the market — allow it to move from the seashore, where it can quickly analyze water samples for bacteria and other environmental hazards, to disease testing in remote areas with minimal or no access to health care services.

Thinking Outside the Ocean

The SE 300 had an unlikely beginning — underwater.

Fries, who holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in chemistry, heads the Ecosystems Technology Group at the University of South Florida (USF) College of Marine Science in St. Petersburg, Fla., which operates an assortment of underwater instruments that plumb the depths of the ocean.

"As a university on the Gulf of Mexico, we work very aggressively in that space, monitoring the health of the gulf and the safety and authenticity of our seafood," explains Valerie McDevitt, assistant vice president for patents and licensing at USF.

Fries was working on an automated underwater probe capable of detecting microscopic toxins in the ocean when he recognized another application for his aquatic device. In someone's hands, the molecular detector could do more than monitor water quality — it could also be used to obtain important measurements in the field for environmental testing and test for human diseases such as dengue fever, a tropical viral disease that has recently spread to Florida.

“David is not someone who thinks outside the box, he is oblivious that there is a box," says McDevitt. "He is constantly looking at how a technology in one field can be tweaked and applied to another field."

With the help of fellow inventors Andrew Farmer and William Flannery and funding support from the Space Missile Defense Command and the Florida Sea Grant Extension Program, Fries began building the portable fluorometer.

Building the SE 300

The SE 300 was designed to identify bacteria — or species of fish — by testing for the presence of a specific genetic code, or more specifically, a signature ribonucleic acid (RNA) sequence.

The system begins with a single test tube, which is filled with cellular material from a fluid or tissue sample and combined with a concoction of enzymes and other reagents. The tube is then inserted into the device, where an infrared heat source and two light-emitting diode (LED) sources help catalyze a biochemical reaction inside the tube.

"It's important to maintain the temperature with precision for the biochemical reaction to happen," explains Fries.

Whether the fluorometer is being used to detect an RNA sequence specific to grouper fish or to dengue fever, HIV or E. coli, all tests use the same hardware and process — only the mix of chemicals added to the test tube changes.

“Each chemical assay includes molecules called primers, which have an RNA sequence that is complementary to the RNA sequence being tested for,” says Fries.

If the RNA being tested for is present, the primer will attach to it, and the ensuing biochemical reaction — aided by the heat and light source — will cause a fluorescent light to be emitted. The final components of the SE 300, a photo detector and optical reader, measure the fluorescent wavelengths and provide a readout on the attached computer monitor.

“The result is a graphical display that reveals the presence and amount of the substance we are testing for," adds Fries.

The entire device is powered by a USB connection from the laptop computer, which also runs the accompanying software.

From Patent to Spinoff

With the prototype complete, Fries began working with USF’s Technology Transfer Office (TTO) to patent his technology.

“David is a joy to work with,” says McDevitt. “He sees uses for things that no one else would see. He’s inventive but practically oriented. He looks for solutions to real problems.”

In addition to pursuing a patent portfolio for the portable fluorometer, USF’s TTO helped license the technology to a startup company, Bioplex Technologies Inc., based in St. Petersburg, Fla. USF retains an equity share in the spinoff company, for which Fries serves as CEO.

In 2006, the new company set to work refining and readying the device for the marketplace.

Have Fluorometer, Will Travel

McDevitt says it’s the portability of the SE 300 that makes the product so useful to a variety of industries.

“This instrument is a mobile lab out in the real world where change is happening,” adds Fries. “It allows us to move the lab [to the testing area], rather than taking the sample back to the lab.”

The device remains useful in the aquatic world, where it can monitor beach and water quality for hazards such as the microscopic marine algae that, when highly concentrated, form a toxic red tide that threatens fish and other sea life.

The SE 300 has even greater potential on land — from epidemiology research to science education — where the device can be used in the training of chemistry and biology students. The SE 300 can also be used to help restaurants and others in the food industry confirm the authenticity of seafood species (providing seafood buyers the assurance that they are indeed buying grouper, not cod, for example).

In fact, only the number of chemical assays developed by users limits the utility of the device.

“This is a really versatile and universal device that can be used for whatever you want to detect genetically,” says Brian Gregson, project scientist at Bioplex. “The end user can buy an off-the-shelf testing kit or develop their own assay.”

Changing the Human Condition

The application for the SE 300 that most excites Fries is in the area of human health: identifying disease in areas with minimal health care infrastructure — from a cruise ship to emerging economies.

“I'm passionate about technology and using it to help change the human condition,” says Fries. “It will be satisfying from a company standpoint when we're able to fully implement our health care applications.”

To that end, Fries — who has been granted 32 patents and cites more than 60 official collaborations thus far in his career — now works regularly with a host of medical doctors.

“I think an engaged scientist has to be self-critical and open to input,” he says. “Working with others, I know I can come up with something better than working alone.”

The SE 300 offers the ability to quickly test for bacteria and viruses at the point of care, providing results in as little as 45 minutes versus days or weeks for culture-based sample testing in a lab petri dish.

With a small stool sample, for example, the device can test for the enterovirus, a disease-causing bug that affects millions worldwide each year and often flourishes in closed settings such as cruise ships. Alternatively, for HIV testing, all that’s required is a simple finger prick yielding a drop of blood from the patient.

Bridging the Health Care Gap

“In remote areas without distribution networks to transport biological samples to a laboratory, the SE 300 fills a need with its portability and low cost," says Fries.

Gregson says the Bioplex device has many advantages over other genetic tests, beginning including a price tag of  $2,500 and low power requirements.

“The fact that the SE 300 runs on low power gives it a lot of utility to do tests right in the field, without having to bring in a lot of lab equipment and power generators,” says Gregson. “Our device can run on a 9-volt battery and, together with the reagents, it fits in a backpack.”

Another plus is the fact that a Western-trained physician or doctoral student isn’t required to operate the SE 300 — local health care workers can be trained to use the portable fluorometer, including mixing the sample and setting software parameters. As a result, Fries says doctors who are using telemedicine to reach patients in remote areas via Skype can complement the visual evaluation by using the SE 300 to obtain microbial information.

"Combining a portable fluorometer with Skype is more cost-effective than spanning the gap [between doctors and patients] by building roads, hospitals and labs," says Fries.

On the Horizon

Another handheld fluorometer that can hold up to four test tubes is currently in the works at Bioplex. Gregson says the larger unit will not only increase the throughput potential of the testing device, it will also allow for conducting simultaneous tests on multiple biological samples from a single individual.

“Dengue fever has several variants, so a multichannel device could test for each variant at the same time,” explains Gregson.

Bioplex is also actively exploring partnerships with other technology companies to more rapidly expand its product line.

“The future looks pretty good,” says Fries. “We know there is a real need for the SE 300 in the environment, but the real impact of this technology will be when people in emerging economies start to benefit.”

This story was originally published in 2013.

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Getting a Charge Out of Nature

Microturbine Uses Water, Wind to Power USB Devices

Memorial University of Newfoundland

Getting a Charge Out of Nature

At Seaformatics Systems Inc., they think both big and small.

That’s how a proposal from an engineering professor at Memorial University of Newfoundland to create a power-harvesting system for use at sea by oceanographers ultimately led to a portable microturbine for use in rivers and streams by backpackers, canoeists and outdoor workers needing to power up their USB devices.

After eight years working on professor Vlastimil Masek’s suggestion, Seaformatics was founded in 2013 by four Memorial graduates looking to commercialize their new ocean-monitoring technology, called SeaLily.

Then a funny thing happened. With funding from Genesis Centre, the university’s innovation hub for tech-based projects, Seaformatics decided to build a small prototype of SeaLily for trade show demonstrations. They named their mini-version WaterLily.

Almost on a whim, the team posted a video of WaterLily on Facebook to gauge interest among outdoors enthusiasts. Within two days the video had notched 22,000 views, and pre-orders began to pour in from more than a dozen countries.

WaterLily was quickly popular with consumers wanting to recharge their phones, cameras and other personal devices while on the go. And it had an advantage over its competition.

As company CEO Andrew Cook told NTV News: “The real novel piece about WaterLily is that you can put it in a river … but it will also work in wind. So on a nice windy day, you can hang it from a tree and recharge your devices that way.”

A typical phone recharge takes two to four hours, depending on water or wind conditions.

Canadian adventurer TA Loeffler used both methods on a 90-day canoe expedition from Jasper, Alberta, to the Arctic Ocean. She gave her WaterLily two thumbs up for its performance on the 3,080-kilometre trip along the Athabasca, Slave and Mackenzie rivers.

Seaformatics has added a hand crank to its product line. “So if it’s an emergency situation and you don’t have water and wind, you can hand-crank it and get enough power to make a call,” said Cook.

With other add-ons in the works, “I think our future is very bright,” he said. Even if it all began somewhat by accident.

This story was originally published in 2018.

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Earthquake-Resistant Devices for Chile’s At-Risk Wine Industry

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Earthquake-Resistant Devices for Chile’s At-Risk Wine Industry
The Chilean wine industry lost an estimated 125 million liters due to damaged wine tanks following the February 2010, earthquake. Natural disasters such as these are an ever-present hazard faced by all production sectors in countries prone to seismic activity.     
To combat the risks, a team of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile in Santiago researchers developed three seismic isolation and dissipation technologies for use in wine storage vats. A set of flexible devices are installed on the struts holding up the liquid containers. These devices have been designed to protect storage structures from horizontal and vertical ground displacement triggered by earthquakes. This system can be scaled to the size and weight of the tank requiring support and it is an effective solution for protecting all types of industrial equipment.
The technology can be used in any liquid storage tank, with applications in the food industry as well as the petrochemical industry.

Tersainox S.A., the stainless-steel manufacturer that licensed the technology, is exploring international markets, including the wine industry in California.
It costs five percent more to install the technology on all the tanks, but researchers note “it reduces the possibility of having a failure during a major quake by four-fold.”
These devices were created by scientists in the Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, Design-Engineering and Metallurgical Mechanical Engineering departments at Universidad Católica. Tersainox S.A. plans on installing the seismic protective devices on vat support structures right on its assembly line.
Chile’s National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (Conicyt) funded this project through the Fund for Scientific and Technological Development (Fondef).      
The Tech Transfer Office at Universidad Católica — under the purview of the Office of the Vice-Chancellor of Research — is the driving force behind applied research at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. The Tech Transfer Office oversaw supporting the research team, raising public funds for the R+D projects, developing the intellectual property strategy, and led the licensing of these technologies to Tersainox.

This story was originally published in 2020.

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Building a Better Earthquake Defense

Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile

Building a Better Earthquake Defense

Juan Carlos de la Llera is no stranger to the sight of toppled bookshelves, broken windows and crumbled buildings. At five years old, he experienced his first earthquake — the first of many. De la Llera lives in Chile, a country that’s endured more than a dozen earthquakes of 7.0 or higher on the Richter scale during the past 20 years. “My whole life was surrounded by earthquakes,” says De la Llera, Ph.D. “But from all my memories of these events, they were nothing like the one in 2010.”

On Feb. 27 that year, De la Llera and his family awoke in the middle of the night — along with millions of other Chileans — as the ground shook beneath them for two minutes. To De la Lllera, it felt different from other quakes. His instincts were correct. An 8.8-magnitude quake, it was the fifth-strongest earthquake recorded since 1900.

The quake destroyed many lives and structures, but amid the rubble there was some encouraging news. Of the buildings that survived the quake, several included antiseismic technology designed by Pontificia Universidad Católica and implemented by SIRVE, the Santiago-based seismic engineering firm that De la Llera cofounded. It was the culmination of many years of research for De la Llera — he had helped develop antiseismic technology while at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. The 2010 earthquake ended up being a proving ground for SIRVE’s seismic protection devices. It showed the world what De la Llera already knew: There was a way to improve current building designs to protect structures — and just as important, the structures’ contents.

The Cost of Quakes

Chile is only one of many nations that must contend with serious earthquakes. A study from the Center for Research on Epidemiology of Disasters points to the worldwide significance of earthquakes: From 2000 to 2009, nearly 60 percent of the people killed by natural disasters died because of earthquakes.

Death tolls from earthquakes have risen during the past two decades. During the 1990s, the yearly average was 43,000. From 2000 to 2009, it increased to 78,000. Some experts suggest that’s due, in part, to a population shift toward urban centers.

These natural disasters carry a hefty price tag. The earthquakes that occurred from 2000 to 2009 led to economic damages of about $960 billion. And there’s plenty of heightened concern about the effects of future quakes, considering eight of the 10 most populous cities in the world are sitting on fault lines.

A Response to Seismic Waves

In Chile, residents know there will be more large earthquakes. But no one has the answer to a looming question: When? “For that, we need to prepare our lives, our construction. We have to be alert, always,” says Álvaro Ossa, deputy director of technology transfer and intellectual property at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. “We need to stay in continuous preparation.”

For more than 15 years, De la Llera had been preparing — starting with his basic research in mechanics and structural engineering. He didn’t realize it at the time, but ultimately De la Llera would help design some of Chile’s most important structures to survive the 2010 earthquake.

After receiving a doctorate in civil engineering at University of California, Berkeley, De la Llera returned to Chile and presented a project to the Chilean government, requesting funding for developing seismic protection technology. “The government said, the only outcome we ask is to create a company, to transfer the technology to society,” says De la Llera.

He helped develop seismic protection technology along with Carl Lüders, Dpl. Ing.; Thomas Fischer, M.Sc.; Mario Álvarez, M.Sc.; Henry Sady, Michael Rendel, M.Sc., André Coté, Ph.D.; and Ignacio Vial, M.Sc. (now general manager at SIRVE).

One approach they used was energy dissipation. That entailed placing U-shaped devices (about 20 centimeters long and made of annealed steel), in X-shaped bracings in between the floors of a building, to reduce the deformations and forces that are transferred to a building during a quake. The idea is to concentrate the damage in the devices, which absorb the earthquake’s energy in the form of heat. After a quake, the devices can be replaced if necessary — like changing shock absorbers in a car. SIRVE now has a patent for that design.

Energy dissipation provides a useful way to protect buildings, but De la Llera notes it’s not nearly as radical as another technique, called seismic isolation. “You can reduce up to 90 percent the level of movement,” says Vial, SIRVE’s general manager. “The thing that will be moving is the ground and not your building.”

De la Llera has a poetic description: “Isolation is basically like hanging the structure from heaven, and trying to make that independent from the ground,” he says. “Physically you’re not doing that, but that’s the response of the structure.” De la Llera saw opportunities to improve upon existing seismic isolators. Together with a VULCO, a Chilean manufacturer, he and his team at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile spent several years designing new elastomeric compounds — materials made of natural rubber. They created a system that places sliders (constructed of layers of the elastomeric compounds and steel) between two metal plates at the base of a structure — allowing the earth to shake while the building on top slowly moves as a rigid body.

These new technologies represent a departure from the traditional approach to seismic design in Chile. Historically, the focus was to create buildings that were strong enough to resist the earthquake’s vibrations, caused by seismic waves. But that approach can fail to protect the building’s contents. “If you design a building that is like a stone, you will not have problems in the structure itself,” says Vial. “But everything inside the building will shake strongly, and you will have a lot of damage.”

That was evident in the 2010 earthquake’s aftermath. For instance, Chile’s wine industry suffered nearly $1 billion in lost revenue, as the quake’s forces cracked open barrels and storage vats. Santiago’s main airport wasn’t fully operational for several weeks, due in part to nonstructural damage in ceilings, mechanical equipment, access bridges and air-conditioning systems.

Says Vial: “That is something that’s changed a lot — the idea that we have to focus not only on the structure, but the contents that are inside.”

In 2001, De la Llera began efforts to cofound SIRVE, a structural engineering firm that specializes in seismic protection systems. The company officially launched in 2003.

De la Llera notes that Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile is very involved in technology transfer today, but the situation was different when he cofounded SIRVE. “When we did this, the university did not have experience commercializing technologies,” he says. “This was probably like many other universities in Chile.”

The university formalized its technology transfer to SIRVE in 2012, when it issued a licensing agreement. The technology transfer office was formed after SIRVE was initially founded, says Ossa — but he notes that Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile has supported the company’s research for years. “The university has helped get nearly $1.5 million in public funding in the last 10 years,” he says. That includes funding from Chilean public agencies like CONICYT and CORFO. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile also has a 32.5 percent investment in SIRVE, says Ossa.

A Dramatic Proving Ground

De la Llera and his SIRVE colleagues were convinced they had a better way to protect structures from earthquakes. The real challenge was persuading building owners to try their solutions. In the early days, De la Llera heard an all-too familiar response. “They told me, ‘I think it’s great, but why should I be the first to try it?’”

Gradually, some clients agreed to be one of the first. By 2010, 13 structures in Chile were built with SIRVE’s and VULCO’s antiseismic technology.In 2009, SIRVE completed one of its highest profile projects, literally and figuratively. The 54-story Titanium Tower, Santiago’s tallest building at that time, used SIRVE’s technology. But most construction and engineering firms remained skeptical of SIRVE’s antiseismic protection systems. “They would say, ‘Those are beautiful things for the future, but not for now,’” says De la Llera.

That changed after Chile’s massive 2010 quake. More than 500 people were killed, and estimates of the economic cost reached as high as $30 billion (about 10 percent of Chile’s GDP).It was a natural disaster that no one wanted, but it was also a showcase for the effectiveness of SIRVE’s technology.De la Llera had conducted countless seismic tests in the lab, but this was the test that really mattered.

Santiago’s tallest Titanium Tower stood without damage through this massive earthquake.  Other testaments to SIRVE’s innovative technology were the Coronel port in southern Chile, which SIRVE helped design by placing seismic isolators in between the deck and the piles.

The epicenter was very close to that port — and it was the only port in the region that didn’t sustain damage from the quake. Santiago’s Titanium Tower was not damaged either. Another stark example was found at the new Military Hospital in Santiago that used SIRVE’s technology and VULCO’s seismic isolators at the basement of the structure. The project included isolators for the main building with the operating rooms and the storage room for valuable equipment — but not for the adjacent building with the patient rooms. The quake caused nonstructural damage to parts of the building with patient rooms, but not in the main building that used SIRVE’s technology. “The difference was significant,” says De la Llera.

Preparing for Future Quakes

The 2010 Chilean quake was a compelling demonstration of seismic isolation’s effectiveness. That means De la Llera doesn’t have to convince people to try it — but it’s also brought a lot of new seismic engineering competitors to Chile. Although that’s a challenge for SIRVE, De la Llera says his company operates in a notably different way from other engineering firms.

“This company is actually a bridge between the university and the industry,” he says. “It’s basically continually developing new things. I keep working with students and researchers, Ph.Ds and post-docs, developing new technology.” He says most companies don’t focus on innovating — they stick with a few basic designs. “They’re not necessarily looking for the optimal solution for an owner,” he says. With Santiago’s Titanium skyscraper, instead of using energy dissipation devices for every floor, SIRVE developed a new device that would connect every three floors, which increased efficiency nine times.

In some cases, SIRVE’s technology can be added to existing buildings. The company is working on retrofitting a cathedral in Chile that’s more than 200 years old. SIRVE also helped design a seismic protection solution for a telescope that’s being constructed in Chile. It’s a1 billion ($1.31 billion) project slated for completion in 2022 and will house a mirror 40 meters in diameter – that’s four times the width of the best optical telescopes currently in use.

But this technology isn’t just intended for big-budget projects. “Producing very low-cost seismic protection systems is a main goal in my life,” says De la Lllera. “We’re trying to lower the prices as much as we can so this technology goes all over.” That means other parts of the world — SIRVE is doing structural engineering consulting in New Zealand, Peru, Argentina, Bolivia and El Salvador and is in discussions for some projects in Colombia.

But primarily, it means protecting as many people as possible. “We are very focused on introducing these technologies to low-cost buildings, to low-income housing — people who suffer a lot in quakes,” says Vial. “We want to show there are low-cost products to use for high social impact in society.”

When structural damage is minimized, that will liberate funds that governments currently must devote to reconstruction costs. Says De la Llera: “If you can free up those resources from the Chilean budget, obviously you’re going to be making this country richer, and you’re going to use those resources in a much better way.”

In Spanish, “sirve” refers to something that is useful. It’s also a driving force for De la Llera and the company’s 50 employees. “If we can save people’s lives, if we can save investment in industry, we have accomplished our goal,” he says.




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Brace Buffers Buildings to Protect People and Profits

Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal

Brace Buffers Buildings to Protect People and Profits

It’s less than two to three inches, but it’s an amount big enough to allow buildings and their occupants to avoid a close call. That’s the amount of sway allowed by a new self-recentering brace that is designed to let buildings give a little during stress—such as an earthquake—and then right itself to within a few millimeters of its starting position.

Keeping Profits and People Safe
The technology, which is the brainchild of civil engineering professors Robert Tremblay, école Polytechnique de Montréal, and Constantin Christopoulos, University of Toronto, is designed to play a critical role in maintaining a building’s structural integrity, not only keeping its occupants safer, but allowing the businesses it houses to remain up and running after a natural disaster. Something that is especially critical for first-responders such as firehouses, hospitals and police departments. “The technology provides affordable ways of achieving superior performance for structures, including buildings, subjected to extreme loading conditions,” explains Didier Leconte, manager, business development, sciences and engineering at Univalor in Montréal, Quebec, Canada. “For example, those induced by earthquakes, wind storms or explosions, thus saving lives and protecting infrastructures.”
Bracings are regularly used to support buildings and help them absorb energy. They are structural elements set diagonally between the floor levels to make structures resist lateral loads and shocks.
Current bracings are made from steel; however, this material, when loaded beyond its limit, yields and deforms permanently. The new device, which can be used for new construction or worked into an existing building, is also made from steel but is designed to work a bit like an elastic band to absorb and
dissipate some of the energy, says Leconte.
“The tendons in the bracing exert a steady restoring force, a bit like a spring, when a building deforms and puts pressure on it,” he explains. “At the end of the earthquake, the spring realigns the building and brings it back to its initial position.”
Close Calls on the Way to Market

Interestingly enough, the technology itself had several close calls on its way to market. In fact, its very origin was a simple matter of coincidence.
The researchers, who knew each other during graduate school but had since went separate ways, decided to reconnect over coffee one afternoon. From their café conversation sprung the idea for the new spring.
Aware of the potential of this invention, the researchers filed invention disclosures with their respective universities as soon as the concept was defined. The universities then alerted their commercialization entity—Univalor, which serves several Canadian institutions.
After meeting with the researchers, Univalor staff decided to take over the project and moved swiftly to secure the patents and move the commercialization aspects of the technology forward. Simultaneously, the professors continued testing their invention.
“The researchers actually built a full-scale prototype that was about 29 feet wide and 12 feet high and used bracing that was about the normal scale,” explains Leconte. “Then they submitted the model to tremors equivalent to those of a major earthquake.”
Meanwhile, the technology was so promising that Univalor continued to work on an international patent, knowing that its market would most likely be the Pacific Rim.
But financing further research was proving tricky. “There came a moment when we had to invest some big money to keep the patent protection going,” says Leconte. “It looked like the project was going to die. But the researchers believed so strongly in the technology that they asked to share the costs of prosecution and eventually contributed about $50,000 [Canadian] of their own money.”
Set to Shake up the Market
Eventually however, their gamble paid off and Univalor was able to strike a deal with a South Korean company, Dongil Rubber Belt Co. Ltd. (DRB), which agreed to collaboratively develop the technology. The company, which has worldwide distribution channels, also agreed to help finance further testing of the device. The company hopes to start sales this year and to have the first device installed early in 2009 or 2010 at the latest.
But even this industrial partnership happened almost by chance. One of Christopoulos’ doctoral students, Hyung-Joon Kim, Ph.D., who worked on the experimental validation of the system while he was a student, mentioned DRB as a potential partner and made first contact. Subsequently, Univalor cultivated a close relationship with DRB, one that was significantly reinforced by a trip to Montréal by three DRB executives and engineers. They visited the laboratories at école Polytechnique and liked what they saw. From there, they explored possible commercialization partnership strategies with Univalor.
“It took us a little while to find the right company to license the technology,” says Leconte. “Because the device had not been tested in real-life conditions and it looked like it might take some years to go to market. That made some companies a little skeptical. But based in part on the credibility and reputation of the researchers and the direct link to the company that Dr. Kim provided us with, we were able to eventually find a really good fit.”
It remains to be seen, however, if the new bracing will shake up the market, because it is more expensive than the traditional methods. But Leconte thinks that even with a price premium, the market is ripe for a device such as this. Not only are building regulations getting stiffer, but manufacturers and other
businesses in high-risk areas realize that investing upfront in the structure could mean avoiding costly downtime later.
“Countries exposed to earthquakes and other natural disasters are constantly seeking out ways to shelter their buildings from catastrophe,” says Leconte. “Through this deal, countries will have access to high-performance protection technology.”
But in addition to helping shepherd a life- and property-saving product to market, for Leconte, there is further satisfaction in knowing that he and the researchers didn’t give up.
“The takeaway message in this story,” says Leconte, “is to think twice before withdrawing from a potential patent….one day, you just might have a deal.”

This story was originally published in 2009.

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Semi-Synthetic Artemisinin for the Treatment of Malaria

University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley)

Semi-Synthetic Artemisinin for the Treatment of Malaria

Malaria is a mosquito-borne tropical disease that infects over 250 million people per year and is a major killer of children in countries in which the disease is endemic.

Developing countries bear a disproportionate burden of diseases for which commercial investment in research and development is lacking, including the neglected tropical diseases, AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis. 
This underinvestment by the commercial companies is due to lack of traditional profit drivers and a corresponding failure of market economics to address conditions of the poor.

Through a generous grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a partnership between the Institute for One World Health (now PATH), Amyris, Inc., U.C. Berkeley and later, sanofi-aventis, resulted in the commercial application of methods by which large quantities of the artemisinin for artemisinin combination therapies (ACTs) are manufactured.

Artemisinin has traditionally been extracted from a plant, Artemesia annua, that is grown in Africa, China and Vietnam. Growing cycles and variation in crop yield result in variable supplies of artemisinin, which in turn, affects its price and availability. The commercial licensee and sublicensee of the patent rights are Amyris, Inc. and sanofi-aventis respectively.

Sufficient quantities of artemisinin are now being manufactured using the patented methods (and further refinements) to increase the supply of artemisinin, and therefore its availability as a component of ACTs.  Through effective dissemination strategies, including humanitarian use clauses in the patent licenses, the cost of malaria treatment is lowered compared to existing treatments and availability of treatment is increased.

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Buck Institute's Pioneering Drug Fights Diabetic Macular Edema

Buck Institute

Buck Institute's Pioneering Drug Fights Diabetic Macular Edema
Diabetic macular edema (DME) is caused by an accumulation of fluid in the eye causing progressively impaired vision. More than 2.6 million people with diabetes have DME which is one of the leading causes of impaired vision in the United States. But an innovative treatment developed at the Buck Institute for Research on Aging is improving vision in patients with DME by neutralizing the so-called “zombie cells” partially responsible for the damage.

One hallmark of many chronic diseases is the accumulation of senescent cells, which are living cells that no longer function normally and cannot multiply, but remain and send out potent inflammatory signals (hence the “zombie cells” nickname). These signals transform the larger environment around them into a maladaptive one that weakens the immune system and promotes aging of muscles and organs, generating even more senescent cells. In people with DME, senescent cells contribute greatly to this disease, causing swelling and vision loss that can be severe and can even lead to blindness.

Researchers at the Buck Institute pioneered a new type of drug technology called senolytics, drugs that kill senescent cells without harming normal cells around them. A senolytic drug candidate called UBX-1325, which is designed to fight DME and other age-related eye diseases, is being developed by Unity Biotechnology under a patent license.  The company was co-founded by Buck Institute Professor Judith Campisi.

By eliminating the zombie cells, senolytic therapies can help restore aging or damaged tissues as the pro-inflammatory signals abate. One important feature of senolytics is that they selectively target only the senescent cells, leaving healthy cells intact. This is an advantage over the current standard of care for DME, anti-VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) therapy, which can alter critical blood supply of both diseased and healthy tissues. In addition, anti-VEGF therapy requires maintenance doses every eight weeks, which is disruptive, painful and costly for patients.

In a recent phase two clinical trial of patients with DME, a single injection of the UBX-1325 senolytic therapy was associated with significantly improved vision that lasted for 48 weeks. By comparison, the patients with DME who received a sham injection had minimal improvement in their vision. All patients in the study had been receiving anti-VEGF therapy for at least six months before the trial; more than half of the patients who received the treatment were able to stop their anti-VEGF therapy completely during the 48-week follow-up period, compared with just 22% of those who received the sham injection.  

Because of the positive 48-week findings, a new trial is now under way to directly compare UBX-1325 to aflibercept, an anti-VEGF therapy.       

Campisi, chief researcher at the Buck Institute, founded the institute’s Campisi Lab in 2002 specifically to research age-related diseases. Campisi started her career at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory as a senior scientist in 1991. Three decades later, through partnership with scientists at the Mayo Clinic and with funding from the National Institutes of Health, the senolytic drug was born.

This story was originally published in 2023.

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Groundbreaking Technology "Sees" in Three Dimensions

Wayne State University

Groundbreaking Technology

Acoustic holography technology, developed at Wayne State University, accurately visualizes sound as it flows through space and time, helping product design engineers “plug” leaks in products and machinery.

Imagine airplane designers being able to “see” where unwanted noise is coming from in a plane’s fuselage or engine. Or what if automotive engineers could “see” the rattling noise coming from a car door’s panel on a computer screen.

These marvels of technology may sound like science fiction, but they’re actually the invention and by-product of years of research by Sean Wu, Ph.D., distinguished professor of engineering at Wayne State University in Detroit.

Until now, noise diagnostics has been primarily a process of elimination.

“You might get lucky, you might not,” says Ravi Beniwal, senior applications  engineer with SenSound, LLC, the company formed to commercialize the technology invented at Wayne State.

“Most of the time people just guestimate where the noise is coming from, but our technology pinpoints exactly where noise is ‘leaking,’” Beniwal says.

The technology, licensed to SenSound in 2004, is making waves because of the innovative way it “sees” the origin of noise in cars, boats, airplanes and other machines and products. The benefits are significant because the technology helps engineers design quieter products and achieve better noise-related quality control.

“There’s a lot of need for this technology in industry,” says Beniwal, “because we can help engineers make everything quieter.”

Inventing the “Sound Camera”

Manmohan Moondra, senior product development engineer with SenSound, knows firsthand the excitement behind developing a groundbreaking sound analysis system. In 2002, when he was a research assistant at Wayne State, he worked on some of the software with Professor Wu and also validated the software between 2002 and 2004.

“We developed software that uses a microphone array sound camera to ‘photograph’ sound and convert the analog signals from the microphones to digital pictures of sound,” says Moondra. “The really exciting part is when we connect the software to the computer and can see the images of what the microphones pick up.”

Before the development of this technology, sound diagnostics with acoustic holography was limited to a two-dimensional plane, but SenSound has taken it a step further by showing sound in three dimensions. More than $800,000 in grants from the National Science Foundation, along with additional financial support from the Ford Motor Co., DaimlerChrysler Challenge Fund, Cadillac Products Automotive Co. and L&L Products, contributed to the development of Wayne State University Technologies licensed by SenSound.

From Discovery to Start-up

The next step for Professor Wu and Wayne State was to find the right partners for establishing a startup company.

Judy Johncox, director of venture development at Wayne State University, says once the sound diagnostics technology was developed at the university, the next question was whether it would be sustainable for a startup company.

“We brought together Gary Kendra, a lawyer with Kendra Law Firm in Detroit whose practice area focuses on technology and commercialization and Sergio Mazza, who had approached the university as a private investor,” says Johncox. “Their synergy and common goals were apparent from the beginning. It took about three months to complete the licensing agreement in December 2003.”

“The result was SenSound, the first company that uses 3-D holography to take measurements in the field, and then trace the noise to a source,” says Moondra.

SenSound has had a strong showing since it was launched in 2004 with more than $800,000 in revenue in 2005. The company already has 10 employees, many of whom are graduates of Wayne State.

“This company is exceptional in many ways,” says Johncox. “With startup companies, it usually takes two to three years to have a revenue stream, but they went from sales to revenue in the first year.”

Kendra points out SenSound’s strong leadership from the CEO has helped the company succeed.

“Sergio has a strong international presence, which has helped us make a lot of headway,” he notes.

Infinite Applications

When Beniwal, who designs the diagnostic tests for SenSound, makes presentations to potential customers, the common reaction when shown how the technology works is, “Wow!”

“People are not used to seeing sound in diagnostic tests,” says Beniwal. “When they see what we can do, it usually amazes them.”

The sound detectives look for unwanted sound in numerous locations. To locate noise in an airplane, Moondra and Beniwal took sound measurements while flying at 30,000 feet. Next, they brought the 3-D sound photos back to their computers, and then crunched the numbers based on the new diagnostics technology.

“On a model of the plane, you can ‘see’ the entire sound field inside the fuselage,” says Moondra. “The beauty of this technology is that when airplane designers have this information, they can make intelligent decisions about where to place various components, like where to put insulation or install seats on the plane.”

In another example, Beniwal tested several variations and operating conditions of a car’s noisy door panel. The motor that operated the window was quiet, and the door was quiet, but when put together, they produced noise. By creating a model of the sound field, SenSound shows the customer where the unwanted sound is streaming in.

“Noise is interesting,” says Beniwal. “You can put several silent components together and build a noisy system. There’s also the combination of vibration and sound which are interrelated, but even though all sound is produced by vibrations, not all vibrations can produce sound. Our value is saving companies time and money by getting to the root of the problem faster. If you can hear the noise above the background, we can visualize and detect it,” says Beniwal.

There is no end in sight for applications of SenSound services and products.

“The capabilities for industry and consumer products are just tremendous,” says Johncox.

New Horizons

Consumers and employees will soon benefit from SenSound’s innovative problem-solving technology as the company moves forward and targets workplace environments and consumer products.

“The possibilities for SenSound’s technology are endless,” says Kendra, who points out the next great horizon of regulatory activity is noise control.

“Noise is going to become an even bigger social and aesthetic issue in the future,” Kendra says. “For example, Europe has started to become very aggressive about noise. If you’re going to send equipment like snow blowers or lawn movers to Europe, you need to know how to respond to controlling and reducing noise.”

Kendra recognizes that educating the marketplace about the value of manufacturing noise-free products in a work environment with less noise, is part of the company’s challenge in the future.

Kendra expects SenSound’s patented technology of noise diagnostics will continue indefinitely to make great strides in unraveling the mysteries of unwanted sound.

“We can identify unwanted sound wherever it affects quality control,” he says. “Our approach is more scientific, more mathematic, and more accurate. The trade-off is a quicker turnaround of identifying problems for designers, and better products in the long run.”

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Termite Colony Elimination System: Termite Control Without Using Toxic Insecticides

University of Florida

Termite Colony Elimination System: Termite Control Without Using Toxic Insecticides

Taking advantage of termites’ own biology and behavior, this innovative method of termite control uses small amounts of an insect-specific agent to kill the whole colony, reducing pesticide use by an estimated 6,000 metric tons since it was commercially introduced in 1995.

They live underground, they eat wood, and every year they cause billions of dollars in damage to wooden buildings and other structures worldwide.Subterranean termites. “You can’t see them. You can’t find them. They are somewhere in the soil,” says Nan-Yao Su, Ph.D., professor of Entomology at University of Florida, Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center. Su invented an environmentally sound treatment for subterranean termites that can eliminate whole termite colonies without the use of conventional insecticides. It is effective against both the common subterranean termite and the Formosan “super termite.”
Recognizing the value of Su’s research, Dow AgroSciences LLC, Indianapolis, Ind., licensed this pest-control technology and developed the Sentricon® termite colony elimination system, available through authorized pest control operators. The Sentricon system has found wide acceptance, and Dow AgroSciences has continued to support Su’s work. “The Sentricon system represents one of University of Florida’s most successful technology transfers,” says John Byatt, Assistant Director for Life Sciences in the Office of Technology Licensing at University of Florida, Gainesville. “This is due not only to the commercial success of the technology, but also due to the good working relationship that has developed between the University and Dow AgroSciences.”
This approach to termite control uses subterranean termites’ own biology and behavior to wipe out a whole colony that is attacking a house or other structure. It is based on a simple concept of monitoring an area for termite activity, and then providing bait that the termites themselves carry back to their colony. This allows control of termites without the use of conventional insecticides.
In commercial use since the mid-1990s, the Sentricon system has protected more than two million structures, including the White House, the Statue of Liberty, Independence Hall, the Alamo, and houses in the French Quarter of New Orleans, as well as buildings throughout the world. In 2000, the Sentricon system won the U.S. government’s Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award. Also, the bait used in the system was the first to be registered under the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Reduced Risk Pesticide Initiative.

“When I was in graduate school studying termites,” says Su, “we found out that if you have a house infested with subterranean termites, what you’re seeing in your house is really the tip of the iceberg. Underneath [the ground] is the nesting structure, which may stretch up to 300 feet away from your house.” “So you spray a couple of hundred gallons of pesticide and pray, ‘Please, termites, stay away from my house.’ They will come back. If you spray the soil, you’re treating a symptom, you’re not treating the disease.“When I found this out, I said, ‘This is ridiculous.’ I thought maybe there is a way to kill the colony. If we can kill the colony, we have a real, final solution. My basic idea was to try to use the termite to do the job for us. These termites are social insects. The nest is a network of small nests, connected with tunnels. There are several million termites in there. And sometimes they exchange food with each other.”
In a subterranean termite colony, the workers leave the nest and forage for food – wood or other sources of cellulose. They may travel as far as 300 feet underground in their search. When they find wood, they chew it up and bring it back to the nest to feed the other termites in the colony: soldiers and reproductive termites.

When a worker termite discovers a food source, it leaves a scent trail as it returns to the colony, so other workers can also find their way to the food.

“So, when I was a student, I thought if we can find some chemical that would not kill them right away when they come and eat, they wouldn’t die right away, so they would go back and give the chemical to everybody else. Give them several weeks or several months, maybe that would be enough to spread the poison to the entire colony and wipe it out.”
When Su came to the University of Florida in the late 1980s, he contacted companies asking if they had any compounds that would do what he wanted. Dow Chemical responded that it had a chemical, hexaflumuron, that might work. Hexaflumuron is not a typical insecticide. It is a chitin synthesis inhibitor. Chitin is the main component of the exoskeleton (skin) of insects. Hexaflumuron prevents proper formation of chitin. It affects insects, but it is not toxic to most other animals.
“Insects have to molt every now and then, to shed their skin so they can grow. This hexaflumuron keeps them from making a new skin. They will try to molt– the old skin is shedding, but the new skin is not coming out. It takes a while, but it kills them.”
Initially, Su put wooden stakes in the ground and monitored them periodically. When he found termites had started eating the stakes, he replaced the stakes with bait made from wood material laced with the hexaflumuron. “When I tried this, it actually worked. I found that I was able to wipe out quite a few colonies of Formosan and native termites.” Su refined the process, using slotted plastic cylinders placed in the ground to hold the wood and the bait material.
After the intial research, Dow AgroSciences licensed the technology and developed it into the Sentricon termite colony elimination system. Since then, Dow AgroSciences has supported Su’s research. Additional work has included an electronic monitoring technique for the in-ground stations, an above-ground bait station for use where termites are found inside a structure, and use of a more potent, faster-acting chitin inhibitor.
Twelve U.S. patents for Su’s inventions have been licensed to Dow AgroSciences, says Byatt. The university also applies for foreign patents in areas where subterranean termites are active and Dow AgroSciences markets termite control products.

This story was originally published in 2009.

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Setting the International Standard for Handling Human Biomaterials

Wayne State University

Setting the International Standard for Handling Human Biomaterials

Using human biological samples for research has always been somewhat difficult because there has been no centralized and standardized method for acquisition, processing and data. Because of this, researchers have largely depended on animal testing for early stage drug development — which does not always yield the same results as human testing. To make the use of human biomaterials more viable, researchers at Wayne State University in Detroit, Mich. have developed standardized technologies and procedures for the collection, preservation and processing of human tissue samples and associated data for use in biomedical research.

These technologies and procedures were developed from 2000 to 2006 through a partnership between Wayne State University and Asterand, a high-tech startup company founded by Oxford Biosciences Partners and Randal Charlton. Initial funding was approximately $500,000; subsequent rounds of funding totaled $14 million.

Asterand and Wayne State University developed procedures, technologies, and tools for all aspects of human sample collection. This includes forms for paperwork, the logistics of bringing collection protocols to review boards for approval, and patient screening.

Research groups worked together to define standard methods for characterizing tissue histopathology, molecular integrity and clinical data components.

Wayne State University’s Office of Technology Commercialization has entered into a number of collaborative agreements with Asterand that involve hospitals and collection facilities. Through this consistent, standardized handling of human biomaterials, scientists around the world can now conduct their research in a more efficient way, which will enhance the discovery and commercialization process.

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Shear Thickening Fluid, fabric composites for ballistic and impact protection

University of Delaware

Shear Thickening Fluid, fabric composites for ballistic and impact protection

The improvised knife was a blur in the convict’s hand. It struck the prison guard squarely in the back, but the blade never penetrated, thanks to the light, flexible vest the guard wore.

The 76-year-old woman slipped on the ice and slammed to the sidewalk, but no bones were broken. A special garment helped absorb the energy of the fall and protect her fragile hip.

A football quarterback cuts through the line and avoids tacklers with astounding dexterity. His new lighter, closer-fitting helmet provides better protection than the old one but saves precious weight for greater agility on the field.

What do all these incidents have in common? All three show the potential of shear thickening fluid (STF) fabric technology, which was developed at the Center for Composite Materials at the University of Delaware (UD) and is now moving into commercial application for ballistic, impact and puncture protection.

The Origin of STF Technology

“Shear thickening fluids have a peculiar property,” says Norman J. Wagner, Ph.D., and chair of the Chemical Engineering Department at UD. “They act like a liquid at rest but thicken quickly or behave like a solid when subjected to mechanical stress. So in some ways, a shear thickening fluid behaves a bit like the clutch on your automobile seat belt. If you pull the belt slowly, you can slide it out to the length you need. But if you yank the belt quickly, it locks in place and won’t move.

“These liquids have been around forever,” he adds. “The best-known example is corn starch. Drop some in warm water, stir it and — bingo! — it thickens.”

While Wagner and his students didn’t invent shear thickening fluids, since the early 1990s they have been doing basic research into them. Funded by the National Science Foundation, they have been investigating colloidal suspensions — fluids with particles in them — trying to understand their basic physics and chemistry.

“Our group was one of the first to discover the science behind how and why shear thickening happens and then to be able to use that knowledge for engineering,” Wagner says. “We’ve looked at the problem from both sides. Sometimes — like when you’re pumping a fluid that is loaded with particles — you don’t want shear thickening to happen, and you look for ways to prevent it. Other times, you want shear thickening, and you want to tailor the way in which it happens.”

Body armor, for example, is an application in which shear thickening would be an advantage. The problem with conventional body armor is that, to provide protection against higher energy bullets, additional layers of ballistic fabric must be used. As the energy of the bullets rises, so does the number of layers of ballistic fabric needed to provide protection. Eventually, the ballistic vest becomes extremely thick, stiff and bulky, and people stop wearing them because they are so uncomfortable. Further, the body armor that can stop a bullet from a handgun won’t necessarily be able to stop a penetrating object like an ice pick that can work its way between the threads of the ballistic fabric.

The Invention of STF Fabric

What Wagner and his team discovered was that you could take extremely finely divided silica (submicron-sized particles, with a surface area of hundreds of square meters per gram), suspend it in water or polyethylene glycol and apply it to ballistic fabric made from Kevlar or other high performance fibers, and now you have an STF fabric that instantly stiffens, by locking the fiber network, on impact. When you apply the STF treatment to the ballistic fabric, it becomes more effective. That means you can reduce the number of layers needed to provide a particular level of protection, which reduces the weight, increases the flexibility and makes the body armor more wearable.

Further, the shear force causes the suspension to lock the threads in place, so that a penetrating object, like an ice pick, can no longer get through.

Licensing the Technology

“The key UD STF-related technology that we have already licensed is an STF treatment that can be applied to many fabrics — Kevlar, nylon, polyester — to improve their performance,” says Bruce Morrissey, director of technical development in the Intellectual Property Center at UD’s Office of Economic Innovation and Partnerships (OEIP).

Because STF fabric technology offers so many potential uses, identifying the full scope of potential products is challenging.

“One of the most prominent features of this technology is that it can be tailored for various applications,” says Brad Yops, assistant director of UD’s Intellectual Property Center. “So we’ve taken a team approach to characterize the various business opportunities where Kevlar or ballistic-type fabrics, as well as traditional woven fabrics such as nylon and polyester, are used in the real world.”

Ultimately, licensing will benefit not just end users, but the university and its researchers as well. “We have several motives behind our desire to license,” Morrissey says. “First, the university and researchers like Norm Wagner really want to get their technology, their ideas, into the public arena for public benefit. The second is to generate a revenue stream. One-third goes to the inventors, a third to the College of Engineering and Center for Composite Materials, and a third to UD’s tech transfer office to fund proof-of-concept work for other licensable technology.

“In due course,” Morrissey says, “we settled on a preferred supplier — Barrday Inc. — a textile supplier based in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada, that invested in basic research related to this technology and that could supply STF-treated fabrics to just about any company that wants to produce a product based on STF technology.”

Responsibility for the economic development of the STF technologies lies with the university’s OEIP. “The office functions as a communication gateway that provides the outside world with access to the university’s knowledge-based assets, and UD personnel and students with a window to opportunities outside the university,” says OEIP Director David S. Weir.

Moving the Technology Forward

“Originally, we were partnered with the university and a third party that had licensed STF technology for ballistic defense,” says Keith Butler, vice president of sales and marketing for Barrday Inc. “But when the ballistic license ended, we had already invested heavily in moving this technology from the beaker to the production line, so we decided to pursue a more broad license directly from UD.”

Barrday faced and overcame significant challenges. “Three years ago, we could only make a 10-inch by 10-inch square of STF-treated material. We had to figure out how to produce it in a continuous process,” he adds. “Now we can deliver the industrial quantities needed to manufacture, for example, thousands of ballistic vests. Our business model is to be partnered with the university to supply treated rolled goods to companies that want to make innovative products that incorporate STF fabric.”

It’s Butler’s view that the marketplace is barely at the tip of the iceberg in terms of potential applications for STF fabric technology. Beyond protection for police, soldiers, prison guards and the like, there are applications in heavy industry, sporting goods, energy absorbing pads and even blast containment.

“Fortunately, we’re in a position to tailor materials for specific applications and to provide advice on how to use them,” Butler says. “It will be very interesting to see what the impact of STF technology will be in the next few years, whether it is protecting people and equipment or making sports safer and more pleasurable.”


This story was originally published in 2010.

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Shedding Light on Counterfeiting

Toronto Company Uses Embedded Crystals to Foil Fraud

University of Toronto

Shedding Light on Counterfeiting

Counterfeiting is as old as money itself. In the 6th century, a counterfeiter known as Alexander the Barber was so skilled at it that Emperor Justinian gave him a job in the government finance department.

Governments are unlikely to do that today. Instead, they turn to high-tech security firms staffed by engineers, scientists and other professionals dedicated to keeping paper currency and vital documents such as passports safe and secure.

One such company is Opalux, a leader in the research, development and application of photonic color technology. Born more than a decade ago at the University of Toronto, Opalux has developed interactive security features that use light (photons) to deter counterfeiters and other fraudsters.

“These features are driven by ‘tunable’ photonic crystals” whose appearance changes—like a chameleon’s—“In response to a range of stimuli, including laser energy, pressure, electric current and chemicals,” said Opalux CEO Andrew Binkley. For example, banknotes embedded with the crystals change colour when users squeeze or scratch them. On passports, the feature protects the holder’s portrait with a colour-shifting image that makes tampering tough.

“We are the only people in the world who make this material,” said Binkley. “It is so advanced that counterfeiters and competitors simply don’t have the knowledge and resources to copy it.”

The company spent 10 years perfecting the process.

“When I met them, they were doing fantastic research in the [university’s] department of chemistry,” said Pauline Walsh, an industrial technology advisor with the National Research Council. “The science created overwhelming opportunities.”

Walsh helped Opalux turn its technology into marketable products and services.

The idea of specializing in sophisticated safeguards for currency and identity documents coalesced more recently. One hurdle: “Our key market is government, and it can be difficult for a young company to attract global government business,” Binkley said.

Opalux got a big boost in 2018 when it received a federal contract from the Build in Canada Innovation Program. About the same time, it launched a next-generation security product in partnership with De La Rue, the world’s largest commercial producer of banknotes and passports.

“Our business is based largely on trust,” said Binkley, “so partnering with someone who has been operating for almost 200 years and can vouch for a small newcomer is a major coup.”

This story was originally published in 2018.

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Finding a Path to an Effective Shigellosis Vaccine

University of Maryland

Finding a Path to an Effective Shigellosis Vaccine
In the worldwide attempt to combat disease, shigellosis may not garner considerable public attention, but its impact is devastating, particularly on the world’s poorest children. Annually, the infectious disease causes some 165 million cases of severe dysentery worldwide, including more than a million deaths, according to the World Health Organization.
The group of bacteria involved, called Shigella, tends to inflict the most harm in developing regions with poor sanitation, as it is spread through contaminated food or water, as well as person to person. Those who don’t die from the diarrhea and severe dysentery, including bloody stool, may be ill for weeks to months. Children in their first few years of life are most vulnerable both to becoming ill and the resulting long-term effects, according to
Richard Walker, Ph.D., director of the Enteric Vaccine Initiative at PATH, a nonprofit international health organization. Even children who survive the infection may suffer damage to their intestinal lining and stunted growth, among other effects, says Walker.
Meanwhile, the antibiotics traditionally used to combat the microscopic organisms are becoming less effective, says Walker. “In the developing world, since they use antibiotics so frequently, a lot of pathogens have become resistant to them. Shigella is becoming much more resistant.”
In 2007, PATH received a $50 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to help develop two vaccines—one against Shigella, and one to combat another diarrheal illness called enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC). With the funds, PATH is providing vital seed money for some of the most promising vaccine avenues.
According to Walker, ideally, one or two vaccine candidates for each disease will be identified that show sufficient promise to be pursued in Phase 3 trials, by far the most costly phase of vaccine testing. “Our job is to find good (vaccine) ideas and help move them along,” he says. “And, if subsequent data warrants, get them to an organization that can actually manufacture (the vaccine) and distribute it.”
Shigella Vaccine Hurdles
Shigella, first identified more than 100 years ago by a Japanese scientist named Shiga, is actually a family of bacteria. To date, more than 50 types and subtypes have been identified, falling into four species. For at least 40 years, researchers have been striving to create a live oral Shigella vaccine that can be safely tolerated, Walker says. Similar to other live vaccines, such as oral polio, the goal has been to incorporate a weakened—also known as attenuated—strain of the organism involved, thus inducing the body to develop a protective response.
The challenge, in terms of a Shigella vaccine, has been providing vaccine recipients with sufficient immunity without also exposing them to the bacteria’s toxic side effects, such as diarrhea. The Center for Vaccine Development at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, led by Myron M. Levine, M.D., D.T.P.H., has made some intriguing discoveries toward resolving this challenge.
The center, founded in 1974, has been working for more than a decade to undercut the organism’s toxicity while still fostering a sufficient vaccine response. The center also is relatively unique in that it contains not just research labs, but other facilities that enable it to conduct related clinical trials. So when PATH received the Gates funding, Levine’s research team was one of the candidates they approached as they solicited requests for proposals.
Immunity vs. Toxicity
Safety has been an overriding concern, since young children will be any vaccine’s primary target. How do you reliably disarm this organism, but don’t totally disarm it so the body doesn’t see it as a danger…and then the body doesn’t create protective immune responses?” Levine asked. “You want to get
immunity. You want to fool the body.”
Levine, a long-time researcher, and his team had several critical breakthroughs as they worked to defuse Shigella’s toxic elements. One breakthrough occurred in the mid-1990s when the center’s researchers identified two enterotoxins in Shigella flexneri 2a that led to the onset of watery diarrhea. Once researchers knew those enterotoxins—enterotoxin 1 and enterotoxin 2—were present, the next step was to disarm them. Using genetic engineering, they were able to knock out the genes responsible for telling the organism to make those toxins.
Then the researchers were ready to test a vaccine prototype. In the Phase 1 study, Levine’s researchers divided 28 healthy adult volunteers into two groups. Each group received one of two vaccine prototypes, each of which contained a weakened form of Shigella flexneri 2a. Levine describes flexneri 2a as the single most common Shigella culprit and maintains that inthe developing world the strain is responsible for 25 to 50 percent of all cases.
During the Phase 1 study, the first group ingested a vaccine prototype that contained the weakened strain, but with the two enterotoxins also knocked out. At the highest dose tested, none of those volunteers experienced any diarrhea and only one developed a brief low-grade fever, according to the findings, published in 2004 in The Journal of Infectious Diseases. Of the 14 adults who received a vaccine that still contained the enterotoxins, six developed mild diarrhea.
“The differences were highly, highly significant and indicated that the enterotoxins were really important,” says Levine. “And if you knock them out, you get a well-tolerated vaccine strain. But one that still gives immune responses that we consider protective.”
Levine’s group is not the only one that PATH is working with as they pursue several research avenues toward a Shigella solution. Walker states that PATH has a “high level of interest” in the vaccine prototype. “The key problem that Dr. Levine’s group has overcome is they’ve greatly increased the safety
of the product,” he says.
Taking Concept to Market
In the fall of 2008, PATH signed a licensing agreement with the University of Maryland, Baltimore that included nearly $2.5 million to fund a Phase 2 trial of a vaccine prototype incorporating the flexneri 2a strain. Typically, the University of Maryland works with scientists to identify partners for promising research projects, said Elizabeth Hart-Wells, Ph.D., executive director of Commercial Ventures and Intellectual Property at the University of Maryland, Baltimore. “This one was definitely Dr. Levine’s doing to find a partner to develop this technology,” she says.
The Phase 2 trial, which will involve about 60 volunteers, is slated to launch in 2009. Levine is quick to stress that he is only part of a trio of Shigella researchers at the center, with Eileen Barry and Karen Kotloff performing much of the heavy lifting in running the related clinical trials and engineering the vaccine prototypes.
If the flexneri 2a prototype continues to look promising, the next step would be to test the vaccine on a trial basis in the developing world, starting with older adults and moving down in age, as the vaccine is assessed for relative safety and effectiveness. “The flexneri 2a that we are looking at right now is the dominant strain of Shigella that’s a problem in developing countries,” Walker said. “So even by itself, it could be a significant vaccine.”
Long term, Levine hopes to cast a more protective net. Eventually, he wants to build a Shigella vaccine that contains several strains and ideally five significant strains. Levine asserts that if the fivestrain vaccine is used broadly in the developing world, it could theoretically guard against 80 to 90 percent of all Shigella disease, adding, “Our goal is the definitive broad-spectrum vaccine.”

This story was originally published in 2009.

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Shoulder prosthesis providing full range of motion

Columbia University

Shoulder prosthesis providing full range of motion

About 25 million Americans suffer from rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis. One of the worst symptoms of this disease is restricted, painful movement, which can become debilitating as the condition progresses.

Joint replacement is an increasingly popular way to restore function and motion to severely arthritic joints. Louis Bigliani, M.D., chief of the Center for Shoulder, Elbow, and Sports  Medicine at Columbia University in  New York, N.Y., Evan Flatow, M.D., former Columbia University professor, and Zimmer, Inc. invented the “Bigliani/Flatow Complete Shoulder Solution” in 2000.

This shoulder prosthesis technology provides the restoration of shoulder joint function for people who suffer from pain or disability from osteoarthritis (deterioration of the shoulder joint), rheumatoid arthritis (cartilage inflammation in the lining of the shoulder joint), traumatic arthritis  (physical injury to the shoulder joint resulting in arthritis), and certain breaks in the shoulder bones.

The first-of-its-kind surface and the head design of the device help patients achieve full joint mobility and stability throughout the shoulder’s range of motion.
Natural stresses on the shoulder area are also distributed more broadly, which reduces uneven pressure and associated wear on the artificial joint.
The Bigliani/Flatow Complete Shoulder Solution is manufactured exclusively by Zimmer, an international leader in orthopedic implants.

The prosthesis is distributed through Zimmer’s extremities division and holds a strong position in the global shoulder implant market.

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Fast-Growing Shrub Willow is a Sustainable Bioenergy Crop

SUNY Stony Brook

Fast-Growing Shrub Willow is a Sustainable Bioenergy Crop

With power plant emissions and global warming causing concern around the world, there is increasing demand for cleaner, alternative fuel sources. After 20 years of research, scientists at the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY-ESF) in Syracuse have developed fast-growing varieties of shrub willow that can be harvested and burned as a substitute for coal or natural gas.

Associate professor Lawrence Smart, Ph.D., senior research associate Lawrence Abrahamson, Ph.D., research associate Timothy Volk, Ph.D., and research scientist Richard Kopp, Ph.D., at SUNY-ESF created several new shrub willow varieties that display improved disease and pest resistance, higher yield of biomass, and are suitable for large-scale commercialization. About $350,000 in funding was provided by the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and New York State Energy Research Development Authority.

Shrub willow grows quickly, reaching heights of about 24 feet after four years of growth. At this point the stems are harvested, chipped, and delivered to a facility where this biomass can be co-fired with coal to provide heat for the boilers that drive the steam turbines.

The willow plants will vigorously re-grow the following spring, returning to full height in only three years. One planting of shrub willow can be harvested about seven times.

Shrub willow is economically competitive compared to other biomass crops grown in northern climates. Its green energy return is about 10 times higher than corn. That is, for every fossil fuel gallon expended to plant, grow, harvest and deliver the shrub willow, the return after conversion is about 10 times higher than corn in equivalent green fuel gallons. Burning shrub willow is also very clean compared to coal, emitting only minute amounts of mercury, nitrogen and sulfur oxides.

The Research Foundation of State University of New York is leading the commercialization process. Hundreds of acres of shrub willow have been planted in nurseries and bioenergy plantations in the United States and Canada. The nursery plantings will provide planting stock for the next generation of commercial plantations that will cover tens of thousands of acres of currently underutilized agricultural land.

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Biomarker Detection Tech from Tufts Fuels Diagnostic and Therapeutic Advances

Tufts University

Biomarker Detection Tech from Tufts Fuels Diagnostic and Therapeutic Advances
Blood tests can now help doctors diagnose Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological conditions long before symptoms start to appear, thanks to technology developed at Tufts University that detects subtle increases in the number of tiny disease-specific proteins, or biomarkers, in a blood sample.

Protein biomarkers in blood have been identified for many diseases, which means that blood tests for these biomarkers can be used to confirm the presence of disease. However, for diseases with very low concentrations of these biomarkers (known as “low-abundance” biomarkers) in the blood, early diagnosis has not been possible using conventional biomarker tests.

Simoa (single molecule array) technology, developed at Tufts, is up to 1,000 times more sensitive for detecting low-abundance biomarkers than conventional methods. The process uses antibody-coated beads that bind to biomarkers—as few as one molecule per bead—and then set off a fluorescent signal for easy quantification.
Simoa technology was developed in 2007 by David Walt, PhD, and his research team with support from US government grants. Walt, with the support of Tufts Tech Transfer, co-founded Quanterix, Inc. that same year to commercialize the technology. Tufts Technology Transfer filed and prosecuted the core patents on which the Simoa technology is based and negotiated a license agreement with Quanterix.

Simoa enables much earlier disease detection, better prognoses and enhanced treatment methods to improve patient quality of life and longevity. Quanterix is developing applications in several therapeutic areas, including oncology, neurology and neurodegenerative diseases, cardiology, inflammation and infectious disease. Tufts has remained an active partner, supporting Quanterix’s continued success. Quanterix launched its IPO in 2017.

Simoa's sensitivity offers a new way to monitor healthy individuals and detect disease biomarkers early, making intervention possible before significant clinical signs and symptoms have appeared. In April 2022, the Simoa technology received a Breakthrough Device designation from the Food and Drug Administration to be used to help identify patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis who are at risk for relapse within a few years. In October 2023, as part of the company’s LucentAD diagnostic blood testing platform, the Simoa biomarker detection technology became available for doctors to use in conjunction with other diagnostic tools for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease.

Being able to detect changes in biomarker levels can also help researchers test the effectiveness of new treatments. In patients with a genetic form of amyotropic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Simoa technology helped document positive changes in disease-specific biomarker levels following spinal injection of a drug called Qualsody—findings that led to the treatment receiving FDA accelerated approval in April 2023.

This story was originally published in 2023.

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Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome Detection Possible Using Safer Prenatal Testing

Children's Hospital & Res Ctr Oakland

Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome Detection Possible Using Safer Prenatal Testing

Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome (SLOS) is a congenital multiple anomaly syndrome caused by an abnormality in the production of cholesterol. SLOS affects the development of about 1 out of 20,000–60,000 children and is associated with multiple birth defects and mental retardation.

The challenge in prenatal diagnosis has been the identification of a non-invasive early-pregnancy test that involves detection of definitive and SLOS-specific components. The established SLOS prenatal test involves detecting increased levels of an essential enzyme by testing either a small tissue sample from outside the sac where the baby develops or amniotic fluid samples, each of which involve invasive procedures and pose a risk to the fetus. Typically these tests are performed between 12 to 18 weeks of gestation. Prenatal testing, including molecular genetic testing has only been performed if the parents are “at-risk” for having an SLOS child because of a previous affected pregnancy and/or child, or based on abnormalities detected by ultrasound. A considerable proportion of SLOS cases are not identified until birth.

The new SLOS, developed at Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute (CHORI) by Dr. Cedric Shackleton, in collaboration with Drs. Li-Wei Guo and William K. Wilson of Rice University, provides a reliable and non-invasive procedure for the detection of SLOS by analyzing maternal urine for characteristic components produced by SLOS affected fetuses as early as 11 to 13 weeks’ gestation.

Early detection of a SLOS fetus can offer parents the option of making family planning decisions in the most severe cases. In addition, preliminary research on dietary cholesterol supplementation has  yielded some promising results for prenatal treatment of SLOS  rendering early prenatal diagnosis essential.

Quest Diagnostics, the nation’s leading provider of diagnostic laboratory testing, information and services, has entered into a nonexclusive license agreement with CHORI for the SLOS technology.

For more information visit


This story was originally published in 2007.

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Sensor-Enabled “Smart” Surgical Technologies

Imperial College London

Sensor-Enabled “Smart” Surgical Technologies

There have been many advances in keyhole, or laparoscopic, surgery — the whole process of carrying out a medical operation without having to make a large incision in the patient. Yet most surgical instruments used in keyhole surgery are “passive” mechanical devices, which offer the surgeon little feedback.

To overcome this, a team of researchers led by Professor Sir Ara Darzi at St. Mary’s Campus, Imperial College London, have integrated new sensor technologies into surgical devices to make them “active.” These potentially smart devices can reduce patient trauma and the time involved in operations, which in turn could lead to lower health care costs as well.

Imperial Innovations, a technology commercialization and investment company based at Imperial College London, has obtained patents on the “Smart Bougie,” a sensor-enabled dilator. The device is like a flexible metal basket that can be used to safely open blockages in the esophageal tube during laparoscopic surgery.

The Bougie actively gives feedback at the site of the surgical procedure, providing doctors with information from the repair site. Currently, blockages are opened using passive devices like balloons, which offer no active feedback to the surgeons conducting the surgery.

The product development process took two years, and a design team, led by the Royal College of Art and supported by the Helen Hamlyn Foundation, designed the prototypes. Imperial Innovations is funding further prototype testing, and is considering the formation of a company to commercialize this and other “smart” devices developed at Imperial College London.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Thin Film Solutions Help Move Other Innovations Forward

University of South Florida

Thin Film Solutions Help Move Other Innovations Forward

A University of South Florida marine scientist invents a novel approach to using direct optical projection  for micro patterning helped launch a thriving spin-off company, and today helps bring research to a new level.

Marine scientist David Fries describes the scene: there he was, watching the sunset from the back deck of a sailing vessel off the coast of Florida and collecting data for an experiment designed to test an underwater device he had invented. Then, during a lull in the work, Fries let his mind wander, and that is when the idea for a new technology — one that had eluded him for the previous two years — suddenly came to him.

This particular scientific concept involved the use of spatial light modulators, or tiny mirrors, to make patterns — a process also known as lithography. Much like a printing press transfers words or images onto paper, Fries’ new direct optical projection lithography uses light to create patterns, such as that of a circuit board, onto a wide variety of surfaces and materials. Fries, a researcher at the University of South Florida (USF) College of Marine Sciences, designed a successful prototype and joined with Jay Sasserath, Ph.D., a local scientist-turned-businessman to develop a marketable product and start a thriving spin-off company.

Today, Intelligent Micro Patterning (IMP), LLC, headquartered in St. Petersburg, FL, influences manufacturing and scientific discovery all around the globe. The company provides unique and critical tools, in the formation of thin film solutions, needed by researchers and manufacturers across a wide range of sectors such as biotechnology, nanotech devices and microwave devices. Intelligent Micro Patterning’s patented Smart Filter 100 technology produces microdevices like mini-circuit boards and sensors and can pattern onto various surfaces from glass microscope slides and intravenous needles to the inside of a ping pong ball. The ability to pattern onto copper tape, for instance, has been a key step in the development of radio frequency identification chips, such as those used in tollway fee transmitters and dog ID implants. Other applications include the patterning of metal conductor lines onto traditionally nonconductive materials such as ceramic.

Help From Family and Humble Beginnings

Going from the “eureka” moment to a profitable business did require some help. Fries refined his initial idea, assembled a prototype patterning device in his laboratory at USF and assigned his nine-year-old son the task of first-time user of the prototype. When they demonstrated success, Fries knew that it was time to approach the Division of Patents and Licensing at USF. The technology transfer experts encouraged Fries to partner with an experienced businessperson, and he did so with Sasserath — no stranger to the microelectronics industry in the St. Petersburg area.

Sasserath has served as CEO since the company was founded in 2001. At that time, the Smart Filter technology had just been licensed from USF, while the company was granted the exclusive global rights to the technology. Fries continues to serve as chief technical officer of Intelligent Micro Patterning.

“The original research for the development of the technology was funded through a project that David Fries had with the Office of Naval Research,” says Sasserath. “This was used to develop the technology in the late ‘90s.”

From the perspective of the Division of Patents and Licensing at USF, the founding and steady progress of IMP has been an ideal experience. Director Valerie McDevitt points out that a key component of the formula has been the experienced and aggressive managers who “knew how to take a product and run with it.” Add to the mix a savvy researcher who has remained a USF faculty member and maintains many beneficial university connections, and finally, a smart and sound technology for which there was a niche.

“Altogether, we had all the pieces to the puzzle,” says McDevitt, “so the company hit the ground running and got to a profitable point very quickly.”

McDevitt says that Intelligent Micro Patterning is a very good example of her division’s key mission of economic development. The company provides an added bonus by hiring university students and faculty.

Ever since Fries first obtained initial development funding for demonstrating the prototype at the university, the two have succeeded in gaining enough private funding to allow the company to remain financially independent. As the principal owners of the company, they have yet to tap into venture capital or other primary outside funding sources.

Impacting the Local and Global Markets

Now with four full-time and 10 part-time employees, Intelligent Micro Patterning is expanding at an encouraging rate. The company proudly announced record financial results for the year 2005, according to Sasserath, earning more than $1 million in annual revenue. Its success was driven by the introduction of the SF-100 Auto Stage — an automated version of the SF-100 maskless lithography system. The year also marked the move of the company to significantly larger facilities in the St. Petersburg area.

The presence of Intelligent Micro Patterning within the St. Petersburg business community has been especially fulfilling for Fries, whose civic-mindedness is evident.

“I have always felt that this area could use some balance in its economic picture, with a more diverse portfolio,” he says, “As an entrepreneurial seat, it needs to grow its reputation, [and there’s] something I can do to make it happen. Our company and others can begin to feed off each other and create an industrial ecosystem over the long term.”

Looking beyond the local economy, Intelligent Micro Patterning established a worldwide sales and service effort with offices throughout North America, Europe and Asia. Sixteen sales representatives are now employed by the company and the list of industrial giants who are using the Smart Filter technology include Hewlett Packard and two other Fortune 100 companies.

“Our company partners with technologists that seek new, unique, and innovative technologies to accomplish their goals,” says Sasserath.

Half the sales of the Smart Filter system are in the biotechnology sector and include researchers who need to manipulate cells and DNA, produce biochips or design state-of-the-art biotech devices. While many of Intelligent Micro Patterning’s clients are major universities such as Purdue, Arizona State and the University of North Carolina, half the company’s business is with private companies, and information about the use of IMP’s technology is proprietary.

Fries is pleased with the growth that Intelligent Micro Patterning has achieved in its brief lifespan as a university spin-off. Probably most rewarding for him is what the technology represents with respect to those who use it.

“Our company allows people to have access to a technology that can accelerate innovation,” says Fries. “Through its ability to help people develop other technologies and test their products more quickly, it is helping to shape society by allowing the cycle of innovation to move faster.”


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Software Program Developed to Predict the Spread of the Next Big Pandemic

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Software Program Developed to Predict the Spread of the Next Big Pandemic

From 1918 to 1919, the “Spanish Flu” pandemic killed more than 40 million people worldwide and is now thought to have been originally an avian flu. The last pandemic to strike (the “Hong Kong Flu”) caused more than one million deaths in 1968-1969.

Considering that pandemics historically occur every 30-40 years, much concern has been raised recently about how the next pandemic might affect world populations.

In 2006, scientists Timothy C. Germann, Ph.D., Kai Kadau, Ph.D., and Catherine Macken, Ph.D., of Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico disclosed an innovative new software program called EpiCast (Epidemiological Forecasting), which can accurately simulate the effects of a pandemic in any part of the world. Funding was provided by the U.S. Department of Energy and other government sources.

Unlike other models, EpiCast utilizes a stochastic person-to-person model to account for the natural variability in any population, which makes the results more accurate and beneficial. Variables that are factored into the calculations include different age groups, household sized demographics, population density, immunity status and worker mobility. This data allows scientists and government officials to determine the most effective procedures for limiting the spread of the pandemic, maintaining order and minimizing casualties.  

Los Alamos National Laboratory has licensed EpiCast to The Company for Information Visualization and Analysis (CIVA). CIVA will create in-depth flu-impact models for governments, private-sector companies and other organizations so they can have effective countermeasures in place in the event of a pandemic outbreak.

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The George Washington University, Mississippi State University Develop Solar Kilns to Reduce Lumber’s Carbon Footprint

George Washington University
Mississippi State University

The George Washington University, Mississippi State University Develop Solar Kilns to Reduce Lumber’s Carbon Footprint
After lumber is sawn from the log it must be dried to improve durability and strength, and every year, lumber producers spend millions of dollars to heat wood-drying kilns. The time and energy costs associated with drying lumber create financial and environmental challenges for lumber producers around the world.

Richard C. Millar and Thomas Mazzuchi from the George Washington (GW) School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS), in partnership with Mississippi State University (MSU) professors Todd Mlsna and Rubin Shmulsky have developed new technology to not only increase lumber productivity by speeding up drying time, but also recapture energy typically lost as heat, thus reducing lumber’s carbon footprint.

This hybrid, solar-power technology was developed to efficiently dry agricultural products like lumber and biochar – a carbon-rich residue used in diverse sectors from agriculture to construction materials. The kiln uses a novel solar energy collector that has previously been used to preheat air for ventilation and crop drying. It redistributes and recirculates thermal energy in the air, spreading heat throughout the kiln and reducing the need for natural gas or other energy sources. 

"The solar hybrid dryer is a good example of promoting collaboration across disciplines," Millar said. "When this project started, no one expected that this technology would reduce energy and greenhouse gases, thereby preventing climate change and promoting a better world."

The technology has been licensed for exclusive commercial use by Englo, Inc., a West Virginia-based air handling business. Tim Warden, president of Englo, said he became connected with Millar and his research through the company’s work in the forest products industry.

"This technology capitalized on Dr. Millar's experience in private industry and his knowledge of engineering to put together a product that is commercially viable," Warden said. "If we can increase productivity through their kilns using this technology, then it's going to have a huge impact on the industry."

Englo has designed and installed its first rooftop solar hybrid kiln for InterFor, a large commercial company. The project was the first application of hybrid solar technology on wood-drying kilns. Each design and installation is custom, based on the roof area size and shape and needs of the company. Englo is now working with several additional users to design custom roof kilns.

The licensing agreement was facilitated by the GW Technology Commercialization Office (TCO).

"The university does really top-quality research here, not just in terms of fundamental research, but also taking it from the lab bench and applying it to the real world for things that need solutions right now," said Michael Harpen, TCO licensing manager. "We're taking technologies developed here, and we're finding people who can take them and turn them into products that impact the lives of people around the world."

This story was originally published in 2024.

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Sturdy Solar Oven May Help Fight Diabetes in Poor Areas

University of New Mexico

Sturdy Solar Oven May Help Fight Diabetes in Poor Areas

Eating baked foods instead of fried foods is a good way to manage diabetes or reduce the risk of developing this life-threatening disease. However, for poor families living in rural areas without power, frying may be the only option. To help combat the growing problem of diabetes among Native Americans in northwestern New Mexico, Jeannie Martinez-Welles, a professor at the department of health careers at the University of New Mexico-Gallup (UNM-Gallup), invented a unique solar oven that doesn’t require electricity to operate.

In 2004 Martinez-Welles and John Welles redesigned an earlier prototype to include a smaller door opening, sturdy bent-metal base, metal flashing and tempered glass for security and temperature. The plans were disclosed and copyrighted in 2006. About $32,000 in funding was provided by a strategic planning grant from UNM-Gallup and the Centers for Disease Control.

Energy from the sun creates a greenhouse effect inside the closed solar box, which can heat food and water at temperatures of 200-250 degrees Fahrenheit (93-121C). A variety of foods can be baked, such as roasts, turkey breasts, breads, quiche and rice.

The solar oven performs better than traditional solar ovens because its triangular shape captures sunlight in all seasons, all day long, without having to rotate the oven.

The beehive door prevents heat loss and allows the oven to accommodate large items, such as turkey roasters and pizza pans. Its sturdy construction with a large base makes it stable in windy conditions and “dog proof.”

The oven can be constructed with a few basic tools and $30 of materials; plans can be downloaded from stc.unm, the university technology transfer office Web site. Workshops have been presented to Native American audiences and ovens have been distributed to Navajo families who are living without electric power. The solar oven will be a cost-effective way to improve the quality of life in poor areas around the world.


This story was originally published in 2008.

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Academic Research Leads to Solid Electrolyte Lithium-Ion Batteries Without Achilles' Heel

Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab

Academic Research Leads to Solid Electrolyte Lithium-Ion Batteries Without Achilles' Heel

Most of the major automotive companies are developing them. Demand for their crucial ingredient is poised to take off. And the mainstream public is enamored with the products they power.

The focus of all this attention is a battery with core material — lithium, a soft, lightweight silver-white metal. Lithium-ion (Li) batteries, which have ushered in a new age of portable electronics, hold out a promise of mass-market electric vehicles, EVs for short. They are poised to overtake the nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) batteries used in the famous electric-gasoline hybrid Toyota Prius that’s come to stand for green motoring in the consumer’s eye.

Advocates claim new advances in technology have enabled the lithium-ion battery to leap frog the lead-acid or NiMH versions because it carries more energy with less weight than other materials. But before EVs can ever surpass gasoline powered vehicles, researchers need to address weight, as well as a propensity to catch fire and explode — the long-term Achilles’ heel in battery technology.

One approach to reduce the weight of the battery is to replace the graphite electrode in current lithium-ion batteries with a lithium metal electrode. The problem with this battery is the growth of minute metallic lithium spikes, called dendrites, that grow on the lithium metal electrodes with repeated charge and discharge cycles, especially if the battery is charged quickly. The dendrites reduce battery life and can cause electrical short circuits that make the battery overheat and catch fire. This is a major problem that must be solved before the next generation of lithium batteries can safely be used in a wide range of applications.

A Lightweight Polymer-Based Solution

For years, researchers have explored ways to improve the reliability and safety of lithium batteries. They’ve tried to replace the volatile liquid electrolytes in use today with a stiff polymer electrolyte to prevent the dendrites from forming. Unfortunately, stiff polymer electrolytes have never provided the high conductivity needed to justify the development of this type of battery — until now.

Seeo Inc., a Berkeley, Calif.-based battery startup company founded in 2007, believes it has found the perfect lithium chemistry to make batteries that can hold lots of energy, are cheap to make and safer to use than current lithium-ion batteries on the market.

A team of scientists at Seeo has developed a nanostructured solid-state battery with no flammable or volatile components, which makes it ideal for use in:

  • Batteries for electrically powered vehicles
  • Electrical-grid load-leveling devices
  • Medical and other specialty devices

Seeo claims its battery can deliver an energy density beyond 250 watt hours per kilogram (Wh/kg) today with a research and development (R&D) path toward 400 Wh/kg vs. today’s lithium-ion batteries that normally deliver less than 200 Wh/kg. Seeo also says its battery can operate at higher temperature than standard lithium-ion batteries, making it a good choice for more rugged, outdoor applications attached to a solar energy system.

At the core of this battery technology is a novel solid polymer electrolyte material that can transport lithium ions while providing inherently safe and stable support for very high-energy electrode chemistries. Seeo has an exclusive license to this advanced technology from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)- funded national laboratory managed by the University of California.

“The novelty of the technology is in the perfect marriage of materials engineering, polymer science and electrochemistry. World-renowned experts from these disciplines were able to share their ideas and collaborate under the prestigious Batteries for Advanced Transport Technologies (BATT) Program at Berkeley Lab to come up with a new platform for Li batteries,” says Mohit Singh, who led the academic research project as a postdoctoral student at the University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley) under the guidance of Nitash Balsara, Ph.D., a scientist in Berkeley Lab’s Materials Sciences Division and a researcher with the Lab’s Environmental Energy Technologies Division. “We had the opportunity to collaborate with some of the top battery scientists in the world and ensure that the research never lost practical relevance.”

Singh, who received a doctorate degree in chemical and biomechanical engineering with a focus on the self-assembly of soft materials such as biosurfactants and polymers, went on to co-found Seeo in 2007 with Balsara and fellow doctoral student Hany Eitouni, who received a doctorate degree in chemical engineering with a focus on polymer materials and specialized expertise in ionic transport through polymers. Today, Singh and Eitouni are vice president of R&D and engineering and director of materials development, respectively.

Academic Research at the Core

Balsara and his research team of talented students refined techniques and developed an unusually hard ion conductor — 50-nanometer channels composed of a softer polymer laced with lithium salts encased in a hard polymer matrix. Since a lithium dendrite is 20 times as large as the soft polymer channels, it is too large to force its way into the material. Their technology offers:

• High thermal stability

• Low rate of self-discharge

• Safe, stable operation in a wide range of environmental conditions

• Flexibility to novel forms and packaging

• Manufacturing capabilities with conventional polymer processing methods

“I came to Berkeley and challenged my students: What can we do with polymers that we don’t do today? We decided to look at how ions flow through polymers,” says Balsara, who also is a professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at UC Berkeley. “The relevancy of our research on batteries didn’t hit until after we started.”

The team found out the idea of mixing polymers with ions wasn’t new. Researchers in the 1990s tried to make ions conduct, but soon abandoned their research because the:

• Solids they were experimenting with wouldn’t conduct and

• Plasticizers and/or solvents added to the host polymer matrix to achieve high conductivities deteriorated the mechanical properties needed to ensure the electrolyte could be manufactured, stored and used.

They also uncovered research articles with “fuzzy” conclusions that the nonconductive part of a battery needed to be soft to assist conduction of the ions in the conducting part. This later research helped the team decide to construct a nanostructure ion electrolyte using ordinary polymers. Their Berkeley Lab-funded research allowed them to completely decouple the electrical and mechanical properties of the polymer electrolyte materials, which allowed them to optimize both these properties at the same time.

“We revisited one of the longest-standing challenges in Li-batteries: stabilizing the Li-electrolyte interface and making the switch to a higher energy density system safer,” Singh says. “We started with research conducted by a UC Berkeley chemical engineering group, led by Professor John Newman, that essentially explained why polymers that conduct ions can’t stabilize the Li-electrolyte interface. The conclusion of the research was that ion-conducting polymers don’t have sufficient mechanical strength to stabilize Li-electrolyte interface, as there is an inverse relationship between mechanical properties and ionic conductivity.

“So, we approached the issue from a different angle: We asked how we can make a very mechanically stable polymer conduct ions? We came up with what I think is an elegant approach of using a nanostructured polymer electrolyte to decouple mechanical properties from ion conduction.”

‘Something Weird’ Led to Technology Transfer

“As we were writing the paper about our discovery, something really weird happened,” Balsara explains. “We said wait a minute, we may be on to something that has implications beyond an academic paper.”

At this point, Balsara and his team found out about Berkeley Lab’s Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Management Department.

“Initially, I thought we were going to find out about a mountain of stuff that we weren’t interested in doing,” Balsara says. “The reality is they were very helpful in taking the paper we were writing and molding it into what we needed to file for a patent.”

Berkeley Lab marketed the technology to a number of companies working in the lithium-ion battery arena. This nanostructured polymer electrolyte technology was competitive because it won one of R&D Magazine’s prestigious R&D 100 Awards for 2008 and was expected to meet the energy density goal established by the DOE for electric vehicles — the highest hurdle for battery technology.

In addition, predictions based on recent tests indicate that Seeo batteries will achieve the United States Advanced Battery Consortium goal of 5,000 cycles.

“We knew this technology had potential,” says Berkeley Lab’s Virginia de la Puente, a senior licensing associate in Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Management. “We had about 15 prospects but no one was willing to take a risk on an academic-based technology except one venture capital firm focused on early stage companies.”

Academic Adds Entrepreneur to Resume

Balsara hooked up with Khosla Ventures (KV), which was established by Silicon Valley’s influential Vinod Khosla. Taking a sabbatical, Balsara convinced his former students, Singh and Eitouni, to join him and co-found Seeo with about $2 million in funding from KV. Seeo also raised an additional $3 million in 2008 from KV and $8.6 million in 2009 from a group of investors including GSR ventures and Google.

“If it weren’t for Professor Balsara getting the early stage government funding for his battery research and a gestation period over a couple years with interesting results, this team might not have come up with something no one has seen before,” says Atiq Raza, a serial entrepreneur who served as the chief operating officer and the president of AMD and now is the chair of the board at Seeo.

“But Seeo is not just a story about funding. We’re also the product of timing and the ability to make things happen — the opportunity to introduce an innovation in energy that promises to solve a problem with one of the strongest material development groups and scientists in the country that have made leaps and bounds in taking a concept and building batteries, which, we hope, will go into the next generation of cars and grid backup solutions.”

One new area where the team at Seeo is looking to make things happen involves a DOE Smart Grid Demonstration Project for which the company has received $6 million to develop and deploy a 25 kilowatt-hour (kWh) prototype battery system based on its proprietary nanostructured polymer electrolytes. The award is designed to demonstrate the substantial improvements offered by solid-state lithium-ion technologies, which would be targeted for utility-scale operations, particularly Community Energy Storage projects.

“Sometimes you can have a really promising technology, but the only party that’s willing to take a risk is a startup company,” says Berkeley Lab’s de la Puente. “For this technology, the best placement was a small company. Established companies sometimes don’t have the level of intensity required to develop and commercialize an innovation like this.”

Today, Balsara is back on campus. Singh says he is still involved, offering “optimism and support through his insights and contacts” that help to lead the charge in a lot of directions the Seeo group is going. But the fundamental goal for the scientists and engineers is to improve the reliability and safety of lithium-ion batteries, which both business and society appear ready to embrace as the next crucial source of mobile energy.


This story was originally published in 2010.

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Stopping the Progression of Disorder for Acromegaly Sufferers Shows Additional Implications for Breast and Prostate Cancer Patients

Ohio State University

Stopping the Progression of Disorder for Acromegaly Sufferers Shows Additional Implications for Breast and Prostate Cancer Patients

It’s easy to hail any cure that relieves the suffering of many, and just as easy to overlook the treatments so crucial to so very few. They call these “orphan drugs” as though these life-saving potions for less than 60,000 or so sufferers have no place in societies with much bigger plagues. But to each individual person so afflicted, “orphan drugs” are life-changing, soul-saving, hope-charged miracles of epic proportions. One such drug is called Somavert and the life-threatening disease it attacks is known as acromegaly.

Acromegaly is a hormonal disorder that results from too much growth hormone (GH) produced by benign tumors on the pituitary gland. If these tumors bloom before the onset of puberty, the victim becomes a giant with myriad health problems. If onset is after puberty, the victim suffers from enlarged limbs and organs, including the heart, and a variety of related health consequences such as diabetes, debilitating arthritis and cardiovascular disease. Other consequences add insult to injury: bony changes can lead to disfigurement, for example, a huge protruding jaw or super-sized hands and feet, while the skin thickens and exudes excessive perspiration.
“Acromegaly is associated with a proven increased mortality rate,” says Dr. A.J. van der Lely, a clinician in Rotterdam, Netherlands, who, along with Dr. Peter Trainer in Manchester, England, did most of the original work with the GH antagonist—called Pegvisomant and sold as Somavert by Pfizer—in acromegalic patients.
The discovery of Somavert was a huge advancement in the successful treatment of the disease.
“Currently available treatment modalities for acromegaly consist of surgery, radiotherapy and medication,” explains van der Lely. “Unfortunately, surgery cures only 60 percent of patients overall and less than half of patients with macroadenomas, which constitute the majority of patients with acromegaly. The effect of radiotherapy is delayed and variable with poor efficacy and a high incidence of panhypopituitarism. Available medical treatment modalities still leaves at least one third of patients eligible for a more effective medical therapy.”
“In conclusion, Pegvisomant is the most effective medical treatment for acromegaly to date,” he says.
John Kopchick, Ph.D., Goll-Ohio Professor of Molecular Biology and his research team were the first to discover and characterize the molecular aspects of GH antagonists. “Somavert is the first drug of its kind; the very first large molecule antagonist,” he explains.
Kopchick and his team spent 25 years studying growth hormone in mouse models. “We were trying to come up with a more potent agonist, instead we came up with an antagonist—180 degrees from what we were shooting for,” he says.
Ohio University and Kopchick were awarded several U.S. and European patents for the discovery. The drug was approved for use in acromegaly patients in 2003.
Kopchick was instrumental in founding a company, called Sensus, with Rick Hawkins who served as chairman and has since founded an unrelated new company called LabNow. Sensus has since been sold to Pfizer which now distributes and markets Somavert.
“Patients immediately feel better after using Somavert. The letters have poured in from patients and their family members lauding both physical and psychological changes from using Somavert. It’s very satisfying to make a difference in their lives,” says Hawkins.
Hawkins points out that the drug will not reverse bony changes that have already formed, but that it does stop the progression of such changes. “It stops the production of (insulin-like growth factor 1) IGF-1 and normalizes patients,” he says.
As it turns out, Somavert may not be an orphan drug for long. “There is big indication for the drug in the treatment of breast and prostate cancer,” says Hawkins.
van der Lely said that the first association between GH and diabetes was made in 1937 in a showing that anterior pituitary extracts precipitated diabetes in dogs and furthered when Campbell (and others) showed that daily injections of highly purified GH made dogs permanently diabetic. Thirty years ago it was shown that diabetic patients present with GH hypersecretion at about the same time the “GHhypothesis” was launched, suggesting that GH plays an important role in the development of diabetic micro-vascular disease such as retinopathy (damage to the eye’s retina).
Increased circulating GH concentrations are believed to stimulate local IGF-1 concentrations in non-liver tissues, for example, in the kidney, blood vessels and the eye.
Researchers believe that suppressing the circulating GH levels will minimize the harmful effects on diabetic metabolic aberration and could prevent long-term diabetic complications.
“In this context GHR antagonists are interesting candidates,” says van der Lely. “Experimental data suggest that GHR blockade, by the use of GHR antagonists, may present a new concept in the treatment of diabetic renal complications. Future studies are warranted to fully characterize the clinical potential of GHR antagonists as drugs for treatment of diabetic complications in general.”
The role of GH in a variety of cancers also points to potential successful treatment by Somavert. “A series of epidemiological analyses have linked circulating IGF-I concentrations, or IGF-I/IGFBP-3 ratios, with the risk of developing several different types of cancer, including prostate, breast and colon cancer,” explains van der Lely. “With respect to modulating tumor growth once neoplastic transformation has occurred, numerous pre-clinical
studies have defined IGF-I as potent growth factor for dozens of different tumor types.”

This story was originally published in 2009.

To see available technologies from research institutions, click here to visit the AUTM Innovation Marketplace.

Flying Without Fear: Sonic IR Identifies Cracks in Airplanes

Wayne State University

Flying Without Fear: Sonic IR Identifies Cracks in Airplanes

Researchers at Wayne State University found a way to discover cracks in layered structures, which promises good things for the airline and other industries — and for the people who depend on them.

Electrical and computer engineering professor Xiaoyan Han doesn’t spend a lot of time worrying about little cracks in air- planes as she flies across the country at 30,000 feet. But the thought of what would happen if an engine fell off or the fuselage peeled open in mid-flight has crossed her mind. That’s why Han’s research gives her some comfort.
Han and fellow Wayne State University faculty members Skip Favro and Robert Thomas have developed an ultrasound technology called Sonic IR that can detect cracks as small as one-thousandth of an inch. The professors began working on the effort about five years ago and received their first patent in 2002.
Now, the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration and aircraft manufacturers are studying the ultrasound technology. “I hope this will be applied to airplanes soon,” Han says. “It could make them safer.” 
She says the technology is especially good at discovering cracks in layered structures. “If they are below the surface, it’s hard to find them,” Han says. “But with Sonic IR, we can locate delaminations and disbonds quite easily.”
Making the Skies Even Safer
Favro, a research scientist in the Detroit-based university’s Institute for Manufacturing Research, says he thinks flying in airplanes is safe. “But clearly, there is a great interest in the aviation industry because the results of a failure can be catastrophic,” says Favro, whose institute is working with the FAA.
“I think the airline industry does a pretty good job,” he says. “But some things do sneak up. Little cracks do tend to get bigger.” Favro explains that the FAA’s aging aircraft program began after the fuselage of Aloha Airlines flight 243 came apart in 1988. The accident, which occurred 24,000 feet over Maui, killed one flight attendant and injured eight passengers.
David Galella, project engineer at the FAA technical center in Atlantic City, N.J., calls the Sonic IR technique “very promising because of its ability to potentially detect crack tips, which can be the source of the friction.” In airplanes, he says, cracks often grow away from their starting points at the heads of fasteners or rivets.
“We’ve developed a couple of different prototypes and are trying to understand the best applications for the technology,” he says. “We certainly hope to see the technology implemented within this decade.”
Galella says Sonic IR could supplant some of the technologies already in use. “Our jobs here are to find improvements,” he says. “Whether or not a technology is picked up depends on a number of things including cost benefits. But we certainly think this technique has a lot of potential for aircraft.”
Technology Has Applications in Various Industries
Meanwhile, Sonic IR — for which Wayne State has six patents — is being adapted for uses with pipelines, power plants, transmission towers and in the automotive industry. “Who wouldn’t be interested in this technology?” Favro asks. “Cracks are everywhere and they can cause a multitude of problems.”
Siemens Power Generation Inc. is using Sonic IR to test the power turbine parts it makes for utilities and their electricity generation plants. “Wayne State’s work is a major step forward from the historic processes of finding natural or propagated cracks. It is unsurpassed, a powerful new technology,” says Paul Zombo, head of nondestructiveevaluation technologies for the Orlando, Florida-based company.
Zombo, whose company has named its version of Sonic IR SIEMAT, for Siemens Acoustic Technology, says the old techniques did not define cracks as well. The company uses SIEMAT to test new parts and service-exposed parts that have been in use at power plants. “This gives you a more accurate analysis of the true defects in a part,” he says. “It gives us a better ‘truth,’ so you can estimate the real remaining life of the part.”
Zombo says the technology can work on a variety of metals, ceramics and composites. It is also easier to use than previous devices. “Before it was squiggly lines on an Oscilloscope,” he says.
“This is an imaging method, so you can actually see the defect. You can also superimpose your data onto a finite element analysis model and apply stresses and loads to see if the crack is dangerous or benign. It’s great,” Zombo says.
The technology has many applications outside the utility industry, too. “Obviously, aeroframes and aeroturbines would be two of them,” Zombo says. “I can see why airlines and the FAA are interested.”
Zombo declined to speculate how much money the Wayne State technology has saved his company. “That’s hard to say,” he says. “But just from a comparison standpoint, we have a much higher probability of finding defects and we can do it in about 50 percent of the time it used to take.”
Another company that has licensed the technique is Indigo Systems Inc., which has introduced it under the trade name Thermosonix.
The Wayne State technology also can replace time-consuming and environmentally toxic dyepenetrant methods of looking for cracks. “They soak what they are testing in a bath of a horrible dye,” Zombo says. “But first they have to clean the part, etch it with acid, soak it in a fluorescent dye, clean it again and then look at under a UV light. Frankly, it is a pain in the rear end,” he says.
Sort of Like Rubbing Your Hands Together
Favro says the Wayne State technology blends the diagnostic powers of ultra-high frequency sound waves and thermal imaging, using infrared radiation to detect heat. The technology is based on friction, he says. When sound waves are sent through a material — whether it’s fiberglass, laminate or steel — it moves. But if there is a crack, the two sides don’t move in unison. Instead, one side will rub against the other.
“A byproduct is heat, just like when you rub two sticks together in that Boy Scout trick,” says Favro, a former Scout himself. “It’s not a lot different than rubbing your hands together on a cold day to keep warm.” To locate the crack, researchers use an ultrasonic welder. To capture the image, they use infrared video camera. The heat that the crack produces is depicted in pixels of an image on a computer monitor.
Another benefit that intrigues developers is the technique’s ability to detect what are called fatigue cracks, which X-ray examination sometimes misses. When under stress, many critical components used in aviation are highly vulnerable to fatigue cracks, which is one reason that the Wayne State technology shows such promise for aircraft design and manufacturing.
Favro says the best thing about this technology — and what makes it superior to existing techniques — is that it can detect cracks from any angle. “Using flash lamps, we could see the disbonds and delaminations that were parallel to the surface, but we couldn’t see the cracks that were perpendicular to the surface,” he says. “Now we can. This is much better.”

This story was originally published in 2006.

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Relief from Ringing in the Ears Gives Tinnitus Sufferers "Their Lives Back"

University of California, Irvine (UC Irvine)

Relief from Ringing in the Ears Gives Tinnitus Sufferers

Imagine that all day every day you hear a ringing in your ears. Sometimes it is a moderate buzzing and you can function through it. Other times, it is so loud that the only good option is to pray for sleep.

That’s what it feels like to have tinnitus, which is defined as the perception of sound when there’s no external noise causing that sound. It’s a condition that affects about 50 million Americans and is particularly common in the military since it’s often caused by loud noises. The constant ringing impacts people’s ability to work, their mood and interactions with their families.

So when a University of California, Irvine researcher discovered — somewhat by accident — a method to quiet that ringing, it was a true eureka moment.

“For both the patient and us, that was a wonderful moment,” says Fan-Gang Zeng, Ph.D., director of the school’s Center for Hearing Research.

What Zeng and his students discovered was that low frequency sounds delivered into the patient’s ear temporarily blocked his tinnitus. That knowledge has been refined into an iPod-like device that audiologists give patients to take home and use when they need it. The device, called the Serenade, was formally launched in March to great acclaim from the tinnitus community and their doctors, according to Bill Perry, CEO of SoundCure, the company developing Serenade.

“People’s lives are changing,” Perry says of patients using the device. He recalls that one woman he talked to recently told him, “I’ve got my life back. This has been a miracle for me.”

An Accidental Discovery

The miracle started with a desperate phone call.

An ear, nose and throat doctor at Stanford University had a patient with devastating tinnitus. The doctor had tried every therapy he could think of, including a cochlear implant, which is normally used to help the deaf. Some research had shown that it could help tinnitus, as well. The patient, a man who worked in the music industry, was often debilitated by the tinnitus attacks and had lost his job and was struggling with depression. He was ready to try anything that might work.

When the implant failed to stop the ringing, that doctor called Zeng, who is recognized as a cochlear implant expert. At the time, Zeng says, he knew almost nothing about tinnitus. But he was up for the challenge.

Zeng says he told the patient, “I don’t have any experience, but if you don’t give up, I won’t give up either.”

In his lab, he started experimenting with delivering high-frequency sounds into the implant, which was the prevailing opinion on how cochlear implants could be used to treat tinnitus.

Month after month the man came to the lab, and none of the sounds worked. One morning, after six months, Zeng decided to try something different and used a low-frequency sound instead.

“After a minute and a half, all of a sudden the high-pitched tinnitus went away,” Zeng remembers. “He [the patient] said, ‘You guys get out of here. I just want to enjoy a moment when I’m not bothered by tinnitus.’ And he locked himself in that room to get some relief.”

Replicating that Success and Moving to Commercialize

Zeng then needed to find out if he could have the same success with other tinnitus sufferers who did not have cochlear implants. He got funding from the American Tinnitus Association to do a two-year study. The $180,000 grant was crucial, he believes, since the National Institutes of Health would not have funded his research because Zeng has no track record with tinnitus.

When he put out a call for volunteers, he got responses from about 1,000 people who were eager for relief. He ended up seeing about 100 of them, 10 of whom were military veterans. According to the American Tinnitus Association, the condition is the No. 1 service-connected disability for military personnel.

Zeng got a full data set from 20 of his volunteers. Of those, a third had their tinnitus vanish or nearly vanish while using the device, a third got moderate relief and a third saw no improvement.

Zeng and other researchers still don’t fully understand why the sounds, which the company calls S-Tones, help so many people. They appear to be stimulating the brain in a way that cancels out the patient’s perception of the constant ringing.

“This is a sound we know the brain likes,” he says.

At that point, Zeng knew he had a commercially viable product that could bring relief to millions of people. So he contacted his university’s Office of Technology Alliances.

The office believed that the technology would be attractive to investors, explains Ronnie Hanecak, UC Irvine’s assistant vice chancellor for research and technology alliances.

“We felt it had potential because Professor Zeng studies actual patients in his testing lab,” she says. “He’s not working with animals or hypothesizing things.”

The office included the technology in a portfolio of available innovations for a private equity fund, Allied Minds, to review. Allied Minds liked it and took a year-long option to further explore the technology. In 2010, Allied Minds licensed it.

Because Allied Minds had previously licensed other technologies from the University of California for commercial development, the office felt confident that the process would go smoothly.

“This is going to be much more straightforward,” Hanecak says she thought at the time. “They’re not newbies.”

She was correct. The company took the technology and ran with it, bringing it to market in what is considered lightening speed for a medical device.

Getting the Technology to Tinnitus Sufferers

Allied Minds created SoundCure to develop the device and hired Perry to lead the company.

SoundCure, based in San Jose, Calif., developed the hardware and software for the Serenade. The S-Tones, which are delivered through earphones connected to an iPhone-sized device, are customized to each patient. Patients wear the earphones whenever they need relief. They can also use the device as part of an ongoing sound therapy program to achieve longer term relief, Perry explains.

Serenade got its Food and Drug Administration clearance in August 2011. The next month it started a pilot program in three markets, working with doctors who sold it to their patients. The process works much like a hearing aid, where the doctor fits it and provides follow-up care for the patient. Doctors decide the price for the patient and generally charge between $2,000 and $2,500 for the Serenade, depending on what services they bundle into the package.

SoundCure continues to work closely with the clinicians, with ongoing training so they know how to best help their patients.

According to Perry, the doctors they’ve worked with are “over the moon” to have this tinnitus solution to provide their patients. Patients are ecstatic as well.

One woman, he recalls, “who after years of suffering and not being able to fall asleep — struggling every night for hours to fall asleep, being irritable, stressed, worried — is able to fall asleep.” Bedtime is no longer dreaded.

Another favorite comment was from the wife of a patient.

“His wife said, ‘He’s laughing again. He’s relaxed. He’s sleeping,’” Perry remembers. “She said, ‘I feel like this has given me my husband back.’ It gives me chills to think about it.”

The company formally launched the device at the end of March at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Audiology. Perry says the reception was amazing.

“It was beyond our best expectations,” he says. “We had hundreds of audiologists come up and ask for information. … In the 20 years I’ve been involved in medical device launches, this was the most excitement, the most momentum.

 “It really shows how much these patients have been suffering.”


This story was originally published in 2012.

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ASU-Developed Hydropanels Use the Sun to Make Drinking Water

ASU-Developed Hydropanels Use the Sun to Make Drinking Water
An on-duty nurse drinks water in the pediatric ward of the University Hospital of the West Indies in Jamaica.

Having grown up in Arizona’s Sonoran Desert, Cody Friesen knows a thing or two about water scarcity.

With more than 2 billion people around the world struggling to find clean drinking water, Friesen, an Arizona State University (ASU) alumnus and associate engineering professor, made it his mission to change that. Through ASU’s technology transfer arm, Skysong Innovations, Friesen founded in 2014 Scottsdale, Arizona-based Zero Mass Water. Three years later, the ASU spin-out launched its proprietary SOURCE hydropanel, which makes clean drinking water out of only sunlight and the water vapor in the air.
With Zero Mass Water’s technology, communities, individuals, and businesses make their drinking water with SOURCE arrays ranging from 2 Hydropanels for homes to SOURCE Fields of many hundreds or thousands capable of providing any volume of water needed.

Recently, Zero Mass Water partnered with Patty Mills of the San Antonio Spurs to bring renewable water to indigenous communities in Australia and saw the completion of an array at the University Hospital of the West Indies pediatric ward in Jamaica. Today, SOURCE Hydropanels can be found on six continents in more than 30 countries.

“Inaccessible drinking water is one of our world’s greatest issues,” says Friesen, whose company has gone on to raise more than $50 million in outside funding. “Thankfully, modern technology has allowed us to tap into renewable resources and identify a solution to this crisis.”
In even the most dry environments, SOURCE is able to use solar power – plus thermodynamics, controls technology and materials science – to generate heat and extract, sterilize with ozone and transform water vapor into a liquid that is stored in a 30-liter reservoir. Without wasting any water, the array then adds magnesium and calcium, not only to provide consumers with more electrolytes, but to mimic the taste of the world’s most premium water brands. This helps SOURCE solve another one of our world’s problems – plastic production – with each Hydropanel offsetting more than 50,000 single-use plastic water bottles over the course of 15 years.

“People have been using solar panels to power their homes for years,” Friesen said. “Now anyone – whether they are on or off the grid – can not only harness the sun’s energy to make their drinking water, but also know beyond reasonable doubt that their drinking water is of optimum quality and taste.”

This story was originally published in 2019.

To see available technologies from research institutions, click here to visit the AUTM Innovation Marketplace.

UQAM Innovation Revolutionizes Wireless Connectivity with Low-Power UWB Technology

Université du Québec à Montréal

In an era when connectivity is paramount, one innovative Canadian startup is making waves with its groundbreaking wireless transceiver technology. SPARK Microsystems, founded by researchers Prof. Frederic Nabki and Prof. Dominic Deslandes from the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), is revolutionizing the way the public transmits data with a unique Ultra-Wideband (UWB) solution. Not only does their technology offer high data rates and low latency, but it is also energy efficient, surpassing traditional Bluetooth connectivity by a wide margin.

Recognizing the limitations of existing wireless communication technologies, the UQAM researchers worked to develop a solution that would deliver superior performance while significantly reducing power consumption. Their relentless pursuit led them to create a UWB-based radio communication system that outshines Bluetooth in both efficiency and data transmission capabilities.

"Bluetooth technology is too energy-intensive. It requires batteries, and their limited lifespan doesn't provide an optimal experience for consumers," explained Nabki. "Our system consumes 35 to 40 times less energy than Bluetooth while offering better performance in data transmission."

The groundbreaking nature of SPARK Microsystems' technology did not go unnoticed. In 2018, the company was selected as the winner of the Nokia Open Innovation Challenge, gaining recognition for their low-power wireless transceiver chipset that has the potential to ignite the next industrial revolution. Marcus Weldon, the former CTO and President of Nokia Bell Labs, expressed his enthusiasm, stating, "SPARK Microsystems' solution could help pave the way for a new wave of wireless connectivity innovations."

To ensure the successful commercialization of their invention, the researchers partnered with Axelys (formerly Aligo Innovation), a non-profit organization dedicated to transferring university inventions to the market. Axelys actively supported the deployment of the UWB technology to various industries, managing intellectual property protection and licensing processes. In collaboration with UQAM's Partnerships and Innovation Support Service, Axelys provided essential grants, investments, and assistance in the company's growth and patent management.

With a portfolio of 16 patents, including 14 issued and two pending, SPARK Microsystems has exclusively licensed the UWB wireless transceiver chip from Axelys. Equipped with their patented technologies, the company is now introducing an innovative UWB solution to the consumer electronics market, boasting enhanced power efficiency, low latency, and accurate positioning.

SPARK Microsystems has already made significant strides in the market. They have commercialized two components and developed evaluation and software development kits for application developers, which are distributed through major platforms like Digi-Key. In 2023, the company plans to launch a second-generation product that promises twice the performance with a four times smaller footprint.

Currently, several original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) across various industries are in the final stages of integrating SPARK's UWB technology into their products. The company anticipates that these high-volume customers will introduce their innovative solutions and begin large-scale production in 2023.

By challenging the status quo and offering a low-power, high-performance wireless transceiver solution, SPARK Microsystems is not only reshaping the consumer electronics market but also fueling advancements in various industries. Their remarkable technology opens up new possibilities for seamless connectivity, paving the way for a future where energy efficiency and superior performance go hand in hand. With SPARK Microsystems leading the charge, the wireless connectivity landscape is set for a transformation that will benefit consumers and industries alike.

This story was originally published in 2023.

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Sparkling, Carbonated Yogurt

Brigham Young University

Sparkling, Carbonated Yogurt

Behind every great discovery is a healthy dose of curiosity.

When professor Lynn Ogden of Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, put a block of dried ice in yogurt to see what would happen, the result was somewhat surprising — a light-textured yogurt with a pleasant tingling taste.

After further development in Ogden’s laboratory at Brigham Young University’s Nutrition, Dietetics and Food Sciences Department, “Sparkling Yogurt” was patented in 1997.
Ogden’s discovery simply gives yogurt and other spoonable desserts like custard, pudding, and soft ice cream a more interesting taste sensation.

These foods are carbonated using the standard process of bubbling compressed CO2 through the products, and then packaging to retain the carbonation. The “sparkling yogurt” was sold on the Brigham Young University  campus from 1995-1996.

It was more popular than traditional yogurt and  outperformed other yogurts in taste tests. Encouraged by these results, in 2006 the university granted exclusive rights to General Mills for selling the product as Fizzix™ in the United States. To date “sparkling yogurt” has been patented in 29 countries. General Mills and other distributors are hoping more children eight to 12 years old will improve their diets by eating more yogurt and fewer sugary snacks.

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Diaphonics: Giving Biometrics a "Voice"

University of New Brunswick, Fredericton

Diaphonics: Giving Biometrics a

Starting in the early 1990s, University of New Brunswick (UNB) Professor Kevin Englehart began designing state-of-the-art control systems for artificial limbs in his role as associate director of the university’s Institute of Biomedical Engineering.

But when a company called Diaphonics approached him and UNB to develop a voice-authentication system about four years ago, he and his team smoothly switched gears. The project is an offshoot of biometrics, the science of identifying people by particular biological measurements. In this case, rather than a fingerprint or a retinal scan, it’s the person’s voice that is used as an identification marker.

The technology, proponents say, has far-reaching implications in fighting organized crime, identity theft and terrorism.

They also believe that speaker recognition technology is wellpositioned to capture a sizable share of the overall biometrics market, which is projected to grow to nearly $6 billion by 2010, because it is the only type of biometrics technology that does not require a specialized scanner, just a telephone.

Englehart, who is located at UNB in Fredericton, New Brunswick, said he had already done some research in speaker recognition, though it was not his main focus.

“Though it might not seem obvious, the problem of controlling an artificial limb isn’t that much different than voice biometrics,” he says. “You still need to analyze incoming signals, do some intelligent processing and then decide what to do. If you draw big boxes around it, the mechanics of the problem for controlling a limb is not that much different than recognizing who said what.

“In the case of artificial limbs, it’s the electricity from muscles and basically smart, embedded computers that reside inside a limb that learn what the patterns look like, and then relaying these patterns to a robotic limb. “With speech it’s the distinctive patterns of a person’s voice. The kind of computing and signal processing technology behind both problems is surprisingly similar.”

A Collaborative Beginning

The collaboration between UNB and Diaphonics started in 2003 with a small grant from Canada’s National Research Council (NRC) for Englehart to lay out the design for building a voice identification system from the ground up for Diaphonics, a privately held firm backed by a number of venture capital firms.

“Everything looked good in the initial work,” says Englehart. “And about a year after that, they landed a large federal grant from the Atlantic Innovation Fund to build the system.

“We then entered into a threeyear collaborative research and development agreement to build the system that expanded to include another professor, a postdoc researcher, plus three engineers and a software architect to set up a development shop in Fredericton in the NRC building.”

Englehart says the system that has been developed is more sensitive than the human ear.

“Could you fake a voice and fool the system?” he asks rhetorically.

“It’s highly unlikely because the software is actually more capable of distinguishing voices than you or I could.”

In fact, most impersonation is based largely on mannerisms. Even just the tiniest little nuances of how a person articulates certain phonemes, one of the basics elements of speech, are picked up to build a template, he says.

By measuring pitch, frequency, intonation, and how long it takes a person to say certain words or phrases, the system creates a unique profile or template that is virtually impossible to duplicate, even for a talented impersonator.

“So the person with the closest template would be the individual identified as speaking, not the imposter,” Englehart explains. “You would have a very specific template and so would everyone else in the system.”

In addition to a person using his or her unique voice to gain, for example, access to a bank account, additional technology created by Englehart’s team can be used to discover a person’s identity through audio surveillance.

“There are applications in forensics where you might want to know if the voice clip you have really is Osama bin Laden,” says Englehart. “A voiceprint is like a fingerprint. If you are tracking someone, or monitoring a phone call, our software can be running in the background. It has obvious applications for intelligence work.”

Englehart calls the collaboration between UNB and Diaphonics “a fantastic two-way exchange of information and productivity.”

“The guys who formed Diaphonics came out of the telecom industry in Atlantic Canada and were very knowledgeable about the market, but realized they needed engineering help to build their system.” he says. “So they looked to us. And there are a lot of incentives and political reasons for industry to work with universities in Canada.”

Andy Osburn, CEO of Diaphonics, says his company and Englehart’s team were a good fit. Osburn — whose specialty was acoustics during a 20-year Canadian Navy stint — was Diaphonics’ chief technology officer when the arrangements were set up with UNB.

“We are the kind of company that needs to pursue leading-edge speech technologies,” he says. “We have a strong technology team at Diaphonics, but we are working at capacity. It is quite common for a firm like ours to seek an academic partner that has a lot of depth and breadth in a particular field, in parallel with what the company is doing.”

In addition to the appropriate research background, Osburn says the “human component” clicked with the UNB researchers, too.

“You have to land on a group that you think you can work with,” he says. “It is obviously a collaborative team arrangement. We got started four years ago with a bit of collaborative research that was sponsored by the NRC, and it took off from there.”

He says the three-year research and development project finished in the fall of 2007.

“But we will continue to work with and have ties to Kevin’s group,” he says. “There are always going to be new things to do as we move ahead.

He says he was pleased that the 36 months of collaboration identified technologies the company wanted to pursue.

“We also had time to see where the market was going as well,” notes Osburn. “As a result, we have been able to produce and commercialize several products.”

It is now in beta testing by existing customers, including banks, correctional institutions and the military.

David Foord, director of Intellectual Property at UNB, agrees that the partnership between Diaphonics and his university went well.

“We see all sorts of similar efforts in the research office here at the university. This is one that was excellent, in part because they took the right steps to make sure first there was chemistry and then moved into a larger project so they had a good statement of work and budget and vision for what was going to be done.

“The management team at Diaphonics is an impressive group who know what they want to do and know the market,” says Foord, who notes that the university will receive royalties for its work on the voice biometric products.

“We’re also pleased there will be ongoing research and development work,” he says. “That wasn’t something that we really planned for, it just happened because of the way we structured the legal agreement that allowed for this ongoing collaboration.”


This story was originally published in 2008.

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Giving the Gift of Speech

East Carolina University

Giving the Gift of Speech

No one knows for sure what causes stuttering, which affects 3 million people in the United States. But a trio of researchers from East Carolina University developed a device that has helped thousands of people who stutter become more fluent, enabling them do things they previously considered off limits.

For most of her life, Carol White of Ocean City, Md., lived in relative silence. That’s because she has been affected by stuttering since she was 2 years old. Though she had undergone speech therapy when she was younger, stuttering remained a barrier to doing things that most people take for granted.
“I didn’t use the telephone unless I really had to, and I’d often avoid situations that involved talking to people,” she says. But that all changed in 2003, after she saw an intriguing report about the SpeechEasy® fluency device on ABC’s “Good Morning America” news show.
 “I thought I’d give it a try, and I’m glad I did,” White says. The device, which can be worn like a hearing aid, helps reduce stuttering. In White’s case, it almost has eliminated her stuttering entirely. “I’m doing things I wouldn’t have dreamed of doing before,” she says.
Case in point: the 61-year-old is now a real estate agent — a profession requiring a significant amount of communication and interaction with others. For thousands like White, the SpeechEasy® device has opened doors to new opportunities.
The Product of Extensive Research
Having dealt with the challenges of being a person who stutters severely himself, Joe Kalinowski vowed he would try to find a way to help others affected by stuttering. After receiving a Ph.D. in speech pathology from the University of Connecticut, Kalinowski went on to Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, where he and Andrew Stuart, Ph.D., conducted extensive research on delayed auditory feedback, or DAF. DAF is based on the choral speech phenomenon, in which people who stutter enhance their fluency when they speak in unison with others.
Using DAF, those who stutter are able to hear their own voices with a slight time delay, and by speaking in unison with their own voices, they achieve greater fluency. Though speech experts had known about DAF for decades, Kalinowski and Stuart made great advances in using it to reduce stuttering. One of their key discoveries was that shortening rather than expanding the delays in auditory feedback enhances fluency in those who stutter. So instead of slowing down speaking rates, which previously was thought to increase fluency, DAF could be used to enhance fluency even when speaking at faster rates.
But it was at East Carolina University in Greenville, N.C., where Kalinowski, Stuart and Michael Rastatter, Ph.D., broke new ground in their research about the effects of DAF and frequency auditory feedback, or FAF, on stuttering. FAF allows users to hear their own voices with a slight shift in pitch — either higher or lower. The trio demonstrated both DAF and FAF could enhance fluency levels in various situations, from casual daily conversations, to phone calls, to speaking in front of audiences.
However, there was just one problem: providing people who stutter with a discreet, easy-to-use device incorporating DAF and FAF. Previously, large equipment or bulky portable devices using DAF technology were used to reduce stuttering.
“But carrying around a cumbersome, visible device makes you look ‘different,’ which is not very desirable for many who stutter,” Kalinowski explains. If only such a device using DAF and FAF could be small enough to fit in an ear, like a hearing aid. 
With this vision in mind, the team of researchers received help from East Carolina University’s Office of Technology Transfer to obtain a patent for their concept in 1999. Then the Greenville-based Janus Development Group Inc. obtained the license and set about finding a company to produce the small, portable device.
“That was the challenge — taking this great idea that was on paper and bringing it to life,” recalls Darwin Richards, a former Janus Development Group president involved in the project. But Janus succeeded in creating various prototypes and eventually brought the SpeechEasy® device to market in June 2001. 
Today, three different models are available: behind-the-ear, in-the-canal (fitting in the ear canal with a visible outer shell); and completelyin-canal (placed completely in the ear canal). The device has been enhanced with features that reduce distracting non-speech-related sounds and is completely customizable for each individual user. Thousands, including Kalinowski, use the device with varying degrees of success.
“I never spoke on the telephone until 2002, after I started using the device,” Kalinowski says. “For many like me, it has made a tremendous difference.” 
Impact of the SpeechEasy® Device
As of November 2005 more than 5,600 SpeechEasy® devices have been sold worldwide. Approximately 75 to 80 percent of those who tried the device experienced an improvement in their speaking abilities, reducing stuttering by 50 to 90 percent. Though some experience immediate improvements in fluency, many experience improvement over time. Maximum benefits generally occur as users become more familiar and comfortable with the device.
During more than 10 years of experimentation and peer-reviewed research, the research team has demonstrated the power of DAF and FAF to reduce stuttering. A one-year longitudinal study has indicated that the SpeechEasy® device effectively maintains fluency in those who stutter. Longer-term studies also are underway to determine the device’s effectiveness in a broad cross-section of the population.
As Kalinowski, Richards and others point  out, the SpeechEasy® device is not a cure for stuttering. “It’s similar to wearing glasses,” Richards says. “It helps you compensate for the problem. But if you do not wear the device, you may experience stuttering again, so we recommend wearing the device as often as possible to get the best results.”
Some users require little or no training when they first begin to use SpeechEasy®, and they become fluent rather quickly. But others need training, and may ultimately have limited or no success in using it. Those who have learned traditional speech therapy techniques and use them while wearing SpeechEasy® devices have noted higher levels of fluency enhancement and more natural-sounding speech. These traditional therapy techniques include reducing speaking anxiety through relaxation, or gaining control by slowing speech and gradually increasing it.
For the 3 million people who stutter in the United States, the SpeechEasy® device offers a glimmer of hope. “I’m not a shy person, so now that I’ve been using this device, I haven’t been holding back,” White says. 

This story was originally published in 2006.

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Home Test Confirms Post-Vasectomy Sterilization

University of Virginia Patent Foundation

Home Test Confirms Post-Vasectomy Sterilization

Similar to the convenience women have with home pregnancy tests, SpermCheck® Vasectomy allows men to check their postvasectomy fertility status in the privacy of the home. The device tests sperm in the ejaculate without necessitating a trip to the physician’s office or a laboratory with semen samples, as has traditionally been required to confirm sub-fertile sperm levels.

SpermCheck® Vasectomy is one of several products founded on technology developed by John C.Herr, Ph.D., professor, University of Virginia (U.Va.) Department of Cell Biology and director of the U.Va. Center for Research in Contraceptive and Reproductive Health. It is the first immunodiagnostic test to receive FDA clearance for monitoring sperm count after vasectomy.

With the at-home device, the paradigm for post-vasectomy sperm monitoring now shifts from the microscope to a simple, easy to use, highly sensitive, hand-held device that affords privacy and cost savings. “This is particularly important on a global basis where access to post-vasectomy testing is much more difficult,” said Edward J.Leary, president and CFO of ContraVac Inc. a U.Va startup company. A number of global organizations, including the World Health Organization, have expressed interest in SpermCheck® Vasectomy for this reason.
“SpermCheck® Vasectomy is the result of many years of basic scientific research coupled with clinical chemistry know-how,” said Herr. A 20-year collaboration with Stuart S. Howards, M.D., professor, U.Va. Department of Urology, began with a shared interest in studying the effect of anti-sperm antibodies. In the course of research, Howards pointed out that a simple test for sperm monitoring would be helpful. The challenge, said Herr, was to find a suitable biomarker. The interdisciplinary clinical collaboration included work with Charles J. Flicklinger, M.D., professor emeritus, U.Va. Department of Cell Biology.
The FDA approved SpermCheck® Vasectomy is based on more than a decade of research in Herr’s lab on the sperm specific protein SP-10 and its encoding gene (ACRVI). Critical experiments validated that the SP-10 protein was useful in sperm detection and quantification. The work included efforts to develop immunoreagents (monoclonal antibodies) to bind with and detect SP-10 protein so it could be quantified. A correlation was found between the concentration of SP-10 and the concentration of sperm.
SP-10 is very soluble and highly expressed, making it an ideal target for diagnostic testing. SpermCheck® Vasectomy uses monoclonal antibodies that bind specifically to the SP-10 protein to detect as little as a few nanograms of SP-10 protein present in a sample.
Calibrated to detect extremely low levels of sperm, the portable device enables a man to determine the appropriate time at which to discontinue the use of other forms of contraception. SpermCheck® Vasectomy will return accurate results indicating fertile or infertile levels seven minutes after the semen sample is added to the device.
Translational research, as was executed in developing SpermCheck® Vasectomy, is essential to bringing new developments in basic-science biomedical research to patients, said Herr. “This was a team effort involving communities of basic and clinical scientists, a start-up biotech company, angel investors, a manufacturing partner, the cooperation of donor subjects in clinical and consumer trials, excellent patent counsel, and exceptional support from the FDA, who gave early advice on the design of clinical studies.”
ContraVac and Virginia’s Commonwealth Technology Fund funded the research on incorporating antibodies into a platform and recruited patients for clinical and consumer trials. In 2004 ContraVac entered into a strategic partnership granting Princeton BioMeditech Corporation the exclusive worldwide manufacturing rights of the SpermCheck® products. PBM held patents on the diagnosticplatform, which were combined with patents held by the University of Virginia Patent Foundation.
The 17 years from cloning of the ACRVI gene to FDA approval included various levels of support by the National Institutes of Health, CONRAD, United States Agency for International Development, Virginia Commonwealth Technology Research Fund and Schering AG, Berlin (now known as Bayer Schering Pharma). During that time span, Herr, Flickinger and Howards authored more than 60 papers on related topics.
“It’s important to appreciate that there needs to be balance between basic funding and translation of discoveries,” said Herr. “Careful basic science is the foundation of innovation, and I believe applied research is the responsibility of anyone who receives public money to do basic research.” As an added benefit, Herr said it is very exciting to see “something you labored on at the bench to finally have a practical use in society.”
On the flip side, Leary is grateful for the partnership agreement with U.Va. “In addition to a research agreement, U.Va. has a sperm donor program to develop and test our products.”
Worldwide, approximately two million men undergo vasectomies each year. In the United States one in six men over age 35 has had a vasectomy, making vasectomy among the most popular contraceptive options among married couples, according to the National Institutes of Child Health and Human Development, a division of the National Institutes of Health.
Many studies indicate that a surprising number of men never return to their physician for postvasectomy sperm testing to confirm the success of their vasectomy. In addition, most men never bother to confirm their sterility status in the years following a vasectomy in order to monitor the occurrence of recanalization (when a vasectomy naturally heals itself resulting in fertility). A study published in the Journal of Urology, July 2005, shows that of 43,642 vasectomies, 1 in 238 resulted in failure or recanalization.
The inconvenience and indignity associated with returning to the physician’s office or a laboratory to supply semen samples has created an environment where nearly as many as 35 percent of men do not return for their first post-vasectomy test and 72 percent of men may fail to return for their second test.
SpermCheck® Vasectomy can have a role in improving compliance and improving communication between patients and their physicians following a vasectomy. ContraVac recommends that testing at two different time intervals within the first three months following a vasectomy. Two consecutive negative results provide a high degree of certainty that a man is sterile. In addition, to detect possible recanalization, ContraVac recommends testing six months following a vasectomy with additional testing once per year for the first three years.
Herr said that research know-how developed in the course of creating SpermCheck® Vasectomy will be critical to the development of male birth contraceptive pills. “Availability of a sperm check test which can detect low sperm levels we hope will spur the clinical testing of male contraceptives for which a companion diagnostic test is also needed to monitor when men reach safe sperm levels.” He believes there needs to be a seamless continuum between basic discovery, patenting and applied development. “Louis Pasteur said it best—there is no fundamental distinction between pure and applied science, there is only science in the cause of man.”

This story was originally published in 2009.

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Nasal Delivery of Medicine Allows Faster Absorption and Quicker Relief

University of Kentucky

Nasal Delivery of Medicine Allows Faster Absorption and Quicker Relief

Developed at University of Kentucky’s College of Pharmacy in 1980 by Professor Anwar A. Hussain, Ph.D., the “Method of Administering Narcotic Antagonists and Analgesics and Novel Dosage Forms Containing Same” was a pioneering nasal delivery method for administering medicine. Initial funding was provided by the University of Kentucky.

The invention, marketed as Stadol N consists of a salt of butorphanol, a pain reliever, which is a component of a gel that is applied directly through the nose.

This invention provides a method of administering narcotic analgesics such as butorphanol, or other compounds that are adapted for nasal administration.

Nasal administration is as effective as injections because the drug is rapidly absorbed by the nasal membranes. In addition, some drugs that are taken orally are poorly absorbed because they are utilized in metabolic processes in the digestive tract; this is avoided when the drugs are delivered nasally. Patients can more easily treat themselves as needed with nasal delivery, compared to delivery via injection.

This story was originally published in 2017.

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In the Pipeline: Measuring Wall Thicknesses to Detect Corrosion

Imperial College London

In the Pipeline: Measuring Wall Thicknesses to Detect Corrosion

Measuring the wall thickness of pipelines that transport natural gas and petroleum is key to detecting corrosion and defects. But this can be challenging when pipelines possess high temperatures. Standard ultrasonic transducers — devices used to measure pipeline wall thicknesses — can be destroyed by excessive heat.

Professor Peter Cawley of the department of engineering, Imperial College London, England, invented a cost-effective means to attach ultrasonic transducers to pipelines without risking their destruction due to high temperatures.

The product resulting from the development program uses a wireless data transmission capability, thereby removing the risk of damage to the measurement tools.

Funding for the original research came from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, the United Kingdom’s governmental agency for funding university research grants for engineering and physical sciences projects. The patented technology was first licensed in 2006 and will be deployed extensively.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Curriculum Advances Student’s Dual-Language Science Literacy

Texas A&M

Curriculum Advances Student’s Dual-Language Science Literacy
Researchers at The Center for Research & Development in Dual Language & Literacy Acquisition (CRDLLA) in the College of Education and Human Development at Texas A&M University have developed and licensed a new dual-language education and science literacy curriculum, Storytelling and Retelling and Higher-Order Thinking for English Language and Literacy Acquisition (STELLA).
STELLA offers carefully selected child-centered, personal learning experiences with diverse literature to build strong academic vocabulary and oral and written language skills for kindergarten through third-grade students. Teachers are first trained, then use the program materials with students in the classroom. It is used by many schools in Texas, and CRDLLA is introducing it to schools across the globe. STELLA is offered in English and Spanish, with Mandarin and Arabic versions in development.
Typically subjects like English and science are taught separately. STELLA’s curriculum is designed to use story to engage learners in higher-order thinking to promote language development. The integration of directed maker spaces and 21st-centrury entrepreneurial skills ties creative aspects together that are not always represented in other language development curriculum. Moving beyond a focus only on subject-specific language development or storytelling is innovative as it brings the two curriculum focuses together in one design.
“This curriculum has been developed through multiple grants over the years, so we know it works in terms of dual-language education and science literacy. This program starts to build the base of scientific language, which is something that children need because if they don’t have these building blocks, later they cannot access higher education because they don’t have the technical language,” said Matthew J. Etchells, the Center’s Director of Education Outreach, Marketing and Communications.
Texas A&M University Innovation Partners, a commercialization office within the Texas A&M System located in College Station, Texas, recently licensed STELLA to Frog Street Press, LLC, an early childhood education publisher. The licensing agreement protects the material and gives the College of Education profits that will help them continue research, invest in further curriculum development, and support student and staff employment.

“Without identifiable intellectual property, there would be no way for the College of Education and Human Development and A&M overall to have a revenue source to continue their research,” said Senior Licensing Manager for Innovation Partners Bobby Melvin. “The commercialization office was able to identify the existing intellectual property and put it in a form that could then be licensed to someone else. With that protection, the license then becomes valuable, because are the only ones who can put this online for other users.”

Innovation Partners works with several different schools and inventors at Texas A&M University to help with copyrighting material and licensing. Daniel Odenweller, a licensing services coordinator with Innovation Partners, worked with CRDLLA on the licensing of STELLA to Frog Street.

“We have resources to help inventors and PI’s take their research and realize the different aspects that are marketable and the different parts that are protected under intellectual property law,” said Odenweller. “[But] my favorite part of this project was working with the people who created STELLA. The STELLA team brought a passion we love to see from inventors and innovators and were energetic in our discussions on licensing and copyrights, a subject that some find rather dry.”

Without Innovation Partners, the licensing agreement would have never been accomplished, Etchells said.

“Having someone like Daniel [Odenweller] and Bob [Melvin] come in and help us to framework, understand and navigate the system was amazing. It was like having a tour guide to a license,” said Etchells.

This story was originally published in 2020.

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Medical Devices Out of Nebraska Make for Better Outcomes and Happier, Healthier Radiologists

University of Nebraska Medical Center

Medical Devices Out of Nebraska Make for Better Outcomes and Happier, Healthier Radiologists
The innovations of Radux Devices—a University of Nebraska Medical Center startup—bring to mind an old joke:

Patient: "It hurts when I do this."
Doctor: "Then don't do that."

How that dovetails with cutting technology speaks to the nature of innovation. Greg Gordon, MD, an interventional radiologist, suffered every time he did his job. Discomfort, chronic pain, debilitating back injuries and even dangerous radiation exposure are all part of an interventional radiologist's existence. Gordon couldn't just stop.

But the pain could.

Interventional radiology uses x-rays to help guide equipment like catheters and stents, or monitor blood flow and find blocked arteries.

Fluoroscopic procedures are flooded with radiation, and that adds up over time, so physicians must limit their exposure. They protect themselves with 15- to 30-pound lead-lined garments, which can cause musculoskeletal injuries. Physicians stand in ways that keep them as far removed from the x-ray field as possible. That usually means leaning in odd and uncomfortable angles, and using less-than-preferred surgical techniques.

The standard in cardiac fluoroscopic procedures is to access the patient's aorta through the radial artery in the left arm, which is easier because that side has one less curve to navigate. A right-handed doctor using left-arm access usually requires leaning into the radiation field. Many avoid the discomfort in favor of using the right arm or the leg's femoral artery. Femoral access may be easy, but carries high risk of complication.

Gordon solved these problems, and the pain, with two devices he created while at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in 2013. He now practices at United Vascular Center in Omaha, Nebraska.

The "Steradian Shield" is a sterile, moveable device that can be placed virtually anywhere to block radiation in the physician's workspace. The other device, "StandTall," helps manage and direct the catheters used during fluoroscopic procedures. Such improvements have eliminated all the troubles associated with left-arm access. The benefits just cascade from there. Now physicians can perform procedures faster and more efficiently. Use of the preferred access sites leads to better outcomes, less complications and lower costs. A radial access procedure, on average, costs $1,000 less than a femoral access procedure.

UNMC's tech transfer arm, UNeMed, licensed the devices’ IP to Radux Devices, the startup Gordon founded. They are available for purchase on the open market. The StandTall device is in more than 120 hospitals, and continues to grow. It is available through TZ Medical. The first generation of the Shield is also in several hospitals.
UNeMed helped create and manage the initial IP, invested in the formation of the company with a convertible note, and introduced the founder to angel investment groups and management talent (such as board members). UNeMed also provided office space in the early days, and created press releases and other publicity materials. UNeMed’s Director of IP, Jason Nickla, spent a lot of time with Gordon to help craft the IP, and encouraged Gordon to develop the startup.
The response from physicians who get their hands on these devices has been overwhelmingly positive. Radux has given them far more than an old punchline.

This story was originally published in 2021.

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Shelter From the Storm

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Shelter From the Storm

Using the Growth and Decay Storm Tracker algorithm developed by researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Lincoln Laboratory, StormVision® software helps develop forecasts pinpointed to individuals’ exact GPS coordinates.

It strikes ground 25 million times a year in the U.S. alone. It can be five times hotter than the surface of the sun, and just one strike can generate a billion volts of electricity. Causing hundreds of casualties every year and capable of shutting down a New Mexico microchip-making plant or a New Bedford fishing vessel with equal aplomb, lightning is a natural-born killer second only to floods in the death toll it exacts.

Thanks to technology transfer—Marilyn Wolfson, Ph.D., and a team of Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers developed the Growth and Decay Storm Tracker algorithm used in WeatherData Corp.’s StormVision® software—people and institutions can now prepare for, instead of just react to, dangerous electrical storms.

Pushing the Envelope

It’s not just lives that are at stake, but dollars as well. Thirty-four percent of all businesses suffer costly lightning-related power outages every year. The airline industry, with its tight scheduling requirements and imperative of passenger safety, is an especially vulnerable segment of the $4 trillion of U.S. economy subject to severe-weather hazards such as lightning. Compounding this vulnerability to nature was a roiling pot of contention in the late 1990s over who was to blame for historically high delays. The public blamed the airlines, the airlines blamed the Federal Aviation Administration and everyone agreed that more accurate forecasts were needed.

Consulting with air traffic controllers and commercial airlines, Wolfson and a group of researchers at MIT’s Lincoln Laboratory found that convective, or electrical, line storms were the principal cause of delays. Line storms are one of two types of convective storms; the other being air-mass storms. Air-mass storms are small-scale, diffuse, and random in occurrence. But line storms—forced by frontal boundaries between warm and cold, or dry and moist air — are larger and more predictable. Working with FAA funding, Wolfson and her team developed a ground-breaking convective weather forecasting tool, the Growth and Decay Tracker, to address this problem.

To understand the Growth and Decay Tracker algorithm, it is helpful to look at the model of storm prediction it superceded.

For the past several decades, conventional forecasters have predicted the path of line storms by extrapolating from the collection of the air-mass cells within them. However, Wolfson says the envelope, or edges, of the storm are a much more accurate predictor of the storm’s path than the air-mass cells themselves. This is because the moving storm envelope, forced by a frontal boundary, causes new storm cells to grow while old ones decay as it travels. Hence the Growth and Decay Tracker, aptly named, is a much more reliable basis for predicting convective weather than earlier models.

The Growth and Decay Tracker, tested extensively at U.S. airports between 1998 and 2002, maintains its accuracy out to one to two hours and has proven as much as 50 percent more accurate in predicting line storms than conventional models. In the age of destructive stormssuch as hurricanes Rita and Katrina — and in a personal and business world where every minute counts — the Growth and Decay Tracker did not come a minute too soon. Continuing the process of technology transfer with a license from the MIT Technology Licensing Office, WeatherData of Wichita, Kansas, then developed a patented software called StormVision®, available only from WeatherData, which is part of the forecasting products and services this 38-person company offers to business and institutional clients.

Manage and Mitigate, Stay Competitive

“Discoveries like Wolfson’s allow us to predict weather with greater and greater accuracy,” says Mike Smith, chief executive officer of WeatherData. “We are at the point now where it is very rare that a completely unforecasted event affects our clients. However, there is still work to be done. We would like to be able have the 30-minute accuracy we have now out to four hours. So, there are opportunities for the academic and private sectors to partner and maximize their respective strengths. This technology allows people and business to manage and mitigate operations, rather than just react to the weather. It allows them to be truly proactive.”

What’s the big deal about a few lightning bolts? In the Industrial Age, when manufacturing meant gargantuan lathes and bulky die-casts machining out heavy metal parts, operations continued as usual despite the weather. In today’s business world of clean rooms and microprocessors, however, a few minutes warning can make all the difference.

The case of Swedish mobile phone manufacturer Ericsson, now axiomatic in business circles for the need to be proactive rather than reactive in regard to weather management, illustrates the point. In March 2000, lightning struck an Albuquerque, New Mexico, manufacturing plant that supplied Ericsson with cell phone microchips. Soot from the ensuing fire, which lasted a mere 10 minutes, contaminated the plant’s clean room. Ericsson, unable to quickly find another microchip supplier, recorded a $2 billion dollar loss in 2000, and has yet to recover. With better contingency planning, and increased lead-time and accuracy made possible by StormVision®, this accident could have been avoided.

Ericsson’s lesson did not fall on deaf ears. High-profile clients such as GM, Toyota and Daimler-Chrysler now contract with WeatherData, which uses Storm Vision and other technologies to give its clients customized, up-to-the-minute forecasts. Clients receive cellular phone or pager alerts when severe weather — particularly lightning and tornados — is headed for their GPS coordinates.

“It helps us protect our employees,” says Les De Bora, GM’s security manager for service parts operations. “It gives us added security. We take shelter when we truly need to but don’t have to take it needlessly.” Shutting down the assembly line because of severe weather can easily cost an automaker hundreds of thousands of dollars. StormVision® helps make sure these closures happen only when necessary.

On another playing field across the country, athletic departments find StormVision® to be a lifesaver. “It’s a great weight taken off our shoulders,” says Rhonda Kelly, assistant athletic director for Florida State University. FSU receives cellular phone or pager alerts from WeatherData if a severe storm touches down within 15 miles. “Fifteen minutes more of practice is a big deal in NCAA athletics,” says Kelly. “It allows us to keep practicing and stay competitive.”

In the Final Analysis

From the great Armistice Day storm of November 1940, which left duck hunters clinging to frozen cattails on the upper Mississippi River, to the August 2005 flooding in New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, Mother Nature shows no signs of abating. The argument can even be made that because of changes in the natural world, weather has become more severe. All the more reason people and businesses need to stay ahead of the storm.

This story was originally published in 2006.

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Structural Connections Made Three Times More Resistant to Earthquake Destruction

National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

Structural Connections Made Three Times More Resistant to Earthquake Destruction

Brittle fracture often occurs in steel beam-column connections during earthquakes, resulting in damage to the building, or sometimes complete structural failure. Sheng-Jin Chen, Ph.D., a professor at the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, invented the “Steel Beam-to-Column Connection” in 1993. This new design, which relies on flange plates and web plates, helps disperse energy by providing ductile steel beam-column connections.

The research was funded by the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taiwan’s National Science Council.

The invention disperses outward energy more efficiently, which makes this type of building up to three times more resistant to earthquakes than conventional H-type steel bar construction.

Because less steel is actually used with this type of design, the cost of raw materials is also reduced. Taipei 101, the tallest building in Asia at 1,651 feet, was built with this technology because it is located on a seismic zone.

“The Steel Beam-to-Column Connection” method has been rapidly accepted around the world. Since its disclosure in 1994, 66 technology transfer cases have been derived from the technology. Sixty skyscrapers have also been built using this design method.

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Researchers Create the Succulent SunCrisp® Apple

Rutgers University

Researchers Create the Succulent SunCrisp® Apple

Just as inventors are forever trying to develop a better mousetrap, orchardists are constantly attempting to create tastier, longer-lasting, more aromatic and colorful apples.

Back in 1963, Fred Hough, Ph.D., and colleagues at the Rutgers University Horticultural Research Farm in New Brunswick, N.J., crossed the Cortland apple with a highly aromatic Cox’s Orange Pippin. They then crossed that hybrid with the well-known Golden Delicious.

The result, which was patented by Rutgers, is the highly productive, tasty and mildly aromatic NJ 55 apple, which is now grown around the United States as SunCrisp® .

It is especially popular with operators of u-pick operations and roadside stands.

A yellow apple with a pretty red blush, firm flesh, a mild subacid taste, the SunCrisp®  typically stores for up to six months. Best of all, apple lovers say it has a more complex and interesting flavor than its parent, the Golden Delicious, and is less likely to bruise.


This story was originally published in 2007.

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Superprimer Compounds Make Paints Safer for the Environment

University of Cincinnati

Superprimer Compounds Make Paints Safer for the Environment

Chromates have excellent anticorrosion properties — which is why more than 600,000 metric tons of chromate are incorporated into paints every year. Despite its effectiveness in protecting metal from corrosion, chromate in its hexavalent oxidation state is toxic and carcinogenic. Overexposure to chromate results in a host of health problems, such as ulcers, respiratory ailments, allergic reactions and cancer. Paints also release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air, which are dangerous to breathe.

A new anticorrosion primer system developed at the University of Cincinnati in Ohio, totally eliminates the need for chromates in paints. “Superprimers” were developed from 2001 to 2006 by professor of materials science William J. van Ooij, Ph.D. More than $2 million in funding was received from the Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Defense, and the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program. Superprimers are one-step, verylow-VOC primers that can replace the chromate-based anti-corrosion primers typically used in the metal-finishing metal-pretreatment industries. Mixtures of silanes (silicon analogues) and waterborne

Resins can be applied directly to metals as self-priming primers. A plasma-treated pigment package in the primer slowly releases a corrosion inhibitor that mimics the anticorrosion properties of chromates.

Because superprimers have very low VOC content and no chromate, they are much safer for human health and the environment.

Ecosil Technologies was launched in 2003 to commercialize superprimer technology. Ecosil works with many companies around the world and currently has joint development agreements with several billion-dollar companies in the silane and paint industries.

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Sustainable polymer/thermoplastic starch blend effectively replaces pure polyethylene

Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal

Sustainable polymer/thermoplastic starch blend effectively replaces pure polyethylene

A major issue with commodity plastics is that they are derived from nonrenewable petroleum resources.  Researchers at the École Polytechnique de Montréal in Québec, Canada, have invented a material that allows shippers and packagers to replace a large percentage of its plastic packaging material with a more environmentally friendly polymer/thermoplastic starch blend that has a similar cost and performs just as well as pure polyethylene.

The technology was developed by Basil Favis, Ph.D., Bruce Ramsay, Ph.D., and Francisco Rodriguez, Ph.D., at École Polytechnique de Montréal’s Chemical Engineering Department. About $800,000 Canadian in funding was provided by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Gestion Univalor, Limited Partnership (the commercial arm of the Université de Montréal and of its affiliated schools) and Valorisation Recherche Québec.

The patent was submitted in 1999 and U.S. product and process patents were issued in 2003 and 2005 respectively. Cerestech, a spin-off company of the École Polytechnique de Montréal, secured the license for the worldwide commercial exploitation of this technology in 2002.

Starch is both a renewable resource and inexpensive, compared to even a low-cost polymer such as polyethylene. The polyethylene/thermoplastic starch blend has similar properties to pure polyethylene, is of low cost and does not depend on nonrenewable resources. It is a much more sustainable technology than pure polyethylene. It requires less energy and water resources to produce and has a significantly lower carbon (greenhouse gas) footprint.

Prior to this discovery, there was no commercially available bio-based product that used a large proportion of starch in conventional polyethylene products.

Cerestech’s proprietary new blend process allows producers to adopt a more sustainable technology at a similar cost and performance to pure polyethylene. This offers new options for innovative processors worldwide. 

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Tiny Sentinels Could Keep World Water Supplies Safe

Petrel Biosensors Inc.
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Tiny Sentinels Could Keep World Water Supplies Safe

Just as coal miners once carried canaries to alert them to toxic gases, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution biologist Scott Gallager, Ph.D., envisions living sentinels watching over the world’s water supplies.

But rather than the warbling of canaries, Gallager and colleagues at Petrel Biosensors Inc., based near the Woods Hole institution on Massachusetts’ Cape Cod, are targeting the swimming talents of protozoa in the genus Tetrahymena, each organism smaller than the width of a human hair.

Petrel’s prototype monitoring system, the Swimming Behavior Spectrometer (SBS), is designed to provide virtually instant warning for a broad range of toxins that might be introduced to water supplies as diverse as municipal reservoirs, industrial water caches and military water sources in the field.

“Current testing techniques are somewhat cumbersome,” says Bob Curtis, Pharm.D., Petrel’s interim chief executive officer (CEO). “Generally, they require manual sampling, laboratory analysis, testing for specific agents and waits as long as 72 hours for results.

“By introducing protozoa into water samples in small test chambers, and comparing them to control samples, SBS continuously monitors for toxic agents or contaminates,” he says. “It’s sensitive to a full spectrum of chemical and biological contaminants — pesticides, industrial chemicals and biological warfare agents.”

The Beginning: Ocean Research

Gallager, an associate scientist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), was concerned with understanding how global climate change might affect microscopic plankton in the ocean when he began to look for ways to characterize their behaviors.

Specifically, amidst the plankton’s soup of bacteria, larvae and other microscopic organisms, he was focused on protozoa, a myriad of one-celled creatures that swim using tail-like flagella or short, hair-like cilia. There are tens of thousands of protozoa species, typically ranging in size from 20 to 60 microns. Collecting water samples, Gallager developed a technique for visualizing their swimming patterns with a digital camera and created a system for defining their swimming behaviors under differing conditions — temperatures, nutrients in the water, pH levels and other factors.

“Sometime after the 9/11 attacks,” he notes, “a friend told me the Defense Department was looking for ways to monitor water supplies. We submitted a proposal in 2002 — and never heard back. I literally forgot about it.”

But he did hear the next year. With a Defense Department grant, Gallager developed a model for predicting how different protozoa react to varying water conditions. After narrowing it down to 15 species of protozoa that worked well, he selected a handful of species that were ideal for specific uses — two or three for fresh water, a few for brackish water.

Swimming Behaviors Key

It’s protozoas’ cilia that make Gallager’s system of assessing water quality possible. An individual protozoan can have hundreds of thousands of cilia covering its body. “Protozoas achieve propulsion by beating their cilia like paddles in water,” he says. “The shorter the cilia, the faster they can beat. Some normally swim with a rotational torque — sort of a corkscrew motion. Except that when water conditions change, behavior changes.

“The key is calcium. It’s always present in an ionized form, and its presence fundamentally controls how the cilia work. Toxins like heavy metals inhibit calcium transport and affect cilia motion. Sometimes the cells just stop, sometimes they begin spinning around.

“It depends on whatever is inhibiting the cell, whether it’s changing uniformly or just in a part,” Gallager explains. “If the front cilia move into a toxin and slow down while the back cilia don’t, the cell is likely to start tumbling.”

Biological products like anthrax produce toxins that don’t affect the cilia but do inhibit the protozoa’s metabolism at the cellular level. Because so many variables are possible, it’s important that any monitoring system also be able to assess control samples — water with known characteristics — for comparison.

Enter Petrel Biosensors

Gallager and a team of engineers constructed the first sampling prototype on a workbench in his laboratory — a device measuring 2 feet by 3 feet. A nonprofit virtual incubator affiliated with WHOI, the Regional Technology Development Corp. (RTDC) stepped in to assist Gallagher and his team in forming a new company to commercialize their invention.

With that assistance, Petrel Biosensors — named for a sea bird that flies in circles as a sentinel to an approaching storm — was incorporated in 2009 as RTDC’s first endeavor. Under the arrangement, Petrel was granted an option for an exclusive worldwide license for the intellectual property surrounding SBS technology.

Curtis, the development group’s CEO, also presently functions as Petrel’s interim CEO. The company started in 2010 with two employees — Chief Technical Officer Kevin McManus and Vice President of Engineering Lamar Bullock, Ph.D. Gallager, who remains a full-time member of the WHOI staff, serves as chief scientific officer.

A Strong Outlook

Curtis notes that the company is in discussions with several large corporations about partnership arrangements and that it hopes to achieve significant funding by the end of 2010.

As chief technical officer, McManus says his role “is to take this very elegant technology, make it into a commercial product that can be put in the back of a pickup truck and taken to a water supply, where it can provide continuous sampling and transmit the results to those in charge.

At present, an emphasis is on updating the software, optics and other aspects of the technology first developed in 2004-2005. Future efforts will focus on miniaturization, with the goal of developing units that can be hand-carried — perhaps the size of a laptop computer.

“Municipal water supplies aren’t generally space-limited,” McManus notes, “but it probably won’t be sufficient to just place one at a reservoir and ignore the upstream source waters and downstream flow channels. This is where smaller units will be valuable. And portability will be important for industrial operations and military units in the field.

“Ideally, a water system would have a distributed network of these sensor systems to provide ongoing real-time local, regional and, ultimately, global assessments of water supply quality.”

SBS’s current prototype, Version 1.4, is designed to provide continuous monitoring, simultaneously filling its dual test-sample and control-sample flow chambers at regular intervals, introducing the testing protozoa from a culture, assessing them, emptying the chambers and preparing them for the next sample. Each sample involves about a milliliter (or one-fifth of a teaspoon) of water containing several hundred protozoa. It can be programmed to test as often as the user wants, from every 10 seconds to once a day, or any time period in between.

“The longer the sampling time, the more sensitive the results,” Curtis notes. “It seems to work well with 30 seconds. That means a user can be alerted almost instantly if a problem exists. You may not know what the exact toxin is, but you’ll know you’ve got a problem and be able to take action.”

He adds: “This system has gone through extensive validation trials by outside testers, with very strong results. It offers real-time, broad-spectrum capabilities not available in the market now. I envision commercial opportunities domestically and internationally — the quality of water is a worldwide issue.”


This story was originally published in 2010.

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Preventing Parasitic Infection in the Developing World

University of Minnesota

Preventing Parasitic Infection in the Developing World

Amoebiasis is not what you’d call a commonly known disease, at least in the industrialized world.

But unfortunately, it is all too familiar to many people in Africa, Asia and South America, where up to 20 percent of the population is infected and as many as 100,000 die from the disease each year.

Amoebiasis is among the most serious parasitic infections in the world, affecting anywhere from 50 million to 100 million people.

Among those who are infected, 10 percent experience colitis, liver abscesses and other serious symptoms.

Amoebiasis is caused by a fairly common parasitic amoeba, Entamoeba histolytica that leads to the breakdown of body tissues in infected people. It is typically transmitted through contaminated water or food; overcrowding and poor sanitation are key factors in the spread of the disease.

However, Professors Jonathan I. Ravdin, M.D., and Mohamed D. Abd-Alla, Ph.D., of the University of Minnesota have made significant progress in combating amoebiasis. The two developed an experimental synthetic vaccine, which stimulates the immune system to create antibodies against the key protein that enables the parasite to infect the human body. As people are continually exposed to the parasite in geographic areas where it is common, immunized people actually can boost their resistance to the parasite.

Phase one clinical trials for the vaccine are planned. Additionally, the University of Minnesota is working toward licensing the rights to market and further develop the technology. The goal is for the eventual development of low-cost doses for use in affected countries.

AUTM Better World Report, 2007

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Adapting SAVE vaccine technology for COVID-19

SUNY Stony Brook University

Adapting SAVE vaccine technology for COVID-19

Codagenix, a spinoff from Stony Brook University (SBU) in Stony Brook, NY, used its existing rapid vaccine development process to successfully synthesize a readily scalable live-attenuated vaccine candidate against COVID-19.

Starting from only viral sequence data, using its Synthetic Attenuated Virus Engineering (SAVE) technology, Codagenix can design, construct, and grow multiple live-attenuated vaccine candidates ready for animal safety and efficacy testing in less than one month. 

Seeking to tackle today’s most challenging issue, Codagenix partnered with vaccine manufacturer Serum Institute of India to develop a live-attenuated vaccine for COVID-19. CodaVax-COVID, a single dose intranasal vaccine, yielded positive results in an animal study and the companies are planning human trials, slated to begin at the end of 2020. 

SAVE uses computer algorithms to design viral genomes that are inefficiently translated into proteins by the virus in human cells. The in-silico-designed genomes are then chemically synthesized from scratch and introduced into cells to produce weakened viruses. The protein sequence of the original circulating virus is maintained. However, the inefficiency in translation reduces the virus’s ability to replicate and cause disease, enabling it to be used as a live attenuated vaccine.   

“Codagenix’s innovative rapid vaccine development platform based on SAVE technology is enabling the rapid development of a COVID -19 vaccine with the unique advantage of intranasal delivery and the potential to stimulate a robust T cell and antibody immune response that mimics that of the wild-type virus,” said J. Robert Coleman, Co-Founder, Chief Executive Officer, Codagenix Inc.

Codagenix was born out of the laboratory of National Academy of Science Member and SBU Distinguished Professor Eckard Wimmer, who was the first to synthesize a virus from scratch. The discovery opened the door to redesigning viral genomes to turn viruses into effective preventive vaccines and immunotherapies. SBU began investing in the SAVE patent portfolio in 2007.

“Codagenix is a shining example of what can happen when you mix great translational science, and entrepreneurial faculty in a supportive and nurturing innovation ecosystem. Their story is truly an inspiration to those who are considering starting a new venture or engaging the process to bring their inventions to the market,” said Sean Boykevisch, Director of SBU’s Office of Technology Licensing and Industry Relations (OTLIR).

Inspired by the promise of SAVE, Steffen Mueller incorporated Codagenix while participating in a 2009 Business Boot Camp Workshop organized by the Center for Biotechnology (A New York State Center for Advanced Technology located on SBU’s campus) in collaboration with SBU’s OTLIR.  The company was formalized with Wimmer, Mueller and J. Robert Coleman (both of whom received their PhDs in Wimmer’s lab) as founders after the team received Small Business Technology Transfer funding in 2011.

Public funding from the NIH Small Business Innovation Research grant program and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which was interested in the technology for animal vaccinations, supported Codagenix until it attracted its first private investor in 2012. The $4.25m investment from venture capital firm Topspin Partners enabled Codagenix to bring its influenza vaccine in clinical trials in Australia and its Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), Zika and Dengue vaccines to the preclinical stage.

Codagenix closed a $20 million Series B funding round in 2019 to fund the clinical development of the RSV vaccine and a broadly protective influenza vaccine, both of which are in clinical trials. The company is also exploring using its platform technology to turn viruses into oncolytic immuno-oncology therapies.

“We are grateful to our investors and partners like the Center for Biotechnology that understand our vision and continually support our development at these early stages. We are demonstrating that our platform provides a rational means to design vaccines against a range of targets – yielding candidates suitable for full clinical development,” Coleman said.  

SBU played an essential role in the success of SAVE. Beginning in 2007, SBU’s Office of Technology Licensing and Industry Relations (OTLIR) invested in developing SAVE technology’s patent portfolio. OTLIR continued to support and grow the portfolio while Codagenix got off the ground. The licensed portfolio consists of three patent families filed internationally.  After receiving STTR funding, Codagenix moved into the SBU’s business incubator, Long Island High Technology Incubator (LIHTI), adjacent to the Stony Brook campus, and executed an option agreement with the OTLIR in 2013 and a license agreement in 2016.  Since then, the company has received a significant number of additional grants and VC investment fueling its rapid growth. 

“Codagenix is an incredible example of a company rooting in our expanding bioecosystem, growing from a startup out of Stony Brook University into a clinical-stage company,” said Dr. Clinton Rubin, Director of the New York State Center for Biotechnology at Stony Brook University. “The Center for Biotechnology is proud to provide ongoing support for the work they are doing through our various programs including the Applied Research and Development awards and the Long Island Bioscience Hub funding initiatives."

This story was originally published in 2020.

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Coagulation Technologies Help Treat Blood Diseases

University of Vermont (UVM)

Coagulation Technologies Help Treat Blood Diseases

University of Vermont scientists have isolated high quality, plasma proteins that are used for diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the blood. Kenneth Mann, Ph.D., professor emeritus of biochemistry, and an international expert in the field of blood clotting, led the research that resulted in seven patents related to the diagnosis and study of functions that are critical in normal blood coagulation.

Among Mann’s most notable inventions is a synthetic “plasma” mixture that is made up of proteins and membranes, and is designed to provide a clearer understanding of the regulation of blood coagulation.

Adding to the university’s leadership in the fields of coagulation research and protein biochemistry are the groundbreaking discoveries of Richard Jenny, Ph.D., and his colleagues. Original funding for much of the work came from grants from the National Institutes of Health. Jenny, whose career in coagulation research spans 25 years, co-founded Haematologic Technologies Inc. (HTI), located in Essex Junction, Vt., along with four of his colleagues. The company specializes in the isolation and characterization of high quality proteins for in vitro research worldwide.

Jenny has helped guide HTI from its initial two-person startup operation to its current status as an internationally recognized company.


This story was originally published in 2007.

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Talactoferrin Shows Anti-Cancer Activity

Baylor College of Medicine

Talactoferrin Shows Anti-Cancer Activity

Developed at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, by Orla M. Conneelly, Ph.D., Bert W. O’Malley,  M.D., Denis R. Headon, Ph.D., and Gregory S. May, Ph.D., talactoferrin is a targeted dendritic cell activator with promising anticancer activity. Early research funding was provided by the Baylor College of Medicine’s department of genetics, and by Agennix, Inc. The technologies related to the discovery of talactoferrin were disclosed in 1988 and 1992.

Talactoferrin, a novel dendritic cell (or immune cell) activator,  is a unique recombinant form of human lactoferrin. After isolating the human lactoferrin gene sequence, the research team then developed a method for producing human lactoferrin (an important protein with immunomodulatory activity) through recombinant gene technology. In 1993 the technology was licensed to Agennix Inc., a biotechnology company that is developing an oral formula of talactoferrin for treating cancer and a topical gel formulation for the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers.

Talactoferrin is an orally active protein that mediates its activity through the gut and the GALT — the largest lymphoid organ in the body — through dendritic cell recruitment  and activation. This results in a strong systemic innate and adaptive immune response, cellular infiltration of distant tumors and tumor- cell death.

Agennix has completed two randomized, double-blind, placebo- controlled Phase II studies evaluating talactoferrin  for the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), which is one of the most common types of cancer worldwide. In the first- line, patients  receiving talactoferrin, combined with standard chemotherapy, showed an apparent improvement in response rates, time to disease progression, duration of response and overall survival when compared to standard chemotherapy alone. In a more recent trial in patients with refractory disease who received supportive care plus either talactoferrin or placebo, the median overall survival was 65% higher in the talactoferrin group than in the placebo group.

Oral talactoferrin has also demonstrated apparent anti-cancer activity in clinical trials with other tumor types including kidney, breast, ovarian, and prostate cancer and in melanoma.

Topical talactoferrin was evaluated in a placebo-controlled trial in patients  with diabetic foot ulcers and met its primary endpoint of enhanced wound  healing. The company has 95 issued patents and 47 pending patents covering talactoferrin and its multiple uses and is preparing  to initiate global Phase III trials in both NSCLC indications.

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Calyxt's Precision Technology Harnesses the Power of Plants

University of Minnesota

Calyxt's Precision Technology Harnesses the Power of Plants

Photo credit Calyxt - Calyxt plants its hemp clones as a row crop at the Saueressig farm.

Calyxt, a University of Minnesota startup company launched in 2010 and based in Roseville, MN, uses TALEN®, a gene-editing technology to develop healthier and more sustainable crops.

Using TALENs as a set of “molecular scissors,” Calyxt makes pinpoint changes to specific genes that lead to more desirable traits in plants. The process is different than genetically modified organism (GMO) since the final product does not contain foreign DNA. 

Instead, the process is similar to the natural mutations that happen to plants in the wild and mimics the effects of traditional plant breeding methods—only with greater precision and over a much shorter time span.

Calyxt's first product, and the first gene-edited food product on the market, was sold under the Calyxt brand Calyno®. Calyno is a heart-healthy, high oleic soybean oil with zero grams trans fat per serving and reduced saturated fat, and delivers many functional benefits to chefs and consumers alike. Calyxt created an end-to-end partner-based supply chain to bring the product to market and demonstrate the value of its consumer benefits. Calyxt is now selling its high oleic soybean seed to processors.

Building off this early success, Calyxt is focusing on licensing TALENs so companies can leverage precision plant breeding technology and develop and market their own products. Calyxt will continue licensing the traits it develops directly to other companies as well as partnering with companies to co-develop traits. In addition to soybeans, the company is also developing alfalfa with improved digestibility; high fiber wheat; hemp for the protein, nutraceutical fiber, and advanced materials markets; and winter oats.

The Technology Commercialization office at the University of Minnesota licensed the TALEN technology to Calyxt's majority shareholder. UMN Technology Commercialization has licensed additional UMN intellectual property to Calyxt to provide them with additional tools and resources to bring products to the market.

Calyxt was founded in 2010 by the two University of Minnesota researchers in Minneapolis who invented the TALEN technology: Dan Voytas, Ph.D., professor of Genetics, Cell Biology, and Development in the College of Biological Sciences and director of its Center for Precision Plant Genomics, and Feng Zhang, Ph.D., assistant professor of Plant and Microbial Biology. The company went public in 2017 and is listed on the NASDAQ as CLXT.

This story was originally published in 2021.

New Therapeutic Approach for PTSD Licensed by University of Connecticut

New Therapeutic Approach for PTSD Licensed by University of Connecticut
TARGET Inventor Julian Ford.
Millions of people live with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a mental health condition that develops in response to a traumatic event, such as natural disasters, war, experiencing or witnessing violence, sexual abuse, or the injury or death of a loved one. Trauma has a significant impact on how people respond to everyday stressors.  

A group based out of the University of Connecticut in Storrs created Trauma Affect Regulation: Guide for Education and Therapy (TARGET), a copyrighted educational and therapeutic approach that explains why PTSD develops and how it can be overcome by learning new ways to manage stress reactions. TARGET helps those with PTSD or have otherwise experienced trauma without having to relive memories of the traumatic experience.  

“There are a number of psychotherapies for PTSD but most, if not all, of them require the person in therapy to relive traumatic memories,” said the lead researcher, Julian Ford. “That’s not something all people want to do, and it’s not the only way to treat PTSD.” 

Through a series of grants supported by the Department of Justice, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, and the National Institute of Mental Health from 2001-2006, Ford and his colleagues showed how TARGET could help adults in addiction treatment, mothers with PTSD, girls in or at risk of entering the juvenile justice system, women incarcerated at the York Correctional Institution, and men who were combat veterans combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. 

In 2008, UConn licensed a small business established by Ford and his wife, Judy Ford, a marriage and family therapist, to disseminate TARGET. With the guidance of the UConn Technology Commercialization Services, the Fords established that business, Advanced Trauma Solutions (ATS). 

“It was something that was useful and valuable,” Gregory Gallo, director of technology transfer at UConn says. “It’s nice to know this technology is getting out there and helping people.”  

TARGET has been translated into Spanish, German, Korean, and Dutch, and is being translated into Urdu. TARGET has largely been implemented in juvenile justice departments and substance abuse treatment programs.

Last year, the Fords retired from the company, but three employees kept it going as Advanced Trauma Solutions Professionals.  

“We weren’t ready to say goodbye to this work,” Katy Reid, Advanced Trauma Solutions Professionals CEO, says. 

Reid teamed up with Kami Ochoa, ATS Professionals CFO, and Chrstine Kopcyk, ATS Professionals COO. 
With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic halting travel, ATS Professionals quickly worked to develop online training protocols that allow people the flexibility to work at their own pace.  

“Thanks to COVID we really had to put on our thinking hats and get creative about how we deliver these services,” Reid says. 

This story was originally published in 2021.

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Taxol Reshapes the War on Cancer

Florida State University

Taxol Reshapes the War on Cancer

A Florida State University professor invents the process to make the best-selling cancer drug in history — and while he’s at it, helps save the endangered Pacific Yew tree. Since the introduction of synthetic Taxol, more than 2 million women worldwide have taken the drug to fight ovarian and breast cancer.

The nurse points a flashlight in the patient’s eyes and from miles away, Karen Curtin, an R.N. in electronic nursing, is helping examine the hospital patient. From Curtin’s vantage point, sitting at a desk with six computer screens and monitoring 30 patients simultaneously at several Chicago area hospitals, life is magical. “Electronic nursing is an exciting area of medicine,” says Curtin, who works in the intensive care unit with Provena Health Care and monitors critically ill patients via computer from a central location, “Every day I remind myself how lucky I am to be alive and be able to help others.”

Four years ago, Curtin, a single mother with two children from Orland Park, Ill., was working as an intensive care nurse for St. Francis Hospital in Blue Island, Ill. In her free time she enjoyed all forms of exercise. She still tenses up when she recalls Dec. 4, 2001, when she was running on a treadmill. “The running produced a pain in my left breast. Later, taking a shower, I felt a painful lump. I had been an ICU nurse for 13 years so I told myself, I’m 31, there’s no history of breast cancer in our family, so it’s probably nothing. But another voice inside knew something was wrong. Terribly wrong.”

A few days later, Curtin learned she had breast cancer. Last year the American Cancer Society estimated that more than 210,000 people would be diagnosed with breast cancer and that more than 40,000 of them would die. Curtin was proactive and immediately had an ultrasound, followed by a lumpectomy. Exactly a month after discovering the lump in her breast, she underwent nine hours of a mastectomy and tram-flap reconstructive surgery. “Eleven of my 30 lymph nodes were positive for cancer,” she says. “I found out I am her-2 positive, which is a very aggressive form of cancer.” During what Curtain calls her “big surgery,” her breast, including the nipple, was removed, and on the same day, she underwent reconstruction surgery that included abdominal muscle tunneled under the skin to support a new breast area. The recovery from the surgery took weeks, followed by several grueling rounds of drug therapy. In her characteristically understated manner, she says 2002 was probably the most difficult year of her life.

Reaching the Turning Point

When Curtin started cancer treatment — she had enrolled in a national drug therapy study — she  underwent 12 weeks of chemotherapy, and four rounds each of Adriamycin and Cytoxan. “I was horribly ill through this process and when my medium-length hair fell out, my illness really hit home. My kids were supportive, but they were horrified. My son kept telling me to put my wig back on.”

But when Curtin started taking Taxol by IV drip once a week for 12 weeks, her life started to change. “Taxol was the turning point in getting my life back,” she says. “Compared to other drug therapies I had taken, it was a relief to take Taxol and not have side effects.” Curtin, one of the people who have reacted well to Taxol, says, “When I look back on the months of cancer-fighting treatment that I went through, I credit Taxol with being the milestone that started making a difference in my recovery.” After her Taxol treatments, Curtin had radiation treatments five days a week for 25 days.

Breakthrough Leads to Wide Availability

Though millions of people have heard of Taxol, chances are most do not know the connection to Florida State University and the phenomenal story behind the drug’s invention. The active compound that would become Taxol, or paclitaxel, which the National Cancer Institute described in 1990 as the most vitally important cancer drug in 15 years, was first discovered in the 1970s from the bark of the endangered, ancient Pacific Yew tree. But there was a problem. To produce a cancer treatment, the bark of the trees had to be harvested, and the harvesting killed the trees.

By 1988, NCI released results of Taxol’s Phase II trials of ovarian cancer. According to the report, at least three of every 10 persons found their tumors had shrunk using Taxol. The result was a huge demand for the drug. To offer it to all  ovarian cancer sufferers in the U.S., doctors would have needed 240 pounds of Taxol. That production level would have required the harvesting of 360,000 Pacific Yew trees, the habitat of the spotted owl, also an endangered species.

Enter professor Robert Holton, a Florida State University chemist who had returned to FSU, his alma mater, in 1985 and was excited about seeking a solution to the Taxol supply problem. His work at FSU was deemed nationally significant when just two later, his laboratory was working with support from the U.S. National Cancer Institute.

There are many stories about Holton’s discovery, as well there should be. Holton’s work at FSU is legendary in the world of cancer-fighting technology. His breakthrough occurred with his 1991 invention of synthesizing paclitaxel using compounds found in the needles and twigs of the common English Yew tree. Holton’s perseverance paid off. His relentless determination to help cancer patients resulted in a synthesizing process that didn’t kill the Yew tree. The process that started with needles and twigs and ended with a medical breakthrough is in some ways an expression of Holton’s character.

“Professor Holton is a dynamo. He is driven to attack cancer,” says John Fraser, director of the Office of Intellectual Property Development and Commercialization at Florida State University.

Holton’s invention at FSU was subsequently licensed to Bristol-Myers Squibb, which introduced the drug as Taxol in early 1993 after it received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Because of Holton’s work at FSU, Taxol became the most important cancer fighting drug to come along in 15 years.

Impact Heard Around the World

When Bristol-Myers Squibb used the FSU semi-synthesis process in bringing the drug to the marketplace, it was a major step forward in fighting ovarian cancer.

Though it is not effective for everyone, Taxol has had a far-reaching social and economic impact since its introduction. More than 2 million women worldwide have taken Taxol. By 1998, the FDA approved its use not only for first-line ovarian cancer therapy, but also for first-line metastic breast cancer therapy when used in combination with Herceptin. Today, it has extended use as a second-line treatment for AIDS-related Kaposi’s sarcoma.

“When Taxol was first introduced, it was a golden bullet. It had a staggering impact on the treatment of cancer,” says Fraser, a University of California, Berkeley-trained biochemist. “And years later, it still is a front-line therapy for treating breast cancer and ovarian cancer.”

One of the offshoots of Holton’s work is Taxolog Inc., a private company set up as an FSU startup with a technology transfer license to develop and bring to market other Taxol analogs invented at FSU.

Within months of her Taxol treatments, in October 2002, Curtin was back at work saving lives. While the computer pushes data at her, informing her about the critically ill patients she’s monitoring, she recognizes how fortunate she is to be alive, thriving and helping others do the same.

There were many elements that played a part in her recovery, but without missing a beat, she says, “When I started taking Taxol, I felt more human again. It was Taxol that got me back to being a mom.” — By Sharyn Alden



This story was originally published in 2006.

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TB: Designing the Perfect Vaccine

Oregon Health
Oregon Health & Science University

TB: Designing the Perfect Vaccine

At least from a bacterial survival standpoint, tuberculosis is the perfectly designed bug. Mycobacterium tuberculosis infiltrates the cell and then lurks within, identifiable by skin test, but not causing any symptoms.

“People estimate that one-third of the world has at least been exposed to tuberculosis,” says David Lewinsohn, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor in pulmonary and critical care medicine at Oregon Health & Science University and Portland VA Medical Center. “We think that many of them are latently infected. So they have the bacteria and the bacteria is kind of there, but not causing any trouble. And 90-plus percent of the time that works just fine-people don’t get sick.”

When the disease does become active, though, tuberculosis can inflict significant harm-to the infected individual and others. Symptoms include chest pain, hemoptysis (coughing up blood), fever and weight loss. Someone with active disease, who goes untreated, can unknowingly infect 10 to 15 people annually by coughing, sneezing, or even talking, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

In 2006 alone, 9.2 million people worldwide became ill and 1.7 million people died, according to WHO data. And some regions of the developing world have been particularly devastated by the bacterial infection.

Five countries in Africa and Asia-India, China, Indonesia, South Africa and Nigeria-rank among the top five countries worldwide, in their total number of tuberculosis cases.

The highest rate of new cases occurs in Africa, with nearly 350 cases per 100,000 population. Residents in Africa also suffer from the highest mortality rate compared with other regions of the world.

While medications typically can treat the disease, multi-drug resistant (MDR) strains are of increasing concern. An estimated 0.5 million cases of MDR tuberculosis worldwide were identified in 2007 alone and vaccine protection remains limited at best. The Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine provides limited protection, particularly among adults, who are most likely to transmit the infectious bacteria.

The vaccine isn’t typically recommended in the United States because it can interfere with skin testing and because TB is primarily controlled by active surveillance and drug treatment. The best solution, in short, is a better vaccine, one that mimics the immune system’s natural ability to wall off the life-threatening bacterium. Solving that immune system riddle has become a driving passion for Lewinsohn and his research partner and wife, Deborah Lewinsohn, M.D., a pediatric infectious disease specialist and OHSU associate professor at Dorenbecher Children’s Hospital.

“We think the TB is kind of hidden within this [cellular] structure,” David Lewinsohn says. “The TB is not dead-it’s there. And the immune system has got it contained. …If we really understood how the human immune-response contained tuberculosis, then that would be our model for a better vaccine.”

Fighting TB—Progress to Date

Along with the inherent cellular complexity, researchers describe a number of other hurdles involved with designing a tuberculosis vaccine. Since the disease develops slowly, it’s difficult to assess the relative effectiveness of any given vaccine prototype. Plus, triggering a broad population-wide immune response is complicated by the natural variability in individuals’ immune responses. “What your immune system will recognize is determined by your genetic makeup,” says John Fulkerson, Ph.D., head of vaccine discovery at Aeras Global TB Vaccine Foundation, (Areas) a not-for- profit organization.

In tackling this issue, the Lewinsohns have applied more than 15 years in infectious disease research, with a particular interest in immune responses. David Lewinsohn’s work related to tuberculosis dates back more than a decade. Deborah Lewinsohn, who initially focused more on HIV, started working more closely on tuberculosis once the pair joined the Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) in the late 1990s.

Traditionally, tuberculosis researchers have been particularly focused on one component of the immune system, CD4 T-cells, which are believed to play a crucial role in keeping active tuberculosis at bay. (The depletion of CD4 T-cells in those infected with HIV, for example, makes them more vulnerable to developing tuberculosis.) But the Lewinsohns have become increasingly intrigued by another immune system component, the CD8 T-cells, which they also believe to be influential. They describe those cells as uniquely designed to locate foreignseeming antigens hiding within a cell.

In 2004, the Lewinsohns received $4.6 million to further study the antigens, or proteins, believed to be influential in the onset of active tuberculosis. The substantial five-year contract was one of 14 contracts, totaling more than $73 million, awarded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases as part of its Large-Scale Antibody and T Cell Epitope Discovery Program. The program’s goal is to stimulate breakthroughs in the understanding of epitopes-small portions of antigens-that can lead to vaccine breakthroughs against infectious diseases, including bioterrorism targets. With the infusion of funding, the Lewinsohns have been delving further into identifying differences in antigens and epitopes between people with active tuberculosis and those with latent, or inactive, tuberculosis. Their goal: to identify specific cellular markers that the CD8 T-cells must recognize in order to swing into action against the lurking tuberculosis bacterium within.

Identifying Vaccine Components

By 2006, the Lewinsohns had identified a dozen antigens that showed sufficient promise, leading OHSU to file a provisional patent application. The following year, in late 2007, OHSU granted to Aeras an exclusive license to develop and market OHSU’s antigen based vaccine for human vaccination against TB.

“From the initial discussions with Aeras, which occurred at the 2007 AUTM Annual Meeting, they were excited about the opportunity to in-license and work on these antigens,” says Andrew Watson, Ph.D., Licensing Associate in OHSU’s office of Technology & Research Collaborations. “The licensing of OHSU’s technology was an important step towards the development of a broad-based vaccine containing multiple epitopes,” says Rita Khanna, Ph.D., J.D., General Counsel at Aeras. Aeras, which is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Dutch government and others, was founded in 2003 with the goal of developing a more effective TB vaccine by the middle of the next decade. “OHSU is pleased to be a partner in helping achieve this objective and meeting the global need for low-cost or at-cost vaccines, especially in the developing world,” says Watson.

Along with addressing a vital public health need, the market incentives are substantial. The potential payoff, depending upon the type of tuberculosis vaccine developed, ranges from $450 million to nearly $1 billion annually, according to a 2006 analysis by BIO Ventures for Global Health, a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit organization. Aeras, based in Rockville, Md., has numerous vaccine development resources including partner clinical trial sites and a manufacturing plant. “We are functionally modeled like a pharma or a biotech, even though we are a non-profit,” Fulkerson says. “Aeras can conduct more of the required vaccine development activities in-house than most big companies can.” Aeras is pursuing a number of vaccine strategies, some of which are already in Phase I and II clinical trials. Aeras officials also have started working with the 12 antigens they’ve licensed from OHSU.

In the coming years, Aeras will evaluate vaccine constructs encoding the identified antigens in rodent models and then in non-human primates on the most promising candidates prior to initiating trials in humans. “Aeras is excited about using OHSU’s antigens for developing an effective vaccine against TB,” says Khanna.

Moving Forward

Collaboration is key to making the project succeed. Aeras’ scientists and the Lewinsohns continue to work in partnership on the development of vaccine candidates involving these antigens. In addition, Aeras will continue to track the Lewinsohns’ progress as they identify other intriguing antigens in the future. In discussing the significance of the Lewinsohns’ research, Fulkerson circles back to their ability to isolate specific epitopes, or pieces of antigens. Fulkerson believes that identification of those epitopes-specifically the ones that help trigger an immune response in individuals of diverse genetic backgrounds-may open the door to a broader-spectrum vaccine, one that could contain a dozen or possibly more epitopes.

“What this will allow is the capacity to design a vaccine that contains, instead of a large antigen or several large antigens, one that will instead use portions of many different antigens that you know are recognized by people of many different backgrounds,” Fulkerson says. “And by doing this you can make a vaccine that will drive a strong immune response in people of any genetic makeup.

I think their approach to antigen discovery is absolutely spectacular. Some of the most interesting results we’ve seen have come out of the Lewinsohns’ work.” OHSU sees the relationship with Aeras as a promising opportunity for continued growth in the future. “Our hope is that as new antigens and/or antigenic epitopes are identified by the Lewinsohns, Aeras will continue to be an exceptional development partner,” says Watson 

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T-Cell Vaccination Lessens the Effects of Multiple Sclerosis

Baylor College of Medicine

T-Cell Vaccination Lessens the Effects of Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an unpredictable neurodegenerative disease that exhibits highly variable symptoms, depending on how advanced the disease is and what areas of the central nervous system are being afflicted. Because MS is so variable, it is difficult to prescribe treatment protocols that are effective over the long term. However, researchers at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston have developed an effective therapy that  is custom-designed for each patient’s unique MS condition.

Jingwu Zang Zhang, M.D., a professor formerly with Baylor’s department of neurology, developed a T-cell vaccination approach to fi multiple sclerosis in the late 1990s. T-cells are white blood cells that boost the body’s immune response infection and disease. The research was supported by funding from the Richardson Foundation. A disclosur “T Cell Vaccination in Multiple Scler was submitted to the Baylor License Group in 2001. The technology was licensed shortly thereafter to Opexa Therapeutics, Inc., and is now in phase II clincial trials under the name Tovaxin™.

Tovaxin™ is custom-made for each patient. It consists of irradiated T-cells that  are reactive against  myelin-basic protein, a key component of the protective sheath that covers nerve fibers. In MS, autoreactive T-cells attack the myelin sheath, resulting in neurological impairment that can range from mild to severely debilitating.

Tovaxin stimulates an immune response from the body that  specifically fights these  autoreactive T-cells.

Tovaxin™ is beneficial to MS patients because it specifically treats the root cause of the disease — T-cells that  are attacking  myelin sheaths in the brain. Unlike more generalized  treatments for MS, such as interferon,  Tovaxin™ has fewer side effects, produces more consistent results, and is a highly personalized, patient-specific treatment therapy.

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Tiny Teabag Filter Offers Tremendous Hope for the World's Thirst

Stellenbosch University

Tiny Teabag Filter Offers Tremendous Hope for the World's Thirst

When an earthquake and tsunami devastated Japan in 2011, international aid groups raced to bring assistance to the beleaguered country. After their filtration plants were damaged, a key necessity was securing safe drinking water for the residents.

To this end, an aid group contacted South African businessman Tony Karsten hoping to buy thousands of inexpensive water bottles with built-in filters that his company, AquaQure, is developing for exactly such disasters. The bottle was still being perfected so Karsten couldn’t send any, though he says, “They would be perfect for Japan.”

The innovation grew out of research by Professor Eugene Cloete, Ph.D., at Stellenbosch University in Stellenbosch, South Africa. It uses a filter that resembles a teabag with a bacteria killing compound spun into its fibers. Not only does it sit on top of a reusable water bottle, it’s also an extremely economical and easy way to deliver potable water to regions that need it most, namely those that have experienced a natural disaster, as well as poor areas around the globe that face a daily struggle for clean water.

According to the United Nations, 2 out of 10 people in the world do not have access to safe drinking water, and millions of people, mostly children, die every year from related diseases.

Karsten said that his phone has been ringing off the hook since he signed a licensing agreement in late 2010 with the university to bring the teabag water filter to market. Much of the excitement and interest is coming from aid organizations, government ministers and international philanthropists.

“There is such a dire need,” Karsten says. “We have created a spark of hope now that there’s a clean option that they’ll be able to afford.”

A Big Idea in a Little Package

The genesis of the filter involves a serendipitous conversation, some teabags borrowed from a university boardroom and a hair straightener.

Cloete arrived at Stellenbosch University in early 2009 to become the dean of the faculty of science. In his previous job at the University of Pretoria in Pretoria, South Africa, he had been working on integrating an enzyme into industrial water systems to keep filters from clogging.

A few weeks into the new job, he was on a tour of the science facilities and heard a short presentation by a recently minted doctoral student. The student had used a process called electro-spinning or nano-spinning to turn a polymer gel into silk-like fibers.

Cloete got so excited about the potential of this technology that he couldn’t stop thinking about it. Upon returning to his lab, he called his former colleagues in Pretoria and asked them to send him some of his enzymes. His idea was to use electro-spinning to integrate the enzyme into the filters instead of having to incorporate the enzyme after the fact.

But since he was too excited to wait the week for the enzyme to arrive, he said, “Let’s try something else and put it in the fibers.”

Cloete had some biocide, an antibacterial gel that he had helped develop with Karsten over the past eight years. The two had worked on integrating the biocide into agricultural water systems to combat algae.

He asked his two postdoctoral students, Michéle de Kwaadsteniet, Ph.D., and Marelize Botes, Ph.D., to try spinning the biocide into fibers. They started experimenting with ways to integrate the biocide fibers into industrial filters to prevent contamination from bacteria.

“When you test them, you don’t test on an industrial scale,” Cloete explains. “You test in the lab so you can demonstrate the principle.”

The group needed a small-scale way to test the principle. They realized that teabags could act like a filter and provide a material onto which the biocide nanofibers could be spun. Cloete grabbed some teabags from the boardroom, emptied them of their leaves and they spun the biocide nanofibers onto the teabags. Then they filled the modified teabags with activated carbon — the same material found in your Brita water filter at home, which removes the water’s impurities. To seal the teabags back up, they needed something hot — one of the students had her hair straightener with her and used it to complete the operation.

The researchers discovered that the prototype filters worked in the lab, but turned their thoughts to scaling up the approach for industrial water treatment. Then Cloete — who presses his students to think about how changes in size and shape can improve innovations and was well-aware from his research that there is a massive global need for cheap, clean drinking water — had quite the reverse inspiration.

“We were cleaning 3 to 4 liters of water at a time” to test the filters, he says. “I asked myself, ‘Why don’t we design a filter for only 2 to 3 liters of water?’ That’s when it dawned on me that this was a very good idea.”

The World Takes Notice

The group switched its focus to smaller, water-bottle-size applications and spent the next year and a half laboring in the lab to perfect the technology.

At the same time, Stellenbosch University launched the Hope Project to mobilize its faculty to use its knowledge to solve the world’s problems. The university decided to showcase the teabag water filter for local media in the summer of 2010.

After that, “Things moved pretty quickly,” says Philip Marais, with considerable understatement. Marais is a business developer with InnovUS Technology Transfer, the university’s technology transfer company.

A story about the filter in the local paper was noticed by media around the world, and the teabag water filter was suddenly the subject of articles from China to Europe to the United States.

Cloete was flooded with inquiries from 120 organizations on six continents that were interested in licensing the technology. He passed each person along to Marais.

“How do you follow up with 120 organizations?” Cloete says, in explaining how grateful he is to Marais and his office for taking over the business side of the project. “They’ve played a very important role. You need people who can do that as a service to the scientists.”

For his part, Marais says he’s learned an enormous amount about the marketing potential of leveraging the media when an exciting innovation comes along.

“It’s quite staggering the value of that advertising that we’ve paid nothing for,” he says.

Doing the Most Good Possible

Marais had already been in discussions with Karsten, who was interested in licensing the technology, before the media frenzy. Despite the 120 other interested parties, Stellenbosch University decided to stick with Karsten’s AquaQure and signed an agreement with the company in November 2010.

“Tony is the perfect champion for the product,” Marais says, noting his “passion for the product and determination to see it go to market.”

AquaQure hopes to have full production under way at a Cape Town plant in the fall, with bottles on the market by the end of the year. He wants to keep the cost of the bottles as small as possible to provide access to the most people. The goal is that the bottles, which will come with a month’s supply of filters and a pictogram explaining how to use them, will cost less than $5 (U.S. currency). Additional filters, each of which can be used for a day, would cost less than a penny, Karsten says.

While the main focus is on providing safe drinking water to people who can’t access or afford it, Karsten says there’s an upscale version of the bottle being considered for hikers.

But, the main intention has always been to help those in desperate need.

Cloete said he has two big goals for the teabag water filter. He hopes it inspires other academics to use their knowledge toward solving humanitarian problems. And his main goal is chipping away at those massive problems himself.

“I want to see this make a difference in the lives of people who need it most,” he says. “To bring hope to people in the world who need this technology, where children are dying of disease. That’s my dream.”


This story was originally published in 2011.

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Building a Safer Isotope

BC Scientists Solve Health-Care Dilemma

University of British Columbia

Building a Safer Isotope

Hundreds of thousands of people around the globe have benefited from something they’ve never heard of: technetium-99m. Tc-99m, as it’s known in scientific circles, is the world’s most-popular diagnostic imaging isotope.

When injected into a patient, isotopes allow medical specialists to closely examine target areas noninvasively, with special equipment. Tc-99m is used in more than 80 percent of all nuclear medicine procedures—some 30 million times a year—to diagnose cancer, Parkinson’s and other serious conditions.

Historically, valuable medical isotopes like Tc-99m have been produced worldwide at nuclear reactors such as Ontario’s Chalk River. But a series of outages in recent years at key, often aging reactors led to a shortage of Tc-99m and significant health-care disruptions.

The Chalk River reactor shut down in March 2018, after more than 60 years online, leaving Canada without a major source of medical isotopes. Chalk River had produced 40 percent of the world’s supply of Tc-99m.

Since 2009 the search has been on to bypass nuclear reactors and develop new ways to produce radioisotopes. TRIUMF, a renowned subatomic physics laboratory based at the University of British Columbia, headed a partnership that eventually came up with breakthrough technology.

The method uses cyclotrons, a type of particle accelerator found worldwide in hospitals, clinics and radiopharmacies that provide medical imaging. This means that

Tc-99m and other radioisotopes such as copper-64 and gallium-68 can now be produced locally as needed. And by employing nonradioactive elements, the cyclotron process eliminates the use of enriched uranium and results in no long-term radioactive waste.

This technology is “a viable alternative that allows for a safe, reliable and environmentally sound supply of a critical medical isotope,” said Paul Schaffer, CEO of ARTMS Products Inc., a Vancouver-based company launched by the TRIUMF consortium to market the technology worldwide.

ARTMS, recipient of the BC Tech Association’s 2017 award for “Most Promising Pre-Commercial Technology,” has now taken a big next step on the world stage, partnering with U.K.-based Alliance Medical, the leading independent provider of diagnostic imaging services across Europe.

This story was originally published in 2018.

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Inventors Aim to Increase Availability of Eye Screening for Diabetics

Oak Ridge National Laboratory
University of Tennessee Research Foundation

Inventors Aim to Increase Availability of Eye Screening for Diabetics

Pressing public health problems rarely have easy and affordable solutions. In the case of diabetic retinopathy — a complication of diabetes mellitus that can lead to blindness —myriad factors, from too many patients and too few health care providers to the cost and accessibility of routine care, keep millions of diabetics from getting an annual eye exam to screen for the disease.

“There are 25 million diabetics in America today and fewer than half of them get the recommended eye exam each year,” says Edward Chaum, M.D., Ph.D., professor of ophthalmology at the University of Tennessee Hamilton Eye Institute inMemphis. “We’re not even managing the number of diabetics we have now, and we certainly won’t be able to manage the growing numbers of diabetics. We’re trying to funnel a huge number of patients through a narrow number of providers.”

Chaum and co-inventor Kenneth W. Tobin, Ph.D., hope automating the screening process for diabetic retinopathy with an advanced computer technique will make the simple and vision-saving test affordable and accessible to millions of diabetics.

About Diabetic Retinopathy

According to the American Diabetes Association, more than 25 million people in the United States have diabetes, a chronic, lifelong disease marked by high levels of sugar in the blood. That number is expected to rise to 115 million by 2050.

Diabetic retinopathy, a deterioration of the retina, or the light-sensitive membrane that receives and transmits visual images to the brain, occurs in a high percentage of those who live with the disease for more than 10 years. Although diabetic retinopathy can be treated in its early stages with laser therapy, many patients are unaware they have the disease until it’s too late.

“The reality is patients go blind from diabetes because they don’t get seen in a timely fashion,” says Chaum. “Their vision gets worse and worse, and there’s only so much I can do to bring back their sight or preserve what’s left. To prevent blindness, we need to seek out individuals at risk and intervene early.”

Diabetic retinopathy has historically been detected through an eye exam in which the retina is imaged and analyzed by an ophthalmologist, a physician who specializes in medical and surgical eye problems. As a result of a shortage of ophthalmologists in some parts of the country — as well as the inconvenience of the screening test — far too many diabetics lose their vision each year.

Connecting the Dots

Chaum had been invited to hear Tobin, division director and corporate research fellow at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), speak on his automated method of analyzing computer chips for defects when he had an “aha” moment.

Tobin was describing how a semiconductor manufacturer used his content-based image retrieval (CBIR) system as an automatic inspection tool to assist in quality control and engineering. The system included a database of hundreds of thousands of images of semiconductor wafers and a set of algorithms that could match an image of a newly manufactured wafer to those in the library, providing engineers with invaluable information with which to identify and correct defects.

“What Ken had taught computers to do in the manufacturing process matched what I do clinically with the retina,” says Chaum. “I saw the opportunity to apply Ken’s technology to a different library of images. We could search for features of disease states in the eye using patient images that we have acquired over the years.”

Michael J. Paulus, Ph.D., director of technology transfer at ORNL, calls Chaum a brilliant dot-connector for seeing a medical application in Tobin’s work.

“We have wonderful toolmakers at Oak Ridge and at the University of Tennessee, there are physicians looking for tools,” says Paulus. “The marriage of the two turns out to be a great place for invention.”

Matching Images

Within weeks, Chaum and Tobin applied for funding from ORNL and won $125,000 in seed money to build a CBIR database of retinal images and develop algorithms to recognize disease patterns within them.

“What we’re doing is teaching computers to diagnose eye disease,” says Chaum. “The way to manage millions of patients is by doing it in a fully automated way. My goal is to change the paradigm by bringing screening to a societal scale.”

Results of the ORNL funding laid the groundwork for grants from the U.S. Army Biomedical Information Technology Network in the amount of $830,000 and a National Eye Institute RO1 grant of $1.63 million (renewed three years later for $3.16 million), which helped this collaborative effort to refine the CBIR technology and develop software to transmit patient images over the Internet.

From Invention to Startup

In 2008, Chaum and Tobin met with their respective technology transfer officers, Paulus and Richard Magid, vice president, University of Tennessee Research Foundation, to begin the patenting process for the CBIR system. Two years later, Chaum and Tobin licensed the technology and established a startup company called Hubble Telemedical Inc. Additional funding from MB Venture Partners LLC and the Small Business Innovation Research program enabled the pair to bring CEO Chuck Witkowski on board at the beginning of 2012.

Later that year, while awaiting approval for its computerized screening system from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the company began laying the groundwork for a rapid expansion by marketing its Real-Time Remote Retinal Exam service. The service consists of a commercially available retinal camera and the company’s computer software that connects the camera to a telemedical platform called the TRIAD network.

In 2010, the TRIAD Network was awarded the prestigious R&D100 Award as one of the top life sciences breakthroughs and the following year, Hubble Telemedical won the American Telemedicine Association Innovation Award.

It takes less than an hour to install the retinal camera and TRIAD network in a doctor’s office or clinic and only 30 minutes to train staff on imaging the retina and uploading images for analysis via the Internet. For now, the images are sent online to Chaum and a team of ophthalmologists, who analyze the retinal images and send a report back to the physician’s office.

“Staff love it, they think it’s cool,” says Witkowski. “They want to help their patients and they immediately understand the benefit. The system is extremely easy to use.”

The service, which is being sold to health care professionals, insurance providers and employers throughout the country, has already provided remote retinal exams for several thousand patients.

Increasing Patient Compliance

The company’s research has shown that simply increasing the availability of diabetic retinopathy screening in primary care offices can have a dramatic affect on diabetic eye care. In a study of 1,002 diabetic patients screened over 12 months in a primary care clinic at the University of North Carolina, the percentage of diabetics in the practice receiving screening increased from 32 percent to 71 percent.

“With our TRIAD network, recommended annual eye exam compliance rates among diabetics more than doubled. Most importantly, we identified dozens of individuals with disease they didn’t know they had,” says Witkowski.

In the meantime, the company is conducting a blinded prospective clinical trial to compare the accuracy and consistency of the CBIR system with ophthalmologists’ analyses of retinal screening images — data the company hopes will not only validate the reliability of the automated screening, but also pave the way for the quick-and-easy eye exam to become widespread.

“We hope that someday soon, when you walk into Walmart, you will see a camera and our CBIR system next to the blood pressure cuff, ready to identify potential eye pathology and save someone from blindness,” says Tobin.


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Looking Back in Time: Powerful Telescopes Tell Us More About the Universe

University of Cambridge

Looking Back in Time: Powerful Telescopes Tell Us  More About the Universe

In the early 1950s, scientists were busy looking at galaxies 1,000 million light years away and debating whether the Big Bang or Steady State theories described the nature of the Universe.

Like many scientists, Martin Ryle, an astronomer at the University of Cambridge, knew that the development of more powerful telescopes would hold the key to solving the puzzle. Looking at the light that has travelled to Earth from far away objects is like looking back in time, right to the beginning of the Universe.

In general, the bigger the telescope, the more powerful it is. So to see further into space — and hence further back in time — astronomers usually build bigger devices. But Ryle chose a different approach.

He created hugely powerful telescopes by carefully constructing and arranging a number of smaller ones that worked together.

By 1958, thanks to the development of a powerful computer built at Cambridge by Maurice Wilkes, Ryle could analyse data from many telescopes working within 5km of each other, just as if he had covered the whole area by a single vast device.

Ryle’s methods are now used all over the world. They even take advantage of the rotation of the earth to look at different parts of the sky. The approach, now known as the ‘aperture synthesis technique,’ has created devices that are so powerful they can see a postage stamp on the moon. Observations made with these instruments have been crucial to the study of the stars and the study of the development of the Universe.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Improving Treatment for HIV

KU Leuven

Improving Treatment for HIV

Imagine receiving a diagnosis for a life-threatening disease and then learning that treatment will require taking dozens of pills each day, with terrible side effects, for the rest of your life. For years, this was the plight of patients infected with HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). Now they have a better treatment option: a single pill, taken once a day. That pill includes a vital compound called tenofovir, the product of collaboration between researchers at the Rega Institute for Medical Research (at KU Leuven), the Institute for Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry (IOCB) at Prague's Academy of Sciences and Gilead Sciences. During the past decade, tenofovir has emerged as a medical breakthrough for HIV, providing treatment that gives patients more life — in both quantity and quality.

Grappling With a Difficult Disease

By the end of 2012, the estimated number of people infected worldwide by HIV exceeded 34 million. That's roughly equivalent to the entire population of Canada.  

During the early 1980s, researchers identified HIV as the virus that can devastate the human immune system and lead to AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). Years ago, an HIV diagnosis was akin to a death sentence. The first treatment, AZT (azidothymidine), came on the market in 1987 and was soon joined by other medications targeting HIV. These drugs could extend patients' lives, but at a cost. Patients suffered debilitating side effects like nausea, fatigue and muscle pain. What's more, the virus would often mutate and develop resistance to the drugs, rendering them ineffective.

The treatment itself required an onerous regimen. "In the past, patients had to take multiple pills, three to five times a day. It was almost a handful of medication," says Patrick Chaltin, Ph.D., a former senior intellectual property officer at KU Leuven Research & Development (LRD) and currently managing director of the Centre for Drug Design and Discover (CD3).  

Disabling the Copy Machine

When the first AIDS case was documented in 1981, it caught the attention of Jan Balzarini, Ph.D. "It was a new infection, something that was very mysterious and affecting a lot of people," says Balzarini, who currently heads KU Leuven's virology laboratory. "More and more, it became clear that this would become one of the most serious pandemics in the world." Balzarini has conducted research in KU Leuven's virology laboratory for more than three decades. During most of that time, he worked for the previous head of the lab, Erik De Clercq, M.D. (who retired in 2006).

To treat this mysterious virus, De Clercq and Balzarini tested a category of compounds called nucleoside analogues. Since they mimic the structure of natural building blocks for DNA synthesis, they can enter the host cells of the virus and block the enzyme HIV needs to replicate. It's like throwing a wrench in the virus copy machine.

After a nucleoside analogue enters a virus's host cell, it can't immediately disable the copy machine. It must undergo a three-step chemical process within the cell, and sometimes that process can break down, hindering the treatment's effectiveness.

The first clinically used anti-HIV drugs (like AZT) were nucleoside analogues. But De Clercq and Balzarini focused on a unique group of nucleoside compounds, called nucleoside phosphonates. It was Antonin Holý, Ph.D., along with Hana Dvoráková, Ph.D., at the IOCB in Prague who synthesized the nucleoside phosphonates and sent them to De Clercq's lab for investigation. "That was a crucial part — bringing together the disciplines of biology and chemistry, and collaborating to make a huge discovery," says Chaltin.

One of the compounds turned out to have several benefits that made it more effective against HIV compared to other nucleoside compounds. The nucleoside phosphonate didn't need a three-step chemical process to disable HIV's copy machine. It only required two steps — and the compound had a more stable chemical structure — which helped ensure its ability to block the virus from replicating.

The researchers were also struck by the compound's staying power. Other nucleoside compounds can disable HIV's copy machinery for a few hours — requiring patients to take drugs up to five times a day. Notably, the nucleoside phosphonate blocked HIV's ability to replicate for up to 24 hours.

"This property became important many years later for the success of tenofovir, because it allowed IOCB and Gilead Sciences to make a drug that you only have to take once a day," says Balzarini. "That's extremely important for a disease that you have to treat not in one week, or one month, but for many years."

They tested many variations of nucleoside phosphonate compounds and found one with minimal side effects — which became known as tenofovir. Balzarini points out there are compounds closely related to tenofovir that have bad side effects. "The distinction is often very subtle, with one small chemical group that can make an enormous difference."

With early treatments, HIV drug resistance was a big problem. Balzarini, De Clercq and their collaborators speculated that the resistance risk would drop significantly if they used a compound that mimicked DNA's building blocks as closely as possible. If the virus couldn't detect an artificial compound, then it wouldn't create mutations to build up resistance. That was the hunch, and it proved correct.

"The virus sees this molecule as almost natural, so the resistance level is quite low and takes a long time to develop," says Balzarini — noting that resistance to tenofovir is as much as 100 times lower than some other HIV drugs.

Entering the Marketplace

Tenofovir was initially licensed to Bristol-Meyers in the late 1980s, but the company lost interest in the compound after merging with Squibb Corp. in 1989 and subsequently returned the intellectual property to IOCB and KU Leuven. One person at Bristol-Myers did not lose interest, however: John Martin, Ph.D., who went on to become CEO of Gilead Sciences. While at Bristol-Myers, Martin served as a head chemist on the tenofovir project.

"He understood the importance of the compound," says Balzarini. After Martin left Bristol-Myers-Squibb to join California,-based Gilead Sciences, he contacted De Clercq and Holý to see if Gilead could obtain the license to tenofovir.

IOCB and KU Leuven licensed the technology to Gilead Sciences in 1991. At that time, the KU Leuven's technology transfer office (TTO) was relatively small, but that's changed, says Balzarini. "Our TTO these days is doing a fantastic job at the university to support scientists who have inventions, in terms of patent filing, defending patents, making contacts with pharmaceutical companies and negotiating to get the best deal for the university and inventors," he says.

Gilead successfully developed a form of tenofovir that could be taken orally (called tenofovir disoproxil fumarate) and began selling it in 2001 under the brand name Viread. When used with other antiretroviral drugs, it helps keep the virus suppressed. Viread is now an active ingredient in three single-tablet HIV treatments sold by Gilead: Atripla, Complera and Stribild.

The benefits of a once-a-day pill extend beyond mere convenience for patients.

"It combines a full, multidrug course of HIV therapy into a single tablet — making it easier for patients to take their medicine on a consistent basis, which helps improve treatment outcomes," says Norbert Bischofberger, Ph.D., executive vice president of research and development and chief scientific officer for Gilead Sciences. "These Viread-based single-tablet regimens have become standards of care in HIV therapy." He notes that today, 4.4 million patients worldwide are receiving tenofovir (the active ingredient in Viread), making it the most widely prescribed molecule in HIV therapy. 

"Today, thanks to improved therapies, many individuals who are diagnosed with HIV early in the course of the disease can look forward to a near-normal lifespan," says Bischofberger.

The drug's minimal side effects make a big difference for patients too. "Now they can do things that other people do," says Chaltin. "They can more or less live their lives until they die of other diseases, not HIV."

Expanding Access to Treatment

HIV represents a worldwide problem, but the epidemic is most severe in the developing world. When Viread was approved in 2001, only about 240,000 patients in low- and middle-income countries had access to HIV therapy, says Bischofberger. "The few HIV drug-access programs that existed at the time were inadequate and unsustainable, so the company innovated its own model and established its treatment access programs in 2003.”

These efforts included providing Viread — and medicines containing it — at steeply discounted prices in low- and middle-income countries. Gilead established licensing agreements with Indian manufacturers that enable them to produce and sell high-quality, low-cost generic versions of Gilead HIV medicines in more than 100 developing countries (including all of Africa). According to Gilead, approximately 3.5 million people in the developing world are receiving HIV medications manufactured by the company and its Indian partners.

Gilead also provides licenses for tenofovir-based drugs to the Medicines Patent Pool, a United Nations-supported initiative to improve treatment access through patent sharing.

A Role in Treating Other Viruses

Viread's usefulness extends beyond HIV. In 2008, it received approval as a treatment for chronic hepatitis B virus infection, the most common serious liver infection in the world. "It is now one of the most prescribed treatments for that disease," says Bischofberger.

In 2012, sales for Viread (the brand name for tenofovir) reached about $845 million, and sales for Truvada, Atripla, Complera and Stribild (which contain tenofovir) totaled about $8.14 billion. The financial success of those drugs may help fuel further breakthroughs from Balzarini and his colleagues, as tenofovir licensing royalties come back to the universities and the virology lab.

"It gives us the opportunity to further expand our research group and to be flexible in our research," says Balzarini. "We now have the freedom to develop new compounds for HIV, or other viruses, or cancer."

The funding from licensing income provides a more efficient way to work, he says — as opposed to research grants, which can constrain researchers' ability to follow a hunch or a new development. Instead, the money from tenofovir's licensing enables Balzarini and his team to pursue the unexpected: "If a new virus comes out tomorrow, we can, in a very dynamic way, more easily address emerging problems."

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Adaptive Technology Gives Those with Complex Disabilities Skiing Independence

University of Utah

Adaptive Technology Gives Those with Complex Disabilities Skiing Independence

Utah is known for having the “greatest snow on Earth,” and locals love hitting the slopes to ski or snowboard. But what happens when a life-changing accident leaves you unable to participate in the sport you love? Enter TetraSki. 

TetraSki, developed at the University of Utah, is a high-tech, adaptive, alpine ski that allows individuals with severe spinal cord injuries and other complex physical disabilities to return to the slopes with a degree of independence that can be life changing. Prior to the TetraSki, these individuals would ski dependently in sit-down devices with instructors providing the majority of the turning and speed control input.   

In the TetraSki system, sit-skiers use a joystick or their breath to control their turns and their speed with the help of battery-powered components that are built into the equipment. These electric actuators allow a skier with limited strength and dexterity to operate the TetraSki with a high degree of performance and independence. A trained instructor will ski behind the TetraSki user, with a safety tether connecting the two, but experienced TetraSkiers will only be assisted by the instructor in an emergency.  

For individuals who were avid skiers before suffering a traumatic injury, that level of independence brings the experience closer to what they remember and an important part of the rehabilitation process, according to Dr. Jeffrey Rosenbluth, a spinal cord injury rehabilitation specialist at the University of Utah’s Craig H. Neilsen Rehabilitation Hospital. Rosenbluth created the TetraSki with mechanical engineering support from the University of Utah. The technology is now distributed worldwide through a nonprofit business called Tetradapt. 

“I’ve always felt if you want to follow rehabilitation to its furthest reaches, you have to help people get back – all the way – to those things that were important to them,” Rosenbluth said. Those things often include sports and hobbies, like skiing.  

In 2005, Rosenbluth teamed up with Tanja Kari, a Finnish Paralympic skier, to run Technology Recreation Access Independence Lifestyle Sports (TRAILS), an adaptive recreation program at the university. TRAILS, initially a small handcycling group for the spinal cord injury community, quickly developed into an extensive community program focused on the recreation, socialization and education needs of individuals with complex physical disabilities.  

The involvement of University of Utah students and faculty, including lead engineer Ross Imburgia, led to the development of TetraSki. Rosenbluth and his team knew they had a great product, but they realized they didn’t have the business knowledge to get it to the right people.  

“I needed help at every step: understanding intellectual property, understanding patents and protections and trademarks, understanding the potential of the device, even figuring out leadership,” Rosenbluth said. 

Rosenbluth sought help from the university’s Partners for Innovation, Ventures, Outreach & Technology (PIVOT) Center, which serves as a catalyst for the regional innovation economy, integrating technology commercialization, corporate engagement and economic development. 

After bringing in mentors and attorneys, the PIVOT Center helped Rosenbluth establish a business called Tetradapt Community, which leases skis globally and provides specialized training, support and repairs. PIVOT also trademarked Tetradapt and licensed several technologies to the non-profit. 

With PIVOT’s help, TetraSkis have been distributed to adaptive ski programs across the U.S. as well as in Canada and Europe, along with a comprehensive training package for instructors and participants. TetraSki achieved a significant milestone in 2019 when it was introduced internationally at the 2019 World Para Alpine Skiing Championships in Slovenia. The first National TetraSki race was held in 2022, and this annual event will expand to become a global competition in 2024. Tetradapt is working on a pathway toward inclusion in Paralympic-level competition. 

This story was originally published in 2023.

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Carbon-Monitoring Device Helps Shed Light on Climate Change

Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab

Carbon-Monitoring Device Helps Shed Light on Climate Change

The scientific community around the world is increasingly focusing its attention on a serious environmental issue affecting us all: global climate change. A significant component of global climate change research entails observing and measuring carbon emissions, which are linked to global warming. Given that roughly 70 percent of the earth’s surface is covered by oceans, it stands to reason that understanding their carbon cycles and how those interplay with atmospheric carbon is key to this research.

In response to the need for reliable oceanic data, a researcher at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Berkeley, Calif., created a remarkable device to measure carbon levels in the far-flung reaches of the world's oceans. The Carbon Explorer was developed by James K. Bishop, a senior scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley Lab, in collaboration with the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla, Calif., and WET Labs Inc. in Philomath, Ore. It was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Science, the U.S. Office of Naval Research and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

This cost-effective robotic ocean float measures carbon concentrations in the ocean, utilizing a system of optical sensors, advanced communications and remote operating capabilities. Thanks to the Carbon Explorer, researchers have, for the first time, the ability to continuously track the biological processes of oceanic carbon cycles.

So far, Carbon Explorers have been sent to some of the most remote and extreme ocean environments in the world, gathering data that previously had not been generated. The Carbon Explorer already has helped reveal shortcomings in our current understanding of climate change. The data provided by this intelligent device will be key to developing effective strategies to curb global warming in the future.


This story was originally published in 2007.

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Jolene Delivers a Message Kids Can Hear

Oregon Health
Oregon Health & Science University

Jolene Delivers a Message Kids Can Hear

She may appear an unlikely superhero — dressed in thrift shop fashions and outlandish hairstyles — but Jolene is coming to the rescue of schoolchildren around the world, teaching them about the danger of hearing loss caused by loud music played through headphones.

Developed from the research and innovative outreach by the Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) in Portland, Jolene is changing behaviors at a critical time. More of a what than a who, Jolene is a mannequin equipped with off-the-shelf electronics that measure sound level in decibels and a sidekick who simply and clearly explains the effect loud noise has on the human body. Wherever she visits, people use a music player to identify the volume they normally listen to, and then the earpieces are shared with Jolene.

In her ears, however, she records the sound volume in decibels, and then her creator, Genevieve “Genna” Martin, hands over a piece of paper saying how long it is safe to listen.

“I wanted to make a cooler version that appealed to young people — not just measuring the output of an iPod but something that people want to interact with at a health fair or event,” she says. “The average concert is 120 decibels, and it only takes 10 seconds before your ears may begin to get damaged. So we ask, would you buy a ticket for a concert if you had to leave after 10 seconds? That gets people thinking about using earplugs or other protection.”

Jolene is part of a broader education program, called Dangerous Decibels, that began in the Portland area in 2000. Genna Martin’s innovation — much like the iPod itself — was not in being first with new technology. Instead, it was about democratizing and spreading the popularity using a new and popular platform. Just as the iPod supports the iTunes music store, Jolene provides a friendly introduction to Dangerous Decibels.

In many ways, hearing and public health are both a professional and personal concern for William Martin, Ph.D., creator of Dangerous Decibels and an OHSU professor who does research on noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) prevention. He holds a joint appointment in otolaryngology/head-neck surgery and public health preventive medicine. He launched Dangerous Decibels to educate kids about NIHL — a condition he experiences firsthand. Over the last decade, the program has worked with other groups in the region and nationwide including a walk-through giant ear exhibit at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry. “There are consequences as you get older, and kids, by the time they’re 30, could have the hearing of a 60-year-old because of overexposure," stated William Martin.

A Growing Problem, Often Overlooked

The Dangerous Decibels group started with a National Institutes of Health grant to educate children about hearing health. According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, approximately 30 million Americans are affected by hearing loss. And as many as 25 million have experienced tinnitus, the ringing that indicates ear damage most commonly caused by loud sound exposure. Without much education into what sound levels are normal or safe, people can be at risk for NIHL — both from one-time extreme exposure or ongoing loud sound. For example, usual conversation is approximately 60 decibels, and city traffic noise can reach 85 decibels. Hazardous noise starts above 85 decibels for a period of eight hours during one day.

An explosion or gunshot can reach 140 decibels. Riding a motorcycle — even with a helmet — can average 100 decibels. Persistent loud sound in enclosed space such as subways or sports arenas can also accelerate hearing loss when exposure causes damage to the sensitive hair cells of the inner ear and related nerve endings.

The Pacific Northwest has a cluster of organizations devoted to the science and public health aspects of hearing issues. The American Tinnitus Association is based in Portland. Among military personnel, tinnitus is the most common service-related disability and NIHL ranks second. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has its national research center in Portland devoted to preserving hearing for affected soldiers.

During her high school years, Genna Martin volunteered with Dangerous Decibels, educating fourth graders on hearing safety. In 2005, she took a summer internship at OHSU’s Center for Research in Occupational and Environmental Toxicology to pursue a project that could spread the message about hearing safety and portable music.

She modified a second-hand mannequin using some power tools and a silicone ear used to demonstrate hearing aids. After mounting and wiring a microphone and sound-level meter, Jolene was created — named for a minor TV  series character and dressed in a leather jacket and blue dyed hair.

From there, the duo traveled to conferences and events where people asked for their own model. That led to the Jolene Cookbook, an online guide with photos that OHSU makes available as a simple, royalty-free download agreement through its technology portal. Organizations in 44 states and 21 countries have downloaded the instructions.

Operating more like an open-source development project, where each user can customize a Jolene with a unique look, clothing or style, the venture is managed by the Martins and the university’s technology transfer office, which chose to freely share the plans to encourage broader use. No wonder Jolene has siblings Günter, Shoque, Flame and Deci-Bell as far away as Australia, Canada and on military bases in Europe. They appear on a family album Web site hosted by Dangerous Decibels (

“It really has its own momentum, and getting it out to groups worldwide has been great,” says Michele Gunness, OHSU senior technology development manager. “And when it’s built by young people, they’re more likely to pay attention to the message.”

The construction isn’t that technically difficult, adds Genna Martin, but it’s not always easy finding torso-and-head mannequins. So she often scours eBay for auction items. What makes Jolene unique is her approachability. People often come and ask about it in public, and that curiosity makes them receptive to the advice of reducing volume, limiting the duration of loud noise and wearing protective gear.

Jolene Makes New Friends

One hallmark of Jolene’s success is the students willing to counsel younger kids about the dangers of extreme noise.

Martin’s advice is spreading to new audiences thanks to the reach of the Web and social media such as Facebook — where Jolene Ohsu has more than 100 friends, and explains “I’m pretty quiet but I love music and meeting new people!”

“In our study, we saw that 16 percent of 16-18 year olds were listening consistently at levels above safe limits every day of the week — it was like working in a factory or at a logging site listening to a chainsaw for eight or nine hours a day,” William Martin adds. “We gave people the measurements showing how long they could listen safely, and 44 percent of people who were at dangerous levels said they would change the behavior. That’s a remarkable feat with a really simple and fun innovation.”

Research shows that in a 24-hour-period, every additional 3 decibels above 85 increases and accelerates hearing damage, according to Genna Martin, who graduated from Boston University in 2009 and now works as a researcher in OHSU’s department of otolaryngology. So a 91-decibel sound starts to cause harm in half the time of an 88-decibel level. That bit of science is easier to accept from a neutral third-party like Jolene.

“It’s gone far beyond anything we imagined, especially the requests to translate into Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese and other languages,” William Martin says. “It’s changing young lives. This is probably the single thing in my career that will have the greatest impact.”

This story was originally published in 2010.

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Stargazing Leads to Process for Making a New Class of Carbon Compounds

Max Planck Institute fuer Kernforschung
University of Arizona

Stargazing Leads to Process for Making a New Class of  Carbon Compounds

In 1990, physicists W. Krätschmer and D.R. Huffman opened the door to commercial uses of a new form of carbon, C60 Buckminsterfullerene or “fullerenes,” by producing a process for creating isolable quantities of C60 for the first time, a process now known as the Krätschmer-Huffman process. On sabbatical with his colleague Wolfgang Krätschmer at the Max Planck Institute fuer Kernforschung, Donald Huffman was pursuing work to answer a long-standing question in astronomy: “What is the nature of the dust and gas that fills the void between stars?”

The answer was not resolved, but the fullerene production process they developed to try to do so enabled scientists around the world to rapidly advance the world’s knowledge of this new class of carbon compounds; by 1995 more than 3,000 fullerene articles had been published.

In 1996, Harold W. Kroto, Robert F. Curl and Richard E. Smalley won the Nobel Prize for their significant discovery of fullerenes.

While Huffman and Kratschner’s eyes may have been on the stars, their discovery paved the way to developments in an entirely new branch of carbon chemistry.

Research Corporation Technologies (RCT) of Tucson, Ariz., manages commercialization of the original technology for both the University of Arizona and the Max Planck Institute. With partners Mitsubishi Corporation of Japan and Materials and Electrochemical Research Corporation of Tucson, Ariz., RCT has formed a joint venture called Fullerenes International Corporation (FIC) to commercialize fullerene materials based upon the Krätschmer-Huffman production method and other patented technology made available by the partners. Honjo Chemical Co. in Japan and under license from FIC, makes production quantities of fullerenes available for applications in areas as diverse as batteries, flat panel displays, gas storage, diamond-like cutting tools, electric vehicle capacitors and pharmaceuticals.

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Armed With Data on Medication Use, Pharmacists Counsel Patients

Tech Launch Arizona
University of Arizona

Armed With Data on Medication Use, Pharmacists Counsel Patients

One of the nation’s top pharmacists, J. Lyle Bootman, and a panel of experts reported in “When Medicine Hurts: The Silent Epidemic,” that for every dollar Americans spend on prescription drugs, another dollar is spent on “misadventures” with those medications, including everything from being prescribed the wrong drug to taking the incorrect dosage of the right drug to dangerous drug combinations.

For the elderly, such medication-related misadventures can be particularly disastrous: Advanced age is often accompanied by multiple chronic illnesses being treated by various healthcare providers, each prescribing a variety of medications that are then supplemented with over-the-counter drugs.

“Not only are there clinical consequences to these medication-related problems, there are economic consequences as well,” says Bootman, Ph.D., Sc.D., dean of the University of Arizona (UA) College of Pharmacy. “More doctor visits, more lab tests or a fall as a result of receiving a wrong medication — all of which could be prevented if someone were managing medications.”

For millions of Medicare patients across the country, someone is now managing their medications: the pharmacists and staff of the Medication Management Center, a service developed at the UA College of Pharmacy now licensed to SinfoníaRx of Tucson

Who Will Provide Medication Therapy?

In 2006, Bootman and Kevin P. Boesen, then a manager of the college’s fourth-year pharmacy students, were studying the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003 and preparing students to help Medicare recipients sign up for the new prescription drug coverage known as Part D. The new law also specified that Medicare recipients were eligible for medication therapy management (MTM).

“We realized there was no good business solution out there to provide medication therapy management (MTM) to Medicare patients,” says Boesen, now CEO of SinfoníaRx.

To fill the gap, he wrote a business plan for a MTM service in which UA pharmacists and pharmacists-in-training would provide counsel to Medicare patients on medication issues over the phone (paid for by Medicare Part D). The service, named the Medication Management Center, started with one customer — a national health plan — and UA pharmacy staff manually analyzing the patients’ prescription claim records to identify potential problems.

They quickly realized that computer software could help analyze the reams of patient information, making the entire operation more efficient.

Data Analytics Make Operation More Efficient

“We knew of 150 to 175 algorithms we could immediately program into the computer that could go through thousands of patients in minutes and give us a printout of medication issues, prioritized by risk level,” says Bootman.

Using funds generated from the first year’s counseling fees, the college hired Kevin Barber, an expert in database building. Barber was able to construct a health information platform to perform the necessary data analytics, producing a daily queue of calls to be made, complete with a phone script, decision trees and details of the patient’s medication-related issues. The computer program prioritizes lists of patients who qualify for MTM — typically those with multiple chronic illnesses — who need a phone call to discuss medication alerts.

“Many patients are identified as having more than one medication-related issue,” explains Boesen. “For example, a patient may be taking two drugs that are contraindicated because they are filling prescriptions from two different physicians. Another alert might indicate that the patient is not refilling a medication as frequently as expected, possibly due to medication-related side effects. ”

Such high-level calls of an urgent or more complex nature are channeled into a queue for pharmacists to handle. Simpler medication issues are handled by pharmacy technicians; issues that fall somewhere in between go to a pharmacy student. Based on their phone conversations, staff members make notes in the patient’s file and ultimately fax the patient’s physician with any recommended changes.

“We now send 20,000 faxes a week to physicians,” says Boesen. “Doctors really like [when we address] safety issues.”

In fact, 50 percent of all recommendations made by call center staff are safety-related says Boesen, such as potentially dangerous drug interactions or a patient who is not adhering to the dosage recommendations.

“No other [MTM] model is similar to ours because of our unique data systems that can predict patient risk and prioritize medication issues,” says Bootman. “It’s a highly valuable tool and a key to our success.”

Success Draws More Clients

The addition of the IT platform and successful outcome data it could produce — including the number of drug interactions averted and increases in medication adherence — enabled the Medication Management Center to attract additional health plans as clients, including pharmacy benefit managers who contract with hundreds of health plans.

“By early 2013, we realized the Medication Management Center was really useful for patients but that remaining in the university environment would limit its growth,” explains David Allen, vice president of TechLaunch Arizona (TLA). “To have a shot at widespread distribution, we knew we had to spin it out of the university.”

TLA found an unusual degree of interest in the technology: Three different parties expressed an interest in funding a startup company around the medication management software, including a highly respected Tucson entrepreneur and UA graduate named Fletcher J. McCusker. McCusker had just established a new home healthcare business called Sinfonía HealthCare and was looking to expand its continuum of care for patients and their families.

“Of the bids the UA received for the Medication Management Center, I think they chose us because we wanted to keep the center a Tucson-based company,” says McCusker, Sinfonía CEO. “And we wanted to make it a joint venture with the university.”

Spinning out to the Private Sector

By year-end 2013, TLA agreed to license the copyrighted software to Sinfonía HealthCare and make the business operations of the Medication Management Center a subsidiary of the home healthcare company. Fifteen UA employees, including six full-time pharmacists, joined the new company called SinfoníaRx. In turn, SinfoníaRx contracted with the UA College of Pharmacy Medication Management Center to continue providing the direct patient care services to the center’s clients. Today, that contract covers the services of 20 pharmacists, 25 pharmacist technicians and 80 pharmacy students, all from UA.

“TLA really helped shepherd the process, making it easy and seamless,” says McCusker. 

“Fletcher really met all of our needs and understood that the center wasn’t just programmers,” says Allen. “The service agreement between SinfoníaRx and the Medication Management Center allows us to give our pharmacy students an experiential dimension to their education they wouldn’t be able to get otherwise.”

Allen says staffing the center with pharmacy students is a unique and compelling benefit that allows the UA College of Pharmacy to attract very high-quality students — which in turn helps attract clients to SinfoníaRx.

Win-Win for Pharmacy Students, Patients

“There is very little Medicare funding available for medication therapy management,” says Boesen. “The use of students helps keep our costs down, while involving students in patient counseling enables them to apply their classroom work to the real world.”

Whether it’s a pharmacy student, technician or full-time pharmacist on the phone with a patient, everyone at the center believes combining the personal touch and the right data is the secret sauce.

“Medication therapy management is not something that can be delivered solely with a technical solution,” says Boesen. “Having a professional interpret the output of the medication analysis, then call and talk to the patient is critical to the solution.”

Today, the center’s roster of clients includes 300 different health plans impacting 6 million patients.The center’s staff performs more than 1 million file reviews a month, 10 percent of which are forwarded to staff for attention, resulting in about 75,000 patient calls a month.

“We’re serving approximately 20 percent of the total market of 30 million Medicare lives plus about 500,000 commercial insurance patients,” says Boesen.

Improving Drug Safety, Reducing Costs

As a result of the center’s work with patients and their physicians in 2012, 163,468 medication changes were made, representing approximately $65 million in total savings.

Capitalizing on that momentum, Boesen says SinfoniaRx has its sights set on expansion — both in the type of patient they serve and the illnesses they monitor.

“We would like to expand beyond elderly patients to younger populations with chronic illnesses,” he says. “And we’d like to be able to integrate additional data points, such as using home scales that would notify our staff of quick weight gains in patients with heart disease that could help us prevent a hospitalization or ER visit.”

McCusker says they are also looking at international clients.

“We have had interest from the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia and New Zealand,” he says. “Huge dollars are spent on unnecessary medications and payors are beginning to see the economics of reviewing their prescription claims data. It’s sweeping the nation and the world.

“This is the most powerful thing any of us have ever been involved with.”



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The Prognosis on Breast Cancer

Alberta, BC Now Using Risk Assessment Test

University of British Columbia

The Prognosis on Breast Cancer

The year 2017 ushered in some milestones for breast cancer research in British Columbia, Alberta and the United States.

The attention centered on a test called Prosigna, which assesses the 10-year risk of recurrence of breast cancer in some postmenopausal women. The test evolved from years of research by the BC Cancer Agency, the University of British Columbia (UBC) and three U.S. university labs.

Prosigna, the first in vitro diagnostic product to assess the prognosis of early-stage breast cancer, has been approved by health officials in Europe and the United States for about five years. Health Canada licensed it soon after.

In 2017 Alberta and British Columbia became the first provinces to approve its active clinical use. Their decisions followed an economic health evaluation; Alberta, for instance, is looking to save on the $1 million it spent annually on Prosigna’s predecessor. Unlike Prosigna, that molecular testing had to be done out of the country, running up the cost.

Several major U.S. insurers, including Blue Cross Blue Shield, also came on board in 2017, with the result that 95 percent of affected women in the United States now have insurance coverage for the test.

Prosigna is a rare example of the complete bench-to-bedside development of a new medical diagnostic; it represents the successful transfer of a fundamental research finding from the lab to the clinic. The test is now in use in more than a dozen countries.

The assay analyzes genetic activity in some forms of early-stage breast cancer and uses that information, along with clinical variables, to assess a woman’s 10-year risk of distant breast cancer recurrence (metastasis). The test results can be useful when determining the potential benefit, or even the necessity, of hormonal therapy or chemotherapy.

Prosigna, marketed by Seattle-based NanoString Technologies, “is the result of a decade of research, in which Canadian researchers have had a major role as co-inventors and leaders in multinational research and development programs," said Torsten Nielsen, a pathologist at BC Cancer and UBC who helped lead the effort.

As a result, people with breast cancer now have improved access to state-of-the-art molecular tests to help them make difficult decisions about their treatment

This story was originally published in 2018.

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First Semi-Synthetic Vaccine Targets Haemophilus Influenza Type B

University of Havana
University of Ottawa

Together with a team of researchers at the University of Havana, Dr. René Roy, a former professor in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Ottawa, developed the world's first semi-synthetic vaccine. There is evidence that a new generation of vaccines is emerging that could save many lives.

Haemophilus influenza type b (Hib) is a bacterium that mainly affects children under five years of age by causing pneumonia or meningitis, and causes more than half a million deaths every year worldwide.

Prior to 1994, there was a Hib vaccine obtained by a complex process using fermentation of bacterial cultures which was very expensive to produce, which massively limited the purchase of Hib by developing countries. As a result, most of the deaths caused by Hib were found in these countries, including Cuba.

Cuba, whose annual bill exceeded $3 million to import the vaccine, decided to look into the development of a synthetic version of the vaccine as early as 1989. But it was not until 1994 when Cuban scientists collaborated with Dr. Roy when he was a professor in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Ottawa that they succeeded in breaking the secrets behind the production of synthetic vaccines.

The semi-synthetic vaccine that the researchers developed consists of two entities: an artificial fragment of bacterial origin and a carrier protein. This revolutionary nature of the vaccine has several notable advantages. Firstly, this new vaccine has the advantage of being able to be produced at low cost and on a large scale. Moreover, unlike existing vaccines against Hib infections, the synthetic nature of this vaccine makes it completely safe and greatly reduces possible side effects. Since 2005, all Cuban babies are given a dose, immunizing them against diseases caused by Hib.

The revolutionary nature of this discovery drew much attention to these researchers and was even certified by the World Health Organization. Tech Museum Awards awarded them $50,000. In addition, the World Intellectual Property Organization awarded them the gold medal for this technological advance.

"We are targeting developing countries. We want to give them the opportunity to use these products at a lower cost," says Dr. Roy.

The vaccine is now available at minimal cost in several developing countries such as Vietnam, Syria, Brazil, Venezuela, and Angola. Even today, the humanitarian part of this discovery persists: the main objective of the vaccine is to reduce the infant mortality rate. To this end, the University of Ottawa and the University of Havana have agreed to waive any royalties from the sale of Quimi-Hib either to Cuba or any other developing country suffering from an epidemic of diseases caused by Hib.
“The most important part of this project is that we’re contributing to the health of children," said Dr. Vincente Verez Bencomo, head of the University of Havana’s Synthetic Antigens Laboratory, during a keynote address at an international biotechnology congress.

This inspiring story reminds us that the commercialisation process can span decades and is a testament to the efforts that have revolutionized the science behind the creation of a vaccine to save millions of lives. Today, the Quimi-Hib vaccine is affordable and is mass-produced by Heber Biotec S.A. The vaccine is trying to make its way into several international markets to minimize the infant mortality rate associated with Hib infection.

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Disposable Stethoscope May Help Stop Spread of COVID and other Infectious Diseases

Wichita State University

Disposable Stethoscope May Help Stop Spread of COVID and other Infectious Diseases
Early in the pandemic, researchers at Wichita State University’s National Institute for Aviation Research (NIAR) pitched in to help the medical community by participating in a PPE-making coalition in Wichita that included Airbus Americas and other aviation manufacturers. As part of these efforts, engineers from NIAR and Airbus used their expertise in additive manufacturing to produce and deliver more than 2,000 disposable stethoscopes to the medical community.
Disposable stethoscopes are not new, but over the years, medical personnel have learned to expect poor acoustics and flimsy materials that are difficult to use. The Wichita-based coalition developed a premium disposable stethoscope designed for real-world applications – with the quality a medical professional would expect from their own stethoscope.
The positive feedback received from the medical community about the quality of the stethoscopes encouraged NIAR and Airbus engineers to continue to focus on the need for a premium disposable stethoscope. The engineers ultimately created a brand-new disposable stethoscope, and Wichita State’s tech transfer office filed several patent applications.
Local entrepreneurs in Wichita, Kansas formed Ad Astra Medical Devices, LLC as a spinoff to commercialize the university technology. Marketed as the Ad Astra MD Gen2, the stethoscope boasts a sturdy, lightweight design that provides high acoustic quality at a budget. This enables the spinoff to offer a unique value proposition to the medical community: a Single Patient Stethoscope™ that can remain with a COVID patient from admission to discharge.
“The Ad Astra MD team is humbled for the opportunity to help stop the spread of infectious diseases through the delivery of the Gen2,” said Dr. Michael A. Hale, Ad Astra Medical Devices’ Chief Medical Officer. “The Single Patient Stethoscope™ has the potential to stop the spread of not just COVID-19, but also tuberculosis, C. diff, and MRSA.”
NIAR is a department at Wichita State that provides world-class research, design, testing, certification and training to the aviation and manufacturing industries. “NIAR has a history of supporting the aviation industry,” said John Tomblin, Executive Director of NIAR. “We are proud to use our unique skills and expertise to help transform other industries, including healthcare and medical technologies.”
To learn more about the AD Astra MD Gen 2 Single Patient Stethoscope™, visit

This story was originally published in 2021.

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New Protein Therapy Shows Promise for Treating Muscular Dystrophy

University of Nevada, Reno

New Protein Therapy Shows Promise for Treating Muscular Dystrophy

Prothelia Inc. may be a new company, but the research and relationships supporting it have been decades in the making. Devoted to researching new treatments for muscular diseases, the people at Prothelia are motivated not only by scientific inquiry and business opportunity, but also have motivations that are heartfelt and deeply personal. A laboratory’s “What if?” experiment years ago has grown into a new company that is working to validate and market new therapies for muscular dystrophies.

Prothelia has licensed rights to a protein known as Laminin-111 from the University of Nevada, Reno, (UNR), along with several other potential promising treatments. Laminin-111, which is naturally produced by the body, assembles into a matrix around muscle cells and helps promote muscle-cell health and survival.

Prothelia’s technology originated from Dean Burkin, Ph.D.,’s exploration into whether Laminin-111 could restore muscle function after the onset of a disease. Burkin is an associate professor at the university’s School of Medicine. He directs a biomedical research program focused on studying the molecular basis of muscular dystrophies to develop potential treatments.

“In Duchenne and other forms of muscular dystrophy, we’ve been able to show that alpha7beta1 integrin, a laminin receptor in muscle, prevents muscle disease,” explains Burkin. Using this knowledge, Burkin established a drug discovery program, developed a novel muscle-cell-based test and identified several molecules that increase alpha7beta1 integrin in muscle. Burkin discovered that these compounds can help repair and prevent muscle damage.

“It was really surprising to us that such a large protein could be delivered to muscle and protect the muscle from damage,” Burkin says, describing mouse-model experiments that began in 2007 at the university.

Muscular dystrophy patients experience tears in muscles, usually starting in childhood, that weaken the muscles and limit their use. As the disease progresses, the heart, diaphragm and other organs can atrophy. More than 40 genetic diseases are categorized as muscular dystrophy — some marked by an absence of critical muscle proteins, causing progressive muscle weakening and degeneration.

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the most common variants — Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy — effect approximately 1 in every 3,500 to 5,000 boys, or as many as 600 boys born every year in the United States. Most cases are a result of new mutations or a family history of the disease.

Reconnecting at the Right Time

A biochemist and pharmacologist originally from New Zealand, Burkin was pursuing a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Illinois in the mid-1990s and collaborated with Bradley Hodges, Ph.D., then a doctoral student in neuromuscular biology. Both scientists worked on the alpha7beta1 integrin, a molecule located on the surface of muscle tissue that holds the tissue together. Over the next decade, Burkin continued his research at the UNR Center for Biomedical Research Excellence.

Hodges worked for seven years in the laboratories of Genzyme Corp., a Cambridge, Mass., biotechnology company.

In 2007, he was ready for a new challenge and contacted several university technology transfer offices to ask about research on treating muscular dystrophy. Then he reconnected with Burkin to ask about his research, and both men started down the path to collaboration. Burkin needed a corporate partner to continue development of laminin compounds and had filed a patent.

 Longstanding relationships appear to be a major strength for Prothelia. As a graduate student, Jachinta Rooney did the original laminin-111 experiments in Burkin’s lab. She is now continuing the work as a post-doctorate researcher studying the effects of protein therapy in mouse models.

“Muscular dystrophy is one of the most common ‘rare’ diseases, so there is a good market opportunity for a drug that can help some of the 20,000 patients out there,” Hodges says. “When I decided to start a company I knew it would address muscular dystrophy because I knew the issues.” Hodges also knew that large companies are hesitant about emerging treatments, so he incorporated Prothelia and made his case to UNR officials. Hodges approached the university at the right time.

“In academia, you can only get research so far before you have to get industry to come in,” explains Burkin. “Brad’s background, interest and enthusiasm were key to the development of this discovery. The Technology Transfer Office here at the university eased the process toward development by licensing the intellectual property.”

As it turns out, the technology office also saw a unique opportunity.

“Protein therapeutics was the area Brad wanted to pursue and I was convinced very quickly that there was a good relationship here,” says Richard Bjur, former director of the UNR Technology Transfer Office. “There was a lot of serendipity here since Brad and Dean know each other.” Bjur and current Technology Transfer Office Director Ryan Heck say the choice of a licensing deal with a startup instead of a much larger company made sense because of the early stage of laminin research.

“One barrier we see to commercializing our faculty’s research is that it can be difficult to find someone who grasps the science well enough to understand and overcome the challenges posed by an early-stage technology,” adds Heck, who has a doctorate in chemistry and, as an outside attorney for the university, wrote the initial patent applications. “Brad comes from a scientific background and understands what he’s getting into.”

Devoting a Company to Muscle Disease Treatment

Armed with the license agreement, Hodges began writing grant applications to the NIH and the Small Business Innovation Research program and was awarded on the third try. He also recruited Richard Cloud to serve as the company’s chief executive. They met at a conference Cloud helped organize in Atlanta for parents seeking a cure for congenital muscular dystrophy. Cloud’s oldest daughter has MDC1A — one of the variants of muscular dystrophy Prothelia expects to address.

“The research community for muscular diseases including ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) and muscular dystrophy is a tightknit group,” Hodges notes, “with a lot of cooperation between the NIH and the many patient advocacy groups devoted to muscular dystrophy.” The diseases have been recognized since the mid-1800s yet have eluded treatment despite a relatively high public profile. The genetic mutation causing Duchenne muscular dystrophy was identified in 1986.

The Challenges and Possibilities of a Young Technology Transfer Office

The state of Nevada’s only public medical school is fairly new, founded in 1969, and officials there recognize the need for impact that will draw corporate partners. The laminin technology has great potential, and its partners share a passion needed to reach that potential. The university’s Center for Economic Development estimated that $74 million in research expenditures in 2009 meant a regional impact of nearly $300 million for Nevada. The university has more than 30 active business and industry partnerships, and the university technology transfer program is pursuing goals of expanding that local impact, Heck says.

“Our office started small, with just me, and expanded back in 2003 and grew into a full-time office,” Bjur adds. “We’re trying to bridge the gap between the university and community, and one way is to create economic opportunities.” He cautions that in technology transfer, “What you don’t want is a situation where there are unrealistic expectations.”

Thus far, the UNR Technology Transfer Office has been able to capitalize on such opportunities. As one example, Prothelia, which appears to be well-positioned for success, is pursuing both venture capital funding and strategic relationships.

But for the people who suffer with muscular dystrophy, these opportunities provide something even more valuable: hope.


This story was originally published in 2010.

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ThyroidPrint: First Molecular Test for Indeterminate Thyroid Nodules

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

ThyroidPrint: First Molecular Test for Indeterminate Thyroid Nodules
Dr. Hernán González of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
A new test developed by Dr. Hernán González of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, in Santiago, will prevent thousands of unnecessary thyroid surgeries.
Abnormal growth of thyroid cells can cause the formation of nodes, which can lead to thyroid tumors. In these cases, patients must undergo a fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNA or FNAB) to determine whether the tumor is benign or malignant. Seventy percent of all FNA biopsies performed are benign, while 20 percent are indeterminate. Only 10 percent are malignant.
Surgery is recommended as a preventive measure for all patients diagnosed as “indeterminate.” The problem is that only a quarter of those cases result in cancer, which means that three out of every four of these surgeries are unnecessary, as well as expensive. They also saddle patients with lifelong hormone supplements.
Dr. González’s test, ThyroidPrint®, can detect whether the nodes are benign or malignant, thereby avoiding many unnecessary thyroid removals.
This technology was created within the framework of the BMRC-Chile Biomedical Consortium.
ThyroidPrint® consists of a genetic signature that analyzes 10 genes in the FNA sample using an algorithm that can predict with 97 percent certainty whether a node is benign or malignant. This way, physicians can recommend patients with benign nodes go in for a clinical follow-up instead of surgery.
Faculty from the University’s Cancer Surgery Department who carried out the study include González; biologist Rodrigo Martínez; Ph.D. in Science Soledad Urra; pathologist Antonieta Solar; radiologists Francisco Cruz and Tatiana Arias; and medical student Sergio Vargas.
The Tech Transfer Office at Universidad Católica —under the purview of the Office of the Vice-Chancellor of Research—is the driving force behind applied research at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. The Tech Transfer Office oversaw supporting the research team, raising public funds for the R+D projects, developing the intellectual property strategy, creating the spin-off GeneproDX to expand into Latin America, and raising private investment.
GeneproDX is a molecular diagnostics company based in Silicon Valley and Santiago - Chile, which will market new tests for personalized medicine used for the diagnosis and prognosis of solid tumors.
The Thyroid Print technology has successfully raised more than $8 million in public and private funds and has been used on more than 60 patients in Chile and Argentina.

This story was originally published in 2020.

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A Real-Life Wonder Drug

University of Illinois, Chicago

A Real-Life Wonder Drug

Since its discovery in the 1950s, millions of people worldwide have benefited from the tuberculosis vaccine Tice™ BCG (a bacterial preparation of a strain called Bacillus Calmette-Guerin). Today BCG is also used as a highly-effective treatment for bladder cancer and a preventative therapy for bladder tumors.

Tice™ BCG was developed at the University of Illinois at Chicago’s Institute for Tuberculosis Research by its late director, Sol Roy Rosenthal. While Tice™ BCG is still used today against TB, the decline of TB cases in Pharmaceutical the U.S. allowed researchers at the UIC Institute to focus on other possibilities for the medicine. They were encouraged by research showing BCG to be an effective immune system stimulant and anti-cancer agent and began testing BCG’s cancer fighting components.

When injected, it is now an established treatment for bladder cancer and tumors and is a promising therapy for colon and lung cancer. Taken orally, tests show BCG could offer a nonsurgical treatment for breast and other hormone-dependent cancers.

In 1986, UIC licensed Tice™ BCG to Organon USA; the University receives royalties of more than $1 million per year. The UIC Institute continues to pursue the discovery of anti-tuberculosis agents and their applications for other infections.


This story was originally published in 2008.

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UGA Breeds a Grass That Thrives in Shade and Sun

University of Georgia Research Foundation

UGA Breeds a Grass That Thrives in Shade and Sun

Plant breeders at the University of Georgia (UGA) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS) have accomplished a near impossible task: growing grass where the sun doesn’t shine (much).

The new cultivar — brand named TifGrand — is a Bermudagrass hybrid developed by Wayne Hanna and Kris Braman of the UGA’s turfgrass breeding program. More than 15 years in the making, TifGrand can grow with less than half the sunlight required by other Bermudagrasses.

"Having a Bermudagrass that can tolerate shade is something those of us in the turf business have wanted our whole lives,” says Bill Carraway, vice president of marketing at The Turfgrass Group, which markets and licenses TifGrand."A Bermudagrass that can tolerate shade is a phenomenon."

Center of the Bermudagrass Universe

Bermudagrass is grown as forage for livestock and as turf for lawns, parks and golf courses. Because it is heat- and wear-tolerant, it is also widely used on athletic fields. Known as a warm season turfgrass, Bermudagrass thrives in tropical and subtropical climates and is grown in more than 100 countries around the world, including much of the southern United States.

“Bermudagrass is cosmopolitan, it tolerates lots of conditions, it’s tough, and it recovers well,” says Hanna, a professor of plant breeding and genetics in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences at UGA’s College of Agricultural and Environment Sciences since retiring from the ARS in 2003.

Since the 1950s, scientists at the ARS and UGA have collaborated in breeding new warm season turfgrasses in Tifton, a small southern Georgia town known as the birthplace of turfgrass.

“Working in Tifton was my dream job,” says Hanna, who earned degrees in agricultural education/plant breeding and a doctorate in genetics from Texas A&M University. When he got a job offer from the ARS on a Friday in 1970, he was in Georgia and ready to work by the following Monday.

“The ARS gave me the best 34 years of on-the-job training,” says Hanna. “I learned what works and what doesn’t by listening to producers and consumers.”

Over the last few decades, Hanna has worked at developing hybrids that improve upon the commercial qualities of common Bermudagrass, which can spread uncontrollably. Between 1983 and 2014, he developed four new cultivars by crossing superior strains of Bermudagrass and another turf grass called centipedegrass. These grasses — including TifGrand, TifEagle, TifSport and TifBlair — licensed by the University of Georgia Research Foundation (UGARF) each of which is superlative in their own way — such as cold- or traffic-tolerant.

Compared to common Bermudagrass, Hanna’s hybrids feature finer leaves and a lush, long-lasting green color. Because the hybrids do not produce seeds, they are less invasive and easier to control.

Shade Tolerance

Hanna began work on a shade-tolerant hybrid in 1991, with 27,000 plantings in 18-inch squares covering UGA’s test fields. From those, hybrids that demonstrated good color and disease-resistance were selected, paring the number of potential hybrids to 458.

“Nowadays, some new grasses come out with a lot of hype and pretty pictures but little data,” says Hanna of UGA’s protracted research process. “It always pays off to do testing and stick with quality.”

Replicated tests conducted over a three-year period further reduced the group to 110. In 1999, the 110 hybrids were planted in a field that received 40 to 60 percent shade; just six of those plants kept their density and dark green color.

The six hybrids were then tested off UGA property at golf courses and lawns for final replicated tests. The superior plant that emerged — experimental line ST-5 — then underwent extensive testing for insect resistance and shade tolerance, including independent trials in 19 states in diverse environments such as golf courses and landscape applications.

“Our program is known for thoroughly evaluating new cultivars,” says Shelley D. Fincher, plant licensing manager in UGA’s Technology Commercialization Office. “When TifGrand was introduced, there was a great deal of interest from growers wanting to license it. The industry knows that if Dr. Hanna developed it, it’s high quality.”

By 2009, the university was finally ready to introduce the newly patented cultivar to the marketplace, which was anxiously awaiting the new turf variety.

“The fact that TifGrand produces beautiful turf with just 5 to 6 hours of sunlight instead of the typical 8 to 10 hours is huge for landscape, sports and golf environments,” says Carraway.

In addition to shade tolerance, TifGrand offers a host of other advantages to both farmers and customers: It requires less water and a third less fertilizer than other Bermudagrasses. The new cultivar is also pest-resistant, and because the cultivar is seed and pollen sterile, the TifGrand causes fewer allergies and will not spread to nearby habitats.

“TifGrand offers tremendous value added,” says Carraway. “It has a very thick canopy with tight structures close to the ground.”

A Different Approach

Growers from around the country vied for the opportunity to license TifGrand, but UGARF decided to take a new approach in licensing TifGrand, selecting a group of four Georgia sod producers who formed a company called New Concept Turf that would in turn license the grass to farmers across the country.

“This consolidated group consisted of some of the best growers we’d worked with,” says Fincher. “They market TifGrand as a group.”

New Concept Turf contracted with The Turfgrass Group to handle licensing and marketing duties for TifGrand. Unlike other turfgrass cultivars licensed by UGARF, the responsibility for TifGrand licensee compliance primarily belongs to The Turfgrass Group.

“In the past, we have issued nonexclusive licenses for our turfgrass cultivars, and we are responsible for the termination of those licenses in the case of poor quality turf production,” says Fincher. “Given the expertise of New Concept Turf and The Turfgrass Group, it made sense to have them assume the role of sublicensee manager for the U.S. production of TifGrand.”

The Turfgrass Group chose to limit the number of TifGrand producers in each state to help maintain the integrity of the new cultivar.

“We require our TifGrand growers to be members of their state certification programs,” says Carraway, adding that he personally walks every square inch of the fields producing TifGrand. “By requiring our growers to adhere to the highest production standards in the United States, we are able maintain the genetic purity and provenance of our grass.”

Fincher says in addition to requiring much less oversight, the TifGrand licensing arrangement is bringing in substantially higher revenue than the office’s previous nonexclusive license agreements.

“This was a totally different strategy for us, and we were very careful and deliberate about taking this approach,” she says. “We couldn’t be anymore pleased with the progress made with TifGrand.”

Rough Start

But that’s not how TifGrand started out. The introduction of the new hybrid coincided with the economic downturn of 2009.

“If UGA develops a new Bermudagrass, people want it,” says Carraway. “But the downside of marketing TifGrand was that we released it in the worst economic period since the Great Depression. Turf growers were going out of business as often as you do laundry.”

As housing construction ground to a halt, so too went the demand for sod. Fields of Bermudagrass sat unsold on farms for up to three years, leaving no room for farmers to produce new cultivars. Still, Carraway was able to find farms with the foresight and wherewithal to invest in TifGrand.

“Between 2009 and 2010, we were able to license TifGrand to more than 20 farms across the U.S. who wanted to set themselves apart from other growers,” he says.

Those farmers are now beginning to see the return on their investment, as demand and appreciation for the new Bermudagrass is growing. In 2013 and 2014, Carraway said many TifGrand producers cut and sold all their TifGrand sod and began adding new acreage.

Athletic facilities — most notably three stadiums hosting the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil — are embracing the new grass not only for its ability to flourish in both sun and shade but also for its ability to stand up to significant wear and tear.

“When you have a lot of games being played on a field, it can’t get all torn up, it has to hold up,” says Hanna. “Athletes also say they prefer to play on grass rather than artificial turf.”

After a rough start, TifGrand is now being grown on 25 U.S. farms — and is getting great feedback from consumers, including homeowners who appreciate the ability to grow grass under a canopy of trees.

“TifGrand is becoming the Bermudagrass of choice,” says Carraway. “Now you can have your Bermudagrass and your trees too.”


This story was originally published in 2010.

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TifTuf Bermudagrass’s Growth Impresses Licensees

TifTuf Bermudagrass’s Growth Impresses Licensees
TifTuf inventors Brian Schwartz and Wayne Hanna. Image courtesy University of Georgia.
TifTuf bermudagrass was developed by the University of Georgia to resist drought and reduce water consumption, requiring 38% less water than the leading bermudagrass cultivar used globally. As a result, the 55 licensed U.S. TifTuf producers are realizing water savings in their own production fields and can today educate their customers on the cultivar’s potential benefit.
TifTuf’s vigorous, dense growth allows it to tolerate high foot traffic. This vigorous growth also helps licensed producers increase sod production. TifTuf can grow so rapidly that, even after sod is removed for sale, the turfgrass grows back quickly enough to generate more revenue during the same growing season.

But TifTuf certainly did not “grow” overnight. After being evaluated for 22 years at the University of Georgia Tifton campus—the worldwide leader in warm-season bermudagrass breeding for nearly 90 years—TifTuf is now installed in golf courses, major sporting arenas and other venues around the globe, like the Sydney Opera House in Australia.

TifTuf, (variety name DT-1), was one of 27,700 inter-specific hybrid bermudagrass progeny that Georgia’s Dr. Wayne Hanna began evaluating in 1993. By 1994, 421 hybrids were identified for further evaluation. In 1999, the best 90 hybrid genotypes were then planted underneath a rainout shelter for two years to be evaluated under deficit irrigation.

In 2009, Dr. Brian Schwartz joined the UGA team as a turfgrass breeder. Schwartz continued the research, and eventually TifTuf emerged as the one genotype that best maintained quality and green color under drought stress.

In 2014, TifTuf was co-released by the University of Georgia and the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS). Their work was supported by USDA-ARS and the university’s Cultivar Development Research Program, which redirects UGA licensing revenues back into an internal grant program targeted at plant breeders. 

UGA’s Innovation Gateway office, on behalf of USDA-ARS, exclusively licensed the U.S. rights in TifTuf bermudagrass to a Georgia company, New Concept Turf, consisting of some of the best and most successful sod producers in the state. The exclusive licensee has sublicensed 55 growers that produce and sell TifTuf from Florida to Maryland, and from Hawaii to South Carolina.  Innovation Gateway retained the rights to license TifTuf to international entities, building upon its decades of experience with licensing other “Tif” bermudagrass cultivars to international partners. Currently, Innovation Gateway has TifTuf licensed producers in Australia, Japan, China, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Licensed producers of TifTuf have expressed amazement at its rapid, widespread adoption since its 2014 release.

“Based on my 35 years in the sod industry, the rate of sod farm adoption and integration of TifTuf into production has been unprecedented for a warm season turfgrass of any species,” said Ken Morrow of The Turfgrass Group, a member of New Concept Turf. “TifTuf was installed on over 260 million square feet of landscape, sports and golf projects in 2020.  Given the pace of 2021 sales, cumulative TifTuf sod installations since its 2014 release will pass 1 billion square feet in early fall 2021.”

This story was originally published in 2021.

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Tissue Engineering Technology: Using Shellfish Extract to Repair Damaged Cartilage

Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal

Tissue Engineering Technology: Using Shellfish Extract to Repair Damaged Cartilage

Using a new tissue-engineering technology developed by researchers at the École Polytechnique de Montréal, physicians may soon be able to stimulate the human body to repair damaged articular cartilage.

The discovery, called BST-Gel®, was invented in the mid-1990s by a group of professors and graduate students at the engineering school affiliated to Université de Montréal, École Polytechnique de Montréal. The research was funded through several sources, including Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Formation de Chercheurs et l’Aide à la Recherche, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Canadian Arthritis Network, the Canada Research Chair Program, and École Polytechnique.

The technology was disclosed in 1996 and licensed the following year to Bio Syntech Canada Inc., a spinoff technology company created by Polyvalor, Limited Partnership (now known as Gestion Univalor, Limited Partnership) the commercial arm of École Polytechnique de Montréal.

One application of BST-Gel, called BST-CarGel®, brings the potential to repair damaged articular cartilage. It is a gel based on the biopolymer chitosan, which naturally occurs in the shells of crustaceans, such as shrimp.

During use, BST-CarGel® is mixed with a small volume of the patient’s own whole blood and applied surgically to the damaged cartilage area over holes that have been made into the bone marrow. Animal studies have shown that the BST-CarGel® acts as scaffold within the blood, and guides regeneration of the cartilage.

In addition, this same technology can be used to treat other orthopedics indications and is being tested as a therapy for chronic wounds.

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Tissue-Tek Xpress™

University of Miami

Tissue-Tek Xpress™

Tissue-Tek® Xpress™ Brings Biopsy Results Faster

Like most pathologists, the chief of pathology at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine worked his whole career with a system that was basically unchanged throughout the 20th century. Surgeons would deposit tissue samples into a preservative solution and then technicians would put it through a chemical process that took 12 hours and irreversibly destroyed any hope for molecular analysis. Azorides Morales, M.D., and some colleagues wondered whether there might be a better and faster way to process tissue samples, knowing that it could revolutionize pathology. They found one.

In 1997, Dr. Morales began refining a new technique with Ervin Essenfeld, M.D., and his son Harold Essenfeld, M.D., both pathologists in Caracas, Venezuela. They found a more efficient way to use an existing technology to expedite the processing of tissue — microwaves.

The system is a Rapid Tissue Processing (RTP) instrument. Previously, patients were forced to wait for 3-5 days to get the results of a biopsy. With the RTP, an anxious patient can get biopsy results on the same day, within hours. Not only do patients have their results much faster, but physicians can begin treatment even sooner.

RTP uses a specially-designed microwave that allows for uniform heating of tissue within an automated system that does not dry out or damage the tissue.

Now, the fully automated RTP system, reagents and accessories are for sale for the first time to hospitals around the world by Sakura Finetek USA, Inc. under the name Tissue-Tek Xpress™ Rapid Tissue Processor.

The patents were exclusively licensed to Sakura, which is manufacturing and selling the instrument, reagents and accessories to other pathology departments. The product was introduced in early 2004.University of Miami continues to work with Sakura on novel tissue processes, reagents and accessories.

AUTM Better World Report, 2007

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NeuroStar: Firing up Neurons to Treat Depression

Emory University

NeuroStar: Firing up Neurons to Treat Depression

The introduction of the antidepressant Prozac in the late ‘80s not only marked a new era in modern psychiatry, it launched a cultural revolution: As millions of Americans began taking the drug, depression and its treatment became one of the nation’s hottest topics.

Prozac did not, however, prove to be a wonder drug for everyone. Researchers say nearly 30 percent of patients with depression do not benefit from or cannot tolerate antidepressant therapy. Until now, these patients have had too few treatment options: electroconvulsive (shock) therapy or complex and often unproven combinations of medications.

Neuronetics Inc., the makers of the NeuroStar Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Therapy System, are hoping to spark its own psychiatric revolution by offering an alternative therapy to the millions of patients with treatment-resistant depression.

“Drugs to treat depression are all variations on a similar theme: They change brain chemistry,” says Neuronetics founder and CEO Bruce Shook. “Transcranial magnetic stimulation advances the field by offering a different mechanism for getting patients well.”

A Treatment Like No Other

The NeuroStar system is so unlike most psychiatric treatments, its therapeutic concept can be difficult to wrap one’s brain around. In fact, the therapy is based on 100-year-old science that simply took the right pairing of scientists to human-size the technology.

“We’ve known for a century that if we had a powerful enough electromagnetic field we could fire brain cells without opening the skull,” says Charles (Chip) M. Epstein, M.D., a professor of neurology at Emory University.
In the late ‘80s, scientists were beginning to achieve their goal, perfecting a process now known as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), in which short electromagnetic pulses are sent through the skull where they create electrical currents that stimulate nerve cells.

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An amateur electronics buff, Epstein was experimenting with his own coil design for TMS when he ran into a power problem.

“A compact camera flash with 100 times the brightness of an ordinary light bulb has just a fraction of the energy needed for TMS,” says Epstein. “TMS requires the power of hundreds of flashes all at once, which requires a lot of physical space and generates a lot of heat.”

Finding the Right Rock

High-voltage parts are dangerous and prone to failure—to say nothing of the issue of generating heat so close to the patient’s head. Epstein knew these obstacles could only be overcome by embedding the right magnetic material into his wire coil, and he knew just who to call for help: an expert in electromagnetism at the Georgia Institute of Technology named Kent Davey, Ph.D. (Davey is now at the University of Texas, Austin.)
The two collaborated on the device, settling on a variant of iron that reduced the energy and heat requirements by factors of four and eight, respectively.

“Very few people could have picked the appropriate magnetic materials,” says Epstein of Davey. “It took the right materials and the right coil design for this to work.”

With help from Emory University’s Office of Technology Transfer, patents for the invention were obtained and originally licensed for another medical purpose to an incubator in Atlanta. Stan Miller, now vice president of business development at Neuronetics, was employed at the incubator and recognized the potential for a neurological application. When Shook met Miller, they worked together with other founding members of the Neuronetics team to obtain a license from Emory in return for royalties on future sales and to pull together a consortium of venture capital investors to finance the new company. Neuronetics was born.
“This is a variation of magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI. Instead of a playing a diagnostic role, we’ve turned it into therapeutic modality for a very targeted part of the brain.”
Bruce Shook
In 2003, Shook went to work developing Epstein’s technology into a product. A company-conducted research study of 301 patients demonstrated the safety and efficacy of the Neurostar system, paving the way for its clearance by the United States Food and Drug Administration in late 2008.

Neuronetics conducted a second study of more than 300 patients receiving TMS in routine clinical practice and that found that 58 percent of patients achieved a meaningful improvement in their depression, and 37 percent became symptom-free after receiving TMS therapy.

“Six months after their therapy ended, the vast majority of patients were still symptom-free, with about 37 percent of those receiving at least one re-treatment during that time,” said Shook.

Firing up Neurons

Why did those patients find relief? In the brains of depressed patients, the left prefrontal cortex is underactivated. To jumpstart the brain circuitry in that area of the brain, the Neurostar system places the electromagnetic coil, called the treatment link, on the top left side of the head. Then the system sends 3,000 highly targeted pulses directly into the brain throughout a 37.5-minute treatment session. The treatment is repeated five days a week for four to six weeks.

“We’re firing up neurons in the part of the brain known to be the source of depression,” explains Shook. “We get blood flowing and glucose metabolism up. By continually causing the neurons to activate with the repeat pulsing, we exercise that part of the brain back into shape.”

Patients, who relax in a reclined chair during the treatment sessions, experience light tapping on their skull, but none of the side effects common among antidepressant therapy, such as weight gain and sexual dysfunction.
“Antidepressants are a systemic treatment,” explains Shook. “As you treat the brain you also treat the rest of the body. Because TMS is limited to the brain, the risk of systemic side effects is greatly diminished.”
Expanding Domestically and Around the Globe

Today, there are more than 430 Neurostar TMS therapy systems operating across the United States in private clinics, academic centers and military hospitals—and more being installed every month. The price tag for the system, which includes physician training, is $74,900.

“We’ve barely scratched the surface in the U.S.,” says Shook. “Of the 14 to 20 million Americans who suffer from depression, at least 4 million remain ill or can’t tolerate the side effects of antidepressants. There’s plenty of opportunity to help make people well.”

This year, the Malvern, Penn.-based company—which now has 120 employees—is also expanding internationally to Asia and the Middle East and has recently received the CE Mark, which will allow for marketing in European Union countries.

According to J. Cale Lennon III, director of licensing at Emory, the family of patents licensed to Neuronetics is providing substantial licensing revenue that can be reinvested to fund new research at the university. But he added the product’s impact on society has an even higher value.

“We measure our success by the number of products [based on Emory inventions] that make it to market,” says Lennon. “TMS addressed a significant unmet need in the marketplace. To be a part of that solution, and one that has profoundly affected so many lives, is very satisfying.”

Early Adopting Physicians

Shook says that like any new technology, it’s the forward-thinking clinicians who have initially embraced TMS, which can only be administered with a doctor’s prescription. Patients with major depressive disorder who have not responded to at least one antidepressant medication are eligible for the treatment.

“There are more than 40,000 psychiatrists in the United States, and they are a very heterogeneous group,” says Shook. “They don’t necessarily treat people in the same way.”

Lifting the Veil of Depression

Insurance companies have started accepting the therapy as a reimbursable service, but coverage is not yet universal. This sometimes leaves patients on their own to pay the $7,000-plus price tag for the treatment. While convincing insurers and psychiatrists of the merits of TMS is an ongoing effort, Shook says the patient experience is what gets him up in the morning.

“The most gratifying thing about this business is the reaction from patients who experience a dramatic turnaround in their lives,” says Shook. “It makes going to work every day easy.”

To date, more than 250,000 treatments have been administered with Neurostar systems and former patients—many of whom credit TMS with saving them from a life of chronic despair—are happily sharing their experiences on a website created by Neuronetics called The Depression Hope Center. One patient, a successful New York advertising executive, has even written a book entitled 3,000 Pulses.

For a doctor who enjoys tinkering with gadgets in the basement, inventing something that is making thousands of people better has been a profound experience.

“I’m a doctor, my job is to help people feel better,” says Epstein. “But in 10 careers I couldn’t help as many people as TMS already has.”


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TomoTherapy's Revolutionary Cancer Treatment Zeroes in on Tumors with Precision

University of Wisconsin Madison
Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF)

TomoTherapy's Revolutionary Cancer Treatment Zeroes in on Tumors with Precision

Helical TomoTherapy brand radiotherapy, combined with built-in computerized tomography imaging, targets only the cancerous mass, sparing surrounding tissue and nearby organs from damaging radiation.

University of Wisconsin-Madison professors Thomas Mackie and Paul Reckwerdt wanted to solve a big problem in cancer treatment therapy — the serious damage to normal tissues and organs created by standard radiation therapy. They were intrigued with the idea of building a machine that could deliver a tightly controlled pattern of radiation that preferentially strikes cancer tumors, sparing the surrounding tissue from harm.

That was just a thought in the early 1990s. Today, TomoTherapy Inc.’s Hi-Art System is the most advanced radiation therapy device in the world. Physicians in more than a dozen countries use this remarkable technology to customize a treatment plan that delivers a precisely configured field of radiation to the tumor that is essentially the same shape and volume as the tumor itself. With annual revenues of about $130 million, and a workforce of 500 with 300 more jobs on the way, it’s safe to say TomoTherapy Inc., headquartered in Madison, Wis., is a success.

The breakthrough that Reckwerdt and Mackie discovered is called helical TomoTherapy-brand radiotherapy, which creates a helical pattern of radiation around the patient. This allows rotating beamlets of radiation to be directed into the patient’s body from any angle, a far better approach than the two or three angles of penetration that traditional radiation therapy has provided.

The second key part of the Hi-Art System is a built-in computerized tomography (CT) scanner. For helical TomoTherapy-brand radiotherapy to be effective, it must be guided with utmost accuracy.

“The CT imaging allows physicians to exactly locate the patient’s tumor, see if the shape has changed, and place the patient in perfect position for each session of radiation,” says Mackie, an M.D. and UW-Madison professor of medical physics and human oncology, as well as chairman of the board at TomoTherapy Inc.

The initial R&D was undertaken at the University of Wisconsin with a $250,000 federal grant from the National Cancer Institute. The Technology Transfer Office at the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF) filed its first patent applications on the technology in 1992. WARF also contributed more than $1 million to help fund continuing research. TomoTherapy Inc. was established in 1997 and five years later its Hi-Art System prototype was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Today more than 100 Hi-Art Systems are in operation around the world. Currently the company holds 70 patents, with at least a dozen others pending.

“Moving to this unique platform is a quantum leap for radiation therapy,” says Richard Hudes, M.D., and chief of the division of radiation oncology at St. Agnes Cancer Center in Baltimore, Md. “Referring doctors need to know that TomoTherapy provides a significantly improved radiation delivery method of unparalleled accuracy.”

A Precise Weapon Against Cancer

Doctors use the CT scanner to map the contours of the tumor, as well as define areas of risk (such as organs) that need to be protected from the radiation. The CT data is logged into the Hi-Art System, which calculates the parameters of the radiation and where it will be focused inside the patient’s body. Because cancer tumors can change shape and location on almost a daily basis, regular CT scanning is a great way to fine-tune the treatment for maximum effectiveness.

Because the radiation beam can be configured so exactly, it is the ideal treatment for patients with “untreatable” cancers.

“One of our patients had a tumor growing around the orbital area of his eye,” says John Koenig, director of Froedtert Hospital’s Radiation Oncology Center in Milwaukee, Wis., which began using the machine in 2004. “Standard radiation  treatment would have caused the patient to lose sight in that eye, but we were able to treat the cancer successfully with TomoTherapy equipment. Tumors on the spine are also difficult treatment areas, but the Hi-Art System can design a plan where the field of radiation actually wraps around the spinal column to deliver radiation to the tumors, without damaging the spinal cord.”

After being scanned, the patient is placed on a table within a tunnel-like device called a gantry ring. Photon radiation in the ring travels in multiple circles around patient, through the gantry ring. The table is moved slowly through the gantry ring as it rotates. Each time the radiation comes full circle, it penetrates the tumor along a slightly different plane. The shape of the radiation beam changes with each slice of treatment, according to the shape of the tumor in that plane. Treatment proceeds for about 15 to 20 minutes until the entire tumor has been radiated.

Not only does the Hi-Art System treat patients who were not treatable before, it can also safely deliver second courses of radiation therapy.

“If a patient’s tumor returns after radiotherapy, it is usually not possible to retreat the same area with conventional radiation treatment because the normal tissues have reached their toleration level,” says Koenig. “But TomoTherapy equipment delivers such a finely tuned dose that even previously irradiated areas can be treated, giving new hope to patients with recurrent disease.”

Moving Ahead

TomoTherapy Inc.’s 80 percent growth rate shows how quickly the health care industry has taken notice of its Hi-Art System. Not only have the medical outcomes been eye-opening, but the price tag of $3.5 million is actually very competitive with the less-functional systems that most hospitals use. And there’s still plenty of room to grow — TomoTherapy Inc. has only 10 percent of the radiation therapy market.

The company isn’t resting on its laurels — 20 percent of its revenues are reinvested in research and development. Because of its rapid growth, TomoTherapy Inc. recently opened a new operations center in Madison. The $8.2 million, 66,000-square-foot facility will allow the company to quadruple its current testing and production capacity.

“We use TomoTherapy equipment for almost all our patients,” says Koenig. “Patients know they are getting a more precise treatment that lessens the side effects of radiation. Their quality of life during treatment is much higher, with less nausea, diarrhea, fatigue or hair loss. If TomoTherapy equipment is used in the first course of treatment, it can reduce or eliminate the need for surgery or chemotherapy, which means lower health care costs.”

“Any time we can avoid a complication, we avoid extra cost to the health care system,” adds Mackie. “Our technology may lower the cost of drug care tremendously, which is the most costly part of cancer therapy. For a typical cancer center, the yearly cost of drugs alone would pay for all its radiation equipment.”

“Cancer rates are increasing around the world,” says Mackie. “Cancer is a frightening disease and standard treatment can be painful and debilitating. TomoTherapy has a better way to treat most cancers and our mission is to bring this technology to the global market.”

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Hidden Emotions

Hidden Emotions
Think you can tell when your child is playing fast and loose with the  truth?

According to Kang Lee, PhD, a professor at the University of Toronto’s Institute for Studies in Education, neither parents nor  professionals who work daily with children are very good  at detecting when children are lying.

In a 2016 TED Talk, Dr. Lee explained that when children lie, their blank expressions belie a sea of emotions raging  inside, including  fear, shame and  guilt. The neuroscientist says there’s a reason we can be so easily fooled by our own offspring: despite the fact that human beings are emotional creatures, 90 percent of our true  emotions are invisible to the naked eye.
To detect what lies beneath the poker face, Dr. Lee developed a technology called Transdermal Optical Imaging  (TOI) — and  established a company to help businesses access the true feelings and desires that drive human behavior.

TOI takes advantage of the changes in blood flow that occur in the network of blood vessels just under the facial skin as we experience different emotions. The process begins with a conventional video camera recording of a subject, which then undergoes Dr. Lee’s patent-pending image processing technique to create transdermal video images of facial blood flow. Applying advanced machine learning algorithms to the transdermal video reveals the specific emotions associated with blood flow changes. Using TOI, the emotions associated with lying are detectable with an accuracy of 85 percent.

To take TOI to market, Dr. Lee received help from the University of Toronto’s Innovations and Partnerships Office and MaRS Innovation, which developed a go-to-market plan, filed patents in key markets and introduced him to experienced business managers and investors. Today, NuraLogix Corporation is pursuing the market research industry with an eye on security, healthcare and artificial intelligence for future TOI applications.

Lying, Dr. Lee told his TED Talk audience, will never be the same again.

This story was originally published in 2015.

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Transgenic Mosquito May Help Fight the Spread of Malaria

Johns Hopkins University

Transgenic Mosquito May Help Fight the Spread of Malaria

According to the World Health Organization, malaria infects up to 500 million people every year and causes more than 1 million deaths. Despite efforts by the research community, malaria continues to plague much of the world because of the genetic complexity and multiple distinct life-cycle stages of the Plasmodium falciparum parasite, which carries the disease.

For decades, scientists in laboratories around the world have worked steadily toward creating genetically modified (transgenic) species. In the late 1990s the first transgenic mosquito was developed. Researchers at the Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute, with financial support from the National Institutes of Health, have now proven that mosquitoes can be genetically modified so they cannot support the deadly parasite.

Unlike other diseases, humans cannot spread malaria through direct contact. The parasite must first complete its cycle within a mosquito and be transmitted through a mosquito sting. Led by Marcelo Jacobs-Lorena, Ph.D., a professor at Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, researchers have identified a glyco in the mosquito’s genetic makeup that the parasite must have in order to fully develop.

If access to that protein is blocked, the parasite dies.

This important discovery may result in a future vaccine that uses antibodies that block the production of this key sugar in the mosquito. Thus if a mosquito feeds on a vaccinated human, it would ingest the antibody, which would ultimately kill the parasite.

Studies by Jacobs-Lorena and his team have also demonstrated transgenic mosquitoes are just as fit and durable as normal mosquitoes. This improves the chances of possibly interbreeding transgenic mosquitoes with normal mosquitoes in the wild. 

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Teaching Students, Parents and Teachers About Concussions

Boston University
Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO)

Teaching Students, Parents and Teachers About Concussions

A head-on collision gave Ottawa high school rugby player Rowan Stringer a headache after a game, but she had dismissed it as a mild case of sunstroke. Three days later, during the following rugby game, Rowan complained to her parents about a pain to her knee. It is unfortunate that she did not tell her parents that she had also hit her head during the game. Friends later reported that the teenage athlete had felt dizzy. They also later told Rowan’s parents that she had failed her driving test the day after the game. Rowan had not perceived the seriousness of the risk that she was taking in playing a third game that week. But, when taking to the field Rowan took a hit to the head. By itself, this occurrence would have been routine, but Rowan never regained consciousness from that hit. Coupled with the previous instances of probable concussion, Rowan sadly succumbed to second impact syndrome (SIS).

Over the past few years, media coverage of the devastating after-effects of traumatic brain injury (TBI) has grown from a trickle to a flood.

Along with rising recognition of the  ong-term suffering created by severe TBIs, researchers have turned their attention to the more subtle damage caused by mild-to-moderate TBIs, which many health professionals believe go undiagnosed and untreated at a rate of as much as 50%. And, because those who suffer even a mild TBI incident are at risk for moderate-to-severe disability a year after their injury or worse, this lack of diagnosis and treatment is placing untold numbers of people at risk of on-going symptomatology that has no apparent explanation.

Even more alarming, undiagnosed concussion victims often resume dangerous activity. Anyone who experiences a second blow to the head while recovering from an initial concussion—like Rowan—is a risk factor for SIS, which has led to approximately 30 to 40 deaths over the past decade and left uncounted others to endure a lifetime of mental and physical impairment.

Against this backdrop, researchers at Boston University’s Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) Center and the affiliated Sports Legacy Institute are studying Rowan Stringer’s brain tissue to learn more about identifying SIS. Furthermore, with the help of the Institute, the high school Rowan attended is developing a teaching module on concussions destined for a 10th grade biology course.

Rowan’s story also inspired the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) to release guidelines on concussions in June 2014. Developed by a team led by CHEO scientist Dr. Roger Zemek, along with the Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation, these comprehensive guidelines will hopefully be expanded across school boards to educate parents, teachers and coaches about the signs and symptoms of concussions. Furthermore, Bill 149, affectionately called “Rowan’s Law”, establishing a committee to implement the recommendations from a Coroner’s inquest into Rowan’s tragic circumstances, unanimously passed second reading in the Ontario legislature in December 2015.

This story was originally published in 2014.

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Treating Schizophrenia Starts with Cognitive Battery Tests

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

Treating Schizophrenia Starts with Cognitive Battery Tests

Cognitive deficiencies, such as having an impaired memory or the inability to focus attention, are key predictors of long-term disability for schizophrenia patients. Further, the current antipsychotic medications do not help these cognitive impairments. 

To speed the development of new drugs that can possibly help these patients, researchers at the University of California in Los Angeles have designed a battery of tests to evaluate cognition in schizophrenia. The “MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery” (MCCB) was published in 2006 by Keith H. Nuechterlein, Ph.D., and Michael F. Green, Ph.D. Funding was provided by the National Institute of Mental Health’s (NIMH) Division of Mental Disorders and Behavioral Research.
The MCCB was developed to help accomplish the goals of the National Institute of Mental Health’s initiative, Measurement and Treatment Research to Improve Cognition in Schizophrenia (MATRICS).

The absence of any standard measure of cognitive function that was accepted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for clinical trials of schizophrenia had been a critical obstacle in evaluating potential new medications for the core cognitive deficits. Thus, one of the key goals of MATRICS was to  create a consensus cognitive performance test battery for future clinical trials.  

The battery was designed with input from national experts in neuropsychology, clinical psychology, neuroscience, psychometrics and clinical trial design. It evaluates speed of processing, attention/vigilance, working memory, verbal learning, visual learning, reasoning and problem solving, and social cognition. 

Recent scientific discoveries provide opportunities for developing medications that can improve cognitive function in schizophrenia. The MCCB has been endorsed by the NIMH and accepted by the FDA as the recommended battery for future clinical trials for potential cognition-enhancing drugs for schizophrenia.

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TRICKS Changes the Face of Medicine

University of Wisconsin Madison
Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF)

TRICKS Changes the Face of Medicine

TRICKS™, a three-dimensional imaging technique invented by University of Wisconsin-Madison medical physics professor Charles Mistretta, takes the unknown and makes it known.

Gary Baron of East Lansing, Mich., repeatedly felt painful cramping in both legs when he walked. There was nothing about Baron’s physical appearance that would foreshadow narrowing of the arteries, but his medical history told another story.

Baron, 63, had previously been diagnosed with angina, which led to his need for a cardiac catheter and a three-vessel bypass graft. So he had an ultrasound test to see how well the arteries in his legs were working.

After Baron had the test, his surgeon referred him to physical therapy. Though he showed some improvement during the therapy, he still experienced pain in his legs. Fortunately for Baron, he was about to get some assistance from time-resolved imaging of contrast kinetics, or TRICKS™, a new three-dimensional imaging technique that takes the guess work out of contrast-enhanced MRI procedures.

Every year, between 8 and 10 million people are affected by peripheral vascular disease. But before the invention of TRICKS™ at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, visualization during the MRI process was limited. TRICKS™ entered the marketplace in 2003.

Before TRICKS™ was introduced, when doctors looked at images of blood flow in areas like legs and ankles, the resulting information could be confusing.

The old technology would miss some arteries or not be able to show the physician when the low in the artery had backed up and started going in the wrong direction. The process also took a long time, well over two hours. 

“TRICKS™ has helped us see what arteries are affected, how bad the arteries are, and if the patient needs vascular surgery,” says Kevin DeMarco, M.D., an associate professor in the Department of Radiology at Michigan State University. “TRICKS™ also helps us see the very small arteries in the calf and foot, even down to three millimeters.”

DeMarco has used TRICKS™ in different areas of his work: in private practice in East Brunswick, New Jersey, with the University Radiology Group, and at MSU. He learned of TRICKS™ through national meetings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance Medicine. “When I first heard of inventor Charles Mistretta’s early work with vivid three-dimensional images, it sounded exciting,” he says.

Images Display Like Scenes in a Movie

In the 1980s, the X-ray technique became the gold standard for diagnostic images. Then in the 1990s, radiologists used MRI exams, sometimes injecting a contrasting agent into the patient to better enhance the study. The trouble was that the results sometimes were confusing to interpret. The reason was timing.

In diagnostic imaging, timing is everything. Think of multiple scenes running in sequence, like photographing water flowing over a waterfall or revolving scenes in a movie. TRICKS™ records fast-evolving images, or scenes, critical to making an accurate diagnosis pertaining to blood clots and vascular problems. With the old technology, the camera takes multiple shots, often missing a crucial snapshot in time. TRICKS™ acts more like a video camera, recording all the events during an MRI exam, not just static, frozen images. The technology allows doctors to capture the images they need to make a diagnosis.

Charles Mistretta, a professor in medical physics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison at the time TRICKS™ was patented in 1996, is also a professor of radiology at the university today. “We devised a lot of different technologies to get the timing right,” he says.

Today, radiologists all over the world are using TRICKS™, a system that’s simpler, more robust and more reliable than previous technologies. “It used to take us 30 seconds to generate one image, and that image couldn’t decipher
Dynamic events,” explains Mistretta, who says his UW team of scientists was inspired by Thomas Grist, M.D., chair of the UW Radiology Department.
“It was obvious that to better track blood flow in the legs and ankles, we needed a time-resolved series.”

The result of Mistretta’s invention was TRICKS™. “It has a major advantage over the old MRA Xray technique because it provides three-dimensional images and it has a 400 percent increase in speed,” he says.

TRICKS™, patented by the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation and licensed to GE Healthcare of Waukesha, Wis., was incorporated in 2003 into GE’s Signa EXICTE™ 1.5 T MR unit. The following year GE included TRICKS™ technology in its 3.OT MR unit.

As part of EXCITE, TRICKS™ helps doctors diagnose blood clots and other vascular concerns with faster, safer, non-invasive MRI studies. Its primary advantage is that it produces a series of time-resolved images rather than just one.

Technology Produces Economic and Societal Benefits

Introduced in 2003, two major MRI companies now manufacture TRICKS™, including GE Healthcare. “We’re very excited about the technology,” says Jerry Shattuck, a licensing manager with WARF. Shattuck says WARF also is in negotiations with a third major MRI manufacturer.“We expect sales to increase as the technology continues to gain acceptance in the marketplace,” he says.

TRICKS™ continues to help doctors make important decisions — decisions that directly impact their patients’ lives. “I see people with a particular type of pain, They have cramping in their legs usually after walking just a few blocks, but the pain usually goes away when they’re at rest,” DeMarco says.

When Baron, a patient with bilateral pain, saw DeMarco, the total exam time with TRICKS™ was less than an hour. Previously, the MRI exam was typically three to four hours. “We usually had to have the patient return for a second two-hour session,” DeMarco says.

Before the availability of TRICKS™, patients like Baron might have had to undergo an invasive conventional angiogram, usually performed in an operating room or hospital angiographic area. The procedure involves inserting a catheter into the artery in the groin with a chance of injuring the artery and making the patient’s foot cold. “While that may happen only a very small percent of the time, that’s a 100 percent inconvenience and frustration for the patient,” DeMarco says.

With the invention of TRICKS™, “we’re getting closer to the gold standard. It answers questions like how narrow the arteries are in the calf and feet 80 to 90 percent of the time,” DeMarco says. In Baron’s case, TRICKS™ answered the question of whether he needed vascular surgery.

The good news for Baron was that surgery wasn’t necessary. He continued physical therapy, which eventually led to a positive outcome. “Without TRICKS™,  we would have been less certain what route to take between surgery or physical therapy.” DeMarco says, “With TRICKS™ the diagnostic process was simpler, faster and safer.”

This story was originally published in 2008.

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Spare the Rod and Save the Child: Positive Parenting Technique Reduces Maltreatment

UniQuest Pty Ltd
University of Queensland, Australia

Spare the Rod and Save the Child: Positive Parenting Technique Reduces Maltreatment

It's a common sight: a toddler throwing a tantrum in the grocery store. But what's the best approach, if you are the toddler's parent? Ignoring the meltdown? Taking the child out of the store? Or the traditional method: a good spanking?

Researchers at The University of Queensland have the answer to this and many other parenting challenges. They have bundled the answers into a system called Triple P — the Positive Parenting Program — and licensed it to organizations and practitioners around the world.

As a result, thousands of parents are learning how to improve their relationships with their children. What's more, Triple P is helping to prevent child maltreatment.

Child Maltreatment and Triple P

Child maltreatment — abuse or neglect — poses a major public-health problem around the world. The psychological damage goes beyond just one child, and that cycle often repeats itself from one generation to another.

Maltreatment also brings with it a financial burden. Groups such as Prevent Child Abuse America estimate the cost to U.S. society in the billions of dollars.

Triple P offers a way to end the cycle of violence and neglect. Researchers designed the program to help parents manage their children's behavior through techniques such as the following:

  • Promoting positive relationships
  • Encouraging desirable behavior
  • Teaching children new skills
Research shows that families who use Triple P have better parent-child relationships and fewer incidents of child maltreatment than families who don't.

In 2009, the journal Prevention Science published a study involving 18 counties in the southeastern United States. Half of the counties trained service providers (social workers, teachers and doctors) on Triple P. The other nine counties did not.

In the counties using Triple P, rates of child maltreatment either went down or stayed the same, while those rates rose in counties not using Triple P.

Triple P's Growing Pains

Matt Sanders, Ph.D., is professor of clinical psychology and director of the Parenting and Family Support Centre at The University of Queensland in Queensland, Australia. The idea for Triple P came to him in 1978, during his doctoral research.

He first focused on helping parents manage aggressive children using home-based interventions. But he soon realized that spreading the word about the program, home by home, would not reach enough families to save at-risk children. So he decided to approach the problem via a public-health model.

Sanders had funded his early research thanks to various government bodies and philanthropic organizations. But he needed steady funding to employ a public-health model to spread the word about the program.

Enter Desmond “Des” McWilliam. McWilliam had been a news director and news anchor at an Australian TV station. In 1993, after his second child was born, he was looking for a new challenge.

A colleague referred McWilliam to Sanders. During one of their meetings, Sanders showed McWilliam some videotape of parents using Triple P and explained his vision of reaching parents through a public-health model.

“I saw this vision and I thought, "This is an absolute winner," McWilliam recalls.

Sanders wanted McWilliam's help in creating four teaching videos about Triple P. However, he didn't have enough money to produce those videos.

“I thought, "This is really important to do, and this is something all parents would be interested in," McWilliam says.

So the former anchorman dipped into his personal savings and financed the videos himself.

University Takes Baby Steps in Licensing Social Science Technology

By 1999, Triple P had outgrown The University of Queensland's ability to manage Triple P's training, publications and marketing. When the university approached McWilliam about licensing the program, its research commercialization company, UniQuest Pty Limited, got involved.

“The reason we decided to license Triple P was to make the program grow, making it more widely disseminated,” says Joe McLean, UniQuest's group manager, social sciences and humanities.

However, a social science program posed a new set of challenges for UniQuest.

For one thing, the university's policy on intellectual property was clear on patents but less so on licensing training programs. So UniQuest needed to make sure its actions fit the university's policy.

In addition, most funding — from the university and elsewhere — was pegged for new ventures and geared toward technology. Triple P was neither new nor a conventional type of technology, such as an engineering invention.

However, UniQuest overcame these challenges and licensed the technology to a private company that would become known as Triple P International Pty Ltd, with McWilliam as managing director. Luckily McWilliam was able to help fund the company's growth, in addition to managing the Brisbane, Australia-based firm.

Going Beyond "Supernanny"

With its public-health model, Triple P International started reaching parents through agreements with government agencies, private organizations and various practitioners.

The company trained practitioners in the program to target it to parents, schools, doctors and social workers. It marketed the program to the general public by using mass media such as newspaper articles. Triple P also made its way into thousands of homes with a New Zealand TV show called “Families” in 1995, as well as a British TV show called “Driving Mum and Dad Mad” in 2005. (View clips of the program on the Triple P website.)

Triple P: for Every Parent

TV programs such as “Driving Mum and Dad Mad” have helped to dispel the myth that only poor parents maltreat their children. In fact, researcher Adrea Theodore, M.D., M.P.H., led an eye-opening study published in the journal Pediatrics that revealed that the rate of harsh physical discipline was not significantly different between low- and high-income households.

However, governments concentrate their interventions on only about 15 percent of the population: those at the greatest risk. This means 85 percent of families don't get the help they might need.

“Everyone, at some point, needs parenting support,” says Sanders.

To that end, Sanders has developed different versions of Triple P for different situations. There are versions for parents of a variety of children, including children with behavior difficulties or autism.

The tiered model allows parents to try different levels of involvement, ranging from watching a TV program to participating in face-to-face counseling sessions.

Sanders and McWilliams hope that, someday, every parent will receive Triple P training. They would like to remove the stigma of parenting classes so that Triple P isn't seen as a program just for “bad” parents.

Triple P Comes of Age

Over the course of Triple P's development, McWilliam's own two children have grown into adults and Sanders is now a grandfather. These days Triple P is used around the globe, and Triple P International is testing a Web-based version of its training program so practitioners can achieve accreditation online.

When asked to predict what will happen in the next five to 10 years, McLean says he sees the international market for Triple P growing. More and more governments are demanding comprehensive, evidence-based solutions, he adds.

As for the best solution when a child is throwing a tantrum at a store, Sanders advises parents to praise good behavior, involve children in the shopping experience and reward kids after a tantrum-free trip.

In other words, using the building blocks of positivity and praise will lead to happier parents and better-behaved children. Unlike the old adage, sparing the rod will not spoil the child. It could very well save him.


This story was originally published in 2012.

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TrophAmine Plays Critical Role in Treating Premature Babies

Columbia University

TrophAmine Plays Critical Role in Treating Premature Babies

While full-term infants are born between 38 and 42 weeks of pregnancy, premature babies or “preemies,” are born in 37 weeks or less. Due to their lack of development, preemies lack the required body fat to maintain their body temperature, and their organs are not developed enough to function properly on their own. Consequently, premature babies are more susceptible to certain infections and may experience health problems such as anemia, low blood pressure and respiratory problems.

Yet modern scientific breakthroughs have made a big difference in increasing the chances of survival for preemies — by as much as 90 percent for those weighing 800 grams or more. Among the medical discoveries benefiting premature infants is TrophAmine®, developed with National Institutes of Health funding by Drs. Ralph Dell, Robert Winters and William Heird at Columbia University in New York. TrophAmine is sold by the pharmaceutical company B. Braun Medical Inc.

Widely used throughout the country, TrophAmine® is an amino acid solution that promotes growth in premature babies, and can be administered as early as the first day of life.

Known as “the building blocks of protein,” amino acids are essential to growing and breaking down food in the human body. TrophAmine® normalizes plasma amino acid levels so that they’re comparable to those of healthy infants who are breast-fed, and it has been clinically proven to match intrauterine growth rates in the third trimester. Additionally, TrophAmine® promotes weight gain as well as positive nitrogen balance, the latter of which indicates that sufficient protein levels are being met.

Given that premature births are increasing in the U.S., occurring at a rate of one in eight babies — roughly 1,000 a day — it’s fortunate that TrophAmine® is available to increase their chances of survival.


This story was originally published in 2007.

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Tropical Storm Tracker

University College London

Tropical Storm Tracker

On the Tropical Storm Tracker map at University College London’s, the weather disturbances show up as colored lines—from  green for tropical depressions through blue, two yellows, orange and red, to purple for Category 5 hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons.

Tropical depressions, tropical storms, hurricanes, typhoons, cyclones, European windstorms: They’re all variations of big wind disturbances and they’re all the focus of scientists at Tropical Storm Risk (TSR) and EuroTempest, Ltd., ventures developed from work by Professor Mark Saunders and his fellow climate researchers at the university’s Aon Benfield UCL Hazard Research Centre.

Using sophisticated computer models, the University College London (UCL) team works to assess storms’ strength, where they will go, when they will get there– and what damage they’re likely to cause. While Tropical Storm Risk tracks extreme weather events worldwide, EuroTempest focuses on the destructive wind storms that often sweep onto the European continent off the north Atlantic.

Advance Warning

“Time saves lives,” says Michael Arnott, Senior Business Manager at University College London’s Technology Transfer Office. “For specific weather events, these ventures can predict extreme weather behavior up to five days in advance. This can warn people to evacuate and it can alert governments and relief organizations to mobilize medical and food supplies.

“Even when there are shelters, people need to know to go to them.”

A case in point: Storm Tracker warnings about Cyclone Sidr, which drove off the Indian Ocean onto the coast of Bangladesh in November of 2007. Sidr was the most powerful storm to affect Bangladesh since a cyclone in 1991 killed 140,000 people. Sidr left millions homeless but TSR warnings helped the Bangladeshi government plan mass evacuations and keep casualties at around 3,500, a fact praised by Bangladeshi officials. “The UCL tropical storm tracker played a crucial role the day before Sidr struck,” one noted. “The UCL warnings helped save thousands of lives,” another added.

It’s an ongoing service. Since 2004, TSR has worked in partnership with ReutersAlertNet, a humanitarian news site that distributes real-time TSR alerts for active extreme weather events worldwide.

Modeling is Critical

To arrive at their forecasts, the UCL computer models process input data through proprietary storm assessment and prediction models, correlating  factors as diverse as ocean surface temperatures, wind speeds, atmospheric pressures, the intensity of the North Atlantic Oscillation and the variability of the El Niño phenomenon in the Pacific. The basis of the work is weather data drawn from National Oceanic and Atmospheric (NOAA) satellites.

“The value lies in what you do with the data,” notes Saunders. “The modeling is critical. We’ve developed systems that can forecast the intensity of the  coming hurricane season, display the path of tropical storms as they develop and move, and anticipate the likelihood of damage they may cause before and after they make landfall.”

Tropical Storm Risk is the older of the two projects, an outgrowth of British government-funded research on cyclones in the late-1990s. The Web site, was launched in 2000. In 2007, the site received more than 1.6 million hits.

A Commercial Application

The modeling capabilities have an economic role as well as a humanitarian one: In 2008, UCL spun off EuroTempest, Ltd., as a commercial arm for
subscribers focusing on windstorms affecting the European continent. The venture has attracted several high-profile insurance clients.

The winds in question are the powerful storms that sweep in off the North Atlantic rather than the hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones that affect the tropics. Services range from five-day warnings of impending significant storms to predictions of aggregate losses that will result from them.

“In Europe,” Arnott says, “the greatest insurance losses are due to wind storms. Because the continent is so densely populated, even a mild storm can cause millions of dollars in damages. And, since weather zones vary enormously throughout Europe, the forecasts need to be as localized as possible. If we have an understanding of a client’s assets, we can develop a vulnerability curve that predicts its risk from a given event.

“Recently,” he adds, “a company was being told to raise a huge amount of funding to cover losses following a big windstorm. We were able to advise – accurately – that only a tenth of that amount needed to be tied up. This capability can mean significant savings for the companies and more rapidly settled claims and repaired property for their customers.”

Tropical Storm Risk remains based within University College London. But UCL began licensing TSR services to subscribers in 2008, and anticipates the possibility of incorporating the program in the future. Saunders serves as the lead scientist for Tropical Storm Risk and technical director for  EuroTempest.

Awards and Capabilities

The Tropical Storm Tracker has proved so useful to insurers that it has won two British insurance industry awards – for “Innovation of the Year” in 2004 and for “Risk Management” in 2006. A statistical analysis published in Nature in 2005 concluded that buyers and sellers of reinsurance could improve their returns by more than 30 percent over a period of years by using Tropical Storm Risk forecasts. This model also successfully predicted the active U.S. hurricane season in 2008.

“There are a lot of people forecasting these days,” Arnott notes. “What’s critical is how far out you can forecast and how accurately you can predict the damage likely to be experienced. TSR consistently has an advantage in lead time. We can usually give an extra day’s notice over other systems.”

Long-range forecasting, on the other hand, is more art than science—often difficult to predict with precision. When the group releases its forecasts wellahead of the season, it’s not the end of the story. They continue to  update them on a monthly basis. The team provides seasonal forecasts for three regions—the North Atlantic (hurricanes), the Northwest Pacific (typhoons) and the Southwest Pacific and Southeast Indian Oceans (cyclones). Although hurricanes attract the attention in the United States, China, Japan and the Philippines actually experience more typhoons than the U.S. does hurricanes.

“This is very satisfying work,” Saunders says. “It’s particularly pleasing to have researched and developed a product which has helped to save many lives.” 


This story was originally published in 2009.

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Tissue Tech Regenerative Medicine to Fight Disease

University of Minnesota

Tissue Tech Regenerative Medicine to Fight Disease
What if you could grow your own healthy tissue to repair an injury or fight disease? Enter TRUE™ Tissue technology. Developed by Dr. Robert Tranquillo at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, TRUE Tissue is a regenerative, engineered tissue tech created from cells isolated from donor tissue and is 100% natural. The donor cells are removed using detergents in a final step yielding an “off-the-shelf” regenerative matrix in the form of tubes that can be used as vascular grafts or combined to form heart valves, among many potential uses.

While other regenerative medicine contains synthetic polymer-based scaffolds that slowly degrade in the body and may lead to adverse immune response, TRUE™ Tissue technology, licensed by Vascudyne, a biotechnology trailblazer in regenerative medicine, is biological: nothing synthetic or artificial is in the biomaterial at any stage of its production.

Vascudyne has accelerated its commercialization and is working to get the technology into the hands of surgeons to benefit the millions of patients in need of replacement and repair tissues.

Tranquillo and his team have developed and fine-tuned this technology for decades, with the help of NIH funding, establishing its unique properties and regenerative potential. Tranquillo, key team member Dr. Zeeshan Syedain, and colleagues demonstrated the distinct advantages engineered tissue technology holds over existing therapies in a plethora of peer-reviewed publications of in vitro and pre-clinical in vivo studies.

In 2021, the TRUE™ Tissue technology reached two major milestones. In a groundbreaking study, Tranquillo and his team used this hybrid of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine to create heart valves that can grow with the recipient. When implanted in lambs, the research team showed that the tri-tube valves worked better than current animal-derived valves, with valve growth and almost none of the calcification that the other valves showed. Up until now, researchers have not been able to develop a heart valve that can grow and maintain function for pediatric patients. The only accepted options are valves made from chemically treated animal tissues that often become dysfunctional due to calcification and require replacement because they don’t grow with the child, often requiring up to five (or more) open heart surgeries until a mechanical valve is implanted in adulthood. This requires them to take blood thinners the rest of their lives.
“If we can get these valves approved someday for children, it would have such a big impact on the children who suffer from heart defects and their families who have to deal with the immense stress of multiple surgeries,” Tranquillo said. “We could potentially reduce the number of surgeries these children would have to endure from five to one. That’s the dream.”
In July 2021, Vascudyne also announced the successful first human use of TRUE Vascular Graft in end-stage renal disease patients requiring hemodialysis access. The first clinical procedures were performed by Adrian Ebner, MD, director of Endovascular and Cardiovascular Surgery at Sanatorio Italiano in Asuncion, Paraguay, as part of an early feasibility study.

University of Minnesota’s Technology Commercialization team has supported the technology since 1997, when the first invention disclosure on the technology was received. The office has pursued broad patent protection of the technology, helped secure translational funding to advance the science, and licensed the technology portfolio that led to the creation of Vascudyne as a startup company. The team continues to support Tranquillo’s new ideas that may further expand this platform technology by enabling additional new products that would solve unmet medical needs and potentially transform patient lives in other clinical areas.

Vascudyne was founded by Jeff Franco and Kem Schankereli, who licensed the engineered tissue technology from the University of Minnesota in 2017.

This story was originally published in 2022.

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Improving One of the World's Oldest Inventions

University of Washington

Improving One of the World's Oldest Inventions

When is a toothbrush not a toothbrush?

When it’s an ultrasonic device that propels thousands of tiny bubbles, pulsing at high speeds and providing a long-lasting feeling of clean.

In a feat of collaboration that involved medical physicists, periodontists, pediatric dentists and public health specialists at the University of Washington (UW), and a businessman known for a Midas touch with oral health care products, the device, now known as the Ultreo toothbrush, was born.

Like many great ideas, the brainchild hatched while its inventor was thinking of something else.

As a medical physicist, Pierre Mourad had spent much of his career considering the unlimited potential of ultrasound technology in medicine. These tools harness the energy of sound waves that have a frequency of greater than 15-20 kHz — above the range of human hearing.

While most of us know ultrasound as a way to view the inner workings of the human body, Mourad was looking beyond that. Fascinated by the mechanical aspects of bubbles, he had been considering how ultrasound might work with bubbles to help clean the mouth.

About the same time, Jack Gallagher, an angel investor, was invited to the UW Medical School on the Seattle campus. He had been asked to evaluate an investment in a novel ultrasound technique that would provide neurosurgeons with a minimally invasive means of measuring deadly swelling in the brain.

Mourad, also a research associate professor in the UW department of neurological surgery, had developed this brain monitoring technique. Although Gallagher passed on the technology, he clicked with Mourad, and the two soon began exploring how they might use ultrasound waves to make a better toothbrush.

Teamwork Leads to Great Results

With initial funding from Gallagher and other angel investors, and a boost from the Washington Technology Center, the new toothbrush was created. Mourad and his colleagues at the Applied Physics Lab conducted extensive development research and, with assistance from periodontists, pediatric dentists and public health specialists, tested his concept. The team, augmented with staff scientists, eventually garnered three research grants from the state and two from the National Institutes of Health, totaling almost $2 million. Clinical studies ensued, proving the Ultreo toothbrush removed up to 95 percent of hard-to reach plaque in the very fi rst minute of brushing.

“We wanted to employ ultrasound to create a toothbrush that was truly efficacious,” says Gallagher, former president of Optiva, the company that brought the Sonicare toothbrush to the world. “We had no idea if it would work — but if it did, it would be uniquely differentiated.”

A Closer Look at the Toothbrush

In case you think the toothbrush you use now is adequate, Mourad, referring to published studies, says traditional brushes leave behind about 50 percent of the plaque that’s found on teeth. Plaque is the sticky fi lm you can sometimes feel on your teeth between brushings, which can lead to the buildup of tartar. It’s literally a “biofilm” made of bacteria that can, over time, cause cavities and gum disease.

Numerous studies have shown a link between oral health and general health. The 2006 Surgeon General’s Report on Oral Health says gum disease may be a risk factor for health complications such as heart disease, diabetes and premature births. Gum disease has been correlated with a decrease in immune system efficiency and problems as serious as arteriosclerosis, a hardening of the arteries that causes cardiovascular disease.

Historians believe the first toothbrush was created in China more than 3,000 years ago, when someone plucked a few coarse bristles off a wild pig and tied them to a piece of bone to clean their teeth. Aside from the materials, the basic elements of the brush have remained the same over the years, and just recently the toothbrush was chosen as the one invention Americans could not live without according to the Lemelson-MIT Invention Index, beating out the automobile, the telephone and the computer.

Ultero: The Next Wave in Dental Hygiene

The latest development in personal oral health care came about in 1959, when the power toothbrush was introduced and launched into the world marketplace the following year.

More recently, companies have developed high-speed brushes that have been touted by consumer advocates, recommended by dentists, and endorsed by the American Dental Association.

And then came Ultero.

“While other power toothbrushes have high-speed bristle motion, they don’t have ultrasound,” says Gallagher. “Only Ultero has ultrasound waveguide technology.”

The key advantage of the Ultero over any other power toothbrush is its use of a patented “ultrasound waveguide” to transform plain bubbles into bubbles pulsating with ultrasound energy.

According to Lisa Norton, licensing officer with UW TechTransfer, the ultrasound waveguide enables the ultrasound to activate the bubbles, causing them to pulsate and provide a long lasting feeling of clean.

First disclosed to UW TechTransfer in 2003 and licensed by Ultreo in 2004, the company now has seven U.S. and international patents and eight patents pending, proving the novelty of the instrument and its benefits over existing technologies. The company has attracted more than $23 million in private investments, many from dentists and alumni of the UW dental school. The toothbrush, which costs around $169, is sold at Sharper Image, and online retailers such as and 


This story was originally published in 2008.

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UltraCell: A Portable Power Plant

Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab
University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley)

UltraCell: A Portable Power Plant

After Hurricane Katrina ripped up the United States’ Gulf Coast in August 2005, countless hospitals, clinics and nursing homes were left without electricity for days and even weeks. In the city of New Orleans alone, some two dozen hospitals had to be evacuated because of the loss of power, water and sewage service, according to a 2006 report by the Urban Institute. While portable power generators pumped electricity to critical care areas, many people died sweltering in temperatures that exceeded 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

Natural disasters such as Katrina revealed just how much we depend on energy during an emergency. They also demonstrated the need for making energy last longer, and for portable devices that can go where they’re most needed.

A company called UltraCell in Livermore, Calif., is working to address these needs. UltraCell is making the world’s first micro-scale fuel cells, which run on clean energy — methanol — and due to their compact size, are highly portable. While these innovative fuel cells currently can power computers, they’re being developed for larger applications, such as power generators, that could make a big difference in future Katrina-like disasters.

A Small Energy Solution for Big Energy Problems

A fuel cell is an electrochemical energy conversion device that produces electricity quietly and effi ciently, without pollution. Unlike power sources that use fossil fuels, the byproducts from a hydrogen fuel cell are benign — heat and water.

The UltraCell technology is a high-power, high-energy-density fuel cell system for portable electronics applications, ranging from military to laptop computing, to police and industrial use.

Demonstrating a preproduction device at an Intel Developers Forum in 2006, UltraCell Chief Executive James Kaschmitter said, “Our fuel cell systems literally cut the cord to electrical dependence.”

While fuel cells have been around for a while, UltraCell has managed to address one of the major stumbling blocks associated with their widespread use: energy density. An interdisciplinary team at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Livermore, Calif., figured out how to get the most bang for the buck in fuel cell technology — reducing the size of the cell while at the same time increasing the amount of energy it can store.

The project that led to the development of these micro fuel cells began in the Chemistry and Materials Science and Energy Directorates of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, with funding from the U.S. Department of Energy. While many years of work had gone into the use of hydrogen in fusion, in the 1990s researchers at the lab began looking into developing hydrogen as a source of fuel. Right away it was clear they needed to create smaller-scale devices.

“Fuel cells had always been very large in scope and size,” said Alan Jankowski, one of the inventors of the technology and now a professor of mechanical engineering at Texas Tech University in Lubbock. “You could power a bus with a fuel cell, but the fuel cell would be about as big as the bus.”

With a background in materials science, Jankowski had been working on creating thin fi lm coatings for application in fuel cells, trying to develop the cells on a smaller scale. When he began collaborating with Jeff Morse, an electrical engineer at Lawrence Livermore with a specialty in microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and nanofabrication, the results were revolutionary.

“When people started looking at smaller fuel cells, they were looking at taking a large (90 watt) device and making it smaller,” Morse said. “We decided to take MEMS and microscale approaches and blend them together to create a new paradigm.”

In other words, instead of using existing technology to take something big and scale it down, Jankowski and Morse decided to start — and stay — small.

“People were trying to minimize the real estate of a fuel cell with traditional machining,” Morse explained, “but if you want to work on the scale of cubic centimeters, you need MEMS.”

Teamwork Leads to Commercialization

The team of inventors made their first invention disclosure to the Lawrence Livermore Office of Technology Partnerships and Commercialization in 1997. The group, led by Jankowski and Morse, included chemists and chemical engineers, mechanical engineers, materials scientists and energy experts, as well as doctoral and postdoctoral students from the nearby University of California, Berkeley. This group worked collaboratively for five years to miniaturize the components of a hydrogen fuel cell. Although the bench top devices were demonstrated, they still didn’t have a commercial product.

Then came Kaschmitter, a former Livermore staff engineer and serial entrepreneur with a background in energy storage, who saw a real need for the new, small-scale fuel cell technology.

As soon as the concept had been sufficiently proven, he wanted to bring it to market.

“I wanted to take an interesting technology and make a product that people would really use,” Kaschmitter said. “Jeff and his group had proved the viability of the technology. We saw the potential to turn it into a product.”

Kaschmitter says collaboration was critical to the success of the project. “Scientists at the lab are working in basic research, they’re not thinking about the market, so they needed practical information, which I could bring.”

He worked with the researchers for several months and when it became clear it would work, formed the company UltraCell, which licensed the technology in 2002. The company recently opened a plant in Vandalia, Ohio, and is expected to generate more than 300 jobs in the region.

Aside from offering a clean source of energy, hydrogen fuel cells offer a safer, better way to store energy, especially as compared with lithium batteries, according to Kaschmitter.

“Cell phone and laptop lithium-ion batteries have reportedly exploded or caught fi re, and if you try to put more energy into them, it could create a safety hazard,” he said.

The number one advantage of fuel cells over batteries, according to Kaschmitter, is that they are lighter weight, and offer more energy. Batteries in today’s cell phones and laptops last only three or four hours. He says soldiers in the field today routinely carry up to 30 pounds of batteries on missions that can last a week or more.

He’s heard anecdotal evidence from military leaders — stories about batteries going dead in the middle of an air strike, for example. “Today’s soldiers increasingly rely on portable electronics, such as GPS systems and radios, so portable power can be a critical life-protecting component for them,” Kaschmitter said.

The military is the company’s first customer, and it’s a good place to start, according to Kaschmitter. “The military provides field testing with very high standards, plus it gives us a higher price point during production startup,” he says. “Now, we’re going from military to industrial markets, to provide portable power that will run for a long time.”

While UltraCell technology is currently geared toward small devices, such as laptops and portable telecommunications equipment, Kaschmitter says it may one day have larger-scale uses. These include providing power at remote construction sites, or backup power for homes, apartment buildings and hospitals. UltraCell could also be used in the rental power market, which provides electricity for concerts and other large public events.

And, as mentioned earlier, UltraCell technology could be a vital resource in disaster relief efforts. It’s a small-sized solution for large-scale problems. 


This story was originally published in 2008.

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AI Software Expands Access to Cardiovascular Care

NYU Langone

AI Software Expands Access to Cardiovascular Care
With millions of Americans suffering from cardiovascular-related diseases, the need for simple, transportable, affordable diagnostic tools has never been higher. Ultrasound technology has been a crucial tool for diagnosing cardiovascular problems for years but requires highly trained sonographers for accurate results. This need for trained technicians is a barrier in cardiovascular care—one that researchers at New York University (NYU) and Weizmann Institute of Science are aiming to break down. 
Dr. Achiau Ludomirsky, a professor and cardiologist at NYU Grossman School of Medicine, has worked with Professor Yaron Lipman from the Weizmann Institute to develop AI software that can be paired with commercial ultrasound devices to guide technicians during use and enhance image quality. Attached to a standard tablet, the AI software provides real-time guidance to users, allowing any healthcare professional—regardless of previous sonography experience—to effectively operate ultrasound equipment. 
By eliminating the need for extensive training, the AI-guided ultrasound technology can be used in rural and low-income areas where specialized professionals are hard to come by. Echocardiograms (or heart ultrasounds) can save lives, and expanding access has the potential to prevent heart attacks, heart disease and strokes. 

NYU and the Weizmann Institute filed patents on the intellectual property. To commercialize the technology, UltraSight (previously known as OnSight Medical) was founded in 2018. The company licensed the patents from the two universities and conducted studies to show the technology's effectiveness. 

The US Food and Drug Administration approved the use of the UltraSight AI software in the US at the end of July 2023 for two-dimensional transthoracic echocardiography (2D-TTE) in adults, specifically imaging the 10 standard views of the heart. These images show the four chambers of the heart, major blood vessels and the four heart valves, and can be used to determine blood pressure and the size of the heart. 
The FDA approval was based on studies conducted at Sheba Medical Center in Israel, in which resident doctors and registered nurses who were not experienced in cardiac sonography performed ultrasound on 240 cardiac patients. The images they collected, as well as images from a professional sonographer, were evaluated by a panel of US board-certified cardiologists who did not know the source of any of the images. The study found that the scans provided by the inexperienced staff were similar in quality to those provided by the experienced staff, despite having no prior sonography experience.
With this AI technology, diagnosis, treatment and after care of patients can be more accessible and more accurate, saving lives and easing stress for families and loved ones.

This story was originally published in 2023.

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Ultrasound, Microbubbles, Acoustic Pattern Recognition and Wireless Technology

University of California, San Diego

Using a portable device to diagnose strokes “in the field” is one of the primary goals of BURL Concepts. But the company’s innovative technology, which combines ultrasound, microbubbles, acoustic pattern recognition and wireless technology, has a number of applications that go well beyond stroke detection.

The use of ultrasound to reopen clotted vessels, known as sonothrombolysis, has generated considerable excitement in the medical community. The team at BURL Concepts is becoming internationally recognized for its expertise in this field, thanks to the work of Thilo Hoelscher, M.D., a board-certified neurologist from Germany.

Hoelscher came to UC San Diego in 2002 to collaborate on research with Robert Mattrey, Ph.D., the vice-chairman of radiology. “I was doing some cutting edge work on the brain using ultrasound and microbubbles,” recalled Hoelscher. “Nobody in the U.S. at that time was doing that kind of work.”

Hoelscher started his own lab in 2008, and by 2012, he was focused almost exclusively on microbubbles and ultrasound. He partnered with Arne Voie, Ph.D, Director of Brain Ultrasound Research Laboratory, UCSD Department of Radiology, to develop a battery-powered, hand-held ultrasound device that allows paramedics and EMTs to detect whether a stroke occurred or not in the pre-hospital environment.

The BURL device – BURL stands for Brain Ultrasound Research Laboratory – transfers this data, in real time, to a hospital or other dedicated location using wireless technology. “Stroke diagnosis and potentially treatment should be initiated at the earliest point possible, preferably at the site or during patient transport,” said Hoelscher.

“Portable ultrasound has been used for pre-hospital diagnosis for applications other than stroke, and its acceptance as a valuable diagnostic tool ‘in the field’ is growing,” he added. “In the future, I envision small devices that are the size of an iPhone which use disposable ultrasound transducers. You patch them to the temporal bone, and then you start a diagnosis right there.”

Globally, 15 million strokes occur every year, and less than 5 percent of those victims get any treatment. The impact on stroke victims and their families can be catastrophic. “Every one of us knows someone who has had a stroke,” said company co-founder Jim Brailean, who holds a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering. “My own mother had two strokes, which were misdiagnosed, and they definitely impacted the quality of her life.”

While BURL Concepts is perfecting its handheld stroke detection model, the company is also exploring other scenarios where ultrasound, in combination with microbubbles, can improve upon current diagnostic tools and treatments. One such application is drug delivery, where the BURL device can temporarily “open the gates” of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) to deploy targeted drug delivery where needed without overloading the entire body with pharmaceutical agents like chemotherapy.

The BURL device can also act as a BBB gatekeeper for targeted gene therapy. This core competency has already been established using rodent models.

BURL’s long-range plans are to market affordable devices to an international customer base, and its ultimate goal is to save lives in the remotest parts of the globe.  “In some rural areas, it can take hours to get to a hospital,” said Brailean. “Transport times in developing nations can stretch into days. So we see the world as our market. We want to make [BURL devices] as cheaply as possible, so they’re as common as cardiac defibrillators.”

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Underwater Crime Scene Investigation: A Guide for Law Enforcement

Florida State University

Underwater Crime Scene Investigation: A Guide for Law Enforcement

Although underwater recovery certainly isn’t new, it wasn’t until the early 1990s that olice dive teams started to switch from the “snatchand-grab” mentality of collecting evidence to more measured methods of recovery. It is, of course, much more challenging to apply standard investigation techniques to underwater crime scenes to preserve important data, which could prove invaluable in court.

The federal government recognized during the USS Cole investigation in 2002 that the process of securing an underwater crime scene, and gathering evidence that would be presentable in an international court, was a formidable task since there were no standardized protocols. In 2002 the U.S. Navy approached Florida State University to develop state-of-the-art protocols for underwater investigations. The U.S. Department of Defense contributed $500,000 toward this research.

In 2007 Tom Kelley, Ph.D., director of Florida State University’s Panama City Underwater Crime Scene Investigation  (UCSI) program, and team members Dale Nute, Ph.D., Mike Zinszer, Mark Feulner, Gregg Stanton, William Charlton, Joerg Hess, Terry Roy Johnson, and Kenneth McDonald, released “Underwater Crime Scene Investigation: A Guide for Law Enforcement.”

This manual is the first resource that describes the principles, policies and procedures of an underwater investigation. It adapts surface investigative techniques to the underwater environment, including the use of integrated sensors, robotics, and computer modeling.

Employing these methods underwater decreases typical investigative times from a few days to a few hours, and preserves more critical information.

The program consists of a 20-hour academic minor in UCSI and three 100-hour underwater investigative training courses. It is ideal for all local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies, as well as NOAA and NASA. This specialized curriculum has also generated interest from insurance companies that investigate underwater claims, such as the sinking of watercraft.

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Unique Photovoltaic Cells are Flexible, Lightweight, and Made from Plastic

University of Massachusetts Lowell

Unique Photovoltaic Cells are Flexible, Lightweight, and Made from Plastic

Conventional photovoltaic solar cells are rigid, glass-based, and generally expensive to manufacture—until now. Scientists at the University of Massachusetts’ Center for Advanced Materials in Lowell have invented a low-temperature manufacturing process for dye-sensitized, titaniumdioxide photovoltaic cells on a flexible polymeric film.

This unique photovoltaic cell technology was developed from 1999 to 2001 by Sukant Tripathy, K.G. Chittibabu, Jayant Kumar, Lynne Samuelson, Lian Li, and Srini Balasubramanian. Funding for the initial research was provided by the U.S. Army.

A flexible plastic film containing dyes and paint pigments is used to produce electricity. Utilizing this technology, it is now possible, for the first time, to use a variety of low-cost polymers as the top and bottom surfaces of photovoltaic cells.

These cells can generate electricity from more light sources than just sunlight, including indoor lighting. The light energy is transmitted via the electrically active materials and a series of electrodes to create electricity. The film is produced in a continuous roll-to-roll process that is less expensive and less capital-intensive than the more complex, time-consuming assembly of traditional solar cells. A few of the abundant industrial applications are handheld electronics, sensor networks, textiles, military equipment and roofing materials.

The University of Massachusetts and private sources provided the funding necessary to launch a spin-off company to commercialize the technology. Established in Lowell in 2001, Konarka is conducting additional research and development on this innovative photovoltaic cell design. Investments in Konarka exceed $100 million to date. 


This story was originally published in 2008.

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UNMC Designs Shield to Protect from Coronavirus During Intubation Procedure

University of Nebraska Medical Center

UNMC Designs Shield to Protect from Coronavirus During Intubation Procedure
A new protective barrier invented at UNMC shields and protects health care workers from contagions and other contaminants during intubation procedures.

Inventors Thomas Schulte, M.D., and Michael Ash, M.D., of Nebraska Medicine, in collaboration with Scott Nepper at Design Plastics, Inc. in Omaha, developed the device in the face of PPE shortages, and as an improvement on other intubation boxes on the market. Within 48 hours of working with UNeMed, they were shipping the shields and receiving orders from around the U.S.

"The clinicians indicated that there was an immediate need to make these shields available as soon as possible. UNeMed met with the plastics manufacturer that was also a co-inventor, developed a website and started shipping shields in less than 48 hours.  Within 6 hours of going live, we had orders from both coasts as well as the middle of the country,” said Michael Dixon, CEO of UNeMed.  

Current shield designs’ rigid construction and size limit their use in operating rooms, and storage becomes an issue. UNMC’s clear, lightweight, foldable solution has ports for patient access, and is easily maneuverable and adjustable. It can be cleaned for repeated uses, including by UV light.

The Intubation Shield protects physicians from pathogens expressed by a patient during intubation, which provides an uninterrupted air supply for patients struggling to breathe, one of the more severe symptoms of COVID-19. Thirty shields are currently in use at Nebraska Medicine.

"The intubation shield provides an additional layer of safety and is so easy to use we plan on using the shield on every intubation of patients we suspect may have COVID-19," said Schulte, an anesthesiologist at Nebraska Medicine.

UNeMed, the technology transfer and commercialization office for UNMC and the University of Nebraska at Omaha, will ship intubation boxes to hospitals in some of the areas hardest hit by COVID-19.

Michael Dixon, CEO of UNeMed said, "We are humbled to be able to play a role in helping to protect providers on the front line and grateful to our inventors for creating an easy-to-use tool that could help stop the spread."
A video demonstrating how the Intubation Shield works is available here.

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U-plate Eases the Pain of Broken Ribs

Oregon Health & Science University

U-plate Eases the Pain of Broken Ribs

Patients with rib fractures often suffer a slow and painful healing process, generally treatable with only oral narcotics and painkillers. Convinced that a surgical method could alleviate pain and speed recovery, surgeons at the Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) have begun a pilot study to question the traditional practice of “not fixing” rib fractures.

Researchers are working to establish a reliable method to accurately measure the pain and disability of rib fractures and develop a surgical technique and standard criteria for treatment.

A key component is the U-plate — a device made of titanium which is implanted during a minimally-invasive surgery. It bridges the fracture, helping to speed healing and prevent further injury.

The U-plate was designed by Thomas Ellis, an associate professor in the Department of Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation at the OHSU School of Medicine, and mechanical engineer Joel Gillard. It has been approved by the FDA and is licensed to Acute Innovations, which was launched using OHSU technology. Acute Innovations is committed to providing innovative solutions to challenging thoracic surgical procedures. The U-plate has been on the market for a year, and Acute Innovations estimates over a dozen patients (outside of the study) have benefited from the device.


This story was originally published in 2007.

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An International First: Canadian Researchers Develop a New Standard for Responsible Mining Exploration

An International First: Canadian Researchers Develop a New Standard for Responsible Mining Exploration
As one of the most important industrial sectors in Canada, mineral exploration can have significant, impacts on the environment- disrupting natural ecosystems and local economies and triggering negative effects in communities, such as disruption of Indigenous peoples traditional practices, land use conflicts, public health and human wellbeing.

Recognizing this, the Quebec Mineral Exploration Association (QMEA) mandated the UQAT-UQAM Chair in Mining Entrepreneurship (Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue/Université du Québec à Montréal) in Lebel-sur-Quévillon to develop a standard related to the activities of mineral exploration companies and their service providers, called the UQAT Document. The UQAT Document includes a range of provisions, environmental practices, safety of people involved in the mineral exploration process, well-being of affected communities, responsible business practices, compliance with applicable legal requirements, and efficient use of financial resources. It is available on the market as a PDF or hard copy.
Researchers from UQAT, led by Suzanne Durand, a professor at the Teaching and Research Unit in Management Sciences and co-holder of the UQAT-UQAM Chair in Mining Entrepreneurship, developed  the UQAT Document to address the key issues identified in relation to mineral exploration activities. In collaboration with QMEA and other partners, Axelys, Quebec’s new organization for accelerating the development and transfer of high-potential innovations stemming from public research who took over Aligo Innovation activities and the universities’ outside technology-transfer firm, actively supported the deployment of this work to industry, and concluded an exclusive license agreement with Underwriters Laboratories of Canada Inc. (UL). UL is a science-based testing, inspection and certification company with expertise in developing standards and certifying against those standards.

Currently offered in Quebec, the UL-2723 and UL-2724 standards, which are ECOLOGO’s certification program for the mineral exploration industry, are a prime example of the transfer of intellectual property developed by a Quebec university to industry, which in this case takes the form of copyright license granting UL the right to use, distribute or publish the UQAT Document, which established norms pertaining to environmental quality (efficient use of natural resources, air, water, and soil quality, respect of wildlife habitat and forestry work), quality of life (recognition of concerns of affected communities and aboriginal communities), work environment, local investment and business ethics. This first comprehensive certification program is now available to mining exploration companies and their service providers in Quebec for the application of environmental, social and economic best practices.
“The UL ECOLOGO® Certification programs for  mineral exploration, UL 2734 and UL 2724,  offers mineral exploration companies and their service providers an opportunity to verify their responsible practices and their ability to reduce their impact on the environment and local communities,” said Joseph Hosey, Vice President and General Manager for UL in Canada.

These standards will be adapted and expanded throughout Canada and abroad in the coming years.

This story was originally published in 2021.

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System for Generating Pseudotyped Viruses Aids in COVID-19 Vaccine Development

System for Generating Pseudotyped Viruses Aids in COVID-19 Vaccine Development
In the mid-1990s, Dr. Michael Whitt from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in Memphis, TN, developed and patented a reverse genetics system that uses vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) to allow researchers to study highly pathogenic viruses under standard biosafety level 2 containment. At the time, Whitt’s VSV platform was primarily used to study virus assembly and was later used to develop ways to infect and kill cancerous cells without harming healthy cells.

However, when the pandemic hit, the research pivoted.

Recognizing that such systems allow companies developing vaccines or conducting research on viruses like SARS-CoV to reduce risks to its workers, Whitt and members of his lab began adapting his unique pseudotyping technology to aid in vaccine development. The system results in the assembly of the SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) protein into a modified VSV, allowing researchers to work at a lower biosafety level than they would when working with the live SARS-CoV-2 virus.

“We were contacted very early during the start of the pandemic by several different companies looking for a way to quickly assay whether their vaccines were going to be efficacious against this novel pathogen when it became clear that COVID-19 was going to impact a huge proportion of the population,” Whitt said. “They apparently were aware of the system we had developed and recognized that it could be used to speed the development of a vaccine.”

Both Moderna and Pfizer are among the companies using the VSV platform to test the inhibitory effects of the antibodies generated after a COVID vaccination.

The ability of VSV to readily assemble the surface proteins of other viruses, such as the S-protein in COVID-19  results  in the production of a surrogate virus that binds and enters cells like SARS-CoV-2, but once inside, it does not release more infectious virus, and instead produces a reporter protein that can be easily analyzed. When antibodies from a vaccinated individual are mixed with this surrogate virus containing the SARS-CoV-2 S-protein and there is a reduction in the amount of reporter protein produced, that indicates the individual has generated antibodies that can inhibit SARS-CoV-2 infection.
The University of Tennessee Research Foundation has facilitated access to Whitt’s technology by entering into agreements with multiple companies for transfer of the VSV pseudotypes through licensing and material transfer agreements and building distribution partnerships to provide the VSV platform globally. More than 170 companies and universities in over 30 different countries have used these materials during the pandemic.

The technology also received NIH funding.

This story was originally published in 2021.

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USF Develops 3D Printed Swab for COVID Tests

University of South Florida

USF Develops 3D Printed Swab for COVID Tests
The University of South Florida-designed 3D-printed nasal swab is now being used by hospitals, academic medical centers, state governments, and international agencies and health care facilities. Created in March when medical supplies were a significant challenge, the innovative swab allowed entities around the world fight the spread of COVID-19 through widespread testing.
The USF Health Department of Radiology team of Dr. Summer Decker, Dr. Todd Hazelton and Dr. Jonathan Ford worked round-the-clock for a week with Northwell Health, New York’s leading healthcare provider, to create the initial design and prototype. The team collaborated with Formlabs to optimize the design and maximize the number of swabs that could be printed.
Dr. Michael Teng and Dr. Kami Kim of USF Health's Department of Internal Medicine worked with colleagues at Northwell to conduct scientific testing on the swabs to prove they were as effective as the traditional swabs. In all, a process that normally takes years was completed in just two weeks, producing a swab that cost less than 30 cents each.
Knowing it was critical to quickly replenish swab stocks, the USF Technology Transfer Office made the patent-pending design files available to hospitals and universities free for the first year. Additionally, Formlabs and its affiliates were allowed to distribute the swabs royalty free, and no license or patent fee was charged. USF’s Technology Transfer office connected federal agencies without medical-grade 3D printing capabilities or who needed large quantities of swabs to Formlabs.

In Tampa alone, 3,000 swabs a day were printed for USF Health and Tampa General and soon other labs on campus joined in printing thousands more for providers like Moffitt Cancer Center. Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine credited the swabs with helping his state in the fight against the disease, and the White House took notice of the innovation, CNBC reported.

"We are grateful that we were able to work as a team to get this solution out so quickly in order to hopefully help many people. The response has been overwhelming,” Dr. Decker said. “It’s been very rewarding to speak to so many hospitals across the world to hear their experiences and see how we can help. This situation has stripped away many of the barriers between us so we can work together for the common goal of saving lives.”

This story was originally published in 2020.

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UV Radiation Kills Dangerous Pathogens in Drinking Water

University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley)

UV Radiation Kills Dangerous Pathogens in Drinking Water

More than two billion people, or about one-quarter of the world’s population, risk their health by drinking dirty water. Preventable waterborne diseases kill about two million people (mostly children below age five) annually, and stunt the growth and development of tens of millions more.

Ashok Gadgil, who is a senior physicist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Berkeley, Calif., and a University of California, Berkeley professor, developed a technology to mitigate this situation. Gadgil’s process quickly and efficiently purifies water at extremely low cost. Professor Gadgil developed the technology from 1993 to 1999 with about $300,000 in funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development, the U.S. Department of Energy and private donors. The work included field trials in India and South Africa.

Preventable waterborne diseases kill about two million people (mostly children below age five) annually, and stunt the growth and development of tens of millions more.

UV Waterworks™ technology uses ultraviolet light to kill microbial pathogens in drinking water supplies, including the organisms that cause polio, diarrhea and cholera. Unlike other water purifiers on the market, UV Waterworks does not rely on potentially carcinogenic chemicals to disinfect the water, making it safer for human consumption, as well as the environment. The device is energy efficient, works well under gravity feed (no high pressure necessary), has rapidthroughput, and is easy to maintain even in remote, underdeveloped regions. It’s also a better alternative to boiling water, which is labor-intensive, increases smoke inhalation, uses 6,000 times more energy, and requires cutting trees for firewood.

The technology was licensed by the University of California to WaterHealth International (WHI) and is installed on a turn-key basis in poor communities in developing countries. It has been validated at 11 independent laboratories in five countries, including India, Mexico, the Philippines and South Africa. By the end of 2007 WHI had installed more than 450 water purification systems in developing countries around the world, and more than 600,000 people were obtaining their daily safe drinking water from WaterHeatlh Centers.



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Researchers Improve Storage forTransplant Organs

University of Wisconsin Madison

Researchers Improve Storage forTransplant Organs

In 1986, University of Wisconsin scientists Folkert Belzer M.D., and James Southard, Ph.D., developed the gold standard for organ preservation techniques. Backed by funding from the National Institutes of Health, they developed a synthetic solution that allowed organs to be safely stored outside the body for longer periods of time. The advancement, known as the UW Solution, was a major breakthrough in preserving organs for transplant surgeries.

Prior to the UW-Madison scientists’ discovery, organs such as livers could only be stored for six hours and kidneys could be preserved for up to three days.

The beauty of the Wisconsin Solution was that due to its extended preservation time, fewer organs were wasted and, consequently, more lives were saved.

Since the UW Solution was originally invented, UW-Madison veterinary surgeon Jonathan McAnulty, D.V.M.,along with his colleague, veterinary ophthalmologist Christopher Murphy, D.V.M., have University Communications. improved on the original UW Solution by developing a totally natural solution that includes proteins called trophic factors. The modified UW Solution increases organ quality and length of storage time possible.

This modified UW Solution has not only led to greater improvement in preventing damage to organs during storage, it has a positive, direct affect on donor pools and successful organ transplant surgeries.


This story was originally published in 2007.

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Wound-Closure Device Helps Speed Healing After Serious Wounds

Wake Forest University

Wound-Closure Device Helps Speed Healing After Serious Wounds

Smooth recovery from physical trauma or surgery depends a great deal on how quickly the wound or incision heals. For some patients, especially those who are at high risk for infection, slow healing can be a life-threatening situation.

Wake Forest University Health Sciences Professor Louis C. Argenta, MD, and associate professor Michael J. Morykwas, PhD, both in the university’s department of plastic and reconstructive surgery, disclosed the “Vacuum-Assisted Closure (V.A.C.)” device in 1990.

Approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 1995, V.A.C. Therapy is widely accepted as the treatment of choice for a variety of wounds, especially head and leg injuries and troublesome, slow-healing wounds such as burns, bedsores and diabetic ulcers.

V.A.C. Therapy rapidly heals wounds with fewer complications and infections compared to traditional wound treatment. By using V.A.C. Therapy to apply negative pressure to a wound or incision, doctors can easily and gently remove fluids and infectious materials, which reduces the chances of infection. A special, open-cell foam dressing promotes healing and helps draw the edges of the wound together.

V.A.C. Therapy rapidly heals wounds with fewer complications and infections compared to traditional wound treatment.

Today V.A.C. Therapy is dramatically changing the standard of medical care around the world, both on the battlefield and in the hospital. More than a million Americans also use V.A.C. Therapy in their homes, reducing the time they spend in hospitals and clinics, as well as their need for in-home nursing visits.


This story was originally published in 2007.

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V-Chip Keeps Television Violence From Reaching Children

Simon Fraser University

V-Chip Keeps Television Violence From Reaching Children

Tim Collings was an engineering professor at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, when a man shot and killed 14 female students at Montréal’s École Polytechnique on Dec. 6, 1989, before turning the gun on himself.

That tragedy, which rocked relatively peaceful Canada, set him down a path that led to the invention of the internationally hailed V-chip. Parents across North America now use V-chip to control the amount of violence, sex and foul language their children are exposed to through television.

“I don’t come from a social science background,” says Collings, who notes that he was already aware of violence on television before the Montreal murders. “But I did follow the studies that showed that the killer was affected by violent media material that he had seen,” he says. “It has an impact, no doubt about that.”

“I became interested in wanting to do something,” he says. “I wanted to help break the cycle of violence that seemed to be growing in our society.”

Applying Engineering Skills to Help Parents

Collings says he did not favor censorship or controlling the content on televisions at the source. Instead, he set about using his engineering skills to — at a minimum — allow parents to control the amount of violence their children watched on television.

When Collings developed his prototype, he took it to the Canadian Radio and Telecommunications Commission, the equivalent of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission.

He was in luck because at about the same time, closed captioning systems were being introduced to North American television. And in 1990 the U.S. Congress began requiring television receivers to contain circuitry designed to decode and display closed captioning. Collings was able to figure out a way use the same data packet systems that delivered the closed captioning text to carry program ratings information.

He designed the V-chip so parents can click on a menu that presents a rating system. If they want to limit the programs that their children see to those rated PG, they can block the others that have ratings for violence, sex or profanity.

“When I started working on this, there was no V-chip technology that would read codes and respond to the preferences of viewers and their parents,” says Collings, who now has three children ages 10, 12 and 14. Ironically, Collings says he didn’t have a television in his home until 2000. He believes the V-chip is an especially important tool for parents whose children are 12 or younger.

When Collings developed his prototype, he took it to the Canadian Radio and Telecommunications Commission, the equivalent of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission. There, he found an ally and sponsor in chairman Keith Spicer. “It was a watershed moment,” Collings says. “Spicer really pushed this and it became one of his main legacies.”

Written Into the Telecommunications Act of 1996

Spicer introduced Collings to then FCC Chairman Reed Hundt. “I demonstrated it to him and congressmen and senators,” he says. “Eventually, and to my surprise, it made its way into the Telecommunications Act of 1996 that required the device in every television built after 1999 with a screen size of 13 inches or larger.”

In 1997, Collings and SFU awarded the international rights to his invention to Tri-Vision International Ltd., a public company that trades on the Toronto Stock Exchange. Tri-Vision Trademarked the technology as V.gis™ and has worked with Collings to ensure all electronics manufacturers in Canada and the United States are properly licensed to use his invention.

Collings continues as a director of Tri-Vision and chairs its research committee. He also owns a portion of the company.

Murray Eldon, a spokesman for Tri-Vision, says the company has earned between $16 and $18 million in royalties from the technology and that revenues could go up significantly in coming years because the FCC now requires all digital receivers to have digital V-Chips as of March 16, 2006. In the United States alone, annual television sales range between $25 million and $32 million. In Canada, the figure is about $1.8 million a year.

Praise for a Great Idea

Joanne Cantor, a professor emeritus in communications studies at the University of WisconsinMadison is a noted researcher on the psychological effects of media violence on children. She praises Collings as a “real pioneer whose work has had some very positive effects … He’s the one who really got this going,” Cantor says.

“No one ever imagined that Congress would pass a law that would require the networks to do anything. Just the requirement of ratings is a concept that is enormously new,” she says. “It is a great idea. Unfortunately, research shows that the V-chip has as yet not been widely adopted by parents.

“In my opinion, it is hard to program and understand,” she says. “Companies may be required to put them in all televisions, but they are not required to make them easy to use.”

Eldon, of Tri-Vision, agreed that television manufacturers have not made the V-chip simple to program. “It could be a lot more user friendly,” he says. “The FCC has noted that the current tools have not worked as well as envisioned.”

Making the V-Chip Easier to Use

Eldon says that many advocates of parental television control hope that the ratings system will be revised to be more accurate and that V-chips will become easier to use and understand.

Cantor does not fault Collings. “It’s not Tim’s fault,” she says. “His impact has been significant and influenced other devices that will block what kind of programs get into our homes.”

Collings acknowledges that the number of people using V-chips may be relatively small at this point. “I’ve spoken to people who use it, but It is a somewhat new technology,” he says. “And those inclined to use it are parents with young children.”

“I don’t know if my work has saved lives,” Collings says. “I’m not going to go that far. But the effects of violence on television have been studied ad nauseam. The three main (effects) are desensitization to violence, creating the fear that society is really like that — especially in little kids — and the creation of copy cats,” he says. “I would like to think, though, that my work has made society safer for people.”

This story was originally published in 2006.

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Mining Data for Treatment Goldmine

Emory University

Mining Data for Treatment Goldmine

Tim Fox, Ph.D., says his work as a medical physicist in radiation oncology at Emory University is akin to designing a war plan.

Before directing radiation at cancer cells inside the body, Fox and a specialized medical team must first map the exact location of a tumor inside the body, drawing distinct borders between diseased and healthy tissue and organs. To help in this mapping, or planning, process — and to evaluate the effects of the radiation after treatment — the team uses an increasing number of imaging technologies, from computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging to positron emission tomography (PET).

“We have an explosion of imaging and treatment data,” says Fox, a medical physicist and associate professor of radiation oncology at Emory’s Winship Cancer Institute. “We are overwhelmed with images.”

Although the imaging studies available to cancer treatment teams are each highly useful individually — CT and MR for anatomical detail and PET for functional activity within the body — Fox knew that viewed collectively and within the treatment planning system, they could be even more valuable. So he joined Emory radiation oncologist Ian Crocker, M.D., and software engineer Paul Pantalone in developing a software solution that integrates pretreatment and post-treatment images with treatment data.

Our goal is to intelligently assemble treatment data and patient images to improve clinical decision-making.
Tim Fox

Integrating PET PET scanning has become indispensable for diagnosing and determining the extent of cancer in the body because it visualizes what’s happening at the molecular level: on a PET scan, highly active cancer cells appear as “hot spots,” or areas of bright intensity. But without the added anatomical detail of an MRI or CT scan, it can be difficult to identify where those cells are located — which is critical to the radiation planning process in which diseased areas must be carefully outlined, or contoured.

“When I saw young physicians in training who weren’t confident about incorporating PET into the radiation therapy planning process, I knew it was a problem that needed to be fixed,” says Fox.

Fox and Crocker engaged Pantalone in the research project, asked the Georgia Research Alliance (GRA) for seed money and founded Velocity Medical Solutions in 2004. As part of the GRA commercialization process, Velocity licensed the technology from Emory.

A combination of seed grants and loans from the GRA enabled Velocity to begin integrating the technology and validating the platform. Within 18 months, the team received clearance in the form of a 510(k) from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

“Integrating PET into planning CT is where we started,” says Fox. “But we also wanted to be able to combine all diagnostic images — PET, MR and CT — with treatment planning.”

However, perfectly aligning multiple types of patient images taken at different times and in different positions posed a huge technical challenge.

Deformable Registration

The process required Velocity to innovate and create sophisticated scientific algorithms that identify landmarks within different images and align or “deform” them into a single view.

This method, called deformable image registration, is key to the interconnectivity and efficiency of Velocity’s solution, which is also vendor-neutral.

“The treatment process has a tight timeline so efficiency is important,” says Pantalone. “We knew that viewing a CT and PET scan together in a single view instead of having to toggle back and forth between the images would be a time-saver.”

Another technology the team developed was a method for assessing treatment response to cancer therapy using PET imaging. The technique, called a metabolic volume histogram, measures the metabolic activity of a tumor following radiation therapy.

“Our software solution helps physicians be more confident in their decision-making, especially when deciding whether or not to re-treat a patient,” says Fox.

From a physician’s standpoint, Crocker could not agree more. “Image registration and use of multimodality imaging are absolutely critical to the successful treatment of patients, and Velocity is extremely good at that,” adds Crocker.

Partnering with Emory, GRA

Throughout the process, the Office of Technology Transfer at Emory University and the GRA proved extremely helpful.

“As a start-up company, you have to find investors and partners that believe in your ideas and your team,” says Joelle Fox, chief financial officer of Velocity Medical Solutions. “For Velocity, these partners were Emory and the GRA. Without funding from the GRA, we wouldn’t have been able to get started.”

Since acquiring its first customer in 2007, Velocity Medical Solutions has grown to 30 employees who continue to build on its core technologies, developing new solutions including the VelocityGrid, which allows multiple users to access the same database, and a new product that will allow for cloud-sharing and storage.

“Velocity has done a good job of growing and creating new jobs in Georgia,” says Philip G. Semprevio II, licensing associate at Emory. “We are happy with our partnership and have every confidence the company will continue to grow. Velocity is a perfect example of how Emory technologies can be transferred into commerce, grow the local economy and make a positive impact in the medical practice of cancer centers across the globe.” Along the way, Velocity has posted impressive growth in both revenues and market share — the company’s solutions are currently installed in 18 different countries and in 15 of the top 50 cancer centers in the United States as ranked by the U.S. News and World Report.

One Patient at a Time

For now, Velocity is content helping to improve cancer-care decisions one patient at a time, offering customers the option of a perpetual license or annual subscription to its software products, as well as onsite training and technical support. But long term, the company hopes to partner with its customers to use data stored at Velocity to better understand patient populations and develop new insights.

“Ultimately we want to be able to mine our data to learn more about patient outcomes and treatment trends,” says Tim Fox.

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Natural Enzyme Helps Farmers Feed the World

BioResources International Inc.
North Carolina State University

Natural Enzyme Helps Farmers Feed the World

At this writing, the world population counter on the website of BioResource International (BRI) reads 7,109,797,785 (but only for half a second). To feed a projected world population of 9.1 billion by 2050, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations estimates food production will need to increase by 70 percent.

Meeting the world’s increasing food demands in economically and environmentally sustainable ways is a primary driver for BRI, an agriculture biotechnology company spun out of North Carolina State University (NCSU), and based in the Research Triangle Park in Durham, NC.

BRI’s flagship product called Versazyme is a feed additive for poultry and swine that improves the digestibility of protein, which in turn lowers farmers’ feed costs and reduces the environmental impact of animal waste.

“This could be a real world-changing technology that helps farmers be more efficient and provide more poultry and pork to people, especially in Brazil, India and China,” says BRI co-founder, chair and CEO Giles Shih, Ph.D.

Stumbling on a Solution

Giles’ father, Jason Shih, now retired professor of Poultry Science at NCSU, was studying new strategies for waste management and biogas production when he noticed that chicken feathers shed into manure and moved to a waste digester mysteriously disappeared during the digestion process, despite being made of a tough and insoluble protein called keratin. Curious about what bacterial process could break down keratin — the same protein found in nails, hooves and claws — the professor and a graduate student went on the hunt for the responsible microbe.

What they found was a unique strain of bacteria known as Bacillus licheniformis that secretes an enzyme called keratinase capable of degrading whole feathers. Jason and his research team isolated the bacteria and identified the gene-coding sequence for keratinase, ultimately filing six patents (with the help of NCSU’s Office of Technology Transfer) around the discovery and its application improving poultry feather meal, a feed supplement made from chicken feathers.

Father and Son Team

Giles initially followed in his father’s footsteps as an agriculture science major in college, but quickly switched to microbiology. He had just completed a doctorate in the field and was considering his career options when a venture capitalist called on him to help evaluate some technologies being spun out of academic research institutions into biotechnology companies.

“That was something I had never considered,” says Giles, who broached the idea of licensing his father’s patents from NCSU.

“My father has always been very applied in his work, and some of that has rubbed off on me,” says Giles. “I had just finished my Ph.D. We thought, ‘How much harder can it be to start a company?’”

The father and son team, along with a former graduate student of Jason’s named Jeng-Jie (JJ) Wang, founded BRI in 1999 and licensed all six of Jason’s patents in 2000.

“We each had different strengths that we brought to the table,” says Giles. “My father serves as senior advisor, JJ as the technical expert and I do the day-to-day managing and capital raising. We had the science figured out, but the sales and marketing challenges were more difficult to overcome.”

Best-Laid Plans

“Initially we thought we would create a better feather meal product,” says Giles. “But in the course of research and development, we found that if you add the enzyme to chicken feed, the chickens grow faster and healthier, and the market for feed enzyme additives was far larger than the market for improved feather meal.”

In 2001, the company tested Versazyme as a feed additive for improving the growth of chickens that are bred for meat production, otherwise known as broilers. The study found that broilers fed a low protein diet supplemented with the enzyme grew as large as birds fed a standard diet.

“Broilers require less feed, which lowers feed costs for farmers,” says Giles.

The enzyme additive also has value for the hens producing eggs, or layers. With the Versazyme additive, farmers are able decrease the amount of protein in the layers’ feed while maintaining their performance of one egg per day.

The company also discovered that the additive improves protein digestibility in swine, resulting in significant cost savings in feed.

“It takes just six weeks to grow a chicken but as long as a year for pigs, so there is a potential for greater savings in feed costs,” explains Giles.

Brewing Batches of Enzyme

BRI developed a way to produce mass quantities of the keratinase enzyme using fermentation technology. Today, this part of the manufacturing process is subcontracted to a vendor in Asia, which ferments the live organism in large tanks by adding nutrients such as starch and proteins and aerating the mixture. After two days, a drying process evaporates the liquid leaving behind a powdered form of the enzyme.

“The enzyme is grown in a fermentation broth similar to the process of brewing beer,” says Giles.

The enzyme is then shipped to the United States, where it is blended with carrier and flow agents and packaged at a BRI facility in Apex, N.C. To distribute the finished product to its customers around the world, BRI chose Novus International, an animal health and nutrition company, as its global distribution partner in 2008.

Well-Timed Market Entry

The introduction of Versazyme to the market was well-timed.

“Farmers were looking for solutions like ours,” says Giles. “Over the last 10 years, feed prices have gone up more than 100 percent. It’s one of their biggest costs.”

By increasing the chicken’s ability to digest the protein in soybean meal — which along with corn, are the two main ingredients in animal feed — Versazyme enables farmers to reduce the amount of protein in their feed formulation by about 2 percent for an average savings of $10 to $15 per ton of feed.

“Our biggest demand is from countries outside the United States, because they have to import grains and soybeans,” says Giles. “For example, China is a big growth opportunity for us.”

In addition to feed costs, the disposal of animal waste and its environmental impact is a growing problem for large farming operations and nearby communities. Undigested nutrients in animal feed excreted in animal feces and urine find their way into the air and ground water, threatening both the ecosystem and human health.

Reducing Excess Emissions

“Incomplete digestion leads to nitrogen and phosphorous emissions that put excess ammonia into the environment,” explains Giles. “Excessive phosphorus release from farms find its way into rivers and lakes, which in turn drives algae to grow very rapidly and consume oxygen in the water, causing fish to die in large numbers.”

Giles said the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is monitoring emissions out of large U.S. farming operations and considering mandates to reduce the release of byproducts into the environment. He added that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is closely watching the use of growth-promoting antibiotics in animal feed, a practice banned in Europe within the last decade.

“Research done by investigators at NC State University has shown that adding Versazyme to the diets of layers can reduce the amount of nitrogen emissions in the manure,” says Giles.

Upside Opportunity

Between 2008 and 2011, BRI went from producing a few hundred to a few thousand tons, posting revenue growth of 938 percent and earning the company a spot on Inc. magazine’s 2012 list of the 500 fastest growing companies in the country.

“We’ve captured only a small percentage of the market, so there’s a large upside opportunity for us,” says Giles. “We credit much of our success to the support of NCSU and the department of Poultry Science, which we still collaborate with on trials, and an early grant and loan from North Carolina Biotechnology Center.

The biotechnology center was also an early supporter of Jason’s research, awarding him with a $166,000 institutional development grant to support a multiuser fermentation facility on the campus.

“We always tout BRI as one of our success stories,” says Kelly B. Sexton, director of NCSU’s Office of Technology Transfer. “Especially because they contribute economically to a business sector that’s so important to our state.”

Sexton says BRI is an example of a great partnership between a university and a startup.

“We’ve enjoyed an unusually good relationship with BRI because our goals have always aligned,” she says. “We want them to be successful, and the company has continued to be supportive of the university.”

From just 300 square feet of office space in the incubator (of NCSU’s) Centennial Campus, BRI has grown into a 20-employee company including an R&D facility where it is developing new products.

“We’ve pushed through the ups and downs and now we’re profitable and growing,” Giles says. “We have a product that creates jobs and impacts the world. And at the end of the day, I am proud to say we’re helping to feed the world.”




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Using Virtual Reality to Combat Fears

Emory University

Using Virtual Reality to Combat Fears

The weather is lovely outside the room's large picture window–blue skies, birds singing, a calm, sunny day. Soon, however, the wind picks up and rain begins to splatter the panes. Low, booming thunder can be heard in the distance. At the storm's peak, lightning flashes, the wind howls, and the power fails. For anyone with a phobia of storms, these are the stimuli that set their heart racing and stomach churning. But this virtual environment is controlled by a therapist’s computer keyboard and experienced through a headset.

Virtual Reality Therapy (VRT) involves exposing clients to a computer-generated model of a fear-provoking situation until they become more comfortable with it. Virtually Better, Inc., founded in 1996, is known worldwide as a leader in the creation of virtual reality environments for use in the treatment of anxiety disorders such as fear of heights, fear of public speaking, and fear of flying, as well as treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder.
Virtually Better provides an alternative to traditional exposure therapy, in which a patient is exposed to stimuli related to his fear in a controlled environment.
Laura Fritts, director of license and patent strategy at Emory's Office of Technology Transfer

"Traditional exposure therapy is expensive, inconvenient, and time-consuming since it involves placing both therapist and patient in the fear-provoking situation. For example, it would require patient and therapist going to the airport and traveling on a plan to treat fear of flying. Since therapists do not need to leave their offices, VRT provides several advantages over traditional exposure therapy. With Virtually Better solutions, therapists can treat patients in the office with greater convenience and lower costs and time."

Professor of Psychiatry Barbara Rothbaum, PhD, who directs the Trauma and Anxiety Recovery Program at Emory's School of Medicine, was one of the pioneers of VRT in the early 1990s. Rothbaum, a clinical psychologist, and Larry Hodges, a computer scientist then at Georgia Tech, were principal investigators in the first published journal study on using virtual reality exposure for treating a phobia—in this case, the fear of heights.

"We had been taking patients up tall buildings and to the top of the parking garage for years, but we discovered that the virtual reality exposure translated into real life," Rothbaum says. "Seven out of ten people at the end of treatment were able to go into a real-life height situation." Realizing that they had a marketable product but no way to produce it, they formed the Atlanta-based company Virtually Better to develop, test, and market computer 3-D imaging software systems for virtual reality exposure therapy.

Today, researchers at Virtually Better help treat post-traumatic stress disorder in Afghanistan and Iraq War veterans, by using virtual scenes of war that aid these veterans in confronting memories they may be blocking out.

Virtually Better has created scenes of a glass elevator and a bridge to address fear of heights, an airplane cabin for fear of flying, and the thunderstorm for fear of severe weather. The treatment of substance addiction is being investigated as well, with scenes of a virtual bar and a virtual "crack house" used to help patients learn to resist drug and alcohol triggers and cravings. To treat post-traumatic stress, Virtually Better has programmed Vietnam scenes of helicopters and jungles, to help veterans confront memories they may be blocking out.

"When government agencies like the National Institutes of Health (NIH) or the Department of Defense fund a study, they don’t want it to be just ivory tower research that ends up in journals–they want it to get out to the public and have an impact on people's lives," says Rothbaum.

"CalmCraft: A Deep Sea Voyage" is a recent project. It's an interactive computer game that helps children receiving medical treatment learn deep-breathing techniques to manage pain and anxiety. This biofeedback application features an audio "commander" who helps the child navigate a beautiful undersea world in a special "CalmCraft" submarine powered by controlled breathing–a developed skill the child can use in other stressful situations at the physician's office, at home, at school and other settings.

Today, Virtually Better is a leader in developing innovative technology solutions, such as virtual worlds and online tools, to enhance behavioral health care, training, and consultation practice.

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Vitrisperm Offers Hope to Families

University of La Frontera

Vitrisperm Offers Hope to Families
Vitrisperm, or Aseptic Straw Vitrification (VAP) Technology, protects sperm function and reproductive ability, giving hope to parents experiencing infertility. VAP maintains sperm function through vitrification, providing an 80 percent effective of human sperm survival rate, protecting genetic material, replacing the use of liquid nitrogen for storage and eliminating the need for a cooling curve, according to the different tests carried out by the team of researchers, led by Dr. Raúl Sánchez, andrologist and gynecologist, Doctor of the University of La Frontera.
Patients with a history of cancer or genetic or chronic diseases will benefit from this new technology since it allows fertility preservation.

It is simple to use, has low-cost reagents and is quick in its methodology, which also decreases the cost. VAP differs from conventional cryopreservation, in that only human spermatozoa are vitrified, without seminal plasma. It does not require more than storage in a refrigerator at -80 ° C.
In assisted reproduction, eight live births were reported worldwide using Vitrisperm, including in Chile, Russia, and Spain.
VAP technology has earned six granted patents (including Germany, Denmark, Spain, Italy and the United Kingdom), 35 publications in mainstream scientific journals (WOS/ISI) in the development of technology applied to fish and other mammals, five book chapters. Its outstanding results in effectiveness rate led ANDROGEN, the Spanish center specializing in male infertility, to focus its interest in VAP technology. Together with UFRO’s TTO, they licensed the technology to BIOKIBANK, a leading assisted insemination firm in Spain. The use and exploitation license is granted exclusively to BIOKIBANK for Spain and those European countries in which the corresponding patent has been granted, so that BIOKIBANK is the only company authorized to implement, offer and market the vitrification, or sperm preservation service, in the field of application of VAP technology in the territory.
The Innovation Department of the Universidad de La Frontera in Temuco, Chile, through its Technology Transfer Unit (UTT), worked to ensure the technology met European standards and international intellectual protection of technology.
“The transfer of VAP technology was achieved thanks to a joint work with Dr. Juan Álvarez from the ANDROGEN company, in a little over 5 years, resulting in a learning exercise for the entire team of the Technology Transfer Unit of the University of La Frontera, which we participated in from the protection through the first invention patent to the signing of the agreement with ANDROGEN and the license with BIOKIBANK,” said Fabiola Vásquez Miranda, director of UTT.
Universidad de La Frontera is the first in Chile to achieve an international tech transfer negotiation, with a technological development that will impact many.
"This is a milestone for our university and in particular a notable result of the management of the Innovation Directorate, allowing the effort of our researchers transcend and constitute a real contribution to global society, and contributing to the internationalization objectives of our university," said Franklin Valdebenito Godoy, director of Innovation and Technological Transfer of the Vice-Rectory for Research and Postgraduate Studies at the University of La Frontera, who met with Enrique Oquiñena, founding partner of Laboratorios BIOKIBANK SL, to close the licensing negotiation and design the business plan for Europe and the next launch of the technology in Spain.


This story was originally published in 2020.

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Water Filtration Membrane Repels Dangerous Contaminants

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

Water Filtration Membrane Repels Dangerous Contaminants

With failing infrastructure and increasing contamination of surface waters, aquifers and wells, the purity of water resources is a growing concern in the industrialized world. In poorer countries, where communities lack critical infrastructure and water treatment facilities, millions of people are sickened every year by tainted drinking water.

To improve the safety of drinking water, researchers at The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), have invented a new membrane that promises to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of water filtration and desalination processes. Eric M.V. Hoek, PhD, assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering at the Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science, and UCLA’s California NanoSystems Institute, began developing his nano-composite membranes in 2003.

The technology consists of specially designed nanoparticles embedded within the membrane. The nanoparticles soak up water like a sponge but repel contaminants such as dissolved salts, industrial chemicals and bacteria. This results in high purity water with lower energy consumption, in addition to longer-lasting, cleaner membranes that do not become clogged with impurities — a problem with conventional membranes.

In poorer countries, where communities lack critical infrastructure and water treatment facilities, millions of people are sickened every year by tainted drinking water.

UCLA has licensed this discovery to California-based NanoH O. The advanced membrane technology can be retrofitted to existing commercial facilities, fits current desalination pressure vessels, and can be customized for specific water chemistries.

Update: According to “LG Chem to Acquire U.S. Desalination Membrane Innovator NanoH2O,”  by Randall Hackley, published on  March 16, 2014 by Bloomberg, NanoH2O Inc. is being purchased by Seoul-based LG Chem Ltd. for $200 million.

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How Wavefront Coding is Revolutionizing the World of Optics

University of Colorado

How Wavefront Coding is Revolutionizing the World of Optics

By deliberately distorting the light rays that strike an object and processing the intercepts with a special algorithm, CDM Optics creates perfectly focused images with an astounding depth of field.

If you look at the blurry image that CDM Optics’ high-tech equipment produces, you might think, “Even I can take a better picture than this.” But keep in mind that’s only the first step. With a little electronic finessing the image is transformed into a sharply focused photograph with remarkable depth of focus — up to ten times greater than any top-ranked camera can produce.

Using innovative optics and algorithms, CDM Optics technology enhances the performance of camera systems by increasing the depth of field and correcting optical aberrations that typically occur with standard cameras. It also drastically reduces the size, weight and cost of an optical system.

Today nearly every field that relies on optics and lenses, such as astronomy, transportation, life sciences, manufacturing, shipping and distribution, security and military operations, could benefit from CDM Optics technology.

The company was founded by Thomas Cathey, a professor of electrical engineering at University of Colorado at Boulder (CU), Edward Dowski, one of Cathey’s Ph.D. students, and R.C. “Merc” Mercure, a successful entrepreneur with a doctorate in physics from CU.

The initial research and development work was conducted at CU’s imaging systems laboratory in the department of electrical and computer engineering. Funding for the initial research at the University of Colorado leading to the invention of Wavefront Coding™ was provided by the National Science Foundation. startup funding leading to the commercialization of the technology at CDM Optics, Inc., was provided by Small Business Innovation Research Grants, grants from the State of Colorado and from the Department of Energy’s Rocky Flats Initiative. In 2005 CDM Optics was purchased by OmniVision Technologies, Inc., a California-based company that produces image sensors for markets around the world. As its subsidiary, CDM Optics develops imaging equipment for cell phones, infrared sensors, night vision surveillance systems, iris identification systems, and biological and medical research.

How the Technology Works

Wavefront technology basically codes a stream of light by passing it through a special lens and then decodes it by signal processing, with a computer.

“We came up with the idea of deliberately distorting the light rays by passing them through a lens that’s shaped like a saddle — relatively flat in the middle, but with scalloped edges,” says Cathey. “The result is a specific optical aberration, which looks like a blurry image.”

Although it doesn’t look like it’s worth 1,000 words, the picture is packed with data that can be decoded by the computer. The image is blurry because the light rays are spread out, which keeps them from being focused in a single plane. Each point of light, wherever it strikes the object, becomes a fixed point in space and a data point. Image processing then removes the blur point-by-point using an algorithm in the computer. The result is a perfectly focused image with a much greater depth of field.

“If you took a picture of a picket fence with a regular camera,” says Mercure, “the first picket is in focus, the second picket is slightly out of focus, the third is blurry, etc. If you took the same picture with our equipment, those three pickets, as well as the next six or seven, will all be in focus.”

There are big advantages to CDM Wavefront Coding Cameras that use Wavefront Coding won’t need the extra, built-in mechanisms that correct for standard lens aberrations, or curvature changes due to changes in temperature, which means fewer lens elements, smaller size and lower manufac- turing costs.

For scientists, CDM Optics systems in microscopes will allow them to focus over a wider and deeper area. For example, researchers at the National Cancer Institute can focus on a single living cell with one image, rather than relying on multiple images that represent different cross sections through the cell. This makes it easier to track rapid changes in the cell structure and speeds up the rate of research.
Photographers will be able to take better-quality, more detailed photos because they won’t have to worry about focusing precisely on a specific plane. “When people take a picture with an auto-focus camera, there is a one- or two-second delay as they wait for the camera to focus,” says Mercure. “Our technology eliminates that delay and makes the camera truly a ‘point and shoot.’”

Future Is Clear

Although CDM Optics is now a subsidiary of OmniVision, it continues to  be part of the Boulder community and contributes to the local economy. CDM Optics’ close working relationship with researchers at the University of Colorado at Boulder have resulted in the licensing of newer and value-added technologies that are being developed by the company.

OmniVision recently released a digital camera chip for back-up and parking-assist cameras in cars and trucks — a natural application for Wavefront Coding. OmniVision and CDM Optics are also developing the next generation of machinevision devices, such as scanners.

“Because of the increased depth of field, barcode scanners using wavefront technology will be able to read labels on curved and slanted surfaces,” says Dowski.

These scanners can also be used for light assembly and inspecting electronic circuits.

Iris recognition is rapidly becoming the biometric application of choice in areas where security is a top concern, such as airports, border crossings, and high-level public and private office buildings. Although it’s the most accurate way to recognize an individual, the process can be very slow.

People often have to wait in long lines to position their eye within a small area of restricted focus. Wavefront Coding can significantly enlarge that area of focus, which makes it easier to position people for iris identification.

“Federal agencies such as Homeland Security and the Department of Defense are looking at Wavefront Coding as a way to capture iris images at much greater distances than current technology can,” says Mercure. “People may simply be able to pass through this ‘space’ as they walk by from five or six feet away.”

Other research projects involve medical/biotech applications. Olympus Optical of Tokyo is studying CDM Optics’ technology as a way to create extended-depth-offield endoscopes — instruments used for close examination inside patients’ bodies. It may even be possible in the future to restore vision in the elderly using Wavefront technology.

“In this case, Wavefront Coding optics would be built into contact lenses or even surgically attached to corneal tissue,” says Mercure. “This would not make everyday scenes more recognizable, but it could provide patterns of light that the brain could learn to decipher.”

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Weather Predict

Florida State University

Weather Predict

Professor T.N. Krishnamurti, at Florida State Univerity has studied the global weather patterns for over 30 years.

He created two Weather Predict models:  1. A Hurricane, Typhoon severe weather 'path prediction and tracking' tool, and  2. A Weather prediction tool.

In the first case the tool tracks an emerging hurricane and predicts its path over the next several days. This tool is one of many that are incorporated into the tools that the US National Hurrican Center uses to predict Hurricane paths.

In the second case, the tool builds a picture of the 'likley' weather on a slected day - one week in the future or 6 months in the future. For the selected day, the tool provides the probability of the percentage of cloud cover ; percentage of wind over a certain speed, percentage of sunshine; percentage probability of rain of a certian severity, etc, etc.

The use of the first tool is obxious.

This tool is one of many that are incorporated into the tools that the US National Hurrican Center uses to predict Hurricane paths.

The second tool can be used to predict whether the coming summer will be 'rainy', so that a retailer should buy rain umbrellas to sell to customers, or that the summer will be dry and sunny, thus buying patio sun umbrellas.  Similarly, electrically utilities can use it to predict whether to buy options on excessive electrical production for use during excessively hot summer days.


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Delivering Instant Feedback for Math and Science Students for Instructors and Students

North Carolina State University

Delivering Instant Feedback for Math and Science Students for Instructors and Students

Years ago, university math and science students often saw their homework fall into a predictably sluggish pattern. With hundreds of students in a single class, professors could take more than a week to return graded assignments.

Today, technology can help alleviate the grading backlog, and one service that makes it possible is WebAssign, from Advanced Instructional Systems Inc. in Raleigh, N.C. With this online service for math and science courses, students each year receive instant feedback on their homework at nearly 2,000 universities, colleges and high schools around the world (mainly in the United States, but also in other regions including the U.K., Israel, Australia, China and Saudi Arabia). WebAssign doesn't just allow teachers to spend less time on grading and administrative tasks. It features online tools to help students prepare for tests — and may ultimately provide teachers with data to boost effectiveness in the classroom.

Building a Better Grader

Aaron Titus, Ph.D., remembers how onerous homework grading used to be. "In the past, when professors were hand-grading everything, that was the biggest time constraint," he says. "And by the time students got homework back, they might not even remember why they got an answer wrong."

During the 1990s, Titus attended North Carolina State University. He wanted to study physics students' learning patterns and best practices for teaching. Titus began working as a teaching assistant for John Risley, Ph.D. — a NC State physics professor with a passion for science education and a vision for technology's role. That included organizing workshops to help high school teachers use computers in their physics classes. "Early on, he was really a pioneer in using computers to teach physics,” says Titus.

Titus shared Risley's interest in computers as teaching tools. In 1996, Titus developed a Web-based homework system. It was a welcome alternative to hand-grading, but it could only handle multiple-choice questions. That changed after Titus attended an American Association of Physics Teachers meeting in 1996 and met Larry Martin, Ph.D., a physics professor at Chicago's North Park University, who created a Web-based homework system. Martin had coded his software to generate randomized numbers for homework questions. That meant all of the students in a class could get the same types of problems to solve, but wouldn't be able to share the final answer. "We love when students work together," says Titus. "We just don't want them getting the answer from someone else, typing it in and getting credit."

Titus was impressed with Martin's work, and so was NC State. In 1997, the university brought in Martin for a two-year sabbatical to refine the Web-based homework system. Risley oversaw the project, which combined Titus's database structure with Martin's code. That collaboration yielded the first version of WebAssign. (NC State holds the copyright for some of the underlying software code for WebAssign.)

About a million students use WebAssign annually. When students log in, they can see if homework is due. When they enter answers for those assignments, WebAssign lets them know immediately if the answers are correct. That’s a significant improvement over hand-grading, which required students to wait days or even weeks to see how they performed on assignments. The delay could put students at a serious disadvantage in math and science courses, where concepts build off each other — if students unwittingly make mistakes early in a course, those misconceptions become ingrained.  

With WebAssign, instructors can focus more time and energy on teaching, not grading.

But it does more than just indicate a right or wrong answer. If students have trouble with a question, they can use WebAssign to access online tutorials for similar problems. They can also get help reviewing concepts to ensure comprehension. Before taking a quiz, students can redo homework questions as practice. WebAssign will automatically change the values in each question, so students work with different numbers the second time around.  

WebAssign provides free accounts for instructors, but charges for student accounts. For higher education, individual students usually purchase subscription access. (Some college and university courses list WebAssign as part of the required materials for students.) The cost starts at about $23 per course, per term — but the rates vary depending on the content selected by instructors, such as interactive tutorials and videos. For secondary education, a school or particular department often purchases access for its students. (The basic rate for secondary education starts at about $10 per student, but varies based on the type of content provided.)

When it initially rolled out in the fall of 1997, WebAssign only had about 1,000 questions to use for assignments (instructors could create their own questions, but that usually proved too time-consuming.) Teachers were warned that the system would be buggy. In spite of those caveats, plenty of math and physics teachers at NC State were eager to test WebAssign.

Those early adopters helped Titus and Martin (who died in 2002) correct some flaws. In the initial version of WebAssign, students had unlimited tries to answer a question. That changed after Titus and Martin discovered a student had submitted 130 answers to the same question. "When his first answer was wrong, he literally added 1 and resubmitted, again and again," says Titus To discourage that kind of gaming behavior, WebAssign's default now limits students to several tries for each question (although instructors can change that default).

One year after the initial rollout, WebAssign became commercially available, in 1998. It was officially spun off from NC State in 2003, when the technology transfer office licensed the copyright for some of WebAssign’s underlying software code to Advanced Instructional Systems Inc. (Risley served as the company's CEO — after he died in 2013, NC State renamed its Entrepreneur of the Year award after him.)

“The office of tech transfer was instrumental in helping WebAssign spin off from the university,” says Peg Gjertsen, vice president of special projects at WebAssign.  “They helped refine the agreement over a seven-month period by actively participating in the negotiations to ensure the interests of all parties were represented.”

WebAssign gives students another way to review concepts until they've mastered them, says Kelly Sexton, Ph.D., director of NC State's office of technology transfer. "I think it's really useful in these large classes for students to have something in addition to just the notes from class and a textbook."

The company now works with about 20 textbook publishers (and organizations like the American Association of Physics Teachers) to provide content from about 1,000 math and science books. That spurred wider adoption: Since 2007, annual revenue has increased by about 20 percent annually.

Digging in the Data

Of the approximately 200 employees at WebAssign, about 60 percent have a teaching background. In the coming years, the company will look for new ways to help teachers in the classroom. It plans to use data analysis to better understand student learning and enhance WebAssign.

NC State’s technology transfer office has played a vital role in connecting the company with data scientists on campus, says Mark Santee, vice president of product and marketing at WebAssign. “It’s helped us look at data we've collected during the past 15 years and see how we can improve WebAssign and the way people interact with it,” he says. That includes data about the questions that commonly trip up students. It could help anticipate the need for additional online support when students tackle challenging math and science concepts.

Within the next three years, Santee envisions enhancements that would give instructors updates on students' comprehension throughout a semester — highlighting concepts that still posed a struggle for many in class and recommending exercises to help them, for example. At the end of the term, WebAssign could provide a summary of students’ performance, says Santee. That would provide guidance as faculty adjusts assignments for the next term.

From the start, WebAssign was designed to aid student comprehension and also provide a tool to study learning. Titus is now chair of the Physics Department at High Point University in High Point, N.C., and he takes pride in the development role he played.  But that takes a backseat to his constant reevaluation of education techniques. After years of using WebAssign with his students, he made a change last year. "I'm always experimenting in the classroom, so I decided to go old-school one semester," Titus says. Instead of using WebAssign, students did homework from the textbook, and Titus posted the solutions on a wall outside the classroom.

He gives that experiment a failing grade. "It was a disaster," he says. The most highly motivated students performed extremely well, but the rest of the class did not. "I felt they weren't spending the time on homework that I wanted. Students were telling me, 'I wish you would use WebAssign, because it really is motivational, and it makes us do our homework.'"

Says Titus: "I went back to WebAssign."





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Wet/Dry Adhesive Mimics the Complex Structure of a Gecko’s Foot

Northwestern University

Wet/Dry Adhesive Mimics the Complex Structure of a Gecko’s Foot

Inspired by the striking ability of geckos to attach themselves to vertical surfaces, and the cement-like sticking power of mussels, engineers at Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill., have invented a reusable adhesive that performs well in both wet and dry conditions. 

“Biomimetic Modular Adhesive Complex” was developed in 2006 at Northwestern’s Biomedical Engineering Department by professor Phillip D. Messersmith, PhD, graduate student Haeshin Lee, and Bruce P. Lee of Nerites Corp., a biotechnology company in Madison, Wis. The research was funded by National Institutes of Health and NASA.

Possible applications include using geckel as a water-resistant adhesive for bandages, closing wounds, denture adhesives, sports grips, and an all-purpose adhesive for use in marine environments.

Called geckel, the tape-like material mimics the adhesive strategies of geckos and mussels. The bottom-most layer is an adhesive backing or strip. The structure of the gecko’s foot is imitated by nano-arrays of silicone pillars that are attached to the strip and are flexible enough to adapt to rough surfaces.

The pillars are then coated by a thin layer of a synthetic polymer that is chemically very similar to the compound mussels excrete to adhere to underwater surfaces.

Although other gecko-mimetic adhesives have been created, this one is the first that works well on wet surfaces or underwater. Possible applications include using geckel as a water-resistant adhesive for bandages, closing wounds, denture adhesives, sports grips, and an all-purpose adhesive for use in marine environments.

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Mixed Reality Creates Powerful Learning Tool

National University of Singapore

Mixed Reality Creates Powerful Learning Tool

When science fiction author William Gibson introduced the world to the concept of cyberspace in his novel “Neuromancer” in 1984, readers were intrigued by the notion of human beings living immersed in a  computer generated reality. Today, more than 20 years later, the notion of cyberspace and virtual reality are readily understood and even embraced by society.

The Interactive Multimedia Lab at the National University of Singapore is taking this understanding to a new level and stands poised to change the way we live, work, learn and play. By combining technology and creative art, researchers at the lab are developing new software interfaces using “augmented“ or mixed reality technology developed at the university’s Mixed Reality Lab. The technology is aimed at making machines more natural, more intuitive and easier to use. Mixed reality merges the physical with the virtual worlds to allow users to interact with imaginary or fictional three-dimensional objects as if they were in the real, physical world.

MXR Corp.: A Collaboration of Two Laboratories

Kenny Lew was the NUS intellectual property manager who evaluated and patented the interactive computer technology developed by professor Steven Zhou, director of the Interactive Multimedia Lab, and professor Adrian

Cheok, director of the Mixed Reality Lab. After working with the Singapore military to develop training programs using interactive human computer systems, the two researchers worked together to spin out the Mixed Reality Corp. to commercialize related technologies.

In the beginning, this new collaborative venture needed critically important funding to get off the ground. NUS Venture Support, which promotes innovation and entrepreneurship within the National University of Singapore community, provided a $40,000 grant that matched $10,000 from Zhou. This grant sustained MXR Corp. through its first year of existence. Thanks to its partnership and support, NUS Venture Support gives fledgling startups like MXR Corp. a strong foundation on which to thrive.

The company’s flagship commercial product is wIzQubes, a virtual, three-dimensional storytelling tool. Zhou and Cheok worked together to develop this brilliant educational toy, which took top honors at the prestigious International Idea2Product Competition in 2004, held in Austin, Texas.

Zhou says he got the idea for wIzQubes on a whim. “I was thinking of a natural and intuitive interface for storytelling,” he says. “I happened to see the foldable story cube of ‘Noah’s Ark,’ and thought that it would be a great experience for kids if the story could be played in three-dimensions using mixed reality by physically manipulating the cubes.”

It took three years of hard work and $1,200,000 to develop the technology on which wIzQubesTM  is based, but it eventually paid off.

A New Way of Learning

Frequently referred to as the “next generation of children’s books,” the colorful plastic cubes allow children to actively participate in storytelling and directly engage with fictional characters. In early tests of the toy, children said they enjoyed the magic cubes more than a picture book.

The wIzQubes work with two small cubes, each with images on them. Each cube is made up of smaller plastic cubes connected at various edges. Cheok and Zhou worked together to combine the cube structures with virtual reality software and a digital camera to superimpose computer graphics on the real world, creating an animated version of the story.

A Web camera in one of the cubes captures the image on the cube and software calls up an animated story, which is stored on a CD. The user watches the story unfold on a computer screen that displays the scenes. The technology allows the users not just to view the story in an all-around three-dimensional format, but also to interact with the characters and play an active part in the story by simply manipulating the cubes.

The new medium opens up a new avenue for education. Educational researchers have long studied how children learn, and found they do it best by taking in visual and auditory information that reinforce each other. This unique combination of media increases their understanding of new concepts. Adding a third sense — the sense of physicality — mixed reality provides a new dimension to learning.

“Education has always been an important topic in our everyday lives,” says Zhou, who today serves as CEO and director of the company. “The tools of the trade have changed over the times, but interaction has always been necessary to provide children with a better understanding of the topic.”

Zhou says it’s difficult for children to get their minds around topics for which hands-on material is not available. He cites scientific topics such as how dinosaurs once lived, and sociological and historical topics like the ancient Roman city of Pompeii. The wIzQubes product can bridge that gap by providing a physical experience.

“With mixed reality, we bring together the physical and virtual world and allow the user to fully interact with the virtual contents in physical surroundings,” he says. “This in turn allows the user to absorb what is being taught faster, because of the clarity and detailed modeling in three-dimensional graphics and the interaction element thrown into the mix.”

Children, Zhou says, “learn by doing, using their hands, and feeling the entire link with the imaginary world.”

Not only are the cubes a fun way for kids to learn, it’s a boon to parents and teachers, too, because it is proven to increase the attention span of kids, according to Zhou. “The wIzQubes achieved a record of 3.5 hours of continuous usage by an eight-year-old girl during the product launch at IT Show 2007,” he says. The product also may develop children’s language skills, and encourage innovative and critical thinking, as well as sharpen their psycho-motor skills, he adds.

The cubes differ in size; some are as small as a deck of cards. Creating a computer reality game in this portable size was one of the key technological challenges, according to Zhou.

“Mixed reality requires using a camera to do the real-time tracking of physical objects,” he says. “The portable size means that fewer pixels are being captured by the camera and hence, there is less tracking accuracy. In addition, portable-sized objects are easily held by hands, which introduces a lot of occlusions that make the tracking harder.”

The product, which was licensed by MXR Corporation in 2004, has been available at stores in Singapore since early 2007 and will soon be available at retailers in the United States. The cubes, which feature classic tales such as Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, and Jack and the Beanstalk, sell for approximately $85 U.S. 


This story was originally published in 2008.

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Radio Tomography Sparks Next Wave in Security

University of Utah

Radio Tomography Sparks Next Wave in Security

The heist film is a Hollywood staple, entertaining moviegoers with ingenious plots to outsmart elaborate alarm systems to pull off the ultimate caper. In real life, criminals are all too often successful at evading laser beams, security cameras, infrared heat sensors and other alarm devices — costing homeowners and businesses billions of dollars in losses each year.Virtually hidden from the human eye and impervious to walls, a new technology developed at the University of Utah (U of U) named radio tomography may finally stymie the efforts of would-be thieves. What’s more, because radio tomography is able to sense human movement, the invention has a myriad of other potential applications, from finding survivors inside damaged buildings to monitoring older adults in their homes.

Blanketing Buildings with Radio Waves
Both Neal Patwari, Ph.D., and Joey Wilson, Ph.D., remember the first time they saw radio tomography work.

Patwari and a group of graduate students were ready to test his idea for a novel application of radiolocation to detect the movement of people inside a building.

“We locate a lot of things with radio waves,” explains Patwari, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering at U of U. “GPS satellites send signals and a receiver figures your location. Radar sends a signal to a plane and determines its location by what bounces back.”

To see if radio waves could also penetrate walls to “see” people, Patwari embedded a system of transceivers, small wireless devices that can send and receive radio signals, inside the walls of an empty building. The transceivers would continually send and receive radio signals to each other, forming a network, and processors within each transceiver were programmed to measure the strength of those signals. Any change in the signals would prompt a message to be sent to the central processing unit.

Sitting outside the empty building, Patwari watched his fledgling technology become a success: A video monitor attached to the system clearly showed a student enter into the building and move around inside.

“When people move within the network, they cause a change in signal power by creating a radio shadow behind them,” says Patwari.

The Perfect Doctoral Project
Wilson was a new doctoral student at the U of U looking for a project when he heard Patwari lecture on the new technology.
“It was still crude at that point but I knew it was something I wanted to work on,” says Wilson. “I always wanted to find a more application-oriented research project because I knew I eventually wanted to start my own company.”

Wilson convinced Patwari to take him on as a doctoral student, even before funding was available. He began developing and refining Patwari’s technology, which eventually won the support of two grants from the National Science Foundation for a total of $700,000.

“Joey was very quick getting things done, building a prototype and figuring out how to get it to work in various situations,” Patwari says.

Convinced of the technology’s potential, the pair established Xandem Technology and received additional funding, including a $150,000 grant from the Small Business Innovation Research and $50,000 from the U of U Research Foundation.

U of U’s Technology Commercialization Office (TCO) not only helped patent the radio tomography technology, it continues to actively manage the university’s equity partnership in the company.

“Rather than take a traditional technology transfer office approach, we want to be business partners with our startup companies,” explains Bryan K. Ritchie, Ph.D., M.B.A., executive director.

 As an internal business partner, the TCO was a perfect match for Xandem, with deep experience in intellectual property management, company startup and product de-risking as well as network connections with a wide range of investors.
In addition, the inventors say being at a commercialization powerhouse like the U of U has been a major advantage.

“The university has been great, very supportive,” says Patwari. “Getting a patent filed here not only is it easy to do, the culture is such that faculty are really encouraged to have commercialization activities.”

Security in a Kit
Xandem’s first product offering is the Xandem Tomographic Motion Detection (TMD) kit, which includes 6, 10 or 15 transceivers (called nodes) and one processing unit that will cover structures ranging in size from 500 to 3,000 square feet. The kits range in price from $695 to $1,395.

The Xandem TMD system is sold to end-users through integrators, companies that plan and install custom security systems. The installer places nodes around the home or building being monitored, typically inside the walls, where they are hardwired to the electrical system. When there is a change in the radio signals constantly being sent between the nodes, a signal is sent to the processing unit, which illuminates a small red light on the unit.

The processing unit is typically connected to an alarm system so that a break in the network can also be acted upon by the alarm system or computer panel, which, depending on how the system is programmed, may sound an a siren, send a text message or simply turn on a light.

From Warehouse to Smart Home
Among the first customers to install the TMD system is an industrial warehouse in Salt Lake City and the owner of a new smart home in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.

Because the TMD system nodes aren’t sensitive to temperature or dirt — and are impervious to large machinery sitting directly in front of them — the Xandem system was the perfect security solution for the 5,000 square-foot warehouse, which had previously lost $250,000 in heavy machinery to theft.

In Dubai, the upscale homeowner was drawn to the Xandem system because the nodes are completely out of view — a great feature not only for aesthetic-minded customers, but also for surprising unsuspecting thieves.

“In many break-ins, the thief can see the alarm system and take measures to get around it,” says Wilson, who serves as Xandem’s CEO. “With the TMD system, they have no way of knowing it’s there.”

The Next Generation in Security
Wilson says the next generation of security systems will be focused not only on intrusion detection, but also on remotely controlled home automation, energy efficiency and senior monitoring — and he believes Xandem offers the core sensing technology that will tie each together.

“Security is the lowest use of our technology,” he says. “We have a much larger vision to be a single company that will do it all: keep you safe, turn on the lights and let you know if the kids are throwing a party or if grandma is in trouble.”

To that end, both Xandem and Patwari’s Sensing and Processing Across Networks (SPAN) Lab at the U of U continues to research radio tomography. Furthest out on the roadmap is to the use of Xandem’s technology to identify people trapped inside unstable buildings.

“There are many more challenges with an emergency situation, including needing to place the sensors outside the structure,” explains Patwari. “That requires different antennas and new algorithms.”

Facilitating Aging in Place
Patwari and his colleagues are also working on a system that will detect when people have fallen at home to facilitate the trend among older adults to age in place rather than being institutionalized. That system will require special node placement and new algorithms to detect radio signals across a 3-D space.

“I think these challenges are surmountable, definitely,” Patwari says. "We’re getting closer, with better accuracy and reliability.”


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Drug Metabolism products and research

University of Kansas

Drug Metabolism products and research

Andrew Parkinson doesn’t consider himself to be an entrepreneur, but he and his staff at XenoTech, LLC, have built a leader in the field of drug metabolism research.

“I’m actually not much of a risk-taker when it comes to science and business,”  says the founder and owner of XenoTech, LLC, a leader in drug metabolism research, based in Lenexa, Kan. “It was with a lot of trepidation that I entered into this business and started this company.”

But once Parkinson did enter the business, he and his company were on their way to becoming leaders in the field. Today, XenoTech employs more than 80 people. The scientific staff is divided into focused departments: Drug Metabolism, Drug Inhibition and Enzyme Induction and Products.

XenoTech’s products are used to support drug metabolism-related research and include liver, intestinal, renal and pulmonary microsomes and a wide variety of in vitro research products and materials.

The company’s products and services deliver information recommended by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to predict inter-individual variation in drug safety and drug ability to perform as expected, and to explain adverse drug-to-drug interactions.

Customers include pharmaceutical laboratories, food companies, chemical industry firms, academic institutions and regulatory organizations through- out the world. They primarily come from throughout North America, Europe and Japan.

In addition to providing research products for use by these organizations, XenoTech also offers research services to its clients. XenoTech’s in vitro services are designed to provide the type of information encouraged in the FDA’s April 1997 Guidance for Industry.

The company’s services include enzyme inhibition, which predicts the potential for compounds to inhibit the metabolism of other drugs and hence risk adverse reactions. It also specializes in reaction phenotyping (enzyme mapping), which is used to determine the metabolic pathways involved in biotransformation of compounds. Another specialized research service involves species comparisons, which identify the non-human species whose metabolic profiles for specific compounds most closely resemble that of human.

Filling a Need in the Research Market

XenoTech scientists have made presentations, taught courses and consulted on metabolism-related issues for the FDA and numerous organizations worldwide. XenoTech also has significant experience preparing customized reports for sponsors from around the world.

Parkinson first started to realize the need for such services while a professor at the University of Kansas Medical Center (KUMC) in 1983, doing research on Cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes — major enzymes in the liver.

“We would get requests from pharmaceutical companies and other private sector groups to do research or provide reagents and products to them,” Parkinson says.  The research funding for such work became attractive to Parkinson and the Medical Center. The university became a 20 percent owner of what became XenoTech, and the company started in an incubator space provided by the university. Eventually, it occupied all 6,000 to 7,000 square feet of that space.

“XenoTech, as a success story, is a great example to other KUMC faculty researchers regarding how commercialization is a valid way to transfer research  information into the public domain for the public good,” said Richard Huston, director of Technology Transfer Office and associate director of the Research Institute at Kansas University Medical Center. “It also was also one of the first tenants in the Kansas City Biotechnology Development Center during the mid-1990s, which is located on the north edge of the KUMC campus. Today [the Center] has about 6,600 square feet of modernized wet lab space that was updated after XenoTech’s departure. Two client firms have occupied the space over the past year, one with $19 million of recently acquired venture capital and possibilities for other clients are on the horizon. XenoTech’s success is an inspiration to other KUMC researchers who have great technologies that can be developed for commercialization.”

“It has changed a great deal,” Parkinson says of university technology transfer. “At that time, you didn’t really have the vehicles for tech transfer and royalties from startups to universities that you have today.”

Parkinson raised capital separately from the university. Some of it came by putting his home and property up as collateral.

Making the Leap to the Business World

The company grew slowly but consistently through the late 1980s and early 1990s, until the formal establishment of XenoTech in 1994. Then, around 1999-2000, after what Parkinson admits was some “long agonizing,” he decided to leave his tenured position at the university and devote himself full-time to XenoTech.

“It had come to either selling the company, letting it whither or leaving the university,” Dr. Parkinson says. “I chose the latter.”

Parkinson also bought out the university’s 20 percent ownership.

XenoTech’s company tagline reads, “Uncommon Science, Uncommon Service.”  The company offers services based on Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) when desired, and a variety of products for in vitro drug metabolism research.

XenoTech offers drug inhibition, enzyme induction and drug metabolism studies as either non-GLP studies or as studies in compliance with GLP regulations in the U.S., Japan and Europe.

“Some of the studies we do are required to comply with the FDA GLP standards, but not follow them strictly,” Parkinson says. “Others are required to comply. We believe it is good to offer both.”

XenoTech has twice been selected as one of the five finalists for the 2006 Kansas Governor’s Exporter of the Year Award. With sales and services to companies in 19 countries, XenoTech has thought big and globally, while using many Kansas vendors for needs from organs for the research to office supplies and legal and professional consulting. The company also is very involved in state and local community initiatives and charities.

XenoTech maintains strict confidentiality with its clients, but the company did provide the following excerpt from a client’s letter:

“XenoTech staff proved to be exceptionally helpful when it came down to design a study protocol in a timely fashion. They also showed flexibility and understanding when we needed to include strict timelines for delivery of critical study milestones. In addition, XenoTech’s CEO, Dr. Andrew Parkinson, offered to function as an expert consultant by helping to respond to the FDA drafting a Position Paper on the status quo of in vitro CYP induction and its relevance to in vivo drug-drug interactions. “The study was completed ahead of schedule. It was the combined effort of all people involved at XenoTech that allowed us to address all questions raised to the FDA’s full satisfaction.”

Parkinson admits this type of input is rewarding for somebody who doesn’t consider himself an entrepreneur.

“I feel very uncomfortable with that entrepreneur description,” Parkinson says. “We have wonderful people who have helped build XenoTech. They deserve much of the credit.”

This story was originally published in 2007.

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Yale-Clinton Foundation Fellowship in International Healthcare Management

Yale University

Stella is a nurse anesthetist in Liberia, a country where women have limited social status and operating rooms have little in the way of infection control. Both have been elevated with the help of the Yale-Clinton Foundation Fellowship in International Healthcare Management, a program in which Western health care managers work side-by-side with hospital employees in developing nations to improve the quality of health care.

The premise of the fellowship, a joint effort between the Yale School of Public Health and the Clinton Foundation, is that, without strong health care systems, reducing the rates of mortality and AIDS transmission in struggling nations will be largely impossible. By tapping the knowledge and expertise of health care providers from the United States and other developed countries, the partnership seeks to improve—or, in some cases, introduce—standards of care in the hospitals of Africa and other struggling nations. “These countries have resources, what they don’t have are systems,” says Elizabeth Bradley, Ph.D., associate professor and director of Global Health Initiatives at the Yale School of Public Health, who co-directs the program with Mae Podesta, country director for the Clinton HIV/AIDS Initiative in Liberia. To strengthen those systems, the fellowship program has sent senior health care managers and postgraduate students with experience in hospital administration and public health to share their education and know-how with health care workers in both Liberia and Ethiopia. Their job is to import the best practices in hospital management from the Western World to their African counterparts, while providing leadership training to ensure improvements can be measured and sustained. “The idea is not to do for them, but to give them the expertise they need to function on their own and to teach them how to build capacity within their groups,” says Bradley.

The program, which received 180 applications for its first 25 fellowship positions, has been successful at recruiting highly qualified health care workers from around the world. Each has a master’s level degree in hospital administration or public health and, as a group, they average 10 years of work experience in both the private and public sectors. In 2006, the first group of 25 fellows was sent to Ethiopia to work in 12 public hospitals and health bureaus, and nearly half of them stayed on for another year. A second wave of five fellows was stationed in the much smaller country of Liberia beginning in early 2007.

Once abroad, the fellowship teams implement a strategically designed educational experience that offers both classroom instruction on topics such as human resource and financial management, procurement and infection control, along with on-the-job training. “With just didactic learning, employees may learn how to do a spreadsheet, but they don’t get the practical experience,” says Bradley. “We put a realtime mentor right in their workspace with them.” A ‘Blueprint for Hospital Management,’ developed by the Yale-Clinton Fellowship teams, guides the fellows in establishing management structures.

Every quarter, fellows measure their progress on each of the Blueprint’s goals, including eight critical functions and 125 standards—from an  organizational chart to a payroll system to privacy curtains and bed nets to organized pharmacy supplies

Making Progress with New Standards and Systems
By the end of the program’s first year in Ethiopia, it was evident that the intensive education and mentoring in the field had paid off. The fellows reported significant improvement on 40 of the program’s 70 standards. “Tremendous headway has been made,” says Bradley. “Clinical outcomes are being established, structural changes have been made and a patient satisfaction tool is in place. Patient registration is smoother, wait time is down and cleanliness has improved.”

What’s more, a whole new class of African executive health care managers has emerged: at half the country’s 100 hospitals, newly appointed chief executive officers have assumed responsibility for the institutions, including monitoring the quality of health care offered on a going-forward basis. “The addition of chief executive officers was a major step forward,” says Bradley. “We convinced Ethiopia’s Ministry of Health that CEOs were needed for each hospital, instead of being run by a physician who didn’t want to manage a hospital.” Of those 50 executive managers, 26 have completed the Yale educational program and are being paid at a high level of civil service pay. “These CEOs have become quite good at lobbying,” says Bradley. “We watched them go from shy and mumbling to putting together PowerPoint presentations and being able to stand up and lead.”

By the end of the program’s first year in Ethiopia, it was evident that the intensive education and mentoring in the field had paid off. The fellows reported significant improvement on 40 of the program’s 70 standards.
A Life-Altering Experience for All Involved The new hospital CEOs aren’t the only ones who have evolved in profound ways. For the fellows  who left homes in the United States, Spain and the Philippines to spend a year or more abroad in a developing nation, the program is much like a stint in the Peace Corps.

“It’s just exceptional what happens to both our health care workers and the employees they mentor,” says Bradley. Arriving in Liberia, which is just emerging from years of civil war, fellows found the country’s hospitals lacked basic systems that Westerners take for granted—from running water on patient floors to an on-site incinerator for hazardous waste to a complete list of employees’ names. “It can be quite shell-shocking,” says Bradley. “The fellows can look agog at the conditions, which can be quite frustrating.”

As their work continues, the fellows experience lots of ups and downs, and admittedly, a few points where they think nothing will ever change, says Bradley, who has spent considerable time abroad as well. “It’s difficult, but in the end it’s an unbelievable experience, very fulfilling,” she says. That’s no doubt due to the fact that, over time, the fellows are able to affect the future of care provided to millions of Africans, many of whom face dire
health circumstances. On a personal level, there is no discounting the impact of living and working among the Liberians and Ethiopians, who often express profound gratitude for the fellows’ guidance.

“The people are so warm and so thankful,” says Bradley. “Our fellows become a part of their families.” For the African health care workers, the fellowship program can be nothing short of dramatic. “The workers say the experience gives them hope and makes them feel good about themselves,” says Bradley. “They believe they’ll all be in a better place as a result.” In Stella’s case, organizational changes in the operating room have given her and other surgical nurses an opportunity to shine. New operating room protocols to help reduce post-surgical infection rates – that need to be enforced by nurses – have changed the dynamics between male surgeons and female nurses. “Here is a group of women who are in the position of telling male surgeons what to do now,” says Bradley. “It has been empowering for them.” Being a catalyst for change—and equipping health care workers with the skills they need to go forward on their own – is all part of the plan for the Yale-Clinton Foundation Fellowship program.

“Our exit strategy for this program was to put ourselves out of business and move on to another country,” says Bradley.  

AUTM Better World Report, 2009

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An Important Tool for Identifying Proteins That Interact

SUNY Stony Brook

An Important Tool for Identifying Proteins That Interact

Virtually every biological process — including DNA replication, cell growth, key metabolic reactions and disease states — depends upon protein-protein interactions at the cellular level.

In the late 1980s two Stony Brook University School of Medicine researchers, Stanley Fields and Ok-Kyu Song, developed a way to use the yeast transcriptional activator protein for the GAL4 gene to easily detect the interaction of proteins within a cell. This method — the “yeast two-hybrid system for determining protein-protein interactions” — was first published in Nature. Initial funding for the research was provided by the National Science Foundation.

Transcription is the process through which genetic information is copied from DNA to RNA, ultimately producing a functional peptide or protein.The DNA-binding domain and activation domains from GAL4 are separately fused to the proteins being studied.

If the proteins of interest interact, the two domains are brought together and transcription results. This transcription can be easily identified through the use of a marker gene. The system can also be used to discover compounds that inhibit specific protein interactions.

Understanding and detecting proteins that interact is a fundamental area of inquiry in biology. The yeast two-hybrid system provides an elegant and useful method for carrying out this research. The technology has been licensed nonexclusively to more than one hundred companies, including large pharmaceutical companies and a wide range of biotechnology companies. As a result, hundreds of scientists around the world have used this method, in both corporate and university laboratories.


This story was originally published in 2007.

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Therapeutic Developed in United States Benefits Many in Asia

Wayne State University

Therapeutic Developed in United States Benefits Many in Asia

For a scientist with an idea that might make a difference to people’s lives, the path from illuminating insight to world-changing reality can be dramatic and satisfying. Or it can be filled with financial obstacles, poor execution, and disappointing results. 

Since Wayne State University gastroenterologist Milton Mutchnick, M.D., first proposed using the hormone-like peptide thymosin alpha 1 to combat Hepatitis B in the mid-1980s, the drug has seen both outstanding success and somber letdown. Overseas, thymosin has become an important tool for fighting Hepatitis B, cancers and infections. Within the United States, its promise remains in doubt decades later.

Mutchnick, now Chief of Gastroenterology at Wayne State’s School of Medicine, is a liver specialist who thinks the liver is a “really ugly-looking organ.” But, he adds, “I have a great love for it. I find it fascinating. Among its functions, it secretes bile to help the body digest food. It filters toxins from the blood and metabolizes drugs. It has roles in blood formation and antibody creation. And it can regenerate itself.” 
Following his hepatology residency at Yale University, Mutchnick undertook a year of training in immunology at the University of Michigan – good preparation for an early focus on Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C. 
Both are infectious viruses that invade the liver. Some people’s immune systems are able to clear their
infections naturally. But for many, the diseases become chronic, lurking silently for decades, eventually inflaming the organ and causing the potentially fatal scarring of cirrhosis, possible liver failure or liver cancer. The B virus can be acquired through a number of routes, from sexual contact to infected drug needles. But the most common cause is being born to an infected mother. 
It’s estimated that in the United States there are two million Hepatitis B patients and four million Hepatitis C patients. Outside the U.S., the proportions are reversed: 350 million with Hepatitis B and 150 million with Hepatitis C. The B virus is epidemic in Asia, and it’s estimated that 10 percent of China’s population carries the infection. More than half of liver cancer cases worldwide occur in China. 
Bringing Balance to the Immune System
A vaccine that can prevent infection with the B Virus has been available since 1982, but when Mutchnick was beginning his career in the 1970s, he notes, it was a disease without an effective therapy. Although there are seven drugs now approved for B Virus treatment, including interferon, a sure-fire cure for 
Hepatitis B still doesn’t exist (treatment begun early in the disease’s course seems to be most effective).
Mutchnick’s concept of using thymosin began with a visiting lecturer’s talk on immune modulators in the mid-1970s. Allan Goldstein, Ph.D., suggested that a deficiency of the hormone thymosin alpha 1, produced by the thymus gland, was a factor in certain immunodeficiency diseases.
“I suspected that the issue wasn’t that the B virus attacked the liver cells,” Mutchnick says. “Apparently, once it invades the cells, it lives there without injuring them. The problem is that the host’s immune system goes after the virus and kills the liver cell along with it. 
“My thought was that perhaps thymosin doesn’t enhance or suppress the immune system but modulates it. I pursued this theory in lab research and found that, in the absence of thymosin, the immune system killed the cells, and that, when thymosin was added, it didn’t. In 1986, I was able to treat 10 patients – with promising results.” 
The next steps were patents and further studies. “Thymosin showed good results and had few side effects,” says Fred Reinhart, who joined Wayne State’s Technology Transfer Office some years after Thymosin’s emergence. “We definitely get excited about a therapeutic that seems to be effective. We filed patents both in the U.S. and in a number of foreign countries.” 
Differing Results, Expanded Uses
The rights were licensed to two pharmaceutical companies for clinical trials. Rights in the United States and Europe went to a small biotechnology company. Rights to test and sell the drug outside the U.S. and Europe were licensed to SciClone Pharmaceuticals International, which focuses on drug distribution overseas. 
In the U.S. tests, thymosin alpha 1 was given the brand name Thymalfasin and taken to multi-center trials in 1992. But there were problems – among them, funding difficulties, questions about protocols and too few patients involved. Results were positive – but too limited for definitive conclusions. Thymalfasin use went nowhere.
On a parallel track, under the brand name ZadaxinTM, SciClone began trials throughout Asia and received its first approval from China in 1995. It began sales there in 1996. Other approvals followed. Today, Zadaxin is approved for use in 36 countries, from Argentina to Vietnam. Eventually, SciClone acquired the rights for Europe and, after that, the United States. 
“Zadaxin’s original approval in China was for monotherapy treatment of Hepatitis B,” notes Randy McBeath, SciClone’s Vice President of Marketing. “That began in 1996 and continues today. Since then, Zadaxin’s value as an immunity enhancer has been built upon. Today it’s also used in China to treat liver cancer and problems of post-surgical infection.”
He adds: “Some Asian countries use it to fight Hepatitis C. In Italy, it is employed as an adjuvant drug with both flu and B Virus vaccinations – it lessens the risk of patients with compromised immunity systems developing the virus.”
SciClone has continued to seek Zadaxin applications within the U.S. and Europe. In late 2008 the company received FDA approval to begin Phase III trials of Zadaxin’s use for treating malignant melanoma – like liver cancer, a disease in which in which patients’ immune systems play key roles, McBeath notes. 
As for Mutchnick, he’s moved on. “I’m out of the thymosin game,” he says. And despite thymosin’s heavy utilization in China, Wayne State University receives minimal royalties for Mutchnick’s thymosin work. “We file patent applications in many countries, with royalties from successful therapeutic products put back into research,” Reinhart says, “but in this case we didn’t get a patent in China. We’re very happy that research out of our university is helping people. I just wish we had filed in China.” 

This story was originally published in 2009.

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Environmentally Friendly Landfill Cover Absorbs Toxic Gases

University of Maine-Orono

Environmentally Friendly Landfill Cover Absorbs Toxic Gases

Decomposing waste materials in landfills release sulfur-bearing gases, which often create foul-smelling air around the landfill and possible health issues for landfill personnel and nearby residents. Landfill operators are required to cover the working face of the landfill on a daily basis, with soil or plastic tarps being the preferred method. Tarps are labor-intensive because they need to be rolled out at the end of the day and removed in the morning. They also do a poor job of containing the troublesome gasses.

To streamline this procedure, as well as reduce gas emissions, Susan MacKay, Ph.D., Karl Bishop, Ph.D., Doug Ruthven, Ph.D., and Michael Bilodeau at the University of Maine-Orono invented a paper-based cover that contains an engineered zeolite (Zeo-BLOC™). This mineral reacts with sulfur-bearing gas to precipitate a non-toxic solid that  is trapped in the fibrous web of the cover.

This low-cost, biodegradable alternative to plastic tarps not only effectively covers the working face, but also captures and neutralizes a significant portion of the noxious gases, as well as reducing the unwanted sulfur concentrations in the biogas that is recovered from the landfill. The paper cover also does not have to removed—it can remain in the landfill, saving labor and removal costs.

The University of Maine, in partnership with Maine-based Zeomatrix, LLC, has developed a commercial version of this product, which is currently being tested in the field. Commercial production is expected in 2008. 

This story was originally published in 2008.

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An Environmentally Friendly Process Helps Tires Tread More Lightly

Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University

An Environmentally Friendly Process Helps Tires Tread More Lightly

It’s hard to imagine a world without rubber. From automobile tires to washing-machine gaskets, rubber pervades modern life. Unfortunately, it also carries an unwelcome tradeoff. For decades, rubber manufacturing has used a compound — zinc oxide — that harms the environment. The solution to that big problem may rest with a small South African company called Rubber Nano Products. It has unveiled a manufacturing process that eliminates the need for zinc oxide — making rubber production greener and also more efficient.

Rubber’s Prevalence and Problems

Current industry trends underscore the need for more environmentally friendly production. According to the International Rubber Study Group, an intergovernmental organization, global rubber consumption reached 24.4 million tonnes in 2010 — a nearly 15 percent increase over 2009. That demand won’t abate anytime soon. Forecasts from the International Rubber Study Group suggest those figures will grow to 26.1 million tonnes in 2011. By 2012, they may hit 27.5 million tonnes. And as rubber consumption grows, so does the use of zinc oxide.

Zinc isn’t always harmful; in fact, organisms need it to function properly. But in concentrated amounts, it can have devastating effects. When elevated levels of zinc oxide accumulate in water, for example, it can prove toxic for fish, crustaceans and other aquatic life.

Those concerns have caught the attention of nations worldwide. The European Union classified zinc oxide as “dangerous for the environment” and “very toxic to aquatic organisms,” and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has listed zinc as a pollutant to closely monitor to ensure water quality.

Rubber manufacturers don’t want to harm the environment — but lacking other viable, affordable options, they’ve adhered to zinc-oxide processes for many decades. With its zinc-free approach to rubber production, Rubber Nano Products hopes that will soon change.

Enhancing the Ingredients

It takes more than good intentions to convince large manufacturers to swap deeply ingrained production methods for

something greener. “One of the issues in rubber manufacturing is that it’s pretty much been made the same way for 100 years,” says Jacqueline Barnett, M.Sc.Eng., MBA, director of Innovation Support and Technology Transfer at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU) in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. “To actually change the way people do things is rather problematic.”

While attending graduate school at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University several years ago, Robert Bosch, M.Sc., chose to tackle that challenge. As a field of study, rubber appealed to him because of its “inherent unknowingness.” Says Bosch: “There was a massive amount of things going on in rubber that scientists don’t understand.” That includes more detailed knowledge of the chemical reactions in rubber manufacturing.

For years, the basic components have worked like this: By adding sulfur to natural rubber, chains of large rubber molecules (called polymers) bond to each other, creating a durable material.

Chemicals called accelerators help speed up the process, and zinc oxide serves as the activator that tells those reactions when to start.

“It’s almost the same as baking, chemically,” says Bosch. As with baking, rubber manufacturing means more than mixing the right ingredients. The process requires heat to cure the rubber — making it harder and reliable enough to produce automobile tires that work safely for thousands of kilometers.

While at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Bosch discovered a new twist on that traditional approach to rubber

manufacturing, with the help of his supervisors, Chris Woolard, Ph.D., and Katherine Garde, Ph.D. In 2008, the researchers identified a biodegradable substance that does the work of zinc oxide. What’s more, this zinc-oxide replacement has benefits beyond its environmental impact. By altering the chemical reactions of manufacturing, it reduces the cure time for rubber. This means manufacturers could use less energy to produce the same quality product. While still a university student, Bosch founded Rubber Nano Products to market the new process, currently named ZR-6.

Easing the Growing Pains

To help build momentum for the discovery, South Africa’s National Research Foundation and the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University funded the early stage research. Bosch also enticed two experienced industry people from rubber chemical distributors to join the business, as managing/financial director and marketing director. Financing for late-stage development came from Bosch’s friends, family and business connections, as well as from Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University.

The university’s support didn’t stop there. Of the three patents currently held by Rubber Nano Products, two used to belong to the university. In her role as head of the university’s technology transfer office, Barnett facilitated the patent’s ownership change to Rubber Nano Products. As a result, the university became a shareholder in the company, and Barnett now serves as a director. When Rubber Nano Products faces cash-flow issues for patent costs, she ensures the university covers those costs so the company doesn’t lose the patents.

Barnett also assists the startup company by identifying the right lawyers to provide legal advice and ensuring Bosch has the proper equipment to help refine his company’s product. That’s because the university allows Bosch to use its laboratory facilities, even though he’s no longer a student there. “Things can get stuck in university bureaucracy if there’s not an office to drive things forward,” says Barnett. That access has beencrucial for the company.

Bosch agrees.

“NMMU has been very cooperative in the manner it handled the transfer of the intellectual property into the commercial entity as well as very accommodating in allowing some of the business R&D to occur in their labs,” says Bosch. “This has saved valuable resources for the business.”

Like most technologies that emerge from universities, Bosch’s discovery needed significant development work before it reached market-ready status. So far, the product has gone through six updated versions.

After overcoming technical challenges with product formulation, the company faced a formidable hurdle: How do you craft a sales pitch compelling enough to revolutionize an entire industry? “You say, ‘Forget what you’ve learned, there’s a new set of rules,’” says Georg Cronje, managing director of Rubber Nano Products. “And they look at you as if you’ve come from Mars.”

At first, Cronje and his colleagues assumed the product’s environmental merits would be enough to win over manufacturers. They soon learned companies like to talk about going green but won’t act without a stronger business incentive. So they changed their pitch and focused instead on Rubber Nano Products’ ability to provide a more efficient curing process — while touting the greener approach as a bonus.

ZR-6 can shorten rubber’s cure time by about 15 percent, and it also allows that process to happen at a lower temperature. The reduction in both time and energy costs has resonated with manufacturers.

“If they were making 60,000 tires a day, now they have the ability to manufacture an additional 12,000 tires, without investing in additional mechanical equipment,” says Cronje. “Suddenly it becomes a lot more attractive.”

That also makes a persuasive sales pitch in developing nations, where environmental concerns play an even smaller role, says Cronje. “Let’s face it, if we go knocking on their doors, saying, ‘Look, we’ve got a biodegradable, environmentally friendly alternative to zinc oxide,’ nobody is really going to fall over.”

Already, the greener process has gained acceptance in a wide range of industrial products, including conveyor belts, shoes, gaskets, hoses and other non-tire-related rubber applications. (Bosch is even working on a rubber horseshoe to provide a more comfortable experience for horses.) In this case, “acceptance” means manufacturers have started using ZR-6 in industrial trials. Some have taken the next step and placed commercial orders to use ZR-6 in their rubber process.

Rubber Nano Products manufactures its product locally, but that will change as the company focuses more on international markets. The company has already established a partnership with a European distributor, and plans to do the same in Asia, the United States and other regions.

Making Inroads with Tires

ZR-6 has made inroads within nontire rubber manufacturing because those products have easier criteria to meet, notes Bosch. But the greener process will make the biggest impact when tire manufacturers adopt it. Zinc oxide can represent as much as 5 percent of a tire’s mass. In terms of zinc-oxidesources that pollute the environment, tires rank highest.

Several tire manufacturers have started trials using ZR-6, but the approval process will take time. “Tires are a life-bearing device,” says Bosch. New tire development can take up to five years, he says, so he doesn’t expect to see ZR-6 accepted in the tire industry for another two or three years.

However, the tire retreading industry has potential for earlier adoption. “Some of our biggest approvals have actually come from retreading companies,” says Bosch. “The core of the tire is the same — we just need to prove our product is as strong as the tread that’s being replaced.”

That’s just the beginning. Rubber Nano Products has hardly tapped the potential to transform rubber manufacturing into a greener industry. Cronje estimates the worldwide market share for ZR-6 could ultimate reach about 120 kilotonnes. “Even if we achieve 10 percent of that, it would be a good start,” he says.

As adoption of this new process increases, it signifies the best of both worlds for the rubber manufacturing industry. Those companies can now rethink the way they make products that enhance quality of life — and do so more efficiently, without short-changing the environment.


This story was originally published in 2011.

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Drug Decreases Activity of Enzyme HDAC to Slow Cancer

Columbia University

Drug Decreases Activity of Enzyme HDAC to Slow Cancer

Cancer is a complicated disease that in many cases spreads rapidly. Researchers at Columbia University in New York have developed a drug that can stop, or at least slow down, the growth of cancer cells by inhibiting the activity of certain enzymes that are abnormally active.

This research was initiated in the 1980s by Columbia University professor Ronald Breslow, Ph.D., and Paul A. Marks, M.D., of Memorial SloanKettering Cancer Center. In 2001 they co-founded Aton Pharma, a privately held biopharmaceutical company,  to develop and commercialize  their discovery.

Called Zolinza™*, the drug targets cancer cells in which excess amounts  of the enzyme histone deacetylase (HDAC) prevents the normal function of genes that control standard cell activity. Zolinza™ decreases the activity of HDAC, allowing for the reactivation of genes that may assist in slowing or stopping the growth of cancer cells. In 2004 Merck and Co. acquired Aton Pharma.

In 2006 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Zolinza™ for treating cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, an aggressive form of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, becoming the first oral drug in its class to reach the market.

The effectiveness of Zolinza™ as a treatment for other types of cancer, including leukemia, multiple myeloma, advanced Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and solid tumors, is also being studied. *Zolinza is a registered trademark of Merck & Co., Inc., Whitehouse Station, N.J., USA


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Shingles Vaccine Outwits the Suffering of a Painful Disease

University of Colorado

Shingles Vaccine Outwits the Suffering of a Painful Disease

Nobody who has shingles forgets the experience — an outbreak of often-painful blisters in a belt-like band on the torso or face. Worse, while the shingles itself may clear up in a matter of weeks, for 1 in 10 victims, the pain can linger for many weeks, even months, the consequence of inflamed nerves.

For some people, the effect can be incapacitating, making actions as simple as walking utterly painful and dictating lengthy confinement in bed. Some victims find their bodies so sensitive to pain that they can’t stand to be touched or even to wear clothes.

The irony is that shingles is directly linked to a childhood disease most people remember as having coasted through — chicken pox. In childhood, an attack of the varicella-zoster virus usually meant a couple of weeks with spots all over the body, itching and perhaps a period of “feeling poorly.” And, probably, ice cream.

The irony is that shingles is directly linked to a childhood disease most people remember as having coasted through — chicken pox.

But even though the chicken pox clears up, the varicella-zoster virus doesn’t go away. It migrates from the skin up the nerves to nestle in nerve roots, hiding in the body for decades before coming back with a vengeance.

“Even for people who breezed through chicken pox as children, shingles surfaces in as many as 1 in 3 adults who’ve had chicken pox — most of them over 60,” says infectious disease specialist Myron Levin, M.D., a professor of pediatrics and medicine at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus and the Children’s Hospital in Denver who led development of a vaccine for shingles. That vaccine, Zostavax, was licensed for sales by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 2006.

“Most people who’ve had chicken pox won’t get shingles, but those who do amount to about 1 million sufferers each year,” Levin says. “And for many of them, the misery far exceeds the suffering associated with ‘breezing through’ chicken pox.”

A Migrating Virus

Once the embedded varicella-zoster virus becomes active and moves back along the nerves to the skin to cause blisters, the issue is not so much itching as it is pain, burning, numbness or tingling caused by inflamed nerves.

“More importantly,” notes John Grabenstein, Ph.D., senior medical director of adult vaccines at Merck & Co. Inc., “while a shingles attack — the rash and its accompanying pain — typically lasts three to five weeks, about 10 percent of patients experience postherpetic neuralgia, the intense, chronic pain that can continue long after the blisters have disappeared.” The definition of postherpetic neuralgia is pain of significant intensity that continues at least 90 days after the rash began.

“The pain is the worst part,” Levin adds. “It’s the main reason you want to get the shingles vaccine. The vaccine reduces the prospect of intense pain tremendously.”

There are other potential consequences. Unlike chicken pox, in which the rash is scattered all over the victim’s body, the shingles rash is limited to the area of skin that one nerve is responsible for, usually in a belt-like band on one side of the face or torso (the term shingles comes from the Latin word for belt).

Shingles anywhere presents a danger of bacterial skin infection and a risk of permanent nerve damage that can make the pain resistant to treatment. But shingles on the face compounds this with risks of infections that can cause blindness, hearing and balance problems, and facial paralysis.

Like Disease, Like Vaccine

Just as shingles the disease grows out of chicken pox, the Zostavax vaccine is a legacy of the chicken pox vaccine — the Varivax vaccine — developed by a Japanese physician in the 1970s. Levin was involved in work at Colorado to test the earlier vaccine for its safety before it was approved for use in the United States in 1995.

“He was familiar with the varicella-zoster virus,” notes Rick Silva, Ph.D., director of the Technology Transfer Office at the University of Colorado. “He reasoned that a version of the childhood vaccine could be used in older people to prevent shingles.”

While there are antiviral treatments for shingles, these are imperfect and it’s far preferable to prevent the disease with Zostavax. The duration of a bout of shingles can sometimes be shortened with early antiviral therapy, but such therapy is often delayed, and shingles is difficult to treat once it is established. Painkillers like oxycodone may become necessary.

“For a long time,” Levin says, “it wasn’t clear why the virus resurfaces after so much time, and so often in people over age 60. But we pretty much know that as we age, our cellular immunity to the varicella-zoster virus — as to many other infections — wanes. The likelihood is that the virus is kept quiet by the body’s immune system, and, once the immune protection drops to a certain level, the virus is able to break out as shingles. And, the older you are when you develop shingles, the greater your chance of getting postherpetic neuralgia.”


Similarly, shingles can be a problem for younger patients whose immune systems are compromised by other diseases or treatments.


Same Vaccine, Higher Dosage

The concept for developing the new vaccine was that the chicken pox vaccine could prevent shingles in adults — but that much larger dosages would be necessary.

“The virus in the shingles vaccine is exactly the same as in the vaccine for chicken pox but it’s more potent,” Levin notes. “Our initial study involved 240 adults, focusing, in large part, on testing different amounts of virus in the vaccine.

“This wasn’t easy on the volunteers in the study,” he adds, “since the vaccine we had at the time required as many as four shots at once to give the largest dose tested.” In the end, the dosage for successful shingles vaccine was set at 14 times that of the chicken pox vaccine — in one small shot.

To that point, Levin’s research was supported by National Institutes of Health funding, but he then approached Merck, the only company licensed to produce the chicken pox vaccine for use in the United States.

The next step was a large-scale trial, and Levin proposed partnering with the Veterans Administration’s Cooperative Studies Program in a study that would involve some 38,000 men and women aged 60 or older. The Shingles Prevention Study was also supported by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and by Merck, which provided the vaccine. The tests began in 1999, but the results weren’t clear until 2005.

“The bottom-line answer was that the vaccine would prevent shingles in about 50 percent of the people who received it,” Levin says. “More importantly, it would prevent or reduce chronic pain by some 67 percent among people who did get shingles.

“That’s a very significant reason to get the shot.”

Larger Benefits

Once approved, the new vaccine was licensed exclusively to Merck. The patent is held jointly by Merck and the university.

“On the individual level, this is an important vaccine,” says the University of Colorado’s Silva. “In broader terms, it holds the potential of reducing shingles-related doctor visits in the United States each year by perhaps 300,000 and hospitalizations by 10,000. That would be a savings of as much as $100 million spent on shingles related care in the United States annually.”

Because it’s estimated that there are some 50 million people over 60 in the United States, and Merck has shipped more than 6.5 million doses, there’s still a long way to go in protecting the population.

“It’s a general phenomenon,” Grabenstein says, “that other than flu shots, adults don’t give the attention to vaccines for themselves that they do for their kids or grandkids. They should. Shingles is a miserable illness that can be minimized, possibly prevented.

“People who’ve had chicken pox are vulnerable to shingles and should get the Zostavax vaccine when they reach the appropriate age of 60 years. It can make life better for a lot of them.”


This story was originally published in 2010.

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Tufts University Filtering Technology Leads to Cleaner Water, Fewer Clogs

Tufts University

Tufts University Filtering Technology Leads to Cleaner Water, Fewer Clogs
Boston-area startup ZwitterCo, Inc., has scaled up and commercialized a revolutionary water and wastewater treatment membrane developed at Tufts University’s Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering. The company’s name refers to zwitterions, unique molecules harnessed by researchers to reduce the risk that wastewater filtration membranes will become clogged by contaminants like fats, oils and proteins.

Food production and processing, industrial businesses, and bioprocessing produce billions of gallons of wastewater daily. Most companies invest resources to haul wastewater away to be treated or dumped into sewers or rivers. ZwitterCo’s membrane-based treatment, which has been commercially available for more than a year, cleans polluted water so that it can be reused or can create revenue streams for wastewater-derived co-products. 

A key component of effective water filtration is the use of membranes with tiny channels that allow water to pass through but keep out most pollutants. With traditional processes, however, the materials that are filtered out will build up on the surface of the membrane, reducing its effectiveness and durability. 

Ayse Asatekin, Associate Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering at Tufts, addressed this problem using zwitterions—molecules with negatively and positively charged components that keep membrane channels clear for continued water flow while resisting the build-up of organic compounds.

Tufts alum Alex Rappaport, ZwitterCo’s co-founder and CEO, came across Asatekin’s research on zwitterionic filtration membranes while earning a Master of Science in Innovation and Management (MSIM) at the university. After earning first place in the Tufts $100K New Ventures Competition in 2018, ZwitterCo raised more than a million dollars, much of it from a network of Tufts angel investors.

The Tufts office for Technology Transfer and Industry Collaboration (TTIC) signed an exclusive license with ZwitterCo for the technology in 2019. TTIC originally licensed four patent families to ZwitterCo, and the TTIC staff have continued to support the company’s endeavors.

“Our technology was initially developed at Tufts, and we appreciate the relationship and support we get from Tufts,” Rappaport said.  “We are looking forward to continuing our collaboration as ZwitterCo grows.”

Through nondilutive grants from the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center, the National Science Foundation and the US Department of Energy, and in close collaboration with Asatekin’s lab, ZwitterCo has built a suite of zwitterion-based membrane products that solve the toughest water and wastewater treatment challenges. In the past three years the company has progressed from pilot projects to testing the filtration membranes in real-world conditions to capturing more than 20 commercial orders. ZwitterCo has moved from the Greentown Labs incubator in Somerville, MA, to a larger facility in Woburn, MA.

To date, the company has licensed twelve Tufts University patent families. In 2022, ZwitterCo raised $33 million, one of the largest Series A funding rounds for a water technology company.

This story was originally published in 2023.

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